H. A. LONDON, Jr., rnrroR akt rnorHiEToR. or AOVEilTIBINO. On square. nn ;nM-riifn i H Onqure,twnli'i-rtl'iiw, I -t DoetijnftrA,r!ii ii..nth, . i-Sf TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! An corf, on f par, Om caar mnnrbt Out tuff, three ranntlii. VOL. V. PITTSB()R CHATHAM CO., N. C., AU.UTST2, 18?. NO. 47. Tnr larger a-lvrrtlfH-meutalllieriir nnti.i.-i iilt llalMVay! Huts ycu Imgo'lon !ino wo nloml Dotween (lie light, ilmt night of Spiin2, The river rolling to the (1 101I, So mil tho liir.li, th' y iltircil not xin;? n love wiu ever ilri-iiin'il like llii, lt.niiitli (he i-hiiluwa ill' the park, llpin-trn m v liitjtrr unci 11 lita, lit-twecti I lii' d.n li-lit mill III" il.irk! Tlierp lin.l lif i ii tinil.li- llu's was rest; There hiul boon msii ii this w pi-nco: Hin miii-hi! iljing in Die wont Mmln Nuiiire sih anil wlibpers cense, I only It'll wlmt 1 Imil loiiinl, Vim only knew wlmt 1 wunM snyj But im Iiiiir firoko I lie pence priilnund Ililwun ilin l,iikn8 Hiul tlio iliiy! How will il cnil? I raiinril (HI; 1 i i-Ke-l it iiiiiny mouth fio, ffiTnrn thr Imiviw nl Autumn lull, Ami clinii;''! lo Winter' wustn ol miovy. Yet wpslitii'i wnlrliiii ill I ) pi 'pi Ol eti'titin r t i in i Im priimisi! Imi W! No Imp, 'tia iiolliiii;.! inuH vnit Xli'twren die il.iv hlil ml I Mm il.uk' Clrmnit Smlt. A BITTER CUP. Mr. Martin had just crniw in to tea. It wa. (inn (if those sultry summer evenings when the leaves hang stirless ly im tlie trees anil the dull electric fires Ma'.e along the east, forebo lers of storm. It hail been very hut all day, the farm hands ha ! lagged at their work nn the low laii'l meadow, ami all tho world's whi"-ls sccniel to revolve as if hey were weighted. Mr. Martin was cry tired, and, withal, a little cross. Perhaps Mrs. Martin win tired, too. She, poor soul, ha I been iil since four o'( -lot k in the morning. She had wash, f d, taken rare of four cows' milk, pre. pared three meals for the hungry 'arm hand... lieen up in the quarry woods to search for a family of ad venturous young turkey-chicks, sooth ed the sorrows of a teething bahy, and mended up the suit of clothes which l'etsey Bliin, the tailoress, had declar ed "not worth a needleful o' thread!" liecanse Thomas, her hu.slanl. had said that "willful waste tvm wof il v ant," and that there was a deal of wear in the suit, yet, if only there was a stitch taken here and there. Hut her chei k wa-pink and her ' yes sparkling when Tlinma came iu, for all the heaviness in her heart and the dull pain in her b;ck, for little Fsther had come home from boarding-school. Fsther, the youngest sister of all, the ('arling of the family circle from which Mrs. Martin came tho ju t for whom they all had s-raped and pinched so thai she, at least, might have a "Boston education." And Fsther sat in the window-seat, grown into it blooming young woman, with bronze-brown hair lying in Huffy masses over her fair forehead, porcelain, l ine eyes, and a dress all trimmed with lililion hows, "Look, Thomas!" cried Mrs. Martin, excitedly: "it's Essie! Fssie come home tw'o days before we expected her!' "Yes, I see." suul Mr. Martin, in the cold, measured tones which always dampened his wife's enthusiasm like ho iiwnv drops of freezing water. "How do you do, Fsther i Kuth, what are you putting cold chicken on the table for? Corned-I'cef is plenty, I am sure. You had a great deal better t-ave the chh ken for the men's break fast. Working folks have hearty appetites." "Esther is fond of cold chicken," whispered Mrs. Martin. "And" "So one need want anything better than good corned-beef," judiciously pronounced Mr. Martin, "Put the chicken back into the pantry, and the apple jelly with it. Cood stewed goose berries are relish enough for anybody. We must economize in little things as well as large ones, if we don't want to end our days in the poorhouse." And Mrs. Martin sorrowfully obey ed, while Fsther watched her brother-in-law with large, grave eyes, betoken ing inward surprise. At the end of a week, Mr. Martin addressed his sister-in-law with serious purpose. "Well, Fsth-r." said he, "you've "cen here a week now." "Yes." said Fssie, "Eve been here u week." "A week is a good long visit," re marked Mr. Martin. 'It's long enough for some things," said Essie. "Mrs. Martin thinks she would like to have you slay." went on Mr. Martin, after a puzzled glance at the. blue, shin ing eyes. "Ami although, of course, every one adds to the expense in a family like this, I've no' object ions to giving you a home, provided yon are willing to earn it by hard work. And" "Stop!" cried Fssie, jumping up, "I haven't aked you for a home yet. And I don't mean l". And ynu art only making me th" offer becaus Doctor Jorlan says Kuth will brea'; down unless she has a strong mui-i-servant to help hrr with the lioii-',-jvovk. But there is no money tint would hire me to make myself such a drudge as poor Ruth is." "Hoity-toity!" said Mr. Martin. 'Young woman, you dou't consider who you are talking to." "Yes.I do," said Essie, with emphasis. "To a Bluebeard, to a stock, a stone, a man who is grinding his wife's life out on the pitiless wheel of money-making. So, I wouldn't livo as Kuth does, not if you would put mo in a palace!" Mr. Martin grew green and saffron by turns. "Humph!'' said he. "Fine idea you have got at this fashionable boarding school of your.. Well, if you don't like my offer, you're nut obliged to accept it. He a line lady, if you please, and see where it will land you." By w ay of answer, Essie marched out of the room with all the dignity of a royal prince y. She only stopped in the kitchen long enough to kiss Kutl., who was ip the midst of a baking. "Poor darling," said she, "How I wish I could carry you off with me. Eor stay, I won't!" "Life is hard work, Essie," said Mrs. Martin, beginning to cry, in spile of herself; "and it's a woman's duty to help her husband." 'And I mean to help mine - when I have one." said Fssie, blushing bright ly. "But not by wearing myself out." Mr. Martin shook his head. "If Stephen Smith is foolish enough to marry that saucy gip'v, she'll lead him a pretty life," said he. "I wonder if she exped to sit on a satin s'if.t all her days, wi'h a rose in her baud, and her hair fri.led, in that preposterous fashion, all over her eyes? But 1 warn 'em, they need never come to mo for help! Esther has treated me with too much iiisolen' e for ine ever to receive her again," "I am sure she did not ni"an any thing," said Mrs. Martin, apologetically. "Well, then, her words belied her meaning." remarked Thomas M.utin, grimly compresuiig his lips. But Stephen Smith was apparent , ly undaunted by the possibilities of I ruin predicted by Farmer Martin, for he married Fsther and went to the ( ity to live, within three months, j "I give 'em just a yc.ir to come ' back here an I ea' humble pie!" s aid Martin, vindictively, j "Oh. Th"in.u; don't talk so!" said j his wife, "(hie would think you j would be glad to have some evil j befall tin m!" j "And so I should." said Martin, , viciously grinding his teeth together, i .'That girl needs a lot of humbling. ! and I hope ..he'll get it." I Three years afterward there came ; one of those terrible droughts that I undo a farmer's life-work In a sea J son, and sweep away his prospects as t an autumn wind sweeps away a sere j forest. The cattle died, a pestilence broke out am ng the dock of sheep, j which Thouia Martin had just bought ; a high wind blew his best barn over, ' and disaster stare I him in the face on every side. "It's no use talking," said he. "I cannot meet this year's interest on the inoi tgag '. The pla e will have to go." "Oh, Thomas!" groaned Mrs. Martin, who, poor soul, now lay all day on a hard wooden lounge, anil grinned to see how wol'ully she was needed at the helm. "I can't help it," said Martin. "Everj thing is against me" "It's only live hundred dollars," said Mrs. Martin. "You might borrow it.'' "Who'd lend to me. I'd like to know ?' said Martin, remembering with a sigh how he had hardened his own face against every humble suppliant in the golden days of his prosperity. "There's Esther's husband," suggest ed Ruth. "I've heard that he's doing well in Boston. And, alter all, Esther's my own sister." Mr. Martin's features contracted int o a hideous grimace. Of all tho bitter cups which circumstances had held to his lips of late this was the bitterest. But it had to be swallowed. There whs no help for it. "I didn't suppose Smith's folks lived as genteel as this," said ho to hiinseif. as a neat maid led him across an octagonal vestibule, Moored with black and red marble, and flagrant with (lowers, under the golden fringe of an antique portiere, into a large, tastefully-furnished room, where the sing ing birds, the open piano, the low satin sofa all betokened no lack of money. Yes Mr. Smith was at home, lie had not yet gone to the store, and pres ently he came in, waving welcomes to the man who had married Essie's sister, "Lend you a thousand dollars?" said he. "Of course we can lend you a thousand dollars. What is money for if not to help each other with. Oh, yes. We've a snug little sum laid up in the bank, and we live very comfort ably. My business? Yes, it's tolera ble, butit never got us all thesethings," rl, uicing at the soft arabesques of the ( arpct, the graceful folds of the crim. m silk curtains, and the easel Ailed with proof engravings. "That, is my wife's doing." "Eh?" said Mr. Martin, staring around him. "Yes," said Smith, with a certain, quiet satisfaction. "Fssie is an artist, yon know a designer. She invents patterns for the paper-hangers and up holsterers. They are glad to pay her fifty dollars a week." "Fifty dollars a week!" exclaimed Thomas Martin. "Why that's more -fifty dollars is, 1 mean than poor Ruth made by all her poultry for a year. Well. 1 never!" In all his life he had never reapectcd Essie as he respected her now. "She has money laid up," said Stephen Smith. "And if she's the girl I think she is, she won't grudge it to help her sister's husband in a pinch." (all and bitterness --gall and bitter ness! But, thought poor Martin, with a sigh, how was Stephen to know all that was come and gone? Fssie's light step, on the passagiv way, sounded at this instant ; and she came in, dressed in a picturesque brow n linen blouse; her hair still shad ing her forehead, like a fringe of lloss silk, after the old, graceful fashion. "Yes," she said brightly, when her brother-in-law's errand was staled to her; "Of course you shall have it. I owe you as much as that, I think, Thoinai, were it only to erase from your memory that la.it scene of our parting. How defiant and insolenl.it was, to-be-sure!" and she laughed the sweetest of mellow laughter. "But I insist upon il still, that my theory was correct; a woman can work, without becoming a drudge." "Perhaps she can," slowly and un willingly admitted Thomas Martin "perhaps she can! But, it didn't use to be so, in my mother's days." And he sighed to think of poor Hath, broken down in the meridian of her days, by the cruel necessities that drive tlio wife of an American farmer to her doom. Was it his own fault? Per haps it was. Essie's thousand loan was the straw which saved him from figurative drowning. lie paid th" interest, bought a new flock of merino sheep, and weathered the storm. And the next year when Essie camo to the farm to assist her sister, for the first time she found Ruth sitting on the piazza, and watching the little punks play in the sunshine with listless, heavy eyes. "Yes," said Uuth. "I can't work any more. But Thomas is very kind. Ho don't grudge the hired girl's wages and he is always saying he wished he had taken more care of me in the old times. But it's too late now. You were right. Fssie, when you said you wouldn't stay on here, and help with the housework." "Yes." said Fssie, fondling the thin hand, which lay on the arm of the rocking-chair, "I think I was right." ') Fund Uki as. The Viceroy ami the Buhy. A characteristic anecdote is related of the late Lord Lawrence, when as the new Viceroy of India, he was re turning to the country in which his bet years had been passed. He was in bad spirits, partly from sea-sickness; partly from the lack of friends and con genial natures around him, partly from the feeling of the heavy responsibilities w hich he had assumed in comparatively weak health. A lady was returning to India with her infant child, which she utterly neglected, and the baby took its revenge upon the passengers generally by squalling day and night alike. They complained in no measured language to the authorities, "Steward, throw that baby overboard!" was tho cry which came from many a tenipest totsed and sleepless birth. But the nuisance continued unabated. At last the new viceroy, perhaps he saw in the child, half-unconscioiisly, a slight rt; scmblance to his lost Bertie, gave it a large share nf his attention, and would take it for hours together on his kneet showing it his watch ami anything that would amuse it. The child took to him, as he to it, and to the great relief of the passengers was always quiet in his presence. "Why do you take such notice ol that child? ' Asked one of them. "W hy, to tell you the truth," said the viceroy, "that, child is the only being in the ship who I can' feel quite sure doe not want to get anything out of me, and so I take pleasure in its six lety." How imp h of the kindliness and simplicity of a great nature is revealed by this simple story. Areinl Trips. Two successful aerial trips hae been made by M. Poinpeieu with an elongated balloon, and on the second ascent a change in the course of the air-ship wut obtained by simply mov. lug a rudder with which it had bee provided BART. lie Went Down Town H'ltll (irniidnn, but Won't Ho Any Mors, (randpa loved the bahy. The baby is three years old. with the prettiest big blue eyes, the plumpest, reddest, cheeks, the dearest, dimpled mouth, and the eunningest ways in the world. Baby has sturdy little legs, and resl I less, strong little arms, and is an exam, i pic of perpetual motion. Baby's grand I pa accompanied him on various walks, i but, grandpa's ambition was to take baby down to the store, where tlx' j boys could see what a phenomenal child he is, and wh.it cunning was he has. One morning crandpa dressed j baby up, and when "lie started away i with grandpa be looked, with-bis wavy I golden hair, bright eyes, and liltle I brown cloak, like oire ol Ka'o (ireen j way's creal ions imbued with life, j When the passengers iu t It- car smiled at baby and remarked how sweet he was, grandpa was happy, and ( hucKI'd , as he thought of the enjoyment ol hav- ing baby w ilh him at the store. Once ! at the stole, baby was the centre of an admiring crowd of grandpa's business ! companions. Baby was shy at lirst, j and one fat list was pushed into the j little mouth, w hile baby's eyes were i cast upon the floor. Pretty soon. though, baby regained his usual spirits and started "ii a tour of iiiveMigaMon. IIislir.it venture was to pull over a lot of ledgers and account lucks that had been undergoing an iinesiiga'i'n, and on top of this pile ho poured the contents of a big bottle of violet ink. Pursuing his investigations further, baby found himself iu the office where the brightly varnished :-ale, with its impossible landsi apis, at once attract ed his attention. The heavy iron door was closed, and baby, by standing on a chair, could just reach th" i ombinal ion knob, the brightness ol which had caught his eye. lie played w ith the pretty knob, turning it round and round ever so many times, and laugh ing to himself. But the man who came to open the :-afe, and who was in a dreadful hurry, didn't laugh, for the lock had been worked for years on a part of the cuiiibinat i"ii and baby had destroyed it ( oinplelely, and three hours were required to lind it again. Out in a back room baby found a ham mer and some lacks, and Idled some new desks full of pretty tin tacks. Then following the promptings of his busy little mind he pulled a piece of string to see what was on the other end of it. There was a mantel orna. ment belonging to one of the boys on the other end, and when the baby pulled the ornament tipped over and xv as shattered. Baby was frightened at the muss he had made, and hid him self in a box that stood on end near the door, and that had been used to hold soft coal dining the winter, (iramlpa found hi in there, but in what a plight! His little face and hands end his beautiful white die: s were be grimed with the nasty coal-dust-(irandpa brushed him oil' and washed his face and hands, and made him somewhat ju'esentable. alter which he set him down in a big hair, and told 'him to set still. Baby sat :till about a minute and then slid down out. ol the chair, and wandered away into the back 'room, where he suddenly spied a little dog curled up asleep on the top of a box. Baby stood on his toes, got a good grip on doggj's tail, and pulled The dog woke up. And the next inin. ute baby's little legs were working for Hear life as he lied towards grandpa's quarters. Grandpa met him, kicked the dog, and quieted baby, tried to patch up the places in baby's dress where the dog's teeth had made ragged rents, and began to club himself for bringing baby down town. Finally baby rapped the climax by upsetting on himself a can of lard oil, and grand pa quit work for the rest of the day wrapped the baby in thick brown pa per, tied a string around him and took him home. It will be some time be fore grandpa will take his pel down town with hint again. Baby had a good time, though. The Ureal Pork Speculator. P. D. Armour is of sturdy Scotch Presbyterian stock. He was born in one of the central counties of New York, on a farm among the hills. It j was the highest ambition of his hoy j hood days to earn money enough to j buy the farm adjoining his father's. AVhen the gold fever broke out he was j still a mere stripling; but, full of I youthful enthusiasm, he started for , California, driving a wagon across the I plains and mountains. He remained i there three or four years, and in that ; time saved a few thousand dollars, j ile had cash enough to buy that farm and settlo down. He had no sooner reached home than he experienced a sudden revulsion of feeling. The streets of the village looked narrow, cramped and dull; the house appeared mean and dingy. He only remained oil the farm two or three days, and then betook himself to inciiitiati Later he drifted to Milw aukee, and at. the close of the war he sold a gn at lot of pork at t a barrel, and bought il again at $H to l'., r a iing a profit of about a million. To-day he i.inl. -as the wealthiest man in Chicago, b: ing rated by those who know something of his business at 2r.H0iUM or $:!', i N H i,i)i in. His transactions are colossal. Ilis linn employs between Ti.t'iio and i'i,n"'l men, and on his pay rolls are about titty men who rccicvo salaries of .", '" and over. He i not yet lifty live vi ars of ag". m ss At ni: or tiik ('mm;s. Ill oiol .! WlKH l.lKl lie llllj. Vt Im llaii' no lloii'. ihi" "t tlie ,rv Vol It Too ml. A New- Yell; reporter de.i iibes the method I y whi- h the uniim, lcl dog., i aught ill the sheets are killed at the pound, on th" Fast river. Xinet two dn:;.t were disposed of mi the day of the reporter's v i--.it . Inning the lore noon a number of people ( allcl at th mind to claim their animal-, lost the night before while dissipating on the streets. While the weather w as yet in that uncertain state between a heavy downpour of di'i Jug rain and a sep.i. ration of the clouds hr the admission of sunshine, an old gentleman iu a liir en duster and a toll hat. with a l ine gingham umbrella in his hand, w as tie. si ried by the keeper peel ing anxiously over the outer wall. When questioned he admitted that he was in search of Frank," who had mysteriously disap peared from home. It required a good deal of pcrsua-ion to induce the old gentleman to enter the do r o cr wlio..e portals might be appropi ia'dy insiril. ed, "Who enters here leave; hope be hind." ( he e inside, he kept very t lose to the side of I he keeper and wa ; very reluctant to survey the pen., in which Ti number of restless and protesting dogs wen- cimlined. Finally, when half-way through the yard, he recog nized his pet spitz, shut up with half a dozen ragged and dissipated-looking canines, among whom he w as lolling in utter ignorance of the fate he was barely escaping. Ile sprang about the pen in great delight when be saw his master, and w hen the latter had paid ihe neies-ary for his redemption, he ai compauied hint up the street w ith liis tail elevated in triumph at the sue. ce.-sful rescue. While a dozen or more were saed from an unhappy fate by tho.igtitl'ul masters, the others did not fare so well. About two o'clock in the after, noon a huge hon age four feet square wa wheeled into the inclo-uire. and the door unlinked. A number of d igs who had watched the pro ceilings with tongues protruding thi'-;:h the bars of the jiens evidently began b suspci t. theapproaih of a x i.-lt-tit death, tor they sit up a lugubrious bowling, and communicated tlnir tenor to their companions. In an in taut tin- xard rc-oiiinh'd with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. A Hack and white spit, was lir.-t seized by (he les and thrust, into the cage, l inn nting the error of hi w ays at the top of bis Voice. A poodle followed hllu with piteous jelling protests, and then half a hundred curs of nioiigi-. I breed were sent to join their co upany. The spit ' seemed to resent Ids forced companion ship, and engaged at omein a pitched battle with a big yellow dog. whom he drove into a corner, where he licked his wounds and how led dismally for succor. When the cage was tilled it was wheeled along a short railroad t ra- k to the water's edge, where it va attach, ol to a large ran". An executioner stood at t iii-1 rank, and when the sig' nal was gi en, he let golds hold and stepped back upon the platlonn. The cage swung out over the water and de scended amid jells of rage, cries of fear and barks of derision. As it be gan to sink the dogs fought desperate ly for tho upper places, an I it disap peared with the disreputable spitz, at the top of the cage, battling fiercely with a black-and-tan w ho disputed his supremacy. A choked wa 1 Moated over the white-capped waves, and the checkered career of the unfortunate canines came to a sudden and unex pected termination at the bottom of the Fast river, amid the sea-weed, pcli bles and tiishes. After the lapse of a few minutes the cage was raised and the wet, limp bod ies thrown into awaiting cart. The unhappy dogs who had witnessed the departure of their comrades from their I ens in the yard were I hen taken out and treated to a similar exit. One of these that wore a huge Spinola collar snapped viciously at every dog as he was put into the ( age. Another went at his antagonist savagely, and they sank beneath the restless waters lucked in a fierce and passionate embrace. When the pens had been implied the carcasses were taken to Barn n island wtiere they will be boiled down and converted into soap and phosphate. SUKXTIUP SCRAPS. 1 Jupiter's spot, on which the earth would only make a small pad h, i. growing fainter. In France wonderful results art being obtained in the work of vaccinal ing livestock against disease. M. de Lesncps states thai the evapo. rating power of the sun is less on t lit site of the proposed island sea of the Sahara than c.t the Bed Sea. and lif ' does not anticipate that the waters will dry up. M. Tae hini ha siio'cnde in observ ing the solar prominences upon thf very disk of tin- sun. By enlarginp the op(ning of hi ; spectroscope lie ha been able a few Cnies to recognize on the edge of the spots these grand eruption' of hydrogen and the mi know n ..lib-tain e helium. The camphor tree has rei ently been iiitiiiliiced irilo California and promise- Well. It resembles the l.ioiel sol what. It grows well all along tie coa-.t, and one tree al S,e r.iiic tit ha? already utlamcda h'-ight of thirty feci It :s i a -ily propagated li"in :-ei I ot cutting-.. Besides producin-r the will i kiinwii drug, the tree is valuable a timber. A non-con liielor of electricity ha ; yet I i be I. mil I, for all sub.-lani hitherto discovi nd are eondU' to of 1 the force under certain I- icwii i nde tii-ns. but those wbii h nlli c a gn a' resistance to it serve Ihepurpo. " ol ' noii-ciinduclors iu pra'iiic, ,ith"U-.di ' they in. iv all be cither 1 1 -e l a g I 1 or bad condui tors. Th" be.-t i on. . 1 i tor know n as yd is silver. 'I he : woist conductor is par.Mline. A llo) s Sci innii that Soii-l II v. It was tho first effort he had ever mad" o speak in public. Ii was in a j union praise loccting.follow ing a great revival, in a colleire town The boy, blushing and agitated, yet, wi long to ; add his word of advice and thanksgiv ing, began abruptly: "My dear brothers and si -tel ., I hope yon will all take hold; and when you get hold, keep hold " ! The youth vva - :" i "lit'l ed. t!i.M lo' repealed the saioe words over and over, apparently unable t stop, or to tabli ,i new scnteiee. Seine of the voting people, who had religion, but were not oil enough to have pity or consideration, began to laugh, when a big hearted man (none other than Brother Ben. Bristow, of Covington', st nuk out with the always appropriate ejai illation. ' Thank Cod!" and then. Willi that great ineloilieii - Voice of lo;. began the hymn "Am I a soldier ot the Cross V" Finding this inquiry the youthful ' disciple sank, red and per-piring, into his seat. I am imi eitain w hether ,uiy hone.-t effort is fruitless. That poor lad thought, li" doubt, thai that was a failure. 1 have often wondered 1 whithcrheeverliinl it again w hether he did "keep hold." The talk of the lollege professors and the ministers of the evangi lii al churches assembled in that union meeting have faded from my reinclnbiaui e entirely, but the r boy's w ret oheil exhortation remains at Icasl in one heat t. The Mowers of rhetoric may dei orate the Compel fabric, but add nothing to il strength, nor i an golden glint of man's astheth upholstery make more gratilul the shadows of thegre.it roi k in a weary land.- tin- iilltlllli t'nlll'H lil'lll liil'iltl. Selecthis a Horse. The 'in I'iil'l Hini rmi, i. than whii h there is no belter aiillmiily on the subject says; In bnving a horse, lir-t look at his bet I and eyes for signs of intelligence, temper, courage and honest v. If had qualities predominate in a horse, education only serv es to en large and intensify them. The head is the indicator of disposition. A square muzzle, with large nostrils, evidences an ample breatbingapparatiis and lung power. Next, see that he is well un der the jowl, with jaw-bones broad and wide apart under the throttle. Breadth and fullness between ears and eves are always desirable. The eyes should be full and ha el in color, cars small and thin and thrown well forward. The horse that turns his ears bark every now and then is not to be trusted. He is either a biter or a kicker, and is sure to be vicious in other respects, and, be-in-..' naturally vicious, can never be trained to do anything well, and so a horse with a rounding nose, tapering forehe.nl. and a broad, full face below the eyes is always treacherous anil not In be depended on. Avoid the long legged, stilted animal - always choos ing one with a short, straight back and lump, withers high and shoulders sliqi. iii". well set back, and with a good ih-pMi of chest, fore legs short, hind legs straight, with low down hock, short pastern joints, and a round mulish-shaped foot. To a lai). Weo, lillle I mill .-" wIim I "I In"', Wilh hIvi i sp ile's mi I IiiiIi ol yclliw Wlmt u"nlle riil, i-i rn . iiIm iih -Uv , I las x.i.i;lit vein i H to lii..l n miili-.' Who ennpt join i-Ii-ikIni i-pnUei iipnit, Khi-Ii Kin- wiiiie di al n- -iinul -iik-o ii.iiiii"!; Ami lio was lie Mm luvi I one. ( laiinl"K T!l elioii esl i liatiilicr in ln-1 lieall? () liny 1 1 ii i i ol e,.i!...ii Inn-, Kisl ly li(-r Iiii",cih' Icn Ii-i pie-i-ii'3. Ki ill yd, iiiiiiliinlii, Iic'h v imly h""'"" II tiut jon 'i()'hc-it'l weiu I rue. You ilie. del ween lnu lingi'r ''.f, Sweet iiyp.iv maul nl wis.loiii muir; IVay, in il wnitli a ilcitli nu liaio 'lo lieu llio niivi! of In- lip? F. I. Slur mini in Ike Crnlm y. IT'WJKST PARAGRAPHS. It never perspires but it pores. The provincial iues--a cider mill. The czar will last a long time. He is bound in Biissia. A summer resort. Borrowing our neighbor's lawn mower. A imin w hose best worKs are always trampled under foot - A carpet manu facturer. "No, sir, said the pji-sengei ,.o tne ship's doctor. "Fin not seasick, but I'm ilciu cdly disgusted with the motion of ; the vessel." When a man does not get up with the lark in the morning, the pn sump tion is that he was out, on a swallow the night previous, Ilnrju r'x Jinpir says "a widow snouid be married in a bonnet." Harper is poking" fun at the widows; of course they prefer to be married in a church. With the man of to-day life is a pa thetic, heroic and unavailing struggle against balilhcadeducss. Jt is a waste of time, money and ointment to strive against it. "May I h ave a few tracts?" asked a traveling quack doctor of a lady who responded to his knock. "Leave some tracts? Certainly you may," said she, looking at him most benignly over her spec-; "h ave them wilh the heel to ' ward the house, if you please." An Englishman shootingMiiall gamo in CeriuaDv remarked to his host, that, there wa a spice of danger in shoot ing in America. "Ah," said the ho..t. "you like danger mil your sport V Ien ymi go out shooting niit me. He last time I shoot mine brudder -in-law in do schti'inaek." "Well." remarked a young M. just returned front college, "1 suppose that the next thing will be to hunt a good situation, and thi n wait for something to do. like Patience on a monument." "Yes." said a bystander; "and it won't be long after you begin lief ore the monuments will be on the patients." Ti'iiliiiiie, This word the plural of trichina, has its accent on the second syllable. It is from a Cn-ck word meaning "hair' and is the name ol the hair-like worms .sometimes found in the human mus cles. The word "spiralis" is generally attached to il. and refers to the man ner in which the para -it e lies curled up in his t iny capsule. Win n fully grown, it would take ( ightee i of the males, phe ed end to end, t make an inch. The diseaie to which tin y give rise at lir.-t often mistaken I-t iiiiisi ular rheumatism i called I rii hiuia.-is, sometimes trichin ia -is. It was net until I s that the para site was toiind in man. Pin ing the next t w enty liv e years it was proved that there wa-a connection between Ihe disease in man and that of a hog. and in l'iT the parasite was found in the muscles of the latter. Whence tin-hog ha. derived it is an unsettled quest ion. As long as the hog live, the parasite remains dormant iu the auiiual, likp. the chrvsali-i of the butterlly. But when the bog's Mesh is eaten, the tiny capsules then are dissolved by the di ge. tie juices, and trichinae are set fne. A single meal may introduce many thousands of them -over a million, says one writer into the stomach. Thus introduced they live from live to six weeks in the intestines, each one producing meanwhile a brood of at least one thousand live hundred. The latter soon migrate towards the mus cles, following the course of the blood vessels and nerves, and reaching their goal about the tenth day. Here, in live or six months, they pass into a sort of chrysalis condition, to be freed from it only by the gastric juices of some other being. Similar migra tions may follow, wave alter wave More or less, however, are swept out of the intestines, possibly to lind their w ay back to their ancestral home in the swine. The trichina-have been found in ev ery land. They have also been detect ed in the cat, dog, rabbit, rat, mo use, marmot, the wild hog of Europe, and , even in the hippopotamus. Youth' Companion, ' Si T

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