3 flpnaiham Record TliTHSDAY. AFGt ST 2. iss:j. LOCAL RECORDS. W" Summer two thirds gmt. tkif Moor court. iK'xt Monday. KVThe ol.l "Phillips' uihI lot will l)i' iM on tin bf September. lvvcllintf 1st day teXlt: J. Y Mcl'luTsou. of Oak- Ittnil township, wus foiled by liis hull last week anil painlully out not sen busly injured. t& Tup Cir.usi.fn out. mictions ut. Hmrirt' More will be held next Satur- day and Monday. August l.h and (ith. Your last, chance tor good liar gains4. , ,T ... aT H.c school at Silk Hope will bjHiu August LJlh. J Ins school, aiiL'ht ly Prof-Adncy. oir.-rs facili tie for the pursuit of eve. j branch bf Ht.nly ftt vVrv reasonable rates. J . . T Atii-t ion lias been oin-on for hevcrul days, lut tin' Ladies say London'fl is better than an miction it y.m mean l.usincss j..r you . an K t what you need, and as eli.-al. as Sol.l titauetioii. ion i.au ihwti.h if you wiidi luiy K"ods ehi ; they are goiii very fast, ainl tins eost will not last much longer. iAVe eull attention to tin- ad Vortisenient of the I'liiveisity -l i North Carolina ih this issue. Tin authorities of this vciu ial.le instiiu tion ure laliorin' tiii!aceit a'onjisi lc thd Ixatin the laud. Parents nnl guardians are invited to xaniine its tlaims. txSTC:)L J J. Yinr,i l.e;rs to say that he can now be found al Lou lion's, where he will he ;,'!ad to s"i liirt friends and scrse I hem. lie i' now where lie ca'l sell lliel l ,'OOHS : I'heiii) and han tin joods to sell i hem. : London is ollerin;? for ea-.h the list htoek of ,'oods ill (lie ciiliity al fco.st. See his advert iseim nt. A Yol-no (invr.--Mr. Y. II. Hol las a lurid, of New llojie towiis!iii nun w ho is seven vi ;o!d and wi i 'lis 'ighty iiouuds. M.utntAOB I,i-i:nsi:. I.i!y was n .i lunch of a month tor inai ryiuy. as i-. iliown by the number )' 1;, el. -es Issued in I his county, being only si, if which lite v. ere to whiles ami ue o blacks. Horsi: r.riiNr. Mr. I'red Smilh. vho lives on the lantal ion of Mr. .1. J. Taylor near Lockviile. met siih the misforl une. a few days ago, of having his house mid contents coi: miiued by tii P; Till-. SlMCK LW. --A meeting of the riti.ens of this neighborhood was held ut Hutch's store near this !uee, on last (Saturday, for the nirjios of consulting iim to the policy of estab lishing the stock la.v in tin ir miilt. Those who attended the lueehiig were lurjiily in favor oft eying it. ami (i committee wasuppoihte'l to canvass the neighborhood and asc. i tain the wishes of all W l.o lived then in, ami ll'polt to nil adjourned me. -ling to be held here next Saturday. A Cr ItloMTY. ( till' esteemed low!1 man, Mr. Hiram T. Chapin. has al liis drug slnrf a cuiiosity. ihe like of which we have never before seen. It wiw taken out. of Haw river, m ur HchWn mill, ami is what we mav cull (for the want of u bitter name) "i freshwater sponge". It is per- fectly clear (like a lum of ice), i-, about K inclii-H long ami I incliei in diameter, is soft to tlm touch, and in the centre is a small (wig around which it has collected or grown. Sl'Nn.W Scilool. CoN'. I S I n.N. The second Hiiiiu.il Sunday school conven tion of the ltulcigh illicl. of the North Carolina Conference of the A. M. J'. Church met ut, this place on laHt Tuesday ami will probably a I joiirit to-day. There ioe twelve mil: uters and forty-seven lay delegates in attendaiice. The presiding ollicer is Hev. J. (. Kry. the Klder of the district, ami t he secret arv is I lev. W. D. Cook, of Durham. Tl le enliven tion has created quite a stir among our colored citizens, ami they seem to onjoy it very much. MissmN SV.avicRs.A series of Wl-vices Will lm held next week at the ' colored Mission of the Ki.isc.nml : Church at thin place, beginning on j next Sunday and ending on Sundav, I the 12th. The services will be under i the direi'lioit of lfev. 1'k N. Joyner. who will be assisted by Kev. II. 11. JSutler, the Ueaeon in charge of tin dission, and Key. H. S. McDuftie. f i j'uyetteville. - Thursday, the Ulli, has ' tem set apart as the children's day. i lission le! AVc am leouested to state that tin friends of the Mission, In th white! mid colored, these, services. re. invited to attend iMi'oiu'.vNTMKKTiJio. On iim Mon day the commissioners ami ma''is- trates will hold u joint meeting, as I the name to "Suspension" Com I, and the lw directs, for the purpose of ! at the lirst opportunity to suspend levying tho taxes for the ensuing j the court itself. As 1 am a insgis yeur. In addition to this other im-' trute and helped to bring into cxist portant business will be transaeled. ence this miserable humbug of a No doubt tho irrejiressible bridge-1 court referred to by "ACitieii" I iiuestiou'' will be discussed. It is , concluded 1 would investigale and thoroforc tho duly of every magis- ' discuss this court. tim-Miou to hhiiu' trute, who can attend, to do so. All extent. "A Citien," and all our citi the uewly ajipointcd nmgish-ulns will .ens, ought to know and be well be entitled to take part in this meet- posted in our judiciary system. I n iuj. There are now sixty-two mag-1 I'm innately this is mi ujiivi r.sally the . isirutes in this county, and if they all case. Hence, some jump to com-lu-' luoet together, it Will be iplite U largo sious from uhul some one said about ' Uiting. I it. or f toia one single uct of the cuuU, 1 A Man Ii:o-.v :,: i. A colored man mimed SalllUc! KelheV Was at'C'dcn- tally ilinwiic.l. on lust Tuesday. nur ' tin- lit' hi t It of Lick creek in Cape Fear township, lie was at tempt hi"; .Id cross I lit-, creel; in nil old halli au. which capsized ami t hrew liim in I In- i wat it. and. not li 'iiij,' alt'.i' to swim. In- w an drowned. Tin- ibc'icscd win 'a resident, of Haywood itii'l is said to ! have been industrious. -ind respect -! able citicll. J?i;i i;sT A (iiiiv.M.s. Tin- number of I visitors to our tow n increases cvi ry j week. Tin- latest arrivals tin' Mi s. i Mi-iirv lbane and l'aniilv, of Geiro;ia: ! Mr. 'J'. P. Waddeil. of New York: Mrs. 11 1 I Tavior and family, and Missis. R L. Webster and' C. C. Hamlet, i.f I5ali'i;;li : Mrs. Lucius Green, of J iirham : Mrs. F.IIcn Alston, of lliyli I'oint; Mi as Lucy Joyncr anil Mr. Isaac Mainiin:'. of Cliaiii'l : I l : 1 1 11 ikir.t . , i V"' ' - '' - YTRLZ , Gel m' and Miss M il I in Sunders, of I'.W.n- ' abeth Cilv: Miss Funny Lloyd, of JJr.niMw it-k i'oiiiiIv: and Mr. I'crev KlI,JIlllk A,i,(.;in,, I . . . " Jneoi.s.-At tin- last mf..f. I"' ' .' ""'"' """..ss.on. rs the jlollowwi persons, wen' drawn us !. furors for tin' first vvc.I. of I lie- next , JJ( (f s ,.,.,. )iuni,. , ,,,,,, WilJiiiui J 1 ill. A. V. Hr.-wcr. j JV(.mll Kiin,,,,,..!. (1,-or,. liann.-r, , ,,, ,,iv(.s T Ti-ain'. J. I'. I',ad , j. i j,,,,,. !-, .). I). Mo ;e. Mark , ,:,,, m;:((, u' . r t.!t. j,.,., lie.'; Welisli-r. I,. .. Kil kluau. W. L. Kiibv. .M. i. Klinoie. It. M. Clark, II. V. )i:.on. .1. Q. A. Leach. It. X. tlilluore. (iaston Johnson. W. C Uiirke. V. L. J. IJrown. A. ii. Council. T. M. Ma .on, J. A. ( iillihmd. I. C. Tilliiian. W. M. Ililliard, J. J. Crwiii'i. .1. J. White. J. A Harris. (1. T. Cook. J.t ,.,( l-'oiisliee. 'f. J. (Jold- sloll. S. II. Linsev. IV. n.i i: I'.'i.i.s. V good joke is told on il la Iv of this place, itud it is a'.i true. A few days ago she con eluded that she needed some pills ami udie-l he!- Iii diand to gel her ime, which he lint, u'el which (as lioil;;llt) sin ,,,, ,llU,, S, tool; mm night, remained in ! I so as I keciiii. I. be MUse whelieM r she look pills they liuinealcd her. On thai tin Thing iie elated, in reply to her liilsb.iuii s ihijllil les. hat the pills had gieal'y bemlited her and I hat she a:ivady felt milch better. About mid day her husband in look iii;: aio.md the loom found the li-e; of pills nut oiichcl -uoi niie missing --ami, '.il asking her out of w hal bo she ha I taken the pilis. she pointed to aiiot her piil-bo and .said luy Mere the nicest little black pills that I I er loo!.." lb- picked up the b... to v !,iei f,;,,. pointed. ,,hd loiiud lhat il ..pi,l.r.M ,l le. tiling Iml biul shot which their lillle sun had left there! The i filed her. I 'act ! w hich had so in'icli beiie Were two or three shot. Y.I."ATI'iS of Pi:o i.!f v. We have he. m furiii died by our obliging Ueg-i-lerof Deeds some statistics an to the a!u.it ion of properly in this eo.iniy. According to the recent Il s-essjuent of leal estate the iiicli use ill the several towiisiiips oer last years assi ssmeiit is as to!low:: Ailni 'lo te,vn-;hi;i. increase of Sii.'JTi liald'.Mii " " Sil.llll , ,.; lu.:..;:s Cape Fear ' TT.n'-'I Centre II. .-,.-,:) (i.iif i;.:;i:i lis lev " r.'.-.'ll!) Ili. koiy Ml. -JI mil Mat tin w V :io. il; New Hope. J Oakland " " US.o.S.) Wiiiiaius l.'i.iiTT La-t vi ar the Iota! a'uat ion of all ihe projii-rty in the coimly, both real and personal. Wa S'J,lilo,-Sl. and this year it is y'i I.SV.'drt making an in c asi of s."iJD.7-J7. Last Near there : wi re II.D.TJ jmlls li-.t.-.l for taxation, ihis year thereare ;!. :i;l an increase 'of Ili7. i ... Tin: (it:i:r.ss; mm' M uim-t. --When the Cape Fear and Ya.lkiu Yalh-y ' rai'i oad is completed I o Oi o n sir no a large trade will go there from this ! county, and that town w ill be the I chief market of a'l Ihe western part 'of Chatham. Even now that town :leecives. ami has leeeived lor years past, a very considerable trade from ! Matthews and Albright, townships, and in view of this fact and of (lie 1 certainty nf the increase of that trade I ill a few months it is to the interests ; of the ini'i chants of ire.'jisboro' t o adverti-e for it in the Kernim. Such 1 a I least is t he opinion of ( ii ecu:, bom's j most ciitci prising linn. Oei.i.i. A Co., ! w hose attractive advertisement ap- I'V"" '""'"'' eommn. I to Wl" "H' X,. llU""U'"' 'I ""' .1!'''"'1"rS: , , n",',l'',!4 u,yu,s wlM ,K""" ';11,MV ,lu' ! '",s" wide awake merchants who' V:u " ' ""' 'V illation throughout all Central Caro lina for their enterprise and sipiare dealing. Their stock is large and e.I assorted, uml we hope they will 11 lil,'''.v v'1'1 llilAr 1 hailiam. Heplj To "A ( itirtt Ma. Mm inn : f .see from your lust paper thai. "A (.'il izen " hailing from L'g'Viit is liuicli dis)ieused with the doings of our last inferior Court. So much so that lie proposes to change which to them seems wrong, and do Hot invest igate for iheim-.elv es. and ar rive ut erroia oils conclusions. 'I here are others w ho are ma le of such ivim: material that they are always out. of joint. They cannot see things in their li ne light. They are fuu't find its. grumblers : inilhing goes well: all is wrung. Now. Mr. IMilor. 1 do no! nay that "A Citizen" belungs to either uf those uiif ii I incite c!a-.-es mentioned, but I lake it for granted I ha! It- is a hightoiied. intelligent gentleman, and us such f propose to treat him. Xow I he simple ipiesi ion to settle in my mind r;. are the! charges as made by "A Ciiicn" really true; Has ihis court, which we magistrates put illlo existence, lie come so forgetful of t'nar duties us. citi.eiis. injustices, as peace ollicers. us to allow a thief who stole SlOO go at large by only paying -"i cost '. If this be true, then I think with "A Citizen" it is tine this court was suspended. Hut. Mr. IMilor. whu. are the facts? This court has been in existence. I lclieve. nearly four' ye:;rs and the records v. ill show, as I am informed, that more convicts have been sent to the p.Miii '"i! ial'V than from tin- Snpeiior Court -i of Ihis county, and that loo when the Supe rior nirl . have jurisdiction in In or 12 of tlte higher crimes exclusively. It is true doubtless that in the lul'e rior. as well as in the Superior ( 'on its, for good ami sullicieiil reasons given that judgment is suspended and lie defendant go on I im-ii t of co.-t. I umlei stand that it is lb" practice in all the courts, when the Solicitor of that court investigates a ease and reports to the court lliut. the ends of justice are met and asks Ike com! to allow the defelidaiil lo be discharged and go upon the payiif ut. of all cost, an order to that elici t is generally made. I have no doubl hut this court often makes mistakes. The justices are but common, plain m.m : ami 1 suppose do hot claim to be skilled in Ihe law. but claim some common sense an I soiue knowledge of right ami wrong. 1 the higher courts ever m. ike any mii-lak' s. Mr. Kdilor .' Vou are a lavvyeeaiid ought to know. Are any of t !i. ir decisions reversed .' jl.iw about the judge of I lie Sapl cine Court .' I u I hey ai vv .'. 's agree .' To the question again. Is thii; court a ifccssily .' Ought v,v toclis pi-llse with it.' There are but lw-i Terms of t he Superior Citurl in t v.elv e inoiiil.s: we foi mi - i -! v had six com is in I he year. The magisi rates I hough I thai for such a large county as mis and in view of cue of I be fund oni-n lal principles of our government that ' every citizen .should have a sp. vdy trial that two terms in tin year was not enough: h-'inv t he 1 wo terms of . the Interior Cuil. How about the cosl ' It is dilii vrt to ascertain vv he! her it a 11 ; to t 'ne c. unity expeus es a i t he luosl of I he ease s d' ci.lcl in thai court vvou'd have to be tried in the Superior Court and would cost about the same. 1 take it for. grunted llieii ilni! it does not add' much to the cxpi hs. io' the county. ; and is a great saving to nur Civil suitors in the Snpeiior Courts who: ..re there for several days someliiii"; i wilh large number of v.ilnessei ut heavy expense and great incoliveni ence, because (he court has so many Slate cases to tiyuhic'u Ii.t v.- pie ced, nee. ; 1 again inquire would i! be best ' lo gratify "A Citizen" an 1 suspend, the court, have but. two court . in the year, h t our fcllow-ciii.ens lie in jail for six months, subject our civil suit -its to cost, delay and inconv euichce .' or would it not li'lie-t to cominue ourlnfeiior Com Is and e'ear up all the smaller cases out of the way of the Superior Courts .' If tlf cc icnl justices of ih" court do hoi do i 1 it il d.lt;. h i us clivt b i tcr men. I'crhajis if ".V Cilizcn". Would make hihise f klne.v u he v oiihl lie selected for thil! position. Tie !i he could draw more blood iiom Ins fellows or send that thief to the penileii! i.u y for life. O ihis clamor for the blood of our neighbors! !- it not sin pri .ii.';' ! hat men livin;; in a Cinisliaii laud and claiming to be Christians themselves: the iV lovvers of Him vlio ;,aid. "WU ssed an tin merciful lor I le v shall obtain mercy," should be so an .ious to pun- ish th'-ir neighbor vv hen overtaken in a fault, and expect In be excused themselves when ill tin'. same dltii cully.' Clime must be punished. The law supreme and vindicated is or ought to lie t In' niiii I o of all courts of jil.il ice : a! the; line time In al ing in mind tha! noble sent iineiil, 'That mercy J to others show : that mercy show I o me." it is true that less business has been bel'ure the cents the la.st year or two than formerly. The lust Superior Court or two sent no one to the penitentiary, intlicied but few punishments: u!t good ciii ,:ius should rejoice al this. The morals of our county ore improving. The linam-es in a sound condition, credit of the county good, our people prosperous ami happy Shall we change or continue the present sys ' tela? Ji'.srici:. 1 State XWcws. Xcwloii Kuti rpi ise: Abel Hewitt, : one of Newton township's lust wheat, fanmis, has just linisie d threshing his crop of this year, which he says is the best he has ever raised. His crop aggregated 1 4.S7 bushels. The aver ' age yield per acre was IS bushels. ! Lumberlon Kobcsoiiiaii: A cones pondi nt writing from Cumbci kind county, gives an account of a calline s'.;,;pe between u white man named liufus J. Clark, mid u Linden county negro. They were plav ing card . nl three cents a giiae and the -.able man and brother accused bis white com , pctilor of elieiiting him, some words' followed when the lut ter drew a pis 1 tol (WI calibre) a id shot (he negro' twice, one ball takili'T i le. ct in the left shoulder and inlhct ing' a ery; iaiiiful. but hut necessarily l'.ilid, wound. Cliiirlottn Joiirn.lL- As Me. John I. Morris was coming to the. city yes terday from Han isburg. he was ul l I'-ked in the l oad by a mud dog. Mr. Morris drew Lis pistol and shot the dog before it could reach him. Hi: : was in his buggy and the dog tried to jump in on him. Mohtgonicrv Star: A very sad u'Viir happened in this vicini'y on the 'loth instant: A daughter of Mr. Ales. Harris, aged r.boul I S years, was : burned lo death. She had b'-eli sick for some lime, ami in her mother's absence at t he spring, it is supposed she arose to gi t .something to cut, mid accidentally cuu;dil on lire, llcrsuf b ring is indescribable. Shediid in six hours after she was burned. Moore Gazette: We b um that about bvu weeks ago .Mr. Devotion Kidd. of Chatham eoui;!y. found a hen's lies! of ten egg's and look the eggs and put t hem in a di aw cr in the house. Some ten days alter thil he heard young chickens ehirpinguhd hastened lo Ibid t heir whereabouts. ' Opening the drawer to hi s great surprise found eight young elm-ken hal died iroui the egg he had leu days before pi. te ed there. ' I 'lehtoii F.uquirer : On Saturday evening last as rl.e wife, child ami brother of Col. Samuel I!hon were on ileir way home f:om the city, the horse tiny wer-- driving became rright"ued on l lilon's lieidge, ami bi.i.i-d ovt i boaiil. Mis. Ilshon and cliii l imn:ed out in t ime lo catch on the bridge. Mr. Ivl on was carried over with the buggy, but was rescued by some parties who had driven up. The horse was drow ned. Durham lieeorder: John Manguin a worthy colored mam died suddenly at his home in lYr-on county u few days ago. John vva-i what we may term a represent al ive progressive col ored man of the South. He was a trusted slave of the lain Col. L. (i. Mahguui. and al the close of the war. was already a l.am'cd in age. but set to wnk cheerfully, ami succeeded in accumulating properly, and at the time of his ileal h was a successful farmer, owning land, slock. c. John always enjoyed the eonlidciico and e-i'ini of his vv bite friends, and lie nev er betrayed I le ir coiUidelice. News and Ob;., i-.er: It is said lhat a wonderful ca'.e has been di .coven d on the liuckto.vh branch of the Wes tern North Carolina railroad, that il is being c-.plorcd by the railroad an tin. lilies and lhat it promises- lo rival the famous l.iiruv caw in Yirgiuis. - In Gates county there is my of the greatest private enterprises in I In state. One lirm owns thirty miles of mi. row gauge lailway connecting live of its s.uv mills. These mills are o gnat capacity. I wo of them particular- I . F.ich of Ihese cut s oO.lliltl feel of lumber a day. '! lie nro-liinery is of I he latest and lines t patterns. This is ! be largesl lumber business in the State, wilh nil doubt, as t he mills are con stantly ) mining to their fullest capac ity. A-heboro' Cmiivf: If ohef lead ing papers of the State thos.i 1 1 nit pi idc themselves upon th.-ie eminence and know il all. could be induced to give Mr. li.indal! ami liie Taril'i' a rest ami address them-. Ives to the road question il is bai t Iv possible I hat t hi -V might do a little more good. With out a li'ailroad I'm lolph has uceom-1 plished more in projiortiou to her pojiiilalion than any oilier county in tin- State. In t he development of In r mineral resources she i ; among' the lirst. In mamif i'-i i:ri! r she is ahead of every c miily in tin- State save (inl and ahead of that one in mole than one thing. In I he v.ii ii ty and number of other eiib rpri csshe ranks with the foremost Itailioad counties. l'.liz ibelli City r.c ohomisi : On 1 "i iday ev eiiing a d:sasl rous hail slot ni pas.-.cd over a part of Camden ami ' Cnriituck counties, doing- vuy great ; damage The h ni stones wen- us : large as I'igei.li e:-..s and we under-, si a ml the damage t 1 1 he grow ing ci .ps of corn and cotton was truly deplor able. - -On Monday evening a sad accident occurred as l ho steamer Mary 11. Ic-I'cils was leaving- her whaif at: Columbia. Tvrrcll cuiniv. mi her rog- ' ular triii t-i lliizabctli City. A bateau; loaded w it Ii barn Is of juniper water i hud unloaded and pat hi r load on the j steamer, iilul vvln 'i she v.a.-. gi 'tilig j llli or way. Ilii- taii-lion of her puddle wheels drew iii and submerged the batleiiu. Two men and a boy were on board t he lla! eheii il was sub-! merged. Tim boy and Mr. Cooper1 were saved with great dilliculty. Air. Unship hi w as drow ned. i i 1'ayel teville ihscrvcr: M'e henrl ily : ciiigiallllale the people of both i'av cili Villi- and Ihe jiciini ttsv ille l'. section on the recent net ion of the ; vmlicale now extending the Cape Fear Yadkin Valley Railway. A; formal ag'n ement has been made by which the read will be built within, t!ie IliM twelve months from Shoe1 Heel to rchheltsvilh, thecili'-hS el that town and section subscribing' one thud, ami Ihe railroad company j two-thirds, ot the cost o'coiitruiiion. l --Last 'I'lmrsday ul'tci noon Mr. .las. I. N'otl, .iccoinpaiiied by Miss Ann lllia llardie, with hi r in jihcw, little Hobbie Dvc, a child about four years ( of age, rode out to Mile Hranch. They' hid started lo ret in n home, and tlio; boi se was at a stand in the st renin ddnking: Miss Haldie hud alighted; and was on the bank, and Ihe child j was standing in the rear part of the1 buggy, playing in the water with a st i ing. vv hen the horse started f n ward j and the boy was plunged headlong : into the creek. He must h-ive been j stunned by the tail, for lie sank wilh- 1 out a struggle, and when Missllaidic' ru-hed in to rescue him the little fe! ; low washing at tin.- boiloui with: outstretched liamls - a picture which , will probably be phoiogi aphid upon: her brain for a long' lime. She drag- j go I him to the sin face and vv it h great ! ibtlii-iilt v restored him to animal ion. ' It was certainly a narrow escape from dioitlj. Tarboro' Southerner: About the time of the lievoliitioiiury War three brothers named I lodges left Kngland for America. One sell 'ed in Kaslern ( North Carolina, one in Texas and the other in Kentucky. Shoitly after- wards, the Colonic dm lured their Jn- ; depi n lc.iK-eof England, ami i i tlx: war, which followed, tin- young men took sides with the put'iols against King. George. This so eeraged the father, w ho had remained it. Flight ml am i was a loyal subject to her views on the I,,, question ,,r Amencau imh- liemleni-e. tlii'l m muKing' ins will lie 1 i i ! i i i 4 I ii provided it should not be executed iihtilimehundredyearsafterlii.sdeMth. and appointed the Lord Chancellor trustee of the estate, quite a Urge om , Ins object m so doing being lo pievenl the sons getting the property, but to arrange it so thai their desceudahlH mould. The estate now imiountH nearly to the enormous sum of in e , .- , . r . , himdi eilhil oils. Last week rcpu seiitalives . f ihe Kentucky and Texas branches . f t u- Ibulgcs family were in Tai bom consulting with the mem- b.-rs of the Fdgceombe family, and coiie.-iUig proois ro (siunusu im-ir identity as lawful descendants of the three sons. The will of Th is. V. I lodges, one of the sons who died in I Sill!, recorded in the Clerk's ollice here is important evidence for the claimants!. A copy wies duly made by bidgo Slalon to ho Used in the cms". Getting est. lies belong ;hg to A merican Ills' rs from I h hitches o thcOhaiiecrv Courl of Lligiahd is proverbially a diilicnlt task: but it i- said lhat this one will be hum ly rec. a !-.) by l!:..se entitled. Should il m n-.-ult. the members of the Hodges family hen-, notwithstanding- lln-ir nuinber, will have fortunes almost bev ond humuii comjireheiision As when She was Young. -j h-ivc usci i uriers nan- i.aisam ami m.e u oilier man any similar; in eiiaral ion I know of." writes Airs.: Illlcn Perry, vv if,-of ll-v. P. IVrry of, Coldbrook Springs. Mass. '-Alyhair1 was almost eh! inly gray, but a I dollar bottle of the iWlsam h-.s rcsb.r- i d the soft i.c --s, ami the brown coli-.n it had when I wasvomi.' -not a single ! griivhairl. fi. Since I began apply ing' the Palsam mv hair has sloj,. ped failing out. itiei I limlthat it is a pc dies- Tfecllv hari.ile-.-, and agreeable sjii, ."' ' ; T II 33 M A 11 It E T S . I.'i'. ii a .! l .i- -'ni: lii.c.nin l-y NOIHMS. WYATT TA Yl.oj;, ISM r.as .V N.i. I I . o-l I ss I ON VI t . I : -1 1 VM : lli'i- Mil I N-'. ." Vlnrttl. Sl;; , 1UI.I I..1I. N. C, July .;t. IS I'oT lo.N M Villi I !': i I Mel llii. ;. Ml l-llin,-, -,i , S-rl.-l I. . Ml. 1. 11, i,-, - I -.i .. s.ihn - - : vvio.i;svi.i:iiho, I i;y M vlilil.T. M-ni I I' ,-1 - - lluik. e I: -I I.-., in Ii i :,, r l.arn l, 4 m- si,.i.:.-is, ii s'.-,-i, C7iin.-is... iihiiih, li I I'.- s. ' ho.-1 ivi-ii-s, r. it. i-.-t n.-.l, I i I In I.-1 V',l,-.s, a '.. .i r.-imil, I,'". ! c..it...., in r.'-, Cni, -,h-i Suai- - -..-il. f...i.ii V.-ll-ov. ....el l I I. mi-. X. I'., Ji.ollj I. .llil:C..-., in lliii-,-- : l:ni,-r. I'. "- 1-lllBl. S.I i I l-Vs, lJ . - I'" -.- ,, 111.-.., I-.--, I I-..I-K, l- -l'i e.-ici :o n.-.-i. . n.-itviii.'. -. -it -j 1 1 -tie in. .1,1 'lies, tt.'vv, iiii-.-w l,.,i :! T'. ' ..I I, I I' 1 ' -' l tv. Tii."- isi.-.'s .ii-,. r..r 1,11-l.v .,is, New Adtcit isi-inciils. ID n on ! ii,.-1 .l.i .-ml..-:' l,r. 1 .II I Il-.IIM.' .l,"- . U 111 s.'ll III . , ll.il," illl'-ll"ll 111 111-' iii.a a. sine.;.' -i;ldl)F.CF. Iii I!,.- !.', ii ..I l-i:- i-1'.' n .'v .,', I I.V .1. Id l i e. ..' nuih. r iiil.irii.ii-:.. n :i. ..y l-1 II. A. l,O.M)ON, As- iKii".. Am-. IM-.I. University cf Noitli Carolina. VFA I' SKSSIOX HF.GIXS i AFGFST lioih, lss:t. Ii. Until' i -.'irs.r, ..r Shi Iv I. -a I In A. 11., Iii. Il, all 1 II. S. S..'. ,1 C ,lllr,'s ait' .'t-.'U l-t Sill, I. Ills. S. I, -,-lf ,,. :.:i . M.'ill, 'Ii" aii'l I'hai am, -y ill lii- li--l V Tim. lit r's Cni I l,. i.'ars h.is l.ti'11 .-s.u'.i- lislit-.l. I ,.r m l j. ill.o .-.l.is-ii'. 1,1 vie i- r, vi i l.i . l.i,. il. 1-i. s., i ii i.i-i inn, n . e. Vll h.-:l. THE BANK OF DURHAM, ii i:ri a i, ... VV. T. HI. Vt-ii" I I I . I-. A. Wll ' V. 1 i- I, 'lit. CtMilt'l', I; iv.'. ii'.-.-l . tavaitl.".ii .:ivii r el in I'.' V s as linn It-aift .!, VV ill lni mi l st-ll si. ..-lis at,. I I ... I 1 - a Ihf iii.h.i l.iv.i.-l.f l-l'llis. Will l.uy nil. I s, II I li ll L' "II II,'- N 'llll "I' I.UI''i' III cill- ri iii rail's, c .n-fni tt-inv ll'-iii'.l. Mount Vernon Springs AcaJuj. The next Session will open AUGUST 7, 1883. l-l:lCl:s l ow. l.oeiTloS UKVI.TIII'I h. INsl lil i:TiN TUOIiol oil. K ,r mil ,ni:i. iil us. a. I lis ss in,. con,-,..i:s. KllWAliDS .V .JOHNSON. M r. Yri.v.N Si iiivos P. .. Chatham Co.. X. C. .Inly lKl. '."s. I K'.ur ..r It IVllMs ..-ill- r r. -hi. I'll. larnis art' sliiin'.'.l m V lllllt.H In'l.tw M "Il -it llvall'.u, nii'l vi ill l' i,.r a ii-rni t. ..-iis i. till' 'I IIIKI I 'll ai..l) I" lull l'.MIi, lwt.1. .Vi I Vii i iv.-i'. ui" in . a:, in a -ei .. .,i ,-.-isi it-t ins. ,.- r, i,its ; 1 ii-nun's. I ,r luoli'-r oi.ovi i: vii:vt. i .li. lllt'. s. c. SI! BSC Ul UK for Till RECORD. ELL & CSLj GREENSBORO, Itfi C, noVu. KKrxi:ir.snii'iiovKi);f5PRTNrT fliid STTMMF.R ,.,-.. .VM, i ciitii ivrvei"" i,u " GKAI.N AND r J-, 1 1 1 J J i I . I M (j DHILL. Give it a trial and be coll- viiiced that il is tin; only perfect drill 0ii the market. Wc are Facfmy Ageids for the lingers! o,vn Horse llikr, s nith Jielid Chill Plow:', ,.. . i v., I ropic. Lo U rdove. "1'"" Alr 1 ,: llt ( "",; Sl"vr Harvey V. 1'aceV Cel. lrutcd Circului Saws. n,,,,, v piston's Celibruted Circular Sa-vs, : Old Douni.ion Nuilsimd H. timd IS.u Jl'Oll, MeMavhin's Spokes and I.'i ns. Stephen 1 Sal lard A Cc's. Leather and Gum belling. Fairbanks' Scales, Yan Winkle Colt ,-i Gins. OIELSii TO.J WIlol.l-'.SALF. Dl'ALl'.IJS IS ' I TV '-j "VT 4. '. ' : jj-y jUUtUi, i-Y U tHJllO, ; - ... TT TT . ,. Ejjla, SfjBS, IIll S, LiMl A, ' A ,, , cnT T ,, imTrp .p PAIv..oOLS, LLAnlijR, C Agent s for O Ml M muf .-I m in-;-Co s "Forest II, ii Plaid-:. Col 1 oi.,i, les and '. Seamless Lags. Cedar Fulls Maim fueturiug Cos. Sheetings and arns. I f- 'V. II. I-lies Malelil .leans. .1. v 1 i Coals Lest ,vix Cold Spool Cotton. Also. Agents for Allison - Addison': "Star I'.rand" and other Fertilieis. We keep in stock a lull line of Hoi Uui which we offer AT WlloLF.S.VLF. ONLY. Mcrch-o.ls will li: d ill if they can buy goods as cheap from us. ainl oh belter terms than lln-y can by going fai l her N'orth. Give us a trial and be convinced. Greensboro. N. C. Aug-. 1. lss:. Attend tht VUCJJ r Kl-iOiii ky I.. .,n,.,l.,.- l Ul I I. riKi., Hi.-- I ui Ml vi'i sli.v, Loninglon, Ky. l ull ,--.rp il ..il in H. i I... 'I . i ,, II. - I. n:a!..H-ri, It nf I. . '. .,,-lit. I.il.ril. i v l.. . .- v,l, till, Il mil 111 Alt t U,t frl , ..JIUI I..rr.,, il l' , i t. W. P. SMITH, Uenlnuton, Ky. FisliaE Tackle Deparimcnt- T. U. IHIICtiS sons, I I; M.i'.KHI. N. C. 3 Over hin, .li'i'i li-l.i. sii of HOOKS. J,iv.hiiS3o EiimlToo Tolof?. (iii.-c-1 ami I ir -e t --lock t GILL NUTTING. Gild. ING TIHM'.m SF.INi: TWIN I'.. MINNOW DI T NUTS, LANDING HIT FRAMES. SITNNLKS. SWI F.LS. I- .l.i: Tii-s. I'm M r si -a !.:. We have the largest slod, and! sell at the 1,1.11st prices. B-iTCV'.l and e:i:.iii.e our stocK. KYLKYTHIXC. A lTsilFIl MAN NidlOS. mi. i mi s ml Ll'.AlM'.US in II n ew -nr. FISHING TACKLE, &0. JOmOBO' HIGH SCHOOL. Jonesboro', Moore Co., N. C. Til,' llt'M s,-,s,..i, ,.l flu. Invul s:ui s,ii'...i I Hill I t'lli ''ily miUi. s.l. K..r iTn iilai er iiii'.i in:CI"ii upl'ly I" l'ilet . w :i.l,l VM e. turn, 1 rill.'lltal. JlllloVlili, lSXI. i SZXVTGIIA1VX SCHOOL, il.stlll.lisli.sl III l'-.H.I t-i n;r KMIM NT niivl.tf Sfiiiln-ni l' inllnii S.'ll'.s li'l' ll'.vx. in .a:. Ill m-.miii f.s, in Ma v ..t . t'V i litis Vt.t: mi l In ' lUii'iiicnl f'.r i iivsii-ii. i i t. ! ti ia:. The 170th .Session w ill licm Auyust 1st. ISSd. MVt. 11. I IMillVM Sii, t. IHiiitliiini M.-li,itt 1-. o., oralis en., X. C. 4 milNlSTlLViOll'SNOTICl-,. i m. Unvlin: tiniillilt'. nu V'liiiliilstiiitnr vnili tlu Mill aniii'M'.l f VV. e. 1 mi. -nil, ilii'i iiM,!, tht nu iiiK .-ii.ii.li iii:liist in iui..r UifKKl.l.l tn itrt-st'ii' t lie siiinc t'i' (..-ivincni mi ih-u-i.-rf tin July IS, Iwsi. tic. i. h. si l i. nifl K ALKlOir. X. C; !QT) OK NE77 GOODS l-OU TIIK j We oJir u huge and attractive utocfc Dixss Goods, Silks, Blue!; ' Goods, Dress Trimmings, I Liui-ii", JioinesticH, Ging- ' hams, Hosiery and Gloves; ! Shoes for Ladies, .Misses, ! Children. Gentlemen and j JJoys ; 1 bits ; I (e-nth men's Suitings, Ami j CasMineres, Ixcntucky .leans. Coltoimdes ; House Keep.ih g Goods, V- Alultmgs. Ac. Kvervthinj XKW , (.'HOICK and DHSILWIiLK in the DRY ( J X )I )S line at populap prices. I'.est cihmIs for leiist money, lie sun- lo call when vmi are in Ualeijli. Satisfaeiion jiiAit'anteerl. W. IT.. IL S. TUCKEK & CO. Vh.r- Ii l.i. ''si. SEW YORK WEEKLY BEBALD. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. ii-. -il hi. .ii ..r Oils e'.iiuliir iinwHimiK-r U ..ns!,-tirl iii-ti-.i-ii-. i i-..iiifiliiH nil tho Iru'ilinc t , s . i iii.- Han lli-r.il I an. I is itiTuiiffiMl u liuudy 'l.-(.,ii ".iii.-n.i.. 'II'.- i .nu i.:n- m.ws - l-.- i"! Ii-chi.-Ii'm ri-..in nil .Unrlera uf '" ' v:i iui-vx sews ' tl I. !!' in Mil -;n l.s H -1 hlsi.-lli- r tin wiw-k i Hi.- i in. .ii. i'lilH riMiuro aluuo ur WI IM V Ill.K.M.O cii.li-.'iu-..iii Iii ih,-v,,r.l, kh It la hoi'y ivk la fhPiin Inliliiul ro- , i-i-i ..r I oi.l-l ievi. M:vs. 1 -- 1 't- ' J'l. tl' f.ll'l ,'l.lll.--U lsl'lpHDt(- '' lr -1,1 W.K Illh-II.'ll, in. In. Ihii; lull IVierlH of lli s; I..s ,.i -1 n I in hi p. .Ilii. 'itnis ..ii ilit.iii'iiuii uf Hi.- li.'iir. III:-. 1 VI:M IiH-.VHTMKNT r il:.-wi i m. m v, via, aivi'i. ihe littiwi hh wi'll na il..- iii'.si er.i''ti.-:il snu'.-.s:i..ns hikI illncuvirW r i--cnu: i-i Uc . I, Hit's i,i ii,. Iiiriiii-r, IiIhim fur rnl lii e,iin.', l-.-iil'i'.o O.-eiM', 'rii't's, Vi'm'iHl'leii, t?., .v.-., wilh su-.-s j..ns Mr k.s'iiim l,iili.llni!n ami mini: us-iisiis in ii..inr. Tins it, .ii,,lt.iM-lilt-l l.i ,i Il lii.'.l .1. rai'iiiK'iii, wl.l.'ly . , .i-J. iiiuli-r Hi.- Ii. an ,.i nu: novo: .i'. Ii,.- ri',-i,i.-, i n-1 .r.-t -i i.-stl illsln-s. IiIhim f,.r limit ,n: .-I' ll, is:: mi I I. r I..---in u. wtlli Oik luirat is,i .i.-. ;ii On- ..uv .1 l.o'i-y In-ill ,,f OH.k. In-! ,r..'.i y siifc'i-.s-i.. in ihis ,Ii'i,ii-iiii..iI. la 1 -. ' -. I : i I- -I. I I.V I'SI-'lls lei'.' .ll,, Hllll". I...:i.:s inn -in Imi Is an, I ,,,n,i,,ii ,s,rn-K,iiili-iiln n ih.' wry I.e. si iii,i..i,s. The 1 1, lu,n,ro in. ic ,.i ih. w 1 1 in. v III. i. M.n will mhvi. thi h,,nse- wl'.' hi.. Hun hiiii.ln J il'iH-s On- iiNcouf llio . i.iT. Til.- uui 1-,'s.s ,, sUI.I.Ill l.AIUU in- I'S'kt- I aa.-i', nn l i-vcryililni; rxtmiini In nip ! i h ue s im, l.i...i -iivmu m .'.irt'iiilly ri-i-unlt-il. ; I h-l ,' is ii ,:i.-f ,, I., all the lull's! ililisf ! .'i il.,- I'lisiiifs. iiircKfis, it..ih. MercliuiiillBo. ., .V". V Milmii.i,' ii aiiii'i is i., iiini In llio ioclully . I'.. 'lie I ,! j.'r.s .uui iflnllllttlis "1 j Tin; i-iiimr, i: m.vukkt. I S. ti-iliit' -i' ai titntif an, I al.rt.ml, lnRKlhr nun us nry ivt'i'y u-.-i-k. a Sii'iiii.ii hy huinn eml. in -in tllMiif, I.Hi'nii v, Must, al, IniiniaU,', I't rwnnl an I Si a N..l,-s. 'llti it. I, , ,il,.Tlll lllH w. rltl wl.l.-li t',.tiiaiiis s, 11111,'h news iniiiiiT cvury wi-i-lfl as iitf Wt i iily lli'i-.-il.l. Miin ii is win. i,,b1mi;i' fi-ii", i.troii.. h. iiic'. V, ii .'an suits, 'i ll,,-al nny tluu ' : TIIK XKW YOUK HERALD ! hi a wi'fklv r,.rm, V.l.ll'.:.. ITow York Herald, i Ur...i.viiy an, Ann Slrwt. New Turk. MILLIONS OF THEM For FLORISTS inl AMATEURS. Puti-b DoltM, Jra Jiullx, Frcm-o l)ulh, Aiucrit-ui llulbn. Mao lli.iit forOrufiiboitHM uid Wmtlnw Oudna, HIRAM SIBLEY&CO. ! GRAHAM & CROCKER, i Attorneys at Law, , Vl-li I. i -races.. Ii 1 11.1. all.'ll.l I" ! uric nf ChailiHin isiunly f an) i lien- In Hie Mlaie ; Ths Yalhy Mutual Lifeilssccialififi Of Virginia ! j Oo'i-rs t!n following !it1vaiituj;tH over other life insurance companies: 1st. It docs not cost Oho-lmlf to carry a eci til'u-alo of membership in our Association as in old line lift) iiihur iiuce companies. 'Jnd. Our Assessment Table is lower ; than in imv other lifo insurance c.mipanv. association, or society. :trd. Our charges arc at nctu.il cost of ciirryiny; risks : our policy lioldc-rn arc our treasurers. lib. The ul most caul ion is extrt-iscil in ncceplinc none but- sound risk. Tith. Not more than $3000 enrried on any life. j. w. jacks on. Agent. .Tune -21, 1SSI1. TO TAX-PAYERS. Ni1'i U ln-P)v iitvi-n t h a Hit mmnilMttlnnrrt .r llio nmiity or Dinihnm will im-tH ut llirt court hi-Ursi. tni Din m('niii M.rinifiy m Aiipilfti ucxt, UT the jolt J...M' 11 ri'vlblnic tin- lut UnIh of Ih nrvt-pil twi, lior4 Uh'l limrliii(Hll rP-i4oi4ntijMMltif lo tli viun.l..ii ..I llii lr .r..Tiy,i.r n.llie mimnnt ,..f , tn i lui!'t;f. ni:,-tlnst iln-m. July It, Iki, .. FREE ! X'ciu!