FOE THE F.lTOl AD UOME. Urubt lit hrri. Grubs in tho nasal cavities of sheep lire inviirinlily to Le .ittrilmfod to the working of tho pa.ll'y. They ilrposit their ova within the. interior of the nos trils, causing the sheep inuch pain mid annoyance. After a fhort time the ova brings f.rth parasites in the larval state, which, when enpahle of exercis ing an independent existence, undergo the same evolutions as the hot parasite they Iiiutdw deep into the ground, and finally become lmtainrrplm ed in to the gadfly. With a view of prevent ing the attacks of the gadily some farmer Miienr the m ses of their sheep with tar. Others plow up a piece of land where the sheep are pastured, into which they tlinr-t their iin-es. and thus, for the time l-riii". bailie the attack of the "adliv. It is not considered prti dent to attempt, either by mechanical j ''"I' wit " pinch of salt and or medical means, to dislodge the para- i 'nix with it very gradually sutlieienf sites, as the remedy might prove much ! boiling water to make it drop from tho worse than the disease. hen I be ova ' spoon w ithout becoming watery, have arrived at- maturity, the sheep ; foreign exchange gives the fol theniselvcs a d in the dislcdgemeiit by lowing receipt for exterminating rats: actsofsnoitin', -iiee uigandcniighiiig. t ronsists of a mixture of two parts iVa 'i"' ''' -'" l .!"rn"i j of well bruised common squills and - - i three parts of linely-i hopped bacon Mr -aoumi. M.nin siniir.. ! made into a st ilT mass, w ith as much Let your stable he well drained and ! ,,.,,) ils ln;ly i,P required, and then siitliciHitly lighted. The vapors fr-im ' .;ik.l into small rakes; these arc put a damp, putrid Moor, .md the -inM.-n : ,n ror the rats to rat, and are said change from d.irknc-s ti I'ght. will almost to a certainty cause blindness. Let the lloor tie- stall be .put" Hat and level. Maudiliu' a -loping pbe e is very painful, and lan.-es Litiu'iic.-.s by straining the liraiu'iii and mem branes. It al-o pi'oduies grease anil sore heels, livery .-tall sli.iiM be at least six feet web' and nine f- el l"Ng. This wi!! enabh' the Icr-e in tuin rouiiil witlioiit bruising liUiiseU'. and to lie down and sin teh hiue--' . I' itliiniii fort. Let the stalls be r-eparattil by artition not by bars. They prevt-ut tho horses from iiLrht:iu.r and i ieking eaeh other, l ot proper o. ni:igs I.e. niadejiist under the ceiling. t permit t!:e hot, foul air to fsi-apc, and propi r opeiiiiigs at the bottom .if tb- wall to admit l're.-h air. Impure ami f mint''! air will cause broken wind. I In trisli tiir should enter tin 'li.'h a nmeber of small hole-, rather than a Ian:.-hole. Mich us an open w iiel.ov. That pre vents draughts, u In. !i cuise elulis and coughs. 'I'I'.e tfie e. 'tere of a st,,l 1,. should be that of a si: i m.'-i""cin or par lor; not over i".'i nty degrees in sum mer, nor under f . ! v-ii , degrees in winter. Hot. close or ful stables will , hring fin .danders or iiidaiimiat ion, while a ven mid it damp one may ra'tse an incurable cugli or I the liine. Mono! keep tin hay mel the manner. The t"am and breath of the make it both uiiple:i-aiit and unwholesome. II the hay must be kept oer the horse, ll ceding I--tween should be of pi. isle;-. This will, in some measure, prevtnt vap rs from passing tip t.n the fond. Ilae no oj cu ing into thf manger from the ..iy-..t. Dust is very i f't :i thrown into the I orse's ryr.-, wle n fed in this way. and 'litis blindness is begun. The brea'h trends dire !y to the f 1 through theopfning, which, at the same t'lne. pours a continual draucht down 'on f)ie horsf 's h'nd, thus causing i hills, as well as bad food. Care of I'lti-ty i hlrkriii. The very early broods, it they are reared at all, must It, kept w ithm the warm ind. sure ' a biii ibng that has a southern exposure of 'a-s for sunny flays and .1 rnme'ii'-me tor lire on (loudy ones. I'owl. desire warmth, and chicks, in partienhir. inu-t have it to grow and prosper. I '. 1 1 1 att- r fie snow is gone and tic ground i settled when protected from the frcqm-iit o--"irring bla-ts of northwest wind, chickens do well in nood coop-,. The Crillt obstacles to slice s-fid (diicken rearing are the cold, chilly inoniines and the driving eold st inns, w hich, quite often III this latitude. Conic in the form of snow insdal of rain, for this reason I have louud it much In tter to keep the broods contnied to the buildings until able to withstand with out injury the vicissitudes o weather. In May the cold is over, tic air is sott and balmy, and after the murium; d.ovs have dud away, the 1 I. ii ks are b'tter abroad than in the house. They i k up various siibaances tiom the soil the larvae of insects, and 1 v en beetle,. This affords exercise, a id pleases the appetite at the same time. For the broods coops are imvv needed. These should be made roomy and com fortable, and always he provided with a lloor to keep the chickens irom the damp ground. They shocld be given a nest of straw or hay at night. The roof must be water-tight, an I also the siding and door, and then it w ill also be vermin-proof. Tic door should al ways be on hinges and swing outward, j Then theie is no danger of anv being ! killed, as often is the case w here the door is a board to shove up and down. (I have often seen the whole coop raised for the admittance of the hen. and both sides are frequently of slaK ) When it is deemed necessary to let the chicks out and keep the mother in, loose slats or bars may be put up and securely fastened to keep tic hen in, j and yet allow the chicks Ao go in and I cut at pleasure. The coop should be substantially built, and when large j enough may have a partition and a j place for feed where the hen cannot j reach. This arrangement is very con- ! venient for wet days.- Country G'n-tltman. llouaattold lllutj. To prevent freckles take the great est care to wipe the face perfectly dry. Lamp chimneys can be washed easily by holding them over the nose of the tea-kettle when the kettle is boiling furiously. This will make them beau tifully clear. Of course they must Le wiped with u clean cloth. It N aid that .1 clove drop ed into ink will pr: serve it from moldinvr, and that any essential oil will answer tho same purpose. Hussia leather, Mhich is perfumed with the tar o l''ch, rarely becomes moldy. A few drops of any essential oil will preserve leather from mold. Mustard should be mixed with water that has been boiled and allowed to cool. Hot water destroys its essential qualities and raw cold water mijjht cause it to ferment. Put the mustard to effect their complete extirpation. To niiie a nice hanging garden take a white sponge of large -ie and sow it full of rii e. oats or w heat. Then place it for a week or ten days in a shallow dish, as tic sponge absorbs the mois ture the si ed will begin to sprout. W hen this has fairly taken place, the sponge III. IV be suspended by means of a cord from a hook at 'he top "I a vv indow vv here a MMle sim will enter. It can he kept wet by merely iiiiiners ing it in a bow l 0! vv ater. rEAKI.tS OF THortiHT. Most thou I ve life, then do not squander time, fur that is the st u!l life is made of. The claims ol habit are g, m rally too small to be felt nil tiny are to,, strong 1 to be broki 11. The proper way to cheek slander is to despise it ; attempt to ov iitake and refute it, and it will out run ou. People vv ho do not t are do not say so. !'he soldier who is not air. ml nev er Insists that he fears no ball. Tic re is no happiness like of being lov ed by your b How -creatures, am! feeling that ymir presence is an a hbt ion to thejr comfort. luity is a p over which rises with us in the morning and gees to bed with us nt night. It is io-extensive with t le .11 I ion of our in t Ihgonce. The primary use of know ledge i for siii h guidance of compact in all circum stances as shall make living complete. All other 1 1 ses o ktvovledge are sci on- ; ! Like most garments, everything in life has a right and a wrong side. You can take any joy, mil by turning it round, find tr 'iibhs on the other side; or. von take the greatest trouble, and by turning it round, lind joys on the other sab- Tin- gloomiest 1 o.tain nev er cast . i shadow r n both sjd s at once. Premonition of Disasters. In the tarly spring f I'M. Mrs.' I'.arues.of I'imhani. Devonshire, whose husband was at -ca, dreamed that his lishing vessel was run into by a steam- ; er. Their boy was wi'h him, and she called out in her dream: "avo the boy!" At this moment another son sleeping in the next room rushed int hi rs, crying out : "Where's father1?' sdie asked what he meant, when he said he had distinctly heard his father come up stairs and kick with his heavy boots against the door, as he was in the habit of doing when he returned ' from "im. The boy's statement and I er own dream so alarmed the woman that i.iriy next morning she told Mrs strong and ether neighbors of her fi ars. News afterward came that her husband's vessel had bet 11 run Hit" by a r. and that he was drowned. Mr.. I'owles, of Wadhurst. West Dnlwich, London, who is p r tonally know n tn one i f if, ' mis ns the fob lowing narrative: "I am in a posi tion to vouch for a very curious dream which my late hm-band. William Ib'iilen. dreamed about a brother of bis-. Dr. Italpb llolden. who was at that time traveling in the interior of Africa. ne morning in dune or .Inly, l't'd, my husband woke me with the announcement ' lialph is dead.' I said, I ' Von must be dreaming. ' No, I am i not dreaming now, lmt I dreamed I twice over that I saw Kalph Iving on the ground, supported by a man. He was lying under a large tree, and he was either dead or dying.' In Decem ber came the news that Dr. Holden was dead; and from a Mr. (Ireen, who had been exploring in the same region, they learned 'that lit must have died about the time when his brother dreamed about him, and that he died in the arms of his faithful native servant, lying tinder a large tree, where he was atterward buried.' The Holden family have a sketch which Mr. fireen took on the spot 1 the tree ami its surroundings, and en seeing it my husband said: ' Yes, that is exactly the place where I saw Ilalph in my dram, dying or dead.'" Fortnightly Review. TOPICS OF THE DAT. Miss Jennie Corson went, to Mon tana about a year ago and established a sheep ranch near Oka at an ex , pense of 110,000 cash. She has man aged her business herself, and her , sheep and ranch are said to be worth j 7600 more than they cost her. She 1 is known as "the Montana shepherd ess. ' There is a grim humor about some of the advertisements in the daily pa pers. A Philadelphia journal contains the notice that an undertaker will give a gentleman with a full Mack beard of impressive proportions, permanent em ployment at visiting families, which death lias invaded, and taking instruc tions regarding the funeral. The full black beard is strictly a business re quirement, the theory being that a hlack beard has a tendency to inspire conlidence and respect. since the large capitalists came into the business of cattle-raising in Texas, great bodies of land hav e been bought up for ranges, and soon desirable tree pastures will be a thing of the past. Hav ing the money to fence as well as ! buy the land, most of the large ranges are being inclosed with wire. More thanlim.'HH'.ooO would be required to ! purchase the cattle now roaming ovir 1 the state. Half of this v able, accord- t 1 ing to the best testimony, is the iu 1 rease of eat tie within two years. In lireat Hritain and Inland, with a ; population approximating ;i7,"oo,oo'i, ; there are between II.imh) and IJ.oiM lawyers. In the 1'nited "slates, with a ! population larger by mdv I.".ihio,iiimi, 1 there are "'.""' lawyers : and in New j York state, with a tenth of the conn- try's population, abide .1 sixth of its entire body of lawyers. There is a lawyer to every d'l'Mi people in lireat 1 Hritain. w hili in America there is a lawyer to every Soil people. If this does not show an advanced stage of civilization, it certainly shows a decid- , e lly litigious spirit. According to a Montreal paper the ' engineer of the Saskatchewan mining company, while examining the com pany's coal areas recently discovered the remains of an ancient forest at a depth of over J'' feet from the top of ; rav ine. The stumps are plainly visible. ' and are about two feet in bight, and j look very much as though the forest had been laid low by the woodman ' In addition, the fossil remains of a gigantic reptile were found under the : real in a stratum of light sandstone. The leviathan steamship (ireat Fast- : tern is a veritable white elephant on ! the hands of her .stockholders. At a , general meeting of the directors and proprietors in London, it was stated ! that the efforts to sell or charter Un ship had been unceasing, and the ili- ' rectors regretted that, although they ; were frequently receiving applications 1 in respect to the steamer, nothing had resulted. The income for the year j was made up as follows : Transfer fees, il; interest, til"; visitor,' fees to ship, i'13. The expenditures for the year in conne tion with the ship had been 14. 1'"'.' Is id. it does not re quire much arithmetic to figure out whfro this sort of business is to end. There is a lire department in .l, rii- ' saltan which is very different from what is understood by that term in this country. On the comparatively' rare occurrence of a lire, the new, is leisurely conveyed to a small detach- : ment of soldiers, who with great dig nity march t the scene of the lire, carrying their guns on their .shoulders. In front of them inarch four men w ith . broad-axes. As there is no water sup- 1 ply in the city, a lire engine would be useless, and certainly Would be opposed to the traditions ot the people. In stead of wasting their time in Mich unhallowed efforts, these soldier-tinmen strike picturesque altitudes around the lire, murmuring. "Allah is good !" And when it has spent itself they go back to their quarters con scious of having done their duty. We read in a London paper. -We : are, so to say, in a state of siege, cer tainly under the vefy strictest military and police military and police surveil lance. As night comes on we see all the public buildings delivered over to soldiers, gates are closed, sentinels with rifles loaded with ball citrtriges pace rapidly to and fro, and smite large , apartment is for the nonce turned into a guard-room. This has a truly mar- j tial aspect, absolutely ouite iij, tur- 1 esque, and worthy of being commem orated by some enterprising l. A.; soldiers are gathered round the blazing fire, arms are glistening in the light. ! (J)toy drummer-boy is waiting to I eat to arms, and all are on the alert, ready j to rush into the streets and do some ! bloody business there. This, be it re- , ineinbered, in the heart of London in I 1883!" I There are now living in Munich the daughter of Palm, the b,xkseller of , Xurenberg, who printed a pamphlet against apoleon I, and was relentless- j ly shot by him in consequence, she is eighty-two years old, and lives princi pally upon a small pension, paid by the successors of a Berlin house, at whose instance the pamphlet was prin ted, but whose name heroic Palm re fused disclose. MEERSCHAUM AND AMBER. Where Thtlt Article l onw From.-How Ihty are Muuf.iclurct Into flpr. "The world buys its meerschaum at Vienna," a Chicago dealer said to a re porter. "The crude material is a sort ot clay, of delicate texture and very white color, which is formed by the sediment of sea foam. It is fished front the water close to shore, j and is generally found in lumps varying jn quantities from the 1 size of an egg to that of a j half bushel measure. Small pieces are sometimes found ashore, where they have been washed by the waves. It is ; caught and raised by a sort of dredge. , and is soft, pliable, and pulpy. It goes , at once to the dressing shops, where the imperfections are clipped off. and! alter drying the piece is polished smooth. It is then packed in boxes. about us large again us peach crates, and placed upon the market. F.ach case contains lit') pounds and is worth from ypIO to $-gin. .ecording to the' sioof the pieces, the largest one s coin- mantling the premium, because they are e,.,e --iiiv of a Letter quality ami' make less waste in fie maniifactuie Wr endeavor not to disturb the origi- j mil texture any more than is ne essa- the larger a piece is, the I less paring there is to be done, because j seveial piei e. 1 an be taken fiott one j Mock." k "Then you don't rush and mould 1 the material'"" 'Oil, no st. That would destroy the text me by 1 losing the natural pores, the veiv thing that is iindcsiia ble. It is tin!' that distinguishes pure meerschaum fioiu the imitations. The inati 1 it comes from Vienna, is si nt to the loanufa' torv and phe cd in cold w .iter. In the course of a few hours it Iconics sott. resuming it' primitive loiiibtion. and is about as, pliable a-snap. 'Mm 1 utters then take it. disse t the blocks, and with their j thin-h ailed kn:v cs. cut out the pipes, and if tl.e design is fan v. iarve the j imitations. The green pipe is then placed in an oven w here em n uts of warm air Mow I reely and it is thorough ly dried, resuming before it is taken out the bard 1 oiidition in which we receive it. The cutting's veiv dilli cult work, and no Americans have ever been able to become adepts at it. They earn about fjs: S . a week, and are always able to command situations be cause the opportunities for learning the trade are so limited that the supply innnot ,f greater than the demand. ' Alter the green pipe is hardened it ITOostothf dressers, who remove the false mouth piece used to keep the pipe froi.i shrinking while in the oven, and smooth the surface w ith a sort of sand-papt r known to the trade as 'schachtelhain.' The polishers, who are generally girls. taNethe pipes, cov rrthein with melted 1 ees-w ax, ami rub them with soft llanm l until the sur face shines. The stems are then placed in position, each being made f"r a particular pipe. The case ma kers take the measure, and make the cases in which the pipes are presented to the public. It generally requires about a week to make a pipe, because! the process of softening and hardening are dangerous if they are hastily con ducted." 'How are imitation niccschauin pipes made"'" " The shav ings of the good pipes are mixed with plaster ot Paris ami ether sm h Mil stances, making a pliable 'ompoinid that is taken thongh the same process as the genuine material. on can distinguish the genuine from the imitation by its texture and color, the latter having a yellowish mc and a more .solid appearance. It cannot be ' oloreil as prettily as t!ie genuine, be cause the process of pulping which it 1 J asses through In mixing closes the natural pores and kill- the substance." "You also iiinuiifa ture the amber steins V "Yes. sir; and that is an art in which even more skill is required than in ( making meer-ehaum ware. Amber is j a product of the Prussian coast, an I is produced from the same source, and I 1-y the same methods, a; the nicer-1 s' hanm. although in much less ipiatiti I tn.-. n is carved while it js soft, J and js ilried gradually. The polishing is done by immersing the dressed ware j mtoa liquid mixture of alcohol and bees. wax an I rubbing with suit Manm l '"ltd it glistens." I "Ami is it veiv expensive?" 1 "Min h more expensive than any ; foods we handle. This piece which is j a! nut eight imhes long and elegantly; pot,f land 1. lived, as yon see, is Worth about fjoii. It was made for display, and would be to heavy for con venient usage." "What part of the process in amber rcqnin s the superior skill?" "The bending. Liitil a short time ago it vv a-m ci ssary in getting 11 cur ve I pi,., e of amber to cut it out of a lot k. but there are a few men who can bead it. They hold the straight piece over a In ated jet until it begins to sullen. They cannot let it out of their tinners, and the heat is suc h that it would be impossible to retain it in one posit on s that thty must bend it while fumbling it and have to do it very quiikly. They have no opportunity to una ore or survey, evt n by their eyesight, the curves, so that they must be so skill fill that thy can tell by the weight of the goods at the various angles when the bends are comilctetL" l.ook Out! Juilgr Hem b- Opinion The Hon. R. R. Heath, Judge, Eden ton, X. C, wrote of Dr. Worthington's renowned Cholera nnd Diarrhira Med icine : "I have made use of it in a sudden and violent disease. Its effects were immediate and the cure perfect. I think it an invaluable prescription." Dr. 1'. II. Arthur, of Winton, X. C, also endorsed it. Price 25 and ,"0 cents a bottle. Sold bv druggists and dealers. A burst of conlidence failure of a pavings bank. "Golili-n Medical Discovery" (word rrg iMcreil us 11 Ir.niciu n l: 1 cuvi nil launols from tlio 1 inii'lc or 1. ui'lien to (.'rent virnh lit fating ulcer.. Country pnsniui tms v i!l not lienllowcdto run t huge mile.s fcrnki-.! by the dei':ut iiitiit. The "Favnii'.o I'll -ci i li'ai" of Pr. Pierre cures uv.ikin m"iiiiJ kindred allerli'.His. Hy ilinggi-ts. Out of !.;::7.!.'-' registered letters :ir.d pnekngr cnniid la-i by tho I'oslottiiT Di 1 uilincnt, only 7.'.i were lost. "Throw riiislr l Hm Hon". I'll None ol H " W,- d.) not feel ld;c M ilium- Mnebe hf 'r till rxirvinn of disgust. Kven iiom.uIi s tno-t of the cathartic lire ureal reeul -ive pill -, enough to "inrn one's siouiiieh." Ibid M.ietieili ever taken lr. I'ierce's ' I'lirfrnlive IVIIet.-" ho would no' liavo littered llio'p words of contempt. Hy druggists. It iscstiuuted tint there mo " n'.oo miles of hiii lied li nee 111 'I 1 in I lie l ioli ii St ill's. Person recovering Ir un vm-ting discn-o, inch ns mallei 1. fever, elc, will be greatly hcjiciiied by tlio uo of itrovvn's Iron Hitlers. When n pi'lioolcii I becomes toned down isn't die an 1 x-perl? Owf.xtos. Ky. Rev. .1. X. Fe.-k Riy: "I hnve used Hrown's Iron filters mid coii-idcr it one otitic lest tonics sold." A story vvrw a tiiui .d is nut in ccss.irily nn immoral siurv. Oonnncs. Ph. Ilov. J. I Zchrine ny: " I wns paralycil in my right h!o. 1 Iio ere of Hrown's 1 1 oil liUU r enabled mo to w dk.'' Mr. .Tallies II. ll.nrK of Vl iiion comity, Kla.. in i ivul ilu ji nr iti;:t."(") net for In 1 mange crop. "Uhiik'i oh Kill-," Clear out rat-Muiccroaelics, flies, hodleig. nnts.idoiiik-. chipmunks, i-oplicrs. IV. U'g'sls. Thmmnnils I'lion TlioiinnnrU. The propiieOM'- of llio vvorl d-n-nownej Carl olinc - the natural Hair licstorer ni'vu put up le-sllnii l.ooOcidloim at a lime. Tins L'iic- hut 1111 idea of ils immense dim Old. ,siillier siiiih'i V 111-111 m i-iip. Iiifillil'lc. ti-icli -, harmless, c-tlharlic; feverisliiu--, it IK -siiesj, woims, coii.tipu tion. '.'."c- I 'nmrliip Iti commciiited to ir oi l, i s. Aids digestion, prevents nnuscii and hi aduelic. Plurals. ''llllrlMI-I'ltlllll." Thr Qiliek.eiiiiipleleeare.niiimj iitg Kidney, bladder, I 1111 oy I iseii-e- -;. , u.jgisl-. I 'it-vi lit crooked I'o.iH and l.le li 1 -d heel liy wearilig bum's 1'alciil Heel Slilleiiers. A 1 lor id 1 couple, ai d sixty cars each, rode lliiilj mil' in a -piingle-s eait to get mairiid llow ! -Srrnri llcnllh. II nofin ulr-iiK-e Ilia! nv enr will suffer fissm Oi mniiy ili-raicui -His l,ro'i'-la nn lv nn liupur 'fn- ilitinn i t tin- I'l.xnl wle ii li 's.i l.ilis will reston- per-t-i t hf iltli tn thr pliv-i' -il "rk'.iiii.iti Hi. It i the lii'Kt 111 m I l'jll.H-ri'rrd -vnwre.l.i ll.-.-ln illl I'lirum S,-rnlUl.l. NO'llllltlC lIl-iTlll-lsi. W.-.tklll'SK C.I III' Kill- lieyn, I'.r. -i 1 VI 1I.11-1.1. .ill u'rniii iliTl' rs an-1 l- ! ill lt. Hill"!!- I'i!lll'l.lilll "Il I .ill 'Use .IS.'K III 111 Hi- mi; ail iiiuairi'ci'icliih'uol On- niunil. Liver, Kill nev. Stomal li. clr. It ruiTf ns 111 1 i-ti.,n. 1 11 sir linitlf will pr ivr to nu Ils nif-r o n- a liciltu rniu ivi r. tent in Is liki- M harm. r- i.illv le 11 lhi rullll '.iilit Is fif au 1 xli.ui-livr imuir.'. Ico un.' a teieh ie In h --1 11 lie uatuml vn;nr ot Ilu- hr-iiu .01 1 u- rvuuniaeiii. Coltou seed oil is licing 1 leisivcly Used III Mi xicoiis a Milislitule for I lid. Dr.Vdrthihktdhs &&&& 4THE: GREATaj ( 1H0LER& ( (RAMP usro OVER 16 YEARS. rr I kntf r. faitiM. llnrrhr. ItTSfnlt-rT. nmmfra ompiuim, vaprpaiMi M Hon .l,l hf tfiiii r i lt lt Off e-n nt.fl'ft if rn. u Hawi. m hvi', r irutrn. TH( CHARUS A. VOQCIIR COMPANY, Lay the Axe to the Root If yon would destroy the can Jeering worm. For any exter nal pain, sore, wound or lame lies', or man or beast, use only MEXICAN MUSTANU LINI M li.N r. 1 1 penetrates all mus r le and flesh to the very bone, expelling nil inflammation, wrenes and pain, nnd healing the diseased part as no oUiet Liniint'nt ever did or can. So saith the experitMire of tw (reiterations of HutTerers, and ho will you say when you have tried tho 41 Mustang," lliMitftter't Ktntn. rh PitteranifCtstlifi r-tiiirm,nt' if t ritumal mw.ioiil phi-liew-iphr whuh nt pn-ent prHTmlt. It h a fwTfei-Mjf purp TfKlahl rtirift!?, smtiraitng the three important proprrtif of a prrvf ntir tomo nfl altera lic.. It f.-rtititt th ImmIv r''t Iim'i-i', iiiTifi-rjii ! rt" vit.ihrt-n (hf liwiitj .tonia.h ''! Ihit, unit tn a t hn'k!- ni tlio tr Mtf hr M fib Kt-nerally kw STOMACH. BITTER5 TRtTr uSElT it r at om Born- i'ii.riPl Hnrtior Ur .- ta.-.i.. Rrn ui fwirr-- of fr't. havnJt pmw f11 r rol to I-iiiluil fttreet. . -mx CONSUMPTION f Bslr oiH-nia- Traalm-nt r-r falH In ' frm: .-! .ip Inll partuulaia l ?L 'artinSa l'rf- M. I.. MIHI t. "saiila I lara, t-aala t lara ('.. nllfornia. 127 NO PAY UNTII, CURED. I Trhoea(u?e I J gi0VER 16 YEARS. X Ho lUn-t, n..-fr...." A "nrnmrr Idyl." FroiHaPrarlilmrOlrrrk-inl. Ma. Ozonoi H. Dvu. a fruit dealer at Wt Weat. nun-ter utrf-t. ban bla krat-ful iMiimonr to the iiuanualM x-cll-nps of the rrodn-tion of one of our moat tkillful Privldonce rtaarmadiit-. Mr. Iiavli aara: " Last aprliw I waa v-ry greatly trou lilcdwith aoTr-rn inflaniniaUoo of th kidnora. and II brraine ao bad that at tiuina I iirinalnl hlnod. an l myaulTdrlnea -r-r annua-. My coielilton wai ao pamfiil that for a wailn I waa ecarerly ahlr to altnud to hu-mraa, and the aevcre rm would come ao audilrnlyaud arr'ly that I would lie obllsml to li'iivcacuMom-rwhom I mluht hapiwn to ho wait luaiiimn. OiiruiKa part of the tlmo I waa unable to walk, and scarcely knew what to do or which way to lo,.k lor relict. At thla tune a friend rrcnm. mrndi-d HunCa Ili I took two bntllrs of It and it took riKht hold ol my dle.vse and cured me very speedily, an I I haie ciivnenccd no trouble Willi nn knl.'mv- lii.v. "Kuriliirmer.'. lliint a Re!nr,ly h.-lrriiRlhened tne very much, ana ,ux, n I beaa to use it 1 have been able lo alu u l tn busln-M. and am all ripht now. I beariily p .'nniraend it to all. What it l,aj iluue f, r mo 11 will do lor ou who are allluied." Snfli rril Inr Twenty Vrnra. "Ho. Jiwuvh Ti-tiiii.i.. of Kad Sainnw. Jllrh.. a-a: C.nintnia anmii the enibieiaktie friends of Jluul'a Pemedy. Il has mven In mv c.we all mi claim fnrlt. Itavlncr suffered fnrnhnut twrntr oar wi:li fevere (lisratoof the khlneja mhich our i i "i 1 hysl.-iaii pronounced Ilri-ht'a Disci-"l. I made a Jennie,- ;.it to rnii-ult tie- eminent Pr. Haven, of ll.-inilt hi, N " Verk. nl h 'fi fame tn tlu: siiecialtv I hn 1 l.cnrd ntuch. Dr Havru exani-iii-a me c.i r -1 1 1 1 1 and Miiialv -a; 1 . 'in, ana i;.-t a I. "tile ol Hunt's llcniedv Mild t ike lreldllu' to ill. folieii-.' tte- IclMlii: lrael-i h.i t.irlnat. haul, 11 struck in'- as rather Mnliv ta he dtrcitcd tn lake a til" licui" which I ue:;'ii h ie l.onnht oitliin a -ii'iii'V tlnow nt no nn ,....r, i,ui I a in the dnctnr's hainl.-. nnd of imir-e 1 lelleio-d hia a luce, and itUi cU d a I that I did mi. ..r be. I re I hal isk' 11 lluni s !! in-dy hall a il-.c. u tune I leittid iniuietisc I eie iit 1 1 0111 11, una o.iain nun; the n ..( it icr a limit, d Inn- I r i'ii' Te 1 tr. 111 in v trouble eieir.-lc, and 11111 In- I.e. 1 Oiiua, i t the nued nl nu e Ma hu-aii'l' rs. llm world Is neb Pt. I to in 11, Mr. I. r the pi.iinul k'aiinn nl sueli a medicine, Hn, j bnpo jou may lmt (:o wiih.nit Miiir reward." ri:.iiasw.v.rami HAS BEEN PROVED - Tho SUREST CURE for KIDNEY DISEASES. D-v-flal-unc Ikk-Ii ordiaoniercd i.rint? indi .it! in yo.1 nr- nv..nim,J THEN DO HOT llli.SU ATT, 'up Kuinv-VVor'. ut on- , cii ur : fcur-ii'.t-n I itjrmd it will-ipcidily our cci" M.-sr,iy'? ftinl r :'ore lit altlijr a Hull. I orJ!oc Vrcjtuptaiita iM e.dmr lv vl I C toyu'ir ot-v, niiclt u pain intl-.vrikti-.iws, Kt'lncy-Wcrt Li UiiflUllJtoiK'J. iniiwii! a-M pr.'inptly and bJifcly. rrHcx. iiiot.tincnop.rcu-iaton oiurinr du'ill drr.Ci'ip ,iima, nil r;TfT.'-di!y yill to its ciir..inf i-owi-r. 'J. flOIiD l'V ALL UliVirC.IHr.S ri ir fl. .iMI.I.lAWa.ll, Il II I, I- !) ., 1 ""' ki-liii mill It., r troiiM. hii'i Ktnn w in 1 I IS A SURE CURE for nil diaenaea of the Kidney nnd LIVER It baa apeclno actttou on thla most liupcrlant oriton, enabling- It to Uirow off torpid. ty and Inaetlnn, atlmulat.nir tho healthy aceretion of tbo Pile, ond by keeping tho bowela lu free c -million, rffcennB ita rt'KUlar iliaehari:e. I .1..!. iryou areaiiOVrum frora nfldlCiriCl malaria, l-.ave I lie c.'uKs, willsureiy I 'licveandqnlck'.y tuiv. In tlio Bprlnit toelraii.-fllioC.Vi.ti'i 1. every one should tuke a t:iero..i;li ruuruiut it. 11. SOLD BV DRUCCISTS. Prlcil. Hm.lMAW.'l.l-.irti "I. n l ,eir In lit m I iirno " ka; I Hi-1 I .nil-. !(, , N. I. s. . X V.. i VV Si li- A ..-in.. . .I I' II I'M , N .I ... .... t I . , in. , I. in. I I I n lie! r.'s.rt. lias p-i-n In" b.-ll.-r li j ln-r.-lnl,.r- i-n.., 1 -i niiiio-. neui -. ii'.w an! oiticipii-Tiio inner FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. fio w 3 pit va'.rut U tlil conn try in(M.Pt:piiHvMi, onl r. witirdv Iim ever cqualU-l tlio c l tir.fcvl lai.lni'V U'ort nn n tMiro. vvii.vovor tue l-ausc, n.iwcvi-rnl'.'-ti'' Uio r.-wc, thin rcinotiy will ovrTcom it. Dll PQ di-Tt"H:.iiiK' mm- m pl.iuit la vtv Apt to bf conipllratiil witlict;,3tivtinn. Klflnry-Woi-t utrrPitlirtw tho wo.ikc.ici I p.,rt nri.l i -'(t-ltly ciin-j 51 klnddcf V.t : cvn wirj iiliysu-wn.'-and mrrlicm'-s Iiavr N'lr.rf f.ulctl. 4 '- t U yon hnvr-PttluTPt t!i-' - tiMuhl-n PRICE 81. 1 USE Drupiatii Sell ON TRIAL. Tho CHICAGO LEDGER Three Months for 35 CENTS. t0.NT4INI.V0 Till: WHOLE OT THE THRILL INli St It I. M. OllT. The Missing Heiress, And nthcr it t-r.-stlna oriainal tnriri snd a-itirtaiintig niitltf. A I.-J0 4e colinnn i.iip'i. Aildun.- I.KIK.CIt, liirnii. Ill Payne's Automatic Engines. IUliall, Durbl and Kcnnitmiral, teitl fvmUh m kornm p-nrtr vt h furl ai"i uatrr thttn ay n'kr tYnqin buili not lWtd with an AutonialuMNit-fT. Sml for 1 lltint raf 1 ( 'atali it- "J," for Information an4 I'rio. B. W. KoNi. B-i I'ommu. N Y. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. Ural In Hie world- I'M llir genuine. Isverr pnckiiiio linn nur Iriiile-iiinrk mul Isi inn r ki ll FrnxrrV OI.I I V l it t II I It I . H"lrt nit trial, for it DU I fWll. Alt 1A4M JONES OF IINGKAMTON, pl.i.U4BT;i-. T. OPIUM HABIT Cured Painlessly. Thi Mfilii'in I'l fr a umall hchk-ii - i Iii ml ( rniniKAuiHlii'i; A I i ' n I -. it'l l. ( iir-- it Imii." hur lull til e il.irt inlili--a th Mi-rot rrri . DR. S. B. COLLINS, La Portr, Ind. ik. .1H'J a at h. iii'w t-iljr niml. iHj U oitlltlfvw. Ailiiri-AaTnt c at i n., AnmiiU, .Mr. inua. m rata rat A Literary Avalanche. OvfrwIirtmiiiK cippofiitinn nml ileliKlitinj- nil lovers of cuoil hooka. "Wlint IS thti world coining lo? Tlio n,or mini is now oil nn enunlity with tlio ricliest 50 fir ns books ere roncerrjoil "i n fair ainilo of tlioim:itid of qnotiitionswliii h niij;lit be mud.' from tlielet tumofcudtouH'rs, nml from new-i-niier-snot iuflueucud by the I11-I1 of millionaire publisliera. FIFTY TONS OF rHOlCK Tl'MiKS, n Urge portion of them tho bedt editionn pub lished in tins ro .ntry, now rwuly, nnd your own selections from them will be Bent to nny part of the Comment for emmiinnlion, if you will give ronnonnblo guarantee that the books will be paid for after receipt, or re.iirncd rrinrn transportation nt rn'j eipeuae. HT'FCI T. PMifiAlSS nre offcrins thin mouth. New publications every week. Trices nre lower than eer before known, ranginc from two cents, for Tennyson' "Enoch Arilen," nnubrid ;ed. lingo type, to (11.50 for the largest nud best American ryclopedin. My books are UT fold by dealers prices too low for them. Among the nnthont and woiks are tl i ae of: Ihrkrat, H'.llr Krntl, 1 lia, kar.f, (wrr I-'. i.'l, I o:,atrll.., t..!-l...n, Alara.Hy. t-.arl. 0 -s-n. . 1 T lr. I ..11 a, t',rf. . h I- r. r n. Iliilu.t Spftirrr. rrnrfnr. It iwlin-on. H 1.1.. Al'llnrk, U -r-r. J-11 aalrf . ranar. Pisi-riftive cirrulnrs sent fiee cn rpfinrat, or my f.H-fii(-e Tl'i-Hrafiol Cntnlnnre. fo three ctula. .Meut.ou lias puptr. JOH.X II. ALDEX, 1'ulilislii r, 1 S VcsCjr ht., N.T, PSA.JLMS. bctiseo. T1TEAR thia, nil ye r-o1, ftrd ifi U jo inraliils of t!ia world, Ilop Bittora will make you well and to rejoice 2. It hnll cure all the people and pnt sick ness nnd fuffuiins vndrr toot. 3. Bo thon not ofraul when your family il ick, or yon have liripl.t's di-ense or Liver Complaint, for Hop Hitters will cure yon. 4. Both low nnd hij-h, rich and poor know tho value of Hop Hiitms for bilious, ncrvoas nnd Rheumatic complcints. 5. Clrnnso me with Hop Bitters rmd I shall linve robust and I looming licultli. C. Add disease tiiion discafa nnd let the worst come, I am safe if I usu Hup Bittors. 7. Tor all my life linve I hr cii phjucdwith siiViiii-.s.s and anrcs, and not uiitil a year a.i was I cured by Hop Hilton-. . He tlmf keepeth his bones from nchinc fram Ithcumnti-ni nnd Nt'iu-.tlin, with Hop Hitli'tv, dicth wisely. 0. Though thou linM sores. pimples, freckles, snlt rheum, crysipelns, blood jioisonina, yet Hop Hitters will remnre them nil. 10. What woman is there, feeblo and sieU from fcin.ilo complaints, who do.siroth not l.i .ilth and n-et!i lloji Hitteis and is ma..' ier. 11. Iict not neclcet to ne Hop Bitters brin -j on serious Kidney mul Liver complaint. 12. Keep thy tonj-uo from being fmrod, t'ij b!ood pure, nnd thy stomach from indigo, '.ion by,usins Hop Kilters. in. All my pains nnd nches and dicnss -n lil.o elinlT licloio tlio -w ind whon I uso Hop Hitters. M. Mark the mnn who u na nearly dead and u'ixen up by tho doctors, lifter nsiuo Hop liitti r-. nnd beeometh wi ll. 1. ". Cease from worryini; about nervous, iio's.' (; debility, nnd urinary trouble, for Hop Kilters will ymi. II N I 21 k 1 ft LYDIA E. PfNKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUm Is a I'n-tiivn I'nro Par all Idas- Pnlnriilromploliil.and WfataMaoa anruiuiuunloour bi-st fvmulr popplatloo. A Mi'illi lne Tnr H'nmnn. Iiitrnli'il by a Woman. Prepared l,y a Woman. Tl, r.rM'fl ''lfl Dl,.-r Snfflhs IJs of llHlsrf. (-v-l r,.v!v thu dro .pinff s:!ill-. In-limralcs and hinn n .- ..iti'-'Tirini'- r.ei.-ii i-. . .'ivesp'.-.sticJty and llrninr .ini t. p. i T.f n-ilural Imlro toth- r -n a. I I'linisnti tho piln .-lie. ti nf wmnan tbo fresh rn i-s .r I T.-'. . 'ril.- ami ,-:irly s ininliT linie. ( f.Tliiii. i mi Use II anil Prs-.c ntie II Freely -f It nin. t untn-. n.l il n-y. iii.tmT allcravln fnr aim, I ri ll.-v.'s o.-ikn-Msnf tlic notuarh. 11 it f- .-l.iu or h" unit il-m-n. Iiiki aln, welslit ait'l lmt k. i. Iin. li 1t. i mini "l y rur-il l-T Its usw Vor Ih4 rnrc or KI.ti.rT f'nitinlulnM of rllber au tlila Coutpnuii.1 la uu-urpttsscd. l.rnitr. piskiiam-h ni.oni prmnrti will ,r...l.-;- J I'.iy t.'-lit-'i l.unif'i limn Hi ti ..hi ,i 1. 1 .,-1 Aii'l if nrf ili i-i llm a).ieui, of Hue. ur i llilil. In-!sl u livlu- 11. n .th I'm Cnmpoiin'J ana l!in-d rnrlfl-r are prpar4 at-V.tauii i'.. w.'.i.-rii Avrnitr. Lynn. M-as. I'ncaof lllir. $1 Fit Ii..!il. jfi.- S-V Ifc-iit by mail in the form of I'ill-. it nf en rr-Wpt nr prlcp. l pf r bnx rnri.llitr. Mis Pinkli en nnT all li tteraof lu-iuiry Ln.losr J.-1 sUain. find for panplilvt. Knf imi'v-hnul lM wl"iiil t.VPM F. PIVKnAM J lilt.s Th-y ruir.. n l. ;.. liou-uvi-, aildt-Jipi-lyeriliilln-r. li. .:.!. p,-r I... I. 4--solilby all Unmiil-ia.'Tia c7 lV v-i THE SUN EVERYBODY LIKES IT. int. .eve,.., ....... ,Ka t--iliinl ainl useful: lu i.. -'.i'u.1? tn uriln an riil-rialini'i: Iratnrv nl Ilia tii.i. s in lii' ti wi- hvn. It i.iitn.iina.iatnraen. m,a Hem a milii .11 rni ii . a we. k. lt,-ir.-iil.iti.mis u.n; ln;,-i- than ever ln-:ir Siiliscriinnn IU11.T II I .'ico'. li mail. .".'ir. a nimifli. it !SI." l''. M M At IS '4J"s. Ifl.tU T .. Wtr.M.Y I I'Wi-i. !M rirf.r. I. . I I M, LAN P. l'iil.liliT, New V.irk Tity. CURES WNIKE Alt list fAHS. It,v.( l '..uali .syi up 'I a.eKw-!. 11 nine, -".tn ny ilinraisis THE BEST IS CHCAPCST." ENGINES. TUDCCUCDC SAW-MILLS, norsffowr-rs I Ctofrr flullrrs UT THIS OUT And lUlurotoBH anft von tlmffia U-b H ! willbiiRf t IniV r ' li.W CciUUbl.. M. Voatii;, )Ti Gmui. h fU, . I.TRI-'- nrtfiD ri.iTiit H :iAa.!rfir tgU.I'aUliMrHU voitriiiNE HAniT. Nn fiay till pnml. It'll ycHift tfdtt'hhlu'.l, I.imn) riircii h tut i fi. Ir. Miii-filt,VuiL-cy, Micb. aa1t '-iOL DKi.i-vU.! PATENTS&PENSIONS J. B. UmiK, AU'y-al-Law, V) aslili Stnil 3c. ful i-irruliu-. OPIUM .Ylorpltiiit f lahll tirffl In Id lo Kilr,. k (par itll artMt. I'll. J. -l ki ill-. v-.. I.. Ii.uioii, Dliiu pt'-ytni nt.a'liin A N Ihll'Ul.T alt who will m k - ," Itni" prnf. .i irn 1 1 1-HaiHK l' y.MI i'ni rtm.-lr Uliivli'.l.' iniif Mi niiiv Mil l-. Mm Y MMrSWAMI iMnrtlif. ltit ' nmt M me run.nrtl K w'ks in-l IM.Iri. I'nt-M r-.l.iwil .J t r (t-ilt . .N'Mli'ML I'l IU.IHHIN t I'llll4. r MV Tit I VI'IM' I r Id run- ot brtiy Minn nn.l !v. ,M .-.i ..-nl hv I d .,'. JOHN II M. Al VIV. I 1.W--1I, Mis Un-nri. t "ily I 'it rait.i Tn Cllm-tnr- J 10 9C I A(1 h.hi.i-.ii aV l o. rWiUo... M. ( I M AV'N lltisiiirraolYM.', N-waik.N. .1 . Ti-nni !ft 1 ,ii. m- lor til -nt Wnilr circnli-v $ fid ir " in I. I Hfin in.t -.out in ir l .H.-M I . forllnti.t. Maii. C-kif, K II... i; mts-ara an.l liiinaon. Tin--, ('. arol'-rs. f-h..i'aara. a' II on, Bruu. IlK- I- , Am .1.1. l...J.lmilth, T -oi'ia -n. I'l ct .iaiwita'r ' r. I. I.I. opid

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