1 3 TIU I5SO.VY. JULY tf. l:t. II. A. LONDON. Editor. Thk .SivtiiKNPn: tif the Conl'eilcriite I nriny at ApjMin:itfi Ooiirt Hou'si- is ; one of tin most liiciiioi ,-iMe events: that lius evi t iieeurreil. timl will fo rom i!it in all liist rn s. Every incident connect e. i t ! 1 m iinjxii'ta'ii) i fill event will lienf interest to tin' Htihlciit of history, ninl it is tlicicfure eminent y jinipi'i' (lint tins" iin-iid-nts Kliotiltl lo trutlifnily ami iiecurutely niuriitel. In a lut" iiiiihImm- of a Northern pet iodicul iiiipeiiicl un nr tiIo written lv iener;il Slieri.liui. entitled "Til.' Last Days of The lie hellion", in u Inch lie tells win' In' knows of tin- incidents connected with (ten. 1,,-c's surreiid i We hiive re:id this urtielc with lunch interest, for as Shi i'iilaii whs hi m uu im iM'I f ll!l the IVd, r.-il rivalry, h.' wa- in n posit ion fo In- an eye v ;t n ss of u li:it lie writes, hut we cannot refiuiii from comment in-.- on somi' lliinirs h'' savs. M'o illo(t' tin- following that he s.-iYs concernim' the las! Itlil on the morn inI of the surrender : -Rcfore sunrise, (.euerii! Old eimie in report in;,' the hear n'aeh of his eoinniitnd. After a liasty eoii.-nUa tion nlmul positions to In- till:' ii tin ly the lin'omui;,' l roups, we were in the snddle mid oil' for the front, in the vicinity of Appom-iltov Court house. As we were n'lproaehiiii; the village, a heavy line of ('oi,f'-il"r:ite infjintrv was si en iidviiuriiivr. mil rnid firing comine'iisd. Iliiliny; to n slight elevation, where 1 could jjet ft view of the advancing cm-niv. I im-lin-diiitely sent direrhoiis. to Ocneru! Aforritt for Custer's ami Devin's di visions to s'rwlv fa ! lmck. ami as they dil so. to withdraw to our right flank, thus iiii!n;tsl;ing Ord.-. mid Ciihlions's infant rv. Crook and Mc kenzie, on the extreme left, were or dered to hold fast T limn hastily galoped Imek to ;;ive C!en nd Ord the hem lit of mv info'-maMon. No Sooner had the enemy's line of hat; !e rcacln u the elevation from which my reeonnoisj-anei- had In en mad'', and from whence eouM 1"- dstmetlv seen Old's troons in the distal ee, than he called a sudden halt, and a r-ro.rni le lliovciiienl l.egaii to a tidge a'e.oiit one inde to Ids n ar. Shortly after ward I r. turned ft-oi.i O-'t era' Or.l ! the front, maki-- for (iem-ra1 M.-r ritt's liatt'.e -ling -n tin- ri.;ht lia.ik ! the line. On lva.-'uiiig it. the order to advance was given, and i v ry guidon was Lent to the front, and a we swei't ly toward the left of tie enemy's line of haith-. he opened :' heavy lire from art i'h ry. No hee.l was paid i.i the deadly missiles, and. with the iUiI-is' yells, vv,-.s,-,,n rc.-h-h ed a oint some distance t h:s i i-h: find nearly oi.os to Appoiihi! I o Court house, P-ovou-l lis. in a !vv valley, lay Eee and I In- remnant of his rti iiiy. There did not iipp.rtr to he much organization. , vcen! in the HtlviHieed troops under 'iencra' (tor don. wiioni we had leei, tie-litMiy. nndarear eiiaid n:-de-( iem t -il L"n:' ntreet. sli'l fuither no the valley. Formation.--, wei-e imn.e liatelv coin lnenced. to make a hold a:-d wi ei'i'itr charge down the vr:;ssy .-h.pc. when an ai'le-de-caii:! from Cii-ier. filled with eseileu ent. haf in hand, dashed uy to me with the message from hi chief : "Lee has smi rendered ! Po not charge -. the white lla' ! ni!" Ordi rs wen- ;;i. n I te'l-te tV- forin itioti. l"il not to chnrpi . The "heavy line of Col.tV l. ir.te u fantry" aliove ri fei ril to did ;"( con sist of more I ha.. tr.-..s. who wert; all under t lie tem" .-oy com lnand of (J -li IJrviti ( i. iiiit's; to uhos stall" we 1- lone-ed !. and these troops rlrove hack in much disorder at h a-t twice their ne.mlier of fe,ora' Irooj.s nearly a ii i'.''. The 'sudden l.-ill" fttnl -retroera h- m-ivemei.t". alluded i'o hy (ten. Sheridan, were not caused 1y the sijrht of "Ord's troops in the distauee", l)t in (vinsi 'p'.ellCi' ol ( i -1'. Grimes having receiv I orders from Gen. (lord. n to wit Leehad suri-ei, h i d. ii-!. (ii-iloe-. oi.ev wit h ;n ;;t l e!i.i ! am i that h" was in a ;.''' (iell. We kmc fol h. th p.. ..in..: l. le v's his way through t ! Khd "ir en i' w ere ! a ale the sm cess of liieir In iliiant charge. We also know (hat our last vollt y (which was ii( 1 ly ('ox's llria-h I mailt'.' the feuel'id tr..ops fiilliov lis M A very respec! ful oi.-danev. fien. Ml-eiiilau eives u vi fy inter -CStinjJ deserij'tion of the meefiiie; of Lee and Grant. v hich wsis in the hist (trie "McLean" house. nnl not nmler the mythienl "apple tree", nf which so nnieh lias lxen sr.id and Hlllij. His wliele closes with the following jiiUii'i.ti'li : "Ahont one hour was occupied in thawiti'' it) and P-ninpf (lie ternm. when (teneral Lee it tirecl from the house with a cordial shake of the liantl wit li ( t. neral Grunt, mounted his chunky. iay horse, add liftino his hat. passed through the 'ate. ami rodo ttver the crest of the hill to his nriny. On his arrival tin re. we heard wihl cheering, w hi-h seemed to he taken up progressively hy his troops, either for him.'or 1 i-inise of satis faction with his last official act as ti Hohlier." j Wr well renieniher seeing (Jen. I Let! vben he "Tode over the crest of the bill to hi. army", mi l - the wild clii't-i-inj" tktt e-;X.cu,l l,iu;, auJ ' .vhich tnts .-.vr "h.-.-au-a-of satislui- lion -.villi hi t hisl official net n- a sol die,", hat i-eciaso of thi 11" o-j-eat :'. ' for him and us nil expression of their conlideiice ami sympathy. This wt- know l. i auso we were o;ie of those- who .U.t this "iulchecnii-". tisoi.l- ... , UOOiC OtO. CIIH-I l.llll 1"U in..-.. lilies with uncovered head. ;.nceltaio thre are .-d"iit Mi'.Siltl rep i-t-i i. was foiieht n List Satur-j resctitativesof decea .dsohhei s. w ho dav 1-v two clils. of Kiehmond-jlve not yet applm-l lor pension ' ,, ... ... I Andieram : "1 heecneral p-Mposit:o:i. Vireima -M.--.si. l.en ueaud '''"-',!,,.,,.,.. p,,.,,,,:,,!. will, the 1-est resiilline- in. thelalter lieiti;;- wounded j !lVilj' ,),!,. informal i-n lit hand, that mllielhieh. This duel has a! 1 1 act ; t here is :i survivin;;- soldier popiliii ed much attention, hoth L.-.-ause of tion of a lilt'..-over 1 il:K.'K:;i. t .-1 the pron, in.-., t positions held l.y Ihe hi-U claims for pension in the . ... , , ,i. . 1 .'..-i., !'l n-e mav he tn-ide hv I hose who due ,!s and lxca'ise ot llse.le.eini . ,, .' i . ( : inrarrfil pensionable disabilities, im-d ami eoiitmiic.1 elloits to li-;lu - ,. js ,.v). u.n. 1 1ml I lie rest less -piril it. The dil'ticulty ori-inate.l from :i ,,- p.idl. y will u- ver l.e at .is. po'ilica! iua!'lel. II irile b.-i:i ; the ' u n.il he sha'l h i eraute-1 a pcitsn ii editor of a h-.fdii.-democra.ie paper b ' e'cry mii Gvi.i;,' soldi,, ot theeiwl , ,,, , - ,, ,- . . m, war. an I to im- reiaiiM s ,.l Pioe and Lan. hem- the ....... " ' VNh ,,,,, Ah -.a: h r wept for hone's or-iin. A i ha.leii-e had ;-. n .!M,,,, t,, comiiier. an I Mr. sent an I accepted m- i : al lays before .,p,,v Wcep. for more penMoiis t !ie .luel was tou-ht. and lie- p.i ! ie b-.tow. I'lilo! t ii-ia'.ely ;ithe law i i i.. .,. t ... it, . l'i.--t 'now st iml- ! here i.s no ant horit v for h.id ne.irlv a iim-.I at t'le.ea. .- m -i . , , ,. t!;e ( oe..U--'hcr lo :;l,-illt il pi -lis;. .11 sehcied lor the dea l W n.-u o. t i;,til ..j.j.ij, ..:,, ',, ,., . i ! tie in was ::i rested and tii. I'hl w is x ,,;,,. I'm-;!,,,.,-. , ,f he ullice cuhl temporarily rt-veiite.l. 1 th ' f . ic-itly iin-re.isel hy makin- it them, hoiu-ver. wen-ea-er fo. ali-hl. ohhiiatory up,.., persons to receive ami Ihe arrested pa; tv Ii.imii;,' esciip pension.-,. 1 . , I he j'i'esetit svstcln of ill ummiti,,' ,.,1. th.-y hid themsc.ves lor s,M-ra. llr lnlM:il.,s . m:iml,., ,., day.-, until a! last they were able b ,.,.ci.il hon.e.-. by mean-, of several meet . and w ilh I he ah o e result. At hundred sp.-cia! esaminet is w oi kin the first lire both missed, but at the ilhiiii ilb y.bat the scheme is d. lic.ent , .,, i . (i it.;.', li' several pari '.eiliars and haldlv second I-.. am was shot in II. e !ln,;.i. , ' . . . . c tiiprehei)s4 , -ioali in its scone, whereupon lleirue i Npi'essi'd hmisc. f Si,.((. ciiiin.s. t hroueii I he unsympa as satisfied and the li-ht end.-.l. h..lh th. tic natures o,' special eaminers. pailics f. e'i.ie -that tin ir h.. noli '! had arc limn oidah'.y rejeeied. mid il occa been un.licatT.l. Jh-.l w. cam. un sn-ulv t ra::sp t l,a- uniud.v iduals , , . . c i'l be lolllld to ailsui I' t lie tiaines ol dastano how a mau ., Inmor .s Mn (.!iiilinl lL, VillMlvM.,. il( dle.-lied by at t elnpt 1 1 . to kl!: a Ic.oW ,.iM,,u. p..,.si..: lao.se, atid them y man. It is .h'V n lieht nun d.r. that ri.-ii-.iiii unepi inl am! nolhi-.i- more or less. hi. I if the , 'i the who.,-, it is limli-pute.! i 7 i .. i ., c .. .i- H, . .. faet thai there is a ; : amount of aw .;is i idol, a d and a tew ot tli.'. e ... . m ii ev in tiie 1 re,isii;- that eaum ilueiiisis were pir.tshcd as ott.er u;, :;, , .,. circilat ,-d etimiiials. then this "relic ot har'oar ;vm, ti, p, ni..nei s. ,,r disbursed ism" would no lon-er ( i.-t am n- a in t in-1 u i!s, s , t he 1 '( u .ion l ) lice, civiiiz.e.i pei.p'e. ' Tii.eili theie ,-t:-e sti'l ov, ;-1 nn.ooil - . . T.-oiis who m.sy I: induced l y a S..VKTIMK a-'o v.-e saw it stiitcl in canvass ol t in- .nut ry t . . tile claims P , . , . ,)..,. f"-i'. i'si v. i th.M-a-h 'ii tin IVea- oiie of our i-M . i : i : 1 ','., Ill:, tnelc ale . , . .. , urv is co;i-.t.i!i: ,v :e-ciimii at!!.-' "i-l I" : "" ""' N""" aio.-e th:. s,,,;.;,,, th,. ,!..: Una railroa-l worth -mr SVo. '",:,.-!,. Hi...,. , .. , , ,.j...; t v- f -r ;.. Th;- -:iuvri--!- a ir.i;;. -.- wl.n-'i -i.o-i' 1 ; ,i. t-. ;':t.-i'.:: .i. , re.-, n serf c :i--.:l' r-i! : it is fii.-t i!::i: -vir you-...' : "lei Se.:,! t.l I ei.l'.. ihe , 1 i ;. i , t-"-'- '-.' ami -.m.-. c:il purs ..one- i-l. !.!. l-i;! iusi-i . .11 .-l a,h iiu Li this, th.-y ,1 . e;eai n i:;; t- ' hi m-e. e ati-l to ."',,' ,. ,', , .' ! ,,. ' !!,c ,-ni.'ic. Many a you;.- man. ', '.pv 1 1 :,pp. whose yoi:t !,l';:; i'.ii.b;: I. 'i- J.iin.1 ;i'i - 1 t.,,' .j.;.,. :! 1. tssu. thi'-ew-.i. on fortune has teuu-ied him l" stulv I he "oils 1 7.-,. .t'.i :n i p, . I s e prof, ssio,,.' has most si-nallV f'1 Ihe vear emlin-li.at t;l!:'"1 ;i'i'l"'l;'"l'"" ";'1:;;- s, ,s drope, I'vn-a-ou ol JStt-llfe itlllid i'ltter '!is;.!-pi..iut!i.. -its ''io. sh" -., -ill I li ll.ti d'-.lt II and Li;;;!. ted hop.-. ti-Vl VI t 1 .! of I I - pel" t lo,- :':! Li or.h would have m. eh-an , Ih ;, Me- ".o y in a ! hy c unnn'.i-it n-s t he aiiuuai clu.lic. killed in hi, hade, r.-pe.-le.i " ! i,'':"1. , . . ,, , .. , or m oth.-i- word, "mi; .ar! i i! l:i!e I'V h:- fe.. 'v. men. and nw.i :u com- j, .,,,. ,,, Kuili.i. .( ' some other in r ' ..i- Hi.-u, at tl.e j-ale of itii iiix.i.i.I peii.su .in r. Till-: I'lI-s-of N r:li Caroliir! loses ' .ii.mi t !m p..is'ioner, of tin- w-iii-o-.i,- o' ii-- bi li!! v . : lii.iii. i.l.s an. I of I 1 . we tiu-i thai, .villi a total of nest !.ri!: .i m.-i.i!.-.-.s i., the r. t.n l"-"-;i'-i la-iv duiine; ni. .f tion. A. M. a i le.: tro . , , '.. i'.u i .ill ! per t -c -ii.-.. it. .1 or the po-ition ot ,..1:.'.- ehi.f. lie ..:. , . , . ;, ,,. . .,. . Chi.rhitt .lo in, ill. In lat Tin::- ii-vi:.; t' . enli-e :- j .. li.t : . i V. i d-.v's i-siie ,.f tii.i! pai . iip;.'-ii: s a lie e'r::.er e t .,, r' p,--, -;.,,!-.! f ! cird fro-:, him i hat 'he has -'-.ii.v -'I- '-; 1 v v mi d . .... i:i-i- les or . ..-:i-es. ii'ld tie- ;:,', : elteet. . o; lie.' I-'.I .Vies- a: , ;tii-.e!,;ent.-i i i , -..i.ss i!-: i li ., n .: . u. c.-,, ii . :i a;.d hi'S sold hi.- iiileiesi in in. .lour )',.. tin- w.u- i -1 luci, t in :r mil I- hi.- a.s.,. iciaies. Mes.,is It. H. li-ii-hn; i-lo-e,! slvty i,;lii an! II. V. Han is. C.. Ualhli is .-ir-io. ( .., ; .1 . ."l . ift '!'. i sci'.i.ii' iv an. hi i; i.-nl ,- ' , , . writ..-. Imt a most mdepen-i.-nt and f.-arhss one. am! vv much ii:;,ri i iiis ret ireni -,.t J roiu ion: i;a'i- -:i. An Ai-cilcii(;ii Siiifiilt. r,- -:ii -ii i 'v.re-.1.-.-..1:. The s,;, ii.nl dtstr. ssin ' dcalh ..f a little six vcar o'd di.u-h'ier ..f Mr. I.-:v. i-ciic,-'c. -loli'iston. ,,!' Hunter-. villi , thi- county, was reported in Cue cit v v' .1.1. lav mo! i.iuv bv ii -..eih !.,.'.. ',. !, ,.,,. ;., :,,' ,.; .. l.Lo i il Ciske! I'.-V Mm body of the imfoilu hate hltlee-ii-1. Mr .b.-j-irrstofi had be n av .-.y t'loi.i holm Tue.sdiiy. and. r. ';. le nl: n ! in : he ah- : n- u. i.e V . ho. : I. oil ...'.il!. t,. i he -!:!...-. to l.i.d !h. 1,1. less !.,, ly ,,; if's iittle chi'd d;i.ie.''ine; from a haln-r I'.:. l.c- ! -i, I., d to a hi!-;-.. !!, ;!. l-.-.r. r'r.ni the .-.in ..iiii.ii;:;,' oi.ii ,-..: - !t ,: pear., th-it the lit!, t ell' d Inid b .-ii .-iiiii'lin-.; on ntioiii;h with her lead in ihe hall el. wlu-n her feet slipped, and I he halter, draw me aio.in., ci.iii. heel lier sii..( i li.le.l until lit'.- wa,s (tinct. (lueiiei of the ha ter had be.-n thrown o-:.-r hin-'e at the top of llm door, ami was ttc.l Ih iow ni a niiiiiner form in; a loop, jind as the hill" yirl fell ihe loop caught iimh r her chin, diawii.;; her hett.1 h ack aiinst the tloor fneiiiLf. hoh line; it tihtlv in that position, Her neck was hVok.-n bv the full. When her father left Hud imirniii-' Ihe !ilt!e "irl wis nhiviti' about th ban door, iinil A is mippuscd that '".-iii.uii ...i... '.sh' must have hepm playing with ( l'i'"h-ti"ii of cai-ital. (.Itiileij-li,) the halter :Hid the sjul iiccideht hap- '"h-ho. 'jiened shortiv after he left. No sus- l'opu'ation of largest city. (Yil- 'jiicions of foul phtv are end rtaim d. miu-tomi 17.:'.r.0. i.s the circumstances clearly indicate !U!,S "f idroad. 2H0. that the u-ifot tuiiale little n l met -Mih-s of Inland St eaniho.il Navioa- her death in tho manner above de- H"iu '.Imt. s,., j., . Avi ra";e Mean Annual Temi'era- ; Wait r Evans recently died on his 'J',,1;i! water i.mv,-r. :i..r.M).fi(()horse fiirm near lteadiiie;. I'lu'fttthe ae ,,f l' r. lie lived on that faini all hin - life. Jle never left it : never .saw a 1'rof. C i. Gramly. of the rniver riiil-.oiid train: never visiiedany where. sity of North Ciuihiia. died at iiis ami was one of the most eccelitlic Imine i : ( l!'ord July 2nd after h lin rncn of tiie State. Jleceaseil was e-erin : ness of coiisuiupj ion. He never km wh lo imve hiid any love at- Uiis iibo d iio years of nee. He rc-tacliim-nls, and he ilied .in old bach- ' tsined his 1'n.lVssoi ship a year lieu cloi'. very licb. ou ii.cuuiil t Uu failui- Lv.utlu. Oil I WitslliimltHI Loiter. !rr..m .-ur i-igulrir (.rn-i ii l.v.t Wvshinhtox. I). C, June :'.i. 's:. 'file Commissioner f -n--.il tiis in hi last report pn-.euts a mass of in t-resiine- slatistics. and he hIso i- 'iiu'e - cs in some einioiis estimates. I After presenting several tal'ti'ar sta! e Imeiils. he adds: "s iii:- as I ran r i.e.; !. . -.1 .i isi, .:i . J , t . .e w i;. w i'i !.. ..pp'v :'. ..- ih. ni. oitu to j... e. ;e ti.. .-:."( .t .,-ipp.i,- ol ei- V ri;. --,t i'l! In 1. li e :it (. o.,..r,- .s I here ti'.-.i.i .,i Ill ii. 1 'ei .f.. is .- p . , ; leally a !.:: eli-s. k,i .vp.-t t . I t..-- m .e.-i , ,ie -::i.e. i.i .t. iv v. , II-. an I .-iijov tin- l.,i;i'v ot (e.-.i ri, la (. y I, ears l c j',,.,., Noi-lli ( jsri'liua in ; Nut Shell. K.ry p-r-oii m N".i:-;h ( ':):-olln i ' !" mi'io lo n. ' ii:. ry I he ',,:- - '' '- ' j' :! n i-.rMai i i. as w.-have be-,m-. : ..-.vi-i .;i io u- : " S'--'''- -'-'-v- s.pia.v 'i'i-' Laud s:n I'.-i. e. Is. (Illii .- i;iare miles. W-iter surfs..-., li.iljil ...pii.ie miles, i '. .t r. uie !. :,; t Ii. .Mi:? j miies. I llellf In . .1 llll. l's'l'.'. Illl'l -Leii-th of C--lst hi,.-, ill I Hl.lcs. I.. 1'h '-I Iff' eo, ,(!,,. f;,J II". !. , s. 17 i.uiiiil. ,. I ,',-. it ltd,-. T.'i d.-l ees. Its 1. 1 mutes. .VhliU.le. I'll-" !' '! Am la;-c elev.il .. li of the Stale ti pi fe.t. Ili-he-t point. (Mitchell's IN ;:L. ) fe.-t Hl'-hest t..w n. ll'.oone. I :!.-."-ll ff f t. I'opaiaiion of th. Stale. l.li'.r.l.7.")il ; whites SI'M.-iP.'. colored I, -27 f. Ill dims l.iMH Number of unities. !'l. Anaot !:.,-. st c.iiiity. Il.ruiiswi Hoh' soii.; 750 square mt.es. 1', ;l "r smallest r.runty. New II ie.iol' itsru'est coiiii! v. 1 1 irunswii k. over.) Ml spiare iiii!-s. I'opnWtioii of hiis,'ist ci unity. lUake.) Ii..i:c.. J'opulntioji of smallest couiitv, Dark NIU (if ( Hy 1-ilV. Ai'ihl a'l the splemlor. vvcaHh tinil ! ticieuiticnice of New York city there is sipm id want ami wri tcheditess. As an instance of what is frc,uehtly seen in ilmt city, wt cupy from a re cent issue, !' the Herald ihe follow- A iivo'tin',' picture of depravity was presented in Ihe .TelVcrson Nlarkcl i'o'iee ( 'ou'-t yesterday in. 'i niiie-. A middle :i-i ,1 man. besot b d and s!u ' petieii Willi illilik. was b.Mlj;hl up to the bar ot justice. I'.esid.' him stood his w ife in :i:i e.jili'.Uy deploi.ahle eon ditiou. S!u- win mamm.nii i.i size. v ei;-himf nearly two handled niel liity pounds, and her bloated visage p'aiuly imlicaied Ihe mi. .cable life siic ii il. In ( tllicer C'uua.li's arms, vv lapped op in a shawl w a an iufanl son of tin- deerilih-d coiipie w ho had not sufficient c'othin;; . cover his body. A little -irl. live yea: s of a.;-.', verv poorly clii'l. iiiiotlu r child ol the coui'ie. vas .also broiiehl into court. ():lilcr Chira li told .ii-lice Dully he eai'i.-.l at !7ii Mleeeker slreel "li l'lles 1 iy llflertiooil. Ill ihe hiiil-.va.v. "ii tin- e:ii-ret i'.oor, he eti coiillteled Miclia; 1 Key es in a druii ken sill or. l!i i,l, t K- v i s. his w if.-, w is in an adjoitiiti,' room, in u bed. drunk a:-d aslc p. I!- at . 'Used the pair an I h-ft to make iiupiiries unioiio' th.e I ei--hb.'is. lie was iliforiifd that tin- little eirl M.i'nie was sent out for li.ii"f about e cry l::i!f hour of ll.e day. a:id in- determined to w.itch a-nl M-.-l-ir himself. About .in hour 1 iN - he saw the child h v. e the ho-.ise with a pai!. enter .1 heer Mi'onti near by .rid ask for a pint of !.,! on trust. 'I he ha:t, mh r n f.ts ,-d the child ail 1 the hitter Weill home ;i.;aiii. A lew minutes later Mamie ili.i'Ciii e, a-.ini with a hi tie bask. I. and lh.- oiUeer f..1':. w. d her to the pavviishnp. v, In-',-, the little ol;-' ti ,le:iv"i, -l I" 1'h-d-,"- a dirty shirt and :i ':'..! -lion ni i:.'s pic!:. The lh.ii!,.,' -. w. : e ti fii-ei; by tin pawnbroker. A si i on 1 time the chi'd ap'.:ired with lie- tin pai'. hut this time slic hal l',.- re piiM-d s, v ii cenls for :i pint "f beer, w i.leh she "! a! No. If. e -ke,- street. Th'- ol!i: er 1 le-!l se ::.:-,-.' ih -ei vice, of two p-.iltcelliell from the Mercer sti.-ei -.t.ili 'ii ami to.,!; v. hole family into custody. The husb.iii l wei.: ipliel iv elioiloh. out the wife ha I t' he cai lied d-iw li th. stairway. Wd.iaui l!ki r. who sol.', '..i beel t ' the child. W. i ; also j'liie. d uu.'ier ill 1. -t bT sehiile il.pl. .r to ;i m.i. or. .In itiec ),tiTvc--.ii.::tt- d Ihe couple to th" vin'l, in :!.. for a ye-ir and .':.. 1 the 1 1 1 1. 1 . e'l I.i tile c.l'e of I he M-ci'-' V. Tile b.l" . - I1 1' V'. as place 1 U i !. r j'lin . ;ii I-..-1 : iai in ihe Com I oi' ( I, n.-i a. Sessions. Th choc i.i in ll-yi't '-ii.eieisi:::;. Ti:, :i:-;h; oi' 1 -;r,.p. ; i : i -, eo:,' inues. !'. i. C-.::;.:!-:-. son i.f Senator Cm !'. itie .! -o AsV.st.-mt I'.ist- m.isl !i: er a; Wa- 1 i: appointed I'ostui-tst :i:Lio:i. ?lrs .J ,h; sloii. Uu v. i. ei a! A '! ri Sy mley -l.-l her d iiiehter will make home in N. vv York. a'. i.t iiu-'s reciimb '.: Co ll. K bel II. L-e .. with inrp ,-im.' eeremo:ii 2S h a! L' ine;inn. Va. A::":-;r the :ip!ic:inl -ion t" Wi st I'.unt win. .w of ( 5. -n istoii. and fir future l!--ure of liuvei'ad , on .June or a lmis lltive p,-i- the e:a:i:;nalloii is .)...; it AloMin i1.' r. 11 Vl'lllie cnlol'iV) lllilll fioiu ( lino. .In k-os Hoadley and 1 ..raker, the rival i-iiiidida'cs for ( to. . - nor of ( hi-. an- s-iid to b intiiniil' I'lie.'ids. and reside in ihfsuuiewiLt'.S in Cincinnati. An e-eh-oi'.'.-ilechiii s that a man who wi.i r'.i'i a news .-iper three or I'.. mi- veurs without pavin.' lor iu. wil pa oil the eiave of his I fa! her. Ne'..:.i-I.ii has one uo.irn minister. o:,e vvoot n, lawyer, six wi.a.'-n count s,;p,-l i: l. m h-iil s rti id I, u women phy i i. ,:,-' . Many women a.e eii"jaefi ,1 in editorial v.oi k. The ih. .ds of the Mississippi are sub.- ih ;r ami the phv .-i.-ians in thai re..'i,,;, ar-- iayin-,' in sulph ite of ,pii niln- by the saddle ha-,' full. They i:ti!c-:p.ii.. a shaky season in (.Mobcr. An iioi, chai:: is in course of con st iicti.ui at a foundry in Troy. . Y . which is to h" l! miles Ion;. The chain i- made by order of the'nvern i. K iit. a-nl will he cm in h-neth.s for n-e of war -hijis. A toil "f Siivt : eoin is now licin l-iiiu- 1 " il dai.v al tiie I'iiiiad.-iphiii, mint. Tin- im.st ..!' ii,is j-. in dollars, and some r.mail c .tu, notably dimes. I hi d.-i. .all I f..r l.ee(!i( ui.'kh s is ii. :i Lance of the ;i!ii!ity to supply. The Interna! It- vi nuo receii'ts dur m,' the mouth of May. l-SS;l. were Jin.'l-S ),'ie.itcr than during tin snn:e month of ls"i-2. There was an increase ot S'JH1.72'.l from SJiirits; h'l iucnas,. S-JII..")27 from tohacin; i increase of lf7..iiii from beei : a d, en -tse of s Li i P.i ft-, mi banks ami bahkcls. and a dcvi -;.,e of tflM..Toi from miscellaneous sources. Ur. Tsrvae J. Hut lmway. in the cellar of w hose residence the rcnnuhN of a number of infants were recently f niiid ! irie.l. was convicted at 1'lii! ade'i.hia. a few days a'o, of luiviii pevfoiined a criminal surgical operu timt upon useivaiit v. named Mary Duller, in April. JfcM. ami was hi-ii-teiieed to ii line of S-'iiM) mid impris onment for se'-cn vein's, lieihe- tho extri me penalty under the In v. A despatch d.-it-cd evv York. July Jlnl. i-ays: The steamer (Jucel). of the National Line, arrived to day vviih7ill passeiii;ers. Till' eillil'il tioli inspectoi s h al lied that 17"i of them were pauper immi;iaiits mid ihe immiraiit aiithoi ities notified the steamship company that t) ey declined to receive the in until ii tfitur aliiee w as jjivc.n that tht-y would be taken bi.ck to Kiiropc when llll IK ies- -aiy lce.il ff.iin.ihiics vveifc complied i-.iiii. Swain Memorial Mall. I'imiii Hi," Nenei iui.l utiiu'rwr Th" comiuitfeeof the hmu'dof trus tees i.f tla university, viz: Messrs. 1. C. Cameron, .lohu Manniiie' mid Kclii' I'. Jhlittle. met lit Cluipel Hill on iolKlily hist. Mr. Cameron was appoint oil chairman uiul Mr. lanuiir,' secretary. The hull was located o I ihe 111: ii ; i Cameron) avenue, to the wes! of (ierrard hull the pre-ielit chapel I on tJie suiitliside ot the ave nue, opposite the lscw west (or Dia lectic) building. Tin-plan submitted by the nvchit- et of the (toveinor's mm-ion. (Mr. SloatiA was adopted and Mr. Cmucroii w as ii'it lioi'izcd to contract for the lu'cded huulier at oii'-c. It was (leleniiiueil to hiivel I lie w ork doi'p through a superintend- J cut. provided a suitable one can he obtained. the bnihluirj will be hex agonal, iiliotft I'M) feet from north to sonlh ami liiS feet from oa-sl to west. The roof wiilbe without cnliunns. suppoited hy the walls. The plat form will he sit the south end and i will accommodate 'Jllil. There w ill he no e-jillcrics. The lloor w ill rise from Ihe platf.-rm so that the heads of those on the most remote scats will b.- :i hvel with the platform. 'I'he music (,'.i!!ery will be near the cslile.ih-. which has three doors. The windows arc laree juid extending t''t the lloor. so that if a panic should , occur, there will he places of exit on ' .til sides. The architect vouches for , , the iicoitvlic properties of the hall. : It is expected that all will he finish-' id by .next commencement. The bricks will biMiia le hy convicts. The luill will scat 'i.-JOll prisons. j This liiiililine- is reatiy needed. , Vol v many laities and yent leinen are unab'e on coiit'iieticelnent days to' obtain admission into Gcrrurd hall: ami e-,, iiw.iy dis.satisfi.-d. All Un people of the State who desire it imve the riht to witness the exei ciscs ...f their own I'niver.-ity. It will be a .-rami mcmona! of the. dis tinguish! I lee-ishitor. solicitor, jude, ;;ovi rnor. piesideiil.Swiiin. who ioved tiie inst itntio,-, uver which he presid ed with his whole heart and lahored so sileceslu ly for its advancement. Or. K. II. Lew is. chairman of the ;,ry miiusiuiii committee, expects to I. iv.- the e-ymmishiiu finished hy: commence mi-it licvt. so tha! il is: pi'ib.ilile t'hapel Hiil will witiies-.s, such il coll;,'l'. o,lt ioli of our people as ! never bi to;e ne t in it -i heaulibll 0BAS3E3 ad FLORIDA. I'l.i'M:;: tmvn :.i.kii.. anu i.-.o.v,i.-u ' I Nl.ei; A i.r.VV I l. c.i. lit..,, li." I--.!..; .-l.r ,nrl .i-;ii:,i-!-..v- .'f KI'.l'i.M i.e.l '. K.-, I ' .-!! full '-r h,i l-llf s, ., I. ..- . A;-; iiiu.-l li.-l. it.-cui,. , er, w n..;-, -Ill ih. It- ( I ils nni'.n 111.- I ill' - "f II"' S. llll. "111.1. . i.i -i it II.- II4C Uu- l'l'-.s,aKv uli'.rl, me II lap .' I I" i.i! ? I, -.-. vri.... It. .1. li Wiili-i.-... ..I r-.O IL. I... I I I , -Is iMikl.l. s T..l f s.vll.s .. Iftvi. III." w-.n.l l.r Its il.-!. I., in. I ii,.si.. :ii."'i,ni-iii .i.s.-.-is,., ; :!! :-. i: .. ti.'ll. 1 hull' il: ."I I! Ill llii. : f -l il. l. 'ii:.. lli-l .Iv.-I . t nii I.i ly, Willi til, im-.sI ' i.-ii,'l' iiu- r. suits, r s,i.ti...l i.i ,-i ni.llsli Willi l-l... Mll.l! Ulllfsll ll J.t.'.s. r..il"is an I I I'.'ll' l,l"ll f-.i- ti. i; tt.i.ser.il -I.- in il.i ly lail.'-l w Icily n. I.rui .-.I...IC. I n.n nl. i:!:i. hini.-ite tl.ni ih" T.iiu.- Ii-is Kioi'ty r.-n-V---I in.' ..'r.."i"ilt.v "I 11 t-..ul..-s..i,,,' lit.. I. ! .-..li II l.'ll ..f I st. .iii.i I, . .f ,ii,; slnil-ll.: i 1- I-, lit: i-l. il I'liritl.-r in i.i lio l-'i-iiut." j Mi.r . Ills, . I'm. full f.-....;i! llllflllHll Im il,.. fu..t tli.tt iif:.-r April li'.. I-sn. tiir- niiiu.. itn. , 'vi....t tins .r.'. nil . i, via iififiitii-r I..- siii,f.! I'M.IO li s T..SI, i l..' . r. "Oil. ii. 'Il '- .-I, t'.r lh.. I...I.S..U lint' , i in. nil. -1 tlfiilrrs a,-f .-..u- ii'-'y .1. '-. ioi tit. .tr .;,tr.'i,s l.y siil.srl.ilUim liii. r..'i- ir..i.tit,iU..its ia...-r Uif Mfiif".t .iiiu.-r, ' l Its ulltu, I' Is llll ill.llMi.l'ilillt l!,iv.. it. II ;.'!-.'- 1. 1 1 : in ...ir T .ni.. wf ,u-f sut-.. iluc "tir fi l"ii-ls win with us a., t.. tin- i.,--...-fl, ..f lh- .-halt'-. Tlinv w ,;1 I f ii.. . imi.i-.-. .....v.-r. In llf ...--.i:.l U"ii ti- - a . ,,' I all I.. .: !. - r. m.iltillij: In Uif linn is "I .Ifal.-rs. Wl',l..f.l llll.l.'r llf lllilll.'.. f "I'MIKKIl" 'I'.-,..." i. '..in a,. il'-. ml. if i:i--tl.-ii," I II. -i.-icitn-f ..f liiv..x .sr... ,s at il-.,. 1 . .t l . on ..f i.-.s'-l.. i..... r. ROTARY HARROW. I hav.- l...,,i;lii Ui iiniy ritflit L.r el.a:l-.:iin r. iiicy f..- II... sale ..f III" f. flf n'f l li'-rM;v lUKiioVV. il,. s.. l.ar...s i.if Ihe I.fsl hi s., ar.'l -r.-r' i'lrni.-i - u 1 1 1 :.. h.-ivf.i,,.. A m.-It-l nf I, '-.in i... sf-n ,-it L"ii.I"ii'i st-.r.-. f-r jirl'-.-s , ft. ly t.. JOHN S. CVMI'ltl l 1. i iiisi-'iM-. :,'. c. M.it. Ii lss-i. s'I'A'i'I'. OF NOKTIl CAKOLINA. ' eol VI Y I'- -II Vill M. Iv Tin: si ri.ia .i; ! K'-s ns.iitlst Alfiisl Matthfus all. I I...11 Ml'lnm. 'I'lil- Is :i s.f.-!sl pi- Iit.if I ll l.-iiin Ian. I II 11 lil si, ... a.i.l It ui.....-irini; Hi-it Vl.'rr.l M itt.,.H das alt Iti rr.'St II, s.'iM Itui.l a, ,1 Is a I,-.,, r.-si-l.-TC, Ii.- is If-.-f'-y u ii i 1! 1 1 I " I . a t .-1 a 1 . 1 a r a- ,! ...It' f ..f ih,. ei.-! k "I Oils irl clan -.'a .l-iw afti r U.f i..-:-i 1 t 11. 1- iii,:'.r..s. an I atisi, .If ii-.ui : Uif it .ini'.tTs.-..n'liiiiii.'-i-j i leu, fiii will '-'aiifii , .i-.. .s.ni.s.-... . r. 1 01 f-at. k. .im... 7. 1-,,. - .:. e. A c. CHANOK OK SCUKDI'LK - I. Mil TO I 2 .111 11 pi ' II II II 1,1 ' 7 I'. . Ill S II'. J' II. I -.;. r 1:1 1 Al- v N -,v li.il V.-ll, ...il M..I.--U... . ... r 1. e in ! M.mlr . "' I ' " J .s. Ill Slilll-,1 -I I'LL-. I- Ill !lls4.-...l II!. . in M .If -lire II T. . 111 M. rrv imkH 1 . ,n 1. 1,1 1 Sfw urn U is i' 11, .. 1 in 1. in c.-irv 5 an n ni C "J it 111 li Jl a 111 I. t: ,1 1.1 ? im -t in , " J 11 111 1 It it 111 1 sine .r-i 1 .-ii.,. r 'ii Miu.lv ll'i.-s 1 ..vs.. r II IT'imu Ihenl'-t, 1 t.'i it 111 I Arrlv,. ItnlfiKli. Hiimi m 1 .in iiuinlwr l .-..iii'ffii. ul llitniifi IU, c. c. nililwtiv l.ir elliirl.'lli' 111,. I nil K.lr wiulli. Trillli , 1 n ml '.' ,i.iin.-M li' llill.'l;!ll HHIi UiC lluli'Uh . lillsl ll lllllll'.t.! I'.l Mil N.ill Il'il'lh. ; riif 1 ul I re U'l.t ii-iiin, ti'ii I'.iss.-iiKcr i-.-.-i.-li iiit. l,..i, l.-nt-fB hnlfiiili ul : M . in. mi l rrlv.' . m J.t'i . ni. 1 JOHN f. WlKDF.i:. Sui'i'rhilfn.lfiil. i WOOL CARDING. ! 1 AM fiir.Hii! r".'! ul in v lnill n Hitw liv.T .1"- j ina tlrsi-.-ltisi. "rk vv.. .-.-in mkf "in nil "I Urn , I. iirr mi l ii-.tsh wh.n .I'.iif. Hit- w..l Is Iwiiit! than lmii.l-ii. -Will. All il.' fiii..in. r nr.- rr ,iur- ; .I .. .1.. in I., wnth ttit'l m-i-iuix Uif wi wl'h .i.tli : Hi-fits.. ih . rr.-,u"' will ii..l .l"l- Wf lil 'I" Hi" ! i vislni;. II inf..i-try, nml mnko un .'linruf r..r II 1 hi 11 Uif ! i.f Hit litr.l. t'uiii..m.'rs muii hrini! sliwis i.r winiftliliiK u.wri. Un- rU In liis will I II. .I .1-.. t II) r .---.' is .tl.MSiMll l.'l t'-ll "I'I' 'I ''I'I' S t tv .iiii., wi'iichiiiii llf r..l. I n'll U: hrl1ip : . r. l.llir.,1 llll LTHlU Illl'l V 'l Will I ,'Cnl M.'1-..sh il,.,riv-r. JAMl.tKeK. , May ol, 1H"-J. Sim , I'LKASANT LOIMiK ACA DKM V, j ALAMANCK COUNTY, j T. M. K()ni:inS0N, Piimlpiil., FM.i, UrSflnS iMVln uly','h. Iimru.- U.,11 lli..r"iii:ii. Iii-i.li.,f inll'l hie llrm. t'.'in- timnliT t-r- hfiiltiiiul- scrwi-'tni.'N i.i aihn-1 Tim li.,r.l. wiisliiin.'. I'i'-I nnrt lliflii" f. '" "-r 111..111I1 T,iltl..n l.i "- " F'.r lir. uiKr iin.l .iii-U. iilrs 11.1.11'ot.a Iho J'lin. liNil hi l.tNti'rt Mtl.l.s. N. C J Juro-ill, int.1. 'Ji- I K.t wounil. ill"nnn "r ..Uipr ilhu l.ini). Wl.l'.ws. minor i-hll.rri. , .,rf,ir.l, fwl.TKll'.!!. In.Tfiiws, r-'.inlj'. hm k ptT nn.l iiK.'intricvM ..i.uuu.si. ApWr m "ii-". .Ifinv nr.'.it.-.-s yur i,!lii- H'l hy Inw. A.I- ' ili.-rti. lili slump. lli t'l t''lifli"l llrm i.f H.1...N , I'll . Alt"illJ'b ll Chtlin AtfULr. Vl f bi., Wm1jiiii;!"U. l. C. yuM. miscellaneous r 5fT U a. JlAHDWAhM-; OF J-:VKRY l'lCRIPTION. Sash, Doors sind Blinds, LAUGKST STOCFv IX XOUTII CAROLINA. JUZ.ZVS IXWI3 A. CO., .Tune 'IK H'.i. R.LEIOH, X. C. wm:s vor vamk th II A I, i: I ii II look roi; Tff 1: black front store andthkfucim or j. a iJiircwsTEii & uo., Haiiware, Tiuware, Stoves, Farming IiDjIeffleDts, ic, k iciu buy ytuir "KING COTTON" COTTON nous. (.It A IN 1I A Dl, I S. CKASS iU.AOr.S. WV.cro yon can jet. llin most Goods and Best Goods for the least Money AOIIN I S l.,r nml (.iVeriny vw tu MKRCHANT.H r lU I UNT S I OWUI !:. nil crn.lrt. i .' lli'W I.'s SI'VM'VIUi seM.KS. Tin-hi-st 1'iia.lr. K:r,i N-.. I KI'l:ils;Nr au-l Vl.VI'iiiN SKCIM I V 11II.S 1 ir KF.MIXtiT'lN CiTTDN mi l I'l.VNTKIIK lOKt, ltd., .Ml'. Write lor juices. We j;ivc trotiijit ntlentiuii tu all onmtu'uioationi tui J urlers. J. c. KKKWSTKK : CO., April '. lS.s:t. IUlkioh, X. C. xouuts, wya'tt taylorT cotxou C02VHV3XSSIOHI MsncizArarTS, it vr.i:!.;n. rv. . t'l'NsU.NVII.NTS Sill.t, I Tv.tl. tii,lll-: I'hii i: A NO I'linvtCl- ItflVIINS lil'AIU.NTKI k Fertilize Your Wheat if Yon Want it to Pay Yon. 1..-.IKI SACKS A MM ON I ATI:'. I ANO ACID PHOSPHATES, The U -st rerti'.it-r M.i.le Ut Wheat uinl Outs. Now in Ddjiht Rb(1j for Sliiuuelit. Seiul v.iur uiileis l, Mieiei.. a v.vi r s: tayloh, lil..i(-.i. r. c, Si-i.ti-i.ji.fr 1. irrt. I HI S. ME & CD., ISAf.KKMI. N. C. ! GRAiND OPEMMl NEW GOODS It ii: Tif K SPRING an! SUMMER TRADE. We ofli-r 11 liii'o mill tit tractive hUh-I; tf Dress (io.i'ls. Silks. Ii!n-k 0. h!. lress Triiiiiuiiis. Ii:c us. i).'hi,--lh s. (iiu'- 1. iui.-. ! I.isii i c ill: 1 ( I'.iv e.--: Sliot s f'.r I. : in -. Mis-.es, Cliil.lreii. (!. :;'.!. u:. u ;i;.. I Dues : J fills : ( J.eitleu.-u'rt Suitiii'.-s, mill ( '::.; in. el vs. I e II t U C K V .I. e.'. . I toil-it), s ; H'Utse Keepii:;; i.i.i-ls. 1 ('!ir.ets. M.iili::us. .Vc. Kvervtl.i.i- NKW, ( HOICK tin.! JiKSlUAllLH in il.c 1 UV ; (J()( MIS liui tit pu)iil:ir U'ie:'S. 5et p.. 's fur least iiiiiney. I!i' sure Iti c;il I w hen mhi tire in Uiileiiili. SatistiictiiMi uaraiitcttl. ; W. H. & i. S. TUCKER & CO. j Mlirrll ISKI. Mm Tackle Departm&ut. T. H. KKMitiS A. SONS, UALKKill. N. C. Dvt i- niiiitv iliiV.-rchl i.(.s aiul 8 kin.la ..f HOOKS. Japaneso Bamboo Poles,! (iiicesl and jHi'tst stock.) GILL XmiXH, OILUNG THItKAD, SKlNi; TWTNK. MIX NOW 1)11 XKT.S, NKT IlINGS, LAUDING NET FRAMES. SPIXNKKS. SWIVKJjS, Ft i I.E TIJM, -i liET .SCALES. We Imve (lie largest stock Biul Hell lit the lowest liliccs. Ci-arCull ami ekninii.e our tttotk. KVEKYTI1ING A FISHER MAN' NEEDS. i i LEA DEI IS in Hakdwahk, FISHIMG TACKLE, &C. T T1 einhim A nwrlnl'T. Ami A I I I1VSTH. AUDinOitM. HOME Ji Lil 1 STI.AU CCflTIElCATEM nml U klmls "f l.VNII S'-IUI' tt.il-TlU nut n-'li lJtr Hu, k. .ui'l IIKilll-ST I'lUCM PAld. Drnwe wnitl i lon"ll i.r huy? I' !. wrlm In A. A. WlHnt Atisra-al Law. WaliliiK(4iu, I. . Advertisements. THE ALL BIGHT COOHBG STQYL Tin" lll.-VHli.1l,., S.ilil'AHail'.l'f.V llrfh.,ru.4l Sl.lVf. HIitii.llH -f to lllf I'lUittv tUl bVW T W KNTV-FI VK TH0VS.4 NO of th'wstfMM lihve ti(MM hJiV, mni'llint In wtriy Inyiainv limy wa pKrtt Entire Satisfaction, PRICES VERY" LOW. rv- wnt rr ntshi i l auilti!ne Mid I.!nt ii Viirn'tiirr, FARM SELLS, PLOW LINES, HARDWARE, AC. M WL WEEKLY EM ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Tin- fir iitn,l"ii 4 thin .nAr nfwpir ut s.ln.hiHlly liL-r.-i-liii;. Il .-..nlinni, nil inn VrweHtii n.-w-H ( Uif linili- II. 'nil-1 iin.1 1 rr.iujr.l l han lj l-'l tin ii;. .ij. TU I'llltKIliX XKVVK iiil'i-.iffn .. tl ..n'.'h' rr.fit all qMrlri i4 hliv Kl"'. rit'l'-r Hit- hi-u.l of ANK1IICAX .NKWS nr.' fclwn tin- Tflnrr.l.' Iitniiatrkv nf lh ink fi-..tn nil j,nrl of Urn I'lrttm, Thlit feitturv ala ink.-M TIIE M'KKNl.Y IIEKAI.P th ni'-iM v,ilii,iin.ifl,r..,il.-lf In thn wofU. iu II to Un- lfiiifst. Kvfry wif k l r!u fhhful r H'Tl "I 1-0I.1TH-AI. XETt'S, fiiii.r.i'hi ,-i.iiiplftf nu t '.inirflii.iii,Tilnfipteh .-s tr..,,, VVn.iiiiK'... liK hnlhiii tuU rwpr.rtit nf th sp.sH ii.sot t'iiiii'ul.ttil-lntia mt llM.iunttlnns f llin h"iir. THK KAim T)KPAI.TMENT f-f VVi;VKI.v HthVl.li (Ivn IlKlnlmt wll us th- n si .ritf:'nl siig-4'm,'hiiii ntxl tt.imTrlti4 rflniini; I. Uif .hiU. k M Hit fni'Qi.'r, hlata Ur rl li.,; I'.i.ll", ..iliry. i.llliif. 'ri.-fn. V.'c.ithlM, km., '.. Willi Mii,:i;fHit..iiH ..r kHH.line hullrllnffn nt in. iiiiii.- iin.iisii.s in i ,nir. 'II. U, l uppmBlr.t In ,-i w. Il"-lll.sl lriHi'lll,f lit, wWnijr fr.lrrt, un4r ),,' hf.l l .,t TIIE HOME i(ivtn' io-l. fur .i-;.,i.-iil .ll-li.. hhiK fnrmak In.' I. .1 Ii 1 1 nml f .r li"lliHI up trtib lb IW4 fusiii'.ns ni Uif l-'Wfsl i.ri.-f. liv.ry hum of iMHk 1 1 1 1 ..( .-.iin.iny ilHr.nlnit III lliii ilnirtnint k I fH.-'i I'-.'illy I, Hi ts 1 l.y .xfrlit Ui.nr i.uhlh'itilo", l..-iifist frtni ..ur FhfIm nn-l l4i..n.s-irrnttiiitvt i.ll Uif ht- Ijilistt liinhl'iliti. Thn lloimt litprl iii. i,: "i- ih - VI i rKI.V HuiAl.l. mil M1T tho hOUM- .. in. . i. "hi in l-.iiii.lrol ll'iirn ih n-tr ot th 1'iil.fr. T.'ir- inti'i-fstt' trf rKti.i.Ki) i.Aiion an' ..k"l nfi.-r. mi-1 I'Vfrrililiif: ratntHia t li'iiil.-!, nn.l l.-ihoriivln tt fnrtifHlljr r'-nrd.l. 'I'u.H Is n ASii iicvoil i. All thn lniw.1 ,ht H llf hir-in.-sH iimrkfiH. er...n, Mi'riiiiiliin. t.r Ai'. A vnhi'ii.1. ii'itiint. U fnimn- In ihe irtitn ifKiii.l iWM-rit mill n.ndlil'.Mnf TIIE IIIIH)-CK JIM.-KPT. S."rilnir N.-w-h nt hnnif mi.) nhrnn.1, tocthr Willi n S'fi-y .i-ry wis-k. n Krn.i by uim il. ti. n: .livuif, l.li.'inry, viusi.-itl, )iiiinilf, WrM nn.l Sun Ni.ifs. Ttir (Aim .nt.r In lb Wrl4 whl"i mniiiK s.. mii' li titt muutn-ry "l us llf VVffiily H.-rnhl. whlfh I mm , p !; frm, l,.r uni l"ltHr. Vnu twin rtlmtrthA at Any Unity. TIIE NEW YORK HERALD lu A wrvkl? form, &t.rnnri New York Herald, Hi-, .n-l way nml AuiiHirta. Vew fork. If.-niU-r w, lsuii. C. C. 12A.THH1T, JOS. P. GTJLLEY, OF IIALEIGH, N. C. i ' ni n .hilly rn-jilvliif nw (nmt fnr th rMaf . Mi'-li im llnyilfifii, Nflloor And Mtlm' tatlBii'a hHiiil-HfwiHi Miihui, hlKli AnU low out. In All mlyUm. I .-i.i In,-, Mlss.n' nnil t'blhlronH' butinn Kltl 8bnM, llr mill kt the ct'li'hrAiod Fearl Shirt. 11m j lir.-sMli...ls, liniilii, blt'Arhnd ADJ unblAch4, I Willi.. (i.HjH, ItlhhniK, Buttoiu, ftpnnl 8(lki, Law - iui.l IVIglnm, nn.l nit mhor fv4 In A fnH , ry Doll nli.ro. lU-mninhxr w kf p fnH AUMk nt (-..l.lrc. t'All nud am u wbD Is our nvkM. Ai'iil 13, 1NU. 3mm. : J. L. ALLm & 00, FA Y ETT K V I LLE, N. C. MANUFACTURERS OF s-AK U . Wholesale and Retaij. Dsalkm : Furniture, IvX hit, Im AKI IliiUders Material flfnortlly. Factory on Mumfonl Street. BalfMi Kiiotnsoii (ireeu aud Gillenpie StreeU. N. 1. lWi. W. E. AMEI(t. CrwldAt. iOH. a. SHOWN, GMhla i citizkss national bank, ItALI'.Kifl. rv. c.