FA KM AND KITIHEV. Requirement of Urdu ( alUit. A mellow clay or snmly loam is wrfi Rda)ted to the grotli ul' benns; th. prejiaratiun required is niuoh the same as for com. Tli Iran ii a tonJpr plant and calls for rare. The rule is to plant loans about a fortnight after torn is planted. Marrow beans require bushel of seed or more per aire about 0110 and one-eighth bushels, say noino 'of our best truck fanners; me dium buaiu, three fourths of a bushel, and kidney ar.J nt!;er large beans inure in rrojiortion to their size. Jle.im may be planted and cultivated by machin ery, when grown on a Liro scale. 2Cevrr cultivate beans in wet weather or when dew id on the ground, as earth scattered mi the leavs when wet causes them to rust and thereby in-ji-:is the crop. V ie Yvik 1!'"'. Improved Dlncktu'rriea. All ff the popular cultivated black berries were originally found in a wild state. If any really excellent variety has been raided by culiivat"i's Itriti seeds, we are net aware of il. Almost every one who has in his yi uth gine "a blaekberrying." can recollect i-er-tain 'atches or single l'tislif.s which gnu- fruit far stiiierior t ethers and which, in memory, seem vastly bitter than any of the cultivated serfs. Thnse who know uf such special wild bushes can easily brinr Hum into cultivation iind enjoy their I'nut without hunting for it. Take up the roots of sueh bushes this fall and rut all that are as large as a gooM' jui!l, or larger, into pieies from one to three inckci long, j Take a box of any kind, mid, if the bottom u tight, bore several holes in , it. lay some straw u er the hi les, 1 und over tfiis an Inch or s i uf snil: upon this place a layer of riots, then ; some soil, more roots and soon until the box is full, liury Ui" box in a place where water will not stall I, and ' cover it with enough earth pr-.-vnit fretk'ing. Next spring the ro'.'t may be planted in nursery rotv. --,1 !-- 1' IH .)" ii 'iHuri'th Womula. fanner?, in knoiking around the j barns during the winter, fie,uent!y 1 get uIyiuts U'l III ais-., which hm j affected by the cold weather. and prose not only painful in this sear.n. but open soles in the spring. K rosene oil , is very good. It is goo I also fordis-' e t'w of :!ie scaljis of children There is a bad 01 lor about it, which ran be ' relieved iy the village druggist; but aroiiiatu"' ,ire not :ii ij s I'.t-ai'bful ad litiou.:. ',tseline is V.-. eorrh n.-ed ' pelro'i Ut;t we .1;V li'.V'.T without . ci;rl'o l ;n ,..:, -,L. sliaj,. Fr a toilet itoap nothing le'.ter. It leai:s"s Jim hair ivt th skin. It , rnris ehafed pnrti'jr.s of body, " e.-iaiiy where the clothing is r. rglt. There is a s'roug carhoiie o;.p for ue 1 on ;iai'i.:;K have t'."Ci! it sue, fully 'ii hens and dogs, Oii.-ip x, tows, i j not let it get into th-ir Tiiiiuth.-.. for it is a poj-,.11. Tin- rar- ! bohe saive is a jfre.it healer of Fores. ! It t an be up by any drugg st. It is iu. ibl.tble. .uee writing the above we (ind tii.- foil, wing in 'he (.:nn:i- at ',.. ; ,,. "A l." tt!e of carbolic ; mid hlioidd le kept iu eviiy farm house, not otiiy as ilisinfertarit. but s it lui'Ji for wounds and si r.-s. For any purpose it should be diluted with water. Its power to destroy fungous growths make carhoiie aeid iu alaa'de ' jn pruning orchards of pear, plum, or peaih. wle re blight of ibst a-e Is sas- ' jieeted. J'he pruaing-dicai's siiuiiM be j frefjuently dipped in carbolic-acid wa- j tor."--X.w J'wfr Il-ruhl J lloeir .Maxima. Let the horse's litter be dry and ' clean underneath as well as on fop. ' standing on hot fernicnted manure makes the hoofs soft and brimrs ..n 1 buueness. j 'hange the litter partially in -ume ! arts and entirely in othirs i.ry ! morning; brush out and clean the stall 1 thoroughly. j To procure, a good roat in vmir j horse, use plenty of rubbing and brush- iug. l'lenty ot "elbow grease" opens ! the pores, softens the skin, and iro- ! moles the animal's general health. it the heels be weil brushed nut ! t vi ry night, liirt, if allowed to r,i!;i j in, causes grease and sore heils, henever a horse is washed, never leave him till he is rubbed quite dry. lie will probably get a chill if neg- le.ted. AVhen a horse mines off a journey, his first thing is to wa'k him about lill In is cool if he in brought in hot. This (revents him taking cold. Let his legs bo well rubbed by the hand. Xothingso soon removes strain. It also detects thorns or st.lintcrs, soothis 'he animal, and enab!" hint to feed comfortably. Let the horse lmvtj seme exercise every day. Otherwise he will be liable to fever or bad feet. Let your horse rtand loose, if pos. sible, without being tied up to the manger. Pain and weariness from a enutiniied position induce bud habit and cause swollen feet and other dis orders. Look often at the animal's legs and feet. In'ieases or Wounds in these parts, If at nil neglected, soon become dangerous. Ilomrhold ITIiiO Never take a light into a closet. )o not deposit wood ashes in a wooden vteael or upon a wooden Hour. Sponging the head frequently with sage tea will prevent the hair falling out. Moths can be kept out of garments by wrapping them in solid colore 1 i nlico. Nave metal or tartl.cn vessels for matches, and keep then out ot reach of children. Wax matches are not s.'.l'e. Sour apple sauce is greatly improved j by the addition of a taplespoonful of i butter to a quart of sauee, an I, more j over, therj is much less sugar needed. A lt'tie lem ni peel makes a :iuo flavor. A Seten-Vettr-tMiI Mdirr. I A correspondent of the Iloston 'i7oV says: The following tacts were ' riven by a gentleman who served i through the war a'ld iu the company with "Little Abe." who is believed to have becti the youngest er-on enlist ed. The gentleman could not re '.ill ; the name ct the lad, wlio was iwn in the army as Little Abe, and who was ciiiisti d at .letters' in llarraeks, a ; short distance from t. Louis, Mo., I May 1, lsoj, as a drummer, at tho age j of seven years and one month. lie belonged to Viupany F, L'd I'ltited ! 'slat' s Infantry, 'aptain. afterward .!ii;or-(ieneral. Mcrl. The rea-"iis j w hi'dt nub. cured the acceptance of so yni'iig a rerruit wire that his lather i w as in the service and lus iii .'ther oca I. There were no relatives lo could o; j would look after t!l" boy, ;l 1 1 1 so, with , the eoliseiil of the army author. ties, he ! was put with his father i.t the i.r. iy. , ; Little Abe vv:'s ;i f.iv.-r'.'e vv ;!i both i odicers and men. He diM'l.ned at all times the eoob r-l norance i f fear, was iu th" front i soon its he saw a r;i cry old utter i;; liis lav orite position auk in batb and as soldier fail di-aoied he won! 1 throw away his drum, s"i e the musket i f his fallen conir.ile, an 1 load and tire as !!v as th" mo-t liaidcilel veteiaii. aitlioiigh h: 'Ipuin ntive i;'e an 1 sti'eiu'tii dil not tllew l'.im t'1 iievnie the u; n wit'n.mt some Kind of a re.-f. Jti she i it lv art of his army experience, at one !' the i attb-s when the I' aim irn-s foau ! it n-ns-sarv tn take up a position in tlu' re:r. Litt!. A' e g. t p'-ss..i.;. ' ...f a gnu. an I vv ,'o lie a iiiy was forced !m-i his II I. til wa i Capture 1 bv the '.-ilt'i del' a'es. He wis rri-riu anded an. I t"i i ti, il when rrtr a'.n it' h u!d n i arry it witit him Ic should tr-.y i' 11 vol after this, nlr'i ii 1 .ittle he saw a chance '" g.-i h gun. b .o ; I in the leal 1. 1 his drii.,1, all 1 lien di ', ''.ed ills wli'dr time t"his pi i r"i red I mi: Joy. Oil I't of poj j'ilH it til" Co;ifei!er.ttei. At the c.ose of a - -; !' 1 i . ! -1 1 l'!,o i! '.;. ,e Wits io'.'.ud Ci ' ' i 1 'llle' "'i' in l what tro tilled l,i:n, and so e;- i an e.xpliiiiat i ii t.i tli'. eili i t tli.it he i:;il been una; 1 ; t.. have jiuv slioot.ni;. Th" ttt'tt i'f 'i'ii:p;i!ty H wa!te. t- ft b:;u i ul wait a ri !e made :: a rj. am e w.tii his sie. 1 nt, (!.e i!-:r" was lii t rautel, as aie..rding t" tic ivy il lations he in l-t .ar.y a ', 1 1 . 1 1 . L.t'b' Abe i a-v ! th !.';::; tl.e war w:t!:..;:t a vvoun '. although al.v iy : m the !'ivi:t rani, and in many rnitageiuenls. tu' his eaie":' ''i')'.'' then n .tiling i kicwn to the Wl.tiT, Ctiri i-iiies ef Trade. 'I he demand f' r eyi--;ones has fallen off vei-v lar.'i lv. b it th"v are kept still ;i!id -old .:i (."'!.. iMe .ti.-s. The eve tvne v. ill lejir the eye. Th'Te is no doubt a' out tint, but its woven, ent ire reiiulittiil I y its sh;tie a".d bj a for-; illation on the :',at s;do 1 r the ba-c of the stone fiiti lar to ;i Hud-- in a turbine Wiiter-whcel. The v l;.,!e r-.einliies it shell just be.on 1 efore the cjivity wa- forilied. if Shells vi .e so fonilfd. but tire not. The s'one is coin o-e I of lime, and viue;';ir or any it' id by its notion upon it muses motion. The stones are found on the se;ish..re i.u the 1'a. i:ie coast. Miilvrs ;,'.itiier them by the iiiart and vend in tra le centeis. The price is 10 cents. ISIoodstones arc also railed for, not the hind known to seal rini's and slecve I jut t -ij.-1.!;!! uda-s stones or bn ;t' Is of the color t bi I. dark red. These are worn to prevent t!te nosc-bb ed. ailhn'i,t;i the old hti to prevent, muii' ly, to keep the Ilo.-e Otlt of tit her p'Tniills' blisilles:, is in use still an 1 works well. With a string tiiiotioh the glass bead a-.d the striii"; around the owner's no'-l; tit" lia bility to iio -e-blee I is remove 1. The bloodstones, some of theni. cine from (ieriiiitny. llattlesttiike nil Avill nnliinber joints filieteil with certain lamenesses, us all other oils or prcpurrtions will. It is culled for often and the buyers may ci-t rattlesnake oil or they ina not. 1. is said to be i business of ' onsi lci aUe im portance in Xortli Carolina to capture' rattlesnakes und from the fa' to pro-, diicc the oil. At all event:;, ra'.ties'.iiike 011 is sold, und is si;pjio-e l to cure max-: vulou.-ly. rskui.k "j js another cure-all for curium maladies. Ch inned Ilmuis. I People souietinivs stuTer ereatly with rhapied and cracked hands. It h easily cured, hoAvever. if the following j.rtcantions are observed, n not wash the hands while fie healing pro 1 ess is going on oftener than necessit ry, and when you do wash them use ('as- tile S' an an 1 warm water, dry them tho'otihly and then rub them we'd with melted mutton tallow. lo this' three times a day nnd yon will soon cure the worst ciisk If those who ar ' exposHd to the cold weather Wi.tild grease the luinds well vit'i nuittou tnllow every nijlit they would iind tho diia softer anil whiter and less liable to t hap. j COSTLY IllV.S. Vllre ami How 'liter are Mmle. an j llotv Thei Ucl ' I till Country. ; M'licn an Americii. he heart of the rug i Asia he selects tho be - "ZZZ In .:geouiH,rv in .went he can llind. and gives him an o.der for. say , , . .i i !.,, i foorugsof about the colors and sics ' of certain samples whhh he may llnd ; inthebaxars. The Turkish agent then ! emnlovs natives of the villages w hero ih.. t i'n.i ..f . u..i....i...i urn made. : giving to each a bag of gold ...id in- ! structionstoorder four rugs. The sub- agent then goes among the families and talks rugs with them, drinking many cups of coffee and discussing the price j for days at a time. When a bargain is j concluded some money is f urnished the j family for wool, dyes and food, and the agent goes away, sure that in the course 1 of a few months the rug w ill be ready. , Upon a carpet measuring eight by twelve feet a whole faintly will work i for months. The cotton or wocleii threads which form the groundwork or ' warp of the tabric are stretched upon a hug. frame the width of the rug, and the family, or such members of it as are able to work, sit on the ih or and tie knots iu th ' warp threads with the i colored wool tufts, tightening the I'm- ! ished fabric ti"W and then vv.th a rough comb. Kuoh wcrki r lakes iibout twenty-seven ini lies of the tug ;iu I works along this 1 strip. From two to four inches a day ; is the spe.'d a: which the rug a lv ances if the family is large eiftigh for the whole width of the rug to advance a! the same time. A rug riht or niir feet wide requires four persons, win , work side by side. Tin' finishing oi th ruir. suiooihiiiL', clii iiin.'. ct .. is a woil requiring skid an i iudgni' it'. The wages are small and the pnv tn -lit i ac cording t" the nuinbu' of square fci tt The workers know certain .i't"iiis by heart, an I dye t'teir n W""ls. The Id dyes have i:i s.'iii" in-tan e been 1 s'lppla tt" 1 by anil if c ! i :. whi- h do lio'. keep tl'.iir ton's, an ! ;i 1" without giv.UL,' to the rug ti'.e s...f' ii-'S . 1 tif.t whi.-li is the chief g'.ory of a line Fast- . cm rug. i many inert hatr-i h u e re- ; fus-d !' 1 oy the i iirpet- ni wlo.-a an:- ' !::i" dy.., P ive biv'j U'C'I tii r tic.1 'Is ' f t!.-:n n.ay eventual y b- -toj-p-l. Th" ru.;-i':a!i'rs. as a ar p c iu it;' ivy. ven ijn .rant a:i 1 '. y rdio i"ti. bi.t i;ve e 'I..1 itab'.y. Fsj.n ially 1 ;irot::i 1 the b'iders of t'le t'ii-p:an ?".-a, ; in tin- c.i'itry wat -Tel by the rivers ' from tite i ;iii' .hi,i:i iiioun'.iuus, a.-e i::e 1 people in i oin.'o; tid le e,ri'u;nst.t:i -cs, .'.Itiioiigli about three 'cutui'ior, b iiiud ,., ;.,.ct !.,, Wi.-,l, Wit,!' JS s- ill t i r uojht into 1 t-hs in o-hi'!' o'ddiiig .1 h a I ' 1 w ll:e. ait I is so! I for M eilli 1 i i h" ruc-un I co I', r -at aiei I . oil 1.1'ifl-' ' tj'.ri,- iciti:: ' t'l" t.'M II. car s ar" In i Ir the lei ! i. ks, th t 1'. Ih ititei to the In your , is coin-u.ai'cr-- ' v..,., tl'.ov of 1. n ioii. l.t-t I s iw what, 1 nyrct tosn; tit-0:1 to 1. early e . ci v new iu. re than one C 'rre'.'ti in of errata, accompanied with the remark (now sterco'yji.'d ) 'printer's error.' I tru-t 1 may not be considered presumptions in saying a word in defense of the I: ov jrre.'it ariny of tyj)ogrn'hists, w ho-c ii:'are:it iiioa:). n freioeut ly epii.Ml in p ii'iii. t'ue er.' iri'oin'. 1 1 out in your l.c-t i-sn" wa- that of a rev rend fjeiitletnan w'mse iiutne ha 1 been lintid 'J.eltioii' iiist,..id of 'Sie. lit. hi." If, in sueliii en- a-this, the Tiirinnl . o;iy' werii n brrel to, the c.c ititl letter would, u 1 doubt, befoiwil written s i much like itn that 110 c"tn.o.it nr. unless be was n veritable Knicbsh ilireetory t" hi :i'-e!f. would have b'-en able t 1 distin uis'.i the dif ference. More . ,rec t wool. I it be to say. 11 it 'printer's e: r t," but 'author's illegibility. Some writers literally take Mark Twain's sarcastic it I vice, 'don't w rite too plainly. Avoid all 1 ain-takin,' wnh proper names. We know the full name of every man wo man nu 1 chil I in th" I'ui'ed states."' Then, ton. some of our authors pan ler tntl-.e practice of itiotin foreign l.m rii.i'es. Tli" writers may ktcuv s'-v-eriti lane:u:c.'e;; but they o'lsjltt not to expect that compositor an linnTsN, or that tiny have received a tulle rial" eduiitti.n. Some have, ly dint id their own perseverance, ie"juiied a knowledgi'of soiiio of the li ing and the dead tongues; but this ought not to be presumed as a rule. If a Latin or French quotation be misprinted, the ignorance of the printer is para led be fere tho puMie. Jt is not, sir, as you can testify, that the average print' r cannot produce his author's mind; the fact is that to many of our tri 1 1 1 Avriters cannot write. They scribble; 1 and what is usually of the greatest mi- J portance is indiced in the proverbial j spider-and-ink ityli'. Whatever be j the subject ot his author, whether Pn- ! gubtie.i!, scientific, arttm 'ntativ;-, j tbeologicitl, political, social or economo.- cal, the printer exfie. ted to under- . stand it all: for, unless he understand ' it. it may he full of 'printer's errors.' ! Hut, besides thiri, he has often lit. rally to translate, by tei'ious ciidieriitg, th 1 handwriting placed before him. and ' this is sometime. -1 as difficult nn art ns j to make out th" hternglyphieK of f'leopatra's needle. A word to the Aviso is stifll 'ient. That word, Mr. Editor, 1 Would ! "tei tftiPy silgu'est to authors, is; 'lie,, tie other side.' i will not trouble tlie the Latin." .iiosit.ir with j I TOPICS OF THE DAY The Mormon church is not only rapidly growing in ITah, but in Arizona and Idaho, while missionaries 1 M'-. i-iomiries aro at work itl1 ov,'r '-""-ope and the v .meu uues. ine enure,, i,.,..., i the president. 12 apostles, oS pittri- I I l" , : ,r ?'Mllu'' . ' , . ' ' . I'" 11,000 cho.rs. l,,t)0 bishops, "nJ 4'400 bacons. I -v lltal institute is to be added tho Herlin university, and plans for ; organization hav e b-eu submitted iu 1110 uivuiiiii laiti! y, i lie ui'usiMii .1- tion in which American dentists who have established themselves in Kuro- jiean cities are held and the prices vv hich they are able to charge furnish suilicicnt proof that such nn institu tion Is needed ia ot'e r countries be sides Germany. A mod '1 soup-hoiH ' h it been estab lished in Chicago. A wi ll-cooked sub stantial meal is furnished for in cents, and is given gratuitously to those who uiav be unable to pav that sum. Charitable peojile buy a number of . sotiji-tickots which they distribute ; among those whom tlcy know to be deserving. The cutei pri e is so suc ce.'sftil that there is talk of establish ing other similar institution. Lieutenant WKsuiun, who rro.wd Atiica fr iti we t t cit-t in 11 2 some tw i or thive degrees -.oath of the Ceng.', has be it i ng i.'cd by the Afri can I'lieriia'i 'it i! iid' ty t i eomiuan I ii new ci edition in the basin of the Congo. The expedition will be organ- ied on ii huge scale. W'issm.tn and his ; coinr.'tde, lr. 1'ogge. in their recent trip, found sun-' rein likable tribes whose town! contained thousands of people, and who-e knowledge i f agri culluie. iron w orking, and some sorts i of inanufac'uios was ipiite itdviii c sb It bus be -i s ai 1 that bocau? ca'th' s "lu' lime.-p; fci it'iHtre water t" pure dripkiiig water no p.u:is sho'd be ta'.'.'ii to s'lpply ?!i"in with pure water. : Tho Hi '''. .! ' .1 ,,)'' explains , to agiiouU'.n-'-- liiat the r.-.is ,n for 'his la t i : t .'I' eattle W'...;i ojeeli tank wa' .a arc k-pi properly -up-plied wi'h :''; - ill. In tie r ib ire tor tline ; -e l luiiaia'.s will d.rink the it t impure :lui and will even eat .ilia. Th" v rite" thinks it b th in ju lieiou- and i i't"i to deprive citttl .-i f salt, and thus eomjcl them to see.j it j in refusu, Tit" 1 t-nteniii.il year ot the e-tab-lisliini nt . f M.'t'io li.im in th. I.nit"d '-tads is hue. TIim year is thy tear and I'.ceiiib r the itioiith. It is pro jii'S'd tli.t' Moth di-ts expre-x tlcir ii rei i.t! '0:1 "f the f e '. "1 y various re" ligious ex' ri :. s ibini'.' the year, and an. o;ig "ile i' ;. H. i' ol ta'-ing. or ra'h'T coii'.riiiutiiiir to ra:-". a Centennial fun!. I 1 be C'leiil'y .'i'.id"! between the mis-ioiiary, th" church extension societies, and educa' i' lta! 1 nternriscs. 1 one-thir l of the amount to each, and the aggregate to be two million of j dollars." 1 According to the I. 'iidon Moruinj j '.', a. t"iy society has i n formed in j I'lrjland with the title of th "prim i rose league." The ubj-vts. rules, and i fth'-r details connected with the opera tions of the society .are secret, but its I members will be animated by the principle- an I precepts of Lord I Iii acoii-iield, whose fa 01 ite ilower has I bun adopted as the ha le... and w hose j most celebrated cpridon has been chosen a, the motto "t an association winch, may lie iie-iiiii' 1 to exercise no lnconsidcrablo infliicn e on political contests throughout the empire. Sheep-raising is shorn of its romance by a writer in the Chicago Tiim-s, who, after citing the glittering figures of the railroad pamphlets, as serts that many importel sheep hus bandmen of tho 11rair.es have either sold or given away their sheep an I re turned to their old hiil'ie, in the La t. Tiny learned that it rcjuired the elosi-t attention and the strictest care to produce it half of the profits that they ha I read of, and that only experi enced men could iind largo dividends in the business. The old sheep-raisers know that plenty of good food and l'roper protection from storms are in dispensable tO SlieeeS j. The immense ice fields that bar tin vrny to the Antarctic lands havo dis couraged south polar exploration for many year". The g .ographical prob leins in that p;rt of the world will be attacked with fresh vigor next summer by Prof. Noidci.sk jold. who will try tc reach lands tha have been seen but not attained by oth'T explorers. There is a sudden revival of interest in south polar work. The French tvill establish next stiuiii'er a scientific observing station at f'iicj Horn, and the Her mans also will station ft party on tht barren island of Smith (it orgia, only aboi't ."' miles northeast of tho little known tirr.i lirma, tlr.iliani's Laud. The Heir Apparent. Your father is entirely bald now isn't he V" said an Austin man to tli s in of a millionaire. "Yes," replied the youth, sadly, "Fii the only hi ir be l,ai l it." MinncsuU's lif t. r iirmhiot for 1' wni ni'iirly r-iri't li,0:0,0.) junin-l s wurtb f'i,:jHVW". Where lo Sit tlip Crroi Trottci orNt-wYorh (.('iucitiiiili 1 iiiH'.Si.'tr.l No two men in America have had more cxiu ricnee with line tfottinsr ( ';".. Her judg-s ban 'lalvinM. I'ne.-t, ot the .New ork ; nh stab!es. 2ih street, near Fifth . m , e, ami u in M.tee.oi .m. lAceistor i stables, Vest 'Ji'ih street. New York, the champion double team driver of the VnitAl States, lioth of these g,. f(,f ,,llful ai,mnU of t,.. horse, such as cuts, bruises. swellings, lameness, swellings, lameness, stiffness. St Jacob's Oil is superior to anything they have ev er used or heard of. This is also the opinion of I'mf. David lto largo, the celebrated hurso-shoor uf the met ropolis, and thmis'iui'.s of stock owners throughout the country. Asa i ' "" r,"' I,,' ' "east. st..j aeon s ii nas no ciuai. .ir. rne.st rceiie" the case uf a valuable tri tler so stiff from rheumatism that be could not iii" e an iiieh. l!y mi" thorough ap plication of st. .liicbs nil at itiulit, the animal was cotnplvtely i ured. and v. as lit for the nr.- track the next day, Marion F.ooth is to contist the will if her father, Junius Hindis I.! hv by which she is disiuV.i , ifod. The t'niiarcm Clmii'l. uf t'liu'oti. Ma- lias vniiii uiiaiiiiiiousl to iisl- mutr iiistimi I "V"K' nl "IB -"""" "''? !. l ii'Mu s "ll.iliK'ii Mudieiil Di-rovery" has be.Mine H'i lliuioiiudil i slablihlii-J HI I nliliefiv.il' licit were it lu.t for llie lor'jcl-fullies- of no K' il would not lie i i-i'i". -'il to rail atti alien lo ii ei?r to cure con sumption. i.ieij is scniful t of the I'liiiJs.inid ullie: I'Ivjim di-ca-i's, r. erni:io:ii, Ijloli.'ie-, plllil iiii't t mid "livet coliiplaiiit." It is row said licit Mi Mair Aitderw'n'! tilli'.v.l liitio:!, I 1.1 tie lU.'.e ol I'urliniU vv.,?. ei.ciil.i .ct f,.r ail. lii-iii laii'i'ii-is. lliW WO All. Will I II TV. WV ie ,.iin :i allow.-.l to i.le, eve rv iw i" the bol m l:n (fed i''-. I -l' .'.'' s ,!i'.norite rii-eiij I 11:1 " v.i s,- it to It ;itt tii'i.'il itiS roiu'dj for t!;v ih-i' i-i- 1 iCiiiiuf to Ik r ex. liy lirtiLvi' :". "Anoibi r ernpti' ti in .biv.i!" e',l"'nl-,' Itif luielieliir. ."s tin- lid lb ' oil the ul 111 lui'li lie Wiis buiiitii fotllt Ciilli.'. WHAT I'll V"ICIAMS .V. .s.l.V J.K LVi.c, fil. Dil. Ii. V. rinivi t:. lliitral 1, N. Y.: for j Vii'.'"-1 Icoe eiii'l"cd jour "l'le.'iunt l"iir- fttive lVilils'-in my j nu'tiee f ir the la-t four yea is. 1 tew t.-e lioother iillerntive 01 cnlh il ia-iii'.'ilii iiic ill nil elip'iiie 'li V'iiii'. cents of the t'iuinc!i, liver iuul bo'.v:!-. Ii know of iiotliuit," tl"'t l'itt:d tliem. j J, A. Vll.l.KU. M. D. Mi. s .totiuiiie Hum, the VicU-luir roetei-s. Is now, Mis. Ih: Hi i-ii me. (11.1 iii. tn a-U- initol!, V. C. Womli i t e.t'l- oil it It. els. .S.iiihi'i7..i .Vei . ' i ij ...' I cure in'r.otH'Usoiilt r. ",s.i.eo,','.ia .V. .'eiireil my ilauatti of fits, siua .lao. Mui i.y, nl AlOiciv. I . 'l5it. lii."T'iilii."" Quiet;, eom.!,f".i!'",.ili nunoyin,' Kidney !itii.lerni.l I rtn-try III-; ie ?1. J'taiantslv ISriiAi'-n 1 1 s' jour lioot" ,t shoes with I.jotts' 1'ittctit Heel SliU'MtiT-, nnd wear tliem nuii, 'Itunuli oil I oiialis, Kiioek" n I'of.jjli or Cold nulwisi'. for tin!, then or iuIuIm. I toeli v. I.'k-. I.ncail . 0. Are yon coiistii ateil? )r. Snnford's l iver j Uivii'orator win cure uvul lacvi til it. 1 rj it. , " IIoiikIi o Corns " i A-'( for Wells' 'l(otij.'lt ii!it.'or:ii.'!"iv iJ lir't ' relief; eunip't'to cute, (.'tints, wan-, buutinc. j A UrniiiHiil lliai! f lln'r. l-r". silken in teMur . n .'. eh." : 1 t 1. o.'.n, l ol.iie.tlie 1'ntne i!' ah 11 1 r l!.-M-ers. Mr-. M. ril!:ir:ton.:;tl -"'''' S!..Pr M-n. '"5 -: ' I w is a 1 !. .: li.cie e. i.; .'e t in .0 . ,i ll'li -B li) ' IllMtlill . ttl'ra ill.' lie'' or. I iryii'iT in Villi e vri I'litt el-'. told tile I ' . Vt. Lhu iru'? li. (i. Th ii ' I u.e. I'flit sT ami III:."'. coti.ivKiioit.. fnimi!"it.'' I.-m i -i. en th- 'c.i !: p. y l' ini.1!, If.i;::ii. l'e.. N. Y. Abs.'.iti.'ly nt:i' mid n t. I'm 1 n: win. Imiv eni'i-1 1 K 1 n it p if r it 1.1 a'i i tl.- iii. 1'iiypK 1.1:19 li .'I'lri it Hi 1 1 lor to !l othii oils. CiiaI'Itii tiiMw, fa.v. .iii,t'!..ii nml ronuh fliin itin il liy iisa.ij .liinip. r J'.ir .S.iaji, mu.1v l y Casnrrll, Hazard A Co.. New Yum. .H.U11UIIMMX 1. THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. U'Iti-V4-.t und curt s IUI1-IMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, IIM'K tt llll, HEADACHE, T00TI1ACIIE, SORE THROAT, Ql'I.N-V.SWIII.I.lXOS M'K tISit. Soreness. Cuts, Brulset, FltOSl'IilTK's. ni iimi, tt-Ai.nn, iroiMirai''j iw'nraji-sl 'll !,,... .i1tl"!'.4l i.'Ml likUtUliNtll iliiilL cnmrmnn!ruii:lllj iti,,"-""ii!!l iBMnWItttUlatl FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. Sol.ll.yntl DriiRGHtHiinil lL llI. e.. lllll'ClibUS lo 11 li.ht.ii.K.-s. 15 The Charles A. Vogeler Co. iSvtt n 1.. A VlN.tUH Cd 1 Maltlaurr, Ba 1.8.1. This Offer Holds GOOD luuvnu bLANKo! nf'rripffru ct tli wrllknoim and popular an At I HOIkli .M AM I AI. i ao.m for t:. ii-ddld !- -iv.'iiw.irt luitwhofi- m-njbglrti Simrr W,wi..7y.r:.mooirrraiil'r.pl..m t tin u i iMiiu'ia, 1 1 Sin . aaaik-m, and m..(..K:r f i iiti oifi 'i tht ir i-nrnT m'newty h'-m whtT" it U91at;r to una ot UIO lulluwii.ir mar.uji-eua pruauuia. '.km imfmmmmsum'B i !lil.ifBili"l,J,lll-'i -n' J Nalllaure. a, f.8.1. I Qswvw A flTTITTflP AH A T IPP-PTHTP 1 1 what subscribers say., II PARTIAL LIST OF PRESENTS TO BE GIVEN AWAY: ..(.i on IU ta-h l'rcaniUcfKM. h... 10 t ail lr.'..nlaarIOO tu'k V.l Iff .Oi'l l,OI' iu f aali l'rraia ut iJileivl . 6 l.lncaat I prlhl I'laaua, tiniltac'l Hl'O o l..raat I ablm t llrrana, flu 25 drain Marlilnra, HUturk . Mill HUH a,.A 1(0 trill.' .ll.l tiald N al. kia. 4Ua. 80 l.udlra'Hall.l bald IV ntrhca. tvi ca, 0 llraulir.ll lllaaaond lllaa-, f tn r. . It! l.r.il.'sollj ailvrr H al.Ti. a, l c tta l.udlr-'l k. lal-.rM ui.-'i. m tlllca. till II..J.' Slltcr W ulrkra, lllia.k ... IOI Wutrrhurr V ali kra a.l.f. rurti .. te I-viHV S..IM i-l. lir.lna. t riicti. 110 I....II.--' t.ot.l rr lirl..i.". tacai fli, BilO 11,11 80 1 S.-.0 S lO S,m. ana HO Soliil lint I liravclrta, alocoi-a I H 1.1,'l.lil'll ( ilVlii 'ioWc IMU.Ai., . n.. - . ..n VllriniV III'T'IVV 1 Ullli 111 1.1 1A1. I. K HV VI ill" li. .ie ieiiviiuti;il l.i'.il'unn inni Tiir. i.-t.-i-x. i..,ol... In il.'o'''or,.lov.r.n.l litrrr n-Mforlr":!.!. I lie ll.i.li.ra tn any Ka.nllri million hava Iva-n t.:tri .viJ,t.'r.llog.i-'.''fci.''urrui.'Vh'is,b.:.l..i..a;i ..llUu ,.,W.i,rl :rlt. Tlllr.WAI)QCFP:i THE CCLDEN ARGOSY AND FOHUCAff Hiatfisrn iii.'u.-i too nm.Vlo' ,n?oS lt VStMSftfor 'I :. "arrStnnl .r , SiT-lo" S u to .ui. m.CW.ublb.r. a'r,vl.tl,0.h .lor.l O ,;.,;;, AflCOST. wklr. for thrr KfjFf SO Clll rb nionlha:idcdi.iiili. l : ail r-i--.il, FOoi ti.roni-p'-ent. FOrtSI w ( V W i t I ' " -trVir " ' ,hf, ,-4 a, t 'imbrrrd racripla pood lor t ail uil'.'.:.0. i.i.lf.'.iil jTiyiurri .v:iiijcn a-ill am I rutin ''V,,,,V,';'t: .'K?i2i!.r ..THE ARC03Y PUBLISHING REMCMBE7, the bov Prent are CUT THIS OUT and .how It to i your rr t w ill. mux Jiff-r rr rra m ml., and .rtlJ.HiA'StlZJZt, and i.aav la ula aaaaf tto Ma PrOo'cnra T. Nnnliy, P. ft. L e , l'etr. I urn V, Nashr, Hitor Tol" 'o ItiotU; rl pi " I hid on aforeflnger .' ny I nhf l.aa 1 em "r thi.o pleasint pots, n 'rmin .iil.' Tif llu ;oi bi'ttme in lomil 1 1 a i ifi' O irotik' in t mvolU'ii to Mirljr iivce is i-.vuv.i! Ri-c. A froul gave n-.e lleiav's t'.n-'i ' 1c :-alvf, a id iu tw -nty tuin u'.es t U Jain I a I miiiiu -h su'si livlaifogive mo n fair n 'gat t re', wh oa I bid W it b id lfoi-c f ir a W. o :. Th1' iafta iiruation loTt ilio I'uiRer in a day. 1 c jiisil-.T i. a uujt vo'uablo urUi'le.'' Nol n eo-.tly medicine StS doers Pisa's Cure for (.'unsumption for 25 cents. th tie. "Mil; m prompt ari.1 t'ltictt'iii limiihi)ii r."-niliP9 fp dall; vriminp niiirp mp.rntlti.' attrl f I Hu..it,f'i. H'imarhtlittrrMi. -i ctii.'f in ni.Tit nil llin m't iM.pu I a r lmulnntr Un Kl.iinlich anil h.iwi'1. indtnrinl fov.rt; lir C'linrltnlnt, (I'Mlny, I II t ii In a ti-iil Binl lumi'l' mluii'iil., urn lli.iriitinlilji c.-ihtirtr-fil Ii i Iiih inci'iiiiira. IiIh frilililt ii'j.1 Tllllfi anil hitilu-n it aali. fuarit ana It if. jiiHttr t tn-'V-i aa ll. pur ri an ni'isl roiiipr.. !: n-:i. n'inil ! iia rl.K... F"r halo Ii nit llma-Kin ! a ll il II. Ml.'is.'nprnllji. good stews TO IADIE8! Orfalt iniliiiiii ta ar of. fc x e-f.r.-O. Nona ,.ur i m -1. ft np I L'Utllllo, UCt ' CT. I 'H 1m.ii Wr nur r.-V 1 I I Ti u niH'l1iT-."' I a. uem lt 1 li- h. li; .Idt'.na". V. .'!!i.!l liinS i. -.-S.i ,.r ll.i 1. . Ilrr rai-il il..'nfM.:n... " l.ii ;"r Sl. .-r 1 . i II .. 1 N i. I r 11 nol.. u: 'I tlf. t.l.'IA'f A II I'll II AN Tl-X III.. '. II. it 11 l yi.t Jtwj St., IW. rV Speeulntoi'M Ra L!ndb!cm & Co.9 fi. G. Miller & I. ana . 1 ! 11 r .1 ' to Uriilnt 1 '.nitiiiHrrf. I'liH'iro NrY-ir4' , CTAIN A. PROVISION BROKER. M iiM. r- nf Jill p . 111111:11 Pr.l i.'i l.t.-lllnf ii ij I "I. il .. . Illltf ifilt wIimh r-i i..-ol. Si;il I ir fir--iliM i' 1:1 .'"I'1U lOfOC.M. .. llOlir. I.INoai, III 4 OJ.. THIS ArWEOICAK - -'aTXVlilaU PRICE S3'" " PRICE S3 71 BEST -,v' MIRISi1 ciscajt.i u ocaensa SANtiAKEits. iu cirojuii. SCO ri ViTi- i" ti.inl". ninldtiiT nnl av rr.c jj.". f!.:rt us.- ii'. j iii ! .lll'IH".. I.U- ,-. il ! t.Miiric.-.. i if tt;VI S1" ''V etl Jo. . $yj2k..V M",. ' '.vi'y 1 tor. . r cm i...tk t'::m Cai'ii'.arjfi.'f. WM.t.Il.i:...tVu-l:i:ii:ieii.lM;. 1 i.f ra.. - rt ni ew km-l fti"t of l"H bren 'M'-.'i ll .!-...I. ao .Irerp ! mi fila e.iil 1 wet (Vi I TWO "Ot l t l-HIKR.ti. I At. I A 01 K I .iPril uii 11. 1. dia"e, I .. !ij 119 t Si -. iV ti K.l ii. l-'UCtil, 1:1 Icailt-, Maw Toik. GOSSAMERS CHEAP K 11 y 11 ! nil., will ir.!!'C'!f,i' P-.I.M ani..i. Hi. .11 it ..1 i l.nn. .111 Inti. .11 Jl.irnt. r 11 ie .Itl .fl.il lt."ni'ln rill.". I I-'iTH, "'Ol l I" t'-y lii lrhl'l Al'I'a. ( n., ll..iai l-t , H"at-.u, .111V. t V''j ".? ':tgryl j I'.. : .' 1 r-;.':i "i r . Nf' I 'M1-' vr. 't'r.r. It 1. o. . 1 .'.'li.Ke. ' " ;. - It. 1 :. le.. :.- t .-.'hi.- . lluv F.vt. Ac. 1 ..11 1 .1.:-. .1 . 1"'. . -'- erM m.'iil. I I.. I . II A.l I. I I N II. XVarrrn. !'" ! BTJ nWJ HUN. VV. inn. I., jn aii.l c.iN mi'" 1 I. il n 1 nn ! --ir(5 n ' nry. (jII 'Jb.ri, niit-..l f 1 n 1 11, l ltVIIM, lit-J ( : ir.. n "i I l . f'ti. 1 1 b it.tw t iMnir, A'lil -. H-VAltI' A i ., Ali i.!"'.ur, Vr. niKrs ri. -Kn rntn, iiMu i 'V tViTl i ',...., an, ... . i...m 41 L. a. l-nanii a ui.. ij.ai.. iliila. lib PATENTS (lirva It Mi II I'-, I. UIM.II 1 . )' . II .i J.i IIKI.Y KKWB. I nl lt c . t CorH.n. Kiinr. N Y. Stli ml l. i l.ri. l.ir, i' lu'uns. hi... ir-Uillir W.. -l.lv I'liliVhlifl. 73 (rri. I'a-K Rw, Nrw AGENTS WANTED ; ipnr1rii'-ri ml' rff innlp flti'l urti-'n tit i rtTM(i lo thftrfltl or I'ObllC, AI.TA M O f li-un. .Uhm. rm! rn lnmi'-. Wind M il PumiM, T it f Vl I'urnpp.ani t'm :hKit K. v.r.- um.ti.i li wiirM. hnJ I'l Kirt-il.i.uilV. l.oikt.rt.N Y. AV .IM -.11 l'.,l r nl U. k- -n-ii HiIIh. I'm-m n-lm . 1 J3 rvi. i n. l')nUiMptii.i, Alt. ni Ion" ' H-n1 In l cimt Ptntnpn nnd Xi c- i-. a nf Kntti'Otb Murlli hit tn. an hour, i s i'l-i..r l.r. Fi-xlHiri, Mui. ('ami Unit AliLR ii tht b.t l-iiiimtit. I'ncfi th cni. It Is wi-ll -known fj.-t that m.i.t nf the IIi'rM'MHlc.itt1 ri.u.li-rsnl.1 in this coun try li wurtliliia; that bhrriilnn Cuii'ti livll I'liWiltr ll Btisnlbtely pure anil viry vulii.-il.lc. Niitliiim nn Karth will amka lirnw lav like MirrMlall'li r....T .1 i itr t on-o rtrnr I iV,thpt-inn'1iiorI tm I 'enm. 1-ui: n.y ' "'i sm nou of t ci imndf ! Lm fi. w ti.a to Vi 1 j.ion btrtcL N. T 1 nftfti ! 5i 1 li.a.o;." j r ,. llawsin.!' I'4'..l'.s 1.10 ... 'WW Cimtlillnii J'liwilpr. Ii'-i', nni tcaiK.iiriii to arh pint uf food. It will n!-n irov'iil anil i'iue flUIPIrM pun rn H..r tlinUrn. e. Scl.1 rvirvvihrri. it m nl l.v mail t T wnlwIxEll wnIi;na jj cents In jL-imps. Also furnMiisI in hin-'i" cam, lt brcodtrf ue. price J1.00: by mall, It 'll. Circulan inn HlKt. I, S. JOHNSON & I'D.. ! n. M.ifs. UNTIL MARCH 10th ONLY. IN PRESENTS, GIVEN AWAY. every 5ii::criDer seis a rreseni . .v .if. ii hii nrranim d a Biork fointKUlT Wll b ormuiu d nwV com pony mill r-i-is..f nnh:njTth- Aroxt-nie.T.nd bto ' !" t 1. ' :;i prcwn' Keod airtrettOICf. THE OOLOEN AOpsV piOarlT fJT ai'lil a jinnicd uumlMirtd rocwtil, lucU Till eautl UK 10 F.l'raat Ml ypl. a "o" A a P-II1CP a la. ,i"ww" .. .... V- b ana I'arlir urallar. ll0acll., JJ W ! .lalajralia,Maropr,a.. -yr I AO alalal rcaa au iiaiiaffwi.... it- i....l. Ln . PkuHIL 11 ,cfc .. fcuo b(IO Pair Mrfc!.PUt4Miala. . ;. La .i...,..l. llhia-. Ilcai'k l.OOO 1'iilf ll.llrr rUoi.racB. ?""' bnuJaa-Uatlar irrao.. a. I,oo Mill Oae.llallar trreabacUa. oO too Ma(lc Lanirrpa, SI a. h f.'Mi o.'a'Parkrtkslir,l arli 600 610 Ladira' I'ackrl knlvea, $ . eaib l0 1 IHO II Plrlana. SI aill l.noO V.0 aoitd .oid Mw, ('-, .;; lolll Autocrash Aitiaaaa. fl each 1.000 iniiir.:a s-rinil total of 1 u' F'' .f SrJIi'nti ...... . . .- r - - - . :..,,- u.a a . '-'-'l"rJZttSZ '1 at ii: I'oliar.' i'.;. J"?T""lS..i'Sn!,2S 10. 'B4. iM .a-ij tlTr Biiva awl lS' Clrl3. It t IMIll i'l BS AIITlff-Ufca Sicr?.".? cl'T.aT.llllNQ. INGTrrtjeTJVE. l-l A rfLa;itl-T ,aparIoru.'riis.-ri l" AKtiJ'-S' I '" ri.:V..k'.tlni-yto limoMor ii V ana Jrer. " "I fimr i i-iwn .1 rcr-tpia. ( od fir IW .utiac.-.ptiaa frco and ci.iiav la la aaa af aaaa iiir. i. ;c', .V..,. .... V.li ,..,,. harnbr. for .a. aV n "I rimr i tiwii .1 rcr-tpia. ( ondfor tvnr E' T" a wt '.1 ratabll.hr,' a-rrtiT rirr an ! bacllrd b l ,m "..at it.t1. i. -:'' r mv u.' a ira ct jfatl . a 1J iSormr.lrd 1-1 " M 'to-, ru-rn '.nr.ia Ir Mj a!W t. lulJ. rcv.Urcl mull or put wiflco order. .ttieo.wiiv CO., 81 WARREN STAIiT, UW YOUK giveti aDaoiuxoiyTro w 1, m frlonO - i, J"!?. " . Ii'i'u'gpnrp ami Exi it'. Whether oer ia'ia: or I'raitdnn nro ren e hr.rni'iss by issinn lioji U:t c.s lively. poi" i'le:'i nt It' to i e n'.nl enj lyine it by usaiif t' rm I ti'i'.'l'cf r mul r uioviiu: all ilullii I uins n-i-l ili-H-e.'-i i fu i wa.il. lo .viuathe bead c i nr, i.ci vi-jsie ul;.. mi I nil the f o iei;s bnoy liht. o' Mlc an! wore h P"V turn Inf'io. 1 hi p'evine elfefts if a CI rlu im or -.imiiitu-cus umner contiii'i nj dsj idunvuiu. Pnilet-nt Ti'slimony. t?Ttir V. rk Wilnraa. A' B l IS. 1 0 1 " I find tha- in n:ldit:o:i to the p.uo UpiritB routa n il in tin ir i oui o ilion, tli ) cou'.ftiit Hit extracts of hij i; U l.thcfd kuoununil highly Hpiiro'.eJ n die ml ro its ktivi-e aud tineliro.l it ijt.nu!it:e f uil c cut to rentier the nriic'o vvli.tt the makt'is rl-d 11 it to bo. to nil. n mrilii'im! -r piriilio'i atv.l not n I-bv-trc kc- U t'it tuid iiasnfc b) be ti-ril ovci'pt n n me. 1 it'll e. Vnen a i nrefelnnnl:. iisof IllJir friiut'n vvliiclt v u nttf-te I under otit i j find tint in every wir.i!:lasrul of Hup hitters ihs neliie i:a Ji. ia:d iiropcrlies, a' ido fieni C.H' tljiulle I s; .t Ih, i;to eitinl to a fil 1 Ocse fi rnn ailltlt. V.hirh fa-.t.la tt'.y oi iiiion, sal jecis it to rn iuti rn it rovouuo tax 110 a Iiica.c nn hitter.-' liiiiitji U. liM'M. U.S. Coin. Iu. Uev. Iliintriu'il I.ivi'r. J'lve yctira . 1 I'tote co.ui v. 'th k'dney nml iurr in .'il ::t inel r a u.MS' i: m. ISinco (lieu I fa e be.n 111. a' K' I 1 a'. ...t nt n l. My l:vr lui 'inee lixrit it. 6 no 'it; my Mtpl i Hero I'll 'teil tip ate-l til ed ith wan r. ,'.ll the bert iti s ' i .11s r::reid licit nulling could cu e nie. 1 ri'fii'vi .1 to try lloo Hitter.-; I htivo Olid eien 1 o'tli f: the I nr. less lias till ' &f,ri ?,Yl;r.V'i' f.,.'..J Si? I rn-e- utlur: el wou'.d I av.- Iie'ii now in my J. V. Mouev. " ' ! , . I l'ovi'lly mill Sltlll llllR. I 1 tens dr.ueed ilo"u with ile'ii. 11 c.erly ani I i'.l!eiinir fur yciiiii. eii'ise 1 l 11 -i"!i fei ily mid law lids for do 'torn.,'. 1 v.:i tviiii- li'U-lv ilinre.iir.iKi'd ltatil elie jeir a.,'o. liy 1 ti C AilVU'C ef my 1 "icr, I fitimevi n l h 1 a 1 lloo Hiiicrs. mid n 1 ne mo ilti w - viirc 11. 1 via l1, 1111. 1 tunic of n laivc ecn .1 i-iik d iy f-inee, (.mi I wnt to say ionll j.o.ir n:e 1. ym C 111 k ei jvitr fa . iliis v. li a rar wait lloo 'InlPis. lor li limn 01:0 (l ulu's visit wi.l to. 1 UtiuU il. Wi 'iti.isi.M tn. US V I ', Nil l MtsUt'sJ, 1 li e ti m a 1 1 s tn, ftilioiiviipss. ('.nfir. ie.J. Nerv.iiit I'li -iniUoit, Hiding 1'ln'lL's' .'ts-.'Tx.' fl,-,r,'. il.'.). Nnltliile I'eilitinoiinl-. . 'Siuifi'ltnti ,N. n mi' i- iMii;; iii'ii.li re"' ir. .i n. M. I.i'iiiiiai. Aiin.iinl. r l ily, Ala. 'J feel it my ilutv tn r.-rtiinttn'ml it ' . . Pr ll. I'. I.ieii'li'oi. CIvJc. Kutifs;. "It M'r! irrt l'i-:( !.ii fi 1I1 1 " . li. v.,f :-i.r n.-OTi-i' M. t (T-Corrmponirin'e Ireely uiiavvernl. i in: ra. s. a. eichkId aE"ro.. n vsm, m At IlmsrzUlii. ('. X. Crllti r.loii, Aci nl.N. T. New taooma WASHII7GT0N ITEHI'IORY, trti )itnUMi -f thf l.n-nt T. f. t.-l'ipiuil NTtitli I'f 1 nn i:i.t(n I, fir.il lh Future Melropclis ol 111? Pacific Horltwast. i.!i.pofii''t la ..i.; 1 .tn ! ftBSQLUTELY II THE BEST. Wj J v, o lhiniili.l lltclii ft tiilnnl. ini-ai-ir nl.a.Jiilr lv lii-.l- ixa -l'it III iwlilne In ino vtotlil. aiiil o'l ii'l il. nrrttlll -it Ii yliva. Si-n.l l.ir llliialriilril ': '"WJl II. A-nlu I. 'I UK ll.sll.K Nl. l&ti U AI III.M.tO., t iiitiiitnur Nov lurk. AXLE GREASE. Ilril In ilir nnrlil. fii-i ilio srnuiiir. Kvrrr purliiiiiP has our Iraili'-iiinrtt iuul iiiiirki'il I rii.'r's. hill. II K i: V WllllKl. J 0tllORFS'' 'ti" quick-!, ptnianl.-'. v mr-al mi.t I'l1"! ramifify lor k:iliin'. Ji''V ll. r, it mich, l.l.d.'.r I.I.1 .V ,1,.;.. ai,. n,.l T..i .ai.it.i.v.t GPS ibiO' ITilcii. i. a 1. 1 it Ii. ).. briff. l'H itlaiw ami i.it.i-eiis.i In :i latl-mmitory m 1 l l m rnfnr to liB-mr d f i'v t 1 (xw.pln t an d h( had li ;l i vji'O O fyt.t.n i p.in ly )o(ni, U ihhIhw, no l C t- lo ir n Ak fu r dmnK.tl togfi i. ii ho illinea wad to u f r t t ' otliioK KiM '-f, AUojneaQiu, iilmn it.. H . Y li.nn.-. t.. 4.1.1 .1.1, ..a- .v .iij.I. . M.rkM :.l I y hi i'l. s, ,, 1 an .4' 1.11111 A.t.ln -sj . Iti.t.t.lil .... ll..tiirn li"V.i. A III. fill III IN INK'. H.'i-i Wralim ll.ii.i Law liri.tita I., if-r." T. k if. I -it... .ijlit I ;'. .1.1 in. -k.i.-. 1. lltV II .M.KIl I , Atnl.'. ii. Jk I'UiKMa il.rri'H ii. will curHyddrr.iun.i. I'.'ich 'i'tc lurminf r htM.m it o uift--r "n in 11 to IJ Wifh' it T cannot onrnk too hl-hly of tlm AnnosX, my toy lacj coui i ttv cr ii Tiinafc m. , . Tnil AROoar htNrn no .toimI thin tear 1 Jnunt liuvc itaUtotberieiMrloocduyl.'-v Mhb. Agmbs B. Ansymoxa. Erhraim, Vtah Ttr. t havt.il-.n nnmnlioFof nineriL but I nvvrr l)Ul OHP I Vka veil Ai G"r.r. Taut H l..i- Uietlrv t&t-McoiJrrcii:iU"rr..i r a-i It I ttae dcm rjj icni 1 know Of- IV-uicial I fttn r- .i n-t my p-nr over aeua. xv, s. kNnwuroK, t'oriiaua. Me. 1 ihoiaiiitAitAtiio arot onoiiMTyrarir i noa to mi nMtkt4mtciftraliivBinrv t.i nor far III mlu U$l 7S. li.. 1. yixi i:nrw.s,Ani-mia,Cona. I mm ot (-eT7 In errtitrrt tn urn Aftuosv noii i lout wliawut lti iMtKM oxti-iw! hit fuliwiptiou another ytr. y i.nmsk Muur.it, Audubou.ia. Iboveboen o rtiticmt t o Aroct tho ltt yonr.anu al avw do vlibont It. Itt ltrMt n hut It fill. l t. lilioianKU,, Wakt-tlvM, Kan. Tn AHAAftV ta th . ... K..f nfl'm kltlll UUb UolaixL ioiiliiBot4owltboiitlttirlMlt' f1.,- hieh moral tune and lost i ativo r.inif inmro to leave lMtiof iMprcotlnn with lt rmtlr. Tbocaaract'rof tb AooTnirii. IttM'lflo nil. V H. A. CLARK. N OflliURlt n. U. C. I hr read tho GnMert Tiu: Youth's Ctmjvznion, ftit't Wifir-A tmicm. for bo-fi nr. A ir. hit t vl.emrl lir ARUt 'SY i I wo aid aot sire U for may o' brr rm;f I vyr mv. NOTICES FROM THE PRESS. Tut OotT. AnooRT l haTtdomr'y prlnfd fn tintrd M .in.. o:ij i frpihicl wit Ii rr.ult -a rui :.t tint cnnljoj- Jl oaiciy placid ia U.0 bauui bt uut- you ill. litraiJ, Q Itlooporkllnrfln'l pore, intrfin(?a'ic1 litcb'tonrd. Tho beBia'.it.io:- in Amtiita tgutriuuie lo iu uuiiuiu. aorm.ii,Lw(Btown, We. rrntt nti'l (nur;iani w!io wititd pLiro fo.innt!n(r. Ot well a linf:uitiT(, rtniltn.f h- tvif their chlliir n. would do nrll toubcrlio to It. CVtureA liuon,. x. Tn tiiti-M AROnrr hno rllpd. In oreir nn-v. lto oiJfi- but kds c-.trruiiaUia' coutcmporai'.ea,--iJr Tmnvrrij't. I'coria, 111. IV.1 ct life and TltOaH eommtndi Itsolf totliowdeslr in toboonleit.-ined and tnntrucUil. Tia illurtrv iui.a :o ouprb H roininrnd It to tilO r.HUi(jff Vmnuy ur, Ran Francisco, CaU It hataknn a Iradtnf ploio omonr tho Wttf prtrni of Its claoo. Tha r-.i':i.icr rvldoittl tii.Ucriaiiii bvja' iMtrs. rtio,Indianaroht. Ind. Tin Ooum Aroot li a brlrht, pnrV11fig pTr for boys and ffirti attbor PAnftat'oittil oh ilu auo liaud or tko otber. lTt$i, rii.Init ...Uia. Tmrn Gotxr Ariot l a youth:' paprr. and cootntn era lntor.-(tlnr nodln mutter thnn ni.v oi-i' r .m lar pnbhcauoa ia tio couitirj. leUgin Uu baque. Iowa. 1 1 lo irtt-rUti poprr. ftilty oqaolllnr th T Cn np.mton, and. b uiw' . ;i ii,!;.K,i:-'t J nii j iUv Jioiue, tiill borai oto rtDta..t. lltraiti, ('arndt :i, Ji. TiiO GoUr!l AR04"T i ii far rt moif I from thft pravr toaitltv of iuniliT.i hu nt-raliiro 1. 1 It l from the piitoril.lir ! UoBiuA of tbv hall drwadfaila. .V. 1'. Mo rid.. TniiAiAit unmrli aot onTT Wantlfl In anaoar a, but ovrry war eomaieadaUlo In tbe rherat'tr onioooaMuti. itiono w va'rm lvl nnonlt tht liirtlriMi fmliM a.! lotbrl Lu Dil o band ot Oe.r cbi.rrtn. ltrnt ro - Nu i :ljf nn iri ii.-nn f..',l C.'i-- .' iiii. i..!. i.- e. . '. .(. . ih, .. , .. I.. M... t I ..,.,...1 I I j i.-r .'.'ill . -r l.l -nOi .11 11 . l r.-.i . .'i t- f iol ::r . ..p 'l.lr.l ..' il. .i .,! ill.,-. S- i- 11 '.... I III- oiti' . i'l w- i ,! 11 .ir. .u r,i f nit-ri' I ai-rwil ii.-.ii i Ll iitin .'. I'M r..'.t;.i. ' y. .loti 1.1" .' s.'iii r.' 1 r.r . K.ill Ih. I.y.l ..ml ...!. I." li-1. ni.'.'.. 1: 'I' 'li.liv mii;il I r,.r:-i .li.t. :i. . ll' il. In.l.' filii'i I" "'P') rt.t lo Al.l.liN f. l VSO. l;. .i' I -' :it.a1l,..,,.-r. N. s i.l..iii.IV i-l. ii,: n IWjr. SEWER- WEIISUY

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