THURSDAY. JVIYY .r, isl. LOCAZ, RECORDS. BAnd now the hum of the wheftt-threshor is hoard throughout tho land. QrTlic harvestd is over and our farmers van now light '-Gcjieiul Green" with bettor success. WDem't forget that yon can buy tho eheapest (iiiids in tin county at the store of J. H. Harris, which are being sold tit and below cost. tfiiy l?vnum & Henden have on Double Shovel and hand Avery's Oeorgiu Stock Plows. Milliter's l'ar mors l'neint, Watt. JtolaiulWiiu mm Avery's oiie-hors!? Plows: Cultivators ftiul full lint- of plow castings. . -. &T At the sale of the. old Phillips Ktore at. this place, on hist Saturday. Mr. Scbuin Durham became the last and highest bidder at the sum of f:U7, which he paid cash. -Dv niuii & lleadeu have jnst one ease of 200 pieces short rereiveil one ease of 200 l piece Laces. 10 cents each. Aiso, mother lot Miles' Ladies' tine Shoe:. with many other additions to their stock recently, long way. A liltle I'asli goes a A wwi i.isu lbHnve you looked at the Htoek f Clothing London has on hand, if not. ami you wish to buy. it will pay you : ho is offering Clothing extra V, 't,vc cash H liaH'still on ban 1 low row easii. e lias still on namt a lew of those cueap niraw iiais, ( which he is offering rhutpur thauj fiver. Has a full stock of all kinds of goods and they must be sold, j Money is what is wanted. j . a.i i.i IT t I "A peiuiy saved is a penny made !" You can save your postage, registering fee, lime and trouble! of writing a letter, besides paper, ink and envelope, at least l.r cents, by railing on Morris, the newsdealer, uud buying such Magazine or paper ns you may wish, or giving him your order for the same1 if he has not got it on sale. You do no! have- to pay for it until delivered, and then only one e-opy at a time, if you wish, ami eiutepnt taking such pubheat ion when it suits von to do so. DooU. back numbers of iiapers and magazine's ordered when reipiested. bctf- You e-itti t'tlld at Loiidou's a nice lot of .Muslins. I.tiwns. uing- jiams and ol uer seasonaole J'ress Goods at very low tiguivs. ;i la gi Ktockof Lac s and other Trimniings, J' tins and Paraso s very low. Ifyo-.t wish a nice summer dress London's ti thii phwu. H! is giving the v,-rv'""-, 1 111,11 ""'"hot .Ju.y la,t b'-s't bargains for cash. A few e'f i ''" 'jrought with it a most refresh- those cheap Dusters for Ladiei still '" sll"wnr utter a .rotraet.-d .by . . 1 .sue I of iii inv t tl,; i....,i. ;.. on iianei. K3- Pti.e-ham School Ca! .do.'iie is rn,..iv.l Tlw.i-.. e. , moils in attendance in 1SS2. 140 from North ; Cnro'ina. and 11K ntlraeted from1 other States by the ste adily increas-1 nig lame of the ncliooi. lh new buildings areiimi-h better than those burned u year ago, and are lighted -wiui ineiiesi vtvmiiastuiu in ' the South has been erected and is p4.j,i,.s p,n?tl.,,;. f,- 1)(,a. wpnpped with the best apparatus., toes for poor-l;o'use. A lirst-dass JJath H.mse is nearly j w p Hadley, for 20 bushels rvi' iw v .1 - ''i'.'i for peior house. We are glad to see u North ( aro-, (. Ny Fmishee. in:!veiit fees, liiia enterprise so progresmve ami so j j.',,l,(.is ymTl.n fr ,. f, ,r Biieeessftil. See advertise-tuifit. poor house. Dr. H, (.'. Jackson, as ihysi- HofiHEBimNKfi. We regret, to learn cian at poor housti and jail. Hint Mr. M ien Ci oss. of Dut:khorne L. L". Womble. for bacon lor township, had his dwelling burned ! poor-house, on last Tuesday afternoon. Nothing ; I. W. Bland, for bacon for saveel ejeept a Sowing Machine. poor-house. I W, It. London, for supplies Lf.oisi.ativf. Acts. Our Register ' fr peior-honse ami court of Deetls has received iinel is ready j house'. to elistiibilto the e'ojiie-s of tlui Acts Dyinilii & Ilea h it. for sup of the luto LegisliUurc. They make ; plies for poor-house ami epjite a bulky volume, and must of I cotir). house, them aro of a private nature. ; Edw ards, Jiroiighton A Co., . j for Dlanlf l(.oI"ii. Maiuhaor Licenses Only 3 llml . YUliam .Moore, for work on i iuga .liceuscH wero issued by our j ,,.'.',','.:u ,,lls'.' :.eeomtnohitiiig ltegi.!r iliuiiig the i " llll!in' Hc-iitheoek. for furm ii.ofith of Jiiue2 Ut whites ami 1 to i Um' f'"' ',,l" t. u,s!'- , - .:ored. This is 1 loss than for eor-, responeling moutli last year. ooiv CorriN. Oi) the 7th day of. May Mr. C. W. Jiyimm. d Baldwin township, plaiilci! ft fii-hl of cotton. )iud on the "ililh eif June there was a stalk iii the Held thut had 25 sepiaros : or tonus. He 'fwyR HiHt his cl.op!,IfI')';'. ',j"'-' h best tlwt he eve-r ; ',,)l,,' ,ls i A. 1, Paitibt th. as livomisiba to be the- hud. Town Taxe-i. At the hnt meeting ! "1"'') of the rimniissiours of this town! ,l- H'"iks. as Coroner, he Mowing town fxes wero levied ; L- A- Hanks, lee for siim ortheensuiiiifyeiw, viz: nmiiiug jurors. Ou every poll, IS' e:fits; on every I TJ,L ,'lf' f(H' Hsse ssu..; land t i i .l.ii i... I'.'.l. r.. 1 L'li'v. for iLssessiin' him uuuiueu uoiiui i iLiii-ii., nonfat 111 avfit-v iioithil ol iiiietiiilu.e; of patet luoel'icines. wares, etc, iinrl nn evpi-v ltiiiini- deuler. S'2!i. mi t. - 1...I.1.. i 1 11I1KH LUIL'N 111 I1IU IlLIliV 111W1I1 ,.f nv t,..r in Hin State, an4 there isnhvnys laemey in' the town trciMiirv lo miv casli on, teyery order. IlAiiPiN'a Factohy. For the first I html, Jinie since its establishment here, xve ! O. W. Thompson, for as.scss rwently visited the wagon and buggy ' ing land, iie-tory of the Hardin Urothers, and ' J. ti- A. Leiich. for asse-ssing we were pleased to nog ho many evi- hud. dene-en of their skill nd prosjierity. ' J. A. Woniuck, for assessing There re ejuite a number of xvork-: lum, men emjloyod, nml all the work is L. F. Paid in. for assessing systematically divided mong them. ' laud, We do not hesitate to assert tbut all Lemuel lylljs, for assessing heir xvork, including the blai'ksinith-: laml, ing, tho wood-work, tha painting nd , Robert Stiirdeyant, for assesn the trimnu'ng, will conjjvire most fa- ing land, vorably wiih any in the State. We Carson Johnson, for assessing are uleiuied to know thai their enter-! land. prise is meting with every encour agement, and their vehicles ore in roat demijjid. Nkw Mail IJ u'tk. We mentioned some! ime ago Unit a new nmil route 1 hml beon established from lliis place ! . . t i xt i- .' ii. it ID tionil iew nil h, near me .-viaiiiuiicc line, hut it had not been s:tjiol witli service until to-day. anil even now it eleios not eost the geivemiiieul an vtli!tr. Tho Postmaster General I ileti.ined to let out Hie route to con I tract, so (lie eitissens along the route have dubbed together and hired a mail-earner, who will take the mail I once ti week, leaving Newlin's at (! a. in. every Thursday, arriving here at 12 in. and return same dav. The new- ollices to be supplied on the route are Hnscne at Mr. Jesse Jl. West's. -Chester" at Dr. I'll). Manns, I ami '-Leota" at John Xewlin's. I The readers of the IIkcouii til these offices can get their papers on the I day of publication fresh from the I press and thus hear the latest news. I This fact. ought to enable us to have - , a large list -of subscribers at. each of tliesu ollices. ; s.-mmkh Yisitoiis. Our town has always been a pleasant summer re- soi l, and during warm weather it U ' thronged wit h visitors, some of w liom ' nru invalids and others are pleasure ; seekers. Among those who have jarriveil heio this summer tire tho ilollowing: Messrs. A. J). Jjiptutt : j1.'"1 'J ll""Kls Jmm's with tln ir fami- i'"' lt'' Holerts. from Wilnnngtoii : Mrs. Jlioliurd Moore .....l ..l.o.i r:.... f :.. ir i. ffcim t iiii.u . -ii. .nii .iiiiii' iiiiieu- ton. ami Mr. Joseiih II. Kniory.' of 1 t-"i,,,,ull : blisses Aildie ami belle , , Af . r , .,,-,. I Mrs. Crnbtree. Mr. J. W. Jackson, and Me ssrs Willie ami .linunie J liomp- ;" "om i aieign : rsa.iu- . i hits, oj .joniisoii : ami .tnss jetti(i ! t'lliiigton : M"essrs. James Ditcman i '"' L"'"T with thnir famiiic, . i,,,.,,,,, ., V), nml ,.ii;i,ii-..i, ,,r T.i.i........ . -u.. liuily ijeid. of South Carolina: and Mrs. Hubert Sutton, of Kit D eli's.. - - riiK '(ii.oiiiocs Fofirrn." The one. hundred am) s.cvcnth anniversary of the Declaration of American Inde- oendeftee was celebrated Vestcrd.iv not only in everv town tin I village of the I'tiited Stales but iu ewrv c'ime where mir banner waves. The hear) of every true American swells with prhjV as he e'oiiteiijp'afi's tho vast ex tent, the immense resources of everv drsei iption. the exiiauding cdiaitiuri-- - of the count ly and the civil, political j"'l religious liberty which In. enjoys. n s mei.i mat the nil sitonUI if h'v f gi !;eral reioieing. for us Ion I as recoliection of the e ve,l which it commemorates re-maim fresh in our I memory, just so long may the light of our independence! remain iiuil.m ! med. A it hough the. day was ushered llll liV a ilellglitful shower v..t that reined not in the h a-t to throw a , "' !'l"' "!'' H"" njoyinei.t ot tin- loi ed portion of our nouulat ion. ' ln('""s Nvl" ""'",1 Our fitrnit r friends will tloubt less . v :y.' ; : -. ...-. i spt similar to it in that the wealhci for i ! Week has been almost hll- ' heinable and the ganleiis and 'row- ,-l',,lw lt)'t..i.,g for it. " 0111 III I.ssiotltTs' Mcelillg. i Tl.i. ...umfv ..,.i,.i..;j;.,i,,.. : ,i.i,.' ,..,,,i.. Lmiiiiv i.,-i : Mimday and Twesilav. mi.raudited ' t . f : ,,, 12..t :51.5i; 4:$..-l i 1. 7.CS 2 12 1 i i ioj Jli.ll): . -''' ,ss J'"1 M' L. Ii. Kxline, services as ('lei k. issuing orders. ,Vc. For services at coroner's iuoilest on body t:f infiint : J. A. iv.'.-haiji, sis jui-or. (5. A. Thomas, as juror, J. T. Woinblc. as juror, ).:') 1..V) J...V) J.r,(i J..V.1 1.511 juror. juror. . Dr. J. ,M. Miinning, as umdi- 10.(1!) 10.(1(1 R Peirv. for assessiinr laud. Kl.tHI ' - . - . o - - - : D. Hiiiriiigtow, for assess "'o lailtl. J. 1 ). Moore, for iLssessin FS" M. West, for assessing land. 1I.0: . - "U'der for i o oo ! ui"u, T. W. (iattis. foras.sessing hind, 10.0(1 j , ii. Ji. JJuiiiain, for assessing 10.00 ' 12.00 - 12.00 J2J)0 P'" J0.00 10!) 12.00 1r ,p . , , J IJ . fyKor. for osse-ssmg land. 10.00 Al H I vol' i.sw,.sii., bud. S . , AV ,. ...V 1, , Ki-puks Dkath. Jenny 'Wilson, a colored woman living in Xnv Ifone , township, died suddenly and without !.... -' l.j'ft ..I i i: ..l.'. t. ... " :-i i nggi'-. whim- miniu my cuu i cu hi. Pdienczcr on last Sunday niuniing;. 1 She had prepared break fust for her ' family that morning ami was in up- parent good health when she t'jolf her seat in the church, some 15 20 minutes before she died. State news. erioits cut Kdcnlnu Kiiijuher: A ling scraj.o took liiri on Sutiirdav last, at Merry lLll. 15crl:e eonnl v which Monroe Dell so badly slabbed ! Isaac. Davis (Doth colored) that his life is almost despaired of. Liquor. Cioldshoro' Messenger: Miss Lucy I Hargrove, daughter of Mr. Civ.v llartrrove. living near Tarboro. was ; accidentally phot in the back by a compamnn with a pistol while out iisinng. ; serious. The wound is said to be M'inslou Seuliiieli Kvei'vtbiur is bustle nml activity in Winston's man- ufticluriiig circles, right now. Over three thousand hands are emiilovcd in the t weni v-odd tobacco factories, il week. who avctnge seven dollar? waires. The sum of S M.(i(H) i.ut into J.n-al circ.ulal ion everv Saturday iihrht I js something but few cities 'in the South of this size can boast of. llaleigh Visitor: That, whole .. , ,. " ,. . hail S. Carr, eso., ol Dnrhani. con . f, i,'l,l,1 ar,,ftil,k",t ,l"",i"!t l'f f"Vs lo defray uio expenses of rentoviii Ihe remains of our North Carolina soldiers now buried at. Arlington to the cemetery in this cilv. A pri -V "" "'"'"f tlm I inveisitv, to a fru.ud in this cilv. vate letter from President Dalile. of says theie tile l(i( Noiucilites, repre ! st'"ll" 'oity eigl.t coui.tiub. j Salisbury Wal.-hman: A genlh ' man iu this town speaks of a narrow :eseann Suiulav night last. While all tincoiisciimslv wrapj.e.1 iu sh'ep with his family, a sheet ot phiste-ring about i feet siiiuare! tore loose just, above 1 his bed and came lown with a re- sounding crash. rortunnlt iy the llake hung a litlhi nt one end. wl v.vung ii from a vertical descent and,,. I The m.ii.ion that thev were saved the- family painful injuries. Plast ri'is. take notice and elo your work well. j -:iilvheth L'fll !, nj,,, .,t So t Kconomisl : Satiir- nitli Al ills, tn a drink ing store, a homicide was committed upiiii a young man named ISurhhnisi. a son of Isaac Ihuiihau.. eif Camdeu county, by a negro, with a deadly weapon known :is a black jack. il at'tiefirs that some white ineii we-re drinking iu the bar when the. in.i'ro came in for a drink and pushed his ay up lo the liar. I.urnliani. who XVas pi nt,1 tlii. iii.i.-i... ! ,,,,,1 ,.i.l....f I.,'... ..,,f 'V.n ' t .,t ... .i .... i i ...:,t.'7...i ' went . saving anv t bin:,' st ruck liiirnbtim on j the bte.'k of the head, of whiej, ,h,w 1 ,ylv,i The- negro was arrested and : i -i i . , i , noogen m (.tinmen jail. Ashehoro' Couiier: One-eighth of an iii-re tit lanil at tlaiHli'.'maii em tint North side of Ihe Kivef sold a few days ago for "0.0(1. A few years Hgi. tins land would not have brought one dollar an acre1. Tho Jones ht.idimine two miles so-.tthwest of Ashe- bom w !,. .,. oiw.n.'.l .f,.v,.ii.i..t A :?0-horse power engine is now being jput up by Messrs. Stoutenbtirger & ; Co., an 1 all t he machimu v neeessai v . 1 tt.ry narrowly esevipe'd a big (ire hint 1 1.1)0 ' week. A bale of e-ottou in t!je Li; 1. t.":pT House raught the fnu.u a fuiiL'h ' aecidcfiHy dropped but, was discover- l'.l.OO ci in time to prevent any serious damage;. The- bale of cotton which caught v.:;s too badlv burned to be used. This was the only loss. j - T, . , . Davidson Di-pal-h; Mr. A C I Ilegenused o ne hundred and six po tn..n.hep.bjo,,t the ( n.cago . nun hi t ii ii'i . i ie i .ca it t'S i ' ., , i-i i oii; vi i:i-ihii .-iii- u iiui icu iai;:e i .... e . ,: " : uiiitiii.-iii s oi illicit ui une e uaiii v. iti ...ui ... i .1. ... 1 ,. .. , , . i iiii e i in i i ii lit- i in ii i: i ii a 11 I iiik- ill : I i t.n a cttip 01 i-iii iv jieacnes. 1 nose 11. .0 ...... ,,.,M,,,,..i '.,.1 :.. r 1 !;'- o"' ....... .n 0 : iiie pitis)t:ci uir line peacucu ,i Uiil-1-,"'iter. A white blacklie-rry is an : anoinalv its f.-ir as the name i. i-om i 1 n- ' etl, and :, eairiosit.y 1 t -, n ii- , I as we. in ims pan j ill'. A. ( He.'," . i of the Ktiuitrv. showed Ub h bunch we're grown in his yi'steiiiitv inai i i .. ' i r ... i .Hi lieu. .V lew years ago. the bi'i rv was found :.. . ...:n :.. .. I...: .. .. .. i . Lei . i o- ' nil nun iii u inii'i mii'ii mil- eii vei '.,,. i ,.,.:,, i ; . . . .' ,. , ,tWO houses 111 tier 111 Hill, ai. d has since been cultivated to! .some extent. Moore (Jaettc: Moore c,.nt v a o ,.,,,. inn 1... ... I.,..! . dred y ears ,1,1 Win- .,i l,.; !.,.w.:"f: ;;i ne arly i (ieiiiennial ? The fiirnieis are i now engaged in wheat and oat bar, 1 ve.stiug. "The eros in some sections I are verv good, in others, not so prom- ising. 'The oat crop lu improved I ,.,.,. imm.-Ii iii..-. it... h,i,i I very miicli sine-o the lute! ranis. (Jot1"."-'" v " ' ' ,". " 1.8t;i'ii and corn and other crojis are looUn.'g well. Ihe grass crop will he 11. The grass crop will he 1 V4'r.v Farmers of Moore conn- , ., chfiilies! thin" to nn.rove : i t'.nii u-ni-ii mf Iii.-lw ,,l. . . , . : ' . i.) mi i ftovv in .itiius inul .inly ami broadcast' ,nd. l-Ioo'ou" ' i''''' -i' Yon may ' . . .V""' "";r liv the pea 1 ,m, i,,,.,, i Uinhir the vines and seed outs or rye. I?v this e-heaiv lutice-is vou wil1 "'l,rov tll hirgcly in crease your crops. Charlotte .Touniiil: Two large cotton r. .... ...:.... 1 1 . .v t i i- i 1 fill-tones, the Tiiivi -i-iih nn.l W.nwl jawMi 1,,,,,, j,, (j.lst,; county, were ' sold at public miction h day or livo since by adecreeof the Sujici iorCnui. i favor of creditors, by Mi. K. hi. P. Osborne, commissioner. Tins Law-; rence, the largest, and finest of the two projicrticK. was sold for i?15.0(.i0 land was bought by Mr. J. dm II. Hall, ,j,f1 Judder. The Woodlavvn was bought by thJ win' party for 12,000 . We have just received news eif the death of Col. I),ui. Coleman, one of .,1.1 I...... l...,.l..,..,.i... .,t , i ....... ,i...,. i, i..s Kti -in inn, . ,5t fl),. ls,),ft limo 1)iut a ,csident of : ... .... 1 II... llll guuit. ii y, wljere be lit Id a i olio iu Ike Itsury Dejiiutmcul 1 of (lie United States. A light took ' olive, at a colored ft slivul in J.ineoin ' inn in wliieh four well known dosjicr. ..... . i ii. i r . . . .. i. hi u ncgi o Diuiuei s naiiicu uogau h kik j an active part, A negro named hit merman bad bis skull crushed in willi a crowbar, nml will die. One of the Logans had throe lingers cut oil' with Taiborough Soulheriit:r: Saturday1 night, about 12 o'clock, (lie lwi-!liii;'- of Mrs. S. L. Savage, near Scotland Neck, wits discovered to lie on Ihe I The liames had j - that thev could ;aiiied .such headway not lie staved. Ali ' "t the out houses were consumed I gi:llier Willi then contents. In fact only a few articles of wearing apparel was saved. Tlit. lots is Miniated til. three thousand dollars, and no in surance, Tho (ire lirsl cauhl in the dining room and them rapidly It was spread over the entire house. the encroachments of thr Dames that aroused the immtites from their sleep. Last wei'k a colored mail w nl. to a neighbor's bouse lor his dog which had left home a dav or so b- fore. Tin , dog was secured cj.d with his owm r ' started lot home. ( n ihe way the I l"g und the man '-fell out" and a : genuine light ens.ied. in v.liich the man earn" out sec iiid best: lie was thrown down mid seriously mid terri bly bitten. The llesh on tin- right arm hi in;' liternl'v torn from the bone in iniinv places. The physician do nske'il him who drc.e 1 his wound ! if he did not intend to get rid of tl I dog. I Iu reply was, '-)c dog enst 'me too much money; I paid two dol ! His doctor's us for linn when lie was a liminv. bill, we suppose, w ill not be charged to the canine, Wilmington Staff Vi'e learn that same family iti live members of I'm s this cily were made sii night from e.ilii g ,'al.e K on .Monday and drinking lemonade. A voting mulatto bv the name of licltick Lowrev, aged about ii years, w:is 1'oiiiid liadly man Jj'ied e.-li the tl tli k of tl:.: ( ':.fu:iliil Vhtral Kailfi iad. h v. inoi ningssiiice. aliont i'.m-i,,il,ll,i....i,!. of !.', .1 !,..,,,l.. j j., lnl)(,M, .-omitv. - -We learn thaL j M ,-. Samue l J. Davis lost, a .'ino horse ,, -i,, ,!., i,;.,!,i !...t .,,.1 m.o. v 'j'. Davis and .!. F. Post. Jr.. one on ii. Tues.lav ni.-ht. folhr.vii:.. r.nd lha! it is sniiiMtscil tin! It Miitt.iril ui noi. i foully dealt w ilh i.s fnund'.d on tho jf iet that the horses were in a stupor j from which tle v co:;U not bearoii.-ed I from the time tle-y were attacked nii 'tll they died. --.Mr and Mr-. ( 'Italics ! M. St'eihii tii left this morning f..r i New York, whence they will sail (:', j Iv.nope, on the sU-iiuiship lioihuia. of the Cnu.ird line. ue'-,t Ve:inesda,v. j Their many friends wiitii them ti pleiis anl Ii in and a safe return. Thev e - I l'ct to sin u 1 about Hi fee monlh I abroad. We h-irn that a boy in I im cii" was nuien nv a raiuesnaKe . ! a lew i nvs .:'". t he aiii!' ol f ie s.-rnen; I elile-l in.' the end of on- of bis fiie'ei.s. ul en lu. m..!...! , lmielu t wlii.-b 1. n . i l'i'ne-1 lo lie near at hand ntiu cut Ins 1 1'u.ger oirbef, -re t he nuiyoi. ha.i time' ! t t.pread through his system. ! i ! l-Vvpllovilb. ni.u.i-w. r'nl Ml.-in. i "'; Cssj.tant Sn;ierin(en,l, nt of the! i ,- lll"1 ' i tauiitu alley u. ii., j has re-signed his position, and is sue- ' 1 ei'ih'd by .Major Vcm.hh . Tiie work ! "' e-xtending the railroad track to the . j wjnuves of the Kvprs 'iieainbout. ; : Coiiijiaiiy ;s being rapidly ui.-hed to j completion, nml I hare will soon lie i every facility for rvtiving the river' Aye-i Id as it arrives. Mr. S. (1. tif ( ii!!ti.siiti Street, is possessor lit ot which ' would delight our friend tif Ihe 'Chalhuin !l :: n;:. )ne- shows em its Isiirfai-e a iicture of the cfut.-r of 'e J suvius; and the either is. for all the ; win Id. like :in early-rose jiotato. j A short time since a young lady of this v:cimly ii:;;d a vi.-it ton tri. n.l. nml. u :;cci;i;j:f. of a heavy rain which e uu.e in, late in tiin e-vi iiiiiir. was urged , ,.,,, ,,. ; ,. .si.,.'WlI, sJtl. o ,.,,;, iu which a eh .uh Ad .,.,.,,.,, s!.t!v ,,,.,,.,. !lUi , i- ;i t , , ot ti timid disposition he was much .,...: 1 :.. 1 ii exercisetl in unii.l ovt r the cireiim i ... i i '":'i'ce. ami ! er sleep v. as broken b ... i . . i 11 111gt.11;!, streams am 1 honnving vis 'lis. Some cause iir other im'uici-d lie lid.v of the lituise to enter the ill's room, ami b!;-j found thai, its ccui.ant hii'l iteparted. S. ait h was My ()f tll(, j,,,,,,,. , I made ami -.he. was tra-.'i .1 to he made inn! -.:jt! was ira-.'i d to lu-r own h(.,ll( S(iIm. llist;lm.f, c,,,,. i :,. i,.i .. wiiere she ! malhc;-, .. i. " "" had not been itv.-alu-n. d bv her '.,,.;,.., l s'l... 1... 1 ..... tllinia. Iue llilil l-l.. lv taken n ji' 1...K. i: . i: tween :ar;iieht.- ti.e :iit Creensboro' P.-driof : 'll,ri'1;- ,,,is thi' Klapes to rol l'.'inly. he a v C.iusi d line vane I! fall oil' b'More ma-it-ach e-rop, which tin it: 1;'"""; I11- ,w 11 l'!c!,0 l'tiUm'; h ,s llJ 1111,1 wt'1!,' 'I"'1"''"- I" 1 ''' l"'1"''' "'J the """'' I h. North Mate Impio; t: ment i'.om.;i!iv is ihe new name tor at Inst, the syndicate ; w hich bought Ihe Cape 1 ''lli' ,v t1""1'"1 "' U.-uiroa-l. Hie '"'tiM.:N a..,, p.ocec.c,, "K 1 ul ', o.iii ii,., ,,n,.niii" n-siiii . t..i ., it win;.-..... f I.V.....1 :.. "" ...-..'..'.. l'?'''; A..(;''. ';";1,;:rV 1 1. . liee.iieiu . .,...,i,. 11.11 . eign. aiiorney: :i. i ercy w ray, ire-ens i boro, secretary au.l treasurer Charlie-, a niiie year-oM sem of John i I.owry, Cl:;y coim! v, this St .it r. fell ; from the top (( an lioj'liir tree hmd loreiiinst. uud was impaled upon an i . i- . ..-.. i i i -i - ni,i i,.!,l t. i,, i. Ii uin,' l.l.o I,,,,,.! ; 1. open and killing' him instantly. The cluhi fell a distance of -P) feet. Tl.-e t her of the fluid witnessed the terribh; accident from the piazza, and rushed to the scone to lind the life h s-: body of he r Jjov. . railroad tmly C.(HH) fi.t long with : grade of one lil'lh rit.i'in cu iy live mi the av ; erage, und u! the i.leeie st one in tkree. has lito u built Kliaight uji (;jeen I mouniiiiu, m iij' ll:iv Harbor, Maiue The road bed is solid rock, cut away '. i i,:..i. n... .: i.ii i, inuiir. vii-i'ii nun m i lie lien mi- bolted. Tin' hn-mohve pushes a n:is- senger car up t he iis.-ent hv means ol ' i co-wheels plying iu a centre tail, us on tlin Mount Washington mail. Miss I ,i'.ie Scales, of Ml,. Airy, wliilr . visiting Madmen, ltocidiigjiiiiii county. , . . i .. . . . . . sitsiaiiicii an acciocm in i iuu;i :i om a wagon, ret iirnin;j from a pie-nie. ; wliieli eunsed lock juiv. result ing in! ' death. Miss Scales wiw a w j il at: , Oak Midge lust session, and was spending her vacation with friends. Stal.esville Landmark : The case of Miss Marv lleiinett. indicted for ob sin let nig the mail, a.i ineiii loned last week, was heard by Commissioner J logic at Dennett's Store. Alexander l oiinly. Wednesday, and I lie dcleud tint was discharge,!. Mr. ( t. W. Daviw, of C.iiil Spiing township, this vein- raided from oik- trrain of wheat eleven heads which had from one to nine grains in the mash and 1 ;!)() : . . n i l p j l... l. . .. lm aiiis in .til. in several oi lilt; iiiiimh s there were as many as six grains bid in onlv one were there nine. --Mr., V.. Ihown. of Sharpeshurg township, : killed a hen a few days ago, v.hich . ha. 1 not laid tiny for time. They siMiiioseil her to be unusinillv fat. as sin; nail guiten so inucii larger tnaii eoinnion. On opening her they found to their surprise IS eggs, with a thin .hell on each of them, and laiger thai: tho usual si.e of hen eggs. Prof. W. '.. Hidden being in town the other day, showed tit the Landmark oliii'e a citreiii. topaz which was found in iiurke count v a few years ago, but which ho lias just now had cut and ' polished. It js a beautiful, a gorgeous rem, very large ami almost as lus trous us a diamond. We are glad to ! hear that it is to be exhibited at the Plosion fair this fall. There will hardly . b.s a liner one there. -Speaking ot j iln, Mr. C. W. Johnson, of llowan county, has the boss. Whenever any body saddles up a horse to go any where and leaves him hitched nt the mounting block for a lew minutes; or whenever au bodv comes lo the house j on horseback ami dismount, this dog j chhihs up the block, mounts the horse and sits on his ba.-k. just behind the.) 'Saddle, until somebody ciiincs to get I 011. Same way about a buggy. When-1 eve-r a buggy is hiti'lii'd up Ihe dog i gets up in the! tii-al, big Ike. ami slays ' tlitifo until driven away. He likes lo i : ride. -A friend and subscriber from ' Kowan. who was in our ollice yester- ' day, mentioned a coincident' iu I'nity township, hi county, which is not without interest. About, eighteen monlhs ago Mr. J. C. (). !r:iham. of I'nity was taken sick on a etrlain Wednesday ai 12 o'clock, noon, and died the loilowing Saturday night al 11. Three week-, ago his w idow was taken sick :;t 12 o'clock jipon. Wcd-lu-sdiiy, and ilied the following Sat urday night tit ll:2o o'clock. She was buried by the side of he r husband iu the same graveyard, on the same day of tl.t! l.ii.-k and at the kanie hour of the day, and the funeral .services were conducted by the same minister. News and Observer: The reports from most parts of the Stale', as to the crops, are verv cheering. It lool: iiceiing. ii ioi'j;s itably g;;o;l year. ' the .State eunals :", i!' ) will bo a not The efain crop in that, ot last vear. There is a lai attendance at the I'liiver.-lty Normal School, uud the number increases al- ; most tlailv : most, of the i.ounlics are I already represented. The classes are all at work. P;-of. Afarshall's lectures , are of great int.-rctil tun :t)p awaken ; iiijf inucii enthiisiasin iu geograjihy. ' Iiiilhei for.llon l;:jfiiier: Mr. J. L. Hampton pii k;;.! up an old etiin em his i ;rm last we ek, dated 1740. It had be en u.-ed as a button, mid doubt less on-:ii;;:,i..J the uniform of s::u.i. of Fergus.. u'u ii'Miji. The letters "Lid lu.x." are .lain, also Phillip Y. D. C . the rest so mutilated that we cannot decipher them. M.r. Hampton is w illing 1. 1 take a thousand elollars for it. Winston I.i-hl ii:- strik.k :l w heat shock in ihn held oi John I'l.lticord iliuiiig the thunder storm Monday, wit-1 lives tin the Pn lews Creek road about a mile from town, it was set em lire and burned As whi'ii She wits Yiimiir. "I have used Parker's Hair Pialsain and like it better than any similar preparation I km. v.' uf." writes Mrs. Jlihiii Perry, wire t.-r Ui'v. P. P-.-rry. of Cohlbrook Sjirings, Masj "-My hail wa.i iihnosl eiitirely g'lu.v. leit a dollar bollh-of tin.- Jialsa;.. inn restor ed the suflness. and the- brown color ;l h id when 1 war. yoimg not a single gray hair left. Since j b,-g.;u ai Jy ing ti e iiitlsani my hair has Mop ped f .'iiing out. and I tin. I ' .. it is a perfectly harmless ami i reciilile di iii-iii;g." The of Diu liaiii. 'ii. tow:: elei'sig'ie.l lias oi"ned. in the herbal !. N. (1.. a banking house. -.Hid t the name uitd (ith i.f I'm: l!'.'i: or Iirioiwi." will, un.j.Ie ! ll-, f.ithe I .-.tlisaclioii of u gen ci.-:! b inking business. The rapid and iinii.'ece.h i.'cd . rowlh of llnrhain joslitics );;: in the, thitu i::- creased b;,'.! in f :.-ili!ies are demand- ((It u,, j,,l;ly add to tin-g, 11(.,al frospi ; tl v ot our jieopM'. an.J to the ;siii.'-.i ot nt.w ('lilt i iriso.. vet tn sj.rihi, i.j. The liusii't s.. ef tint b:(lik will l;e co.idm le.l by P. A. Wiley, f..j , thirteen e os Ciishiej- of the "Cltielis National' l'.aiik ol' lhd. igb, N. C." Il is jiropo.-ici ti Pny ynd Sell Stocks itini jiojids , lo Mako 1'olh c. lions at nil aeee.ssil.h, i.i,nls, at the lowest Ihttes-to e".tiate I, - ' "' . . . l.'i.icoinif; liny ami Sell 1 chaiij.1-: liereive l)eiosils. Jiavable on l.'i maml or otherwise as n;:;y be .igri i d u;,-iii, and to do such other l. giiuiiM. tnisiness as may be olVered ii. the lire i.f banking. Your i'au.,nuge is solicited. W. T. 15i..v.'Kwr..i.. I'rojirietor. I". ,. Wn rv.C ishi-r. ji i :i. ur N ,ii,vs it di'.i-hs mil ti.:-reL'i .iincru-'l tun. eiillimi l,,s i-h.-irri'-il "i .-en c.ju al Inn-. ! l vioN. - on tin. isi.,,..r las rrsl.,.i.-.. in U: I.'.-dU.I l'.le'N. ti.'i'U ju'JTw" 1 '" THE lii.iiili. L.r Tilti Ulix.l I'V XOItltlS. WYATT TAYT.OI:, (ilil.l r.tS- A l'o"Mi- ION Ml'.ll' ll VNTS. K'l. a,l.'lmll!:.- Hil'i V.'. ' Vl.-ir'lii M . Hii.Li.iii, N. i. -i OlTTOX MAltKl.'i: 'I I MM IIIhk, .;ri.l !... Mi.l.i;.., SlHIU-., Wllol.i Vi-at - M i I IValorh I.MPl, 1 ID,.r:., C,nv; ll iluj, 1 - t i t.pi.ii- H i i-.-ll ii. K.nnlly, Cm. M-'i J "'ni'n l'"l " l'- : Hum i:i.- c,,..,,,. 'ii.1":,1:', '..!.! . An- f..r I nvv l i. New (lv'itiseii!ents. BINGIIAW! SOISOOL, .!:..iai.i!iM"l iii ir. I'll!" r.MIM N'l' tn. -... I.' in .ir-lu'L- S. ...,N La !!... In '.l.. In M ' 1 1 "ill "I l- 1 i:.i.v.'.: mi l ia iui.:m -hi ..r i i.'.-1 'O. i i 1. ii in:. Tin- IT'.lili Session will In gin August 1-t. IWI M.4. l; 1.1 Null AM Siip l IHiiKlia.n n. H....I Co, orm S. C. V!' (V ' ') tl VJt JiUl." VV '-'"ms fay ivrir, VILLI . P.. ..f Mir liii.t r;, , nn.v In nt.iri. nli-1 1-ISUiii; i .f Knu'ini Saw and Iri.-t Mills, iVe Ac. (.'ol ton (.ins. I'ri'S-.i'S ive., W.. nls. i liav.. iwin.i r.i.''iiii--. I J...IV"!-. -,t MKXTS. .fl,..- .-k a il-- .1 , i-.i'ii il I. I M l'i ..l I i.i Ih.-li- Iir i-hasjiiii .Ml K l ".I- ,. i !-1 ivii.-: Attend the. Of Kentucky I nivcrMtly, Lexington, Ky. 1 u lo ceit.ilf'e tic lull Ci.r- tt-'iC in nr'k'. To . SlHllollK llM tlutlclill 1TOI W. R. SMITH, Lexington, Ky. JOffiBOEO'" HIGH SCHOOL. Tonosboro', Mooro Co.. N. C. II .-' .s,.'H ,.f Ihlj . I. I.,i.h- :... . .:..,?.l s...,.... ill I., irln .!u:y :m !,. tsnt. l't.r Chvulnrur liii'.rin.-nl'.n n..i I.. I'liel. W;l..l AM f. pore. 'r:i..:il. !.!! Jlll, Ll. 'is. .f llil.- i.-.-s.-v .-,n ill.. I lik. lv I.IN.iN. sn-.w ('aiii.( N. e ffU V9Ua )Mtu m kMlM iiit Htili ilJWP'l flsMllkili Of Virginia Oilers the following inhantagt'S ovei it!ier life insurance ciuiipiinii's : lsi. H il'Viaiiot il rel lilit'ille o! Assoc iat ion as -t One hiilf to carr membership iu oin iu old line life iusiir Utl'li Cli, ;p-...i. Jml. (ur Assessn.eni Tubhi i-i hnve-i thin in any otht-r lite insurance conieanv, :i.;soci::ti-i:. or society. ijrd. Oi;;- chioes are at cm l ying risks ; our ji are our trr.KV.rcrs. in-lili:! cost ol ulicv holdclf Ith. The lit most c.-Uitioii is exercised t in accepting- inn:.' !;' sound iiks. 5th. Not more than S:iiHr cuiiiid i n, :iny life. ! j. w. jACisori. Agent. .Time -ii. bis;?. AT COST! " nni ninnv.i Ml IS YOUR CHAHCE!!! )Y YJ!TT, e ) made to me i , : ASSM.NMr.N'l bv J. V, HAIIKIS I WILL SELL AT COST for cash, during th" nel SIM V DAYS, . GENERAL HERCHAPKK, consisting of al! such goods as are tisiiaiiv found in ii first ehl: s store. The.-. goods lllllst be Sold, lllld great b:-.rgains ai e o'lere-l. Country Merchants can replenish their storks ut low figure:-, jmlitwiii ji.iy liiei.. lo call at Olll'i.. All jvernis ii;.lebteil to J. P.. liar lis are re.juesiiut ti. make immediate pnvm.'l'.!. hiid save costs: and all per sons holding claims against him are notified to present the same to me within the nest ti I da vs. Ii A. l,ONI'. Assignee. Pitt ;boio' N C. Muv 17ih, 1 !;!. 'mum stock i thi: Are Now Here, and They are Vj:i?v I'liKTTY A!!D VERY CHEAP! I w'il.1 in:..r.. rs in I liaw ;uf.i ti'iui hi. tr-i Hit a M'Ih aii.l i'i.-.'tnini-i ii i Ik- N'TiIuth mttrknie wt mi, mm AND In h . Ic I i n.-r if . fad 1m hnil In aiir niiii k.;t. W.'iii.i . . .ii Ion i. ii lu mj IlliC II t r iiiiti.u iu Hi llMll) i III f 12 ,l.ilfB. I iir )uy .-.Mi i;ii' j.mi i. iii v. l.-h. I- tin' sin RSSOtiS, SATINS, SILKS, PLUMES, FLOWERS AM) OJ.'.NAMKNTS, My Kim k uf Dress Goods i-. verv prelty. consisting of 1 f.KS. ( A H M V. i t !:S. HP N'lTNOS, M N S J'.l Id N(i. TVI,i;s OF LAU'XS, f.'lNdilAMS. ii)ri;i.!.FAci: m'jtixgs, I'l'.KCAi.i' ,. AC. Nice lut oi niackaiidColoi i d SATINS lint nl her J i ess Trimmings. I LACKS i,i s !. s ai d pi ices. j HAMiH'Ioi and other Kdgings. Can give y n Ihe l.t.-t. COliSKT you I e n r saw f-tlie nionuv. ! IMMl'.-'.KIliTS. I LADii'.s .i N F.N DtSTF.HS. ! (il.ON i S. iiA.NDIii.KCIIIFFS. i.S'.'.iitl'.S. LVD1IX .MISSFS AND 1 CIIIDDUKN S F.-V.NCY HOSE. Can give yen; somei iiing special in i lU'TTl )XS fi'oni .rj ceni.j per doen ir.-e etlv sohl for .". emits) ui), j PAUAiSOLS. FAN'S. and anvlliing else a Jady Witlita or j iiet-ils. Come and st!b us ' Now. gents, you have neifc been forgot ten. We have u splendid stock I'm aisb boy clothing : ; i--tn il...- r! i-.t i'..n...i i . iii- iln-st en.ssliiii.ri-s. 1 Splendid stuck of HATS. i:xtiia e'llK.e. NliOF.N: from a common BnooAti lo lie- ('mist hand made C, vrrrns. M.-r ,: '' sr:;! s. flows an, I t'lIAVATS. . nr... i-i- -ii.--i.iin;.... i-ii ,ii sunns mill i'MKit- slllliis n -u -.: on w-1 i s. si si i:Nnr.u..t:oi,LAi;a l'f i'I IT,' 10i i 11 aril .v.i, Tinware, Crockery .tn! ''tit-nil ii it. llavi. s,,Mi,.ihn. i m.-,. an l very l1ii') la I I .i-1 1: !s .in.) I'llAIHS. Draffs. I'uiuVs. Oils, Leather, . i:("i'roxi:nn:s, ! s l'"...i l a" ll-s. Una l't..n. li t-niilli.. . iriuiiii-s, I.-, Ml kinds a -. l.' aliillH. nalilillikl, huUllfcp. l'arming Implements ami (in '.eeries. aii wliai ., say wh.'ii ft'owip lvo try N'..w. i.. k. .- i ,.'i i 'i! i. i. ai il I iIihiu we Iihvo m-ariT i v.-i-ylliuis 11,-ii: h aisi' N.ii-Hi iirS.iulll. Ifymj i I "ay ililiia i i' sar.' .n.l l'Ivi. us a cull anil uilll v ana i-l.-i.-.- "II in . l.-es iin, ni vI.-h. Wi- lia:, .a i-vi-a lai u-" sl...-k nf THI NKS, ki: ..i.,j . .ill .Ii. ;i'.-ini.. is aili.a:.,i In Hi VOlllf I'AiiM COI.I..M., il,.- I i:.a 11,,-it Iii inii.ln. W. L. LONDON. l'ilisli. : .-, N. f., .a il in, lhKii. 13 &h NEW CROP RitW Srnd for B CATALOGUE & PRICE LIST. HIRAEV2 SEBLEY& CO, ROCHESTER N.Y. CHICAGO ILL, tWMMAIN STIitET. 200-206 Rand(apli5t, The largest Stock OF iii.u," and Tics i: !)' NoH Si Carolina J P.. i- tin- l.'ivosl c-ish juices to ; GINGERS AND DtALEHS ; write to M. T. l.KACif .V CO., ' I! m.i ion, N. C. .i.i',.- I ,. t .:. '; LOOK liERE!! i EVEIIY MAN Ought to INSUKi: AGAINST FIEH IN I Hi - NORTH CAROLINA HOME IN'SDRAKCS COMPANY 'i:,,s i . iii (. i t.v !..-is i ii in suiTcsKful 0,urniV r f..r i.-ii.-ive .- ...!. .-i...l Alw.iya Pays Ttn Losses. I.I:- .- il.'. fuel i-.-i . Hi . ii, .i .nh H- .ill I ly nil Ha,. , .. iliiii--. Iii,..;,- I In-.. i .ill,' :-i..i i ly lm.ur . ii nn.- ...iM. l.r, us. N.. is iin-limn lu Inaiir l-'..i- ts. i tiu-i- i,'.iy i" 11. A. LONDON, Ji:., Acmt, r im. ;ini riTTsiitiiio, s. a V V A. V- lH Ii ! -. I. -. 1 -ll m h l .il.-n 11- ilnr .if Anit-rt'iiu ami fur- t.'l.'ll. 1 1. I '. All I.,ii.i...h inn- .. wiM .lnr heferi' iIih I'Bimt . w. I.. ' I llll r llll- l elirlr.. l'.llllitly liltl-llllnU tn. Jiif j i-Iiiii.-i' liel Ii- lllll. ni lliil. HI !i si.rurtof. St-lnl fl I Cln-Ulk.1'. I JVMI." i. T. ; GR;i?ASV3 & CROCKER, j Aiiorntiys at Law, j mmm ,Tii-i-.-l., il....-.., I ''III, i.'l.-ll I i.. vi. i..' ('luiMuim i-i.n'v. ui i.i i I- In tlm biaia 1 Men na, n It -