(Shaiham Rccori! THURSDAY, ATGUST Hi, lss:,. LOCAL RECORDS. Rain at Inst ! P& Harnett court next Monday. 9" Now is the time to sow turnip wed. mOTMT.KJ. n. xuo tin ntol'P hlte.1V OCCUlll.'ll lV ' '' r -v -n 1 ........1 Ii.l.v I B. Harris. tar Mr V Tliorton olVers for:" Hlmndant supply" of lies tier ill. at. I. Jioiion onus l"r , , 1 j, .,t,.ni .v I,.,:.., ono ol ttie moi iiuuiiu iu the county. will ile. iuMij. Robert Riiiffham liver an address at tlio temperance celebration to be hold at New I'.am church, on th 1st diyof S-vt-nuiau-. Ktf Reiueinber if vim iiee.l imv U ou liceo any, Clothiuir you can iiml it at London's away below cost. H" is -oin toscll J ,., , . , ...,?, ,?,.K. I . llltJIII IU1U lIlUl SO.Mt. V VII..llll.j.l.l "Htrike whilo tho iron is hot :" this thiiiir will not last ion A tew more ' of those chnap Ilrtts on hand. I) ie thousand yards of Ribbon ai i,..' : prices. , lit il, .t.lhe hopes of many fanners will be l"iyMe are pleased to learn tliat i - . . , 1 , r n o orentlv revived. l'roni all m.lica- onr former townsman, .or. ll. i.if. ;, . . . " . , . .... , , , tions the rain ha i bee!i very 'eneia . Vyowim. lias in.cu ur""" - tlio treasury departnient at lvaieih. An excellent appointment. B-i"I rode lo miles to see Lou don's goods and bought, ail I . oil d curry on my horse and only regret led flint. T lmd iiot In oin; lit inv wa-'on." io .. 1...4 ..I' .inr li.' .t I'm inei'M s:ll,i ; wliuu ho was buvin' s.ine of thoa-j cheap .'oods at London's last week. I i.. .ii.' :.l ..v I i ,, ' lt . ;. T ' I,,. can have those I.So. its Tor iwo I '.. - i i vvi ii I i T Jars? W hy, they are I ho rlieapi st 1 J J 1 ... i..,, x,- i l i K UK 'IN UIL X ll.l.l... ..Cl. Hatch, of Gulf township, has a p:i ,, . . . , t ii.. ..'i . ,. I I,., j . inaL is nisi iour iiioniii.-. ...ii. .nni no-, f O.i.f townshin. were de.-troyed lv ! fire. The loss is very heavy, no. withstanding thore was fi.S.K) insur ance. Firk. Our town was excited last Friday afternoon by the a;ai miiif. cry of -tire," and the riiitfiiij,' of the ti i bell, a:l caused by the bin uili;; ol an out building in the yard of Mrs. M. A. Y. rainier. Watch Fousn. A few days ago. a white boy, naiueil Joseph St e.lma'i. was wading iu Deep river at Lock vide and found a o-nj,! -.valch iu the bottom of the river. It niiMt have been lost many years aifo for the woiks had all .I 'caved and only the outer ca . rciii.lined. Tin; l u Cnor. The peich crop in CJli .'a i"'. has been almost a faiiure this vri'i Very few peaches have nnitiired :!i good condition iicar.y all being lcfc.'tive. The best that we have seen were given us by Kadi Manly, a worthy coiorcd man of this place. Phothacteo Mixtiso. Quite an interesting protracted meeting is going on at Hickory Mountain church, six miles west of this place. duel ed by Rev. R. A. Willis. A .pi u u riy ineetiii!,' was held there last Sal.ir.l'iy .not Smidiiv. at, which the l'jcsid ' "' Elder Rev. Dr. Wilson, was present. ijiuii, wi.ii. . l Summkr Visitoks. Notwitlistaml- Visitoks. Notwithstaml ing me suuiiiu :i o e ...,(;. f.i nrra ill lllir town. I 11. o l,.u ,, rtuwl .mini vuil. ' win wuwito " - ' Since our last iwue tne aiinais n.iv- been the following, viz: Mr. I'- : laid two littm-s of e.'.'s. " ' T 7'" T '';" it is a hi o rmi.an.ao e n.a. ,,m.shi (..,W ,,,.,,,,, j,,. - (that he reads without spectacles O! tl,e only boys ,n the Stale who run, ,t! ,),lll.risllll.t, W,.IX. Iin,.,is,t,..l bv Miu. Rnisr.-On last Saturday r""'!'' ,l 110 ,lel.u was : away froiu school are those who H (l..,v. j!irvk , nuuruns evi afternoon the steam n.erchau. ;, j -tranfe'er ,,, 1. county o 1? a ,v- tl-ir board and tu-t.on frco. ;.,(.,v )m,l ,!,,!, hc.rts ,m cm- UIL .,, , it . , , i it v. but still lie could not resis the, 1( . . . ..... ,,. - , , , . , ,, ,..,,.,., i,. . , saw nulls of Mr. Solomon Wouilne. I . . . .... , ... 1 Raioijfh isior: I- lfty years nmi 1 1 oiling , he J mai ,1. and u ei e i to .Uoore, oi .Diuuswiciv i-uumi . without food or rest, to'iieni! lirnncs Nellie Waddrll. of Smithtield : Miss 1)t!,emp((n.ilv rt.llIH,.,l to allow the Maria Raton, of Farmville : Mr. 1 nil ,.ftt(;,. to l: kil'ed because to allow Taylor, of Raleigh: and Mr. J. 11..;, vi;ut,. ,. f .,. well Gun io and family, of Wilmington. . es.taliisho. I rules. H.i ordered the ... j C0W8 ( ie veturned to the field from Rf.visino Ta.vLists. The county which they were driven, a mile or commissioners have been in session (WO l(1u k. The order was instant !y for the past three days levising the j executed as far as possible the cat tax-lists. There were not many com- j tie were driven within range of the tilaints made because of increased Federal pickets and turned over to valuations and nearly all these were ,u. pursuers, who were good enough. ...,i;. ....f. ;u. i nut..,! Tn somen... ,t 1 o. 1 1, ,,,, f.i divide if ;......,...U4..l il... v.ilii.iiiiins t'ilSCn llll'l 111, IV or.,-v .. . . . . i reportcil by tne townsnip assesmu s, ho that the total valuation of tli county will not materially vary trout the amount heretofore published in the Rkcohii. A Pi'Mnt?! Du.kkv. We saw a ne gro man in Raleigh, a few days ago. who has a wonderful peculiarity and that is he never talkH. He is not deaf or dumb, but yet cannot be lersuadeil or forced to talk. He answers questions with "no" or "yes." and occasionally utters one or two words, thus proving that he can talk, but for souio unaccountable ri ason will not. His name is Iaiu Kvans is about 25veius old. al)l-lMlte I audiiU rk'Ut ill ovorv other respect. WAKEGnn.T-HousE.-Wliil.un Ral - eie-ll a few days ago wo visited tlicJ'"" new court house, and found it 11 verv handsome and conveniently arranged i...:i.i:.. vi.;i ..,.f.'..'.l ,.1. ... ..ii-. h,iicr is more imoosing thau our l.hniin.. land it on. dit to be. for it cost nearlv twice as much) yet the court room "is not as large nor as comfortably arranged as inns. Tim vaults in tho rooms of the Clerk and Register arc a "itat improvement 011 1 :.. oi. ...,,1 L.'c. l ..4:....n 1 !1 I,., v.iln..!.!.. r..,i'.U Tbe tnnldin.' is hPiited by L.it. nlr driven from a lartre turnace in the basfincnt. We are iu.lebtcd 1.. 1 4.. ..1..-1- 1 ..-.I. t..r .'...:.. ..1 .. ,,v...- iI.h, buiidinb'. 1 AoKit C'ir.'KN Dkd. Mr. Charles Disunities, who resided three, juilos north of this place, died on last Sut- unlay, aged about eighty years. Ho was fi most wortliv and liii'hlv cs - ,' teemed citizen, and for iibont twenty j years had decii grievously afllicted j witli chronic rheumatism which ren - dcred liini perfectly holiness. I Thk C. F. Y. V. R. R.-Wo ar 'pleased to bear that work on the ', (Wl'ear and 'a Ikin Vallev railroad ... ..i ...V . , " Vi. . j iiM-iviavuiir lias oeen ocwiveu joi iiic wt of closs-tics, 1 . i i . i i i ii, o l llii.ni,il.J uie coiiiiiieiuiM ..ii i.i.i k.ii iiifciii. iun. i, no.'tt but now that ditrieiillv s overcoim , .., ,i.:...i ..t " , iivi.i iu inr nuv .. inin., iiiiuiti"! ih ! iniit; a day. Two m w and powerful loeoniotiviM have been bought and put on tin; road. j A Ri'KKKsiu: 0 Rin. The drought is ended and at last we have had a i , ., , . . most rciresiiiiij,' lain. .o ram was , "VT :' , . ! ii.-.-mn. nim yj ..... ..... . hearts of us all. It is the only "sea-! J"11' (as the farmers call it) that wis i 1 IIIIO 111 I.II1S Vlt'l 111 I V I'M llfllliV I i ton; "'u. muni lis. ,viiiiou'rn inceoiii i,iioia ui a coin suuu on tinuu iiicie slirivoucil iiii.t twisteii. ami in many ! nelos apparently ruined, yet tins rani .Mr. .1. . Mevenson. ol t inimht rs i will briii'' it out" woinlcrfir.lv and ; bill '' towiishiii, ha.sa t urkev ben which ii i ,.;;,, I,..,.,, V.i ,'.t v 1 ... n.. .....,,,.0 ... t, . . i afternoon, ami t'ounuimit wuu snout j intermissions all niht, so that tin ground is well satiuateil ami tl -b eams are I nil. An 0;.n Cn TiiAMri n. Y'e hnd Ihel I'' lie of meet in.!,', on last. Sa! ur-! ua, .nr. oouou uaic.m, oi iioss . county. Ohio, who was born near Love's Cnok in this county in lAuo - uKt. lstm. and removed to Ohio . " when only lour years old. 1 Ins was '.i , ,, lh" lirst tuno that our voncrah e count ymaii had v'siIhiI lus native county hiiic his removal marly , ('le-nry years ao. tie is reniitiKalilv .....11. If .f I.I....I. '. " ' " I1 r" ' o mi oin- oi ims iitivatic- - ii- ... , , b '' " 111 - s'' " ! jeav'y boyhood before he finished his caithly pilgrimagi A War Incident. ! In contrast with th" robberies coui i milted by Sherman's Ruimii' is" was 'ihe strict discip.ilie of Gen. Lee's anny. in which all plunderin ' ., i i ' ! piouipuypums.if.i. 4 e Lie i eiii,,,,,- ; ; I'll Ol 1 Ills i v tin? i , ii ii . iii i.. 1 1 1 in i ii- ; 'ideation from an old comrade, whose . ! en durance on the inaicii and bravery, 'in battle was not surpassed by any : soldier wlioiu we ever knew : j "LiTTi.Kros, N. ('.. Aug. 10. lKKII. j I Mr. Fi'iiTou: A day or two before ' reaching Appomattox on the iiicmor - able ret'reat of our army from 1'oters- i bui''. the ha'f starved division i,f General Urvan Grimes, to which I;'lay. . belonged, was halted after dark for a I short rest, and soiiii; of the sharp jsliootcis i;i the skirniisii line eoia i lliaudcd bv Lieut. Geory-e T. Leach. ; N'. C. Ileg't. now a merchant of New York city, collected and drove to ! our bivouac two or three cows with t he intention of butchering them, believ-. ing, as they i' i tainly had reason to' beiieve. that the poor cattle would! soon fall into the merciless hands of our pursuers. Reaching our stoj riiiir place, for we had no eucauii ineiit there. Lieutenant Leach scut ; 4 . I 1.. I .,.,( i,,.iwU In ,t' " y i'V Ibutcher the cows for lua corps of I KhiirD-sliooters. statmir that his men Hutl'eiin.' for food they had . . . . ,i .1 . i eonsiaiiliv on tne iiiuikb ami in ; t n i .. . tile rear oi ine reircamio armj since ,h t.vm.Uatioii. liiar. hing, counter- miUThiK, retreating and righting ! .. ..'i: .. ;4i. i.o .... ,,i t,,i,i,nH.,v JHI.lUli.l W 41.11 1, , I, 1 .,' . , -.. . i i . w marciieti on witn empty siom- ! ,w-1ih. God bless and preserve the mem ory ol j.iobei'1 L. Leo and Urvan (S rimes and their faithful followers. J. V. L." Stato News. t;l-i. i;.d. on. F.denton Fiuiuirer: colored, who lived in Win hiugloii county, had a quarrel with lus wife on tlie 2,Sth ult . and shot her. Ho Uit-U UeU. ami Dirt Wlio.uieiioii .-omii.i.i. Iiast week a itartv was orgain.cu nit ocr me gumanco 01 ..u. . 1 i- Ugiam. winch capturc.l iigliton near , W(Mltv.f()lll. Scriptural questions. -- Leachvillc and brought him back to,..- i',,,,.,. ... ..,,.,. ii,.,,, ;.i, 1 !'!outl,, where be ia now lodged in Toisnot Sunny Home: Wilson has not only a female, barber, but a black- u...iHi n niisriiiistiess. and liv.m.' ! one mile from town, is a female shoe- hunker. Mr. Hardv F. Raines, of ! Gardner's township this county, iu- : funned us a few daya ago that he had 1 lienn married 1 years, hail lived 011 the place on which he now resid. d for 54 years, has raised 14 children, the 1 rAi.mntct i.f wliicb is now :ti years i.l.l. he t ... i.l Ins tirst, doctor's bill last fall; and has never bought but one 11 r.l of corn and "iD pounds of meat his life: never bought .1 pound of id; is now Ml years of age, ami bin H.i.. U iuill.il.,' i.f wnlLiii.' uiuht or linLu nullum.' of walking eight or Uu wilts any Jay. News and Observer: One of the: convicts in thn penitentiary, a siiiijl- minded while inun. 1ms been one of tin- gang mowing in tho capitol sipiare. : ! He is an psnwt ncnman and s iowh ; postal curds on which are plainly i written nearly Mill) words. He also 1 writes the fjord's prayer in the space I of a half diiuo. He is miite a vendor I ol ciiriostti. s, rings, tunkctsot various ! A- It is wonderful Low exjd ''""'.v convicts become ia tho use of ll,p "st simple tools, even a sharp 'hii.1 enrvi.i.r . o- w i u i i i i .ortrilliloli .iouninineer: in iu-t a i ... . m i, ... jouuu.iay a leiiiiion in .m. mm. 1 1 IJ.H,,.,'-f itv - l.wl, 1 la.nost ever occiim..- in this ,. . . i i i .. if, . .. .V. ... . .. ... . . ...i. .... .. ... , iiienu v Happen tl ll v wneii;, lis uie . niotnbersof tliisiami'y have, at M'v. ral times or most of tlm timo in fact in ! the last twelve or fourt. Ml V( ! is. Iieeii The faniih i very widely separated. (consisted of the parents ami liiteen : I'hildreu, who last. rSaturdiiy ate their . ....4 .i:. ....... 4 1 I I ......l..,..., ... " i..H. i... . ...... i. ....r.-. , . . i i,,,. ii.vt a lik.lv hei last ,,,1 . i J -- (,ue. Stntesville Landmark: From tlm I'll III 1I l. I OllltlllSOIl, CSI. l-OIIII'M l are twentv-loiir sinml ears ol corn. ' some tin:.' ii.'o. came oil with a brood ; . . . . Df vouii" lurkevs and shortly thcre- .." 'i i ,, , ! a ter cniumcnccdlax int,' njfaiii. About 1 1. w I inn. ,. I oil,v ,r, ,1 ,l,l,. . , 1 1. I..I . ' r' wns mis.,en from his accustomed liaonls. and the next thine- anybody knew lie cauic oil' the hen's ne.v licst wiih a brood of turkevs of his own i hatchiii''. " 1 ,. , , , , ,, . , , Oxford Oil. linn s I'liond: We r:-, l'IcI to learn tliat Mr. W. S. Graiidv. oi t n w town, im-t wit ii a very pamliil i accident, a few days no. lie w is at-1 tcmplim; todiivi' a ho.' out of his) garden, wlltll he fell, disiocatill;,' his; hip. The wound is a very painful duo. On last Wednesday two boys' ran awav from the Orphan Asvhim. Tiiev were natural rov There was ' n rneili.ile jirovoi-ation. ISotli were i,' i r ..I ? .... in I I iireii oi '"ion iienavi.u Mini t lie scuo'.i!' v. . lo-.lav. Mr. I'alrick Mctiowaii in rived in this city. 'J here have been main i chanocs here since that dale, all ol ivhich Mr. McGowan reineiubers well. Mr. (leoige S. Terrell exhibited a handkerchief hi our oflii-e to-day which belonirs to Mrs. Sarah Wall, who re sides near Knb'svil'..'. which contained 1 Ihe American Deelaraiiou of Inde-'lick ' pendence. encircled with tho thirteen j pel ior court, until the situation to-nilltd- ....,. i, ,..:... ,i . ,1..,. ;u ;,, l cf i..vf. ;...,l,l.. 1.11.. (11.j,(i,ml st;lt(..s. 11 Ol III ca. 4.1. 4 .'U l ill 11 l 111: 1- j netted of t leorge fisliiii;;toii. I lionia-, ; .vlui'h I lie courts alone can solve ami JetVersoii and .John Adams Also pic- ; reconcile. Indeed, we doubt whether lures of the sin render of (b n liur j the courts can do it. guy no to (J.-n (i..t s at Sarrstoga am! i ( in.(.nShor,. I'atriot: F. X. Clin ol the liosloiuans dis.hargiiig tl!e!al(1 (f rlmrtviu.. claims he was F.rilisli ships in the liostoii Harboi. ...i.k,.,! ;.. i i.;.. i, Tlini's.l iv ui.rlil The haiidkerchief is said to be 107 venrs old. and is in an excellent start preservation, i j; ,iccluration is, printed in bold letters and the sigim-' ;"ires are as piam as ii imuio yesie. - j Washington Gazette: About two ; weeks ii.-'ii a it ranger called at thoj I holl o' of ?.Il'. Ikiss. u'uo lives six miles j l roin I'liK iitoii. ami asKe.i lor .Hum also Irving lo make arrangements f,,,-; vicinu ncing an iicci. nam vioih i i" .u ,,,.i i, I.;- ,,,,,,, ing tobacco larinei bv the inline ol ;r.', ..; . ii.. ...... k.o i. .1.1 I.;.., i he could not boaid hiin." There were ! about the place two negroes, who ' were working iu limber. Their iiauit are also unkuowii. The sfraugei ' puvi!i- for his dinner displayed '.tfiiO-cwli. Soon niter 'the ,, roes told him to uo wit h them an . .. . .. " .. . . t ucy would show him some line tiniDer ; ti,' iriM11. u, ;,, .....ji ' i,.i ,7,,. r,,.i i,: ..r. , . rf ,.,.wi,.,.i ' ... i. 'i.:...i i i.:.. .1. ! f,)lm, lh omilll I i-' " on bushes, Tlo..-.. was no money on his person. V., ;. tpiest was In Til by the I oroner the above facts elicited. Tho am ul ! two . negroes have lied. Anson Times: Lust Wednesday night the n si, let. ci; of Mr. Joseph F Ihinlip. in the upper part of the county, was totally destroyed by lire, with all its contents. The only thing saved was his secretary coulainiii his papers, and a bedstead. The ori gin of the lire is unknown, but is be lievtd to c;iiue from that ever ready nmgiizini I Dunlaii f azine known as a cook room. Mr. loss is about S",000, on which t here was no insurance. A itfori-n l.'iil ion. 1...I llotiriri I ,fw lad named George Lockhiut, j t- , about. U .yc.-i s of age, on last Friday hot his mother accnleiilallv iu the back, giving her piobably a mortal : wound. George was about to stall ; for Monroe, ami like too many colored , men do. was rubbing up bis old ' fol ! lo oarrv aloin'. His mother vas i ti..,,.i;.,!.' ,, ,. ..Mn ,,.,...;,, n .......l I when the pihtol went oil. and the lull ! lodged in her back just below Urn loo.l.l. .' I.l. Monroe Enquirer: Miss Ida E House, who attends Rethel Sabbat'i school, on the Pleasant (iiino Circi.it. jjj,,;,,,. the present session of the school has givi n corr"et answers to (w- thousand, three bundled and soK j,,,,,,,,, ; . luvll : am.ien. n. v,., ai, an icu cieaui icsu val on l rulay night last. It is sup i i posed the custard of which tho cream was frozen was boiled in a Conner, vessel and that verdigris was formed by a decomposition of the metal due to the action of the oil or grease. So far only t lin e deaths have occurred, two adults and one child. --We le.iru that .fob 11 Aldridge, aged about ID years, was accidentally shot 111 the ri'dif eve. by Mr. Clyde Rone, at Tradcsville. S. C, on Saturday even- ing last. The boy lived about si hours after being' shot. -Mr. Rone was shoving the boy a pistol which he wished to purchase, when it. ploded. i.r.nluciii'r 11 woiiiid as above nlodcd. oroduciiig 11 wound as above dtHiiiU J. Asheboro' Courier: It, is worthy of note that there is more sickness in t ho county tit this time than we have ever known before nt any one , tin i . Mr. T. J. Rcd.liiiL' lias struck a rich vein in Sawyer Hill j mini) which ho is now working and ; which promises to rival if not surpass 'anv initio ever worked in tin; countv. I ..... . , ., . i iimni'iou mar: i lie i irsi li.ip tisl Church of this city has exten ded a call! to Rev. T. If" I'ritchard. i). I)., formerly lYi;sid"iit of Wske ; ,'(,,''st i-ohoge, M more latterly. . .... j . ( ,.r m. i!.,,.! .,t ..l.ur..i.j ' , . ,. , J west D ic e to i nuiireai ii s orioio on ,,f lllimv e. Kent in- ;v. 'I H'llllHIV.tr T,- ii r M i' l. i .. . . : '. . .. . - , .,, s ,,, ,c inilels ot Dr. I'nlc ia: ' ...: n i . . i i... i iC ' I 1 ! Wilson Advance : Wo sviunat ii;;n Wilson Advance: Wo sympathise. with Mr. L. I). Killett in the loss ol his residence no. I kitchen about, two miles from Wilson on the lilaek Creek road by lire Wednesday morning about 11 o'clock. The lire oiiiim....! from the .stove in the kitchen. Apart of tin? furniture was saved. We imve just heard of a verv dilticult, and : rieal op-ratim, which wa j performed by J )r. X. Ii. Herring .n arj j "',,. n , J. v" ?,r,.r..loi.-r,. , i ,(), ff . from a rent m her liln.i.lcr. , : ii. i.l liail nl most ilespuireil ot her ni... r. 4i I . .... i .. .l i ... it " 14". llll'l'lli ill.U III'O l"MI I lu'h authority that nothing cxcej.l except ; hospital treatment witli a sureeoi. e pcrieuced in su.-ii operations, could . !'... f a cure. Dr. Ifernn undertook the .liiucuit ami iia.ir.ioiis lasu on tlif llllii. of .July, performed the operation with entire miccc: '.mid ni tins wrilii..' iii! woman is well and ' Golil.sboro' M.er:senrer: Aim now (irff'ii'; county has two Moulds of r... .(,,0 r,.f ,,.i , ., v "i71.: 1 1 .... i..r. ..: ,,4 i i ., For some v.ecks if was known thai ! the Republic: lis of the county would make oll'olts control the Roard of : Ma.-ist rates, rei :ng upon the fact liial the Leoil;,ii;ru imil appointed a I sutiicieiil niiiiiber . Republican iii.i'i- ! ist rales to oio then a inajoriiy on ! the Jioard. Tim Deniocriils! reaiizini; i ilie siliiiilion. en. loavoreil loHiioii t,!e.ir ! calculations bv finiuii'' two new ' resort to anv scheme to-aii. that end I hi bun. 'ill:;.' maimer iu wlr.eli tne Legislatiiru did its duty in the ap pointment of the ( Irei lie conn! v niag ' it( rate's was turned to account iu th'ir i tavor, and errors iu enrolling the 1 names or nerchance of the printer. were turned to -food use by Mi. Fat the. Republican clerk of the Su '".' ,,.,,, .'i ..b, of S Loot I. I 'pland corn will cer tainly I e short, in Guilford this year. t tlll t l;,.ls are making up tl ti. it iit-y, if men. y.ho.,e veracil v N o-ond in olher matters, are to be believed. From passengers on the . ' .S. hi 1 1 i bound tram this morning we learn a cold blood".) mur-.h r was committed about one mil;; from North Danville vesterdav. afternoon, the Siieppar.l, w ho lived some distance I'''1"" Danville. Mr. Shepimrd. ''ompaiiied by his little son bout, 1:5: years of brought into the Dan- . Villi mai ki t a porii of , crop ot tobacco and sold it for about On leaving town ho was tollowe sum 1 bv t!i ree negroes, and almut a mile from V,.,.!. Il.;i ,,l l . l.O. I'.' k. Ihev of the to ride. " ; overtook the wagon. One nt ''roes asked lo be allowed which was -.runted him. and as soon ; as lie .mi into tne wagon lie nrew 'revolver and tired at sheppard. i Mieppar.l juinpeil Ironi tin wagon j when two more shots wero tired at! :hiin. all three of the shots taking lell'.ct. killinghi.u almost instantly. j Milton Chronicle: Another tiim - has the incendiary's torch been plied ; to one ol Sipurc Jack ll.-s'ers bams .iu I'orsnii. and this time ti:'.' wn tchi-s ' burnt a barn with a tho'i.at.d dollars ; worth of tobacco in il. also 170 busL ' els of wheat l.!il tbu lu Is of (iats 1 he barn was burnt last. Sunday. A i whito man named Jerry llolsomhack acted sostrangih in insisii.ig th it ho had nothing to do with it. when no one ha 1 even susiiecled him. that on hist Tuesday he was arrested and lodged in jail. Jerry said that his brother. W in. I lol -omb ".c!;. burnt the barn, l'.ill has been loo-.e dodging around from forfeiting bis recogni zance at the la.-t term of court when : charged with stealing tobacco, nt,... from Capt. Hester ( )n Tuesday night "in...... ... .. ... .. . .... j w""u for N ilha iiid on V'dncs- day he came forward and delivered hiins.lf up. but a;-r,erte.l his entire ii: 111 w. .nee nf Inn niii" the barn. He was lodged injail with his brother I...-.-.. '.1,.1'i'v in-isls il.-, I h. ili.ln't 1. ,...,'. ii t'l.,.. Hill TLnn. wns a strong fi t ling to lynch, and only an line. ' tainty as to positive guilt of the part. 1 pnveiiteil it. lliere is a strong V ling still, dipt. Hester is one of th cleverest of gentlemen and i oni. (lf ,lu, ,-,,,,1. r.s,.rs cf tlio yellow 1(1f iu th(, st.lt,.. Alamance Gleaner : v . (t. llson owns a sow that recently gavo birth to seventeen pigs ami tlie sow- has '. only fourteen tents. At Lellemont ; cotton mills last Sunday, two boys; were looking at a pistol. While onei wns handling it carelessly it was! discharged, and the other boy re ; c. iveda wound in the cheek. There is a cat. belonging to a family livin;: nilv 1 not 11 great way from this plac that. had the mishap to have her kittens killed and shortly afterwards she was' found to be giving suck to several! young mice, --one uav last weeu young mice. --One ilav last wei Mr. John liuniii a wile Kit lic-r lillle I three year old boy to mind her infant ! for a few luinutos. Doling her ab - ' wiicjo the it t boy played doctor and administered the remnants of a viul ot laudanum and of vial tihc.tuic ot 1 iron to tlio infant, which came near j proving fatal. A vole was recently j taken in portions of Melville and I TIioiiitisoii'k townships on thn fence law nestion. and reunited in favor i of "no fence" by a majority of fifteen, j Tin- territory embraced commences j at Island Ford and runs nort boast to Phillip's Chanel, then north to Ji,.wfi(.i,is ..inn cl. and north of north- i ., . . ,, ,, .,. , . , 'i law liivcr. .or. .ias. iii. ivecii. ,i.n l.. ,.,! ..ninlii Ilio hoiltlielli pult h'''Mnfv. .ve eacl. ot Ins two sons a I small patch of ground last year to I 'ultival I cultivate hi wliatever they ci.oose i (.f an tobacco cotton: i They had about thn acre apiece. One sol ' for his crop, mid the e till I.- cted other recently llieysoM their crops. 1 lie in' who raised cotton netted on his crop Si 1. (Ill and the other who lais. tl tobacco, netti d ltl -.'. (,'hai'iotto .louriial: At last some ll.il... !il.O . I.H.V, l,,.ll 1,11' ., Ill 11 1 11,11,1s' !mH luilll(. rabarrus -oui.:y. ' "l "";"""' ''' '- i. iiuintii.i' in I n i'i ii', i. :ikt. .11 1 ll I. l:l v. itilsslonel-s In I ii,o ,... r.,.i i.,.,. reouiriur the roads to be worked by lava' ion, wasail iptcd. the levy for tile purpose In jnjf i-ioht ..... .m .. il... ...... Iiundred ilol!:us !xv,,, f ,,,.,,,,,.,-iy u,,,! went y-f.nir :,,..(,,, jj,,. ,..,. ' This indicates that j ( .tiII.).lls js n..,iv e;ettiiio- out. of the .,1,1 ,.,,4 .,,,,1 ,,.:,i ., si.iiilor .......l roads. Mr. .loci Watts, the v, ner s east .,4' ., i .'.- store about 11 m! ,f i.,.. i , ,,,, !,,. i i!,.,i,l j was accidentally shot yesterday ui.ru ! i.if by a j,run lii.'li he had loaded and i placed in his store room iu position for a thief. The uiu.lc i if I in- weapon was pointed lo.vard the door. On eiitcrint,' the stoic about S oc.ocl;. Mr. Walls accidentally struck the st rinj,' connected with t lie 1 1 in ' o.a ! 1 cnliru load of shot was discharged into his lc' about four inches above hu knee. Out iu Loii' Cre. k township about four weeks ao. a imi.l do;; hit a ho. bcloiioiu;,' to .Mr. Frank Shoemaker and last riiui'sdav the lied, after a weeks cavorting I around with the rabies. The hog ac . tually went mad and its favorite freak : was to root. It rooted up three pine ' trees, live or six panel-, nf fencing and s I'uuillv overturned Mr. Shoemaker's coin crib. It .lied hying to root up a big rock. The carcass was hauled , away and next, day the bn.ai ds f.ilMcl unit, and before they got through scM'ial ol tiieiu died by the . carcass. Others llew up into trees, i where they sat with milled feathei. , until they fell to the ground dead. Il was a fatal fea.-.t and the whole farm 'around was strewn witii dead crrrion ; crows. A very serious cutting '. afl'rav occurred at the depot iu Con ' i onl last Saturday ni, t. in which ; Mr. Dock l orine was badly hacked ! up bv two brothers named John and i Joe Oithage. two factory hands. 'A colored man named Lob Alexander 1 was brought, to I lie city Sunday by an ' oilicer from Long (.'reek township, and 1 .(Iged in jail u charge of shooting ilooiher colored man. The all'ray c ;curre.l Saturday night and was all about a woman. At tlm I laile mine. just over the border in Sunt ll I aro liua a couple ol days ago. considerable excitement was create 1 by a party of iuiehers who were hunting about for a iiiiner named Joseph Clark. Cl.uk had committed a rape on a wlc' woman near the Haile mine. '1 1 parly were bent on Iviiohing. and Ici i Ihi v captured him at lirst. he would have been speedily execu'ed --Yesterday about noon Mr. Lavcrc'in'' ! mid policeman Joe Movie discovered i 1 1 nit the roof of the Chariot le Hotel kitchen was in a blaze, and without raising an alarm they mounted the roof and commenced tearing a way the shingles, succf eding in this manner in extinguishing the flames. The lire , i ... i , .....t I IIH' 1 "Oil! III'. 1.1'. I I'lll lllli in iron, on. . 1 .,,..1 ....., 1...'., ,,n.f ,,t Ho. l.Ulf viw ;1(.st,;)V(,,i , ,. -pneu v.ie,,. o,v o,,,-,-,, . ..,,,. 1 S- (-;. KilV." 1,ls wl,, 'l'h'' i liiol phlii" in mistake for ipnnttie. j Two of the children me dead and his j wif(, js ,lvin". (leiieral ! publican. Wiekiuan. a Yirgina le as accepted a democrat ie iominal ion for State Senator against Mahone's readjustcr candidate. On last Sunday the mutilated re mains of four white men were found ' in a i aib oad camp on ihe t'inciiuiati ' Southern Haiu oad. near Cii:uberlaud i falls. There is a theory thai tin v fought a double duel over cards. Polishing the Wioul, I'.nil. Many men daily polish their boots who never give a thought to the i - idition of their hair, except to harrow it casually wit Ii lu usli mid comb, or submit it to tho paralyzing attentions of tho average barb, What hap pens? Why. this- From neglect, mental anxiety, or any of a score of causes, the hair turns prematurely 1 and begins to fall out ' Hair I'.alsam will at one. I'ai lor's stop the ' latter process and restore the ori mal ' ''"' A" fh'gant dressin : grease. free from New Advertisements. For Sale! in-w lw..i..i. n'liirmi (ni'v.-r uli ami 11 .limm' i.. l.iitftf!' i""'l im"! sil : j , t, 1 MK..M'. i ply l.. Sl'KNCK'l'AVriOK, All llilll. VlCi.ln.pl, N. C. " ' FART1 FOR" SALE. i 1 rffor t,.r nl.' Own V M.C M'.l.i: 1'MiM 111 Wil- I Hums t.. ii-lilc "ii N"'' ll.'l"' rlvr. i-'l'.n-'lni; m 11,.. lii'li. ..r n,.' lui.' Mis. U....I-.:.' wuu,.'. in.. I .-..ii. : minimi-"! ii.-r.'s. 'rii.'i'..sii.".;ii:..i"..'i..lo.lw.'llli. hii'I Mill ill ..iit'lMilMllii" "ii Ui t.niil. all 111 (ro.,,1 ,.nl.r. tuisin-n.. u.-.4.1 .i,,,, ,, u m,ii. 11 un"? M.T. IIOUTON. 11 n, .t i.rlvni. lv i.r..ro nim inv. i win m.m oiiov t r. o., n. c. tf. w. ij, j j : 77 ; trf j : ..f ileal Iih an 1 murrlHffiM lii.-(iriod Itiiurli-n I'liHi'if-'J nvi'ii iH-iim a I Inn. ' nowu. (lu Hi.' Utli In-1. HoliruT T., wii t A. i-ur '1 It 1m im. I1..W.I, CH.., Ill Ilio 1 U 1 1 1 THE MARKETS. Ilc-iorti:.l for I'.IE Kkoikii hy NORKIS. WVATT & TAYLOR, UKOCKKs ,V COMMISSION MKIM'II V S No. HfKti-liuiiiro iiml No. S Mnriln S'h.. .li.o.n.iii, N. i'., aiiumxi n. ihh:i. COTTON M.VItKfTt WIIOI.US.VI.C UKOOnUY MAIIKCT. M..ll II. ilk, e HhI.Ii h, Sh.illl.l.T-. c.-uiv.iKf.l Hiiiiv ljir.l- l:'!l Tlir,l, I'lllllll, ('III. Mllll, Hour, N. 0., Vl.ll.K III-:., r i.nrr..,J Sc.-l, 1 . IM-I.-I I'.Tl.'t , W j nt'iw i Hsi'.oi-! i.-.'.vjs la v:.is! t.;,in; ,' Ill', JIM. i.;..rr.-i Clll.ll. i..,i- o, nun. n, :!'.! lllluVlML'. '.' , 'I..m, in-v, iirr.'W . Ol I i'lii"i:..iiH. n;r i.x ' , " Oi l I' I. Mil tt.V 'I'ii.'ni' rl""' n 4r I..r Ifir'. I UNION ACADEMY. TliM . X-.., I .i i ii-- in I-.-I..H ll u '. well Sllli...4 Ii.ih'.1 ii.-nr Snlp.-vli!,,. 'l, .at' nil '' Mr. t;. J. I' ,. l a ,rli.. . mi 1 Ml'. W n- lo-wtiinl. I n.,1 .ii rl l. .' .1 Ml "ll . ft :i' I,, M' II. lifH. ' llfUl.. H'lll .'oll-llli l' llll.'l. Ii:, ll' 'lul ll'.'li l.v llll'.i.!lu ilil-. ". l...l. .oisiu-i tnii. is.-:i. r.. KI'.CI TORS XOTK'K HAY tin; ,ii.. Ill',,' .,- .'...ii,,r of 'I'lii-nre. W. i u',o' ii"'l .i'i I" ' ist -.'. i' I '..'It'll' lo I'.Oill.ll ,1 ," I !..' '..Ill ,iv - .1 llr:iHi, oi.oi..ii: w. loi siii i;. w.iii'.i.', -: i"'i. liiniiiu.-inltl" AllK.l-l V. iwi t. Attend the Of Kentucky I nt vrwfly, Uk import, Ky. l-t tl.lfhl. i il .tti-t iut trr; i.OuU iv llmf , rrt vrirsliot). FjI! riuD t lot' j jitunUr. i ldrt" SMITH, Lcilntfton, Kjf. trtfiHi 5tUlu.r r 'ti. I - 'nr.u, I HliKhoro I GRAHAM & CROCKER, Attorneys at Law, W'll.l. iiriK'U-.' in th." . II l.n.' .i. I" l,.;-lll, I" Miu Tackle Department T. II. HRlG(iS tV SONS, RALF.IGir. X. C. Over liinety ditlerent sizes and kinds of HOOKS. Japanese Bamboo Poles, (nicest and largest stock.) ("SILL NF.TTINC.. OILLINO TllKFiAD, sf.int: twtxf. MIX.VoW I HI' NHTS. nkt i;ixt;s. LAUDING NET FRAMES. Sl'IXXF.RS. SWTVFiIiS. I'i. I.li Tll'S I'oi'KK'r SCAI.KS. We have tin sell tit t in largest stock i lowest prices. ud ifc-if Call and evamir.e our stock. LTRKYTIllXtJ A FISHKR M A X XKF.DS. mi i m t wi, Tii:AD'".i;S in Huu.wauk, FIS!!i::G TACKLE, &G. A DMtXTSTUAT OK S XOTTCE. llai'ih..ialli'..' i n ..uiiiiiiiir.iiiir iui in.. ,lminli"i'.ii..r wiiii thi Will llllll l':i'i,'..ti, I. .'.'.if' I, Hi.' mi- -. n.-a ' I" nil i.rw.iih i..'l- ' ' I'-Ol'i, ..I 111.' K.'ll.l .11' I. T'l .i- .iiviii.'iu ..ii r iit'l'T'. !!."! . ,, lillh II..II.V Rill I"' ).. '.'l l ,,,.-i-iii' 1 ln.r." in- .'hut.i-. W..I '.lllll -I O ol .1.11' 111 l.'li' of lli' l'' I- .Inly is. ISM. V KI.I.4S ii. nm.. OF THEM For FLORISTS and AMATEURS. ' rmtrli BulNi. Jia iiuii'. rrenoii vuiiM, Ajufi.-AO PiilbA. AUo MuntH forilroniho.uw ud W'ludow Oanlrua. HIRAM SIBLEY & C0- Al'GFST :ioth. iss:. , n.'L'.ilnr '. ..', ill.. 1 11. . s . s.-ii . i ... :.. T.'ii.'li. l' s .' il-li.-'i. I'.'i i' ,.i su, iv i..i e. . a., ni. a-. ; ,1,1 . '.ni!..'-. in.- ,, 1" smili'tiix. I M. .I1. in.-iiti'l I'l.iirm.i.'y I4tii4.'li.'.l . .HI--.' r UV. V.'.'ll'H llll!. lMH.ll nlitl.' 1 if , ..Ifii'-. 11 1'lr kimc r. ii vi r .1'.. 1. 1.. P.. I'r.'H., ciiiii i inn, n. c Mil:. !. l'l. THE BANK OF DURHAM, DFIillAM, X. , . vis l. ,.lis, .nyii.l "ii iiKMASii .r otioh- : v isr. .is iirii if niri'.s'.i. iMii i.uy n. 1 i"n f"" ,..1 U "l Ui.' ,' 1 v.. nil. I.' I.'i'ins. Will I.uy mil .11 l' 'ii'ii.-.' "ii ni" N "'I' "f K.iii'"' ill i-iir- I'VIU I'.ll. . I '. 'I' I'.'I-J '"ll' l.'n.'l' K. l 1 .'It .'il . SUUSCSUIiE for Till: RECORD. BCAUTIFUl4& FREE I itRocbMUir.I. Uiiiversity cf North VEXT SI 1 GDELL&GO,, QREENSBORO, 17. O., The Rest. KF.LLKR'S IMPROVED (HtAIN AND FERTILIZING DlilLL. Oivo it a trial and be con vinced that it is tho only perfeot drill on tho market. Yo nro Factory Agents for the Hafjerptown Horse. Rako, Month Rend Chill riows, Tropic Cook Stove, Gothic Air-Tiyht Cook Stovo, Ilai vev W. I'ncu's Celebrated Circular . , hawH, Henry Diston'R Celebrated Circular Old Dominion Nailn and Refined Bar Iron, McMayhin's Spokes and Rim, Sieiihen Uallard & Co s. Leather and (linn Helling. Fairbanks' Scales. Van Winklo Cotton Gins. 01ELL ifc CO., WHOLF.SALFi DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Sloes, Hals, Mrellas, PARASOLS, LEATHER, &C. Agents for O lell Manufacturing Co'fl. i'orest iiill" Fluids. fVHonades and j Seamless Rags, Cedar Falls Manu facturing Co s. Sheetings and Yarns, ' F. A: J f. Fri's' Salem jeans, J. & P. '! Coats Rest Sit Cord Spool Cotton. 1 Also. Agent for Allison & Addison's I "Star Rrand" and other Fertilizers. i We keei) in stock a full line of I I General felaisB which we offor ! AT WHOLESALE ONLY. i Merchants will find that they can buy goods as cheap from us, and on better terms than they can by going farther North. j (live us a trial nnd be convinced. .; Greensboro, X. C, Aug. 1. 1883. I 1 1 E. S. 'GRAND OPENING KEY GOODS I'DU TIIK 'SPRING ani SUMMER TRM We offer a large and attractive stock of Dress Goods. Silks, Black (ioods, Press Tionminga, Linens. Domestics, Ging hams. Hosiery and Glovef ( Sinn's for Ladies, MisHPR, Children. Gentlemen and ll.)VH . IfiitH Gentlemen ' Suit ingn, and (isciineres. Kentnekj leans. Cottonades ! House Ker-jiing Goods. I Carp. !-, Mattings, kc. i Kvervthinc NEW, CHOICE ami I DESIRABLE in the DRY ! GOODS line nt popular prices. Rest goods for least money. Re sure to call when you arc in j Kuleiuh. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. i Mllivli l ', 1HM. Ths V&ilcy Mutual Life A:sodiild Of Virginia Offers tho following advantages over other life insurance companies: ; 1st. It docs not cost One-half to carry j a certificate of membership In oor i Association as in old line life insoj ance companies. ' 2nd. Our Assessment Table ia lowee j than in any other life iiuranuM company, association, or fcociety. itrd. Our charges are at actual coat of carrying risks ; our policy holder! are our treasurers. 1th. Tho utmost caution is exercae in accepting none but soufid riak. 5th. Not more than $3000 oarried ea any life. 7. w. JAcncon. June 21, 1883. Hi: Y k i 4 T