0W jft Cf j por, at ion, hot!: for ptisscnocrs and mkt (Kfhthm littOd (W't nuit. l.:tvV been uux,W -r '- I lower than ever betoro 111 North ( aro- Our Wii.ohiiisjloii LHIrr, Miscellaneous Advertisement. Y"iii liir riilliiil. Ii't-t.i rn-.-s. 1,1 11,1 M linn oi maiaiiv; ituu even A do.,' owned J.y (i;ur t I'rodhea.l. t ncii, tlm s mptoais were too bliyht ' rr..m our ..vuhir .rrii..l. ' ; l,..uwarc township. flvw tired of occasion uneasiness. ! LATTA & SI VA IT, liiia: in furl, nil iu'i;lil for fruit will TBfURSDAY, AUGl'ST "2. lSSU. : he intjiail free of cost by tin- Asso- vsiuvut. .n. I), t.. -in y . lit".' the other day. and shiilllcd off Winston Sentinel : A lady living j . - . tint ion. We vanl you all l come The civil sci v ice. lit". i i :i of which his ni. .i t, i! coil in u sinoular manner. Ashe count v who is hi vcais old I IS COMMISSION HEM! and help us show to tht wond what so miirli is c. peeled in tiie way ol l n- 1 he d. i-.; had been wurKuig ;i chiiriuug is the mother of 10 children, and has i a liiaj'tiiticciit fruit country our y;Ui- proveineiit in oov, rnnu-ntal methods, nia.-hine. which had for tliree years iv,d to mr ci;;ht of that number ass j H. A. LONDON. Editor. EALEIGIL U. 0. A(i!-TS FOR. Till; CMLKHItATKI) VAN TO1KLK Clil FEEDER AND COHDENSEH. MAM FACi I'llF.l) AT ATLAN TA, OA. .. -- rious n Mate is. We want the is now in lull ttliiteompU n- peralion. lie. -n a part ot his dany duties. Fn-ei j tln-n- ,()t h ii'iversarv. Site is .-Mil An Eartiiouakk, on last Saturday ,,f (.,. v,.s( ..,.. (,, . ,,, ,, dismay of some hundreds .4 fasten, d on i he 1 ica.1 wheel on Friday hale and heart v mid Lids, fa-to l?vei aighty almost entirely destroyed Hie miniil.in to know our people and io expectant ph'ec duintcrs v ho thouoht a.-t he r. fused to work and let the ,, enough I o si c t he l ciuaiidit", t wo tiowu of Casamicciola. on the Island ' themsriv , s .en- luaiil ii'u; city they could jump :-trai;:l.t from , i-c'iv!iiijr his neck strati;,''.- reach their half cent ury nf ci.siciue. ,. , , i,,i,. I, bvthc.sta. 11. 1'. I'm'Hi:. v. examination room into a Hi '. lass him. M. Ih'ndhoad t ook I lie animal . . ' ,. . Of Ieh.a, oft the coast oi It.ih. I. 'I'lo't N. C. Fruit (iro.v. is" As.,'n." clerkship. The disappoint.,;,;! i- Y,m, ,Ue machine, whew-upm. he ' , .' v: . ""I" WMoneof the ,,ost a1Ta.h,i- ca- a- Uu- r,,:,i for t!a',e ari.!:i,i: t, i,!tljM,l around , lixdv as ever.11- i 'V I 1 mutniau .,, ludenhour . i 1.. t'w 1 1 1 mi 1 1 d !i i' i '.i i ! ..V.. ; wi i i.. .i. . .... , T lownship. Stanly couiilv. was stru. -k i A lion's Nllicltlo. ' trcm-intf end, there was no indication' i ..I 1 1 - .... I i.: 1.7 1 lurinnt ed and SVOUIHicd IxmUl; f the m vela! Males !io;:i wlucli lne t o w 01 I, a'laili. he I . al ed his lormer is-im-oiI r ..ulu. tu iru.ini nn.l I i.-.:r.i.-. i i -e. . m . , ( a-U. M:Ulh w Wel.li. liie !:iUioUs i, ,,. .,,,,1 ..i.,:.,,,..! i. i;,.., .,. i ., vv .,, ... ...... .,t, ' "'s.ia , an i i.uiiie.i. logeuicr huu nt t iree t ioilaliU. wcc..i- ' ... - , r - - honors F-.,r!isi, swh,,.,,.-. we. drowned last tl,. I :-u id ! ( Viun, 1,. -I AkA ..n.wM-milii were n tuh it'U - .1 i .. .1. . ... t ..... f . . . . 1 :.. 1...,, K, il .m i 1.11 iuin; i.xus m ii-duiik iI. m. ! uio 1 4. . ... 1 1 . ., .'ilk' ill i 1 "iiitin in-. 10.1,1 .... t 1 1 1 I 1 ii lilddi 11 iim:: ' if btill more iiiittlliiis;. and the mmd "" .....n. I; w ii; l.e onh m e -.u v . , . . 1 dc.-l a! ell --a -: . k . I.. ... , eaunot conceive the mviuii.ess 01 me ,!" .-n"" r-' ' " ceded ill savin- his hore: torriMp KfflK'. It is 1"H U' '' I" ., . , ' ' f ' " -" ' , . , " ' IliKlllIlT .HJM'V. -..nance ' thinkof Holureivnum'o:roihum:.o ,.',,ulili. jv,;;..,. , that ha 1 f,,r .. ,..,. , , ., ,.. , ,.f cd.tu.ie:. r. ... .rK..i.,t..;i..1,r,.,:. Wiu.-toii T,.ad.r: A doctor in bfchigR minting so sudden and tcruMe ,., v, ; ,;,,.,.,, ;,:..i w. ;.;encra'i,v v ,.,!; torn xmII f u a , r; ' x . S' '!T-. ' "'.' n' - ' S.,!.e, county ha lieen . adiein-j a i I ' I :-! o....e. e!toi- a. ..:;: :i .. It m a inaller ; I t ' ' , '.'I I , ' u ; . Hi u l al lent !. l f. .1 1 v veal s. 1 he ; ! eniia;- wi-!, the ;'Ve:,: do-.il i as loth- hci..-!!.-!;;! .-.loo:.; .; V. -in :... n'lin. v.-um- , I ci. j,.,,;,.,,, js Mill living. There is a! .ieh is huidly less u ii.e ,, , ,ixil .-er.i.-e hi-;:..--. W'a-.- ' '"' '" " " s 1 ' !''' .' ' '' ,l, ' U'' ini o man in Wilis! .111. who call st and ; i - ... . t .... , 1,1.,., ...... i.' mi a-- . i . . I to iiiu tn i. e i.-iwar.ts llh. r'i di-co V. led. le. v.!.. ll the :ai j H oe. e.liii:; au.l again w ai s, l am' ,:im. , ., . . . , , . . . . . i , i I . i ; a his w he.ii and oats croj), and alxiu i ill ol.ler to llll l oil! ho-.v loll.;' 11! .. i . , , , . i ti ll l.u.-.hels ii old wheat. Wngo'iS' ...Uliat woui.l l.".o .'.11. in- , i i , i . i .. i i out inn ii. in 1 1 i mil; to sae iu i i oi) III he i, -id e. i-e, to liic.itii.. " . 1 ' ! (itv. was sevelelv lull lied. lie sue- N. in ! 'i 1 i-i..u.- of t! ht l.v ll...... H..t,h ! Thw Island of Ischia 1. s fell I l.e N;;v .1.1 . . i ' 1 rtOCltKOl 'Hnil'UllKe. s.-x.i.o ....... ... ,,,,.. r ,1,.,,, ,. tmfore ikiK. the hst having occtnic.l j,,,,.,. ;, i, ,,.,!,.;;,',.. it Mrh. 1S81. when ill h. ut tl.iee iii.-lam n vecoi d of a..y !i ing heing ..ersons were iniund. W. going !l-!..;Mii it in -af. iy. W.!.'. egl4M.Htw.-donotlm. in mu!, pl-ge i ,,:,o ,n-. v.:,-.;r a. ...... v!u. u,.r m-h, , f ... v.-ii f u. im.ics pa-; n.ir. ! 1 e ie.e up in ollt ,v , p.lniea'. ii:ei!,.-ds. country. slant ! r.'ud mluu wi: Ii a 5 'd. igor SVstel'u of l ew at .1 - :.':d piiei-li.e' lit . on-sir, .ke. a;,-:-iie!.l wilh ea. . ii.l rt'nd anv lrila...i .l.a. iU.eliip's i HK 8TIUKK of tht! telegraph oj'cia U Mnick .1;.- (ir.-l rapids, going urn I. r s. f. ! the .e.e.I i..n wl,.l,r a in. t L... .. c. ,..,, ,, ,t I,.. '"' 1 -li'V. .i;. u.-peii-!,.!i In-i. lg( feallv , pa.lv :.i d ..a! in .-.e'.'iii. Ion Htill ooiit.nucs. Ai.lio,,,!. it i.. .,.m.( ,. Mils ;ITi.,'. .,.... ,,v ,. L, ;;,h,l;vi ,;:;1:i,, ,, gatf to weeks ago it shows no ., j,s . lucity . 1 1 1 1 Mill seemed he rewarded, i - a na n i. e I . i . i vmntoni of soon collapsing 1 In- h,,M hi- mm. t. nee of ln.liti. a ai M. Aiil ..I th,. pi;ii.Wf. he ,i-eoel. .1 a .-. 11 'i:.-d k I ho. ii.. p mug ii I ..... f...-iK- . .....i l.; i I, ' ll.il-.in--1 iu ' . , . ' i, : . . . " r , iin lliri'-l,l "... 11 l.-f l.'.l .'11.11 1 uu ii. i ,i TJIF. WHS AUK M.um or thi: HiiST CIUIiLKD J HON AND MST Improved PATTKIIX. Tlio it ,...:!.;'!! 1 1 1 i t .-'I.'!''.' le'!-. more 111, ill. y t !i-i. he i e r I. -el I.. .ore . m In- l.a'el ai on re a mall v. illl ill nis so lnnir. - Our 'untyni in. Mr. Fugene ( '.'mad. in i le his ve.ir. FIT Inisliels of wheat, fldl.l , Mr. Tin: van rViWk is mam; with s NT will. ns".-yC"iSfOi'At.-- ikami; xM:-mm ,:x,irjsir m I) r ' rei. i v.iv ,iu-i . riii.'.iin i.:i- inn u,. uii ii). nii .hi-, v.i.li i'i.' s", :,ii r ir.'nkiiin n n-.Hciiiiiiy me li.i.-h(!. in three .sowings 1 ''lie ,.. I -7 .ih.-iii-en . l In w,,I.im iii.-l.li, I .1 .1 ;ii i.'l v .in I .!. II,,. I will uu.- Hi,, vci'v l.'.l u.niimU r,,.h. 1 le V, 'lit d ''.III siaii .-. f.ll lie I 1 ' ,. ' ' ' 'I i c I I 1 . l.s iiiil . ONI.I Nsl l.s ,u- ..riiil.l.. l.i I,.' II,.- kliiiil.t.1 i.n.l I...I III uw.. W III. r(..ro' l! o ci- lo ill- proprietor of (he In .1 .1. l.r e sowings. TI.ele is a ..IT. :-..mil' w ah il:.. lull . "i f.l. i., ihii. I. ih :l,-I . 1 . d. .in ii.,.' In . . i.lel: i" r'lliii : eliK I ii-' I'' I v ;i j : I i.y ii .leron.e iiii.n. a I 1 1. . ih, I 1... -Mi. ml. r 111 Hi e M man 1 i x i r . ' near I'anlnli v. in Slolici f-r , MMI1.IIOIN l AN IT. Sill X AT ol lt SIolll', 1."li n.liii. li.Jl.-liiiici y li HA.. l.rl) -ii. IHwa -Hm. Mentora hwiu Reliant and deeiare The spe.-tn-le at this time xmi.. very ,,t o a!!.'u, ,l -o m'o. ! I " r ..'i e-i ' 1 ttwill not Vield. while, h, m .!-ilmg He sht a,.mg eke an years eh ; e wV h, ' , ,. . , ,, an-."-, will- Ih.' whii-lj 1 stnngnt nn. iwai 1 g -v. i i.ni.-nf A . a. ; . , "ii.i. fny decline all ov.-rtun 't a '' ,,.,,,,. ,,;,. A lieu-en! ihrou.l. the a,,ui,t our ci-.i! a, j i;..;'.. : .... " T" , .'i en nisi ane.'s nn i. r i. . i, i.... ,. . ... ,.,.i,i-;po.-e...i.,., H,' 'i, u,., -i l,'.a" I.e. per, I v. -t-j.r. H'Ho.v ..ce , ;t . ((i . ..,,. ,.,..,.,.,. hi- h'.u-e th:in li t' l' a I, n!e. The l.iil aiound hi-, dwelling will not allow ii.el. frounse. lolll sides seem in o. , ,,,,,(, i,,.,,.. , I . ,-t.-li 1,1 Equally resolute and determined, hut .care I a- s!r..ng a-. .-' j .i,lhti,i to this the comiiiuiv ha- Houwast fe irtohpv. and in hr;; vr.uld ihnt I.i'e ;e ie Tl 1 III lej and nap mad" hee.m i' p u : n h'Iiu'v n, llisilil.-n v e;i-t :o.d li.iei-- of I.e-.'H .:h on t!ie Cimela :i:,d hi-h p-.l .-ioti-m i.i n--...v .."h. r side, i'lil I !.e eilireli: W a - I ... . -I r. n f e;e,. s. alld 1 1 ! i Vel , i ee: I ..'e- i t I'.... I.i... I" !-ii-f... i. . o i.i-.-- i... ...... I... . ,. .. .. .... power necius irresistible ami we may ,,..!.,'.,,:,..,,.. k,,wn a-th. ll.-m ,',,'toi.', ,,..,( "..V'tJ,, ,"i viisn. il.a. therefore epect tin- ..peiato. s .. ,,,.) ,. ., (, u i( ,., i i,,. u .iter.-.-hooi Sp..i! hi long to the w, ! : - I '. vield ftt lust. If Ihev shouhl. ii ...ig'.ii ri-l.! and 1. n. T.. ii, i-, , the tioi.i tl.e vo't r tl,. i..-, i.i.-.- i . .: IO' DUl Hto Hid to St I ikes 111 till., ' '" io a lucre -peek Svl duty f-l llis l-.Ml ! p 'i.eiel. ' ' " ..... .1 , d 1 1 ' v le th: . up Ins ii.ni arm an. lhat l.c who li-d.t in ) i -'-i'!. ! . :i Ii a country, r.f these Mnkers cannot ,!,;.;, , .,,,' ,.,, v;1, : i;l,t J shall i..- o-h-i M .,. i. succeed no others can. I l-ey arc ,!,.. C, .:;,(, -v. .mm. u i I. e'hcial pi e-. -. an. I I I . , p m-i much above the average sinker u e wa- un.loiioi'- I sucked .1 ..mi .,, :' .. . . ! , . . . intelligence and educ.iii"ii. and arc mt,. i he iri;riti i.d v"i ' and m-1 an ,t past v. . 1.' n :! . I -t fe better isition to force the:- "" .'V'1"-, . ' i'oug!.. th... tl.e w,y. It i- i! -a! -i .f .I.i ' , . . I"1 mi I hi ,.,ii!. iii'iiiinr v.l,i:i' t.mh the i h.--.:. i iii. ... e,; ;. ; ttBployerstoiMrode lo tner d-mands ,,. v !(.; : ., i i,1,, ,ori,i-!. , ;.,.d ,;,., v- ,. ., i,t. ,. ,.. ,!,. ,.; than strikers usually are. Full n- ,,;d,i,. , l;tk,. : !. p...grc. IF- ,,d ,j ,. ..-.i 7' sympathy is still with the op.i al or-. man erT and I l.e r po; !.-rs n. re M r 1 'i auk 1 1:.' . n !. 1 :, ! ' : le i. e. m. i i. Who have COlltlllUcd to ol.-erve the ""; inai li- won..! gel IMo.i.,. J .Jtrll WolK I'd l-e w . I.I l.v.al 1 l i i . . ail. i 1 1 I.e. e it ei n I h I ' i !,ad I -! I i o . ,n 1 ' - eles. . t i I , t i .:' ' . ' I '. 1 ' . , same orderly ami pcae.tul c . . . , , . . , "" i "' '. , i1 , . , . lilt- lolipo-i! I 'a ii,. I M oil. 1 lil.d ;l ....,.. lual.v ! !.l . ! ! .il. -. i thathrst eharacleiied tl.cr im.ve ,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,, ,. ,.,., .. , ,. ,,.,,,., .; ,-,,,; .1 . i i . i .. , i . , . ' . . , . i Among lllfir milliner me iua-.v i, a.il ii, . Iii " I i- j p , i , . -liilili ll-e j.,,.,1 r , )!,-., p:'.: J.'o .,'.,.. i,ii,.,l,.ll.iiii,l ll.i.i. V. Ii:.-!imn.. ii i .:: I , , i.- .' Ml .1, I . '..! ... . ..- ..i . fhvir niiUH KK4H'l.-ti s ll 1- I lie i i neis ic.i .lell -,, works o the 11'.- w in-; 'I'.'-liine ( '..ini',ie al lirid OHAMiES ana FLOSIDA. w.le ll. -ill ly de-iloM.I iriTIU IIIW ll!il.-i' AM. laosiirM, .. 1- 'I !i- building. ! i Mill; i m;w ii.ao. Ipe 1 I hi . e side- of a I.i i.-k. f.cif stones rv.n.i,. l...i.,o I. .r.-....--.-v.-. . ... , M, l .;..(. Cs i ."1.1. lull ..I Ii ii', ii,i'.-i liii.l . !. " ' ''"'l"'' v I ,,!,, II," IV I- about S.l.i'MI.I'l ; ,. .:,:...,. i... , ,. i." V.itl,. "Ai,!. '7").0:lil. .11.', IITI1".' ll" I.I- .--IIIU-. l.ili-ll ill.' II l.l.l.'l 1" ml !. i i'. - It. .1. ". W.ci.i .'. ' I ,'i. I'ii ." . i"i;e .piairy on the I .-on , . , ,.-s i, t.. i.v.. it... I. el 01 .Mls-.i li i I. II. Ill v.. r. I ". I - l.' I'l.ini'l mi 1.,. , iri.-n; !:. a-.,', f p'.w.l. . WCI .' p!o.e.l at !.! ! ! I l,.oe Ms,-. Ii ill n i-e -t M I,'.;,.; the ..the;' ,j iV. the '""'" '-!" I''1 ' " -n i.tr I.. I, :U. 'In' i"-' Uijiut ills. Ii .-. .'iii' I l" ii.i'li.-l. .,.i :s80()() DOLLARS WOItTII OF ;()IS AT COST!! Th. Ilgc t slock of joiods evel- ollifed to lliP people of ( 'Ililtllil III At and Below Cost. (oiisi-iiiig ci in: y tiooiis. notions, :mluni;iiy fiOOlW, i:i:iY.M.in: ci.ohiinc, mats, i;mts, smoks, . ami FANCY (iOOUS. I lie powier l.a.l 1,lll!,l.. li.;... I'liiv "-..r. ".w ..ww . w . Vw w em! ci... d under ai,..a. i ;e,i .ii- i :i 1 1.. si..-.- ii ..I. n- T.'iu.- i. : 'I lae -joimIs niiisl I..--old iiinl AT UNCI'!. 'a.s!i will make the price, a h ill w a-h'ow u -roi'ly i. ;,, v.'l ii..- ."i.-.iil'v .-i ., u.-nl 1. - .in.- I'li.iiis lilivin nil littio or f..r I '.ill'ler w i 1 1 be ehiired the riglllar prieeij. I rock l,v mia-ure - " 1 ' " "! . . . S h I he niomv ..a,, down ..lore I he .r.NMl4 ,v,v . il- mined tight and HMe i-" - on tie llniBWHs f)f fhf country Mith rs and fbe public greatly ii nw iiiene, ,. an m. I'm: ii Ice I ia w i.ir. A t iirtis on l ire. A .1 -pal Ii iVom k. V.t . f'iilUT Cri.TCliK has not received dal . -1 '.'"ii !i , .:' .hi' v. - : (he attcntioti in Noril. ( 'amlina (ha. thrii;!.-. -. n. i-mk p'--.- mil.. its importance desern--. 'I in er.al :t v ..' I'-t. nth a-l iii.ht l. CrportionnfthcS.aleiswellad.Uil..! t"'.r l'musa...i -... I live iImi; t .1. .1... .- i . .1 -a! d le'li. .!!! !. a-.. I i-iil'd.-eli -I po uu; i ii 1 1 iv in ion ami .'io.iim oi a t olIUI i . r. . tie i i : iii"i,i'-.'.-;, ae i. 'ii "I a..- -'".'i.i'ii ,,! 1 -i i; Miui'li:.,.- M. v-t- Ill- A . Ci. .'.Ill . -,." Ml .'IV. I'll. II I" I IH' Sllltf. !' i'.h I .' r: Ah ull S o'clock '" ' ""; ,;- " '' :,h 1 I'M 10 yal'.U best ('alien al Ii c Ills, reduced fioMI S cenls. ,,,, M, Wilhe T I Sal! v.ho ' :" "' ""' 1 ,V r"'"' " '" ly a. d besl .avu-a'. 10 cents, rcdilei d fi .'nn F'V to l."i rents, ri o . i i li e ,i ir s ,1 ,'t tl, M' ' ". . ii--, i " i .- ir 'Ci i , Oil,,-:' . aw us I-. ,!." cents in.. Dies-i (ioods of all kiiils and .-trialitioH - 'V'" ii ii.. .,- il,, ii.is . I ' I . al 1 1 ..el 'il,'l ,. 'I ! .... T-', r1 .'..e - i l l e .1 . ., , . I! was c..i. ii.ji. if an ,.,.,, lllN, ,,. ,.,,,.. ,. ..i -,-,eia fl,,IM ''"'- up. I. udyinadc ( ;ol hiii;f al your nun pice. Hoots ami -. v. liar, i . I i.i-1,,1 wiT-li he e, .:i . i. i .ii'i.h...,.-in I, : i... i,.i fi..i.s-i Shoes lower llei'i oil ever si. w ihcn. Notions and Fancy (hinds for . 1 .. , - . . a . 1 1 . i i.i . r ..i i . ii . lie "I.. v i i . a w r .i.ii oi. : 1 . a.misi ii.iiion.f. uu.- a.vav iichiw eo-i. ji vim nee,i iiiiviiiing can ai . I tl.' I'. 111. 1 - sii ii eh . ... e I. Hie .. .ii..-1-...il..' .r.-e!-i.-n l-i.l p.i--;i'g ..; ii .1 v li.i. .u-l :l -hv ,...i 1 1, .:. .1 l lie lef: i.'tu.l. iii ar I ;. v i i-i. 1 . a i ...i.il. Iv ie "'1 i- i- in. iii.iii.e -riiiiii I'.iv .ram lie-'.- aluio-l ll.iihil ii.. ,'hiii,,-,', once an. I v oil enu in. i u I .1' ,1. , -... . i.i' I III! I. .Ht.'S I-. fl'.ll.,.! :- Ill I...- I, UU i ;, i'- . -. i , I ' ii,' i. , i I. i. in. -'I .', I; ni l. - !u. wire ii,. M.-i.i'nr, in.-, .x i-,. is iii 1...' i .in r Tliise iiri.e.. will hold until further imtiii ('illls'.'UI il'votl W isli lo -;ie ninlll V. I I" Kl.l large variety of fruit.-, whi.-li w eed , o pay well, in this imm.. hale s- e; e,n I,, we know this to he inn-, and ll. ' apj)ls of i.ie moiiiitain cHinti. - i "' ' not be hiirjias d anyv, i;i re "ii in: ., in size or quality. ."!.. c;tieii- .a this (CTia.liam 'i'ii i v l.a.v. i, ,; , ,.. , years past lr en i.-.ig-- I in i ei ' culture, and I here are pn.l.:.!. . i- '''' many fruit iiur-eiyi.e u hen . . e ,. , , any other eountv of tie- Stat,, i .; ..j , still we do t.'.t a- a e,ii:.,v r. a- i.iipi. Wtt'cll fittt rtrol. t. !;:.;: .- we ;.';? The extension of tie ,ip F.-.e a . 1 Yailkin Va'.hy r.uho.d will ,he,l.:;. -stimulate our inn .- I yni. u n, I,. Western jart of tin- c"iu iy. f e tl y will then be it. rapid com muni. -a' i :. with the Northe rn eil I' -a. i I he i n I th eileii pill ,.-i'.i;. c ;. i.e.v i l e i : ,!' i i.. I. I.e.v.-,..-. I. I .!.:! 1' 'i' of N;i l !. Hi , i- I p. i f, .i n. am '.-.a- I e .:,!-..: . I . p.: nec -. I. ; I .Old 1 1 b- :. !.....!. I. -.:.. wh- .,, ' M.I h. "i i"i I ll.e.e to . e. . : nr. , .1 hi r. 1 :. i - ' S'i .i.ir.l. F is ..!. I. !.-:.. ..I i he .1, ." . .! el. li,- vm ie , and i' i i I il i in. e . d f. ..- a J. i l, me ii. a liai.ai iu which lie . .:l.l I',.!..' '. f ., It ..!i Kimi.T: -lam. s w. I. amuii-.n. .i.is.u.i.m.vvn. ; Ms. i, ie. ,!..,,,.- !',.,, SP i ., Hi..-, of I '"IN ci i.;nl ' . s. i ;, steel I i up. "" '" ' ' .... . v .. , , ... ..... H..;n!,,:,ai,- h, ... ii: -m .. .h- t-'c.i.i.a cmw. A i .tlil.ii w e.iie.'iit ('MTZK.NS NATIONAL HANK, IMt-r.., N.( .. .Inly U, 1.. .-rl.'-d a- a ,.i -i, in : ill!' Iin. 1 v a-1 , 1 . m I t hi ..w n ' Clil,, - a .-eh. l.r. il '.'l-l'-ti. of tie d e.-.ii eio-.- by it. In .1 ft-v o'y.s Hie. '" . ;.:. I a ,,. . ! f-iiihiul . iile. r 'II.- ' 1 !' o l-ipp- a I id. 1 .al I : f i"l -! .-p of 1 1 A I , 10 1 ! I 1 . IN' . ,,',, i , i;i " .e tel. . , . - I il IU. .1 Wi I I. i , .-.I a. ..lie I e i..-in.n.l.rlhin .1. i.- i-h-pm l,c da . Mr. II. -aw a lm ttOTARY HARROW. In;.. I-. ; , i- .i.s wh . Air 1 ibii.-f ov. r. will, a . ha.u l.ai.gi..j: , ,....,,, ,y , ,,,,.,., ; i.e. j-, , .. ap .-it-, ; I p, to :;. and on shooiey the b.id foul,.! ... .,. .,. ,.i u i- t.n..-. I;..tai,v ,1 ... less, -,le, !ve... !,;.', his I ,'ap ).... i.i d . hi - 1" I . llvlilio.v. - i.. Ii.-e,-. v. n,.- ,. si , -... .'lrT0jy y- W A I ' IITOW . i-.l l''-!.aa-:.r ll.,...-.: M, ,.,. II;;,,, li,, ; We heard m-e '"'-' ' '-'' V'"-"J"' ,!:.,., lM, I .v, ... ' "I th' . i'.l'.ll... I ale, Ho i-l 1,11- ...'IIN s. IVMI ill I I. . -lir H'll. s .l.tr.li 'I:-' MV lll'.l.' lis li c ..-. .. I'. !'. 1 1 1"' W;;-, I I'll he ..I'll,,., a.. ,,i,.. Ii 1 iti-t.. i .'. N . C. ' . ,.n'i.i H . . IL. v li..; I ...ir I., i' . I- u iis .'t Ion .- 1 ;;! I n l .!-. i i: ... t , ... ... ... ... ' I l.e , , : ,e ii i in. n V . . l I ' . leach I he Tu n i ..mi i . al d w:i! lohahl.- .'. II. 'iiieiiil.ei', anv I rv (' 1-, Notion-, ( loihiu s, IJools, tslincs of Hat. ii New York ..st l-oi; CASH, Nor ON TI.MK. I nie.in biirtiucsrf. W. L. LONDON. of . -I.- 1 and 1 1 ..- -n, t!'..t . . ee ...e ih- 'THF I. f , I1SIH I Mi . : I i I. n , i v. . 1 1 I I. at I ie ! of lie ., .1--' d ! ' . I ;', 111 I he I.i lil.s jlll.el Hie ihul IV ( i ' . -nam .-. 1., I in- li.e.! . '.'.IS lll'.l. I: "!I.I--Iai 'c I ex.-l. 1 'i.eir oile ,: s l.l.-t oi !e a I do.. . ,i 1 t . . c . .: .il i. . ia I h. ... .1.1. v hi n ! .li-' ...I e. . 1. , i'.-g aic -He e.' ii',. I In el m, i- li .I...I.II. I l.e !,.,, .t i i-e tl,' . " r.ld.- I rcaeli th. '..- -!d l-i GEO. E. NIS8EN & CO., ManTs, S Al. KM r. 0., X. ('. !-- I .111 I .- '.V . II I a I- till thai I" . 1, il Ie. .ni'd .-! i a.-l- ti..-lcnl w ii li ;.'i..ii ll,.''. li Ih' violence, fearing lie- c;ii. -.a- lioei ,-n-.d a a- lie e, nl,.- po. o ;.e id, eu'!;. a I have. II ta'i-ii.g n. any .!' lie- - lo -l.c-. i- ' t hi el . ,w d I hen hi i'aiii. j a I.!.' si n,'.,,.a Illei l.--o.l'i lo 1.1 r fi . ! i.i eel I;. is th. V !l l.-.v. i:z,uz school a!.d i! ;.'. ..I c III il'ps v.. re male j v. ,1. I . u-.'i .-'V -' 1 i-s'ia. ie il,- V.f'i.r- liie county would hie Ileal to sell I , . 1 4. , - -h M-.i. 1.1.. l-.li f-t 'I ' t - . I" 1 a... 1 1,. I V 1 ar. An. id l.i.ilihv Hi.- iii ..i'ii, I-. I'--hi I ..i'' -Ii 1. ' I'"1' i..""'li - .'..i. I. of Ji! icl.lii.i'i I. luicii,;; ' fiom '-' ---1 c. .1 t 1 . n 1 1 j 11 a. 11. mi tu. ri r. d l.r.ic h,'i!.:i 1,1.1 "I W hi -la v fell ,. , ai of I.i- h.i'.'gv, w hi. I, ,-o ii a II, m d ;- -- I ii-. thai he dn-'V la- keif, ai d Mali- A I .M I M ST i ,'A T 1 IS' N I T I v F. I " I hi . IV! i fid hor- -iv, i.il iin,. s. :- d only desi..ted wi el, enlel'. I!. d to .. it.-., a -i - Hi'-..! I'Ii-'-sm. imh vm' 1 r " .'.,.ii, 1 . 'in 1 1 iii 1, k Hi. 'I.'.imii.l l..r ilixin lul. Ill III -l-.ie . Mtif ,',,,lls ..lr--ll.10 lll.'lr .' "-I VViKt' li .ill, I .- nut i', Mr s.'U.'lt y.'lir "fl.ti. 1; 1 I-. I',', I . s ; I I., i'. ii-.-ilIni-.-. .111. 1 4I11.I lli GLO. F.. NISSF.N & CO. .Inly I.'. I s-1. j.'-l l:.l!i" I 'I' .le ! !o il s,,le th, III I'l II. h.iv.- I ! and 1. I Ih,- 1.1 -. .lie 1 - abled' t.i sell iihroa I !! th. Iv tVuil. For the p.Vt few y.-ai - ih.-n- ha .' in a v. i d 1 n-leavor t .- c.ip.- -1 . ; . , 1 . n .t ....I. I' .- I." 1 -.p.- leen efforts i.iii. h ,y thr 11, nil' cnlei- S...... I'm- cry ., "i-'ii. I .'a. In. aid ' ; . I 1 1 . . I : : 1 1 . 1 - .,: i.iv .1: i ...nl v.',.- '.Iin',1' Ihe scream-, .. teii,; n ai,. I hi svvi :i 1,. a-1 1 1 . ,m I .'. 1. v ho v 1 .11 ...I... I .1 .. i- .... . 1 il... ill!.. ,a' I ' I .' t V .. I t-.i.t 1 ' "VI : iTluitt: in eiii-oiii .e tiiei si 1 1 11 1 . ia. 1 - 111 II I .I'l.- iUII.I.- I II- i 1111 1 . 1 lilO -I" - CI1 ll e. .-l ... il- 1 I '"''' 'I' ' ' .a ..a 1 .1,-1. .e n..- . lien,- .1- ..... : . ii-. I, -ll- I . . . ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 , 1 1," ...III'- ! . I.- ,'l, "I" :n - hv a ..-nlleiiiiiu v. mi hapm-i,; ,1 , .,,,,.,,.,. .i.in 1--1. 1 11. 11.. lop..... ' ' .i. 1 , iu . v v v . A -! 1 . ill" 11 i.:i n - The e. adieu I ih" 1 11 nl,. : - 1 f il . hat 1 file IDth P A N I SM.ll. IN I'FIISFANCK ' '.e . l;'-i.-!;;v;::,r:rr'v,;,;ri::T I ! lei'-, .e.viil. . ii-si lul. led ill thai A. I.'.v l. I vi,,' .-.iiiii s. il hi i'ii li'-lee'ii l-r ' , . 1 , , aa. . hi ii.. ". ci 11 .ii-.- I' i-. -ii Him. vv. ii.. -..'li J ..:ee on Ihe J .lil lll.-t . ;i,. v.as al ah.-mv. sI. ii i..i.-i ! I.... I IvKitf ! Hi- 1.11, hd hval t .'i'l -I 1, lie , icpre ;.,-,. 1 .-nr.- 1. ii. ,:ni.-.,.i,.. """...;'; pt ;i Ti , aut at." lnf 'i.i l .i l.'- 'rnii' 'i.i - .il i:!.!'" ,f ( 1" M Ci'lHllH. I'lll't 1 ' -I tl 1 ' 1 1 1 ' ' t,'l'' " Ira. 1.- . ul H.'" ;.i;irft ti . . di-i.i.-is. ,id 'i'V'v:.: '.: ",.lv - 1 5 nll.-niiMi from " w I . ..i sui i , . , i,,. iij ::iii. ." i s. psxajyJt::;- TIIK ML MIGHT COOKING ST07E. 3 "' i't ,':r :.- ll.l I, prising of (he fruit grow 11 - " tin ,a.e ii' , . . . . ..-... i , l lie 1 m i i ie - I irk low, .. i,,i. i.i- Wl.i liUasell lie c.i . . Iii oil hi i , cultivation f fruit. Th.-y -.igauii -I fectli . l.-lii I. ... , wi:l. i,-, :., I ! ;: down and ..1,1. II. i, wh.llv i,i,:;i ft "Fruit, (irower-' As.-nciat ion " and limn... in li... i-in had s, t .!.. . .... .... f-.r the t.n.ai !-. nr auv nth. r of thai : '" !'!. Mad IS.. 1...1.1 .. I'.. il 1 ' mi f,,e. ;.. ,,1 it ...i lee Te. : .l;.:,.-e. lie. laalile'.- on the '.!!. -..-..hiei. pies. .... ..ve-,. iiitili-d liM. TC.ll 11. I'l .1 l.l.l ill ,.,..-l ' r, .. ' . .. . .... .,. bill a .. lii'.-e of .alii e.iiiiiia ne.- I : hi s!i..l or where. . i i, I,.. . I Li:,, 1 ":'-and ... ),ai 1 1. i pal n .11. f muu-ii s -t a S..1...-SS. ,.i ..... ,,, . i,,,,, ,,. ,, ,...,. I,, III. nil .h-cin -..,', was next fair will he held at. Wilmll.;-1 . -n lM. t , : w:.sT:.l . h V ... ' ... ' '..ua .'. -li'v liod. i. ,:.,,- v., a o el " ' ' '" " I'd ., on the 22nd and -Ji'.rd ..f August. M, Worn, n and .hi,!,ni v.iie kmcv v.li.i I ..:." I'.v ihe wav. il i- ' il pr-.f. --i...i. the d.itv of . .-vati... which we hope v ill l-e well iiiieiidcil l:i k. d dnwti and run ...-r. f.:l,ei- em i iilv n port, d lh.it I'uMie'l'i inter ' 1 i.'i.tait.ii.g il- slaielnrd. an,! The President of the Usncial ion has '""I mnllurs w.-ie ;.ep.,..,t 1 from Koiii'ds vvill have lo -gn' Ijehm . ng. l"!'llN . The.haii- , i t i -.1 heir ciie ri n. ale 1 'in iiiont m eve. v I La- l.'i n a '.'' il la. hue. "'" I'l"" i .i ,,i s. , e... i;,,i, .,.., mimed an address which we herewith . . ,'" l,"ul,1 ... . , . , ,,f which lr T F I iivid-m, w-w .ill eel loll. .'..! 1 1 lie- nil a'l 1 h'V l.n t In I he hi llliii.l I. I'll ll il.ll' ilelil V Clni lit .- 1 l".'" .ill. I. I. IIW,..(.! Was CPy: al Ih. iii in tiieiii,..' their h'-sl in,,'., oft..' A li el i.e. , i i ia v v al e mull i i 1 . i I , u:a !e chairmae. lo di-.-.ft a c,,i,sii. n,! mil "The Second Annual Fair of the A few la.-n enh- proved .rpial to the all the time. . Within three I... .nl '''' byhrvs. with ii.sl. net ions Fruit Oroweis- Association wili be ocea.-ion. and s'lon I l.ravelv Ih'iiiin" :'B '""l.1' ship.- of n'lr v.i-I t ..-:.! 1 ,e . ' l ."lt In al, al; ...ft.eil lu.-et.iig ..f -l h.U'iii O.n fi.v nf Wi'iiiin-lnli mi ti. llil.i.e, i.i.d assi.fi.... tl.'.. have :-a:!i . ! I o the In - I I - en of I l.e Mi: ' '' 1 "."' "' ' '"' 1 ' ' .-. let to he held ,,.,,.,, h 22nd and i'M-A of Au-'Usi The and children out fr.u.7 anions ih. with u-lmiisice.g c h-niv. w..i!e ie. h.-vill rrevioilH one hrld in (ireenshoio wi.- .l.l.ris eii h, r hv l ,o in.' nr culliie- h. .'. I he M i in. -i.e.. ,:.!,. nii-e- .. - i'l a. au. an. r an i ' . I : e : . . i e io on I I .. in . i-..i,. .1, S'.l v, hi.- fr tlil.-.r'Ir.l.Mlr'f si,,v. . .iiiir ne - l.. Hi- ,,il.;.- i lm ., v.t TWMN I V I IVi; TUOISAM) .1 -(..in a . .vr io.n t.J.I Hit-l I hit III ri.h' titti :! I'"" Jm p '"'ll Entire Satisfaction. PriiGES VERY LOW. I. : vv i nr r. i-1 1. s.'rimn-.. ci.iiii.f.iii mi.l I, tut uf l uniiiia ris I k L RAILWAY. Iliudwaro of Kvory l)wmitioir. Snsh, )oors kind Eii.uds I. A IK 1 F.ST SI I ( li IN NOUlll C A IK HdN'A. CIIANJ1F. OF .Si'ilFIM'I.F. I J,m otj, . N". 1 I.. JWiIUi3 6L CO., UALF.1UII, X. C. highly satisfactory, mul a i a lii -t I In-can vas. i. ih. lir-t Mondiv in N"1-' I i November. Air. .fames U'li;,ii K.l'ler "I. , . ii. ,i i.. .... H' - . , . .. ... i lies no- 2 I..-1..'- . ... . in I li-it'it. i i ' i .1 in h I" ' III II' f ,,,,11 , I I ,1 III s .1.' . iii i K . i i. i: .t e. r :.: , in 1,'n, 's I! I u in '.1 1 , . Ill Mlil.ly I I I .1 III 1 ... I . l I.i i I'atn. I '.n . ". it in '.. . in suc.f. s :is n r, I.i ii . hi I'--"' I i. io 11 in ' ii I : . ii, M "ii, -in" f, -i in II .: . in I M.-n-v oiks ii I.' ,i i,. l.'.'.l f II. I I. nl '' io . I.I l;;i , m i A.. : 2j -i i.i I .11 h In I .11 , i III! III JfoTt was a great sneci ss Ihe at l add t ihe .liltleiilties i.f rscao h'.' ' ! some I v. o an. I a I. .... ! li mill i n - ; .."' "" ' n. i.au.e .,,, r M, , w,u,c. I .1... .11. .......... . i.i,, ..II..I l ...i :. ' ..t" .1 .Hats 'I hi oliu r ,1 Ih,. I'ii, i , llou-e. av l.lsvl.le. Air Means lm. lvo.v.,ii. il.ll. una ii. I i.'.iii" s'liit,. li.ii WU'.": ...... .... j,- . ... , . ... . .... .,-. " -e oi . .vsiliflutitn nn. I wo have rea-Vi lo the tin! w, ie n.l.l.i.K ..i.,:i .,,..,1 a ( .-s. i I.-, il I , - i i.,ul .1 v ." i - le. .. . . '.. . , ,. :,, ,. . . ', . ..' 1 .. ' .1 1.l ! ....... ., . '". l-e with hi. c, l , Mr l:iel...r,1 Tl..' l.-'il I antlCipatO tllllt goon resuils w ill now mo ,i ill! , 1 1 a I -on I live lect ileep. u,. ,, .. . " ,,11 - t. 1. i.i,i,:i, 1,1 ; mi u. n, a,-. in- An iv.. ll.iii.l.t, I li.i in i Vino i;,.'.i..i, H. in 11 in from it. We wish tn make the next . 4 nil y "i'ovvii up wiii. luiar.- , ,, , l.llll.l,. T 'J .-..111., -.S IC l. It'll Bill. II.- tin1' Ij.ll .V t room at Ihul ,. i,.,,,,,,,,., ., , .-Ii 1,-iiin. wi ll ,n.-si'iii'. 1 11, 'I, 71, nil 1, -1 ..ir,.;.. I',..- ,.v Iln.r tl.,. the li.ii:..'- ..I.i!.!,.-.. '..; ....... . . !.:.'. ai"! In i.i. iiil.iiii.nid-. 1 '' ' " 'l"-:-"'l previous one. The ciliens of Wil piled in im Atia-al ! -., f,,.,in.i. ,., v..;.:.ge nvm ... N.-.v Vml. :ll,1;","';,,ill"!l :'1111' le ivn,,. Mr mington are i.nvit.us lo have ii in the f, m.,', , ,veie alim-st ,tei,e..rd ,.f b'tlar la r mi-.-im. ' I ! l'f."Y".tes ... t,,.. ,...., j.N.i..-: i.i,. their city, and havesubsciihed hber- clothing. To add to I he lei i ..r all ih, aisle-l pmip. , , l,.., In .- ..i, , '"" 'i!' '. ' . v s .0,1 1 1,. r- ally of their ineunn lor preniiiims. lire hells coimm ma d In 1 in ;- and the mli nr hm. 1 .1 e.wi 11.. l..-il;r..i " ;" " ..-" - I '..l.-ii le- .-".1- anct will use eerv eserli make steam whi-lhs to signal a!rui-. l-n.i.-i'. make.- 1... ii,!;. , . ie-. I,..-,.-.. " I If I" f-.i- thevihiof those who may aHi-ml throwing t he eil v int.. -r. at .veil., she ...ul-b, 1 gH 1!,. ,-i -:v pm ' ! ' ' ,!l : '' ' ' ' ' " nlMiuint mi'n.rr. eab'.i'. Wi I Miil. - . .11 Ilicnt itml I iirnii,"-i.jH I he vv ho'e noi, tl'''" "l'' hu'eliei lli.i ,nl "' . "." " "i'J-'-'fc ' l."v I . . ... " . ..1 .- . 7 . 1 1 1 .... 1 ;, ... i...... I..; 1 , ... . 11 ....lm.! . f.'.i haa nianr ailva.itag' m nin r. jn uianon. a greai uiauv peoiiii - v. en jm- " "" i . the first pliu-e. it is (he largsst city badiy hurt and had limbs broken. "..t.:-..u -i 1 uh. v. h.. h aim ia .,r in the State, liming a! Inc-t 20.'Min hut nr. one was killed ..ulrioht. ! I he ho! lom I,, hue .1,.- ha i pn. :.L..i.:i..-i I ... ..!' . ceded three m.'. s lo in ..n iuunnii.uin.s, .111.1 ..-. t m 1 . . .... 1 , , ' ., 1 ,, .1 . 11 ,....1. ,,f . St-.le ll . h. iher Ihe Ihl. e In W .-le. I ( I 11 . 1 - "elw ,, ,( ia as healthy (?nrlina, ami ib .tut delightful twine await UH Btrive to CUUIViue a lauuili.:.' uu ia..i rsaliiuiay mgnt a lemhle . ,, , , .- . I., .In, h i.oi. .,,".,11 . . .I..,! State l.li.Ie aiming all Nmll. Fa.,, railroad acid. ,,t incurred at ( 'arllo... upnn I"' I' in--ami spi i ili'alii.iis ' - ' " ' "I : . tl.. ... . f it.: ...-.,. :.. v v.. 1. v:... i. ni". 11 vviiieii .i.iun J.oai 11 n, a, m in. 1 ""' 1 IITIIILI.M. 1 IltT III', ,11 'I . ... s n,' ii",: , , .1 , - n 1 , ,1 1, . If I ,',',, 1 II I . I 1 1 1 S ... are anxioiiH lo hliniiihite a fiuiMiiide were killed immediately ami seven- witu XMOlin larniina nun iw.-i. ri u w. i u.j.ik-ii - i.n.i.e iau;iy. I lie . ,.lln ,.,.,( nf, and they pietertos.. ml lli.iriiioii.-y accnleni mis cnuscl l,y j, (..mist; Tin re i , u familv iu Fu.k . mint v. renllvnsl, among their own people, miner ...an Ham coiiniing with a I rep. lit car : 'V;is. cmsisi in.,1 !wo bi-..l.er,aiid he went t IO henfl 11 ai.romi. as uiev nav c .-.- ,. a, ,, e,i immii no.,, :. .- l-ung, t. .s,,!,.,-,. mid their avt-jntj.i a.;..- i,,l,ad lelatives,. for ieeratioli; Hlid tioing lor J em a. luniuifbiii uunu- ..n 10 me maiii iu.'l 1 ciht y f.t v en v ai'K. John e. W'lNI.l It, si:,.',n.i. n I.-,,,. LOOK IIFIM:!! NOlilMS, AY Y ATT ii TAYLOK, COTTON COrvlMISSIOn ZVXEIlCXZANTSr lt. I.l .KJI I. iS. . c,insi,.nmi.m. Soi i. m i., lluu.ii-i I'iii' K ami I'mvir.' liK-rriiN-i n'r vnATKin. Fertilize Your Wheat ir Yen Want it to Pay Tot 1,.-,H) S.U KS AMMO.MATII.'t AND At'II l'lli S.'lf ATKS, 'Ihe I'rt st 1'crlilicr Made lor Wheat und (hd-i. Now In .epot Ready for Sliipmeid Scud our orders to ORI.MS, WYATT A. I'AVhOH. EVKH.Y .MAX Ought to . . I lie . ia '. , " ' , tliio.ii'li lir,. I he ,- (,.. it,. I !..--. i , .a afl I mi lh- ll-.-. ...ad M. f a.,, ju.t JI INSURE AGAINST FIRE f II- visaiiv lin.linl.nf Vnrlh e" ll'M' l.,l'e,l, p;i...ii .Vt.lin-I'l' lo .udel'.d hv Ihe la t ',m;l.-- I,. ' '" "" tl.e a .S';,!!-,, !,. . Ntali-!-. iv-fi'ilMlled -ui.i.le ,1M.h,t j',, ,, in v w ,. . mme.l '"'., I of V. v M-oow , He ,tfl .nl i onhd w.l V-V1"'"""- ,",,"" litsl '""k' " these K.mplrs ..f c.mliae. c.l.ipbu.l.l- v.a, a .-i,; .1 -.rv In., .bur lo cultivate- a lamia On lad Sal.udi.y .,il,I a terrible 'Z, i . .''n "'. '. i "i' '"" llln lis " ' '.'- " ' '" ,. hi, sviiiplom-, nf iii.aiiilv, ii.nl he ivim ,,.,',' a,. lili'c.-.l in a piiv.,1,. A.vhim m New Always Pnya Its Losses. oil: lor tnati.i.i.t He wum .1.. ,...,.,, ,, m, ,,,,.. IN HIE- NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY 'I i.i fv.inj.rtnv lit I tn mm r.vurul r(1nn Jas. 8. Kvans Co., ' FAYKTTKYII.I.K, N. ( ., . in Ht..i ' I- I Ml" ii lull hnn Ma him ry, C"IhSI 111 ( j Kniius, Saw ami tirid Mills, f'nttoii (iin.-, I'rissc.s, Ac., iV.c, Ac V. nl-" In. v.. In ,. tf"l im-Iwi.'Ii "I - ti,- l.i.i, a 1 1, tin.-... hi IH..T-.III.-I. r. i",ii . .., r... ln '-li " - .11,-1' sl'l cIVI. INIU I MhM's 1 ."I "I . B'"l ' " I.. Utt-lr Ini'-rrsi ! . XKiniii.' "in ei". k l.. i..r.. ,ur .IiksIiih . Iwwiii r.-. All K..iln n.llv a,, irn,,..' I nni..'. ilill.-sei'i Sii. nl, Kiio'U. vIIih. N. . H. l.V NS .M O. July !, IW. WOOI, CARDING. In,- ill si . Lis- w.nk W- . u.i ik. ..in nil f His l lll is Hl.'l ll'.lrll wli.-n ...i..-, ili w..l I IWMUT Hi in li .ii l .i, k, ,. VII ilmi . iis:..iiiMr nr rKiulf' .' I a. ,1" in I., w.isli una ini'iw. Hit' w . Willi .-hwn i.i, is.. -.n' -,-' will i."i .1-1- Wn will .1.. Ihn lii .-i'sii.K, It nr. .--.siirv. mi.l iniiki. no .-I.Art. f. tl I. ,ii Hi,- ri,', i ..I iln liir,.. c.ioi. . mt.ni miMl nrtim Kn ..is ,., n. ....... In i.b-1. Ti. iIi.t..Ih In ..iit will n.; ,,. our .ri. .' is "iif-siiiUi I..r I..II .r S "iii ,. r . .iiii.l. ikI.i.ik ili.'e'll I n il ll. k itrttlgm is ri i.mi "l nil uri.iii mi. I w ;.wlll I... Hinl mt ih, no r. JAVIU tCt. stuy al, I w.l. aniH t'"- ".lll'1, tlls.vistt .H-..tlittr tllM I -ilt( jr. W."'. iul..r dilktrm .,'.i..''l. r,u.i.r,iu..ii, iii.i-ii..t. i'ut.iy, lA.lt f una ,is. tun f s . .i.imii. '.I. .vpi'ly nt .men, ilelitjr ,i .-j ii I..-. j.,iir nln. . .-tn II tl I.y law. Ail- . kiiii hinni, lli.i "I'l wnl'llitlifl Arm ..( I l.sns i n., Aii,.rin-)i mi.l litnlin Ageulp, VII f w , VVut.l,iiil"ii, i. c. Jfilil. ,, ' . i .!... .i is"iv.-i,i, i,.i ,vi'r,,ii,.U5 n ii. n ATPPITO A'iTt:r.nn"; t r.orn. " ' ft. r innnlle,, pp I,,,,,"-. All.- ... Ii,-i.ii,.. .i,. ..i i ii,s,, 1 j JJ A I E. I j 1 'y'" ',' v.""; Wi! I T I e,.- ss,,,lv ., W. .If'l. Aholil a moiilh iin .n r. .w n i.iuis. N.w Is ll,.' iii.i. I., a,. in,. I i I-1 " 1 ul shl,., i...i.. I .-. I .- I I . V I 1 rv'.is. V iioMM.nov n Wnvir-viPe u I, I... 1 "f l..rilit-r .iil,tini,,n mi.v ... . m on . w iliiui".ii ".c c ,.. ,, i .! n.;-I J . 1 ' ' s I : vl. . . i.il I lev 1 1 a iiii.I n v ii v lies v ... e, wni'ie lie ' ' ii ii. ... r... l, . -,. i .r ...Iv . n ,', n, , .1 nn- , ... ,.i nvn si'lll' lou-i,, mil h"l I Ii. W'K. iviv; I nil Ii i am I.-.. 1' .1 i . I .ill'.-e '. l.r r, ... . I vi . .Ii.l.in" i s s 'i. , ic, I II I m '. s I' 1'iaol s lull I v.mi ..-mil until Vtitlliu a ftw days of Lu sl liul r 5. ldt.J. 3m 1 irinLJ.ro. N. c 4ami..iii lu..iu.uo. ii.u ' . i'uotuo -Mi irli. ManbiUMl'uu, !,. ' II. A LONDON", Jr.. Am lit,