MM-. q (Lhalham Ejurord. : H. A. LONDON, Jr., miTon anm rinn'iMirron. ,t.'it3 V .! I!T I S I Nfi. . . . . ,-. .,1,...,-,. . .. . t.m . 2.W TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: fina rn ntinye-ir, . "nrropy ,m iin.iulin On rofT Uirea llimitli.s I. on Vol.. V prrrsr.i );;(. cha tuam ., . . ( i, No. I. l .r;i't H't.-itl-.''iin itt5 IkttiTiil crmtracts irltt Wailiv, Att&xk ram VI y II II II X 7 II II l II I II II A II II II II C) What the Ship KrnticM V.e. I waitod Ions by thn ilr Imy'a Wailed until the ami hi down, And tint inmintnin pent njtitnit 4 lt Ay f."(in-.l, waaiing n uli-amine, 'il-l it own. 'Ihnrrirki.tsi-MtpM in flip wiivina uim, 1 he rnvrfl tini-l.' inn-ir in pa-sin;., al.i'.tf, While ninny :i hil l pn: H'-ini; In it-..- Sung i(-"ll, iiu-ln linns vr,pi-i miiif. I hoard tin- In-P. nl the villa-;-1 in.:. Uinina Ihi. . 1 iti I.inu ,1 o,', I1.1l. TIlP Mid 1,1' ll- l.i. :m j s v Iiiiiii, All I the dailv I lim'-. Im-I, lnrniil, And iln .-li i..i 4 !i.fpc-:i. I n!i .. I .-.ii ilteie Wuli-liiiy, ui-n, walrliin , Inr -mo Id i- rin Oil" ivli.i had Kern I'm 11 wlidi- !n-i -, v 011 Many iui.1 in itt n mill- li imn. What w as Dial voice 1I1 11 I I; t-nr. I to. That ; n .nn" t Mverin. . -. i r. r Wm! una Ihi- lii-i'i i i .mi. la in" A I sal nit'i-hai:; the .-i;!i! wave tlir.ii-' It wis tlm vol ! nl ' Ii-Im-iiii. sluing In'ih. Ol l,o mill '. ll..l. I M t it ,- Ill" And I knfw I .'mi iv.ii'l ! IkIi;i' I !... Ini i. Of him who 1 1 ... 1 lv. i n in Ion,'. And thn nrnmi noi. well her vwniiid -ovo. And S'liiN-d en 11 -nl -a . , t . h whim ft mm mi' I I l.i. I'm v i-ij; : - in" ii 1; p ilr 'Mm had rmi.r ii'i.iiid ri t'a- nuiintlil nialil I wnt lied ils ( inning iili I, p.. an I l.-ai A I ffllV till' Vl"--il mine lit. (in ( jrn In mv yi'Jt, llionji it iieim mi -ac;; ,-h In.t, Ayr, it rnnii.. it mi im , in in., .i ln ' rtitt 1 1 Im- llli Win in iln.i l.,.. Km it !,innlit my Invml nni. Im k In in.. Him lin Ihi I 1 111 n i Ins i.;,t 1 ! .1 1. ; Ml nvi r lite (. 1 iii-l, lenif r hi it . . .1 , A ml now, n liiMiiMT I sit Hint wliiii. (iippiil h 1 .1 I x 1 ; r:n , I lliirl; 1 f ll.i. j iv liic!i a n I I ;hi mi. Onri niii'lii' i rvi. 111 tlni Inn ; j; .hi- i lira. (.,'.'. !,,, TIIRKFi rRAVK MEN. I'rrtty M.ii-Imi.i I'iti'i.ii wmill iml m;irr. Hit iiinilmr 1 . m Mia linn. "W It v .in1 mi sn .1 nl d 1. 11 n. I'. n . " ' -llf .1 Ki'l. "VnH I'T'.li lil V I'l Invpr V" "H'lt tln-y in unit." ..;p. I :., 1 ., 'mi lvm:r I" r 1 ni l la fnri tlm inn r. r. "Why imt 'I wiiitl tn niiirrv .1 1 1 in h hriivp, ("ii,il In ,in. onv i :n ti . 11 I P'VP lt 111V lili' l'M I H.IMt it I t1.'" . !l" 'f." "Silly ( hil I' 'li:it Cm i-, .it. r with Itifj; liiinif. Um lil.n !. i-.i'll. '.' "He U Id',', I nl I 111" 1 r lm,n, t'n.i! hp w;i.-i 1t.t i'." "tl'l yen tii'M v h ; ill Hint In' w;i nnt. is il..- in. iii. i- ith l i n -i. (lie gllllMilith '." "llf is as pl;p i'l .is nn.i- . Mii!.." "That's tin -mil he i. ,1 mw.H'.l. Thero is Little l iit . tin tanner : Im is liiarrt'lsiiii!" eiin'mh Inr .vim, Mireiy'" "Hp is no I'iTn'M' than a ha'it.iin or k. It is littlf .'nn I he 1 an iln il the hnusp was set iijihii ny rni'tiers." "It is tint alv iy .1 i-eiii t!i Ihit uiiis i fipht. ffifl. It lakes lir.rns its Well .1 ; I'tawn. I'-nnonnu.'aia. ;j;ie thi " threpynnii" fellows ;i I'jii 1 lri.ll." Harhara tiirneil hm 1 Iiefme the mirror, leftini; down mi" raven Ires, nnd looiiii; up licr. "I will, mother." ,he saiil. :t la.t. That c I'liinir l-'rm-M. the cunsi'iit!" kno kt'd at tin' 'hmr 'Vnll Mill inr me Parhai.t " he iai'1, pninn to th" girl. v. Im -t -i 1 1 ; -it t'n1 hearth. ei)'iiet I i.ilily w .11 Mini'.' nM" pH tly toot ailil then II tlier. "VPS. ij'IU' t." she I'l'l'ljiil. "I've hp"n thinUiii',' on what you iMiil the ither nifjlit uhenymi were h(TP." "Well. HarharaV ltiest spoKe ipiietl-.', Imt his dark hlnp pyes (liisheil. Mini he m.lci at her Intently. "I want to tp-t wvnii." "Ilowr-- "I want tn srp if jvm flarp do a pi li.iaRrpi'iilile I liinpr.' "What is it V "There is an old coffin up stairs It tntPlls moldy. They say liedinoiiil. the tniirderei, was Imrieil in it ; Imt satiin amp for his hndy and lell tln eoilm Ptnpty at the end of a week, ami it was finallj taken from the tomli. It is up. fairs in the mum grandfather died in, and thpy stty priindsire does imt rest pasy in his jrrave for snine re;isnn though that I know imlliiiiu' almiit. Parp you make that cnlhn your le.l ln-nipht 'r"' Krnest lauliotl. "18 that all. I will do that and sleep uniindly. Why. pretty one, did you think I had weak neresV" Vniir nerves will have front I proof if yon undertake it. Kememher. tin ont' slerps in that wiiifj of the house." "I shall sleep the sounder." "IJntHi nipht. then; I will send a lad to show vnil the rhiiniln r. If you stay till mornitifr," said Hie impel imis Miss narhara, with a nnd of her pretty head. ''I will marry yon." "Von vow it ?" Ernest turned straight away, and followed (he lad in wait iiif. Ihrmifrh dim rotmis and passai's. up echniiifr stairs, aloiif; narmw damp ways, where rat sputtled liefore, to a low ehamlier. The lad looked pale and seared, evident ly Wiintinj; In Inn ry away, Imt Krnest made him wait ti.llm took a survey ly the aid of his lamp. It was very large, and full nf, which had lieen liarred across. He remembered that tltf o, jjr.-inil.iri' Kcrnm linrn iiK.-nip for s' vnriil nn rUn bis ilr.ltli. mi Ihut tliis r"c;tiiti n li.l I Ixcli "'" wr fur I ln Mif. l (if Mm i.'l .nni "thrrs. In llio ii. litre nf tin. i n mi ' !t I a i'i'Mmi. Insiip it st.iil ,1 1 ii.iir- ; TIip r imn w.n ntln'i vis 1 14 rim -I lv j rtni, j lirni-t !f.1. r. liiiii. . r n'lt in Hi" ! 1 1 I ri'll'tt. 1 I -l!n kni l en ..I.;', (.,( .! yj,; C, .!,,;, , ' ' - ;t i rv nl lit." Ii ,iji. Tin. Im,- w...,t ,,,,( ,IM, ,,,,t t)in i.. 111. I j I' .mil:.' t!i" . . 1 1 1 1 . ; n.M.iilitli ;ini in I til" '1. 11'!.. M' linu liil.. r,Mil.:ir;i v;nt.illMin v. ith tin liiir Id I. Uinith in Ilic niMin n.,.111 "I"'.!! M' ." 'i. pnllinn Im tIimmiI in . IV (rum 1 1 i - t;i ,i:.p Im ii In milil 1 li;i.. l,U-i. In r. I .- ,1 t.-,i t., piil ,,ii ! tn i..nri. I jfivc illt il l ,M i'M'l . I n..,. is .1 1 1.1 ;..! v 1 1 1 u jn t im I'ji 1 1 1 1 1 r w li' i " my n,-.,,, ! .j,.,. ,!,,,.) , ii,., ,,,,,, . 1 MIL' nl . ,.,...n I I v.i l . ir. -il Willi il ;il ni..'!i1 .11,. I . I ipit'iiti't ili i .i- Vlill, I mill Vnllf I.,. .1 i.l Hill 11, .t .' tin' ,l.':iin m ,ii'i " " i"l Will (' III , li;J,t 1 ; I'Mttl.. nf W I,,,. ,,,4 , I, ,, 1 , ,, I " ..tiiii,.r." " re Hi. -f ,l!l thi MM ln . nil 1 oiii i 111", ll.iri'.n.i : " ' H. And il .ni are fi iu'hleiu .1 you need lii'M r lmi!, 11m in llm I ,i' i- .i'aiii " o I'. n imv w as eotidn. Ii i to In . po-l 'y I'm lad. wiio had heeii i it s r 1 n ( I in the.--", ret. and w Imsn in , . limit nv till a' I "t 'i' -t ':. pi, 1 id face a, he lay 111 Hi" collin, w;i. l.y li nimy In Hi'' nalnial awe of ii . ,ii ,,e. II.. i,...k hi; I the ln.v h i. In I uilh the darkne..s. Hi" hat,, and I ),. , oOm. vh.'illv after, yontin l iit. Hie tan tier, arraed. tlaMere I and hopi I'nl from (-i' l I hat Mai'l'ii. a had :-i nl for him, "Have i"i 1 'iaiiL''d ym r nniid I'.ai 11 1 " "v-n and I lull pot until I know Hit' .. mi, in i.i,i really lna " I Iom.;.'' W Ii it !,.!l it he. I sweat In il' 1 l 1 -a 1 1 m t 1." "I l'ic .1 In m,il,i. fi vim. 'I I'e plll'l ill ii w ell il t "tn " U c'i. 111 Hii . Jin.i.e Ihei'c t. a 111. in , i'. h'll',' ,1 1 'l1e. Ill' h i. iUotll not ! I., leave Ins pnl till iiiortntin. If ot j ( an him d 1 II I .dial! he sal 1 I'm I lit i' v 11 are its sin. nt ami as l.raxe as i I iv.jipr" a hush md t" he " ' Why. n thin": i- im easy!" cm hiipi id I'nt , ( 1 an scare him away. I in ni -ii me w nh a sheet, i.'mw mn the r.. en ,t!id ;r In your rest. I'.arl.ara Yon sha'l litpl lif id the pnt in tlm I'li'l'IIM!'.' " Marl, mm did a tcjiiircil and saw the tMl'i. r slip i"hlly away t" his task i w i . i h' M nearly I ! n'. In, k and -he .'ii;dii her ow n chamber. I'm n y was .ittitt"; at h's itril. and so liir all had be n w't II. I'lm ll'ht liil I bi I l very Inlin, for he hid Im menus ol count ill' the I illte. M t inc. a tin ill went t!irmin him, i n- ll ,t, ,l as il he 1 mild hear a 1"W ..'inpie -nl bi-'ithiii"; imt )ar awav. !le p. t-uadi'd hini-elt that it was Un wind I l.-w he; thrnucdi the 1 rev ii t ol th. old Im i-e. Mill it was very lomlv ami 11, . I at all 1 Imerlul. lim la c in tbeioibn -.'lcamcd white . t il. I he rats s .ueaketl as il then w.i. a liiinine upo'i them ami they M- l dead ll.--1 1. The Mi.ninlil ma le him shudder, lie frnl ti and 'l abniil. but snmclhiti'r made .1 11'i.r la-hind him. and he put his char with its Lack a -rains! llm wall a el a! d"wn aa n. II" had been iii w-.ik all d iv. and ill lad "few sierpy I dually he iimMed iind siinreil. Middciily it serine I at if : nmchnily had I'.iiehi.l him. II" awnke with a lart. aii-l -aw milnidy ui-iir, thmifrh 111 Hie ii'iitre of the r-iolii Stnnil a white l.-ruie. rut'se ynti. fjet nut of this." hr c. ted, in a Iriirhl, usinr thetirst wtmtIs that came I his tnlij'iliv The lijrure held nil) ils arm and appiTiiiehed him. lie started tn hit feel. The sieitre came nearer, preiuir him inln the enrner. 'The mischief take you!" cried barney, in his extremity. Involuntarily he -lepped hark; si ill Hie liL'urc advanced. coiiiinr, nciirer and maicr. as if to lake him in a (,'lmstly embrace. The hair start ed up mi Harney's head; he fjl'ew dcsicrate. ami just as the trleaiiiiiifi arm would have touched him he fell on the frhust like a whirlwiml. teiir iiitf the sheet, tliunijiing. poimilinn. bealiii". and kickiiif.'. more and inure rtiiii'ji'd at the resistance he met with, which told him the truth. As the reader knows. In was bi,'. and I i it ' was little, and w hile he w as inUlldlllV the little fellow terribly, and I'M was t rv i n jr t, fret a limn,, al Harney's stninach. tn take the wind nut of him. h"th kirUiii' and pbiu"inir like hurses. they were ietri lied by heiiritijr, a voice cry: "Take one nf your si. Hij.' Hainey." I.nokititf around they saw thr corpse sittintt up in his collin. 'This was too j linn h 'liny h-Iim ,n t.-.i Ii ntli'T ,tn. s.r.mT for tln 'I'li-y Know how thi'V put nut; I'tlt tl'i i;m i.iiii in Imt hnsto, pitnl intr I'l II ' -I IL'.. II. H;irli;ir.i It r-r I ilfl (iiPiil tin1 ilnor tlir w Im 1 .1111 Ill'Vt Un.T II Ini'M! imlv; line iimn- 1 ; "niw- 1 1 ! Ijtlli- n ip." ;:. Im 1 1 '. 1 1 ill lii . 1 .1 l.n. .If IM.IITlnl lllMi; lilMll'll !' I'l't ' .li 1 ! . 1 1 t , -" in-, it it I'll In iVitI.Iiii'J tin v diil nni . r J J r-. lit hli I' tlirv ill-. wvcil tin- I i n I. Ilf l.i I'l tll' kniiwli"!:;. In Hi' him I'.r ; .n. innf r illiiurlv r,n il'. hnu li- 1 'hit ''.v iii.nn. Till; MICI'I.AM) l(V, '.niTii Iri Kill I Hlllrlt nl tc .i.i f.llllr . mux., ... . I, nl '.ll.'tl.lM.I 'lin 1 It Hi III I , I'll nl lli.ll .;ill ,,l I il . I. nni . I !!. II'.' 1, ...H . ,l . I,, J I i.-.:.rp.i .'..I' I h" II It : e In. :.l 1 at'ii-.t I't'tn r ilU Ii.. 1 1" . 1 l 1. n j,,,,,, t In- ... . j . t I. , 1 ,, ai l . w ..ll! I'.' nlll ..l..'. l . s nf tlm ' l.y CM ry l.iimly )nr II ly iii-j pi :il Inr the w :nt' r. 'l lm I m l, I ill'''!' I li n d. is plai i . I ait iiaKel i I ' a lie ! '. a ii .." ote ol winch hate; . on etch ..ti' - nl I he animal' I 'I. . a -.1 1 j l.rnj I Im. I,, ailiiiir.iMy ii.lapt.d I .r Hi" 1 pMI'p'. el li.-i!: inn I,, ,r, i,,- I,.;, . 1 'I he ' In il i." 1, an :oiiii ,tl winch lor ' niaiy pern iat mus ha. heeii lii I and ttii iteil mi'lei speehil iiinl puii'iai iii ! cull's', nice ., iind hepee hi, phy , .Hid rj'Tiei al chat a' I ' r, hi; In ditary j iti-.t im 1 ; ami iidi'liieein e. In-. .. 1 1.: j -a -e and hu purity and lidy of lpe. j A p.'liv l'"'..l!,"lin to , I. reed whith ha. h.H tn pi, l. ils i-r .nr way il.iiui a ;;t it 1 1 de.iv.v duriii." many ;.'iiiiii li'Ti . luil .t I'P miii In.. led. I!y llm ; .-.line nil", a Jinny, wlm-e 'jnnlns ami play nat. s iticlnde a ( ti imm ioIi ; the children of the imi"hl.oi Imml. v 1... ' r.'ll iilmtti Mtiili'i-ueal h him, c npi"i hi. I I'.e I ti iii-; ... ;'.nt .', ap tlm : I'.'ii 1 . i im; 011 the cTlimld on inr .. im t i 1111 ., nil her Ihi'ii ti lmi haiic. mil t he hardy The pepy llm hin t ; l;i". I -h . 1 . in l.n I llm 1 1 1 . r i 1 1 ; nl 1 .leioe lain I'-. He i lin- I nl the j family, ei nt 'e ;is the 1.1 1 . () mider similar liaiimie;. He wi'l l.-llow Ins I'r i ml- iiidnnf. like a ilm.', and Ink Hm pl iili r.- er the 1 hildren's la, . s. ,. t has ini more ki.k in him lhaii.i 1 at '. iind no in. re ' He in b;ni than a piipj I le is ,1 ti..!.!,. example c' H e 1 .! e sup; rt.-.. mi of tlm.' v ia.aui.. .-; . tit ! t ies I hat Si .ni" - if his kind exhibit W i:"'i ' thov are ill tn iiied and nl the oilnlli- 1 I tr- nee and ".ni 1. 1 temper that may be j ieV"l.i'C I 111 by l.iMi!p.s; I There i.s IP precedent for Ip.s I'll tin ' 11 J i away, pm- lor his biinpitiiL' fne'itepe-l i or tip. I, 1 ' 11 when he tail led I . miie -lout laird from l.erwuk to bjs I ll"lsc. Iiiiiny ..- t .-Ii miles ,Tcro-s llm 1 hiils. lie mows down H'e nn.-ni'l j bdl-ides with admirable ;in illn.'pec I lion, loaded pinnier fashion with two j ht ay "-a ii -" of peal, piclJip; hi;; w ay I -ti p by -ti p, -. lin t mn ; sidewavv In .' 1 '". -II 1 bo;.'!',' : I I'ts, wbete the'-r i i:- lei.iaieil ami a "run caipel ol a ana jtii ;'i',i,. Uileht ileeeiM' .., 111c Moi d - a"d Iu'iip: IIutii In itiiloii" to j. rid in I 1 :.e "ii"y trap. Im ca.reii-lly smells ( tb- siirliice. and is tlnu enabled toeir iiiniM lil the ilaiinei In t le w inter the r-lu ilaml jmny weirs ;i cnat uiiidc of felled liai1. ami speriiilly suited lor t he occasion. His thick w in'i i tjiii incut is will adapted lor jtoI't: in!' him aciiiti-t th" !" iind ihiiup . ( the 1 clilili.te. It is excccdilJuly W ,'IITii and coinfol table, til elo-e 10 llm w, itci'. l,l'pel' li'llll. and is 1 11 d bad lookim.' whin mw. but, when the coal frrnw nld toward sprinvf ill. (he se;i-oti w hen the new one slim. 1. 1 apj't .11 it bc omes Hie shiibba-t frai'lilclll nl the kind thai you often see. Its vciy amplitude ami the abundance of the material, render it cnti-piciniis when il pcil- and lianas for a w hile nifrjrcd and w orn out. and then falls bit by bit. till the w hole of it disapit iii s. The iiumbci' of Jinnies bred ill dilleiclil districts dc. iemls iijiihi circiinisliinccs. A n.nul l-reeiliiin; dist rii l must pfissess a frond lull that is. a hill lyiiift well lor shel ter, and well clothed with native v i-ne-talion. such as heather. '.; offi,, Ifules fur tailertaiiiiinr loicsts. Iinii't invite them if you don't want tb.em. I'ou't run in debt to entertain them in si vie. I inii't turn your hnuse upside down Inr them. ou'l weir your Sunday dress when you are ifkitiff the dinner. ion'tsh iw thrill nil tun publicly if they hapl'i II t' be ilistilifrii.shed ill'll idnal -. ami ilmi'l hide tlu-m if they are piini- relatives. Unu't rhanfr,! Hm cninjilexinn nf your lamily jirayefs In uiatcti the rdif: inti they liiijijieii In lielmifr to. Itull't tell thcltl every lliilillte 1.. make themselves at Imnie, but make your house sn hnmc-like that they can't help feeling at home. rOM'FAI.I.II HI ITII. 'I'hc I Tirlntm I'ln. m tt Iiitii Monrv Una Itci ii l-itiiiiil IVIini 111 hli n or "I havi heen sen Inr wry often in tn;. time."' said and el a lly New Voik d'-tci I'.e. to ; Sii.i le, iter, "to seal'' h Ini money concealed I v i ccen) 1 ic p-i-l". I In re was ni""' "I Ihi . lii'l'M'; "I ' 1 -!i I a t 1 ai's in:", " an 1 hi re i l'" '. w !liu' ptnl, al. v, tn II,. . t - 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 I'l" .11 t. r ie ,1111m of the .a.! i', ii..,. ' ,i:il .. ne nii't'ii yi at I wi n' 'ip t a I ; ni hoi..e in 1 1 ." 1 -.tinly. ii' the re.l. I ol the In r ., lo ....k I'M' iMiH'iy. Tlm din. 1-' ! had im 'i ill i'lj,' ,ir 1 rist i- -. im- my pMrpn.e. and alter I i-yipn .e .-i ,'Hiai - nl ,.ii 1 h Inr ' thr lays, I sum 1I..11: 1 1 ut. His ridn;; a.iddle had heen l" ' - I np'-n, his hnnl- iici I.-. Mlncl-ed 11M lor i 1,1 Illiill. I hi "" .pld up ami hi II J .1 1 I leiy pull e l o pie. I . I'iII' k 1 II I I 1"T'! taken mil. the h",irh iniii up, ami Hie warn ,.' 1 'tin ; pulh d d"w 11. I'ven I he ha. k l,..;ird . nl pi. 1 nr.. 1 rami-. had 1 11 1 .1 l.i It mil at-,' I t he hovs had dun arm mil I he ni"' .11: mi l 1 11 1 in the n Inn d. hill -till im lin. m y had I n ImiMd. Tlm reward w a . l.m l.n ye In I e l-.-t, Imt I w.e. m ai ly ill my w it . end, I'lliillly I Im tlmm'hl came Id.' a l'a -!i 'Where w a tin old "luHimaii in llm ..I '.ll'i". ' I .. .k.-l. ! Hi. he al. lii'.-t al Wily - .11 ,, (hat w in.lov ,' th.- l,-.ilher; -i -nl ,-'m- , i 1 1 . . I e'.T iy thill.,' tn pi.-, c av., mid Cn !'.' '-:' (!"W n jiisi a - In- did.' I h" m ill s.u d"Wn. Im wh'c'n iii.cti..ii wa h" III. 1. 1 il. tn ",,' .' ' in 1 .0 ; ,,. ,. p.,. I,..W. " lie: id..' I'" w.i. I H"' ".on''' ... H.i w .;-.' I I'l Unwed H e .. "k. 1 W.I. Ill th" 1 11.' n .in oi'l 11 id op pump. h 1 Ii v. ay did Im w all w In n he w 1 nt .ml ! II. I'.eld '.'" a l . r ln he pump, an I I h' 1 in.:. I" a 1 ec hue im- e p..u I.' 1 le m wei . M n hki h i I a 1 er' 11 'i 'u' "' in. in ! .in- llm i.l.., e ,.' c, . .1! ll 1 . 1 1 1 1 w 1 1 n Walk . er n.iln --.,! 1-la'.-n 'i 1. 1. "I. I 1 1 lee piou at t Ti 1. .ad'- I",..! I u me. i, ! I U'i'l. nly ! aw a I ..Me- m n lv mi Hu it.'M' y . c ler.-d ly I'm .'ill I-.. I ill!; I' 11 up w a . .1 -.0 . y .r . p.- ;' I ',t,, : lot;,. 1 in- p. in , a lin I .111 ! 1 1" Mil and 1! uati. A t w.i i. h ' I-'!'!" k -I il depth ol I" . n. v ,, plnnm,,.. I ,,,.. I dl thai ipnhl." "I 1 i l a t in imi . 1 ii .1 A weait'iy man 1 1 t wt'n I a ' nil para!y.-i-. . and 1 Im irn ,., 1 a, 1 , had lell him. lie w n l 1 i .. y 1 ar . ii;:. . been i'tt.liked ml to, .,1, I h s I, I, 1.;, I'l ,.',! Ill" ..lie- ti-111 'Win re did I 1 r' my m I be .1 tin -11 nt w a . 1 11 :e. b md , win h Im hi: I , n a!.., lake In a .-lie d, p..-,.' 1 t;I oil". I 1 ' 1 bi o . WT-te vv lid. I ii arm" up ami 1 u .1 Ue- , i l l h.- fiap w a .1 pp.-. i,i " I'M- kill'; il- 1. Inl'- ii,,iL.i ii vv,i- , . . I by tin ,. Hi '' he had fi U Urn .: .- ; . 1, and I' id put tin- ; m . 1 ; . ma ,. 1 he w av plai . , .in,:, u . in w hat " t 111 hi,. Ill 11 v i. 1 id 1 nh 11, 1 mil I imi be made out. ii-t a -lav's 1 e lie.- 1 lien, my jsirt nor ami I had . 1 onchiil that he had I ecu ml b. .1. I n , ..1,1 , , W lie npcll tn us. we 1 1 "lid make slid deli aric-ts vv ithniil auv 1 d cv ideiii c, alvvay- a hateful cour-e Im a yoml de le tie I" lake, or vv c mu a imd (he cx acl -pi.l where 1 1 : 1 man I. i!. ami 'lim ' 1 lli from thill. I'hc dm l-'is helped 11. here: ' 011 had la tier 1 ainiie the relitlcliian's body, ' they We did so, and found a Innir hmi mital niaik on the hip. and blue marl- -011 tlm kimc ' and elbow. lb h id lali- n -tdew i-e over an nlnict nni , vi r -jxt, (-n tin In . hi"h, and bavin" a inn 1 . . vv . r. Tin, led iilfje of im 1 al. lor an iron mark was ' biuml on . he cioihim,'. i.'very piece nl turn, t ure in t!m Iniiise vv;is in.pcel- ed, but to pan nl vvcr iiliiose. The In 11 . ap despnir. e , k all ui-rlit to think the matter over. I In n my pa.tinr sitid 'How al out lin-ciliary That's where the lion -cliold luela! is.' They all laughed. 'He hasn't been tln re in ii year.' they said. We went down. My p.utimr e;;,M,.c(i illickl .'li-olllld. and Ihen ".ne me a look 1 h;it I 1 an almost led rumniiu' thi'ounh my ucrv 1 . In this dav. He hlld discnMTcd some coiiimoii house hold ill tides whiill had Hot lain used since the family had been searchim-; the tireplai es. lie vv a 111 ta. l. lonk inn over a lot .1 1 hod .. rhen- our nml.ilie 1 the hods . out a ma-s o! ed at last t !u 'I.L'".' he i-aid. lie tuni, -1 Mr lareliilly, and I n an ' was;,, paper, (hen- mi; . ' worth of bonds. I he para'iy 1 11 had 1 .1 ll.-t 1 ami the money had iIit ainou" Ins vva-te paper-. M f the ho I, I 'ppeil ililo it I'e.'nr-' He , fjeneral search was made, all 'rub' had been taken tn tlm cellar. Un friends had S'liiirht tond cjily ba-what they had supaiscd tn b e iMiTaieil li.oiiey, and hild iri'."isy nceh ttiil t!.i science . f the, s-i'lne ileiec lives du precisely the same tltiiij.'. Mv jiiitlncr and I "bvidpil $.1,11011 betwpen us that n i tf lit . Iiivenlioii of Hie Teli'dione. This is I'rofessor Hell's ai'connt of tlm way in which the ti lrphoilP rame t-i Pe in eiili d. n p. i 'i r asked him "W'a; thr invention "f the t"lephmiP Tie r..,nl ill a h I b rate i" ' ar- a .'id e,e I'lm ill Im- I hat pulp , or w.i il. ii d ..lively f 1 1 1 1 1 1 H'.ni a ere:t 1 ip :" It w a . t im rcs-d1 ..' l"li:r ind pi 1 ietil a 'idy nl t wo .list .pel bt a j thmiliiit v Inch I'm illy bleu ! I Mi I prmlm in" the tel. plmim I bad I' -r a ! Inllj; t line -t lid Mai I he Slll'iii I 1, 1 -p' !( ll ! and the oriiaii- by w Inch 1' i " dm . d. ; as had my ta'h. i hi.-b.ic im-. and m : dniMjf so 1 oi. ei e, I ) he iib ,1 "I I'l'.'-I'icitin art mi i d -.miti-h by ii e rlaoi syslim. I came tn l atia-la Inr my In il'h. I vn I i 1 s-'oi land. Mm Itinw. and W llllo -t lldMII" elect 1 ii it y ill th" W I their, an. I ... t e.;.iintni' my 1 -1 health. ' I w.i. - alh-l b tb. mli. ials .1 tlm l;..- I, , dii-iih t'i i'lt l-.dil- e ,1 le w -.-t' M ; ol tc.11 him. the deal. It Wil - in! Ini"! e- . than tea, hn,.; Hmm t , ,p. ai. I . h,d Inll" III l.'M.. it poild.- t . 1, ... I, llm deal It- 11 .- ..I lb.. I,,,., nh ami mv. : van-!' spe-eh and had -I-nmu 'ra'-d II in -nil,,, ill n, , .-, .-i.i.Pv ,1 .opted I 'm i.pp.i; t Mill! V pil-i m;; I ,e tela I 111 I pl'ili I il ll '.'.I III mil I lllld'T I 'ilk the w nlk. l.i .-pi m; up h-'Wc.i. my t iidi of 1 .t I ,'u " and 1' a. p' - it " 1 I nnd prmlm 1 inn, e m l. in-; I i'i al I ninli1 al'ler 1 II"" pe.'J'l' re ,l 1 1 ; In my mi m : 1 . ! ti...n .t rat 1 ,. t (,, I- at le 'V I h ml w aves ,i!. , I I !m h-' ii ni"; 1 ar I mad" 11 -e ,, a In ' 1" m :" 1 ann ul v. it b a iiie'ul r.'.tmn -ba pill l-;lll V, hie! 1 f" ,. -.-!e I .i t he ...I'll I V..I'.. I 1 o'l . - ."! '. e ,.! v. :' ' n. '! ... I w I' , , ,11 ,-u e ' ..1 ... -. that 'h, . mil I I." I, il 1. mil ; e; lit" 1 XJ-f tin. Id 'It HI'" "', I -" la I' d a human i a'', a-id l-nnid thai l.y .(;i'. ii.: m'.i it I 1 I pf.-li'- c e.'i I ir I. :t mure at t .f 1 t-i;y nil . a bit le Ii",;.- in I im il'' b- Mm lim e I b' I I'e -' r , ! 1 .l.'l''" e 1 r 1 1 1 ' 1 U I Iili W 1 ' t , 1 1 I'm 1 r es ,11 th, -I ; . H !! l .i- - I v, , , ' 1 1 -1 m ' mv en. ' lia.'t.' u ' '; -ill I an -1 ' ': '. ' .11 1 !- .1-. ay I" ll . p:. -i.i . I I 1 I -ui 1 "- ih 1 i'i a ' "ii -. i'" 1'' ' dc ' ! 1'i' ii!' 1 In id- 1 ' ''" ' 'in. the I ' I a I 1 -.p' ' ." Ill -'. 1: .-I In ice. am! I .i"l .1' i n ! .- ; 1 1 ; . 1 ' e i 1 1 ' , m i : 1 1 I - w ' 1 i " .,-U'l.l . .e p- ,!'! . d. T'l'l I ' I 1 I, I I r. " ..ui-l. 1 ' 1 . . Ti' .1 I", pi, 1 , .', . .i.l. l in- I ... Im, . . t t'n mjht an-1 oim- ''' "1 'V1"- I ' d t.'l'.iw 1 . 1. !"m ,1 1 I ,1' ' I'th blelld' 'I I ' 1 1 . , in, ! the re-till Mil. ' he t.-l, -.':.."." t'liiiolls liicls A'nml lt'.s:iiie IYnilr. The . .'iidtt el i i'"t - can -mec. ' ! be 1111 mh 1 by proper t iM'n-m.!. I In re 1 an in-' ' id i"'i l--r Hp pur 1 ia ,.r Media, l'a I ' ..met mii.s 'i.'pl 'Ti - t he mtlii f i..i .' a- . 1 ntal ii-l.-'i. e upon Hi- !u ad -a , is b'l i.'W I ' I H the I'll liri) nl I'l. fti'l. I'!" 1 . 1 1 . it n ..'I in'!" ''.tn at .-I I.- I t ,- -ta--.l l.i' . oinp. I, pi -Ml !., I it t'.lt 'Le bmos nl il.lsape p. 1 ..-ii . b .on..-. 1; ii' 1: r ill. i nulc Tin I'. blHe -Iniibt c I I be 1 m IT" I 111' -. ol lin. -.tat. -tiic, it . and th"- fa. t al t mn ; doubt h s. hi il,, . it appi ;ir a . llioUL'h trl cat Moll ti e bad bi I'll HI. ih'- tcil upon Hie insuie. that is. cry liL'ht ill airics will III them Jiersntls pioiluie wounds, which would re iiirc ex I raoidinary Mob'iice torthejr I inibii t i-ai in healthy peis..ns. iiii'li'iis 111'! com elll'IPr. Pielanelpily is thai irreat aitoi's. public erators. and ith.r. who unihTirn ureat fati-rm- l.i amu -e the puhli. ill'e silbp t tn tips m ry tm iii ol ih ratifjement ." The perl CoWpcl was .aid to be siflfi I'll" t loin ii at the tunc he w 1'nle. ".lohtl lolplP." il i- dim 111-ane persons Hint they bp provided with I he lie rwirus ol lile, and thai they be prnti 1 ted fmm llu-ir nw n v iiili-nce and limn the Molciicc of ctlu-rs as far as possible. It is aim due society that the sane 'eople in the world be jirote. ted ll'oni the violence of the insane. Iniiow.iy can this be a. coiuplishi'd as ellei t ually as by the hospitals lor the insiine. Nolwith standinfr all the furore which is at 1 inn's raised ;prain-t I hose insl ,t nt imis it is prnbable thai most nl them are maii.nrod in the best pnsstble in, inner. -I'l, ii.l,!rhi Ti,.s. Si'llMinrss. I 'nor liuaiiM 11:11 hi c. w hich iews the nni V e, sc 1 1 oil 1 I lie -I and pnint of il . own interests, is illustrated in thiipi ( : A Siot- Ii fanner was irrcailv imi-. eiseil rciraidim: the safety of his hay clop. I'll'- Weilllur. tlliillL'll nlli 11 1 III', atcllill";. f.lV nli'il lis ellollstlll he had succeeded 111 pel (inn it safely nalh'Tiil in, briny; in this rrspect more Imlii'.iaie than several of his imiirlmr-i. Mlcr seiiuu' the last wisp of straw tied mum! his sla-ks, he exrliinned. w dh a sell satisfied air: "Nun. sin' I hae unit 1 11 my hay a" il ly in. I think the warld would be "i -atly the better u' a fi'Uld showci." srirHIFIf S'IMPS. I-ii elrlcl'y ha ln- 'i -ii-" 'fu'lv aj-jili-d as il limtive p- vvetn onin 1 i.s- s in I 'ill is. t 'nttiili liiatiulili ' ur.'d illt-i illl-'k is bein-r e. s fully mt rnduceil as a iniitill" III. I'l I'ial. Aside fri'UII it .-'...ip... it p,,., ..." the ad autane -. h::b " -s ,1 - mio-a: -I 'V ' ! ' mm --I- . l it, , l li'.'ti'l'lv 1 I i -',! v. ill. . . .111 1 1' 1. 1 In I.i all , 1 -i 111 t r ,! 1. n la " " th ll 111 I'" lm: 1 ,1 vv thai 1 h ' p.-w.i II- I!- '! I"' V, . I, ,, h , i I.. .!-. " -i II, v a Id bv I ,.1'd. I ' ' 1 lC I 1,1.1 1 mn v . 1 ' ' 1 el ad i p.. '. "I liMii, "ii" i- 1 ,,'i He v , W '-" a. "i Irs d 1 : ...- : . I 1 ', I- . .... .n y . ' -'a nl ' I I,.' -.-- i..l , I i 1 1, ii '. '! ' r : -' i a. .11,,, k.i el !, ! m- ' ' I Hi in a ,..,1,1 -1,11 , . .,, .! -I e , i . , i i - "l ' Im .in!.' diameter, .i ' i ) ' '- !y nmre :! I h in -m h a : '- ' I. i. r.dwaid Ib -liil. -. -i . .u'.li" I'hilad' 1 pla i m l I i'l' ', a- I t - ', i- I,. ha di-- -..end a l, t '.. r '.i'.'.. t' a p lien hm .-I v. I: ' h vv i 1 I, ;,a I i r- a e himdr. -l l-mi ba- p..vwr ol any ma h :!. Iro'u a '. ' '" -' -On- .'lip. VV 1" ll. Ill II - !!.' . ' . . e III. if" I 1 I' isiial. ... dfo :!.' H e fe 1 VV el -I': I.I , , r - .'. m y . ," ' ,"- 1 I'.e s. aa i n. mh' : - . . 1"V. b. . , I if ' ' Ill.'Ii' nil. tiah ( .iiua::e I h irau'' ' H. - !'. !-'n:n is ..n.. 1 Hi. ;i mi' I lamp. ! v 1 " ue . but mi" ' ip- ' - vv ' ' 1 11 1 1 - j n' , ::1 "ry hi' 11 t be. m p - . I-- m-i;, ii. d. 1 1' I'e - 1 II 1 e I ban ,- . e a I '.- I e I '!! ,1 i O'l. and lav. la a d nmi'e t hail "l"' tab- i ' !e.i. ma I .01!,-. -il rub . b e bull, tin " - us I.- i I.- the li.H.-vv "-j ii"' ! . - elt ,p l.i. i ', Hi im iiiV. whidi in. i a- i1 . a; pi ai mi.- m a lore ol i ' .air I- :i. H . i.d. s.'V . ra pi - eimr -. and I ! in- my ! ' b- iiv ily . I vv -i lim'-. s ami -i Villi ..nVs I ill.'' -I-l II A' I- M::t ! I: - I - ti if, ton - w IllnliT w . ami we t. -i . i 1 iisiiab ies t" iiieb i.!c mi. maieh'iii in tb" In" by II sp, ;,!. V- , lit o!l t'i-t-'l" till " - HI' pr, "lie- - in i . 'a bran- e m ti-,.., . f ,,in t ni.e v, h beards and ha - In I i . . m l-m I -n ni a ! rim i -. m -p :i. and ! 'ira: ''" " fro, diove i il the . ipiiucl . a'ui ', .. aid eiideav . led n , ,.p. , , i,n , . p.. ., Me t he i e.-l i o : I i'I i 1.1 V n ' - I i- i IT treat." "-il h an- llm d. i d.. w :.-. a I have heard p- oi li'--1. .rid a:' : h nu ll are scan t -m-s da n i ; 1 t ', I'ilhnd i n iiiiiii- ha Ii-;.. v i- . ' been pi pi red vv ilh -in ill I. ,i b" -(-li;elii!i-T d 1 hat In ,:r.t a' - a lend is a Im -I -!:, m eireir- ;.r tnl- hi.-, ar. I Hi p I'm uli. '. ;-.'. the le.i.h.r. vv ill I -i many y - r. ' re- ted t . I llm I,, -i'i" "I He : Hm . a-. .: I. a'ei I.- I'i- , "!, - . '--iii i . ;. hi It a i i :-.c;i - oi,l iir- I i ! w ci n t w . Iil l.m -,v ,ij her Hull .pel im T. i ..iii it. I : at .' I heir i In ,1'nptoetils, aid a,,i- !" speak, levv :ird i .n !i ol lo r. I n; ' ' y ;- in rally . . ;i': ...-. b. s-ic ma '! .'hie I" a:: opi ti 1'ie.n h. t : id a I'. id j'.n ly vv dlap; to m. , 1 1 .. . and in- pl'nllllse is cl;! 1 .'....I. : i "l i I, lief o! the bold v c . a ..-i ed In r sidi .V.,. ..... .1. A Tiiiinp' . s csin. woman who I, a, i ! , . a -vv imp m.r in ;i Iiiimmui k m a y aid oti i 'a- av i -nun rceiil ly . bad no mn r va.ate.i it in answer t, a call from the linns . than a ra-pred old tra up whoh id been leanillU "V ci t !m fill -o walked inside ami coolly pl.ailcl l,:,i;-cli m the ham mock for a si-- la. Iiiib' live inin idesthe woman rcai-pi-ai .-d. and sce nir at a "lane.- Imvv inatii r- -inu l, :.he lioimht nut il sharp kiiile. waiked slraiirht up tn tin- li-llovv, and bel-ire lie could chili kle t vv a c, she . nl Hie head rope, lie cairc di.vv u mi hi -. hef.d vv ith 'i thump, t -'pl"-l nv er at fulj li ti"th, and sl"W lv sciainbli'-l up .a-nl walked oil'. Not a word was -aid mi. Ill he WHS outside tlm .ile. Ti.ea he turned and called out : "Maybe you'd like my j .1 o t . -i-i-i : di just as I ke led out of tba ,,i, , hut ymi won't jiet it - ti"t by a jii"-full!"- Fik r )'-.-. I iiinlsliip. a v iv up. 'ii a '!' , I In- tnvv n. -'I '.III, I'i up tin' way It . I, ,i -A :' a, s !,. vm.s I". ! 114 .InWll ; SI,.- , ;,,iv, a- i.ejut Im so. A .hit . I i 'i ' t .il' II. wl i -i'e :: I.. .; a tieie, ymi kiinw I ! n Ii 'i.i lin I, an- nt nil. i'l t 1" ,-i-lv .1 t'.ca I , ii ii '- an I nia-jihni know. A - I mi l V I! pel kaj.s -infill -I", I i.i-. : a . I up. . ii I In- -mmi'l . I'. ; v.Iii"i ti i". I :-i."- a val'l ni ! wo, i i , ii lliev I'-'lh Ini.k, ,1 I ' ill lid I In--, l-nt'i . ,- .;.l-l. llie.V l.nlll PXlllinA'1 V-I I.l T'i -t- I tla-il . VI - In I ( ill 1 1 1 ; Am! i.-.'l.u. ; ,-It i in a leniaim-1 l'-.1 l-e -ll-.lll-l -'T' I"' ll-lllll-. I h- p.-lie I , ". ICT-I-I.V SO, v i,'! Hi ,' li-,11 ' ue, 1 nciyliliirt know, N"i In tniiiTi Tw-i-I'linni'in chnt, v t n . Ii I, lie. A i -t l -i I,- a I, , i W.i . -a",,.- nil j! . -, A ii,.-' ti'. i,..i ii, "ii . lot I 1,'i-tled o'er, i-, ti. I,, , , a;,: imd ,u,,l smile, i in.- ! I-.-!, it, ; -.'i! mn. lliimili tlm door V I. i i v '-. I,, ,i(. i Ii.- nisle. I. ! ,:,,. -,, I -. .so. .', .,: ir lin-'i l-and neililKira know ITM.IIM I'Alt.M.'K A IMIS. v- m,ml.ii:m.. hi- innstaehP t - a i i e t !"-.v h ! i the iiimitll." An i ni'' ''-ab! y is ju'iipprly a . mm.'. I". a : :,l ! I incut jieojilP e lii.lid1 ., I'd - M Ii. Tie- :i-."-am- -ill with a hi;,' hat load. I v. i : i i'.ivv r - and leathers SPem? ad h-a ! I :-l ymi I. ilk I" Imi. "Ilov. lo .tt.iii, i he ifc I'lcvoiid," is tb.- t;Hc i" a :,.' , , i,i 1 k. We will id! v ." mi- a .cut. I'.al a encumber. It i. ,i i Im I'.--, si ic:,' i t's prediction thai 'l pointed dm. iciiiaiu in im: Im,, ,, i 1 . i- ill ,-v nt ually be nbliter- "..'" , !Vil e I p.. 'pie. , i .- ... .:, :'. ; : . ,1 ' ha' Ihe piiest :i a I t ' '. .im t hiii" before : - I !:. im . !':m! of his ordei- 1 a'- - an 1 ' -'.!. p"ps." :.-;! -;y say s -he ! -n't see v ' u,- 1 o si-nd w av over to ' '.ofs I'm. "she has been - - .-I ; :- -he married I , b i I ! '- i i I" 'i a ' oiitiu' bride v pel. I '.' a- , . - -d w hen a hil'k o .'i p. i : -i an. I and said : : -.,: i a . .. P. lire for your l .' 'c : . !. ;" An. : i . i aid o iniliirnanHy . -.i-i -! -all ( pi e.idelif W Im i ' . -.!,';.: a -. . i mi vv i-n'l ass n : y : r i. ad is -o .iw It won't I a - a y - .-iy." 1 ' a - - - i ',. t n -i h. -bn . Von see ' .-' v. ;I. an ..j-e:i ; : i e : Thai 's a e. i.'.i.-. i a:i rciiieinber ' ' ,.' " Im' ,1 . " Y' s'lll a vv hob- la - I " - -i vv , I i ' a hole it." v t- a . ., vv , m ia vv ,. nphraiiliiif; 1 . Ii;. ami vv ' . :, a .v dull" hov e in ' 1 .,',!. vv 'H- a -!"li of P-lii t. Hi" 'i'e " pv man ; i-i mil into ils p ith, .i".'i v a .,i'. iv i 1. 1 vv n into the next i'ir l.n, Will a ' ' i.. ii ! !, i e I man vv as w all... . a' -. : ' ,1' h.iln -1 1 - el oil I'l idav 11. ' ."I. , la-;- In- vv a . ;n "rout pain. " ' W ,at' th.- .a.ittm '.'" ii-ked il friend I 1 i". I''- a: Ii i : ih'. njmij ' Hot : ' 1 I' ! ... ! i-: a a vv ib-r-iielmi on my calf. 'id I all ha!-.'!', walk. s,,, ,,!,r'" ;i T l . 1 hp M' pr, ; : ,-: i a ol .lob's comforter moved ' oil. he did so another frentieinar "I ,.ni: al'i.i.. ami shook hands with hi m linn :. ol "I'm- m l I'n leeni-.t joke of (he sea ' -'-'H - n I h- !' be "no up thi 'i ini! lb- w as I. II tie; me how he w a ' I in;. I'l.Ti'-l l y a ilnj; this "t I ,.-t ' . h,i-. i -i illlc I nil." d I'!,, 1-, w arm al vv as "in tor it." mi walk up behind him, fjrali him by I b, 1. a" I bark like a dnn. n n ei v es an- all iin-l 11111", ami vv c'll ha v r a oin ,.i... ,,i him to sec iiv i.i jump." I'll do it." -aid tlm oilier, "iind ton walk on the other side and see m si at-.- hmi ., .loath." Th-' 1 vv n pari e, to , iirry out the jiro "Tiunum. The latest ilt'l'iv ill irnceeipi after Ih- ir mutual friend, .lust as he. trot close up behind him he "Tabbed hmi by the bod and playfully barked. "How. wow. wow." jus! as naturally as :i d-." -Ii.-w . Tlm l-n-a I hoiililc'ed man Went IIJ1 ill (be il l. while his laic looked as if In-h id sa,, Icidy swallowed a tree full of pel - iinm.-ii-. When he came down Im rocil'd Hie alphabet backwards ami then p. ..hi. ,1 his toe thirteen different 1 lines at his playful friend, slammed him up iiL'.iiii-l a teloe-raph jmle, mash ed his hai nver his eyes, and then vv alio d aw ay .mkiii;r as if M. would like I-, put the h ir w ith the watermelon l-oil on it over his shoulder anil carry it Inline. Alter ll don" ha,! pulled himself nit of his hat he hunted up (,n, down 1 hat ham s( red lor tlm man who hail put the job up on him, hut he couldn't iind li-in. lor he was l 10k i riff over the , oniiienf ;i iieifjhlinrinff house and Imrstitiff with ffiins. Sew YorkWorld.

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