run 1 UK FAKM AD HOME. Heal)- LeH uu 1 ota-la. The rrtistt'tl stil istain o wliii li prow. upon fow l legs ami forms tliii-k scales is (.HUKfd by the work of a small mile, a scab-mite, uhitli burrows ninlcr the (talcs' and ciiifcs, uu eliusion of waterv matttir, which tlries iUul hanlens, an. I forms scab.. In time thccsiaiis fall oil and now scales appear, lint iometimi s the legs become so diseased as to pre vent the fowl from iuo in.;. The rem rely is to wash the les with warm water in which some soap ami l.cro- Bene oil have been beaten up: then j thoroughly wnrU in under the sralr I with it brush a mixture of ojiml pails ! of sweet oil ami kerosene oil. I lli-iroiiina. Hcpom'as in summer Mi. ml, I have a Cool, sh.-eleil Mtnati.'M. The hot plan wo have ever seen adopted was a small lattice house, made entirely out of laths placed half an inch apart, sides and top alike; bom les were arranged on either side, (lie sime as in an or flinary grcenhoii-e; upon llie-e tin plants were placed, and all the iul. r- Mires Idled with sphagnum. There the plants thrived limit, luxuriantly; we hae nci r sei-u greenhouse plants as well. .Not onlv was this the congenial home of the Ligotiia. bill all kind- ol terns, minis, and many i-'lu-r plant . grow n fxpnssciv for exhibit ion purp. s- s. were lu re to be n-eii in the best possi ble condition. This wa, the w nk of an amateur, and when hi plan!.-- w.-n-Jilaeed bciide those of the proe-, ll.uiit, the la'ti T wai eoin,.-!ely used up. Aui' ri' iiu i 'nil iml,,,-. Hot! to 4-1 li I tiiiiiM- u--. An agricultural paper savi; We de sire to have new vaiii!:.-. of grapes collie ipiii k y into bearing, 1 el iues from nurseries are I n -:u.-.l !v t.irdx F e tt a Iir car. I ull iiiirri". tl e wil often d p and die. !nle ,i li w l.iel , t lit oil i n ,.nial and prpi v giall. d may .rodm e I nut in a idiori t nm-. 'irafting on cut oil, iiii-l.-i-gi-.i.iie1. gnarly stumps of in. ,. ,n n-.u.idv practiced, is Miy lllieeil.ini .it be '. tur method n to take a 1 . ( - i-.. branch or i am- of ni.-..,- ,- . ii ., ,,,i,- j young xine, when a change ol i - j., desired, and w hip t he gra 1 1 in ii,.-u way. We then coer up ihe-.o,, tu i the soil as near the roots as p.. ,i! Ie leaving aboe ground mill a bud or two .-f the gralt. It i- w. il kie.w u I how quickly a layer will mil-e a bear. lngMiie, as it ha. the advantage ,-l Hip parent roots a well as the rout . it product s. The laver may be i xti-n-i.-d. if long enough, to gr-.w winr.- bi--vine is to remain. m.-v ,,: , n, i m thluwavl-e ipui My i li.mge i tol illir vai ietii s. W ill lilnic the lliillt-i. liuttcr in. iy be spuiicd in wurking Theubjeit in xv , irking t be butt, r i- remove the buttermilk, xxoi alt. and form it into ,, -,-Alter th- l-u'ter has .,,ie. t i,. th rhuni and before it ha been gather, d I into a mass, it is wi II to dram oil th. biittermi!k. add char e.., wa'.r. r u--- , it about, and add limn- u.i'er t:t it i passes oft clear, and the hum r i - q free from the milk. It i . t h. u t. niiuived from the Imni ,m. -a usually at the rate ol about one of salt to th,- p, .iiii.l ., butter should be marked w il" ! idli or butter marker, and not be t,,ii,-'i,-, xv ilh the hands. When n Ki- bi en vorked till the -alt is ,-, 1 1 .xenlx 1 ilistribiifeil, set it aside to -'an ( i,-r ; twenty four hours ,-r In.. It . ill, then appear streaky, ami i- to be worked oxer f sll it hei -oitu -s 1 1 1 e 1 1 the .-.tiiaks, and is even in color throughout. I he liisl working r,--fjuiri'S al.oul leu in in lit l.-r a ehnni ingot twenty to tvvcntv hv.- poiinl-. and the second xvorkmg al. -io ,',11.-. !! ininulcs. The making of good butter Is a line art of itself, but when this an has once been a- iuin is an a, . on; I piisnnietil ol vvlileli no on. Ashamed. lrinttiiu the t In-rrv Tim-. The cherry tne must be moderaii-h pruned when it requires pruning, and tiling treis when transplaiitcil, or 'young trees cut back for grafting must have this work done earlv in spring belore the buds have sw ollen a I l.article. Voung cln r. y st-.-k, have ( been killed by grafting w!-n the ; grafts did not grow, by being ,.Triv. d of their entire foliage; n.-wly -t j treeahave been ruined by cult ing b. k , too late in spring. In Iraa-plant ing. j Hip cherry rcqniri's rfil'icin.,' nt ilu- tup its well as iiIIht 1 1 it tr.'i. l-iil it lllllai I1' ili'llf- lii'nli tMt. Iy.' ;in. v ill nut licur tin' iipiiMt i.'tl ;i 1 1 -r I In- lm . svvflli'd. Wo trif.l tin- i" ..'ri .-ul ..f t ytUii"; liai'K fiu ly ;t jarl "I .i m vv I y 1 pet onharil. atnl If ft . !' tr .i till thflavift liail Waim f.i i vpaii.t l ' l'mi' jvuiuriit. '1'lnihif whifli uii-' tiiiiily shiirtontfl ili'l vm'11 anil nt vv nhnWs fioin liall' a I'm a t. .t t ".'t l"ii'.' 'but UiiWC 01 wliifh tin' ; i r;i ' inn v: s tii'fVrri'il srar. fly snrvivi',1. an I .II I I . t pruw an inch, l.iarini; tif,'. inif- tiini's until stunt' thinning nr -iii.rifii- inrr into shape. .Mr. .li s -up 'atf.l in . Mr. .Ii-ii. '.I'.il M1ArnHf.imia fruit , ,.nv...,li. n that a ,IXS i( . er i,n . m tl, ! s "V "'"'''"'I "r rVa '""'"'"" ' ilitTfrfi, trPUtiiiP,,, ,as ,,,,,,. ,'., ,,., ,' ,,- ,m am. ,. ',.,, I JlZ M fWfirtit Pirfs: tin I In l.irtanaii r.-r.lf.l iilf art' Mrmk vvitli mie 1.1,. vv, i lltlv v,it, S,,.n 1PP j,,.,..,, for instani'f. wliiili prows tall an.l up- "Inn the imn liaml pifks ujt tin- ruin Mt,i.s'itiii. It is one ..f the f.mip.-n'sa-jritfkUU always rut was t.. Ifav thf ! a'"1 l""s """""'r k '!s I'1'"''- i tmns of th.-ir . nmli'ii.n that thf fann .T?K.'.; f ..., ,., r .livi-rtr I , H' ,,,r vt'H familv is in that " fixit v nf ,r-' pr'i nuininjr . ut .-r .1 w r- w ,lfUi(, to ahot.t sr vrtity- I r..i.rlin-H" ,vl,irl, favors their highest Jng'H'iit on the NajMilron. vvln. h hu ,IVI. ti,s. ami eighty jiirrrs art- coincl Vuhn,-r.r.,tr! ! n'h iwiii. 8 prtailinj prow ill, lie takes out tin- pi r iiiinulf. I horizontal branches and leaves those with a more upright and symmetrica) I form. iy watching the trees and I doing the work in time, he never j make.-, large wounds by the removal of j large limli.!. . never uses any props for any kind of tree:! in his orchard, j hut kecpi (he fruit properly thinned by pruning and by not allowing long i branches to run out. ''ok'; iV-ll'iii'iii. lletiarlinlil llli't-. . are illlprovej 'poiige v hein:! soaked ill cold bill icrmilk. Noibiug is better for whiii-niug gar in. nts. parti, ularly tli.'-e Ilia! have beeom Jellnw from being laid it -idt' for M'Veral nionths.tli an a tea spoonful of borax dissolved in ti e riu -ing water. 1'i-r wa.-hing hands that have ho come it. e ke I or blackened, tin re is nothing belter than I inlian meal rubbed on willi the soap. It not only removes the ilirl. but Milieus and whitens the hands as w ell. For men or boys doing i farm or shop work it i-. excellent, and mid be always kept on hand. I'o keep oil th excessive heat of . n ii 1 thing to have ,t s to emcr the back n.l side of t he lace, le face if preferred, m.-iki s a great dif- sunshine, it is a i veil so colli nv i d of the neck, ears ; or to cox er the w h mi.-Ii a preeaui ion fefeliee III .1 pfolol . longed exposure lo the me ca -es sin li an ar aluiost equally advan xx alking or tiding in a -uu. ale! Ill laUgelin !it i tag is xx hil Xelv col ;ti. lien Niagara Was I ley . I respotidelit ul the Hull do ' ' ' rel it --s an instance when t ho A ; ' great Niagara e.i-e.l to Mow, and d. -j s'-ribes remaikable ill ., ov erie-. in the ' dry clianiK I. a.- follow s: 1 In tin spring of l'.i. I think it wa; ' al all c cut s i( was about that dale the people on the, of tin- .Niag ara were airprised to see the water i.Tiiuly ifccding from the shore. It . --lit mil' d t . bill in' il h'-i e vv a s a', -o-lu!' h to water llowitig thtoiigii the rapid -, ei . pt a .-in ill .-t in the 1 very ni'ddi" "I th- lix. r be I. A . a i...ii ' ,-r ,, i-oiir -t range a i i'' inn- st oi e g. I-,,,- t-i n-i en. ul . j.ei nla- i I ion. an-l a' 1 1 a- !! j ! to th" nv er I lioiii la;-and in o- li.r,.- lorgotteti ! l)"V jtl -I lioiv nig the u ali r cea-e l to I ilow. but it 1 1 - i t have 'eeii lor nearly a day. What w a - ,. -ne w Ibl.. the ri v er 'bed H,. iliv ui!l, ut hive been ai -) euiuplUhed -h.-rt ul ,i veral hours, and I dist im-tlx-remember t'., it hundred . of ' ph' -.pent li-.o-t ol the day in i-x d )- nig the b -ttoiii. l',.f .-.llie le,l-ol the ; itpr,.ii.. piiV.i l.-l 111-,-tl people it) I i '! ippewa, that !u tie- ri v er i haum I v. i a -pi iig .-inula: t I he . pi ,ig ' li the sii -i-.- near the head .-I t be rap:. I . - an Ii o ..- - in -l ute.l. and -ure u--tigh a gi- vv-!l ,-l large p.,porl;.,n. wa. ,- -. ...i n-i ipnte ,- j ,lv tan it Hi tin . hanii.-l due, t ly op- 1 puiite th" mouth of Chippewa creek. ! The thought oe. line I to sulnehuilv I that it would be a go idea, now I t!i, it the i;v.-r wa- i'i'v. to ii'taeh a I tube to the well and ki ep t'le gat 'burning. A "I'l'ngly a nuui'ier of tin n repaired 'o th" fouii.h-v in the x in ige ami iheie loiiini a large iron klt'le -Hell :li i Used ill I-Ollillg doW n -ap. Thev drilled a hole in the b,-- tol.l. put a till e.l I i'l it. I'.t'eii a piece , I t nuing to n . and i art ei the t w o down 'o tin- ;a - well m tin river li.m- liel. The kittle w.i; tallied b.tluli) side ep over the well, the tube ilisclt- c i in I lie bo! (oiii, and a gla-s lamp put "' ,ll,,,-T- 1'ie nha being to have a il l i f rial ural In ,n "11 light. I'lit the Ilow ol gas wa-so -troug that when a, h was applied the lamp was blown lulu 1 1 aguioiit ,. Ihe g is, howex er. i out : lined to hum I rolll the i lid of t lie I al e. making a In dliaut light at night, lor a long tune alb rward ; end until I he lule xx a : i ai nod a wax bv ii e. Coining Metals. I'he coining of all the metals is I practically the same. The gold coiiu-s to the mint in properly allox ed ingots, i weighing about l-'i ounces each, j These ingots an taken to the rolling- room, w hen- they art.' heated to a bright . r-il heal and then r 'lied betxx i ca chill i ed iron r 11.- m.t 1 I hey an- twoti-nihs I of an ii'.eh thi. k and ab nit six inches xv id. i. I'he plates are I hen annealed at j a red heat and are plunged in cold witter, which makes the gold or silver .,-, ., ,,, .,.,. yUx, s .ir(. .l,Xn ,,,,.,, ju, l . . r,1ir,M ,hi,.k. n,,ss ,,. ,,. ,..,,.,, lH1.ts aml t),M. lllMs . ( ivi. (h(,m ,( ltjnn t!li. i,1M.. The lilh-ts ,, ,.,, , , ;, ,,, ,,,;lllk ,. ....lam hel a little larger than the re- ipnri'il i niti. l-iv. ry hi, ink i li.-rc raiv 'A.iniin ins,-,- it ,t i, p.rl.'tt, .um ii n is i. ,, iiu'tii it is ifiiii iici. .iii.l , il t" In avy it is ri'. l iii'i.i i.y Thf lifxt j.r.'i fss is to raise thr IilmT- ! slight i iiiii.ii tlif fil i l tin- i ii n, uliii h is 1 1. .in- l.y a inillin niitfliiiif at tlif rati' nt' IJHinitisa niiniitf. l!y tlusc prn . i-ssrs tlif I'latiks havf lifi'niiif har.l aii'i ilisf-nl'iffil, anil tlify aif aprain i-li aiii-'l an.l antifalftl, whi. Ii prnfi ss ii inili' a Inn;: nit' . Tlif Hanks arc tlifti M.lllffl. II IS l.l .f,.l,f ! 1,.,-tj,,,, a, infill.! inn. tin- foiintin mai hitif. Lilt tlif Hanks T. ,..nif vvlii. li it makfs is tin aif I'f.l t.. it thrmiuli a tulif. A n- j 1-i-st tliinir nf tanu lit'.-. Thi-rf is a j.,r jr,.n haml talifs i a. h iiif.f ami CHILDREN'S COM'MX. Miv.-rt l't-na. 'Tleaae wear in)- rose-luul live, l'i;pn," Sui.1 I'lii'lio Willi eves to. Mill-, "Tlii sprig ul 'tiiyillu ..-it witli it, IVin, To toll ol my love." Mil I'm.-. Sail I'Mience, " 1'hi hem t' en -i'-iill wli i poi. IVpi, I-'mot not 111 lovo I. tl I'-.'' I'.ipn luekcl into the lanolin..; '. iv, An. I ini-wpii-.l lot'ie'i linl.- I's -icpiiii " Mj iliu lilies, I lliaiik on. Lilt I llia-i tliese, l-Vi'oive inn, fur ilenier, me I'onnir sv--et pun." 'J'llPII lie l l l".". tln-TIl flu o tn lm lie:l!l ' tme , An.l .vl,i-p..,,.,, - .v,r'. "!'.', I: -.-. ,,- ' 1 ..-. '.,-". i-j si it. (. tl In. The gorillas aie the terror of Africa . In the gorilla count ry no lion ill In-, : They are man -haters ami kill tli.-in lor i the love of it. leaving the body, io u r eating it. When they spy a negro thev come down from a tree, hit him on the hea I with a club, whi-l, thev ............. ' ,i.dd with their hind claw, or cm .hi p into a tree, there to iiuirhr him. Their strength i . so great t hat they will bend the barrel of a litle. Inly one lix e one xx as ex er bruiight to r.ngkaid, ami that soon died. cvcral i have been shot, but iln-v are lough cii.-toni' is, and the natives dread them more than any animal of the.Mn an forests. The goi ilia make, a bed like a hammock, and .svv.ngs in the tn-cs. I'he gorilla is the sworn etleinx u the elephant, because each den es stl'' l-t e ice fruii: t he same solll ce. W hen he sees an elf pliant pulling down and xv ren, hing oft the hi . ill-he ul a favor ite tree, the g..i dla l. al . ani- ng I In boughs, .-.t like. I lie s-ii-ilive pi-ohos.-j. of the i I. ph, Ml a t, -rnble 1-1 v m ,ih hi -1 tub, itiel driM . i ll t he i l-iiii-x a id startle I giant, sin dlv trump ting h's pain and rage through I ho in n g li s of the fore-t. Ilmtr nnil 'I'lllilrl. When Mr .bihn I .a wreiu xv a : gov ernor general of India be was fold one day of a btili. girl who had ! . n 1 ak. n ill. and wi p'tiiug awax w it h gri-f at the I I a v erx i t;t ion.; p, I. The pet wa- a t mi.1 -'th h. which llie i hild had I' ll e-l from th- egg. h II by the o-t i 'i Ii ii lot her in the gr.t the pa i k a' Hart'. n I p--i". ,,. bttl,. go-! t'.t'h. !' wa the keep er of (he pari., and !i . 1 1 1 r hei di cov i rv o i gg n- .p, . and his mic ces --.i w a- appi-mli d. loves or j.e kal . xx otild eat her tnasiire. or that (In . . ,. 1 d. w s would ile-troy it. the little girl carried t In big i gg to t he ungulou . and buried it -ifeh in a li-ll- -s b-.x idled with dry w hit" in, I I'nii he t -ok pain . to et i it it in t he sun i v crv i la pi-a xx In f" tin iiei'ee.i rax s vv i-uld pour on it. At night shi i ,i.ii d a ni..t hi rlv h' il, vv ho i t'W II i gg- --he tl HI-lcl led i I .. VV heie, to If I ..Vi r the b.'X. Hi and-by to the vr a' flight of the poor h- ii. a giant i In. I-imk,- t he shell, an I .-I- pp.-d into if vv I In In n rullh l her leather-, spicad le r xx i n g -. and Ih d. file lilt le girl and I he ",-t i ii ii be. a I oc fast friend -. and .me w a- never seen without tl titer. What, th.-n. w.. hcrdi-inav when the p irk -k.-ept r tuok il into hi; bet I that the -t i i. h was public piopirlv. and must go t,, (he govt rniin nt ax i.u x ! The i hild vv. i- s i di -trc- cd at the reu.ox al ul In r pet that le r i ii. -t 1 1 . r feared -he would the. Hut (I,,. ,d,. Iliv surgeon who Clllle to -ce p thought he knew of soiiii t long r for her than uiedii ine. and h. vv r. ! a h tb r to Mr dohn laiw i. n, e I. lling him all about it. Ih.- viceroy xx a . a x i ry gnat man. and h el pressing aliatr- ol -.tale to at tend t". I'-r llllll, oils ul people locked o him a- their t nli-r. I -tit he had a xiry tender heart, and lar jiway in flu gland he had lit 1 ! gi 1 1 ; if In . uw n ; so lie .Xl'olea H ply b.V the leturii mad. that tl strich w. i; at oiee to be given to its light I ul uxx lie", w ho lu-t no time in g tt ing well. poi.- an.vbi ;i k. How .an Aunt Marjorie make a bit of a lico ..nt ul this little incident ';" Wt 11. xmi know we wrap pills up in sugar : and so we tell stories, an I hide h- suii, xxilhin thelll. A brave he. m is alvvav- a tender heart, childien. No matter how bu-y xuii iire, you may. like Mr .lulm Law rence, take time to do :i kind act lur some one who is weaker than v.iuisi If. Hit' Ki'iil II iiini'. 'I'lif I m ii i it- is in tin' i'ihiii' ry ; an.l it is x h u-1 In nj limn a ilw. II iii)f: tin- liflil ami t rt'i-s ai'iiuiiil it an part of it, ami tlif vii-vvs tYmii it .. tlif lamlxapi', ami nt' ilistatit iin.iin- fairs, puliaps, i.iaKf it imlikf any , ,t Ii r plan' in tlif v.r,. Tin i until rv tioinf with its liity nf s'li roun.linf;s, lits nsiiiillv snitif iin-asitre of in-rinan- i fin .', ami the life fonn.-il tin re is miller the lavnralile eonilitioiis .( nl. I laimly assi.iiat ions. Sninr luvc the happy entiilit inn nf living in 1 1 1 -h., me of their fathers, ;in. an- sin. rolllnli il W illi nl'je. ts ol preriiills llll'lll nrv. ilailv nieiiieiitues of parental af j iHii-s-.ity ol ii:r,ii.iti-ii.-.-, :in. iliert- I BLA' K WELL'S ISLAND. ' A Reporter'.. VleT.i to York Noted Il'l tx.'n llntv tout lorn nrr HpcelYril, A Tiiiiiiw iV;torter who visited i New York's famous pen il institution 1 Hays: To t ho summer plca-uire-seiker I who pa-sses up and dow n the Fast river, HU'k well's M.n.l appears an attra.-tive spot, its nitmal charms being too many to be ipiile spoiled even by its t-t'Tn a id forbidding edi tices. A ''liinnse . I' several nam's of 'nun. clad in the hi Icuis unitoriu of Stat- on. Ms. st toiling in the hot sun. uu ler tip. i v.-an of arnie I pairoliin-j k Tpiv. pre.v nl- the initial i h a to I he ga.'vr o. I 'ae ;.ii:e. ing i n ilur. d by it -4 popu'.i i n hum th hard toil and iron ibs ip!i ie ex n-'i-d and 1 eufor. e i-i th it p.n I i i-1 :l nt i-m. It wa i ea' ly in . uing, slid sixteen ne.vlv arr.veil n u u r s n r b in.; put thioii'di 1 1 1 - . i- in clitiiin irv exit-1 1'iS s ill i large i h in b r . n th-groitu 1 lloor. (llgmiicl Willi t lie style aim line, ol " In c ','tio i-li oiii. At a ilesK erected i:i an t-t. lt' d positi n. h S 1.....L- r ,r .. I,.., c,K i.i,iri. I.o, book r old. tig a In i s on, b-lore I. m. sat Malik, cp r Mi lia-d Ken icdy. (Hi ""' it-idc, ranx d in nws. were niimeioiis large biihs and thrie or r,uip ,irSi ',.,, . ,..,.,., invi!t their clients to be ..a" I in. A gaugo for measuring the hcig it of pris- finers and a weighing nui'li n foniplcte l the lid of ie-cess iries to the " IJeeept i Kooin." l'res-t-Iii I a keeper on the outside thrust Ills arm through the iron hats and. in suiting :i hu ;e k-y in thlock, opened the door. Tle-ti elite-el the sit"ell sitineis in floi.ble lile :tn I ranged thetn-elxes in a row Keeper Kenn ily. " Vmr n in r'f 's!i uted that olli'lal to the foremost offender. It Wits given. I h 11 lollowe I in siicce-s-ion t he q ie si ion s, ' Your age V" " N.i-tivet-o. n ry?" I,'. hgloii V" Oi-cupi-t ion ':" l.eeu li"ie hi f ire'r"' atnl if the answer were in the aUirinativc. " lloxv in my li'iics?" I'mler what name or names':'" I lies.- ipi-stiont being Hat isiactorily :insw en d ami the r.-plii s re couled, the pri o:n r xvas over to an attendant xxho measured his height and xveighe.l him, the result ef two operations, together xvith the color of his hair, eyes and eoin plexion, he ng quickly added to tho statement and spread before Keeper Kenueiy. I aeh man xvas then made to strip an I outer a bath and, under the Vlg I lilt exis of the kffper illld Ills s.itelhl s, hen failed ( ese;ipe a thor ough xv .idling This clean ing prme- loupeted. each prisoner dressid hiiu-.-li' in the suit proxid-d lur him by the Ma'e whi h, xvhitcvir may bo -aid of lis utility, cannot by anv -t letch of the imagin i tioti be ' c-niide i-d a st! etie. Tho clothes belonging to etch prisoner xxeretheti collected, tie ,t y fohlffl. Imnlo into pare. Is ai d landed xvith tho iivv ma's name previous to, being put . n way. I iil'- s ii iii.iii were -eiiti u.i'l to a very short term and raised an ol.i -ii.iii to i. he was next shaved, alserxvhich he was e 'tisid red to be duly prepared t r Ih" r son life before him. 1 1 puty W 'a den t 's' orne riipidly scanned t luum le-;il' d 'tlccitpa- t i in." and a-s,gni-, every man t t some I articular keeper's gang: some to vv ork in t e qu iri v , -.-m t t lie blat k n it h's aiid Miiue to the carpenter's -hop. Att. r this ;i!l that relnainelto l-e done xvas for Kiep.-r Kennedy (o -how (he pri-oners their cells and j i xi'lati the maun rut en aning I nem. i I hell tlu V XVI p' t..lcei ull, every i tea i to Ins gang. The in m 1 1 . r of prison, i s admitted daily vaii. s great Ix, I u', approximate ly, it may b- s:iid to axe age tin. At present tlare are Tfi' male ami liO letnale pn- ii'is in the peiiil.-uiiiiry, but, ill ti .ugh on one oc 'ii .mi in .l.iuu irv. s,s ;t ;i eoinne diite I tho large nuui'ier of 1.11, it is ,.,a, I "II over.roxv.lcd. and the system of "iloiibiiiig up." a- putting two jui-on-ers in fell is tonne I. is in soiiipia-es found t i be necessary. A I iii lvFinir.Tiill Matiie. I'robai ly th.J ni '-t colo-s.-i' slatue yet ur.hrel fur the stipes has just ie en finish d in th. r I'-mmi by :in Aim ri iin sculpt r at I b-r.-iM f. Mr. Larkin t !. M.'iid. Tin r are but two in America that can ever I nnpired xvith it. Creeiioiigii's W a h'.ngton " and his group "''.x i.i.ation," which adorn the tap'tol in ton. Ninia idea of it may be obtained by a sho t tleseription. Tin-subje. t is tie "Mis-issippi lliv.-r," ii large re e iimbent stat ue. u ' nnhke the treat ment to I tie "Nil." group in lloiue. The ligure it topiesiht d leaning against a cluster of r a ks xvhence .-prints tin' soar f the father of xxati r -. wh le its ii .i p ut to the other arm is a broken paddiewhcel i -aught in a mi.;(. a nut mi- i in i on Mht on i . tl.a liiitfhlv river. At th" has ' arc "Alinrntor ekin Ih-Iih," mntlo of fi'ig hide, rej ie-.-iite l' in I .is r In I' th- arious "'"''ll ob fi ts teii-l r of the slreain Yoiiiib mul .ni.l.ll.- hl'.-.I nienr fnfferiiia tlurinjilts li.Ili ronise, Stern-W llff ler from iieivniis tlelullly nml kin.lri-il HlT.s'linns, ainl s tl '-w hff'i-r. sinjar-rano and : "s ll,s', ol" ,l,'l""rJ' " hji'm homirin, in .... i . i.. .. . ii. ;n ii... , -I'o'll'l inelose three M.-imp-t for 1'nrt VII of cmf.i llle atl.l Its UUtleial VVf.lith in tllH Wl)rM ,, )lsI,ei.s,.rv Dune .Sene. of ,,Hmph- reprfS' lilatiull .1 a lr ul . W hllfl lets. Address Wolti t.'s Iikkknniiy Meiik ai. nrjrr. r. ar.'M'fii In eliniz a'l I nnloailin I Ask.h iatiun, Ituir.ilo, N. . ,ales ol f ultuii a ul t..!ar.M ami tho ! . , ,...- . ; . .. ,. , ... ... I linen of H a-iil inn roektnils. sujrar a .e ; i r . --I.ils, tun, are nut tor- . (ii.ti.n, uhli-'t!,.- ri'.-ht foot! mck.iik.ummik. r'stsutia l.''.-i.l' liin.'stutif, ami in i Mrs. .1. '. IIkm.kkkon, of Cleveliind, the riirl.t li-i-i I I ,1' s..f I Ii it .rr it urn I. I 1 writes: " I lit' use of two of I'loree K tliiTlfiht h.l i I Ml it tfr -It pro I- ; .,.,,.., j.llrl(IU, ivilets' ndny, fur n few tu t nt tin- Ml sis-ip;. a I' V. Indian m;. has nil irt-ly t-iireil me of niek-heitd-r ril, aif II 1 I, lie n. at ire, thf other ael.e.froin which I formerly suiTered tarrilily, n thf sli... I-. A w.f.ilh mniposeil of i 'f 'f'f'- "vithk.-, Hsoiicein tea tlHys.'' t .l and . "M m , r-wns tin- hrad of ,,f ,lr,,,,'"!: the rolossiis vviiilo a lishin lift is rarelessly thrown aeross tint L.isf. Thf in t It nr p. I is tw. lv r fert in If -until ami the weight ut' the marhle nl-sth;iii inity-luiir loi . This Is to hi' pr"H"it, t i Ihe e ty nf New V. rK l.y Mr. I llmtt I'. Miepar.l, a New York l.ivvv'.r. a s. ii-iti-lavv of W, II. A'an lerhiit. H'omui ,V im. " 1 1 - I niik.-l,.niin,iM Hum. "I f "lleeiv.- it (,. he my ,iity In Vuil ;'M,1 tn the pnlilje e.pi'allv,"' wrntf Will l.i. ft. .ti ll iiyiave, :s,.. uf thf "rleali I'.io.ili- rullee, Minfrees I'urn. N. i'.. .i, l.i,- ..1(-k as !., i state that in a . familv use ,.f I'r. Until, in "I, m'.s III nl'-llie:l i.n.l 'Imlera M. ,!n me, Imve it ,,r , mif.uliiiff . ii;. ii y. hi(. j js priceless value m I i,iri llysenterv ami Cli. .It r.i I ul.nit um, il is .scarcely, i'l at all, h-ss cil ri. m ,ii nervous all'i etiuiis il tierally. .iu-l ,, .u, n 1 jtiui t in Kevt-r and Au'ue." ss-.1.1 l-.r J.i an.l .".n cents a l'-tlle. Meve II. .le. iinli, I'...-many jt-arsn no torious , -tern fj.iuiHer.' lias tluwn as pa-t r ul a inissinn church In Iamisvilie. lie di.Tvs frmn Ii s own t perietic f r vv.Tiiiiig ilii.Hiiati.'nsto u if in hi. si iniua . A (JUEE5 0F THE STAGE. "Hit Brronr I.oa-i-, the Important, -i-.-rri Mtae) JtrrptU for the Benefit ul tiiiii'n. ( V.'tc Vnrfr H nri'.) 6. ornl ye Ira ng the American public verenrou ed by tne en'ree tip-m llie t me of o llUo lady who Imd been praviouiOy lnt lit Ic nnnouiioad. His waa one of Hti innu iiitritble number of BBpiiauta for j.uti io I vor and had no i atrumeutiil ty, nniiie from ler own u lento, to cnu-e reioKui ion. In hpite of f- iMit. however, die ipnrkly a -I leied a w.a in pi i e in the hout f the P'.itilio, wii o i si e i no font n ed to hold eve t-itire. Wi.ei it who iiii .otmeeil, t rref . t int Mi Maud liiBDKer wo Id Mar llio i ;. m i;B sca-ou' in the i lay llor t-ecoiui A. .Me on . it ly i at ml Hint tl um ml .lite cs -no.. Id ti - man Io" td i o on y in tl on r a c r I k, li it hi in, er br ro ot d t c cmim ui.ty. Ti i- v ns i-i e id y ih mc as it was k .own t n Miss timinf r li d f r the last yar, b n n i x 'ee I.i.k do u n'e 1 ca t'l. nnd tho d. t riiiiimt oil to a, in li c ro tt cm t o ill p'ny w I i.o a ore .-iir, ns i jr. " o of t i- uiio this pa e wa nei out . (.1-depi t ed to -er the o ulnr 1 dvandvj I y me run or or in no nice it." iui o. n in s . Mim (iinn-'er's eou i.e anei i 'nuiiiinrti tw-iiri ey one in tne i u n-u bihks. his j, .(lllu,3 t(,,llUl k-.i.i,, j (l0;r oufme mid l : loal.iiirnie suricoiiiited bv u pair of logo I and deep i yes iiulun ive i f the gieaieM m d poe.-. It is ea-y to sie wneie Miss (oaii.'ei- , ,,t,(lnn thc Itt..!if- to portray . h nae or. s of the niost nature. She in. nature. She pns.-s.--e.t within herself the elements of fueling. n h- oiitwliieli lioeuotioii cm be cnvey.d to an audience. Ihp man of news foenit the ladv at her linmo in this city, and was hc cor led a ,i ii t welcome. It was evident .,t once tint she wai in greatly improved liiv.lih, which iheevpresdon and oilor of hor coiintenauce ho' h indicated. " Is it true, .Mi-s (l.-.m' T. that yon con template a starring t-uir the commie isoti r"' "V.s uid -ed. Mv s,-,,soii I ogais in ( 'hi c.-igo on J.ily hi. Kr nil Ih re 1 u'o to Sail Francisco, and Ih. n play tie. remainder of the sea on through the ta-t.-rii u:id West ern Stat-s." " Are jolt confidniit your health will per mit such an nu ll r;:iking '( " A rii.L'iuu I iiiuh was the fust rtply to this .U.-liuii. utter which she said: 'Cert-ii .ly It is true I have been ill for the past ixva years, hut now I am xtlioby re- i oven d. Fuw peo; le can hnve nliy idea of the sir.iin a . oil-en niious aoties-tl iderg.K-s in e.-sa.xing atl emotional part. It iR ue.-es- lary to put one's w hole soul into tho work in order to riuh ly porlrai' tlu character. Thin nee s-.t.ius an ul . r uhaii lonine it of one s eisoiuilitv and in as-iiiupiioii ol tho char.ic er If tin- is an emo tional pari it is n-i-ess.-ii-y to .' the iitno e nolions the pari i - Mipp is. d t i feel. For ii. ore than a year I ni'tu.i ly cried each night in cert:. in pas-aires "f u I art I was p ai in.'. The nudieiice c nsi l.-red it nr. l'rol.uhly i! I, nt tho-e were none the e irs and the c th ct wn none the lo mi. hi mv health. "Hut do you nutiripaie nxoiding the fiitute? "Not in the lenst I exi e ! t) have just as fiieat a strain a he fore, but with ro-to:e I hi at i ii n.l a know I dge ol how to retain it I di no' fear " 'You see k of a ' know'e tge of hx to re. In n In-cih.' Vxjll yo, i pea e explain what , yo i ineui bv that :' " ion must l-e nwiee iha( women by their very n e s.,h ect to truuhli s and ; n 11 lit t ons unknown lo th sterner s.k. Tim . iiaiiii. ef these I oil les is legion. Inn in ' xxhnt'x.r form thev may c i o ihey ae weaknesses win. h inie f.'ie vx i h o ery amhi- j tioti and hope in life. I I ehcu thou, a of nohle women aie lo dav u' e ing iigonies i of xx hu h even ll.e r h s' f an I rela- I lives know lit t li or m.lll II Meet upon il I c mfe s n it akes me -ad. Now ad this inisi-ry an es argely fio ,i an igimr- ii nee of Ihe laws of lite or a neglect to care- ; fully ol i-one tin-in. I sp ilk trotu the deptl a of a hitter ripen, nee in H,iing this, and I ; a n thankful I kicxv the means of re t ia tl ai. mid how to leui'iin in perfect health." ' I'll ae epl o" more'' "Well, I have f iiii.d a r.-in. dj which seems sp. cially adapt. .1 for lliis very ll-p.e.e. It j is per.' and palul. h e and eontr.iils lliel.eilth ' ni.d life as. I hei eve, iitchingelse xxi.l. Il is r.-idly inx,'iual-le mid if nil Ihe women in Aiiii-'rici were lo n-e n I i,m .piile sure most o th' sintering i nd many deaths might be axo di d. " ' What i this wand rful reuiedy'f"' " W. ii iu r's Si.fe Cure." ' And y "i use il .'" "Court nit y." And liptie,' believe yen will honhlotogo 1 (, o Kh the omins sm-on miccc sfnlly. " I a'll .(tl.te ctTlnl I .if II. A few .iue-tions more, Mi.-s irati"cr. Will you p' a-e g.vf me a h-t ol the farts jo:i have cre iled an I the p'.ajs xo'i have taken part in since your first appearand; in public :" "I tits' played for some tine wilh the nniatears ill New ori;inl I r.M.klyu. Ithen xventlotle In ion S.iiure tlieitre for two masons, after that t ) the Boston ( ilobe for one s.-a-on mi 1 then to Hoo h's tl eatrn in this city. Next I supported John MC'uUouuh ...i ...... .1 ; l .... r ...ill.. Itos.ilind etc. Siil'S,'iii-'iilly I floated the part of Cicely blame in the Mialley Slini'.ind nl-o -tarred in 'Two Nigh s in Home,' flax ing Ihe part of An'ouni 'I ha ast e ir I have I... 'ii playing in the 'I'l inter s Wife' and the romiti.' sea-on. as I have -a d. Will hiide voted to Tier Second Iive.' ' . As the writer w is returning homo he fell into a train of tuus ng and woinlercd f nil the wnni"n in tin land who me sntTerini: cnnl.l only know Mis (ir..n,-ers I'liierienoe nn I the remnrk .hi.-ri'Riills n-liii'vil liy tho pure r.'meu- she n 0 1, how Hindi untfennp; iniKlit he nvoidi'.l and Low um. h Impi'iiieis r-.v ured. An il lati - iiiiiniai-e is like an i-l. t-trie iniit'liine- it iiimKim one tlanfc, hut yon rnn't let i). . "MIVV 'KI.I, .M HTHONi;." Sill I'M IV.,,,. Dr. Ii- V. Tin..,:, Htitrulo, N. V.: Vinr Sir -I wi-h to stale tli.-il my Umii.-li,-r. njjeil IK, was I'l'iin.iiiiieed ini-iiriilile allil iih fii-.t fail nil,' as tin-ilnrtors tlionnht, with eunsmtip. t imi. I nlititiiii-.l h half il.ieii liotlles of ur "(inlileii M.'iliciil Jlirrnvery" for her an.l she eniiiiiienc.-il iiii.rnviii ai mice, nml l now well nml i-ti.intr. Very truly .vi.nrs. I Nrv, ISAAC N. Al ftl KTIN. I "lllMtM.," ..1,1 I,. .1.11 ,.,,il "Life on the ocen wave"- fich. I The most ponifortnl.le hoot in town in that with l.jon'n I'nteiit Metallic llnl Stitfi nt rs. "( 'heerf illness is the dnucliter of employ. I nielli." Then discoiiieiit inimt he its inotn ; er in law. The I ut ton holes of fhrolithion collars and .'litis are made no they will not tear out like nt her kinds. While her mother was taking Hy ont of the I, utter, little Daisy asked; "Is that a but terfly, niaiiiiiiaf " Mklnnv Men. Wells' Health Itenewer restores health, vitinr. runs l))p.eiii, Impotence, hemal iH'Inlity. 1. If you Hio really ilelerinineil lo t'ipnnd your ch.-sl the l.esl way tit do it is to carry a larger I, hh'1. I or Thlfk llrnda. Heavy conditions--Wella' MayAppli Tills- niiiihilioiis.t-athartin. 102.'i. Koine iwople's feet yo to sleep once in a while. Hild other people' liends have never waked up. llnn'l lle In the HnilM. 'Uouk'h on Hats. Clehrs out mtn, mice, rnaehe-., l-ill.ti(fs, flies. Hilts, moles, chip, li, links, opliurs, l.V. The man with the hitftre-t bible in hin win d.iw is not always the safest person to jrivo creiht to. Von would noe Bt. Tatrick'a Balve if yon knew thei:ood it would do you. Kissinx by telephone is justifinble when one of the contracting part ies has been eating ouioiif. We Ait.l.e it. If your hair is thin and falh'n? out, if yon Pie lieroiiunit prematurely b ild, if your h iir is d-y and sickly, us 3 Carl olme, the Kr.'at natural Hair Restorer. One dollar a bo. tie When a yountt man wants to protect a joiing lady he naturally pnta his armor i omul her. Cealiine. Thin elegant prepaialion haa been on ale ince -s;s, hih! ia leroinniended for loes of appetite and genenil debility. Hemoe all uiipltiisant foclingi after ealitiff. DrujjBista- Afier nil. t iere is soini'lhing first class nl.oet the ernduates ef a school A full feel rj nfler inea'a, dyspera'n, heart burn in I g' e ul ill hcalt li relieved by liiown's Iron Hitters. Ladies' dinners, whether ladies like them or not, are the latest fashion. Kparta, Tenn.- Dr. V. B. Cnmmlnirs says: "lam htronuly eonvineed of tho etti'-acy of brown s Iron Hitters, an ; ' A relic h,i,...-r-A f. cupliiie n wulow brown's Iron bitters, and recommend them." How endeavoaiiiir to ' , , , a , I.rwtsvii.i.r. Ind.-Rev. J. 8. Coin says: I : ,,!eif ,m l " "" ." irillioii mm i-Hcim i vim"., onu-iaw.. Words are bin leaves--aet are the fruit. Foil nx'Ki ki'hia, iNPinrjvrin. depression of sme lls and p neial debilitv in their vnrinits furiiiK ; also a pn vrntive Rtiinst fi-v. r and agiiH and .ilh. rintviniittrnt f. vers, the "K.'rr.Hl'h.isplior Hi d Klixir of Calisnvs," made by CskwoII. 'li.unl ,V Co., New Viiik. and sold by all DriiK ists. is the If st l.'iiie ; and for pati.aits ri-rox-er-tiK from fever nr other eirktirKg it linn iiorntial. Arorn blossoms are two weeks tardy ; de iicting a lute fall. The l-rarr le lirense. i Is the best in the market. It is the most I eeiinoim.- il mid cheapest, one box lastinir as j long as two of any oilier, line "reusing will j a-t twowieks. It received first premium at , (, (Viitetif;iiil and Paris Kxpotilions, also ,m,,jus at various State Fairs. Itny no other, I . .. It's I Ih in eti.piette now to call a joung girl a "pansy." Dr.Vdrthihgtdhs HHOLERA MRWAP Aun lARRHOEAl ure i'l."",;,' .'.j ,"tl"l. 'ZXSJtJU!!,' .ir.i, !,.. .:i,"., . h K.nn-n, H.m.r s-iinmr Si.14 M PriiKIH i,ll'flrfl. Oti'ir nlf oar nmi hl"n IP l-fik. S-' ,. i r,.,. ,.. TMtCHAIlIf A.VOaUflCJMI'Mi,, , mmsm BEFORE AND - AFTER Ilictrlo AprlljteM :i it ei 30 Sifi' TiUl, TO MEN CNLY, YOUNG OR OLD, WHO nrt tnifltVrlnff fnm Srnvm-p DritiUTT, I."hT VlTAI ITV, 1. K t-F NKRVK KR( K A.IR Vhmk. Wa-ti vKKrs.-, iiiiiI nil ktn1rel ( it hi f nn-l t-oiniilfiH ren tor lioil ff Ml'AI Til. V1mK unit M MimD tki iv 'I h Mtniet fllM-ovt i v "f th Nlnp t'. iiih Ontiirv. ul mci for Illustraut I1iiii(ilci Inc. A ! I ret VOLTAIC BFlf CO., MARSHALL, MICH. OPIUfi HABIT Cured Painlessly The - .i t t--r a -innll ni-ii,i, al , -lh n.i.n... al Iheroat n. imn." I-or lull i-mi.cni.irs , i,t a i jl.-d l.y no-.-. al pres.. tii the lii-rovi-ri-r, ; nR . D. CQLLIHS. la Par!. Inrf. ww.-p - - - f CONSTaJMPTION My newly ftiarneeMMl Treatment "trrr tnt', la efHi-t m. i,.f.i..M.K,' One lull ..arlirillara .if ... t'rol . I,. OIII.K, Mnnln lam, snln i lara t o., I Hlllomla. W NO PAY UNTIL CURED. UTHK BIST IS OHCAPIST." ENGINES, TUDCCUCDCSAI III1S, Piri,P..(r,l llll-.wlllIIOfM CloTrr Hillrm ISllttnil le nil rw-eoona i-l.-Thr.t,lll M A VIIIMi tIDN VATr-:l in Henl. to learn auLI I Tl i.K.iHArllY Silualion-iinaranted. Addrena ffW l ain A H. H Tel ...-e, Ann Mirh. "" "tiKNT.S WANT K.l lor the Hoel and Kaaleat aelf mic t'li'lorial H.h,kaan,l 11,1.1m. I'ri.-ea r.sliu-e.1 111 lrcent. Naik.nai. I'eni.ieiiiNii Co, Pnila Pa. 80 hlll.l-Tsi tin- rituiiT tir, in blotter, with calendar. 1V mail for 2."c. taenia VI lltttr-il. 1m -iMial I'.tlNUS,! I'.. , KaMliuryliort, Maaa. FREE KMVSS "HEALTH HELPER" ',.-l.,.-l II.-, Ilh 11.11. Hl HM.HiilTalo.N.T and l,a inaranlo d emi'loymL-nl.adilieHs I' W Kf AM. Ada.O, nnui mm .t u iiik v n titlT c.irt UrIU IVIm i,.v.n.. ivn H.-ti ..I inr 1 1. ulan. r.i-iil tree. It M W..uillt.M II .Atlanla.f-a Sure I 'ure tor Knliv or l-'ilain'JI houra. Krw In poor. Iir. km-.', -kU Ar-i mil M..SI. I.ouia. Me. C70awe.k. IJ a di) at tioin-e ihiIj made t'oatly w ' outnt fn-e. A tdtosa TllCK JL I'..., Aiternata, Me. (1lll.l:.MANs' Hu-in. I'olli-a-i-, N,.wark.N J lerma . 41 l.i. l'oaiooni-for araduale-.. Write lor circular r al horn. . llnitii A- t'.t.. I'ortl.nd, Me. Do you T- nnt a pure, bloom ing Complexion! Jf so, a few appl font ions of Hagan's MAGNOLIA HALM, will rrat Ifjr you to your heart's con lent. It iloes away with Sal lowness, KednesH, PimpleB. lUolches, and all diseases and Imperfections of tho skin. It OTercomesthe flashed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a ladv of TH IHTV appear but TW EN TY; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are it effecta. that it is impossible to detect its applicatiou. . g?ft ' UK. toYESUS I BEFORE! ANfl - AFTroN fc JeMi1wtutu:s?aaT? H 11.-1 t'...ti,'li r.vnili. TaeliKMHi. LTj Ml I ne 111 I um-. r-.ild l.y drllKK'slw. t y stwATHZE WITIl THE HOPE Off LYPIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Rare Care for nil FEMALE WEAK M'.KKES, lBclndln I.earerrkira, Ir rraular and 1'alnfnl ItIiBiratloa( Inflammation mnd 1'lcere.liea ut the Womh, Hoodln, I'KO. HP8I S HT1KI, &e. tVPlMMat to the laU', efllmrlons and 1mm4tste lalueffert It ls mrat hHpta prrfftianry. mn& re bevei psln during Ubor snd at regular perluds. rsiKh tvs i'hb it :vd mi m tinr it rur.i it. tVTom all Wiaksrsses of the fenerstWe nrtrans or either wi. It la arennd to no rrmed y that baa erer been before th public i and for all dlaeaaM of Um KiDxna It la the Granfeaf Rrmrrt) is tht Korlu. Ifr-KIUNEY O.MI'I.ArSTKorEltfcer Ke FludCrrat rtrll. I In lis Tee. LTDIA V.. PIsJKHAII'i PIMIB PI'RfTfTR will i-nulli-ate eery Teellce .,f Humora tram lha Itl.ind.Kl theeame tune will nl.etne and - tn-nirfh t. Uieiyatem. Aamarreiln.ii. In manltaaalbaCompound. f wB'.lh the Compound and pl"od rurlfler ara pre. parril at t and tt6 Western ar.nue, Lynn, Haaa, Prlii- of either, V. S' hottlea f-,r t-V The Compound la sent hy mall In Ihe form i-f pill", er of loaengea, on ii-eelp of pii.-e, l per In, i for ellhor. ra. rinklinro freely snuwrra all lett.-ra of Inanity. Kni-l.-ae S eenl stamp. Hend for pamphlet. Mittixn (Ma Paptr, r trf.Tiwi B. Prsnian's t ivra rn.ia euro fVnailp- ll.-n. Hill.MiKnoNl an.l T,.r'"tlf "' the IJvi-r. S6 rrul trMA hr nil nrwsulM jv ii n i "3 i THE CELEBRATED "KIDNEY-WORT" THE NI'Krmc FDR KTDVF.V PI8KAEB. MVEH TROl'BrKM. CfiNrsTIFATIOW, 11 Lt 3, KKMAI.K WK AKNf;,srSK AND Rill I MATISM. ' PllViriH lnilfK MFRT!F.V. i I hsv found Ktilnry W.irt . work lib ifhum. rloitiK A i' I thumnt for If, Allnr ting It m. rrtl jr. an- tn in) tirArtl i' I, 'n il r I h on-imt,' rtri t4 " ' Affirri'jy. It tlfH tl'itlt' t PMiT lllttti CD) Ifni'tJ) 1 ifr uf,i " .ft K. t I. ABM. MM. Kmth Unro. t, i 4.i:koi kiiinkv iii:af. "A ttlrfknof i-rihin?pii- r n,l ni. I'Mi'lutH'T "tii'f 1ifUafttllK I" tVl'ltlrMrl UU" ' If. I.t)n-t, hut iMnt- j W.Tl 'Mir.f Mi-." K Sr.Alr.l' II .(.I.I"M , M Ul, "My fc.iiP fr-iiiM h"4 li-M .r .'igh fftr I ' ftn .'a.'.! 1.1 .l K t n s -W'iH'm'. ' Mn u-rL . kiim;v imkai-: ai hum mitism. "Two of niy f i imi hi-1 n jf lru(llt, Mr. I hritiict Malcolm, if Wft-l lUI't, Mm, " I wti rrn -ip ; lotlif hi in) ithymnnn ih1 tntMi In. W,. JI hut knlii-y 1 rt'if'tiM itl rfit-iimut mil. Mttio wait of r MtADtliiM. i h 1n" Wi.M ln 'i-i ' ly Mr'f tH hf,jH. 1 "I hut knlni'i I rthlfii fir mnjf l-rr. Riling W .r rr,.i,,:- ,. m Utiwit, t f niil aSf ii,, t au I hi ., Npw Orlennti. i I 'KM AVTVM Sf VKAKf. I dfvoiitt) Hi iik iik1 ihit I fMimi nut ih tirttiM f Kidm f tri, " writ . P. Hmwn, o: Wnntp-irt. N.T. ' It hum fui. m t. ot ty. r'ia ff Ismtile lu'luff KIIM;S, MVKIt ANO CUTirATION. "Th irt'tfi Mtjsfurl .ry r''i!l," ritn Y. H"f . of Nil A. Inn, Mn.. "pi. i-ful k'tln-y unit liw trmtiW hh'1 rT.Mi-nt mn. liar l- lhrni .t (r 'in lh u ol k triii) W"it, I') ni-Mit-ftp di m fundi). '' Kfiln TrnnMi'M nml Ithrniiifiitum. My aMi'ii'ltntc In -in, in if'' n'H P- 'h-.. matim aii't kirin) iHtniil'-n I- r ,J' ) mih Mmij i1il ra an-l miiiil.f rlcrm ii-int'ilif tlitl ltf n- U I. M) lritnriri. t.H., tin. lit n) ta'li ..nam. K'1'i") Wt.rt hta write, f.lliri lue Milt- ilm, Vat Haiti, ,M" I'l. a. I M l It loltl K. I--II m. It.'. ,1't.". nn-l the ut.ln-. lee." I . -..'.-r. .-I I'.eiil n. III , On. ..ih li e St. , an.l (". '.' .,",.(.. "thai Kill- lie) Wort ...".I ni hrer ili-nl-re. whivll I'd had f.-T Al ... -I.. "J ,,, , T,,,. " I tin re tr e, a ureal nmnl,. r." l.nlv remifk Mr. W, N. if,--e i, s. r tni-'ii. I'.-im.. im-lr i'a .- 01 lie.-. 1J, Is-J. "I,'-' (I.e.-- X- n-i i-lll-r rente. ly like Kiitne)Wnri lur i...i"i ilieuniai,km a -I tlintra-eil Kidneja." IM'I, 11 l Tltl OF HI.AIIIIKK. "I hri-ni.- n .if llie ttlailder, la.. ivg durali n, win in) wl.e'-. c ,ni'l.u', ' wnlea lr. I . .VI. huiiiiiii-rini, ol Sin 11,11, I. a. '"Il- r urine nlten rrm. lain.-, I iitunii., ki, and waa o.nel ini-a l'l,wlv. Phym nan' ,rea. ii,ti,,n- nil fill in-liiile.l and do-neflio r.-ined ealluted tier earn. kt,llie).Woil, buw. aier, im rr,.a .' lTr:HNAI. PIM M. "I hid internal .il- for aeier 1 1 i-ra." laid . I It. M")er, "I M)ert,.wn. I'a in. ".Vlli lu bel(.id ma rai-e, Kldn-y W.irl. Iir,, rim-." UiltlKV THIII BI.ICW. Reapr--t the ronhilentie retmae 1 ,n )ou hy lad ea. "It III heiied rne in inlnrafe diaeaiea. " .ir.l.-a Mia. Ann, a kl ald. -l .li.rr.-l I -, lie. Mil Tll.a l,ly i-,.rie.ii,ud-nt arute u. nt kidn,-) WoiCa curalire ellKla. HIIKI tTIs.l. "Kutlnna .lie would, " tersely ,t,etire .1. n. Jewell, ol Wo.idl.iirj. Vt.. "lint Kl'lua-H ort ,i- ,l my three earr' lll.-uiiialipm " nVWPFl'fl K. Iliir. orreepondeut, Mr.,luaiah Ke.iney. et lildntiier. I'a..eaa Kln) W.-rl mml Ul. d)an-ina. Iliad it in He worst fmn, too." A II. MM. OATH. "I- a-ill l.y h-itney .Won a'l the lime." wrliea Mr. .1. H. kaiirliiian. Incaalor. I'.-.ID. tAllilapalrona do the same, Mr. k.l ATK MIPI,AINTM. Mra. ,1. H. l.'iark. Am tee City, Iji.. wntea ua: ' ' ki.lly- Wort hfla , nin of habitual cotiaii.iation. iiau. in the ante, aa wi-ll aa aoine other flVlu ale r. miaainla." i A MEW DISCOVERY. tFFor tererml year we hw fnrnUhed tbe Dairymen of Amrrleav with an eaeellent artl tlrlal color for bnltari ao merltortona lliat tt met with a-reai auoreaa eerywher" reeelTtnit the hlfrhrrt and only prlK-a al t-oth International k eairr raira. I F-But hy pa'lent andarlenllde ebemleal re- aearrh we hare impreYoi in i.-vrrni poi.op, -i now otTer llita new ol. ,r aa Ihe oral I,, thf -rlt It Will Not Color he Buttermilk. It Will Not Turn Rnnolcl. It le the 5, atronneet, Brnhteet and Ctienpet Color Mnrle, nrAnrl, while prepared In oil. Is aocompeund edllml II la lmr"ilil.-forll to become tim-lil. tf'BtWARI of all Imllatlona. and ot all otlirr ml rolnrr for ti er are lo he, ome rancid and r poll the butlrr. T-f you cannot r.-t Ihe lniiro. d" nlc U" to know where and how to (ret it without nun ciprnaa. ff rt t-s airtuanant A in.. nriuttaa, ti. r.'o lime ahoiild ha loat if llie Klomai-h, and bowela ara aff.-rled tn adopt tha aura remedy, lloat. i. ler'a ritomach B"-ten.- liiaeaaeat.f Ilia orgnna nsmed beget ol here far more aerl oua, and a ri'-liy a therefnia ha7ardnua. Ilyt-pi-paia. liver coin- i Ixint tntia litM.iiy Iroulilo if Inllfrt with. lH-n tim in iifinn thm ftflfftlTH Mini Mil nicdu-int'. Ktr hI It all lruKlH(a nnil lfl-rr- Bnfrtlly. EDUCATIONAL. CONSERVATORY of MUSIO Heanllfllllr lllnftrated fM paijea. BKSIT KHI H I" youraetl and musical frlen.ra. (tend naiieri and e-!''rr.ari to K. TOI KJKB. Franil noq . IVl"n. War. ran ItrV'tawl et rno(ne4 Afimc l.ttrrnrtj tintt jin&ko.aMt HOMEvryMng luaww.tnlaw arcri-l. College of Physicians and Surgeons, MAl.Tl iioiii:. ,n. The practical advantaaea of Ihie a.-bonl are un..r. naaaed- rlim.-a hi-1.1 al I'lty llimpilal, Maternlli- and Maryland Woman'a ll.n..ilal, all of which h-loi.a- In Ih.e M-hnid. Phyao-liaju-al an.l t' lteitalory Work re-iaired .( e-rv Apiily for a cala loainel.i . I'K Till IM AH OI'IK. Ileali. WN.l-areyNtri-.-t. AGlTTWANtEb .TTiwilfv 'ii.7J! Una Ilur I. Ine infpntfd W'll kiui a pnir of tmlniiB wilh II M l. iimI TOK. romirlr in 'J"i mintit- It will alt" knit a nr' variety if Inn.'f wmtt Inr wliit-h tlif n in alwujr rvitly tnaml Sn 1 It i-irruiar an.l Ifrnin 1 thn 'rvvnuiblT Kllillltl .lnrblitr '. I C( Tromut Ktrt-i, Kimion, M- Of. LaFeUS' FRENCH MOUSTACHF VIGO Oiw a fcrard d tit traiwkral Hf In M dtyi ft DifT rri.tifle4, hfter Uii. l-fwi n r-fi t c'iMti init ft rthfr ' I iiackaaM tor l ftfwt.r. f y mit-iioni ; ti' tta rth.r frntiiin fr4 f r tlrt-ulr( T 1 f-KJV h. x II. rfii IrA, I f. A. CC i wtfi in )iiiiriMiiliwn Tt rm-intr1oiitni tr

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