lil'WWIIIIIiMltlll ruMiliM llllllull T'l l iVilT li yu i '"h ''""'"'ft11 aaaaaatai- TOPK'S OF THE DAY. Earl de Gray, of India, is a great hunter, and keejis a lvn.rd of all his killings, whirh lately footwl tip to I81W. It iiii-liules lour tigi-rs, forty seven bufl'ali;i s, L'SO pigs, 407 deer, and the re.-.t small guini. J5ut the Anglo Indian people' not entirely given over to sport condemn this wholesale kill ing, aud particularly as no respect is shown to the breeding season. Hx Algerian engineers who have Keen consult I'd )v M. de I.esseps on the inland sea in the great Sahara des ert scheme, report that the. cutting 'oiild he made within live years at a -ost of $:!' .' '.' " . Anaxcrage width f eighty or on- hundred feet would he sullieieiit. as the current would w iden the canal; and since it would he nearly in a straight line the navigation would he devoid of difficulty. A va.-t tract of country, laeUing only moisture to hei oine cry productive, would thus he hrouirht iiu'I.t cultivation. It is not sirauue that the tanners of lintain are I'V'tnl i r tin foi-inc-mouth ili-M-e. In l-l tliTOM ie t:: outbreak-of the .li-.'i . most of hem apparently cf iiiiiuciba'e native rigin, though the primary source of infection mav be r. i I t. the Clench ow imported m I. miuii.;.!,,., ..,.,,...., ,,-,,, , were attaeiM'.i, .in.i, inoueii mi'ir mum" w as reiliiced for a li and he I'arni- : TS sUtfeied Si-Vrp' loss it tl-eiplenci, it may be assumed tlu ni"-l "f them recovered, im-e the disca-e is not very dteii fatal. In 1-SJ there were 1'7' outbreaks and -IT.'.1'." n-mi ils a" ,nk''l. The Women's si'k culture a--.i-ia- lion of l'hilad' lphia i- eompi-e ot ai riundii r of wi althx and piulaiouropic city, w ho des re to in 'rodac!' and ciK-air t.:'' tin- Midu-try imong Aniciie,t:i .iin!i and girls. I'hey are glad all needful nformatiou coin rn.nir the business n application, and will --epply eggs at j d'oiit five dollars an ounce the ounce J oiitainiii'.i- I". 1 cm:. hi former i ears a good deal of d;.-appoint w nt re- ! ulted from the attempt to gpe.v -ilk n this count iy. IJei cut epei anents : lave, in many ca-i .-, met with better j mitoss. For tin- jairpose of crtili' ate- out of tin irokers. a law v i- keejilllg pension hands o' pawn- j acted la-t winter ivlin li i.eeiar- s tiial any pii'ige. s.ue. is-igniiiciit, or tr.iii.-fer of ant right, j laim. "r intere.-t in a pi-n.-ion .!i:ill be i ioid, an I thai any pei-on w!: .-hail, make or r-. '-ii- such a ph ',.:. or a.--j Mgniiicnt. or sliall hi Id tin- -a:ii" as "llateral -ecurity for a deb', -nail be ' guilty of a ir.: !i im an.'i-, aiil ':: ill be I ..iiiii.-hi d. if convict- d. by a lim- in t ex- j etdue." il"" and co-t-. Tie. - who are ; -ill'.'!-- :u : i law liad huiclri d - of '.-u. i Moil ci i i i:.c a' - in aw n -!io: s. More baa Ton c.-rtiii.-ates been re.-ov. h dei'iar-s that red liotu pawnbroker- and sal-oa ieepers in Philadelphia. I'clision ccr iticatis recently urantcd bear the new aw. jiiii.ted in red ink. a- a warning : jien.-iorier-, but many of those who mid certificates granted before the eu tctiiieiit of the law-are probably igno rant of its provisions. A monster prosecution ha- m t been iirou;rht b a clo-e in M ulhai. - a AI ace 1. Thirty-eight men stood charged in tin' criminal court wall ha ing tru-d to flee thllli-clV r 1kiv.ii..' given 1 issistance to free others 11 daw fully from the military -i-rvioe .! the i r man empire, s.-me 1-"." w itn - -.-were heard, and tin- sittings ,,t the urt 01 1 ujiied the greater part of three weeks. 'ot less than six military im li al oili cers were aeeiisei'. of having i unroj-r-ly given free cei l :ii.-ates, and .1 these six, not le-s than four are said to have died suddenly of -palsy of tin- heart." The prisoner-, partly of very wealthy parents, wci-" sentenced to terms of imprisonment varying from three months to three ears, without thu op tion of a till". Tln-y all In aged to districts formerly 1'ieiii h and gave a their defense that they had i-.eti noth ing unlaw fill in tie' matter, .eel that they would have produced .-n! -tilutes if they had I"-, u allowed to do .so. 1 The arie1i.s of amiles and pears have be.oiue .- very niimei ii-, and theynsemble one another - 1 I' -ely, that poinclogiits find it tuad. iiu,o fible to give in. my of tie i" urate descript ions by whiih they may be al ways distinguish' d. Theioler. shape and size of the fruit vary much that they can seldom be depend, d upon for permanent, char li ters. en' inves tigators hav-determined 1! at the Mow ers of the different varieties jo- e per manent aud wi ll-marke l 1 haracters which can be used for dist rii'.'uishin'f them. This siibjei t ha- bun well studied by Civic-sol- . .1. I!eal, of Michigan, 'fhe b!o.-soius of fruit trees loutaiu two ;ets of e-sential organs, the pistils, which ripen into the fruit, and the stamens, or1 "de urg 1:1s, which bear the pollen. It is found that the pistils and stamens vary in si.e and shape an 1 hairiness in nearly every variety, and that the -e chara tors t an be inipoitant aids in poiiiologi.-al de Heriptioiis. 'i iie mtisie of "1,'ule Ih-itannia," which is u-iiially a-cribed to i t. A me, is saiU to I avc been taken from an air in Handel's "Occa-ional (iratorio," loinpused 111 li'lii SAYINGS AXD WHO SAID THEM. Familiar .tlaxliua that are t'aeil Wliliout liuowldiie ot their Aullioi lili. Many of our coininon sayings so trite aud pithy, are used without the lea.-t idea from whose mouth or -n they first originated. 1'robaMy the works of Shakespeare furnih us with more of these familiar maxims than any other writer, for to him we owe -All is not gold that glitters." -Make a virtue id' necessity," "Screw your courage t- the sticking place" ( not point i, They laugh that win." "This is tlm short and long of it," "Compari sons are i.ilaiiis." "As merry as the day is lunir," "A Pauiel ci me to judgment," I'raiitv, thy name is woman," "Make as e doiihly suie," and a ln'.-t of other-. Washington Irving give- in The Almighty dollar." Thomas Morton ipieried long ago. "What will Mrs. (inindy say?" while (ioldsinith answers, "Ask me no ipiestions and I'll tell you no lil'S." Charles 1'incLtiey gi is "Millions for dctciise, but not one cent for tribute." 'Til-' in ar lir.-t in peace, and lir-t in the hearts of hi.- fellow -cit iciis" i not countrymen i appeared in the ri'.-.lut inns presented to the Ibmse of KepivM'tit atics in Iteivmbtr, 1 7'. mi, prepared by tieiieral 1'iviil th Mini' we cull "Christmas conies but i iice a i "Count their rliii lii'lis ere (le v are Thomas Tasser. a teenth century, giv w t m 1 1 urns no good, never." "Look en w nt r tin' siv ; us -It's an ill -Hi tter lat" than thou leap." and the llios im that is rolling Mtlicr no ' -All try and no wool." 1- loiindin Culler's "lluilibra-." hi vihn says "None but the brave deserve the l,i:r." "Men are but ihildieii ofalai i.'ir growth." and Through thick and i thin." "W hen Creeks join Creek- then was the tug of war," N.; !i.mi 1 pi'.'J. I M two c-. ils I h ie 1 hoscii t!:e least," and -The end inu-i ji:st;i the mean.-, " are from M'f'au I'rior. We are iudebt-.l to Cdley Cil ber for the agreeable intelligence that -Hieliarl is himself again.'' .Mill-on tells us of "A aood hat. r." and Macintosh in 17'.'1, the phra-e . ft en attributed to .lohn liandolph. Wise and lna-terl in e ' is ity." " a ri ty's the .-pi. f life," an 1 "Not much the worse for wa"." ow p.-r. Man prposcs, hut Cd di-p...- ." Thomas a Keinpis. 1 hristoplu-r Mar. lowe gave forth the in i!.iti",i -o .-'tea ri-i'i ated by his brotln r- 111 a i:b- lie way, "Love me I 'tie, I mo im" long." Kdward Cok- was of the . pin ion that "A man's h a, h:s oa-'.h .' To Mllt-lll We owe fi j a:., i: .. f. t-W "A w ;!..! r:i-- "t .-,-!," ;.t:-l "Moping holy a'il luooii-t r.u '. iaad:;e-s." Kdward Ymitii ''!'.- lis licatli h.ves s'a.n'nir a. ark," "A t o at f"ity is a tool ii'de-l." I'r -la Ikicoii . -oi nes -Knowledge power." and Thomas southerm- reminds u that "l'lty's akin to love." Iici'i Switt thought that "Urea I i- the -'.iff of life." Can. 'bell found 'hat "Coining event- ci-t tlnir shadow before." and ""l is distance h n Is m hantmeiit to the view." "A thing cf beauty is a joy t"n er." is from Keats Frankin saal, "Cod hi !ps those who help themselves," and Lawn-nee terne comforts us wi'h the thought. "Cod tempers the wind to the shorn lamb." Mis-i i ( i '."keeler-. The ra.lroad station id Mi.-i- ippi ity. -ays the iMroit . '-.-, i- lo- eiitcd among the pines, and the way the iiiovpiitocs were biting there. 'Ven ia April, w as 1 rough to keep a luuh- moving. After ii while we got to talk ing about the insect;, and I asked a native of the country: "Are they thicker than this 111 the summer t" "Thicker! "Why, in duly there's a million to one!" "And larger V" "Larger! Why, sir, one of the regu lar 'skeeter- of this sei t ion ( oidd earn these on his back and still fly high'" I thought I'd down him at oii' e.aiid so I Olltinilell. "Now, sir, an-wcr me truthfully )o you In liev e that six of your biggest 1 11 os. j 1 1 1 1 1 ics 1 ould kill a mule if he was t ie. Up out here?" lb- a."!,..) at me in amai-iiieiit for 11 minute, and then went to the door and beckniicd in the man sitting on a buv and wat hing the horses. When the man auio in. the native said: "William, you remember that air roan mule o' yours ." I reckon." "In perfect health, w asn't ph?" "II-was." "Could run like a deer and kick like a siiw-log?" "Ill could." "Aud be was all alone in a ton acre lot. William V" "lie was." "And two of them mud swamp 'skeeters got art'-r him one morning and run him down and killed him and devoured both hams aud packed every drop of blood in his body? Willi am. speak up!" ' stranger, if they didn't then I hope to be chawed to rags!" sai l William and he said it exactly like a man who wouldn't have allowed there were two 'skeeters if he hadn't been rarnestly eominced of the fait. He walked out doors, and a de-p silence fill upon us two, 1 Token otilv alter a long interval by 'jie native saying: "I've alius kinder suspected that thuui two 'skeeters had assistance from a hoss-lly, I ut I can't prove it. I kinder think the hoss-ily hel I him down till the minder was committed ! CHILDREN'S I'OLl'.MM. Nelly's T-a-rai-iy. Nelly Hay lives in a brown cottage down by the river. There are not many houses near, and no little children to play with her. One day her mamma took her to the city to visit her cousin, she was older than Xelly, and had a good many playmates. AVhile Xelly was there Emma had a tea-party and invited her little friends. Nelly enjoyed it very much, and after she w ent home wanted to have a party of her own. "But." said her mamma, "w horn will ynu im ite?" "ih. I don't kuow," replied Nelly. "I can find snuu b 'dy, I think. And I'll have my dolls." Ni-IJv had three dolls -Maria Louisa. Victoria an I Cinder, lla. Then she had ;i little d 'g name 1 I'risk and three cats, snowdrop was the mother, and Punch and Judy were kittens. Nelly thought that with all of them .-he c mid have quite a party. Her mamma gave her .-onie ci -Ki t s and milk, she pi. k'-d a boiepe-t of dai.-ies and but tci- up- I .r her fible. Maria I.Aui-.i an I Victoria were tak ing their afternoon nap when they wen- invited, but Che'iiil'ia was im w here to be lound. It took Nelly -oui" time to rem. mber where -he ha 1 her la-t. And wle'ie d" you think it wa-.-I'p in the old applo-livo! I'h. n Neily 1 ailed f'ri-k .1:1 I nowdr 'p I ot 1 oiii'se Ii an I . 1 1 1 1 v e au'e r :i mi t itr after. so they went to Nelly's little play house, riuy all bad to -it mi the ;;ioui. 1 v ep! Victoria, v h i had a liieh . hair. flu y soon ate up the rc 1 resbni- n' and as only N.llv 1 in! I talk, tin- paity did let la-t ."e,' Mb, mamma." said Vl!y. "it was sii' h a futi'i party; I'ri-k wantel all tie 1 ake. and while wa- talking t- Maria l.-mi-.i and e t.-ria. I'uie Ii and .'ndyd. ank up all t hi- milk. I hen poor 1 ;::d- n 11. 1 r.-lled d.-w n the bank, but I'r. sl brought lor ba k again. I don't . believe "snowdrop had a mouihlul to 1 a'. And I'd ratlu-r haw my -upper with you." "Wii."stM mamma, "now o put . your d .lln-s to l ed and b iw a g"..d 1 run vit!i l'ii k. l'.y tin time you come back -upp.-r will be rcuh. and I'll tell ; VoU a si jrv." " .' . Ilimoralilr Srnrii There i-o:ie ni'-ml-cr of th" present nited state- govennneiit whose face i- -,- s, arrd as to be pitiful to look tip. n; but t'u- s'ory of 'h'-se s'-ar- is a ! o'd - . h"ie i abb- t hat no . le. oral ion f t iie I., e.- 'II .'! II .a ..- 1 oiilel- III -n- g! -ry ''i.i'i d the-- cne 1 -earn.- and ga-h. Wla nthi. loan o whom we write was tuii. a 1 '.-. . la- w a - sitting with his ' yotsiig. r s.-t- I' b"f 'le t!m lire of a ; 1 ' a i 1 1 1 hoii---, w le-re t 'a y wt re spend i:i..' t;.'- Chr:-tma- lu-lidav-. I'id a -park sii.iji M'oni the 1 -l;i.-1 11 l.' w 1 that cr.c-kl'd -.1 merrily upon the h'-arth? t r did some incautious m . eiuent on the girl's p irt 1'i iiLr her dn-ss too near the blae? At any rate, in an in-taut . her clothes were all alkimc The hoy loVed his pretty sisti 1 even more, perhaps, than most brothers do. He w as proud ot her 1 h vi mess and of her beauty, -hold. I the fierce tlames se,.r h her lib- 'lit In- eyes ' ll"..iught a wrap from the sofa, a rug from the tloor. lb- wrapped tln-ni round h. r anl struggled for her life, I so iitierly'. tlal of him-ell that, at the 1 nd. h ,i- burn.-d ill 1 : 1. i-t beyond human re. o-.rn ' :ou, while . her fair gil l's I l'-e t he 'li e ii i'l h M 1,0 mark. nd tie boy wa- wi II content. am a boy." he i t. and It does not . it. ''in ..ui! ti-.t ha. e hoi ne it." 1 for a longtime hi - l.fe w a-d.sp.iir-1 I i f. but at length the vital forces ,,f hn strong youtli t rii:;uphed. and h! went forth into the wo: Id again, wear ing his -car- for a I a lge of glory in the eves of all those wh" knew tin tale. lb- ha- made him-elf one ot the men of mark ol Irs generation. He ha woiil-jve ..r hhii-i-lf and distinction1 and tie' (air r-pute of men. Itut of all the gains 1 I hi . bfe, none do him such honor as tho-e sens ,,f his early battle. Tin- si-ti-r. wh no In- saved tioin th ' aw fill fate that threatened her. ha won her own laurels al-o. she lives in Italy ami. I "the grandeur that was Ibilile," whi-uei. -he sends t i America Rome of the bri-iiite .1 and most charm-1 ing work which our journals print. 1 Hie ha a salon w hi re meet the men and women l.e-t worth kn owing. Her life is happy ami prosperous but, ; for all its pleasures, she has to thank tic scars which would make her broth- I er's face unpl a-aiit to look upon, did j Hot the knowledge of how they were' won make tin-in his crowning glory. j Y'lUti's (.'hifttii"ti. j 'ut Flower. fine of the safest and best ways to j send a few choice cut flowers to a dis-! i to cut slits in potiitocs and in-1 sert the ilovver steiui, taking care that : they aie firmly la tem d in and support- : cd by a l.tth- cott n or paper. An o. ', diiiury potat i will ..ri most flowers i fresh for two vveel.s or more in a mud-' erate temperature. I 'ot a toes can also; be used in il'U.d dei orations through' Ik ing ibsguiseil I a leaves and ll. overs. 1 i (,".'(..'.. j In the opinion of the .v.-. n'ifi A nn inr.i the; is a possibility that tho womb ifi.l . . . in t . f may make in l. appearance I efoie the year t lost s. CHIT1XGS FOR THE CI RIOl'S. Quack medicines have been taxed In England since 17S:1. 1 I Fulton's first steamboat began rttn I ning between New York ami Albany ! in lsi'7. 1 I l'nt.1 1S-S5 the punishment forsaeri 1 lege in England was death. At that I date it was changed to transportation I for life. j The first Thanksgiving Day was in li'i'Jl, and win appointed Lvi.'ov. Hrad. ford, in gratitude for the season's harve-t. I sir .lohn l.ubh iek i- "f the opinion ; t bid -oiue of tic very Ion c-t auiinal- ' ll' l only p.'iceiv s i-o'ois but h i e prcf cience.s in n-gard to lie 111. j It 1- report e I iii ,. '. ' - lf,.,!h M'iiitlil;i. that freein,' o!tn merely l suspends animation in frogs, snails, in-cc!s and even lish. and they limber - up again and are --ii'iv-- ,rnl kii-kinj; " w le 11 t haw 1 .1 out. ln to Sleep. The .pies' ion 1 1 , 1 nap .1 tam e to Cvt I pie j t e o n loUs'ht, w a!-c id day - and It t '- how to i:et IT 10 I .-!.' p etl -Ugh. I 11 oi II'IILT dlops .1 lew s;lu le hint . w l'. I 111 IV he of ai'c. In t'i- im- I !.' e p -.; ! .h'.ul I have ii regular toie- foi ,u t . s. ep, in 1 0 sh- ul ! I-.- .1 . .-o.. a ,11 1 111 vv II be after sun ..a. I'.., j.'.. who .'cel. al any t line. :e- -o- iiiu' I ' .-If. en ' ic e. get less beie :i ft". .at t'" ;r .!!', 1 t'..,-i others; get! Mlg si- ji I-- !'!"i" .Hli'lllt; t !a'fe is a t.-n ! u y to n-rv on-i-i--ta-I 'il;ty .in 1 ib 1 .iiij. uii-t' : 1 he repair of t lie sV.-telll i'-'.s If I 1 U.d th'' 'l.l..!Pi 'I I- iii"i"e i'",'.-'v .-ig nii I p.- 'p!" are the ::r ii'.-r t' ." : . ult v itn l th- dan gi r from th: . a.: -. I l e I'u ! thin-- in i-rder to -p . p . '! is t . go to l-.-l at a 1. gul, 11 hour, uid make it a. - .eh as p. -able. ' 1,. t thing i - ' .. lu.le ill! wo: ry -d ei it ing .-a: ' of tliniluh' 1 1 tie Itiiud -one tii-ie! 1 : .re r. tiring. I !.- b .-Iy and mind no a Pe ht down ti'.-lti f'e- hi:.'h-pi----:i: e strain before going t 1 be.!, so t ha! n;it ure c;ill :isS"i't In r r'lih'lul siipreiiiacy atter ward. Au.'tl:. i" p.-int i , ii'-ver to thwart tic dr-e.v-y jii,pul-i' when it c.iiiie- at the regular time by special etb rts to l.eeji a-vake. f. r t'::s ilto-.v.-i-ne.-s is the a-1. a'l' e-gitard ol lea'-thy, rcs(.i.,tive -hep -ie-p is a boon which uiu.-t ti"! be t.imjiered with am put ..ti'. for i' i-' i p'ilc'l to wait, it is never so pi ; f. . t and restful as if taken in its own nn'ura! due and way. The right side is the be-t side to sh-cp on, c. ept ill spei i:il 1 :im'S of di-ea-.e, and the position should be lie 11 Iy le u i' htnl. 1'iiiiilly, the ev tiling una1 should be colilpo-ed of food lllost t 1 I -. dlgi-steil and assimilated, that the stomach will have very little bard wi ikto do. A heavy, rich dinner taken in the eve-1 iiing is one of the things that murder j sl ip." suppers with exciting f ! and stimulatii.g drinks iiiaku really n -toralive .-h-. p m t to impo. i- I l ie. Narcotics are t be avoided, save a ii-ed in cases of disease by e. iii-: peti-nt physicians. The proper tnu e ! aciording to Dr. ruing. t treat! sleele lies-is in the daytime, and it must be treated by ;t wi.-eand temper, j ate iiii-lhod of Jiving rather than by j iiicihciiii-s. This i- good eoinumn j sen-e. And iloubtle-s a v;ist ,,.al of. t la-deb. illy . the neivoii- ih raiigciuent. iiii l the insanity of our time would be prevented by more g I, rc.-tful uatur id sleep.- -Xf ir Ynrli t'tr. Kienlng Aiiiu-eineiit. 1. To apjuiit ntly bum water, fill a gl.i-s- laiiiji with water, an I juit into it for a wick a jiieee of guni-cainphor The lalll should not be ijuite full, and the camphor may be I' ll to l!( P. upon the su r face of the w a'er. On touching a lighted match to the camphor, it shoots up a clear, Mealy dame, and sei-ms to sink below the surface of the water, so that the Maine is surrounded b the ii.juid. II will burn for a long tune. If the camphor be ignited in a large ih-h of w ater, it will mmm. nih il. about w hilo it burns. 2. Wet a piece of thhk u r.ipping paper; then dry if by the Move; while warm lay it down upon a arnisbed t ible or dry vvoob-u cloth, and rub it briskly with a pice of Iniia rubber. It will become strongly i lei t ritied, and if tossed again -t the wall or looking glass will stick sometime. Tear tissue papt r into '..its i. in- ighth inch ,- juare, an I this piece of paper, elei ti ifinl, w ill draw them, dr tike a tea tray and juit it on three tuiubh-r-.. J.ay the electric paper mi it, and, on ton. hing the tray, you w.ll get a little spark. J.ilt tin- jiaper out oi the tray, and on touching the tray again ymi will get another spark, but of tin-opjio-ite kind ol electricity. Kepi. ne the paper and ymi will get another, and so on. -11' luftmtid Ht... I mu tun As long ;i'.'o is l-'.s, In-. W'.utl ing-t.-li's r.iiiioils I h"h r.l and Ibar ieci M.-ili. ilic. wa- kieov ii as a i i.c- i"i' Cholera. Clamp-. Iiiarrieea. I'y-' .dery, Mianiier Coiiipl s and the I ke. It i im be i ari ii d i i i'u' ioi-ket. I'l'u e 'Jo illld -'iO cent , 1. I - - -1 T le. A Turin Vweier ha;s made a tiny boat, formed of a single pearl, which shape it assiiinis in swell concavity. Its sail is of beaten gold, studded with diamonds, and the binnacle light at its prow is a perfect ruby. An emerald serves as its rudder, and ila stand in it slab of ivory. It weighs Ires than half an ouueo. Its price is 15000. A MALARIAL VICTIM. The Tnln Exprrlrnrrafa Promln-'fi : Mlnla lerlu llie Tropica aud al Ibe North. To the Editob: The followtun circuuiRlanrej, drawn from my I'frsonnl experienre, are o important and renlly reniarknhtp that I hnve felt called upon to make Uihui public. Their truth cau he tuniilv verifieil: 1 1 18 B I niovt-il from Clinton, Pt. Lnwienco com ty, N. Y., to Florida, which 8mte I in-ti-mte.t to make my f iture rcfi leiieo. I d a liouie 111 tin l iuiksof the St. Jolm s rivir and fettled down, lis 1 tfi ii(-fl, (or life. The summer foltowiiu; the lirst w inter I was coimc o is i f must piculiiir s. i.s 1C0 is, w liirh ticcnifil to be tl e aivoii iniii'iicut of cliii(e of climate. I felt ft amking at tie pit of the Blomnrli, nccouipnnied by oce.isional iliyine-n unJ Jiauhea. My lirad i.cheii. My hint paine.l me and I had au opprex-ive aeuse of wcarint's-. 1 hail a tliir-t for acids an 1 my appetite wa weak and imcerlaiii . My tiiK0tion was im I am d and my food did not asi-imiliiti'. At thsl 1 imiiKined it wnc the elT.nt of nature to li. tume acclimated, and so I thought little of it. Hut my triMilites iLcicased until I lic cimo rctle a anil teven-h. and the plijsi-im.-uik infoniuil in . 1 wa- Mitfi iinu from ma l u fi-vcr. 'I hi- CDiiiuiiii d in cpile of all Hie lir-t pli-ii"lim could do, and 1 kept crow-tiii; sti-iidily wow. In llie jear 1n"-0 try phy-ician iiifni nii'd me a li'tnu ol clin at win ab-o'uti-ly lici-is-nry that I could net Bunnr iinodier auinuier in lie South. I ili'-i-rtiiine I to return Norlli, bat l ot to the evtrcme poilinn. and so I took up in 5 le-ie'i mv al I pi er Sandusky in t'entral I'lini. 'l i e I'li.uife did not work the desired cure and 1 atf.-iiu loiisulled phs.ciaiia. I found they weie iiiiahle to ellict a perm.i i:eul cure, and wluu the extreme warm weather of nummer came on I grew H) inmli mors that I (.' up all ho; e. At that time I was mlterin,' l. rrihly. How !;.dl, ouly lliene can nppie cialeuho have i-onl i acted malarial diseii-e in Impii'Hl rcui.'ns. It t-eemeJ a.- if death would le a relief greater than any other Hut iiotwiilist iiidmi,' all thu. I am happy to st if that I nm IP .lay a perfectly well and ln-iillliy man. How I caino to re cover so reiiiiirkat.l) cm be umlcitood from the followiuit card votuntarily published by me in the Sandusky . lit' .V.u'i'icoi, vutitied nosmi to whom unNoii is nrr.. f.niToRS liKi'cni.icAN : During my recent visit to I'pi't r Sandusky, so maiiy iii-imnes were made relative to what nni icine or course of tieitnu-nt had broiipht such a marked chani;e lit my system. I leel it to be due to the propnet n and to the public to stale that Mauler's Safe Kidney and Liver fur aeeiimpht-liei! for me what other lui'di ouies and physicians had failed to do. I he malarial poison winch had worked its way lli..ri!iir!h! tlmmii iiiysvt' in duriui;iiiy live dr.-n-siiliai e in Florida had brought mo to the of thu ijravp, and phjsi eiiiits lad j ri'lio'.r.icid my case incurulile; but that is not to be wondered at. as it was niidoubu-Jly one of the woist on record. Ibiuyh Hioilu-rs. of your city, i-allod my at b niioti to tiM me lieine refencd to, and in duced mo to try k to v botth-s. So marked wa- tlie if lit tour wtok'c trial that I continued it- use, and now, after three mouth-, the cure is complete. Tin- is not wriiten tor t'.e beiiifit of Warner A Co.. but lor Ihe pul'li.-. arid especially for any person lioubled Willi m.-.laria or bilious alt i.-ks." Such IS the -lat.-inei.t I liaide, without so. hcil :tion, after my rei-uvery, and -uch I stand by at the prt sent moment, lam convinced that Warner's Safe Cu e I- nil it is clmine I to be, and as such de-crve the jjieat favor it has received. A remedy w hich can cure the severest case of tropical malaria of live years' standing certainly cannot fail (ornio tho?e minor malarial troubles which are 60 prevalent and yet so i-eriou. AI.FRI'.D DAY, r.-istor I'liiver-.dist Chur-'h. WoonsTicr , " May II), l-M, l "'t ia:aine." Slid youiur S nvise. lu.ik.s my hao j.-nev so rapidl.'' '(ir.c.v- m fueii -oft. an-) soil, maybe." It i-ii-s. -l. I It: it i -It C iil..l to the c in-lit of thu iy in ol ion., w : i iulo Uyotiuii .111.1 I . .ls l-i-l III It I'lttM.KI s-.. A- 'In ;. arc ipuckly iiliaiid.ined with the c ui. pi. I oi: o- i ail n ia. s, so the huye. ill i-tic, calhartic piib. ". impose I of crude and bulky me lieai.-s, ire n'lieklv Iih iiidoned with the introduction of lr. Pierce's "Pleasant Pur .itive P. II. Is." which are sii,:u i-o.u.i 1, Mini hlile lai ,;.-i- tliall mii-tard seeds, but culll-p.i-edtif luchly CDilceliliated ivetablc li Ir.icls. Ify dniA'K'isI-. I he eflilorof the' .'- . nl pro ii unices tlie n i.oil lie is ihe f.itlierof i lav. n claldii ii nicorri-et: he has only liflcell. 'I'lie "lie lit. 'it IIIihmii oT Vniilli" ei iv be r I I by n-in'lli. Pierc-e'-' Ka wi; ite I'o si'i i.tion." a specilie f.:r "feina e i- ii -1 nut ." Hy diii,''i-t-. U : ii .! -'i-a'c'e l ii'tru ' ii) i- .a- n . uc'tisH-. d iwehsve. Iusaii-..-i .-.ilile." I tIN-l UPTION i i m:. Iir. H. V. Piuhk: '.-' Si - Death wms hourlye.ei ied by in) -elf mid fiii ud-. My I hv - ici in uioii nee I my ih-i a-e eiin-uiii.-:i... ati.l ii I I ii, list die. I taking ....!. "I. '- v. i v ';m.l -I'e'l.-; .." I luive il-nl I - .i : le ail i .11 I Willi. I.llllll) relieved. I i -. v a,;,. 1,1 , .,!.. ,,at. I l.l.'.l-i:i II l'ii Ui 1 1 IN, .Montonno, Ark. liniii I. r in llielaiuri i. V.i., -:iy that tie 'i i i ii i u.:'u .-live. e. Hi s w. ih hole-in lo h'.l , ;i;!t iii.-i-uie. I . and ficklv L'irls reiiulrini' a linn- ,-h ohi.l c. eeiille siiiuulanl, will find Hrewn's lion Hitlers In iieticial. 1 1 :i!.. y tin- U -heel cold i- called deli, ions ; b) i ..ui. Ion . .' ' uioii isvii I k. Pa.-l!ev. Klijnli Wilson li.ov.ii's I.on Hitters hive perma I lii nllv ciiud mu of chill- and fever." ! ; oiue mi a-as alvais ke uer key hole on J it. ; Li -1, of a '. l-i.-v vas behint tune l'vrni:Mi.i v. Ark. Ilev. T. J. Heilly says: " I i s. .I Itr.iwu's Iron Killers for iii.llsr. rlion I and chills with entile s iti-faction.'' ! -inai i )oinio iiein i sct.i d ii. a Ihmi r in tl '..!' r -i!i. atlcr ah ila- .-.'iii- bad cone. . ai l - ai." pafbelic-.llv. " '. i I h- lo-l rose of . n- le " Hrr Here, Voimg lien. i uirl of mine is twice as hnnd-.unn since , she eiiiiiiiuuii'cd nsinc Carbohne. the deodor- ii il exira.M of Petroleum, nnd I would not i bo willioiil it for a fortune. I : I', i.i i . t ll lo.i war with the Cchslial i I . . i . . .'. u.ll the n -nit he broken chinaf I i utiiri li til llie lllaililer. ' Sliu'iiu; ii ril.itioii, iiill.iiiimiilioii, Kuln-y, ' I iiiiarv cnaii I. mil-, i ..r .' bv IliichupaibiUrl. j "Whv do il litis pi to mu. (ieoriie'" "We), lo .': nt the facts."' 1 1 vo l t.'el depressed in mind aud body, or i h'tie'a ti'Ui'h of Keneial debility or inalana, 1 ,,, li.siniMi-. li eive-t uie lo the stomach and promotes thoiouhdn-eaiou. Urnutfisls. I he bed Ihlll' in pi in! - A pl't'lty u'ii l in a Calico dn s-. " Kunuh tin Cnrn!.' A- U for W i 11-' Mltmli on Corns.'l.V. Quick ri lief, eoiii li.ti-cuie. l.'orn.i, warts, buiuous. '1 he s cu t jf suci is is lo know how to deny jour-ell, mid oilier people. I.) mi's Pab at lle..!S'.,ffeiier.lhe only inven tion that makes old boots asstraii'lit as new. Ciirh.-ily is a thin,' Unit makes us look over i eopies iilf.u.s and oveilook our own. Tliut llilshnnit or Vllne I-three times the man be was before using W ells' Health H. newer. l. Dnis'isU. Nine vounc women in Krie have formed a I . -e ball cb-b, and luive olteied lo play with any f -niale ba-e ball club in the state. An E.lilnr'a Tattluienlal. A M. Vu-lin. i-liiarol tie ""Grrmwirli lli-vii-w," (ioPlli.. ll. O . rile. : JUUrv I met Hub ft i.; -i-vrn 4.-.-i.lui.".iie.l by t runaway bar-s. ! ,, ..liu i.l i vrr kiu.l m i.lva in Ur th, li :. b turof.t lo ruuaiQK mre. but fain I nothing la .lo bi ny nil I M ri couim" lleury'l CirLallcHjlio. I l. unlit bol ud It b-!liil null on '. n.ll tlie end .il two iiinlitbs I mi roini letelr V.I It i. Hi h. .1 slv m the markst. ami I nrv.r tail .f l.-lluis my inrn.l. about n, and urge tbem to u.- ll ihru.ier tlify lief.1 a aalva. Durno'a CaUrru 81111B rnri all affortiona of lb niueoua nifinbraDa of lha bad aod throat. I We Should Help One Another. Mr. Nohman Hint, of No. HR)Chctnut St., SpriiiKtield, Mu-s., wribs April 10, 18M, say ing: "Havii glhe alHiction ca-j-ed by kidney and liver disease, aud lifter enduring lha aches, pains, weakness and depression inci dent thereto until body fin J soul were nearly distracted, 1 sought for it-lief and a cure from my tumble, and was told by a friend who ha I been cured by it him-t If. that Ihe best and only sure cure was Hunt's HemcJy, and upon las .ccomineiidntiou I commenced taking it, an I the first few do-us improved my condi tion in a very marked manner, and a con tinuance of its use has justified all that my friends claimed for il that it was a sure and permanent cure forall diseasesof the kidneys and livir. 8 -vend ef my friends 111 fsprin-f. lield haviir-ed it with the most gratifying results, and I feel it my duty as well aa a pleiisiue to me to recommend Hunt's heuiedy in tl c hvlunt po-isil I.' terms." .11 n 11 11 flirt 11 rer'a Trai linon jr. Mr. II. W. manufacturer of harness, -.1.1 ll. iv. tr.iuk-. villi i". e'e. No. 477 Main Street. Sprii 1; ield, Mas-., wriles us un.ler late .if April I'', Is-Sl: " (ieiit 1 m n - 1 have used Hunt's Remedy, (he lie-l ii.cihcii.e fo.- di-cas. sof theki Ineys, liver. 1.1 .11. r and uiiiiaiy oruan-, and l ave received u'l. al bi iietil lo my health fro. 11 iir use, and I tind that it will do just what is claim.-. I f..r Hi il will cure d seise and re-tore health. I therelore 'pronounce it tho best intdiciiu- that I have ever 11-eJ." Il.i-niii nml Ml. a ii. Itnilrnnil. Ai.nt'ur Jloi.r. K- i., paymaster Rostou nnd Albany hail road, al S.rnieJ'cM, Mass., writes April LM, I--M: "I have u-e.l Hunt's Kemedy, and my ex erienee W ith it has been such that 1 can cheerfully sa) that I am satis'ied that il will tlo just what it promises lo do, if used U 'Cordiiii; lo direelii'Us." Qr.Worthihctoii's HGIERA ( (RAMP vsro OVTB 2ft YEARS I hnlrrit. Cramp. IMarrl'im, MinpliilitU ljftpriln. "" -.-it. HfH" 0 1 nrr M.-lt-. 1,1 llittoitnr'f Rt-mi cb Hitler mwf tli roiiiir"ini'nt of t rnttitnal nirHlnul ihl l'M.iiy nhicb Al ti'Mfiit pr'ili Ii is m inrffcUjr pun TgHAlde reniMy, mliracinc rhe thrti importdiit iirtifwariip ul A j)rfViittT, a tttiic twi n ftiiria tivn. 1( f.irtitiyi t!i" ti1y flirmiiKt 1i"tr.', tii;iTii.h th I rpnl iMtiiAi'h Sii' liv-r. (r mI ' n llfUKKlrttt ni lioa! ITh (t.-llt ri.!!. Pay no's Automatic Engines, 1. II. W. r st at a 'Mt.' li- Vp i'o.muu. S. . OPIUM HABIT Cured Painlessly. Th. .. ii -in.- - I I (..ra. mall maiR " i 1 1 Ii.tu i r..lnl.t-,:'. i.l- Al ,1. . Irf -l,-,l l- . .1 . , --..-r , I .. In I i.ll 1 1 1 .,- .I.i r- ;t.l,tr. - a l Ii" lli-roterrr. DR. S. B. COLLIN?, La Portr, Ind, AXLE GREASE. Ilfwl lit ihr Mitrlil lrl lln ui'iiiiiitr llvrry in eh ii if i' lint iiur iriMlr-iinirtt nml In iiMii'Kt tl l . ;i . r. -in It I I I It II I' U K It n irvt at nnn liiirn-t I ! .'lipf1 lor I tr I rmiii'ii Sf...!vl'nii'.S.ri ufs'f f--rt hml I I'v . Id Killer mtituny r.r. A k yurll"Ufl I kui, or teiia iii v t uiin toirt t. n. x., CONSUMPTION i-.i Tre.-i'iii.-nt ... lull A, la, I'l.. I II. I.. Mllll, I , SmiiiIii liirn. s-uitl ii I liirn I . nlil.inil.i. IV NO PAY UNTIL CURED. ,.ll.,l .ill I .i 3c -ru, A mn.i. Al- i-I, 11 J l.f..!l,.il M.. Nr utk. l(i:i'IIINK II 4 KIT, Nn i '.iv !n( r irnl. Ton fHtn t HtBtillbhrd, 1.IXHI r tit t htn((t i ii-iv )r Aim nil. yuiiioy, Micti. OPIUM $64: SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. Thoro exisa inoiinsof so purine; n Milt nnd brilliant ('oiiiili'xioii, no nialler liow noor il may naturally be. I lagan's .Mairnolia Jtaliu is ti ileliialo ami liarmless arti cle, which instantly removes Freckles, Tan, Ueduess, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul gar Fiushiiii-'K, etc., etc. So ilclicato and natural nro its r Herts that its uso is not sut-iieefeil hy anybody. No lady has tho right to present a disfigured tare in iociety when tho Magnolia Halm 'is sold by all druggista for 73 cents. 1 I JIARRHOE l&RRHOEAi URE ll, ..-nlrrir. -u mm lit - ir.... I . - A H r .i..-.. r ... al . II. 11 k i- s Tm... ... I P.... 1' .,'"'.'" "lMl"cHA'ltS ."' H- I14I1U, I),,.' mi l I.. iiichl, viU f irniiS m hurt !. r 1. 1 A '.'-.. .1.. I i'.nr A tn .nhtr Artyirta ln.H, in I liii.' l Mtili an A n; otuat it-1 ; it ill. h A I'li.e. Jgk?'1p Trofl Ml-rK-rl7"B'Mt Till I Mlf, fl ,v th.n, Mr. PAtN Tmu Fuh'iLiir. H fit Helilna trial. WrruU MI. aiU M fi, I ci Ur LhuK, 44i H mjj jonii or IIWMWTOJI fl cufics tHiRK au mi f aiis. rJ PUftHI!50UTT?!;S m ',, I....I .,,-O.n ICi . r I I" HiYlSED. TTEAK this, all ye peoplp. ard (rire oar all ye incalid of tho world. Hop Hitlers will make you well and to rojoii-e. 2. It ehnll cure all the iieople and put sick ness and RUfTciin;- vmirr foot. 3. Be tliou iiof afraid when your family it tick, or you have Hi ilit's di-ease or Liver Complaint, for Hop Hitters will cure yon. 4. Both low and lii(jh, rich mid poor know the value of llop Bittern for bilious, nervoos ajid Ithettmatic complaints. 6. Cleanse me with Hop Bitters and I ahn'l have robust nnd blnomiii health. C. Add tlismso upon difvnae nml let th. worst come I nm safe if I use Hop Uittore. 7. Forall my life have I hi-rn pi imtlwith FiVA'iit-s nnd saros. nnd nut nniil n year ns i was I cured by Hop Hitlers. P. He thnt keepcth his l.jiien from n-liiaj from liheutn.'iti-m and Neuralgia, wilh H ip Hitters, doi th wivcly. 0. Though limn lin-t s.irrs. pimples. frpe!;!e-. suit rheum, eiysi his, liluud piiisoliiny, J 1 1 Hop Hilters will ivmnrr them nil. 10. What won in n is there, feelilo nnd sic from femnlo cx)iiiiliiints, who desireth not In-all li and osctli Hup liiiteis and is ncii'.' veil. 11. Ix;t not neglect to use Hop rJillers brim on frious Kidney mid Liver coinplnUita. VJ. Keep thy tongue from bcitin furred. th b'ood pure, mid thy stomach from indii;t'. ion by usiu Hop Hitters. I t. All my pains Mi. I ache nnl di-ea-.e jt 111 c i-hntf befo:e the wind when I use Hop Hitlers. 1 1. Mnrk the mini who ti ns m arhi ilo.i'.l mid Kiicn up by the doctor-, after u-intf Hop Hitters and liecoim th well. 15. Cense from worrjin about nervous ne-s, cenenil itebilitj. nnd urinary trouble, for Hop Hitters will u-.l, r yon. i"" t I f -..-- ft ).. WOMAN CANf Hr A'.TH L-f ViuUtSh S Sy- r LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGlSTArLI! C0I-!?0UlTD. A fare Cure fur all l t.MAM! Vi:AK-M.-SKS, Ini luillnM l.i iirnrrbfrn, Ir rriulnr nml 1'ulnl ul .llensiriDiiliin. Inflanimaiian anil I 'Irrrutian of (lie U'omli, l'looiilnu, 1'IKI- i-ai'si 'm r ri iii. Ac. HrPlcMniil tu lln:tii-t-, i ill. u. I' -n - l Imm.illiita IniUfltici. It i.n mi.-.t I., ip In i n "ii:uy. r.cJ ra ti. ?i. rin .luring l-.t..r n J t i- rui..r (.-it rillMt ti-l-i: ir I'll I l:l -i in I IT 11. tilt. IT'iR ;.u. Wrotirs" i f liir'-nriati-'.'rpana of nib. rm ll i. .-. e.-lt-p. i- n- ... Hi a l.a- eirr brfn Irfifnrc ttio i-'ilili' i nn I Ii- n'l .ll ...'.a ol llw KlftSXia It I III. ti'll.lfi - .'i.i.r.lji In thf lleri.i. jt-kiim:v f o.iii'i.AiN"rst.ri:iiiiirse liiiilt-rral ll.-li. I in lis ( ht. I.T il V. I'INKII ir- lii.oon t-i inrirR I I III I I -I . I, u.ll lli . . ii- r .1 -ti, M-lh I . . . ..llsUolllCl.' Illl-Oiilij. will .m.l-. ul.- , . . . Hi".-i..i Hie .-in.' lllC.jat.L'l. A.-lb.rV. .1 -U I' Ifl "Buthtlilrnn r "m.l 'i I HI t IliiKl'-r arc pr parrd at EO and : w. -t.rn avmur, I jnn. Ma-'. rrlKofrilln-r, tl. s, t, .lti, f. rt.",. Tl - Cnipnuni llra-nt .jr mnU In ll.- I .i m . f (-III.-. T cf .itrnu,oa 1K-. Ipt of Mr. , fl . r l-i for i lilirr. BrJ. IHiUihcJti frciljr unna nil,rai.f ln,i.lijr. Km low cent lamp, ts-nu for p.iiiil t. 't...ii..n V.i Jfrr. W"l.riii F. I'ls-irn.a " 1 n r.u I'n.m i-nn C nrtlpa (I. hi. Ililtoii'iiia ami T..rn.un . I II." I.e. r. ii null, (-iilil l.v lt in iicHlns.-t (.1 II N I ".'11 18 A SURE CURE for all disease of the Kidney and . LIVER IthMapociflctb'Uonon tUia most important ornan. onabUnff II lo throw off turpiility ni In'tlou, Unitilatinir Iho brail hy necretion of Uio Dil' tuul liy kffpina llio bawrla iu freo condtuun, eUtutuiif its nffulor discharge. Ul rlrwlr If you arfnun-rlnc from mUlUrUl malATiit.fiavc f !jo rliiila. rt biliot,dyipr,,.i,orconBttpatf 1, Knlncy Wort will buruly rcliovnnd qi;ukly cui-. In Uia ftpmiR trlMiuc Hie Pi jt m. every otio Bhould lAko thorough itunc of it. ii- SOLO B Y ORUCCIST8. Price tl. IIMI.lMA'MV; "I Hiiiili... '.M1I.3 H.I pMier. I'm-mIom, III.. niv. ! .1 -ufl. r .1 miI. 1 I.HI VV.,11 ...... I 1... " imntli-.'' wrtlr-i Mr. J i J f J ml an r ll liK'il'lvifi ;ii.j i-oj. k't tinting w.-nlt li'iin n Ni'ii VuriV It-rtfvmnn "I h i.i ' rwt'Oiniiti iid Knti.1 Wori. ur.-itl) tu n " ' hm." ! Hi- I i:. htmblr, ut MhaHtV, N Y. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. No other rtlaraafl ia to prevalent In this ooun try aaConatlpatittia nd 119 remedy hoa everi equalled tho crlohrutod Kidney-Wort aa al cure. Wbatovor 1 ho cauo. however olMtluato Ui eaa. thti roiuc-ly vill overcome it. n EQ TillH dmirrflinK com I fc-a-J piau;t la very ait to bi' oomplioatcd with e- usi .patton. Kldnry-Wcn troncUicns tha weiLtT.t-1 ptrtaond qui kly cures U kind of Piles eve:i when phyaiciaiii and mr-dictnca navo ixiiore laiica. - I Wlf you bAVO either of thvnc tro-itifi PRIC1 SI. i use r Orurslt Sell Vt , "I Cm ud no fi'l-ft itnia pilA. mu il I itiid Kuiucy Wort, Jl k4 enrni mt,' T HE GREAT CURE i-OB. RHEUMATISM- A It la for all tha painful diaeaaca of Ua KIDMIVS.LIVKR AND BOWILS It oleanaoa tha aratom of ths arid polaoo that eauara tha drPMlAil auffrrina: whloll onijr tha rimtma or utiaumai i.m ran ruaiiao THOUSANDS OP CASES of tha worst forma of tliia l.-rribla dlaaaa. hara bean qulokly , ana In aiiort uma PIRFIOTLV CURED. fRItl, fl. Ulll'lUUK lltl, MII.U III UKlilillTS. I- iir. can w iwni ty man. WBLI.HICHAHI60r4lCo . UurllnrlonVt situhiohs isfa '.'.;,'-'.5 '.'aa," for po.l.aa. A.ldiirt, NuIIophI -ii-linl Wiiilv Hnrriiw. W Tiflli Av . rl.ii.uo. 111 PATENTS &PENSI0NS J. i.Biyi'l, iil'i-al-law.Manalr BandSe. fof circulara. aln-;lUB,t.l. HEART wruradhj KliAK S III MIT) I UK. -.rr.ii fi.r I. ii.t .h. iu-:ti ik jjtajipii( (., v 0 H.. 1 -ja i-iiii. S2 AN all oho. rill nik ipar titnn prof- alile ,a ko.hI liayuia I'.i- ii i in opiur.i M,.rHli. HsblK'arad l ia lu AO Amjm. kora.Tllll 1'piaM'al. LM- J. Isl M.i' knh, lAbauun, Ollll. u,- 11a TILK aaraataadrai.l'.niriil.a.ldnp-a f W HK.M. Arta.O ttiini?,! ar.l.i .1 noma. hAiiii.lM w.inb $i frn.7 93 10 Ad.lcM nilnaan A .. Ho.ll.u4. Ma. A.PlT8 WartTI l)t. lha lln.t ami ra.laMil.' ln Piolonal Rik. .nd Bihl-n. Prioaa nduaad II nroatil Natiok.l PiaLlatiixa Co., Phila Pa 79 wmmk. (13 a day at honia'f aaada. t-oatW " aault fraa. Addiaaa lac a A Oo Aaamaaa. JU iL JSYMPATHIZt VVITH'"l IS THE. HOPE 01 V WOMAN. S,'MTH RACcli) :l".i K H....-jt.sWWin.n-W.

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