10K Til K l'A IE H AMI HOME. Tlio lCoiir Cure fur l'anliii; lloiara. Tho lialiitof pawing ran In-overcome In nio.it ia t'i liy lifting the !m it and holilinj; it up for a xvliile cm-li tiinc flic horse lupins to paw. To ;i vt tho horse Iiis Iind, lex on, put on an oM liar- J rirss, buckle a Mrap around oaoli of tho i forward fot looks, atlai h a small rojio live or six foot lotijj to oach strap, pass j the ropes tluvuj;!i rins or loops on tho ! tyi (if tho saildlo, tako tho hoiso to a soft, smooth spot so that ho will not lx j lial'le to p t hint, pit tho saddlo tijiht , so that it will not turn, tako up one forward foot and hold it up lor somo j ton or liftoon minute hy makiiiLt tho rope fast at tho rin.n on tho saddlo. i The nlijoot of this li's-en is to tcacli tho ' horso that standing on throo lcjrs is tirosomo and ilisa'.'i'ooalilo work; and also to teach It in i that his foot is hold' liy a supoiior power, and tha! ho ran nut put it down without Un- con-out of that power. For him to p-( tlu-.r ideas ho lire Is to -.land leu if eui'iiuli to pot very tired of it. and u ed to do his host to fjct his foot l i ei' ln'o: e he i an roalio that it is iiiin-ssilir l'-r !mn to free it. Ha in;; : M n thi put tho hois" in tlio j Lie" whrio ho is in tho hahit of (loin:; tho most pa'iu;j, and when he lil'I:. either loot, take that foot lip hy pulling nil the ri'po.lllaelied to it. and hold it lor a -hol t t ime only. Tho ohjert of this lc-.-i-i i i to ten 1. the h 'lM' that it is when and -u!x win a ho lilts his foot to j.aw thai the t .11 li'ol of it 1:- taken I'l'.-ui him. hen lie learns this ho will proluWy stop the praetiip, Imt for him l i p t this Mi i the foot mil -t he taken a id lull loii;,' inouyh for him to rialie tli.i'. it i. Iiolil every tine he atteinp'.- to pan. In this, as in all tea -lmi and ..!! -list i I'linary work, tho tc.n lu r and i n. r need a jjood su pp!y of paiiime a. si cl'scx riaiu ;-. A'n-I II'. '''.."'.'. i t'Miliu Tut lo wo approve of is) in:; tie' .; i -lis a I'ri- nd of oir ;. Ccit.iintx - lo, plo 1 th. t it, a:el our i .in rarely liud ai; i Id In- that Aside from the K- : t' at th f the old h.nk scale. -v .k iige for vsri.m in-ec! ., in- I woolly-aphis, the iu- r--a- I die tree ro : s the !. -.1 ! '. scraper ma lo f. r l!n- p:"r, .hese ha- a tri.ii' "ila" i !.ido long Made witli one il.it ,u: dlghllv cole a.e nil; -. All i . .re t In r a d . I!! !!;.! Id I. e i pute as g I a to 'I as an;. ; landlo to ahout eighteen i. lo not grind the l-'a.l-- to ! Ilttlllg ill'p!c!l,i lit is lo lu ll si ipcr. t u a v cry I ' lol'ce may he liretlr 1 lo .! i a!' s that ire partly 1 . ) niing tr e lie cai'i I ill not : 'it alt hy har!i. The .; a ' " tone now. ie t m.-ir.h ..; . ;hi I'" c. in. a ;i i-' i-ri. Vi r the raped ! ir'-i v !!!i 'o.lp. l.l.nlc t!;i!l i ;t i.e.'. : i'l ipply v. ;th a 1-ra-h. I'.r: : oat of tlrs -o.tp and ! r. o ! die r.i.n-. I. at r :;i tie' -I rocs will app. ar a . if I'urtii n;a!iogany trunk.-. .1 i Inns!. il .1 the llll. Otl Kill it. A writer in the " i M i : : 1 1 'ay-: There is i a'. -1 a l i lot ; nut plant a larger a- v w in I hail ho can pr. lital.lv attend t n I Hi -ult is that three a r. s hardly er. nit -n linn h a olio a- r. on :!i' t .. and we hear of twenty, tlitrtv or fori I u In! . : I' i orn to the a. re w hero it . ic-lit to he sixty 'o one Inindre I I n Si : .. .md 'I I he time spent on twenty a- tos of i o-u were spent on ten, and the manure Irihlilod on the twenty were judicious ly Used on the ten, tin re wssd I lr ten :n res to put in ura-s. sol to Miiiilrng itself ami at the sani" time .plendid pa-l ura'e for a h.i'i' eaililig-. hi side- leali. ie; much corn as in the old i nnd. instead of plow in;; t he two or three times, we h. plow it si I in, es. Now whereof I speak. I i 1 1-1 n r , making -cole of lull a- ( ;. to w.i v. coin only id Loiter I know a drouth, irun r hade 'in tiiins iK-i yli In ir-.' M'voral vears a ';o. a i oi l un his I'ovs jilow the coin c that suinnior. and w hil" t he n nil's were very lean thai yeai was the largest over gathered 1 arm. Ins crop ri thai l(ri-rli1n. I'liliiln riin,. Mash nin ly with a little milk. Initio,, popper and salt any potatoes left from the day he fore, spread evenly over a honed loin-chop previously sprinkled with finely chopped fried mint. Fry lo a golden frown in boiling fat, then place it on Plotting paper to remove the siipcr iu ons grease. ( hirnish wit li fresh mint and watercress. Fijii Vc- llard-l'oile, eggs ta.te good al any time, hut tic : r so well as when, like the I'oiir-and-t weu'y Ida k binls, they are in a pie. I " a do. en eggs hard. and. w he i roll, shc'l and slice them and put them in layer, in a Put tored pie dish. aMei i' i' n : wit 1 1 but ter, Prcaileriinil's, popper a i I salt, and covering them with this iiir.lnre. Add h cupful of cream and l ake to a hrown. (trim J'kis, Jiuifitf. slell it peck el 'j fresh green peas; if the pods are not I clean wash them before shelling, but j do not wash the peas. Fut the peas into two quarts of boiling water, xvith a table-spoonful of salt, and boil tin in fast for about ten minutes, or until they aro tender no lonp'r; then drain! them, sea -.on them palataMy with salt. ' pepper and Putter, and servo them at Tho I'nited States ;ovorninont is on o. A small lumen of green mint ahout to estahlish a i-'ignal servieo should hp lioilod with green peas whioh ! station on the summit of Mount hit are to Ie served with lanih. j in'y supposed to l tho li'p'io.-.t peak of Mil::i i v, ,. !eat to a cream one i the sierra Nevada r.uiiro, and, in fact, cup ol Putter and tvvo cups of sugar,' tho highest in tho 1'nitod States, hav add half a eiij) of sweet milk: mix two i ing an altitude of ll.s-.is foot ahove tea-..poonfu!s uf haking powder with tint" dips of llour; Peat tho whites of six eggs to a froth, stir all together and llavor with hnioii; hake in sheet. Filliu;; Whites of three eggs beaten w.tli sugar as for trothing; keep out enough i'or the top of the cake; add one i up of seeded and chopped raisins. two da -spoonfuls of extract of lemon. pit ad between the cake. ; fo Test the lleallli of n llor-e or Con ' In horses the pulse at rest beats forty ' times, in an ox from lil'ty to tilty-live, j and in sheep and pigs about seventy to I ' eighty beats per minute. U may bo 1 ; felt wherever a lariie artery crosses a : ' bone, for instance. It is generally ox- i .'.mined in the horse on tho cord which ; cros.es over the boneo! the lower jaw in front ol its turvod position, or in i the lioiiv ridge above the eve; and in : ; cattle fver the luiddio of tho first rib, ' and in sheep by placing the hand on ! the left side, w here the beating of the : heart may be felt. Any material va I ti.tt i 'li of the iiil..e from the figures givin above may be lonsidere 1 a ..ign of di.-' a e. II rapid, hard and lull, i i-an indie it ion of hign lever or in I'.iinni.ilion. if rapid, .mall and w oak, low lever. l":s of blood or weaknesi II low, the possibilities point I" brain i!i.ia..o. and if irregular, to heart troubles. This isl and sure tests of th ma!. i' of tho principal health of an ani- - Diiiiiken Kii--iail Peasants. foiijks are curioiiT. when drunk. I hey hardly e or piat rel, but bei -mo aifei t!"iiate and i mbrai e i.ich other. I heir idea of drinking i.- t--imbibe until they ai" -pule in.-cu sil-l". When 1 wa. in llu--ia I had a ,i--li- lil. ill. who once a liioiilll II id to coiiie .nil a -k me I -r have t"gel drink -luring tw n i ill day.. I pi n i'l- .piiry I t id that only on th con- dit'i n would a i o.i - It 1 1 1 .i i remain -ber during the led of the month. I l.n ing ol I aim -1 lea v e. he would go lo a ilrmknig h"ii .e. -h"W the proprietor hi- iii.-iie and -t.iti h.ow lough- might - ie mi Mien-. Then he would sit down .:! a table wi'h -om- -pint- hotore inn. I ir.nln.illy and --leiunly he w mild g-t drunk. l.u e hi- arm-, before him - n the table and n line on them. I ha-lie w,.:i! I remain for two days an 1 night-, t! e proprn tor .upplMng !:"H v itli m ii' P pi.-r wh- n-.v- r he I -. kill up. U'.t'in-. up. the l roprit tor would drag him oiit.-i Ie ;li hoii-e .: ! -et h'tn up in tl.e.-n.-.v ag i:n-t the wall, having t':r.-t lilhd hi- cap with -now. livery charitably di-pose-I br-'lhor ii'.ehm.n passing by w-mld I -x Ins i.irs. In ah out halt ;in h-ur 'his -1:-. iplili" would sober him; he would gi I II', shake luni ilf togerlier and resume his -bit :es. - l.'-n " IT, u'U Pei-iimm- Stm kings. In a i oiiiiir.iiiiia i"ii to the . iftoi Pr. Uoo-lland -tales that, h.r ing ha-1 hi- atlci ti 'ii dire-tnl to a number of i a i iir.- l'. ;ng great irri t .il Ion to the I-1 1 and leg-, i ails:iig in. i II pu .1 uh .- to a p. I- a -id the skin to sii'o .c.jiieiit ly cxl- li lie, and u-picion biing fa.lii'c.l up. n i.d stickiugs Whl-hthe '.lt lent . W ol e, ho l a I' e f u 1 1 V an.i'y oil a number id the hose, to a.- I I 11,1111 the I'll - :. e naliire - I the dilh- -u 1 ' . lie found il tin - alt whi- h is li. id ii:. ,i mordant in fixing the dve He sin 1 1 --led iu obtaining as lum li as twenty-two and t hree tenth-grains of thU metal in the form of the dioxide; and, as each linn- the artiiles are washed the salt in -piest ion j.-ol'coiir-e roiiih'icd iii-Ti' ca-ily soluble, the result istluit the aci-l excretion- from the loot attack the tin oxide, and an irri tating ll ill. I is formed. Nut Altogether. I haxe made it a rule through life," he said at the Inn-h table to the oilier tiie man :it his h It, ' nexer to ineddle with another man's business." " I hal's right perfectly right." was the reply "I'-ut I see you have a nexr eonliden lial clerk." 'Yv, sii - yes." 'lie's a hard-looking ease. I'm seen him drunk a do, en time., m I I wouldn't trust him out of -igl,' with it nickel. Took him in tun f charity eh?" "Well, riot altogether, i know, lie happens to be my olde-' si.,?" Then there was a period of silence so pai'iiiil that both wished some one xvou 1.1 yell "lire!" t" break it. Il'7 strut Si"'". Hirtls of Passage. "How many donkeys have you in Au-tin. my little man?" asked a pas senger on the South bound train, pro truding his bead through the car window iit the depot. "O, we've g"t some few donkeys lure in Au.-lin. but most of them kei p right on through to San An onio." ' The nt ranger bumped the back of his head on the car window and sank hack in his seat. -siftiwjs. 11 a The production of beer in the I'nit States last yar amounted to 1UJ l-'allons. for every man, ehml ia the country. TOPICS OK THK llll. the sea lev ol. A Calitornian was told by a lawyer that, in consoipieiice of an inaccurate statement in th- newspaper about him. In-could get heavy damages, and s ho consented to tho bringing "f suit, t n the trial his charaeti r wa ' shown to tin-jury in so tmph ant a h! that tliev do ided it to have been injured to the extent of $1. His ex pou.es were f.-,,l1, ami bo has sued his eounsi 1 for that miiii on the ground that his adv ice w as had. The Va!ert"W!i X. Y.. weatherol- ogist who has kept a neon! of the I wcrlur for t hii ly-l'iM' v i ar- states, a em-of tie- tilings ho li.i - learned by it, that a'l veils ending in i, or I aro extn nicly dry; those ending in J, o. I, " or 0. aro extremely wet; those ending in 7 or , aro ordinarily well balanced; tho-e ending ill t- have ex tremely c. 1 I winters; tlu-.o ending in 'J have an early s ring; t! ending in 1 have a late spnng. tle-.-e etnling in " or I aiesiil'i'it to gnat tl -ods. A military em ire pus .e l"ld a Iv aiit.igi s w h n it con I I'llStl ll. t loll of pllblie w expi riem e of Kn.-.-i.t in I ir s mam 's to the ks. The ling r.t'I- road- ha- repeat.' My illu liat'd this i iiii'i - st riking con -.trill ti-'ii "I railway The g, and it wa- j ''let. but -c'doiu in manner than in tin ! th- .labin-k I'in-k ' roa-1 i- l.'n miles lo Meet s-al'V to c! ei t lio fewer than -ixtv-niii- bridgi ion , accomplish! live niont hs a! a mile. , but military batt. li the whole wmk iu est of -nly 17.i a It h he dl . n.riv ; be n prop ... cry ol A iiier ti 'U . havi I to cc!-br.ie i' a in 1 -'.'J. and bi on mad '. 11 sp.ru lav or- it it sh--uld bo ' l"i'. of sp.rn. s the place, of harbor. Sen r r hand, thinks -1"--. Mm' the king - I ti'.'iigly. but thinks ih'.'ly within t'i- l-i I- pret-r. Uncivil , -h i I'al's i Hi lar, oil the olhi i -h.- il take the In' in ca don shoal ie liei i.it i'.'o. iind j I be represented j .h.i' y sp.iin, Foitugal, Italy. France, Fug- j and iind the I niled states; and al o ' liilt one to.it lire ol t!ie et lel'I'a! ioll j t!i. -uld be ii vo-iige from Palo.- to an ! -ah adi-r. i:i imitation of the voyage of : '-lum! us. j Mr. Atk;ns"ti. - I Fo ton. re, entl;. : it nt a :i.-k --I inaie fodder and a c;i-k ! -f rye to Froles-.-r 'ot It ker. the well- 1 -iH'ivil :igl ii ult ur.d i ht tiil-t of Fug- ! iind, with the view of showing the1 ..i t of cn-ilag- prepared in America. ' II.;- ing anah . t -I the satnpl-s. the i j-r-'fi s-or reported the make fodder to I i- pcrfei My -ound. and the rye very! dighMy moldy, but both xxore xvh--lo- j iollie l-ioil l.-r cillle. A little otloll- iced un al having been added to the; fod-1- r. it xxa given to cows on an ex- j periiuelital farm. I hey took to the j lisilage at -'inc. ami evid- lit ly en jox e-1 , I. W illi i an tul managointiil Mr. Atkinson i 1 1 ! ii lat o th.r lour c-ivvs an be m.r iitiiiued in g I condition to I me ilt'l't of ensilage. j I I 'lure. ir. in the I . 1 1 i 1 1 1. u of Can-! Ida ll".''t-'- In-liiiu s, ol xv Im h number i.',o( .no living under tribal lelation. II Millllt-'ba .Old the nm t h w est em j 'ei ritorii s. The Indians are kept on j r- si rv ill i- ii-. uiiiier i on-lit ions goner-! idly similar to the American Indian ' -xstoin. The ilirtereiiie if that the I Hrili-h gov eriimciit iii.uiil.iins a more i onsi.-lent. because a less pi -lit it al. con. ; Irol of her red wii ds. They are ' laught to siippoit themselves by farm- ; n g. ami iire g- lit rally peayeable. The j '1 1-stirring iicii-iints of recent In- ! Han raids in the Southwest or of for- j in r outbreaks in Montana, are nexer I ii aid of by the liritish Indians. The I eeent report of the lioininion Indian j .onniiissioiit r-alludes w ith i-ou-nlera. : do anxiety to the lad that the inter national boundary lino is still a pro- 'eetii-n for the raiding tribes who xxill jot stiiv on n serxatioiis. "lentl IM-iink." "I load drunk" is ih s- i iU-l by savants )f the Paris biologu al -m jety to be it 'oiiililioii in which there is a propur-i-niil one part of alcohol to p.t'i parts if blood in the circulation. Should the proportion ever come to bo one part of alcohol to pH of blood, death n tiuld eu-iie. This might happen, and in fad has happened it peatedly, w here l very large -plant ity of alcoholic Ihpior is swallow e-1 at one time ami tpiickly. In ordinary drinking consciousness is lost, ami vx Uh it the power to drink more, before tho proportion of alcohol in the circulation bet tunes fatal. American Agriculture. The development ,f American agri culture is uiicpial' d in the history of any olht r nation. The wheat acreage of the Tinted Slat's has inre;is"il ' from ' 1 ,' " acres in 171 to :,- ihmi.ihXi in 1M. and the cun acreage during He' ; period from IM.Ono,- (Kin acres to It.!""1.1""! Cotton has and doubled, the clop of 171 being :t,Oji, j UUd bales, against in la81. Torpeilohit;"nii Oil Well. In his article on striking Oil," ii ! the Ciiitiir;. F. V. Smalley wiya ! hen ii well fails it is u.aiii.ly torpe-il'ii'-l' to sdart the flow al'ie-h. A .iig tin tube, containing six ol light iii;irt.s of nitroglycerine, is! lowered into the hole and explode I j by dropping a weight upon it. Tho j t renu nd-nis fi-n o ut the powerful ex plosive tears the' sand and rook apart, and loosens the imprisoned nil ami gas. Xothingis heard mi the surface save a sharp report like a pi .tol shot, but the 1 ground hoaxes perceptibly, and pretty : non the oil conies spurting out in a jet that breaks in spr;o above the lofty . derrick. The 'tori c lo man' is one of ; the interesting pi isoiiages of th- oil ' region who is seen with ino.t satislac- i t'on from a distant".. He tiavi I about j in a light vehicle with his tubes ami) hi - nit ro gl t erine i an. traxors-ng 1 h ) rough roads at a jo'lv round trot, tak. ! the i bailees i an .u i id'-nta! explo- ( si 'ii. and whistling or singing as he goes. Soinetiiitei the t hiiin t s are against him. an 1 a bb-w of a wheel j ag. rust a stone m'I . free the terribhi ; fon o itiipri-onod in ihe white ii it lit in ! Ins i an. There is n oeiadoii for a! funeral alter s-e h ;m .! i id- nt. lor thorn ! is nothing to bury. Man. bor.e and I'tiggx" ill-' .i n ii i 'til.it oil ina I'ii.h, anil an ugly holt in tho ground and a cloii I ol smoke arc nil that is left to -h ixv what hi- b.tepeliel. The t.'l'pe-l.i' i--iop.un l-ivs a new hoi's- ami hires a . new man, iind tlu i" is no more diihcul- ty about one t ran..;!' tioii tluin tlui j other. I ho bi .lll"ss of Mot pedoillg' , I .- I Wt II i in Mr hands of a single com pany, xx hi '-li ha. made a largo amount, of money from a patent toxeiiiig Mm pro-ess el Using cxplo.ixt s lllcl-T a Ibii-I. M-i-t oil producer.-, regard the patent a, jnxali-1. because nature sup plus the llui-l in Ihe well into whioh the nit ro ghcerine tube isl iwered; but the i units have sustained th- patent sometimes well owners ( -rped-i' their x ells .- teali hilx l-y night to :i.oi-l pity ing the high pi ii e i barged by theeolii- any. Thi.. o t ration i-. i;ilbd inoi-n-lighling.' ;ind many liiw'siiits hiixe glow n out td if." Iloii-es iiml lltnni's in Hie t.rt'ii! City. The pupul.iiii.il i-t New York ity is n-ixv iiiiiilv I. .'.it '.i i' ii i, ;md f--i dwelling purpose in whop- or in pari, sax s the S'. ( '.'. ,i)' i i".n there ale said to Ii,. 7s:',i:s i,,ii HI these '.'..".i'.r :ire exclusively onMpietl Hi dwelling-. The total number ol families is 'i mono iin-1 of this nmnh'T only oJ.I"1 oxvti their Iioii-i s. The remainder p;iy rents. Within a i-nopiiratively brier period large numbers el what are kiioxvn as iipiirt meiil houses or Ihits hiive been t M i te l. For Hie lllo. t pitrt j they consist of large buildings about ." feet w ide. '.HI if. t -lecp. illl-1 ' stories high. Through the centre is it hall and stairway. On each side id the hall way on each shay, the space is oc e'.lpicd by a series of colltie. ted rooms small in size, ordinarily intended to consist of a parlor, kitchen, dining room, hath room, and three bed rooms with sundry closets. These apart ments, t nllei t ivoly called "a llat." are cramped ami contra- ted. affording but a limited amount of light iind air. The rt nt ills run from $.! to ifT'i per month, depending upon Ihe lot at ion of the building. For hotter llat s. the nnts arc from ilpm to -i.M i per in- nth; lor the kilter ..inn large iind snpi n-u apartments, in a ten story liroproni budding may be had. xvith I'iissengi r elevator, eti For entire dwelling b.'ir.o. of three or four st-ries, xvith nine to thirteen rooms, tl-.e rentals vary from $nin a year to $:iiNtit; the liner houses cost ing mil-! more. The opening of the great bridge between Xexv York and llrooklyn will, it is -apposed, be of great advantage to the vx orking people of Xexv York, by enabling them to se cure now and coinb't table homes at inn lorale prices, w if limit the necessity of the clo.se crowding to which they are now subjected. What Pauses the Timber Fine. The t auses of xvhat i-known as the timber line on high mountains conlin. in s to to disi iisse-1 in seient ilie period icals, and the attempt to connect t In line in some degree with mean annual j temperature. The writer of this par- j agraph hits had the mutter in mind when on these high elevations, iind the explanation seemed very simple. in all these high peaks there is a con tinuous, though in soinecases slow, do-) scent ol the soil from the summit to j the base of the hill. lie has never j seen a case where there was soil en- oiigh to grow a tree where trees were ma growing. As the xvasii troiu rain nr melting snow xxill be nearly uni form in a given range, there will be ol necessity some uniformity iu the tin), her line. On Mount Washington and other high places little plots of dark vegetable earth can often be found fai above the present timber line - the re mains of trots which existed beforf the earth was xvitshisl away. What i? called the timber line seldom show graduated size-, as a mere matter ol temperature xx mild call for. ticneral ly the line is funned of very tall trees and immediately scrubby plants, fnui the absence of deep soil, begin. yn York liiil'Hii'iiit. The ground on which the Assnmp Hon college at San-lxvieh, Canada stands has been in possession of th Catholic church years. Thi. ourcp nl TIuim .illprlpn TinnMi- ThiiM om-' to Kn'r lliiii-rliolil 1 M'l'ilni -I. 'lht foil. i Willi; nrliole from tli-Vm-u-ni' urn CirKinWi', uf Ho-'li sler, X. V., is of mi nt rl k ill i: a nillurp nnd t'lieiiin'es Irom so ro li.tl.lt. ii m ue , I Iml il is ln-i-exvitli ipnililishe-l entire. In mUhlion to lie- viitii.il-le matter il rmit.iius, it will l o found evcc'.-.hngly iiit.r--tiug: T" ' C '.iMr of lr fli, m'i. . Sin My motives lor tlit iililn :ilinn of the most unu-niil Hlalo ileitis vvliicli follmv it re. l ist. Kr.ili.mlc for llio f.it't licit 1 lent' l oi-n wtve.t from it must lionilile ili-n h. i n I, k--niiilly, n tl'-sir-. to warn nil xxlo n-ii-l ties sret-nont n.iuisl sonic of the inosl tl-c i t e in'hietitvs liy wliicli lin y lie.vi. oxer I e i; silt lo imle I. ll is a la -it'iit In -I ly limns. illllts lit '.e''t' me xvilh.n a fool ol t tlx' lO'.IU' mill they tin no! know r. o Ie I hoxx' I xxas (-.iiight iixx i) f i- nn ji s' llii- o-il -i i, nnd in xxarn others ttg.iiiisl it -.n i'i; it, ai e my oh jeels in thi-- - o nn-l.l i i'l iii. On Ihe lir-l -litv ol Inn.-, I -' I . I lay lit my ri'sid-'iiee in tins ii x s n : o ruled liy no, tr.einl- itml xx.-iiiing ler -I. id-. Ilt urn only I-n .-. I lie i-g -liy I the. i ii it triil, to xxor-ls em noxer il sfiibe il. Ami vol, II n lev IM j I'lexi'iiis. mi) ill' I iid in d me thai I xxa In In-li.tiiii'h s.i Inxx . .-in-l liy -o leu 1 1 lo h iiis. n c, I stiuiilil leny sfnMo I nt tin-ul- a. I hud always lieu ni'C ninii. li'.x siinn ; mid lie: Illi), hid wi'liil t I oxer "JO oiiiiil- nil. I liiinll) Kll'xv, in my oxva e erieniT, vv.i.it ' I'.-aii or sn-kne-s were. Very many n o. In j who xxill len t llns sli.t-nti'iil ie di t-lit li'-u -that they nre inni-il illy liei nnd fniiiiot account for it. I h - f- c' ihdl na I inli' miit I'liie.s in viiiinii-I', r - f -ho hoily, iin t iln not nn-lec'stnnil it. or It ty me cx 'ti'.lmgiy liungry tmo -l.-iyaud eati'v'y xxi In it nei ! Ue Ihe next. I'liisxxits ..i u c w.n I I. txxh -ii the relentl ei.ii.tl. xxht.-h Ind l.-i..eii-il it-elf n-oii n. e lir a lu g n. Mi I I lim uht ll wii nolliing: Iti-it Toli:il.ly I Ii id li'ken it rold wit ell vxnit'il B ion I ' i-- .t) . Mioi lly afiei- tins 1 iiolH- il.-i In iiv.x . a d u'. tun. s a c ir.il.'te, I'liui in my I c id, bill :v- it xx-nild collie oi e d iy ami b.- :;i -i.e tl e lli-M, I 'ilid Inn lilile ittteiilion t-i il. llnxxi Vim-, my slum i-'h was mil of order all I my Inn I nlie l fiicil lo thui'-t. - nu mi: at tunes -rot' in i oiiveaieiiee. V-1 1 had li nli .1. ex. n u a I'll) siciiin. licit tliese lltias mv nit lei.tllun -enmis, or Hint n ni 'li !i-.ia- ill e i e xx is In', 'online tixe-l H'ntt nie. I ' nidi.llx . I tlui mlit 1 vv. n siillenni: I nmi ni.i'ai ia nnd o iln t rr! myself n.-ciir-tiii!y. Hill I ir- t no I eiler. I next li-ei-'i'd a e; uli.ii color all I o h r a! oal the lliilil - I xx. is in : also thai Iln ie vx civ lar.-i' -nia-il-.tii-s o ie il y iiml v.-rx liule iho I exl, itml that n I'd is i in frmli ainl scion ii'.e.n it lli'-iil th siife'i-. it'nl a -diincnl -el I led in III- hit'.n.ii. Anil )el I did imt ivnlie my d.-iii-.-r, lor. inde. it. -. ein l! o-t -yuil'IniDs c'eiit'tiu t.l.x, I liita I) ItiCiinc itc- I en-imiicil I" th- in, ami in siisi'icniii xv.-is : wholly ill- linn-I l-yl'e I n t tli.it 1 h.-ui im l'ii in in tiie iiilei-li'il o' i: his or in their x loin 0). l.y I -h ud I 1 1 ic In n mi hliiul 1 e.iliiiot miiii islaml. 't in re is a ternti'o fill lie for nil I'll) -ts.-il in arect, nnd liiiH iidiii danger ibia) s hr u n p t-iiii t-i In- ; i -ii -, exc-i ih 'ii:liil may then be leu tale. I leih.'w-l nt I e t Hi) eriti ii 1 1 - nil I ll lull 'i ml iirniisi d in) If lonv icoini. it. Ami, oh! Imxx haul 1 tried. I cnns'ille I llir lii'-t mcdii-.il -l.ilt ill t!it land. I xoin-.l nil the I roiiiun iil iieiii-i.tl - i-in's in Ainei ie i. nnd liiiveleil fi-iin M ini- I 't 'aliforlnn. Suit 1 i;ie.v xvor-e. No Ixvn I'iivsuvai s .ik'i'i'cd a iii my le.it'n ly. I 'ue s n-l I xx a- trouble. I xx uh fo'itnil iiTtnuioii: niii'ther. m-rxoii i r I r i ii'in. another, mai.-iria: anorier. tlx -'i'--ia: illiolllcl', hem l ill: I'.'l-rl lllliil III I'. ;-. II I'l il -Inlit) : niiiithi'r, eoiu:tainn of I'm b i.-e nf lie biaui: mill -n on thr nn:h a L"u- h a . f ci iu nioti tliseasi s, Ihe syiiil-riiiis of ,il of xxhn-h I le.ill) hail. In Iln-xv.iy i-cvi -il )o.ii . . i: ed. tlnrin.' nil of vvlueli lime I vx a- steadily ci ovv m- wnr-c. My coinlilinti li.t-l really ln'i-otni' I'ltinlile. l lii' slight synu'lnui- I nl In a exii i iem..d wt ri' tlevcloi-i-d I itn terril-le nnd cousliiiit di-iink'i ti e hille twi;:-nl I'.iin lent urown In oak-of ii-ony. Mj xveii'lil h id liein edaccil from '.'I'.' lo I II i-oninl-. Mj life xxa-n ti'ilme to lav-elf :ui,l friends. I ro ild lein ii i o lond up n my -tom.-ii-h, and Irol wholly by ittje-tiniis. I tins a lnuu' mass ol i'liui. My I'lil-e wn iiucoiitiiilhit-l lit my m.'ony 1 fn .ti.-tit t f- II iiion tin- ilooi-. cnnviilsixoly cliilche.l tin- ca ret, and I'r.i.ved for di al h. .Mm .l i it- li id liule nr im cilei-t iu tie tilt ninj tin. '. un. l or six ilaxs and lilehls 1 h:ultln dentil - re i m miun j line. m'h ; con-tantly. My urine xxa- tilled with tuhe cn-t- nnd n'hiimeii. 1 was -triiu'i;lui' with Blight's la i-.i-o of tho kidn.y- m its I. .-I slllfc'l'S. While stiflVriti;! thn- I received n nil! from my I'ltstnr, the liev. 1'. l ontc. not irof St. I'll ill's i hiln-ii. nf this ciiy. 1 fell that it xxa nut list inlerviexv, Imt in the cnur-i' of con. M-r.-ation he ini-mioli.'d a reiue.ly of which I had henrd nun Ii. bic. hid never i:-i'd. 1 r. Koott t'o nil si tone ilie mail) remarkable eiiies whu h had co'iie under hi- obst'ivalinn, l-y menus of tin- i-e-oe ly, nnd ut-i-d me In try it. As ii rai'ticin-i'h)sieiait and a unid tinte of the school-. 1 eheri-hed the Ti j-nbee l-o'.h liattirnl nnd cninninit witii all regular I'l.ictit oa- rs. iind dei iili'd the idea nf any iiit'iliciiie niiisido the regular channi l- bein the least I eiii'lii-i 1 So siilicilnins, hnvvexer, whs lr. Fnnte thai I I'lii.tll) I'mini-ed I would wn ve my r.-jiiitu and try the rcin-dy he so lui;hly nc uiinriideil. 1 h. u in Us u-t- on i he fir-t day of .lure, nnd took It nee or ia.: lo tin ecliotis. Al lir-t it s-e' eii-'d ice: h it this 1 1 1 1. n lul 1 1 xv.-is n -or I (,'U lor me ill lev de bilitated i-iilull ion. 1 c-iitiieied In 1. k it; tie sicUeiiin.' s -u-.r on il---ai Ic-I and 1 was .-.lile to ie . in f ti I i.i -ll in) -loiii.n-li. In a le v -I.- y- 1 noticed a tl. cide.l -la for tho bpltf r. nn nlsodid my wife nnd friends. My hi C'iui;h oi used nnd I exrent'iiee-l h s- i'liui ihan foimerb. 1 wns -o icjoiced at thi-im-I roved condition lli il. ti oil what 1 h.nl be liexcd but it li-xv days b -fnre was my ilj ina 1 e 1, I von il, in ihe iiie-eiuv nf my family nnd friend-, should 1 rci'nvcr 1 woihl both t'til'licl) tin I 1'i ivatelv inal.e known thi reniedx' tor the u'-'-il- f Iniiiuiiiily. wlietever nn I whenever I Imd an onroitiiiiilx. I al-o ih-loimini d Hint 1 would rave a cnuise nf lectures in the t oi ililh::in Aciuleiny nl Music, in this oily, siittiiiK in lull the s) iii-leiii- .mil nlnin-t lioi'i'lisMie: s of my ih-ea-e and the rciTinrknlil-. iiic.ii- by xxhich I have lieen mixed. My iiiiimvenietit xviis ron-lant fnun t tint lime, and in Ici-s tlinn ihi'ie n oiit'is I had eaniid txviiit) -six founds in Ik h, be came entirely free from fain, unit I believe 1 owe my life nml f re-cut ivnoilton wholly lo VVainer'sS.-if - l ure. Ilie rented' which I used. Since my nr. v.-ry I h ive thoniu-hlv icinvcs lilinto.l the Mil j-'ct nf kidney dillieullies nn-l Uriflit stlisoii-e. nn-l Ihe truth- ill velnfeu nro nstiiiu d ll-. I llu-rif.ire state dehbi-ialely, nntl n- a f l')sii'iun. th -I I believe nunc thuii otii' hii'.f the -leulhs which occur ill America nrp rattsed by Itrijiht'- disen-e nt the kidney-. 1 his mil) sirilid like a rush statenieiil. but I -am prepared lo fully virify n. Itriuhl'- tlis- ease has nn distire no s) iiiflou s nf its own j l indeed, it often di-xi-!i''- vxilhii'it nil) pain whnlever iu the kldni-js nr their xicimlyl, but lias the sxiiu toms nf iicnrlx every other known rninfiimt. Hundreds of people din daily, wlin e l iniul- are a uliori d by a ph.xsK.inn's cerlilie.ite of " lle.irl lli-e i-e," ' Apoplexy," " rami) sis." "Spinal t o n plamt." "Rhcuinnti-m." " riieiiinoni i," nntl ntlier common diseases when iu rea ay It wns Hii-ht's Oi-i-nse nf Ihe ki.luejs. I'e.v I hysiri ins, nnd fewer cnpl-, re.d:e the en tent of this ili-cn-o nr it- ilaiii-cro'is a id in sidious iinliire. ll steals ilitoliie system like n thief, inaiiilests it- pi, seii-v by the com nioiics: -xni lomi. and ta-to is itself upon the coiistiiiuinn l-efore Iln- victim is awnre. It is nearly a- hereditary as e uisnuipllnii, unite as common nnd fully its fatal. I'aiure families, iiiheritini; it from I'tetr atife-tors, have died, and jet nolle of Ihe number knew nr ri'iilicd the in) -tenons power which was reinox iii' lliein. In-tead nf ciiiiunnii synti tnms it nflin i-liirAi- nnlie vx h.Uexer. hut brin,;H death .-uddeiily. nnd as such IR usually Mipposist tn be In-art iliscii-e. As nlie who ha- siitlcrod, nml krievs hy Intler experience what he sn), 1 ini I -io every one who rends tht'sn wnnls not ti neylect the slightest l-yill torn of kldne) dilVicidtv. C.-rliiiii u'ouy mid possible death will he the -lire re-ult nf nioh neglect, nnd no onu can nihil d in lia.,ird such chances. 1 ion awnre that dm h nn iiniiin!ilied state iiu nt as this, rnmin frnin me, knuxxit as I run thruiichniit the cut re hul l as n practi tioner and luyturcr. will urnii-i' ti p surprise and possible animosity nf l!u- me heal pro fm loll, nml a-tonish all wall whom 1 mil iu-.iiionled. b it I make the fniv-miia stnte melils. luist'd ill i n facts xx Inch I am prepareil In produce, nnd truili- vxhicn I c ut -nlisfiu-trtte to the leit.-r. 'I he vvi ifare of iho-e who it it) po-sihly In- Milieu r -in h as I w is, is mi ample uidiiconif lit lor me In t ike Ihe step 1 h.-tvp. mi 1 if 1 cm su-i'-s-tull.x wun others triim the 'l:in.:er' u- pali in whn-li I mice walked. I am wiliiu- tn ill lure nl protus Moiial nnd eisoiiai en-- ipiemvs. J. II. IflMoN, M. V. "Ilne tlentlt end nllV" ell. in -. it merely lie-in stiine tliin;;, 1 lie !i;;lit uxcr t lie will, f it in -tance. 1V nmetine (njiit.iliiio. lr. K'ninie's, 10", Willinn: t..X.Y.. i-tleo- 'vki it, ,rr efv , ncr rf'l fur rlit.-ijiii.it ism. nud l'c-l reiueily known for kidney. Iixcr atut stom.t.-h ills. cNil-c.. Ahtilidnut proofs. Send for ciiaulnr . I Society tirides come hijli but wife-hunters iniisl have thein. Sklnnir .Urn. Wells' Health lipnexver restorfw health, viK-ir, cures 1 ) spepsin, lmpotoiice, Sexual Iii-lnlity. l. Washington xx-ss nnttirnlly n Bottlier; boin lato in Feluiiiirv, he wns soon on the inarch. l iir Ttili-k lli nil. llc.-tvy stomachs liillinuseotiditinns Wells' MayAp I lel'ills. niitiliilious.catlinrlio. 102.'o. When 1 hear dat n num's word is ns good a . Ins bnu', 1 nt-x' wnut ter know how Ko d his bnu' is. Kon'l Pic In l!ie Ilonsp. !nti-h nn ll.ils.' Clears out nits, mire, roaches, beilbu-s. Hies, mils, moles, chip, minks, onphers, Hard ll .dilin' in i) h"i a tnnn's repetntion, lull dlli'ci! cl it'll f li ve his looks. : mi i Inc. IT.-;mit nnd p d.-iini'!t icinedy fur imlijiP' tiiei. Sh.-iihl he iiton lielore ornfier ineuls. ti.XMiiiiM: is in li..uul farm. Sold by drtitJjji.-tn. ln l.avvd hue a cheerful giver, nn' so do Hi.' miinsteis. Nntnre is the prpnt teaelipr, shpelothixs the fowls and Mounds with warmer rlnlhine for w iulei-i helps litem tn cn-t it otf in summer; in dies (he lp-t liter Oil, Ciirboline. which is retroletiiu pel fiime.l, and sold at (I n bottle, Any ) onu- mail is made belter hy n sister's hue. it i- tint necessary lo be his own sister. I.iver ili-cne, hemlnehe nnd mnMipntinn, cnii-ed I')' bad di-e-lion, quickly cured by liioxmi's lum ltitleis. ('unlit l i ll'eiiei-, who married Mrs. Ho n inza Vack.-iy's si-ler. is culled the lay (iniild of In ly.' l.rwis. Iowa. Hr. M. .T. Hnvis Fnv: Hrown"- lion Ihttcia -ive Ihe best of sntis fae'.ioii tn tho e who tr-o tt." Notice of iiioli- n - 'I he xvnve of tho race starter's II. if. (txitnrio, lowa.- Hr. A. T. tTennk siy-: "I ince u un.' I r mil's Iron Hitler- proves il -Mipcriorii) over ell ntlier Ionic pi epar.itions." The i ill . i ciiiiciiiiiirx' leu been granted he light I" n ci ue I in i -I Sinte-prisiinnrs. rvin ovsin six. ivi-i'ir.in.iv it..iis-inu of sen lis illl'l ei in-liii 1 1 ' I 1 1 ttl ill II X.-OI-lt- l-'lllts Himi us a i-. x. mo .i...iiiis' h vi r an-l .i.;iii- nnd -Hi- rill! - iiiiiOi nl I oi-. tl 'i i :.. I'll-" ph. a I'- d I' lVU of I ' el-.ix.l," IUH'Ie hx- t'll-xxclt, I i .i l , I .... V 'v .m!,. mid m.I I Ly nil li ii Cists, i- Iln- I I linn.- . a cl hit p .'ii ills Ii ci ii r llg lio-ll t X' I -I- o'la I "I'-Klil-s- O llns tliu-'inill Ann nd. 1 pn-.i ' I---- 1'int- br ds make line fca'.hcis." In lie '-no of ii ie i nc: I--, xxi nk lungs s lilll.- i I html, al.ll lie III') -I fl-. nl ''." I'r. I'liieeV t.ohhii Xlcdieil 1 i---ov i i - '" I ,.!.- a ii un.- hi d i I.e en dieal lac nil). l i!e il ciiios the m'i . . roughs, it slrciii.llii i:-. iln- -y.n in and i fn . '.00.1. I'.y dm; ;.i-ls. "We mi i l.y chants," ,i ihe lovers said in the climr. Tltt T" i s AIII.MTV. When I'r. r.. .. ... ..f Hiiii.-il-. V. Y.. nn iiiiiiiici I tl 0 hi- "l'li.eilte fie i rifliim" xv i mid ..i -') i -in' tl-i uiuii) ili-r nml VXel-klll -- - ft ' ll'l'll t-i W . tl lift I oil If dell I it ed, and en-nun il lo i i"n i the li.-i-h and c.i;i-lic I'-i -l In- Una l;'. liilt the ini-hly liclh gi-i hat !) Ii.i-.ime ncklio" li -.lgcd. I hull- i t.tl ol I i ii i Hi -! m I Ihe favorite I'n --ei ip nmi" and wcic speedily cured. 1) li.li.-lsls. 'l lii' Nexx t ir!t . itis Ticiix tine nvrm flint if llii-tccili i.r. hliiul tiie iiieiilli may In- xxoni i'l ell' xx illi tin- 1'iiUe li.iuue'. llll ItODX -S Mill. II. S-iiii- 'i-'il.x 's i iiil l is tlj uur - ilyiu,' xvith the llii.lt nf li'i-cii'.i Iu- .xiniiii; I -ice, mill smut I'ihI.', 's i'i..iln r tliiiikuu; nl the titue xx lieu 1 1, .U iti.ii- tiie xxill lie liliiilill while no lit) ,'f lit'i't- cun li -iclileii ll- -l-ecittise lliere nils im cure I t ceil-ilni ttiui. lieiuler, if tiie elu I.I l-e our lu ii.lilnir's. tulte tlii- ciiiu lnrlii!' Muni In I lie i'n tiler's lieai f, lit ftire it is in.. 1. Ie. ,il l:i r Unit einistiiiil'tiiin is cnriil'lc: licit un li me lixui' tn ilny wlmiu I lit-1 l'sici.iti- 'i,iiiiiiii:ec(l uiciir.il'le.liecitiisc lice llllli.' Il.lil 1' ell lllllles! lli-slinxexl !) Ill-' ill else. I If. l'lcl-'e's "(iohlill Mi-lllC.il U t-iivery'' liiis ciirnl lilimlruls; Fiiri:tssts ceil lixi-r ml, liy I'l'linsi'liitcs, nn. I ntlier in, 1 n-i in s in cm in' this ileen-e. t-uKl liy ilriii'ui-ts. Jxtlitiilteil to I'.-tle: 'I he snilnr ortlcrcd into n leaky lien. Tiie rrofrsnloa I'nlt. Mr. r. II. Du.xrKit. of No. 22I Mnin Street, Worcester. Mass.. volunteer the fulloxvinu: ' I lax ui occasion recently to use n remeily for kiiliu y ihseii-e, I iii'iilieil to my ilmnni-t, Mr. 11. II.' Wil'i.uiii, of Iiiiicoln Square, thin city, ami iciiucsleil lum to furnish inn the l-c-t kiilm y nieiliciiie tl'iit lie knexv of, ami he lianile I me a hottleof limit's Uemeily, f-tnt- ltii.' tint it xxas consitlcrcil the best le'iuiso j lie lin I s.'I'l many l-nttlen of it to his rim- ; ft itn. m in Worcester, nn I they nil speak of it ; in ilie lliein t leruis. ami iroiniince it nlw-aj rcliai'le. I took the bottle home iiml roin niciice l tii'iini: it. nml Iiml tlmt it due tho xxo k ullect-ially; and I am pleased tori-coiti-incml lo nil who have kidney or liver disease the use of Hunt's Ueine.ly, the sine cue." Apiil 11, 1'. We All Sy So. Nfr. (ikori B A. HrKiirrr, No. If'.'i Trout Strio. Wonv.ler, Mn-s.. Ins just f-ent us tho loilwin-. directly to the point: " lieim; alllii te,l ttitli iiiliiieiils to which hit Immunity is subject sooner or la'er, I re id carefully the n Ivertiseiiienf rrsarditu; Ilie re mai kable curat ive poviers of lliiiit'n licmedy, and as it seemed to apply to my case eiaetly, I purchased a bottle of the medicine nt Jnn ncrx's ilnip store, ill thi city, nml Irivint; ii-ej it withmiist benellcinl results in my own cn-c. my wife ami son al-o commenced itn use, ami it has inns! decidedly improve I their health, ami we shall continue it- use in our family under s.ieh fnvorablo results." April 17, I KM. Ilrius at's Kvlilenre. Mr. OKon-iK Vx . Holcomii, drnRCist, 1LMJ mid HI I'-mcie Stn-et, Troy. N. Y., writes April 7. 1M: I ' 1 nin constantly i-eMing Hunt s lletnedy for iliM'.tses of the kidneys, liver, bladder and urinary organs, to my tiadu and fricntls, mid Iiml that it jjives general sitlisfacliuu to ii'.l who use it." . .lmsllip.hrr. M. P.. ..fS.roiirin'T. low, urn: For t.x..rl ye.irs I li.iv,' lii-i'ii ii-ina loiiiin iiuuim. ( t- ,lli-,l lr. XX'ia. WAV nl-in ter tho LunK. n-l In aim .-.I svrrr r thnitiBhniit tnr rrclii-o I ltv I li.i.l -iiire Kiicceiai. 1 bavp use.! ami rroscrii-on nun iln ils i-f lsiitli oTcr sinoe the ds of mv rni l r.v-tii-i. US-ill. when I wai nuniooii of HoplUl No. 7, boiiim-illo, Ky. Ilrnry'a ferbollr fnlve. It is tho lifst Sulvs for Cuts. Ilrn.sos. Sorei. t'i. n-r Suit llluMim. Tollor. Cb.ii-isil Hn.lt. Chit. liUttm. (.'"rim n-l all kiuiU of bkiu ErufttoDi' n-i klot auil I'tiiii'loi. I'lli) -tx llioiisiind ..units have lieen planted this season iu Monroe comity. Kin. "THE BEST IS CHEAPEST." ESGim TUDCCUCDC8AW ,l,S. Horsr Power - I IIIH.VIIIL.IIW 1 ClottrQullrri ISuitltolllstl.n WrilinrBMtarPmrl! sail I'rK-vt u- Tbc axiltliiAn A Tai lor Co . atait,n,lil. Out PUT THIS OUT Ani Rrturu tr tw with TKN Onu, nt ton'II nrsiv la'. ittOnr l. th than sitxlh-r it Amrn.s, A'mO OPIUM Mllltl'IIINK. II AHIT No rav till cirnl. T-n vesrs 'rstnhllshril, l.tmO cnrsil Mate ,-ass. Ilr. Mnrah, ymncy, Mteh. .,,.1 .-.-ex. ...i .I.Hirnil ' -'.t I"- i'l.-s. A.l.lr.--.. niMtlini .i I,,.i ,i,il HiirrnM. x t out A . t'l.ii-Jt:... Ill PATENTS APEHSIONS8:":;0" j. t). Bir'm. Tl'y..t-U. wa.HMH.P.P.0. lir S I1 WxM l tU.ir Ihl n.-i m.1 l-l.l wir ,n I'ii-i.tlI ll.-k- .ml K.1,1... Pocs. r- lu.-.d 11 prrrsitl Naii.i.sai. 1'imi.isHin.i ll., . l'iilPa K In " 1 pi.r.l.,111 tioms , .npls, jr., rth $31011 J A'l.lr-. Ilttsutl A I '.. PorlU'i.l. Ms. (1IU.I.M SS' Bu-in-,oll.. y-vittk.S .1 T-rni, j flu I'.-.it i.ii. Mr r(ul. XVitta lw itralm rc , w,sli in ii.rimn t-iwn. I'prin.aiul '.siitllt Irsa DD 4,1,1,..,. Hnllrll ,V -. I'ortlaml. Mm.. (lniwiwk 1J a iliy at ti-n s-,:lf mads. Coatly w ouini Iraa. Addtots, laUK Co.. AufiMta, Ma. A Great Problem. TAKE ALL THE Kidney & Liver Medicines, BLOOD PURIFIERS, RHEUMATIC Remedies. mm And Indiacstion Cures. Ague, Fever, And Bilious Specifics. Brai Force Revivers. Great Health Restorers. IN SIIOItT. T VIiF. Al l. T.ll; HI'-T qilnli lies nl nil lliie, nml I lie h.'-l iiiiiillll- a ill nil I hi- lit'M lli-illi-iiir. nl Ilie XX in III n ml sou "III llml I Iml HOP HITTIili lot ve tin In i i-iirii-llve iiiiillll. nml inu ri nl' nil cniu'i'l-li nlol In lliein, nml lh.it llirx lll nil p w lien un r nil nl llii'if. niiiU nr i-iiiiil'liii-it. luil. A llml jiiali I rln I will kIvi- pii-ill. v l ni.l ol llii. 11 N I - DYES. Best Cyss Ever MaiiJ. f s-roP. Fit K. Tx-niil OK COTTON-. '(.IX n !?:. sr.", coats, kcakfs. noons, YAPN. STOCKINCS, CA"PLT RA:8, PinEfr-NS. rEATMLi5. tr : i"':o or f i-i.-v ixrli.-!.- c.ii.i" .- I 1 ' i- '.' ' .v r-' -:.-,! tooi-Y r-.,.. -1 ,..!. . fe lit."!. Hill-, "r-irli-l, rm-,iii.i.i i:.-'. i' I'"-. - '" "" I n. .1. 'I'verit I lOI-. '" I '. ' ' ' 1 colon. V.'.ll'l-.ellol V. st!' l.ll'i-. ! : ! I i.'-.v.i.'l!l c-lnrem-l-i I " v i"-.l lt.v--.li-v t'i n .1.1 by lr-- . i-f -. 11 1'., t h-o-o rover s -. v. u :; i -lU-iitii.oii. ,-. - i t-ti t o-t-..i an. I mi I. '-in .1. ' famp'..-xi iei-liiB-t.il-- -.--I il fur i :' V l:l.l.. lilt 1 Xlills ,X ( .. II-irlli.Mlon.Vt. GOLD and SILVER PAINT. Dromo r.Hnt. Ariiuir. uiacit l'-r l'.-l't'".: ' " y r -lxi-ti'. J ntr.'-i-, I.atr r- -e-'l ', . .,- 1 1 '-.ii' klr.i'.Ke'oi-'in-nr.Cil wo smr. eirk. nnvof Cl-lri.-h ni-if-'l kl i. Ai-.-. -Vt -...nl I'"- ilrii-rl-i -.'it-il from It ii;ihi A I II.. llurlli'Klun.Vl. N.i tun- tliuiil.t is I. - I if I hi" nliimni-1', I ... 11,1.1 h. ,i.l. .-i,.. ClU8l..TtilJa ...,, ...I,,,..!.,,,! ,t 1,-l.v. Il".l"l. m-i.-'l 11,1. '1 ii .(.liy AZZ?X W. i-i.".i. .'-'i- ,i-i 0-ZlSV o.5 TO w-l.-i.-. i I--' AXLE GREASE. i in-ill. cl ilie ueniiliii"- liverr ll'iiitcilim li nml In mil sill II lit KIM XX lll ttK. . , ,i I,...',, ,c, it ... Titr iria. jortKN, rvn iiiip .iiiBr. S.-I4 .- I'l.l. W-'ll, JWIfc AUkUMMlOW. JOHll Of BIKCKr-fiTflll, OPIUI HABIT Cured Painlessly, Mflit iitr -U f.T amiihU in HRui lvili Thft Mf1i'iiir Km Ih i lii'rnt n rotnouriiinK A itM I v M-. 'iil ir r itui i lh-rovrrfli'i DR. S. B. COLL'Hc, L? Port . Ind, EDUCATIONAL Iffi). riieNKXV Al l.fcAH of the ISM. NfilV KMil IXII CONSERVATORY of MUSIO Iti-miilfiill-r lllii.lrnlr.l W pifM. HFVf ' IjE !" vi.utitlf U'I niuvr.il frt-n . S, n I ii-iuir im I it l'll-wl in K mi nJtiK l-.i-tVlnl-'i It Muss. TIL. Inrrtnn.f N-f himhiW W .ifmrlnml Art.llMl.nnt MOM K"' I- "' i'-i-'i" int CONSUMPTION Mj nswlr -li,-"Vn-l Trsalmnl i-.r to sflect n ii'i'l i'r,,..i. . '" I iith full particular nt "ni. Ail.ln-s, Prill'. 11. I.. NOIII.I-:. KHllIn f hirn. siiuiln tinrii ( iillloriiln. NO PAY UNTIL CURED CWHU WNim All list lll. HI H,ll'i'-ii:li l-vrti. Tn-.l,' ffin. 4 "iil liy tlrtiKffms. AN OPEN SECRET AMONG THE LADIES Tho brilliant, fascinating tintsofConiiik'xionforwliifh ladies strive aro chiefly arti ficial, nml all who will tako the Iron Mo may secure them. These roseate, l-ewitchin!; hues follow the use of Hasan's Magnolia JJalin a delicate, harmless and ulivnj s reliable article. Sold hy a!l druu5is(s. The Musnoliii Halm con ceals every Mem ish, removes Sallowiiess, Tan, I.edness, Eruptions, all cvideuees of exeilenient and every imirer feeiion. Its eflects aro iiiunedialo and so natural thai no human being can detect its application. iinS'sfeisElft 1 V tUH MTU 5 4 tnil'l .ih I- ' , ,n in .11(1 ,,,,, FBAZER Ilr.i In tin- pncKiiHi Iini mil ki-,1 l-'rn i I Un-UslsTiif rtncsl' rni -il..i-hiprNlllixnitorllr' i -onii. Iliitti' it-.. s t:n- i r-ii---..-..!' i.-.-,. Ljl,. (ilit. u'r kO'llta VJ l ullon SUvcL t.' V.nJ n

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