.flu I1 FOR THE FARM AX1) HOME. fttilluir for Untilm. The Ihiir'i says that sulphurous arid is a ini'st HTectixe antiseptic ami anti ferment, ti in t may lie proiluc'cil .y luiruiiiir sulphur iipmi live cuals upon ii shovel or a bi'il of coals earriril into a Mai ill- wiili pei-fint safety. It will silso lie fomi l aii oMvlli'iit tui thoil for ii'ei'ili',' thiirx rooiiis an. I rollars I'roin tin' spoil's of iiiiMew, x liirh have a very injurious efiVct iiinii tin' milk iind iipin lmtter or i-lnrse maile lioin milk that has hucn exposed to thoin. n I ait. In un mm-tant prevalence of these spores it lnii;lit he useful In- use ful to m.ilie a pra' tii-e of 1 11 iiii-jat i n vr dairies orcasioiially, csuviall' after a ' :', 'lamp spell of weal her iliirinsr tin; Milliliter sea-'ill. liilliim YVrril It Ii Kt i lie. Aitcrtrviii-'itll xy.tx s to elenn:iiate 'anaila this:!.; i,n, that msl xx.r-1 ciii-iuy of the fanner, plantain. mix an l-iiio county. Pcm., '.'aniie:'. I dis coxiTeil that KcroM-n." nil is a certain remedy. Some may think my iim ili.nl tedious, hut at lest when xott wish i,, jM rid of a patch of cither pest, tiili .triiit work is hidi-priisil'lc. I'ar'y i-r late in summer, when the ground is ,rv and weather settled, is tie time t.i make the application. Take an old fruit can. solder on one -ide a hamil". then whittle a pille stick r. -n:i I a! ..ill two feet lotiv;: now diii i !:. stick -ni., (he oil and t 'Uch the plant or t!d.-i allouimta few drops to run d 'xxn the stalk; it will follow on .low n ami . r 'ery rout if ellouch is iic.i. an I the result will reward any pci--o:i who ha.-. pride in kccj'iiiif from lawn or :'d two of our Worst Weed-. If the thistles are cry t!i iek, a few ma;. i cape, which you will have to kill an other year, I nit at ..rt two sea ...n ' Vork will whip tin hi all. I'HttCllllljj fclt llie. It. is generally coiieedcd that tln i" Miould he in i standstill period in Hi correct system ,,f fee.liug. Put th.;t groxxth oiighl to begin with y.-ung pigs and bo steadily and -. : t r i -1;. itierc'isi'd until the annua! is ready f r the butcher's I lock. While exerx body liearlx .: !s t!. --ii. . .standstill" -vs. teiu a . in t! r, in.. si ia iners in n a.. . .. ep Cm ir pigs during the .summer months on x cry meager ra tions, waiting mild eld xvc.it her t" begin feeding w ith a x ic w to tat t.-n ing. 1 1 rowel's who pi'acliee tin' plan i' making most of tin-summer season i- regular fecilillg. testify to the ill c;.e I advantage ot tins sis'em. In xe;- . old Weather, illness the hog cm I . well housed and kept at a temp, ratnr of about ' ' liegi'ces. wh.ii the ain'i a'. eats goes l.i keep up the heat. .,:id t!i, toed lads to pivdm c tiie .-.line aal-'UI:t el l:.t it ..".icl in war, a x eat her. There remains no iiii sj,. n Pip tp.n it 1'iixs !.. l'.. i.io waiiii. Co 1 1 i i'i . rt . i i I e houses ..r swine during the winter season !a rig.. foiis climates. I'll" cec.-.-i e fat gain. . I bx . i . s sixe I', filing of f.it-prodin ::g fed is objected to by many i iitismne,'.. x ho prefer a large:- p-..p- u ,,f eau with thef.lt. The l.i,: S' ' .. J ',, ,-,; says on this subject that the hog is nat araily a grass and p. -eating ani mal, but in its .luiiu I i. mien, being fed almost wh.-lly in thi- . . untry uiion oiicent rated fo.,,1. ha- ,..!,. n. of depositing this eve-, ,.f f.,t. f young pig- are kepi up,.,i f ? hat xx ill grow the mus, li s and bo-.es and develop a rangy iramo tiny will, in the opinion of the authority refenvd to. possess so much muscie when half- grown that a moderate length of ti in fattening, even on corn, w ill not pile on an excessive amount of fat. Pigs fattened in Panada partly upon Parley. bi;t largely upon peasa highly l.itl'egellollS food, XieM.llg U large proporti hi of muscle -produce nn, re lean meat than do swine fatieiied al. i m. -1 wholly upon corn an exce-she- , ly starchy and fattening food.--- A". Y,k II '.';.,. I arm nml l.in.l. u A(n . dust xx ith air-dackeil lime to av id XVerin . Oats, ire g I for pigs. M.i-i inake bitter pork. Do not plow thin soils in orchards Spread manures. Put off the stalks of ikners wh. p, they are done blooming. ' due hundred bushels of shelled corn will shrink to ninety in the bin. A burning log or any other light will keep aw ay conns from eorntields. Set plum trees in large pig pens They will not bo iillHcteo with run u lio. Ashes and soots are go.ul to kill the turnip tly. Must on when the dew is en. I'o iit dig potatoes immediately alter a heavy rain. l ying in the sun hi a?s and rots theiii. A Cltanci' lor l!iansioti. A ci'inm r--i.il traveller dr..t'iet oil 'he du n in a .-mall western villajro. jind uj.ou oriiiin; into the 'bus. was driven a''. -;i three miles to the hotel. Is lids town incoriorated ';" he liuaily iu aiiie l ol' the hotel runner , whoxviis the only tt her rteciijiani of the bus. Nn." 'Aliv don't you incorporate? If yen r.it I von would have a town bigger th ai New York," -sijlinys. A CITY'S AMBl'LAM'E SEKVHK. Hon- Hew York I'rotlilra lor AnhtciiU Mllll t'llMMHlllf'. To some of the down town police precincts the ambulances are called often half a doen times in a i-inglc night. It is then that the great crop of drunks is reaped and that nearly all the lighting and murdering is done Hy day accidents to w orkmen and pen- pic in the streets engage the attention of the hospital surgeons. The alulm. lance hordes stand all day and night in a Inilel liar ready to turn out at a moment's notice. I'tnlei the dlixer's scat K a little drug store containing tin essentials in emergency treatment. I'reijiii'iitly the call comes oxer the lire wires twenty strokes of the hell and the nnudicr of Hie f' xvhere the am I'ldance is wanted. It starts from the nea.cst hospital. Itarily the ominous I xx eittx-'ixe mi's spi lis (ilit the mes sage: .--end all the mih1 01 lan.'cs in the city." as it did t!w day when the lliverdale .cw up. Then a i e v tor Pie and death takes place ffoiu op tmx ii ,i'd from down town, forxvhi. h all i t!e r trallir must gixe way. The ami. ul, nice, like the mail xx agon, lias the Pitlil of xx ay ex ei y X'. h.'l'e. In the lighting precincts, v:ih. I.igl.t'i, r.'iirtu n:h. ail i i ! X llolso i .Ve, 1, t!,e hours ! XX c 11 I I at nijlii and ' o ai'e i; u ; l i '.. I s.it :i. i .. ni ;h: -. the I- I III Is .(ret till .l.i'.li.dil li Ii In New Vorix XX hell t he i hill ci ii'- . i r i , 1 nim ,i; sergi ,iti'-: ife ,.s pre in. Is. His i and usually he i: el--i !, ill Po- I'l n -ii -t. pait;. ul. u nnday in- ' o u .; bed a i pic ..; b.. ii . i. 'I .1 of the evi .. i W. -it in works liai' l. -i I - are open, and idle c his tools. !:- e ii- I .i sin re in t hese e-ponsiliility js great. not willing to take chauc.s. I ca lat.il mistake- ,. juiigm on the t llollgl geiy i ' i-. a a bo.p.t: I ll'O'l I ring i m ' II re I- i ad - aid I I'll. Any wound king cut is cans" ie doorman's -Mill the "siilo. ct" -es to go t.. Mi. ngeoll i- .-eSit I' l i d. il tin 'Her ol I III! poll. ions i-a .. . almost inv-inahh t the .unbalance. The ,-lliglc xx ord. "poison." added to the me--agc from h. ad .piartei-s spells at the hospi tal the i-viitcm '. --Pring the st. un ii h pump, and hui n up." And they hm ry. Not long .since an auil'iilai the w ax to th" ceiie of a reported a. c ieiit ran mer a man mi Thud axiiiue stopped lo pi. k 1 : i in i, p. and retu'ii'i; xv ith two patn-iit - itisto.nl ol otic. The sii k-w agon. i y leiitr.tst. ioiius at h 'sure. All lllgelll else, are oi tin- ..ml nlatii c. and it aniioi r, t'u .. them I raiislei s lioin olio hospital ! .iiiot 'er . an I made a ! o rxx ard, it h a k pal a ais ,t i..;,i:. rent. I 'suallx .-y e.oi wail. Tin x 1'elolig. a- th, CI ' !l,ippets to l colli. g:ols ,.r u, a. nuder the 1 id of health .-r i ' - ,:. partnieiit of charities and loir- i ll'Hie.x have not the means toenipl-i a doctor of their ow n. .is they s. i-i..i,' , haxe. The sick ca -." come trotu t'ns telleini Uts, the lodging houses and tf. streets. Il the patient has feeti h, tha i liVe -cars in the county he is re. ' In -ed by the , unhid, iln'i and the -a ! w '-oil, nnd th" etiiigraiion h-i-ai n.i i.i's wag.-n conies after ci, a! ..- .. of sometiines many hours t-. t.d,. ;l s ca-. " to M aid's Island, I he l.'i I'iltlx I stal-ii-.h.-.l II ght li.e I- i a. lee l.as r.e, ijcd a Im -1 il-eti and -. eh olne . M-nhetlt ill -ll-hia-i bv patting .i.i.i lie hand-, ol Hi. p..n tin- n..':ins ol briiejiug luiii.e-liatc re. lie!', while il;-.unug to the , tor h ' IIX. I l Hie t W I 111 e-1 p. 's. .is nr lil ' -l bv Hie s, r n .- m .-ne in. nth nc ni was ,. w llliag lo p.n r. r th help rend. 'fed. l ilt h it I hat to the . it;, at the rate ol ii- a . -ill. .V. , I'oisdnc-i Uroixs. ei.t meeting of s, ienti-ts is it.'' "es'.ing communication -.I :ro:a M. Vi . I. Iloiimai! A t a ii Pari-, an w a- -. eel regard. ng Ho oi t :: A nn r their ai r- vv p. The ('email gr.eii -hell ol or x c. ci align thuds lllipl Indian- ti d by oisoll the lot" int- l! le s siui ici'i I ne "spani-h b I 1 1 "I'.! with th I!i Apa-hes i I ,i,.i, is, .... i bl lli-e mi tin- heads ol r itlh-iiahe- vv ,th .h er's liver, ailovx the mass t" l econie putrid l in n di;. Ihe arrovx points, and allow I hem to dry s,,vv Iv. The ( 'hitioiiiis i Mo juisof Ari -ni.iii irritate a rattle--n.dtc until tm l-;tfs hiuisfif. nnd then dip I he point ami a portion of the j Wood ol the a i row into the blood of i tin-animal. xvoiind xxith one iti I tin s" ai-rov s jrenet.dlv jiroves fatal in thi-i c or tour davs. audits action is iniii ii more rapid il the stoma, h of i the wounded person is empty at the , time the injury is received. I Another poison is obtained by mi tat in.!' bees, shaking the hive, and thtt j killing them when in this state xxith small branches bunched torether. The insects are crushed up in a mass xx ith mortar and pestle, ami the arrow points are dipped in the inntrina. It is probable thai the active substance in this case consists in the t'orriac acid contained in the bodies of the bees. This preparation does not cause death, but induces Ion'.' continued sickness. Another very active hut not fatal poison is prepared Iroin red ants. It produce pain in t In j-hary n.. consider- able swelling ol the part iuiired. and sometimes delirium. Tin mains feeble for a month. patient re Ibiast OXVl XXa es'cellll in ii recent Tiiris menu. I .'I ilelieaev ! THE TEXAS RANGERS How Xhi-y ( Iran Out Doprriitnrl In I flic l.oiir Stnr Mulr, A correspondent of the M. Louis (iuli-lhui'i' ii'f, writing from Sierra Hlanca, Texas, say: Tim average st Louisim has hut an opa'pie knowledge of what a thorough lu-ed Texan ranger is, or what he looks like, and so 1 ap- ; 'lied the syphon to Captain McMunay, and learned the follow ing facts: Adju. taut tieneral King.of the t'nited States army, w hose headquarters are at Aus tin, is the comiiiauiler-iui hicf, and has for subordinates six captains, who are I appointed In Hie gox ci nor. The cap. tains of ranges arc paid -i per inonth. and arc funih-hol by the .state, j xvlih li early appropriates i.i.Ii for Hie scrx ice. I'hev appoint and enlist I their own linn for a term of one year, ! i iidiio; sept' iiil.e: 1, ca . h company I .onipi':;i': t w um -p i nun. I lie pri x :itc a" p.rd corp. rals .$:!', sergeant-. '-". 1 1 . uteiiant S';: per in. nt'i, v.. i.,;i..i'i:i is worn, and the llll'll I n!, like . .I'l!. Iliejl. ,IS HieV -pi'lul Ni' st ,a t Ic ir ' ncc on i lie pirns or in am;, ill'.' f Ti" ,.-- a ..nipl'slii d and dar. c mi! f pi I and dauntless in ! ii 1 1 n. an 1 are ,ii lie d w 1 1 1 1 Winchester ml 'It's impr. ed forty-two. J I t ; in P c Use ol these al ius. hi.', I. s ; I i ilig e The du I. I I I'o'O ul i- s ,-t the rang- rs are to pro. .'ii ' an. 'i and i ,1'fViiicli lloin I . ..I . -r .".thieves, i ,v th ' hi"X es :. i i n'-',. in ,. I'll' tin y do not in. u ii!i . niiiguhug unless ( ailed the ! liMe.l -tat'-.s autaorities- l- i (!,- IP-. a j'l -t in the -ad ;-t .a-h as I .i.it.l the trains li.-lii St. oin . to lleliiiUg. Ill i. ii.:.. I cine, n l'oi-( Worth i-ad" l':ty. ariiied to the teeth ..ii-.-. I to n si-t all elf -its o' i 1- i s . r hilarious i ow I ..vs. lie. - uimiiig w h' !i t .lid i .-I nut j r rain i'i : I he I H ied sl.ili - does u.. ,.w n land u the -t.ite of cn,,s. and " I the t I ti 'vvii tra. ts .a prairie land is the -l.lano Pstacada." or taked plain. wh: his !:!" mile-- wide and extends p. i 1 1 Hi" n-'ith'in boundary of Texas ' Ho tracks "I the Texas and Pa. ilie a iw ay. nil guarded bv rangers. W hile i -la nl? max only mak" an inn-st m his w n lo'inty. the ranger may appre lend -i 'i r son mi any pait of the sl.ite Old -Hear in any iinnd'cr of citizens as . ial-t" aid him oi relraclory case- tie ,. th. i t interesting light- was ha' at Hanger sta'i..i, with a gang of rain r..i her-, wn-. are imw serving riiis in t: c l it.' prison. The cap ,'ftis mal.c their regular monthly re. ..rt- to i h-ii' ; al King, gi x ing t he nuin ..-r ,-f no!-s , ,- i red bv i heir eoiupan es. the n miii'. r and character of the irrests . n'eet" !. and a gein r.il resume t the work done, l aptain .Me Murray s one oi the 'nest popular im-n in l'o.l. an I !. powerful t-TMl is Well- -, ii-iw ti to l he j at r-u.s of the Texas and P i- '' r,i 1 ad. w ' ' ! ' : e .-a patrol lav .i'i i : ! ! ;.-ii. ir-1 aga list t r.i'ii w iv. I-,, i I Ic vv a-horn in Franklin, lenn , and was a otilederate captain under lienor-il alker. alter xv hii .h he I . i i ame deputy -I" rill of hcrm.iii. and later jiem d th" rangci -. under l.ic II. di. a- beiite. unit, being shortly pro net i i to a i a I -i i c v . ni ring the i oil i in tion ol i h' !' v.is .in. ',p rail . ili'apta'n M Murray wa . in com ii.a; -i !' Ho- langif and a body ol , armed i th c'eploy of the rail. ' road, vv 1 1 - i ; ; . I t lie engineer Corp.- ' Ir.'iu I ' ' . ails and disaffected .-..ii .a -i i.c wa-i a! - nneol the party w ho k.lh .! !'...' .: -perad-i and train w i c.her. s,. -, i'i.,. , n licitton.in ls7-. Mtan::e I ia) males. fin li. ri.hii la-1 that xeiioiuoii sii.ikes wiil f ..pienHy permit ihihlnn I., pi, iv xx i'ti them and handle them w ithoiit i" "le ! lieu had an apt illus tration in I l.ir. d township. Mo. Two littl" chihir. n. the ,-... hut two and the oilier ti -r ' x i ar. of age, w ere pi. ly ing togellnr. The former was the i hiid of l-'ranl.lin .-mith, the latter tin child -!' John lieiiis. I'liey xx i re play ing I! nut It's yard. Mrs. -iiiit h. hav- i ina -'. ' asio'i to o,i to the door, saw the , two ililiib-'ll sitllle.' side by side on i th. .. IMS-. Her ( hi) had a -hurt stick ; iti its hand xvith win. h it was yi viiiii 1 I'r.-pieiit liuht taps - ii Ihe ground in ; front !' il- Mrs. sUllth siip,-. , i-y j were piaviii.; with ;i small land tUitle i XX hi" Il -in had -ecn about the yard for 1 '..nine divs. and. after watching the j I i hibh t n's mirth for sniue time, -he xx all, ed toward them to -e what tiny j xx ere ilninir to the turtle. When she j had appioai hid to within a lew feet ol t Ik-iii -he was horrified I" see that the 1 ihildn il xx ere aluu-ili'' thelnst 1'. es : j with a lar'e r.itth snake. Tor a iim j ! Iiielit she was .speechless and lnotioit ! less. I'll.- 'Hike lav at full h lltrth. ap ' parent Iy ctiov in the eares-cs and at tention ol the children. At each touch of the slick the snake XX ould simply i raise its head, open its mouth and dart its toii:;iie in and out. It was that that ma le the children laurh. Ii'ei ox criri"; herself. .Mrs mjth advanced a step or txvo. 1'he snake di-eov i-ri d Inr. Like a llash it threw it eif into tin spriutniio-. by xx hicli it alone can ititlicl its itindlv bite. This luox etui nt I rihtcneil thechil In.n and tin y mov ed away out of its reach. Mrs. Smith then found :i club and sin i ceded in dis- pat. hin- the snake. This done she I fit illteil iivxay he WJIS found lincttn- ' scions mi the ground by a neiirhbor xvhnvvas pasiiin xx ith thechil.lren ery int: ;it In r .ide, ami the dead snake a Iexv feet away. he was soon resusei tatcd ami loid the. above story. Thn snake wh over lour feet lung and had seven lilt ties. I0PICS OF THE DAT. A recent report of the actuary of an Knglish life insurance companv .l,,... i, ,.(..,;..:., .1... .....,..! . , . , duration ot lite Las I urn increased, and instead of being thirty-three years, as has always been considered the stan dard, it is noxx nearly forty xears. Professor Hell, the inventor of the lull telephone, has become involved us plaintilf in some heavy litigation j coiicuiiiing alleged iufi ingetiients of . his patent, in Prague. Trieste and i tiu r places m the Austrian domain. The defendants are sonic of the most prominent capitalists of the i inpire.aml tic hading la .xx ers of the count ry have been retained on both side-. j A writer in He .' '( f as.siune.s I fr.ige prevails in I -I i". Hy true, u mi m who have in English l''irliii;ihlhi that manhood suf. atei'la tiiat i I bis i nut iv Pot mlv of no per I Xear HI the I am V'' in the M'te. i very dis-11- an in ease may i oioilry ale p r I pi ..pei'ty -iw , , i tit t w le re . . i.r lit. , (. Ol ,sll(l el A -a ! f it 1 1- :t r. ! ,ity ph, . i I tll'lile t I"'' li 1 Iheial i . f lie- r ii nr. nth. II" ai, an. III I'. I .' i! i- I i I ..ni . pt hi tu.il !'pc.-i.l l! di' , t. d I i preset llllt ol the. I v.K I putting o-ll" I'l HI !! e name. .'I'l''' un lei I line lit, P'opp, pi this va. :nin'.,ard w;!1 bi : of He g",. i to 'l ilo'l.l-t ;ol. i It is ..p. Ih l the 1 hiiiese an -III rcpt it ioii--! .iit"t-ing i .ilip.riii.i in i up .it iinii l.ois from Ihe north. The ii-tom I I.-.- cl-e.-r at port Towiiseiid. i , Washington I'. rrit..iy . slate, that owiiig t.. tic ! . k of adequate prolee ; ; t'.ni it i ; come irat iv ely easy t- -niug ! ! gh- ( 'hi'iai.e ii aifos. th-. border. ' j W hlle he .s p .pally . itain that this j lilllgglihg '. : ing on, jt j, ,iln,o..f iln . ! ...s-iWe t" pp.',.' H legally. j 'i-. ..sin xvtcn.iii has invented a j hi1 of sav ing machine (or the benefit of i bees, and the httle hoimy m il.' r. of . li i" acquaintance are i naif. I to im , pi'nx e the siiiiniig hours to much gi-' iit- i er a 'haulage than b.es hyss kindly fa i xored. V -h.e; of wax run ihi-oip.-h ; t he 1 i..l h,"-e I . Ill'b llte-l 111 e,i t iniil.i'ioi! .1 h 'in y-ooml., and whin ; ' pl l. ed III Hie fixes Hie little W 'h'l.. ' ! hav e p. thipg o i.i ,ip ( . ..,il ' ' ,-vv ci ts enough to pli t'u 1 1 .p ty mad" . . reeept.l. Is, 1 I'lo-y seen, to occasionally o si t elol ' ilicu in l.ugland and i hi ap, loo P. re i ir. poll .! a -ale w Ideh i..,., ', ! ; "" a: !dh:.iii ll appi at. -I thai the xx o;i. an wai.tid P. -ell her children j and a large crowd colhitcd -he was , sue. e.-stul in m llmg one etuld to a woman, and this woman, having pur chased the chil l tor t'd . made oil with her prize in a cab. I'l,. mother wanted to dtspo-o of the i .tin r child, and at i i -t asked 'd . but nil le.i'i v .ro -.: t i..v ;1 the deliintld to Id . v Itil-illt Iind ing a pill i iia-cr. x. pearl lishei'v vv hi. Ii i . sa-d in he I great promise has be- ope, led Up in Hie gull of C.ihtornia ( in. pearl, taken from the -hill .1 an nxs-irin I 'e. ember last, is I . lii ,, p. I e lat :;c I vet toiind. It weighs .. y ei I c:n at -. and xv a-pur. !ia d !.v a I'-wiiei lor isl I. i'i. Atioth. i- .a toftv s,-i, n arat . has been found. It c- pei lcet in form and finely t 'tlted. and i-xaliinl at i. .".in hi. A third very beautiful pcail ci t.-rty carats has .,.,.tl exhibited .u I. a Pa..- while a bid .1 p,,- n w as declined. , ,.- ,i . I im three-cent piece must ts. or at i h as', ,t ou'rht lo p, i ,,e ,rii,in ol i the New olk '('.. which lii x i si ail ' nih resting historv ot that iridesirabh i history of that i.-nlesirabl, i little coin. Ii came inio existetm j with thrie-cent postai;.. and the 'im- j thinks it should be made to lolli.vx it h ader into pt rmaueiit iitireuu iii The i oin bears no rdation to our de. i m il -vilcm. there i-no rial necissjuj I'T It III lis sllxer lonii; It is lie oil x i iii. 'itly small, and as nickel it isa I ,l-e t . lintel Ii it of the ten ecu! piece, and n. t i .e-dv (list npfuisht d li'oiu it t t on ai. ful inspection in a e-mn l.ol.t. (lie lii. eiisl rates ex i- delilix l-i'l. eve. like all si'il-ibb' pecple that tin i n!y proper daee to advertise s iii th" la xx .papers. I'orsonie x i ars past cue ot the must conspicuous tea t iiri - of tin Paris tlior'iU!;hfarcs has ii the stai intr red carls of an entei- I I-' iii'.r Publish t riidcsnian. The driver vi a. invariably attired in a irorjieous I . sijjoirs i iM ume. and the liorse by a i uriuii arrancjeinent, xxas almost iii'i'r.ili' l from x iexv inside xxhat was ii. illy a hii.'e perauibulatiii:4 sipiare b 'V. I In sc itiireliioiis itdv ertisiii'' me lipiins h.-xe n "W disapiieared pursuaiil t ' a del It ' of Ihe prefect of police, to whom . 'iiicla uts had been made that thev impeded the trallic in the .streets. be-ides fri'ditetiin.' the horses of other ...l.ieles I I,,. .leerc was nt lirst . Ms- regarded, but thi. led to three of the. oilendinii structures being confiscated by tlm authorities. 'I he vi-Id of the Pennsylvania coal iiiii.es la ;t year reached the enormous .Me-llllt of :(ll, IhHI.fMMI tolls. A Japanese Ralltvav. Our fellow passengers are 'w ell wnrth studying. First ,, the me. of bus - mess going to Yokohama, ;n is their I,all.v 'Kulll. These men ale dres-ed , ; foreign clothes, and man v of tin m understand some foreign 'language, j English or Herman, 'i'hev are moMlv an intelligent looking group of men, Jicsides these somewhat loreignived natives, we haxe the real piuiine native article, with nothing foreign about him excepting his hat. llatsare very generally w orn, unless it is a rainy lay. when they are left at home and the wearer goes bareheaded. The .laps are i.ecnleo- i e. I.I .1,.- ;,,... , .,,;,., jtll tlll.ir jrisangi;, i up to tin ir waists, , nid Ihe w .it"rall slreamingilown their ban-legs. Their dress mn.,t he saved, even at the ni-t "f some person il incoiiv enictice. In t he car XV e i ill see this native ille.-.s; a loose r-'be with il" buttons, but folded oxer Ih" breast and fa-t' tn d xx ith a -Ish. This i . t he dr. :- ! Ihe llll'll as Well as of Ihe Woipeii. : r of the lics-e, ;n',. eiy rich in. I I, being made ot Lcaut'ilul -ilk. line hall is ''tiger than the other, vvhi h allows i of being puilnl up aiiox e the sa .h, ami I hen hangiiig d"W n in front making a p"ii. h. I hi- is th" pocket xxbcie nealy everv thing is cariied. At the bolt .pis ,. th" large, square sleeve there are pockets also, suspended li'oiu the sash is a little box and a leather walh t. s .uu ! nnes these urti i lis ie exqut-iic and Very costly. The box contains the tohocoo pipe and the wallet eontailis Ih" lobaceo. The box is Ircqiii mlv made of iv my or brone, liii'iy worked. .I.ipauese tobacco is very mild. The average Aim-rii-an would disdain t- ii.sc it. Mild a-it is lilt little is c un -.iiliicd al one time. Ihe xv hole a ne. ii nt of lob.n imbibed would not be equal to niie pull of a trolig i igar. P.ui Hm alnio-.t universal pi act ice In re is I - diavx all Ihe .smoke up. expelling it lioin the nostrils in lead of lloin Hie hps. N oineii smoke Is XXell as mi li. How shall we .slop the great evil of lying?" a-' - i. ifligi.-u . ie.-l,y. It ".Ui'tjbe -.pi . bui 1 1 V il might be Ics-eni I iii iti riaHv by abandoiung the ll-t lil of pull'lig illsc rip! iop,-. oil tombstones. (1.. ..I I he rli'.l. t I PX Pt ami. I ;li'c I he '"' -... , i-i p.. it, th it lb ei. Mart m A. Poran. conL-re--ui.ui c. t t'r..in 1'h xe land, i 'ai". distri-1. has u-c l t .lacb's 'il in his family and has alw ays p. nnd it sale and reliable, ami it ail"ned Inin great rebel to a lame km c. M iv I'hiladi Iphia ha- lll the Pool I'O'illls Sural.-; , -I. ami vv th .1 hi- eye r . I inail.'lll c i.in. vv!- vv..-. ci-.o- eyeil.vvi'iit -i. i. n i si':it". l.v ii evi'leiH--li.'hli-iic.l. n -'dlllii: in ii I.OI.III N XII. lilt XI. IH-I 1)V MIX" I -i- ii ii d ;!! : .-: d -i: -- in i n Ij.lloll el the III'.;-, c ili-'laiptive 1 1 U' 1 I t . (-1 lilill:! ol hi i I. Il--l!lll--- -I 1 It'l. We'll. 11'.' i --I -i -. I'1 "I'l'lllll-. .it'd i. tmli-.i' :.v dai. I't'l i'l'l ot li i-Nll .Old I It I .Sold Tilled I'V I P""f on .lu-l; ill- 'iiuiill- oil S1 i ' a id i i l,e I.' An t iiriclii'i' ill' Jslelll'.i I r '-ui'i. 1- Hro'vii Niiiivf " ov don for a ..I'lll " I purilici i i" oi i a i. 1 1 : -s. ml -ia-i i l.l 11 lillU'O-. ' -. II. lie; lloyy III l,o. '1 and lire poor lit tlcil I rice. sl.iniiv il. XVell-' Health iituetve.' re-l ite- h. x i.-oi. I'liii-.i l)j -i ep-ia, lint , Men s I'.b, hty. if I. tltli. -Mini p.ui I i.'iiitini.: .a I-. UCI-. f Iff trvir. : from Pi .. t-revcr Sindvvi" s:i.xioiiti s yo'ir b un r.lH Ut Heel Slilll'llel-. lie llalii'ol- Sort .i'i in. Mmiv odi. r I" 'i i hm.: - from in i-i --I ) . s.V -i an hv, i - v nh l.viin ' il Ihel.l 'U mi. 1 1 r ii" iciu- 1 1 I ii hmre. ill t-tie. ippni.-. -i.'K- iimu- p I' ve l.l-t beile.' slipel-e.l. .1 bv Or l'. re, 's rmvtlive I'elh ls." .Ul I v lru-.'isle. I , s. n-il l. i, -ok. hut ih si li -it'll- heel,. im i -. im nine- ri -d. foolish lis ,e I nr Tin. h Uriel.. Ill -ivy stem u'l: h ilio t-i',in.lili..:i- -Wells Miij A pi h -rilb.-iuilihiliuii-.e aharli.: lUL'ie liar, morn lui" 1.,-i 'n in i'e h ih ii ,l,.r is in de ulii i.i-o i r-i'r- hui.Mi "Men nin'1 xvoik nnd vvoiiu-n weep, So runs the world I'vv.iv !" Uul the ni l d linlvie. p so much if they ii-ii Mr. I'ii i'i'. "I- H' rile I'. '..rii.liuii." xvhieli cures all Ihe I'.iiul'll uailiidies peculiar , wumt.. s..ld by ilnu-ists. si. M.lll117m;lU.7;n.. , m,w xve think of 11. Ihil must be the eccol if " - m,n' Iiiniri i. Cocnty. N. ('.- I'.i-slieriiT V. V VV ii sins: ' li o.vn s Jiuii 1. liters lin UU- liinxid in dit'h-linii anil tcnural heiillli." I ine th nisarid dollai - in p'old xv. i.:1h four I iiiuiil-. 'I 'lint I-why so in niy ni u-t ..per nu n lire round -lioiililcieil, lliill'l Die hi I lie llnil-i" '1,'ini ;h en ti lls.' Clean out I ri'iiehet, bclbus. Ihes, iiiits, in iniiiik-, Hopliers, l.V. liiiee, , l'llll. Hy the end of Hie month ii man mil cave In- slum hut to the poor. Tlir I riirr lr- liri'ioii- 1-Ihe best hi the market. Il i- the ino-t i iMiieuiie.'il nnd i'lliiies, (,,,. .,tV , .tjn f,s lout: lis two of any oilier. I Hie i;i i:ism' will last two weeks, ll receiv ed In I pieiiuiiiu at the Centennial nnd Paris llxpo-uions, Hi ineilals nt various Slate K.iii ". Ituy tin other. It is ueiii-r illy cold day win n an Arctic l'X l dilioll els left. i'l It, A. i I. .vis, IIM, liiialemi.il .St.. liriKik Ivn, mivs; "pi -ii'i.ius p'ciienilly know uu inn- for rln. mutism ai d Hru.-lil's kidney ii.nH-e. Pr. Kltititru ii Ihe l',r-i lo iliMMVer le . His li hi liliililllie-tiolll. .line . ra-'-, 'fm-i s f. o ." A party of Mimii'sot i yii'iii:' wniiieii have enne to the Aru'criliiic Hepublii' to tench H'hi'ol find the- virileii.u k that their first itnpn s-inn are pleasant. A Hrniilil'ul llrnil of llir, '..US. silken in lexliire, ndi chestnut brown, re .chilli: tot lie itruim.l: -ii.h a.e the effects of tin- justly cell briited mid widely known Ciir bolino. the prime of nil Hair Keetoiers. There is a I line crow ill Manchester. Vii., I lint Hies iillnruand town mid Koiuetiiues :: lur us liicliuioiid, and regularly ri'liirn. Ihhiic to be fed. FnlillYKfErHU, INIIIORHTION. lIl'liri'Hli'illiiftil.il itn anil Kiieinl "h liility in Iheir yarietii f..niis aliio aa a pivvpntivfaaimt fercr nml at;tie fn.t I'lli.-r ititerrulltcnt fi V! in, th "Ferio-l'h.miihet iteil Klixir cif I nlisnya," mailii l.y ('.ii. tazai.l A Co., Ni w York, foul mM l.y all Iih CkU, in the Ivntteiiir : ati-l for patients ncov. r u from fi vi r or other ti. Inn s it lna iiohihuI The Culver Cluli of Citiciiiu iti will nt .my tune my -tll ' In the (ii rsiiii eiit.'hiuL- xv ith look ninl hue. a hll.i k l.uss weiyiiin; st ve i ,ounds. I Kftseb. W. Vr Dr. W. D. Ewin fays: I "M' o-ti-om. Brown' Iron Bit tow a n 1 ,",,, 1 Ii girl xxith ii luxv iiiulircllii won t May in tin; house when ii inin-'. I.n-lrlnr. liLiMinuiemte.l to ;r svi Icrs. Aid ilicc-iion'. eiexciits liniHi B nml liomlaclie. Orugg.gis. Vor sciuling ihrciitcning letters a riiil ukl I'liia crank xviih luljutlKcd insane. Hpw Ina-'XInrlilno Inilii'lrl . These rcmnrkHble items pour into our oTicp ilnily. Mr. H. S. Ft i i.eb, xvith the Nowlbune Miiehine f 'ompniiv. of ( r.im:i Muss., xvii ", m .... 0' lew... .. r i ... ii !... ....a.. I in my fnniily for over nil xoars. Mv wife was Irouninl with eittnrih of Ire bliuliter. I Piitrerfd in'eiisp inin in llie kftriys nml loins, mnl uiiii:;tiiiii vni nri'ivniil'shod with Hie ce.'itcst ofiu o iy. My fri. iul ttiuiight IIimI -lie couhl mil iccieor. Wolrie l iliK'tor mid mi'ilicii c . nml ulilini:.li l.itti rat litiu,' plie xv. Hil.t jjri'W Movse nmiin. She wasotili'.'cd to iiso ihi! mill d as hdiii v i s fifteen Tint's in n iiihl. nml wis (lowing xxo sr daily. At t 'lis. time my iitti'ii'iini xuis cnlli'd lo Hunt's j I.'emi'.ly. nn I I eotie'inli'd to try it: nnd rllcr j using one liolt'e hlio w is a c ul ilc 1 lietier. the inltiiiniiiatii n wn ri'dm cJ. i ml th ' wi'ter . iiioieieitural. Sli" began t i.-iiin in ai cpiito mid le t no pain in Ihe I nek nnd l.idnc.xs. j She Oi-tll l nlleli.l to lier lini.sel.o'd xverk w ill-. .ul pain, a- il this had lieeii n treat I liiiid. ii to do. even the liglit'.-st kind of work. Alter usiiiif fix I utile she win lompli-'ely : ciirct. Since then 1 I avo had ofi'iecon Id use limit's Ucnicily for kidney nnd liver eoic phiinl-. ai d found it to be j is! as represent! J. -nil en: s.iler it n leo-t wonderf il nioilieine. I voilii not be wnh. nit Hunt's Tteiiirdy in my limiily: and I have r, eoiium nd il it Id no fi ends her" in I i-.-iii-e vvidi iqiiiilly jiuoii result.-." In some iiistmici bank robber. . n reei-ivcr is ns bud a i n The Ihirlnr'n Inilorsrmrnl. I)r XV. I XV i lil. I iii- inii.ni. II., mii la the anl ln"l .n.fi ..iinl iii.l .isin.Mil 'I hav .riw--iilii.-l Or. XVm. 1111' lt'ili.im .f..r tin l.tuiffb in a anvil ii'ini I" I ,.t i,.?.- an-l al t.1.1.. ttilh iirtt'.-s. One t-a.-t. m p.ir I ..'ulnr ni. iv.'ii t l n-ti-ral i.isi,-in- nli.i hi. I li-.-.i .- .Il.-.l ill f-.r i- .ii- ill -.ii. ii tolh iut-lf. Tli...,i'i. " ln-1 nil the -ni.l.ui- ..t .-'t-ti-in.. I C..I1MII1U.I1..II i-...l i.itf !. -.'1I-, li.'.'lii- f.-t.-r. leiir.i-MliK t'...li(li, i'l.'. II.'. ..in Urol ilnm" l..'il.'lj !- Ki-i l..-lt.T.in.l wan a-.-.n n-l-.r.-.l l . In . .ciinl li t if Ii . I Mii al-i found llr. XX'in. Ilall'-llil-nn f-.r I lie Pmiib- lli. m-it tiittial.t.. -a o..et.tr.iiit l..r l.i. A I, i ;v up .!i-tr.s;n i- .nulls and . -I-I- Hint I hive t'o-ri; I " I l.irtl Cit.irrll Slrttf ruf". I 'at.-irrli au.l .ill atl.--ii.ii i-f t In- iniu-i.ita ni'-inhrnii... Keniliill mi Iln llorNi. '1'vvi I'v live ' Ills will buy this bunk ml nutted to be the ino-l pi l led work on t ie ilisia-es an. I cure for the Horse. Ad'tre-s I' iltiitiore New -paper l iiioli, '-'s to N I loli, I ij -ir et Im ii copy. I. Ill.'Ul w h.'ll would abli-e II elli HIV xvlu ll I'i ' 111 tinlll le, WoilM .. hep .'I It leu" III ili- jiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiHiiniiiiiii' ; L!i;iiip:iii!iniiittiintiiniii'j lIlllltiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiijiiiiii THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Itrltt'Vi'B nnti itir Jtll i:i MATISM, Ntiiiralla. Sciatica. Luinhaijo, Il t It t Hi:. HEADACHE, TOOi'IiA'.TF. SORE THROAT. gl-I.NsY. sXVH.I.I?.os. SI II l. Soreness. Cuts Bruises. 1 pir- l in 1 1 s. Ill II V SI 1 1. IIS. And nlli.ilierl.. -dily in'lien nn. I piiiii-. FIFTH CENTS A BOTTLE. Mild l.y nil llroL-c is mill- !i is ..-i-!nai- il. II l.e.i.in.s. ,r, the Clurlcs . Vociclci Cs -. ,-. -i . i v. -,i o i i . . llillliai ri, )IJ.. I . . I. I nillllllllllKllllllliit !i "ililiii'lliBiini'lillSti i t H1'" '" '-ll. alllll'il lllltlimn D nil .ll li ...rfil iiiBiiimilluniiiil mm ItlinnitiutartRUHl' 'lii! iiiii,iii:;iliiiii,m.ii:Ii fillliPil"1"111' jliiill'llil'ljll,,.! IlliiiPllillllli""1""''"!!!! Survival of the Fittest. 1 Fi VllI T JIFDK IM! TIIAT ntS HE.UEU HIUIONS pi RINti 35 lEAPS! X UAI.M Mil i:VtRV WOI XD Ol al.VN A X II mUfT! H TH E C I D EST& BEST LINIMENT SALES LASGER THAN L7ER. as ; Tlie Jtexienn Mntiin;; Liniment Imi tiecn kiiiotii tor liime thiol llin'ty-ljve Veira It S Ilie In "I lit till J iliilllellts, Pn xinii and lie.i-l. I t (.ales toiluv nn l.tru" r 1 Pun t vi r. It cures when hp illieis fail, uii'l ) enr'ntin i-kin, leinlnt, .m i unisi ie, u iuu very uvvue. sou i VcrywUijic. OPIUM HABIT Cured Painlessly. Tim Ma.1u-me 4A for mll inarni almvi- thf cost o. c-xripi.tiniiiUK. A I tre.ittt hy h.ir- l inohtnp lu-ti." l ur lull purticitUrs adtlrta tti llicoverr 11 OR. S. B. COLLINS, La Porte, Ind, vv vt. fur it in I bent rmiK-ilv lur k.dtix. fjT uim!b, di oui rei ioiuflfnr 0 S bjirN (en. Ofiirtli Y rtimiinalism, fru. lumhai v It-n. o-nrtlKii 'c. Il'isru Isfi fat.-- Uric .1 a dtnttHBe mm ml ia)(iittMift In ;i v torninof riiciim.itic darl-ni m 'J ioUw. io'I tinmtry m I tUj. ' rtffer U tiou lr- d l ir;h I le 'o n'n . an d who hurt tr. 1 in v nn ewrjtlrUif I'm. Iy I nt n io, bnrnilMa, nn'l 0ic to lrm. A l jo r drKK It t t t . if bt dHcliDHh m ad t ua for it- t ii o UflhuiKt'lr', Film n, AfliOaw A Ui. . tui WiUi.tm t.. N. V rX'o Kpoeulu I trs. R. Lindblom & Co., N. G. Miller & Co. ".ttiuin'rf riii.nir' New Vi-rk GRAIN & PROVISION BROKERS. l- iiiUti ..( all r iill.il- lit riiailni-H ii linnyt hi N-iv Y-ik, Chirtiao. t ami Milwaulfit- Wt Irut i't'tiiiv privatt tili';.i,itl wire hetttiti In i.t;iii.t N.w York Will itiiMit url-rt mi ir luxtmii'-nt hIh o T'iinrri't'ti. Send f'r cirrnlr- ii'ii nu nartKMitarn. HultT. I.INIHH.OM ,t , t 1 1 Iffl K". NATIONAL TYPE CO IalcU Btylei Iiargkt Cauli-gne. Full Information for 3-rent Mump. liOKt Pricen. Brt Awortmant. PHILADELPHIA PA fllfll ftV a. PUT '"r '.tna- m.i wlio PMPI IIIIJPMI niii.tnUMteui. ataliai aaw uitaiv llriilNKKBl'f-I.I.K(lk; tHik, .1 l.-rnin -.nl i4ti. Wrilt f..r l.'ir.'ulars. 1 it mt r'aattt ull Pnutia rtsluca.1 II IIIK flf SI-'Ml t-r lltuitl rnt-'1 fatal. latia Kteinii Kiiamim, Saw . Xlili-. I cm I1..11 I'. iKimM.Htan.lar.t ImiilMinnls. A It. t .ir.i.iliar. I. tuixylritnia Aarirultural XXnrkM, York. I'a pc aw.kin ri.urnwnt.mn, r.nuaand ti.iut'tt tr..e 900 a.,Mr.- li. Unllltll iV l o.. Pnrtlaml. M.i... CK 4n Oi p.-r'lay at hmn. Sani.t.M worth .'.fi. 93 Id J A I Ir... iiiisimi.V I II., I'-. rll.n l, M.-. 79 i.pi-1. 4t- y nt-1' n"t-ti- m i.t. i'. ' ' i. -.it In ir.ie. AJ-lro- 1'utiR A I ... . .X - nu-t.i, tl -, Pmo.nix PrnniitLti.il t jr.-imr ruiiirh. I'i t-. i; Shall Wo Lot tho Child Die? A li titl lu-artr-d pclitical t conomist, looking at a jiiiK; iind puny child ( i l'ly i;.rjiiiv; as it lies upon a pilloxv, says that the t liild mij;ht as well I c. It is mi weak and poor that its life xxill never be worth uiueli anyhow, i !u re are a're.uly a pood many people in the world who are ol" not much .evoimt ;'.nyhov. And what's the use of adding to t'.ieir number another '.'.cikliti:;, v, ho has but slender ihanee of ever amount Uxg to anything? X' x-a.s'n th.it child's mother what she thinks about letting the child !'e. .! t ut this time the hard politifal economist had Ivtu r pet out o( die way. "Ltl tnv child diet lol Ko! .- Ion if rt .'';, is a rcmcdv k ''found thul xoilfsavt that rhifd, tho (hi!d shall vol duf li! spend vyhv,! dollar tj fav- the child r Well, try a bottle of Hnowx's Ikon r.i in;t ."i ih.it child. Sco tlie poor little fellow pick up stti r.;th. lie revive:. Le wiil lix e. 1 losts of other children have been bniU'.;'it '.linn t iiom de;.t!t (ti healthy life by llroxvn's Iron Hitters. Your di u.'-'ji-t il . it. u Delicate and Feeble Ladles. Tl.-w. Ungmil. lirf-si.m. ensrl-jn. rautloff rou td fci! Fcar.-c' nl'l- t be "n y.-ur fii.1 , that confcttnt dram I'm I- tulons from ir -.v-lrni -ill it l.'imrr tltrticilje dnvii'ir tl.n 1 1 in lrm "tir ctKH.k.: that continual fir-ln up .ii j. nr mil furies, r.-ndrring una irrilbl .iiiil livtnil, tan i'..il be n-iu'ivi'd l-Iho too of that mart' 'l-.ua rvm- ily. Hop Hitters. Trreanlaritlfs and i....lr'i--il 5 i.f y.'iu i .vsli.ui am r.'li'ii'd at onra, wh;l thn viKicial caua.. ul prrulical pain ar wnnnfntly reiiivi.ii, Tt't-uc rt'cciv.. au ium-li l.'iii.nl, aoJ ntifl ara a.t profouiiilly Brati.fiil and tli-nv such an intercut in rt'i-t'litnu.n.tiutf li... Hitltrn a wuiuo, I r. In Voiiiih Agnln. "Mr mnthPr wis aflP.-O'.l a Iiik tuna with neuralaia and a dull, lio.iv.i-, inn. tin r-.n-liti-in of lha whola Ktoiu. hcaila.-li", n.-ro.i..- en Mraiii.n, ami nana'moat Ii !il'-. N. .lifcii'rii a t inrdi.'in".di'l her any uno I. Tliiw UKUKIiaan I'i;ii I" '!- Il'.p Hilt - with a-ii-li i;.''..l t'lTi'.i Oi -I -ii" f-.'.-ms an li-i-li y .un a :am, altli..u-h oo'i i-ev. rt . i ca ..I-I. XVi think Ih-re mi nilu-r m.di. .no li' I" '!- in Hit-laiuil.v.'-A Ian'. "3 'r.tid.'ni-.. He M.foiii., Pa,, Mays, is;a. P li.ii. cirai uu-..I '! r 1 d -t'-ea-, aiu-h aa nervoua li- ., ni kiU'M al lliw -t - a. Ii, in.-nltily trouMps, etr. I Pan. n..t m-i-ii k i na .ii, mi to I l..k ll.n Illtt.M. Alt lll' I'-'iillll'.-ls Itht-tin ni. Mus. Iassik l.nii'.-. f i.imo I o- r. ".Xti-iirof Pun-pr. that i-oat ma fa.ilX) "d'l.- in" li."-'..l Oi in ..ii b-.t Hi. nf Hop Ritt; " I lit iilet cure I my ml,. ..f lifl.ai i-ar-' nerrona 'm ukn-- a. a"i.-;.!t-i-ii-a - i.n.l .1. -....-ui. "II. M.. A.il nrr.. N 1 1 lull Viillioritv. llupltitiiT it. nut, in any -mi..-, au alc-th-.lu: beraraaa or li.pmr, an is.'il.t u.-l In -.1-1 l..r uae eioepi t .pera.na d.'airuui. of ..l.taitiniR a inedi.-itial liiileia, linn n II. IIaOi, P. 3. Oom. luler l Rer. So. II; O..MIN.IV11.LI', O., May I, r-i l;t - I Imte l.rm aullt.i.iig i-D yeara, and I tried your ll.-p IliOi.ra, and it done me more good than all thcd'H't .rs. Mu-a S. B. Bnosr. Unity SiiumI! We are an thankful any Hint our tiurfina hahynai ."rmnii.'ni i'ii.'d of a danKeroua and prut racted eon mtotiotl nn.i ii rttrful tnty of Ilie t.nwi-la l.y the uaaof Hop Ivition. 1 ii-t m .titer, ttliu-li at tl.a aame t ma al red l.i r I-. p. rli' t linalth and mougth. -Tu I'.BiJ. 1811-k li.-t.T. N. V . II .N U III 'C 1. Vj:-..v.'Oman can I uriiTU nr ujixua 'S L n OiSVMPAThtZE xa IThV IS THE HOPE Or? ? WOMAIJ fih WOMAN. '., f -s ii ( cis, rift, LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEG-ETAELB COMPOUND. A Sure lire for oil I IMHI.i: VK.K Ml S, Ini-lilillng Li urorrhrrn. Ir reinilar nnd rnlnfnl liumrnritiaa. lull imeintinn anil l li rrnllon of the WoiiiK I Inodingi I'ltO I.AI'M X l Ti:HI. Ac. ITS' ii im I .ti . :. t.', fin a.'i-.iia anil Imtnadl.ta In it-. ;t- t. Jt I.-. a t-ri .it hi Ipin 'irj:uiinr.r. anil ra let. juiiti -lui ii '1.1 -.1 ui.ilol nrul.ir -il. it. riiiMi sisi it ixii i nt Miinti n mtriT. t a .ilXVl- iiXtH'i ft th.. i.-Ti'mtlvo orpana pf .-uh r I-it. it I ,. -ii. i i" no r. in-'i tb.it ha-s rt.-t ! n 1-t.ic t;.i' i i.'.ll. i ie . I f i' r'l illt.-awa ofth i.li si.'i.. II ii- Iho Ot .;(... .'.mi 'li,' Hi the ll-.inu. : KIINi:V rOMPI.AINTSori:iiherS. l iuiK-n nt lti li. fiu Ha I'M. I.Y'il K. I'l Kilt M" BI.OOI PIHIFIFR vlii i-.i-l.-Mti1 t'tt-ry t.-ntis'ti ! Iluiiii'ii. Iri.-n tr In .oil. nt tin- Bmi.tim.. will (rlviitnni. an.l trrniTth lhci:.ii-U. A.-tuai-vi.lli-uslu r.-8iilinaUiel'"iiiiiini. trB-.tllthlCompniin.laiiil PL-nil rUrKlT nn- pr ran .1 at SQ anil tsxx XVi-nt.-rn An-nur, I jnn. Vat. l-rl.i ff.'ltbcr.ll. glihottlrafurtx. Thf Compt.iiii I Ij nt by m.-.U In the f..rm ..f lll". er of lownpr-r, on vci'lpt nf priiH.,11 portKH tor r-llh.-r. Mr-, rittkli'im freely ansnrirs all letters of In-iutry. Km low .1 nt Kninp. St i.il rot paniphl.'t. Mtnlinn thit D:rr. rarl.tnu B- I'INa"" iTra eTiJ" mrr e. rul'pa ttnu, liiiioiisiit' ami f.irpi.iiiy of th? Lit. r. -i . ei I . fii-Suld by all lruglBl.'Sa ( DYES. Best Dyes Ever Mado. (IT-FOR Fit K. yx-oi'l.. (Hi CiTTOV.-GU nRTSSCS, COATS, SCARFS, HOODP, VA3N, STOCKINOS, CARPPT RAftS, RI3BONS, FEATKtRS. '.v M-rn rr f vn-y ai 'irl.. ne .,- at tl 1 .1 i clly colrrrrt tc it' T I.L-. Illark, Hiun'i. I.rrcn, lltm-. Krarlrt. I unllunl It't.l. Niity i.in.'. llromi, llt l.rt-i n. Terra tin n- I'O li. r bmt pslrr-. V. ..nuntid PjI aril Piiral . Tuh p i kpo I'l color one to four 1 1- -. cf . e.'. s If you bnv revrr ! a Dycalry tltoao " -u will bcdollKh'rd. floM by driii.-,:i-t!., v i l a 10 conta and any cjlor wanted i-o-.it I'. i ' -p ' I U loolorrd aamplca and a Frt ol fan' y c ii'.'.s k hi l.ir a 3.-. ctamp. W EM.S, KIC II A II !! A to., Burllagton,Tt. GOLOTnd S5LVER PAINT. flronze Paint. Artists' Black. -t Ritdlng Famy ii.mkcta, Fr.nnta, Lampa, rh.in.k'llcra, an.l rorall iii -.'! :. f.irr.omcntil work. E luiil to any of tho h'.ith y.ri."d klr da and only 10-'. a raf'iairo.at i!ta '.i" i-;s,i',nr r' pntdlrom l l.l.f. llll'll XIMf if. .1 O., Hurllpf li.a.Vt. .-,rt,J'L-Vi"5: '"'" m-l",l' i' PiJ " ll,' r c""' ati . I'luin'.iiii t in ihrnnii- tjf .-.iiim i.il, n a n .1 I'ftinale h- p a v v M TPttrr' Sli 'll iclt ll ht- is l r. nl all t t'iiipart '! tti ln-Kt ri-inflv tliat rnnbntalvn. A n Mifitii" nf restorniA tin ' tn niith anflTiinJ fir:v ( iier.-n-vUt i-rf latM'kfnfr nn dr tho (IrhililalinB (.fl.-riK if painful di nrili'M, thn Mandnrtl vtti'lnllt imiRirnni ia ci'iiff ttIy nn ia i-.l. all I i-ii -n .Sint t. N. V mir-ft bi ihb ri.itiR . I. HHIiH a iti.. m. i SAMPLE FREE ! W'MXttsAtS? i ir. ni..rB.. l.v - r.r nlw fr... ..! "'I '.rnr.'.iUr. I . II XX 11 l.l X tlsi.V I ll .tH-t llr..d". Nl . VUl kllaitai i Tallit'k.ttii'mti! I .l.til -ll.. ii .HILK I till- li.l I IIMHMlt. I'ti. " CHIO-. rHE RACEll Cm 1 n4 SjV f -W$ I fhw fiT'MACH 03 FI 1 IT If ff I-tuKcit -nl Oral ulvvfcljat onro Burn' rtVu.Chappwl niKlaorT.tp ' Vnia.Huotons.Hnliti.Ilrtiii,S.trpiii'Mof f'ft hindB .;i-.et. ,lU'liUii'fr-'in,;!i3..iiirv. etVr.AfJtj iir-irug cist, or milt.. V-! I i-li-n .Stru t. N. ., I

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