3M Chatham ttori THURSDAY. JULY 2C, ls:h LOCAL RECORDS. a? Another auction ut. Jbirri' wtore next Saturday and Monday. the 2Kth and 30th;' B6T Read the advertisement of the Mount Vernon Sprites Academy, one of the most flourishing schools in the State HtB Have you seen London's stock i of Clothing? They are very cheap. : Suits for !i:j. reduced from -U ; 1 ... ti 1 1 f....... ill sunn 1 or cio. ieiiiiii-ii limn Good suits are very cheap. A few pair Ot Heavy noois away oeiow com. Main arc very rneap. ... KfifWe take pleasure in calling Attention to the advertisement of those enterprising merchants and clever feiitlemen. Messrs. Jjntta v Mvalt. who are audits for the sale of II, a ..iitf.liviit Vim iiikle 1'olt.oii- v,' wv,v . gin, which in said to be the best ever, tnftdc. i I .T ' , . ltl ! ar London is st.U selhn- g"" ' at cost ron cash. lienicmbc Ins nelr of ,M,o.!s must be sold and that ' p . 1 1 r 1. : hl once. 11 11 ii iiu can ii'i v mi ii 'ii 1 11..... 1 1. ..t ...... ! rneiiiier iimu viu i-n-i n u.. .!:...- " I....- saw oeiore. 1 stock to select from. IrjyAt the iiiiclioli last Saturday fjreat bargains were made. Among Others Coats thread sold at 2 cents a 1 Tf i J, 1,v nnvlliin.i for almost nothing go to the .met ion ht Harris store next Sati.r.b.y ...,d I Mondav. begi ng at 1) o'clock each dav. Ladies siiernnlv invited. I 01111 try merchants can stocks ut lit tie nut. replenish tilth Pi: ti.hh Jnsi i-anci:. An insiuance hgi-iit of our acipiaintaiice recently leceived an applical ion from a citizen Of this ci.Minty to insure lt of bar rel staves against worms! The ap plicant also wished the aeiit to in- Hiire that lie (the ap.,icaiii ) w.hihi get a certain price lor 11s slaves. 1 ins would o'ii iitosi tiovei insm ancc. 1 the like of which we have never be fore hearth A Painvci. Aei irrxT At the mill of Messrs. Caudle & Pelt !i.-l'.V-' V mih's south of this place I a negro iuan. named Henry Chyrg. was very seriously injured on hrt Friday. While leiiioving a pialik ll'oiu lne;wl,j aw he leu. and Hie saw imh a dcel gash 111 his Hugh, another 011 his; neck, iiml lacerated Ins right itrm so i severely that it, was amputated that, night by doctors Jiinld. Hanks and Manning. I j KniToij li:roiiii: The ipiest ion has - j Cnderhilh who is the j of the (rate City (iu ird was capsized Hop Wkuiiku. We do not publish I often been asked, "at what a;;c t lu uutc lmniii at the rice mills, walking : while sailing near Fii t Macon. All it lis an item of news, that the weath- German Carp cast their spawn .'" An down Ihe track of the Kaihoad. Half the men were thrown into the water er lmi Vieen oppressively hot. for i m tide written by Seth Green in!.m lotII. (,.,. jj,,, Hmnigli freight i which was there about 10 feet deep, everybody has personal knowledge j Home and Farm" stated 1 hat thev ,.1SM.,i over the road, and soon after I Tim cause of the capsi.iug was a of tho fact ; ilidt e I il, 1ms been ho hoi , did not spawn until t ii lee years old. ,. Pn.lerhill heard cries of distress ! sudden storm which came up and that every one is ready to declare it and that the water and food had to ,.,;i,i,,. f,oni the direction of the rail- j swept a'nng the const. The boat lay is tho hottest ever known. For sev-J be well adapted to them if they (Vl j )n ,.,,iiig to the spot he found , i" the water four hours. The sot i:ral days the. thermometer indicated I spawned even at that age. Now. in j, ,, ivico king 011 bis back along : diers were all able to swim, and the il teiniieiiitiire of "blood ln-at". and 'answer to this I wish to slate licit I :.i ,,r ti. 1,' 1" ;!. I,tl, Ics cut ! only person not a swimmer was the the nitihts almost euuallod the heat of mitl day. The heal has been so : oppressive that it has been hot. work frying to keep cool. A Dwn.i iMi HruxT. We much re- irref In heiir of the misfoi'l line that has befallen our former low iisman. 1 Mr. It. H. Cowan, who is now the j editor of the Anson Times. On last Momlay night his dwelling villi hearly all its contents was destroyed j by lire, the fiuui y barely having time to escane. The dwelling was built i only last year and although there was , $1500 insurance yd, tin- loss will be pute heavy. 1 lie origin 01 memo is unknown, and it was not tliscov- ,.,., ;,, y,m j.im.,0 the name of fred until tho building wa in tluues :0v Inferior Court to "Siispeiision" . ; Court, and at the proper time mis- Tiik Wiikvt C;ioi. In every neigh-: jiend the court. At the lost two liorhood may now hi-heartl the hum terms of the court in nearly every of tho thresher. We hear such con- .case there was no penalty or punish llicting statements as to the wheat ! inent. but all turned loose. If a man crop that, wo ,an hardly tell how it is 1 in this county, but taking it altogeth er it is prolmoiy an average nop, Some persons say that they made little or nothing, while others admit u,..t 11...:.. l....-, t. ,.',,. I .,id llllll, UK II w.'j.i-, ,,.. .....,.v. ."...i,..,,,,,,. J" folevnhlv well." There is !;! tail. I V i in ll.e law for different crimes, but it ! 110 danger of a wheat famine, ami ; hundreds of barrels of llonr will be shinned from this county during the fall and winter. Goiso to Texas. Three of our young townsmen, Messrs. Thomas A. Hanks, Frank C. Poe ami Willie Thompson, will next month obey Horace Greeley's advice of "Go West, young man", ami move to Texas. While we regret to hear of any of our young men leaving the "old V...11. L,i....M 1 1 : n.:.. t ... in Th,r ShaiTs yTiHhey will ! n, wo hooe their brightest anth ipa-1 4i,,nu tunv 1 m l'iiiili7il lllld each lilll . ..." . . .. , f... t,rr. .,,,.1 ,. ,.i,i l,u, l; tu I . .. : lm - ! L.st,no MoNEv.-In looking over i ... ... , .... . 1 :.. ! lite ia iisiH tu t.itei im 11D111M, iw H-. ... . .. ,f i wero surprised tt timl so few persons reported as having any "money on Pi" mi .vt.r hand . Hie law rem iron every tax 1 , i , , .'11i ,, paver to make a verified statement of paver t all his . , 1, . . . 1; ... ;., 11s property liable to taxation, 111-1 ling any money that he had on j 1st dav of June, and yet out of cludin the 1st day ol June, ami y all the tax payers of this township (about ti(H)) there are only '2'.) who: are listed as having u:iy money on ; hand on that day! Does inybody j believe this to be true? Cau it be i true that only -'J persons in this ' township possessed a dollar on the 1st. of last .In net If so. wh -re did all the currency go that dav '. It not so. where are the oaths of all those who swore that they did not have ir single Vent on that day .' Tea.-hfrh CERTiKWAThH. At there-; ,.,t ficamiunti.ni of applicants for. certificates to teach in tin public i,( tliis cumilv there were twentv nersons who entered for ex- A;. ... or lw... i-eiiied before the close of tiie examination, five failed to receive any certificate, and the r-maind'T received ccrtiti- ' rates as follows: first grade to lb H. Linelierry : seeond grade to A. M. ; Waltcrslf. 1 Richardson. Lclia (1. Wade, licllo lhadley. and Susie Van Dvne- mi, d third iTiitb' to lit til l!ol jinK Melissa Cot ten. Mary S. Smith, j.uisa (. Harris. Yalmore Check. O, S. Han is. and J. W. Hall. Ti:amc is Town. Owing to its HCCim1eci position our town" is not often isitedbv the tramps who infest . . . . . .. , the towns situated on t lie rainoa is h t j t Monday a dilapidated old sj,,,,.,,,,,.,, ,,f ( li:lt sjiecies of humanity arrived here ami I'efore m-'lit was iiiiet!y sluinberin'' in jail. He lire Tended to be a fortune teller' and ivt,t up h'n spirits by pouring down ... other spiiits, until the spirits pit lnm ilown aint lie lai.l outstretched on the hide-walk, from whence he u-in 4'i1.-fn liv lu Inwii eniistiilile and ' -- lodged in jail. Next mormnj,' he : seemed quite refreshed by his night's 1 rest,, iiud upon bein carried beftre the mnvor ideaded so rloouentlv fur ; (i t ' m, willl ,,,,'1,'V. 'that ) .,' t,;w J"' Kuspeno ,1 upon promise to deliart. ailit li hasteneil 1 . , .., his 1 . III. ... 1 1 ' . ' t . 'delay. ve nanny tniuii lie win ic- A Goon Cow. What do our readers think of a cow giving nink gallons of milk a day? Last. May while on a visit to Charlotte we admired the ""'.v K" In1ll.',,, ;;v iii ' -" .i"'1 1,1 VIS " '"' J1 another vis. or (Dr. t.nre on. l J -!k ouiitv) he toul us that In- owiii 'row that had i-rn at lii'.st eight gallons a day. This seemed incredi ible and we laii'diiii'dy told our ; esteemed friend that while wo did not doubt his veracity yet we could lint believe his statement, unless he sent iis a certil'icate of "a disinterest 'tl wit liess", mid we would publish it in the Iin. (.!. A few days ago no received a letter Ii ton J n 1 tireiou hu.l,h , ., Cl.,-t iii,.tt . and statin ,iat ,. eow (named "Fair) now ha- a calf and that after leavin-' l-lentv : !if milk torthe calf, the cow gives ' every day six ga'lons if milk 'J'he ; certificate is as follows: j Tnvo, N. (!.. July 2D. lss:j. ; 1 certify that I have milked and isi-rii milked from the cow, I'.tu, nine , (!)) gallons skiiiimed mid; per day and 'believe the .-aiue tinald il v could be now ami not tlivid with the rail'. Y. M. M....NKY." ,.:,,ilt i1(, v v ' - li, : " ' I Hit i.k Yi.ic.' Chatham Co . N. ('.. July 21. ;aeed 20 ( lermali Carp, varying b om 1 to 2.1, inches long, in my pond Feb- , i ruary, 1KS2, and that .1 now have a 'good stock of young carp varying1 i from iibout 1 to J inches in length, i I parent lish measures lltj' inches , long w ith In oad dark colored hacks. , snvery sidt beauties, ed tins and tail, perfect j A. W. XoiiW! The "Siisponsioii" Court. F.uvi-r, X. ('., July 2:trd, 1SK.1. Fmroll lli'coill): l'le'lic give the following a space in your columns. To tiii: Mvuistiiatks or Chatham: t momniend that, at vour next 1 can steal !?iimi and tne costs 01 trying hii.i iLinoiiiit. to S'Jo and he is tiirm d 1 , t ,t. I..,! makes 5; 75 clear. It may not be a, ! violation of the law for our court not !(.. :, .!;,. M, ,,iii,;l.,,.i,is I, .1,1 ,l,,n,, 1 is certain they are not carrying out j the intent of the law ; they are noil making the law "a terror to eil-' ! tlners". I I hope some magistrate will count , the expense of our "Suspension" Court ami have the figures to show 'at the next meeting. A Citi.kn. Stato News. Wcldon News: The llaleigh v (histon ami Seal rd & K,;aoUe lUil- roads will very soon begin the erection Il:'l umiK" iuMii.i,i,.-..,i ,.,.,...,, .. 1. ....... ;..! ..1 ..li;..., .,,,.1 ,ti., I room for travelers at this place. Il 1 ..-in 1,.. l,..it...l iiwt Voiili ,,f tin. li,-iel : where tne old shed of tho llah igl. lloatl stood. j I ., , 1( ,v 1 , f, 1 Salem l'ress: On last. I ucsdav. Daniel Sink, of licthaiiv. Davidson 1 county, started to his field to haul ; "heat, with his feet hanging down I , V. . . 7 . ? 1 under the wngon; and 111 driving over, " , , , ? . ! n SI l ill ti i"i. HM 1 .uiglil net n ecu . , p . lll .'""P tlu- axle o. he wagon. "'eakinjf both bones of the leg be- , tween the knee and the ankle. Oxford Torchlight: On the even-1 ing of tho 1 lth inst.. Mr. Johu Wood, who lives in the vicinity of Centre Grove, near the line of Granviile and Person counties, was suddenly thrown from his buggy the horse at the time running at full speed on the banks of Tar Kiver, his head striking a pile of stones. The skull was fractured in several places ami th i about 'J o'clock at night. leiith resulted: Ashcville Citizen : We learn that n negro man. employed on Iliu mate- , Hill train Dl l a pi. .i.ick -,iixaro.,, xmis . 1 ... . ,lr.vi,i ,l nt tin Warm Snrin .'s on Sunday. He h;i1 gone into the liver 1 ;it hinir. and from some cause we haxo not learned, peii.-hed in the wa ters. Alamance (ileanrr: Mrs. J. K. Stoeki'id h ad a turkey gobbler t It-it took a notion ho would like to be a hen. So he weld to set ting and set three or foui weeks with nothing un- h-r him excent the ground. At last. Mrs. S. getting in sympathy V'iMi him, j.lacrd fifteen chicken eggs nmh-r him --twelve of which he hatched. There was a proud turkey. Moore Gazette: It is with pleas- ure that we hear too crops are gener- llv , aii ' backVal.nost discoursed, but thev can ; ....... 4..1... i. l ,....Jtf,ilK. il.rlit ..in. ...... j ...... every obstacle in their way. Mr. A. A. Mcl'huil. of Greenwood town ship, a few weeks since, iniittciiiptuitf to jump from a biijy 'ol his feet -Ii'il in the reins and fell across vl.i...l I .. :,!.-1 1 1 i.ei i riil nl his l ibs. i i a eu sulh l ili- vei v ...U.-ll. It d his lfm-s w, r also iniured. ,i i i i r'ii. i . . ... 1. ,i as lie lias ui ii uiiauie io iiiii-u in .-iiil silJ).t. tlu. ulllol ,mi.lte oucum.llt.,.. Reidsville Times: Mr. II. 1 Barnes, was robbed on Tuesday July 10th, ; about two and a half miles west of iv,,,,!!!.. Tt,. I,.l sold t-lmeeo nnd hern unable to roimh or spit was retuiiiiiiLr home, walkini' a linn- drcd vards or so lit hind his wagon, ... 1 , , ,.-i .1 !,; mm ' enter the road in front of him from the woods and walk on ahead laugh- ing and talking. Passing them and autiiinaliii" no danger hi; was sud ileiih si'i.ed by the arms. Ucforo lie could get his knife the two others rushed up and choked him. Over- powering him they took all his money, S.'-i.;. Not a word was spoken. 1 rayetteville Observer: Yesterday' morning a colored boy about twelve years of age. son of Nelson Starr, was drowned at Camion's Pond, two or thret miles north-west of town. The water at this place is yi ry deep, and .rood swimmers have often had their imu;- u.en mere. - .st cck .1 v.'i-v ,h'.tiv,.;!,,e aecidc.M occurred i Mr. va!l. ralso;is.,iaei,m.-s hopsn, this jilaee. A young man nameil ( lias. McDaniel. while w.irking at. one tif the OP'CS. received II piece OI Slt'Cl throimh his eyelid and into the ball if bin li tJ 1 it evt Surgieiil assistance was procured and everything done that was possible, but we regret to h arn that the sight, of the eye is 1 oahlv lost licvond recovery. Goldsboio' Messenger: Mr. John Price, a yo'.in-r man keeping bar for Mr. Joe A. Parker, in thiscitv. met a shot kin tlea'li d;ii im,' Tuesday night ; in beiie' 11111 over 1 ... i ... (,,.,.,,, .1, 0 . , 1 ; ,,,,,,,,. . 1... :., ii... , ' ' j ,.,.,,,,,.,., 1 ... . 1 .,,..,11,, 1 ) ( .u;ni S1I7M ,s .,f the rily, , ' , . ., ' i ,.,y ;., .1 l.l,m- I,,,,!,-. ,m,. of them .. ...,,, ,1. .(..!. v i-r.-l and lav some : ,listance I'roiii him between this rails. , i I Monroe F.mpiirer .v Fxpress: Mr. , J. W. J Jelk had a horse killed by run- j uing away wnu a piow iasi, , Also one Alexander, a colored man. uid one killed by lightning, at Silver ; Kim church. Mr. Stradler Snider :aud wife, of Lanes Creek township, j wt re in town Tuesday, and had with ! them four children, one of them a ' son ten years of ago laid March, that ! measured four feet, ami a half in length and weighed li! 1 .1 pounds, --hev. i A.T. Lathi's youngest daughter, aged live years, was badly scalded Monday evening. Sin' was playing in the yard H'liifi lli,' fMinilv wiisliin,' was beiniJr done, and iust at the moinent when a : largo batch ol 1 thing was lifted from ; ll,,, liilin,r mil slie fan the washei -w oman ami the dripping cloth-, rapidly down to the ground oi.coun ing coming in contact with her ex-; tereda pitchfork, the luo.ngs of which posed liinlis, she was const! lerublv i ! scalded wilh tho boiling water. 1 Laiidmiiik ... .Miss I aro- ' .f" '"',(, w bite. icars of a-'i a maiden l l.lv about (" 1 , went across the road. , j , 1 ,1 llst Monday evening, to tlrive up tlu : cows, as had lieen her custom, ami re : turning fell in the mad ami expired ' in a very few moments. She had hi en I in good health and walked to church I Sunday. Her death is supposed to j have resulted from heart disease. i For the past thret) years there has I boon an increase rach year over the ! year before, in the amount of wheat. : produced in this county. This is not due altogether to increase in aereagt oui.ioinipioMiiieiu.siiiiiif!.!. (i.tii.iioi. . ! of the lands and the manner of seed ling. littler plowing, more careful tZ '" '" wl ' 1 l: . . All, I.... .... 1.;.. 11....,., i cnanue. llicicwoil Biimum ira-i., children in .inner s lownsiup. ;iexan- I.... ..,i,,,t' ,,,'., 1 1 ..i-tii.tf. tt-il 1 si-vri. v ' unaccountable but ' ,s ' P"l;'-"'- ' 1 '1" ; it'll cannot open their eyes. 111 the 11 . , i i.' 11 luoiinngs. and have to be led Irom bed 1 to the wash basin. Acitieiiof the1 township named, who was 111 thisotlict Monday, savs that not a child in 'his , f ,- neighborhood is exempt from thetbs- 1 cii'.e. ; j,.. ,.!ltK!K,, h lmlst An enormous ,' ',. ... .,.' : i...,.(i, .'.., i;n.i tt-day at Xoitl.west by Mr. S. C. j McKay, C. C. K. 11. operator at. thai point. H was dispatched after a des pcrnte struggle and after it had killed j one dog and two cows. We wore 1 shown a pieo of black walnut board : to-day which was evidently two trees : which had grown together so as to : form a complete union of the wood. In sawing it apaita cavity was dis ! covered in which were wulnuts and portion of one of the trees with the . , . ,-. i . " I J J " ' mm ......... ...... , 1 ll. - l' . 1 .. L another 'rov tu ol wood. On rum- lav, tlio loin nisi., inree colored noys, Hie imu u s,., imec n, .e .. ...mh, Lr-.st ofwh(.mwasNedLu breth, to a place on South lover, Uowu the lar went to II- 1 HDL;! iin JJtuotiu;, ll, .-,I..J, i.n-i that Xed took Williams, who could not swim, out into the stream and left him, sax ing as he swam to tho shore, "Now, d n you. swim or drown!"' The boy was drowned and his body was not recovered until the next day. when an iinpicst was held, and the verdict of tho jury w is that the de ceased came to his death by drown ing, at the hands of one Ned Cul vHTth." The latter ha lied from the sect ion Greensboro' 1 'at riot: Mr. Slack, a wogoncr tor Uie i' ranu uisvnio fac i lorv, nau nis uws mm rover torn t' o i.ieces by a frcurht train this morn- ii". He iiad taken oil' the bows to ill load a tine card nnd the backing caught it and rolled it up. Salem train last lii'ht ran ove; dead body of a lieirro just abnvi train -The the Kcr- -r. J - s nam a .HMa,m. to,,ped. and theinvesteratioii dis.-los- rd that a dasturdlv murder had Im 1 , t .1 com.mtted and tnat the l.o.ly of the murdered man Jiad been laid across the railroad track. Tho body was lyin in such a position us to b. rut in two by the passing train. Y.'l.cn found ll.e lmdv was unite coh' 1. dieatins,' umuistakablt that the d .111- liable deed bad been sometime coin- . ,,,;,t 'i-i.,,i.,.w CiLm. -ii!..;,!.:. villo rarpenter. died Saturday night from injuries sustained by sumo bun- ber falling 011 him. It seems that he was intoxicated and in nassiii' by a jiile of lumber stacked up near the railroad track he pulled a p!a:di which precipitated the pile on him, crushing him to death. News and ObfTvcr : From a pii vatti letter v. e leurii that a hoiiiblu murder was committid at Terrapin Point, in the western pari, of Halifax county, 011 Friday last. John Le e. a merchant at that place, killed Amy .Moore, a white woman who had been ; liviii"' with him for right, vears. He : sllot l.r ,1,,-iuli the laart with a ' ; j.istol. SI.- hit a family of six small . :,.,ildien with 1.0 support, whatever. 1 iA,(x ni.l((, 1 .. ut once and has ot been seen since. All attempts, euntiire nin liuve fin ei - - V ,-,.M,oiideiit. writim' from Greenville.: N. (!.. says: "Kom.no I. Cotton, son of Mr. H. It. Cotton, was drowned at Centre 1'lulV. Pitt county, 011 the loth. About 7 o'clock in the morn ing he went dovu to the river from his father's store m-ar bv. for the p u ims' ofbathimr. No one aeeonu.anieil him. 'I'. l;Ml .,.rv, ..l.il.li'i.n M-il'-nnr v iii". ' r. -' ........... ........0 "ear the hank saw luui sinking. J lie ; hi.' lit, lriLriilonod inem linn causen them to give the alai 111. JJnt it was -.too late to save the boy. A pn- vate letter frm Morchcad gives us the infommt ion that. 011 Wednesday a wt containing several tuembi-rs of boatman. He held on to the boat. as did the others. Once in tho midst of a squall of driving rain a boat, passed very do-. to the party l,v,t neither saw them imr heaid their ,.;lls for help, so thick was tho mist so nmd raged I hi' storm. The , seeni! of tho aciideut win near the two mile buoy, on!, towards the bar. The situation was each moment growing more and nion lesp,r,lte. ; and the chances ot a rescue, hecame smaller, when very fortunately Cap?. Hank Hell's boat came near the scent! and rescued all the men. Chariot I e Journal: An old colored man named John Snarrow. living at ?,1 1. Mourne. ill Iredell count v, yesti r- dav met with a shocking accident ami ! one that will in all huuiaii probability prove latal. lie had ueei. at woim on top of a straw Mack, and sliding passed through his mlt tlugli Irom 1 sido to side, i he prongs ot tlie leiU I 1 1 1 1.l I..., .. !,.,,,( uiv ,1. - 11111111 III, V'lll 111.1,1 J, ."-. v ... ;,,.,i,., .l,.,.. .I... ,,, ,.,oiie old .... 11 ,,,, 1, ..1,:,, 1 ......f, ,,,,. , "en "i 1 r-. i;- " 0 through about eight, melius ol lle.-h. WiuUwovth had the steam thresh ers at work 011 bis farm yesterday, lie made 1, (ISO liushels i f wheat on 27 acres, and an average of l!l bush els to the acre. l'his wheat was raised on the "model farm" near Char lotte, which we visited last Mav and Cfi-'aaSli n' t'i benefits to be derived from cultu. ;iug a small arm and manuring it , ll. Fli. Hkcoisp. 1 I he good iieople ot (..lst()ll ,.,,, v j1;lv,, ,ivn vflt.tnY terested during the past tew days a trouble which has arisen hotwen ex- " " ! .V treasurer J. A. Pave.iport, each .. ,.,,'.,u o ,i',nn, ""n' "' , character against tlie other, l.x-slierill ( McKec charges laveiipoit with em-, be.!ing funds to the iiuiount of ?2.- ; 170. and treasurer Davenport charges ! the sheriff with forging two notes or j receipts, purporting to be sign: d by Davenpoi 1. i he matter lias liven givi 11 ito the hands of the law vers, and the ; ,'f , ' ,. ,lioaid ot en . coui:l aiein nlimiissioiieis of Gaston ; now holding n court 01 111 ; vt stigatiou. Mr. le'lit. (nay. yes-: j terday received a sample of pine hair .,,1 ...I .,11,..,,,, tlx. .,,i,ii, AI.iiim ict :n in.r 1-1, lil- , .. ti. i'.,,'li.i .,.,? pond. ' l'his is one of tlie new industries that has lately sprung up in this State ami a most profitable oik;. The hair is ncule by liriicng the ordinary pine needles through a certain process, and shipped to the furniture factories Xorth bv the car load 1 lie demand It is ctiual to , for it is inexhaustible or superior to moss tor stuffing solas, etc. and brings a oud riec. The needles arc first boiled, by which pro 1 cess the oil is e-tmctel from them. uki, n c ,uu uuo-..K u mm ...... - II. '. hair. i S!llisbllr Wllt,.h, IIun.isiin (jf Sm. of )his ri WM Salisbury Watchman : William mi 1 li Harrison, .,,.. w.l H.u .. w.ir. ..Kn l-vf n ....I .1,,.. ft few days ago. which had symp totns f rallies. .Mr H. went to Iredell county to take the benefit of the mad stone, owned by a Mr. lato!i. of that county, and returned feelinjr more at ease inri,ard to his case, and alter a day or two at home, went on a visit to the While Sulphur Springs in Yirjrinu. The funeral of Tom Thumb took ' ' place Thursday at IJridp'port. Cmm.. ! with Masnnie ceivmoiiies. Fully , ld.(KK) liersons viewed the remains. Tho Oxford University of Missis- SI1T is "l"'" " women from all the States, and forty to titty :u e expected to enter at I he iisiinir tall x -ssiou. (1 "ii. Ord, a retired otliecr of the U. S. army, a jiasseu'er on a sf amer buiind from Yera Cm, for New Yo. k. died iii the hospital at Havana Sunday eveuiiip ! l'ri-parat ions are 1 K-in jf made for the romnieliceiiieiit of civil :-uits against star route contractors to re cover moneys drawn from the Trias ury on fraudulent representations for postal service under expediting or ders. IiocihmI by :i t'ow. re m ino vi. ksMirf Mi -. 1. . . Wo are pained 10 learn that Mrs. -ludge Morris, ol llovina. received on Saturday evening last at li. 110 o'clock, very :iiuful injui ies.froui an assault by an infuriate 1 row. The lady wi s walking alone near 1 pond in the pas ture, about Hi!) yards fiom the Iioum and passing near the cow, which h; tl a very vie.nig culf. when the aiiiu.il made a plunge at her. caught her 1 11 its bonis, and tossed le r into the pom', then, jumping in. gored her aga'n while in the water, and trampled en her with its feet. Another milch cow ran from a distance of (ill yards and drove the infuriated beast away mid stooa j,-ll;-,rd ov er t he prostrate form f the ladv until aid come. Oulv fori is lifHoved that she wouhl'have . ,,.(.u ;ii,.,j, j ' ' ' -is IV lien il( Mils lining. As iv lien Siic wns Young. T have used Parker's Hair lialsam and like it better than anv similar preparation 1 know of" writes Mrs I'.llt'ii Perry, wife of llev. P. Perry, of Coldbrook Springs. Mass. "My hair was almost entirely gray, but a dollar bottle of the Hihani has rest. r-! 'i.l Hi,, snl'l lie s. illl.l Hie I I'.'own ei ill if ' .... ... it ti nt wneii 1 was young nor a sing,e viav nan n a. .-:uce 1 ne'ra!i nun ing the lialsam my hair has sto ped tailing out. and I tind that it a perfectly harmless nnd agreeable dr. ssie'." jii :i. tir N,illi'en "f 1 free. Oiilliiulii'i ilnillhs III i-liillpvl 1 l.l'MUIN. At l'111-.l...r..'. N. 1 .ml,. '.vir-l Inst., I. 1.. n,l...i. '. CAltlill-:. ohly tlfiuli'iT ,,r W. I., iiti-l t. ; np-ii 11 MKi11iiifi1.fi i'.i,i,i;.s. ! "U, nut in i'rui'1'y. ii"' In wruili, : Tho ltoaHT iMtii'' 0..-II 'l;iy , Tw,if mi nup l vlUi',1 Hi,' KM'i'ii j .Ml.l , k llilM llou -l' liu-ny." ;ir:li. THE IHARZIETS.i HeN,rli"l f"i' Till; lUMHil) by N(M;i!IS. WYATT .v tam.ok. OllOCims COMMISSION MKIl'll xi s. No. :i--.X''lrniL!,' aii'l N-,. 3 M;iriln sif... Ilu.l.liiil, N. C .Inly '.'1. IS":i. COTIM.S MAKliKf: Mi.,iiinr. Mil'1 l."W .! 1'1'llllK, S.lltlis. WlIOI.esAI.I. M.mii - ItlllU.C llslili'i'. 1 r.oiT.UY MAIIKKT'. I lri-1,. i' liiu r.'l, I I Swi'.'l, '1 1 Co'i, lll l.' l I'.' I' ll.'S, I 1 Im I M'l'lfM, ClltlVH'..'',. I l.lll l 11,-! n Mm' Fninlly, y..m'. 1 1", H-. 1 .. M..l.-ii.'-. !'.-Million. U:ii: 'i,'s, 11, mv. iirroiv " ,.1 I, pel- l.nn B S. Tliw I'i'l'if I'M-! ll V' I.iii., New Albert isct!ieu.s. THE BANK CF DURHAM, 1I lil I A M, ;... l'. a. wu.rv. i:,..',-o-, s in ',.,.-iM w m: iii nmy ! 11 11,1.1 l,,.N ,.,t o- tiii-l si-It l-'jt''li,u,tr, ri'iii r. Hi's, l u r, p.-iv.-llill- oil I, I 11 M, :r,',-l. w ill l -iv ,111. 1 II -1 lllV,.,Hl.,' I,.! !"-. ,'ii On- Noi-llt "i i nr -I Iril'V s' li.'H,. I. , .1 lll l: a .-i,,. k Will l.iiy Mount Vena Spiiiip Acatlemy The next Session will open AUGUST 7, 1883. l'i:it'i.s low. l.ofcn.iN iii:u.Tin 1 1-. INsTllin ION 'I lloliol Oil. 1',,1'filll ,.'irli,'ulni"t. li l.li- h ll,e I'l'llii'iinl.i, KDWAUDS JOHNSON". M.T. Yeknos Seuisi.s P. O.. Chat ham Co.. X. C. .T11I) , lss.i. 2:-.. FOR SALr. 0?, 1101'. " i Four ,,r flv,. rviIMS f. v ;ii,' or r,-ni. 'l-..- farn," itri-"lOiiC-.l on ilH'Cai'i' l",',l rtv.-r. iii-'iii .1 mil,' H',,1V M. 'II.'UI, :ir, III H L''-l s'ii ( i 'Ml- llv iti 'ti, an. I will l s.,, "ii i-H-y N'l iu-i. "i- r,',iii"l l,,r ii I'-rni "I yivirs I" K""'l l''H;tnlfc 1 !' fni lli'M I lul 'l'iiiilllon (l'l-l ly I" t.l.OVI 11 AVKST. I Moii'-nii'. X. C. ; .Inlv l'.MIl, lsKl. r.U. : srust !ui: for THE RECORD.; VN, I u-lii'T ATI ON A L li A N Si A I.I ' ROTARV KASRCW." ii ; . i . mi i i I .IT. ii v) til It hl t':AtU o n;i Ci( N'(ii: !' M' v.. 1 I.. .! i:i"ii.-ii, l'Jll . Al r;',,il m.,.V" .MliN c. w,M''.-:, SCHOOL iiQTICi I Wl!l 1 . I.."!', "li lii"li:!i, I. . l'"i,l:n-'iii A. li. Ml : 1.1 IT. .Inly 1-'. 1---. 1 AN I SAL!'..-- IN lTltsF VXt 1: J I 1111 ri.mi'v. pi . A. l' --.l. rash, iii ilnv " A'u Ought to INSURE AGxYINST F1RI. KORTH CSRSLISA Hoiffi mmm compai Tlii-.- i-.invl.-f ' :. 11. ia: . ..r l"iirn-i 11 y.-ai-s. .'tn.l Always fays j.rs i.or-iSP.-.. 1- i:-"H'l "iVOtil . II 1 1. 1 i'llVH I -I'' ' I II I : ' .' "I In.-iirni 1,' ,r.'j,'-r!y -in -. N-w i- Hi,- ::,. 1 , Mini, 11 A l. IN I)! N. li:.. Au't :iia 1 1 l l-'.i'!. It. . ni r 1- Attend r7 Of Krlilili'h- I'ni ver-iil.v, L,x , .."I. at nn, l,m. . n-. ' r r 1,1- 1 , ,.-, W. R. SMITH. Lel,.,loi-i. Ky g MlSI TfltllS DCp'SLij";'!. ; T. ii. i:::n;.s KAI.Fil.ll. S!)NS, Over IlllleP, kii.ds .f HOiiKs. JaV'.llltf1 Bdl'.ibor) Folcs il.i.c-l 1 11:;." t :-!-el. I GILL MVI'ilN.;. GILI.lXii Tlii; M'i Xi' Ali. Ml. nV 1 1! I'll' Ni-T: lahbkg'hst spixni::;.;. :-v eoi.i r:--. 'e have tht sell at lb lar; I..-., '.y Call and rvm i:vi::;v'i!;xi ii.-:ii:; MAX Xl.Li'S flftl (I I.LAHF.Ks iv Mo.:' JOHESBORO' SsGI! cv'TTnnT i::tnuu Joncsboro', .Moon; Co. N. C. T',.' Il, l w.ll i.i;iii Inly l or Ci,''-nl.ir SCHOOL, im vr -' - I -ii. i. i.k- :. in .1 ii, v, -O'l -.- i ' ".I 1 : ,,,! in ,.,,! i. I M ,1-1- O. i l. 11 i.e. The IT'.llll Session will be-in Au;;ust 1st. l :: At M li. ntV'UI VM Sn, '' l'.;i: ;l, e,i s.-l I I-. o . o.-iiiit i . N. ' DMlXlsTllAToi; sXti'l iei:. Hin.liif .nn'li" I '- X'lliiii'.,' 1 i' i 'I " a i i i ,-l 1 1 1 1 - 'i -' ' , I,,,,'. M, .'"ll .:iv 'I .1-1 III 1..IV "' li- I: ..ll I". I" ' I I 1 ., ll. Iiii XV A imixisti;.ti;s xdi id'. mil :,.,i . v I ..' il. c I , l.y ,,..'l' .Hi ! ' I- li- Ii I,. -, . ,,, I.. . M l":i io 1- l.'il, any ..I Inly, l" July I", K '. t's- " ivYtViii. 1 1 a i 1 ran m, .kau:k;ii. n. c. CiHAM) (H'ENIKG i'i.:i 'i in". mm 5i:e SUMMER TRADE. . V,i oi.i-r a lair .uid at I '.active stock Dies, G., ,i,s. Silks. lihick (iood-:. Iit.-s Tiimmings, l.ilal.s. Ooliicstics. Ging-ii-- . I iii-iiM V and Gloves; Shoe, !'..: l.-ei i M's-ii; ( 'loliii i :i. ', :,',.. i. ii ii and Hoys : flats : (! i:i 1, nu n's Suitings, rind ( ., : in. i li s. I e n t u c k y b :i.-. Ci'ltoiia.h si II iUe Si ( I'll.;' ( i.'i'.i-. Car.-it.,. Mait'li'-s. ,V.'. . iMhln: NKW. IIOH'K nnd il!;.l;i.i; iii tl.-.- DRY ( II 't l iS line --:d popular I'li e-. I'.ist ; I- I i-r hast money; 1 ',' - Hie io ;,il w I. en you are in II: hi -j.. S.it '-faction guaranti'id. V. IT. & 11. S. TUCKEU & CO. II m m HERALD. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. T;. !r--.,' .'. h ..' II.;-- j. ';,lll.-,r l,'Wn,nf f III t,-: .!.:: nfff I: Mm- nil Hi" ii-1',l!nK . . i 1 1 , I,.,: i 1 .ii, iirnii.i'-l in l::u,ly i ;,; io xri's ithw : i: i i" - ir 'in nil ii'iiWT at :,. I 1. '',, i.r.i-l '1 '. "i 1 i' '.V M 'AS ' I' ;-... '. -i-,:.-l-.,: llii' wi'i-H ..: it.iiHi-. I'-' I 1,1'-:.. I : , ii'.lUU'i' lllotll) T't V. MM V 10 l:M ll l- ri: ! v.t; ,:' .1 r in ai o uT'i'l.l, a It Ia Hi,-. -i. !...! ..:. . . ii a liUUilul rt- I r. ", 1 ,,; ri'i, 1 '. M v. s. .,,, ' -,. -!i::' .-..'i..l. ,' I" I .- t , '!-.''i.-'- iv."!s.-,'ll ,- I- :,: W'.i I..: ..- ,. . i ri i.- tml r, " i's of llio ", - io "I .!' i, I I i ii., "ii tlie i,'sl,,lm of . 'I :i; I -.I..! lil'MKTMilNT Wi , i : . In :. ','. , v. - On. I it. i .-is well iih ii- ,. . ii . .--'i ,., iin-1 .;i,..,M'rl''i ! iv :.'!. - .. ' .: i. u., .n :n r. luui, i,,r rnlH. ' Ink- c., , I" :l n. I. , n,,'. Ti-i in. X' t.-'':iii'liK, Kt:. . UC'l - .J ,.'1;- !! U'-t'l'.IIL' I ' ll O'l lllM lill'i ': .. ' '.: .. , r . 0 I I ' 'I I,,, I, Mi,l.ii'llil . .i . . .. ! !' i .!!-. fl., Ill, w, l.'iy r"citsl, Ull'l'.-r iri. linvi; in ; i-.-.-.i .. i i , ..-,-:. il .jl-li.-s. Iii in,. f..r nink :!- 'I. 1 -' n!"t i !!- tie "mi Ho' liiii'sl ::, -,, -I,- ,! ... I -., . ,. ... I i-.-m ,.f ,-..,k- i;i ! . ...... , - ..1 T II,,-, ,,-,,;,llll.,t H . ' I '.'.,'' I ."!. lll'll. llllo-,. I , ii io l,: i- in-: I ii. i .,, , i-,,i,,i nUi I.,,- ,,!;. l i'. .' :.:-t,..,s , ,,. ,.,n. llfplll'l "I !!. Wl I ,i. III l: M.I, nlil hvi- ll,r lionsn- v. . . :ii"l-. iS'.ci ii,' I: .. I li'lit-H III" ptHll ! Ul'J l'l-r. ll..-an. i '..li I.I i I Moll .no I- "k-l a'l.i. .ii. i , i. t 1 1 1 1 , i.- r,'lnili,ir in n:t ! 'i" - nn : i .,' " ,- .'iti.-miiy f, nli'd. ll. '' I, ii 1 '- .- . - .... 1 l,,.. lu!i'MJlllilia 111.. I il-ii,' - III ,:,,:.-. M- r,-l.:ilTTT.e. ., . . A .-tlit i H'.c i ici l ii, il.u ni'iiclully I .-l I : -I -r. ,1,1 , i .l :, ,i . i i n: i i:. 'r, i. MiiiKn. s;.. r;iiif N.-ii ii: I. tn r-n, .- i I . i.-tra-'licr u:-'i :t s:..i , .. ;. ii,-. U. ,i .,t!ii. n l .-"Kit, i-inl-I;. :i: 1 ! i ' 1 1 1 1 ' , 1 .1 i i' , li u- ! j'.i. I ) in ii, .-ill,', IVt'snnal mi i 't Tin r. i if .ht Iii il rt-rlil ,' .l!.,li- -,, ll.li.'ll (i.-K, MClltt-r I'V1"' WIH-lt .,- '. U, . :,;, i: ,.,,., III I,-!, it. ,. Ill, io;li,p fr,,t -, i 'i I . i. ,r. V. i -., 1 . j 1 1,, ai anv luui-' Til k xi:v vh;k iikkald ;:. ,i w , .11,:, I.-. - - Now York Herald, !' !:.'. . .m i iiii s;r,si. N,,v York. H:1 ,- 1 V'i ""V if i'-r.VJ f-P'tP READY :.-nd for I C A'i -LOCUE A PRICE LIST. H A;;; SIBLEY & CO. v iijsirr, ::.v. Chicago ilu . -. '.'V", 1 Tl'l.tr. ull-Uli HanJulph St. CiiMiJAcJ Si, lPiQCKER, Attorneys at La?, IkMpiiua! Life Atscciatica Of Virginia 1 1 iii i - ll- t-'liowi'ig ::!'. mlages over i in i r. 1 ;u -i: an.'e e 'uoiauies : 1st. It ilu s not cum ( )iu -halt' to carry a ci i I iliivie of membership in our Ass.via, Ion a, in old line life insur i!!l:'( coliij'.lliil S. .:,;!. !.; -,. - -: . i. nt Table is lower ll ,!!: ii! ii'.y other life iiisuraneo t'onipany. as..,iciat ion. or society. -: d. lur charges are id actual cost of earn it';; l:..ks: our policy holders are our tiea.-urers. I !,. Tee iilinust caution is exercised in ueei pting noiie but sound risks. "iih. X"t more than .S;!(MI() carried on anv hie, J. W. JACItSOIxI. Agent. .lime 21. il'-s.'i TO TAX-PAYERS. V I ,- i-,,-r. i. i, il, ii t iiniiiilHHlotifrn : !!,. . "I I i i : i -1 1 ,-, : 1 1 nilli, I ,11 II," rl- i-r, on ilu- , I xi",,,i,v hi titiHt ni'xi, f,ir :.. i"ii : i" n-itnr i ee i.i.v ll,i,,,r tlm wvtirnl ' , ' t- ,.". 1 iirtl.filll ."l,,lH"l,)i', llliK tlu, xi-- -' !l ' I ' !' ox, "f I" llio ii Ill lit t . I;. st f i r, ciiiii, iiiim. I loll 1J. 1-.. I p 1

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