a, iTuIli OLlinthnm -XlffOnf tHTJRSDAY, DEC-EMBER 20, lKS.'J. , - H. A. LONDON. Editor MERHY CHRISTMAS! , , One more we are approaching tlie jiyou Chrintmas holi.Uyrt, and the Hcoan ar?ain extend the CTcetintrH ... ... i and wisheH them, one anil all, Sierrj Christmas I - VDiGi'Allil eavvt'vrrnv The primary convention of the frotestant Episcopal Church in the I bred and raised on the farm; lard, half from Whitakers, was burned last ew diocese in this State met at New-1 butter, beef and mutton; hams and ' Saturday. Thirteen bales of cotton t , . , i i i i , ;t. I mess pork, coital if not superior to were burned. There was no insurance. Jernelast week and elected as ftll ,flt iu tue w, dried beef; -On Wednesday night an nff, ay took fcishop tho Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson, of. iu,'uov sorghum molasx.-s all to place at Stephen Hunt's saloon, be Vfilmington, who is eminently fitted j i. thf product of "Avon Farm." and low the railroad, in this place in which torsohi"h and holv a position bv - ,: .i..,. rrvr.ul h.nrii. Jng and remarkable executive ability. j r ' The name of "East Carolina" was: i visli tho Exposition much sue Selected for the new diocese. It is coss. J.is. 11. Su mkus.' auite a remarkable coincidence that ; - Ihe throe last bishops of that Church j tn this State Atkinson. Lyman and j tV'atson were h.11 I'n'sbyteiians in j heir youth. RATIONAL CONVENTIONS. TIip tmtimiid executive committee The national exe, utne committee fif the republican party met at U ash - ingtonlaHt week and decided to hold their national convention at Chicago, ; On the 3rd dav of next June. The committee of "the democratic partv ; part;. will meet, ou the 22nd day of Feb rnary, and flecute upon tlie time ami place for holding their convention. At these national conventions tl - candidates of the two parties will be nominated for the two highest offi ces in the gift of the American peo ple. These nominating conventions were not thought of by the framers . of the federal constitution, and through them the practical mode of electing our Presi.lents has been en- lirely changed from that first intend- e& The wise men who frame,! our ... .. . . , , ., ., - onstitution mtended the 1 resident , should be elected by the Eloetmal College, which wits to t0 composed f men elected bv the Deon'e of the Several States becinise of their supe rior intelligence and who were sup posed to be more capable of choos ing a President than the mass o' Voters. Those Electors before their lection were not supposed to be committed to any presidential aspi rant, but were expected to meet to gether and without previous preju dice' or bias and after consultation With one another select the Presi dent and Vice-President. Nominat- kig conventions were not then heard rtf. But; now. tum-ATfp not onlw apA the presidential candidate nominat ed but the Electors are alo nomi nated by their party conventions and are pledged to vote for the presiden tial nominee of their party. The Electors aro not allowed to exercise any discretion in their selection of n President but merely ratify the choice of their party convention. Our Presidents, therefore, are really selected by tho national con tentions of the dominant political party, and tho people at the polls imply ratify the action of the con- entiOD. luese conventions then Ugkt to fully represent and express he wishes of the people, and not be controlled, as is too often the cc.ic. -by sefgsh politicians. The people ought to take more interest in tho primary meetings that appoint dole- Kk io niionu ine conventionn. anu i.. i. .ii.. i .i .. , thufl enforce the expresaioa of their ili, THE STATE EXPOSITION'. If all the farmers in the State will tke m much interest in theprix)sed Stat Exposition as Col. Joseph II. 8rndern, of Pitt county, it will be a great Buccess. That gentleman has Written a letter to the Ualeigh News & ObRerrer which we publish below, Old which we commend to our far mer readers with the hope that many f them will accept hia challenge, Wn have never eiiinvvd ihn uli.unic f meeting Col. Saunders but we oil mmmlMt..,,.!,',,., Kiu .....! : "." . ob, wo oDc.eaiieiuie.il me iunerai 1 erricesof a man who haw survived ! them twenty years ! At the break-' Big out of tho war Col. Saunders re- 11 1 ir;n 1 .t . , x ; A .7 , V wnjsourg ne was very sen- usly wounded and capturod. His . icath was announced, and iu the t Buntint ehiireh f?lm,l ITill c.-.'. ' .. .; t ii - i- ! mn funeral services were held in his memory, which we attended as a ; tudont of the University, and the ! Tillage mourned his ohh. But it oems thai the gallant Colonel is a lively corpse, and will put to shame many who have not yet had their fluBortviB proacncHl ii tliey dare to fcc- eept Lis challenife, which reads M tj m tj XT AvoM Firm, Pitt Co., N. C, Dec. H. Being a tillsr of the soil us devoted o the interest of North Carolina now M when my old battle-scarred flag , mm aurreudereil at "Appomattox," . ami believing that an hxposition of Ler l'i'"Re-tH will 10 conducive to an,l lw.linvmi Tlint. n.n K.viinsition of her interest. I write to enter "Avon Farm" an tho banner farm of tho State, and will back its exhibit with 1 a bale of long ntaplo cotton. If beateu. the cotton to be given to the Exposition. I will exhibit as tho product of "Avon I'arni, cotton, corn, wheat, rye, oats, rice, peanuts, tobacco, peas, j beaua. bale 1 hay ami fodder, pota- M " "s "H"'"''"" of I kinds: sluid and herrings, cam and put up on the farm: red niui;,f T . , ... blue marl; tar and turpentine; bar - . ... , 1 , , rcls to put it in. made on tho farm; 1 , . , i ... ' , i , i .. n i i ami 1 en suivcs; n"im ii.ai mm.-.-,, Short Horn and Devon cattle; Berk-1 i -... Mu p0i:l:1 J (.'hiim hogs, all : will head the exhibit with ouo-uiilt dozt-n as fine health children as can i. . i w....i ,.e ti... lit,!.. Our M'iishiimtoii Lfttcr. Fr,,m ,,ur H-iulnr Crrriin.i-ui.! WsniNoTiS. IX C, lh.C. 15. '83. ti, oJ .1.,:.,..;., .....:.... i I x U--.U..I vi. i , in limy lli'u to solid work in Congress seems in- ' citable, and as soon as the complete miziiUou )f ; fwUia w( YroM ,mve lthe : j nsivi l,!iaay nccss, ending not much before tho second week of Jan- j uary. It cannot be said that these ! delays and adjournments are need-j . me asie oi nine is oiny ap- parent, for it is absolutely necessary iu the organization of a new Con gross that the member should have time to become ae.juainted with each otner ami witli tiie ituties before them, and that the Speaker should have ample time for deliberation in tho formation 01 Lis commit tees. In a body of tho magnitude and impor tance of the National House of Rep resentatives haste would bo worse )mO) u.'Lstn. It would crm-iit ,li4w t(,r lt mVi lu.,.iw.)S, bo t.(mt,arv to the spirit of our institutions that Congress is growing more un 1 more iuU! tlu' ,,,1,nt,'"! ;( u l'ut such is the tendency. Origmiillv. th(, 4.1)llmll t(l,s wv; i,,,,,,,, facilitate and expedite the business of the House. As matters have drifted, they monopolize that busi- from I lie date of its inception is far - le;,;i exnression of to itnrletuiu. The freedom of debut popular opinions, in the H.iiisi i ol Representatives, to day, than there is in the British House, .f Commons. Debate on important tuca-ure is not decisive, but the real work of legis lation is performed i:i the secrecy of the committee room and the report of a committee is geueia;'.y conclu sive. Without discussing tlie ipus tion whether this condition of things should be, there can be no gainsay ing the fact that it is. ;i:id there is no wonder that Speaker lvromcs the election of a i a matter of nation al concern, and that when chosen he should consider his gravest respon sibility the selection the commit, tees. Ill addition to the other business of the H llse wl.CMi it gets into fuir wo! king order, it is pretty well un derstood that two or three interest ing investigations will be und. Milk en. The At io! noy-( r.-i.ei u' S oilice is quite certain to be o tl.ed upon to ex plain certain matters, including the methods relating to .some political indictments in South Carolina, and tlie settlement of th Ottmau r.i.sc. Some v-rv "peculiar" instructions pr'il1' to have ben. yiven to special attorneys appointed to pro.ecntc tlie South Carolina cases. u;.d further- more, the appointment, at Mr. Ar thur's reipiest. of the Hon. Richard Crowley ar, such counsel was a viola tion of law, he being a member of Congress at the time and drawing pay in both capacities. Then thero is tho case of Mr Georire Jj.iss. who. ... while actm peeiat counsel in the Star route case, at fubuhms pay. , gave an opinion against the (roveru- uieut m tin Ottimm ease fr which lie r'i'eived from Ottmm a f "f .51.111111. 11 is srareit tint ii.iss re ipiested to have the ease referred to him and then gave the adv.irse upin ion. The 1 nily ex!im! .n f. .; allow ing this sort of thing is tint Hliss is un old "chum" of "diet"' Arthur. One sulijeet of iiuitii. v, I .1:11 told. will be tiie charge that a 1 tain em- ltient lu v.rr was appointed to the Supreme l-uch in pursumieo of a baryain with certain ea-.italist nn.1 t ,o ad magnates. It late in lay Id investigate (his charge. the but tlu ist Con-', ess would not do it and a m-mber f:o;u the State most """" " ,"" r"l'it! M.W.Ut...l ....... 1.: I . . , i-ejiiilaiioii of Supreme liencli is at stake so on..' us !,.. hargL. stands unr, futi d. ! liut one of tho subjecls of g.vatest ,'",u! ,til,iw' hk,,v ' U: wtli y this ( ongress. is tho lapsed laml grants or certain railway cor- p.. ml ions, i here is some ioubt about I t he position of tlie Secretary of the i Ani - rior on mis question, mid Con- gie.ss saouni cei tam.y take the mat- j " n? le: imii.j i.ikc uie mat- . 1,1 U ls ",lt that the blandishment, of these com j pamos might be 100 much for the j Secretary. It is even hinted that 1 , eaptu.u.i nun a.rea.ly, and ! .un . oi u.ii.,ia:e . u.ti .jouii . iiigails j came to his defense in the Senate tho , other d iv, when Senator Hill, ofi Colorado, oilered his resolution call- j l l rl'"u iuui mauou, uni not i ..7 .ll V'!w ";lfioii. If Mr. ; ieuer iniemis to no justice Detwcen ; t,,e lwl'IJ ''l these aspinr cor- poratums, he will inspire greater con- tidi-nce by keeping out of tho com- pany of Infills, whoso last election to the Senate wan purchased with Jay Goulds money. It in not im-' possible that the companion who want to gobble millions of acres of laud illecallv mav even be able to buy their way through Congress; but whatever they may do in the Senate I doubt their ability to enp- ture the Democratic House. It is a ' people's body this time, and means business. Phono. State News. Salisbury Examiner: ; , . . . ,T , , . ... I drowned last Monday bv falling on , . , . ..... - . " . its face into a little pool of water, m : tho suburbs of the town. Wilson Advance: Sheriff B. B. Bryan's gin house, six miles anil n jiiliy imams receive.! a seveie mpi- ry, which the doctors say will result in his death. ' Greensboro' Patriot : At Company ! Shops, Monday, tho revenue olli.-ers j discovered five barrels of brandy in a brand new wagou. belonging to an unknown man. The liinior w.is ; "blockade." An elegant pair of horses ! wero attached to the wagon and on I ., , 'I'l i!.. 1 inese was new Harness. i ne nmn m-d , ias the revenue peo)lo api)roaclied. i ;ii. ..i.iL-o.-,,.! .,11 Tlu i it-a.itj; i.v-rLif. nmn,; ........... .... liquor, etc., was brought to Greens-! boro. The loss of the owner was QQ Ho fook Jo thfl WOOils alil wLereaboutB jH npt known. I, is ,,. , posed to bea Chatham county turnout j 4ohpvilIe Citizen : Mr. T. J Davis : G iron pff, Havwood county, r--1 WIltiy so,i ftt Hie" barn tlie product ! nf Ono aero of tobacco, for wlueli lie ' received in cash the sum of ijl'K). We heard the statement made last i week that over twenty-five thousand ; iloiiars wortn or apples nan nee i shipped this season trom ipiywoon. It was stated to us last week that a number of tracts of land in Hay wood county had recently been sold to new comers. A large number are also coiner into the counties further west. The tide has set iv. let our people be ready for it. Raleijrh Visitor: ?! . William! Hogan died very suddemv ,md lines pectedlv at his residence in 'Impel Hill 1 ist night. He was 73 years ol '. He went to the jxist otlii-e after ti e. mail canio in. got his mail and return ed home. He took a seat in a chaii ' and remarked to his wife that he was going to die." and immediately ex pired, while sitting in his I air. On Thursday afternoon last, two sons. aired 12 and 14 years, of Mr. William ,, . ..... . , . .1 .... -i aiKins. who lives iiooiii mice nines from Holesville, this county, were cut ting on a pine log in their father's! low grounds both on same log when . the axe in the hands of one glanced from the log striking and cutting tin other in the thigh, niakii g a deep wound, and severing an artery, from! the effectB of which ho died in a few j moment'. . Raleigh News and Observer: At! the meeting of the stockholders of the , Atlantic & North Carolina railroad. , held at Goldsboro' on the l ltli inst., it was decided to lease the road to the , Eastern Syndicate" for a period of thirty years. The rental as agr 1 upon is $315,000 per annum for the1 first ten years. $51.00(1 for the second ten years, and $72,000 for the third' ten yenrs. The terms of the lease r -, ipiire that the road shall be exUnden ; to Fayetteville in four years. The lease is to be submitted to the board of directors for ratification The ,-lvis-' tern Syndicate" is composed of wealthy capitalists and business men. ancng whom are Messrs. Gatling. John A Bryan and others. Hurt Ellis, tie.-: murderer of Mrs. Logan, was hanged ; !,t Shelby, on last Friday. The exe- . cut ion was witnessed by 3.0' III persons ' The prisoner made a speech of fifteen minutes' length, saying his reward , was just. He attributed the horrible : , crime to whiskey and the devil. Ii. a : clear, calm voice lie admonished Mie voting men of his race to beware if bad company and whiskey, which I brought him to the gallows. Ellis kerned much composed and profess-' "d hope beyond the grave. j Charlotte Observer: Monday t.i d.t : bout 12 oVlia-k a tramp stole an en- ;ine on tlie Spartanburg ,v A-In'Ville raitroaii nmt ran it trom iietnierson ville to Tryon. and let it get . -.it of , water, which resulted in burning uiij the engine. Mr. John 1. Morris, a young man well known in Charlotte, has boucht a traet of land near Har risburg. in Cabarrus county, and will embark in a new enterprise, which is nothing more nor less than a goat farm. He intends to go it it in regu lar goat herding style, and will breed the best npecies known. '''he eiti X' Tis of Union comity will . on the no fence question on the :.i.-d Three out of seven town ' - adop led the no fence system iv .ear ago ,.,.,1 Ur ,n .,i.-,.i ;.t. ;t is likely tho other townships will also east a majority- of their votes for it at the approaching election. -It is not generally known that there is a g' ld mine in Stanlv couutv owned bv the late President James A Oartield. mine is known as the Flngtown inino. and was bought bv the President j shor shortly Defore he was assassinated I'i esident Garfield not only bought the mine, but established at the mine a postoffice called Flagtown. The mine lias been lying idle! but the man in charge of the property has received a letter from Sirs, tiarlielit stating that she intends to visit the mine in iiorami rmrf BiimmAr and inn La nrratuvn. mnnts to have it projierly worked. Mr. Jesse f . liarrett itieil nt noon yesterday. Tho case is a particularly snd onfl, and has aroused the svinpa- thies of the whole community. ' Mr. Oarrett was about 25 years old, and about eight months ao was married to aymmj? lady in this citv. H was an ex ellent mechanic, and was em;d )vrd at Lldell's machine shops. About a iinuuil-ilA flint week npo lie mnsiicd his tinker, and on Monday last lockjaw resulted .from the injury. All that tho physicians i conl.l do was of no avail, ami his suf ferings up to tho hour oi ins twain were intense. At tho moment of his death his temperature was 107 de giesa. A subscriber in this city tma just discovered a fact which he thinks is too good to bo lost. Ho nays that there now reside in Charlotte, a man and a woman, who were bora in the slime year, month, week and day and in the sumo house, and so close together that the nun is only two hours older than the woman. (VDonnell. the murderer of Cary, was hanged at Dublin, on last Mon day. At the rcei-nt polifi.-al trials in South Carolina there was not a man convicted. Senator Logan, of Illinois, is prom inently spokt n of a. the next repub lican candidate for l'i'cideiit. There was a fall ..f degrees in temperature last Satin day night at ergeiine.- l.. an.ta.i uie menu lew have shut down on account of an - clior lee- :dY.rp Station at Dulnth ; The Si i Minn . teli irraf is that the selioom (Mary Ann llnleht w nt down in a ; trale' Wi ,li:e- l ay night otV Michigan. Twentv lives we.e lot. Til" State bnald of canvasser's met nt la h ilt h. on last J Innsilav. ami - .-. . -t canvassed the returns ot tl: e.ection recemn n. in i.i in, v -..h. r iUilI (l,str.et. and announced Sk.n- nerV maju, nv to he , u. , destnutiv. lire, onedavlast week. incut awav n i !v a ! the business : p.n tion of the nvn of Wiliiamston. in Martin cuiiniy. Nearly every winter s,iu.' i.evti m .nrni k aroima is almost deti..ve 1 by lire. Tj h ,)( ( n j v. , (i) in,.,)1.rmtc ! .jt Uirl ,,,lli),:lliv to ti,r j , a joint stocU proiosvd Stat - v.. s,.,t, . ,,.,,s ti,. l0 .VCim poed of pei-soi, s from all the coun ties of the State. Mr. W. S. Prim rose has been appointed chairman of the committee t i pr. euiv a. charter, Ac. An eveoliei teleetion. Jt Lp A.LLKX, FAVIMTKVILLi:. X. ('. FOU Noll I H CAROLINA. Building IVIaterial, ASH. KUND-s. lOi)i:s. SAWED AND TF'INF.D WnllK nil koels. s.i.l-: i , i, n Kinuc.oi or m"iiey ! 1. 1 t. .-!"-- illl- .via . Mr cti'liti.'li t.i tilt- turi;,.! .-k ! V.St: .iii. C.-MMon n NM IT1.K ill I1h s-.i:.. at wi!iiis'- !i i:i:taii. mucks. l"ry,-,i,-i'" .--m.' r . '.!. .!:. s.-n-l m.. ymir l.-i-. -in, I I will .-ive Un in i-r-'inH iiti. T,,iui lo-t.. T I,. ALLEN". I'wi r n:ii.LK, n. ' ' "' ' '"' "ORTI CAROLINA. ,s kvm.''' t w !v,.iti,, hn.,n,!.i: 1.. .1. omit-. I 11 i-r In.;: !! ii. ihi.-.l M';'liniiiit "f an, ,.f 111. I.e.' I. '.1 Inn Hur..f'i. .imI tM't In ill x mi t.. nil fr.tii"!-- ' i -.11 I .-.-iii'.!' i..l '. ' !.' iii.'lr ill'.- .-:..ri' me at my 11 M- 11 JI-: Jiiiiuurt . l. i. .-tl wht.-h ii. I .IVf 1 h ,f ! T.lk.' ,IT,1 KlKlt- till' ii ..r .'ii titi Hr- .1- i'l.:i!iti9iinitr i.f 1 H.i t..- I. .1,- . .t-.-l. m. v. i-ocsiu:!:, v. s. c. t. - r. 'V.',.".' ""' j,u. i j,, s1 iTATF. OF N'OKTH CAROLINA UNI V ol' II! mini. in i .rpuii -it ,. uriir. II. 1. 11 -ri.-ii. '.-mill- r .. . ,.1 1 aii-lii ..riu, W l:. MUj.. , if,, I ..-h.-,--. rt.i- i-.1 ,- 1.1! i,i-.--.--i; i f.-rMi ii- iiiii ait'l -"II ' ' I'l. ill.1 t:T - .. ! ,1 tlil r.-il ! I1 i.f liln lu'.'.'Hf'- .-.i.i.,.. mil i: ,',,... .tviin- 1.1 'in. .-un-. I.'i'-lt.'i. .1 'I..- . ,, ;r' 'a.t: v.. K. Sni.i... WkIut nil,.-. I i!. 1 II ' 11 hi : iir.-, ..t I'.u'in-y ll.-r tan wii...... n.fti,-- -i. ,i,i... .wi., :iri m-iVfnrv l-iirt..-. ,i'i l n:.' ii,, r. !'.. ii-nii, ik ilif!tni ,if N-.rili f !ii.'. .,r,-.,, r. i.,i'.i,M'.l :.i i'iin.l H,fi"Hr ,il Hi" ..fll-" -.r Oi.- .'! i k - I :l..' Siiii"rl.T Curl .it Cliniiiiun ,''iiii.:v uci.lii .-' arii-r M.-rvu-o ..r il.l.. .,ii'i.. .111-1.. 11. I 1. iin-R-iT. ..r Oi inur ii. ,lnlli'lf?V ".lM.l:t.iil . -r j 1 l-n.'iil will In tnkrn T r.-esnt.. W. 1. tolll-.F.. I'.S. U. N..V. IS. tss;l. 3N ACCOllDANCE WITH SIX 'S il"ii 713 ..f Tii.-e.-i. Un" It. .iir.l ..r C.,w:il) 1 . '-...liny. .I.. Iiim-.'.v .'.Tflf; il'ie' nii.l .- n.--: .- r.: :,i! 1. L.. It. I liti fl.Mk .i iit,i-i..iitr r chat imm u.at 1 In foil" wiiii; It a if. ;..r ipi yiiir ti'Uii)C lull, Ill- ill mi!, l!- rn! Hii-l uaturr T all , li, -1 t :'! Hit litnniMT nl iMji I th llM'ai.i r trav lli'l it) V I'll ilf'IMI' , c. S . iTT. :i'. il.iv- hh Ci '-lu mil. u-.-i "nml ,.i,T, 7B.nn :in mi 4 i'l - In..ii II -in- I -I l"..-i.-tli'll, 'lny- Hi M-. -r.-'v Hri l-.-. IV-nil-ulllik' I'.ix 11 i l ,r l-.ll. 4. mi 47. Kl Tu w. ii. tuini, Fur i'l ilayp ai i '. iii-v ,,,.,r, Th nilii-n irav.-Ui .1. " ,lni. ,,ii iimmpI ,r ! ,lu -all,, n, " I'limi'iiUni: I' -.v II-' I-- i. " a ilnyi, hi M.K.n- Hrl'lK'1, ' X i-i.r.-i 'In)., In h:i , As Atcui li.r l' -.r-li' ii-', $ml.li 4. IU) 4UrJ a on 6. nil lv. mi Sli.l w $T (m 111 H. T.i. I A. Ten, I -iii-r. Kit :w ilnvx m- c, " .1 'i. Hill - U ;t " l l,l . .. 1 1--rt 1 1 . f I .l. ;ii.,il. " TJ.liiys u siii i i-vi-.i- ,.r iirl.lRin, tlM'.l lurliur tlip ynir 4'' Th nnfiri win In hi-msIi-.u (liiyi. i"iir i ,,r l .Uli'ii'l hi KuT. W, 1SS3, 1.. II. LM.l.Ni:, lliiik. Win. Woollcot's ONE-PRICE CASH STORE. 16 K. Uiirg)-it mi, I aits wumlugtnu Su., RALEIGH, N. J. WHOLESALE AND RETAIIi. JJLANKETK FROM 1 A PAIR. IT" COMFORTS 1. 1.50 and $'2 etuh. RUBBER COATS. Hoys' 2, Men's I) FB15ER OVERSHOES Misses i ... . r ,. .... . , . lli 40cts., Ladies oOets.. Men s 75 cts. EN'S SELF-ACTING ARCTIC OVER SHOES at $1.25 a pair. LjED AND WHITE FLANNEL. C OUNTRV-MADE FLANNEL At 25 cents a yard. ; r j i I i ADIES' KNIT T:STS FROM 50 cents. I ! V. RV'S XNDEUslimTS;AT25. 1U .in. i; cents ami ?i. M.oti una $2 each. pHILDREN SIl NDERSniRTS at J 30 and 50 cents. 1 JANTS CLOTH. ALL GRADES. ANOTHER LOT OF FRENCn A CASHMERE at 25 cents a vard. - riOoo YARD POPLIN DRESS (tHinsnl 1 Sowmlier 1, Ixki. THE BANK OF DURHAM, IITltII AM, C, ' , T. nL.M'KWT.I.t.. P. A. WILFY, lTusl'llllt. I'AHlllOr. Itis-plvi'K niilm, paynl'h' "ii nr.MANIi or othkk- wisi: as may l' ncnisi. win huy mi.l mll kiiwIib aii'i in.ii.is on ino m,ii mv-.raoie utiiis. w in imy mi'l soil Kx'-haiico on UicNorili or KuroiiP al riir r'in rail's. iorri'iiili'iiis'ioi iiil. j EsrAia.tsiiKii 183-1. PRIOR'S i JEWELRY STORE, ! FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. i Mi and Jewelry, SOLID AND PLATED Silverware. Our Stock of SILVK2JWAKE AM) CLOCKS Mirpassos in extent of variety and beauty of designs any display in Fiiyi tteville bv any one. before the war or since. ii un AN"N"IVF.!:s. 11Y l'KF.SKN'TS. ild. Silver and E Cl.l-.-e- Spectacles, mid v rv I est. i When you . i:;:; .1 I aveliei!le call oil i'lijo;: a son. N..V. 15. Ihhl. n. J. M. HOSKiNBAUM.! CLOTSIIER AND DEALER IN Has just received his Fall Stock, which is one of tlie Largest and Best in tte Slate and will Ik' oI1 at Low Figures. Ordcm from a distance will i ctt prompt attention. The Best Clothes for the Least Money! Sojil. V. 1K3. 3ni. II. PETTY. 1:1 i iii-t to.viii' Kti't, HAZ.EXGIZ, N. C. I inko .! njur-In lnfrin!ntf tny t frltnl ami -urttniniMH ihHi I have r"Mitiy rt urini fp'tn ihe N -rilifrii iiuiiUt'Ut Hh'l imritHM -l nn iiiilruty NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Ladies' Dress Goods, cues a aits rcoTo, nml xvi-ryililug Uinl l iiHimlly t, uml la a Brit- ti." i.irw. TIhw wniiiliiir r"l r Inviu-.l loeinmln my il. k ll"re biolnjf-lwwIiTn. 11. E. PETTY. M.ivi-iuU'r , Ih3. miscellaneous k GBMD iAi AT SAMPLE S. BROWN'S Mammoth Double Store, GREENSBORO, N. C. The continued mild weather havinj' i rn. iiinir,imii Mum., x nun i imvo uo : ftn,i ;n or,iP . rt,A,u.n al.., i,,,..,, ,.! 1 1 QUI n.. ..I I T i: 1 T I. a SWEEPING REDUCTION in prices of Reodymade Clothing, Overcoats, heavy Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Cloaks, Dolmans. Jersey Jackets, Shawls, piece goods, Blankets, Quilts, Melt's Underwear. tVc, Ac, Sic. I now offer Heavy Overcoats at $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00 ; Good' Overcoats at $1.00. .$5.00 and $0.00; Fine Overcoats at $0.00, $11.00 and $11.00 ; Heavy Suits at $4.00. $1.50 and $5.00; Good Business Suits at $(i.00. $7.00 and $S.()0 : ! Fine Dress Suits at $11.00, $12.50 and $14.00. TUi8 is JM) Lumbus- ftUll lu) ioU but a t.Muine nilM.k(irtw in ... A ... " reduce stock. I offer special bargains in Boots and Shoes of all kinds, Mens and Boy' Hats, ami Ladies' Cloaks and Shawls. Yon are cordially invited to examine these goods and prices and you can save money by doing ho. Respectfully yours, SAMPLE S. SROtGftr. Kiivrmlwr IS. 10113. the j. p. mm mm GEO. E. HISSEN & CO. ManTs., FACTORY, AT WAVGHTOU V, SALEM P. 0., X. C. It you want llio Im-hi ami a warrant!! Waipm xxn thai II lieum lln alnni- nililnwa. war aoa Ktanily ImiipivliiK mi.l -In.ltn ihe lwi Wan mi.U In tin- n.iiiiiry. una mink llio drmaiiil for lbm iiur kaIck tliirlin: Uii' iiasi sit immilis tuivtnc I-mi more 'li;m ,, ,ul, ni,v i,rcvl.,n rrar ihowi iklr iiilrlly. llnvlni: riln ii mir prlii-s Imr as a ic""l Wap.n i-un 1 mailt., wo Hullrll your ordr, iUivihk i ii i'l. .tsi you. All lii iilrlm oronioiiy aiiKurnsl. Srwl lorrln'iilaraaod i what Uim. wim iiavi- uh,sj iiumh navr 10 way. July 13, two. Hardware of Every Description, Sasli, Doors and Blinds, LAKGEST STOCK IN NOltTII CAHOLINA. JULIUS & CO., June 2S, 1SSU. ItALEKJII, K. Q FALL TRADE w.nmrauco. 12.1 and 1'25 Fayetteville Street, KALKHm. X. C The attention of the good citizens ,f ('leulmmcn.mtv is esneeinll v called to our new stock of I FALL and WINTER Dry Goods, j NOTIONS, ;B00TS and SHOES, HATS, &C Evrry IUpnrtnifm Im full Htm oniplto, rvml our BttK-k la tho lar(ritt t )n rmnt In tho city. tt leal Id Quality, Style aiJ Price. Wi mi vp ynu miiiii'y, tlmo nml trniihh, mill gtvi MTtii'l iwlli.tii.-tl, ,11 lu I'Vi-ry jutrllrulnr. , Our Wholesale Department I H Ul IIHWl OiniiU'lo 111 liHll-lRll. I Wo ank ymi ! i-nnii' ninl w u : in.iko nur slurp yniir heHiliiUHriiTi. ami hi-l ni Imiui.. I Mr. D L. Wl-:ilSTi:ii. "t ( Imllliun, wh tm Imm-h ! with ihf liniif!1 mvirHl ,iirH, 1 hiIII ai liln imw.1, I rwiOy In wrvti hln mmiy irlrndt, bihI will nlniij ; do lhm rlirlil. y-UKMKMIIKlt, tbiTi' Ik hut mio iilaiw whrro y.,u will II ud The Latest Style, The Lovcst Prices, The Best Goods. W. H. & R. S. TUCKEIt & CO. ttc!itrmbr 30, Ism. E. E. liU k li, N08. 41 AN1 43 SollTU SITE I'KKSoN ST., FAYETTEVILLE, X. C. DRY GOODS, Clothing; TTt'PC P I in IMMYrii QIIOVS n.vikj, v.v u. 9 j &C, AC, (iKOOEKIES-Heavy ami Lisht, HARDWARE PLOWS, CASTIXOS, IIAMES, COLLARS, TRACE CHAINS, &C, CONFKCTIOXKRIKS, Tobacco, Cigars and Notions. They offi-r a InrL'c utark nnd hom1 ; solution .ifcvinthini; that o.u- cot.1,1 wish, and the public willalwiiyH lind then, prcjmml to supplv their wunt. 1 It. II. TOML1 NSON & CO. ' OrolHT a. MM. Snii. Advertisement. made the Fall and Winter season of 1- 1 J ! many trooos ou uauu id some imea " t GEO. P.. NISSEN & CO. THE ALL RIGHT eolii Store Tht umlfrHltrnnl, Suit Akihh for thUcllrM tiititr, iinii'Min.v to tho iMibllc (Uni over T W EN T V-H V K Til Ol'HA N D .f tin a stitvtt Imvt' Iu'fii tlt aud ihal la tart ItirtliMtt i they Iihti gfvru Entire Satisfaction. PKIGES VERY LOW. r Write rr lXwcrtitlv i'At&lnguv ud LUt M luriiltiuo. Gentlemen's Fine Clothing, THE BEST OF ANY HOUSE IN FAYETTEVILLE. " It is simply because I take particu lar pride in oflcring to my patron such JL1CD PftXCSa as will save them the trouble of look- j ing elsewhere. i'"''J bo" Kuarmu" i ted in Fit and Quality. Boys' Clothing A SPECIALTY 1 Money will bo refunded if not actly a.s repiesentiHl bv ESSE! E. IB, Successor to Hexrt Eliok, HAY ST., FAYETTEVILLE, N. a (K-ti.liur 3J, 1883. ami the Courta. Reaaoanble terma. OpInlaaMtol Ipatctitanilitv. frc of 'harfrn. bfnd foreirenlaf w W. C. tlullUln. 1. W. UAlieuM. I. A. UBim Wholesale and Retail Grocers, cotton factors, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nn. 3V7 Scuih Wilmington 8iret, RALEIGH, N. C. ! W tnke this moiliixl of Infuroilng nur frtanda ; nml the inililli-Ri-iH'riilly IhHt wkriafallapply of OpK-rrlnH. Mral, Lord, Flour, MpkI, Corn, Uaut, llniu, SUKiir, O.ffi-o, MnlnHHiti, Syrup, liAgglDC. Tl", an-. whli-h wo will i-r II rlicap fur rah. ll nml exHinIno our roihIh Ix-fnrn iirrhanlnir and mm will mukp ii in your intcri-xt lo imy friim ua. ConKlKiiniiMiiH i.f Ciiion, drain dI FlourwIMl- wi ; hlKlont murk H 1-rli-e Kimninlecd and prontpl reuun nimlo. Olvo uh a irlHl. Nokkis, Mahoom & GairriN, (Vik av. IRK. Haitian, n. c. A. . Rankin & Go. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Wholesale and Eetail Grocers, Kwp cviryililnK UHimlly found la FI UST-CLASS (i KOCERY. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED, TJi(. (.itiz(n8 (f Chatl)Bni ,re . . .11. Invitwl ,n 4'x"n,,,,e ,,r H,0( k ,,('fore lnviir ehit wliere. ,,w3- Sm-

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