takm-mititt ttwwi'in'Ti ri-rrf-ir r tr 4 - .tm-k.-'--!- ag,-,.-... H. A. LONDON, Jr., roiToit asi rimniiFTOR. or AJJ VEIITIHINO. On square, one Hwrtlon, Uuewuaro,twiiiiPLirtluiis, Onotijnnm.oiio iiimiih, . . t.t TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: tllitti-npy 11 in.'iitlnl Oiienipy, tliiuonmntb, i.n) VOL. VI. I,ITTSr()I() CHATHAM CO.. X. ( .. )(TO!U:i is, iss:;. no. ;. For larger ailviri Ih'iiiciiIh Ukontl contracts will .it Walling. Sweet i liil.lliooil wjili ihy puinlnil toy, Oi,livi,.nsnl those Ik'Hlingjiivs, O, fin;; mi I -i in, hiipil, 1 1 ll t - 'I li we lu ilit Mini imiiis ilii.V) i-. Hill iiiii.( lioii knnwlhy Intent imivi'I, Thill ..Iihi.Ii ! Ilii.in;;li I ho-"' illin Im ll". In vhiii Hum r-litt It iiiiiiiui til I ilc. I ull uiiiiiv ii jt'iirrl limn linel unit. Anihiiii.ii youth willi mcer eyi-n, IrfMlk fill Wlllil ill 111, Mil lull, 1,111 it iv To limri'lt luihi hi In in lin, Hill Iihik ho hIiiiIi h lui' in v illi ; l.iko niiliicn nit 1 i.,,,.u hisi'vo, Ai cm Hit. gnnl mill envied nic; II "till pur .lie., tint iillniin,- huii, llnl I'll' Im (jm.-jis it oii; tniMt wiiil. M ill in i'il iniiiiliiinil with liUu . 'il, I'm ill's In-. I'liiiiu.iiii will) thi' lint; It'll willi nun i, iili.lncli'j Im mn',, I Innijjli nut li si itl .lent inn hi hnii". AiIviiiu in yi'iiia iimv Hiiil In Inn, While iiMri' uni', hi, mml him iling, Wilh 1 iff til, urn ihi'w t, iniin itr, Hill Im' ili'liviM'iini'i' lip must n.nt, at nj;i, with ..unity links, iiin-iii.i, Itt'iii'iilh his weight life u.,,1 vu.tni Siihihii"! inn iinw niiiliiliiiti'.N tin", Anil higher linpii Iim snul iii-,ii". Almost u 1 1 Ii i ii his i-iijfi'i- "; y.i Ait' ilu?. lulu "In uus nl lii'ii mill tills; Ami i'i.' In, hi'ih llir "li.iMrii li itn " Hi' li'illl lint mm Iniifj In ivml . - .! ... i. A MISUNDERSTANDING. "Why don't In icV" said Lillian Itiunni', peeping earnestly between t'ii' houghs nf the minister lil.i !'i'.-li. whose purple plumes waved I'i ,i:n I en in thi' i filing hive i'. "i lit, vv liv ll nl I hecoine'.' I can't possibly be mistaken He said mi Tin sdav ev i mug a' sev i n mid it's twenty minutes pad.Hy gramh lather's big clui K ; .nnl. nh, il ,n !" u:i!i a sifjh lli.it Miri-H fin- lniu !i i( ,au--ii s illl'll nil llir h'H ;. il, 'i. 'Hi.!,, isn't ii s.iiil in silif" liy all tin1 siirn aii'l .milium-. Mlliin's 1 if I It iiii! r.ii' s'hi'iIiI have l iinii'il t ! nit cvi-iiiiiu'. I'll' ttu'v Mi'ii-ali lalKi: k al'niit Im t a' M;4 l..n in.la l.firkin.i' ti'a-iailv in Dnvi r irnt. "I 'Ii, slm'sa Imni i n i'Ii'U'-!" sii.l Mis., ' l.nriinU. Tun Iiiiiijvs nl Mi'ar il:, vnii say, nr mi", r.-t.o v iin' ln' ' uii'l help it. li in lu i- iialuii" Mi'll't Villi IVIIIeliilii'r, Mi-.s. I'i ,., I'tn ,i vvli.U a Milt liei'iiiiit!i.'i ,i,.. I ,,, , i . I'.iit she'll never play la.,l ami l.ni.e with liill'tTt haw-Mii ,'i-.'ii that I'll i;" hall!" "(Hi .1,1 tell us all almiil it. Miss l.arkiiis!" sai, tl.c w I'ealmily. with her iikhhIi lull ot hi. Ki m sahhl. 'Well, il ymi wnii't repeat it " '),' .it it' We! Never, as ln ih ' e" w a i Im- I'.-j y tlia' i n' . l l the le.'l-ta'i I- HI eiie ie . elit. 't . 'i i' i . s, , ' a.lile.1 M,-s l.erinila. ''. all ipiile private ami l oiniiliMitial, i i I ween imiNelwi. lint il wasatthe M I" i-iV" parly. Wli.il I'UMiiesS the Meil 'iiryV hjie tn n'ive parties, with ffht lee ei. ain .i'i.I t , inlins ami harp. 1 iI'.ii'i Uimw. I'.veiy mu' ii p -fleetly aw.uetlial then-'.-, a imn-t,Mi,'i n the plaiv, an. I that her ilre.-auaker's ;"li ain't pai'l Ihit that ain't neither I'e Ifil Iheiv. I w li t!nre. in hi v " I piei ll ;:ev. n. t ri,iiiiie, with Aunt I i'hly's el, I t nli 'h lai e aii'l I was a- "kin' at the h nian ;e tree in the enseivntery that's an.-thi'i' of Mrs. Meilliiiry's sinful ext raa.raiire.s when I ;(; J.ily Ilmini', in her whito fmek. n Dienther si.le ef the hank nf llnw ers, a i.'rylin' ami a-whisperin' withSipiire I ii I us harlin::'" "M; !" ejai ulate.l the ether ladies, u ith npen iniMitlis. "Ami up raine Mrs. Meilhitry, nil in i smile she siii'lei twi.e as nften as 1 i fere, sinee .she jrnl tliein ' civ false n th aiul wli'spe! i iii her ear. Ami ays Lily, nut Imnl, says she, ( h, 1 ;an"! I'm nnageil to .Mr. Darling"' "n," erieil Mrs. I'epperlieltl. 1 hearil it with these wry ears," nh unity answereil Miss lan itula. laii;a;;eil!' shriekeil Mrs. Vnitng, whtise own ilitapleil neiiu was even Ihoii .ayiii(f sii'ffe to Mr. Darling's i L.tnantine he.at. "F.n, -ii;ei;" rejieated .Miss 1 .or itn I a l.arkins. Ami she keeping eonipany with t.ili crt Dawson!" ei laiineil ihe wido.v I'rahiMly hreathlessly. "lint she woti't never trille with him tin innre," aihleil Miss l,ul inila, with ill tliKgnisnl ailmiiatinii. "For I met .iilhert. yesterday afternoon, ami I ,e-K'il hint ahont his iimlher's lheiima. tism, ami what tho New York doetor ai l 4l'ont it ; ami In- never took no notice nf my iiiestiins. You know that al'sent way ounjjr men have wlu.-n ihey're in love. 'lAeiise me, Mis.i arkins' says he, 'hut I'm a little in a l urry,' tt-le kin' riht over the top of in v head, as if I wasn't there at all. If you're iroin' to Miss I'mume's,' says ', there ain't no such terrible hurry.' S. "4 fif, 'What do yon tneanV Ami hr hmked at ine hharp enough this tine. 'Ilain't yon lu'erdi' he's en. 1 ed to Sipiire I i.irluij;,' sa s 1. Atld nh; i Iip, It an't 1 e pnssili.e" Siyt I 'I heerd il f-oiu her own Hps ; and all i ikasset's tali.in' i'l'.'iit it,' says I. J ho idoa i a ymiii meter like that M'llin' herself fur money and a line house. Fur even Imilv knows,' savs I 'that that's all thai liille Darlinn's ii"t In rei'iiiumeiid him ; and he's ll enough to he her father into the har ra:ii,' sa . I. AimI he jual turned his In use and kerriile arniind, without ever having the politeness to say 'y, I by.' innl druv' off like .leliu in the opposite ilireetiou." "Yoiunr men ain't aeeniuitalle when they're in love," sighed Miss I'nlonia Johnson, u ho u as sii-.pi i li il rf lieiu the poetess who w rote the love sonnets ill the IVkasset I I'i ,'' ihiuh. "I aili'l one that meddles with oilier folks' nlfairs," said Miss l.oiinila, Vii'iol,y hitilii,' nil' a pi nf .soihl- hiseuil ami Imtler; "hut I shall never eneiiiira'e llirliiifr with any mail, while Mni're emja'-'ed to another. It's i lean njj'in my prim iple.s!" And hefore the nel day's sun had :.et. everyhoily in I'ekasset knevx all aliollt Miss lloiiine's enau'elueut In .s'jiliie 1,'nl'iis liarlini,'. "Don'l mind it. liilliert." :aid old Mrs. Davon. "Do imt let a fill's silly caprices hn ak your heart." lie lay on the sofa in Hie pretty little "kcepuii,'-ro:iiii," where the floor was i ai'pi le I wilh hlue, lui- lll.se hliln was Lillian limirne's lavorite color, and the wall; were papered wilh hunches of white-amMirold lilies, hecan.se the lily was her m lower. Fringe, of pale mii.'iM'lietti' hun mi Hie w imlow-lioM's, and a i .inary chiip el l'Ii i hilly in He ain .Umh-. tor liilln i I had made his hoiue he iiitiiiil I . 1 1 1 - he wauled Lillian to like il. "Mother," saiil the vomit; man, with a treinhle in his Voice, "I loved her!" "lint you were never actually be trothed." spoke ll Id knit, pitiinlh "Not in words, mother ; but wc im- ili'i'loiiil eai h other, and No matter; it's user ail I pa a How," ,,ii. (lilliell, sadly. Mis. Dawson pn d hi-, hand Willi tl mati rna! ;- mp ithy. "My poor Im." he w hi-.pereil Try and nr;;et In r " ' I cau'l dotliat, mother, lint." w il'i a sudden n live, "III ;;,i aw.iy llnln le'i e. I'll a' ej I my I m :, 111, , ii i'liin's 'ii-. Ha'i.'ii ; woli 1 , 1 1 , i I,, thosi ild Mii, an ci us. where he is to sketch and paint. I'm not una hoi an artist myself, hut I can luana;;e to while the time away s eliow. At all events, I can't --lay here and Lillian married to l li.it pompon, lellow, Dai Inn;:" lie had not heili i;,iue tell minutes to the vill i.,-, an-r t'ia! ninu eiitoiis i onv eisat ii n, Vice. i tin re i aim' the tiniest nf knnih.-. to the door, and in re. spouse io Mr.;. Daw -on "loine in!" there eiilered M, s I . i M i . . 1 1 ISoiuiie herself. I'resli ',i,i (he .pi Woods, w Uh a basket nf the pale pink, tiaiiin,; arlml us she herself I ad Kalheied, in her hand. Hut she paused nil the threshold as she saw the narilciiiie; lines .nvund Hie mouth of ( olb- il's mother. "Am I in lie; way Y' timidly. 'Tlave I come at line ';" "Fray walk in," said .Mr he a-k-. 1 lie w loiiy; Dawson trying to aiiiiiilale the tordiaiit which her soul refused to offer 'othegirl who had broken her s it's heart. "I fa a ml these arbutus stars in the woods," said she. "I knew you were, fond of ihein. May 1 ,u t tin in in a saucer of water for you? ' ".Mrs. Dawson absented, still without much w .I'ltith oi i. aiiii ". "1 am Mich obliged to you." said she, cnldh. "1 hope (iilberi is well," said Lillian, the color flaming ..i'ly up into her clti ek. "tjuite well, I thank yon!" said Mrs. Dawson. "Me is going to Mexico with my brntaer, Mr. Ii'avtiibuiu, nest week, and is censeipiently very busy, because Why, what is the matter Miss liotirue'r" For Lillian had grown deadly pale, and uttered a little cry. "Its its my tooth," she faltered "It has been tilled; and sometimes the cold air makes it jump so dreadfully; 1 think Fll go home and put a little oil of peppermint on it." And so Lily slipped aw ay, ami cried all the wav home, behind her veil. Hut by the time she readied her ow it little riHiin, Imwevcr, sorrow had given place to auger. "What have I done that he should t reat me so V" she asked herself, wilh indignant heart-beats. And then she gathered up all his presents-the bunch of withered rose buds, lied with the faded blue ribbon the little agate cross, the copy nf "Ahlrich's Poems," the peach-stone basnet that he had carved himself, and the glittering crystals which hi: had j brought her from Diamond Island, and j the two or three letters and notes he had written her at one time and another. ! "I will send them I aok!" she declar- ed. 'Me may take them to Mexico if j he likes. 1 ilmi't want them any j longer. I l',y a Mranj,'" eoineideiiee, however, ashe was setting forth to tin; village p"ft olliee with (he neal ly-t ii d pa- M l. .-he lint Mr. Daw son himself. lb' stopped. She slaved her font .tep also. They 1ml h coloiiil, n h .Hal n sy-red. "I am very glad I met yon before yon wenl (0 Mexico!" said Mi-:' lloiiriiii, haughtily. "Are youV" said liilUil Daw -.011, trying his best to appear like a statue nf ice. "I wish to return yon the.se thing','' said Lillian, "(if course, they are ol tin coliseipieuce, hut I thought perhaps you would like them back again." "Thanks!" said (.ilhert. stillh. "You were rigid. 1', was exactly what I w as going to ask you for." "li s a pity von ever gave iiieni m lue, since they meant so IHIIc, -.In I Lily, w ith a ,iii ci iug lip. "It's hardly woith while to discuss thai ipic.slion now," observed (iilbeit, "I can 1 nly hop'1 that yon will he very happy wilh ipiire D:irlin;j. And " "IV" cried Lily wilh Niiire Dar ling'.' Why, what mi earth have I got to do w il h Njiiire I .ii liiig ." " Vi'eii'l yoii engaged to him ." ad . ed (.illicit. "I V" echoed I .ily. mice again. "Lily, dun'! trill" with me," sternly iiHcred Dawson. "I am in earm -a. Have voll promised to be li'iil'us Dar ling's wife, or have y nit imt v" I if eniii.se I hav eu'l," : aid Lily, be twecn l"ais ami laughter. 'Mnw could I. when he never a-I.eil neJ And if he had " "Yes"' 1 lied lilll'llt, wilh I-indliug eves, "And if In- had " ' I should have s;ii, No'" whi p' led Lily. "Why " demanded (oll'eil, im' perioiisly. Lily hung down her pretty head. "Iiecau.se. ' s,,. faltered "1'i iailsel dmi't like him IVcause I love smiio biHly 1 s."' Soiiii thing there wis in her l"ok and lone thai i t liill'i rt Dawson". ul is to le.ipim: madly throiigh It. . iin-. "I liv "' he 1 lied "HIV l.ll.v tell III" w hoiii it 1 . that yen I ,'" lid lie .III w 1 cl 111 .1 j .0 , 1 an ,, blllshc; "N oil, iliP'ert !" Miss Loiinda l.aiknis titd her friends wet tterly ama.'ed when liny heard that (lili'iit ami Lily were to In mar lied as soon as Mis, iVckham 1 miM get (he Wedding dress ready. VS. II." Mi I "thida .'lied. -thi.. '!"Cs I , ,,l .11 . ;,! ,'p.,.,',, ., . , a, could be, that you ,, lo be Mrs Npiire Dai ling." "Hli. yes," raid Lillian, calmly, "I heard ; I thai -illy rumor. Some gos-iji heard lue iv at Ml . Meilhlirv's parly that I was engaged to Sipiire Darling. So I was, but it was for a 'piardrilh' only. It's surprising how : ht1 le ll takes ti) set the silly loin-iic- ,. I'ekassi t, wagging." Miss I.nrinda tiiiui'il very red h" would have liked to box Lillian lioiirne's ears, but sin- dared net. All she could sav was; "Oh, indeed! Well, fnlks will lalk!" ti'i 11 l-'unut linu'i.-. "tjiiiil Times." The bov reached the liuhicoii of tin- watermelon patch, cucuiuiis cit ruins, , and long and earnestly he looked up ; am! down the dusty road, stn tching away in a long perspective of dusky yellow down the long avenues of maple and walnut ( juglans nigra i. lie peer, ed between the weather-beaten raid, of the old worm fence, and bant his eager ga'.e upon the held nl corn, and saw between its emerald row . the yellow pumpkins shine. "T' e poiiipion," hi' muttered, "ciicni bil i pi po, a i nlinary vegetable ol tin' order cm urbitacea ; Ulltl'iciolis, but Dot lav i.s'niugly edible in a slate of nat me." lie listened for the sou ml of a hunian voiec.the baying , of a dog. the echo of a loot tall. No sound Cell nil his listening cars. He I wasalonein the world, tar from m- ! man ga 'e or uuiiiiiii aid. I he awlul sense of utter loneliness, of voiceless, lifeless solitude that brooded over him, rather pleased him. It was what he had waited fnr. One mme swift glance up and down the road, ami he said. " The die is east. Heaven helps those w ho help theliiselv es." And lightly springing over the fence he stiirted to hi ln himself without wait ing lor heaven to ask him which he preferred. I. co t nr rind. I'.ut his rnir lidem c w a . not suilcie 1 to go mire, wardid, lor while heaven Would not come itscll. it m id its last, best gilt, a noble woman, w it! an arm as big as a churn, and a v nice as big as Imt h her arms to help him. Ami she helped thi- 1 lad ov cr the feme so swittly that long' ! long alter he had stopped running, he : was still wondering how, iu the brief space of interval that had elapsed between her coining ami his going, shn lonnd time to raise eleven distinct and ' w ell-deiined w cits on his badv and logs willi a cmss-i ut hiaek-snake whip. ' VOI.fMMC M IM'ltlSKS. 'I I'. I III IM 1 I'fll tils) III IMIO s Million, Hot, lltl'V lill'.tll ll.l .'Hllll, IT , l, Oil I'll III I'I For a v oh alio mice . iimhi 1 inactive, esilV III has pu p 11 ei souie lively surprise. Im Hie iveor in its neighborhood. It , lal c I :.'i-pt lse has been to 'hake up a railroad and destroy several hoiisi s. The people of I leicu- 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and I'ompi'ii thought 'eii- viiucxtiiu'l mil il one day il proved in a very thorough in niin i-1 li.il il cmild still be loused t livily. Since then Ho one has been deceived by its iplietude. M lu i- volcano - besides Ycsuviiis have froiii tine !., time indulged in W hill SCI Ills to lie I he general Volcano propensity of creating rairprises. Thus 110 one wmild expei I ! hav e a mass of yiu. n. me d.llllii cubic led silibb III V ' descend upon them from th" sky. lint 1 people liv ing nine miles from Cotn ! paxi were oil mie ncea iloli t rial ed to I such a .surprise. 'he ( art ha riiiiiins, i when they set nut again I "Vl'll' lise, ! Were not prepared loelos, th" liery ', riv 1 r w hi' h, lo tlnir surprise, inter I i i'i'tcl Hieir man It a Mount I'.lna. j They h id l i boats Willi which l,n"-s ; ii. I The gi" al ei iiplioii o Toinboro s'ir- pri id p.'..," ,,- '.1711 miles j iirmind, tin- 1 1 -t n t - at which the lon e oi th" 1 i!i -01 washeaid. They v.miiei I what w.is I he mat'er until they h a.'iie l .a the crupi ion from one ol llu twenty -si pei'.ons who were .',iv, , ., t ,a ,, population I .'.oimi. .'Hi'H-e ol another kind, I'eai'lul hlugc.. ,oc the III t llidiiat iollS ill many niih incne.in district.! that V oil , 1 1 1 , s w hose peaks ,11 e 111 tin re gioli ill perpi t ual .siiovv have aiililciily become ii'live, the ill I il bene; -.- ( ed by the ni'll im; ol gi eal masei n sliow . . ll inn l a!-.o be a .'.iirpi i -.e nf a bean j tiful, though fearful kind, to see a I liciy loiintaiii play to a height nf Von . bet from the ..iiie oi a I'loimtaiti. : siii li a l Mitl .11:1 mi Manna I. "a in ; Is'' ! w a . a magiinii ' id ill-i -t : .itimi id : v oh anie ii -iii , the ii -sii.' oi lava il! the 1 1 ill r b.-iiig icln Veil by thi, ; in w e;i' i' I he ei.i' ks oil. 11 .ecu nil , volciiii". .. v, Iii, Ii I, 'im liil.e. i.nha'ing jlronithe icnt r. are cic.ileil in this : manner. -mall extra craters, volca noes. ,n nl anoes, w hich gradually l- ioluecolie sh,i,."l, al'c loiind along t Ill's!' lissllIVs, Another .an pi 1 ., ill Volcanic erupt,, ! I'i preselileil most ill i-. Th'. , aiesiiiiply a rel'i , 1 ,. I he cloud of a.-ln s .11 'lu ll' is no Ihnne as j;: generally graph) 'ally in - i. 'li s llaiues I lie lava on ill'l"'S. I'll i ii'ids w hi' h have oceasioualh surprised the mh aiii.'mls along the i'"il -t of thi' M c i 1 1 1 1 1 .1 in a 11 by iippear ing stuhh'uly 11 1 "! 1 I heir v i ry eyes are tin' result of v oh . mi' action. I'.ut pmbably thegn at- i an pri ,e ooinioct- i'd w ith this .'.nl.;, volcanoes. nothing bit! a li 'h cl otteii at no 1 1, ing and break in ' i.. 1 he lormat ion of . Ir.iiio is originally in iin' gi'iumd, lei'iii- Ut.."i by the sWi II- 1 an cnth biibble. Tin' Hiouiitani vvh'h spungs up: ainiind this e.i iiai : i l"i in, d by a. cti- Hinliitinns nl , , -..ii,. crnptii'iis, , The great age el -U ..u.u w Inch, like Manna I.n;i ami Moani i'lna. are 1 I,- j Oi'H atld I I.OOil let high. iaii be readi- I lv j,,,,,,.,.,-!;,!,.,! ,,,,, this fait, and i rrin the furtlter f.i'tthat Ftmt dad j iit;uiit'-l illlll'st Its present height when il was obsci vcd by (ireek writers ,"i"ii years ago. volcano is a Iiiiii.ii e mi a magnifi cent siiile. the lava v hich it ejects being molten rock. I his rock is so thoroughly liist',1 by mne Volcanoes that th" lav a is a tieii as hmiey, ami llnwswitha vcloiiiy ol lilteen mile an hour, si net lines it is spun out in l"iig, glassy threads by the ad inn of hurst iug giis Iambics. Inle there iiii' tv.o kinds of erup ti,,,, th, met and the explosive, there arc mai i.v thcorii (,.,, hi,., t use, the , Manv think that the s l eg, ll ding t bl ocks into 1,-iva inii rinr ol the : lartli is iii a liipii l omlit ion, but the belter opinion seeics to be that the lava occurs in siibtcrraucn lakes, lint the theorists agree that proiinati cause id' volcanic crept ion is the eon- 'tact of water with iiioltcn mck. IVaniil Fl uir. The desp-scl peai.nl prmnises In In -mine a Very important pn-dnct nf the ennntry. ii yields a return already nf over fd.t'i'ii.oi'ii per annum, and its growth is rapidly incn a -iug. It is i not only eaten in Iiie sh,. mast oil, and fed to hngs. but it iccclillv has be, n j grnuml int.-a limn w hu h makes a pc- I , ul arly palatable biscuit. It is a'so 1 being used iu past r v. where ii lakes i the place ni cncnaiiut. ami immt nnlv I ,.jlv and richer, but In althie.- and bet ; tereverv way. The peanut is ea-ilV' grown, produces ait immense crop, ami ' jH destined to tie vvnlelv consumed, m i ' ,,nlv for ca'tle, but in H e inm- , ilour and pastry for human lu inos, Til k iuvimm; iioil SonirlliUiu On I In .i l.lilli.s Tin- MiiB" llir liii-l ol III.' Mxili nsr. "The lime is 1 oiniie.'." said Mr ( hai'lcs Lal iiuer. w hi n sejent iiie gen I lellllil alld oilier, will be compelled lo recognize the sixth .ense. I read viiur article mi orcein, and desire to j add another instance which I can s vouihfor. I have an aunt living in j (ieoigctow 11, D. ( , A short tiun'siiu" . While engaged ill knitting. : he il asleep 111 her chair, -die awoke slid ileiily, iind, turning lo a relative, said. 'Mrs.Ahln.lt has I n throw n from her carriage at liladciishni :r, i"id has had both her arms broken.' Mu. Abbott, is a very intimate friend ol my aunt but is imt ii relative. Two hours later ;i messenger aiinoumoil to my aunl's hou..eh"hl that Mrs. Abbott had been thrown liom her arriage at lila ih iishurg iind tiiiit both nl In r arms had ben bi"l'i ii. N'n. sir. I believe -vis, 1 know that I can go to I'.r.mk- ; lyn illage, exainiue tin blood nf the I burglar who attempted to rob Mayor I ,bin s and vv limn tin' mayor winilidid. I and. by t he ai I nf the .1 v 111 sense, dis- ever tin' thief I have a bonk, piib i lihi'din I'liinicovi r two hundred years I ago, in which i- related th" discovery ol a murderer, who, dining his crinn ; WilS W lililldl'd. Hid V. Insebl Istilill'd i the ground where tie' .-haggle "our ! led A d'tei liv, vv Im had di-cover. d j what I term tin-.-Dlh sense. I'vamile'd ; the hi I and by in .sins el I he elctri 1 cil 1 ui it lit tr.e e I the I'l'ir leicr to a ; prison. Me ent"ii d the jail, h'oked 1 n'.el thi'M' clilllie I Iheiciii. and, pi le, i ing hisliaiid upon Hn dmuM i "f a burly IVllovv, . ai l: ' t his is tin- 01,111 ' I he deleil.'.c l,,.,k Hie piis,,i. i .,e k In the ! si flic cl the I Hue and Hi'' I' I' 11 I ' ll- ; lessed. "Th" div iimig rod nonly aiiothei I'V ; emplihi at ifii "I He exi-tern 1, 1 a 1 power not yet n-cgni e,. With a piei e of w ih li ha 1 I I disi ov 11 ed I he ; 1 oal mine, which bear that name. I i told the nimber ol l. i t a shall would have to 1 1 -uni, in order lo rem li Hie coal alld even gave Hie thi' klless ol 1 III" Vi lli. cl pep',. :.;iy Hn 'c I. Iiolhlligln it and t'l.i1 (' div ining rod . is a sn ,1-tii 1 1 I hav 1 .111 e!e,i : th;:l brings 1 ie in money, then the public jiioiioiiii' c ii a good one. 1 M'liny is the foiiiio alii 11 upmi which : people base their ih-clarat mus. I g.-t s;,iiiiii f,,r locjiliug the Wit'h lla el , mini's, and alii paid besides twelve and a half cents for ev cry ton olCn! taken out oi ihein. ti 1 11 fin!' iidcii' White law, ol tin Walol Well. .. d,d lint ci'cilil my ability to ..,a'i water pipe, lie 1 eametoinv residence one cv enm I went with him through s streets, and with the aid nl the divin ing mil i"ld him exactly where the pipes weie located. I nllered to make ' it map of all the pipe, in the 1 ity, ! giv ing their connect inns ami branches, i Filially he asked me to go with him to ; the Public spiaie I traced several ! pipes fm him there, when he asked ine : to liml the big one. 1 not only lound I it, but told him how far it was below ! the surface "f the i ill Hi. 1 have a elter in my possession Irmu Mr. Whiiclaw verifying my experiments- 1 ome went t" the residence iif a not ml scientist in Philadelphia w here 1 made illlofher test of the power of the ibvili- ing rod. I walked ;icr,.ss hi.s library . Hour and traced a pipe.- lie said I was mistaken, as there wen- no pipes o any description beneath the ilonr. I insisted that there wa- one ill hast, ami told li i in I should be compelled to leave his house w ith the hrin ennvi. tion that he wa, wrong ami I right. Finally he made an examination in the cellar beneath and discovered a tin pipe iip.coM inches bem ath the liom. i the exi -ti'tice ot vvhnh be had forgot ten. The divining rod shows the su- pcl ioi ity nl luind nv er luattel I sland . ov cr a vein of iron ore. and the rod turns. My sixth .ens- realizes the I i ti sem e id a mineral, and the r. ali a l 1 I tioil moves the switch. lb re Is it leel j ing that must sooner nr later be rci og ni.ed. Men cry hand and snnersti : lion, hut I kuovv what I know. I know that the switch turns when I walk above a metal, that it i.. imhspu table, and to me sat isf;c tniy. The saim-sense comes into play when pen pie dream of certain things vvhh h arc i happening lo friends, or are about !" I I pmve the cnriii tm s nl my theories i to men. They say yes, and l"ok mys tified. If I at) h t lu in iu public they throw their heads back and dei line to believe, simply because they are tear till nt 'their Ii ien.ls' ridicule, lint the 1 1 1 ut- i. coming when all must believe.'' fi (''"' I "' i M. Paul I'lasenter. of Liege. g.Vc. i the pi" Im I loll nl , ,.,il in t in' world m I lsj ii, b'H'ivvs, in inctii, ;d toils, j (ilea! P.litaiU, I'.s.snil.tHln. I luted i states. -s. imi.ii'i ; t iiiany, r.:..iNi,- : (.HI': Frail' I. Jll.SI'H 11,111; Ih 'l'illlil, I T..'ii ii ', M h , Ausir.i lli'i,g.i:y. Is. I'm' i t'lK'. THIS AMI THAT. New York iii similiter hm", iron f,,iiiiu (,, Iihiiiii t,,ns of ie" a day. Cleat aHciiti'ili hits 1 II bestowed ill ( ieriiiiiiiy wit bin the hist two year Upoli th" cultivation "f the comiiiol licit le. I'rmn i! an ininn li-e nuiebei nl articles an- ma e, and there i. scHi-cely a bram h m t.vlde indu-try ,11 Which it i-aliliol be ll-el. 'lie glowing of net 1 1", his become part ol the bii. imss nft very small fanner The crop m ver fails, hm weather af feels il, and :ist rcpii I e . plautiim "id y iiin e in every t'ii or I i It ei ii vcars, tin labor of cultivation i - small, and ih it Heeds but llin e or fmir inches of earl h inuiy a picic of iinpiiititalilc laud even nld ipi irries ami gravi I pit . nn thus tlirmil to a.-iininl. A in, inula, turerin Di' s I- ii h.n .m i ee,ci in ob tainiiig liom ii lie lines! thread know i in the trade. liii" I li.it iio,ii me Ires ol it ii'i rather ncro than . -i v I miles ..f h ierthi i 1 v 1 1 "nly two am a half pound . i iiri"Hs kind of weed w hich grow hi the Aikiinsa, valley ha. olleii proved misleading to .pnt'tsliieli. II i- shaped like a hail and ari a in :-i 'c fmn one fm a in less in diaiiietif to i c or si teet, SI'lll" .-pel illll'llS I'l'i',!! iis tali its i! man. M grows upon a .mall item vvhiili is, however, smut cuonuh t' bear the mass till it has rip, le d iiie dried, when a pull ,,( v ni l w ill hh-w il over ami snap the lender . uppnrt Then il is th;it every gust "I wind ;CIKls it. fellng over the prairie, bounding ever hushes and folks w il h the great. t i,i ,. ity .md lightness. Win !i tli" w iml I .-Imug and hurl: I he.e t iimlihnu vv ed . I'l'cseiit a luesl peculiar ; j . .'. , l. Ill' " ,s thc.V 1'OUInl from loci, to i" k. and in lie-re than Mill' ill. I. nice liiiiit, r- have mistal.cn them l-.r bi "H . aid b ll oli-.idciab! ii ritai i"ii al t be imp.' -si bi lit v nf briiig iug I hem vv it Ii i'i i an go ol t heir gun,. Do. Im-- are kuovv u t" diller. and a a rcsilh d -. in. I .ine- M . ais ; ii-1 ,1 well for iicliv i-i ii.i 1 s I., cusnil tl.e.r own i "iiv eaieii, , in -t a I of tli. ir ph , ician I'.'i" i xaioph'. m the matter I shi'p.Mi''. - , I", tors say lie w ill. ll"- hes.i I,, iiie leitli, ellici.s h"!'! a contrary opmioii, and lew that l"lig journeys are made by rail i' i. amusing I" liml two ennm antlii'i it n s ilillci'ing as to the sal. ..' way to pa.s the li ght. A Hernia l doctor llsscl ts that to lie W ith the leel to the engine draws the I 1 1 1 1- - -. - the brain to Hi" I el and p- 'dm i en bra' ae m .i l'. e"W, .l i , whereas ii tl'e tiavi'ller lies with md lead in that positi.-u. ioi'l",i! by pi ral acini. i i the result and sleep is imp"s sible. An A mei'can ant h"iity , on the ether hand, holds a dm ctly cmil rary opinion, ai'd urge Ins paticiiN to take till il' po-itlnlis Inr the night Willi tl " In ad towards the I", muni ,v e and .slumber in nlicc deeping m a railw ay i ar is iliim nl! nudi r any e:i-cuiii-taiices. one might as will try boil, iii, ih, ,N For many y i ai a club exist. -d an 1 llmirishu! in a sie,,: Lnglish town m LauCiishire. known as the (ivst.i and Parched Pea I bi!-. Among th" stall j ol nili, r . was mie kimw n a , ly dn r ens, wlin-c duly it was lo onh r ami look allcr the ."Mcls. vvhnh Hull came by th d I mm n. The club rcjoiu-d in a i it laureate or rhv me- smith, and a i 'inriiis. w Im 1,.,'kcd af'er I!, e wim . Aim ::g th" rides and aiii cles ol l c i 1 1 1 1 , w as i in- , n oining that "a barrel of cy..tc;s '. pro nh-l iv.iy Monday n;"V ipir n ; tl.e winter, ai the cil'.al Xpcilse ,-i t,c mi lil'.ei ,. t 1"- c. . m d i .,. tlv a' 7 !" ..', I.-, !, ' l v i i v ie, lo1 . r "'i h i ing :l -mi !" l . was t" pay a railmi. Im ;i ilaught-' had ii ga'l.". . ! pert to Ins brelhicii 1 tin dub vv il'nu a m 'li'!i i.t the birth ol sm h ' lul l ,U public linns., I should eh ' I he V.llllc - I Ii' i aively I,, i xag"' rat' an el'lciii e agat list I hi a city . a In Italy it : to Clit t hel ib 'X n. a "I level l! Is ti'iuiil thai ill) nut break u-i.a'.ly follow s anv clea'-ing away el the tmcs. Vn 1 apart I mm this, how mu, !i tiny add to the beauty of any i it v. I'lnre seems to be an in separable col, lie ti. n bet vv ecll the trees : and ill' llklllg !"iili!,lllis in the numb" 1 pal lined, a be t !, on win, h the pub lu- are at " in be congratulated. In l'.i""klvu. whe,, very littl" is dntie I -1 ti: . My by th. aii'Jiont ies, a pri at, a-s." la! i mi i x-d - loi the imprn c luciit nt the city . ii.,.1 gn at iitlet'timi is i paid by Hie lilcliib, ! s tn the .jlicsti, n nl the planting .a tin s. t j, , tn,. shult nt a i Time t" allow handsome trees to be mutilated and destroyed, ami yet it is it'i i' ivuy day. (,'nite iccently a telegraph company, muling the trees in a certa.-.i i oiti. u oi I'.i'onklyn an oh a.h !.' th. s'j, t,hiiio ,, their w ire. ! ad tr mpum thai vv h.'itcv cr iu de capitating several of them, rutting thci.- beads mi in the most reckless i, .m:ii. i. Iiistnn, e nl this kind are j i "letant ly niiiiri ing. and ought tube lii bidden by law. Lire. I.iha know not vvlmt thou nrt, llnl kimw Unit thou mi l I muni 'rl; i wl or how, or whiim wo met I invii In inn's ll secret yet. II il lliis bi", w, wlicn I linn nil Huii, XX lo i i-'i r lin y liiytliiise Innti?, tins hou1, N 1 1 lu i .jii viiliii'lcss shnll Im V . nil thnl ll n iniiiiH of ni". ii, wliiilici, vvhilhi'l-dn-t thou Ity, A li, ii l.i lid iiilsceii thy llild.li'ss c.nuisl, n,l in tin-' -tiling" 'liviav-u, l,. n il inn vi heiu I mini wek lhi com- id I .' I, , t lie vi, -I "''i in "I ciiii', rinl ll:)i))i', I i, nn win i,' i ll v i s-ciii i' ciiuir, I I. . -i ii."i lli ll it I-HISIII-. when lipnt I I, ,111 III llll l '-I .1 ,'. eilCllllllHII'illg VVI'D'l? i M .lea lii.Mi, Ic l hum si.hi, Wi,u. I I ,.iii" pi-: lio'ind kniulil, ll,i,'ii.ii V.ii.l,, .! Iivioiis yiiiis thn np)iinti"l Ii I i.i'-.il. Ho li'iuic ii'i, I iciissiniin Ihy powoi 7 i . t .1 iiuli'i'il ihoiihl or lectins 1)07 nn ih" i when im moro thon'iit . li i I. lie we've ! "II ll II.: I'l'tlll'l'. t lii'invii .".: nn' mid lliniiiidieloiiity wcHtl)'i ; li- Imnl I i ('iiii wlicn tiicnilBie iluar l'el!il'.s 'ittiil en, I I, si;;ll II li-iir; Then l'-nl mviiv. give lillle iviuning, i )i',-i' lln'ie own lime; Snv iml eislii -.Iml in sumo In lhler cliin 1.. I ii'i- .iii'l ini't iitiig. -.1 .. lUrbautil. Ill I(II(FS. A b;iby eirriil'. e is siilllet illie.S called a mycyl". - I know- many distingiiishcil per--"ii ."say., a liiotioiis business man: nearly all my debtor's are nu-n nf llnl. ." P i a iiieni wretch who will slyly b op a hair ,w il, h in a car loaded with v. "lin n, .md then smile as he sees every woman make a grab for the hack nf In r head w hen she notices it A n pol ler vv Im had just done his Iii t boat-race was rebuked by the city editor or not .iiieiilioning anywhere !,,ii Hi" ".n -im u "look water." and i'i plied I li.ll uoiicofthelil took water. 'I In;, ill! took gill. "-,,' here!" exclaimed the irate aci ni to the dan- ing-liuisli'i- whohircd iiie hall, "an- y.-u going to pay nu- any c;i! any t inie I his yciirV" "Well," re pii.d the Prof- ssor." "1 haven't any b. aiey Hist now, but I'm taking Steps i i ra'se some" Nothing iiioie d sguMs a juirty nf N. wpmM lox hunlci's Ih. in to have an "Id cow gel ahead of them and go rac ing and snorting along, with her tail .ti the air and terror iu Iit soul. It !'-. as tl gh they were chasing tin' i"W, and that's mu an Fngiish eiistoiii. The r.riiish .1. . .Imi rna, in li-, us ing blushing and its scipntil'u ,:ii: -e. has bcc'inc sillily uiixfid on reil ' c.'l.s and red noses. They are two v.ry ihlb iciil re Is. One is a charni ii..: Indication nf confusion or inno 1 1 in e, .md He other means something . : I I, .- I'.i'ilish medical editor ii 'iil I andy young girls more and his a . . .ft moat of tonics less. ali base merchant sold an In d a i an opera class, ami as he lied up Hn- pnnha-c i ongrat ulatt-d his dusky i est.. mm on the rapid progress he was making toward i iv ilizal imi. A few neiiuic, later the gentle savage threw l he glass l ,e k upon the merchant's hands. I, bad discover.-1 thai they veil' iml a double-barrclcil ilask, out ol vv hch In- i on Id take two drinks at tin same lllni A. T. Steivarl's Callicilral. 'I he great Cathedral of the Incarna tion and si. Paul's school at tiarden t ily, I.. I., have been completed. Thi 'alhc 'ial ha - I i cn live years in course ol i reel mu and the ihool nearly three yi ar-. Tlte est. defrayed by the Stew, art estate, has been m arly S:,,tNHi,iiiHl. I'hi' interior of the cathedral p'vsimt: a beautiful appearance. The altai w a moil le in Antwerp, l.elgium. It is composed of statuary, marble and eight panels. 'I he windows of stained glass were mad" iu Lmiio'ii. They ropre--i ut 1 1 ii' incarnation nr the childhood oi l lil isl. 'I he glass in tin' windows ,. the iiiausiilmmi was also made in London. These w indows represent the passimi, deal i, resurrect inn ami aj pcaraucc nl Christ iu his last days. li e ilc; ill's seat is nf carved mahog any, and was made in Philadelphia. The pulpit and l' l tmii are nf bronze. The organ nt 1 1 " V 1. It is iu livi parts, and each part is played from the "ingle key boatd, by which the chimes in the towi r are also played from the organ by electrical attachment. The iugiiii cases an- of mahogany, carved in harmony. 'Iin- cases and stalls to gether cost s.'ii i.i mil. The crypt is id marble, ami every i niiutry is represent ed in its enlist i net ii m. It dues not con lain the imnaiiis nf the late A. T. Stew ,tit. The basement is fitted up with a mii'lav chapel. Thi- staircases are all -I irmi. Ihe walls and steeple nf the athcdi'al an-of P.ellevue ( V. .1.) stone'. He- interior columns are nrnnniented with br .ii'e Inliage, s(. Paul's school ,s 1 clii-v ed t i he the I'mcst pducat ional .trie t'll'e i'i the Wnrhl. It has aci.nl': inndatlouj lor pupils.

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