Tjha (Chatham Record ' L ' j THURSDAY, JANUARY 31. 1H8L IrOCAX. RECORDS. tSf Only one more winter month. 19" The regular Spring Term of the superior Court ot Moore county viU begin noxt Monday. 9" We hear that Messrs. A. B. Reid and T. A. Hanks will soon open a drug store at this place. WST The sale of the J. A. Brooks'! land will bo nkxt Moxiuv the ith of . February, instead of the 11th. 9 Wo are indebted to our es tftomod countyman, .Mr. L. ( t-hei U, for late copies of Baltimore papers. 19 Read the law card of Hon. ; incuts, especially against the over John M. Moring, who, although ho j seers of our public roads. We copy has removed to Durham, still attends i the following from their report: all the courts of Chatham. J -We, the grand jurors, report that ... j there is not a lawful public highway 9 Wo hear that the negro, who rm the county of Chatham and there was mentioned in our last issue as j Laving been shot by Ephraim Gold eton, has since died of his wound. rWoar- pleased to learn that Union Acad. ; , . at Lambsville. has opened this - s lion with a larger number ot scholars man ever ueiore. m The track the Cape Fe.u- & ; . . . . .... Yadkin Vallov railroad is now laid to .... j, .. , , W11U1U lllteeu UlllCS til viirtrunuui", , , ., i ' I r l 1' , ... , . . i . I , , to put their roads iu lawful condi and will reach that town by the mid-. 1 ,)o a dl0OAl,,1 j number presented. t0T The editor went to lialeigh I IsrERm Coi'itr! Our Inferior yesterday to atteud the meeting of 0iu.t ttlij()urll0,Uast Friday, having tho stockholders of the State Expo- j,,, tj10 iOI1,est 80ssion siiice it was sition Company held last night, and published. In addition to the eases will give a full account of it in the ! 1UI:jshea in our last issue tho fol- i : 1 . 1. . . y I I ... oexb ishuu ui inn nr., wni,. WSf A petition is being circulated for signatures in this township to bo presented to tho county commission ers asking that an election he held here, on the first Monday in May, to prohibit the sale of liquor in the' township. 9 You will find at London's a large lot of men's and boy's Cassi nieres, Jeans, Kerseys, itc, which must bo sold. Bring your money and get some of tho bargains. Just rnn,,!i'.l a I. it it (1 ,111.1 T IVI 1 lllll'HC l'lows and Castings. A fresh supply iim.,M,ii'',,i ti.wi.U in-i mcived at London's. 19" Our former countyman, Mr. j State against Samiu ' Johnson : lar R. H. Atwater, has removed from ; ceny of money from Sidney Strowd ; lialeigh to Durham, wlare with Mr. j verdict, "guilty": sentenced to two AV. J. Wyatt he will keep a wholesale I years in the penitentiary, and retail fancy and heavy grocery ; State against S. All-n Dowd : three store, where he will be pleased to see i cases for retailing without license: bis old friends and customers. ! verdict of "not guilty" in all. ... State against L.-iwrance Dark (col.) : 9 You can find at London's a ! for cutting Gaston Mcfntyre (col.) uico lot of Shirting and Sheetings, ; w ith a knife ; verdict of "guilty": fined (bleached and unbleached), Hamburg and costs. Kdgings, Insertings. Linen Laces,! State against Thomas Wright; as and other trimmings. Thes goods stult with deadly weapon: verdict of liave been houglit very low ami now is the time to get bargains. A new iiupply of those splendid Sewing Machines the Light Running Do mestic. Shot Himset.v. A harness maker at Carthage, named Cannaday, at tempted to commit suicide by shoot ing himself, on last Sat ui day. The ball lodged in his body and inflicted a very dangerous no md, which may cause death. Steauxo Foi at in. On last Mon day a uegro man. named Jtobert McKay, was committed to jail, fo await his trial at the next term of our i .Superior court, upon tho charge f stealing some potatoes ironi .ur. jn. McK. Bryan, of Cape Fear township. A Law Day. Last Saturday was a ' regular "law day at the liulf. A court v. held by Justices Ausiej,,, yr Jnwu, of Smithtn Id. com Stinso; , id Jones, which was attend j ,jtted suicido in that town on Thurs ed by r.arly as many persons as j iuv . .;,,.. i)V drinking laudanum. atteu.b dour Inferior court last week, and quite a number of cases were tried. A Sodpfx Deatu. On last Monday morning Mr. Charles Cole, an aged citizen of Albright township, went out to feed his hogs and not return ing for Bometiino some of the family went out to call him, and found him lying on the ground dead. Heart disease is supposed to have been tho cause of bis death. A "IIi.ockapeh" Akiikstkh. Deputy Marshals Iro Phillips and H. M. Kimbell arrest od George W. JJlalock, of this couuty, last week on the charge of peddling liquor without a license, and after an examinat ion be fore U. S. Commissioner A. W. Camp boll, of Carthage, he was bound over to the fedoral court at Greensboro'. A TixF.riioxK Line. We have frc nueiitlv urtrod the importance and convenience of having a telephone line from here to Moncure. and we are pleased now to announce that 1 j IJ . there is a strong probability of soon having it. Several of our enterpris ing citizens have agreed to take stock iu a company to be organized for the purpose of building a line, nnd we doubt not that in a short time a suf ficient amount will be subscribed. The cost is little aud the convenience j treat. I 1 I Island Ford factory takes its name A Wbathsr Sion. There is an old f10nl an island in the middle of the tradition that, if, on the second of I river and the low ford at that place. February, the ground hog sees its , Jt turns out 4-4 sheeting exclusively, shadow, it goes back into its hole and j Mr. Hugh Parks is secretary and tivas remaius forty days longer and the j uror ttlllj owns half of both factories, tviuter will contiuuo that length of There are fifty looms and l,tWi4 spin time. Iu other words if next Satur- j tp(M. with a capacity of about U.000 day is a bright, sunshiny day we may ymds per day. There are seventy-live expect a good deal worn wintry J hands in the Franklinsville bag facto weather; but if it is a cloudy day, : rVi three- fourths of whom are females, then, coording t the old tradition, i'hese bugs are sold mostly in New the winter is about gone. Let our j York, where they bring a ready price readers notice tho weather on that There are thirty loouis, and l,'2tii) day and see if -the tradition is viiiliod j pjiiadleH are in full blast The capa this year. ' city is about 1, tl)0 bags por day. !stunj'ii township w :Tsil!IH II Kl-'I'I Si 1. (111 llf-XI . the magistrates of everv ' -;il .....( i.,n... f,,.- "the pub-1 Jwn - t it : purpose of consulting upon subje. t of the condition" of the pub i , he roads in their respective "low -i.: y ..i i.i 4i.;..i. . niuiii. . m.. mm niuin in. .,, 1 . .. .. would not require much consultation i l to ascertain their condition just now. i A ClUTIIAMlTE Pl(oMoTKI). Wo fire lilroiucil In notice in the "Columbus r it!moerat' publishod at Columbus, Indiana, that Dr. John It. Brown has 1 been promoted to the position of assistant physician at the Insane Asylum of Indiana. If wo aie not ! mistaken he is a brother of our es- teemed young countyman. Mr. Henry V" lo"" nM 11 '1""W i i Lane. Orn IIioiiways. At the term of our Inferior Court held lat week the j giand jury made piite a long rtiport 'in which thev made many presi'iit- cannot be under the present system of working them : but there are some special ones, which have been iong neglected, that mi, , 'lit have bi'i-u madii better and which wo present." We do not fuel at liberty to men tion the roads that were presented. j)llt w ov,.1MpC.r8 Gf them will lie dlllJ' ", ftt "'""V11'1' mtui'l In thn nifinnt mm v in of the In tho meantime we would sURiesi io an ovursiiciB in me couiii lowing were tried Slate against Alfred McClenalian. (col.) : 2 cases one for stealing corn from J. W. Knight and the other for stealing corn from David Johnson ; verdict of "not guilty" in both cases. State against Dennis Taylor (col.) : indictment for larceny; verdict of "not guilt V." This case was evident ly a malicious prosecution and the jury thought .tho Stale's witness com- nutted lieriurv. Stale against Jane and Anna Hil lliiud: indictment for removing a : fence ; verdict of "guilty" : new trial j grante.i. . I Statii against liiician Tyson : as- i t, "guilty lined 13 and ,,( guilty Slate against Monroe Smith : three cases for retailing: verdict of "not guilty" in the first ease, and "guilty" in the second, and defendant sub mitted in the third: judgment sus pended on payment of costs. Ayer's Sars iptrilla wonderfully im proves the complexion, and brings to oi l and young the bloom of health. As a puritier of the blood it has no equal. State Slews. Kinston Press: A farmer in Wayne made last year, on a four horse farm, 1 101 bales of cotton, 1-0 barrels of corn, about 100 bushels of oats and over J50 bushels of potatoes. Pretty good. Raleigh Visitor: Ed. lirown, a son Ho was a former 1 esideut of Goldsboro. He had been drinking very hard dur iiij, the lMist few weeks. Richmond Rocket : We learn that ; the gin bouse and grist mill of Mason l & Coble, at Mason s cross roods, was j destroe.I by lire a few .lays since together with seven bales of cotton. The fire originated from a match in the cotton. Loss about $2,000; no insurance. Moore Gazette: The one thing Unit has been so long needed and de sired was a bridge across Deep River, iu Moore county. The bridge is com pleted at Fair Haven and it is certain ly the best wooden structure that ever was stretched across Deep River in Moore county. Concord Register: Esq. P. M. Morris says he is disgusted with cot. ton fanning, can't make it pay. He has decided to try his hand at rabbit farming. Our northern friends have poultry tanns, and he tlunUs lie eau !' hve rabbits at the cos of one i ebi. ken, while the hve rabbits will j ehi'.'k.'iis. Asheboro' Courier It is now cer tain that the Cape Fear & Yadkin Val ley Railroad Co. will give us a branch road to our factories. To w hat poiut on the river this branch will run has not yet been determined but there is uot a doubt about its coming. The nairi-'!! .VIVOI-HM-; 11 uinr; mh-. matin!) that Rev. Gaston rarrur, an nlii niniNter of our I '.inference, was burned out of his house and furniture ; not vi'i v Ion.' n"o, and is in need of hclp He wiTl appreciate highly auv' amount sent for his relief, and it will .........., ....... .... ... . ...... ....,.! ' u worthily nesiowen. , o connu .... . of our I'onferenee. His address is Itev. Gast m Farrar, (iulf, Clmthaiu county, N. C. , On Monday even- Durham l'lant : ing Jolm Arnoni a wiiue man aim widower, left, the Northwestern pan uuiiiaui county taking wnu """ irro woman nameu iiawmus jummuu. I ,1.1'.... I..1 . . . . . i i i ; Ihev took the 11 o clock Ireiglit nam . 1.. ... r ... t.i.rl. t oit ln.,1 fill" tliiir! here Monday night andlmit lor ttiui , d.-stination Sherman. Texas. W hen .1 1. il .1 ..... tirt doubt he will attempt to pass his bride LItl!V 1 fill' II LLiilL li'MiiK off as a Creole. No accounting for taste. Thev were both rais.-d in Dutchville township, Granville comity ' Elizabeth Citv Economist: ., good l'nmitive mplisis an oyer ..e eastern part of the Mate hold that , the fith of January w Christmas; and, , . , , . 1 , '111 on that day they never fail to have thfcirtables with the good things to refresh the inner man. Mr. U. Li. Flora, the lierculeau farmer of Cur- nliii'l, ,.,,i,i,lv tvimwllllif' 1 lenng corn hear he ' boils gather . ..rch of on the Hill instant, ai has several hundred In. yet. Mr. F. rarely get? ing corn before Februar; tho following year. Monroe Empjirer : While cutting in his new ground on Tuesday, Mr. W. M. Austin, who lives near Beaver Dam, cut down a tree which fell upon his little three year old son, who was standing near, wounding him so that (ho war, and distinguished himself as he died in a short time. A little J a brave soldier. At the close of the child of Mr. William Laney, of Buford war he returned to Lincoluton, where township, was severely bcalded a few lie lived till his death without iuforni days ago by pulling a coffee pot full j ing any of his most intimate friends of hot coil'ee ovr in its lap, while sit ting before the lire. It was scalded on the bowels and legs, and at last accounts was not expected to live. Wilson Advance: Mr. Benne tt Bul- lock, of Old Fields township, thiscoun- I V. Ilflri ft COW 1KA months old that gave .' , . in i l.. i. tl ..-!' until last wemicHuuy iu u iiiiw .-B,i. i,.i'lr mr. Lin,! il verv industrious MaiU lpeland, a very nuiusuious colored boy, aged about 18 years, who j lived on Mr. B. Atkinson's farm, in i Edgecombe county, while Irving to ! draw the load out ot Ins gun, last .Min dav morning tho "iin slipped and the taSKSS r liamniei stru K against inc sieps. i.aus ll 10 tiibc.uarge. j iiu vmuiu mmi . . . 'in i...i l..i ..i teiHd hm bodv iust below the left cnteied ins bony just ut iow me i 11 ribs, causing death in about one hour. Davidson Dispatch: The Harris lira- Copper Mine in Person county, was sold last. Saturday by Mr. E. W. Lvon. to a l'ittsburt!, IV., company. The sale was closed and the purchase money paid. Operations will be com- nienced at once, and work will bo vig- orously prosecuted. Mr. S. Sto ver, of Tennessee, represent ing a lios ton syndicate, is in town to-J ay, and we learn, bus purchased the Holloway copper mino iu Granville eounly, own - ed by Dr. J. 11. Mcl'herson, of Bui liinore. ami Clias. ti. ueitman, esq. 01 this place. Alamance Mlcancr: inc wncai arm oat erop is considerably damaged by the recent cold spell ; especially where the wind blow oft' the snow am 1 left i ., , .,, , i:.i.-ii.i ..i l... 11.. the hnls.des bar. t is killed out badly -Mr. Jo in , 7',; ,Ipi7!frin.l iu contact, and one of ' (.rove, put three dozen Ge man cai, ,um WW l)rok(n ,onl,.ut!, ,.,,. in a pond last Mare. h, v hu-h at that il)t th(, nits filli , ft ,,olw, tinio, were inches long. Jus tril(.k ,. two S(M)11 afte the rider ' beforo Chnstunn he drained tho pond j filoW(!(i jhr. broken jug and fell over and caught them in order to transfer j inf0 ,), roai. Tiltlv WlW am,ther them to another pond. Ho found i ,v 1))lllin(1 (;olui, , uls0 in twenty fine fish that averaged from , ovia, . an j uf,. dragging the ! JJ to 3 pounds. Every farmer should mi,u as fll). out ,lf th r0lll1 fts j have a pond and raise enough for an olir fi()1(1 Wl.lit h.u,k t() occasional mess. j liwk tll sp(.Cll of tll() ty f fonrJ Salisbury Watchman : A party of ; they might run over and hurt his com- 14 persons left Salisbury yesterday at I panion. hen he reached the wreck , 1 o'clock, for Texas. Most of them of the jug. the coining party was there. ; expect to roniain if thev like thecountry They had found the whiskey and one 1 111(1 can OPtaiU Situations in sun llieiu. New Knglandors r. Carolina and No to Texas. M-. aged about 22 ye; his horse four mile vetterdav morniii';' epuiing to North ' ' iroliuians " ing i :i Mei .rr. I . .. thrort. i 'Mii : ,..;ll of this plaCO I sf 'lined in-lj, i juries which caused his death in a short timo. The R & D. II 11. track and j,,,,,,' rf)ft(1 run I)rar eaci, (,a1(.r at that ilt 'R,ul w,.ioavu thohor mai wftg ri(lill, took fri(. setlie young ht at a pass ing train and threw him against a tree. Newberno Journal : One good sign of the. times is to see our farmers pur- and domestic, coins at th.-ir true value, chasing more and more every year im- he has bought and shipped an aver proved implements for the cultivation ' age of !?5'" worth of them per week, of their farms. There is one thing j Mr. J N. Andrews was making that has helped to ruin many of the some chmige in the "Landmark" Jones county fanners, particularly the . office, a few days ago, and fished out colored farmers, and that is fast rid-' of his purse one-half of one of those ing with little feed; and another one 1 big oi l copper cent pieces nnd told is top buggies to ride to church on, Sundays 10 or 15 miles after a hard j week's iilouuhiii''. At the Diroctors' ; meeting held on yesterday a vote was taken upon the proposition to lease the A. .v N. C. Railroad to t lie Eastern Syndicate, which resulted six for and six against. We leiirn that the dicatc bad amended their proposition so as to meet the approval of the Gov-j ernor. and that' thev will renew it at . . ' a luture meeuug. . . HicKory rress: iue pe..pi oi m, small tow,, of Hendcrsonville reco inzuig the great importance of a goo. ' " I t T1' 1 1 "er since and always will i to rise $50,000 for the purpose, by i issuing town bonds. The greatest Winston Sentinel : A colored child curiosity that we have ever seen in the i was born near town recently that hnd j way of a fowl was a bird in tho store! a head similar in appearance to that! of I'. J. Rucker of Columbia a few j of an elephant It lived but a few, days since, which was about the sic ! hours. A citizen of Salem has pur-1 of a crosv, the color of a partridge and chased an old tract of land near town had bead and face resembling tliat of and will plant it in walnuts. There! a human. Its breast was thickly coat-1 are many acres of land in this section I ed w ith hir while the other parts j that should receive a similar treat were feathered as other birds. No;ment. There is no forest growth nanio lias boeu found for this strange j more profitable to the owner or bene- J birtl. Judge A. 0. Avery of Mor-! tidal to the soil. At Lander's saw gauton, boarded the Narrow (luagc mill, upon the Yadkin river, news here yesteiday nuvning for King's : readies us tint a Mr. Henny received j Mountain, where he has gone to iner t j paii.ful if not serious injuries, a short Prof. ('has. Dalmcy, State Chemist, who together will examine a mine where tin ore bus recently Wen covuod ut that place. Charlotte Observer: Rev. Taylor Hiipliso'i is a col rd divine, who, up to liit Sumlav tilled t1i4 jiiili il of ii ---- - ----- little elinreli near Polkton, havuigouito a flourishing congregation under Lis charge. Last Sunday, after the par - son had preached his sermon, he blip- , , I 1 .. '... I ..U..O.WI1 mul ill timn in .....,. ........ ...... - .-i ,., nA Min ivlni r.iino for him on a charge of hog stealing. It appears that on tnc previous mgni. Kev. Hanlison ana a nietuiier oi iiis eou'M-egation named Frank Sallv, went , , ,lf r. V c ' ,. p,,!!.,,.., .....i .inl..twoho.'s. which i (. .( Q ,Sl,llv'b house and dress- 1.1 V..-i ..I'.i.r tin, tw.i vi.iif In e1. xt.xt morning the two vent to I ""1 im.i 1'iiif, . . i,.,i, ..ii,. ..i, ,:u . ..i mi' lllllitu, nuv.i u""; .i eon.'ro"ation while the rev- l.OUgri liuou uiii- mi. it. j t , UK(.(.nil,.d tho pulpit ....f,,.,,,.,,,.. ,i,.iver his sermon. I I ------- . . n -.,,.1 1 1 1 iiu i', nii'ii I in I , , . ov.,1.t..itHU. in mi nt w !iipKiifnv DtiL iiurtiiriou Newtou Enterprise: There is meat deal of sickness in the western ' portion of (Catawba and Lincoln coun-! i 1MU I Hill V.Uf" iVfi't a JWIltl .)llfiUU10,lilv. It i said tlmt it))1H"m)t jnasbad in that ,. .... , u nrt'titiii in cijuiiii i'i iii.npj . . i . , Mm 1Jillkll,v r,,,.!! !!-. of Mountain Creek township, presenti d her hns- band lust Sunday two girls and one boy. All were alive and are still do ing well. One is a prodigy, iu that has uot a partid1; of a skull. Its only covered by athin, trans- i rent skin, but in every other respect it is as well develojaid us the others, and seems as healthy as any. The Lincoln Press last week chronicled the death of Henry Morton, whom it styled the mysterious man. He came to Lincoluton before tho war, served in the Confederate army throughout anything about his birth place, his fumily or his life up to the time he came to that town. Goldsboro Messenger: An old party up town the other night didn't know it was loaded but. it was. H slouched over to lis neighbor's wood-' rtiln nf lulu linnr nil, 1 uf.iMII'ltil nil arm - v .. nil ot t lie coveted timber, ami tnen He iiwt criiiniiied wood I hied home He just uan .md J into ins oki stove nil us sines uiugem o . --. 0 out. Then the ancient pnrtv sat back ",ri' at bun. The third shot struck and crossed his kes and cr'o.ned .in negro mtU leg, near t bo knee, ' old song till it bore him hack to his w.itermelonstealing davs. and he felt .,." ... , , vnrv irnnii iipii rniiKrovc no new -j - oft and begun to bang things alsmt a h the room, and one side of the merce- loin, .lllll uih: nun; UI I. lie men u- . ' .. , . . nary stove waltzed over and Pored a .itv.l ..,... Ii.-.1 n hole in the wall, the old man sudden ly quit singing, and rose up running. Then it dawned upon him that one of those sticks wss loaded, and he sol- oiimlv t'ouiilveil to miHS i.lin hithmcn of j f. ,'vill(.. i,,,),..,,,.,, ,, . 1,:., mni(.r of i.i.mkets, and shun tires altogether, jinir,8 Unilv had the inisfor- ll)t t( ,(IV(, R i.'iih- crushed on i,y;,i.1v i.t t ilw. urn' mill ,,f Mr t j!lwri.,K.0 JJrvan, in Greene county,!' c'r.,llt thousand bushels of peanuts 1 jlv faijj?1.. on shaftin. ' j tliut weighed tweuly-livu pounds to f. 0 . the bushel, and brought nearly one , 1"'" "uu u""',u' n hk imi '"' Ashevillo Citizc-u: A friend the nonntrv tclls ps that one r..:...i.. r.;u 1, ...... A,,.n nr, ! 01 "is : 1(,ls,.i(.l(.i; ft iitt)0 ti. w.rse for wear, 1 , (1 . flf ...i.:.i,,... Ki ln.111(,d j iu.oii ilis liKt j-,. j,',;,,, Gilpin's jugs in his celebrated ride tkrough tho J " o"- - . Greets of Ware, those f our friend s 'i umu mil "'"in uil'i'im; " uui l'i the ruts and horso-tracks the precious fluid. It was too shallow to dip ii), but it was far too good to bo lost, and he saved it. Slnluavillr. T.nn.bin l-. Aa oniivov. K(i.ui; i(lol (f tl(, ,),,. f f0()-)H jj,,",,, Cl)uuiry wl() a lmbit t)f 1)llni.hing silver money up to the time t b'(( amo uneiirrent, it may lie men- tioned that siuco Mr. W. J. Coite, bauker, of this place, first advertised in the. ''Landmark," some months ago, that he would buy mutilated foreign the history of it. H-'iore tho war i when he was a colporteur and lived in M'ilmiiigton he offered, one day. to , sell a man a book the price of w hich ' i was 05 cents. Tho man wanted it for , no cents nut .nr. Andrews wouiu uoi c.une down, finally tho bargainor of!'. -red him 'i'-'i .vnts for it :uid Mr. ' Andrews told him he could have i al that if he would make the change, ; The fellow paid him t!'2 cents and then .. l.l ,.t,:cl .....1 ...,f n ' " V"' ' i ...mi in I, v., nun luiir nl if. In ' . , , . ,,.,, i ,1JiIf lt',10 y lRlf bvtheway-for , M Anil,vw timesince. lie wasoperatniasaw mill. h, l'i I... , 11 i en losing Ins Ir.ilaner, he fell n":miist , dis-Mhe saw. having Ins left arm severed j from his body, bis clothing torn in shreds, uiul receiving other severe bruises and flushes. A good many yeurs ngu. !irs. Samuel Jones, uij es- - . - o , t.mublc lady ol Clemmonsvilie, D.i- , vidsou county, N. C was lying m the ; point of death. Three well known j physicians, Drs. Zevely, Wharton, and , L-i i. ii i i iii S n tun. uf-l'l I'll l'i in illlil lie III ft - . i-miKiiltiiiiiii anil nflpr line ilplilivriu tion took their departure, informing ; j me lamny uiai . uie ease was uopeiuss tuui oy morning, ai iariuiibi, .urn. . Jones would have breathed her last. The must siinnilnriiin t. of the incident remains to bn told. It is that Mrs. j Jones still lives and the three pliysi fiiiiiu liikvn liiiur miiii'A linill imlIIciI to ci . "H " i ., i1,1,.n nun mi 1ivp . r ........ ...... .. . . returns. Kniiun. x , observer- It u stated ! CWS ' a'"fir ""1 ,m ! I UIUL pn-'UMM'rH IiaVlt mjllll Lit IAUIJIICL , i . . Carolina railroad, from that place to Cheriiw, S. C, and will immediately a let it out to contract. This road, it is said, will surely be built. The work goes on in earnest from RoiuioW river to JJidgeway, houtu, anil iroin Uoanoke river to Itichmoud, North, and forty miles more of the, grading has just been let to contractors. The heavii .it woik on the line has been accomplished and the piers for the biidf: over the Uoanoke river are l'niisli d. The line will rim from Richmond to liidgeway, thciieu over the Ualeigh Si Gantou and Raleigh &. Augusta railways to Hamlet, thence south to Clieraw. It is said to be the straightest and most direct line south, .ss completion will put lialeigh on a great thoroughfare of through j travel. Many persons assert that by this time next year the road will be iu operation. A sipjad of thirty-six convicts, nearly all negroes, were at work on the sewer up East Lam.- street. The sewer leads from the Governor's mansion to the corner of North Salis bury and West Lane streets. Three of the convicts were half a square from the squad, going toward's Blount street. Suddenly one of Miem made a dash for liberty, and dashed through Col. Heck's lot to Blount street, turning up which he ran for de ir life. The K"ai'is pursued, but wouiu not nre. ! ilr- Jwksoii, one of the guards, pur- i a,,n.l il. .,-r, ..:..a,.K. u.,,1 " " ' p ulhw v nna lv at a ponton the new road . f. . - field, ben to jmKiiig a bad wound, the bul tt t lien 1 ' -!' r""l ot the other i ...r. 'J- , ponvict was dusni rate, for , , . .... 1.;.., 1,. " ' N'l" croiind ho drew a knife. . ' - V. . . ... IUm,,l Int. r,.. no., ...! tr.1, 1 tlu T "P e g'onmi no ew a uni e. -""bt , ...... inoguart prisoner to throw the knife away at oneo. The command was promptly obeyod. 'J'he wouudinl man was placed in a wagon and taken to the penitentiary. A farmer in Halifax county, X. C, had a forty aero lot which had been heavily m.lcd, and he was induced by his commission merchant here to put it in peauuts. and the astonishing result was a yield . cent por pound more tnan Hie market j price, so tine was their quality, lea- nut raising readers will be inclined to doubt this statement, but it is vouch ed for by parties whose word is en titled to credit. The gentleman abov aiuueu ft is .111. . 1. i inieueau, u.,m llv,.H :u i11W(!1. llftl.t ,lf H,.lifa nty ul)0,lt six 'fmni Scotland . ; of lliu7i too ; ' , " T" 7, ' ,, , A inine disaster in Co.oralo killed bctweou twenty live and lifty miners. lni Wrought in the Fort'st. . ln,(,s ont ip tlj(. li(,,t ()f a nnl).. fon,t fi(lw Kll,idenin" it is also to tlut ,i,iu spot in tl. euudst of your tltiu,nvjsi, abui-daiit hair. Stop it at once by the use of Parker's Hair Ral sain. For actual ulllcieucy this famous article .stands nt the head of its class I'.legant for the toilet, delicious in odor, and restores the original color to gray or faded hair. Feouomicul. j as a siigni, occasional application keeps the hair and scalp iu perfect order. MsVititu:i. tU Nmlifa i.f flmtlm nuil marrlitRiK tnirlil Ii-am OhlLimrlt, i.nLrL....l mvmii it A lltirt. ! MANN--OOOK Oil IholTlli Inst., by C. K. J.'lili ih'ti, J. P., Mr. Masks Mavn l" Mlns Sl.'Hl tVhiK. T IIU MAHKETS Ilcporleil fur Tin. UkouuIi ty WV.V'l'T & TAYLOR. OaOt-h.UK CilMMISKUlN MKlieil.VNTS. No. It S.iiUi Hl'lx Mnriln St., IUi.kkiii, N. ('.. .Ihiiiiho 'ill, 1HN4. M p Mm,Mi1. CO l' lVlN M MlKK l': in u Si n h lot Jj1' MM'"n. ' WIIOI.RMALE IIIIOOKIIY M RKRT. ( I'.'tiii.'.i. , MOi .VI fi'i i7S ll'i.U S euiiviiHn' i iiu IaM - li. Ki riMIiii-.l, Kainlly, (iru. Uriel IVa-h'-x, II lMl".l Ai.iw, in i.'.rr...., ('l1'. ! Suunr - 77 S V.'ll iw, $AIKI UraiinliloJ, I IWth'l, I Ii irk, :W H)h.i, livni'ji, eiili k.-im. l'i '.! 1 V.'ill. "....r. N. o, u.j..... 7S .'. 15in'J5 1. 'iiba. liirto llli-o. iiiiini"ii. Hik;i;lli. 'jits;.-. 1 u Tkip. inkw. Htruw tn)i in'Xi lilil. jilT litlll bW'Tli.'m prt'os Aro fur Inriie lulu. New AdverUsements. JOHN M. MORING, ATTOltMlY V'f LAW, DURHAM. N. C, IiliAOTISKHln thf Siiinrlnr ml Interior ftniirij1 at I'llttlliltili. nil. I III 111.' SlHlKAIliI rv.Tl O'lirtH. January Ml, lhM. ly. PATEKTS. E. M. MARBLE, (Late Cimmliiii'r f 1'aicniH ) liniAini iwi'lli.. Mir iii,imiiii'iii, iii .inn nun inrvi(n iniri,,. v,ii .....) in imini ,n,.. iu u "r??,na- oniiv, I.e lipill lluilillnt;. jUuo ai, n4. 3ui, . n r. 0k m t r " " 1 irlll PHI T n ut a vnlun'iU' ItiH i laml Ritual In 'W1 tivriiM!il . I'li'iilmiii y. In a nnli8 m y'l'Z Jiinryja.ii. : j, '. .v Y V. i;. ii.. "irmiiiii n w :r- :iinli'T" l in i,:.!ni iMri'.-.,. t n lull uiily l oI.IVKH t.AMtl, 1KK4. 3m. LHiiibnvllIo, N. C. FOR SALE: One M.isler Iron S tfc new uiie .UHMir hum nan , m.. Bvncm MASiKAcririiiMi Co , ;!yimm, N. C. Janufiry 1J, 18l. 3:s. SALE OF LAND. In I'luvlti'iine Ui mi nnlrr nl omrl 1 will ai tli (nun ii"iM' il.Kjr In liiu-ii"in', "ii miiMiaV ilii Ail .laj-..f FKIIICI AHV. lKH4,nll 'illlinj. A. Hr'x'kB Inihln III M.ltlh. Wi liiWIlKhlp, IKlj-'llllllK lllf lAII'lK if 'Ihiih'h 1. Lttiu1. IImw'1 flim'k mul hiIi'th, i'ihi- ninl mm ni:rn. Ii will lie 01 vini ,11111 m.ij'I 111 Hin;,i luia. Ti'.Mi-:-oii.i-iinr.i .nu,h...uo.ii,ii-.iiUHixmf.iitii r.'liiillll'l.T 111 111 "lUlm. N..It Willi '"" "nwi ir. m um.. r.., Mr d'V::-'l!- ' J' A" fvimar) .4 i. nuuimnui...,, FAKM FOB SALE. 1 will hi'll "il niuMiiialilf twins n TiilunMn fnrni ni'nr on lllll. eimiliiim miniiy. ,niiiiiiii( 'I') ii'-i'"H, hHlf ,,f niil'-li ih In nrllital. Ixii'Hl ,,r ,,tik. Iii' k'.ry. K:. AI" 'I Ii ', "if i"ir i,M, ami Hit' "IIht 3. Ai'i'lyu,, T. .1. I'W.K. Jl , Ml. Vi'iii. ii Si rups, S. C. Jmiunry 17. H. lis. IT LEADS ALL. Nootlicr lilmxl-purif. viiis lnilii-inc I mmlo, or I'vi-r Ihm ii ,rL',:ui 'l, wlm'.i wi c.ii fili'icly mi'tii lliii uaiiui of )lbulUll anil lUu g,'iii'ntl public aa Ayer's Sarsaparilla. f, l.',l tin" tin us a truly wi-miilo irniar.v tion lor all .lis.-. h,'s. il ih-'ii-e a luiK- Scrofula A'frrnra Ui.liHijfo ii unit i'Xm:I It from , h'Ipiii. Knr coiiliiutinii,il er pi.Tefiil ,ii ' 'iiiarrli, PlTlinDll AVKB' SlllhVI' 1HII.I.A IS !llH UAIAKnrl true rcni:,lv. It li;n ciirml iiuuiiHrli'Mi raws. It will t,, the iruiwuiiil r ti.irrhal ,li:li:rR", hi I ri'iimv.: ilin sieki'ii ini! i'l,ir "I Ii," hr. atli, tvlnrii lire iuilica.iu9 ui burofuluus urigiu. Ulcerous.. 1 1 utt'i, T.;x., Sopt. 2, 1SX2. At lliu.'itM of nr.) vt'iirn on," of Sores tn v cliil,lr'ii wfk-i i,-rnll ailliet,-! with uli'tTotw runiiiiii! n it face ami iK'i-k. At Pin eaino tinif ll I'yiu wrra awilli'ii. imn'li lull uii -l. Hii'l v,y me,:. OUtlL ClLw orfiil.ilterativumiilH'imoiiu! riivnici:ili 1'H'l UMiiai imw- l,e iiiil,,rtO. l lii-uiiu-'ii in reoii:i!i'iMin,c AVCH'S SHtAI'.illl.H. A fillV ilniKBi M- dui'wl a ,"ri', ,tililo nnir,,i'iii,'iit, lii,:li, by an aillii'r.'iii'e t,i ymir Uir,'iMi"n. was oiitiii Uiul to a a,Hiiiot,i anil p'-riu-nuMit cure. No eTlllc ll lS MiliCH !'l"":'-0 I "f tllO l'XiStl'11,',1 of any Hcinful'iiis ti'ini !: mul m tnmt- miun'"! any iliiril'-r uas 'vrr ait"iulel by luuro iirmni'it or I'tfoctuul n,MillH. louts truly, 11. 1' Joiunsos." PltnPAItKD iiv Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all 1 iru-giils; $1, six buttles for ?5. foil MAfJFCTliSSl Will take in exchange for SHEKTJN'GS AND GOODS, at their Store, Flour. Oats. Corn. Wheat, Bacon and Lard, at market prices. The attention of Farmers and Mill ers is called, especially to their make of "B" SHEETING for Hour sucks. A good line of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. HATS, ROOTS AND SHOES. ( 1 ROCK RI KS. HA I! DWA RE, MEDICINES, ivC, always on hand. Their motto: Fair prices and honest dealing. Jauuary.IT. 1M. Oiiih. C, 6, Hamlet, WITH J. l GULLEY, RALEIGH, N. C, IN DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. ROOTS. SHOKS. HATS, CLOTHING, AC. ay All orders will receive, prompt nttention. Pw-.ST, 1HK1. To the FARMERS of WORTH CAROLINA! YOU CAN 8AVE MONEY BY U8INO BAUQHS SPECIAL FOR PERUVIAN CUANO! Baugh's New Process TEN PER CENT. CUANO, A jTrfct NUbultiito fir INr vlnn. 44iiuriia It'rrt to run lttiu leu per cent, of Ammonia. Wholesale Price 255 por 2,000 lbs. In Baltimore. BMJGH'S SPECIftTSUBSTITUTE FOR 6 PER CT. PERUVIAN GUANO. C-uarnnfr-t'd Aim I mint -Ammonln, lot! jHTcvut. Avnllnltle I'siiic rhiiMhulis 14) to l'iimroeiit nli'liotl rotunli. I !.).' it nvnt, WKoleuie Price, 133 per 2,000 lbs. In Baltimyru, I'm the cfnTfniHnc of t.r rutoTTMrfl yn nve PUMuliMmKiHit at Norfolk, . All ortmrhtvut t lt)amnrnen hipiH-J j piniptly fntm Nor folkif in:fi rrt: l,th(Ktlitro-,UtnHaineMt Ituy. r'att'otiirLaii.lti.i.',Mif nIui friuu liiUUtuoro. Wernu SPKl'I A I.T V of Purt- liolTHl lUw liont'o ui llifih-(rnile 4'hrnilrnU for l-'irnitTN nixkltur II n Mnde FertlliEvrw, aud rail funil-li Uic Ml -vT COOIK iu iu&iititirw U'Bimbiijrimt IA i:T ( AnII PKII Kh. fl8eiii1 fur our j'aiiM'tilpt (riviuir full dcriiw ttitt and wholMii irtc of our Htundftrd brand of Itoiit Kertillirrn and Miroe loruiultui. Addruit aU iuiiuiritw aud urdum to BAUCH & SOWS 183 tCUTH ST., BALTIMORE, MD. FRANKLINSVILLE CHAIRS. 1 nni Aii' iii f..r iiu- i.nli' "f ilii'.'i'li iuiiii'il I'luNh- ' ...r. ll.l.l I'll MliN lull l- t M.'ik'C H '' S..H, ail'l wl'i.-li i'Hi'!' 't I"' rv. -i ll. "I f .i in UAMI.l I V mill i, ,iii Wni.K M..-,,iii . A lii'U l"l ..r lli. ni Jiihi , p Iv.-I. V.. I,. 1..IMUI.N. ; Vcr. l'i, 1HS.I S. M1MKTZ & S0, FAYLTTKVILLE. N. C. Fnrntarie Dealeis and Oaiertakers, ,:rvr k n alwnvs on luuid all j ,lf (,(Wl,un,1 Caskets. We liiivolhe II AN'IiSoMEST Fiirnitui o Stole tliat lias ever been in Fuyetteville. We have on Land arid aro receiving daily from the northern markets the largest stock with the greatest variety that has ever been iu the eily. Ckrme oue, ooiue all. We will lake reat pleasure in showing you around, whether yon want to luiy or not. Old Furniture loimirod and made to look as piod as new, at a very small rot. Oclnlicr i IfW- LL&Sfl ansEiarsBono, Z7. o., rhf! Rest. KELLER'S IMFKOYED GRAIN AND FERTILIZING DRILL. Give it a trial and be o vineed that it is the only perfect diH on the market. Wo are Factory Agents for tho Hagorstown Horse Rake, South Bend Chill Plows, Tropic Cook Stove, Gothic Air-Tight Cook Stote, Harvey W. Paces Celebrated Circular Saws, Henry Distou's Celebrated Circolar Haws, )ld Dominion Nails and Refilled Bar Iron, UeMayhin's Spokes and Rims, Stephen Rallurd iV Co's. Leather and Gum Relting, Fairbanks' Scales, Vau Winkle Cotton GinH. ODELL fe C' WHOLESALE DEALERS llf Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Sloes, Hals. Umlrellas. PARASOLS, LEATHER, &0. genis for Odoll Manufacturing CoY Forest Hill" Plaids,; Cottouades and Seamless Bags, Cedar Falls Manu facturing Cos. Sheetings and Yarna, F. & H. Fries' Salom Jeans, J. & P. Coats Best Six Cord Spool Cotton. Vlso. Agents for Allison & Addison's "Star Brand'' and other Fertilisers. We keep in stock a full line at which we offer AT WHOLESALE ONLY. Merchants will find that they can bsy goods as cheap from us, and on better terms than they can by going farther North. f live us a trial and bo convincsdi Greensboro, N. C, Aug. 1. 1883. Happy Now Year! Fanners nave your money by calling at W. L. LONDON'S nnd buying your lie keeps the Largest Stock in fte Connty, and luiy thing he has not, he will get for you on the shortest notice. He Kixrs Constantly or Hand OLIVKR CHILLED," "HUNTER CHILLED," -LIVINGSTON," "FARMER'S FRIEND." "RICHMOND KENTUCKY," and WALL'S IMPROVED PLOWS, POURLE SHOVELS AND GEORGIA STOCKS. Would call your csjecial attention to the "HANOOCK" stock as being THE BEST PLOW MADE. Any kind of plows, farming imple ments and plow castings furnished on short notice. SHOVELS. FORKS, COLLARS. 1IAMES, TRACES, AXES (the best make), I v"i..vniii.iiijnivii, .n.iitin iaii KlllUHl, IlAJtl-MVAItfc, I'L-UjKKY, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FURNITURE. &C. LONDON IS MAKING Swept Rciiiclioiis for Cash in ail kinds of i WOOLEN GOODS, j EXTRA IURGAINS IN CLOAKS, JACKETS AND JERSEYS. Has a largo stock of HLANKETS, which will be sold at 'a TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE. READYMADE CLOTHING, very cheap indeed. Has a full sto.k of SHOES and BOOTS, just received. LONDON KEEPS THE M Mg Machines Mi I hopo all my friends who are indebt ed to mo will CALL AND SETTLE AT ONCE. "Blmri MitliiiioMii mke long fflrmU." Old accounts MUST BE SETTLED lo'ore new ones aro made. Yon have FAIR NOTICE and if your credit is refused it is your own fault. W. L LOH0ON. FlttobiinV, K. C, Jnury I, IM. 5 V 1 m . ' HA A, : 0 a'.-' - 3. A