5Ffy (Chatham 3ircnrr r . . . THURSDAY, FKMHUAIiY 21. ISM H. A. LOUT Oft. Editor. TERRiFICCYCLOSi PEOTl.K K1LLKD!! JIOUHKS IIKSI'KOYKI)!!! By special telegram' wo hear, just 8 we go to pross, of tho mont fatal tvnd destructive cyclone, on Tuemlay night ever known in this State. Near Rockingham about "2" persons were killed! raid many more wounded : at Llleaville 5 were killed, ami at other points on the C. C. R. 11. people were tilled mid houses destroved. Hail BtonoH foil 2A inches in diameter, WutfrMii, Twnise of (ioorms IVoMe Wiw Mown 'Wn. killing him and putting out his brother's eve.,. D KM Ni 1' K N T T A X-l'A V 1' US. Every citieu who pays hi-, ta s Is interested in making ai: other ci;. lens pay their taxtv. If on'. a por tion of the citizens of a county pav flieir taxes and others do noi. ih it a great injustice is done. In i wry county there is evej-y year a large Auniber of persons who do not pa any taxes and are deiusmiiuiicd "in Solvents." AU tat j'ayer. are ino i nted in reducing tiiai number as much as possible, and li.e last leuis laturo enacted a Miiugciit law to en force tliecoliection or la- .-.to winch wo will refer. In ord r timt eeiy brry hi a county ina know- 'i!ml!:rw "insolvelitn" a: e. tlic I.i v. diiei is the wherilV to lnalo' p,i!.,i.'a'. i,n; ,a the isyurtdiouse di or of I i!i:j!. te 1 i 1 of all the iiisoii t ill ,' in ins coiinlv With the amount of tax d .v fioi.i each: and also to jnibii-h i:i e..i h tovvimhip a list of the ii.'iilnp'l.'Ul-i of said township. And 10 giwgic.dcr publicity, the ctnsnty C'.iiiaiis-ii iicrs aio authorized to piib.ili the ai:'e list iu some newspaper piinie.l in their county. An ! the law g..i-s on to say that any p. isoi, i.-tun.i .1 as BU "llisoivi nt . w i., i Lis taxes wiiiiin i... :. return of th' :. .-oi . . ; Bounty con. .-;,,!.( : .. . ed guil'y of a be lined doibi'- :i:i due, and may lx commiu for failure to pay the made the duty of the cna bc-ar.l of coci!. v coimi.:- . o . :'i . r 1 1 i M o: tic j":o..-' r-:,. a;:y man w iio is osi.::-:-: : jail f-r failure to j-ry k:s ir.:-. If this lav.- is (t,. reed eaint all the delli.irn nt tax payers in tvry citnty in N" nth ('twin oar public roads will be greatly im- proved. We do not know what other counties mav do, but we are assured that this law will be rigid'y enforctd w mamam urn. y-ur. a nt we utfn tion it so as to w irn our r.-.t i."'s not to bo numbered m the list of iu.iolv- nta. WAR KKCOKDS. In 1S74 Congress made an n iro- priation to begin the publication of the oflicial records of the iate war. both of the I'nion ami Con ("derate armic'8, and subsetpieii'' a.propria- tions have been ma le ff timo to lime for the continuance of tiii- work. This coinpila'ion is the first general publieatiou of the military ret op Is of tho war aud is intended p, embrace ; all official documents that app. ar to bo of any historical vaoie, such reports of buttles. It tiers, and ord is f officers in both armies. The wo; k is being done under tiie direction of tho Secretary of W ar an, I thu- far ti a volumes have been pub i-,h( d. It it an ilnmeu.se un.l, :;akiiir; and several years will elapse ! f.iv i; i- rinishcl. Every Kepres. iitative is eniitiid t . twenty-one copies of i ai it volume, aud we are indebted t Hon. J. ,1. Davis for the vo.i.t.v,, i.,i...l w Liu he was in Congress, iuid lo If. n. V. li. Cox for the remaiui.'ig v. .hums Bent uh. (Jf fo-ar.-e il ' t o vo',mii:i Ois a publicaiiou to l..; eeva ly read, but it is very valuable for reference. ami eveiy ponioii -u every voiimm is oi Rpeciai interest to those, persons Who participated in the c vent - therein described. For instntic:', the tn at r part of the ninth vilnmi. is .lev ted to the operations iu Lu-tcru Norili Carolina froia January 1 llii !. Aug-.t 20th, IS'12, and this ii of much inter est to many citi.ens of this Slate TLat period was one of M.e i .o. ex eiting iu tur liistory. f r ii io.iv.. es tho capture of iloaiioko Is'aud d'tb. the Bttmd battle by th uflieen of the ' contending armies each side prain- j ing the bravery of Un men and dia! rwaging that of tho other side. The. f federal officer report tho suntiioi' (March 14th, 1H(!2.) and the oven uu--!'"'f "'''j-' Kepreseutatives iit tlll. -1.ill ,, c.pial footing with lialeigh New sand Observer: Yent nina by the federal fo.-een of all the !L u'-ZZ'SV: . tb" tdUi: Stu;'"' Vh .,lf ,arr'!-5,t Eastern ..crti-:. of the State. It i . 1 Tho great :! 1 it, th- Ohio m"5.' , '".'7 "'";" Tl !" V' , .m5nr o read .. , .s ,', le ,.f : Ar.. I t,,.,, ' 'b'li-g. h 't thousands of per- , ' S t-'1 U ? "lA --""&--- i . '0"v ... iwi.if..., I....... i.... i i i.. .i , '!!' "I ii t oi i w i. .v rent Italian oi , numbers of the eneniyiunl the Ctm-. bxlemtai do tho same, i.ud bolhuieat-; .. JT eiairKeiate iue UMSea lnlllCieil pon the other. 'and tloea it. I Nrnvly all the papers of thin Slate !,..., rrrf'.t'v published what thcv ! ; tl.;(!1 r.u, ...,,,w- j.nv ftanlnth,;; the! vi",rm ot a busm-i oi ns en-1 taiiK'it in .section oS.lt of The Code, and as im ei'toi.eous impression seems to prevail eonccriiin;,' it wo lake the liberty ot correct nig it. I mc section l-eternal to i.i not a new Jaw. but is a part of section 1 of e'iai'l. r "S u- ! the lA.d,!ah.re in 1S57- ' f "ye.leM it Wlni that For - c , ,. it.M- wul bo restored to the regiiiiu y seven yearsu-o and ihm wWftMoy witli tho rank of colonel, which acted l IPITIlt enacted m conforiutty to sectio-t I of cnapii'i ill oi me o.ii i'vwim i :, whit-li rt-ivls -w fo'lows V trader or other person -"ii,! l . buv or sell, or otherwise use iu Irad in, anv other weights or measures. than are mad and usi'd acciirdiii;; to the esta.ua.d prescribe byt net on ess oi tlio I mien rv.iles. Thi section wa s amend -d by aid ; Ac I ot 1S..7 by adding i'ie foLowm-: "I'lt.-incn. tlr.U tl-H shall not p,v vent the eiii.ens ot tins State from I buying and selling 'r.-tiu by measure. . as may be agreed upon between the , parlies." j The abov .pioted paragrajih. i..w folistiiuU' :-ecthn o.s.'.T of The I 'ode, : which in n -1 be coiim leied in Coutu'C tioli with section i!,s") i i'uc "lew' aw ii fei icl to which pri scribes tin .OW il g ts : ! -.vhc-H -!,a'l be sixty . fi.ttv fo.ir p i-: l 1-: of In Ti.ei!.!.-.. ' ,i:t,i ; of r.K 1" . I r-i . I.. I.i i : d-: i' bar c nn. t:;ty o'lir p. i win ;it. fifty po.t!i.U i iht pounds : of i.--(! ilax se -d. sia y clove.- feed. -itv-i' peas, lii'tv po.mds I buck et, to: M r',,.,i ..I-: Pll;.!-i: ,: corn i.ie.i!, i hi S,, tin; ve : while tiie .ibote been I of many sc ib. d by . tile count r" !;;: mid .hneretu v. Jo-.lbt !l-S III ll.t past, "be agreed I, ii v : ; :i 'i:-e, as m t :,e ilp'iti oi t w een I In i .-.t- their trading. parties I r. Hi't'DiJ i ANT Oi'iMON. lii iiiia- of the At' vl.li. a- 1 w ' 1 v ''- ?'i ,. - ;s.. nioivy t t" t l..:V, 'J I'''1'! - le : 'I. if th ::.e is 1,1- the eri.-itiiig Kxt- .-i!l f,r ,,..,, s, , '..'lie:' "t s ifh -iet.e:: :i:;.l ', . aid wou'd be in hi-1.1 il.v wi.!. sp;ni of the co'i-ti. ut'eiii. which r-'pti'i-s . tho icgi-. irure t . estab.i-1. h. niniri tain a li-'partnient of at ic-.-.l.n'.e ; "d also wit.li '.im spirit i'f 'I'le- t' i.le. U.-M..I. ,!. ..,.... : t be uii t th" Sur'-nu'; te'-u"-v agrifu't - .u - a! soc: -ties t ;.:!.. i. ; i.Ml W : and empowers "c.tuiiiv e an mts-touers to H'..'1 :i:t fan s : for the tUr.r iour- respi'ctive Coi'.iit! ..ttii.Tir i .f i i . . I :it rv rtn.l fn :-.!-. i ;i i,., a syli:m 0f i.y-lawV" . lllitei'ilit' Voters. t w k,llih;,M1 .i,,,,-!. ..n?. p. vesentaliic V'iliis i -xpect - lo have iis b::i. pro-.: ediica: ion. Week fl'Ol.i tiou. lie in .- iie I ill iu.g for redt-ral ai favorably rep. .; f 1 t he ('ouiiiUl rec on il . I '- it pre J Ml ed t.i'o'.e tie I cool 1 of th" sail lliutee, ttait il ts Ill.S'i lg'.'' "f till'l I. el ' ecouuiiilled the wloeii snows ! ha: ..lii es'acy ij "i. i- t ne bu in f.-ii- t. ci N..: -t'i,.-i :il tin- S i.itlr in States, ay -i tnat in tiie tiiir! ihfiv are l.s'.'l.i" ih Only one voter 111 ii name. Iu South Car.. ..le v..tel s li e more lii poa. r and .e 1 oi t. l-.gi:t at. V rale Voili'-. ,.:: writ;' h;s la i he iliiie;--, oni'-lia f : it) Alabama. 1'iorid gia. N'.n '. ii (.'a. oi I vo ; w l.dt! M..-- Aii--issiepi. (reor- i, Viigiiiiit. ..ne in . i int.- one iii nine. II. the T-e.-i l.-uliai election of Is',. I. New York. N. w lia i p.-hire. New r. ....i;..t f:, ;.... '..'.; fniiil. X,.Vil,l:. Ohio. Oregon. Wia coiiMU, Illinois. Ktiode Jslau I, alien- igui an I I'eitii-'.-i;:ia veie ranged on th side of iiiiletm y. Iu the last I'i'esidi ntial contest, thiitv of the Sl-itrs of Ihe L'i.i.ill, With -.IS e'ecti ral Votes, we'.-eag...!:. .vitaiu : in- d-ml-ilifttio'l of llu: :a.v, i ;e ,s who ..;i,.. iiolitad th" v 'y e! I'.i-t'-r of i!i, ir ii " rli' Th majoriliea wi i 'h tlu-y gave e.e.i!,l have l.u ovd tlii'oW .i by lu com bund vote i;f i heir li.iteraic v. iters, ft. a if th.-.-e ai ii-;! im - ha-i b tit live tine s Cat as tut V wt re. li! I-i"'1 IlttV the pub.'i't.ition of the Crei usboro' l'lig't - ' - iniiig eruptions on the the sunken T-.c, tho l.aliid com- plesion, indicate that there is st rue- thing wn n.f going-on -' itiiiu. h.tp. I th lurking foe to health. Avers Sar -it .. t ... 1 .. sapaiinawasueii.st'.iioi ium p.uo--, Oisr to asliiu jloti Letter. IKn iii our Ki-iiliir l'rri4in'lmit. W.i.t'ilNllT.'S. IX C. 1 . it. IS, JfS4. His mult rutoodthal S. i,:ku Logan ill wake a spH'eli itaitnl tiie Fitz Jilm I'orter hill in tiie Seniue, but Unit ho will nut put.-uie the matter as ,,,,. as hertu.nVi-e. A count- ,1 : noses itoni tin. losi ii'.loriui.hon at- t'Ulte.n.e coiiem-iung tiie portion ot j hehoUl when cashiered, and be plaeed i en me kjiucu osi mm i o- liiims C'V' oui whiioui arrears oi pay. i nis will meet the liecrjv upoiDval of a St (ties, und the tai'ii ftciiitieseeniv of nearly all the I eiuainder. The truth is, it is not the aotiou of tiu John lJ1(il((ir tlm, has ,,,,,,,, lkt htuklt) l)llt !hftt f K.twjn M. Stunkm. Secretarv oar. S'iii:to;i, tnirni'ed l canso ; his favor.te Pope cou'.d uot uie v oiueoeuues. mauo ri-niT iiiartial for his conviction, and. if; " .5 V" . . . possible, his execution. Garfield, j who was a member of the court, (liaiit. and other I'nion otiicers, be came convinced, when no longer un-, der Slant. ei':; influence, that a great wi ong h-id bei n inllicted on i'o' ti r. an 1 they determined to vimhcati hi., puiiiic i t cold and private reputati.ni. ' Jins is the beginning of a series of I'eve; sals of l he aits ef Slautuii. .Most of tin.- opposition to Mr. M.ir i i -.on's tautVbi i t L.is f.v is evidently of ii;e kind that won d find any p.i.-.. sib.r bii. ior tiie r l ici 'on t.f the ta-Uf i . : 1 1 - j ; a; imp . "in-ol- 'Uie- i.- . "a i"i t, th- d.v, ed Mr. t'oiter lil'e irtttl' U ii.ii it must bad; of the c:ets ll I.':. I I'...- ::.a p. ..p eu .1 nianula-, tu"e; r-.ll.,' i-e-.'.ceilf; i- li'e ol iii' Ai.ie: lean p. o a; a M.luctioii of taxation, tiie 'I're.i-itry a great sur i'.ug ;! -elf up ai the rati ii'. iiiit- 1 iniuions a ve.tr. . o-:n.. . H!id Ii. p.Us i- ol a.: I 'oi.gr. the I'l its bcr gar.! t ii',.! ea miy proceed wl! h II of taxes according to h'.'.n. witlioat inueli re- luete 1 wi- i the vi.eeut outcry of a smalt i ;i , I :-. -.-te-l ricti men. w iueh is U of a few c'ickets ill : ticid. ci-.ator Mors. v has been in Kit-!. .il W t! hen resumes ib,; 1 sc.', li.T lioW ii ner roi -l.b.e l.t v. og:,. ii. ! a ieM .i.-'.u.d : la.ira.it. or. li an I it le he-. 1), a: a. i.e. I tfi:e tiie : -a but oilier f '.uu.y s,' ty. Nobody doubts d deal of U ntil as ilia: fir is tiie "! r-lp ..e -:n . . -' t sagoV't'dra' ei' l'.:;i . v.. i- iv' it i : nn ; '.oils employ ed li.e g. o. p. Joh- I 'I it U LV ;-,v.y loo much credit to e - ' -,i .a of Oar bout;: t in Indiana y. i- now -i-neiii.ly I'.y ais.juti'.j too II. : i.i iii'.ve UH le He u.i iiil 1 1 . , :. !. ii in 1 l; -id. pal iv a--.a'i;ites to il.i stoi k ; and a very iit :-:-iai:t a: o! he pr,. .ves to have bt-e'i. ly who sir.,ns hicis.jf leg ii!li.ia .- of printed cir- V ,...0 -. itl ITil.l'il Olljl c : I.- l..e forfeiture oi' i':. :ae land jliu It u-iial a, gU'iieiiis i.hicii ti.e tji' : a j- i. tm at lot lievs ot I no ! las I'ae't.e Info:, the il.iii.-e L'oiu nu:t"e i'l! i'.iljiie Lands, and adds ti e new ai d a-li.iiisiiiiig a; g.iiiien' tnat tie- iiilid is worth t s-. i he en - e iiai l cites that "if tl. Si.a-.es Were io g-te ai! le , . ,4 . u , si: talids for n 'iiuiag to actual sett.eis. it is toiibtiul Wiit-iii.-i- anybody co'.iiu be f - -vi li.l v. nil tena-.lly eiioilgti to ac cept theiu". Notwithstanding the woiii.ie-slas- of lliese lalnls, this advocate of the railroad insists that the toad must have ihem. and reiter ates C. 1'. Huntiiiejtoii's threat that ii ( 'ongn ss iloeliti i s the grant i'or-i-it-d Hie e in-tit.uiona.ity of the act mu-1 be di-'.iel liy the Supreme 4'ourt. 1 he g- n: l. n.eii wiio a:e suji- i -. d to :.. l onunen; in tiie luove- i us. lit to t.u.e :!iesr "woi ll,.! ! uuii I'.Wil un' levi- fiicil'ic aie incased IU tins cir.'U'itr of suiipiy ..eeking M';.itn al c.: i!al I im v:;U-r say;.: this. I.icli -'.- iu tii.' tio'.sy li;ui-- sciii . f s.aii leu-, aud li.e ai pMeut Wa. fa:'.' Wi.i.i, ii.ey ivage V.ilU tie' laiiioiti. .-oiiickliilig lo cat ell tii" rat's of itif '.olilii.Ii.g- -of tiionb ll;o III l ;e po.'d to .inyihiiig which tends lo Inii.d lip toe gi'.at. Wt.-t." Too b id. isn't it ! -moor lj'ipnaiii gratty li.irritie.t his giave an. I liig.iitied t .iiieiig'.ies tiie other dav bv wi.i.stliiig for a page, Some Tu'tv pr.irs of reproving eyes tuiTietl towaidthe juvenile SenaU-r , ..... . , a.iiiioiushed ni'.i that th'jro ...is no preccd nt tor hib course. Iu palua- tion of his aw ful .eU'ense agaiu.- l the dignity of the Senate it inny be stated thai tht;Seuat.)r wasab.-e.it-miudediv thil:kil:g of the gay old days when in" boys of 'i'toga county led him ''igi.ti:'g T.ge. ' i'lii.No. 'i ie lute.- t cra.e among Jn sw e'i yie.i.ig lain of New Y"ik is to Lave ile ir lady lot. puma - en 'laved on tin ir I ii'imi) halls'. A bill lias been introduced into in.) ;";,, j ,,f .1 ,n.,..j ,,, !, ,,f , .. , ail't ini. tons ol !o.,uis ol til t)l plop- e- ty have bivn tltst loved At a meeting ot tun. citizens of Ijo- mir ouniy. iteld mi the Kith, in Muston. tue ImwiiM of foiiimissionets was le.uiesie.no appiopn.ue i,ouu, i or if iieee.-.sary, to make an appr- itri'itf. crinl e i.v iil.o !. 11. t.w. K ',J, -j 'uou ueunm. . , . i , ,1 " . , , . , ,, , ll,lliW,t: ill !lll I IHII.il' l,f lllN I nltjKil ut n , lr,,I ill. .1. it ., iL Iiiim.iI. nil nf .-.,,1..-, ...... l." II I, lI'Killl , .-III III-, Sltilesv; b .ciudm-ir!;: A Dulch- man in tliis eouctv repoi ted last week that tho winter hil lirokeii fur good. He knew it, heeaiiHit his chickens hail lieen fighting for a week, mill for tlf- teen years he had not ice, 1 that the chickcim never fought until win! i r I li:ia which have not favorably inciition had broken. Mr. A. if. Vniinoy e.l the Nato exposition, and iioarly hrtH latelv returned fivn.i a trio over H:all of these have the project at heart. ( i s i . 1' ! n 1 1 imi-l iit' WilLcs. (lii Iti.tl : Itimr 1... .. .Iulm Tn.-L. er. who at enrlit veins f iw, wenhe l ; rJ; ms., ut nine. I. I.i. and now, f ut ten. wnyhs U ',A !!. -A higl.lv 1 1 i-teeined lad v ot :l M . emintt i wo v, .1! not bo particular about l.M-.-ltion) tin- dertook to eet dimn r f,r her lamilv. j ner cook itcin;f ai-seni . aim noi ix-ing mui'ii ni-.iurunteil witn ine air oi cook- ; niu' stie sent to a st. i ... . i . i , tho ten pounds for dinner. Anvbodv j who knows how 'i.v can swell whih 1 pookin;' can im-i:.-i::c the res'.ill. Sin j (.t,nlll ,,ot find vessels to hold it an nrobablv has not e.ilen alt of it vet d pr, 1 1 .i..... ii....-.. I',..,.. :.., .,,.....;(. I l,rou.;ht to this n. i.ue!. there seems . tl, . (l .,r,,lt ,i:l ,';, ;if ,!,:.,,, ; 111 t 11.4 Ki'.'flo'i l:tl riiiHlL'IlI ll.l.l beeti til-own last sca-.m. bv rcuson ol j tlu dr.mth ; and we aie elad b a arn that preparation-aie heicg made by ttii' far.ui'rs all.wei the country to ! etigagi, in the culture of tobacco ;his year on a larger s -ale than ever. The t-cc!lei.t ill: i saiist' ictoiy pt iees ob tained this season i., a sufficient guar antee that it is the m uiev crop of tliis m el ion. So In'-ee a tjiiantity of seed as W now bring -oW ed t a t lit '. 1 1' j hint ed at any pret'o.i- ... :lt-. W-'ai.- truly g!-ld see i;: firiius becoiuing so r:,t!iii-:vis: ie in t'.e i'ul',itA.:ion of this valuable pli 1. as theie is nothing that can be -.e.-ee-sf ally grown iu l',is si . ".o.i i- to'oaceo, i'i,e home e'litaiid tt.e-tr'-s an unlimited j i.m- lily, an 1 in, e It els bet u s'in.wu that the roil I- 1 .-em .ls:! e.ui be .e-il-ied ! I :! I . . o.ir aduee to every nu.i'.i r wh-i '.. a- fifty aeies i f l-in-l is tophoi; at lea-t liveot thi-eain lobacco. Ash .!l'."t'it:.vii: Mr. W. l Hun b r. of Flat ('.' b-wichip. il i- coun ty, si.i.l hi tobacco rah , on our atid ore.' -four, li :e!i-. for .-!'!!i ish. tit the tiarn. N, vrnli.'i r was : c 1. This ih Fie success of another of neiMo-.it.g. farmers. W l.iu cmuMv can beat this f; -Mica mil:;!..: i . da is t.iKi; new s..i t iug to b. o .' tc l ::; lleV. : .1,:. mi- I. .-.st MeM.lha''. v. of ill! V, ed to bi.ild a wan Aide,, H ev.il ; :o "tin r. fi-.vw el a V i .:e- y. blllld ut i.f her. Tii.'.i'i altly of 11 , wood eae a. is v. rv 'I Htesb ro' Oil.- 'v. r: iVe v-.m tute ill,' i:-.-.". !i 'U the: 'here i'l !"loe. or . .' o'Vtlti.'.-. f It'll il !- ttv. i m i 't'.I pr-'iri's- ' dint of I'eild In!.--r. I !e: 'e i-i not Hi:,-.1 ;';. ' tiie i ij .'v i.i. i i... ri m im y ec tl.-o war by ':: t'"d ir (ir. vc m where If. !.. .-e.ifiTt.-.h!', on A few years iu' . f Mela e now hv - his nice ffu ui. to i ear i'l-.-pect Hill. w'i.- akin to a w.i-!e b-inog v.ilh i e.'ss .ti.d valued at -r'l per acre. Now. .. bio-,ot'ei a- Hi. rose, i-'roai the hamh't (ft'eiar lO'Ceto I'ro-j.t'ct Hi!!, y iu will ( a- much evi lenee of thrift and j.rospi :;'y :.s ymi willlimi in any agricultural community. Neat and c'immo.iioiis duellings, paint, d and las'.efuily rt:el..-e,i. largeai.d c''t: . .. ;.... ....i l i . . ... ...:.i .. . n .:n t '.-.o'la oio - i'i,i..i. . inn: v i'ii un. .1 bai ns on wail tilled fan. i.-. owned bv , n,,...; i ..I.. ... v...".. i.ie.i x.'i . I ...II . . 1. . r.Illt jililCIV. .Xt.M u'l this change h is b. ru w rought, tint by lo-uiiig r.lid standing around the country tavern with hands np to the elbows in breeches pockets in the vain search for a "ineic with which to buy j a "short" of "chain 1'gl.tuiiiu." but it ; Iihh been brought about by laying off: l he coat, rolling up the sleeves and; wa ling in" for line Yellow Tobacco. ! I Mo.ue Oaette: .Messrs. .(aek and! I".id (liimoi'o (.,,( in to seo ita Wcine-dav lii.-t. an I infonurd us of ; an accide.it occin I b.g u.-ar them, that i of a ii'-e.-o boy fin. iu. x vitii u p.isto! which was aeeiii. i.ily iti.-charge,!, shooting himself through the bow. Is. i tie was shot about b o'clock h. the j iii 'i'iillig and -lie.l before dark. A) briue by the mime tf Oreeii Macou j from Ituud..!; h county eamo hero on the Inst Moii lay of court; he was rid :t:g lease back und a- he eamo in;: town some one proposed a hoise trade to In. ii. lie a'V. lUc.l atnt noon i'en;tiige euu neeu ma.u'. ne men ; t'cs the iniih-hf' hid s.vappcd for and goes olT and gi ts drunk, and btiiig in ' liutt eoii.iitio.i all the week, tho mule . I'ft uncaivd for and aetuullv per- -ii.i.i ti- -tii isiied to .1. ath. v wt ro uiformed thai ..Ir. .1. U I.,ake, or .Vin.ler, lias; J'osm --ion Lafayette's Flag of i mo Ib-vol ita.nary War. J-'l dlil what we tan learn Ins gram l fattier was t'ag.nati in I ..-.lay et ! e's cotnpi.uy. and ufi.r ho.-ii!i:i, -, between the i'.riti.h and A:!e i ae.i -. had cea-e l he std't re tained th - ih. and it has thus t, -.'..ended 1 :. ... the foailv to the I'lC-a i.! on i ei- ' Mr. IJh.ke has at d.f , fe.'ent ti' i- - o.-, a .el'ei-ed 5Dil fur il. Li t n f" . I t . lake it. II" intends s. rid:: ' it t I'uc .tale Exposition this 1- all. uli - s ciiv owns a na '.u pi.-ioi wnicn i e .1 eaiucil hy a member of the famous Secnnd Dragoons, U. H. A.. . m tho camnrii.oi in I'tah. iust before the war. li.ui. Albert Sidnrv John- i ston then c mm.ii'drd tint regiinent. I A geiitlnean of ti n city linn an j unfi.pio -vateh, which fmuied: : .1.. i til... 1 . . tl I iit.iiiiMeiiin m oay.cn tiurinj; uiu : ,war tf the revolution, the war with 1 Mexico. an,l thorite war. At the Mmtlle of Ijihi'Iv'h Lime, during the war of tlie revolution, it wan used lv an engineer officer of proniiu nco, iui uneestor in present, owner. j ''here are few papi t -s in '-'oil h Civo- : mii t.i Knout.- County after county has ! f ,ll.t li,.,. ,.. .1.. i,.r, intim. oi ! taken steos lookuiLT towards that en.t i ass ineeiiii'in of citizens are called at a nn-nber of pl-ices In f ,-l it ao- j p.,ti s thai over imlf llu inilns in . ,he State will be di.vciiy rcpn sentcd. ! bv i pecial exhibits, al the exiiosition. i n One Thousand Acres of Land '. i au "Itk'ht Smart of Bears." .. t... ..r .. t.l. ULLuliml i.i'inili..ftt d I nni "Right Smart of Bears." On i'h .l.'.-k ,.f a hlii Ml lx-!.'l n'Vinil.,,ii' - I on :u-e I s, u'Iiitii iil.niii-r. In ll-'iiuai; i . ,.f til- arm Un- T-.iir.-- Il.i' I ti m- ,r.-.-ai" . In' -ai l I .t !i i'Ul-'T T, a S, ilii'-V vr.-ii. : wi'l vi veni- .1.1 I I,::;.- y lli-sl lur , huh ci.'ima', -li my eiih'-r v -lit-n riinliiir iu ,1 M-i-l ilia! s-i'-w illro'ily-ver tiie Ulll'Tf I'." '.Ill j I , ii I Tiro a-a inl.'li'y , -l.iM,ali-i. .ant j lli,'r. was rllil teiian ef l-rafn ihi'p'. I"". I'ail : i,.t; en,- Ui,,ii.nn,l a, re-..f lanl win! tut- ih Ml--' apl'i oiir jiv " t Is patiiiltf lie sll-lMI llJi-,11 I III' II '11 re 1-i.H.V I lull i;r ai ?-!-,- v-'telieil t. i', t.-n tel ; eauiy mil nreily -irenirUi an' i,tti-,l In Un' -a"T' .-i ,-- ! ilil-i '.I.,' ureal. Ini l i'l l. i ri'lil "I .li-.-il"' nii-l .l.'aili. V, ' II -h -til l imi Im- . Tleil ll I- -o i.- -i ,ii-i:r.-ii,i' as wi-l! as a I.... l'..,i- iir- Iar.:'ly t eari'l "r !", siii.i I" .l-'i'ii I ihelri.un in- l.-re-:- llu1 in..si M-i.-i,iiiH r wlit, li I.- li'.it'.h. 'Ilia' i.-'li.' all isi- .iie. In-.vn..- i- lni;uV, l.iil .i ' r-'' kl.'sHa.-?.- --r li.-ii-,i-aii--e Un. .-Iiiii-I' si tlilni.'- I in fill n- wi-ll ,i, .-..:ii.!.- 11 a i.r,...flll,.ii in j C.,i,.-s.,,.;. i,.,. i:,. inn;,, w.,'i.in riti'i'-, wlii. li 1 sm ,.i:,-ti i'.. l Un1 ia!li" al.-nt' ilieir sli.-r- i.. ui ini. Ill Jl li-w- !it .t.tit.alii -.riln;-., -miiH ,'lll'lilMl;,:t'H ,-.n j i. i-a.',. i ... ma are I.,h.,i an, I it -nuill i'.,iii ei , .IIkmi-Iit.-I ,ii:,-.i-. j Tlif ln,-l .;i.mii- ill:- I ti--t I I v.- ri llie.ly tur ,IH- I im-- I,. I'.thkKli-s ionic p tf. , i . u. ..ur.-. , "t '.'ii'i iC.t-i v, ,iiiti'"--. le r,--.. - in Hk a il'.ii, ' Hi.' liv.-r. IU.ii.. . .-- -ill i--li .u- I : .-:el 1 1 uMi. Ilii'lr , w-. i-k a-rt an : li-i-i.- .ii ,vi-ii ,1,1: The 'I'.. hie : I- n,,i . !t" ,'Vit. an iii'".-- ii',, i''it - ii,'-a I. 'sirs I' -." .-; r.'iir Uriirk tt'O,' a n a,-i-I i. ihi'iiniii II- in. r ir.nii.ii . h, .i Im.e iv o I In )li'.,l ,i ell. T aeti'i, ? Hi I.' i- ,,i,i- l,.-ij,. IT LEADS ALL. ;.'i utliiT M'-,st.'iir:fiiat i ie.Ii.'eio : mail,', or h is i v.t Nvii i r.a:r.tl, v. I, i.-li s, vera p:. : . iir , Hi - i.ai.is ol phv.-ii ..uir ttial the p-iu-r il ,,il'iu' ii Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ir I. a Is the li.-t a: a truly -i -.-ia lie ,riparv O'.n i .- .til l.t.i.-! .li i---' It tln'.v i a airH- SCRGFULA lui'u's1 so':' o'uin.'.t' wai tl.-i'Hi.'., ii ami i'Xi.'l it Ir nn v.'iir s stein, K,r C'lii-iiintii'iiat or si'ieint-ais ( .u.irrh, PTODl( aNtl1'- StH.-.tl'tllll.l.t IK tilrt wnlKflKii inn- i-.'in, ! v. ll h.i fur.'J lill'i'l-eriei.-. i-.'n. ll will ',.,ii 1'.,-Ii.lll,.'.iiu cai.trra.! ,Ii-.,'iiat-''. in. a r.-i -, Vkj Oi nivkea lii,' i' ir el Hi,- In, mti, w!iu-li arc tuUicuU. it9 ut v-reIu.lll iirif.'iii. 'i r.rcl.O i".T.'X..P"l.t.M--S2. V '.'.'JU0 ...t, ilH'"ir.'..f iw, y.-a-,.ii.',.f , i:,'ii lias l ri-.l'l. i.-.-'.i-.! rir;ii:,i,' M ll," .-.-en,' nni'' V U i , k c w a k'ist C ! to . -i ani-t li 'Si w a- .-v.-r a::.'inl."l I'y lu.ii ll'-. ill-. II. F. JolIXMiM." luuiu 1'. Vour.- trr.l l ia-'Miri. nv Dr. J.C. Aver & Co., Lowell. IVTass. Kt.i I--..;! l'rut'..; Sl.six K'ttli1.-! f.-r s.V --- - I I? Y (i00D8!! .uniS" V. S' O't'T. As of VllvliOAS. i'MH V ;l!ee CO.. --I-. t ..i i '.e-'i, ie ,-,-u ; .'.'M-, I, -. I.I. a. i,-i ,-. ii. -i I ni.i. ii.j,. , i. ... I v,..i il:,: e e i. I . I lanM'1- ' .'.'-' I. rv,'.-ii a' '' la- i.v f -r rts.. ii"1 j' II., .!". in. k ;: ,i" k. al i, , rail .ili't .' J IV, ,'i'i. r.-iai el I I 1IIOV I'l I a I.I! l'.l).''.l'" lli"Sl II. i.i 1-st. BEA ii IT IK AlIiNi):.,,.,, 'J hat ytii can buy Staple and i'au.-y (iioceries as low as tliey cut be bauht III tile i iiite.1 .Male.s, of . C. i L A SfiiflMl '.l.ri Ne lir.rtll. ;ALid'.iii. N. C, in Ai'VAiri'iuis No. iil'.i lityi'licvilii'Sim i it'inln-r hiill.llni;i IIIitN' viii.. Sir.. Mail,. ioi,!:s i ll. u in s;r't ana t l'jl Imv t.lAll i'l IN MINI) iii.-.; .i. S'i.y feri'it-Ii'iiiititri' il.'K-t..r.' !.!. :' "iT-r sl i t I u. INIUVKMliN I'S. l.IIAIi IT IS MIM Thai .' nury til all timed ! ilm LAit.tT MXVK A.M t.l.l'.A Mj-T VAIUKTY j ,,KRESi j lii-ar n In mlml Uiat w Imvt' ihr l.'ir;:i'ii. lst i Ai - r - u. - ! nti.i iu-,i Lifii;..! ll,.ii-.: mil iwior t.- i-r imuiiinf b'-j.- uui ,,u,r -n . ciiy. Item l: in min i ilmi we nlwuya , ,.,., ... (.uaranus? nr. Ici'lleu n. iiur irwli'uii irn ii,..irii Uiinf .i in mlii'l Hull lutM'.'iiiyUitiiHHii'l 1'Vt.ry- Ivi'iUstil Ly ii.'Usi'ii iu our Hue atiU a ll.i'U - anil ait'! nu.' tliiiis" It-I'les. l' I ,il( i ..in, is ami k:is li. liorrltii;. I I' l' h.".',- Ne. 1. . ail, I 11 HI:l,'i,ul,'l. i.. r.i-:,. If. Wni i r iwa. r 1 .'.. ! ..i.-u C IT, . 0,llis--!iM It. 'li T.'lllnsw MU'.ir, li-ika l..,.f., I'M 'Hi'. iT-v k.-.t ii. Ctk. a, s,.' tl:j-t- it'! I' .-.l' J .11)1 li'-.'. -' ue On-, 1'".. i - i.'.,iii-tiy l-.a... I.ai t"i..- tin. i. In: '.ii-l s:ii"l.- tiC ii.l.i , :.. ilmi, i,-iii!n-l .-. Ki.-n - mil 1 ral's. s.' I ' c rti- !.;. . -so- ,ml syr.ij , .t l't, s 'l!irl'il i; '.-' , ''' t- ire-.- lr. -!i . .la:.., ' ... l ie'.-. i,i,-i, . i :,n',-.. .it, ;ar. .',,s.t.l,- s.i,l, 1- ir.xet. i:"!.v'i;r.c.A'. l.y.-. i,.j n ...c- una nuric .-unit, .il, tmti Ciai.-, .i,-, rt'iunry Tfiz em gf nmm, 1)1 Kil.VM, i:.. , T. iii ,'.i'KI.U., IttviOfUt. 1'. A. WU.CV, twitlur. t'"i iiinr t. .n . 'i .... . ".' '" lii.ls"iiliiiii'iiv.,riil.l.'i.riii. w ill Imy ., u.e s..rui .-r Kur.j our- ,w tMt0- r.isi.iMH'. .-:i.-ne4. JOHH HI. M0ifi6, ATT OUNLV AT l.VAV, DCIUIAM, X. C, i t,'liiti;i'.i.n.l lu tuo suu. ma iwittai Ouuru. HrTlsK8i iI.Sii.r.ir .m l It... ii ,r'..iirtf f J.Ui. miscellaneous rfMm i fVvH- . V-&iniAi HARDWARE OF EVMY DKSCinnmV. Xiurgest Stock in Worth Carolina. .M idi S IJ'AVIS At CO., Sion or tiik tioi.t'KN IIihikk Shoe, 'I'll I'ayelleville .St., opposite the Market, Januarv 10, lS.st. liALKKJH, N. (J. k sun SAJII'lili GHLENSBOuO, H. G. The eci'.tinucd mild weather basing made the Tall and Winter Heuson of ISS;1 unusually short. 1 tind 1 have loo many goods on hand iu nomo linen and in order to reduce stock hate made a S W E E l 1 1 ( i 18 k m I CT I ON ill prices of Uea lymade I'loihii, Ov reoats. ,'.cai;, 'Ioaks. Polmans. .) iev .Jackets. Shawls, piece M n 1'i.dei wear. Ac. ,Vc, .'Vc. I now oiler He aw Overcoats at .2.iil. and Sd.O.I ; (rood' Overcoats lit Oil. S'l.tMa-ld U'l; riii.' Overcoats a; s i IIH. l.ilil and $1-1.00; lleavv Suits at Sl i'O. Si. oil ami s.V00: (bi.nl' business Suits at :f :.0.i. .-J7.U0 and ..s.(U ; Tine Ircss Suits at l 1.0.1. .L-2..")0 an t !1 1.00. This is no humbug and no jokr. but a genuine maiLdowu iu prieon to reduce stock. I offer .-pecial b irgai'is iu l5o.it-- and Shot s of all kinds. Menu aud Boys' Hats, and Ladies' l!oai.s an.i Shawls. You are c. t liaiiv inxit. -l to eta-nine I'iose goo. Is and pries and you CMO save money by' doieg so. itesprelf'.iib our-. Nevi 11,1 -ir is 1 - ;M. T. Xni-ris & i!ro. Who mice ..I N'.-'is. Wy.iti x Taylor I ut I bei.- old .-Uii. 1. I II liiJiisii. UtJU uUutilJ i AN ! - oommjy. Kivmis, No. id l. . Mat No. io Test WE CAllilY A LAHOM STOCK I wlticli we oll'.-r to the trade at j very low pries. : r-iTWe give Si'KCJAL ATTKX ' TION to ill'' sa e of i COTTON, j Make sales at highest prices and i ret urns ut once. ; l'rixluee sold on commission at small j charges. ' Liberal advances made on cotton ' stoted wii it u . ; Agents for I'aiitiisco (iuann. j Agents for l'oc.u.iok.' .'hioer J'hos-' k (tiniiio. Agents for tiie ceh-braled Stoiu wail Cotton 1'iow, the Kinej of the Co! ton Field. January 17, 1mi. 13S5. 1324. W8 sc V P Vt7fU(Tll?T Ej11i! liAId'.K ill. X. c LKADEllS IN HARDWARE of every description. BUILDERS' Sl'PPLIESJ PAINTS, sTtvns. OINS, AMMCNiriON Hid the largest stock of SPORTING GOODS ever iu lialeigh. at bottom rrlcea. Call aud examine our stock and prices. 3 Satisfaction Guaranteed. L'-T Write for l'esci iplive Circulars. Pon t forget the place, 220 rAYLTTLYILLL ST. LAHO FOP SALE. III (llllf loWII-.tlll'. C'l,ill.llll .UUly, I'. 'il' - "l ll'.' O. V. m V. V. K. li., .ilHli'l.. :i' ... ii.'iir- 1 lv Mil tMltu2 Vti'U tilT.t.-t't.-'l til "IIKII.I, l' r 'l' fur'.lier lumrinaU-u ni-l-ly l" i,r.h iui,irniaU..u itia ly U OI.IVI.'l T.AVIt, Uiuil-Uio. Si. 0 Jautury MtU, li- u. Advttvtis'c.ncnts. TEE ALL RIGHT Cooking Stove. Tin- nin!trsl!fn'il.Ni,ft Ani: f"r tlil wIclirttliKl Hti'Vo. Hiiiiuiiiu't) to thii ptitillf llmt ovw TWKNTY-FIVK THOUSAND or tltrnn Hlov-H hfivi' iin-n nuU, itiiJ thai lu eiuh titsiniirn tlicy liuvu k I ven Eu tiro Jiaiisfaci-ion. riuci's vr.uY low. - W rln- tr hi lunuuiri'. ill 1 1 v I'iitni. .mm and LIhi ot km a m AT s. mtowN's DoisitS Store, ts and Shoes. TjitdivV Is. IVinnkets. Quilts, FIRE!! Is iii danger t iK-in;- JJUIiNT any day or night. It costs but little to insure it IN TUK- Tin f'JCPiin.Tn? rni.TDn.Ti7 iiuitlli JilljUiUxiiUii UUliUiliU. All elitsses ot" buildings instiml tit reasonable rates, and ail 'losses promptly paid. lie prudent ami insure in time! He warned by the burnt building of your neighbor! Ji. A. LONDON. Agent, I'l III Sill )!()', N. C n 'I'.' -r -'. ism. am To tho FARMERS cf XOSTH CAROLINA I YOU CAN 6AVE MONEY BY U8INQ mm special iUBSTITUTE FOR PERUVIAN CUAN0I Baugh's New Process TEN PER CENT. CUANQ, A tWor! -Ml.-lioilf for I'rruvlnit. itiiirnn. t'i'n I'oi.tatu tru prr rrnl. of Ainnioultu Wiuteale Pries K0S per 2,000 lbs, in Baltimor. BOUGH'S SPlcilTsUSSTITUTE FCH S FR CT. PERUVIAM GUANO. (uriu'rrd AnnlynUi .1 inmonln.A tnO ITr.-.ii.t. 4M..I..I.I.' In.nr Phtwiiliiitt-, IO to I . rwj't.iai.'.i.irol i'u.i.-h.i teu pt-rcNit, ho esalc P.icf, C35p v ?,000 lbs. In Bultimcrt. F-.r !.. orinvMisfii,. ,.f tmr rUKtoniunt wti qv v.,!i.l,.(!i..l.-'ela! Serf.Nk.Va. All i itlsri 'U t.' I. ail'. Ti't'.-ii ! Oia ix-l iToim tiy Iroin Nur. I'jN, '. i f ' .-i ,i. ih-rf'K'ili.r.). i,i tlmwiMeat !uy. er Pl'.'1'.'t.u I jili itLK.MiftiliH'iNHlIriijuUtiltluioru. WennCLnSI'M 1 ll.TVnf Ptire IMtaolvrd Hhw Hoiim mil lliith lirnrit' hetulrnU ler inrrirnt linkurj- ili'liu- M,l. Iertlllw.ni. nnii inn l-.n-b tli-. l!i:.T :t)OIH In iiuaiit:tlM lu i:t bwj. TH. ut I.IIH KMT t'AMlI pltUKH. I ff-Hi'i,.l for ur J aUH'l.Iet irtvlrur full derli. l-'.n mill n liolfrtulf itrli'M of our Mtnmlttrd brnrtli. af Hour Km ilizrrn aud appravret form u Ion. A.loran til Imtiuriw ud ordera to BAUGH tt SOIMS IC3 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE, MO. Will take in exchange for fSullilTiNCiS AND liOODS, at their St i.re. Flour, Data, Corn, W lieit, lJneon and Lard, at market prices. The attention of Fanncru and Mill ers is c.i.li'd, csoeciiillv to their iiinko ..! "G" 8tiJlTINa for 1W sack.':. . A fottd lino of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, 1JOOTS AND SHOES, (JKOCKKIKS, HAUDWAUE, MEDICINES, VC, iC, always on hand. Their motto: 1 iiir prices and Loneti dealing. Jiuiiiitry 17. l""l. .'.in". TeAHKLiimniiKsT I 'C'l s'",.' f'T III.' O.I".. Ill !' I :HI.' I FtltK. l.lNsvu.l.t eil ttltj mii.Ii' hj- Miiko)..' s.,n, hii I "I. II .-uu I". ,' ri n."i i. .' I'l K.'.II.IH nl oikiD Wol.KM VNSIlie. A uvw lot of iIk iii twl I r-"in-'l. j lieu. lew.