FOR TIIK FARM AM) HOME. A Moving Mrnwlirrif Itrd. A" London gunlcnor plant nd n straw berry patch four feet wide across his garden, in ono .side of which potatoes were planted. The potatoes were dug tip about tho end of . I line, the ground leveled and rake 1 smooth, so that the strawberry runners formed a new bed. The next season a similar pro fess was pursued, thus t'stalilishinjr a moving st rawb.Ti-y bed. At the end of three years tin- original plants were exhausted and dug up, though the bed annually grew wider without renewal or transplanting. Corn lor Mil lug Itrna. It Is claimed that corn is the most mutable food for sitters. The ivipiire ments of a sitter ditler from those other hens. Keeping ipiiet and with-, out niurh euTci.M', not much is re- j quired to sustain life, and their food, should be of .such a nature as to digest , .slowly. Tor I his reaoii whole gra.n ' is preferred, and corn is thought to be , much the bet. Nl't food of any Kind is soon digested, and the hen benuues: hungry, and either leaves the m-M too frequently or becomes very poor. The j advantage of corn ocr ol her grain is j that it is more oily and not so likely to , stimulate the production of eggs, ;iiul, j being Imrd and coiup.irt. is digested much slow er than ol her grain. Ilixv to -Hit kt lint To ai couipli -Ii a luge amount of, work in haying time w ith comparative ease are" .dsoto ure the hay in thebet. iiverage condit ii'ii, the following neth od is recoiiimended: liim the mowing machine from four until eight in the : altcrnoon. As soon a- the dew is oil ; in the murnint!, spread the swaths and open the tumbles, if you have any. Then draw in the hay, if there i- any ready, and rake up that which was mowed the afternoon before. The early morning hours may hi- devoted to grinding scythes and machine knivi and unloading the hay in the barn. If the grass lay., in the swath one nightt in the tumble the ne night, and i , drawn into the bam in the ,,' the day ami h it In si.tiul an I sweat an. other night, it will not need many hour.,' sun tiiher day. Il .-wcet. bright hay, five Irum ilut, i- wan'cl, the farmer should neither new it, spread it, rake it imr ln.i'l it while it i Wet With the dew. In elder to bdlow this plan a supply nt suitable hay i .i. is needed; then, if a shower is 'ecu foming up, the farmer will find it le.., work to put it in heaps and cover ii up than to get it into the barn. .1 ,.i r l')llliriitr,r. Iiik ami Niiiula. The experience of a gardener given in a late is.,ue of Ii, n ' f.,j i; : , j,, regard to tin- dosl ruction of these rreatures, which are so harmful where they are abundant, is particularly worthy of attention, and it is hoped that at last we have a quick ami easy method of despatching them when they make their appearance. oine pulverized sulphate of copper iMiii vitriol) is mixed with coarse wheal bran, and the mixt niv pla ed about tie garden where the slugs rati have ac res to it : they scent the bran ;-n I B reed ily eat it, but almost ilium-dial-ly 'lie from the effect s of the i opperax In using this mixture in the open air where there is danger that birds might rat it and thus be poisoned, il must be protected sous to prevent access of the birds w hile allow ing slugs to reach it. This can easily he done by inclosing a little spa e w ith small stic ks set up right, and covering it so that the slug, i an crawl through, while the birds are fenced out. U'VA'.v Mwj,uhi,. ltrrrlila. limit,, I l't,tts. Parboil large po tatoes and cut them int" linn slices; broil the slices on a gridiron, which has Jieen well greased, until brown on both sides. M-asnn and serv e on a hot dish. Mnrji llis ii itn. Three pints of il.nir. in which put a tea-spoonful of salt and a table-spoonful of lard, and mix it thoroughly; then moisten it gradually with half a pint of water, then work it full half an hour, until the dough he roines perfectly smonih, then mold it in balls the si.e of a walnut. Hat ten them with the rolling-pin, prick with ; .1 fork, and bake in a j n i k oven about twenty minutes. zl Fruit Spun;,, tine pound oi loal sugar, five eggs, one pint of ra pber" ries, one pint of currants, two ounces of gelatine. Soak the gelatine in hall a pint of water, and then stir it over (lie lire until perfectly dissolved make a syrup of the sugar with very little witter, bruise the fruit, ami let 1. bod in this syrup until it will ucrc through a jelly bag. strain fhroiigh the bak into it larg" bowl. tra-n the gelatine into another bow I Ih 'i iigh a sieve. W hen both are cold mi , tle n Add the whi'es .-nlv d the 1 .r v. II beaten. Wliisk all well to,-, fa 1 lor half an hour, and in i two hours before set v ing Fat w it t, ream. Mlt nil I I'll I' '.. Fiel am! slice fhin six good sized potat -i s and one onion, one half pound sweet sail pork cut in thin slice, and liy brown: one pound of beef or t id cut tl in, and also fried rare in pork drippings. Make a good crust as for biscuit, imt too rich; line your pan around the Hides only; line the bottom w lh the rcrk; tln n a layer of mutt, potatoes and onions; season with pepper and! salt to taste, and cover with a thin j layer of mist; repeat until the vege- . tables .-.nit meat are us-.l up. then p..iir in sullicient hot water to cover; liui ;h with a crust. Hake an h-uir in a mod erate oven. TIIK SILVER M.IPPKIi. l.raf from thr Journal ol ."Mllrr. i Korl,'- .sen-ira (' died last Wednesday in ail old adobe house at the Mission I llidorts, says a recent number of the I Niu I'lalicisco full I'm. he was a 1 California!!, and in the early h story of Nin I'rascis o something ol a celebrity. he was tin- hero-lie id' the -silver slip per." in incident v. Inch, remembered by the old an Franciscan, is probably inknowii to the majority of our eiii 7i m. Its singularity atel the (hath of the heroine serve to bring it a;ain to the front. nc morning a uioiile-deal' er ero,sing tln pla.-a found a leather slipper lying oa the ground. It was alino.t new and ad-u-m-d with a scar let rosette on I he itistep. It W.H also very small and had evidently belonged to a well shaped fool. I'he dealer, with a feeling ol exult a' em, carried tie' prize to ".o tig Itoh craMon," the sul'sepieut famous bartender of the Fl I lorado g.-imblmg saloon, but at thw lime the ' hief engim-er of a dram shop in a blanket tent near I he old postoilice. Hob w as a in.te I admirer of the sex, and when ti.o finder laid the little slip per on the dry goods box that served as a bar. he rose from a gam-- of "sev eil-llp" and. scMlitlg lolilsell si v feet sU inches in :r pair of raw hides, gave a yell thai made every man in the tent ay his hand on a -.hoot ing iron" in I he In lief hat a si in linage w a . muni m iit. In n the pani, had .subsided I'oli called all h inds to the I ar and dis played the trophy. It was only a shoe, it I it idled tl o-e strongmen w Oh emotion. It was long sim e I hey h.el Women in th-. cirdingly fragile lit ot th anything like W ere ; -i e. dav the sight - e "fli by i I'.o'i him,' -n bordering -I a aM-M the sev i reafed, a mark"d. .-'-i iinpri-ssj madncs--.' (' strangely. .Judge I'.i "Die b .v acted! F.l'd' v. the man in Fresno" Hob promising i crowd, and childr w as a good l..i-. lai-ding treat, and rs free "lor I he hull I included." There i in thai nig'it The b w i.s said t i bav i in hi saloon, an I le vv s spre id. woman"- l:i rovvds of i in em . hIimc, 1 a .h ie d to ga e iijiou the h-'lioie I cl.,. . . the meant urn- ; .b"; ,e live brain w.i, at work. IF- alwavs h id a:i idea to business, and coiuviv i d Hie i.h a that he might be abb' to utili .- the relic. An ordingly he I-111.I11 it, paving thcri f.-r ,111 '.iiiice of d:isi .m l H.ree gin sling,." I'le- slipper wa.s lined with silver and turned ini a drinking cup from which drink., were dispensed at the rate of --l a tip." The idea took. Crowds oi bibulous mortals came to la -t " the beverage dispense I by the shrew.! barkeeper from the liny 1 isiem once encasing the foot of beau ty. I'.oh coined money. The furor lasted smne t line s. I "tig. in la t, that I '-ol 1 was able to lay by a plum large enough to buy .1:1 interest in the "Fl I ini' ado. ' and 1 1.1 , e the way to a for tune. Ill the midst ot sll. ce-s he did let forget the fair I'Wm-r of the slipper, lie iinpiii'ed diligently, but his search ;i- long unavailing. At la-t. a defec tive who "passed over to the majority" a few vv eeks siie c. ilisi .. ei cd the lair em- in the person ol a l alilnruia gn' retailing nt the Mission, lief name w as Addia one-half must .-utlic e. Mie was unmarried, pretty, the owner of a pair of bl.i k eves that sent a pang ! through Hob's heart the first time he looked upon them. In be I, he became enamored of the fair l-em-iit a, vv hose : solitary prunella had pla cd him on the roll of financial sie c cs-. I'.nt he had call- d to late. The la l.v had already 1 placed her alfei I mils on a age-look- illg V.l Uero, atld l'ei"e the l aikeep 1 er's adv am i s. In- could I make no impie-simi upon the chirk- eved California!). Fob retired from th,. licld, giv ing her as ,1 clow er half a do. . en "onas" w hn h she utilized in the I purchase of a wedding attire. Hob j took flu- disappointment a good deal ' to heart and tippled a good deal from ! the filver slipper; in fact, laid the ii n for that love of stimulants w hich ult iioatelv reduced him to p v. city. j That was thirty jcars ago, and t i hip j ha., not I n idle. The silver slipper was destroyed in the May lire of '."ij, , when the II I lorado was laid in ashes. 1 met Hob, i inh avoi ing to siiv e his relic- Wiisseverelv Inil'lie I. it h t he loss of . the relic Ids fortune and energy van- J it.hcd. nor was it hug l-elorr he also j 1 t iiriu-d fo ;i -hes and loiiinl a transient . re, I ing plat e mule r tie- scruoi'V oaks ltd Vriha I'oicliu. Since thru his re- mains hav e been si .dtered to I he w nids ' ; and "no man knoueth w here be sh t-p- ! !tlh." Many ol flu hilarious spirits ' who sipped the stimulating nectar I limn the silver slipper haw al -o fallen ; 1 asleep, the vapu-ro i, th-inl, ;iud the 1 I heroine hersell h is sutiumbtcl to the I inev liable hiw if mortality, suihis.i I brief hit-boy if il eireuiu .lance nine , sol I 111 ll'l I I 'V C V I IV I'll-'Ue. ,i t.UOWIIITl what iibsiirditics the minds ol nun could entertain in the hid;. con (lavs of the liolden Mate. I'on m cl n ut was the i:r. t the I lin-ll to com llioncv. tate 111 ITIIMMIKVS COM' MX. a iirnvr i , , VCfr -,',, nin,n and ....,,:.' uat.-hin.- each other's movements mar Nw 1 or... iiVneral St hnyler, having resigned hi? 1 niiind on iiceount of unjust charge.' made against him, was staying at his house, which then stood alone outside I the stockade or wall of Albany. The ! Hritish commander, therefore, seeing his opportunity, sent out .John Waller Meyer, w.lh a arty ol Tories ami Indian-, to 1 a ituiv "i "i. Schuvler. When they ariived id the outskirs of th- c ily they le.izne.l from ii Match labor.-r that the gem-ial's lion -e was i guarded by .si sol iierz. The Jiu'th 'man, the minute the hand was out of j sight, took to his legs ami warned the I general of their approach. ! soon alter 11 servant announced that I (here was a strange man at the back door w ho wished to see the general. S- huyler. understanding the trap, gatherel his family in one of the upper rooms, iind giving orders that the dooS and w indow s be barred, tired a pistol Irom one of the top-story windows to alarm the neighborhood. . The guards, who had been lounging in the shade of a tree, started to their feet at the sound of the pistol; but alas, too late! for liny loiind themselves surround- ' by a crowd of dusky fig ures, w ho hound them hand and foot b. fore t In v had time to resi-t. And now yon ran imagine the little group i illeeted in that dark room up stairs; the sturdy general standing re solutely a the door, with his gun in his baud, and his black slaves gathered around him, each vv ith some weapon; and ;it the other end of the room, the women huddled together, some weep ing, : some pinving. suddenly a crash is heard which chills t lie very blood and brings vividly to each one's mind th" talcs of Indian massacn s so coin. noil at that day. The Land had broken in at one of the windows. At that moment Mrs schuvler, t to her fet t. rushed toward tie-doe r for she 11 tneuibered that (he baby, only .1 tew months old, having be 1 11 forgotten in the hurry of the llight wa. asleep in it t era lb on the first flour, lint the gcneral.i .itching her in his ,11 ins, told In r ln-r life was of more value than the child's, and that, if any one imist go. In- would. While, however, this gc m-roits struggle was going on. tin ir third daughter, gliding pa t them, wa, s-oti a' the side of the cradle. All wai bin k a- night in the hall. ex- epi for a small pa'eh .if light just iH the foot of tin- stairs. This came from the dining-room, where the In dians could be seen pillaging the shelve , pulling down the china, and ipiarii lluig with oiieanethcr over their ill got 1 en bin ly. Mow to get pa-.( this spot was the question. 1 nt the girl did not hesitate. She readied the cradle unobserved, ami was just darting back with her pre. clous blirdetl when, by ill luck, one of the savage- happenel to see her. W'lii ! went hi sharp tomahawk with in ii few inches of file baby's In ad, and cleaving an edge of the brave girl's dress, stuck deep into the stair-rail. .tilst then one of the Tories, seeing her tli! l .v. .'Ill I supposing her to be il servant, railed alter her. "Wench, wi m h, w here is your masler ':" she. stopping for a moment, called hackt -- ( ioiie to alarm the town!" and, bur ning 1 11. was soon safe again with her lather upstairs. And now. very nearly all the plun der having been st cured, the band was about to pruned with the real object of flu- expedition, when the general, raising one of the upper windows' called out in Fist y tones, as if com manding ;i large body of men: "Come on, my brave fellows! Surround the house! Secure the villains who are plundering !" The cowards knew that voice, ami they each iind every one of them took to the woods as fast as their legs could carry them, It iiv ing the general in possession of the licld. I I hi Schuyler house looks now iis it looked then, except that the back wing for the slaves been torinlown. and some tew alterations have been made around the place; but when you iire show 11 the house, you can still ser the dent in tin- stair-rail made by that Indian's hatchet more, than a hundred veiirs ago. -St. Mirmliis. Filch head of clover contains aboil' sixtv distinct ilower tubes, each id ; w hic h contains a portion of sugar not exceeding the five-hundredth part of a grain. The proboeis of the bee tliere ' lore must be inserted into aOO clover ! I iibes before one grain of sugar can J-e 1 obtained. There are T.d'iO grains in a 1 pound, iind as honey contains three j fourth- of its weight of dry sugar, each 1 pound of honey represents 2,'iMi,lHXl i 1 lover t u bi s suckril bv t'ees. A curious advertisement appeared in .1 late i-suc of the Liverpool M,r-ir t ii. It lead: I lost my purse contain ing I wo guineas ami it sixpence. Tim hu h r 1 iin keep the gold if he will re 1 111 11 the tax pence, as it was the a ut of damages I eeeived from Ihe M.dhiud railway for breaking my leg. The bit ol silver cost me 121(3. (icorge Ami slmrv." N'.-w ' uii; t ii is as largo as the Hritish hi.e.s and France together. A foot rule Keep 'em dry. A Jong stilke Tw elve o'clo-.-k. No matter if the post ago is reduced. It is just as li.ird to lick a two-ren' Mamp iis a three-cent one. y,w 1'ovV i'oininrm'oi. Hy the way, another of the- Balaklava "six hundred" has just died. TJiit re duces the ranks toabout nine hundred. Imt, r l Post. " Room at the Top;" Thr lollars a week, one towel a day, no weather strips, steal your sua 1. (Hi, ye-, s einy, we know all about that Itooui at th Top."- I'llrli. Now York doct-rs havede dare 1 the l!i sh of the wild gno-e to lie piodn t ive of n e:vl of human ills. Thai's right; everybody gets down on the goose. Hnrkr;;f. Atlanta claims to have a young lady who has (he linct and prettiest hair in the t'liitetl States. The name of the party of whom she purchased it is not made public. Clii,;i,j,t Trilnim: "If there is one single editor" who iloisn'f knov all abmit Ireland the lc- troit Frrr V wants Ids address. As usual, married editors areto be left out in the cold.-- Atlanta 'luistilntinii. At no ol her time in life, sayn '.-, is a man so coniplett Ir upset by I hreats as at the tender age of four, when his mother tells him she is going to east, aside his first trousers ami put 1 ini hack in frocks. A lady in Norw ich, Conn., srveiity two yc ars of age, lias just begun Intake less ;ns on the piano. It j.s not slide I how her neighbor- ofinded h.r (hat r-he should ie,ortto such diabolical revenge. .V'ir-'.fiiwH ril,l. A ten-year-o!d I my clcand $2 in I'lainville, one cold day recently, sell ing holders. A holder is one of tin s" rlofh things that lie under the stove while you arc picking up a hot hd lifter with your bare hand. Imihtiy "Mean," said the Arkan.-a, man of his neighbor. " Why, there isn't a drop of the milk of human kind iess in that man's l'ody. lie's got a dog that's an elegant match fer Jenks' bull pup and ho won't let 'em tight." .-Soii.errill Joiirnnl. " No, aunt," said young Folkestone, " I don't get on well at all w ith Clara. And, by the way, there's one thing I don't like. I'm afraid she puts chalk on her face." "fih, that's nothing." replied Aunt tloodwin, laughing. A nice soldier you would make, now xvoulcin't you V If you ran't face pow der, O 'urge, how can yon expect ever to git into an engagement? JJo!uii Trawript. Among the Turkomans. These Merv Turcomans, says a re rent writer, seem to have nothing to do but loaiing about all day from hut to hut to see if they cannot surprise some eatables. Tin y gorge themselves to excess on every possible occasion with greasy food, and are continually ill from indigestion. They throng my house, partly to satisfy their curiosity by staring at mo iind partly to devour the gruiter portion of any food I may have prepared for my own use. In this way, unless one is prepared to feed a ( persons en each occasion, lie ha, no chance of getting a mouth ful for his meal. It is of no use say ing that what you are eating is pig, for (hey eat pork readily. Covetous rapacity seems to be their leading characteristic. They appear to think (he whole world is bound to con tribute to their support; they give nothing in return. No one who hits not suffered as I have among the Merv Turcomans by being constantly 1 intruded upon and persecuted in every way by their abominable presence muld appreciate the exquisile luxury of being lift in tpiiet. solitude. A daily administration of half-glasses of arrack to patients who re pure arr.i.-k diTiiian (spirituous medicine) for in ternal ailments, itches in their stomachs, and the like. This is all a pretense. It is simply a method of getting half-intoxirated at my expense. From behind the awful mystery of my niosipiito tent 1 gave rrplio, to the v;i rious consultants, on foreign policy, improvements in the fortit'u i-.tions piiins in their joints and stomachs and soreness in their eyes. 1 indis iiui in at ely order dandelion juice, and scores Of people iire to lie seen dotting the plains culling useful plant, while in many an ev thumping and pounding can lie heard as the juice is extracted. A Cheap Jail. 'I'he new town of Naples, in Idaho, on the flreioi Short lane railroad, maintains a jail that is ut once cheap and secure. It is nothing more nor less than deep-hole in the ground, into which the prisoners are dropped with the grim warning that the gu irds wili put a bule t through very head whicy Appears above the Ige. Not nll,ni-l Wllh I. Mite. The Surgeon (icneral of the C. S. A., Ir. S. P. Moore, writing from head quarters, Kichmond, Va., in lstzj, states ollicially that. "If lr. Wort King ton ran furnish largM quantities of his Cholera and IMarrho-a Medicine, we w ill place it in the Army, as a remedy in bowel affections." Sold for 2i and ,0 cents a bottle, by druggists ami dealers. All the light and delicate tints come In ladies' fine .ilk undcrweir for Slimmer. BE-mESTI GATED. A Rriaarliithli- IVtaiomeal Folly by Tlrr lmprlaDl Iuirrvlews. An unnnui.1 art o:e from Iho HochnMer (N. Y.) Democrat and Chronicle was pub lished in tins pper recently nnJ ha' bee a the tub.eotof nmo!i comers tticn both in pro fossional rircles and on t lie nt rest. Ap ar ent'y it cia,e 1 more winmot 011 in the following from 1I10 Mi ne paj-rr bowl - Dr. J. B. Heninn, who is wo'l known not only in R rchester, bat in nearly eve ry 1 nrt of America, aentan eitendnd article to thin fiaper, a few dan since, winch was tlu'y pnb ialietl, dtttniling hia remarkable experience) and rescue from what i-eeim-cl 10 be certain dnntli. It would l iinimMililetoen m -rute the pi-monal in nirio-w icli luivo been mnilo nt our 011 oc a - to the vid.duy of the article. Imt tliey Ii ive burn ao nun er.nn that furl her invt i iuB 10:1 uf the s.ibje-ct was deemed nn cd'tori il n nity. With th ml in view a ripreientat ye of this paper called oil Dr. Heninn nt his itai t. nee, when the following interview occur red: "That article of yonr, doctor, hna crea ted quite a whirlwind. A n dm Ktiitomrtitt hOoiii the terrible condition you wore 111, and the way you were rckcm-d "I' ll m you can si.a ami1 " Kveiy ore of tli m and many additional ei.i'K. w .. o .!-ever i;ct no no ir the grave no I tlid mid 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i , -in I I niu in t oiir priscd that li t p iVic ill ie ll marvclnm. It was inar.t Ions ' "Hew in t'ej world d d vn i, n phjs c .1 1, cune to I'O broii,-l I -n 'o .' " Hy nru'ectui" h Ii si nn I niott - in o viMiiionis. I d il ii-i l.inL I vvat Kick. Il is trim I had fn-.p ei t ' i ndncht a: fell l--cd most of iho lime: m . d e 1 n t!'ii oni d y and was rave no: o t u i c I 0 It dull, oi-l -ii nile i n pit nn I iiij i-lo'en Ii was out nfurd'-r, nut 1 (II I not th in il uu nil nnytluug si--rio.if.'' "Hut Inve lhe-e roiiimon nilmoiifs nny t en:; In do with iho fearful Hrild'n ditetue which totik io lirm n hold on your" ' Ain ihinj.'1 U hy, they nre the nnrc in li rnticica uf ihe first Btnijes of that dreidtul inaiiely. 1'hc fn-'l ih, low people ki ow or ic.ilize wleit ml lli in. mid I inn nrry to i-ny licit too few hys:e mi do ciiler." " Ti ai is a mnmu nt cteint-iit, doctor." " Hut it i-n mi one. 'I'he medio I pro ft Fa on h iv o li eu t catinu symptoms n -tead of d.seiia tor ye nn, nnd ii in hiizh tunc it ci a-ed. We tl'it-ior-havo lict-n clipiiiR otf ti e iwict win n wo -linuhl strike nl the rant, the nyinp'.oms I Inm jnst mentioned or in y iimisiial niti n or i rila'inn of the nut r t Ilium U in li-itte ih nppioiic:i of Uiilr'a ti !-eueeveri mo e than n couli iiniiouirc the cnmini of rn:iiitnp:ion. W e do nit the i o ifh. t it try id help the l.iu.a. Weeho ilil not wa-te our t mi trvitur to re ,c e the hen IhcIh-. i-toumch. paum i.bjnt ihn noily ernther sjinj to:n-, but go diret-lly lo iho n id nt y , the some of mo t of the e nil i. nts." I hi, then, in what vou n cant when yen nid uinro than one In. If I n . O l'ha wliiolt icetir nre-e from Hr flit's disease, n it tocier.-" Pc-'st'ly. Th ai-an Is of an called (lis nsotnre t rtur hr pro, le to-dny, when in enlity it m Hzi,-hi's dieao in somt-1 ne t-f is many forms. Il is u lljd il l e.i led in n t er ami I lit- s'itfatc l s mi'-oms-h nil.! si like erinr-o everyone who hi ih-.-in. I cm nil birk a id recall him lied uf d-atlis he-'i phjici in ' dec'ared at i he liinewce cnii cd by puialy-i!.. apnpl"y. li'iut tfis a.1, p it luiioi i i. mill trial lever and other 'one nn n complaint - whn h I f-c n ov i o e c.iu ed by Itrii; die n e. ' "An. I t:d a 1 ..c a have rim;le ay 1 1 i to ..- a I rsi .'' ' l'.very t ie- of ll i in. nnd iniuht have been C .rd a- I was by the tieie't ua ' o! the sa.i.e reiiR-tly M arnei s Safe Ciiie. I n-n uct'iiu; my e. is'ho o s'dj opea in Ihi-inatu r and l In nk lain lei n,- ot em lo pre the la-la niel ihe r po-s..'c d a.K.-r also. hy. there nre nn end of truths beara s on tins Mibjoct. If veil want t i kn m more nbo ,t it y i and uf Mz. Warner I. in a - f. Ho una sick tli mine a- I, and : lie- Ica tlccst man in liochester pi-d iy. He has made n Mudy of this Mibjeci i n. I ran cive ymi more laen tl an I cm. On. too, and aee I r. I atmn re, the cheniifit. at t!i I'nivt r-ity. If . u w mt facts tiiere nre nny qunn ityof them r-h tw in the alarming in.-rene uf Criiilit th-. cu e. its simple i n. I tlt-etptive sj mplonis, and ihru it bill one wny hy which it can he escaped. " l'.i I' i.iii-fii i' oftletrn h nnd force of the Co I r'- vv, tin in, ti ter lutdo him aocid dny a id tailed on Mr. Warner al hat a nb I'slinii nt on Kvclu nee street. At first Mr. W ,ir erwits inehiied In be relit cut. but learn-ii-i; tint tie- iiiftruatioii tic a. re I wn-alont ti e alarmuu.' iiicr. ns -uf liii-hl'sdi-eatc, his in nun r ehiiii ;t-1 in-tant!y, nnd hcapoke very nr eslly: ' It in true that riiicht'a diseaae h ia in crca ed wonder, uliy. and we find by rehnblo aiiiiist.i-s, thni in ho ) ast ten yea a its u owih h; a been '.'."u per ct nt IO k at ihe pioi.inint intuit has mt: Kvir-tt, n niier. Clnst Wilum, Carper. t -r, His! op 1 1 it veil and J'eck, niul others. Ibis is to ri lile. it ml aho.vs ll greater uruwih than thai of i nv other kao wn complaint. It should bo I la n In eve y oae thai aninethinn; must be tloco locl.c-k this in -rei: or thoio la no kn t-viia: where it may entl.''- ' ln y hi ihmk many jicnple nre al'ii-tcd wi!h it to-iaiy who do not rcnlizo it, Mr. W nrat-r'f'' ' llt'.tidr d - of 1 hn- e n atrik inu evample of this t.iitli which hns juat come to my notice. V promi-.ent iToliwor in a Newt irlcnns ineiliril (ollt i'e was leclur i'L' befiire hisclnanii theauliit ctof Briiiht't disin e. He hat various Minus unaur sce if nn i!ys . ami was allowing the atn dt ills whiit the iudicntiona of tins terrible malady were. In old -r to show th contrast beiwe -ii he ilthy mi l unhealthy Mind- ho ha I ftrn.idi'd a vial, the contents of which wcrj drawn t orn his own person. 'Ami now. r--io lemon." lie aaid, "nswe hive apen lie" iinheallhy indn-iitioiia I will al.ow-oii lew it nppear- in a alate of perfect h-iillh, and he wiibinitti d his own lluid lo the usual test. As he wtitched the re -tills leu rountennnc Mid dei-lvchaiii.'O.I his color nnd command both left him, and in a trembling voice lie a tab ' tit nllemen, I have made a painful dis covery; have n ight's di.-e-iae of the kid neys.' nnd in less taaii a jcar he waa dead." " Vou believe then, that it linn no ayinp toms of its own And is f ro.iieiitly uiiliniwn evea hy ihe person who is altliclcd with it:" "It hue no Bjinptoins of its own and very often none at All. l aually no two ieti le have th i Fume ayniptoma, nnd death i the lirst syineloin. The aliphhat intlioation of any kiJney dilliculty ahoul I bn enoah to eirik terror to any one. I know what I am talking about, for 1 have I em throngh all the at-itres of kitlnty dtaeas ," " You know of Dr. Hellion's caaer ' " Yea, I h ive both reml nnd heard uf it." " It is very w imhrful, nt it not.'" " A very prominent ca-e, but no more eo than a Rrenl many nth -rs that have come lo my ns hnvui laen curt-J by tfie mme me uis." "Yon believe, th -n, Hint KriRlit'a di-e io -an I- curtslr" " I know a can. I know it from the t-si-r ence of hiintl e !of proniiiu m persons h i wt rp Klven up to die by liotli their physic aits nnd friends.' " Yon speak of your own ei erienre. wnat waa it?" "A fearful one. I had fe!l languid nnd un fit ed for business fur yen a. lint I did no kiow what ailed inc. When, however. I ft nnd it waa kidney dilticultv, I thought there waa Utile hoi e. and ao did the dot-d r . I have aince leiune.l ih it one of the hy-i-( innaof Ih.seitv i o nt dme out lo a (.-euile man rn th ' street m e day, s ijnifj, -ineie r ies a man who v i 1 1 e dend wi bin a year.' I be ievc his words would have rov. u true if I batf uol fo'lnn itelyseeure I entl list d the r -in-etly no v known as Wa-ner aH.ifeCure." " And this cause I you to nianiiiaetunt it'r" " No, it cansed i a to inve-'tisjaie. I went lo the priiici al ciliea. aaw i hy-iciatis p e. acrih.n- and uain ' it. an I 1 therefore de termined, i a a duty I owed humanity and I he -ulleruuf. to bring it wit'iiu their reach, and now it is known in e o.-v pie t of Aineiirn. it -old in every dinzHtere and hi.- I route a hon-elinld necesaily." I he reporte left Mr. arner. much im preaaed with the e'lrneal.toa ai d siuceriiy f hia atatt inen'a, and next punt a visit to Dr. S. A. 1-titimnre, a his rtadenceon 1' inc? at reel. Dr. I.iiliiniiie, allhutik'b bnsily enga,i d upon at mn inaiters coti met d wilh the Kiati h. nrl.'f health, of which he is ono of the annly -ia. conrttHiusly nn.swciedtheiiuestions that were proimtuitieil him: "Did yon make chemical analysis of the ra e of Mr. H. H. Warner aoiuo ihiee yeara ego. iloi tor?" " Yea, air." " IVliitt did ttiis an ilvais show yen?" " The presence ol n'bumt n and tnbe casta in great abundance." " And what did thesymptom" indicate'" "A aeii ma diaeaae of the kulneya " "Did you think Mr. Warner tould re cover?" "No, air. Id.dnot think it po lible. It waa seldom, ind. e I, th t ao prcnoniio d a cnae hud. opto that time, ever bieu cured." " l o you know au IhiuK abut the remedy which curei himT' " en, i have chemically analyzed it nnd upon critical examination find it entire'y fn e from any o eon una or deleter ous a b alant e'. ' We publish the foregoing e'atements in view of the e nnmotiou which the lunlieity of Dr. Hi toon a article hat caused and ti meet I ht p rates' at ionn w hich have been made. The atnuding of Dr. Htnion, Mr. Warnornnd Dr. Ialtimore in the ooinnu ni y is I eyond qnestion nnd the statements they make cannot fur a moment , I e doubted. They ronclunivrly ahow that Biight'adineane of the kidneys ia one of the mual deceptive nnd d incroioiiB of alldiseaaes, that it ia ei ctitdui.'ly commnn, alanuing'y increasinj nnd that it can be t ared. There in no trait more vnlnnble than A de termination to persevere when the risht thing is to be accomplished. Cohiikct your habits of crooked walking by using Lyon s Patent Mctulic Heel Kliffeiiera- flirmiin paper, in translating Ynnkee Doodle' "The word doodle ai unities a lazy scoundrel. "Itnuah on Rata." Clenraout rats.iiiii-e.roachea.flien, bcdlmcs. nuts.akimks.chipinuiiks.gopher. 15c: D'g'sw Adam wan not n polignmist, although in his days lie uii-.rrird all the women in the world. ,loilter hwnn's Worm Myrnp. Infallilile, lasteless, harmlesn, cathartic; fiiverishiies.s, resllessmns, worms, coiiatipa tiiui. '.'.. No, ilt-ar children, the drum major ia not (lie wholo of the proeeesion; hut he thinks he is. "Itcii'lm-Pnliln." The Quii-k.t-oiiipletecnre.ini leiyina Kidney, Hlntltler, Cruiary Diseases, tf I. Druggists. Haroness Hurilette Ctuiltn owns .?0,0-0,000 worth of fluted Sitates lionil.'. Qiiratlitn niel nttrr. W hat is the best Hair Dresser? Whnt in thchc-t Dandruff Krndicatnr? Whit his the le-t Hair Itesloier? Which is the best of nil Preparations for the Hair? Catterpillars are dmiaging Ihe cotton crop in many sections uf Alabama. Do yon aleepbidlv nt night? Why auffei from iiuli :e-lion? (SvsrRisK. will give yon relief. tiA.siiilMS is in liquid form. All druggists. Connecticut devotes !m,li"0 iicrcn to tho ciiltivulion of tho oyster. Fnrnlytic atrokes. heart disenscand kidney arTtctioi'i previnl'-d hy tl e use of Hrown'9 Iron llittcia- New I .on. Inn );iils smoke cij.-nretti's on the elicels nt niaht. ANAMon. Iowa. Dr. .1. O. Mcfinire nayn: i. 1 I . 111. In, a ii o n,n.l l,,mn 1 a lit i w I H . ' ii s , .... , .s - H--wu I nnd gives t e salisfaetion." There are rtJ,0()i,iiO nciea of grazing Innd in Araonn. W aoift. O.i.-Dr. It. I,. Pntlle. .Ir., nays. " Brawn's Iron Itilters nio very pnpnlnr in this rcctiou anJ give entire satiafactioii. A masterof free hanti draw ing---the pick pocket. Mrs-svivs'a Peitonizko nrrr tonic, the only prcpuratit'ii ef beef t-onlainin;; its enor iiit'rt Jmia ;i-iifi-ra. It cuntainH blnntl-mnkin!:, fniee gi-in rat nc and llle-KllftainiliK propertiea; iiivaliiHblo fur indigent inn, (ivapepsm, nervnus pittiation, ami nil forma or general debility; nlft, in nil nnfeefiled condition, whelhsr the n-Kiilt of lhaiistiou, nervous prualratinn, over wtiik or aruti' ilisfaae, pal lienlarlv if rcaulting I fruin pulnioiuiryrnniplsinta. C swell, Hazard A l o.. 1 ruprielors. New lurk. SnMlij cltuggism. John Howard Pavne revised: Hz it everao swi lli-nil r ihere'a no place like Inime. lO tieriil llelillilt nntl l.lvrr Conoilnliil It. V. Pii iii F. .M. D-, RufTalo, N. Y.: V'i' Sii-. Mv wife lias been taking your '-tioltleii Mcdieid DiM-tiverj" i-itd "Pellels" for her liver and geiitrd debility, and has found thein to bu good medicines, end would recommend them to all aiitTerera from l.iver Complaint. Sour Saomach nnd (icneral IMulitv. Yiiurs fraltnially, N. K. lIAKMt N, Pastor M. K. Church. KlFllll, III. Since the passage of the Restriction act T.iv'O ct ililii-ates fiave been issued to Chinese leaving San Francisco. Ill O-IIIIIIII N AND t t llKll. W. K. lli K.siis. uf laiiiioria, Kansas, anya thai hisvvilt h id In i n sick nearly aeven ycara, ami for the last tonr months bed ridden. She has been treated by a number or physi cians and onlv grew worse. Her nttentton was eallod to I'r. Pierce' "Golden Medical Discovery" .vid '-Favorite Prescription," which alie cum. .it i ed ii. iug. In one week she con hi ait up, and in three weeks could valk about. Hy druggist. Thus savelh n philosopher: "Some men art-known by the company they--can't get into" Young, miildle-ngcd, or old mce. antlering from nervous debility or kindred affection, should add i ess wuli two stamps, for large treatise. Wniii.n's Disi-i ns'.UV Mhucai. Asso ciaiios. Hullalo, N. Y'. Queer A railroad train cannot get on un Icsh it gcta of. (IHOLERA (iRAMP USED OTU tf TKARt. Tt t-t rrmt-lv for C'tinlra. rrsMit. Itrr lr-M-BUr9, Hini-r( amplnlnt, l mP!. "," mftctnf th a4 Vi. tit. lninilovsl in lb Amr. IrtlJ. bf furB rirnftl I. A KeVAiiimPltdr4l lf WrrB, furtr Hob. kranrtb HfBr. P-llrttAr ll H Truiw. -ntl oth-f Pricf, Ji.u. br tf wilMt Bad IbItb. Onlt f-n'iirttf our ttn" t Mnwn in hoUI. H-le roi.n.u.rBt T (HARLCS A. VOOflf R UMMNtt A CONSUMPTION My nwly dmcovrwl Trwa-mnt Mrer fmf. o ffferi wt Vrmnut ruvr (,ivt- I nil pirlu il lm nf chbV AiLlr,. Prof. M. .. NOIII.i;, Miinln 'lnm. MnlH I lri i'm. Cithf iiriiiM. IJT NO PAY UNTIL CURED. MTHI IT IS CHCAPtBT." engines. THRFQHPRQ saw hill?. opiuri MdRI-HINB HABIT. No rav till cured. Ton yeara eitabllabad. eumd hut eoae. Ir. Marah, tuiooy, Mtob. NrtnaAL JH'Hl.iiiHiai Co . Phila. Pa. t79lwwi. tli a tlaj at hmnnaaBrij Bad. Coallr t out 1)1 In. Addraw Taua a Co., Aout. M. Irt l-r-dr at bom. Marntjitin wi.rlh A Inia 9 IU li AtltlraaatliBacBa: ... I'ortl.nd, Ma. ttOl l MANS- HuiBtiHColliii. Ifawark.N J. Turma 4u l-inilii'ita (t gradualaa. Wnta Ux circult irowDtown. Tarmaard ttMitni IrtHt llallell & .. 1'ortland. Mama- GHJITE WITH FORMS lARRHOE&ffuRE I y vtra V OTU tf TSAEf la HY VH thr-sit Bialnaa and HWvtlal Tulda and hand IV-ik aaar'. Miflt lha Ulaal. II tal'a HtlW It) Ut) KVI.UV 1 Ill.St. I thal.t aj. II . to b- ..tan l. Il. I" tl- Imatnfa .W-aol l and c-raalullt. aiiru.taml la tan part nf lit. anil nmlatn. a a-'.l lain, ol aarwtl tntortnatloa in.liaH-n-ail I- all rlaur. lor eunatanl i(.nn. . AliKM'a V ATI I t-r all ," apart, tint. tin. l.-.k ul ItHAI. .aluaanit ailraoi at aall. htt.r than OI II.AMH IIHOM.. 6.1 AGKNT-l WANTf.D.-i RARK CRANCR TO MA K K MORT RAPIDIT. wtllna our NEW BOOK NEW YORK, BY SUNLIGHT AND OA SLIGHT. Shoaiina up Ih. Naa York i.l TO-DAY. with P. palana ua rnmitml th. r..iialifans il, r i-lura- alaaatad tralna, ontmliaaa hta, Ita prntantss, u ll r i.rr. Ha ilark . rimna anil lrr lil, ita rliarutaa, and. In lat a.trr) .l..anl hi. in tha iaal tj. Dn t wa.t. tinw arllin .1... h..,ka, h il .n,l i"r rirrulara (inaa tull Uhl. ol aoutailU, KIM laataita atr. Pr.r-- I m now, a .1 ta-Ht... . in , .1. manti a.tilr-aa JVOrLAi UUVtn ii .Nvtik bctraik MieM. ralladelaalau fcaa, A Great Problem. TAKE ALL THE Kidney & Liver Medicines, BLOOD PURIFIERS, RHEUMATIC Remedies. Dyspepsia And Indigestion Cures. Ague, Fever, And Bilious Specifies. Brain & Nerve Force Revivers. Great Health Restorers. IN SHORT. TAKK At. I. Til V. HKST qnall llrsnf nil ihrar. nml I lip heal qunllllra of nl Ihr hral .llrtll. lncaof (lie Wnrlil.nnil yen will Iind Ihn I HOP IIITTKItM have the bf.l rara Ilve iituillilea iiimI powera of nil concern rnled In thrin. ti n it ihey w ill rure when un or all of Ihr-f. finely or coinlilncit. full. A Ihoi. anuli trhil w III give poslllve proof of Ihla. II N II iiO diamond Best Dyes Ever Made. f-S- FOR PII.K. 'WOOL. Oil COTTON, tin rtRESSES, COATS, 8CARFS, HOODS, YARN, STOCKINCS, CARPET RACS, RI3BONS, FEATHERS, or aey fabrlo or fine.r article raoily a-tl perrertly colored to any attadit. Itlaok, Brntra. lircea. Bloc, eeaflrt. rardlnal Rfd. aty lllur, l-cal Ill-owe, Ollia r.rrrn. Terra C olla and 20 oOier beat oolorn. Warranted Faat and Diiriibio. Koch pAckacn will color one to Kmr 1 lw. of jroods. If you have rover vd Dyea try thc ae onee. Vou will bo detlitated. Sold by aend ua 10 ctrcta and any color wanted aer.t poet-paid. St colored aaniplea and a ant of f.tnv em-da aent for a 8c. atamp. WELLS, Iil( llAlinsilXA CO.. Borllaitaa.Tt. GOLD"dS!LVER PAINT. Bronze Paint. Artists' Black. For RiMiiii: Fancy Uaaketa. I'ramea, Xtnr, Chandollera, and forallklndaofornamantal work. E in-.l to any or the hich prloed klntla and only jOctv ar""n-e.atthe dnir(rlaa,orpot-pald(rcm H' I'.l.l.K. nril AltOfOX A-CO., BarllBcoa,Tl. Tiwxiirwa' irMB"""Siriiri'i"iaa A SURE RECBPE For Fine Complexions. rosiliTorelipfandlmmnni ty from coniplexionnl blem ishes may lie louud In ITaan's Magnolia Italm. A dolirnto and harmless nriiclc. Sold by druggists CTerywhere. It imparts tho most bril liant and life-like tints, and tho closest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly Discolorations, Eruptions, Ring Marks under tho eyes, Sallowness. Redness, Rough ness, nnd the flush of fatigue and excitement are at onco dispelled by tho Magnolia Balm. It is tho ono incomparable Cosmetic. H'.!'U!'..'mi.i ' k...ix.JCTa i0 lll.U- rllv'Ui(I t 11 Ptomarh. lir an-1 b-mrls rf r7frtd to r)nTt th unrt ivmmly, It'wttt-i tirB St"mft-'h H'--tern l:BOe nt thtt rrgnnfi nnmod bt-itH-o( hen-far mow bpH niiB, anil a rif-ltjr ia th-rpfr yI-iniN, livttrctitn rlninl. rlnllH anl .rr, i-arly rht.i lunti. t-ttntfx.kiilnfy tinktifatii, Ttrinff wn t.iifi UKlily Ir-oit If if tntlfd with. I-;ni I iinn in urine tins ffcliva aaid aafs Kor ! hf all Prtitfiau and Pf-al-mm gfncrally. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. llrHl hi Hie ut Id. ; llir gruulnc. Every pat-knur Itiia aur truilr.ttinrk and la nrktl 'raniV i:VrJtYV HERB udnatnaL Warraau aaara, AHataaaaaW. jonu or inrafA-nat, '. ataaaiBTtii. a. 1. OPIUM HABIT Cared Painlessly. Th M-Mltr-no ald for aamail mnrgm atn tho coat oi rompoun'tinp. A I raa- Irwitfil l M--al prsn rtp troo." For lull particular- a.idr- th l)ia-coverr r, DR. S. B, COLLINS, La Portr, Ind. 3 jlr1g--Sl";BigI IIIIIS WHIII All UII lallS. f'P DYES. 3V It rtlaTftiat ont Itnm. l-nrs.fhaptHsd TtandaorLlr i yma. Huin.m.. BraJ.ln llnil-m.ltorrtiisia ol (FoLhaoda nyaa.ah-. . Ilrlilnufmmaiij . aiiats afce.aak ymtrtlx-Uf fimt. tir and t W l"ntloa Straut. W. I.a.i i I ratat VmatiaialT. H a Ibm ro in tiiif. rtia ny arue-BTiaiin. TO SUCCESS, BUWTNKHS and SOCMJiTY To know wb an ntli.r, t-r lrin m North Hrrlilh Hlrrrl. 1-hUailrlplila. Praa.

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