I to Chatham Bcrnn! Marietta nml lljirimui. If niidreds of ; (j!r Wa!t ItiiSt oil Letter. houses ere ot'i'tlieir I'oulid.ttioiiS. The ! upper M :iki!i;i'i!it l)riil''-i's are ail ,, - i Uii! is CO.elvd with poop'o il, t!f W ;-:!HSi.t .s. 1). (. I'..;.. !. 1SS4, tl. A. iimim'n, ,,) in i in- mr. Hi.- ti-iiri i (.in- tj, "in!- ,i A i'tTorm Kicrires tod. THE STATE EXPOSITION. ;,h, The diiectoi-B of the Exposition i mm1 uilicul ,la.;i;:ta ntid ... bom S;. KoiiVr :ui f.Tlv;l...,t Court of lian.-oiuU. cunt v. in th.ir j "' ' 'I'" ,'0,'':n in.V' ,:li!h- aV'' ! , " , l . !-.-'.V'S..i InM not ben M-tt!. d vet. ami , j,,u;sitioi, imo tl.e .,(. ii'is.l,. m ln.-i-itv wiping i;. mi . . y i..c eli to ion icr ns-p, '.nee. A dn- i!i0 in.-iv tt in sfin-.-tl up tho vorsc it , . oi h ,,,1 .r,.,.,'.w tint ,.,.' vsu!ts. l:i aiany iio'.-nboi hooiU they I ,1, boon x'.n to Uou't-nor ttV K.i:v,, X .l.,..Iy , ac- ,',.,. of ,.;,., v and the'do:..! v of ; wflv t,u' ,h'4 V i Monroe Express: Tho fit k law, ! .... ...... I which w.'i'j nlii ml v in farce in thrct ! At t hp feci nt term o f J t interior ! , ,. ' ' .,. i , . low iitdiips of tno e.viiitv. unit ml" i( omrt ot J.uiicombooouidy tho;,tand L,,.,..,,,, i,-, the remaining township- , jury made, tho f, ill. m ilt;; report upon ; on tho I A of I'Vlmiary. Wo sue glad i ; the sale of pistols : ! to report Hint thoao who with oppos-1 .tweeli ox-I ''The (l,',,.l .f.ov or the Inferior ! l to t l,f !:ov liuvo luvrpi. ,t . no l. SHisccllancous Advertisement. MilwtPridftY niffht, to Wtfiu waking ' ! ''! : : l" '", '-I"'- xtwnt that lfc.ynton !,. laws. Ji,l ,lmt ,..,- tho ninMt i 1 v '"' -V:v '" i' 1 ' i on,astBua7 7, ,.,. J lTio ot tl.. .mu.o for tu.l. ;n,n.U-.'t wnupl pn.poi! (o I, in.. .,:f.rous oftiu-.'s -nt.st th- st,u ; l',h'-ll,s r.-luvfi.-l .''..Ho Ins .!,; SftSPUi arrangements fcA-hoiaingtlicpos- Cvr I,n.sl,n,li( Ky.. tvinuavy against tho iatW go.,,1 rhara,!,.- lii," i U,t "f ci'rvi..'' con,, ' l" !'d ,vnt to l;i. to ttn soa-.-.l-lMg ? tion. Eleven directors worn present, xtio town is rompMo'y suliw.-rgeil. and reputation. Itoynton has w-vor ' a.-t.1!v w.(mo'i Th- Taw ti.rtiimt j nv dinuer, to vmk some !;:u!s. 1, SJr'TT allot whom emcd withwsiastie, and ()n!v ti:ne Iioum's on Hi- hi-1 i.i-.in' Imvii known to lunvuny iiiieresl in ,1, Liroiu'es i-; siilu-i.-iii! v H.-ar and : 'tiplieity of Is - .i.d's he for-: r-? .. f 1H I.' ..it ... . .. "...... It.. ..11. ... . Hi... I.lll u.i Li '.'till' .1lM.lr.il I.'' -. .-V1 ' - -. V ' - 3ftVN. -CT .i on. I coiii i tiiiiii iw iron i i" w it. .-i.,:ii u nut-. ot s. ,uii :u.' i ih'v u rins one is .,....'..!( !, i ....nt ...... - ni-f, .- ' : . -it .. ta - o.-.ii. v. a - I'.VI. V f.,l; t .i ''-. -:.s,. V. lii'r M .::.!.'t. Oi' .. :k: ..;: to v.-r. ...-...! ;! :;!. 1 lit- ! '. :.- ' i -v -iim: - '.I't'ail . il'avoiit.- ih-.li. v.'l.- t-lM'll I !;:.. -;i his v.v.l. ....! h-id ..ivd a !d 'I iih'i : ' ' ''I 'lieiu I'-.tw.' tn tin-'. at i'ni.s (i:-ii- j i'..i' ion of ' j J Vld'4' ' -i .!! 'i'i.i s . :Moi't n wr. ! .'.( 1 iiid i in 1 ?'t:!-- ! :., is;' ti ' ! i. ''iil'i.-haiu v. i.o . 1 !!.,! h, ..I it. I :;! i h. . ,!',!. !i nl.'i' .!'' 1 ' 'i.- i ' p.Vli- I: i". , :.'l:..'. We l Ul'd of ' wc-ii ..n tho ! ai:. it o.-enrrcil. !'iii a'-v .'i. i ; ..! !,! ! " o. 1 a t'..l'- lIlU '-Ml.ilif: i .' ! Il :ii Mil i.f. ' i':'-- all. mI vl i. i, i.:l"'l!... W o'a.'t t:... p. ; i ; i 1 1 i -: ' : :i i . i -i .: ; .v. ! ;, .!: -h .1. i.c'l I , . I. :,:. t,a : ,. a. '(:.:.. 1' '"T 1 .! .si .! .i i I : at. o v ,h-a I! . ..i. l .'i i i.- .Mr I'. I I t;.i mi.c;.:U' : At al-.'i :a W.i A: v-ftl others who were unaMe to l"is-s n.-oo uoau-o on. . . oi, . . . .-.n-sue m,'.' m i.i ii.c ot.,- :. ,.f !' .aosi .liiil. n't i-rooh-ms wiili,'"'1 , , V aeveial otl.eis wto . llt :, ... , ye..erday ,va, t n,lus t, sv.d to d. A eon, ,v),j,i. t h ,.,,., x ,,:.. iti;d a.lminis -j '!':"' ' h "V r attend booaiwo ot puna.. ir,--' ..y , ...i ,, ;ir. U.K; Wii., , -,,;.. tt.y,H.. ..Hhr if. will ndeavor to t.-'to-s o'' ii. Imr to .lea'. ud I ,'lv!-''" ,,,; '' ''"'" 1,1 ' NUl" meuts. Theutino.il l.auuony pr. ,-a-e oi" .i-,e ovh ; : :.-.:. ...ii net her K-if.-r ha-, not t-. ciitV.iSu -v d... -.i :i shi.j.'V nail, ttl.il partaki.sg of a Vailed in their deHoeration-i an. I n, Heeined determined to do tlaai ti' A,ttv in nmkin" the exposition ! ;,: !'-l Biieeess. neere: s.:.'- ........ thin nearly I. V had h" u Mil--BCribed and he 'Aas eoiii'.i HI o! ti. creasing it t.) SJi).i)-.J in a f-w day-. An executive ee.iniiiiti.. ol i.ve M.:e eleetedt einsi-tin;: oi lIo. -'arvi--. John Niohoiis. W. i : 'pehi'.r.-!i. "A H. S. ))urgwii. and l W. ' ' ih-t-l0W. As some do. ilit had pressed in soiae ot the n ii' ii - to the power ot Hie e.-.m flioiu'l's iipinoin-iatiii;: li:e fund.-f in wakiou eoiie! !;,:..:-. il wasdeeuled to , -hi. .in i'p-ni i"e All-.- Hoy General of the Niuo- ana :!'.!' -i his opinion ui'oii t!i.- j i ''' ' nre reliably inforiued tiait la-, j- ; ion will be favor.-ib!!', an I m i- ''' Cotluty eonunifi-ioi.i : -u ' v.f -i vor.i. ( counties will have hi. .-'Xu-u'. o;ni:- . 1 to sanetion their net i-n. '!.. p: ie.- 85.")ilD) asked by the .v. He ..... .- i .' toral .society for the u.-.- f the -n'r grounds was tiii'iiu'lo u b too '.v.. u. and the exeemiv instructed to eon! oftSt'crs about tii" m.-itter d ;i - ' t ,. ( . examine othia loeat'.'ii-. ai d iv; ..;; at tho next m-'t-ting of ti-e d;-i .'tor-. - a The day was iiot i rua..-i ! .-: --.-opening ot tiie r vj i -iii... . I'.;' i: w.l . lie eitlier tim - nil .'i N.j.i'-'io .i the 1st of (K-tober. u .1 .! . -i: r.d day will proVab'.N be .;.t October, so 'is to -di-'w s::tM. iiiit t-iiue before tiie e'.i (Ha-n !'. r i body to reaeh liiia.. a,:.l .ie. .V resolution was adopte-.! -i ; th- - officers of the State li.a! ! A.: : l-'li Culture to re;;u!;o 'V i: I tin- a:. ' lllgS of the e:.. en-'.v. e. . s,,..-, e ; . This action was eiui'ieia ;y pi r ..- .-, .' , . tiie iepai tnu-nl of Air: ien t w:.i ; be the h-ilgn-t Oi 0 1 1 li" ' : : -1.- ! the e ;' ' '! position. Ti.o ilr-t otiiei.d appa.-.;- J', ' " tion for spa; e was it:, i.i- 1m i'.i e, ,, ... missiouers of t'h.ii I; -m. lO: I ti ai , . C lunty will be given the iiri eheie- Several matters of impoitauec : t ,: '"1 , ,. , , tl'e . proper now to publisni wt-re ili-wii-.. .; vl and the directors n.ijoiirned to n .j.i meet again on the '2th. 1 From all jmrtioiis uf ti .- St; come tidings of goml i-h: or an county after ci'iinty is v he. 'i,: : line and follow i'.;.;- i 'h exauiple. is: ad lit-oi. p. ,-..u ties lijLi.iiiiKi .! ;.y ' . , . :. . h.ivo siliee li' ai d o.' i.i.-i-.v ..! I.- ties inioiug ii. I in :;.m; iii : lllissioiie) s of f..a..,r. .M..:,' Jtihu.iton. "aiee an 1 - v..;: Counties huvi ,r n;.,. t ,, county oxieb it-, a: t : b.i.i i rolling. Ki l it ., t, j . V. THE ALL RIGHT .. . l.: Oi I I till. I II II i-MIII'll 3 1 hi" IHl'lI'mlUllllliWH' UK""' T n-n-i-in. sin.-, iiiii. iiii.-'. a. iIk' I'lil'll'- iliai "vnr TWENTY -FIVE THOUSAND of MWM Hfoft 'h tiiivn l rn sdil, lin-l Hint lu each p.:iiiii-i' ilny liavr jiivrn Entire Satisfaction. rHICEH VEKY LOW'. vr!ii. lor l..rliiun entulngua a.nl t.l"l ? riii-iilniic. II AH DWAHK OF EVKI?Y DK-SCKIPTJON. 2a:cut iiiaci: in Xorth Carolina. ,K id I S LEWIS & CO., Sli.N I !' r!K (ioMiJiN Jb'tisK SlIl'K, 1:21 1 avettevitle St . opposit.- the Market. Ja-.iM.v lo. iSsj. liALIIIGII, N. a v v. - . . M-d ,!,.. V. "I . I Hm e - in ii iu i ". ' 1 . .e ' i a. -iv o'.i. ;:!.--. -.ii -d. v.;- .lid !,..? -..!! i' :;'. ;-..:ei- : ii. :,' I:. 'V. '.(!, Ilu- i-li-'jfl ;....i wlu- i (.-.-i : .....Iii-:d aid , u a t'l !::i:i thai s ..-,, :i ti,- -' T. ai ion i ' n:i i.n ;.' ,!i!i r.:el' hi-i" -im m1.-! i ..;. !. I . an !n."-.;-.-t ind l!n o ,i. !:.::: i-i.-.-i-iied ' .:!-; ovi.di -p. I-.....1 de.'.lh in i.'t' I"' Inn ra-vs was tii'' i iiin- e'.i' !:iv, f.i.U ,.f (.fotupl a.hni.'i-t : at i- U oi' t he proper ... c-p-i i ii-.;- !;' niiiod. .'i s il-i-l (in- '.-.!- t -! u 1 1 e.! ! ' i '.'.- 1 1 I th're.ii' ! .i o :! -i.h of ;i tiu t' In re ii was ilnli 1 a ii :d iv... c id t'l gei pr pi !."-iiieai ! tent ion : t -1 "! p.-.t a-.d pre-i i ii- i' ! 'i .'eid'. i iiipoaiid :a ii.e e i. I i ore i " . ' : I: a . o e oi el W'.. - , laMi i-i-m;.! . i'.- !! .VI :';'.H to . ,11 ii, '.;. Ill e, ,od and i v hiiai : oi: th ' "f " "vVd .ii i- I'Mi -- i'-v iio':ic". c J.-iiiav :: n.i.i'ti a loi i. Ii! ' ' '' ,l ,,,':'' I hp. ....d j, f rjit,s ()f ;,..,,p, ,.,.!,. f.(..i;pi:. (Iii r.-oals, ieuv Hoots and Shoes, Ludiws' .'i;il;i:il 5J!l..'S;;s. -nsi.-p.;: J p ar- ;.d- d v. it i, i-.'io ... ..i. i ,). .ia.-l.el... Shi. -.lis. piece liiiods. lllaiikets, Oiultn, AT SAMPLE S. BROWN'S hunsnoHi Double Store, GREENS HQ 8 0 , K. C. n ot;,..,,.l u n'... r hroim- i, i:.. I. the J'ull and AVinti-r season of .i--.vaei .i ,. . i .- ii i . i ;.. lii.ua .n.il -Ua.'V -l.oi!. I tiii-.l I II. oe i".. :n. mm ;oi'.e- "il o.i.oi r......v. ;nd fit oioei- to sto.-ii nave ni.ni.' a S W E E 1JS X 11 EDUCTION K. i:. W ig...n.h'.-..:.if..'r . -ii' !:t i.'t' -I 'M ie. . i . .a ,', ' ' i . ?.ir. iun.ny to il ly in e . ,.n : ii 1 1 on i ; f ;, i; ' ...a .::.:.. : a'; '!-' J'' T H i-t I ae v. i .n v ,- o ( , I tlllll ..'!! ,- -.viti-i-.i -.:ov. 1 i.i n.i ' i- o!i;..i i:l'll-s I ..!.;(!. A;, Ki ' rt,-V ;T Moi: - I ii-i. l 'Ac.ir. Vc iV'-.. e. e.il-pi'.iVO. 1'V whi'1, I'll III;. IP- i ,.(., i. (..:.,. aia'.t.'r.. ii:v:...ii.. ' '( J. ,. , )v,,r..,l;,..s :it J.o:i. s-J .V) and .:t.l'i : y!..r. Lot!; uhee. w. .e -e.iid.-.l ,,,,,;i' tv i-.-nal- ..!". t' land S"i : . .i de-rue !,;,.! Air. '!':!..r has- !--.,o -..-.eo-a-a: ..'.ti-i. I H'l and ll.ti'l: ad. t.-.-.. i.-.n.;-h.tdi-en, ;;,,.., s i .hi. SI .",o ...((; a.,- ".td H.i.i j :.i.'.- and ;,, i j i, , Sip:- a! : .'. H;l and tji.OO : - - '"'is which p,., ., ;, ,:u ;lt sj ..i.i. 1 si I 0:1. TV , ;- .. In; a.'pii r ai.d no j. l-.o. h.it ii geti'nii.' in;n inlown in ricH to i o.bi '. '' j ,.,', , ... . iiii I,..;-.. i,.,.i in )' and Siins of all kinds, Moiis ami lioys' llai.-, iti-.t i. t.ii -:- '.'lo-i1.-and Nliawln. Y,,:- :r,o c.'idi-.ll. hoit.-.ii to cxuuiitie these goods and prices and you call ft- ; i- ai-! iaado. ni l., save piimi.-.- by ih.iPg " i- , : '. .: i w ' ' U. -i.i..-tf'.d!i voi:rs. I .-P. v -t -a-, t r .c .... : '.. : -.. .i pane I'll lip '.:a;i. .i-r u I !' ! p.: . 1 i.c :i!.iiii.:.ui t , sAKir&x: s. shown. i-.l.. r !'. l i .t. I'. N'H.l.i I...- N ' . e Niir.M-. .t Oti.tln. i-'ii i'. vn. HilMI TATL.1H. .v.i a u ,...-ii i . -po'-tfi! ou. la . .. .a-ue-ag;:.-.-! . l.-j u: ;. s d-e ro.;..:- t:..-' :.i ,, jin-ui i' .-:'. ii t ; t: ..; v-puei-ab.-.t At M. ? A-.-l ! Vv l!0, YYATT I iAYLOH, (-, a O L K E s p I .-. p '1 : -b. p r S;.- . in .-ill ;l.-i t- b.- i. . !!. .Jll-t it e ti I"-.:- oi :' A!' ,-i V. . P ! ' i.: :..- he I.i xi V. it Ue i i i i'.'. ii hi , e; .: !. !.:-.-.- I .lie I 'eel; i. :,..'., .a:. a::, an t-xu:?-.;.:. r o' .' a .- . .- . ti- ac hi "i' tin- ..:l;.-e ii.ar-iiii' . f lb' 'P. C.ir....'a. l;l,.;;a :i:i! ..a... ;. . i.ippMp; ; iv.-5 Land ;. '. ?PK"' ". "I ?it!-.:r-," Wh i . .V Ta vlor -AN'J ' it J.'.'j....i'.- ij li . U'.. -Liiib LOiriJ''v. No. 1-. !' i Yv i; v. i, i . -. a i.a;;i;!'. sto-.-k wi.i.-h oi.'--.- : too ti.-idi at i el V 'i'.i pi i.- - Gaissioi ircMiits, S". 1J S. ICI. .i.l.- M.ulillSl , ii.VI.KKill. N. C. Il'ivii.t! ili! . I.-iy f..rin.'i n.rtniMlil w r---.. .-I'iiMv . :... .iiir..iiiii;.'' ..r our fornii'T '-l-l I l:..-"l-l I-. mi I :.-' pin.lli-K.iti'-riiliy. .'..I "i-l- i-, Hui i.'.-ivi. ir-.:l'-. illlwlltl"U. i i.-it'.i:iii.i.- ..t -.. i.iii uml roioiirj ,Mlni -..II. IN- I. II.' I. Hi !! Iiilll.l .1 lull Hi. i-K wlil.-li will Ihi !WlU WYATT ft TAYLOR. .Iniui.-iry I. P"t. TION ! th Tiie Ii:iitie A , in in AYe ha'- re. 1 p. I -. annua! report o: ti'. p. m d . a ors and supi'iia,. a h i t i; tin Insane AsySum at iia oi.o,. i that tiie asylum i., ., .-v now than i: .-v. ,..,s !., !. , ; eelitag" ol J,-i:h, ; .;pii-" ; '; . ! ; ' ',' " that of recuverii - ii-i.-i , ii..-.;! d-iiiv-. i ' ' '" any pri'vioii.-. 'i'i-. .', V ent ! epori.. :!,;,) : , . .. ,: !:.. . .- i . adlliissii.iis nee t'n ..-.. . f - i., '. ' i. .- ! .-'; : Asylntii Vebfi'.-ii'v -'.!( 1. i ').. w !.",.' " ,: ''' ''' Of these S" v,. ;-i::'i -. i.r. ' ' 'l" ' ' '' ', " ' were iV-Mule: iii.- i-.pp (,;;2;i., , ,.f V. discharged for i p. - a:..'- la.e i ; 1 i. - .-. i. ...- pi ; el . of which To'.' wen- n.ii'i -. ci-.i .-, -:i".ti-;.. 1- i .-. feiaahs. ( tin -e p:j vie:. n, !. ::-i chai ge.I oh cured. 1 : i -i ip;;.. . .. r , . ' '-j '' 2MI unimproved, iiu.'i t:is,i;o,. '; : t-. ...... ., ' , ' are now niunr tr.-atpiea: l-ii a .t,. . p.......:' mid K;t feu:a -. a i-iii, ,.f pa.' i'.;;- lllg the plir.' VC-ii.' I.o;, ly -, -,... tr.ui.sl'erieii to ihe ni '..- .- . ' .:!;. :.' llol-gail-OM. KX-.I i- -i.-o ;.,,. ; , ..; needed ii ipr-ovt'ii.- uts and ii ; :.., Lave licen p. .h wlii,;U v, iii u i.i , ;i! 1.V to the i-i.i,if.,'t uiid lle.iiili ei t,., illltinto i... ... , .' . i...-..m-..i.. i'.iuilias?-i:i V.t i.".--. '.!. ii. -....fll'- !ti ueing umler thociuei.f soeompe!. i:! !h.v ine. Ami oti;' r a siiperiiiiendoiit us ))p (nissoi,!. u 1. , '" s-'-b- n.. ;.i in- in i is necnliiLi h- wo'! iiiti.,1 '. .,- li, .... : Ii.e- Will;. 'In b.-lag tiua. . - i ; 1 1 ; ' p 'it ;; ?.'iis: ! : i nat ..: ; :i : i- ; ' ; i . - i : i : - wiech tin-- ALA. I'.'di e J.ii. -.a A i.! A .pi'.i nr, ATTKN d EHIE! FIRE!! J'T4 . i'e- at !d-he-t i ic i ! aru- nt on -. .!il ,e. .-. m:iii--ii ni a! -uaii. cii ar.-s. ii .a:, -.- Pi li't- o.i . oi ,m !' .; ' -i ' iii. iii. i. lii.t.'iit. ! . i.i -. :ip.nda n a: p !;. 11 I.- : i- i i i- -,- , . ie ti I.'.. ... - o...T :.te. i - .i - a: m1 -l am . ; i.i ii i- '.;i.t. .i- .--si. '--it ii r ha- .1- i.i- II'omI ,. oi., i id w ' AVt" 1 ll 1 il e :- I U.li l t in- i '. . ;d.,. ! ia'.P a- ... V Vl i-; l-.'.ii.-.h. wih i. i.i t .. Pi -i -ir. -J i .! ' . ::o .- P ; i in- p, 1:1. . ;':l--el i'; ol) whi.,lil 'i--.il 1-j!i. i.j.-k.it l'p ): ,Pid iia'i.V.,1 i....i ii....hi i- of i-iPi:; -. p.. ..-.-o p.,i.;-.-d -.:! i.."ii. v. The .);. ..f ti ..' rob'ie.i tie i. .1.-. n Ii-.i-..-ii . p. -it id uf ei,d"ig l- i thepi. 'I i.e vi. t.- a: !. ! ','.:!. il .i i.. ,. tiit-y v. i.i , I'ut.iit.' . (' i.i -p. !h-i'i a iiK'tith i if, -.' - hav -.;i 1 1 i. , 'I Piiits t .,!! of j ai ' li i ..nt ;, fur 0:?iet. P -n e-'ia -; i 1JT A T T il VEGETA3I.3 TT r; 7 Vi p. t ? tt f 7 Ageiil- t". l i -h Hawk (iiiiino. A.-.-nts ''..r the e. i.-br.'l.-d St,.i: - WP. I ' 'i i .!i I'.OiV. the Ki: ,. of the '"Iti'll l i.-nt. .i,iHi;-try 17. p-i. l- .1 .,; I U :. 1'V K ii. i.. a. ..;r .i iPi- ; , .- !-..-tr i ... ,-. ,...t- v. r ! i -. . ,i -, ;; .r.i U-i..tu t.. li-o ,. a I r ip "i .'i'; III! mv 1 i.e . i. ,-i i..., i..- tin i..i.r .' . v., , .a. - i... t :ui I . !. ''i s tii- ti. to ilri - J i p . v i.i I', 'i a. o : - , ,. i-.,.i M:. . :y giiilUi. till IUJJU IJlXtiJl, 1 VF.KIiWf. N. C !.K.Vl'iili-. IX f-i:i d.in-cr of being IiUUXTany da1. ' r.i -in - It iixts but little to : ii'-.llf ii ix mi: tiORTH CAROLINA liTOME IKSUEAHCE COMPABY. All t!as-e.- of ltiiiliiiiig insured :it r asuuaiile rales, and all losses pro. up: !y paid. Ee prudent and insure in time! lie warned by the liiimt building! of your neighbors! ll! A. L().'1()N, Agent. IMi rsiioKd', N. V, T!!F. DANK OF DURHAM, 1)1 It! I AM, IS. BUCK I M CHAM'S DYE Mil; Tilt. viii-M:i:s s !l!AIU)VrAlt!EI V w. r. i;i.,v.-Kn,i., ( lit; If .-I.I.'! I.ll.t P'.pil .. . . II ii.e io ,.l I I.i iin.l p., ; i-i'in'' I.' 1! l.- .i-i,. oi-.-1 i tit.- tn.- t P,.- ....... .-- iino n o -.r..,P.- . i i. t r.P. t-i ttv , 1 i . i.l-'.i. "i lit ri i'. o!i-. .1.1. v.. I.. a- v ie in. i tit- p'r.pt I i. I.i t -labi "!i Ii t' up. i -inn . il ia-, ..l .-i;iOii.-h b; ; m..:v p.. 'r iL i'iti i-.l it c:p The Vl estei !i Kitnals. There is u de-truei p.c ;!o,l ia. ia- ''iii,.:pi . -.- in the Oiiiu river and its tributaries. :l" ;' A vast iiiiiount of irperty h:w been M.nv ihio; destroyed, busines.-i in many ph-ues ''red nil ... :. suspended, and thousaiid.-i of pt r-on- ;'ti;'1" remlereit homou s aint iio-tiiir.e Contributions for their immediate ' relief Are being sent from all portions ' N- oija r nn-dicino i- so t-t -li.il .'. as nt thn iviiinlrv .lii.I O .!.... low Avtrs li.eliV le.tol.H lir ;.. ii r w-'in, i i.i.ii tvicu uu ui'i'i uiti iiiiurii ur .r.t"",i'''o. . . . . . i ,, resj'it'.ilorv organs leiming toward Republish herewith some of the oonsi.iuotioii. in all mdinary casts latest telegrams eoiioeinimr the flood: it is a eei puii cm. . ai..! it itio.nl-. .-1:11- iiKI.KUK.Oaio. I'l billiU V It'. Two 'eli- I I-I ihe ,i,il.I-.,i. an.! tiiouaaiiii ).Liiuiis 'lir Loaiihi. l ''in I! : ,1 i - I it t 1 ..! '. ' . ; ti.. ie ii 1 1.. 1 . i-i. 1 -, .in io-.i-s : ie . li.i;..:.v t lino '.W.i-ii '! g-.t.is Ihali t" c -1,'tllPlo ls pp. per -, j i--t"-; ip . p.;i oi . iii.,ir:iy t'-t ea.ui i':net..h ;:M-.itiv to 'he gr:i ! ..f 1;., i.- !...( uii-.i- hv.i 4y its y.'iitg Jioks A ''-rua-i ici .V... li .o.'.r to tii.- eolni! ulSivelilP t-llo-l ui.-i Pi!' ..'.'; it. .' t'i u'ir hiws."' -yi'. :;ni 1 ue!ine hf.- h-'ig heon ,-, in tiie s.de i.f l'iiiiiitui'.-. -I'..! -,.i:.i of.r ; ,i."i-;'pa v aiin- i'ai;,- have lo.---, v.ar.i,,.u s ,11;, A o ti:' mi o: a private i.piuchv.-s' i-oa' Ie: cd abuut ; he . 1: i.t.-od,:,-!..! i;i t: - i Iii p l - :,,.l-''. l - -1 'l lilg ii.o M . n e--1 liv-ii N.'ltli t'.i.'.iii:-.-. far 1 .!.;.;- iiit.-i- -.-t :!.. j i.i y ci.-i! mil' r ;:h ;i ) 1 p. t of i:-,"'. i-i t.0 w ;ti i !:. ai v hai Po i!i 1! 1 1 i' . . ii. -t-t nt-. to b.- a !. i.c.t i: and di ng o. t '; '. pivsi :.t iiisi. 01 i.- ' .-. -!..) bll'.k illol t! ; ..i,. it is !. 1 in rh.ii ... I ' -i .-a- l't'l lual .'ii.ii. Spi!'- e-- . 1 : .i t.t.d 1, itt ei si 1:1 n'l' ii'i.tf " ........ will e- .; o pi . S Jiiie tiling.- aie t;,.-. hie:;, f.-r Ktogl. and Who. !- , J? ::.'.'... I'.e rele.it " l.-.i-... I l l I'Miro KV Ii, lMI;iU W .o., Noshu.i.N.lI. .Soli! 1 j- tv-: tHns.-.i-n. JL 0 J - Jjj l.f h. 1 UVlU UO,,, .IOMN AV. SCOTT. Assignee of YEA!' JAN. PETTY A CO.. -I :i i-.i-i-.. -.1.. 1; 1: win, it' in..) i.-i.-mi tosr ...r - .-sa. i . . - ...-iij, :.!.. j.-iir l'r..;ii", .-in-, .c ;- .- i.i- . 1 'iir l-.lr VI ,.. .i ,..i,r V, Hi g et v; :v di sel ijilioll. r I : - huitscaff SUPPLIES,! SPAlNi.S I I ;;itY!;s. i (JLNS. I I AM.iC.NlTiON.6 md the la: gi st .-turk f S SPflRTK'u GOOES ( Sever h. i.ah bottoia piici-.-.. g ' Call and examine our stock jj S.i-. l l iiet , 2 E iiti-.t tolion Cru:.ianteed. l .-- ' i itt: I i ''.'.-.! lptie I r. .... ..11 u l 1 i : ' t Hi'- p::i'.-e. 3 -a i- AViiH '.Vii.':.!i ST. 1 P. A. WII,F.! m. CAMhlr , i;..... !v, s 1i.....-1j. yiill. ..11 l,r.sl.i' vr tiTliKM. ii-i n-'ii-.i I- .-i.-..-a. W ill t v uml noil Bi.v-k .ui.l I, i..P .ii in., in. : fv,,ii'lt I'-nn. Will l,uy , ui.-i .. li . -ii i "ti tlit N' .rili .r Kuriij, hi cur I ..-lit rui.-i,. i .rii.,..inlPiu-o w.lh-Uftl. I.i vvi- .b.l.t s. ut i'. '-till,, i- tht IUi. 1 ' If I ,, ( .Pi .: , J.hw.'.l! t'.ttidii'.lil ' i -aoi. , . i,. .. .. 1.; i i i. i .P; . -. . t i or of pi-oLal,!-. the old,.,t i-l.ii-'. ii, ii,.. n,,,.,,,... i;!S I,!,!, vet r,,.ov, led "O'l'iii-v. ti was nun -.'.a over n- in i - . . -1 . . v ,.- i . ,.- iii!.-. ,. , , . . , , . Pis . I.i i.li i VV leilis.i.i'. -ll,- leouohs, Ki.d alt dciHiigcmmiU oi ti,o ,"1:n"' ."V, ', V,,,,M- -'ilv t.. out. and it is said !.- 'Mi" eii:e;i in i iiiiiinioge :u:,i wits i't'1 n i i.. i...... I i...- ' ...,i i-. .mv k v -u -.-a ! -.rih.-iti -nv. i. , "" '"o J i !,. ..,. ,-lij ..r t .-,l. r i;.l lrt. i. .iv n-.-- to.! ! .-ii. n w.a .i.. .-!i i- i i in i - - i- - - I. .Mi'll, A- 'tft, i i i .i v.; . i.i ... . ..-ii.. i- - 'i ; , -. nt-. i . - ni' 'i-1, ii -n.. '! -1 1 j i ..i 1 i.i I- .i- i.i-.i P -in- .ii'-ii' ' i I'm- -ii,.l v. lint ' t . i. Iji.iI.-.. Pro H-l- I. Ii.,;;!,.l- '..i -HI-' M.I.-- Hill I ii Pin. -.r n ' -'. 'i i v i i- I i' i,! :fj5lllMMWIiaiiIECP, j Will take in exchange for SHEETINGS AND GOODS, at their Store, Flour, Oats, Co u, Wheat, l'acon Hiul Lard, at mukct prices. The attention of 1 tinners and Sfill-i-rs is lidkil. especially tt) tht-ir make lof "B" SHEETING for flour j sacks. j A good line of 1MJY GOODS, NOTION i HATS, JOTS AND SHOES, GIUH iUUKS, IIAPiDAVAEE, .AIEIilCINKS, tVC AC, I always on hand. j Their motto : Fair prices aud honest I dealing. I .Iiiuanry 1". lJO. lta. the editor of a liosloii pi-.e. Alvipt.; dit'ia is in ;i -p.. , i .or. Tin i i ,p i e :, , PIP, 1- i,d day by the pain .,! his . tws.rcnsA. ! FliMLHSffliLE C HAIRS. iiii. ii t. i ii i- i li iiliiiiii .t.iiu y. :i inilf- "I I ii" A ni I'T ti..I iliilebratt (iukk ,. . '. . , ' j . . i,u ,i, "j ii.-if.,, tiiiir- i.i ..v uu t.'ii.oibt m.Klii l-y M,iki'ni.n. H.u, n. ! ,"' .' '. ,. .,,;:., ,-l Iti ..lii.,ii :..ri-i. 1 -. wlii.-h .-...-n-i lr .t"!lt ..r OI'll.ml.lTV .. d . . I... u,.;. 1-. II. ' "I llt'PMI A.-.SIHI-. A ll.'W I'.I "i ill. -Ill ;,, !:m . v v. '. 1-- a ava'ii l.. pi .a-. ,iti a i I.- I VI ! Pt.M - !ll ti.P- 1 l ol ll.-il V. 1. !.llH OI.1VIII !.lli;. J;.uuat ik L, ll-l. :'Ui L..llitvllii., N. C W. L. UJ.SUO.X.

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