rmriifimitWiiiiiitiwwi 2jft4 Chatham 21crorc THURSDAY. JULY 12. lssa. H. A. LONDON. F.ditor. S 'il. i there :iv ' rtcindin;. overv i,im except tho drivel' 1 was k ill il. I I very eVvated lovvi:. being at an si'ti-! nr.mTtrs. and each vied with tho! A Trsiuio On-uiTClKT. Near Cincinnati iiu express train' ' tud" of 2.0 ft ft ii'icvt he level f ' oilier in f xpres.-ions of good-will and ri u iii. -mm.. Ur.iiin.-.i-k. ! inn into il liuekafer wagon in whit li . !H. s,i. .,,,.1 v..: it is i :i v.ili.v. for 'in the iiitnvlmnsr.' of icasuM com,-- Four :n.l n-am, ,.ti Uumv.iv a f""i!-v of sK YT M,ll ih' ' rai'ts ol lo.iniiit.uus sur- n-su-i. vie iouim our LiiMiivi oi -... - - - "..nniui ..jeii . , , Mill :'ll' i Wed, 1. I- I.i. rill llr.ll' VN tlu' town, many po-u.s ol t.-ir gallant l :i motto s.. ate in ivnvv-i j -.- r I wl.i.-h arc about (..HIM) feet in height. genial companions and plea tatit ass,,- .j,, . ,u! "".., ll0rll ,Kll., (f ..ommitH d smoidc while laboring' The Li.'ksioue Mountain aft'o-.d-t r ; i-ate-;. uiul our brief inti'mi-irso v. idi ,!,; , mnt.v. The wagons were those under alx rmtion of t!u mind, caused Tb Fikvrsth iini'mal convention most otei:ded and sub .mho vica. .hi : 1 ' hicm will ever iv rrii'ciiioero.l vnii ol .iir. w . .. Ahsli. r. .apt. !. A. I." Ins aeeidci.tal poisoning ol oneot A . i ' i ' . .! 1 ... li...: l v. i ' i -l i . it.. xr..i. f ..,.. !,. Xssocia - s more easi v usee::. ,1 th-.ii tmv tho livcli. r.leir-t.ro. .1 ho ho-pi! al- p'i. .. imm m jrnuu aim ... ms ciiii.ircu. W till? ilWHI ..444 ...... v - - . . tion wiw held, last week in the town m-IIht. ::s i ne ean rid. iau-sc-back to ili.s of our hosts who vv..i fiiy of t he if Wivnnxvillp Hiv 00.1 count v. and i1s summit. There i- iM'ol.aKU' Hot tueoii I'lty of tlse West". a:i.l wi'.li TiiSiscollaneous AdVRrtifecreent. II. Iii'cvi'f.. I'.s(. I lie lieel cs waTi was in cliai-;;'!' of William Ueeves. wilJ' ltmir be rememliered lh hi ' r. ro,n east ,.f the li'-.i kv MoMnfains much regret we took leave I llrelfeiit emotions of iWuro Iy u!l , tl:i is autifallo .-iiuaied as raj.i.lly jfiowinand irnsneronstow!!. iowereBofovtuimtc as toaltenlii. : Waynes tile. end. when the railroad -mc statistics of which wo will I'lih Before proowdinj? with a di'seri(l ion ' ino.v I'J miles distant) is extended lish next week. Of the pltMHures. flayed while alten IIomc. we eannol. dotiht thai this : On Sai urday irx ri;in. uion tin. ijiii" the convention we will -;ivo a town will h come the most jioiuilar pi evious'.y accepted invi'.it ion of the r.ijii'setoi s. l":h Assm'ia! ions u'r r.de.l (!) Tn AVcstci n North Cariili'ia there are lifiy nine j'euks ahov.' (.UUl) fie!:; ninetv three li. tween ".(U)y and1 C.IHIil'. and 14:1 Let ween i.OOD and r.0l!0. u total 1 f J'.'5 alove l.'lDi) fltfttement of its business. ! niounlain rcort in tn- Seiitli.ru The convention was called to oi d. r Stales. One of the handsomest an.! ou tho morning of the 4th inst. 1 .y ! most iMininodiotis coin t hiM-.s.s in Mr. Q. S. Bradshaw. president of tin. 1 the Stale is nmr In iny erected there, last convention, mid upon the roll jit is i.ii.ii of brick, and will be not thinff called' it was iini.oifKed that j only an ornament to AVayncsville but ttbout aeietaif n.emUrs were ptes 'an honor to Haywood com, ty and r. eut. An address of weleoniL' was ! iiionnnu-nt to the public spirit ol ' her delivered by the mayor of the town. : citizens. Abo;:! one mile distant Mr. W. B. Ferguson, which was re- j from Wayne.-viile are pponded to by the p-esiden:. Hie -i-i i wm-.i; sri:i.;n mhin.s, annual election of omen-swan th"i held, remitting as follows: H. A London, president : j. V. Robinson. Palemon John, and Josephus Daniels, son 01 tiie owner, ami l iiinlc U.ic tliis ' cohn-ed. Fleet Martin was diiviu; his father's wagon. :nd Tarks. i-olor ...1 1 wi 1 1.:. . 1... 1 ..1 -('. anil . 1 11 mill e. Millie, lli'.l lllilie (.1 uie icams ti .Messrs. l ooper inni 1 Ab hor. I he live teamsters ma le a 1 hoi e has been discovered in V. ash ! vi ry merry parly Wednesday mglif. iiiifton 'Icreil -I'V I he greatest wonder j vdiiy morning their jokes and "!' the world in the way of n water- ;( 'oiisi in nf' iratiUs were renewed. KivMe; tin S8000 DOLLARS c;o)?v at WOHTI! OF shed akl'ast about 1 :ir v i:v. m i.im.-. a 1 e-oi 1. of w hich we had heard much but i' .or before v i-.it" 1. The pa. ty ri leaiiied .hi ro abfii! 1 iireo honi sen joying t heir bliof isii to the ntmo-t. esoeeia'.ly ihe dinmr thai had been provided for thoin. which was the bct that' wo have ver known. We doubt if siL-h a hid ol tare had oil' hour alter simrw. t i:ov were prepai mg to mo e on to Statos ille. I'.-ui; and young Hooves had been fooling'' with each other a good ileal, but juM bclore moving ott I!:-ovom and Muiin goi inl'i a romp. Suddenly the others were start iod by the ci.uk of a re vo'ver. Yo.lilg Iioeve e!ai!iit'd I. old tiielcv ." and fcli a! llu loot of a tie.. Winn rtiuiie.l iie vvas tic-id. I h ill from I iie pistol ill ti t i : o- . f I'leel .Martin hail polio ' .'.hich areata higher altitude than before been pit pared in this State, tratcl his brain just .-:b..e tho it-It ;anv other snlphn;- sp:in.-s in the cverv dolicaev b.-itig piovidi d tiiat eye. Vo-ing Martin had been ilour- ; United States. This is the .1.0.: 'he anpetilo i-ould ,!.-.i,c. We will h-him.' tlir j.isl.J abol:l the dav be- . , , , , ; i- 1 .1 tore. w!,"t: it was lcaliv unloaded. . wetutes.iiie and lovelv siioi that wo not Jaiiializeour readers w itli enutiie!-- ... ., , . , ... , vice-presid'f iits; Jordaii Stone, secre- . seen, and i.i.e for which ating tho l..- li-t of good things ..'..,. ,'.',....,'.., : ;, ',",;' '',. ',' a .Ji . - . 1 I A IT V . ' . . . . . . . . 1 ' ' iirysimirt'UM.n'r.n..v. ......... ... Nature has done more than for .-tnv placed bet-tv us. Alter the Ind Fotte, .. C. Haeknoy. K. A. Oldham ..,. ,.w, ,.,!,',. : 1 .,.,.;..,!. ,, l...d .1,.-,.,, satiated x.ith the b iinj J. H. Enniss, excciiLive c(m;init-:T1 M...t..J.. :.,., ,i ;l, . ,. coml'oils". a i,uu,b,i- ,f ts welt given -l tli 1 appropriate l'e The inigt.st took of eoods over ollercd to the people ol" (.'hatha!-! At and Eolow Cost, IY (; )1'S, .NOTIONS. MILI.IKi;v ckmiih: KKAhYMADK ( Lt I 11 ! NC. HATS, Hot TS, SHOFS ititd FANCY (iOOl)S. ' Z.OrjDOW is offering tho above AT HOST TOR CASH, I These "oods must lie sold and ATONOIi. Cash will ,..l, .1 :. ..." S I VlV.tlW IlllVlltil (ill I tun i ... I .. ... . Mil I I . . . ' . day. The ball was recover, .1 mar j ,. I ,,, . w i ""'-' "; '' "V' the regular prices. rmrnsid... lilinois. but Owiugs was! V1'" 1 ,",;,M h ( A'S1 '"" I'1 before tiie ,HU llV- n.-issing and is thought to haw been ' ,'!''" , , 4 ,., ,. killed. ' I ,,MM' vai'ds host ( arn o at (! oonts, reduced from 8 eenls. . I .Vill,Is '"t fiwiis at l'l ceuls. reduced from 1'J.'. to M cents , w,,, ..cemsnp. i ress t,.io,s..t all kinds and tiualilies: i from (. cents up. II.-, idytuiK.lt. Ololhing ;i! viuir o.mi j.riee. I'.o'.ts ,,d Shoes w,r than yn ever saw them. Notions and F.n.cv (Jds for .aimo-d nothing. Ibts away below cost. I Vou need anvlhim' call at fall. It is at the head of the Oowiilz j river, and is lift ecu hundred fo t ! leep. I'rof. Owiugs made n balloon a-ioiisionat ivoounu. Iowa. Wednc K.M to; . -. -I ii .. .. i . -vr- n - tee; ana aaor ito.o. cm.pi.... ...r. v.. wiU nnj iis Waters po,s. S. Bradshaw was elected the oral. .-. ' ni()s( Vrt,u.ll(ll. , l it 1 1 i;t 1 ,,ua!iti and Mr. ltieo. tl. Jim iuo poei. oi j, js sit.lttl in (l .i,.,. (:vul yvt ; , !, ,.!,, came for our hurvied depart- the next couvention. ,(Ul altitude of 2.71(i feet above the lire. To the veiy oliicieiit and eour- At noon of the 4th the ctinvtiition j ;,.vi.i ,,f tin-sea) through tin- centre teous manager. .Mr. II A. (iiidgtr. (Tnd crffZcn'S .tf tlm town and sui'-,,f which dashes JlichUind creek a were we all ind. bted to so p'oasant :i rounding country wore 'uht; r-:sed by ';ni,.,t l;.itpid r;id louiv inoiiiitain ooiiciusion of our vveok'seiij-.ynn ut. Hon. Moutfort McOehee. State con.- ; rcum and rising ahnipiK mtttiiy miBBiotier of iigiioult-.iro. who ftil'y ! (liv i,,ftv mountains, presenting a sustained his reputation as rn t b S( (. not surpassed anywhere. Thr quent end cultured rrt-.i At night Vr,.,,,,.ls are tnsf, (,: , -id ,t with the annual poem, written for the oc j j,!,...Slll1- rai;.-.. rustic bridges and ftnion by Miss licbcoea Camoton. ' sl .,,s ,,.,.,. .,, th, ic. wi le -preading wfts read by t'ol (.'. II. Jones, and tr. t s ailor.hng a most coo' nml re- Kvimi Ui" hatmr .tlr i-ti l lull ! k.H i I. -1. Art i l..lr.- .-. - it I Uif plM's .! Hit' Ni.rlli. ".Vml, lii.f anp'iii: ihi' I.I. -allies wlili-li ar. ii. Iij ) . I im nil mi-..." wnii !. Dr. .1. tl. Wiilljec, .. -..r. ltit-t.-. he lia.l. 1). nd t less h( had -is iiit.t.i.-M T.isie it wvm t.. h.-v. ti. tell till - and was snapping it " Kl:- ..: .l....,,rr..i.. .II,, v 1. 1 br I. in. I he! o 1-. no i.oiil , . ,, , ,, . , o dotihMlial Ihe kihing was aeci Kmu,yus ,-. -.a.-. ; .'..,.; i ,',.',s,.M, -iu, 1-lital. The b.ivs were miehbois .-.i.. iii.ni u. i.r.-. in.-i..n m.,i i...... putlses laa.'o. atld ail rigiet(.-d when JlM, .,v,.r,. ,,,, j;. ,..t ,,' terms. '' "mi nii-.T.-i:..' nril;i.y l:ill.., ,l,...yin l,'e,.'..s mis in Ihe ei.di- '" 1 :- sac- thx- T..)il.- im r of his age: M Lis ui:. t tooiii h year. Tl t .ii ne. i ai on ! i wnii i is wagon, m:o i; . x .v c... mil j ...-i.-i.t i 1 1 -i tt i- i which lie l.nt the I .i'v r.f his dead iu-t Uml iCi.t Vj.til ir,. iwi, in.- linn..- ;in. ORANGES Wi FLORIDA. I KK TiUN :.! ! t S AM' I.I.HS Ii.M IM'Kl: A M-W ! I Ml. .:,t.y:,lr .r.:n;r-..T......f K..rl-!; Uelllelllbor, atlV I IV ( mods, Not ions, ('!,.( 1, i Ifr, I'M,u S,-s r H,t ::ri:r.r,;rr:.r;:: y.,k fo.; Vash, not on ?mk 'v ,;,!;;:, Tlioso prices will hold until further notiee. ('all soon if vou wish to wive inonev. l'itl-bi.r,.', X. ('., .Julv l-J, iss.l. NV. I.. r,()NI)()X. Y. nog elitli v. f ft .S?" r! .,, 2 , SEN & CO.. Han'fs, he latter i, .,,. I,,,,,.,,,,,,.,. .!,,, v,..,l... r.KlOI.l I (JM I ON , SAUDI P. ()., . ('. the annual oration fis drliveicd by freshing Mr. H. A. London fn the n.-t day luMe.-iaut Boveral essays won; rotid. Col. -h IV Cameron read an essay entitled "An tiquities of Western North Carolina". hich was written in his iimui' pl as at style and was as int. lc sling as -it was instructive, proving th.it a pre historic race inhabited I hat portion of our State. The rs.-ay of Mr. I'. A. Oldham was a f"!l ami c:ik f'ti'.y prepared stnteirent of The M:t'. Prosperity of North Carolina. ' wis:. i , v.-e wish could be it a I bv ali our (ainlv 'I his was .. i.r Itr.st visit to t los lai.ioii -s mitariii'ti and il.-l . oh f i'i;l report, and ".e i -.in well nudoitaud whyi: ha--beeoliie s.i popular. The hotel i t In-larg-.-.-l m the State, haviega front age of nearly l.O't i'eil. and is sur i oernhd by .ia'.a- nggrcgat ittg ' I.I 'ft' !l 1. ...I. att'l sj:u te.l l;.lne witn :t ae-oov.r.-'i'cd by tho team which tho ih. teased hat b t'ti driving. The other t wo vvagot.-. e rne on to States- itn- in. i, I.T 111,' IV 1 r- 1'a ..'l -ii Ti-i, ii : l r...i'! I'.'M.' 'I!,,, w. .r I "..luk...i ;vn il, iii ui,.. 'in. i.;, I .! -4' is M.-m:i !. -. jv ii'K iiirir imiiv.u i.v ,,1 lliifll-'r l !.' :n'.i...,s iiu I-t li:.- t,;t!i.-ul lill:.':' i.ii.I a 4.-ii.4:.t 1.- .... tiiii.-.:'..n;.j.! i::t..ni,.- ii..i .11.11' ill T .Hi,', .' ii llui! ..in- rti.1,,1 will :i(;r.-.- "i i:- i,!,. il,.- .;.. .i I, . ..r ih.- .-.imi-j;.' 'l'l,. ri- ... I I.VIliJe. t..-cvi.r. Ill ;.r.'-tir.l e. ii I'.--!:. n:i I I': I ..:t. ! r.-t.::iii.aii: Hi tlw liai. I : -. .vi-;.j...-.i u.i.s.T ih.- un n r I'vkm.ii': iN...:i; 'l''..i. .' .- tit.ii.i M..-4-. mi,.,,, in, .-11. -ii, i il.. Miiiamr.-... lli, ,v e... ,e :. i .. nifl I.' r.-.. -r. j. ...t .,! i in, ..,i .-,.,.1 a w.-.i r:i',. VVau-. i. (... line It ..,irs I!,.- .......v,. :.,t In ., ,.. i -iv in :-- I iiui.n I . ii hi. i-,. II, tin ,.,.ii.i, :, .vvi.im vmii -.i,..iVH ili..r tin; n-, u-ii' I 1 1, ,'IU haM- i.i MIV. iadc. while the suit and foot in h-r.-th. It i- pif :!.-.! vv.tii asst'l.ipt otie to roll on a'l the nio.!. I'll coliVC.iielic.--ol' tie its verdant bed. and yield himself t best h. !. '.-. with eh-, trie be i-. In I: the full ti;joymii-( t-f N;!srrV self, in oven room, i h- combined Icn-tl, i nls spot rs vi n:y a --cool s. a.i. stered ! i.o -. v. irt s ..moa .it to -1 laic s. ,41 .!e' thi't would tempt an v. lie to A beautiful i;rs-v !.. n. cove:,d h- A Vi afer -Snout. N. iv!-eii,' Juie iiM . -i i.gt is on the !".!n; Citv from v.r .vest i rd.tv hid the ..poor S t XT MllW; V. KfiUV.XlV A LA MA NTT. (orNTV. t lii.it v ol beholding let tit In d elements. T Wa.. jlt-l i.bov VV.i.el : l.ollt luaite llji tll.lll tile .Se.lSi live mile- 1 el.;lid her. !'..! 'i'lellLs its m.'VCUil llts was up have the b,i-y bu-.:!cof '':' outer vv ith the cool sha.lt world., and retire to its fascinating t roe.-, extend-in a seijiety am! heating wat.v.. The lhe:e,t; ': to ihe b proprietors of the Springs. M. -s, , Timb.-i i;.';.. ;in,( J. .id.-. eo-:-.:..ti. .-.1 wii'.il: f'lieil 1 -.ver to the el; t ert iii !l tit. ;.; .f i in ii git. st and tiicv ct r I w 1UC s itd.lai si k ..f th. 'leadilg l-e fl oiu "l'l. net. !i:..'i" It. vi. .1. m V.'Ull-lllI The , i.iii'i'y ; i.'v r.v li d in i "t el' fit.; gl.l l' li Hl.d iot.g .111 I M. 1 till' I tl' I II'.. Wi: : : :'' '1;-' :-' t v as i v . i, b h o . :;n J v. i 1 r menioi , Hubscribers. It vvas cshtt'.sted t make us feel prouder thun over . our good old '.tat! . One of the matters cf jciblic .nf. t est acted upon by the coi.e, in -m - as the adoption ot a n-.o;. :.; iV(pjefitiii; every member r i.v Oirough his jiapor tlic . i.aet m.-nt of . lw for the encouragemei;! and pro tectih of sheep hi.si aieli v. Ti.i dops had no friend in thai eo!-..-:i tion. even though they have mac.;, in; otir legislatures r : r i- was also. adopted ep. e-.-ii.g the gi.i ideation of the roiiveution at tin ii'iking-together f to- diiaiu por i.oUH"of our State by tiio exteiisioi of the Western North Carolina rail road, and the prospect of the spi edv development of the magnificent coun try titrough which that roic1 ii'i'- resolution was adopt oil that Association attend in i body Boston Exposition, and theovecutive v.-oH p. i;r new made fri, id- .tod ti:o Committee were n ipic.it cd to m.iki scenes of m muci, ploas.ire. a.id jour the necessary ariangemt tit.s th.-rcf.ir. n. yed toward- A.-hcwlie. Wiien ihe 'f his exposition will begin on iheiiih irain had arrived near that Imvn v.e lit nad which rilsin s :n-.ir ot it w:.p : s. ! !:' j 1. t C.'t -ije.-lles. seene. Tic ; a'ge 1 rise abruptly the other river sian I a- mighty -. u the l,i.''y va'io; tic.! hi an,! seem io itsv itc th. I'o i i,i I'.. i im r v. o il ii. Ilii-.-c ill v it :i:g i r i -V: - ', : w hiie p. i 'a !a;n : . . si.ll'. mg It'.l.i l t:.-m:eL!:.' the voitdi-l fill VV:it.-l - t ha-.- a n.agie.,: . tl. Tl. 1 -e.. . ,., v .. .,. , ,,. , V Wit ii t le I n the I- : thin-asir.Y- y t . t: lll'lltelits. ward until it w toed to !i.-s the evil I 'll bi'ilittg cloud above it. Ill : ierl tune h . i v. r. it vvas disce.vt it d lh.il li.'' mighty -yr,imid of -.j-i. k-lo-.kii.g watt r wa.- lav - hv approaeii it g liie .-iealia r. C;pt. Oibl- old. i- od more p r.i.i in oi i.r ! get away from the s..oi:t as i'.oi -is possible, t ii.,ent:.g I! e ihv.-iel vi ii'..- was coming l.i.sti r .'ind faster, tin- C.tptaiti eh'illgid his C'tilse in ail oj'j.O.lie d'lc.-ttt.l. ali-l "p'.iled J..- th si, ore." .villi the int. -nlio ii ol tieiiing nearer iii a1-. I iifitdtig l'.u'.v i'a-1 tlic water p.e..t i'eil II Wa.- .so. tc, disci .M-red tliST ii"' teiltUe lower W.l, sottiillg doV"'!. i,':to the livel'. wlr lelipon the -t. tin a i- v.::- 'ha'.gcd to i.. r original I l.'l'.e sight ol tilt When the steam- S.uth Kiv.r a T. M. IMMJr.lM'SOX. Princinal. stxsjov Livin- .int. -j'..!i. l-si. in-irii.-. J ii-ii o..." .'il-.'i. m- : i .' ii.- i li-i.l I.... e.;ii n.'ioiiy o-.-y l-.il;',ail. s 1 1; i. i i. v ,i m. 11 .ii I iii:.,-, f......i ... i- 0.1. l'.-r i II". ular lit,. I ln.ii..il al l.oS'.'S In .,;li. 'I'ltci-.n -.-I.i I-1- l- litnt- a l'l;. ,1 MM.I.S. N c. .1 n.i -M, lJ.-:l. Ill" 1 1 1 1 f .1 V . ..i; I-. I .1 . 1 ... I . "li- Mil . I II. c I'lty l-J, 1-n-.. wl.ai lli..s GEO. 11. KISS HII k CO. rilK ALL I1KJIIT COOKISfr STOVE. i tli. l.l..l, IHi-l;,'.., .vi-, ai,.i. -,.i ... i ti '.K.-lCl f ,.- Ililsi'ri:.inv,t 1'iil.li.- iimt nor ( ,'i t. l libbs. v ho hs .l!ei'--p..!s. llu,.t;.s tl i-vera tl I "t was 12' l I r at'.d vv; vv ;; I; ,n li e f tiio l"i:it w hen I! was tormi d. :y t: th. -.sent Hon. of o' w nil- -r.v . : 'i'l.f of ;. i;,!- e ,pi;,: til v the'iifiotn Tokay vinv a--.l bv W. !. t-l'. e.l. (hi the !;; I ;...!.! :' visit a mo.-t . i:io-a'..'.i- thte,' taimm-nt was g:v.-n at tin- Spiing.-.. consisting of vocal at'd tte-t i.i meet ai m'.i-ic and ree-.tarioiis l-v th. .a lob: a '. -! . 'oentiotiist. Mr. !',. Wiih mgiibv tit''- lleadi . and the ehai'lni'-.g M; ... Welch, the ("in I'i idav wo '. ii. gatit ! " bid t ire -d !!. b -t';-r !' !. lc pov. e: t. !'"-lk ot ! is: :,;,..- ih,p ,i. d wit, ;. ill the pi lls! Ill ! h.:t i: wa- -el;-. -It, to i l l'C 'e. i a;-, .);,-! I.,:..,, .V- 1 and nt'ter p: .-..-i:, inelitarv r. -.o iitinr. 1 :-.:;,! .-o..'n 'i :n. ing to ,h. ir s. !! a.n .-:;.,; iiillue.l 1.. l.e ii-:, ill i , f Mii.ilU ,e! .ll'.-.'s W ft o . 1.. I T !!,:.- ( Woman. S! .-. ; ,!. i-- in ll.tmpshir I r -1 IO' ilililt: w:"s I -a J fill re-uti great t :,j dov ii to cd !".i ial !'.' iii.loi;- w.-ic m I bv :i long hue of i-jin i.igc eicii.iihiiii commit let of tl-c l,.Mrd t vo not "ii'y of 'J'rado of Asheville and a good!-, e: e.it ion and s. Mil!, ill. r of .'ir brethren of tie-Soiiih for c. I:. opting i ( 'ai o.inii Press Association. Acct.m- 'f our b; ti,i 1 1 pat.;, ing them f '-istp d ' Ui.'h'.ioM.i r he . -ni I --: - o most i.le.siiiitly and thereby e'e ivt d bv its tah i,p d "f join naii-1:,. of next September and be open for two jwonths. Hildas our State will Havd ho rii'tlital.le an Wui-it ihere it is" proper that the editors should tittemVnnd do 11 they t-.r; in ginne "a Loom" to our .State ami cude'ivor to draw hither capital ami immigtii Iii!!" ami w i:'V. Appropiiate resohitioiis vert- ho-,pi(ably i adopted to the memory of tho late : owner, llichmt.ml lN iirson. . sj . a J.unew W. -Hrpor, of tho Ne-.vb. rno son of the late chief justice Wo Joiunal, and a eulogy pi'Miouue. d found llii.s to he a be-ut fuliv lui.l upon the late ('. N. 1J. Evans. f Mil ' -mt )..ok. idi v. in. ling ro..d-nv:vs to ton. The town of Fayett.-viiie was the very s'.imm.t. ,'i.,i,, which a m,,..-t i.e.locted' as the plao of holding llm i liig-iiiicciu view was had of the sur- niil i-onvc-nrtnn. the tune tor which . roiin Png coiiutrv. Al the foot of with.-; Ml 1 1 ... I ... . . ....... . viii ov iipreaii.T design ,m.i nylhe t lie l.ili is .Mr. real s, n s cot I age. and and "xeeutive conmuttee. n, ti-.n.t of ihis wa.iiih. autit'ul hrouzc Other matters were discussed ami - foinitain. in the ba-in of which were disposed of that were of interest to ph.ee.l iuimmt rablc botiits of iced the editorial fraternity but not to Ihe , cii.impagm. eh-. ,Hc.. which at ihe ia public, and we will not w eary our j vital ion of .-t.r h..t were opened readers therewith, but will proceed !amid the rajiid popping nf rinks. A (o Hpfcafc of the' ! large jar of ice -cold buttermilk war. im the Ho;, of 1 Ih.'t (his i.il.-i tit. -I "! a'i ..iii',1 aa-t it 1 I We i.t it is .I'.hieii'i '14 iii; ui i- The.se annual ditoria! frati'iiatv SI ate. a lii'.tiiiii; mo..; ' .mvli,'...g i.itriii etl. I! is ;. oiing ehild. born i'i 1". i .i-y!v:i.. ami i 'a l i f. i t 1't. en v i is in t - , rv t hii'g lc.it itg. She ii the '.hmol.ler of M Miii. i. of shaii. -villo. A w i,o : ecciit lv si i -a- hoi and in :ig-' b'. !! r !vh . ivit.tblc in a.'.ad'. a.:.! SI: i.od I I'i ;. , iiltili; 'tijoy Itleiit. !"-.!, the nl euitiva l:y li.t- sta:,. .on;nt.s. at;. I o-lt- t: nt y. in : ify v. hi. h o-i . r o- ilOiltl. ol' iii lMi'l. 'Id. w ho i iti..tt,t. T.hn li ;tt 'email 'earned her lity. foioid " i:; MM lit.'.' a 1 w i igits Meemmu b.: I i i iFisiiiiE Tackle Bepaitetf j ! T. li. Im(;;s a sons. 3 : i;rdii(':n. n. c . 'i ': ( ver ninetv I hinds of JI1.0MS. i ! Japano-se Bamboo Polor,( 1 tiii-t .st ami largest .-lock I j . ( i ! LL NliTTiXii. CILf.INti Ti!!;!iI. S.'iiMi TWIST.. MINNOW KM NKTS. ! N I IT 111 MiS. LiHDIHG NET F8AHES. si'jvsi:!:. swiviiLs. 1. .-.I: i ll s, i'o; l-.i-T s -Al.ls. we nave the large-: siocu amii sell ill 1 in- lowest prices. t-Al'r.U an t eaiei.c our stock. liVr.UVi'HIN'li V ITsllIill MAN Mliil'S. tvs:m v-i ivi: thoi sand , . 1 1-.--. si. 1 ;,,v,,. 1., . -,:, tn Ill-till:.-.- II-. j l.., ,. :-;..-, Entire Gatisfaction. PRICES VfiflY LOW. awtf;' ti In..Ti.'h' r,-a! vti nii'l i.n ti 1 u;M: .ttv. HARDWAliK OF KVKUY PESCRirTJON. Sash5 Doors ami BSuuls, i.AI.Ci.ST STOCK IS' SC-K IM CAlit M.INA. .Inn- '.'S lss:l jrjXU-s ISWIS fy. CO., ItAldiJtUI. LOU WIIKX Vol' i.'uMK TO 55 A JL Fj E M 1; i iu: Tin: black it. out store and Tin: skin or J. (!. BliKlVSTKR & CO.. Hartal Tiaifarj, Mi ?sm it$m, k, t, t 'Ol'ToN Il MiS. ;k.wn w.vin.r.s, C.K'.'iSS i'LAI'I'S aii.i ie.iv voiii n-iTn-.r m mi FAliM CELLS, Ci, W LINKS, li U;lWAUK. A-C. In. s. mm LKAPKIlS is Ih,.; .wv, ,:. S FiSHIKG TAGKLZ, &C. W'nrc v.ll call gel Ihe IVIost Goods and 2Jct,t Cosds tor the 2.crj?t Fvlonoy. AliliS' l'S f-.r and ..i'fcriiig eh.-ip to MKllv'll.'.N IS ii lvvrs lovvm ii, ni: :a,i.!-.. - II. n 1 s m im, vt:i. iV.vt.is. !!... i...... uml... r I'x'm n... 1 r i:i:(,-i M ihi.i vi.vi.i:s' si:. i',a i v on.s. tr i.i'.viiM, riN ci.rioN .. ii.wiaiis noi ve lite for I ill, 'es. We .iie laoiniil at t enl i i.i I.i .ill e.ien :,i,;. .. ioeu .....t , . r. si a fa.. April .-. ISs... Haj K1.111. N. tl. ordt 1 sew m im mm .in;.'!, p. re. 1 l.id 1 . iiei) kalee m. iiiorv . a'i'l :i b; ief j o- 111 or s. ntcice repeat e.l to her : d Vili'v iog. iirn.isi .s ONE DOLLAR A YE A It. wit II hill in c.'tii'.i'isioii vv e cannmit rt iiiiin from express, ..,,;,, .,, th. decoi ll'n th.-' "!i-I':;ei ) ii ,l the ,iocecdiii-.;;; of the ci.nvin'i :.id ihe miexceptioiially gent i.-manlv ibporfccnt of all the members. Nol- g the inaiiv ter.it ' :l;.,,s inducements to wl,ieh thee were Tin- rir.Miliil"ii r il, is i..i:i.ir r-.-w-. ..ip.'r her anger atld she fiov.l's it the n--.-f ili pkiIv ii. ti.l mil t ..ir.ini,-s. :n ..i.i" changed w,..,!. An arta i, 'aid down 'i-'--'""- '''"' i.niritiN NK.ws 1001.1 aii I in h. r si- ht mav l-e , . r . cmi.r.-i'- .1 I" r man; lor davs. w l :iii tiii.-i. ..s-IM .n... I lk I. T d l.v iiepiiiy for ii will be :i.si li..' c.oid pointing in its She is ipiiie an ii'i i'.i. t ive baby, ami rn. iiv.-oii for her -tinned growth has . ver i.oen a-.-igned. Tiio facts mo rated above e m 10 be well at a- .1.1 .1 s n fr .m ;i!l .ii.-.ri ZSORKLS. WY ATT T AYX,01, b'AI.KKill. A. t'i..-!';'.vi!:T.- S01 n rn n, Hmnr-r i'i:;. .: ami Piuch-i !ti 1 1 i ; n s ti i aiianti:i a. Fertilize Your VIM jf Yon Waul il la Pay Tea. l..-)iK) SACKS AM.MONTA'i'Kl) AND A( U I'lIOSl'llATKS. Tho 15e't rortiiior iMiide for Wheat ami O.tis. Now in Depot IUadyfor Shipmt id . coiid.ti. siilijeclod for wines, ohiinil a-iie. te:.ti-d. :o..l i.i o.v ..'..,.4.;..;..,, 1...... .Ve. th.. wo. 1 every day ai fice as vi-il, , I he thill vv it!., ait being able Wilier vel we tlid not see an v.. lie at '" , u 11 l "'' the cause of Iter all intoxicated or guilty of the slight,, .-st i'l-propiicly. We doiil-i ,f ii,e siiiae coin. 1 nave been stu.l of other body of men Kimiiai y situated. W''J-'-' they ai'e to bo under (ho o. J l ouder t ! 1:111 ever ANi:i:e lirei'tion. ftrrt k'v.'.i th.'ivi..rfrn;.iii.- ismt,'iii ..r tit., n-r n"iu 1111 1'iiris .,1 in. 1 111. .11. 11. 1.- i.-iiiu:" inuk. ' t hk wrrM v 111 n u n th.. in.! xalioii'tp .hr..Ti.1' In .In. wnrt.l. .1-li 11... .'ln-Hi,sl. lAery wi.-k it. giri n .ni'.luul ru l-Tt "I 1-Ol.lTli'Af. XKVS. I l'!!!l.ni.-llL' i-...ll.l. ftli'l ..-! 1 1 ! .'-!-1 4-f VI till es fn-m VVur)ii!it..ii, iii.-lii-ln. nil1 i-.-i...r:s .r Hi. ' r..-" li.-..( i niin. nl ...li:i.-ii.f "U tin ,iifsi..Mi uf tlic li-.ttf. , TIIK I'.VliM I'tCAHTMLVr ! Send vour 01.1. i s t.- llnt.-ljli, N. r., sv-pipinlf 7. , J.L ALLSU &00.? I J I 1-L f.yi:ttkvillk, n. ('. MASlT'Airil KKliS OF 'I I.r -;;pti any piactilon A I,.,-! I'iti'hes are to be Minvrii'iiTVT rvt' -tuv i tii-.ni. ... f. .1. li . l,..t .1 .. 1 .r 11 1 ;J ",M ,"1 1111 i'siiiati'i in tih R'l.l liiitt v us H'i uu .miu, hth.,.v inrouwjurti ; imny r.i.i as wetl patr.miK.-I. Aft.-r before of the men who l,d and huUh ISenjamin was great !v hoi. vt trnvelleil and which we saw We so gtnttlv enioving our visit there m,...!,! ..,,1.:;- , : . t.n d Satmdav ni.oit tio.h 1 1 ,. Jl l.roceeileil to Ashevnlc, and oh SiaW. ' .!;.' Wi vki.v Hi itli.ii uu. s tlic i.ii. st hk will n io San ( '.trh is Ucsorv at i in, I'l i'in i " tin- a tn. ..i it:.- mi-mi r. i.in ,.. r,.:. 111.! I74MU'. -..llllry. (i i.n... III-.-.. .v.l:.!.!.' .. tl'ol of tilt' mill V. I.ir rta ItK illi'lisllB In -...ilir. 'I III" I-hi..iii.i,.,., I'm in 11 i'.iik.i l.'i'.ir.iii.'iil, i I, -I.i ...;. U.I.I.T tn- hi n l .,1 ' IMi- , M'moi.i.sai K am. Ki.rvu. Di:ai.i i;s --IN. I'nl.-.iih. r.it-v, V.,A mn .ul.Lr write coaunii alter column in ! wo all jiioceeded I jfjiaw 6f that favored spot of (rod's ' were oon-forlaiily tpiartcred at tho treittion snil then givr our readers J Hirer hotels, as the guests of (he tut fAint idea of the fertility and I Uonr.l of I'i,ado. That night a haii licftiltfof Wtwtern North Carolina, tpiet was given the two A.-.K via! ions It in indeed a wonderful country, and by the I'-oard n' Trade v. bich was foituuatc are thp jieojilo win. inhabit ! prepared at great fApense. nd w;i- itnloftv liiouutains and lovely v. ill. s. j presided over in the happiest manner ' vi ISiiiltlers Miilt'iial (.oucrally. V..i in.. . S.i,...r I 1 c.-.itit-e.n ; M.iniv nine's j K. v-iT i ll..iri.mn ( IIAS'OK OF SCM KDl'LK. ... I - f.iiv.. I X... ; iv . in iimui.-. K !'. l.l !!"Mii..-iii x :i; i. in I Ki-.-.t h :.; i in iaii.-'n I' 17 . iii I M;. iily '.' :'.'. j. in I c.iiihm-. i II It in 1 It -ll.-nrn 11 iiv i ill il.Trv . :ikn 12 (HI . Ill I New 11:11 1'J i ni i A;., v 1 HI p in ('m y .wow i .1'. fi ni .1 1 1 ;i in .1 il. ii in :I a n m I l:; n ni 4 i-'i a in II :ih n tn m n ni A vt m m 11 il ,i in IM ll 111 7 J .' m , it ni In f iitloiiial imi-rovemeiit that is do veh.ping that favored M.dion. I Mil in j Airin. Rlil.'tcli, RM in Tr.it ii liii.nl" r 1 r..i,in..-.M ic Hiinil.'l tililiC. C. I.-, ft.. Mini.foi-,1 Sli i.i.1 4..,,a ; iinmviv I r .'h ir..ti.. uml 1,11 ..r.noi. ...iiii. TrBlu I at lot.V fi .Vlimiloi.l MUM, M.ll.8 iimi.,r.j.-..,in...-iN l;,,!, i,.,' ;, ,.. IUI,.KI, Jt liooillson l rrr en ami Ullesine ."streeiB. i .si"i nnnv .ui r..r .-hi im.imis n.iri... Nov. If.. 1PJ. Kill. Tin-l..nl l-rtii;lii iniin. with iwifwiiirnr r,n.h nOu, l"l, l.Miv. s lull, vii .it 3: 5ii H, m aid urrlrm m J. lo ... HI. JOHN C. VTlNnl:n,Sllj.ulllllnnrt.ll. nir. iiiimk .... i'.,.... .1 . . .. hi. ii'K .- .i.k-h i..r i.r.i'-. I'-ni .ii-iii--. iiiei-. i..r ni.'lK i . . u . iii. iii i.oi.i in., oar at . vears tn- .-i. 'iiini! ui.i r..r i.. .iii n, ui, ii,m i:,-i I, "'f age was the occasion nf u i.,,'iin,!i. is i.i ihr .n ... liven ..tn ..r k- ,,,. ,,, ... ,, ... i. i ,i '.. . i .i , .'. "' ' '"H"iiiy sum;"-""! in ih. .i.'i ..-iriiiint I. ' i' i' t we w,II sp. ak of the mentaiy l'Miniuot bv the JJciich .in. .r.-tt.-iiy irst.-t t. . x,,.,.- i.....,-,. ..ji.n.ai foresls. the products. .Vc. of W.-tern ';;' A romai kabic car.,,- is thus ? :;:,,V:n,.m:i:: Carolina, and also of the real work W'U ,,.,,UV',K. All""'ir "'" l'l e.sciit "'I.' V ...... .-t-iooino. U1e j.or.i liign ti.o .... r..K ,.t j v TATI1 OF SOUTH (AuOLINA. t. Iiancellor : Lord ( 'oioridgo. the Jj.ii d skii.i.kh ivnm " 'oi'N'rv tiivriiVM. in tiii. st iritn.n ( Lift .Justice, and Sir Henry janics. nre l...k..l .hi.t. nr.. . v.-i-yililiiiT rrt.iln;: ... n.-. 1 r",.V K,. nunliwi Vl!r. Mail.s- an I lm rrr-. iiie.iiioriieyiiener.it. - .'- hh.i i.i...,.--a. mt i- mmiuit) iiIH, ,,.,. I hav I..ii:lit tin. .s.i.ntv rirht for Clmthm i i, . , I . ,, , . ; -iiitc i . n .ai;.-.i..-..:.-.i ... all Hi., liin-i ii-i.m T. i b s.i-lnl .r .nt'i..-..il..nn I in. f.-r , . .. A . r-s natch f.-on. !...i..l. .. ... u ,. , .. .. .. . ... .i.m l..,- ,- . .... . n uuiv for tl,t nil.- : i ho ..lu.nil HOT A it y The I rSH Convention was the lil-st bv Mr. J earson. whose s."ech of Iv'vi.l dated Jlllv "i Viv.- Tli - , lopejiei . wiiO (.,.. A vain, hi.- t..iur.. ( 1 in Um -i '.iially r it'M.n.i i. -ai-l l..t.. ni. I i- i r.-sM. .it. HAI.IiOW. Hk-im- liai'.onii nrn tiio la us. r y-i .- ... . .' '. ...... i " 'i r ' '') ' "mil is a grandson ot ralliek Ifemv r' l-i-i.-l I'rt.v- aii'l .n mi. .it-- .t ; h i" h.r.'...v in-l i.. i.. ui.l .- i i ar ai Hi.- ..ni... ,., . ..-.,. ...,. . ,.,,, . m,.ii North Cju-oljn.t Slate convention ,,f.wtl u- was a mode of m-ho arlv. ' berol deaths fr-m .-ho era al Iainie i t-v.-n.. ? .... ii ,: . u t , .. .,.-, ,.r ,i,..ci.iii ..t .1,1. n J.. ,ia-an. r u, ' '-lrm r ' ''"' Anwinof Any kind uiat had ever assembled I on Iture d oratory. A number of toasts "'." in hours ending ing. .n. He vi.sit.d the Cai.itol si-"rll,,if N''" ' m i '.''' i. t..rih.r .Ii.ihiiiiit..o..i,i.i.,ii:i,.., j ..imh.-ih win iia;...n npi-iy t. ioiin 8. -.mi-bkll f WI,,- l?i.1.4 lo ,.-.4 f.4..l ! -..-o ..t...,., """" mis nioiiung. was one ,iiif,1ii... 1 fi.... ,:i:;..: n" ..... .'.; .n.... ....':.: . V . ... .-..--. .. io.,, , .. i'uii4fwi. n. c, " .:. v ' . " ' . . liumlred and eleven. 'Ihe,,. , " ' 'V . ",' n" "', sea :'.:V,: 'VT--. - ..T e , , ' ,M'" ' i. at tiii'iii oil! ithi,-h .-.ihhii.s v. n.-i. li ii..n i.i.i.i.t . rv ok ROTARY KABROW. c. s. c. AsstirPd tht it will by no moans be , niado lv niomhcis of the two Asso- f, i ,- ti,,,. ... r , , "" . V '"r" " :eat Ith !ftt. Th twn of Waynr- ville. oiations. Senator 'ance. .MayorLu.sk at Shirbi,,. and sixteen at Samanoml was stomio.'l m his nmTS'e',r!'.e.. I v i : . . ...:t . . ... .... ..ii -ri.: .... . -l.ii-ii..r 1 1... n t . . . "i.i'i i.tt.ii nv : v iinri' wr rrtiirriirii, t o iiuio.s so-.iiii- i .iii oi.i'is tins n.i.s uie i.rsi nct-ii- ' .-..ine ..uie, iioin cn.cer.l sf Ankmillfl. mid is lh r,v. Lion nnor. whicli the Press: ,.f tl,., T"'" 'i'Kos of tho tlisea-e have occur . . v. i , .",!., . . . ' rod among the Hh oi jiwywooa I'ouniy. it is a sister v air.iuv.w uaj met Man h '.'-, l.-KI. li.. Wo-klv Mi rnl... mla.-li , i,i. paKia:.. tn. . on., li,, ia-. y.-it rim t. .--rll..' ai any len. W. K. 1TIK XKW YOUK lll'.KALD In a ws-kljr f,.rm, ANDKIiSON. I r.vM.-i Ihe ponce, who arrested him : and I he :i lit I i.-ii-i: ... 1 1..... il... vr .: ... ..I I r VI re'"' me ..l.tji.t , 4..ri m Micll l.-.,, ,.', j .1 t .......i ...i.i.ti.-i jeavo inecity. lie iM6W xorK Herald. ,.,.4,,,...,.,,,. (u.1,1. 'ilepnrteil I Lnwlwuynrvt Aon mrnni. Nf Vnrk. rvon.rr if-... itAT.i:it;ii. in.jc' Kfr noun l, iIIhviw or othr rtisa I'lhty. i.l'w, inlip-r rbtldmi ii!mI ili-tiiiiui rniH fii!iitt Winn .i.'Htli n(-nlt-. n.-ttinn ro- mitt h ti'uv"" nt'tnitKvl. A.ly at ono-, ilriny J",t.' )ur rlcliiH. F.m-o lixl l-v iw. Ad drths. nh 9imp. ihn "l'l t-t-'Hiitifibil Arm r K!SN tl rO., Att'riiy Hli t t'mlni Af-atf, I'll V Rt., Vttil;ictno. l. 1. Jlii.