we FOB THE FARM AM) HOME. " " Ttelroyliiv Tlrkl. a j.Kty n-iis in t ie urange conntv rn,mr o ner uiih.t utMrojeu iii-ns on lainhs and sheep. She says: He took an old-fashioned tin horn, which had become useless from the mouth I'ieeo being broken off, fitted a wood'-n plug in the large end, bored a hole in the plug large enough to admit the nozzle of a bellows, tilled the horn with tobacco, put in a coal of lire, and, stopping up with the wooden plug, insert the bellows and it is ready for use. Instead of waiting till he had a (lock of Ihiub.s to be good food for ticks, he would take the old sheep in February or March ami, opening the wool along il.e back, w ould till the fleece with tobacco iueke, and in a few minutes the tick-, would be done for. I never knew it lo take more Hum two applican 'lis to rid the sheep entirely of ticks. I have helped him smoke 1 sheep in a day, and it i- much better (h in 1 1 1 i i n a bat ! "f tobacco. The ..aim pr"ic-s will Ml' lice on cull le. sktrmnril Milk fur llrua nml I liti-hi-ii. There i-. ii it!, nig l t'.'r tr la;, ing hens than milk alter the cp-an has been taken off. We hale trie 1 it sev eral .-eaon. w ilh cimijilcte siii i e. With t!ic milk giiin frc-.li from the dairy room eu-rv da lie fowl-, will need no other drink, and it will .-upply even thing n-piir-d in Hie w ay ,,f ani mal food. The pullets fid with milk and corn and a inKturi- of c u'ti meal and milk t!:roiigii :li wH v, .-.t' !i.-r have given :: ,il'ii;i.i r.il ,-up ly ot eggs. Whta' I t.t.1 is a .1 g"ol article to mix i!iii the milk. !' i better to give the inii in e a boiling and to feed it in the warm .--tat . but this is not nee, - .;in . c h ,iN.. found the milk one of t !i - In t kind ol diet for young chickens, si-on alter they conn from th !";. to pr-imote heir health an I rapid ;rmtli. Indian ntf al, groiiiiil i o.ii . c an I - iMe.l w i: h milk, is 11 pertei 1 led It tie hi. As they grow oUci' -r-.i-.. c.iMu or onions may be chopped w and added to the daily rations. A iof ,,.u ihc milk on dairy farms, u-uaily going t" the 1 ; tr !ii',g;i, may be divirt-, t 1 the i'iiekc!i cooj) witii great ab antaire. Kggs are worth tweiity-five cents a doen and .clt : v t u ( nty cents a pound . when peik brings but t-n cents a( poun I. -.! )' A.; '"o'(( i-,f. ; Tiniihplnialtiiu; j In the settiri'.; out of shade and or- j liainental tries, 11.. well as of fruit I trees, there is a great loss ia ti"t d.'iriL' it in a I li'Ti uoli n aniii r. Al! trees when transplanted sh..iiM have ail lie libroiis roots remaining that we, I ussibly can scciin ami. uuli'iir-. s, 1 in the hole. These sb.uH i" carefully pland and com red w ith line earth, so . thattheie maybe no a;r sj'.-iees left, but all should be thoroughly imbedded in the soil. To s'-eure this it is a i.'""d . I'lan, when the ro'ts are all covered , to jamr on a lew jiailfuls ol water be- : fore filling the boh' evn with the sur- i faie. Uut al'uve all di? a large an 1 i deep hole, and bo sure that it is well filled with trood earth below and be yond the circumference of the tie" roots, We have bcl"iv 11s now s"iii' maple trees, some of whieh were , pl.ii.ed in holes thus prepared, and others were nut; altlc'iuili the work was done sullicienlly well otherwise, his direction was le t 1.11 aled cut. It is .surprising to note the dit'feien. e in Hie growth ot three years betuein the tree:, thus planted. The small ex- , pen st- of the extra preparation is more , than repaid in the results. In trans- : planting trees, vims or shrubs care- : lessness in the work jievcr pays, and it is far preferable to do the job to,. :v 11, : if such a thing w ,re pos-iMc, th ,11 to rrr even the slightest degree 111 the other direction. There is seldom any 1 satisfaction gained in watching the ) growth of it po illy transplanted tree, ; but when transplanted in the best w ay j it is one o;' the pleasures of country life to watch th" success whieh always j follows our best efforts. llouwhriii. j j lt-f't'lIH. ' iniut'l ' wilts. The best way ot canning peaches, pear :. iijirieot-, and all small fruits-, l'are. 1 ut in half, and take out tin stone-, wleu Mure are any; lay the fruit ia a s(,,ue jar; the ' fruit should be in ecry in-t nice ripe and of the richest flavor; make a syrup of half a pound of granulate I sag ir (some persons allow only a quarter of a pound 1 and one gill and a b df of, water to cub pound of fruit ; w hen it boils, skiin well and pour boji ug ov. r i the fruit in the jar; let it sf.utd until next day, then put all over the in,, and boil slow ly for om -(oarter ol .m hour Put in the ran. an I screw m the cover. Mutton ant! (!) breast of mutton wcir.-iii i,- four rouuils. take oil' all the loose lat. and ! cut it into pieces al out two nu !ies vyide and four loiifr: le a' a tablespoon ful of butter and fry thccntleis ,, brown, first sit'tiae; 1 ur over them, take them out of the iru-ase and put them in a tpiart of bo linn sliM ,i "r water, with an onion cut line, half a tabh -spoonful of salt, and half a tea spoonful of white pepper; alter it conies t a boil, let it simmer for aa hour, then add a fjiiart of shelled peas antl a dessert-spoonful of .s'ltar, ami let it stew half an hour longer; ten min utes before serving, thicken with a ta- blo-sponnful of flour creamed wilh a ; table-spoonful "f butter. I . , . , . , ' ,.. . . . thi'-ktu Jelly frtht sn-k.inwVcw . . ... , , .. ,' id!;.' fur ;ui inv.iliil is c.i.sily digested V(.r, .,,.;,,,;,, .... ..,,. (.i(,. the chicken lis ti.siial, rinsing it u til , writes a rorresnoiuleiit from Laredo, l.nt n-t allow ing it to lie in coM water j Tex. Here it is that tin- Missouri l'a t )so.i; ln .i- tin! liom-.s, ami at j ''ilic. system funis its most extreme l" iu's ami meat in a kettle wilh enough ; southern end. while from here the enld wa'er t r ivi r th ehifk'n; heat Meiran National, an I t -lie -built In slow ly. ami h t it siinui n- i ntly until ternalional roads, take their start and the meat is in little string, and the sli.Ml southward to the eity of Mexico. water has boil 'd half away; skim it j then, in I pres. it through a sieve; salt i to suit your taste, put on the tire j again, ami l"t it simmer for ten uiin ' ut then tak from the liiv.and when j it is peil' eMy cold skill) it; keep it in I the refrigerator nr suite cold place. I You can make sandwiches by using ! crackers, or very thin slices of bread. Add pepper if Hie patient wishes it. ! AKt llC EXI'LOKATIONS i-ilrtiskfil,rN .lfv Pl'n.lrrl. l.ffl 111 it I'll It'" I fcnrey tf 4ii-tlilailtl nml a i litt.f fin- IIUIltlllAl ltrill,lllll. The hapless fate of explorers who! ha e striven to unravel the masteries ' ot the Polar seas has not h terred elhefs troin essav ingtheir task. liaioll Nord"Uskold, encouraged ly his past 1 .success iu navigating antic waters,1 ' proposes to start tor the north again. ' This time his mission is not, as before, to seek an open waterway or l"o lor , unknown lands. He is bound to Greenland, the east coast of which he , is to survey from a point oppisi'o the southern pari "I b eland ,t Cape His- , uiarok. the most rtnioto point on tlio east side of the country. j Tilt' chief o.'jeet of the expedition Is to search l"r tra ts of the colonies whi.-h the people of Iceland established in ireenl inl in thotcnMi century, and which flourished exceedingly for a time, so that there were many village a capital city, and a bishop. lint the ibclino of piracy and of the influence of which the Seandinavi 111 kingdoms bad yielded in the ailairs of the north of F.urope, which decreased a- pira.-y became discreditable, result ed in the gradual neglect, not only of (ilcclil.ind. whiih ha I been coloni.'ed from Iceland, but of Iceland itself. Alter cotiteialllig With the dlllil'llliies of the situation with the little help Iceland coiii'l afford, rcinland was abandoned, ih population returned to I 1 i.oi I. It is believed that ma.iy a,ticl"s ino-t vain I'ele to arch-eulogy and to history may have been left be hind, such as maniis, ripts of an iciit sagas, weapons iucri'ici with runic in scriptions, sWoiMswith rings of victory in the poiniiiels ... the sig-runr so famous in the history of the uorth and many other objects w hich may be hoped for. It is possible that some additional , light may be thrown upon tlm. Iise-i cry of Vim-land by lijoin and J.tii' tie- l."!d. since the t xp- -lite-ns t,,r the ,;., i ivt-rvof emit iner.t il Ai-icr.ca .-taiti I I run 1 1 it ct nlan I as a a - ! r ;n Iceland, and perhaps there may have been ex peddions of w hich no recr I w iu pre served in 1 1 'land. The hardiest explore" -ha e beret -lore shnm'.i from this endeavor, as it will be surroiin led by hardships and dangers that intimida'e the hoi lest. The possibilities havP been carefully considered by t!'e- bar.'ii and his stall' and they are ma'iing preiiaratioiis to guard au' iinst all coiijeciural emergen -ties to preserve life an I make the journey stiei.vssf al. Tae party will be provisioned tor two years, as it is th 'iight it will require nearly that length of time to accomplish the pur poses of the expedition. The enterprise is due to the liberality of Mr. Oscar Ihksoii. a lumber mer chant and sawmill owner of Gothen burg. Mr. lii' kson is ol Fnglish ex traction, but be was bom in the city where he now resides. His fortune, independent of a large and very prolit able business.i est it. cite.! at Htl.'l'HMi, Oihi, He gives eiiiplox ment to many thousands. In early life he had 110 opportunities to acquire an education, but his library is replete with books that delight students in all the sciences, and be reads them attentively while sitting at a window which ocerl oks his deer park, a tra t of land nearly four miles square I le is the wealthiest man iu iotheul-urg, and his mansion iu town and bis country seat, sire won ibrs to the peasants. 1 1 i -s. deeds of charity and philanthropy endear him tn the peiq le. President .IoHniir lUiiiiiinre. A correspondent, wrttinir from Wash- intrton, reports a long conversation with Parson Iirownlow's son regard ing -Andy" .loluison, in which the narrator recalled a romance associated with the late president. It was .lohn soti's lirst 1" e all, nr. Mr. Hrownlow said: "The President fell in love early He Wits oil ly nineteen years old when ho married, but twj years before this, while he was a journeyman tailor in South Carolina, he fell in love with the daughter of a small planter. His love was returned, but tho girl's father, who had a few acres of land and a couple of negroes, would not consent to his (luu"littr marrying it tailor, and the future Prtsident was rudely re pulsed. The great wall of Chitn is 120) i miles loiiir, t ix -iit v leet high, twenty- ; tivn feet thick at the baso and fifteen feet wide at tho top. Towers are set at intervals of loO fret, or rather were ! set, for now the greater part of the , striu tiire is but a heap of nioltlering rubbish. "A JUMriXG-OFF PLACE." A Town Which U'lll II a intwy to Mexico. A Mrxlcaii Audience. r .,r,v. l.ureuo i literilh- Mv iiimninrr-off IS llteram 111. jumping oil this part of the count rv, , i.la V for someN'il miles distant. The pla e is destineil, at 110 very d stant day, to be an important slopping point, as it is ilinMlvoii the route ol 1 r, r. el between the l liited Mates and .Mexi o. Laredo, take it as a while, consi ts of two parts, North Laredo. Ima'cd in the I 'lilted "st ates, an I .hiMi (.are lo, w hich is upon the opposite shore ot the I i it (irande ner, in the republic of Mexi" o. The combined p ipulat ion of the two towns is abom lV'on North Laredo has a little the larger popula tion, and is lo far (lie more cixilied and enterprising part. Mo-t of the inhabitant of both sides me Mexicans although oil the Texas side there are a larger number ol w hit p ople. most of whom, il let engage I on sua f the ra.lioads, are interested in bu-iie-ss or laud in the v i' in,!'.. Laredo is nit aa uniting looking place, and do -s not olfer many induce. men's to ;t pel , 'U w f,o wishes to .e iu a dee tit. ibu-table s'vh- lie soil on wbi'h th. town is located is s indy, w ith so!iie 1 ai t us, small bii -h'-s or dwarf. d trees growing here and 'here. Win n th" w m l blow s lustily, a line a'K.ili 'bis is ibs'r;lei-'d ill over, audi- anything but goo tor clot'ie-or the eye-igbt. The hoil.es and In. t al other bu.l bugs are ,.w :uid flat and uninviting in appear m-e. The batik building, court h,eis,-, ft w other buddings ar staiitial ivi'ciriug. g structures, which h.m I ilf by 1 le m. ri ai lire veritable cm ;os.ti,. Hot se;- i ! 1 o a-- .1; juti. i wold I obt.rii at home -t 1 .!l'u e and a however, s-ib d se e bruk been built ol The hotels and. a'.thoiieh r 'in al .is on-1 ;i I up 1 rettv lair ci id li st reel All in.:;, u . d is obtain ts. t j., haw kt d about llet M' x e-.ia w lei rid" on a 1 .wlii h has a can of the s-l-'ii II h ! 1 II cither side little d.'likev go.'fs milk I he ili'iiikiii I!;.- b'lo lira taste, ami -'.nice. Th In re w ho in, r is '-bi,.ii,-1 from b hi .1 qu-M-r, soft ' ' h l e little Sllb- - s,- .-.,. , t .Mi xicaiis ma'.' t ',e 1 In mg ..idling this ut the s- r, .-t ,. 1 ;,, vv i,,,..,. .o u to the 1 n ,.- ,, ink, ,,11 I e I i o In e I 1 t W nty ol ' c u i They consist ri i e rid m i t it -1 1 oe t -i id i.'e di r. a, ea Ii. by olio n o" 1 r M' ii an d 'i.'v y. 1 I "Hid pi, tare to to;i the 1 - 1 1 oil' of tie out: I " i' ' il - lie in -M 1 ",101 al, t l:'li. ton! I'"s kt :.-lo .klll'g 'ere I r.er set 1 vc, . n. It water ,-; you u j il loll Will t.l, se .t! of a I a '..- w heels, ai bt'le -I'u wi-li that bid - lo's the 1- in s. raggy, bltle 1 'rea .flllbles. o- all the Woll'l. a a. huge 1 out 1 t id rat w dm h has tust l, n dr -vn -of its hole. I'he burro lias which 1 pnawrd though It ha I be if bv an inlustrii 11 half terrier. 'I In- s' in ilaces. yet a wide. Well-bl jU.t. narrow y uid b- foaiul d substantial. 11 Ii the stl-' i-l -i II We, ii- tie' -r ' wi-le, il" mg It. Most of the 1-t fs-in-are Me'i an-. Tin VCrhial solill'lelo tro users, and are I n- Ui lit ly w t ;t j u i iii in a blank. I, generally of sum--bright color. A Mexican, when attired in his street co-tuno-. - most like Ille Heavy MILi.ii die sees on the stag.- about the time 11 1 is (,, be '"' ft- shed. I he icoilc all se, in t Cissiveiy civil unit lu aceal'le iiUMoiis toj.leaseyou -do riot .stare at .strangers but itqiear to have business of their own to attend to, and go about it con tent not to molest, it left Undisturbed. The Mexican National railroad has its main ullices ;it Laredo, on the Texas side. The building are constructed of lirick. are larye, substantial, and j. re sent a piod appearance. I went to see "Blind Tom" the nig'it 1 arrived in Laredo. Thisnnsj al wonder, who haa charmed and mystiih-d thousands all over the count rv for veais. has drifted wav down into this edge of eiviliafinii. He drew a good audi ence, too. and we were great ;y inti re-ted, as, seated iu a large and well ven tilated hall, located o er the principal saloon in the place, I jaid upon an audience which was truly represent a- tive of frontier life. Thi re w en- a few white ladies, gener;illy tin- i of Americans employe 1 l y the railroad company; several Mexican women, in their peculiar fancy head. Iri ss, a num ber of small children and babies, about a dozen representatives of "I'm-lo Sain" from the neighborinc. militarv post, some iu a half-dress uniform, and others wearing simply a civilian's dress and a soldier's air. There w ere Laredo police-- Mexican and American each with a small silver star on his breast, and a huge revolver mi his hip in a belt. Colored people and Mexi- aas. Anient nns and (o-iiiiain. ol all a .'is, sii'.es and conditions. m,i,o up thi balance ol the audi' which, albeit that it m as , i curious looking mixture, was at the same time most orderly and appr-'iatiU'. The largf-t siic.de sale of mule- ever made in tie- I ir.t ! ist.i'e-i took pla.-e it' Coluiiibia, . n-. 'i be purchaser wits V. 1!. Lcoiiar I, who paid ils", , heal fi-r I "." I'liiiu ils, milking it -1 a r-greca't- t 'I'll y at'i turu-i- "l""- I I -'o.l!i -.1 . ail. I 1 id be i tai.cn ii l.oui i. in. i TOPICS OF THE DAT. Twenty thousand Chinamen are to j be brought to Uranl at a eost of $ 10 a ,.,. . fl. h"'- Jneyarotobe indentiiied for five years as laborers, and will lie paid o2 cents per day, out of which they will have to feed and clothe them selves. The climate of Siberia is popularly supposed to be very severe. At Phila delphia, however, the Rev. (Sheldon .7:1, Un l. I -.! in Silrri:l tivn '. . . , . jietn.s, sani 111 a icciuie. .iMiuiiniaii be strong enough to express the charm of this delightful land, where a cli mate softer than that of the north of l'nglaiitl insures at all times of the year full enjoyment of all the loveli. Hess around you. In forty years," he added, "the mercury has In en but t w ice below zero." Mr. .hcridan, a humane electrician, has invented an apparatus for execut ing criminals whi' h is designed to take lie place of the clumsy but somewhat eitic acioiis gallows. It is simply a chair, properly insulated and connected with wins to a eoinenieni tlynaino . h- trie battery. The victim is seated in the t hair, a connection is made w ith the spinal cord, a knob is touched, and he is knocked out gracefully as with a bolt of lightning. Mr. Sheridan has made the g" eminent a present of his invention, and he hopes by its intro duction to strip public executions of tin ir popular horror. Hu will find it an up-hill business to supplant the primitive gallows. Jacob lieeker, a laborer liing in Cincinnati, was given a powerful emetic to ease a pain in his stomach, and began vomiting, and did not stop until a snake eighteen inches long, and one large and live small lizards, ami a sack containing a number of eggs were brought up t 1 light of day. The af fair caused considerable of excitement in the neighborhood, and when llet ker was questioned he said that "he had not been well" for eighteen years--in fact, since one day w bile wandering in the woods Heal I '1 .ink w eiler, ( icriuaiiy, lie took a di ink ol watir from a way. side pool, at vt hi' h time it is probable be acquired the Ulie-irei zoological collection. Several years ago, according to the Hetroit .V-.V, Miss Cynthia L'. Clee 1 and was an i ilicicnt dross-maker at Pontine She got interested in the temperance cause and btcan lie of the most ellicient worker- in Mb higan. and as such was linorably known throughout the stale. Two or three 1 ;irs ago she w . nt to hakota, w hen she likewise becaiii'- lame I in the anti he. r and anti wdii-K;. tause, becoming president of the t i'e Wo men's Chris, tian temperance 1 n-oii. Le-s than a yi ar ago she w as a I'u t !e, In the bar. being tin- first la 1 b. enjoy that b'gh ilistiu, tion in lal-."'a. A short tune ago she had herlii-t t-a-e in lotirt. and. st ranger than fiction, it was a woman I'll trial for selling bqiior w ithout a li cense and she W on her case. It is e-timatcd that the iruvvning of the t'ar Aleailih r a' Moscow vo-l the imiuo. c i ished tit-ol le of Kussia .some thing bhe li,C'i"i. The country 1 is liituallv baiibrui't. and a to w issue of treasury ' ills it ill be in 1 es-ary to meet this foolish eu lulit Ul'e. I he Co i.oi crown is only worth 1 ( ',- "'.and it iiobabl 1 oiildn't be I'ltu n-d for halt' that sum. I in- hi I'.rookhu i hritlt;e onlv cost .V.t.i no ,1 it 'i 1. ami it will l e a stan lm iiioiiiiiiu i.t to the frenius ! itii'l etitt rprise of man when (he th- scemlants of tlio lo-manofl's ure wan. , ileriiijr I't't-'piirs. It woiihl have ln-cn i 1 titer if the car hail (luitraeteil to have his coronation job performed hy ! iio'.essiinal crowtii-rs for stiiiiethin' like -tl'V'im, Jin,! spent the remainder of J the !',.' . .inn l for a new bridge railwav. Tlio continued disappearance f the sardines, imce so abundant on the coast of Ilrittany, has become a serious ca. 1. unity to the people of that part, where the catching has been wont to give employment lo l-'ii'O limits and more than '.'"" lishcrincn, while the curing and packing for ' home consumption and exportation have furnished a liv ing to a very large number of male and It inai-- hands. Tin- reason of (lie disappearance is believed to be the great change of teinpcrat ure during the season, the weather having for the lust two or three years been let only inure Milua'-le. but at times even dur ing the summer months, comparatively speaking, cold and Stormy. These chiiiik'es it is lielu-M-tl l.ae driven tin- sar lines t .ward other t ii-ts- au I Up , I" the prest nt time there is no tt ol' their rea' uraruiiec. W ithout l.linll. ! I r. Thomas C. Pugli, of Haltitnorc, Md., business men, otlicials ol corpara- j lions, attorneys anil state olliccrs, tes- j tily iiniiial:iieilly to the magical elli- 1 ciii'-y of Ir. Worthiiigti.n's Cholera and : Iharrho-a Mcili -ine as the best, surest iind cheapest cure in use, for all com- plaints of the stomach ami bowels, j None genuine w ithoutthe raine of The i Charles A. Vo ler Company blown iu j the bottle etiil their fac-siinile signa- I ture on each wrapper. Price and j ,it cents a luittle. Smoke will s mn be at a prt tntuin. From "J.Mi ,() K) cuiiie f-et of smo'ie, given out by sav 1,00 ) c ir Is of v to I, it is said 12,(i K) paun Is ol' ae -tato of limp, '200 gillons of ale ' o' and twenty-five pounds of tar may be obtained. A SCIENTIFIC P1SC0TDBT. w n.J .Moat Important Theory iliu .Hiiet Vital Oueelioiie of tlie Ui If Any one had Informed Queen Elizabeth hi her palmiest day that tbt could have been 'aented in hci palace in Undon and oonvirauJ with Bir waiu-r Kaleinh in hie North Cmo- Una homo; receiving a'rply from him within nn hour's time, slio would have dcclnrud it to Iu. And vet. had they lived in the prosout day. Una apparent miracle would moat readily have btto witnense I and not neeiu at till strange or unnatural. The truth is, new ,rini'ipU'S are cumins into existence, and the operation of many laws unknown iu tho pnst ia being fully understood in the proent. In no way do this (act come more Imviblv to the mind than iu tha rare and treatment of the human body. Millions of rnniiln liavu dlml ill nasi Hi-'l-S from Slime ill - ticmticatit or easily conliollod cause which is thon)ii;:lily understood now and readily hauillo.l. I'niif ninptimi during theentire pi. at has liecii coiisideicJ an inenrablo disease. And yit it i- doiiumsu itcd that it has hcu-n and can tic cured, i-.ct, after it has ha 1 a louq run. Dr. lYh Oswald Ii is just contnlmtid a notable article on this si. b cot to the 'n;it Uir & tVmy .liiifi';. II" regards consump tion as piiiiniin.uy scrofula. Tue iinpniiiiei of tht bloo I produc a cun-t nit irritation in tho lungs, thus di-siioyinji their do irate tis sue's and causing death. His theory shows conchisivclj that rousiimi t:ou is a blood dis ease. It has it ont'in p; iiiiuvily in a d rangf I condition of the kiilnoys or hvi-r, tin- only two organs of the body, ns.de from the lungs, that purify the blood. Win n tl u kidnt'js or l.ver urn di.-o.ist'd they are in a s jio or la.'fiuled elide, which commmiicates poisnu to cory ounce of blood that pa-sjs throanh them, 't ins poisoumit t'l-Mid I'Ut'id.i'.os tlinmuh the nvstem nud comes to the lungs, wiieru tins poison is deposited, cei-uu; dicouipo-itioii iu the tinely formed cells of tin- lutitfs. Any diseased art of the body has rout until ituu; power, and yet the blood, which is the life of the system, is benight into direct contact wilh tl.o.-o poi-iiin-il organs, thus carrying coiit.'t-.oii in al! parts of the body. Hishup Tesso 'i . l't ck, !. )., I.b.U , whose death lias been so rccentl; te.;i cited, is reported to have dud 1 f ptii'iinioiu.i, which me heal authori ties tdinit iiulici.ti-s a ili-e isi-d condition of I e ki.lnejs. It is well known, moreover, that for si-i'ial yvars he had bemi the victim of severe ki,li,c troulilt-. aud the pneumonia which tinalb teiiiiiuated h.s hie was only the lat result of the ni--. lolls bliiii.l poisoning, 'fin- d- adly mailer which is h ft iu the lungs by 1 1 iu impum blood clogs up and finally chokes tlm pa'ieiit. M1111 this is aecoin iislu d rapidly il i-called pne,an. n aoriinick (.jlihiiiiiilniii; u lieu slow ly, ooiisiiiiiplioii, but in any eeut it i- Hit- le-ult of impine hloud, caused by diseased l.i liii ys ,ind livi-r. Tiit-sc aie fads ul cieutc, and vouched for l-j all t it- Icailiiu !ilisi-iuusof ihc day. They fi.iow the di-sii-.ibi.it u.t), tli necessity, of keeping ilu -e mu.-t iic).uiaiit organs 111 er fi t t condition, not only to insure he dill, but nSci to i-si:i cili ii li. It ha- 1-e -u full) shown, to tliu Mtli-I.i('li,iii of n- llv ewry unpreju diced ir.iiid. lb-it Waintr's S ife Kidiu y mid Liver Cure i- Ihe oiiij keuwu remedy that ! tan cure 1111.I lo t-l' iu bi-dtli the great l loo.t. I purifying organ-el lie-bn.l) . Il aelsilticetly j I upon ll.e-o liieinl ei, lu aliiig all ulcers w hieh I may h oe loaned in tlu 111. eiul placing them ; ill ii condit on to pui il) and not poison the j hliiu.l. 'lies is no idle sl'iteint-nt nor fid e j theory. Mr. W. C. Ileaeb, fun 111111 of tlm I I llnllalo iN.Y ) U.ibbei- T 1 e t'liundry, was I (,-0 1 11 up to die by 1'iii I, ph) -ii'i .ns and fi loans. , I IVir to. ir years ho had a Ii mble cough, in- ; I eoinpniiied by night sweats, clubs, ami all the j j well known iupt"in'. lb- spt ut n season 1 I .Smith and io.ind no relief. He sa "I 1 finally eoi'.ehi'Ie I In try W hiiiit's Sale Cure, I i and 111 three nionlh 1 gained twenty pounds, 1 reeuu reil inv l.-l 1111-1.14 nud m la'illh was full) ii -loii 'l." Ti e let c.-tild I e prolxligt-d j inileliiiite'.v. but 1 noii-di h. s in-i 11 s:n( in prove to ! sii'il' ier 1 1. mi piilieenic toiiible.. that ; there 1- hu iiu-'iu to be ill i- ! i : I 111 tin- j 'oi l. mi l tii.it luallh cm be re-in;e I. S.iilius liana Statistics, According; to t!ie returns made to the commissi! ner of I'n. te l Mates in ternal revenue, the grc.lt bulk of the savings deposits in tins count rv is held by the banks in only twelve out of thiit v-e'iL'ht Males of tin- I n on. The I following will show the amount of the j deposits in each of those Mat 's its re I turned mi May III, Ir-SJ, iind th- pnpu I hit ion according, to the I'liited States j census of ISmJ; I States. Depis 's. Cahforiii-i $ 4''..i:r.'.s:i ! Connect. cut Kl.'.ls , s 1;, I Maine j Maryland. , Massat husi its . . I New Hampshire I New .'ersi-y , New York ch'o I l'eunsylvnnia . . . hhotle Island. . . , Vermont Total ;"7o..."i.M4 v.w:,m AlltheStntes ltsl,;u.s,;2 4U,371,U40 From this statement it appears that tho banks in these twelve .states, with ;i imputation inlS-Oof 10, '()', 10 ;, liel I $'.1.0,5-5.551 out of Asl.dsn.vJ2 of savings deposits in a l t be Males of the Union n May ol, or very nearly ninety-nine per c-nt. of tlio whole. AsMu111nnth.it 'he piquiliition was tho Baiiie in May, ls-j, ;is in June, ISmD, wl.ieli is near enuuirli to the truth for the purpo-es of the present calculation, the deposits in the twelve States name 1 averaged very nearly 1 50 per head of population. The same average for all the States wo aid brinp; the ujjjirega'o deposits up to he snuir sum of $'J, li5, W.0t0 or about 11.1 1 1.0' )0,OjO more than the t ital interest-benrinff debt of the United States. First ice mnti: "Any nemn people on yonr 'router tiecoiul ice innn: I Mioiihl sny so. j Vliy three out of live families keep scales." j "BenulT I'nniliirnrit iwllh I'liiitUre) It Ailurnt-il Ibe ii." I If you desire ii fair eotnieiion free from 1 rumples Mntche mid eriU'tious, take 'Golden Meilu-al Discovery." lly drufiUu. King (hnorn, ono of the sovereiuna of the African ci B t is (lead, leaviui 7UU nitlown. (ireat Cie.-Mr, wliitt a clutnce to roiitust a will "INI I.IKKW l.H." Dr. II. V. l'ltiicE, lltitl.-ilii, N. Y.: "Five years no I hs a lieitdltil KiitTcrer frum uttiiiie troubles. Havim; t-xliiiiisieil tlio hkill of three .ijiciitus. 1 as eoiiiiletely dit.cournct.il, mid so weak I t'oiiKI uli dilli culiy cross the room alone. 1 lic-aii t ikmi; your 'Fnvoritu rrescriitiin' and usiiit,' the local Ireiitiueiit, recommended in yimi-'Ctiiii-mon Sense Altilical Adviser. Iu three m mt'iH 1 was iti iivthj i invl. I wrote a loiter to my family .ai'er,brii lly meiitioiiiiit; how my hmilth had lieeii leslort-d, toul oller iiiytosond the full lutitictiliiis to any one writing me for them ' f" 'i'"i n stutiiffit inri-'tiH' .fin' 'fe':. I have received over four hundred letter. In reply 1 have descritietl my ease uud the treatment need, mill earnestly advised them to "do likewlae." From a L-rtat many 1 have received second letters of thank atatingthat Ihey bad coiniueiiced the tieatmeut und ere iiitu-h better already. Miut. E. V. MORGAN, Newcastle, Me. The tied of life--The married ones. He who lives on hope has a elun diet. Dr. Tierce's "Fellets," or Miirar-ruuted crannies Ihc original "Little Liver I'llls," (bt w.iie of iiiiitiilions 1 cure Kick and bil ious lie.'ttl it-he, cleanse the t-nnnacli ami bowel, niul purify the blood. To net Ken nine, fee lr. Fierce ninniiire and Ktrtrait ontioveriiiiH-nt st.iinii. cuila mr vial, by ilnigb'istH. Klie pant.', "I want to be an angel," and ho awoie Unit she was one already. To this she liluslimgly demurred Then hit married her. IJcmuriei su-miiied. When yonr wife's health is bad, when your children are nirklv, when Juu feel worn out, Use llrowu's Iron Iiilttrs. l't-servei! wuitisi l'att lies for a email boy's trousers. Wot-Fitaviii.E. N. C Dr. I. C. McLaughlin a-: 'limed ilrowu'a I run Hitter for ver tigo, and I now feel like a new man." F 'it .toil for a dead tiiirsiniiii "Thi wm 1 1 iiolileet, rowioan of them all." ropula'ion. rCI.'.'l fi:".'. Toil '2 .i.'t.i'.ii i is.a.iii i.'i.n.vs'.mi !i;;i.!ii;t 2:,-2,i) (i. 'lit l,7sn,(K ;V,,:.si i.ini ;ur.,'.i:i gi.s.vt. 0.' 1,1:11, in; ;17i'.,i:::7.ik1 Misg.HTl ie,cr,i.:'.!c :i,ii's.nt'i-j 4-',7ih;.7h: 4,-.'-2s'.il 4i,0l.'i.7.VI t'7t;,l Nil.l.-it .ICV-Oi ' Eli tow. Ky. Dr. T. B. VPether y: "I regard Brown's Iron Bitten aa a medicine of unusual worth." A Patagonian usually hat but one wife, but he ia allowed as many as be can support. ON TIIIUTY DAYS' TH I A I.. Tnr. Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Eloctro- Vol taic Belts and Electric Appliances on trial for 30 days to men, young or old, who are aflllcted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly vigor. Address as above. N. B. No risk is incurred, as thirty days' trial is allowed. Fraser Axle lircme. One greasing lasts two weeks ; nil others two or three days. Do not be imposed upon by the humbug stuffs offered. Ask your dealer for Krazer's, with label on. It saves your horse labor, and you too. It received first medal at the Centennial and l'urin ex positions. Bold everywhere. Tar TI1I1U llrmls. Heavy stomachs billions condit join Wells' MayApplerills-mititiilimiSCalliartic. 1(1 li'ic. Pnlil Heads. when you have tried everything else and failed, try our Carlmline and bo happy; it will prove its merits. ()nedollarabottle,and 6old by nil druggists. Ilou'l Die In Hie lltiieie. Hough on Hats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, bedbugs, tbes, ants, moles, chip. innuks, gophers l.V. Hnsirlne. This preparnl 011, cuini oundi d from the fonnuln of a cilo h i c I plijsu i m. is highh recoinineiided 10 latins who Miller fruin un pleasant leelings mo t citing. Druggists. Mkimiv .'till. Wells' Health Id-newer restores health, vii-o;-, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Hinual Debility. 1. As warm weather comes on wear (,'hro. lithion collars and cutis, rerspirntion has no etfoct on them. For burns, scalds, bruises, chipped hands, sores or piles, use St. I'litrick's iSalve. Rlraifhten your boots A shoes w ith Lyon's Patent Heel Siulenei-s, mid wcarthom again. Head men--rhreiiologlsts. A willing mind makes a licht foot. I he tongue is not (st 0 I. but il cuts. A Woman's Exiirrli-nee. Mrs. Wim um U.ntNrs. of L'xli l'lst-, Mail , writes On Miirrh S, l-ilO., as t.ii! wi "During the pii tin--- voir t lidfe liecnarmsl niftiTi-r Ir.-nt fW.il'i - 111-1 ' I il -f ' wlii'-ll lintl'tt ll.o rk II f tiio ili-'-t -vr 1 11. n I ' .. i is, as I c.nlil nut .-a,n poimtni-nt ti- ., f e o .- rn-iiiuriit an-i pre--iililiiiiis, an.l I Inn- ii- ' r .1 .ii-u-y '-c ill'-'l .-iiu-am On, minlwinr liii". I'-"1 '"'', no n-ii.-i. The paim, a.-ll,-; an.l -nUoe an r-- ! s 1 ,u,llv ami c nntitnUr tliatluan to r. l i.-i il ill -t., mill aa I,c uml-le to leave the 1'nl, an.t I'-" t tluit. 1 rmi-1 luotlul I In-t naiiin l,oM n u- o-iy. In the fIoiil(!.l and die. c 1 irnie-.l c-.-r-t.tl-it n ' t In- ii'l V rs.iaili-l lao In nae lltu-.Ca Iti-molv, an. I allei lal.1114 it nn'jf f lure J ii I i-i.nimriiri- i to K I I i llor, sail I ' nji n-t )o anl lii.-t:.! I l.a-..-1-.-nli.-lii.-l !' l-iUT'.re oimtsnlljl hj lie li e. iiii-iI 1. .. nfi.-r linoii laWoi ttm ri tiii-.tji onlj- a Imwi-t-lis, lam tlil" to lit-almil my hn.ine leain. and kill 11.1W tl, eir 111: It'ite-rwiii k. ) I'mie bacW 11 cureil, ll.u tiv.-n I'-ei.t. li-.- iliMl-i" it -J, ami I m nn la tn.o.ir h - ilt It Hun I T mint v-.ir, m l l'i- tlm prltl. I. ,;r 11' blitiilj ri-i'.iitiiii'-. il nit U1111I -1 Noititilf 11 ail ttlie r- 1. IT" "l I' M' iii-f .!- I 'I i- loi!-io it Iiwi; and I a - iiif Illy t-c .11,111. n.l .1 I.T III. no i.-as.n airk hfad-a-lii. .My In si el .ils.i lit. n,o, .. ni'i-.t a nry ri l.i-nrft t 1 li... I.-., fi I) llm .100 I iln ni.ul THliial.le liicilu-inc. Hunt i Ri-inril)-.'1 "Our I'lnu Is Still Tlierr., Mr. S. II. I. is.on t ew, A-iiruta, M.-., eat tide i. r. it 1 .l.-a im iilult-l ilal,- .-I A;.ril IC, 13 " T.i -..li..m il iii'S 1 lift-in T ' nu.j i-irlify I hit te yont ac I - v.rvl.ally anli.-ttil wilh limy 1.11.I u.lli.il .lilti ' I i ", ttl. i i. itniilr.l II (Ii lt-.ci.Mrlu ,i.l lul l nu. "I' I r i-. l.. 'llitl Irn-ilitiliinnniirk. I hi.,1 tl,.. inns' UU il .!i;b . an intuitu, wli..(rivo mono tMsliiin-w. llislellK "I ll uil'a II-1111-I). I K"l tholtle. an, I 11., U ef II tilted m ,-i t 11 1), hj lll.it I have t,en wi-lli'o-t k ure. Tti i.thor li.n( I naif M a ni-n'itmi vlu. .lis .-illiule I inii.-ll an I wna, an.l It ri-nLiti-.l li.lu to limllli I r n Imlj say Hunt It. 111-tj hat t en ol (tut i.n.1 in.-iuu-.-il.il' ni.ttll I" mi-." A rsilt nilitl Urmi-tlr fur l imn lirne. Or. Kit ii II Ni nlell. 1 ill' IT-..1. lit "I ill" I..I..I10 dill ii- i.f lli- l av ..( N- iv V. 11k. an l ( nil rlyt.f 1 in. u.n.iii. iiiii'. ii--1 t'r Win Mill's lul.-.un vi-rr t li-usivi)y tn In. ir.i -tii-i.. a . imiiyef b.a eati'iiis, now lu in;, an 1 r. -i. r-,1 1,. I. ii'ali If.- Hi- u-r ol Una iin.it'cil.V in- I -111- I'l l mn 'Iv l.atifv. IIrahv-a e.e.l lliiit mi vi.l a i-.-iii Iv niivtlit U'tt to I1.1 niun. I er.vl ioi-ri-ly i i-i' -u- in" In ai". lull ib.t II ciiuhl to da iircarrll' .1 In t lv lv t-verv ilnsMan t t Kivpri-Mii ri-iii" ly in all .- - of I 'm- liw. It u ture i iiri-K r c..n-ii!ii non, tml bee no e-ual f.i til I'octor.il .-.ne-Iaint.'. Ki-Uiiiitt'i'' l.lnliiieiu , Arpli'il to Hit- leal it relieves I1t-.11l.1rht, tod pr, W illi I in' li.ur li.'in feiluiR (nit. Oil 011 n tuur--ll'i- tiiil of cont. A first class iilliiir: n frrailiiutit-n. VSCD OVER 91 YEARS. .,..t. f..r I h,.lr. Omml ItlurrNtra. it-nltrv, vMtrl u.pliliit, livaptpale. L-i.it(.M :ui.i.-a a 1. lnl...lur,-0 lb ll.Atn.f. Krrnn.niriidi-4 bf li.n. Kpniiib K'.oar tollciiwr tS t-l. Stoli hr Ilragai.li H TrrAurf ai.lol. I fiavivrt llnlr fe n 1Ht CHAHllS A.V0OUIJ CC'ASt, bolllf. tola a. a. Do yon want a pure, bloom Ins Complexion, If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA 1JALM will grat ify yon to your heart's con tent. It does away with Sal lownoss, lteducss, rimplcs. Dlotches.and all diseases and Imperfections of tho skin. It OTercomes tho flushed appear an co of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of TIIIUTY appear but TWEN TY; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its ctl'ects. that ft is impossible to detect iu appuciiuuut lliaitetter't Stom- a. h Biltere meete the retluiremeate ol t e rational aeedioel phi. luenph, wbieb al preeeot prevaib . H ia a purfeetly pare esittable remwlr. embracing- the three Important propartlee of a preventive, a tamo and aa altera live. It lnrtinee the hiMty eainat (tmeeae. invie--'i-ua end re it4liir the torniii alutnach end livnr, aiiil rfltM-te e aalutain tliauae tn the entue a-li-iu- t. r aele .v el Priiralata end Dael cra anerelljr: Sitter5 D 10 a ir. .Hn-Miu A: t Partlaii.1. Ma. 8nre Cunt f.if Ki.tlt.- "t Kite In 'U h-nra. Prv poer. Ir. Krnef. vM Anu-nal HI. .Hi. Ixn a. Mo. a tl'i e day at home eaaily aea.1e. Cuatly eulSI free. Addrvee Taua a Uo., AuaaeU, Me. DrWprthihgtoms (mOLERA ORAMP lARRHOE&f (URE . elOVEIl 91 YEARS. KOTJED BUT CTTT1TIXD WOlUSttJt - ryreatateilitettei tftotej eVMtpe. tttlor ThetboTtue (i4 likeneet of lire. LTdtlt. Mule, fcam, ef Lynn, Meat., who tbort all otbrr human beln mtj be truthfully celled the "Detr Friend of Wonuui,' aatome of tier correipoDdente lore tn call bcr. 0ha U K-alouilr deroted to her work, whleb U tba outcome of life ttudj, and It ohlltd 19 keep til led asalatenta. to help her tnawertbe lame eorrcepondeiiRO whieh dtJtr poura Id onon her, each beerlnt; He apeelel burden of Miferlrfr, or Joy at releeaefrom It. Her Vi'tri tetile Coii...iiind la a medicine for good end not evil B-i-r-.-nra. I have nonuvnalljr InTtiligakd It anl am ea:l1ri of the truth of this. Onaoot:nt of It:, provrnmeiiti.lt la re-ommmdetl ind pret.'ri bed by the b,-nt phydU-ljne la the country. Ono eayt t ' t ar.iike like a Therm and ttTea much pain. It will rare entirely tba mm (01m ef (tllloa; of the un-rut, I-urorrhoea, Irregular and painful U'nv'rtieinn.all Ovarian Troul.lri. Inflainmatlon tnd llttra'l.jn, r'MotlinB, ell Plip'ei-rrnenti tnd the con. eeit.iontipiiialwcakiiesi.and It tape -tally adeptad to) the Chanpe of Life."' It itermretet erery portion of tha eystem. and gleea new Ufe tnd vlffitr. Il rrmoret fa'.ntneu, flatulenry, destrt-ra all eravinp for atlroulant t, tnd rcllavet weak nn of thtttomarli. It ciltm ttl.ttlng, lleadtchee, Ni-rvotiarroatration, Oenertl Delullty, Sleeplceaneat, I'-pi eiiJon end Imtigention. That fnrUng of beerlnt: down, causing pain, weight an.t backa-lie. It alwtye p rnianently cured by itsuae. II will al ell tlmee. end uml-raU ciroiiintiuiec, art In bariuony with the law tltal soverna the fi-inat' aystem. It ro-tt only f I. per l-ottlo or tlx for .v, end It told by drugs. fta. Any edvlct required ee to ajieclel catee, end the nanier. of many who hat e bi-n reMored to perfect health hy tlie nut of the V.-geteldei ompoond, can be oh-elncd by nldrraanir lira 1'., wub attmp for reply, tt tier home In I.ynn, Meat, For Eldnry Complaint or tilher eel thl compound It tinAiirptasrd aa nlmnttant te-itiiiionlale ebew. "Mra riiikl.nni-al.lverrilj,"aeya one writer, 'are fnenesf fn (At irnrf.l for the euro of Conntlpatlon, nillouaneet and Torpidity of tho liter. Her Blood Purifier worke won.lera In tla iprrlal line tnd bide felr to equal the Compound tn Ita popularity. All muat reapret bar at tn Aneel of Mercy whoee tola aniMtlnn In to doi;oud 10 othera. PUI!a.li-lplua, I'e. (I) Hie A at. D. II N I' 20 SIGNIFICANT SPRING. A Dissertation upon Its advont.and its effect upon mankind. "The green loef of the new eonin .iv-nti." 5aal-. Kveryhody recoRiiics eprin-:. when it is once upon us, liut many persons are not f.iinilinr wild tlieeiuct date of ilsnipearance. Webster, the wnrlil renowiioil lexicosrnpher, fives tin n (letinition. wliit-li may not bo in rtiiroprinto ln-re. " Spring," sitys lie, "i tlio sonRon of tlie yeir wheti plnnta betfin to restate nml rw, the vornal season, compre lieiHliiiRthenioiulisof Mnreh, April ftnd May. in tho niidille litlitutles norlliof the eiinfttor." Thomi s in, in Ins "Sen.-oni," nil Shakes, jit aie, iu iiiiiny of lii-t works, linvo, porhips, no peers iu deseriliiii(j it, nn.i yet " ellieie.it siTiiitf" i freih'liled with inalnrin, "Hint HiHidioiiH foe, lurkiin; unseen in the very nir we lircntbe." It eprentls over the fairest por tions of oar Innd; brings denth and tliseme to tliousnndsj cuts off scores npon scores of our children nml youth, n wi ll as those in mlvnnced life. A pi-alileuro ii regiinU-d with t it t lo less apprelii-nsimi. iind people every -where are ahkiti. " Wlmt is it?'' "Where dot s it come f 10111?" " Wlint will cure it?" KinsEy-WoiiT as a Ri-iuno Medicine. WIk-ii you broiii to ln:-o n pi tito; have a ht-atl.ii-he, a pain in yonr side, bank and -boulder; to to" iibont nt tiicht in rootless ilieain.s wako in the moining wilh a foul mouth ntul tuned tmifciie; feel disinclined lu no abo it your work, heavy in body and npprtstd in initiil; have n lit of the blues; vtben your mine git-t f-caut or bih colored; to banYr Willi cottip ition, tliarrlnes or indii;eii.in; have n aty, sallow face, dull eyes, and a blolchcj skin; one or all of these common coini'Iaintt w,ll eortainly be evidt-nees that jo.ir liver in tli (ordered, torpid or jierhaps disoted. A boitle if Kidney Wort in, under sui-li ciicumstances, a pike leSK boon t siuh n iei.-uii. Daro os?erlionsof proprietors hive come lo possess less force than they frenuently merit. The cause of this condition of popu lar skepticism i, in Iho main, to bo found in the fact that charlatanism covers our broad laud. Meritorious at tides nre too frequently found in bad companv. The proprietors of Kidney-Wort always proiv all lli'-ir a ..-ir-Wmiis iniii liiiit; the merits of their pri-fiiiationst. When wo nllirm, Iht rcioie, that Kidney-Wort is a Biei'ilin for '.uut such di .unlets ntt have been mentioned in ibis article, the proof, too, leloni;9 to and slinll follow this siateint ut. ConaumDtlon Can Be Cured 1 numption Can Be Ci HALL'S DR. WM. luhEBALSAM (-urea t onemiipllon. Cnleln, P '"""'"t.fiV !..., UromUiiil inidialtlre. Irarhjlla, loarernaee, AelliMaa. Troup, JJ ""P!"5 aaih, and all llleraeM or tlio ;'''" Uriaaa. tl aootkre aavt hrafa Iho Mrmbr a ja of "be I.atiae, Intlaweel ".Ht'-""' ..'ij Ueruo. ami provrale tho alaht owrala anil IlKlunrae arrooa the rhoat whl. h ni-rouiltnny II" t oneumrlloei le not ON lai-arablo iimUtlr. IIAI.I.'N lUl.MA.tl will, our ya, Iheeah nvr"-!"!"! at" Inlle. -oeeaMaatf mm habit Cured Painlessly. The Meillrlne "-I.I for aemell inargm al v the eoot el enmuounilint. A I raei-e treated l.y aprr.al proacrlp linn." Irur lull ierl.eulera eitdl.il the lllM-ovrt'or, DR. S. B. COLLINS, La Portr, Ind. CONSUMPTION Mr ne'olr diacovored Treatnient .wr " to effect aT.-ly u- t r"'it"-' dive lull nertloalare ol ,;.. Aildr.-aa I'rof. l. I. MIIII.K, MOOta ( lara, hula ( laru o.. I'allforuiti. ItrNO PAY UNTIU CURED. jfcftHagIH:lrfIlvkl (lilt WMltl All lit I fAtll. BmllVMitlibrmp Tali ffiod. I'eo in time, noia oy anittteia AGENTS WANTED tine .llnrhlnr ever Invrnteit WiH knit e pair o aUKTun. oilh IIKI-:l. and TOK complete la i niiiititi-a. It .till alao anil e treat verifty of lenCF work for winch Hi. no la alxaja a rtiaily market. Nee.l lor 1-ireiilar an.l term. t the Ttveillbly Knlltla( itlnrhlno I'a., Ibe Tremuul Btroot, Moalon. Maea- ,TM T IB CMCArMT." KaraaPaaar. I 1 1 1 1 1-O I 1 1 1 1 U tu W,n.n (miiT4V1tII mh'Iioim rur inr nm. rimpnn ftirf FrinntThDAaltmMl A Taylor ('. MnnnM U 0PIUIV1 So iy tul eurd. Ta 110 Meu th. tjuiucy, Alleh. FREE '.r'. -mm mm Porf... t Health. II U But ItX BilSalo, TT- PATENTS & PENSIONS8 I j,L Bllfr'la, AU y-tl-Uw, Matklof !,. O Dill Ml ami t II 111 V IIAIUTS eared rlU IVIel home wilh, .ill peln K,t of per ticnltrteent fYee. B M Wooatl.ll Atlanta, Oa. 80 -olMT I'alNTlNii t-o., N.iiliuryport, Maee. S2 AN HII1TR for ell who will make apare time nrof alile ,a tood peyinf bueinnw, if y,,u can device vonr whole I, in. toll. Mi ami Ilit i, lli1SS.N V Braihliia Ilahlt t-wt-ewfl I el la) Iff Da. J.ttreiril t, Lcbenou, OHIO. CIKST8 WANTm for the Hr.t an l Faateat ei.il. Int Pictorial B,..k. an.l 11,1,1-.. Pruee rednre.1 S) potoent. NaTitiMeL HeeLi.His.i 1)0 . Pull. '. eel e week ia vourowntown, li-rmt " - aitnroejtl. llwlleu ,v I t Hilt M M'T(u.in.( ollrce j Peel tl una lot araduatee. rt..lP"l " 'JWf,