Thursday, J)i:ckmj;kii27. hx.j. H. A. LONLOK, Editor 1 II h VlAf A , U A I, if Before the Rkcoiid again greets is .lor tho old vear will have endel ftndthonow voar begun. Tho PUj . i , , m Of one year and tho begntnmg t.f Other moHt every person to! pause and tako a retrospect, and ho jbust be thoiwlitli'M mm indeed . . , ... vi it Who does not then realize how I'ect- ... Wg in time. Iho years arc fitting'? Ul0 Uovertmiotit on conditions they termed 'tbe iiiide-Htoncn in life's ! ,iave failed to fulfill. Tim enormous jouruev" and tho nearer we approach ' amount of these forfeited laud grants Our journry-H end the more rapidiv ' ly Iw-ouwiycd when it i known . .,' , . ... ,' that a single bill introduced nv tuat do theac nnle-Ktonos seem to lot by ox,.tnt llepui.iifuu. Mr! I'uv U8. Before wo pas another many, M(;JU w- in!l((jK repeals the arrant of who now aie full of joyous life, viil a 'otalof 4ri,i.l;i.(Hi) acres to fourteen drop bv the wav and join that innu- diil'erent corporations which have Hierable caravan that has preceded J1,11"110;1; ,la ml'lii;,u lo til?lr . ,, , T , (.ohh, ot Indiana, a Peuiocratie Lep- theni m the years gone by. Let us ltivo. iliW i,,,,,.,,.,. sl -;.; til all continue our journey in such ;i p.-nhinit tin Seen-taiy of ihe Interior manner during the cming M ir Ih-it from issuing patents for lands gran I -hould ire tut sie another, wo niav ! by the I'mu-d Wiaie.s to siid in the . . .const ruction of mi loads when t-aid be transported. ., , , , ,.,.., ... "Ti tlnwe fivilins i if iuri hi1 h rfivl n-Mt, Wker vlriuo trlunitii n.l In .- oc: nin 1'kn.i. To all its r'ader t the Ho- i;i ck- tends tlie '.'M. piniicnts ot the season and sincerely widie them all a Hap py New Year ! t'O yi M l I T K KS A l i'OI N i K D. The'ipointuient, ot the eon;!iii: ices At the beginning of every Congress in anxiously Ir.ok-d forward to and in rery important matter, bt.eaii.-.o the legislation of Cuiress is snaped by the various roniinittees. On ias't r i i ! i . I Mondav Speaker (. :u u-.- nnnoiinced ' ., , . the couumttr-es ,m tfe House, and it is generally conceded thai he has made hi.s appointments with -veat ;u,l,., i l.. ... I' ... ..,.,! proper are the appointments of l!an dall rss Chainna:'. of the Committee On Appropriation;. Monis.iii on Wus and Means and Tucker en Judiciary. Scales, of this State, is c!;-ia:' of joint 'elect coial'ti: tee ou p':.:: ing. and Gen. V.oee. i n..m o! eo:;i Olittvt) ou PaO'i.l -. ii '.. ' : ': tho c-i.i;aitte oj, r.i,. -Green on ag-i -u:-. i'-e. .j a ;, .. 't. Oil fleet HH.SS ld-;e c,v.i : ;. a..,., and Skinner on J:,d.: . A net been a5:. a. as Hsu,;'., for t;.e le' i.iav'. uu 1 win n t-lio members return the Skishu ,-ts of the ht-Sniol: v :!l ls"-;n. (lOLLttilM. J.i-d; Mil T AX. Congress will ur.i repi i'l the inter nalreyenue tax on distilled svirit-s. .... . ,. . jLven it tne u'-niocrat.e tiouse 'i , Vl-Hhs" in this country are noi tuun Representativos siiould ptiss a bill ' here. they should be. for that purpose the n publican Sen-1 KielVr has ut last got a ipti-iii-te would .lefeat it. and. if that bodv fi',,;l liis 1!l'l 'blic.'.u a-soch,tcs j j . - . ii .' came up smiling: v with a stndtci did not. t-he rre;uent woi H vet-i 1 . .. , tion in the reiioiuimti.on tv Si -ak-such i bill as intimated in his message. t.r ai..i itl,ue di:deiy heg i'i t o assume Without discussing, therefore, tho ' the role of leadi r ii. the ll itis. . Hat question whether or not the tax on tlda was raiher too much for his distilled spirits ouUht to be abolished. t'lli 'l? f' "-'"1"- 'lio had toleixt.-d lam. ..." ... .. lor the sake ot tu- ,,ai t v. it, .-i.;te,.' we mav cotisnhr it :is crrtitin ttiat it ., . . i ' i . , frcit ill,. ike, au.l lus known nal will not b a!). disked f..r some yeius t,.v wj,j, tu. p, ,, j,v a:,.,.t yet. ilie itemociatic inemliers ot Cona;ress, how e-cr. demand a ehnng Hi the method of collect intr this tax. 1 1-1 .1 . . . 1 .-. oy which me u.osi onion, leaiurcs of the internal n-ii into i:(w mav In removed. They de-he (. relieve tile people of the un: yiet' r v titie spies that infcsi the lountry hke the locusts of Kgypt. As a step iu that direction n.e aisliii-fuistii-l l,e re- tentative from this district, Hon. W. U Cox. introduced into the House. - on the 11th inst.. a bill that, if pass- , ... v , , ... ftl. will ailoru much re i. f. As is well kirirvn. ih,-. oj-,JVt hnVa of the distillei ies in this State are if small ?:ipa-!ty. ve-y f.-y c tpal!.i.f pr.. -due-ill? -allons a day. Yet. at every distillery, even if i:-. capacity is only five gallons a day (as nniny arol ti store-keeper is .-twii-m-d. (hn. Cox's bill provides in its first section, as follows : 'That tho laws and regulations provnimg tue met noii tu.i niaeiniiery for the collection of internal revenue, and for the appointment of keepers and gangers shall not n uiMiiierics 01 spuus registereo at a caiacityof thirty gallons or 1-s production per day. ' l!y theadoptioii of this lU'ieiiiiment to the revenue laws a vast horde of these store-keepers and gnugcru would huve to seek some oth-r iukI more active employment, beetiusi h mnjority f the st-'!? are less than it tiiirty-gnlloii cptutty. In :.m next Mecti'U. tu bill dlii cS ;l.,el diJ ill. ; -. whd e tlit ir diV. hlei ic h-iv-: u i .'.pMC- vi u. j,ii:oin.-.ii nnii .i.u, .- nun . rem wnn Ji uirie'.n - i H over tii:tC obiiiiu u license ;u. i. tind shu.ll odorous indtviiluii. u't I his iut::e'i render umh r outh to the district W" til! ' "ld se.tiaii.httra ,. , . , . tion. which :i!c ben. v. 1 to huve not collector urci-rterlv ve!t:rcs ot t ie , , ,. , . ,, 1 1 ' I . . . . , . , . i only Iicj.( d io iiispiii- the net o: ttuiount of spirits produced tor t:(sa-. (tidteiiu, but to have g:..'itly iuj tred: tion. The third .M ctieii directs wind thi' nutty. i!nt wi.ixt is bei'om..' in to be pai l for tiie licenses., redue- of tiie i. (. p. jf it is .hu, b. reii f . ing the present prices, and tilsu re- iV"'1"1:; .!'i:M . . . . ,, the noblest coiruptmmst oi thenuiil. duces het,to lif,y c.,,t, u gal on , mw Jc Kvi ' ; By the present ystcn the cost of Mnn)11Pi H , M , Olleeting the tax from small distib hl r.b(llira. p lenes bears too large a proportion to, m ' i tho amount leeeived by the govern-,: Austin Cor'oin. president of the i luent, and by tlie passage oi (leii. Loug ishmd liuiiroml Companv. pr t'ox'8 InU it is probable that the sented a C'hiistmaj. turkey uud u h t-' government will receive iw much lift ter of thauk.s -for faithful und revenue its mw mul yet not- o iiiuch courteous se. vice" to each of the 1 yai'h- ' Loo- employes of the road ( .. ..t ;, .. ... e i .. 1 (Mir Vaslii;i-'.iii l.tdder. l'lmii "Hi' lirytilnr l'"rii'f".iiiliMit.! XWsiun .t -x. IX C, IW. 22, Whenever ii how goes up about disturbing f.he "bu.-uitcss ir.U 'rests" of ihe country it in certain to T.-rocecd , ai).t.ifl CK1HJ wj10 f,..a. 1i11!t s!mthiiig j niay bo dene to take away a portion 'of "the ourugeous profit they are filing r.m the Ablated last week, there are indication--! of a aotermh-iatiou on tho part of some member of Congress, liepublieatts iih vpII jis IVmoerats. to "disturb" business" of homo o f the railroad corporation winch still hod oil to; . , . . , enormous land 'runts received from ,' within the tiine ,'ixeil by tho variou aits. t)t!.ei' UHasurei iiaw been in- troduced which show ih llom.o -is in lau.est in its Jesiio to put a stop to this daiigcrou of pubac plt''. It is now genet ally admitted I ' the best lea! i con-iw:..; s moiiopi'1 of land is tiie and inio'i.'i'a'o.e of all niouopoih' fro.ii tlie fact thai the a-ioum of i ou the globe is lised am! li.uiie. it is w e.i i.ovu mat ix ! prosper whete large ttact are in id by lion i esi l"ir. capitalist-., In this country we have be i; at cu- tonied to speak of the "bound. e-s ... ....... . . . , , , , West, but the statistics of the Laud . ottice show that the public d.':a,n : jn this region is fast nu lelLg away, In Kansas, Nebraska. Arizona. a:,d other States ami Tel l ito' ie.-, the gtet'ter portion and the ln-st kinds have been ftkeii j'votil the people ami b-..- !o,vnl ou raitroa I cot pi'--it'on.. i;i v o.ora lii tliefe is vrvi:tt! ble land let't. With t'.eiaeiit of the V-st e, f ee'gll it'il-lgratl "i tis y, tneo'.'tl' St. it , we -i'a l !;;c. r -l s. aic'ty -if h -,t r., - a-j '.I:-1 C-a. is a matter ef i.:a--i 111 e-e :. i:e's 1-. ulili' til" vtua! -(; tiers who wi - tht n e.t d ni;-. a i i of -.ocit tv In tiieis te-;-, ,tt s. :;.-ieadof ad.-vi,. : sn!',' by the ! ;ii,w.,ys m tar : u ,"r' 'h -V "' f'!' ' ' purposes. if the dav uiiaiumoiis action ten the iiouj- tlie House, tney on We.lne .d.iy last ,-iiiod fp aid le.lidialed iittu.'thlviigh a ...... e i... i i i i . , i e. s ii.. , . ,i., nun, -in Ji... 'l - . , ,i ni eaieii ; st raw pii.p,.,i way or tiie oiler tor ine Ho tel co!:-iCl rait it;, nut it "..s iVeit cr iley w.u.n.d t'w v 'ti d.i.'.ti. an i ! lit y .11.1 -X -,,-ith a vetig. ai.i-e. i'ne feeling against IVeii'ef ha-, be-eligrow - leV M-r S, I O! ;'ll sm ,.;. I. .( and tin oppo t i;;;s l,e,- a uile l to show nun where le-si i .d X,lU ,'i't',l,,i!V uf ' - ? "l '" ,,: " ;"1 'V'" for uec my or re-pu t fur pui...c opinion, is i.ow es. eted to reinv to the i. a-. There has not b-.-en ;.u-eii i lu re mis in , n-, ei 1 (;;; i-S in t he I;,. ;ii an a-s n the i';ii:.iiit,ili!. an 1 it thuif wit! s; e his like sg.un. A writer who has b . j, evolvi ig , grt at dial of nm. sense lately, trib ute the defeat of ( ieolge C.' (i n ham fur the Senate Seeiet.'.fy-.l.iti to the . "courtesy of the Senate" je says ; "I have seen ex Senator David Davis get up in the Senate and move to adjourn, saving that his l;n had arrived' Tin- e,,.n t,.v1 hour Viiurtesy would induce th.. Senate to adjourn. The Semite adjourns when an honorable Senator Inks ( dinner purtv: it a.! joiirns for u horse race if an h-mor-' nble Se.iator express. a wish to . tend." This is all very true but it is lH,t Xrno- '' further say-. that l'--' beaten beeat.s., ho had r.,..,.,.- i ii i, iiui,-s .r;rtin-:i ,--n- mors miiir mul leaves. J liese two Sen.-Hi., opposed him. bid id.-: M I plollO'Uie. , iipp(i;lt.;,n v,.'V e.e .1 tiS'tltln l A horn lie bed not s.-iiil ;it. v li!".l li'lt'g !'i;it e;.;-e..l ii.,;: it'Utt ii d tent iii-e In : en'iMi uri'totisut;: ,.; ..i.ih. ei ; , .. . .i ;'!!!! 'on of 1'rtJlu'l ty. iTiiin Hi.- Nctt.' oi.wivi.h-. Aci'iiiling to the returns ma 1' to tli' State Auditor the total vain.-uiou of i e.slund personal projierly in North Cuolina fools up the handsou.e sum of vJ'Ht,:'." 1.745. The last Auditor's report shows that the valuation then was !1(!7.7 IS.CK!). So there has been hi iiu'i-caso iii value under the ucv asss--anient of $:2.fl:UH) nearly twenty per cent, litis is an e.cel- 1-nt shuwin-'. AViiko county main tains the lead with ten million and a half property. Mecklenburg comes net with seven and a quarter. New Hanover, now cut down to merely liimngton. lioastM more tnan live unltions avue, Ituiltora, huge- eouilie. Huncouibe and iorsytli eacU ! hv e over four mi'diims. Pare, iu the ea-t. is the sniailest. Willi only ?.,- (idO. wiiile Graham, in the far west, i t close to h-r with only 2(50.000. A I iw ions lliot. A despatch from the City of Moxi- Co, dited 21st. savs: Trouble broke out to-day among th" lower classes caused by nickel hi ..'n'V. Nickel was refused iu the city market ihis morning and quar r is, with tirintr and cries of "down witis nickel," ensued. The panic pseud, uud all business houses wore ,.ved. itio moii passed tiirougu die streets. nreaKing niinps ami windows. Troops tired blank cart ridges at the mob and a force of cavalry eh. irged through the crowd sove:;;' times. Order whs iinaily re stored without bloodshed, and the city is now becoming more quiet. S :i;d '.y was the coldest day know n in M i ; 'husetts for years. A heavy snow and sieet storm swept over Illinois. Indiana uud Michigan Saturday. At different points iu New York Stale the thermometer ranged Sat urday night from 22 to !Ui below r.eio. A very hold attempt was made iu K-;..-- ,i few tii.d,t, a.'o!.v iiii.e' men to kidnan a fmil-'are ot children, lour of the men were captured and jailed. Great excite ment prevailed. A negro named Howard, who killed i'at r'tyn. near Skipworth. Mississip. pi. on iii- lth inst.. while being con veyed to jail, was taken from the -iu iiit'l'v negroes and is bed-yed to av been i.nehed- It is I he lilsl inty ced other members of the comt. He is in a desperate mood, ami :is . erts that the Judges who decided tiie case against him have, some of tits tu 'iioy. The Judges are feuinig .inia.y. Stato Pev7s. Concord Hegister: Mr. George A Misenhf iuier killed hogs this Weik i ne laigest one was 2 yetu'.s old, and weighed 501 lbs. Another 5.J months oi . welgtn d LSII ihs. The least one was 7 week:-, and weighed 41 ib-s. Wilson Advance: Tho wife of Wade ii.'.rnes tcoh). who lives on Mr. W. ll.triie.s plantation near WiUuu gave biriii to twins the 4tii week in Jau n u v of this year, and on tlie 2nd week in November again plesclited heriius o.uid with a sou and daugtiter. A'eu'.auce Gleiinert On Monday -vi t.iiig loth inst , Mr. John Klapo, rou of U. F. Klapp. uear Compauy ops, whil- at tho brunch getting water for feediug purpose, fell in dlid . e d.rowned duiitig a sudden attack f epilepsy. His long stay ut the barn caused his wife to go in starch of hnu, tinding his lifeless bodv w here he had fallen iu. Wiirrenton (hi.etto t We know of very few in this county who nvertige uioro than half u bule of cotton per :icre. ILis ut present iincen is almut 13. This simply means ruin to those who pursue it. The mtin who has a big cotton crop on hand cannot well attend to anything else. Thin Means no corn, no clover, no wheat, no oats, no bacon, and this means tho inert- "ved slave Durham Recorder : Mr. James Y. Hhtekwell is erecting fourteen n. w dwi Uiugs, and Mr. V. T. Itlacicwell lets contracted for twenty live more to be erected at once making tuirty t:ll.e dwelling-. goinup IU III.; soiith- c -u rn j ,trt of town. .Mond ey night ib'.-e! S o' loe't; a two-story dnelliteg I i 'Use on ( 'icipel Ull) street belo- 'tug tti 'A' T. !'.!iel:iveil. wa- '.--:r' to iy .lie. Los about ; liiiiid. Franklin Times: ,S ''itis(un died on the Mli iii.-t. u ..1- V.rd year, if" has been for h vi itil years the largest tax-payer in Franklin county. V hen ho was twenty one year.s old bis fiit her ejtive him a horsti and he cent to work for some of his relation ou shares. He often said he was worse off than he was at the begin- nitig of the veiir. He afterwards iu-' heriteii from his father IHI) acres of ve ry poor land and six or seven ne- (ti''i i"is ue eauie iiuu poitsession of in 1811. Ry industiy and f.eonomy he accumulated 75,000. He had a large kIhvc property which he lm by emancipation. Here is an illustra- tion of what a furiuer can do by hou- .;t bard work. e.-e o I rienr-l where H l-egt'o we.s sunt iiyliisd : I he tKet-lelit oc- doitht'.e j." '. - e. ! . ..-i-e. ..-s Si e( p. ; ee'l-d bv liee-,ies for klilltit; a wtiiie ' ' i . .! m ti. : a-ece of I ...o U . ,-,iv... I d -!. I:-,.:;. !he .-. .; s ...,!; :'. ,i . ' It. I'r ;'. i tets ;ne t las.. : t ! ,., -, ..;;.:., ... :; W.-i.iii' "' -....f.-ie-t. V-t v.-if.'ti.itioti of the fi . "Is of i-- - ,uu- ''' '" !'- !' id; i':i- ;. '.i-,-. .,-i-t .n : '. i. v.. -.;:.-; d.;. ...i.-eliepartmei!: -1 led jut.,; ie. a'.-ivl a M o-t luei. -s!:.-!. !; . ,. ; - - .- - . ? , : . ev.. he.-. i .. vi i ....... r .... .. ; . t !o. s, t. ! s'.r .ei; t.." ! atuu.i-l .i lite i. ,.;,.-... :., fi . . .-. ,n ! ! .'f.ittis. I: .... v.... '. v....v - .. .e., ;.-;:ti ctm -i;,.-' i' to .;! '-Ie. l it- loa.j l"-"l'!-'.v "I .'. o't'iice si.ic- June. 12 havin- ti-e. 1. aeuu iie; ch--k bone and - , Vi ! improve .e-.-ve.i a.l of tun lit.. - uud. rhi-orig- catti; ; t;p iu side of ins face m 2SBS5.-.S ;;:v' '"'V' that gave' icivo b-eti dead for- N,.vmm!.-i-;v.: T .-irki-. it is fe i'feJ tf?Jl . Thoma- Itufonl. of Kentucky, yvha ' :Vr l ,V' V"v" s a,: ; " '! kpTTJ 'vSI of a,;:.! - .'. g, K.iiott. It tin- jn- .;u,;tty alt.,, o de . h. Ir Kowe : iloitrtot Appeals, ami was sent to " ' .'" " " '. t:: iv 's f iA C ' th.. Lunatic Asylum, from which he "',' ' Vo ned i.y ins aramv ami fe ji &&,Wv'?kA tv I: s.-ared to Indiana, has returned to demeanor, shut the i r.-i, mm. I.u! V-iPM Hickoiy l'iv. k: o.i V, .lii I'i:t We ii ; d th:' . N lcpot 22 barrels of e;;ys, !-taiaiin- tuwii ,.inp, 1 1..- -one 'i'.a r.M-ntix a ready for shipment. They were to.cititn ot tint township dre,;,;ied thai be sent, mainly to New York to niako j at a cert nr. -p..; t! land of oil: ' egg iog. Hlve, Vc, for nr .Northern j of his neighbor t!:eie v us buried n brethren. Each barrel contained an lot of money i-nd a set of ;.h te;u!-ei 's : average of !i ) do, maldug in all 1 1."'0 tools. ('oim.-ep.ii .iting his divaia. ' dozen eggs. Thusn were ivlllccted next day. to o-ic ,.f his 5'rii iu'i-h thej in Htekorv chieitv bv otic hrin during t!ie last few weekd. ('.lvtun ftu,i: () ast Saturday tho leuise of Youiij; Fen ell. eolon-il. and two of his children ago, respect ively 2 and "i years were consumed by tiro. I'ei i ell liwd 1A miles from Wilson mills in this toiititv. Feniil j,, ,0. (lft, r breakla.-t. and went ,, o ill.;..-hiorV to a iieiirlibors house, and a i nort , w,jj0 thereafter his wife locked her ; (wo children up in the house, au.l wollt ., to mil's. "1 Morganton Mountaineer: i who vt re on the streets la-t night after ten o'clock vre Thosti Friday ' a little f:llUu?,' f:t,, fj,,:i, a Kky tilil uiiri'it 10 mm it. at in snow was was almost cloudless The stl.l in laM.-d fo hour or more uiitil tN ground tli" h' .i-e tops wen white. It w! a s .:!. cu'l a -vh'v si.ow.' an and was M.ow." the i the country , ill tLe tl ikes beinu Mown acr tir miles fioin snow mountains, ieUV(, Seville Obsern r: We learn some cow- t j,..t , , ,,,1,, i... tt k irdlv f ii o; ' s attempted to -i tile i . t... !. Mr. K..I-I. Johns ville. Whet: tin by Mr .i.'hnWs iiienccd letruitg now oce.ipieil ly h i:i tower I .;v itte it- was di-.i'ov-rd '. :fe. it. had just com- g the ti tor and insidt iio.udicg. He found . - i sill a ttii ba.-in intietii.le liiutter. Sti.h ..,,;.!'. -is a:.d eotion of the wca'.he! limh r tin- ho tilled ..ith :1 as lightwood fabrics sat'ira. 1 with spirits turpi n- tine. Winston Smtitiel: Lewi:, Lcinliach aged "i y c:if ai d lliiabeth Salt r. aged (i'l year.-, wire married in this county recently, ' could certain ly not have been an instance of love's vouiiLr dream. Within a radio of less tliall .JOli.Uesol tligll roitit tliele at least VA cotton factoiies. 2 1 woole n factories and 14 mines ail iu full operation. To these add a large number of tol :eco factoi ies. sash and blind facto: ie-. spoke and handle. Mid one factory that Ih.ishcs shuttle;- ready for the loom. Salisbury Watchman : One dav ( iHii,:i..-.l.i.;ay --n tn.-dcor tili it bi-.k- down. .Mr-- Howe li.-d oat ot a window, whil. tin- i irer chtl dieu in ti.e cio-.i t. and v. lieu she returned s.ttlia party I i arrest the! nitiinii r. .oiti.d inm .-it. ing in a ruck ing, with the halo in his laj , Win-tot. Pilot; About iwi!ity-tlve ; miles f, em Vi'insU.i:. in Davie i ounty. ; he., a Mr. .sia-.vM.r. w h . is a -nat coon hunter and al.-o the f uher of a pti tty de.-;;l.ier. A few tii.thts ago i lie heard his dog's velpitig urn! think- j U.;,' perhaps tiu y had li.ed a cool;,; went to t hem. and ii.i.iiu.- his stir-! pi: e. to lind one of Ins daughter's, most obji ctiouabhi Im.'.iik dangling: t'rmu a hi. :li by the cat tail. The! old i'i:iti pr.'ceeded to r. iu"ns'.ruto ' with him with a hi u k-suaito whip, j The young mau has sue.l the tdd mtn. (I.ei ee-o Watchman: Mr Hieh- ard H. 'tiglit of the tirm of Y. ' l.'itl.i . s. ,v Co.. ti'li.iceo iiiauufac- j tut. is. of Durhani, took ids l-ave of tiie I nil e.i States s..iu. eighteen liionttis since iu: a busi-u.. tour, and : reael . .1 tiiic place oil hisn till:. Moll- i day ni-ht While ubs.-i.! Mr. Wright ' wa in Itidia. Aastra'ti i. '."an Di-unn'ti j Lard. -'.iig!;'.iid. I'raiici;, Germany, K is-ia. Norway, Swid.-ii. Is nm.-uk. ; Mt-xico. Ceylon and other sections found on the broad innjiof the world, i It. naikiti-; this tour he estimates that ! he hum lied hi twc. n Sii.oOU uud lid,- nates, tie u..ed much mfoiiim- H ti 'ii cneenntig tlie people ami plucks i ni C' t.eeriiing tne people an of tie- otd world and the account ho give-, i full of mi crest for Americans, j Yet lifter seiing si. many of the fairer j sections of the world, ho gives the' picti r.-ucu to the laud of hid nativity. . , x . . . , . , . ,. VVi ldo'jNcwst ( n Saturday night i Mr. M fhuk wns shot and badly j wounded by a set gun which he hail i just j.l.iced'in hi-store for the bt.-i.n- tit of burglars. Ho was preparing to j close the store, and Mr. Dickens had , i laced t ue gun in position, connecting tion. connecting V, li e -.i it ii t i . f- mc-f ot a 1. Ii.,l.r,- iu lb. e. ... t w. .!.er,,',,-) v'l.ti k went back t. i.icing forgotten letrrel ivitii which i d was si'ih.g on ibe ,".l"f fl'.y striel; th loa h d with a d ui.-e, and the gi.... ithle charge of p..w-. eir. V talK acceti lit del at. d nine biei;shot. Was dischtll'L'ed Six of (lie nh-i through the biirel und seven rough his trowsei 't ttii to eiiN -rifvr lis th;li. Two putti ed ent't-'iv ti-.v.i'i.d, tiie leg. otto i-- !" l"ll! r.' "! tue !' . .-h. Mtilrsville Lindmark : In theelee- fieri vesterd iv both ( llin and Turner burg tov-rdiips adopted the stock law 1 1I1P, Dy a Vote of ltKS to til; J urnerrf- burg, by 'a vote of 74 to 34. There I is a Wonderful curiosity on exhibition ! at Mr. S. J. Innings store in Wilkes-1 born. It is the hide of an opossum I that, weighed Iti nouuds im-ofs the i i Lhly weiohing 3 pounds and mens-' last iii.'i'k. u iuro in;;ii. wliose inline ho;, r and ten -c,u ;t-. 'I Ie- trein is has e .-i:-e.l ii-. w i.t! out iiut.tiu r was t, run r :.-ii! .r!v evciv dav and v. ill .1 a. two pneeeur ! to so ii whu h bad beef) indicat"d tile l.sioll. H!id '. a . ,i; ! the i ' ClliiUjh .' there .nth I to f.-t -ted had jh.'niiig ii.-eti broken. Tin-, I digging with a sili, a'.d a : under ground, found, r r th, nioi.iy. nor the toots, l,a -i bodv of a colored i;i!.ll;. Chui'ite Oo.-..-i v. . : Major Jim tiariis tto.igu! a hi i: i Mi.ts turk yesterday. had a ling to send both tor!; It and waul and colt to' pressed his i ' his (arm n-:ir tin iniew id of about I i) .unoners o si rvi. e. v. ith i.usti iiciions to h a 1 the e hind it and e.-irry tin- turkey in h:s le-.,!,d Hie t ill-key nilillt flop its w i;;,.; -. ,i! .1 cans.' the eolt to run oil" and throw the boy. The' voting fellow started (')' according to 1 directions, hut on ariiving at the bri hje o. r irwiu's creek, lie eotn-hi d-d tint l:e w mi l ride the h dance of the wa an 1 iea hug tiie colt ur to ti.e handtailtug of the bridge, st'i-tcd toinoutu. vil.eii tie- iiirliey gave a vigorous i!op of its wi'igs. The -olt bolted o't' iie turkey tleiv awav inn! (; );itl,. f, Uo.v was juecipit it-d dow n tu, eiiih.udoiie'U t i the -round be-, low. a dl-t.-itnv of fully Li feet. lie was (ci'iii'b. siuiitn-il bv tit- fall, being i 'mocked its-. n.s.iil-f r a ;-l.ort linu-. i.i.t no b.'iti s w ie broken and he is now ralivi'i from the etVc.-t-. In coiicrsat i' m Willi riel;d ot tli- lead i'ig f-iiMi-r--1 of tiie e miitv. yesterday (tie re-.! !er was r i t r i -i m ist ifv- : ing statei:;ent of tin getu ial condition j TtSSl&'t' that the tenants are aying bett, rand more readilv this year than ever before, and that the a-rieultur.'.l system of the county has s ored a marked improve ment. While it has not been a very good eoitoii year, the fanners have been favored with good picking sea sons irid made th- best of it. One of the new enterprises of the North Carolina and IJlchuioinl .V Danville railways, is th-equipment of a fas! stock train, to ;;i.: bet-vecu Salisbury : 3 A rje :::f0 -pTSsjS-.?- . ; -ij:'if;5S?j - : P'Jtp: -S' Ail La ?lZjrL:-i.r: I .-iii-.'. ..'-. -fd li,H.. ,. i . .'tj' l.'jl.ti'-:.IO--.f 1 . l.-:M. A AA k V J XX O iXr r,f IV t I .1 li. l I . i Ii Ih n. FA Y F.TT EVI I.LK. N. C S'JUB AKD PLATED bnverware. Our Stock of ,..... ..... ... iu,UK e - ui.i i... m .in n .-' ' " and i aiiv:i!- I tils ;:ev seli-m- Vi'as j iuau-'iiitited 1 i;-t Sundiy. The ttijii from Saiisbm y to i a:i liie is iu live ' on. i. fir- n,'; '' " r T'.tf- ( Tt :.i,.-,1 - ' - ., ! !::; v "'t. V. T. 1 I Vi ! 1 ... I . A, Vi tl.l V, 1 : -t t ':e.. .Vwe.t.'r. iu extent of variety f .le .i,;ns ,.uy display in . .. ' , . .' ... a.i VffZ?) 0 4 filfi ! SsU ft JUiMt. ttlhUj i till dlNTS. 2. HSi Id. Silver titid St t 1 t-ipec Ie (i!ii-:es. the vely lacles.and best. ' THUS, A t:e n- r.- rti.ii nt. ; !i vim vi -it uvcMe.vilIe call Oil W AMU FN 131! 01? .v SON. ,, ' ;m s. u ii. iw.uii .lOOii vv v Ztliscellancons & im&mM MisiRH MMimi SAMPLE S. BROWN'S MaEiintotli Double Blore, GREENSBORO, N. C. The continued mild weather having ninde the Fall and Winter oeiiHon of 1'SM unusually short, I lin.l I have too many goods on hand iu aomo lined and in order to reduce stock have made a SWEEPING '" P''''eH of Ileadjiuado Clothing. Overcoats, heavy Hoots and Shoos, Ladies' Cloaks. JolmaiiH, Ji-rsey Jackeln, .ti-ii s i in irw t ;ii ie., ivc, v!. I now offer Heavy Overcoats at 2.00. 2.50 and .:htiu ; Good Overcoats at 4.00. ").00a! 1 .(!.0i): Fin Overcoats: at J.OO. 11.00 and 14.00: Heavy Suits at 1.00, !4.."0 and $5.00: Good Business Suits at (i.(ll. 7.00 and -.illl : Fine Drc Suits at $11.00. 12.50 and 1.1. 00. This is no humbug and no joke, but a genuine maikdowii iu prices to reduce stock. I offer special bargains in Hoot mid Shoes of all kinds, Mens and Boya' Hats, and Ladies' Cloaks and Shaw's. You are cordially invited to examine these goods and prices and you em save money by doing so. ltcspect fully yours. S. EROWM. N ivi-mbi-r 15, twi. GEO. E. KISSEH & CO. Man'fs., F.UTOHK-AT WAIOinOWV, II jnm wiini in- ikwi an I it w.irraiiii-.l WiijMit w 111V. II lipnr. iii nlmiv niLlrnsH. wo rf con. Htnuily Inij.r.'vliK! n l cl iliii Hi- Ih: Wn.n m,,.lr In tin- .-.minrv. una ihink II, i. I. iukii.l fur ilium -it t-ilrt" iliirlim Ui uisl t mmiiiIis luivlni; Nwi ninri" ili.-m i..iihln nnv .n-, .m" ynni hIiowh thKlr l.pnliirliv. Ilrivln- ii".lii.i-. -iir prl. i s , w ,i a p.ui viu.,i, IUM i ,. ,im,(.. wr h.'-II.-H vuiir order. Ih II.-vihk wi-i'.iii i.-iii-y.i!i. All lii uli Wv" iir..niii!lyaiisvi-ri.. Si-nil r-ri-ln-ulnrH nii.l i-o wlmi ihoas uti- Iihvo uiim1 Uii-iii ttiivo Id p.iy. GEO. E. NISSllN & CO. July 1J, 13. FALL TRADE 12o iind 125 I'tiy. tteville Street. i;ALi;i;u. x. c. The atb titimi of the good citiens1 f Chatham county is especially i-tdied to our iieV steel, of riS.1, and VSriSSTHIL Dry (oods, OTTIOXS, BOOTS and SHOES, Ou. I'.v.'i'v l"r.a "'I' lil p hi.i k is I;- liii-.- Mlll'l 111 111.' my Qaallty, Stjle aad Price. nii.l iin'ii If. niut ii'i-y iiirt.'i.lur. Our Wholesale department tS 111.' 1!,...-' H!l t.'S. Ill ttllt.'lL'll. V.'i .e.!i y.'U : ;m- mi.l e ii-: iii .k ur .;-i'i v .iir h'-ii-I iiinru rs. int'l fi-et ii; li-Mi' Mr. I 1.. Wljtsll 11. -C . Ii wl'li 'hi' h"iis.' hi'mtuI y.'iir ;,r::; !:ir;::;: n ii lv I- ',' i" Ills iiiiuiy irifiHts, iiii'l will ii:.iy i il ' in rlalii. j tt, IhiTi" Is 1'Ul .mi' pl'Mi" when' i y oi ki:i iimi i Tho Latest Style, ! The Lowest Prices, The Best Goods. w. h. & u. s. tucks & co. si'iitcmiH'r 'in, ikki. e. e. mmm k ii XoS. 41 AX1 411 NoltTII S1PK 1'KltSoN ST., FA YKTTE VILLE, X. C. DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS. IMKTS, .SHOES, C, A:C:., (iltOrEHlKS-SIcavj -and ItehtA ! "V T.Tliy A T?.T! 1 ... ,x... . .rv.,,.. i ! COLLARS, TRACE CHAINS, AC. i fJOXJ'HCTIOXElUKS. (Tobacco, Cigars and Notions. Thev offer a large stock ami grind , selection of evervtliin; that one eonltl j wish, and tlie public will always find , then, prepared to supply their wants. i ii 'nun ivjhv iwn Z' 1. .1 I 13. 1'JSTTY. f lulu- i lwnrr In Infi.rnilus my M f:l fi.1.1 .in-l i .i.hI..ii...i n.nt I Imo! r." i n ly r.s ' H"in ilm .N..rilii'rn nmrlioit. mi l piif' l'ie"t im 1 n'ln ly NEW STOCK OF j DRY GOODS, T ,U T rt J 1 jls:d scoto. ' .Mi'l ovnrythltig that U unwlly f 'litnl Iu a flrsl- . .'IlLMH rtlllfH. rh.wp snmlnir )fmt an- Invtipil torxumliin my Sim-It buying olsrwlii-re. I R. E. FETTY. I i.mtir , 1HM. Advcrtiscnscnt". AT REDUCTION Shawls, piece' goods, Ulawkets, Quilttt it mm S.iLKM P.O., X. C. ! Gentlemon's Fine Clothing, TiIK JU1ST OF ANY HOISK IN 1 AYHI TKYiLLK. It is simply be-ausp I tukeiartiou ltir pride in oit'eiing to my patrona slice US whi , ; tee;u t '.e t l l'tlllle of llKk- itig ei'-- w t-eri-. llu ; v .".r!i! Tt sold is rtiaran- d t.M:.!i! Clothing A St'i'.t I IjTY ! Money will be refunded if not ex : ai'tly as represent! d by mmi i . f V e I ii eifti-.rli til Successor .i Hrsiiv Fi.sow, :'. i'vuiTi iiviLid-:, n. c. HAY k. a. imirriK m, mm & mm, WaDlesale and Retail Grocers, C)TT0r7 F AND ( 0M 1SSI0.N M i;iJ HANTS, Nil. tl; Si.ulli Wllinliiclnu Slrwl, UALllitill. X. C. Wo t'llii- tlil m.tlM.'l ..f Infi rmlirii our frli-urt ni.. I i tit-1 ni !'-;. i:i-i ii lly that m- k.s iiafiillnupply iiMiriH-.Tl.'s. Meiii . I.iii-.. Kl'.ur, li iii, Crn. Ohio, lliilll, SliL'ar. C. fTi-e, MhIiimm-i., Svrup, HAKylnjC I II-.-, .v.- . w lili-l. wi- will ri II li-i fercRHli. Cnll nit'l e&nnitm' "iir i;.iihi I I'ti-ri iniri'liiihliifiand wo will imik.- II In yi'iir lnii-r.'fi In Imy frnni uh. CiitlhlUIIUI.'tl er C.itl.'ll, Ol-Htll ftllll Mfilirinllcfl lil'l.ihl miLrkfl t.rln. L.iiHriiiiiiHNl mul iirnmift r.'tiiriii. mml.'. Ulv.' u H iril. oitlils. .MakcuM iV URIFFIN, S.'l t!T, ls3. Killt-lKll, M. C. A S. Eankin & Co. i FA YI'jTTE VI LLE. N. C. j Betels aai Eelail Grocers, Ki-i-j) fveryUiiiiit iiHimlly foun'l In n I FIUST-CLASS (lliOCKliY. 0HDi-:itS FliOMl'TLY FILLED. .... .. , , &fT I he citizens of ( httthnni are inviteil to examine our stock before buving elsewhere. Oci. . IfW. FAYETTE VI LLE, N. C. Mai mm S. W iW a. iniCtii FOlt NOH1H CAFiOLINA, tn buy your Building Material, SASH, RLINUS. DOORS, SAWED 1 in 'rrt''i.'n vn WORK ; - "v ut nil kin. Is. Sin l,-,t,ii'i. ni Kuarmiiix'tl or mon7 rotiiniiil. I .w ilully trail ,-iiirnllnu tu the largmt : --it . ; n.ST.a-iU COM Mo.N 1 TUNITt'ltE La lb Siitlu XT WllOI.ISAI.K AMI 11KTA1I. MICEH. ..u iiuu t'l ino t tlie rliy. Btnil me your iT'L it., ui i. 1 v. ill isia lb. m jirumiit and (iiTivioa ue.!.u..n. u..-.wilully, J L. ALLEN, FayetteWlle, w. c. (H'tiil-er 2. Htl. nra 1WOHTH CAHOLIXA. 1 f I1ATI1AM COI'NTT. In riir sci kiu..ii o.ckt. T. w. Onttlinnlui'ruf l.iu-lnn lluruott, deceKsed t. I. Oi.lltrt. Thin I-" ii 1 "'" lie : r Hit- llDdl Hoult-mfnt of llif ittni.' "I Uh- l.iit' i.U'-lini hiii-iii-tt, mul ni.tltt. tit ItiT' : plioii in .-ill mxliiiini of wild wutm tolm .r.'..-ni 'in.' .r.-."iii ilielr clnl-iiK 1-,-fnrn tit At my i ni.-i "ii .M..!i'liv, .'l!.i Jimimry, I "HI, nt whl.-li linn, ii'i'l i'tiif-1 will irMt-i'. lo ink., mul iHtpllitt n r. mil ..f ri,. . w. Oiium ie .1 lnilul.-.lrU'r til 1.ii.-Ihii Itiiritt'i:, .lmi'mM-1. I Wji. T. iOl SUEE, C. 8. C. lice. 13, IcJ. Iii.

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