;h;ii!rain THURSDAY. Jl'LY H. A. LONDON. Editor. , :; o' - l'oI.ITiCAI. jfossip IS HOW ! X'lll yected to the subject of the l'lesi .1..,,v.,l .'..! inn iif ic't rear, lllid ' .. . , . ...!... Villiotis ate tlieonjeciuicN as i" mioj - will be ilif cnlidhlaos of ill.' t'l "h Wiilm-i,uit s'i'i:i.stolKOiMson"u any verv decid, il pit fer. nee us. to . , ",, , .. -ii i,, WHO lie on nonnin i i in- tiers of the parties are somev liat ,"t a loss to know uhorive their liio.-t available lu'tiu am! f lie m.-es' have thought little or noihing on liic -uli jcet. Ncitlit r I'oiuiiiMtiii!; cohvi -nt inn will be hcM in. til ii''t ;iniii:er a year hence ami co.i . ut y a ! guesses now ma 1 may he v, ;y vi ! of the mark, iv cut - may on r ami developments be inaih' wit bin a year's time vhich nriy !.'ic-- into piomi lience some iiihii or men. w ho are lejw Bt'arcely thought of. AVith a view of ascertaining the itrift vi public sentiment upon this Subject the N'ew Vol k Times, over a month ago. sent letters to about -Inn persons in all parl.i of the l'nite'1 States asking auswi is to the follow ing (piest-ion-: 1. Who is most t'r ipiemly spo ken of by Republicans in our ieiiuty as their tirst choice for Presidential cantlidate in iss t .' II. What "tlur n;iiuts are men fioned ? lit. H;)o ii itost fi'etui.'i'tly men tioned by Demociats in ymir m .'gb borhood as the'r lir-t ehuiie fur Presidential cam lidate in l d .' IV. What ot her nanu s arc men Soiled, in about w!:;t order. n indi cating their pi ul,ii it;. .'" One of tin . -i it-rtci--."lib the above 'lieslitniS was mldlessi d to the editor if the Hkouu'. to which we r. piitdas follow s : "The masses of tl.e ' '. pul I'.icnn Party in thi State l.av- nt:iiii.g tvhatever to do v. i;lt lectio:: of dl'leirate.s to the N'alio'ei! Ib-J nb'iciiti foio'enti-.r.'--. ai.tl feith. r h: nor are aliowi tl to cpie.-.- any opinion or choice as to who -i i : 1 1 '. be their si de i( e-mdidate. Ti l-- i ail l.au: aged ol- -llXe.1," by the F. b iu! olVice iiolders. and :: I in; merely obey tin mil l's of the htad.-o," tinir rt spective ill pal t lie ut at Washing ton. Yo'ir ' ptesj ions, t le ri 'fori-, are alci.lale.l to p; o .o!ve a sii;;!e. li.c name mo -t ti-.-o tinned b V ! 'im i" a. - ' - 1 ltd Tilde... who di'framl. d of his olii. e in other names un :n i. iii-'d Clevelaml. an I Me.i:l. howi'Vcr. to t e tha. s .i':,.V lllell ihft , f .sum- 11 think was lsTC. Tlie ar.' P.-i.-a.-d It isj.riip. r. o lar as l ii v knowledge ext'-lcls. S..utb. i- ' erats have no i'u ."di d prof, i" in i " liny Pi'csideiiti.J :r :iit. but heartily surpoit anv man win .'Host a.'ccptab'e to the "an carry tin" lar...'"-. North"!-" ,.e- '' Ai' v'-i!'"'" -' v"' received nil I piibll-nt Times'' ;a-l w( el., ami that Til. b'li is the choice (icrats and P 'in, ti o . 1 North and Sillliiber of II -. I by tie ll.ey -ho.'. .f the Pell, .iec of the republ.t aiis. 'l'i'. lell was t!:.- I'r- l dioii-e in 12i 1. tiers. Mel oi,a!d T'J Bayard :tl- Hancock witii the r. niaimlcr snitliiiug. Among repub licans. Blaine was lb,' ''is! . 'i. . . e in' 10.-!. Arthur I. II b.nmds oT. (ban: 10 and balal.ee di'.i led luiiotig II dor.eii others. The .-tivnuiii of .Mr Tildell. as thus .h veloped. i.sihpii. ing to many persons, espi :..!ly io those wboiiave pn temb it to think that, he was a j.iif.. lytic imbecile. 'I he personal popiihiiiiy ol among the republican... these letters, nrtsl l.i' vi to the friends ,.f ,h.il gi-1 will no ih.aot ie iii- i' ii his name for t he n. .initial i it is understood that h" declined to r..ou lin in 1 Ni i-. I ilni in as stiown by ,-y g at i lying ,; id, ..an. i.i.il 11 1." I i u ,'e-e .ii. all 1. on. Ii has hitheito "A sriiiKt' in iw i -vi -ts iMiion l; the tcle-grai'li i..!;a!us ot tin' I iillt.l hiatus, ami it is probably the most imvort.tnt and serious strike that has over ocuriMt in tnis country, not inertly bi'i'iiiise ot ihelcrge number (about Fl.iiiHii vlc hav:' joiutal ii ;t but bei'anse of t he manner in w hich it afl'ectsthe juib'.ic g. uerally. Prompt ly al noon on la.i. Thursday these operators ipiit work all over the country, mid positively declare Unit they will not u s nut work until tin ir demands arc coi,'ipiii.l with. It is the hl struggle of labor against , it vv as 'J.Toi). A recent census taken are hrighti r t Inui tin y In,', e bet u f,u raiiital. Tin operators et.mplain that three lie-uidis ago shows our popula- i I he pas! The i - tei n Noi i h Curo 1 ... ti..,. 1 1,.,. . .. t.. I ooo .... :.. i: : i. .1 : i ... . 11..,.. I.n... I....... iivr.ru i ii'io ,1 on un i nt im . - ilerpaid, that dining the past ten years they hav e lain mailt) the vie , tuns of .seui.'i unjust 'iinl tu.ueci's tary reductions ol way. . tt the hands of u wealthy coi-por.itii.u. All their coinplainbs ware disri 'aided and their grievances were treated wil.li contempt. Therefore they have made common cause against t' iroj.ptiss cs and tpiietly ipiit w. .L d'husf ir they have violated no law. have in dill .-ed in no excesses of any kind, and above all have purstu .1 no threat ening or compulsory policy toward Ciose few epeiiitors who have not joined in the strike, 'ihis course is ..vi oni v l.roi.cr and coiiitui nd ib'e. ..... . .... , ! litic foi tlnitl'v tliev will but is pi siTim1 and retain the public syiunti lminc-- houses t.nd handsome j.ri tliy. Vsually "stiihers" losdlii'svui- '-' ri-idcncc :md hotels. ',. . ,,' l" l j e I lliii'l't l'l'ifit out ill v til :. 1 HI natliv of flic mimic 1'V liiterlenii.' ' . . . , .. -, 1 1 . . ' . , Clt'lls.! ;li Mtlue tliilt. to DM.' l"t ami! with and .Im'xio;, nee to those who ,u. M1. r,ulUlm.; u-.MlM In take ,li'r places. If these telegraphic j lee.-ritt d vvetli suspicion." I will ren t strikers continue their hnvt'ii1. ivu-- 'to only one. Ten years ao I'm' t'.et inland ordclv policy tluv will not : u-onla-e on Pa! ton Awn ..' v. c t of 1 - , ll'l i ... i ....... t . I' ..I,.., ! oi.lv be em'oura-cdbv-puh'.iesvinpii i . . T thy out I).- maternity ami suostan- tiaiiv aided. iiM 1 filial: v fi..ice the tel ; Tii' iii "or:,n;n v to conn' to terms. irnpaiiy to come to terms. the strike colit iniies it VCl'V j i; 1 1 if; fs viih business of j - -v .' c.oscd iiii.l others cannot 1 ! ansact . , ,s , ltJ lia I ol l J o jiiioss le ouiri'il ol nearly , from t. '..ppivei, fapii .-.af.oi.s tiM'V cannot ia'e thi' i;npo!-(.iiii,' of tls -.tri!; wl'i. li i . t!ic talk' in us ..)' tlir cMimtrv. en at tlie ci T. - Ass.it-'.a! ion. at its meet -t'd. in l.iiie. lssi. adoj.i oi- -oil hoiiing the Pros point different menib. rs prepare statist ic.i ami nt t. th r. ,,!' ! essays to be rc.it 1 at tin' annual con 1 volitions of the Association. In uc cord. nice with this tesolution the pit -'i:l President of the Assoei,-.t ion has appointed as the essayists of the next convention ('apt. S. A. Ashe, of the News O'.'-a : ver : Dr. Palcmoi: J .Im. of tin K i.ili. th t'ity I'aro'i U an ; aiitl W. ('. 1'.; win. estj.. of the Morgallion Mo.i:;i,ii:;eci-. W'edoiibl not that the essays of these gelit'e men will ! bot!i higVy entertaining and insl met ive. AC :: k .o:iri"il I.. KM' of the New : writ in:.'' a scri lllll. : a series ot :;. or sale of '.".: 'o'iii'. rail- .. Mor. head artii-'es urg:.g '-I- h is the Al!::ii!'c .'.'e'l Norih road (now t iinniiig i'l o to ioldsbo n'l to the (' Yadkin V.' lhy Ii. It. C ui'ee.s that Ic so doing. ne I'lai' ami l.lpaliV. lie iml l,!:i'.!ing a lull 1 from ( ! .'id -born' to I'.-iyel te- i!!o. a grand eintiai i . ut L 1 be e-lai.':isiii d from the se.t shore to the liioimiaius ihal '. ii! rt a'ie I he hope, of ihe i ariiest advocates of i aiir. adi if -'lis ii'i.c. and he a!-o c.tlis niteii t ii iii to the fact that thi.- m -tetn 'had its birth in Chatham county. l':l:y :ive yeas ago". In proof of thi.. . state ment !.!' say. the follow i.i ; : l.i Chaiham ioii;i.y. Augu-l 1. lSU'-i. a liUiiiber of ci;i... i:s of the s of Chat ham. I!an l.-lph. (i inl'oi d an I ( bang.', to the immbi r ot , , I -.'. !.. I ,,r more, a -ml.:, d in I:-.. '!', a I m. eting. at I he hml -e of U ii.iau; A. hi .g!.i. in lie- i,.o. n -I of the great C- iitilll S' ,-tt 111 vv hieh Pivsid. ni ('..Itlwell. of the ri"i'., r s'l v. la i I been writing Up ill hi'- N'.ili.bel'.s of Calilol:'' d K 1 1 ' '- ll.i.' ami tl tl,.-!' Cc.ro! K. :e year I. iddi i ss I 'fi noma! to if of' so'.iii ion : ni ol i hi - ll. e na was j a. olved. Asa f inie, n.i! I ihls kind o as it, 1 tunilv a. it v v , s Iroiu W il !!". ,.!,! 1:1 .-I, ,1.1 t.. the '! act l : nl : a: .. on : a i'.a; mark Ac Yadl; C 111 s l' ri car i p.op ii o.id I i le u .rdin. i.i I inn, i., ;': .,. in 1'..., He.;:;.. ihe 'Fay, n. -el u a , eh, , un, ici I alo :,. a, i oi li.'ii I ilel I tl. of i ai r, hi. I. a id iii si , li in No. I ll ( 'al .'ill vv al I'lU'ili-u:!,'.'' Ashciii!e, always alVoi'. the grow ill Pi osi,. iiy. 1 . lie p. as. na ll :.e ll.e ni.v tow ii or i Mi State, rii.l ii is v.iih .-iu' tVi- ait- eii.ihli d to publish ti-tii's as to tin' won. lei ful ( Adii-v lilt . Al ti e balnpiet mi" sta ow:h of given i" 'I'.'t tovv n to ti. ciatioii.s of North and S. I'n.sA ith Carol na a i.i.iiiiier of loa.tswere given alul speei in s ni.idi'. Among these toast was oin go'i'ii liy the editor of tin Ib.ci.ii. a, l'o',!,,u ..; "A-i'K' n.i i: ''l'iie ( :een city of the W. May its prosperity ever continue to "p pace w it h t he enter- prise and hospitality ot Its citieiis. In rt -..vnse to this toast a pi I'i'li vvns nia.le by the Mayor of the town, which was rftevvvaiils published in the Ashe, ille Citieu and t oni whit h w e copy the follow ing : "Now a tew words as to on- pros perity, and grow t!.. W ,,,ir "ily has made rapid stiides both in popu lation ami wealth during the hist three years, still our increase in both respects has been gradual and regu lar, and therefore substantial. In 1.M1D. our population wasltss than i.tilMI. In ls7l it was 1,100. JnlNStl '"" " 1 ''"" to-' '" -."".', 1111 in- , creas... ,,l .op.r eil.t in less than .1 ; .V al s. ( ),ir ineieaae in w alt h litis been if ! anv 1 lung, more astonishing than our growth in population. InlsTd our : taxable trojieri v was less than .-.dlKI,- j the natinal resources. The poiiiple- thid: in lv.2. J0.7J7. and in lS.Sl!. , tion of the Spartanburg and A he our iiicr".-K : alnii ly more tn.ui a'vi'l" railroad gives us ;i direct eon tpiartcr of a million, or an increase of ; mi tion w ith Cli.irlt's'.nn. The A she ll") percent. While this inert use is j villi and Ihu iisiille Ihtilfoad opens not eoutined to any one pal laciilur I upauot her sect um of country abound locality it is iicie noticeable on North j ing' in wealth extending as it vvul in a. id S'.tiih M in streets ami P.iltou ' an air -line math to the gie.it Ohio Avenue. 1 ue increase on Ninth j Main Street is .jf'Jo.tKIl). on Smith Mam SilotllK), (in ration A eiiue about ? 7 a, til HI, all during the histidie State pt in t rating tin' Soul h At- three yais. Ten years ago t here j hint ie section. With this bright vvas not a single, house on Pattoti I iiro..i.cci before us. judging' the fill in e fllil', Mt'Nl 't IlaVWMiMl .sll Cl t. : ill tlirsP ldi'iilitii'K rviili-luvs of! c.dtli ,iety Im olistivtd in litl-e ! ,.7,' l ' 1 ' 7 : tln Oruud cut ml now stanus. soul : fo,. sit,.,., . t ln-.-t- months -V feet. t tin !..!.. for Sl.sOd. 'l'h: niy one ol' t in1 1 1 kui y evidence ITpid II Ivanc". -. have !" HO . I M the t-ity vv r. u :m n nun. iii'i- 'Lit III' capaelt V ol t ;u.te -.Oil!' : Amou- our note!., ve naveinrce I . e a ;ii' to In io:i:i.l ion v h i v in the Slate We Imvi i nan ! n -it II'S M'0 v i- Il'I.I Ol V iiel'ea ! three. Oar UKii'ul'actiir'i:-'' enterprises, coiisisliiig of f cjiidi ies. iiiachine 'sltoiis. j.iunin,.' mills, .i ist miMs. to jb.'.co lactone -, p':;;-ami smoking. .i'-e too 1. dio.lS I ' l niellt ''o't. If .l.l will wa'k out on i he veranda of oi lie hole! I morrow nio'i :,!;; al 'o'clock y...; will he i' '!'t i- . :mlii d io i'ori'i au idea by tl.e nnii:lei' of .c.tm . wdiistlet heard in i ery direction. 'Cl.e city i.. :.j i t ,i l eg on! m ail 'direct i-i!;s, new in bisi n('s in e sjii ing ill;; lip lte;i!y everywhere. Tin iv:h now I ii I Mil' . it is i'l I lie iimii -t u' t he me n j llMltSe u. i.e.;'" than !:-!-: ! i -g" of ..ami-l.v.llin-.s. C og: i's, in im:c 'trt-its ol .x mile. .1 .:!.s. Ii.ii him 100 II. "A I.leloi'it . We have 1 1'itihim.' Which V.e the i.'l-t our p. h'lV. i VA I'lV I' in i : mh I y. it.r In V ot o-.v lie,:: i v.iii.e ;, I -l W.lier ! ne; s on .lilt if. the I.e o H orn c unit. liu i lid. 'list !: I! our ' cli V V. -I rec! .. ing thr.ni.di c lor in. in t...s. i;,, -. uuli .1 pre, '.: I ie, I a; 1 '..hat ha I lllel c. -e iii Il r. n .11 lueciiu nl all in. la': urng a. i f a '. ! w 1 '.;,,. sii li ,i. i ml H i- t.'ia i'l' l'i bi. Ugi,! :il llii i 'i'1' b.e-cd !:.! lie. V In three V the W, to ita'. - p.i-s .. ami p tllll. s w a i n - e.i I'l th :. 1 !.ia:.::iil. vv i this c the ii. Siat.-s. the elf Ii- i e, Hi illli i'V W I. No e.e, ill is 111. .l i,,i v s.npa ;.r. We , eel e, n'l, l'i, flee III o . -.- a p.. til V, in'IV V .! lit v ill. :' e, i,i a ill ihe so, 111, t lel l h W t -I ; hollic.illarai '.i.ibiled have ::. world. No i"! e ; I, an ih ni .'. li.tt i' ll l'i ill" o ll .'111, ...11, 1 io i..ii iii '! ie . o le.illv Ie ;r A-!e b.'IW tin- li:eh .va ,i . ic and 1 1" a:l ion 1 i ur.il l.n - s v.!., . . en t he Me I lis I i el' i. ill- c.l V I o:i .1 in vm last Ihlee d p. ... W. ie a -e of i iciiiiil;. oi' Wllell t-ell to - i. iii I. a l Old ilpp'e ' '' ' ; !.r. Ml in . v H iding my. nli.cii I o pi r li oni ti.es s. li.ng in .Id. i toll, of 1 11, ill .. ii ma! ki t . l.,!.er. of Vl lai'i'ia. in un black ( tin limit :cli -hiii ,:i -i-; ing .':.! 11. I sujplv. ,1, - en ill I"., ' ' :i,, v I, !l cut down ll! . -! man'.- In ad 111. ;!uT t 11 HI 1 111 I tills hall. i,!i!l ilie . ol lllollsall. nb siliddi'd Willi 'ie giitlil oak. inli'r--pei-s-i -.v'th hickory, as'.:, a lam. In. 1 l'i it to the hlsl lili.o. l, iap!e that sells lor s lull p, a thousand feci in market. Iliiliio'.s ot' I'l i-t of Vl i.lie iiill . Tl. give Villi sol',1 , leu oi il'C iiilllil-ni.e V allie of out' 1 im I " I' rt'soin ee : I v. ill i-Ll-tn.'., bv .-:.v :i, . i i.:.l ..oni" Veals ic.u s ught v "'' .'.i.;. s .'1 laud dele I. 1.1 it 111. I, a i n in in Oi' te !.t I i '..:. I th: bin. k vv:.!,, i; ,;V , e.-llPv Ut I''. 'I" I ic - Oil he giv i f: ,r he Ihe till .i It l'i en, pav for uiioihi r. I u mor tll.ti farm and lee bcr Ie .ug h t wet- r T.ovv er I'l. t (III- er is us ti 1 1 : 1 1 hi : das our oic-t.. I I.e t A o toget in ! (il.e mill ami the trees! right Hi tic edge of the railroad, wit Ii the world a! our backs e'liiiuoi nig for our I iinln r. gives ii.-, .ii nun, en .( iiicoiiie upon a sin. "II outlay. Kight in ti e ''Miiie iieighb a hood are found rich mini s of Miei copper, iron. mica, tin uiiduiii nod ol her minerals t o numerous to nun t it n. 'V'lth all ihese natural restuir ees of -ult ll sin I'ouin ling us ; with Ashcvilln in the center, can it-be a wonder that ue have mole than doll bled our population in less than tht i e years 1 ( l,ir prospects foi (he I'utun I'li.i i it in out i ma u i ug c st. ion i .iti i v.lt-h the great Norlhvv.st c.lmiot tail to stuiiulnle great Iv ihe adv aiiceim nl ' 'of Asheiilk. wliiie the extension of the. Jluektown lualicli will t.peii up it section of count rv v ast iv rich in a'l river. I he French railroad passes ihioi f'.road Valley Ii hit n; the niost Mihiab.e and i n best .-eci ions nt lV t ilti I'llsl I think Vf lllllV Will t nililiul in t l 1 1 1 : m :t fuliiiv f,,r tu 'nuei u city of J lie wist' mm t W,l ioilr, h.iu tht" past. iVn't 1 alarmed ! uiiiii; num. All tin-tort tines in this . oii.iti'v have not b. en -!ii'intil bv ' .-ojih- lucky p.Tsou. Hit- country no reflection on his courage to :iv uboui.iL 'ih fort now lying . that ho diil inn hanker ufti'i- a lifii- j iil'.c, v uiting n c'aiciaiii. Come nnU cu'ty with this Amii.on in pautu bi ing your capital with you uul in-1 loons. vest tu real estate-. Bun hoiics, buy j It i now pven out from hea.1- : vacant lots, buy farms, or invest it ; tiual'tel'S that the l'resi.Ient's tiil) to! in mountain tamis or nianuiaciui ies. i hae lived in t hi - .-.ciiii ry all my life. 1 have observe I closely the ad vat.ee in' i hi., cit v ami t his counlrv. I'a-.e none a targe Ou-iin s-i in iva1 it tins sort ol tiling goes on it will e. talc. 1. :vc been a..s i.it d in like pretty soon be deiuoii.st rati il that the '. bushi s- v :.t h o hers. I have yet to ( levi rnnient is to inakn a million or see or iearn of a single instance ot.two by the operation. '1 hey say: !oss to too purchaser of real estate, tht re are to be in) telegraph lines- l'ie or ; i ycais ago a neighbor ol en t ted atnl nothing tb )!ie that v.-o.ild mine b e.i ,hi a farm and g iv e 1 1 i.i iJ. i not be done whether ho went or not. i fori!. ;i : monthsag i les.-id -s.iii) ! I'hii may al! be tree, but I happen! w-.t-Jh of it and tel . --is .,')! for to know that Mr Aithur caused in f the i . ma: ii.li r. Aii.c ie r n. an boiig'it .puries to be made of the Signal oflicc a la. in in 17:! tor .V'..'1 1 1 an 1 refused v.hetherthat leartn:etit could ex-1 ."'id.Ovio six months ago for tin sione tend the leli'gi'iph lines in time, and i laud. Tin -C are not isolated insian- that an atlil'mative n:e'i i' was given, i ce.-. b.u such has hi i n the rapid dc-. It is absurd to s.iy that such a trip1 vei.j.iiei:L of the coiimry. that a and such a party going at (iovern-. gent i.e ii it of pro -p. iii ; sceiiis to ii'etit epelise costs nothing. JSnt it , I :tv c .,,-! : .. .1 upon c . : v : lung. Come ir? Itot likely that the people w ill be-1 and bring our c:ij iia! if you have grudge the epi use or make any fuss 1 any to bring, ami if you have no cap- about it; and if Mr. Arthur were not j ii :il conn an ! bi ing v oar i "i rgy mid aniniM for a re nomiiiatini doubt we w iii furnish yon the capital to less hi- would Dot have got scared! begin .oi- with ami vv ill ;uai..itee to: 1 1 intui t . Oitr iis!iin-;i(ni Letter, li'.-'ii W'.s,. Will, nil ill Washin. Oils II i!l".ie and t lu ll i I !ieiii-.. I--, m-.li:;' I.. '..!ar ITii'-'ii-lrlil. ' l. C.. duly 'Jl. '.s:5. il In r i in ei characters we liavc a lew not oil ,!.s w ho ait ( cry now : soinet hilig to make nil more famous Dr M ;rv Wall:er and il. Iva I i. .. I are perhap.i tlie most "o. and I liey bol h belting to ' . -!.- ::,' milnleil. so-called ii. .its older. There are i le who t llll their livelihood 111 tl.e .1 men. a:, ale I pr- l esaiii: 1 i : v in j 1 ices , bi.'tl.i" liie;c i.. o. atioiis usiiallv loiloweil liv I v ho ai e still ladii o,.. .1 in tl.cir deportment, not . tiui'r u foi' si ial - or .,v i a c a in th- ',.' I V and l.'tl.iiiif their icio.i level wiuT their saine bii-in"ss I!"' out name, asiipnostd law;- er a : I claii.i attorney, who be lole.s t-l a diil'i 1. lit bieed. ' She lid' s :.!. ii town on a tricvile. and has a I. ami in a .I'm many things. I - art at nt i .lli. ia'.s had rather i-ee a lei! -ro'.vn "st,iei:ei i'iiie iutothi loom.; th-.ii t- have to eolilioiit her She t lii.s b hi. t a!:. I never consults the .u.v.'l.ieiici . or v.i-iii.-i of anvboib' vise ivi.en .d.e La- b:i..ini s to nlti nd Io. 1 lie i. tin r ,1,1V she luvadeii II ol'ii e of C, iimii ,i, i;u r Ihidley mi :i,-ist, I , ., ,, jug I,, jll-.l i'l 11. Iv lile'e I iv.i i.lv or thirty persons who wi:e in v ailing when s,i calili' ill. l iie Com-U.i.-.iolnr slell down ot; her politelv iiiai infoi'iin d Lit courteously thm or four tin,, tlmi si,. must take her I i. I . Shi- pel sisted ill hav ing hi l - ie lie :i and there an I pi. ml. .1 h. r s. b' in front of I, in ih ,1, '.villi the in t-iili .uof compelling atlei, lion, l'i- n iilv. in si If th ft n-e. lie informed h. r point bl.mk that he va. etig igrd in i.'.- ate conversation will, a ..enlle man: In. I he did not want her to ie, a i b.'iii' vv tin I was said, and Hiat. if she del m.l take a .eat he would . f cole , lit ,1. much lis In- might dislike I. to a-.k her to I, hi,' tlie room. For Ihe i-.i lime j.) ! er tl cm ei; v el .9,11 a ,', nt was li.I.eii iiba. k. and utter giving him a stony stare tor a !i,,i,:ent she gathered In iself up ami fris:,., ,.ut of the i,...:,i in a towering' i'l. ,.. Iii the court room her conduct ;v. u,,.,.; ,, tl,,, same purport. I have u;u.,l .),lo,. Wylie npii.tedlv tell her to - ii dow n, and v 'lay .ludge Cai lei', all out of liaiiitne with her coarse persisleiice and ignorance. told her liiat i he Lucy "no mori ab ni! law than Nieho, h mas did abtiuf sec.l.d liilth." din irrepressible I r .Mary Walker for ials besiegetl the head of every executive tlcp.n tiiii iit wiih iuiportu niiiiifoi' position, lbr pel tonicity limnly had such an effect on the C"l I ir'.tiiiv of i'.;.')iH( muI' 1! iiitvv.'ll at the time Secretary of the Treasury. Iht he vit Ll.il to the extent of 1 1 11- p, .. lt. t,!,,,,.;,! ,,.n,. ,,iji,.,. if . I,, would take off mens ciothes an 1 a. .av herself in th.' habiliments , f i u -r , , , 1 1 se vi . She indigiian; lv it - .;s, 1 ),, u.-c iie to the conditions, but a vi ai or two alleivviirds she astoii s,,-i j j,,. Tivasurv oilici.ils by pre- senli; ... a ,. i .d lop jny as a clerk ll .l.i ! i.e period of (loVtTlior J St lilt -w. h s ,'oiidilional I'l oiui.e. ( f course she did not it. Whtti 'iiiiudsive that w aim heal led an i hil l oi the w. st. 'feller, was made . S. ci. ' o y ot the interior bv I'rcsiilent . A i ilea. In! 'blandishments pi. vailed, Ii - a , ...ult d her to a ell ikshoi in tlie l'i i.sion bureau, and she was .!s sigi.iit to a division in which a con- si lei al ue miiiiber of latiit Wert! I'lll ploved. 'I'htse ladies never betaiue a.'t'iistoined to her peculiar style of ai. part 1, ami kept themselvea aloof as much as possible, which she lepi. I Will II III.' OpportlMllt V tlltel't'il Ml. a I looks and tone of scorn. Mtie neeiued ' always tit take the greatest pleasure m marcliiiig into their midst when ' ., ,, ii-i t lit V vv el'e eatliei ed in tliell' dresslii..'- ,.., ,,Mk:i:g their toilette. ll Mai v i . uialoubledlv. a vei v remark- al'leied able iicisoiui ge. but she has in.l el, ik ' ved I If to be mneW of a .. , ,. t ..mini- .oner Dudley has tor a l'.n- ume i. ceii convince, I t.i nei ini'liii icier, ami has hinted such to (lie .vecit tarv, but not dai ii.'' to beard , , t ne Ii h.r - ess in her dell. She went oil nn.il v.icnlioii st viral weeks since, ami Commissioner ludhy seizi i ihe l.appy occasion to addrtss hi l'al ote that hi r sei vici .-i Woiihl i,( be 1 eijuii t d af It r the lilst of Jul v. Ile received a 1. !ti r from her in rei iv sav in.' t hat ..he should it t urn to her ihsl; in a sh, a t t nae and that if ht. uiuleitoo!; to dischaige her she would make it warm tor him. She ret ut ncd hlS WWk Hill! l0!Ci t til for tlllt V. but wms U.)A t It-.l ,..r -.I...;.- ul.-.l.- in enj; u d ly h f 'lUuCLssor. She re-1 tired tiinl in yet no demonstration has been made. Coumiissioiicr J .itl-v is a battle-scarred veteran, but it is th i cHow.stoiic lurk net month' will not coM the ei ninent any- , thing. The forage (saved, of (iovern meiit hoists, will liav nil expenses about it. 'i here is no reason whv Ihe President should not take a trip' if he wants to. but then is also no reason for sip. ing that he is dread- ' fully ovenvoi ked. No President ex-;' ct pt (iii'iit lias ever taken thing's j easier, and the ipiotution from Mr.: Tlldcli leceiilly t xpreshing the notion that Aithur's labms ware chiefly' gastronomic aptly expresses a solid fact. PiioN,). A Siinke Story. I rni llir Whlii'.l.i.' iit.-rerisi.. Some years ago Mr. S. C. Potts, ai l'h uiingioii. caught a large tatlle s:iakc with S rattles and a button lie put this snake in a cage and kept it from one spring tint ! '.lie following winter. During this t :m" ihe suai.e did not eat one inoiit ht ni and drank water only t wice. I poll one occasion a bhi'li bird lva's caught and tilaced in thee.ige. 1 lie sliaki; st ruck Ihelitrd which immediately died. The snake partially swa'lovwd this 1 del and threw it up again. lti r this. Inue ami again rats wclcpiacol in the cage vv it Ii it. v inn it won,, I evince fear, being made angry il wo.iM Miiko th rats, but they were never known to die. though kepi iii the cage lor d tys and days. Miiii' linns being struck lime and again. Al length a large rat was pu: in the rage and by con-lanl wo'iving the siiake was made to 'tlil.e i! tun "id it. again. I lie rat too liecame aegi v , ami poilla-ed upon the snake, call.:',) ,j- it by the rattles ai.d bit tlelu oil' i, Tin re i. lmbt but thai the rat ,. " vvas struck for ihe blood would lio-.v '''' tiom tlie place, an. 1 t lie t Wo points a! whih the fangs entered VVele plainly visible. No ,.- the ou"sl ion ai is,--, why ilid ie.; the nil. die.' Js there ai y pecu liarity about ai;!t wbi-h "isiires its 'He against a snake Lite oy lia.l th,- snake's stock of poison been rxhaiist j 'il and dried up by its long pontine- ; nient. or vmis its stock exhausted on ' the bird and did its starvation and; hunger prevent n iroiu ot ing renew- d' i - A Terrible alannly. A iicsoalcli troiu Itaitimoi'e. dati d 1 I ll u iiist . mivs : "A terrible ealam- ity occurred al North Point Tivoli, an excutsioii resort, on the I'atapso. ten miles from this city, about 10 o'clock last night, by which many : lives were lost, the number being' cstimati-al i( between sixty ami sev ' enty. The aceiilciit was occasioned by the giving away of the outer pin -1 lion of a pier oil vvilieh Hevela! lulu j 1 itred persons were coi igregat "d aw ait - : ing' the boat to ret urn to this city. ! l'h locality is on a -anall bay. distant : ahoiit t wo miles from North Puiiit . , light house. It was formerly known i in Holly Orove, ami wan tin: first j 1 regiih'.r "emion phn'e lit led up neaie th'e city, about lil'tten years ego. mid ! was the most popular resort at that j lime and for several years afterward. 1 A special dispaicli frotii )i'iiiii ain. Ti viiv, says that last Snndiiy nght a man go I aboard a freight liain on the Missouri Paeiti" Uailroad, near, lied liver, and upon his fare being i demanded drew his revoiveraml kil. : ed a blal.enian. He then shot il ! second man, li. lined ( ii'innbler. in thej region of the heart. The latter fell from the train and was again shot i-t i tvviee bv t he inurtlerfr who then ran i nto t lie bush. . . Cho'.ern is raging with great fatal-j ity in Kirypt. At Cairo Its. 5 persons ; died i.i one dav. i ORANGES ant! FL0E1DA. UKTTKIt Til IN llliri.V.KS AM' r.l.OSSOMS t'NIi:tt A M.W 1.1. Mi. Evi-n Um lutlinyatr nn,l miuii;.' r,.v. f K -l.i'a l" k,',l' li''" "' ii.lnini.l cm- , ' " ' ''. . . li..iei nun mil ll.t- el If 'nl tho Neiili. "MuI, ... ...... .. ! ..,, n..s nr. J. o. wmi.,.-,. i ivn Mi... tin., "in l'.niiuu's t..mc. ii mma i.. imvn iho ! w.'i.i r.n-n ii.i.iii,.i ,r ni.-. imvni ,iin..(i..fH '" "" ' 1 '""'" " '" ""' ,''kM'"' H I Mi'lieili ' .111,1 .l..'.', lie jouiik I. I'O . Willi lilt III.. Hi k.riltl,yl, .,..., , ,., ,, , f-iist ttlwtt th,eii..nil ir,-..iri..l,i. flit. I in-niint'iil i..r iimi mixi-i iti-i tiu,i imitHi ii .i t,. uug '"" k1'" '' "'" it ih.- T..ni.' lmn n ,'tUy ri'lli vol int. ..T.,,iin'lv i t n irmiLlt .. nut. ! Hi, ' lilt t.lliUlloll ,f II, l' htetna.-ll ,f I.'IIK iHII.Iitli'. j ll In I tin 1,1. Mil .lil llli.r in, I In vit.m,,l MtuuirA. lliv .. c.. i.tli i'..t"l,il ii iiii..ii In ll ltl llll'.l llllir V.ll Ii'., IHKI. Ih" I1.I1IIK Hint Hit'i.t llilft rrn iil 'll will li.'i'e;tri.. .t t-l m .ly ' l'oiioat's 'r.'Mi' 'I'lit' w,.r.l "tiiitrfer" ar-.j-i'i .1, f,.r Uif r.'iiH, ii that tinfitiii'i. It'll ilt.tl.'isi ni'tt t't.ii- ' ..tHiilly ,i.i'ei Iiii; Uit'Ii' I'irniH ly tuil.ttltiiiliii ' liiI'Ti.-r ei't'i"iiHii,,iin uii.li-r tlie itHiiit t.f (tmtrt'i-, un, I itsi;.iu,'t- i. .in niiiiiiH.re,iil I'.tv.iiii hui'i'. illt'lt 1ft 'in-1 Mile, ti itipmiri' llmt i.nr frl -u,l wili r'ir m iili in. lullif r-,!'U'l ,.l lino titii,.., . 't h, ri' will I ,' n.i ,'li.mir l.t.wi'V.T, in Un. in-,' ,.itiit t 'l-l'T. thi. -. un...r ihMmm-"r -ltl.KK.H-t 1 T'1 ' i'-1" i.ihm.-I. m If iti.it wi Miscellaneous LATTA &, RALEIGH, N. 0. -() YAH WINKLE GIN. FEEDER AND CONDENSER. MAM'FACTl'lIKi) Awfiv.l) 1 Uir (li-M M'-. a... I vioiil ;ii i in ii: .ui-l 1 1 .1 .. iii-a i.-l-e .t:i' Tin: van Wl.NKbi; (UN I HON I'ltAMl Cvi-ry .itrt i-f Un' Oln tins l.i III. Ill .t--r. III w . -rk i in i . Ii . I: I I I Ml I.S 111. I 1 I'M. I ST.T II." ' U'll' vt ll, :... I;hl .- ir a svvni.j: ins evy i : e mmm )l)IK)IiliAIS WORTH OF diOODM AT COST!! The 'ai-.i t to -Iv of goods ever At and Below Cost. ..I lKY i(X)!S, NOTIONS, MILUXKIIY GOODS '(uiiistiiej lil.ADY.MAHi: LOI IIINO, HATS, HOOTS, SHOES, ami FANCY 0OOHS. XOIVDOIJ in on.2in ihe above AT COST TOR CASH. 'l'lu--e i Is mum i .!, and AT ONCE. Cash will make the price.- Persons buv in g- tinieoi for I!;. rti What I iman Ie. '.SII is 1 1 money paid down before the goiKls liv the store b':nl ya'-ib. b ; ( 'a'i. .. ai ii c, ni s. redui'i d from S cents. Ull'l v::'.',b Ii t l.-ivv n-. l o cei.i .. reduced from PJ.l to lo centa. . ( t her 1. 1 '. i.s f i from ii ci-ni s no. I Shoes low i r i h::n n-.tliit-g II alnio-l m.l once an 1 v an lie Io im n.bei', auv I rv (loud-. N'otioiir. li.lliinj;. Moots. Shoes or Hats' al New York ...i ( M! CASH. .NOT ON' TIME. J mean business. These priiis will In !. I until further in. t ice. Call soon if 'iu wisli to save niotic . Pill-bo.o X. '., July J J. w i P GEO. E. NISSEIT & CO., Man'fv ! vi i J awwh vw uu, iu.uu i f i I ACIOHY A T W Al '(ill T0.YN, Tr y...i waiiit I,- 1. e mi, I ,-i w.-e i. ..,. t Wii- iiliiinlv ini i'-.i,..-' I . I ii im I,,- 1 1 a W.i..'. n iii.il,' en!' sail'- -iili il, ; If ,,st -iv in lill:.. lie v l,i I i-.-n I .j m i . im , v . ii.iv a: "-.in-i-i ..i,i pi I, , - I. w a:, a l. V!l Hi ilu It s pl'.ill'..ll.v .1 uly I ' li-i I. s.,A.CVl .' J .4,' I i . . ...-.-.vf. u , J ,', 'i -!.:& . 6i Hiirdwim1 ol' Every Description. Sissj, i)oors and Blinds, I.AIKIKST STOCK IN June iss:'. XOHlllS. WY ATT d TAYJLOR, COTXCIJ COMXVIZSSION MEIICUANTS, i:Ai.i:i,iii. 7S. c I'oNsliiNMr.NIS SlU lllll li. Ulnar. si' t'lOCK AM' l'aoMfl' KkTIIIINH IH'AIUNTltKlK Ffiilllizs Your Wheat if Yon Want it to Pay M l.oiKl SACKS AMMONIA 1 I'D AND ACID PHOSPHATES, The llest Fertilizer Made for Wheat and Oats, Now in Depot Kndy fof Shipment. ! Send your c-rtfe-t to NOI.IMS, liltli'lfll. N. I'.. Ht-i.temoei- 7, !SIJ. it iv ii ,t , i, fj Jl'IlN VV 10m FAYl'M'TrA lLIil'i. N- - II. IV 111 s. 'f .ti,, I (, fi'tlHlSllllil ft ,nlt. n full llli 'et M.l.iilui l'.v Kngincs, Saw and tirist Mills, Cotton i iiis.. Presses, tx:c., X-c., Ac We nl.., Ii.-iif 1 k Hk'.-t -U-.-ll.-ll . . st-e ttl l ,, lellll H' HI.'. IMII1 I-" t" '-'' h m, ,T..,' sl'll'l VI. INIU t il e l .,! "Ilell poll Will Hlnl II ..Hill Ill- nine 1.1'. ..re ,lll'- 111, -1. ti'lti't I I, .i-.i. !., VI VI s III,, .i.lstiK All Olliet'l I. Ii'lll -il l..ll,'..,.l.' .- July IW. F. A. I-KH t i-f Aiiiri l- nii an 1 F"i- ,,,, h-.I Willi I ii'riii. Im-:Ii.i I . n- Um- lui.tit r UV.ri. W ..n.pilv HtM..r.l , uiv.'t. sau-i i-ir ,,, I viieuiur. Advcrtifcemcnt. SIVATT, Yi)i Til!- LEttllATED AT ATIiAXTA, CJA. .vil.iiua Cut mil I itu.iii. f.T I'ti-t oinil., htnt le'.' . THK KII3S AUK .MADK OF THK BEST CHILLED IHON AN 1 MOST IinproveJ PATTERN. Tht)' SAWS of BEST f ENtiLISH tetl VlU.;' I'OIN'TED. vtllh Ui i'H,i., iiitut of nmkiiiK a ii''hlna iimi will Klyt. iht. vi'ry litwl Ri.imriiJ rc.iulw. i fie . m 1 1 .i-r. un I. ...ii in ii.,.. Wo itterttt.ira . I I'lillnil illlllll lllHL'tllllll'y I'l UHIV July i'l, lsAJ-Uni. ollei'ed to tl:r people of Chatham r will In- ehargei! flic regular prices. ci i t. i.e. I n ss (ioodsof all kinds ami tpialitics' lyiuii i. Cloth, ii; at your own price. Hoots ami ever saw them. Notions .Iml Fa i icy Oooils for' away bi lo.v co.t. If you neeil anything eall nt W. L LONDON. SAM'.M P. ('., X. ('. ii sim. inni ft l,i . .r--. 'he iilmvt, ni.ri'it4. tro r rm in Hi i.n . .. I flunk Hie ,tiiiini..l fur Ui.-m li,.,' tlrui ,i,iil.. '.fiy .-t'Vli,iln )t'r nlinwrt llit'lr r "i ,ir-'ii ,'ia, ti .until', v. n,.i-it ytnir iirtlitrn.' mi s,'ii. I r?i'h'i'iiiiu-Hi!ii,l ate vrlinl ihirfio GEO. E. NISSKN & CO. THE ALL JtlGIlT COOKING ST07E. I ! nii-lcmVi" 1. w.'- ut.s f..r ilitrtiflelurtliM' TWKNTV-FIVH TliOrSANN ..i iii,.., ll,M,1!t SI.H-.'M lilt I. Itll'V Il lVe t In'' -! .,il, unit Hint Id u ll' K'lV.'ll Entire Satisfaction. PiUCES VRY LOW. W i lli, fur lit'-seriiiiivt' Ciiinltigiia and I.IhI t.f f mi Mimr.' N0UTH 0AKOIIXA. JIlillfAGOfJ JULIUS LEWIS St CO., 1MLEIUII, N. C. WYATT WOOL CARDING. I AM iirllti w.H'l at my mill im Hnw river hir tliii-chi.-s- wik Wh I'nu tkuul aH " thtf I'ltt iK aibl ii-.imIi when Um nr hi brtti-f ll. tn h unt pi. kfvl. ll iliHtniHluiere ftrriUlr (tl i .) 1h tn ua-sh uml tfi'i'HHH i lit wh with i lmn trri'a'st' ,h-tf jxrt-sn will iml tl-). ! Ihn txn-'iNiii, it !. .-HMtry, mihI innkt m c)mrgt fr It Inn Dm r.i i.f ilmlnnl. ruNiiiiiMrH muiti hiintf Miivi r M..in. iliiiir i vrrai ilur.(lH fn ig will not .!. our prl-t Ir tn-i.vili 1t nr 0 nnm ht MMiiil. wt'lu-htiitf UnrilU. I Hill lhr trlf1p) In I t'l'HlliM (ill Hl tilH rtll.t W Nil Will If (MiAttMl ArTIN Ihe tlV.T. iAXfSi yAcc F.r WMiitt'littUofkitMiroilitT IIm i. lliy. Wi'Iowm inimtr chtltlmn Alll llHHlliltm liAIVUU Mlllilftd when U.'Hili riuiuil. Clalnui m t-l-tM'l, riwiMrnUi'ii. liuTfUHt!., iHiunty, lnck pay nth! iw-lifiitf.H ohtHluHti. Apply nt our, tlfty iMt'Jtiitl'i'M jt.iir 1 ik' lit. Kt IHwl hy hw. tln -h-, wiih MtHinp, Witt old n wttllnhwl Arm of l.I'xiN k tt , Mi.Tiiyn tllAlin AkdIp, 917 ' M.. VjUlllll)tlll, l. l Jfilll. LANDS I'mnn t,i-l.il v, mi'l WAlb 11 VN l. M'lU'l ION VI. MOMC n voi'i i:Tiiicviisiinii ,. I.VN'O si'Kll' l,ii.'i un I . l.t jm in I III, on si' liuct s Inni. l. tt. i Hunt 11 ..I Im,' ll -.. nil V. I. I'IIUIIIS lluru-;-ul l.tr, Ma-ttiliiKlou, U. ,

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