3 Qjhaiham Record THURSDAY. JULY l- iss:?. LOCAL RESORTS. lfiT' Renew your subscription w hen you ooino ti) court net iwck. t&'The figlit :il! goes lr.iv lv on lietiveen the fanners ai:d (Jciiond Green." BW When vdii cone' to court next week go to the stole of J. l. Harris for cheap bargains. fi"Thc school of that nceoinplisli- ed instructor, Mr. A. H. Meniit, will reopen on the "ilird inst. ttf" Grant lmrgains at the store of J. li. Harris. Call at once, as these goods arc being: sold lapidiy. ftSTAll persons indebted to J. J5. Harrix are notified to make immediate )iiyineiit. if they wish to save costs. tOT Have you lead the advertise ment London hits in litis Jiaper .' Jie is offering some extra bargains some things below cost. Ribbons, Lace 4. Flowers, and other Fancy (roods at half piicH. You would be surprised to nee how low you can buy Children's Hose, Ladies' Handkerchiefs, and Ladies' Neckwear. Almost give I hem iiway. WBynum A Jicadcii have still on huml u nice slock of Millinery goods which thoy arc olleiing for cash. t illlVI" iVcd,"of a?" First, come first course. The goods London is otter ing so very low cannot be replaced, and by not calling soon you will loose bargains you may never have offered to you again. These goods iiiust be sold and you can buy llieni cash cheaper than you could at an auction. Would cad your atlne tion to Loudon's dlCsS good-,, t til cheapest things you ever saw. Lvkok YiKi.n or Wool.. Mi I!. I'.. Webster, of Hickory Mountain lowe ship, showed us. a few days ago. some samples of wool recently shear I'd from his sheep that were 12 and JU) inches long a:;d of superior . j n. !i ty. From one of his sheep, thai was '2 years old. lie c.ipped 10 pound of wool at one shearing. A Lost Miinu. I-'ocnp. A young lady of this place was recently pre scutcd with a beautiful o!l m. da! by the principal of her sehoo!. ;.nd soon thereafter it was iol on the cars betwi'cn Durham and d'alei 'li. Of course tlu-re was no hop:, of iis being foiunl. but in a few days tit. -re: appeared in the bah igh New.- and Obsencr an adverti m ntenl of a moil.il that had be. n found i;e.:v . Morrisville. and upon in .-!;-.. i :. -n it was ascertained that it '.!:. lost medal of our young friend and' was in due lime returned to hei. A Foia'nn Co.si i ssj ..v. A promi j nelit citi.en of Ih' county, iisin.;, near New Hope river, is so sta'ineii a defeltderof tiiehcalth of his section that he would never aduiit li.'f. in hail a chill, although it isi.nd ilia! he has them every year: b-it the other diiv he was al ;i ii. i. hii.i; iug store and was sei.e I wit'tM. .-were, a chill us almost to sh.tke .1 iw a i!ie building, and liiialiy was I'urced to. confess that he felt a "iil tie chilly. " His neighbors tell it us a good on him. A DlsTIN:riHI.i Ci'l'!i'.N Df'P. Chatham county h.-n lost ! - .! ' ilistinguished citizen in the death of. Hon. Abraham Ih-iicher. who de.'.l on the (ith inst. at the residence of hi-, daughter in Chapel Hill, where he had been visiting for :;. vca! mouths. The deceased was boi u in Wake county, in the month of Aig.i.-.;,. 17DS, ami graduated with hihh ho ;o, at the State I'uivor it v in 12:!. h :v 1 ing boon thoroughly prei.ned f.. college by the cclebrat" I r.il.ir. d Fresbyteriiin jirciieleir. K: v. -I.ili Chavis. w ho w as one of tiie most re inarkable men of his .lay. imm. .a atoly lift i-r graduating. M; iieiieher ! studied law under Judge Xa.-di at: Hillsboro'. and al't'T olitaiiiiu;,' hi . license settled al Ihis p'aee for th, jiractice of his profe.-. -ion. H w.i . elected to Congress in 1S"). ;.llvj v.a . re-elected live times thereiil'ter. m-ik ing Lis term of service (ve!v ye:-, .. It is ipiite a reiiiarkilblc co iiu i.ii uce that lie died on the same tl,:y wis ii Hon. Mi.ik A'.ea:j ler. of v'ugleia. thiy being the two oldest cvCon gressiucu then living. Al'ier serving . so long a tinio in Congress Mr. , Rencher was apiiointed by President ; Tyler Charge' d( Allaiies to l orl ii gal, whole lie r nne.j sclera! year.s. ; After LiHretiiri utdie was appoint-1 iciiana!! tiovernor I il hv Prcsidi'l .rittotoiinliM-. ... Movion. when. ! l.o ,..,ui,l.,.1 moil . .iiii.i-(In. l.,...iioiiii.r 1 tof the lut.f war, when he returned 1-. ast his fortunes wit h his kith and kin in his native .State. His on'y appearance in public life atler Ihe wm was as a candidate for a seat i.i the State Coustitutiona! (Iloe-oustruc-tion) -Convention in 1SI17. but v;i-. defeated according to the count ma.li by Gon. Cimby, our military master jii that time, and who by t he-way had been an officer under Gov. Jienchor in New Mexico. For the past two or three, years Gov. Iveiichcr had been iii declining health, though previous to that lime lip had been remarkably well pre.MTv d both iu body and mind, and not withstanding the tender ami uin-oas ing attentions of loving hards death came as a relief from sull'. i ing. We feci that we would not do justice m the Hiibject were we to attempt to delineate the strongly marked ehar arter of tllP distinguished deceased. He needs no -eulogy, for his sen ices lire indelibly written in his country's , liintory, mul full of years and huiau s j Le tenia fioiu bis labor s. I lsi-K.iii.'i:CViriiT. The rcgu'ar semi- iiimuul term of the Inferior Court of this county will begin next Momhiv. There me now on the dockd. 'JI cases, none ol Hindi arc ot much mi- liol tance. and it is probable Unit 1 ho business cf the term may be disposed of dining tin' tirst two da .... Flu:. Thooiliooiml warehouse f (lie Cape Tear A. ailhili Ynilev K. K. Company al the (iulf was bin nl. on last Sunday night. I he ougni ot the tire is uiittiiowi in the bniii was diseove: ?Sii one was ng. and when d (just before sleeping the liie .1 i!ei. enveloped il. and it was loo late to save any of the contents, the inhlt which amounte I to a considciahh sum. TiiiiSi'ocK Law.--T,Ye have received a letter f.otii some of our subscriber in a certain section of this county asking information a; to the stock law. The (jiicMioii asked l.yth' iii is t his : 'l inh r the old law any number of contiguous fariac'.s could avail t !i( lnselv. s of it ihe sli.ck law) and place gates across public roads. Is it so now '. or d.i-s ii i cipiii o an elec tion.'" in answer wo would ai that any linnibei- of lamlovv la i whose l.'.nds are contiguous, m.-y at any time build a common fence mound all their land-, place gales across (he public roads, and have tile stock law in force nil bin the inclose I (en ilory. Oi-. upon the will !cii application of I he pi;i;ilied vol el s of an y di.-t t or territory, ivhelher (he boundaries of said dit rid follow township lines or no), made ( the county commission ers at a::v time, ii is their d'.itv to order an election i i t-ai'l di. tri.-l for the voters to deeid.' vvhei her or n.it I hev v ill have the i. ii law. ,!il.l. ll a iiiajorily vot-.' for ii. lieu tin vviii be in f-.iico in said district. . list ices oi' (iu Ma. Ki..;.,i;: A! tlu of i l:e .) iJ.-i ices of toll V.;s lUileh dill'cK lice o wlieii tie i. ri.i.- of ;:!. ui in i. oll'll v then iiiiuto'i a to !!lT' of i-ur newly ie.,;ill. a.'u!;lioH to the ( e. U"l a' Asselll l .. .OIC.I JUMlee- Alii.v ine to ea act., of t oo', bly i mcllMig t i: S - subj'eci : Paille's il.i .a'. c!..ij'!i r 112. see. "Ihe i'u-t election for Township boards of tru-lcs siiaii lu- la id o.i the I'll-! Tlsj;-Mlay i,. 1-M,r;:;iry. IsTl'. and Ihe pels .in -i I ims eli-led siia'! coliiiuue in o.liee i j r i : ii tiielir:.! Thursday in Align !. 1-71. ami until their success or j.ha!! have ipiauiied. and llicrc nfier the regular election lor s:.id oli'ieel - n'oall be held evcrv two ye.us.- We all know that the'..- dec tloe., VVele held oil the Ii. t iil U1M lay III August Hi:: i! i il.' lil.'i'ilii !' of eli e, tig jie-lices Uio cliangeil. Laws of s7H-'7i. chap. 111. i. r.-l.-i ring to ! lie justices elecl ei by the ( 'lierai A-iii-miily real; as follow.-.: ".'ind l ii" c'ei !i of the .superior court siiaii notify said j.i.-iice:, of lie-'r app em : 1 1 " : t vv ho sua. I ! hei eii;. .;i b ;ii! il.it d t- ellt'T Uj i oi tic: italics ot' tileil tliee, lii'.ii!) t.i'.ing befoi'i. the said clerk ihe ;i T ! i oi' mlice now prescribed bvi: the IVV to' justices of llic ji Mill the li.o. Ji oi' ' e genera, as- e- epira! i"i jilMices ot I'. 1 beell ( Id tin it Vt hi. tile I.. I. I cc ove v.! Ii rc-.iitlv d t:i;:t the iippointed. 'w Ji!.: I o i ill: on term-. whef to tiii o!,l or doe., u.'iiloiib, cl y beg,;: tin- first I'iiui .- I -y in Au ill.o titid a it horny for I cf -the d'liie of lilei, vio.ts to t he beginning- of upon taking, before iln the oaih ot ol'li, -e." The ifi of t.'ie !,is', L:-;- -11.! li 1 ;t...re.-. ply pr..i ides for ihe e'e tion justice.-, of Hit pi -ice for t!,; tow n .!;ij s of lite Si.aie in a I I hose provided fo" !i. s. -. lo: i-r Mi. of i,.e .a . ; of !-.';. S.-veiai hiiou to Th.'..: is therefore li'.ad : between ill mc lie.v ;i ... :i:el lle I'll! o;.J pi::c . provid. I '7ii "77. a . t he te" in liM.li. .:!ed . a P't I for of IIO b.:o" the iirsi T!i!i!., l:i i !.'.-; aui ho: i.ii.g alt s, :.n.i la!-.f the meet, will llie Ihe lifsl r hid; vv :! ami it i i '.lit i t: pro. cling : jii..i lio.tr.! A: is oil next. o a!l will at te.'i. .). A W. aitate Kcsrs. Gohi -I.eto' ?,! .-. !; ;: The ,le:.;h of .Mr. Mt:!.-. S:enli. in (iroen-j county, on the I ."ii Si u!t.. v as tuid.-r peculiar cirt inaslance... lie .-tj'jhi. tl to C,o.(. . A. Ianl-u to li.-,t hi-; property f,n tiiiitiou. No I'd'h-la inf coiiveiiieiit he held uii his n-lii hand lo allirm. jtind just as his hand it achi d hi:, head lu, , ,(l,r iablical llecirder: Tl e are in or,!, one the ) t han A.-v hiui at huinhc.l and lifly children. About h '. ty of t iiese ui phaiin are from IJapl isl faaiihi s. S.mio of thuii vv ere never in a school of any sol! iu their lives, he fore they were taken to O.'.loitl. Dim. Mills informs us that he will have lo st nd a i- nilier of (he (Jiihh-en nvvav unless larger contributions are made to the suppoit of Ihe Asylum. l'iivt li. villi- Observer: A few days ' o Mr. W. I;. Jackson, of Cedar ICi k town, hip in this con nl v, ace paint d ov lu iv lie and her sister, vieni to Wheeler's pond to fish. Whiiethf three were out on the v alor in a h-ul. Jackson isu: sei.i tl w it 1 1 n lit and fell oveibiaiit carrying dovin the only paddle iu the boat. At the same lime the battrau received an impetus which sent it .-elite distance nl)'. mid rendered it impossible for hi-i companions to givo Kity assistance to the thowning man. who rose o:it-e stud then iva. sren no more. Mt. Jacl.vm anil her i sistei- n aeheil the shore with inu-'h diflicully and gave tiie alarm, though 0f courrie it was too late to bo of any av ail. Winston Iici.ubliean : Mrs. John II. Dalton. Kagle Mills, Iredell conn- ty. uc arc informed, has tlio only gen- nine Mad Stone in tin: ttl:ite. Tliis . slone was given lo some one ot tlio tineestnis of Airs. .D.illon by an Indian, ami has been handed down for several generations t Ii t i : !i her lainilv. Jt js ,,( o-rcvish color, somewhat the ' sh:1,M. a(i'sj(. f rir!,a! .,ujc.i egr . I haw miile ,,,, inlct'i-si iu. liisl.nv. :m.l some of tho cures it has eiii cte'd are : wonderful indeed. Henderson (b.ld Leaf: On the morning of the li-llli of. June Dr. J. W. liellamy was found d ad ill his bed ill Warrenloii. lie had not. been seen for thirty hours previous, but as h'.! was in the habit of spending much of his time alotr; in his room, his ab sence from the lroet. attracted no at tention. Some friends went to his room Monday morning, and iimliug t he door locked, called for him; re ceiving no answer, they broke in. and found his dead body on the bed. WhifoviHc Miitei j." ise: We have been informed oi a shocking case of drowning of si negroes, which oc curie. 1 at Wort ham's bridge. They started acro.-s t lie rii (-" and t he bridge being gone and hi ing unable to pro cure a boat they made a li-iat of !o;;s. These sank w hen th.'-y n ached the J middle of the stream. Two of the parly, women, sank immediately. Two others swatu ashore, but seeu-g the two lemaiiiili'' men struggling they wont hack to them and all were drown ed. .Scotland Neck ('liunojiwciuih : Two luih's below N'oi tieets Merry appeared this v.eek and last, a large marine ani mal PJ to M feet long, -as larg-e as a ui'ile." of a dark color, and seemed f" be el:L-a-'(d ill 1 ! I r. il i 1 1 lT oilt lliud. boiits. and siiiiiips upon ihe sand , beach. Por several il :'.---. he seems to : i t inaiu in nearly Ihe same place, and 1 has been seen by si vt ra! reliable gen Ih iuei:. Two hundred people visit t d the river Sunday to get. a view of I he animal. Sonic of our citions wont ilivu on Monday. The Roanoke News s avs ihoy are AlligatoiH. Three 'of tlieiii Mo' io (la.niie: Wt received a con i nisi moat io'i from Tyi -i. this county, a few days since giving us an account of an ceiling chase of a mad dog. As Mr. .John Al'cn and his family wore n i u ruin-..' front the -..-in -it held the dog rushed .'it ti:ti;i. and. but lor tl;e .ro:iipt ne-:s oft he writer and some otiiei-gente iu- ii lusa.'sauii nngl.t have pi-ovtd faial. Wtnii killed lien- was found to he a dozen built t holes in his b..dy i'.ud, -:i examination his ni-ck pioved to be swollen, his tongue Hack al.d decayed. We co:.vi h r t'.i- th' worst ca.-e of hydrophobia we have heard of. I! obe.i.itiiaii : A unite man named P.'('-I.!u:i!i on his r::i urn from Laurin I'liiir. last Saturday, where he had i.iiiibed most too freely of the ardent, entered the preicls.s of Mr. Archie .It Hit's and i!t-e.-i;ed .'.!:;. I.i!ie.-, wiih very abiisiv.! laegutige; which of course eiir.tgeil her son Miirdoel:. a young laali of twenty Vi ho i i dere.i I lie lo l:: .W'.v. but In- ti fusi .1 to go. and turned hi-; attentions to young .h.Nes. a In i grubbed a guii neiiv by an. I instea. i shooihig. dealt the inf-.M iate.i m i!t a blow which fi act iirc. 1 h's sku'i. He lived in astuj.'-r III! Sunday evening, when he b: cat le d his la -f. Pilcigh Victor: Williim L'.-t.ry Jones, colored who killed a.-ling DcjHii v Si i -i i fl' IJiako. was ai r ling- 'd belore Dl; Honor Judge Piiii'.ips at :!::;.) o'clock t!.i- aileruooii. aid - l.lenced to be hanged oil Monday. August ':):. !itu"!i the hours of li a. m. and S a. in. al the usual place of execution. --Mr. Caswell Ph'.ips. who lr. c.i ju.it cast of ihe cii.v. ha.-, mad-.: a halo of cot ton every year since tin: war. and has never sold a bale vt I. lb- ii waiting for the pri -e lo a i-.iiiice. Wh.-ii coin. :t was selling at lifo-i-a eehis t;-r o.-.;:i.l he olild .;,-( ects this not "II: he th..:i;v!it il w. ov-. ! '..,-!.( r lli.'.n that. The ; mow .-.re that hn will l:ot :' I G.-hW.olo IVtueliu: Th- c, oh.-i.-al formation iiit.lt i uci'li ilie city t. ( hild.-'.'. ro, ar. wa-: : r :i : i ; 1 1 in li. ; ing tiie eai hei shy--.! n all - - - i .oyal Ar tesian Well, fu'lv tlemoii.-l ! :i:.'d the fitl til:. I al some ii,.iclhi-i cottutry !iad ltceii a vas! ho.1,-,- ..f v att r. for s-.-voril fret, say ft-oi.i IS I '!). there is a mixture of clay. s:m, and p. Mill s. an ! ihon a stratum of Mac!, chalky siii.stauct: interspersed wit 1 1 an ore si i . 'it 'ly ini . ogtcdod withiioti and s'.ih.h'T.aflor whl: h .piick sand and :;! occasional layer of chiv and pehhles. A I a depth of near one hundred feel a slrahtmof cha!!;y clay of various ei.''.is as tenacious and tough as was with scarcely any grit, a very fin" material fur pipo-ruakiiiu' if it would stand the acl ion of lire, hut it w ill not. NewluTiie Journal : Then is said to he one hundred and iifty thousand dollars le.s money in circulation in thi.. ,-.i i iion h:,n at the same time year. ov ing to tin low prices of cot ton. I nick. -h":t. crop-, etc. --We have often e;-ti it staled, and heard if re pealed as an actual experience, that the wising of goats v iih sin p is a pet-f'Vt protection to she latter again ;i the ravages of dogs, and v.e .suggest that some farmer try it. While a shot p it, is said can v. hip a goal, he has not the pluck t.i stand no to a dog but a well regulated "billy goat'' will put a pack of the most ferocious l-.ga to ll.'ght. During the thun der; stoim on Sunday i -.citing light niug n! ruck a codiir post tui the cor ner of I lel'lie mid I '.load streets and slillilittl thlee wh:le gills who vvcle stiindiii;; iiear by. one of them rcci iv ing a sIL'ht scr.iich on the face. At. old colm-eil woiiian of ihis city named Nevtliv. who i- ahii" I b.-tl rid ih n, ha-. iu-.t hi f ii iel'oi nscil tiial the I'eiision .l). ,iiiliin nl has allowed her it pension of eight iloliar.s pi r in, ml!:, commencing frutu tic' lii-t of ,)auua iv. Fail, and continuing itniil her tlcalh. She will therefore rit-t ivc on hr hi si pMvmt iit nearly ightoi ii him dud doll. us. lhdeigh News and Observer: Tho revenue collections in Ihis district in .Jiiuu were lj.77.0iH. CS. it should l-. remembered thaUifty years ago KaJeigh had water ivoiks. tlio source of supply being Hooky brunch jiisi, this side of (lit; grounds of I he in.sau; ' asylum. J lie writer ilowod into eis- terns in various parts of ! he eil v. North Carolina is eerlainlv having a r,ii!i-.vi.l Iwu.iu In i .f l.ml.l. in..' are (he following roads : Cain: l'tv.i .V Yadkin Yallev : Chester A J.cnoir Narrow (iange; Western N'orth Ciiro- litia. Diicklovvu iJraneh; line from (he li'a!ei"h V (laston lla'hoad to W reiit.on : from Richmond. a., lo llidge way; from Trenton to Core Creek with Atlantic V North ('iiroliini Railroad; North Oenigiii liilroad through Macon county. This is a total of scion. Kinstoii Free Pros-: A friend tills us of on--of ihe inosl energetic hard- working women we have ever heard of. It' ia Mrs. Win. I'.. Tv.,oi. of wa.-lung, ironing, conning, housekeep ing, Ac.. ',ir four children, and in ad dition has, in th(! l.i-i three years, bought cloth. A.c, and made up and sold over four huiiih'.-d ii illats worth. This does not include eh, thin ' worn by any of !. faniilv. bu) is ai;.ipl- the amount spent by her for the material our of which she inade dresses, bon nets. Ac. (hat she sold in tho m i;;h- borhood. She purchased a sewing ; machine I vvelve uioi.ths ieo and has saved every spool of f of w hich she has used th it loll since (a( li and they number Ml. .She has made sinen the tnaehit.n was purchased. 1'Jl bun-j Oxford Oiphatis' Prieiid Kev. John Calvin Me.v.ir. Kola soil ...it- v., ill, ....ii.,., i- ,.;u i made'iii' IS.-.S. .g,,., .,.! 'that after the ,,r ; ,i,,. ,,,. i. ..i - l.i-i mothev ti'.o proceeds of f his I s'cl ,".iit I pefsotial jn-o- 1 the sal'- of perly should be paid over to the trus- ! tecs of the Piiiversity of North Cam ditia to be iuv'i ---led, and that the in terest (hereon i hoilld be ll.-ed to cm- ; i'loy some able .-. i'-ntitie man. a mein- : bt-r of on.' of the i vaiigi lical iletiomi nations, to deliver nl the Pnivcisitya . course of loci tiros the object of which : shall be to show the mutual bearing: of science and theology upon each: : other, and to prove t'c.e existence and I attributes- of ( -od from nature: the ; lectures to hi published. Th'J beipiest 'is supposed to lie worth about -l!).-'Out), and by the recent death ot Mr. ; MeN.iir passes ieto Ihe hands of the : ! trustees for the jun pose iiesignatcd. Slatcsville Lau.hiiaik: Mr. Alfred Cui'it.i.t. of Olin township, has a eali j .-i motiths old. whiclt has heel: giving lliilii for several vvoei;s. The jt : ! i ! i; V ' ii.t reases instead of diminishinj;- iin'.ii . now it gives ahout a pint at a inill iug. j Mr. Ilnviies Kilhy. a son of the late! I5ci:j. Kilhy, who hvod for so many I years o:i the very summit of the; Uriishy inoiiiilaiii. i.i Vil!;e coutity. on l.iie road from Statesville lo j :!'ut-s!.o!'i). ki'.h-tl hi.iiself 1 ;-l i'tid iv ; moi'iting. He lit e l tit :ir his j'alherY. ; j!:ice, ami on the iin Tiling iii .piestioi: ! arose eariy. took his gun and wont to ', t lie- wo . Is to kill a squirrel for the haov an lie said. J 'o.ii' shots were hoard in the direction in which hoi led cone. He did not return and' search heing made he wa- found dead ' in tint wood-., lying :n muni a sapling, with a gun shot wound in his head, j One. ienvt savs (he .--!.. i. it ing was no. douhl accidental. A'.;o! hei 'is f hat it' was a c.'.se of intentional suicide, as' I (! had h:ou heard, ii -fore that time. : lo thi-eaieii to kill hku ;-.-if. ! Ch ti lotie .loiiriia! : (iufllli.'. of I!o'-lvili;;i appointed presiding el itev. M. !.. Wood, oh of I'l inily College. T is ;-' ceived vv it h great th" ?di t!iodi-ts of ti with still creater salt old friends in this, hi - ih.. lhvo:;i. j I.:, noon, near .Mould M . count v. a c.-!. Ted i:; t T. v. mi. lias lielli let- in place ol ,1' d president ; appointiuolit atcy iciion ly is cly. And :f;c.-tio':i by his native county t Sunday afii r .' tit.-, ill lrcd. il i ti.'ti'l.'d Stu.i . I t;. the earth ha::.!, of hi- ilunir.. w i 1 1 a a w ife. his v.if tril il . 1 1-- '1; ia; nl v. :t Ii eh: hi. ;vs. on tCe (.j h e -:!:.vch; !:-o:i.d.( if t'i.. The UOi C'. g, I in-e i -Id i'a.-n and i-w ii.gieg down v. iih ! i I.io.d s is-ad. .-.hove! hihlv : il alofi. -i'ihle. f.c The .: i: haltered l.'e t,i tin s!.:::i :.:id 1 withoat id o:ti,:ei:.s l.lv affairs as'l, while hi- ii II to the ,loof ;e a Wind. - t 'lie i.f tu catee near having hi v o'.md i'p night I" i It l;ig .eollild his ovv He had arrived in Ihe that nhrhf. from ('" hide CO,. p. cit v ai. - o i loci; ft. ;d. bringing v. ith hiiii. a lot of line spring chii le ns. and on i-e tchiie.; Ins resilience he wei:t at oiice to the coop to put. up the chici.eiis for the ni-l.t. li's l:"-.i il'ior noi'thbor hearing the .ico! com 111, led t h it soieio to lt:b his chicken loos a win. low, he lul l hi ly was I rung . and opening pistol in the direction of the noise and toed. Instantly a yell from the cilieii ap prised the in ighl'.'r thai a uiislaUe had been ma le ami he put ll) h:s . pistol to Lear (tic explanation, which of course was simple and i asily made. ; The bullet missed the cili.t ii e.b.nil 1 half a yard and pas. i d through both sides of the ohicl-.eii coop. Greensboro Patriot: Dining the storm yesterday, lightning' sliuck a tree in the yard of Mrs. McDonald on New street and lore it into splin (:). Another boll struck the gutter- ' iii.-f on the lioii.-c and .! iiioli.-.hcd il. ; The house tn nili'ed and shook like il had been shuck by an carii.-piakc. itu.l so intense was the eleilric'i v at one time it. was thought llie l..u.-.e vv.s on lire. Mrs. M. Donald iva- severely shocked, but miraculously escaped any s. ' i ns injury The wife if Mr. ( 'In :.-! i.oi ilo.haih.ani. r. near '1 1 agK'l.ov n. I'.rsylh i-ouniv. couimilled suicide 'l'hiii' :.lav moriiii g last. Mi" had boon suifciiii;. tr.i.a I i. nlil tlepi i s.-ioli for some III, ii . but, ii. appr. h. nsioie. weie t nli-i Ian;.-, J tlnlt vile ine.hl lie I Soil' tlest I net ion. Ibr dead bodv was found by her husband iu an npj-ot chiiinLoi yf tho duelling Thursday morning susiiend-1 ed by u roj.o. J,ifo was entirely cx-! tinet when tlio horriblu discovery wiw ! made. (In; act having boon committed j sometime, during tho night. In I toliigchco leached hero last night! from Diirliain to tho effect that (loorgo Miller, railroad agent, at that: place, iiiu'i a son of tho lato Henry W. j .Miller, nt tempted suicide yesterday j bv shootini? himself in the head. The ' - bail entered the head behind the' right ei ight ear and ranged upwards, grazing 1 tho skull. All the circumstances point, to a deliberate purpose of self ' desiruelion. but the unsteady hiuid i that laid the pistol averted the1 calamity. The wound is not serious. ! Miller has recently boon appointed agent at Durham, and about two! months ago was married to Miss : (Jalluivav, of (loldsboro. To all ap- pcaraucos lus life has Icon without a - ''oud. Jnito recently he has been : indisposed and has shown great do- j 1'ivssion of spirits. j One hundred and lifty lives were' lost bv tho Clyde disaster. 1 Might thousand iron workers in Msigiand have struck against a reduc tion of wages. ' Money orders are now eight cents They on sums of $10 and under, are also issued for if 100. Two cents postage takes ell'oet October tirst. Mr. Henry A. Didier. a well-known citizen of Baltimore, was killed by failing from ihe third story of his house into (he stioot. Commander Mullan, court martial od for losing the failed States steam er Ashuelol. has been sentenced to , i dismissal from the service. 1 ,T,1 r,wo,'tV,f u,!,1 w;""ul 'o - l at the cou blation ot tho4lh ot July in Chicago is ii deaths. 5 fatally j wounded. 'JU more or less maimed : for life and 7 slightly injured. The j chief instruments of dost ruction were I toy pistols, and small cannons m (he han. Is of litt'e children. The law j should deal with parents who will buy such dangerous playthings for ' tin ir children. I As when She w as Young. T have used Parker's Hair IJalsam :i!!vl like, it bettor than any similar j.r .:ir:itioli I know of." writes Mrs. i .lieu I'erry. wile ul Kev. i. l'orry. of Coldiirook Springs, Mass. "My hair was almost eniirely gray, hut a dollar hot tie of Ihe liahsaiii has restor- i oil fh; sofitioss, ;. ml the hrown color iL had when I was young not a single gray liuir left. Since I hegau apply ing the IJalsam my hair has stop ped falling out. and I lind that it is a perfectly harmless and ngreeahlo dressing." The IS.ink of Diitiiiini. Thi; undersigned has opened, in tlu town of I ltirh:):n. N. C, a hanking icii:...., uiitler t'no nam., and title ol "TllK J J l n : : oi lVlill.lM," with ample liieans lor tiie transac.tioti ot a gen- ! eai h-inkiug husiness. 'J lit; rajiitl mill tu.'prect dented growth of Durham ; justifies lite in ihe hope, than ii: i creased hanking facilities are demand-1 id. and will crcatly add to the general pre.-pcrity of our people, and to the: sti.-efss of lit.-vv eliteli'li.sos. yet to, :-'j i iug up. 1 The tin iness of the hank will ho ', coii.lttctotl I iv !'. A. M'iley. osi). fori i "til l i ii ve ils ( 'ash it r of the "( 'it i.( its : National Hank of Raleigh. N. C." It, is proiiost.'il : i Jiiiy and Sell I :-'!ocl,s and Hoials : to Make Co'.li-c- ; lions at all aceessi'o'o Jioints. at, the I.ovve.i llalos : to Negotiate Loans:, liisco-iti! I'apir: liny and Sell K i i -h.il. 'o : llcocive Dei,or.its. jiayahle , on l. iicin l or otherwise as may la agreed upon, and to tlo such other c ;.i;iinate biiMiie.-s as may he ofl'eretl : in I i;e line of hanking'. 1 Your patronage is solicited. V. T. J'i. vi i.wi i i.. ; 1, . ropruitor. l A. A ii i v. Cashier-. W3E2S SV2 A II 21 K T S . l:-i !..'. :-.i- 'lar. l--:. -. i: i i-v NGKiils. Y ATT .v TAYLOll. t.li'l' I..!;-. .,- rtiMM I -. oe; v: I-.:.-' a vnt . i.l:tll!i. sc. . :;,!:.. i.i IttLI'I'.ll. C , .1 I v I IhS l. Ot il lt)NI IC'il.l': tl.. . I M. l.llinw. M.-l ill'i-.-. sal -'. !.-. Vi M S'.tllu.t, ivuoi.ius.il. i: i' -ur - liui;.. i- : i.i i...-, l sii..iii.:.-e . t itnv.-i--.- l llltllll-. I l....rl -tu-: i- Hi.i .J, 1 r.-.iiitii. ! Ci.in. UiOt-l.ltV 11 VtiKl.l'. I I ' li l. ti. t- l.itrir!. ill .-1 I'M.-I.r, Itl l.'.l .lii...H. '..II. r, iu-ir-l.-ll-tV. ! le-'iiittlltlt-'l, 1 I I"'. .-11 '- I eiii.-l.. ti... .fa i..m; k .in. fi.l l.uvr ..t l',,--.. l,rv. Ilrr-.tt New Ailii'iiiseit'onts. SCHOOL NOTICE. I Hill 1'i;t!ii iny i.'Ii.n.I nrn'i' ui Mi.- Mit.v'iil,-I....I;:.-. .ui M n l.ty. .Inly ill luiu ai I..M .ri iii Mta,. I.ii.in mi 1 li "! .'.t.-li M 'i' iiU'iiili r:ri. t'..iitin.i-tit !,' Ilily iviiii. I'tM' .-ii--i"ii . 11. MI'.IUIITT. .1 til y I J. IknJ. tlu. TO TAX-PAYERS. Ni.iwi h liiiKy un'-ii tint Hi" ("iintit- itii is ( (Ii- ounilv 'h: t : i i v!ll It i ti I il tiie i'i -tit I -Ji.'U-", "t N.,t,wii-l ?' 'ti-liiy in 1 1 u i -1 ii-'V, i.r pui .i.. t rvM-dTu; ih. ix Ut ! Hi- m-i M ' irl,'-fl,iMM MM':"" ali. it'i-.n ..f U,.ii- i'i..'.-ri', t t.i Or- ain.'ttut IH .-liart.'-l u.lint Ihrin. f. li. si" rr. . tjroi i.-t.ui. .I,l I J. IW'i. 11-.. B ,M! 3 J ..I ;, ., M) SLI'.. IN I'l lt'Sl ANi'i: ..I III, i-.t .-i.itri ..i chitUi.tiii nit , Ml fir III It," Mill ..I .1. M SI.-.: ll, Mi v.. IV. V li.'vt-.ly, I will iiifiiiii m.ii at ,ii.ii.-iiii.-ii.Hi. r..i-i-.-.-li. m i In .'.-ii rl -Icier it.r. im M i li vv llir liili .tit .,. Viiviiimi. li-ivi. it ini.'t ,,r iHii.t Itlni; nit Ih. vnti-rit..! ...i.ir t,i-! tn Mti.t (-..un't . ti minimi Iirj ii t.--, una im .'I,. a- rti a .i lj",i,,nc iln.-. n. .-tlCatliOii: wl ll. li'. I... Ill Ir.l.'lM ., lifc- 1 f ... i-Hliir , ..li...... l.y IV. A. I'm Iv li, lli..'nii'i ,..tv.t Ly .l". ,lu't Vpill fill. liC.. Jul' .-aj. Ha. rF(l . In A kOOTOl JL JL1.C iJwwJL CI of the universal success of Brown's Iron Bitters is sim ply this : It is the best Iron preparation ever made; is compounded, on thoroughly scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, and docs just what is claimed for it no more and no letis. Jly thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, it reaches every part of the system, healing, purifying rnd strengthening. Com mencing at tho foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. 7, DearVr. Avc.f i.iraiC., v. j. I hv l.'en a irf-ti -nflTt:r fr..-n ver-w.iV stnma.li, hc-mlum, i' J Iy.irj.ii.v ii its ttort forii:. NVr'y cvurylhin I ftp L..vc n:l ilt-trts-., ud 1 could e:il till l.ll't. 1 lu Iriedcvcrylliinj-rerotn mended, have token llie prekiriptiuu of a d.irn t.hvkiciitns. l.ul c I i' relief ui.ttl ! tuok Urnwii' lun 'tlttos. 1 fr..l nuDC cf t. ul.l t'.ii;l.!es. and .ii:i a new man. f am Reunite muxh tron,cr, and feci firt r:tic. 1 am a railroad enflinrir, iid mw nilie my trips reuprly. I ran n.t i .y tci imii ii in 2.rai A y. ur wrn ir. lul tnediciiiu. 1. C. wAtK. Brown's Ikon BiTitKS docs rot contain whiskey or alcoliol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause: headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn, sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, f:c. t:e only I'rown'c Iron tfittenl mad l y I'.r .wn t V-iiii. ..1 C..., liailiiiturf. I'ruMtid igtl liuca ui Iratlc-Diatll iu : filia !?i!ij Miiltial J , il- iliiS ft 1 1 Of Virginia I i I Offers the following advantages over' ... . ! I other life insurance companion : 1 1st. It tloes not cost One half to carry . I a certificate of lin.'inliership in our j j Association as in old line life insiir j ance companies. I j I "d. Our Assessment ! t,.,n in nnv otliet- J'aMo is lower lift: instiriilice conmanv, associai ion. or society. .'ird. ( )ur chargt currying risk ire at actual cost of our policy holders are our treasurers, t li. Titti utmost caution is ox.-rciM'd ' in accepting none but sound rinks. "ith. Not nioro than Siloo'l carried on j any lift:. i J. W. JACKS OK". lUie 1. ISS !. Attend tte Of KfiKiit Uy 1'iiivrrNiiv, Lexington, Ky. Tim lo i-i.,i.plrt. th Ful! i'-v.t .il.i.t lli hi. Tn. tkl 1 mi. mi. ..-i lutli'in !..!. S'Ukti.'t.-H KM, r . 'Itl.?rp'.) niirhu I.iuijit i'.i.t, l,i.). vi if dn.r. I.ft.i . I .Willi: irniu 1 Mi!n ImI cr .U"l it d.i.i, It. . . i .K 4.-..i.i ttt.n:iiui.i itim W. R. SMITH, LealnKton, Ky. AT COST! SAR&AIHS!! i -I NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!!!;"'""" MY VlliTl i: oi- s- ASSIGNMI'.M 1) made to n," by I li, ll.il.bis I WILL SELL hi COST ( for cash, during the in .l SIXTY DAV.s, I his ZittTxarn stock of I GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ! consisting of sill such goods an are ' usually found in a tirsi t-i:i.-s store. I These crouds must be sold, and i exeat bargains are offered. Country Merchants, ivplcilish Wiv'lV stoi'k.i ill low (i tires, aim ll win :) ineni io can : Olll-O. hits. ;nul it will rav t ln-iii to mil al All i - r-oiis indebted to !. ii. II ir l is arc it .itestc.l to make iinnicliali I'lty meiit. anil save costs: ai. I all '0I'- , sons holding i l.itin.i a:;ailisl bun art " notilied to )' re. out the same to in. i within Ihe licit li'l days. II. A. !( IMH IN. Assignee, l'ittsbo;o'. N. C ' Mhv 17lli, Wi iii ft iW Wt mild KALKKJII, N. C. I GRAM) OPENING j OK ! NEW GOODS ' j KOU TilK : SPRING anrl SlISIMER TRADE. . Wo ofl'or a lar : of ; and attractive stock i Dross floods, Silks, Black ! Goods. Dress Trimmings, ! Linens, Domiulics, Ging hams, Hosiery and Gloves; Shoes for Lai.lit s, .Misses, Children, G"i:t!emt ii and - Hoys ; Hats t Gosii lemon's Suitings, ninl j Cast-iiueri's. Kentucky j Jeans. Cot tonadi s : II fuse Keeping Gootls, .Carpels. Mailings, ic. Kvervlhiiii NEW, CirolCJC and DKSIK'A IMiK in the DRY GOODS liui at popular prices. Host goods for least money, ile sure to call w hen you are in , IJalcitili. Satisfaction guaranteed. V. II. & It. S. TUCK EK & CO. " Miltvti 1 i, 1S. i c. c. rrAiviiiBT, JOS. pf GXJLLEY, j OF KAId'.lGir. N. C. j Wr nr.. dully r :o,,.- n.- cur,- f,.r iln Pj.rlnir. hiii-Ii it.-, i...v..i.i.'.-, 1 1 - r .-til I MIK:.-' p'litlcnirn'a ' l..'iii. !..-.v. SI...I-;, h.i , ,-tn. ..tv rut. In nil siyles, Lit.llnC. V,'.-i- ,,n I t hiiar.-n-- '.-tn. .ii KM SIhkm. Vi: sllll I,, i n till- i ri. l.;n:... IVitrl Slllrl. AlBO lir.'ioi l..ni.-.-.i. -i. l.!.-ifli.'.l tiij'l unlil'.jtrlir.t, . Wit,..- U I.-. lf!tili-..4. l:Ci..n.-. S I SI'ks, latin u ' itnd ivilh-, iii.a id! i.Ui.-r k.-j.i In a full ' P.'y tl-Ni.tj. siorr. liriurm! n' wr Itfi'li u full HlndC "t ci.-Utiii-. t'.ii! nit. I m ... it;, vt'iit-ii la ..ui' Iiiiiiknt. April !.', 1SKI. ;iin.-. UflHESBOaff HIGH SCHOOL : Jonesljoro', Moore Co., X. C. Ti .- ii'-M !! .-1. -ti ..-r IM lilirlil- sii'-i.-OHSful sclfjul nil! t- -art it -Inly :i"-: ti. luct. !' r t-'ii'. uUii' ..- iii..Mii.ii..ii it.ily l" l'lua'. 'VtLI.UM C. Decii, I'liucipul. Jlltlr B. iSS.I. EiriTCEIAiM SCHOOL, 'F-i.l-ltl Iii I7'.i:i.) H I'Kl'. r.MINliM' itm. iii; S..uili'rii r..ni'illiii s.-li..i- i. ii- i'.. ;..-. Iii A..i in m iiia..-. In aiika u( I A I HUN Vi. I. mill ill r.lll.li 111 l I'UVhlCAL Cl'L- ll'l.l.. '1 he iT'Jth .Session will begin August 1st. ls:J. M.VJ. 11. IlINtJIlAM. Sll.-t. l.a.gliain s li.il 1'. o., omii-i-C.i., X. C. Jars. S. Evans & Co. FAYK'n'KVIM.K, N. C, 'ii !:..! v itii.l i..r biilr a tuil itiit-..t Jlu'.-lilnury, Hmr 'ii i-s.f. f.llHlSIiji i.l lOnginos, Saw ttiid Grist Mills, Cotton Gins, I'ro.-ses, Ac., A-c., Arc VV.. 1.!.. I.I1V ll.lt. I l.l.i- !l..i-.. . ..!. . Ml. Ms Th. I.i ii. lc ltcrr. .-Ii.i-i.ii- !!- I- Ill M'... Ha.'...l M'fVl..h lit" NlMIKltl. . iii Hi.. i.. iiili i'.-'.-iii-, in. iii 0 in J"i. II lO.l. ll tv." ..ITrl" Sl'lil'I.VI. lMU-t.- iii nr.. I "I ttti.-li u--..ls will llll.l II .-: i.. ...Miiniiii' i. in si", k liriurti eur- lit' -.i:ir.tn! .f.it.' Slrri'l KEW CROP IN JULV t Send for f CATALOCUE& PRICE LIST. H.SRAftl SEEJLEY & CO. P.OtHtSTER N.V. 179-183 VAIN SThtET. CHICAGO IU. 200-206 RanJtilph St. i The largest Stock ' OF i ISagginir and Tie? North Carolisia! For the lowest cash prices to &mm ADD DEALEB3 M. T. LF.At II A CO., It vi.riiiii. X. C. r. I I I I! t VVN. !. -1 ( -II. itrii I'.,'. -nl-, vv i'.lnnr'..ii il I Vfllll I'-M-'lllH, H! if f Aini-i'l.-aii anil l'..r . I. t:. All iiiiilittH.-ti. r'tirr .-:',fp Ihr I'ltlrlil f ii I 1 - .'lllrli.ti',1 I,,. N,t It: l.- f.r. lllr.l. Srll.l r : I Ml r.ll'.lll.i.- If 1 111-: lll'sl-rln-- V ' l.ur. mi., ioili Unci I, .l-.l .i,-k,-: "i ni my in. II-.' n ll.iw rlv..f tl.j. ...It Wr .-.in ink.- ..u: .'ill ..r 1 1 i'i Min t. .I..I,.'. Hi.' vv..l Is l.rllcr All lli.'ll i'i. .t. .n..'.- :u'i I (lllr i uli'l j-r.'ji..' ill.. v..,, Hill, t'lritn -,,.V'I' '- Kill I. 'I il "I- VV.- wilt ,1.. 11.4 iv. ii ii'-' .--iii'y, :tii. i.inlii, tint liiii't:r r.ir il , ... ,,r iln-i.'ir.l. Cii-.i.,rii ti miii Iii'Imk I. ill I1, -.ll.'.'l ir i...iiirihitiu I" M'l'll. I Iii - IK In- Intuit will i.i.i ... oi.t inliv-1, mr-Mxili l..r I. .11 .ir 0 nlil ..-i- ..iiii.i, n. iu-I.Iiiu' Hi.-I-..II.-. I Hi ll l In- l.rMxn l. j,.-tlr,-'i nil (:i. till llll.l w.i..Wlll Ih' U.mIi'.I nt-r, iln tiM i'. j.vMLs i' u.'i:. M.ij JI. iss:t. :ii.,s G P. AH AM k CROCKER, Attorneys at Lev, ill....t C,:il li.-iin -..lllilV" . :tl.J l,. r in lliu Sll iill','li JJ, IhsK. l',iu LAND I Iiltltl-. n KM-.--tl't . lin t VVAIU S Is. M.1,1 not vl. UOVIH lO i ITT! I Ii '.' I . - i -1 nil :t r li .ii.su in, i - -..I Ih-iiuii I- I l.lei.s le.-j I'., .i ta,ii .. t... . . l i:ei; ?, vt, H a'.llirlttOlil. I). I . Aliitriicy -hi . JERSEY CATTLE. llll.r..vllii' lh-l- M.irll 1 llfW- i ' I I ""ii. I'tiK" ninl likt-ly. flvi-ni, I Irl,'.-, Iie.ni.l, ilmi.etiai II. w. I' ,, llMlM (ll'l, etl-U I'- w- 1'IXON 5, ill, loc3 to'iw muir, i-1, a T' it tl f- IV- '