J: , V) hfi Ol'it'llhlHU C(0r . ' ' ' 1 " ' " ; THPRSRVY. Al'dFST !. JSSii. fti... .-j-. : LOCAL XLtCOXL2)3. " . .:. . ... , . Jtrihe M'.Hts arc now cool a.l idider sleep v ry i ' i'i" d.ii'- r.T?i ns i 'iv i r i - . r r ."a ii :a: i. I'. . i.. i . Hiinis k!oic nevt Saii'rday. Al! Roods not so!d thou will he ;;iveii 1 HWAV! - ar (),,( of the mos' j-.ular ''t'Oiuinercii'! cvanfieliHis" of our ae- luaintiince iM ?.lr. i F. Kinpr. 'f Baltimore, who vi'..s in our tov., lv tins h-o. Wrihv s-h.wl al ,i!k Hope will HimM Ai.-usl l;?:h. This school. tauKht hvihof. Aduey. oli-s facili ih ft,r tli' lur.si! ..f .-rv hm,.cl, hf Htu.lv at verr rep.soii-ih.e 'rales. fcsTOnlv for ii vcrvshoit time will JiOllUOl, coillllllie to sell an -nous or ,. ,i ' COST. It you are needing- air. Ullll;,' lie has call at once a;ul you can wnc money. It will pay you lo ri,h 'Jo inilcs if vmi oi.lv v.is!, ten d'.-l'i'.r.-. worth of L;ood.s. Ainnnjj the many i.-ilors ,, our town, whose nanns we h ixe not licnitoforc pub'.i .he I. .ire Jiiss Sally Mannin-. of ('Impel Hill: ."dr. .1. I'. Leiieh ami familv. of Littlenm: ami Mr. Frank (). London, cf 15ock llil!. S. C. tirlf you i ice i any cloihiu- :;i:d uish to buy . h. lip yo,i t iiu liml il : Ignition's, lie is ,-iin- tie- h s intlilcenn'nts im; c.v ,:i i-v.t se- u in (his county. Will ue'd ail siiinni: r clothiiiff for the next l- ,'t.iv.-. ID per o ........ a- .....t ...... ii . r.. miir .M.f. whi'-li will hes!, ve:v low TkmI'kuvn.t. Cr.i i-.:;.:.-, i i -We a reouested o .U'l.ouii.'e 1 hat a I' i.: peralice liiri-iin- wiii i.e held, oil I lie J!I IlilV til .il'l'l'liiiii'!. ii: .'-v, l.aill.J church ill Ne,v Hojt io-.viiship. A I dresses w ill lie u.-l ,:,-, i o-. . l, H. Vhitaker. of Ua'.cie-li. .'.'id olhei Jirotuineiit e-ei:t!e.ie::. A l'r. e dmaer will he proud, .1 and all wi ! Il- we' t'olIP'. FMivri:-' I'i Nie - Vm m.i n-ipp -t I to announc I! a! a me tinjr of lip- tarmei s will h Inml a! -Mi. I'I' a sal. I ehurcii in Ha'dwiu t iv. nship. on S.i! , inlay the h iif .. ni-i'm x Il.t jiiirii.ise of advaiif. ii-the slock an ! fence law cl.terpii A lar-e ..i .end Hl.ee is expect eti. ilild s'pe'ili'i,-. I, a-: inj- and ei.jtiy im-l.t wio o.- tin- o:.i i of ;he .lay. ii..Se:.i i.'No: Sue ui.ieae-o. Mr. I). J. I'oweli. I iie p: im-ipa! of" t uion Academy (whose .-iiSerti-'-meiit is ,,,,l,lisli,'.,l iii iinolhe,- I'. '.iiiiin) had a wtii.lliiwr lu ll, i. .:. los :.c ,ot. . a :! oili of 1(1.(100 oi ds one scholar misled i.. U. i':iim . for f.-r U-" as olilv '2 ami i"i"llier mi-Mai - v.ordi. t' er... Thi-y wen. the daughters of Messrs. IV. .1. .-!. Miiiiiiln-. for oxani H. S. Sli.e.i.i ami .i.:l I hev.- Snipe.-. imi,-;i Imei; i.-. and were 12 and 1 1 rears ..'.i. S. W. Crew, r. f-r safe for .s!., r- ' ill's e!m-c. A N.M-iiow Ks,'i v.. Some oays -.i the little four year ..!.! sou of Mr. I. (t. La iM itli. e. of Cape Fear lor. n i.ij made a very mil nr.. e. t iVom l e illL' killed oi' lildiv ciilsi.ed. II:;-. had heeli li.i e.-l.il,- wheal ii! d , . Lawiaiice's and wn ,i liif.v :::.;i - I (.) drive av..iy (he -'cjii:.'ii!or ' the Svhn-1 liii. i.i r the hoy. and adieu:-!' such a In ay wei-.if -,i:h .hi him ici u hone was Inokeu or even l!.e .skin was bruised. Tin: Diit i tiii -The e iiuinru .1 dry Weathi'r bus hei-one. ii'iirniiee'. ami has -r. nt ly injured 1 he -row in;,' crop.;. In many lie .Is the com is liud'.y twisted and almost tuim .1. fi this' illimi'.li.-u e iiei-llhol iioo, ! I he ,.: oil n1 is severer Ihi'ii hi any oilier portion of th.- county, and a l vr-etalio i seems shrivelled. Ve luive h." ll lilii- ' tii'.ied M'M'i.a! tine's wiil, passu.- clouds lilld -ilUier i.i the hoii.Mii. and th. :i loll by us wilii'.ul one, hop of lilill It) iffiesli (he Jiareip.'d lil'ih. , Mii'sTiiAT;.s' M'KKi'INii. As letpiir.-,. by law Ihe ('..minis. ioiiers i'ii,i ma-is t rates of this coiii'ly h-!d llu-ir an Una! joiiil mei'liii-a! l l. 'coiirp liou-e. on last .Monday.- NotwiUiMan.liii the (act. that il w.-n a ph-usant day and a leisure time with the farmers there was barely a t'ioriim p;es,. 1. 1. Nea:ly u!l Ih;! newly apiiointed nai- istrates were ics.'i,t. After a hi i.-f discussii in the follow in rales of l iv alien for rouidy purposes were lev,.'. i for the ensuii.e- M--,r. vi : "-til i--lils on the hiiii, Irc.i dollars Vii'uatioii of . i. ip or, v .iii.I K7 i-el.ts on t i.e noil. This ...... . Hielllth'S lie K)i'i-;i! tax lor lull, dill- . . , . i , . , the coiirt-hniise. ami makes tlie toliii county ami Slate tax anion,.', to M cents nil nrolii'llV liml l.:r.it. oil i.' . h T, . : .- ... ...I J Jl.t;.. .. .us 1 i""t, (him last year's Iiincs. J ins nieeiin,,' wa i aunitier nan nay for hi id-es. it ions w ,-! pi c.'.-ii. en am, uioiions iii.eie io a;, . !S,,..eili) Jor .-.i:'i,lui- a l.'iil-e a, !! I' ...i ...:u ..i,.,n. I ...... . ,eyf. ...... f-..' .". - liull. and f:-...jiM for one at (nliivue s on Deep river, hut all wt-re defe.-.o.-d. Tim first, pioposiii.ii, was rejected !y a volcof 11 yens and l nays, and tlio olaor two wee postjioucd to Homo flit, ve meet in-. The committee hercb.fo, - elippoil - ed tr. a-ccrtai:i whal cli in-t'S in tow n slup hues w ere tlesn e I siiniiiit le.l their report, which was adopted. The only cliaii-e m:ele was thai the Cape Fear township line be ehan-ed us follows : Coiinneiiciii- al tin lie,' ol I li r ti.iK.ai..,. t.:iie rear, .mw ' Hope and (.'elitre tow iiship hues and i uuniiitf with the Centre ;uid ( ).ikian 1 line to wher.; (liedoi'eas road crosses said line. theiicevitli tlie said (ior-us road to J)ecp liver, thence .low n lcep intr lo Cnj,f l iar towiisiup line ! ItKsmr rmNs of Thank--. We are : J' es.'o! lo publish the following i resolutions which were adopted :it I In- recent Sund : school convention the A. V,. K Church held at this Y'.ni'v : . "lo'solvd. Thsi we. the members of this convention, tender our sincere thanks to the Pastor, members and ... , , . ... ,..,., ,, .;,. friends of I'uiuli Chape! lor their .cordial welcome and kind I real ment shown to th- bienibers of this cm- .i i . , ... i ,, ... . i ... ., . v , t L . ,, . .. ,., !,..., ..,). convelioi. j 0,. !l;in!;s ! (he 'oiunii.s- . .... s-onci-s and (:er!c lor the use ol til- 1 coiirl roiiM, at Inl'f r ites. : !h;o!ved. Thai we lender our thank to I lie I'.di; of I lie ('.(..vp v lt-i's:i for ,il'i hit;-- our )! o.-ee-d ims: a!.. Ihe ho.-jni :o'e kipd.iies.s and -ood vi'he, of il'e vhilef.i, nd , duriie' oio- t'liec .lav 4 sr.; J -! ' "i'li'-i w.d he u-'A Sp:,!,I, -ul on (!,. :!id ,.ay o. Amtusr, . . "' . Cmin:i l-M!)iU'is JlfM-S::i:r. The conn!'.- coiciui uepei-s le-!d ' their regular min! !ily mee! i'l- .,n ' ia.-i .:n ; p.nn i, '; auiainiM- l.i i'i . . e.i ine in ..ow.,. au.s: H. . Minlaji. foe ,,ui!.in;r luide .i-.o ; Ih-ar Cjvi; at "J'l.oni.-is' mi:!. .":;.:7.o' I. ). Uieeii!. a- ..'li.-if ! leiul jury a! f nl'.-. i n- (' mi I. 1. ?d. Mcivei-. fora- .,hi;; iae.d. l'l.l)') i. i.'ies. " l-J.O.I '. .'. i i!d -!.)P. " " N.'Hi .1 i'. -l'.;;:.mi i. i-2.i-:i John il.ew.r. N.iM I. I!. (I.illnie. - 1-J.U'l l-'.dwaid i'hiillp.'. " " S.ll;) I. II. Ty.it r. as e.iminit 'ecu, an Oil toWllship .. - - ). A. 1 a: li.-m;. iMeonn ! ' mail on tov, I W. I. I.: T ...... :u. . i a : : m 1 1 1 eem a ' 1 iown-hip :,m -2.UU . S. ( .ark. c .mi . email on low ip.!ii;i In. J.(ii ' W." ,,s, :; ..ivou.-s. ,...o.. .1 I-. I..".'-, ,: 'i ! I it I .1 t:. l-irva I 1". A -1 .!,-... i'. I!. ! '.!' I';t'-, V. .). !!.,:-d ili. 01 l'i. al Hi.'1" IS.tl.l . ... ( (. j. . , j,,. if "! I I - ' i-"' In.' : to p . W. S. (i.iid.-r. h. ri ',- cn-i 1:'-., i.i -en . for m;i: 1 '. i 1 t-('s 1 I.HH y .Iv. i.l fe W. F. '! el e.-. f i -'I I.'l-le is - v.: f'.r II..- po -r ho.i.-e. ;; iwa.-! . i; ,;';,;! c. c ... i'r. !I. C. .l e-'. .-.ii. a-, phy-i e!:'!, io n- !:,:;.-, . V. f !. ': ,i ,. for- i;.,;iiifs f..,- j"..i, !, ... .. !l A. I : eelo,.. .ir a I ve: 1 1 i-i- uiiee and prim in;.; real order. ' S. I'"e. for seimaes fo; J.l. i I 1' ' n ' : ' " I . ". 1""': ; oil.sj . e';' '-de ' 07.1- 2 !.;; liyn ji.-ih'ji I'orsiipplics lor pool -..o.lse. . II. )!.;;. 'h. sei ice as coiu- ,). A. I'::-!,. ...rvie :'iis,'oii,'i'. ( '. !!. Sco. I. : f' vice s as com s a-, com I'i'.u.'" due '"''' 1 1. m ,',' (-11. CI ci;. ).: : . :. That ll-mry Cl.---r I ..'low I ! for suopoi! oa a-c-.int . :;:!-! and ol.vciiv. .if '-' !'. That d. .1. !", 1.1. is ! . :ip .ii'l' d (he county si u 1. til al ii; I i!ie. it v. Inspnrdtii! f Farmers. !:-, S i;o..i. Ah-. 7th. 1SS S. M ::. F.n. ,-, ;:: J ! can n, ! est ape the ol.ieiwiiti . of the most c.- iu! .ill a-, I1:.:', a ':. '.',' elil i . dawiiu.-'-nu pi ihe h,l N.i.'.h Slai I! r a ,.. a e I endei in .ve -y p.o! of oni l-i I iiorv iieee. ".'.li:,-. 'Old iie-.-e nai. t PC Wi I ioliS I I a:"!' thin- Ass :!' 'li : 1 -o-.l ,r are reee; j,,.. :.,',e hd I' -1:1 : i : i :-.';.: I, - i in va-io:, inannlaeniri!!- cut . rpris.-.. mid lie !.,,., ;(. .-ver. le r.- .-in- aw.ikhi.r h ,,, ,,v;.jvvi.e :u :,..' s-it' tal!isliiu- schools '..r (lie e.hi.a:;:.:. t !;,-child-cm These puls.n in- acl ivii i -- inu.d ti ::e!.: ', iafust-lio-and aciio:, into ,. '.:i: Nv'ink'.e ('aim - . ,,,, j.',),,., b-tt.,- wav..f ' ,, ,:,,.,. ,1a,;...... A i-ha!!,'.- I'..:- beiier ,,i:m,aml b. iter in la...!, is a!s,, ';,!- j. in,;ii, .,. p ,, 'i',,,- M -, li.-r:.- d-i-irra' of a r. cen' ,,",-,,. j,,.; i... nl iy observes: "ihe .; I . 1 , '..,., ., .1 ii'"- e".'1",' '"'"o "'".' ,..,t:oii e:iii mil h ..-i'i,., ii in No: 1 1. e- . cM,,:iaa for ma! kel . and tiieei.i p,,,- Yi..K. pm-ress wai!:. ihilt day. ii. i, 1 1, i ,:, ., , ,.....:,:: . p.,' j,., .( I,':,.- v,:., .'I lit,,', lil .1...,'.,, ;Utd in ten years it wid be ten mil , hous. I I, ep rice v ill rule i,.im ms.i(. (.s, p..,, , t(, seven cent s. ami w. can'. . .. 1 1 1 c- ,', ,,,,, a,,,'., j" M u,,, i, .,..'. I cKiiH i.i:. ine : stnole.' cot;,.,, lie.s can rai.-e the . . ' : i i . , siap e am: sc i i, :u seven eem .. rea;- ;u a ii.ind -mi,- p:-,,:;i. a id t!n- , ,;,;. ,, pro lie! ion is!.e liiaii of labor i.i pick l!c-cot be, o.;. O'.i.v , .fiv.,, ! h- -uaehiu- ry for pic!, In- ,., c:i',t":i, ami l e;is a', uie will raise t .-. : million b.i'.c..." ! A close ob-c, v. r in F.-l- :,,b.. cm, in v, s:v s 1 1 'S i.iihi-i . , ,l..,-'.nv,; I Pa! Ii.ai co llily is hih- a I.a'l million dolhiis e!i.ly .m 1,. i ,.,,tt,,ii ci. p and pit i":t ' mod, oi fa: mm-, and thai oa:y I ho-.e , i,i,-.'- are pl'osjici ii. - w l.o .:. t l.eir :, ip jpi, s al i,, I,,, . lain, imlu-l;i. . il is ( . .;. an morn .liveisiiic.l in Ch itham ( iiaii i. p.. ( .i.i,-, i oun. it s.' but wec'.n ani wit it lie ,e..,iis ; Are ,e s ,! i - lied wilh one fourl I, ,,f a bit! e ri i-ottoii. l'.-ui b.i -hels ti wheal, oi one or two barrels of corn per aci c .' We ' can n.-t aihVd il --we eis n..t u r. by it. Wcnnsl h't.vr moi " of (he -iii I: v.si i e" syi-la. ( michine our lands tv.-i-.- 1.;, :W. inn) this not by tlie mm. t;f c.inoiicreial i'eil.lba rs. hui fly by home made manures. This ays le;n. jii:isl,-,l years a-o by C.tpi. .1. li. I hi-M n is :i( i , -ae! iiej -real a, I en- t ion o ' ia!" a s i In i'll i in.-i vt f ;,. , , . , .', .,'... ,, ; 'to keep the re.piisii e aiiloiinl of slock to produce his manure w ' inn nt-i -.1 i n 1 1 1 1- ! . v 1 1 1 1 . .i n irre.-n fnvoo- cr . , ( !he drv oeriod of sm.mnr. ''e m.s.-t I he foilv of - ...... !e.-; ce!y . y.:;:-y hall do.:..n id- s e, o! Ivotoes ( ek j o,;. nsh: j.. . i- iinhlioiied eal (.e on a ratine of one ,ti,:s cunni , . ued i-'i v. n,-,. w idle out to two hundred acres old tield or live . soiier-l liuniii last Mondiy ii.-ei lei'idrc d of wo:d!alid. J:,s!e,id of dei.tl shot himseii in tin- neck, t!is. w.. must iiMoroximate t he result i which cau.-ed deaui in a tew of M -kiie.; an acre of l-.nd I." t one luoiueiits. le-alof nea! a! I !e. or liyeh,;:,! of; Wins(.,n I.enV-r: Hu i.-l oflen si"": v l.ieli is as Milain':v iMssih:e :u I'.f .v.vy.xv. :,-ns oi -.-e n ior- :- -.ouj.l he -row., n hh a.-r- ,., m-.,,. ,,, I .i..,- o.,,de,-..e. , ,;'i"' w" ," '''' licit one acre -ho,;, d ! m -, ! ii'-oir.iee e r : I- v. a I .... . .. 1 1.. i . : i. i ,. , ' ', ''."' , ,. i ii.,i i i it'll, . , i-;.i.ei that a. well kent o or cow. ail lip- manme, jiiini 1 a, w.-'.l is solid, h.iu-.- saved .or use. v. d! iairly imiel. all acre of ;:-- 'aiid e,i-h ye::'-, and ile- . :- lm! . t - -1 innioM:'.:.! ii:!.' ; l:,n of fem-ii,''- Min-;;. or tern in- c.-op. will wni''.rMi'"ini11 '(. I". icli farnier tor him ;. '.!' w .d ... I 1 ...i,. :i iiracic'l! sloek lii.v assoei.i . I ,. ..... ! .!..,.! .... V. Ii. ti. An.N mm i i.. j.. ..!...:.... i"' " M'i. V. '!Tii:: '!'he I'ieee I s lit votl ;,1, i.pli.i. !,..,! ia you mer in-ooos n'f our court caauee ; ." ii.im. :,ii niemiei ocas: iipv tie" . . . . -. ,i:i on ,e iiit-ml r- o s.ll. coi.lt. Silid eonit. , , , hi"h i.m.'d , ,-, id ike the- . . '?' -U,V":. .-. j-.-i! ;'Pi ,-,. f U,1VV ,1,.,,,, ;,, 1,., .,.lt ;,. :,,,.,,. ( u -v-i- th Ii.r..-'...i" , ;l.hl u... ol ni..:v alipro:,i!i,ie. I would pr.:'. r , ...ml il ;d i-ia!;:. i il e.: .HHP,- Irani . ,ie . ,...,., .!.;...: m. n u l..oU .,(....( Mi.yoii.'l- nail.:' to ihl.-nor. j I -ll.-al'.-l n ny I :i!e i'i: Mr. If. ( ro.. and s'-ii ;.!e i (he ,e,( o Ine p A 1J s(; J J. Dt'ATllEXt, iVC . i h"..''"' i:.-ry k-o-i. m kiv.iih ialm.l r il. Oil :ivCout:h-Co:,.. I'cr!i:is Mr. -..!.-: '.!e.i.: :o,. ctl-.-rs e.-.n ,-. ., ?.!.:,.'!; ii, i .i,(en.s. Vaih.us r.-io'ili' nrMiirreiil '" - ' ; !""r! "' , I would p n, ,." ,..:, Ml;;";4"esi s .me olhei- .!:,:m.: ..,( .j-nu,.!,:er.s" in.,- Il- s.-o. Isl'ied ; wi,!: '( nev.i-said i, wa- -it i.ii.-i- ,..)';. hp;..'.). I:;- of a colli l' . Mr. ".Jits- ' iif '. a y..;i -ay y i.i e -.ped I" In-ili;; i;.to i v .'.eiic- Viiks tai ia'.'e hum . 'ii-;' i.i ;i c.ilti" I I: ! von w i ! ioili ' in v. i, !. ..... a id I .... :v -i-s of 1 1, coiiii'y and lid ihemt! '.he i!S"!.'v : i n's" : -..;,! . i.e i . Mr. -.l-pii ' .fiid - A i -. and a'.! o: her ci! i ., ir; ou.di! lo !.':.. -.- and he wed j.'is.i d ii. oi:r judleiaiy .sysiem." 1 wid adl'iii .'.".lie i-Jloraui . hili We w laved I, i keep no all .:u!i' i e is:;-v courl and ol'iieei :. of '..".id , ''. ' ' la.: - ii liiii ! out ol I'o.r maiei j.-,. . il jo. ,i! . lie I ...:..,', ... i!;p 1. , e cm ...... I .'.a: , e l.-ive i , .; , ......... , :)' ,.. ; (,,.,.,... ..' iaiVrim' t'oii; I . or a .l . .1 .: n. . ii iub.. 'of a ciirt". Mr. Il liloi Mr. ".I :::.'. ice' elia'-;.'-t -; me wild chai- li'.' c .ii.t of I"..-.. -in- a man li al , i,a I siol, slii'l li-, jiayiu '-'. f.i-i. 1 ;...,! l.o Ml--! e'i. .:-;.'. I oil!' hi:;.', ,.t ..;..(. i ii'usi.ali"!!. if ii i.i.iu -.loie 'd1':) and eosi ") he ma i" -7". :,.. i-,1,1 all ihal read ll.a, ariiclt k i.i v. il. Mr. .lu.iic, " was lliere noi a man w-l.'d '" a-e. i,y '" ill- !a-.. I ; i.i of I-:',.; ior court and I une'd 1 .! :',. v.iih,. i, I niiii -hiiienl '. I do.i'i know v. nai heslole: whether j. , . :i j,l . .. hi !.:-!. or a :ln'i. W . !,'.:' I. . i en". mi .".m- .iu,i alio It-. Wt " e lir liia. ' fou l' ii-il alier oa :n.: :;h,iill do'i'ol ihe p.-:i.:.ty ,:,' ll:e ' 'a , a .liii to !)' in l'i -I'-d oi, i !:!:. in " ol .! -r I., pul d -.w.i ,-. i:i:e. I f llf -.-1 were Vol o, titty to i.e ',.:, j... i!"." ! ' -a ,- v eo,;. Mr. --.I , is, !,'," .-act e ,.e f. ; .':. eri.'. 1 . i ! : I V. pi :, ," s i l a . 1 '. '. I Sow iil.fiv iii'.M- V.e lio.v .' '.-.ti'.:. 'In P I'll- Coupiy i-CO I - thai w- had , tli, ll did a'l the Icishicris and no. J. we tinea .iili.-ienl moilei'! trans a.-f.n- cot.nl r ai.a.i' "". l I'M. (lie III - ; I ,. I. f 1 f i.i tli1 sm i' I c. .me c i'i b: . p".- i :y ai -leaded to and in my j,,l-m m I wo co'l. 'Is 'fe v-.p- iirt' s ; l.if; - ,i . We :.: . a abidin- pc i' id a b.l i i .. ...... I .: ' . in ':' i e :. -'' n. . . ! c . - -; , he ,: e'o-l in -l - i a. ! ' .;.i; hi Ii :' o i, p...-e..a: y wh,-;. .'.ir. '-.lu-i;,. l.-'o d . ere. il" ihe I peri".' Co i; l ilene h b.i! now I d m i li-'i. i: i mi my 1 . eo'iii.iii- il. M:. "I:;, .,...' .... ' , ,-i 1 , , , I :' 1 . : :. I I. .. i.," s.' .'k,, ,A., -!.l i- m-i I ,', , ,-, i he s,, '. "i.u.nb'i- co.i;' '."...,, V,,. .'....,'! ...?,. !,'',',,, i ..-, .i, r,.i(,.AH- ,,-. -.) - ., u 'r'-'.r ".''';. If I (' . 1 :', .,1 , i,'a,' .,,i j ,r,'v. , iM js .-'in! tl,;, ; '. ,m ihe I .eueii'e - a pi-1 f ... ., ; ,,, , .,.;' i :,. .... . , ....i ,1 1 , i I 'p I.', md of m .- "' ,' !:.;-, ,--e- i. i i;u ,ll ill I ll.' li Ul,( a.' i . 1..1 . ,: nil,,' I, ill cr.s a : -1 I " I-:.' i i - e i : ua ., . . , , . .,-,vers' i,.c- M -.! si must lil-a mm . v ',:,ii , , .,'',, 1 ' ,s T!:"-" p-in.-n 1,'s m i --.l u hi- v. -ui nduo: ioreiv.- l,i:u win., ol the sa-ae .'I'l.-ieaiid ' ; e.e I: ii- pays '.line- must M". ii'.iior.il :-Im-s n1, ,., ii,.-. itai io . l .hat Mr. "Il.ih ; "-'v0-' l1' "':1 ':''; ,:. s -I 'of .-o I II-.' s. ill 1 I'll, s l lie r ".. II . l ., .,.-,,.,,,.;,,. .,,1, it.i-, i . ' ,,i'i''., soil i,,,:;..;., ... j, v :, , ,-. ,, ,, , V1. wis,. j,,,, j(, . ., ;, J ,;..' p.. ,p .Mr. p. pp.. j li',.'iev. Mr -Jus-h-e ' is :i .'.', j (vi !.,"-,.,- a-vi wi'l. .,', ,.,,. , ,,,,...,;,,,., ,,t-..l,eip .. .,, I t p(. ,. ,m it, -tic!,'1. 1 , , , . . , ; ,',,,,.' ' , '., p ! J.A,'w a-i'i e will. Vi:: '' ;i -I Ice" p.i ! hi !e;';,e. ' ! i imbu in ;i!a:-.' oi -1 1. 'isi.iii ". AC:...!",. m l L W.l't: I 'I'll,:,,- rlak-. i i Noif,. I .V., . "Iii'e ii i ' I r i I: in - .:, ac- of llo : i . laid on a lad'-o-i I ir. near O.-c.t.i iev il'Pl i :i , to.- ., to it J .l - .:.; ; 1 1 aim :i.-iii:ii,v:,,invii ri m - io.o.i.i io: -t.',!.lii- th,- li ndc.-on i.proad state JeW3. I'.hiitoii Kiuiiiher: Oil TIiiiih lav .,,( iM. huh-child ,.fMr. .James Hue, Chowan emnitv, IV!! from (ho 1 !. struck its hen.i .m i civil- round, uu.l wan iuslal.llv kilicd thereby, ... ' . ..' ... wlicine .Mum:;! : IS.. ire seem,., ,,,.,,. i, j. v;1. not. seriously lo I', in'' at :. i'-.t; ! i! lad' in every three, im. J it a .ii-: i iet of a fe- , on II, e north side of Xe.ee ri'eriV";!: "lls y,n " ""a s. Jtulciijh Visitor: Mr. A j. l' ... ... :. ' ,- . Uv.!v V(, :;, !, ,id !! son has :,, : .,.; .( , (.)v , , vim.-'I his is ,,! ail. She h:i . .(ciic! :.l r-.ise.i. d,l,.- (h id raise.!, dti.it":- II. e time .:., an av.ra Iw.. hr U of .melons uyear.' . I.vr :.! ..Ir. J-. I.. mme a nairov, . a-aj:.' a !"V days a -n in r.e -rt tosae a , , i, i , , o ae',. . . . H .ol:, i iiromi i!v , . , . .' .- .!'! Wi! !... d Ice hCie ... . .. ;': WHi, h-r.-.,,v. he was '"' ' I ' I .-:.i.t : 1 1 I ' i. I i . , . : i : ' . '. . 1 1 i 1 I u M-4 ' ' '' r' "'''i''' -!i;!'isc.l a I .! had ! i hi w r;.!, -el in hi-::. ;et. re .ore him.. id- M.i-ei-i de.l in sa ii'.; l!;e . l,l! I. (Jreensh ii-o' !':i!ii,-!: Mr. l.,vi I ' n,.,,..., ti ii..: i;.-:.. : . . , . ' '' ' ' to the MieeiisUiio i HI !-wii lo-.iiv. .-u. uaaiio'iM ,! 1 1 : , i h i, ia.,,.i' . . . ' , . dil. slrom ISJN. Jlej.s ipi-v in hi :.:.. . it . .ail is 11 lie tin i v. :.'.;, o i:ee en! :'!:;'s 1 .'r . .",'' ""!V,1" '''''th- i.:-.sl .-H.-n-ive in XortliCarolina. . . .' ' .. , . , NVwhep-lin .!:!, Wet-i: ' Uled over ei-ii! fee'. Ion;; ::;; ::.Vl pounds. The ..i.a-.k wi'ei1 where he co-i'.t! lio! it : !:. a' iim-eii' !' a-,'.a!.!::.e : i'.i i'i ! IK a i. It el.lh.i. ., ,i.- ii,-:i ei.i-.-.ei. ! 1 !.-a! hi:., lo .! a-h ,. : ;, ol ,1.1- -lo !: waters is :.meiliin- c-Mra.vd. ti.iiy M la 'l '.'. i..ne n:' lo lie eatpjit ii. ar he.e li-f' W I . Toi-.mil :-iuie v lio :'!:: IV. V. ii '.''!. il, h. a I. of !'.:!!. I.'l. ,;'. i-.-'i. ire.- d l v. ly ililm- i'i lai.'i a'i"'! T l. s.I . , uoriiii.e-. li.ilt of i-.;.ip- l-'m.e- I'r.o.' If ye i f a ne,:ie !...y. The li. I ! !.,,-. i.ii' ii ! ..'; "i.i ami na i I. . . i ouhh d w i; !i ! he t umoi- aliout I '.! v . . , , , ,, . , ,. , .,! -.:i u-: -11. I :i:a i if t 1 1 i i::i, i p ,; ine i a I up I : h., I e. :. e il.-.! i . .: ,.! i ::'. d Ol I (.f I. aiid li.r.c; i. i r on I iif v.li.-hiirv Wait!. hid i;v..i boy- v.( le ::. n":.l' an ci: I rmine ! I lli'-ms of , irl M.-w. iy - iirick ai.!. !'.:. ..lay, wi.e, ill e-.tvc way : el hi! 1 i- i i h n ' -lean m: ; "i" - i-,!,'' .Men I.; .ir ai hand ran t i ,h' ir l.h'f.anl hv i-i:.' ill ll 'e o -hov, I - s. ,t In. i.i On. ! '" ' I e n loo-kcl as if hi - ' leap oil! of his !r:-l. lir Ma- led ! i-ahiv bnii.-.e.l. 'i'-. , ! 'u-r h . i : I br. !. p I hi;;1.! and , : bad.lv u--d . H v,;s a tia, n i . e . :, ; f, a- th" liiih !'- i'-Ws. w ho ,-,. only aed div (he proiuplness t-i'iiie woiku.ct'. Lei.-.lr Topic: I "dr. ai I Mr-. .1. i!. i-' ills, were Ii -ii-.i ., i'oi ; .a of 1 h; ir li: Friday i,i.. .'! l: !' '-l"i,;it, d H. froi. ..f i I.e fami! .''; ici-.i. ...i- n.'.-mi..-. ,.f I'.e famiis i..td i'fd upm Ih- i ,M.!e piee. 'tif o... .1 i i i , i , 'f-s a eictiu-e ,,f 'a:. ;..:. ! ;h it-.'s," h r Ihe p .: .,. , f i:-:;;,-- .- ..-!.!.. leh's. VVh'U i;.- :';.-.vn's Iv lelilined the e,;,.i, -,:;s o ...... I .... 1 I.,...,',, , . ';,:!,, Kifhird -ot iiol.l.,: ii ! "ri.l.iv evciiie- -.:.,! !: Si t ! , i ! of it. 11, ii -:l ai.l was s ad for. lull tie ;.!. fe ;!.,.v died in ..r, al. u,;-eny '.i:!ii,i !'.', Imiils ui io: i.i'-. in ; tin- poi.-o'i. Lumliei-t'.-: !! ,!-, -s ,:, : (),, M m I-i- i, M.i,:.. flrii .' . !i ;.. ; i'i;, ; -.,'. r.. o eu: f Willi a p. -I-. : '. '..!! ii - ' . a -fid- .. Hid a .l.rk-v v ho ;; ,;...: , - : ' ; ' -1 e-'-1-1 11 : his :-!;.-::! h r c:':i ':,! 11 ! I I i -II ' V.OU ., d the It'll!..' in - a painful. it ; I. - - This - ee! ion Ly lie- i - v. r, s; 11 kllO.l II ll! i' f ill- ie hasn't b'-'-n iiirre ivi'.-Vi, l!n rv hot im I the,,. ...e.i'v.'o ai':-'.' he .a.- s v .!! b- is h.-s.i- vi -it. I drou-l't b'.t liar .: some vers. i-v -oi i-r ah.-ii i ..-'rher ha , b.ei: . Iv:. l"-n a v. rv -i !.',. hs- !.-'i,', ; -.i i:. .':.. -...: ih . ;i ..-oi i ,,-ie h, ,!i. a I ! v .il; ri':' liifir eer.i f ,r I ,,.i.,e. M.ei'. oe i In e.ii 'i 1 : '. : ,-s ,1. '!'. , T , . ... . 1 t , i i . I i . " 'v '' ' ' " ' 1 '!"1"'1' w)l"'i" fl1!' ',' ':,! " ".' ' '. ''''' ,'.':'t -'' Hi. t . .-. i,ee. oi lcics. v ,c.-i-.. o: vr,. it. , i tr,. np. '. M. I'.iii-h. w ho !:v.s ; y, .,',,, ( , ;,,,;, ... .,,i , ; ", ', ..... . , ,. ' ' , cioihi.piiaioii ji.toMi-MMi'ih-tioiu. .. , . hi o:i Sun 1 .;. i- ::i.t- last a!'- ii oi,-- o'clock. 'i in' lilt c.'.-l.;!:! Iron, lh ' , , I . . si. -, i-ipe alio lie l.'.ii was ill :; e.a.e "'.''' j' . l" w- V' wi,-:,. i..i,i,i,., -oo.i eii-.el ip.e.l in ll inu s. Th- bin! 1.:,,. ' ' ! "'' " " " li ,...v.-.-I .....I .... :, -.., " A .h.'viile Cil i. i n : Oil W't dnesd iv ifl.'i no ui i.'li. .b.iiii-t,,,.,. -ones and v. , Stuik a b:i". -v for a i-itlo the , I',.,: ,' ! -Ir. . il:., -', on tee Swan fiiiei in-: !. !.,t mil -j from I In-Coi-.i i ii ,i-e, li ia;. he . ju.t as the lei's.. t i. -, ,,r . a...... .. i .. 1 ,,! be.-m,:- del l, lied, and the .:!i:,ts' . ' no ,'l ,.' lie. -is ol ,e I PUS-, clip,- j ; ,,, , .,sh 1 1, ..ir i . 1 !.. Ii, n .e ap o , I islie, 1 ,p . n (he h.i',1 m i'i,-"iit,'i dal'.c Pa lor, i i.i 'i i , i , Moli i. water I"., i I .le limes,, me rocl:s. he-ill with a h I ; ::u v.pelo solace;, . .. , ,t ,, ., , (, i i I. ,.- , 1 .-In -im o 'v:i!'i-!')".-s t!iroi;e-h (he his !".!'"1' ea: s. I . m-i, rno Iim.-: eolid , ,, i i ,. . -, ,, eave. ami h are mimer,. is .kirk w ie j wo vears .-p.'-'. alier mole lh:.:i a , ... . , - , , ., half cca.nv of do,(.s.iahli:,s with l.is P-'ls li..-w1M.w,..,1,.el, makes. .... . Miy I' oie'-.'.ies :.r the f mris( - le.ii,i- (lie ciii ii-"- ny an-l i'.viwf wildly thion-h the -rounds. i' ! Ii Cecil) ants attempted t'j l:ij out. ("'ii. -1 succeed, d. Iml, o in- to the slliliH' l,c vehicle. Mrs. -J was mi '' l' .. aominl while siill on her ' ' ti:- l"A?y was mlciitly over- turned, am! she was Inn led a distance of .-n feet or more. She was aevcr. - hone:, we'-e hro:i(ll, hilt ic i. M'vcreiv 1 1 .:. .-n! v. a-- .ill(;y ,.,.,.,, ,, ,y ! h,. fanlv of ; Vi! ..(il t next o:iy wln-'.i was I. .ken i.-mu ' Wilt-in .(on It.-i-w: Mr. .1. V. . Y I hoof- o' I'ei'di-i ci) iiitv I'l-oii"1 ! ; ,,, .nii,, , ,. I Con 'irtjlj.r of () watermehliis. tiie ii;;'.rri- ,,.,(,, w. ;,,!,( ,.f . ,j,.h wmi C It) 1'oiiiids. ;"; tVei-"" of Jil pounds each - M.wie Ton aneo. a-, d al.oul ! y. -try. ,.',.,( ...o, f,..,... r.,. ,'.;. h: Duplin cm.lv. - a hriht. healthy I-.. v , hi . ..;,.. a,,l has m ver had a. y .. ,..., ;. f, 1 1. four or v-aiv. !.: s h-iir has In e,i tu'-niu- :im- .in! il no-.v his head lias the : j .'.'ra- u:,! :i now !ps i,e:'..i lias ti." ; I" -u ance . f a man of -.ears. On l i-l M..iil.:.v Mr. .h,lm Mathi- w:n found a hl.i'-il di.d.iuce from Cl'ti'om Kill a1!ir.. , i,; . !.,.,,,- .i Y . V . ,,. n, i ,,, ' . i:!a,""!,"r rr.A . , eo in ;v, and 1 is hiiptio-,1 I ; Ili.ii n.- s.c.ie a.-i-"c .( he w,i--. thrown ...,,:, , , . ,.!,. II 'I'll V. " II l.llill I e.-lill S. 1 le v.l-. Ill' II. I Vl .,,,,; .,,. ... -i:.,'. i,,, i;.,. .,.,1 .W ' i ml . 11 ..loil at i .". : Mi i-ouii. H Moilul-i!:: :-r: ll ,1'iw,,, cmii'.V. lie .! t.s i-li'i-.e lop-. and in v. h .! i - Ke '-v .. as ! ue ( .- I i. Cove on the Noi t h I'nkofthe Ca tawha Kiver is lite Imivide Cave. I he tnwha Kiver is Ihe luviile Cave. The f '.V'tf is il liniestoli. ... .. .. ... : i .... " .. . . '-. ... . c IVe. w lie I ov I lie W.IV IS sael IO le ' e . i p 1 1 1 v oe":i ei.i.n-1 ov .'it- in- ;, ....'.,.. . Moll i. water r... I lie limeslolie rncl:s. I, pa; a to t he si..,. , if t his cave, some .le , : ! . I .'' nne,' Ihitll',-.' I,..-,, ti-iversed ils shades for p.-.u'ly :i Icdf mile wilh'f.'l l:;i !!:' Jtisv end I" Tp- dark 1-i'ivi in) h. -:iei li is .lorn.; :ui n i: mis ever ot ei, fu!iv , ';p!or, d. ' 1 :....,, Ml.. .... ... . T.. 1 ..IP .... .'! . ,. ,.,':' ...-., ........ , l ii . s. v, no ( i.e. I i il i ii I -i i 'i.e ' T-.p-s. I.e.- I.i ;i,l of last. week. ! ft her 1' fi-.e and I ,1. ;.ahi".l i Sl.ikll! . an i he; m:,ne. a... I i,i:'es. ,a!iied al ib. ml .-2n.l. to the ( Kford ' . ; li , 1 1 i '. liim. --'!':., re is -1 villi:.- 1 elv ill !' '! eo' li y wh i be ': I 'aeliii.e- "cho ! f. r the lii:t timo on Mond i- of la -I .',. !:. 'i'lieie w-s a i attend !:-, ,, 1 - ;i;y I vo -e h',!;,.'S the ll,-t .lay. and i f liii! i:il" tier I well! V W-' i'e if .ca ll I'l.e i.e ! I'i'' 'i-'p'r IWo welt' oi the im- I :'. .' as Ha il- b-:,!;. r. We ! .:!', if d.eie is aim!!. i r .such s.-l., .,! in '.le- .!atc. ! al--"il ha.lf i-a-l '' o'.-ieei .-f-i,( !!,.. ,!.r, Hip- ',o:-m' oe.-a; h-l liy Mr. M r r-.-y lii.b -its. ii, .ar - i-!t r low u of Win hiii.'rt' p.. was. d-iroyed bv ii M -. Ihili s I. i-i , his f.ii'pit.p'e and ether p; - pert . 'ii. f-u.ii! , i aleiy e-i-.pil '; wi: ll ih.-ii '!''!- li ).: '. v a . I .ein- r.-p'tm d i'i I it i-: i ', '-.::,!! tin i tic li: ,:: I :i n.lt.-t! f "en th ca-: sm.'.i;::-; of a - lei.M, - .:- s!,-pe,es. Th- in- was owm-d !-v Mr. K. ;. I-",..vl- Th,' ilrii'i;-" e.iifieil bv tin- lil" -. es iii:..ib d at :. ;',!. Foiisiiiiii;; i!i; 'iVrcit!; !l:::!. M-tny im n ilaii.v p'-!; -!i tla-ir i ' -"ho li' i'rr -ive a tlpi'ieh: lo Hn' c.,:i d't' ,11 of lilt ir hair. eee;. lo I, .n'ou it ens i d!-,' will, brush an ! .- e.ib. ,a sat.'.iii It lo I'm ?i-,ralviip: :il ! "ia i in "' b,.- a-ei-a-e bar., r V.!..! m.p !, r"', ",,v- (-:--' ,',',,i!' " ' '':- : " ;i;',l n'riwi s . -v :V.y ol "! :'''"-' !"' 1 l:!V!V'","vlv -i-av -i-i I Ir ;.uis lo :,i! o-H. I'atkei"- "'"'' i':h-am will a! once s! :p th l'i' 1 ' ' process ap'l l''slo,'i' , lie "lip". P. i I e, 'I"!'. All i i"":'.ui iliessi.p.', 1,'t-e ll.'iii -l'',-'ii''- - .! v it t: J i :i . N 'I . .-..,! ,l...-c!. i.ii I HI .)': ! i'.'" l.ls,.-lt, Oi-iPl.-irl,... . l.-i:' -I -, ,-li '. ir-. li,,,'. l,o:..i.i.v Wa.s. 1 11 lit A l XT. H T Vi . l;, . -,i,' I f,.r I'm: l:i..'..l'H w wyait taylo;!. :, i ,', t Ml 1,' Mia: 1 . I -. N .1.-. -.. :...- I V .-. Mc: - s . 1,'M.ri .:. N. i- , .oe: :'.:. ci io .1 ::i. i i'; H i -I Mi. 1. Illi.-:, -.u : .ae.-, Wl.i.l - Ai.l. .Hi- "'I IIV M UK L'I'. I v,-.,,.- v.-.- ' ' ' Uit ". ! 1 1 -V. """"" - I M - r,n.-..i. I t : lo-:,, , ,,,i!-.-i.: I I It: I,-I I'.- .!,- II IP: !- I ppl.o, I,.".. f.:T..... ...' ...,, i N.-ll-tt. s-ooj tii.l.ii.K-,..!, .V, - I .'.s, V"- I V.il., ,. , r. ! I:,.,-!, .ill I t'l'i'1.,-1. .. I'liniiy, ;vi: v I l-.tii. . .. 'i-,it ?.' i : ... ' ' "" " V'l '.nil. - .. ,., ,-.),.... " --i i. ,." I'm ' i"'-- -- , . X,'W A,,V,'H ,',,s- ' UNiOH" ACADEMY. Ti,: . , -. -cli. o' ll . .1 I il ,i l" - :.i -,,:,', I I. -ii' ol".'. Clcillrei! , Ml. I' -I. I' AL U i- prill -Ipil! '-'I'I M-- ,.. I',,,!- , ,, ' .. 1 ... S., , ,), .;l I., vii ,, -. l i,, .-,,'. III ,. -'.,:. II I!, Ir . ',11 t''.',l '"" pri r ,l,loli III,- ? I: N.l;:i.-' '.'Ui, '.'Im. to". BXF.CITOK'S SlU Id'.. 11 AV- W i inu- imillil, i it .ill' ' . ' ''H' -r "I ' H-l'l'- I I,-.,- . irot-1, .'1. .' I- nil I"'i ,.' ,,!!-! - li l I. I. if '. Ulll.ll '" ' ,..-i,,i . ll," - ll I 1V .I '. ,,i',., 01 oi:,! w. I "I II. I-. V',to-... ., i--t. i HARDWARE SMB. I The ii.-si. !-;i:!.Li.i:.s nu'ituvKD ii.iiv r.l, !!.. !'! I TVTV 1 . i. 1 . ,i.m' 1 i.iiiuii'i.i" , ( :;V(. H r Ii ie! aiei le eon "' ''' ' , , ',. , ... 1 ;!':;! 11 ' lU l'rl'J,TI lIlul uu p: :) !:' !. v- . . .. f ... , ' H i;r' i'""'-'-' H'-rse ii do' Soiitii I'.end Chill Mows. Tro; !. Cook M-.e. ( ;.-,! :,. Air 'l'i -hi '!,!. S!.-,ve. , . v; , o-hd-rite-l ( Wi.r! ' - " hlAS- . llemy 1 iiston H r "lale.l I. ircuia, Saws, !.! D.m.nion Nail-- an.1 IMh,- 1 l':u- i.ou. - Ml' 1 ' .'. . ... 1 I'i ., M,',,",,,r i,:',, ("-!- " ' .,,,. !; i ' -,...1, s '-H.s . .1 . ,. ... ,, . ,, .... .;'.!! il : ..h ('.,:". Mi-Mavliin's Xo-.kes :l Kii,,-, .ikRlvlH Bf A' J! t V I BP IB', ,n. W. fc ; ! una.. WifOl.l-SAI.K Dl'.AId.US LN loi.rios' vivvs i oui..,.. m.ws .j s -.;t jm ."V'S P ; J rh -.yi G U i. V ,, vJ.ti.tm i.jtfinuS . ( , TTvVipl",, J.i . j (Jl.-.i, .dci.), UutlJ. b.i.li), -j-v -1 - -.j-r j for !de!l Maiiuf.'ii-llll in- Cos . For.'-! !.';!. !'l ild-. ('oiioii'ld 'S alp! ; ealllless i'l.ies. Cedar I'ildi -Maii-.i I '..-.. i... ; ...j .,,,,1 V.,1, . v. , . i i ... i. i " "";. , ' C i.;l"i I test .v IS ( nd Spool ( oltoil. u fi- Ahison tV Addi.-nn'r - ' ' -tar r.iiimi ami ottier .1-el 1 Ui.eis. e k-ep in siocli il fail line of i'i ill .' which wc off. r AT WIIOI.F.SALF. UM.Y. ,t. rchi'l.hs --ill lil-dlhiil '! Vi'illihlP . . ' -.I.!-- as ,',,':!j. Iron, I on belter terms t i.i.i in- ran la! Ill' ,- .il,. , i . . -j , ( live us a ll i:U ami I.e i , ,n ll.ceil. : ' bcemb.'io. N. C. All- I. 1SSI5. ' . i ' Attend fb?) Ot It. iil.K'liy I'liiri-rMlty, Lexington, Ky. 1'M 1.. r....-l. !.- tt.r r.!l f ..re .!"'.it HI .fikv T ll t. t.r, l-S-.'s W. n. SMITH, Uoilnton, Ky. g FlHli:i!ir Ta:kl3 BonartniB::!. 1 ''. II. UHJibii' u NoNN t i:l.i i Im. S. C. j !v, r i. im ly ! '.' 1 1 -nt .-i a km !. ..1 HO.. 'A.-. am! i A ts ..s t.o 'i : U.OI.IH' AXl IO k'oc i Ul-.J. .( j ii.icci and i.ir.-;. slock i t- ( tin.L Nt'. I' TiXli. (ill.ld'v.i TiU:i'.l S F.J Nr. TWIN!'.. .MINNOW Ml NUTS, LAilDi'Iii iiSf MIES. SPINS i '.!:. SW i VF.I.S. i- a i. i-i. s. v -i t s- i s. We have !e lai-esl stock and s- i! a! the lower 1 pi ices. I .-'"C.'.i! mid i amii.c hit stock F. Id'.V I'lliNli A l lMiilU MAN .!'. !'.! I tee. mm mi 1 I.IIADl'.i.s !l-i.;.w,i.r. S DMiNISl KATOKSNOTICF..- - il.oi,,.- i .mill!. I -.i- V lii:inl-inil..i- rlt :li. U'll ..; w. C. 1 ,,,i.-.-:i. a. ' i- i mi ,T, :,v ,-,. . i',..-." I- nil p.-i-'iis I, .1.1 I , I,, . -.-in,., II,,' I'.,':,',' "1 II,,' Ml, 1 !'' Ill ,., -ii' !! -mil" '".' p -1 ''.'!.' -I.--I 1 I'"'- Hi ,, - ... . I .l,iii-. ,ss, ,, llu li ....',' tt.tl pl.'il ," ,,.-f,!,.l,-,-..'.'0,,'. II.US II ,:,: AN. .1 ill is. i..s,. V-. u'lW'lTll j ill i ui in FAT SF.SSIOS lill'.iISS AF Jl'S T iiiith. iss-t. sail ,:, l I- . 11., I'll. II.. I If,' p-ll l,t S-l-l.-lilH. i I;. i:ni ir t ..'ii -' s ,.,. II. S Sp, I ,1 s- 1 -I I 'l.v. W. -,',..-,. : C'li ' ., ,. :,,, I I'!, .: ni'i-s ittee l,-..l : I lu- y,-ii..s Int. I,,-,-!, i-hiI, ' li.l'f 1. i "t- e-'l ;l "''- -' I'l'-ss I'. IMP V. PU H.I.. I 1.. ll . l'l-fs , l'!i,ip,. lllll, N. C ,: -. l-U THE BANK OF DURHAM, III 1M1 AM, i. 1'.. w -I- P.l.w liti'KI 1.. I-. A. W11I V, , r,..i l. hl. Ctl.lt..', 1" '.. li, ,, ,l:s. i.ioil.l,. -ii I'l illMi i.i- ,nl 1 - nift,. I... ti ,. Will I uv i. ..,) rt.'ll H'.tfkH I l...ii.s "li Hi-' ':l IHV..I ni l.- li-riiis. w III ,,, . .... I it V..,,.,u,- ,.ti lli N-i-.li i-r i:,.r,,,..- Hi cill i i'.-c h i.'.ni tp' iia- ii.-t- h--,.'ii.i,i. 1. 1 1 1 1 wn Co, Igrakd opening OF IIEV7 GOODS vol'. Tin-; 11 tr dilu oL'SiiUW ... , . , i '"' " ultraelivc to.ovM ot J)rss (loods, .Silks, 51ack (!oohi. J)ress Trmimmos, Uww ;. Dom.-slics . Giiitf- Ii.tms. 1 losiery ami Olovt'K; N.oes for ImIh-s. M.ss.'s h.hhen (.e,..le,,u and " '' ,: , 4 ',:!!, ii.t-ns SmUiiRH. ftml Casjimeies. Kent ucky .loans, t ottonaues ; Hoiisp Ketoin:;' C.iotl.; r:"T' dl iin-s. Kvdviliiiej Xi'.W, CIIOK.'K tuul i)i-;sii.i'.i.i-; in the dijy ' " ' I n . V l ! . I ( HI 1 lie I 'IV 1 IL ,.,. 1 ., . !i" "lire lo .all 'heti miii are in li i- . - . , i I;de-Jl. '-..i( !, e 11:1 HI lltl'od; . W. II. & !J. S. TUCKER & CO. M.c !. Pi. 1' rti. iiSW M mi Mill nflT.T A A 'VAT? " ' I tr--il i-I.-ll -1 I ii.-v - . .In- I .. .1 v H.. j l.-j.i.r;.ti.-u'!. 'I I:. ."iii.iM.Ts ,.p.-.'!i. ..:-,u. re.r., itl i..-i '.,-. n... i,...i r k' " ' 1 " wnncw smvi , , - . n- . o- ' r... . pi...- n.-pic. i ;; - .." I . Th.. t. ."i.i.im.i's -!,. i:-.,n. I,, m rr.,r., nil ..uiirien, ..( 1 oi l l'ii-!. vi:ws. iii:.i-pi -in ..tli....i jin.i ..iii.i--1-iii-..-.ir-i.1r tr-li .-M, .-u, u7.-tl J. -Ii ' i- wm.-T ult- ',,ii .-ll..im tif "" no: i i li.'i pi rii-nn xT ,r n,.-v,'i.r,;i.i in:: M.n yiv.-. Uc l..:, wii ',.- i:.i..i .: a--: i -.-.l .-.iv ...... m i.ti.l .IN(..vt'i't'tft '.i.i'iii- t :! .1 c. a... a.rin.'.-. li...:.. .,i- i'ti'.- ' c.ini... I'.... . .i n.,' . -i-i.f... .x..:ii. ,v..., i V.'.. Wi'll -'.L--- i. .... 1, -'i...l I.i... III,:;., in:,, M. I:i.!i:.' 'I'.'l..!.- 'II ;'. .', i '. 'I 1,1. I. HI. p. ' - If ..'I ) I i-i I - m it . it-e 111 .1. .;n :,..l.'., W ll"l. pi.', I, UII'tlT ... ,,i nil; ipcii; -ri vim: .'...'ii.i.'. i,.r p.-,-.. :;...' ,,--,..-s. li.n! f. .rniiik iir; .'i-'lihu- in.. I ..r I pii, i,p v.-ah Hit. l.-ilfft 'i.. ' Ol' tl.i' I..WI-.I p. .. .-. I.'i in-:, i ..r I'.M.k' :n "I' -'''.-' V .'."i 111 !).:. !.' p.'l!- Mt'lll Js i" l-'-ili .' I' -I l.i,.'...".' I , piu.ii, a. I' i.,.....-: - h'",,i ..-ir I M i Is a i -1 l.........i ,..,.r,-Kp.,i,.l,.f.' ... II:.' v.--v In.,'.-, la. i,,-'ll,,- 1 1, ..ill' i,.piii- ... it; : i: w. . nt. ...... i... v. ill ..iiv lie l,..iii.. .i i , in. r. H...II ."..' i,,i-..:-.-. 1 1 -ii.t. Hie i.i-l.'f i.i die ,i:i..-r. 'I'm- mi- n - r sr;!.!in i.viiiit ir.- I.. -!,. I a'.,-'. ;:n. ry.l.l.ii; I't'liilliii: I-i urn- ill, 1:1 H I.I . -.1'. : : .: I. ,'..,.'l,,v rt r.l.-.l. 1 ' - .!-.", :.'.-ill.l.-li.-M ,.iim .. It,.- I.,:. ii., iii.ti ii.-... t -..p.. -.irp'Iiiiu,! .-.( . .. -i-ii.i : ;. , ,i . ,! m tint iui-ltilly '' 1 ' ' 1 '",!'i" '" I""- I"-1"'"' !" I'l'M-T. S ..: .fir . '.- m (c.i.l .-1 . i . 1. 1 . I,.t,.irr Wl'l, ii ' v.'. .' -.' ,' . ii s.-t-hi'.n l.v h.'ll.H .'inl- ,., ,,,, I . ,-.:: , mi, -i. in. I m .nine le, I-.twiiiiI II,. I S ( .-. ' It' I'" 1 - I I'll. II,.. H, I'l'l ;.l"V"": "I"-:" i'"':'.-i--v.-ry w.-K .-Ui.... li-'l - . I. u :.. i:l .,' . pxn:itl!t fret,, ..roiu- I c. , .,, ue ". a i.i i.iiv .inn ' Tlir, NKW YORK IIKilAI.I) '.ii' i ti i n i iii.it. i i,:, s,i,-,.i. Ni.w VnrW. 'MILLIONS OF THEM For FLORISTS and AMATEURS. Dut.-h Ilullw, Ji Hull... Krt-ucli DulliBi AiM-rit-iti. Hull ALto i'l:i-rtf. .'f,ri-inhmpi nrt Win, low 0KlJli FREE I '0..'AH H I"'1 1 .. i. v. . c:uomia,llli AUoriiGys at Law, U-, I. .r !.-,. a, a II I .... ...I I, -a -r Clii.-lit.m ftil.nly4 in.) wl.. it- ill Hut s.a.u Of Virginia jili'-i. tli.- foiie, in;; ii.lvanla-es ovl-r oil,. . hie ins. Ilal.ce compallil-Ht i , 1-t Ii do, .-, 'a,! e,.-i One half to cany a eel til'.. -ate of lit, III!'' I ship in our A -. ' i. i'i -n us In old line lift iiiMir a;, re , . upi.aiii,' ; :,,d. Cm A sep i, Table is lower t loin i.i miy oilier life iiiHiiraiu-' c,iiii.'i:i'. . i!ssiiciatioii. or society. h d. hir chnr-e.s lire at aclual cost ot ciirryiu- risks; our policy hold. I'M are our treasurers. l!h. The utmost caution is i-Twise.! in aiaepliii- unite but soulitl riskht, "ih. Sol more than ..'Jll(lO cnrrind Of any life. Agent. .lime ISSil. TO TAX-PAYERS. l-XZ'ZZ -n.iiilHMli.f.rrs i ii, Hip r..iirl. il s .,.1 M , lay in Aiikiii. ii.. xi, for lit-pin p.--"I i..v.iKH,-l,ixlUi..ri,e,H. v.'riil i ,..u,i-l,l 1,,'iir, 1,-i.H ',s.,,i.,.l,j,.,.,n,tf (,, oini"""" "' "" " l""l" ".'. "i i" ui" aui'tuiil ,t l.t flu.. HrHlli"! II" in. e. II. si'i'TT, Clialniin. July t.1. iKlrt, 4li. li,..:. p.. I, :ci H,'.-..,,l., I ':. p.J. n it: h le ia ., ' m. hi p ? i .v. .-' f" ,- fc-.' - ; ;::... L'i' ri'

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