(fthathnm Record tHtTRSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1883. EL A. LONDON. Editor. Jn ' ' - - - Tna WATiimcS furnished by tlie lMt census may be of interest to our readers and we, therefore, lierevun jmblish Borne of them, especially n ..M,-.m,u,Bn,.r.mnSt:lt(. As UWD"'"'" , ... , i rif ii.tetf-st wo also iniblisii " ' , " i.-iueei viai. en. .."" i ' lie r.'pu aus as a rt ninuier iu .. .. .. ft wlatlTfl rank of our Nt.'to h vom-1 o0t.nr.(.,i( w us llitt.U(l ,., ?N utmost .v.thur ihijt his dalle, are at V:..h i V!.!ev'-rd" linen wa, oM fnsh ired with the other Stntesaiid ler-: .r ,)y of ul! i-jks and in;;tou ;uid not n. New Jersey i-oH . , . vj ,j, h,nhliu'- ritorir the Union. In populiitum " - -r ..1 . i .. North Carolina ranks the fifteenth fetate, containing l.:!!'..7."'.t inhabit, ftita, of whom liST.'.tW rtre males and )ll,82 Bi-C fefii'iiles. In vegetable jiroductioTi the ranks as follows, i: in he prodiietion of barley the h the thirty-ninth, raising 2.4'21 bushels; buckwheat, tho twentieth, raising 44,CfiS bushels- eorn. the fifteenth, raising iiS.Olfl.SW bushels: 6t, the nineteenth, produeine; 11, 838,08 bin.Ms: rye, the s. veiite-nith. rodricing 2K.",llitl bushels: wheat, the twentieth, i-rodueiug :?.:i!7.:i'.i:! bushels: hay, the fventy ninth, pro ftucing 1)3.711 tons: rice, the fourth, producing S.tiO!.l!'l pounds: eotton. the eighth, prodiu ing :!S:..-'.S b.v'.es : iobwfo.thrixth. prodiuing 'Jf..isi.. 213 pounds: Irish potatoes, the twenty-seventh, piodueing 7-i."73 busl; elfl: mid sweet, potatoes the must. ptotieing JL.57H.14S bushels. Having thus given the re'ative fault of our State we will now give i the rank of our (.Chatham) enmity a Compared with the other eountii s of the State. In population Chatham ranks the twelfth, hating W-l in habitants, or as (iranvillo and ( t'. ange have been !ivided since the census was .j'?! Chfitham rettily ranks as the tenth county : in the pr dtictioii tit corn she ranks the fotirlh. produc ing 5")H.'2Sl bush. Is; in outs, 'h' Aeienth. producing l0.:)U bushel-: in wheat, the fifth, piodm ing lJ-J.7i.li busWilst ind in cotton, the twei.ty mxili, producing ."vs.ys ba'. s. It will thus be seen that Chatliaru takes a very high rank in the prodiie tion' ff fi i' crops, and stands much better with the oilier count it "f 'he ftiue than the Stare docs with ihe other States of the I'nion. Tm Frvi.:toN ,.f !',? No, th Caro lina Press Association to the Boston Uxpositiov v-'ill be of a most pleasant -hitrtt and we doubt not wiil be much enjoyed. i he S( en ta'.y of the Association will in due time notify the members thereof as to all the r .1. : arrangements, in me ineam ni.e wo'iild u .MOiii.. that s has born do- iided to tnk 'be ti ip the lirst week )tf' October, meeting at Wcldon on Wednesday the Did of October, and leaving Noifob; il.ai allernoou. about o'clock by one of the splen.hl ftteamerw 'H I be .Merchants .net SfiiwW Traiispoitatiot; Comp.--n;.-Instead of goi-eg by sea all the way from Norfolk to Ko.-toii the paity will disembark tit Providence and continue their journey by rail, thus affording an opportunity of seeing Somt-fhirtg of the c-e mtry. and short ening the distance. IT. e transpor tation has been lender. ,1, but m. ills, stato-rooms. (,,r the round trip "Tul cost lt. Art -iliigemellts will be funde in Boston for reduced rates at one of the best hotels. The tint" selected for the excursion w li be sev eral days after the eipiinoe' ial storm and before cold weatlc-r a season that is dei'".;lit f.il in that cold ehuiat". Member-, of the Association who i:i !end going on this excursion are ia -juestod to at once notify the secre tary. This nxpnsition is not local in its character, but will have exhibits fimn manv Euronoaii and Asiiitie nati ins. The far-distant ompiie of Jap wid liave a large and ii. ten-sting exhibit, which will doubtless attract much attention. It is said that no State In the I "itioii will have a better e kibit than Novth Cto oiina. and our tiW-heel di!ovs ill have cuuse to feel lirotld of their good old State. The exposition opens the lirst week in September ami eio.ses ihe week in November. lllst A KErsm." "f the Confederate snl - fliers of Warren coitnty was held at, AVarre-nton. on tlie 10th inst.. and i ,, . , , i . from all arcounts it must lnive been a , . , . prandaftair. The number of persons In attei.ilance is estimated ur over 7,000, mid iniiong them were the W rv.1 h.,r ,-..n.ii..:.t ..IK- rials. Senator Hansom was the ora- tor of the occasion, and his oration ,..,. ti,v f;li t,, ,. t , ,H. H1.,.,.ss. is siiid to have been not only worthy ! fni disi option of the repubiican of so grand an occasion but to have ; party in N vv llampshii e. which pro HurvivsHed ivll previo-.ts effort-of that ece.led froi;, t he si..-c,-..st ;i bhu.d, i ,. '. . , , , . . . ot I'lt.f.ng Mr. t hand-er nt the ctbi distinguished orator and statesman. w, t,l(, .,.,.,;. Su.,(. v ,ls We iue pleased to hear of these re-, over running with infinitely better unions of the old Confederate sol- and more reputab'e materia.!. Thev VtAi'-s-; who woiildnow battle as brave-. iso wiil refer to the tact that Cmi the "stars and stripes" as they :,,',.tl.r.,t ,1" h, , h'" V . , , r it l '. ami his adtiiinistraiioti the moment did in d.ivs of vore for the -stars and ,.... i, 1, . ,1 i ., : . i,: ,.,..,;,, bm's"', It is not treason or disloyalty, to the feederal governnient to honor.has never succeeded in bein- sue- j ihe iiieniory ot our dead hero's in-to ( j'ssuil enougii to bnng her ultifviito I'T these reunions the friend-; They wid refer willi infinite satisfac- i ,ittp liX-old coimudes. An event took place Inst week in ! the citv of New York-the el.h f city of thi continent that attracted an audience of ten thousand persons, who paid frnr witnessing it tin? im nietiso sum of twciity-lhrce thousand dollars. Not only did this event ex- cu.t. miu-h intt-rost in Hint srivtii city. bnt in a,, t,,0 ,.ll.,,( (.ilios ,,f thecoun- trv im(, lmJ, tt Uv:f i)iii- aeeou-ts ot if' 1,aliis11,ii j n'i the h .adit , ., .. . daily papers. im-.......c.,s.- . ... .... :.. stalionsi lift H!i- llK-ials. ' elnilVN-n r. s well as pieupoehe. ,mu prize h, ;hters. Now. wliat w.v.i tins event .' What was it that nit so vast an audienee .' For what this lurye -urn ot frJ.t.ni'ii so iree.y , given? Was it t hear some learned j literiitetir lecture ? AVa mote the cause of Chns education . V:is ! t" ; it to pi o ; i ;...,; ' .,r i'ar some sweet singer or eua! nnng cantau ice . No. for none of lhc.-e purposes. It was to witness a i'';i;T. -kihiit ! Nes. this vast audience, which nothing else could have ollected. paid -''. OtHl to see two men f'Uiutncl each oilier for lifteeii minutes. Is'nt it a sad eoniinontaiy upon tlu1 morlii.l taste of our hiimanit v .' Tm: sri.ti i: among il:e telegraph: op'-rators sli:l continues. At th Nort'i 1 lis lb othi rhood m.'.iu- linn i and wrv few pM-utrs have iciinu 1 worn, nut al the 'Ulli U is iiiueuiu and the wires are wol ked a'.nm-i as well as bet'oie I he sr ke. In this S(lte ,.tai!v .j . tiikers i.ae r. ,..... l ',-,.,;; ,..,Ms ...,; 1(Mn,;e I work. It is a mere when all will do the t- st was too urn there was too mm u linn:. the other tso neinv moui Our 'FT'.m .'HP r.'-'ui ir '' Wasiun.-.t. n. I). C . .' Let Mr. Arthur : I'ld.n liis arrivi! :l ( 'hi d.iv he wa mortal eo'umn of cm notices in the Cim"ii;o X 1 1 vt toiiehiuv iau a Iniia r. :l plllplt. 1.1 I came latl l.iti -t it's." --buts." or "' writers set miuo- to other in the ,rr. in;t h sions about th-- marvel in which M . i thur 1 sie io 1 th- ,1,;,, .' . fn)lv (, Smith, of he 'in. it;-a ! ( ia -e t -. v olut.t.irilv t :r- of praise. coi d-d bv M".r" U::' tlie great civil s.-im. (io)g., W.;a;. Ctrii ,,tliei r-former. Ibtui unite n ..-!.- cp' fo'.ll d entllh! they and ihe t-roiid of tlie il llt:;l' chair was Mr. V." th- o!ele, 1" thinks th-.t vi the renotnit.at :.-n (iispelisfs the l'.-il -tlh-es a Farvveli, Chicago. ii-" despite tie- fact thai ( 'h-o to take rani: as a sort of k half -breeds a . oup'.e of S.-ii.-ii o, s. le.-pr: .out,-;! iv . gr.ss. and s....... ,,t th dehtial e-Oidid.ltes. to,., ill, lio'.lers. li.inilnrs e! til. including i'hm-1. s and Harriet Mark Twain, alt !-.iv a bi.rh for Mr. Aitl, tr and malls!;!..- I,,. : i;..-N. a: .! r.-a.-on- for beh. vm that as no could h ive done 1 -i 1 tl,e ... , f,-.-tion of h. ti ma a gi at u. ss as demon - t i a-t'-d by Mr. .Uiimr should b-. petpet init d in the .-idiai'ti-iiatioit of our national alhiils. Of t-uiliv,. these people, who a'e l,1'""uient in our politics and our literature, nave ha.! oimai- il-'iiani - -nation of the vv .;, lerftd thing- M Ari bur has d,- , sim .- his a-lv.-'-t iijioti his eee,itive .l,-:es. It cieied upon to a. -count I'.-r tho faith lil.lt is 111 Lln iii e.iticel tiing his I'r. -i dential ii.'hiv eiiicn! tin V c.-o.'iot but refer to Ids active participation in the sin-ce.-.-ful job thai led to the resignation of Messrs. Ooiik-ing and I'iatt. ami the emit iii'l.'d sue. ess net with bv 111" Administration in ( t ling- iii.-ni back 'tito the Si-tnte. ;TM.y ,viU ,,so refer lo t he succcs-fui j issue of Mr. Arthur's w ork of baud ! '' i'-""sylvama over to 1),,,, , Caiuer.m. which led to ihe sin-i es.-f ill : , ... . laving out ol hie rei ;;!.., can pal tv in rj(l Kt.yt.)Ul. Sl;i;t. Th.y" ,,',, ,i ' but refer to the .icccsfui Usiie in , favor of Den Butl.-i in Mass .chusi-tts. i-htsed direct 'y by t he .'.ill of hitter- ness m the I' sid. utiiil amio influents at till i'.oslol. eiwloln li, Vi.r upon her politics, and Mr. Ari h,,r i , tiou to the work of .Mr. -Vi-thur in 'I T. , IT .1 1' :,. !:!i-. 'Inn leitcr. . ! t tie . -. .: i g.'.ia i-, i .emu---,.- , - , ; -. . ,-I .:.. V mil nam. o. ... ... ., i ..... . fl . , he .--.ScC -s. of si.,- Ai.tii'ir- 1 ;''.""" .'.-''''' ' . cltieh. l.tls -.ii: v .!;. 1 if :.: - "lt( - : Lis il.-i '..-1 ..it :i.. .-..iiii'.t m.i..i.-i-i!.- '. . ' ' ,'" ' ' ' ,.....!,. '"!,. - ,! d i-.'-,:: ti- - ,.f "'" '''' '",' , iv-i Vl:l: Mr.,:, .-:i '.uit.v. m-l tlw -f--' r '""':i;i -,:-! I "!:' '".',,,', '.,t' I ; I he I'm. a- 1 is .1 . s-i.t .-... a i,-...,,. ..I U- i.l.mi-ce.l wjtl, i- c-liti .. ...... . ..........in . i, . i.e. j ;s J,.,.,,.- I i.y tuo.isn.. h ..... ...... u,. -..,.. -,,..1,. M.,i,,,.,y,iMv. : tie". I iv s;1.-n:.; thai , , .... , , ,, , ,1., ...,! i.-evele and ' he eive ; ai -.' r .-s-aty i. :it.i.-s n.,...M .i-u ""'" "'" . . avi ::!- o tne .i,!i.on h.-is l.i.!..i t "'''' is .-i . u. ,i-i .(. '. n,,. , , 1.. ,m;.,,,. ,.:..,l .i.-Mi.-is un.i.r '"M '' ... V,,. )!) i,, .!,'.- li,.-- ,,.. I bt !!-.g gieattV d.-l'ii:..;-e.t. I r..i;lljs .1,.- .,: ..! i-ictf-r. .ti... ... .-:... 1 i n-.-iiiy bu iiii- j,i1v S. t. l:lil who fids tie- f i- .(,!" . V,i'-:..: si- No, i !. "''': '' piev-nf !. !".;t theve-m l";!-;;;;, "-'''" ' '"' ''' "" ""- vi';'. An-1 ih.-n :l.i-;e ''' . . '' .'''' ' "' , ' '.'. " ' '.'.'' '" '' ;.v i.,' .;,,,;,- 1. Their div.s. ' 1 i. ....'.-...i,.-. i.-w. vr. m He- 1.l.-..i.u'l.ii 1 ...... 1,, a lo.ria. 1. 1 i.oini.i. m, - .. , , ,..,,, ., ... ..,,, .,,,,1,..,,.. i 1,,,,,,,. ,., rsTtT-v qcT-.-v-i. 1 7 ... ' ; t J.-.,-1.1. 7s: l-ioli-Ii. Alab.tiM. 5 '' : Htete-.s cm be ,. -...-:.:.,. ,.,...,. ,1.. , i.uiKi:.,. ESSV . , --l: I.. -IliH. s. .:!,.,, 11-1 il, ,s.,; I.-Ti.. '" I- .e 1...I OH . ... II. .Lis l. ...,,,,..,.,..,..., u ., s x ;hl. ,,,. S3s-tiJ Kj--Jf. i : her hi.. we and '." " " . , .... .. ., I'll ) 'v' A .' J J L' M bru.ging New Voik all around r'ght . ; . ' t orcim? of a member I hi- cabinet noon tt rt-i iiinisfun convcimiiu nv , . . ' . 1... rosori to forgery :tnd bribei v iiud wit'1 ,!ie rebuke of two hundred ti O i-a; d democratic majotity in favor of Vr. Artl'.nr keeping his hands nil'. Th ,. i wiil refer to Mr. Ait burs attempt to return hi favorite ('.tugiesvinai.. Mr. Hobcs. -It. from New Jersey :i!id (lie successful lay ing out i't Unit gentle mall ny l lie . loiuoc. a, s. ac. . . e-- ...f . th(1 M(-t, delegation f.-Hi. ., . '.. !.. ?. Ml ; . J. -tV:, !.':,.;' I v nuiiml t!a ?iiiti:ol : tne A lnniiiNira: ion. :inn .it i.'ie, I not loi ;.-et tonii iilion use ui.eniM; ' viis'"'' l'epnl)':e-ill .Mielii;:li i';eel . ilenioeratie eo( lnov. an l a nea'. n:;. .t t1;,t to liriUV jn ,!, f,M... Administration the genera! ". lll,'l! pi-oval of ward management ui gov eminent affairs. these inn-! oi neeesstM eivi-mni a'! ti'.al Mr. Anhui '. I';ieuds !-is. ; '.hi ir opinion t:po,i iti the li-.e ot a s icecs fill a.in i"N;eri.:g of the I5iiei nuieu!. l' r the-.1 are ai'.o'iut ...v a:l the niblie :ic- of a- p.-'isical chai-telei fori. led. seem t ll.l ill the i:.i tliat Mr. 'h.'r has per 111 le. oi 1 .use :t wotlhl u ha! i ou! i, it i os success ,A of some i'eoii'e would be dc.'ii.. d by a l': e h mia! notni-natilu- e oiieiitieu a rathei- pMr recoial.ien l:a '.. ill 1 1 oni llic .a-1 Ciii niovi r. wimin he has broli.uht well uii-h to ruin in t'u.- ho.-.- r. pn'..i e:i'i !:; i--. a'i.1 v. lio-e ;tie ha be -'i in c -iisj-ti.;' iiun;tiv I'roM the time thi.t he ,v.sinae 1 to mai'age i'. i"' co'.-.!;.;g to i lie e,isi ouis of ,.--.v Y..;I; b.,m:i.'e.-.s. C.u.N... i'lte ii!intr.v's Croj:s. follow it.- is a --vtcpsis of the Auglls; leJMll of the A.-i i-.tilt m .- Ihllean 1 In- coll, m 1. tutus to the lep lltiue,it i AgretiilUle are h -s favorable lean th'-e of coii.'uttoii is l.ini r in ver cen; tw-i. '.! the i:--r: d 1 oinlil i-,11 of eof.'.n 1 the r. turns oi f.-rniM- years is 1.11 1 rotnisi: g The volume of tho crop ,!,. nds largely upon the luore criti cal period troiii August to October. iheie has b.-eti an itnpi . rtneia in the app. ,11 nii-e of the c-an tields dur l'l.' the il.'U.ill of .Ji.lv in the N'r.i llhgl .ud and Middle States. In the Oi.in V:ill.v and we a of the Mi.-i --q.pi. in lllii-. is. M "--o n i and K.vi-.i-- i.; light. M suied by a .ti-'!o J oil. t lli.ie his b. . a re. io-iade in the South in eon--- lii'-:n-'- of the drought, and the same dciiita- in Muhi-o, i'ioai t-.iiiiir.ii ti nioi-l nre. Taldiigth" vvl.o'.e ar a together tin- e.a.dilioti I, as advanced from SS to Si) p. r ti nt, of the perfect clop.. The Condition o th" census crop t iST'.M in August was nil, 1 ty niii.-atid thevi. Id wa . t wi nt y ( ight b.ishil-i per acre. Tin- pi - 1 -returns indicate a, v ii-hl of tint 1. . over t vveiity liv e bu.-iiels r acre 01 l.Ttl l.liilu.t.'.i'l bushels which is :is much as was pro hired in 1ST'.). TI:.- condition is si la-t year in An . i.oitits higher than ;-ust and low. r than in 11 I ' .v-.n- . ...... s. Mill, Il I- nslilelils !!l the Vi! i Ihiieau I ue ci. lion retains lo tne ,' ivnie obligi,'. to ll i.tai: o", oiu- Dcl-irtiueiit i -tgl ' till ill e are ii .-s oic. iHtnolv to ; i.i.v.) ol i.,..!"!..-. .... . ' . i.. . i .1. ' " I - oi l -,ge ,if ; i I oi tie- ti. u.rt ni"ii ai va.'.i. :es . i '.:. '..r , , ; :,. ... for ,r. ... ' ,. ' -it. . i , . 1 r. . . i Ti.- , , i i . . , . . . , . I trl .e Oi e- . I on .-.-I i tin j , a- ill l o St-,- I---'"'. sou it v.a- t, i eld in Miv. t- o ''..: ... .,. ... .. , . . v-''l g.ll.'s;!. wet it, .In:.,- and t-in .buy. .. n ,- n..,., ,he bl-.v. t.nd a Is.g,-pr. - ',U,,,"'V ni1 ke .,.,.- v... Ceo,,iti!." i-jnry i im- ... al.t. ;,...- .,.V,S ,-.. ,,.,i!v ''"""';- """ ,.,,,. the cor !,ti..n l..f....g !V-..'.: to ,.s. ;t,,li , , lv(!Ii:,i. h..-!i may bring cotto,, here. I- ...ted bv lif, -en 1,1 1,u ' "'' ' ' Tile ft e.-. i of !i!e. bill ..tut" il ' memheorv i',-e:i t roni a i . . . . ; . ! "... v ..- , . ( ,.( . j,.,,i:v ;, .,,.,, ,,,,,!,. ,,, . p i Tjn(l TT,m w, -, i-i' o. u.i.iu- .ui.,,.;,i !,:,s s.t - ,iUlll,,;,t,lsh l,,;!i,l! i.ropertv. rai a 1)1 ana ca m. bv ;!-tt t-Mii'eil '"''"'"' i.i. ... ..u, I,,. .,vif .lanes l;,r, i. an age, I vv,,nnii a!.-iii,.-.-..Mit-y-,.i, " iwmiI.i. il.isli-.tt h..w. -v.-.-.." tit- ,-'T'- ..'..... i . ,-,., !U; j,,,,-!.,!,:,,. wl.ii.d isnd Motn i,...,-s ,-r- i mv, ,- .... -.i,.-.-." XZT vi. uitb ...-), V. ,y -ei.ei-u. I,--.- 1- 1..-.1 ol llll-. . ,;:. M,-.. : T. ,..,.,,.. ,. .!- , ,!...: YJ of i , - ... luclitlal aild si;,';. Mi 1 1 Ml.-, hot . . tl . --v..h;, i. ,u. ui-v;, .L .t m.-M r.i.ii..- ' :w. W l.-n "emtier . 7 ' . ' ; "-p,,,.;.,; . A "i d Wilh on' runners. ,.,. ... ,,..,,...,,.,-..,. ! ''-Vi':;: his b.'.namph- rai,,,,, a large p.u- N----'-; ;;- ;::;:;;:i':' ,,,, l;;:. j;!;'; ! ffWWOT ..,...,:, r;,. 1 ,, ... !.,i... v.,. '" ' ...". 1 OrU r, ...... ..1 .... 1 .. .t...,i 1 wo . 1,1: - a;... 1 in- i'i... , 'i .1 . '.-..- .,,.....,.,,, s mr. a v. 01,: ;t, ia ;ri. ao liie .-.tl.ei coi.mi.s ?. . ...... .,,.,.-,,,-e,'e 'i-k H 1 !.. I'!...! 1. I'.m ..vl'i'ia!!-.. ' ' i ; :o- ,!l (High t i !.; -o '"!:. , .,.... mm n.u -,n -I l..-r . & I !"i-s Ir.s a...,, 1 .. , v : ',. . .... ,.-,.,! ii-.l -. d !:. i- .riicii .tr v.-, 11 m..- .. .... .1 e, o,-,-,:., i,. --i ; , , . and ei a la:,). 1 llv -1 -t 1 1 1 .ll.-.l.-,i -n.,..,,. .1.0. .,. 1.1-u h, ,l,lN . ,lll.M1.,.., ..t ; ';' ," i''.r coiiaii.-. wi.i lb. dv uu h'- nas been s-r, 1, .:e t,.; t !,re.. , ::s have oeeii . ,,. r . 1 ... i. s : .' ,';;.' .. s,vie-r. f., i :.. s ,t.,i i.y c..i:, '"'"'."" !-: ,: ;.;..- ,... !,..,.:.-- ,.,.,,,.,, factouv at ;vai'(!HTbv n. . .... 1 ' .1,.,; Nl.lel.l I. .0,1.. is..!,- til. Ill, g !Lc top ..-' it 1 1 -1 J ' s is ., ...i i. ... '-'; ;i,;v,i I,,,,,,,,.,,, ,1,.. I..-. ,..,.1 ;. iv,:- .l W.:.-..: :,t It ;' 1 n'-1' . M-itt '..!v : d ii-.- 'I :.f- a:.- ,vi'!""'- !-r..,u ,-vi-i-y p. of ion m .he ,.;.,.,...;. .. ,.Uifc, -i.,.,.- u- i..-v. ....niy i...i.r...;' u 1 w-. 1-- - ; ::) rs, , ... , 1 1 '' ,, .. ' , S;v,. -o.d 11, bs d 1 Me entile ii.i- ; .u.i.i-i.. .:. a hi.-wii h " u--1- - . -v: s .-. . ' ' .h-v.'e.' lit- -is is li-:i:l. Vt !..-....( Iliid. r ,-1.'. .n.ti iii,.,.,I. 1. 1 ... n..i. ......... ... ....,nrlty. 1' v:iu-1. 'i!.. I 1. - - W 1. ot pro . ;'.:,,..., w ' l-l Soul ll the news , i;i. . '.lit' the ,.,t .UI., ,.', lm,. -i. ............ l..u. i..-i-ii N'.wvu.B .----... .11 i-.a . - l-i .' : '' ' 1 ;h- ilia., wi... ' ; A! '," ' ... ..!,:.. .1.,. ...t!.'. .. ,i ... ,.pi f. ! issSfcSMsSi? W-crtrsx ...... ,v ports, 1 the p,,-i,.e .., , e- e.u.r- " .,;' - ' '..' ..' ..',. -,f,n ...,, ' l:. ZKT" : pillar are nun-,-:-i;i (be Out! e, a- t is .. :-... ,..e s .., Mill h'l ' 799 ---fZ-i'Sl '"'" s so ton. ' , 1 ,,.,! ..ll.-. r. bv I he ...-.at her t.-ll tar " . IflSTi J3f ft.J:S5i--.'S:siU Mi,-. ii,i.i.i .-; mo:e seviou-.lt r.ati I exas. and ( t. , r- cent . at. v . .1, . it. 1. 1! v . s. is o.n n Wll, w. , ,,.... ,,..., . nt ,.. , ,,,,,..,. a.. r . MipfRiii fe ttfaii ;". I'h-ht-t br i .oe u,b!,.d up in 0 f.,,1. a di-n-l., m .': m-t voytbe .-r. -j i.e.. -'Ci X. .mi& ,. . so,, i" l.t-fes i,v tin- se.-oi.,!. an t i.-i.-s naM.'s. j.i;i-... ii . -,. , oeeo..-.- a.m.,-11,1-. ; ' hter.it i. r .( ....:..:,, ;..;..,. (,-. ... in,', im :.-h-ut of I lie -.-,....:. '. Now A.., -i. I"... n ; VVarter , . . . , , , :., is the n-int. 'I'!.. v 1 1. ill e t heir " . . .... , . , var.otis i. ,ri, is ate ..; j .a 1 to avct ..1 t.M., ....... ,. :i-. - i'Ull 0HJUU Uil lllliU. ii, J'"- w'.'1-"' U wt.t'.eiiun.ug.it. ......-.i,t.iu.-. ,ts t,,r ,.r ri ,,U;MS (r sa. r r,,,. ,,.,., , . il.iv reporle. I at a h-w p..;t;ts in ,c e:teci . i : m v tnt.ii-, -oa.i.iia..- ,,ir .mi.c, 1 .11 t .. -1 i;..' n-n- ro. r. 1.1-.111 -. V. h.Ue !!,( ivhhivc i'w i.i" M-e,.. 1 . :;u ., , , , ... .,.., any August f-oiu 1ST0 to isso iuelu- - , siv-. The nights have been too cold ; The l'rol,ib:ii..tu.sts have a full, for rapid development and the crop . State ticket in the field in Ohio, which i is late. Fears are expressed that th" J will ivi civc. ii is t si hunted from In.- : frost may et cau.-e disaster. The not) L Is.ii i.i votes, ihe larger pai t average of the Slab s of principal . ,.f i-.hi.-li. K t'ne. wore no prohibition j production iue Illinois, si; ; Indi-m !,-!,:t in the field, would in all pro'.-, l-l; Ohio. S'.): .Michigan, tH; Ken- ' ubilily go to the Upiih;icau can-.h ' tucl-iv. )7 : Missouri. S.' : Kansas. D7 : dates. j Iowa, ;: Nebraska. 81; Wi ,c, nsin. j -j-.H. e bovs who took shelter under ! .sr.. On the Atlantic coast: New...,. o r:' v,.i, ,.-,,i-,. kiiie.l 1 York. .): Pennsylvania. !U : e-,v .feist y. 101. In the South : irginia. ll.l : .North Caroitna. b.l : rx.nl li t .urn lina, 70; (ieorgia, 71: AUba.mi, Sd ; ; rT1'1 j- r ! ' l', )f' t'l;0 V0 .dition of spiing w...tj ror Vu.ruf it is 07. the same ' j, S , ,;i.v i'i,,.',, f,. ..,,v as in ISS'J, but higher than for any previous August. A Town llurtit. A desi ii eh. dtied 1-J:h insb, s:us : Tin- viln-'cof VineviViMiavcn, was ..l ul ..,,jir..lv.iv.i,'.i.v:.v l.v .ire l.t ni-ht. Ovi-r fiftv hitpm were burned causing tt'i aggregate loss oi about ..)(.li'.IO. All th- hotels, stores and public buildings wm'c burned, villi bout lifi.v other biul.hng -. iu.-ht.Hiig sev f :d sinali mniiuficl ni iter r-l-ibhsli meets. Nearly one iiuinbi d i.ti'iiltes are homeless, and nianv almost ' to raise the neeessary money uni-ioe penniless, and with no oi her elothmg two of the trust. es tr the. chnreh eept what thev elm-u- d to haxe on borrowed .(I0I I from a Winston Mian iheniwheii thev' were driven out into eier and eapitali-t giving their not-. inosily ot woo.l au.lt 1utIs iur hit the harness (). , t,.,,.,,,.. I'i,i,tv !! 11. W. Crocker, when two third.- of il-e in ! habitants were itsiei p Almost im I mediate!'.- tie- whole Mrticiure was in , . i.,., ...... j. ,1,.,.. I truing n.areh through the town. At ! in ....!..!.- i I. .. I o.,... i essed aerons ilhe main ti"et find wa- sv'epin to I wards the so:ith( i n ran of the village I'll iily means .t t-! rimitive l.ttcke ' was noil 'ed ; crowded will it were the j villag were hoen "lee M'tiole the sUeets e!les of ess pi-pie. A -ivere north- eastvily storm xmis ! .ov,i::;,' iitel a dii.t lai:i fahu . 'Most .1 the I.' I ! Iits of Cottage I'ilv stiite.i for Vii,- nd i hit en be tween b) ami li ocloe:.. and liie s, cue ihe wiin. sm d o:, ai'iiving at the burning ilhe.-e '-a - very disire-:-iug. !"ie stn its , i re tiil, d with all -oris e; jicrsonal pr , , . ot , r u hid: the vv .men and el idi'-n. the sick and i ' .-. iv l.iin. iug in a p.l table m i I'liii -h re in the village w .s then oo lire, a: 1 the po-loil'ice. ol!i'-! ii .el'v s'a'.ies an I h 'tels cci 't li e Ibove i'tiil iiot.-l all Viele iil li.4hi'-S. Some loll., aelis h i 1 then b. .11 1 -.lined ovt r. The wind Ihal l.nn I he tire .as Utile -In n t of a hill lica: e. I'le were about two lamdied uud liny s. miii, a r r siiietii-. i;i the 1m in V of iv hoi,! Vi . i e obligii. t r i i-v have been ; ',,- v ield is coti , ' i'.,l v-oy the , , t hey become IO'; . ' 'oW it . Th, v pi 1 pat e th. ir ,li. expect. i,l- 11 that t!l"e ottg-'ut. 1 . 0,1a!' ta-i its r and- rdtai-i -o as to ia-1-d.-ep. i'h.-v pioueh 1 - 1 that instead ot h to h inch, niaki ix inches ,.f 1 i.-.low sod oist lire, th' V have twelve N. ith.er li -oitght.-. nor tl lot's ,-inv ditl'.-.eiice tli.ii. We do not itii.-in lint thev turn up the poor . -i i . .1 .' . , , sin. -ot,. but they li.eal, it up. ptliver- i-a it. so that a sur.-: u . of vv a:;-r Vi ill I, -id,..'.- ; i-lni' il,- liil-oe-h i, . and :-:o th -.! it V, el b and le.'d eioisttlle a.;--it,s ! lie e il d ;y . .f droiigiii. We . a.l o;ir i. i.nds to i.-ai n this lesson. These d,y ! 1 1 li- . tell v.lio is t he good ; I I'liiev. 'Jin- i'.u ear .vh i has prop-' ciiy pi pit 1. j ilv i i:'cl. ploughed, diep. inaliiir.-.i v. .-:! v. hh hnincaade uir'liili s. Iv-:,!;. iiv. aetcs of land will male- moi 1 it than his neigh bor V, in. ha:, . ki 1.: a led ov er a liuiidl ed Lavs. We i:o. ,;.' our fiieinls who have any praetical . p. -riei.ee in t li i.i natter, who !,:;, tups that are now ,iug well. d. , pite the drought vv i ite ti.- abo-.'i it. Onr purpose i -; t-i ilirecl itttctioii in this chaliltel. Who w ill give in their ( XI). I ie'.lce W in. will tell us ihe facts of this season .' : i lie. . i(V ., n,ii0 , i,.,-:,!,,;,, J ,'., ,.,1 t ; u. (,,,,.. which slut!- i The Kimball House at Atlanta wits ! ! bin lit lasi Sunday. The building j I cost. :i;ii'),hiHi i ii. I tiie furniture I l-""". l"'' -'1 f.a'ic -tsler. Oiu. .. , camp meetiu is aid to be tL liir.'csl ever held in the Wist. ,:;jV. 11. V I-'" liv.e.oeg ,i.,,-..- " '"r ' . . : , man wii . in Wale. Ha tie!!. Franklin. . i. .ii' :.. . ... ' rd.r n,,,-v,l"i;' '.'VV: 'V , v 'om.M.m. Na-li. I m ham. i r, aiiv ide. p. v-. i. ..,:, i'i: their U-.i ,;.. --.it ... ,. . . . , 1 , . , 1 , . I. . .: ' I . .. . i . ... ........... , .,, ., , . ,. , r,-. ,,' 11 ,1 i",',. y;i;,.,. A Colored Church MortmmtMl lor an Kxcui'sioii Train. iv. .irW1-i, iwrL.t. ( The colored excursion tnmi from j Winston to Colinnhin. wlth-h wu scheduled for Moinliiy, failed to come j to I iine, and great whs the ilia iiipint I Hu nt of many hero who had prepared rations for !l three days' trip. The j i-vciii-siou v:is gotten up by tlm. col .n-ed church in Winston, and failing for ssou, and uiorfgageit the enur'-n as seen ri l.v for the payment of the notes. The eontiaet priee of the eenrsioii train was Sl'Jni). As soon as -toplied tli.il SiiOll (if the aino'.nit had heeli de;iosited in the bank to the credit of the railroad the train Mas dispatched from Ilichinond and arrived in Winston o,i time. Tiie trustees scratched around industri- ousli lor some Hours Irving in hum t In-ol Her u.nl uiiaiiy laue.i. me railroad lioeketi d the deposit una stt aiued back to Hichmoiid The in- ten sling legal question now arises is to lie v.i.iditv of the imiltgsge: that the contract is usurious: that CN.-ursioiis to t'ohimbia are not. in the line of serving Ood : that liiiu'h de mortirao-n am no count no whv. boss" Therein considerable f in Win--toii ov er the mal ler. Valuable PreiMiHnis. i- N.'s :,iiil ol-. l v.T. iv. s lis liieastue to state ,'UI III 1! ; thai sum.- elllerpi Istng private eitl. Iis o. Ii.ll, igh and solne liieii.iiels of the cotton exehiino.e have c-uielii'h-d tnj oi;', r through the Male .'v.gl ietiil lira! j Society, at tin- nel fair, valuable c is'it ! eii.iunis. for the best eol'.otjl :o.vn tit ihe eounlies 1 1 ibtitary o i ll.ih-igh. There vv i:! be a pi ie for j each county oi' these, and all wiil be j well wi.it ll eoiupei ing for. 1 his ale : te '.!:. i:e.-:a wilt give g.-ni ra! picas- iti e and vv iil icMi r no .h n;bl in a (lis- i'..:y of choice ciion at the lair. It ; ivil't b--' a lain 1-oiue i eeognh ion of the i-.i,ilies. too. li should b le li.einbeied that other va'tlab'e pie-, niiinas iire oll'et-.-d by tho society, by' li-rl i:i;:ef comt':ailes. ,ve.. and the in a-: wii in Wake. Ill net!. I'rau!;;in )-..iiii-lou. N.t-li. I ham. t b aiiv Chatham, or Moon, tu.ii- "lit a lint bale of ..;ion eertainlv eitglu to set that it is howii a; t he ,-.t ate fair. 1'. pay. I.e! tins ne'e- lie , lrem.ue.i i,. in -ti j ... frii- ro . 11 ...,-1 s,.-C.-.,I .-..!- : ..i l.-Mlls, ."I- ll-ltlol ' ,l 1. -1, in I'.-r tiiril.i-r . :,.i-i.im;i..i, iiri'ty ! lllly l-.'tli. .V. Ol.i.V l it AV KNT. .VI. .u, ui.-. N. 0. A DMINTSTHATOUS' NOTICE. m I. ..!,. ..,,.l,rt...l , I.., .ollr.e.r. will, fl.n 1 win n i.rs-i -i 11. o. ru ,i-.,l-..i. i..-n- ; e, ii..uiy ;ii ..-is, its li.o ii t.-. uu. ,!:. liisi iil. I ; ,,;,.,.,,., ,..lx, . ... ,., ... ..r in.f.r.. i ii.. i.. n any ... .i,ii , im-i. i.. i.i. laiY.vN, ' July I'.', I. 1.. E. S L i-L CHANOi; OF SCIIKDULI S... 1 -l.iio.. , 4 . Ill H tr- (, in I ; i.i.. li'.ITliiillI :t u it ui :i .1,' h in ;l -.1 a in I H a in 4 o ii in in a ni c in n n. , d -a a in ! It 4 J .1 III ' ,i t. i-i ' s t; ,u , K,.s,-i' H : :-l ! l-1-i-.-s '.i IT . in M inly '.' :Ci e t.i ; , '.1,11, I".l I in is e hi n t; . in , 1 1 .r. in 1 iHI , III V. II. nr.. vi. i ry on N, 11,11 V-X IW .1 III : 1 44 n 1,1 Itlll.'U'll. H 1111,1 II. II fl-ii.-m 1 n:t , m e-irv Vri iv.. Ilanitrl, I 1', ii in I Vrnv Trnin i', n:i'. it 1 "-..iiiii- -i. in Uiinil.-l wlili e. .'. ! tii.flwi.y i,,r .-...irl-ii. itf-, i.tl .-,i.ii.-. ..i.ili. Trait, lit. in i ..-- ' i ,, vi .. ,i' l-il, ili win. Uu- liiildtrfli ,tt i 0:is,...i HiClr,..-i, fr nil t-iutil. n-rlli. , 'I'll,, l.- i.l lr. i.-hi .-..it.. w-.i i,:u-H..i.-r oi.-h ,it:,- 1,-iiv,- KiiirUii ,.i ;..'t a. m aiit ar.-iv,-s ll .4,1 f. to. Ji liN C. WlM.KIt, SuiMTllltfU'lfnt. LOOK IIER!! EVERY MAN Ought to INSURE AGAINST FIRE -is Tim- NORTH CAROLINA ; HOME INSDBANCE COMPANY H. A. LONDON. Jit.. Act nt, j.-l.tei.ii-r 7. IHf J.-lim I IT'I PiaiHO. K in Miscellaneous LATTA & NYATT, MEM MM 11 KHHlSSIH-HBlilFffl!, EAISIG-H, N. C. An i:ts iM!! rm: v,v,,mi ited VAN WfflKLE filil FEEDER AND COHDEHSER. MANIM'WCTI' Kl'D Ami'.Vr.l lhi 'list l.l lz.' M.l ..( ,i .a it it .-I l l-srtr- p-im-.i! .-.siii:s In (.'tiint'ii; jui'l I Tin: van WINKLF. (UN IS MADE WITH SUBSTANTIA I IKON t v.-y ..iri .f Hi.- iliii lm- ' .' " iir.-urm-s,'.t in w.,reii',!i liie hi.. I . Tl r I I KM. lis iili.l Ci IS 01 Ns l.s i lt.-r Ui.1 .".Ha wiih Mi.- lull '"'Ml t- S V M l'i,". lit N eN .!!: si:i-: 1..M V, .il Hi.- Vt.n I l i-..li in ."I in.i.'l.il,... i vr o: i; sre;.i:. lilHBIl! 8000 DOLLAIIS WOii.Tir OF GOODB AT COST!! Tlie 'itrgtst stock o('e,,.,ds ev.-r oti'ere.l to the people of Cliatliiim At and EolovV Cost. Consisting of PHY ;!M, N'(tTHNS. MIM.IXF.UY C.OODS, IIEADY.MAI'E VIA T 1 1 1 N( '. HATS. HOOTS, SHOES, and I'WNCY ;)( I S. IONDOW is ofToviJi?; the abovo A'l' C03T TOR CASH. These uoods must be - Id atal AT NCE. 'a.-!i will make the price. crsoits bnv imr on I tine '..f !',: ri. What I nieau hv C'ASll Is ti ,lt, .,., lillH) yards be-t Calico al il , filltl vard- be 1 Lawns a! H Other f,awus for ,"i cellt up. from l! cents up. le adya.tt le I Shoes lower lll.lll yo.l eier s.t.v almost nothing. i la: s a i : (Hit c anil von can nu t u. Remember, aiiv 1 rv (loo,-. Noitotis. ( lothinr, Hoots, Sltoes or Ilut.'J it New York cost FOI! CASH. NO T O.N l l.Mi:. 1 mean hi siness. I'hese prices w ill bold until further imt i. e. (..'all sim m if von wish to -aw iiiotiev. I'ittsboro', N. C, -I iil v l-J. iss.;. i vs' m a UWI U iJ a fuJ M fXt GEO. S. HISSEN & CO., ManTs, .-.tw---Iivsi- yj' " VA Hardwitiv Doors LAKOFST STOCK IN Jnno 2H. 1SS:. NOltlUS, WYATT 8 TAYLOR, COTTON ISXICIZANTS, ("ONSIOSMKSTS Soi.l. IIK1, I ! I . 'I I.- I t'lt.iK AM) I'llovllT ! I-.T l" II NS A UAKANTEE0. Fartilize Your meat if Yon Wast it to Pay Yon. 1..l)I) SACKS AMMONIA 1K1 AND ACID PHOSPHATES, Tho Host Feitili.er Made tor WI nt and Oats, Now in Depot Keady for Shipment. Send vour orders to lUlclKll, s. c. TfTlsJ V. A. r.iaivus-s. :i-.li. li..r, .Mm I an i.n.l r.-r- pIkh I'utentH. vvn.liliKi. il. I. (' ii.-tl wfli l'lii.-n-s, l..-l..r I i.ffl.t. r Ui" Cixirtn. ..'...ii.uy cliiii-K". inft.1.' inili-s. ii kiii Isr cir.-uliir. All iMlr-IOfSr, I-..II- -. ,-i- ili,, l-iiti-ii' i I. ii.l.-l t... N" mo i. S. ii.l I"f CITIZENS NATIONAL HANK, H.VI.KKill. IV. ROTARY HARROW. I Iw.to iH.iislit tin iiniy rlrlit t"r Cliinti.-ini p.i.nty for III.- ! 'li L l r.-c.-'l lmTAUV IIKl!OW. Tins., hiur,, nr.- tlio lwl I11 ". ah. I .-very titrni.-r ..lu-l.t it. Ii,-vv.-,,.i... A in.-ilt-l .,f ll i-.iu l.f "i-t'ii in I.--1, I -i. s -l' l"'. I "i- I'i I"" ,,ly t,. "'UN s. e v VI 1 1-1 I.I. l-ii.(i,,.-. N. V. Mki.-U J-, If'- Advertisement. T ATLANTA, (JA. ui :mi "-nun., r..r i.-t smiii, hm THK UI15S AUE MAIF THK DKST CHILLED 1 11 O N A N D MOST Improved PATTERN. Tho SAWS of BEST KXtSLISH Steel AND N'EEDLK POINTKD. -Ui ill-- -s til l-l.-ii nf nrikt'iir a nifii-lilno ;C u.:; l-'-i- Ui.- ii-ti l-i-si i;.'iinrai ruHiilin. n .ei,.i.''i Hti-i i.i-hi in it.-.,. w. itif rnruro i-.'ii. -u iai.it, iim'I.Mi.,'- li inf.,. .l ie ls.H.i-.1m. f vi ili be ehaiyed the regular prices. .:ny p.. id down beloiv the gout Is leave educed from s cents. i "d-.i".'d from to 15 cents. ; (loo. Is of all kinds and qualities j at your own price. Hunts and Not iotis a ' ''-incv Goods for vnu 1 nylhing call at k K &. m US - .'O. lMES SA1.KM P. ()., X. V. ,us Uu--O-- v. 11 l i...... w.-iiin en.. , ... 1 Ciluk Ui ,.-:iiii.i I t..r iim - I- :.,, cm vi . 11. y.,ar shi.wH Uiolr 1. i. .i.ii-l,.. v .,.ti,'U y.-nr iiriliirs, s.-tM t. i , le. t.l.ii n i.i.il M;. what lli.M 00 F.. IIISSFN & CO. TIlITl.L 1IIGI1T COOKING STOVE. , ,. s.,lo Vf. iiiH f.-r UilM.vl.il.iatM t". till- IHlLIk' tl.Kl I.V.T TWKNTV-FIVK THOUSAND ,.r -i .-,. S' .v.v, i.iiv.. i.im ii ...1.1, uii.l that Id Mck llisl.im-.- Ui- y liilt.- tiv. ii Entire Satisfaction; PKICES VERY LOW. hy- Wo I in in: in.- I. r i, si'i'l,tlve CnLi,,ii. ami Lilt Of W, L. LONDON. :' Kverv I.kwriptioiu and lllinds, XOUTH CAROLINA. JULIUS LEWIS &L CO., ItALEIOH, N. C. TAYLOIt. WOOL CAHDING. I AM 'inllni wi. nt my mills on llnw river tin-In- IL . I -.-In., work We ui lakn.illt all f IDS l.nr.-. ait I ii -i.li--wii,'U ilnc, ll... wm4 Im betltr Unto li.in,l-,l, k,il. All tliHtrunt.imera oreregulr. ,11,. i,, nn.li mi l i:i'mih Urn '"1 with cieail gr...-t...i.,ii ,avai' witt ui.t il.i). W0WIII do thn H. -...t.-.imr. il .ist.ry, au.l mftkn no.-l.nrge f..r U I, 111 Hi.. ,.i.,r ili I11M. Cii.l,.n.i'i-inum brlnff kIii-.-ik . r ...in.- liiim in wrai ihmlls I.. bags will tint il. o.tr pri.-- Is ."iie-sUU. f.,r Ml'tret centa l r ,,,.iti.. m-i'liliii.' Ui, rll. l utll 1 lie brldaa In ii ,i.ii..l ml itiiilu .mil w.kiIwIII bcNitealai-r.iea tlx- ov.-r. jAMtSfAOt. siuy 111, IsKI. llins Fir w.itiDit, tllsease or other dtsa l.llliy. VMiliiwn, ml.w.r i-hllilrm ,. n,i, 1.1 txu-eula entlUad wt,.-i. tl.-aili ri'Miil.tvi. claim re- f,,rn,.,t, r,-nir.rHi,.n. liii-r,Hs.M, iM.unly, bock pay aril ,.s,h,e,-s .,itti.in-.l. A i..ly a. ...it, delay p.,, ana---- y-i.r rlj.'liii. Kern 11 ittl by law. Ad ,li til I. onn,i. Hie ..Ll enii.l.llalie.1 Arm t :ison eo . Aii... .i,') and eiiilm Afenlr, 11 r si., Wantiiuiiiiiu, L. c. LAND S Clntm-ft A Hirli.liv, 11 n,l WAH 1VN IX, Al'l'l TieAI. IIOMK- sTr. vi) er.lrrii io.vi rH and ail km i ,.( I.VN'K SCIMI' u-lil ni) I (.-.I.I. Lnrtw .ui 1 111.oiK.sr I'laous i-hi i ii.. waut !... II ,.r l.ny lr w. rc i V. t.lllll A, Allot uvjr-t.4M. M lilun, i, C.

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