rOR THE FARM AM) KITCIILM. Uood Need. Good seed brin; good crop, and good crops mean good prices and large profits. Cheap weds wo dear at any price and should not bo planted under any circumstances. There are few seedsmen, now, who do not use their best endeavors to furnish reliable, and fresh seeds, and while every seedsman receives a few complaints, each season, from his customers, the fault too often lies not in the inferior quality of the seed, but with those who plant them. It pays to patronize well-known and reliable seedsmen, and to try new varieties from time to time. When you have been successful with seed purchased from any seedsman, do not hesitate to tell him so. lie is always glad to know that lie has given satis faction to his customer. It is his best and most telling advertisement.- Ileal ro line Mima. James Yiek's plan of catching slugs is as follows: "Take some piee-'S uf plate, or flat stones, or llat p eees of tin, and lay them about in the garden among the plants, distributing them very liberally; just at sundown go out and place a teaspoonful of bran on Mich piece of slate or tin, and the slugs will soon become aware of it, and be gin to gather and feed on it. In about two hours, when it is dark, go out again with a lantern and a pail cmi taining salt and water, and pick up each piece on which the slui;s are found feeding, and throw slug and bran into the brine, when1 they in stantly die. It is well, aNo, to go around in the morning, an I i : i . 1 1 1 plugs will be found hiding un Icr the pieces of slate, and can be di-itryed in the brine. Hy following up this method persistently for a f.'v weeks the garden may be effectually rid of the nuisance. I.lmliiK .Mentions, j "Liming meadows or old pasture ' lands with say thirty bushel to the j acre."says the t 'range County I'n. in; 'lias an effect upon the condition of the ' crop of grass that few farmers would believe without giving it a trial. In! fact, we do not know how the same! amount of money can be expended j upon land with the same pp'iit. It is : not only certain, but lasting. Wo ha o . Known farmer to pasture meadow- ; fifty .wars without being turned up '" ; the simple application of ikue utiiv m hix or ten years. These pastures, which are regarded as permanent and I mostly abound in clay iihhiiiK ,U!i-;-being grazed down thoroughly, are r. - , Ptored knee deep in from Mu t- si Weeks. Wo do no! hestitate to ,i lhat nowhere has lime a more marked ' e ffect and can be used with W t'cr i - ' pults than in the renovation of oi l pastures." l:tillnur vs. Hoots. Proiisor William llrown. superin tendent of the Ontario Agricultural'' College rami, states, as the result nt : I'Xpenments male InJ-:!: . 1'irsl. That f.l der-e, rn wa- harvest! d , and stored in sdo at a est not exceed- I ingijl per ton, eclusietf cultivation. ; Second, That this ensilage gave l.'i per rent. 1. ss milk, .'i'l per ieut, h -s !'U't.-r. and that of poorer marketable (iia'.ty in color than wede turnips. Tlurd. That Swede turnips, weight for weight with mangels and sugar IceK and in association with equal 'pianti'ies i f ether fo uls, gave the lowest returns in feeding cattle, or pounds p r day. W hile mangels ga e pounds per day. and sugar beet gave J.7 pounds j'er day under similar C"ii.litii'::s. On the other hand, i'rof. aiinn I Johnson, of th Michigan Agricultural farms, on which roots have been long , and success! ally grow n for stock feed, j finds in his experiment of last w inter, 1 a confirmation of the conclusions iudi- ' fitted by those of the winter before, j namely, that corn ensilage is a cheaper ! ttock food than roots. i How to lie Bone I. list. ! Joseph Harris, in his talks on ! manures, says: "Hone dust, like barn-! yard manure, does not immediately I yield up its nitrogen and phosphoric ! acid to plants. The bone phrophafe j of Jime is insoluble in water contain- j Ing carbolic acid. The gelatine uf the I liones would soon decompose in a j moist, porous, warm soil, pro- ide.l it i vas not protected by the oil and the j Lard matter of the bones, steaming' removes the oil, and reducing the bones to as line a condition as possible is another means of increasing their availability. Another good method is to mix the bone dust w ith barnyard manure and let both ferment together, and I am inclined to think this is the best, simplest and most economical method f rendering bones available. The bone dust causes the heap of manure to ferment more rapidly, and the fer mentation of the manure softens the bones. Both the manure an 1 the bones are improved and rendered rich and more available by the process. One ton of good bone dust contains about as much nitrogen as 8 1-2 tons of fresh stable manure, aud as mm h phosphoric acid as 110 tons of fresh table manure, liut one ton of manure contains more potash than live tons of bone dust. Hoassteold Hlats. Never put pickles in a jar that has bad lard in it, Hoasted coffee is one of the most power fill d isen feet an ts. !S:ivo your cold tea; it is excellent for cleaning grained wood. Keep potatoes in a cool, dark place. Apples keep best on shelves. lteeswax an 1 salt will in.i'iu rmty Mat-irons as smooth as glass. Wild mint scattered about the house will rid it of rats and mice. Cleanse brushes in water in which there is a tcasponiful of ammonia. Lemon-juice will usually remove mildew; place the fabric in the sun. .Man Versus Hearts. In an article on the destruction of human life by beasts an l reptiles in j India, the London Ttl'iirnph says: The I advantage is as yet o:i the side of the beasts. Taking the returns of sever al years, we l.inl that man has killed about a hundred an I forty thousand wild beasts - tigi is. b sirs, leopards, wolves, hvenas and others or about , ,, ,, twenty thousand annually. I unng tins period the beasts have destroyed twenty-eight tliousand huiiiail beings, or about lour thousand a year. Tak. i ing the respective rates of the repro- ; duet ion of species, human and feral, it f.,r 1. ... 1. iVh int -i little" ' i . ? " . . , . ' ,. , ior t,u n to nae jiim a nun . does not nullify ad poisons, it antagi is obvious that there is very little to " s,. i... .,. i,.irn ....,1 .limi,,.,! ......... ' choose between the two lists of c.vual ties, and that the bea.Ms will make good the deiieii'ii 'ies in their numbers as ipii 'My as, if not sooner than, the human beings. t Hi the side of the ti gers and their ailio Inn to be added the advantage gai:i"d of hiving kitlol during the same seven years an annu al average of 1o i.i hea 1 of cattle, or a total of dp', an I indicted, far ther, a monetary expenditure upcithe government of about x.b','"Mii year. The balan ", t'i"re!'i re, ro ig'ily stated, staudsthu; 0:1 human being with ole en he 1 1 of cattl ' 1 HI cash, for every live wil I beasts. In the great light with the Mia'ies, the a I vantage numerically, is i 111:11 'ii-ely in favor of humanity; for, while the reptiles killed about l"J,i't hum 1:1 beings ev ery year an I al. .ut ' cattle. "-y j b-stol the.r own num'.ers nearly .i-,,. ""' I'"ev,.r. I the ipiestion ot repro iiiction miglit to be considered, an 1 it is really very evenly baiane I, I' t a given number of suak.-s will add i.'"".""" to their numbers in a tar -horler tiui" than the same nu'uoer of human beings will all ln . th it as the .jit.'sttnn ol eterm:n.rjon smuIs 111 India to day, it seem just as probable that men and their domesti-- 1 1 - w:ll be extinct before the Wild beasts and Veti . inous snakes. Kieliest City in the World. l'rankf ir'-on-'lie-M.rn. containing a population of a1". ut l"0.ooii. is said to be the ri'-h"st ci.y ,.f its si.'e in the w Ko!c vv . ri '. I f ils wealt Ii were e pially d.vided among its inhabitant . every man. w otnaii ,1:1 I chill would is said. Jo, on 1 marks, or soin- ij".u.M. ,1 piece, i'here miiy be supp isedt a nun.- poor people i:i the town, but the citizens are, as .1 whole, in un usually comfortable circumstances ui tc so than the eitiens of any ntle r capital in ierniaiiy or F. 11 rope. It is stated that tin-re are 1" 1 Frank furters worth from if l.":,'.i ' to ?7.- in 1111 hi each, and whn are worth s'.,o. 1,11 . 1 anl upwarl. The e;iy is one ,.f tlie great banking centers of the -lobe. Its aggi egate banking capital .s 1 -: i.nate I a: i.k tyoi, nmre than one fourth of vvhic'i the famous Kotli-ehiids, w a . original and parent house is there, .twu and control. The an nu n! t ran -act ions in bills of exchange are in excess ,.f .jinn, mn, 1 ... Its general trale and luanufaetunng iu-du-trie.s have greatly increased sine" the formation nf the (ierni.iii empire, to which Frankfort was originally averse, being a free city and an oppo nent of Prussia, until coerced, in duly, 1st',!',, by (ien. Von Falkenstein, who enb red it at the head of a.i army and imposed a tine uf :I1,ihn 1,01 111 itorius for its insubordination. Frankfort is such a place for conventions and assemblies nf all sorts that it is apt to be full of strangers, and is consequently very ex pensive, and by no means satisfactory to tarry in. Counterfeiting Pictures. Picture counterfeiting is becoming as great an art as painting itself. A curious study upon this subject, due to tlie pen of M. Vertan, shows that the number of copies disposed of as origi nals is ipiite astonishing. There is one artist, he says, living in the Latin quarter, who Iris made the fortune of ten picture dealers, with imitations of Leonardo da Vinci, .urbaran, and other great musters. And sometimes the spurious pictures are detected on account of being superior to anything done by the artists imitated. Mr. Vertan also tells us how Hosa Ilonheur detected a forgery, in which the breath of some animals plowing was rendered with ii degree of transparency which was admitted to be beyond her powers Turning to the sales at the Hotel Pruot, the writer says that on an average there are put up for sale every year 12il Paul.ignys, xOO Leopold lioberts, 2lH" Troyons, oOOO Corot. ilotX) Theodore. Housseaus, 100 Koea llonheurs, 1400 Diazes, and so on. He declares that 70,000 Daubignys at pres ent exist; and lie expresses his opinion that a century hence there w ill le a niUion. THE CHILDREN'S COLUMN'. Ito Ilium. 'Well mot, my litdu mail! Now tell iih!, if you cuu, The voiy nk-i'M wny To spend lliis long, dull ilaj." Well, sir, my mother say, Ol nil tlio pre lly wy To miike a dark ilny bi ilit '1'he lust is, jmt do r'i;ht!" tannic' 1'nrly. Pavy was a very pretty little boy He had one fault, though; he was very sottish. He did not like to share any thing with his little brothers and sis ters. One dav he went into the kitch- en where his mother w as at work, and saw on the lame a saucer ol jeii. "Can I have that iellv?" asked 1 ' Daw, , K.,i,i ' ' 'Mrs. White sent it to nie, lavy's mother. ".'She has company to 1 1 1 .1 11 I., ni,... dinner, and made this jelly very nue. Uut I don't care for it- so vou niav inn. 1 uou i uirt lor 11. so you 111. ; nae h, 11 you won 1 oe Mingy wim 11.,.. ...I, .1... u ... I. .Ill- !lll,l -.I.. io"i K.nini v. j. .... ' ' , ,lU p;tlk. bothers and sisters to , ,,,, Uim ,at . "If I dividit with them thi-m won't wont nut into the van I: lint ne ilia 1101 be a spoonful apiece, lie thought. It is better for one to have enough than lint-the hft. where hew assure no one ......I 11..1.L ..f 1 . .' i..r f,.r i.M.i 1 " ....... 1 .lust as he began to eat the jelly he heard his sister Fannie calling him. Hut he did not answ er her. lie kept verystil1. "They always want some of every- thing 1 have," he said to himself. "11 1 had just a ginger-snap they think I ought to give t In-lit each .1 pi ." When th" jeiiy was all eaten and he had scraped the saucer clean. Pavy 1 went down into tln barnyard and played with the little white calf, and j hunted for egg-, in the shed where the cows were, lb- was ashamed to go ' int.. the h .use, f .r he knew he had , been very stingy about the jelly. j "Oh. Pavy." said Fannie, running ' into the barnyard, "where have ymi V()tl lM,.n t!lis lim time 't We looked ,lw.rvw,R.r, f,.rVllll. ,..hat ,,,, v;, w.,ntr asked Pavy, thinking that, nf course, his sister would say she ha 1 wanted him to share the jelly w ith h-.-r. 'Mother gave us a party." said Fan- nit : "we had all the doll s dishes set i while the physician is coming, lie out on the little table umb r the big , member the principle; the bite is the tree by the porch; and we ha 1 straw berries, rake, and raisins, .lust as we s;i'. down to eat. Mrs White saw us from tie- window, and she sent over a big bowl of i.-c-cnam and some jelly, bdt from the dinner; we had a splendid time; you ought to have been w ith us." Poor Paw! How mean he felt! lttit he was well punished for eating his jelly all alone. -'( l.itll, u $. limply llmiitir. There is an old tradition in the I'nite I M ites Navy of a dispute be tween representatives of Fngland and Amer; -a over a bit of ground just about as useless as the North Pole would be. Two men of war. respec tively Fnglish and American, met many ears ago. among the smith Sea Islands. Vulcanic eruptions in that locality were rite and the navigators of vessels hanllv dared to close their eves at ni shoal d for of new reefs and J iiu.earing. regarding w hi. h the , charts were literally "at sea in the neighborhood thau the Fnglish I uu'"'" i,n" len ""'"M lU'T- tlle one, and therefore her skipper knew I si,l,'s tapering to prevent the weight of something of the marvellous t rn ks : l,,B fn,lt I''" too heavily on that which the land ec. asion.illv plaved. j ,w ith' The grapes should be ban Hence l.e was not at all surprised to ,,U'a lls little iU l'"'1'1''; they are discover one dav. looming up before 1 in ,hu l",x,'s 1,3 l'h.'ked. and not him an islaul. where according to all 'I'stur'.ed again for several months, accounts there should have been open j lMfin """"'-hately stored, in col, dry sea. Tne Fnglishman sighted the land : "'llars "n,il the ,"1,rkot 'tsthe grow at the same time, and in a few im- j tT f 'ntil January or February, merits a well-m inned .utter shoved ..IT . Thrv are ,h,!n in b,,w from his ga igwav aud pulled for the ! f,,r,'nt the market may demand shore. The American captain like- "hipped in cases, wise sent a boat, and a lively race en- Tho ri,lt "ulst bo riI,e- mrfectly sued to see which should first reach the land. As the Fnglish boat got into shallow ! SKln an" a repuiauon ior Keeping, i a- waterher oiU. er j ped overboard and ' taw,,a nn 1 Isabl'lla re g.Hxl keepers, was followed bv some of his crew, who ' 1,l,t tho-v are t" li,te in riI'n'g for splashed up to the beach, llv the time ! n,ost "hties. Agawam. SdWm, Lind the American boat had landed, the an'1 ,,iau;l "'' ter. Concord is Fnglish tlag was Moating from a boat- j n,,t ''""si.lered a good keeper, but can hook stuck up for a staff, and a red- ofu'a ,,e kerl until ''ruary. When coated sentry was calmlv walking to nt picked the house .filar isthec.M.l. and fro beside it. The Fnglish cap-' e!t I,,at' the far,"l'r hiW 80 l" them tain then sent w.,rd over to the Amer- J th(-re- A ,he si'n vances and i. an vess A that he had taken posses- the cclliir re tl,,seJ. t,le vi sion of the island in the name of the ! ,ar ,,ecolnM to war,n- No fruit houM king of ;reat liritain. The American . keI,t in ,he lmm celUr then' As captain, however, claimed first dis- i tne cold weath Monies on place the coverv. anl sent back a counter-mes- ! baskets of Kral,,8 ,n a room wLere sage that the island belonged to the the-v wiU be kel't as c"l 03 r'be people of the United states. Before . and win n,,t frvve' an'1 where U is not morning a storm arose, and both ships worked hard to keep off the lee shore, but when day broke, there was no lee shore to avoid. The island had gone, and with it tlag and sentry. A con vulsion similar to that which raised it above the sea had caused it to sink again, and two astonished captains might have been seen navigating their vessels over its former site, vainly searching for the beautiful island w hich each intended to present to his grateful country, and thus secure to himself imperishable renown. Ex-Senator Sharon pays one per cent, of all the taxes collected in San Fran cisco. Judea pitch, which is found floating on the Pead sea, is Rn excellent fuel THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Accidental I'olaoniuc. All dread being poisoned: few know to do when poisoned. Even well- ci i . . I ..r v,Q educated people are ignorant of the niiiioiesi, auuuoies lor venomous uu: or poisonous draughts. A writer in or poisonous draughts. A writer in UnlC Journal of Health states two IPt youth like the;le, nnd junt as Hjon I mom rii c l!s thnu auv etlxr one Hi rut J I ss I get rich I'm goiiii; to biiv her a win-i Tlicir lr.-t apv-iench should bo cuiefully ideas which if remembered would save ,er h'me ,(inn ifu rn?(, prvi.,, Wn ,ra... many lives. He says: nmt pinenpi.lii, and biit.ann. nd eo-I it iswi.tom I iippfnr in print and I fhould ii you nave swauowcil a poison, .. i,,,,!,.,. i i ...-. n 1 whether laudanum, arsenic, or o her . poisonous drug, put a tablespoonful of ' ' j ground mustard in glass of water, cold or warm stir and swallow utlicklv. I ion or warm, stir ami sw. now ,ukmj. j Instantantumitlir I ia eontellt.s of til), ..,..,. ...: thrilll. , u.,w. StonilU 11 w HI Ue thrown up, not allow- i jn jj, t),)isonoU!, subUance time to bo . .. ... ... , absorlte l and taken into the Ulooil. 'As soon as vomiting eeaes. swallow the w hite of one or two eggs, for the i. r1M f .,n i,T.,ni,in r inv sm ill nor- J"lrI,,)u ani.lgoniillg I"'r tj(in (if ,,,, whit.,, Inav have been , , j(lfl i,,,,,,), j4lt tu nMder remember tho t,rin whi ' . ieh is to get iho . ' ... ,wii,i at soon as possinie. pots m out of you at soon as im .1 ., .. ... ..1 , . ' 1 iieie are uiner iiiings w men 11111, Mrve ,,s a m,v ,;,,,, ,,t tlie vunti,K0 , mmnl is it j, ahv;lvs on 1 ... 1 . . . ; . . 1 .... 1 l"'""u"ll"l,""m''"""TO any after m-dical elT. cts. The use of .,,, !,;. ,.f .... .. ,io.t ...itiiniiuh it 111es a larger 111 uoer iiihii auv mini ,..,, m.. ...,., 1,1.. itt in. ' . n ' ' , , iiijj iaien uie miliar 1 or egg, semi ior physician; these are a Ivised in order to save time; as the delay of twenty mmt,.H often causes death. The same writ- r a Ids the following us(,fi information: Cures ol bites and stings: Almost all j these aro desinrtive from their acid j nature; eoiise.pi -nily the cure is an alkali. Spirits of hartshorn is one of j ,ne strongest, anl is kept in almost eVery household, an 1 you have only to pur sim. ,,t jn a tea-cup nnd dabble jt n with a rag. lielief is immediate, jf y0 mve not liartslmrn. then saler ;,tuS is u suitable alkali. Lvery cook jn tm. ltw ,.s ser.itus, and w o are ,i.aily rating; ourselves into the grave by its extravagant usethe me of half a thimbleful a week is extravagant. Moisten it with wiiter and use us in the case of hartshorn. r, pour a t"a-cup of boiling water on as much wood ashes, stir it and in a few mouientsyoii will hav e an alkali. The lye of the ashes will answer a goo I purpose acid, th" cure is a-i aUali. Have we not before now looked with wonder on the old n .'gro who ran out when the w asp's sting ; us "holler," caught up "three kinds" of wee Is, rubbed iho part well, and in live minutes we were happy. Hut why "three" kinds of weeds ? The old man would tell vou that three and all its multiples were "magic" numbers. The fact is you can scarcely gather upthre.' kin Is of plants anywhere, one of which will not have more or less of alkali in it. Hun le Preserve Hipp (iraprs. liuryiiig in jars, waxing the ends of each duster, wrapping in paper, using cotton, or sawdust, are variously a 1 vised for keeping grapes, but all these methods are too fussy, complicated and unnt ssary. (irapes will, without special treatment, keep about as well as apples, if the temperature is conl ""S" noi 100 tiamp or ury. At "llr rrat vineyards the are gathered from the vines into keeping boxes about three feet long, eighteen ripened will not keep by any method. Select kinds that have thick dry. If there should be danger of frost throw a heavy blanket over a pile of the baskets. The grapes w ill stand considerable ( old, but will not endure warmth, (irapes in winter are a great luxury, and withal healthful and appetiing. A Derided Decline. "Ah, Aristophanes, I dou't see Miss Arethusa on the street any more." -Xo?" "I used to s e her w ith you a great deal." "Yes V" "Is she well'r"' "She has gone into a decline." "Xo, you don't say?" "Yes?" "How t" "Peclined to have anvthinar more to ' do with me."-.Vtc,'(;W Trucetltr Kill Ai'i on the Comforts of a Homo. V i v., . ..n.l !,.-;. ie nain nnd having; uood time foiling mv wife nnd chihfrmi ..11 w -.J i. J nil aboi n tiir journey n.l what n good , tilT' 1 !' smoinr th.e noblo people, 1 x"d how 1 tuft eld chooinale and old ( imny . nn l , ff , ,(iur m)d jounger. tind now I nm going lo get -Mrs. Arp off to Florida, where ,he can renew Arp off to Florida, heiv.he can renew commo. mm i- u,. ni., nun (um,i, nun aunimer home mvm up hi re among the m,mMlt. ., i 1 ,-A; , . 1 nd palace cr, i,etWlTn .i,r ,,, :m, fi,o imU nver the iiriwirn iiii ih.,iiiuimih m mrrim line nnd plenty of money uf both ends of 1 ,,li,,k W,,"M like tlmt. nnd with f mimf,r,M1)l , . , . , , r -ni i i . i" , l i, i think she would be happy. It is pod fr man or woman to leave home ocea- MimallT nnd be prtte.J and mm bed up . . . , , , .. , .'. iioroau aniontr Mitunii :niu hjciiii, .nei :,:..,. fn hem to come hick ucim 1 1 11 ik goon lor un in in cum n.n k .11.1101 1, nnd r-t and enjoy the j n i.-t and pence ol I ' familv tireside. siul hied in lie' miii- , , . , f ., i..v ...l n,w .,t J ' , , , , r ,10,IH:- 1 l,k' ' '"u '" n ' "" . (,,,1 bless our home-- and prntect them from iitv ami rli-t it-. t til . him trom lire I and Kword.- Atlanl'i tVtiMitutioii. nnrr liliiua. M,, y McH. ,h. I'm-k- Lxprc- Of fiec, Denver, ( ol,,, Wi cu.,1 by St. Jacobs Oil i f 1111 cxihh i.uing pain 111 th neck, nnd nlso tooth a, he. One applies tipn )tid the work, : - -- lie M as a Policeman. Oh, pH. I hi rcV an iiwful li::ht round h "Yea." "-aid bo. indilT'-renHv "And on Man has chewed the ether" cur off." "Ye." "And the oilier nun lei -hot .IT his pi-to and killfd it babv." I 'nor bid.v '." yaw tied pi. "Ain't vou g.iin' round there "l'n -1 nllv ." it plieil pa. In 11 short time t m rv bin becfinie iC' t. iiinl )i:i nisln 1 frantically (invalid the corner mid 111 11 -I' d nn eld v ou as for helling inatcln without a licene, I 'a :s a policeman. "i-nvi ti. i: t oviri.uNT Pit. R.V. 1'ii-iicn. KolTalo, N. V., One .. I write to tell you v. hat our "Favorite l're aerii'tion'' l a done f..r mo. I had hien n Kivat Mitferer from femnle roini'hiints. ea I'l'cinliy "ilmguiiu' do-, n." for over ix vcars during tnuoli uf the timn unable to work. I 1 pnid out Imiulinlx ol iloila: - without rmy benefit tilt 1 took llm e l olili -nf the' Favor ite IVeserii ti ut." and I never had anything do me u iniieli u mil ill my life. 1 ailvi-e cvr-rv sick lady In take it. Miis. K.MlI.y 1!!...S. MeHrid.j. Mich. Charley herv'n the dvor iiuick l'u ia iuttiiij on his heavy bocts. Voting nnd iniddle-aged men anfferitii: from nervous delnl'.ty. rcm."ture uhi .'ii-e. loss of memory kimlre l syim.toins, slioiu.l semi three tin.s for I'.-irt II of aiii liU ts issued hy Wmu.i.'s li-riNs.i.Y Msi' AbStH'IAHoN, Ruibdn, N. Y. Voting olid old u'e tu'ativii iu life. -the ullirn;R'ivi.' mid Till- OU.VI) C ANNOT Hi: HAI-i:i. , ltou; . I wearlno B or mill. Mi nor if your hui'-are bndly wasted away ran ,,.,., n;u n well 11 an. and wlmllv throiii;h you be cured by the utf of Pr. I'n rot ,'s t h -iiihti.-n. e of II. V. ni rer A: t'o.'s Ti'' "Golden Medieid Discovery." It in, how. 1 1 ei n-i'ler lliis ivini'.ly n taking llm ever, iiiieiiUiilUd ns 11 toiiir, ulu iativo 1.1nl 1 j ,..t . ssib rank in the tn atmenl r f nutritive, nnd rendily etirin the most .ibnti. f,iiM n- 11 n-kisl bv d' bihty. i. ni of a:' nte ruses of bi'oiu luti, coughs, .'.i!i!i, and iji,. ai.dnll other sviniiton i't 'jtoii-.a.-h aal incipient coiifimi tioii. for r-uri :i-iutr m ell! caey cod liver oil. Send two .-!aiu for lr. I'ioree'is pnnil'hlet on tYini-'.uni tion nnd Kin dred Aff.etion.s. AiUlress Woiii.i.'h Dimt.n haiii Miliicvi. AsKoci a noN. liallalo, N. V. Iiitellionee is nt n discount. I have beju rxctivd from the be.-t Ituicli in a Miii.uiaiy uinnuer. l'ure blood is per feet hi nil!). T'so .snan-i. bm .Viri'idi . the re-'iilt Is certain, '. e. henlth. Mrs. (Iilena Miir-liall, of (iranby, I ., say.: "Nihki' "if u .Si'i'i iae cured me of i p lepsy," Tbi'unniifln I ion 'I'haen iiiiN. Tlie proptii'iors of tho v.. rid reieiwni d Cnrl oline tho tiiitnral Hair liesiorer in ver put up ti f-tli.iu l.iv allelic at time. 'I h s vives but an idea of i; iniineuM' iU m uni. Lyon' PiiteiitlloclSiilTciier.tlieotily inven iouthnt mr-kesolU boots at hii.uylit n.s lu-w. Forporo feet, awollen joints, "prain. corns or bunions, uho M. l'atrick'B Salve. The Frner.le Hrenw. i Isthe IwRt in tho market. It is tho mot economical and eheni est, one boi laMin ns long ns two of any other. One treason: will j Inst two weeks. It received tirst premium at the ('.'iitenr.ial and Pari repositions, and. mednls ut vnno'.n Mate r airs. Huy uootlit Prevent malarial n'taek by inviu'oratiiu- j the liver with Ur.Sanford's I.iver uivie,,ralnr ' rile.! I'lleo! I'ilei! ' Sure cure fur Uliud, Hlei diin; and Itcliiin? Piles, t Ino box ba cured worst cases of '.M ; years Mnicliii),'. No oiih need Mifh-r live 1 mimites nfier usini; William's Indian Pile ; Hlood Umtiiii'iit. It absoibs tumors, allay ilchins. nclHii poultice. t;ies in-tant ulief. , Prepared only for Piles, Itching nf private t'levelaud U. Paris. Jl al lea ior n. rwin-i .n.u. u, Millions huve died with Brieht's kidney disease and rlinumat c diseases. Ir. I.lniore is the first to do-cover a cure. Hi has trealed thnnsnnds with his liheiiinntine-Uoiitnhiie and never lost a case. It always c.11 oa. After Three Pnrs. Mr. CnABt is XV. Mobhis, "Kngla" off.r, Fittneld, Ma-s., writes. Mny "fi, IsHt: For several months my wife's iiiothor (Mn. Amy Boy re 1 had b. en in a very rearious condi tion with dropsy or BriRht's tli.-easa of the kidneys, and havnm u-ed nil methods nnd measure for her restoration in the line of treatment by our leading physicians, and having failed to benefit I er, her faintly de s I 'in red of rieeing her relieved, nnd irnve her Dp to die. llappeiiiiift to run neross the ti -tiuionyof a Mrs. Dawley, who had been cure 1 of similar sickness by n-init II. nil's Kemetly, w at one procured n bottle of it, and com menced giving it as ilin clod. After usitu; it three daj s she was so far improved tint she , could get from her bed to Her ehnir without j assistiinoe in c .rcuinal'itice Unit had not hap- . lened for months.. 1 r.-vious to lakim; it she was troubled more mi tl. mhnwl !e8 with short breath, rennirinif a coniiniiaus fannma keep her alive. This irrndnally improved as we oontinned the use of Haul's Kemrdy, and on the fourth bottle she whs able to sot np nil day. ishe was bloated terribly in both limbs and body upward to the luns. The tenth day the bloating left her bowels, nnd nowsho is noi swollen above the knees, tier kidneys were very t ad at the time, discharges heintr of a bloody character and eiiiitPntf a sioken irifr odor. I ran say that the change in her rase has been wonderful, and Hunt's Keuiedn has workel a miraole in her." Hew lo stburlrn Life. Tlie receipt is simple. Vou have only to akea violent cold anl lu'o- it. Ab-r-nethy, the great English sure n, nsk- d a la ly who told him she only ha I a cuh. " What would you have.' Th" p aue " He ware .. f "only coughs." The worst eas ran, however, b-i c.itjI by Or. Win. Halls Balsam for the bun?. In whooping ooukIi ml croup it iimnediate'y a lays irritation and in lure to prevent fatal tormina' ion of the disease. S-d l by druggist. MiimiAK's riPToNizcD TOKto, the only pri'psrsuon of bt-el containing itsrtilnv ihi'i i tious profifrliet. Il coiiiains lIisl'inUn.--, force vDiTtinnnd life-susteining pruM-ni... iuvalasble fur iiubKestioii, ilysi.i'nua, iipivoiis priMtratinn, nd all forms of Ki-uirai dt-laiiiy. also, iu all enfoehlt'd conditiniia, h tlior the result of eilisustion, nervous prostralinu, or acute ibwaae, articu.arly if n-sultain from pulmonary complaints. V. cil, Hazard Ca, Propnelors, New Vork. bold by drutfuu.. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh is convenient to on Mtd to oarry wutin on journey- HYPOCHONDRIA. le .'liMerions la inn Jilod ilml ,i Aimm aai.c Aiircbcualou W bat Art ran? rninra ir. I If Mil lauvr uriuiv a iTunimrnt M'leil- f,t ,(1.rhf, 0 lhtcl unjve,r.l iu,.V)r. ,., ' ve , tine, lew iiftiiiie no neo iroin ine flu- si nj- rvili wlileh livtwelionuTift brin a. ' I'.tnvs onil arc fed by I lie vr rv flatr.o wli ll tl.ov tlieiwolie, d i,v i-.rcs.nt d'wnlcr and brow about nor an m now tun i not oaiirro mjo r in i l s-tsMoii of tiu'lw. tho rovclntinn of wlileh I ' 1' inwiimab:. v,U t, many who ",ny ":vo Miue h" r,.'n tr-v i x, enriici. Fur ninny VfUm I was eoii- i M.j, , ,,f n want nf iicrro tone. My , maul tcjiird :uKvih ami 1 folt a c r a n faiiuic rt in my r.aturnt eon.Uti..:, of i- tel iv-lcn n -ntppnu. aetJvliv nn,1 rl-n- I i l'"'"ia i, th na.i o y in bulinnln- I ,iHTnli!o mimlr of ot. cr rcpla fwl. who I lii. mvn-if aro i!lv b fow n r. but !ik ;!" of nilior 1 iniil iM atteiitii.ii to . lie-, nnnvvitw tnaib-es. nt-rilmtimr tln-m t . i ... . 7 .7... -. rn 1 "' ULU 1 " V. P a ' 101 . ml ik j ,.,., which would fir the time ii vipcin'e an I ii-l:ne my wmriiuvs, , After a Icle tli otnnulants 0 miiiptiee.1 to il'shjf.eo with my ttoicncli. mv wcniin. . in- ! and I 1U cm,.!.,! t., r,..-t to oil r uic-.m tod id t-fiirf. If a phvsieio 1 I : M if. rin l.e invail. b y inl'a 1 in'ilu'i' bysl- . riait m piiei u nr in m. in ne eiiiiimt t.i ! ,'.:,,;s 11 "". 0 :l nn; I e l!-.l ai.hya Kin i.k,I he nhistil me to t-v n lit !u rhe.i.l- e:.l fi dl, .rnliolt'e of livi ntihnsiilintes. i I' elt twu or llu co tou! of i he cUptnl c 1 fond with no cp ni ent lm flt. My ' In-otu o and Iniltsi ooiti It eonird to ! nii-ua e, mv food disivcwtsl nie. 1 mfrro1 1 tne ii iiouralie ) u ns In illiVrrpnt part nf mv ' b 'lly. mv naecV Ihvd.ii. hoik, my t oweli I Here em s ipatwl. ftnd my prrw rctfurii eov !.iy woie .-rv IVlorinp. I KtnNil my i a' i loan I her i liv si.-n-i, n id hialvi-ol me to Ifl'e' live lo l.'ll I'ri.p.of .Milieu le' lation i if inoi'i hit:e. two or 'In-, e tiire a day. fur the j tt'iikiu s n t iie-tre s in mv stouuieli. un 1 a I l.aie 'ii: inerv i tin r ll ti'nl to n luno tin. cvei I -lil'iit oa. llm tin rplimn ueihleyl Mieli a ih. thly inuve.'i iliat I .null ll it ta'.o it. Hit. I itli" b ii" i:l fa-'.e.l to lelieve my const ii at mn. In Mi.s i on .i;ii si I ins el in ni' yn vrar, vvh .1 y imi I or bai..e s, li;i the ofi it to t i .U Wii it :.sen as mi I iniiiful. My b'oi'l I Ii" nine iai oveii l;isl. d I fuffeiv.l fmin it:i" I r.-'ii w illi nn ny iliiu ; si'ii e nf misei v and p ..' I al a r li. -n. .11 nf coining v.l. "I I ! s!i J lei 11 j.-ii s end wis Irniib ed with i' net 011 if lie In art. a eon-tHiiily :.- iii Ii ci 11 It mi nn I tlie nio.-t pei tie at .11' tMituies 111 11 y n. 11 n -h. liVin-: for ilny- on ii. -e water nnd vuu', and. indmil, the iiies j ti'.e HIM t:oll.-.: eie.e I In In- I'lllil'lv lU'itt lived. ! was rn mill ti nt vv Inle in this e. 11 htio-t I .flioal i I eon e liyn i Imiiih ii al ni:d to .rfnl of nil i'atiiii'1 011 im ca-maiil y 1 ret ento 1 tlieai- lriv, I t-Xi-rii ttr' il nn in- ' intinl le ites ii- f. r flee , but on retiring . Id lie nvvuku bin Ii-iijj liltiv tnriil'-lited , Hi'h v libie I letleeli .us, and vvhen lit lit I il il in I ato 1111 ii'ie.iy -am U'l'i.f short ilurn 1 1011, it was .1 1 1 r I I by In rrnl ilruims. Ju tlii.- 01 if 1 1 1 ;n:i I il teriienc I to ta'a' a trip to 1 tiro'. hat in 1 Ho of all the uttent o: of pl.vsi. iiiusnn I ilnn.oof mvho an I cl mate, I (Lit lint :ni rove 111 d 8ot'eUii iipi homo with ; 1 artl'Iy I.. 1 f ton- aam l'U a! lo to leavo tile house. I Ameiip: the mniiori 11 . ft 1 11 Is that 1 ailed on mo was . r.o ila ha 1 Uk-ii a'tii.-tnl Rome- I whn: sinciarl'. t 1 my elf. bat vvlio liml Ix-on , n-t.'i.d to KiiVi t I i all It. lon lii?i rniiiest t'f ou.meii' a! on I I 0 1111 the muiio tlTamient ! he bail eo '-'iiyed, bill wat'i litllo Iiojio of Ii - n' b"i cliteii At lir-t I experienced lit t "o. if 11:. v. re i. f,'t that it did not .11-1 nws my i.t. mach as o'.Ih r r. 1 r even fond hii.l U i.e. I n..n:iiui'"l it.s use, liowover. and : u t-r tin third botilu i.mel u ninrko.! iiliniiK'o fir tin belter, and n alter the bll.eiitli I o tic I 11111 linpiy to Unto : ll.nt I mn n a'n ab to A'toi d to U1V profc- f..-i. mil i n'i.s. I l Will, iintuiiiK itu ..... tin I . n t . a r...-.l ill.V til ll ll. lilileslive llh .i-.l 'is. ova rn liclliiil'K' v Miiivior to tho toll cs. bittern. i.ialilvsrei'sia c iros rf the !ny. and isceitnin t. b - : o ne..ianvle.Ui-d by ti e al univ.-r- ml' -. rh"iiiii.; ".' Ifi'i.e to .lay lire cull - t 1 1. 11 (it.ire i;rave Wltll lllis.i .. Il.'lls .li--las.- . ll.nt 1 have oh .ve .1. ci 'ti'd. and to ail m.i h I would mri ' ! not let y. uri;... d -.aini. ut Ik' (.' me I by jour i rejiidi. es. but c'.ve the iih.n linn.. .1 reli.o !.V atairnnd jnti. nt trail, nnd 1 Mi- vo y. u vvi I 11.-1 .oily le ! nanle 1 by 11 puaict nsloialioa 10 le nit Ii. but y u will iil-o b caiiviiice.1 that the 11 ed'.eal" I'lnfessiiill do s nut J. sis U'. ti e I iiowadj;.' there is endiiacod 111 medical teiiiice. " A. l. Hu u viti), M. D , CS Trtiui nt stieet, liwtoti, Mass. k THE GREAT KMAN RE for. np-flLiir. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, i..h,n li-Lirhn Hrsdi h. Toolhache. j Morc'i i,l.lnl.Nna'lllna.prntn.llruUrs, uurn., nru..... . .mi all nriii.a iiuuily riivit m nirs. J1.I DiuiUiil le.r.nrrjll.r lilljCu-u. to UK. .... . ... ... . .... ... en fn 10 liiTrtUuii. la 11 I "S ' Italuau., Id . I . &. . A Watch Free BEAD OUR CLUB OFFER. ONLY $3.50. Tli V'w Wai-rl.nrv Watch. Firm WitvUn. Nicklo inii lw.iu", Jurj(-lfui wairtiintfj to k p pr- lei'l llli.e, 'l iif W-ttt rt'iirj" Watch t'.miti ni n-li w wpn tat 1011 fit in knttet.t I'lieiji wmth mtliu wti4; 11 ! mn' c if (r. tstr tjt ith-mi Inbuilt n niti t r p.t !. t, I cirt'iuJ ttil itt I. ll rati 'H U tirn with "ii.i wiii.tnikC. mi I trill lat 'or rnr. 'I hi. n th" I urint i r) lr.h. iii lli .r Witch, ihi lil.-r.T -h, 11 o l ' Vth. tiia ch-l t.irl Vtv h-lti ta. t. rvr,h Kti'n WaU'h. a ricui f ..6M.y rfirisiTr-ci lwtr r m'nff or.iiT, (In' Vuii will Urn forarJol hy iull, rvfisV iTi I. t r nut-eta) wit Ii ffi it- D'cai(I. IMTIAI. OI I-KK. tub of Hi. ONE ' a i mi Flli:Ktuitacur upuf thsciuh. Ali p rwiU BoiMinn u rlun or fii ntinrv, i,iqir ltu -1 i, wiilrtt-nn un uf tin's Utl inipruvva rlMirjr Wftirhff p Hti-n-'. As iu f ur rttputaiuxi f r tlm(r what w we refer tuthr i)til'hhT of ilui. iiaptr. Il il TI ltl(K M:P.iPKK rxioN. ;IU .Nwrlb IIuU(Ih m., llHliiiuurr, I CURE F9TSJ ' uU iti-i liftvn ihii ivu.t n (.'h ti. I iinviti a null ! Ciirurw. Iha- o i.tmln tttf dUi'Mt) vt KITS, Kl II.KPSlf 1 . 1 1 A l.I.TNti Ml KNtSHa tir J warrant oif 1 1. nt.'dy to enr thd m.r caat &tru HltorH hava u;ia l n r.ia'ii fr nt new reofU ug a cum. itcml a : -.c-) t r a tn-. an4 a Krai B,.ttle uf mr Infant! io I . .Ir titvti Kitr ftti.l frit n)oe. U cosl J"l . I.v.lM:.r' ' :itrlHl, ttl Iwillruro j.-ii ft 1 4 utfia It. . feiHiT. ii'varim. ycvYuik. $40 Nnwnrk. NVw Jets. P.ill. lis f..r sraaunlra. .itrn. nlf lar llii.iilsnl" II til.l M s ( ll. lininitlrrr. B M W.h.liji.M p , Allanitl.a a "tTiTfllCI malm Lnnhels ..f ni..n.'f afllinth A III H I XI'Mli'-.iMeWoniliT Imiihi.I.-i. -t rtUUlt 1 jjiuiit.svi: J l l. 'il'SHult,.!.,. .V. In.lir.l .r C.KO. W. HYATT. Ill Nanav Ntniet. N. V Asut walitf.1, Kinitlt Br. , Wa.arlf, N.Y. PHiKKIt PCI THBAI. will 1-lirM ifiiiir ' ..ntl. Hnc HW is beiu-r titan curf .loi.M. w tlat-aiiiM ( "tih, wliooiiiu t.tiii, iMdrriiua, h nrniLiri KKKK. MtU IHTPItPlfli I v.lilion 'ClasiaH Survival of the Fittest. i FA HIT lIEDinr3 THAT ni8 ICAUSj MILLIONS Ptr.lNB J3 IBAGS! 7nr.rnTTn 1 !.M r x 11AL.11 i ott t:vi:itv woitiD of MAN AXO HEAKTI THECLDEOTtiOESTLIrlSMENT EVElt MA03 n; AJTERICA, SALES IiLRGSSTIIAII E7E11. Thn Mio.m Jlnstamf I.tnlaiont brw lx'eii known mr move thiol 1 liiity llvul veai'if iih Tie. o .-..1 i-.tiaui-aiH, ior Mini ani lleast. Ita Kll.Mlo.l-y are larRer 1'iun evrv. Ii. oiirci nhon all ut Itmsi fill, nnil oonutr-i! m i:!ii. tuailoti uml noi'irlK, o Uto vsijr byuo, Sold Vlllil. II X V It 18 iffrrAILINO AMI I.NKAI.LIRI.rt m crnrxa 'h'ptleptH Fito, I fyuitni, Falling kUuek, Colivul" S.ons K ' 1 1 " Dunce, Alcoliolisui, Oplmn Tntintr, Pemlnnl Wcnkucsg, iui puti'tiry, Syi'UlllJ, Scrofula, and All j Nervous and Blood Diseases. t.f "T Clerynien. I.nnyors, T.lier.iry Ilfon, re!iant., lia!:l.i rs. I .adieu and ell whoJ i ilent.irv eiiiploviiieiit 1 aiie. Ncrvniia I'm. trHtimi, ln-i'r'iiarilies i f tiie blood, btoinaeh, b owi'la or kidneys. r v. !... re j'llro a r.crxa ( uiie. ;ipiot i.-r.r stitiiitlaiif . h-mi-urttanAmp l. If I. iin.ilu:iiie C17-Tle pro. laii'i it Wonderful l.iv'-j-i am ia;,i .-.. riu, .,111- r UC D V E 1 ItiuDR S.A fiiCHMONO. rioters. Si. Joseph. Mo. v Caafl. N. L'ritfriiUui, A'fiil, Hcvf VorU. C3) fi.t' Ilt'tttiWlt fvf rr .mpt ati'l r (Beirut li.niM U -iM rmoHI ir Jnlycr rng mnrm inii-'Tr. a ml of lit".. i. trt t .r' M. m i li It i iti t.i4 r'.l- f in tlfllf uJ 1 V m fl ,1 I r Iir it ij of ll ptf i.-irarh Nll1 birl, iiit! r al t'v-r; h?l ('liiptniiit, d Ullit.v. r li ti ui n firm n J i"l-' i 1 1 ttlttl AM l', T..n:l.l' coqtwr ( I v tn-. utrxinpttrc. If" ' .ii. I. t"f- rmllw rv.. ni.'.f .. tnl ..ff K 4 .r Up I it ik jtitlljr I t ' '1 hp tin pur i l ilil'I llloft -it'Hirt'- liot.;..Mr.'iii.l. ut nn c'.t-i. I -t nle ly f,!l UriiM ( ou r.nrrtl rl m.t , T f - l l"' B'l 0r I , l-.lli- "t 1 IIK .'HI' .!. : ,.. .1- .1 In illllllcil ! I. 1. Ill . -iirr-l v,...r l-ij'i. iiii. . I naii tun ,t . i" ni I. nail .11 l" f I -e. ... iial w.l. Tub . .-. t 1, .... . !."( la.v a f.T a var. ii... 1 f. ii.i,. ii..: r ii. 1 . .- i'.i -i ! rtl iiion..y. I.i.ri n inii-ri- In- I . "' '.- 'i.l n.l e- l. .t. .ln..ri. . s.ina .- r:. ! A 1 1 '"' 11U1 v.. 1 1.1. 11. 1..;. ii.:. a. r.b NEW TAC0MA WASHilTGTOir TEHKITOUT. Weil .U 'I 1 -.11' I. :- ' , 1' ii " I r. il Irrii. .- utluvllfcil N. it:.. 111 I - il"- l;.i-:i....l. 'n.l ilw '.is ci 11:0 P;ic North . fc-:h 'iitliii'i'ini'ntB t i .1 , . , rn-... '7 I I i.-.i.l.i) al I nu t ,., misl.. . . .-.U'li- ' 1. -II -il -Jli"l Mil' l-'ltf ..1 nii.'in-t i.r. l ii."U .... 4,,. in witilutf. .I1..1I t.. an I 1 .1 mr. f.-r r.vlf. ,.l.,i' n ri'r'if. . HI'" Payne's Automatic Engines. IT III furnlih m 1. .rr i'i H'- n, 11, l.' ll . ll. IS'iio ..1 ll .i.i. ii..'U..iiill I i -i. ia, X.V. GOOD NSWS Ti) LADJESJ T..:..i'Tin,.ii .t.i'r ot- f. r- a Nu.r pi 1 m t f 't up ,, : 10- r l-l Teas All'lt llllfl'S. a I enili- ! It !(..' I . iir. . r-i'.i I ll-irl Mux tl o..H'lC IK. , r '"I ! ': 1 hi-: i.ttt.AT P.O. liu.J. .,rk. it I .a nli.-.t' K. 1. U tn .iulrk l, . num. -a'. fiZ . M.r l l..l '"'ll i-r a U" "sVvv m.,!!.. an I only r.- .1 .a a'i-i"n ..c.iv"tr.l l l mule n.l ibionic S(V. rlK.inian-m. n"ii', ..mlw-i. i. -iA. i.i'nsiii..p ISM.C.I-. . Urui. l' .linai ai.a .iaia In .; werS all iTniia..! "' n .l .' ,.rl. .-... S t.. 12 avrf l. ia:liniill..r. I .!. fa tefur Iu IHuit.i '"' I Is .mill ml is "',Bl"rt:':D,J". P.irili I ..Urns, bun In. u.l K" t I' l'. f dmiii sis't il 1" .li--lioot ""at ! aslor 'l-t n.'l" u"l. glsijT. .alUtf..luVilllint..N.X s TVi. II, 1. it mud, l U'l. sr aim To Hpocnlalorrj. R.LIndb!om&Co., H. G. MHIer & Ca. 6n.l . ii. 'ii ' "'J',' . CRAI nTp'R O VISION BROKERS wii.urfisa in N.'ii V .tk. I 'lii.' iil'.. M 1. 11, itu I M l btM'l . .'. i n sr I r. ..O'llt I S mi I I r in. il MO ill1. l.l.Vilill. il OJ.. HUDouv 'iJ-sO "mino snjj.i KU1M I . , . "ri.,., - -- phi I baia p. .11 1 a I f. aV ti l. 1. 1 r i;,i. ah.j n thonaan.i aumiina "v.r' '.V..' '. . ..... . inn iiorri.t:-: niF.r.. n- ..nriirK.I. In-lr. '. ' L".i?.5. il .r aiu.b 1 ni-1 . ti- in iii'sk". aj Ulal r. oito l.i"''i in"l I o ''', -.. jiK. T. A., 1-1 l'..ilti..iril. flylfP'SrS "KEiMEuV' f0r CAJAKKH i mt i,Aafsi fjWV tn llsf. A 1ST: II nii.tiihs tri'itiiii.-iii 11 S'.ii . ni.ivi'. I nre ck.iu'.'. i..'.l 'oi In tin- tl. .1.1. II . 11:11 r.'ver, i-. 1 h.i Iirl..K -is ..r 1.1 lim..- ... I .1. II V.i l.TlNK. V.i.rr '11. Pa. AGENTS WAi.TtD lHuut niliiiil.'S ll will al.-. sin" s", -,rl"1 ,' ",,7 "."," f.,rlli.u II.-11. i lsl ri i'llf III ,.l,1' cm-ular u.l turuii ! Ilw I Knlllln Mm llllll' '.. lsl Tr"in .ut slro..l. li .sImh. . KlsPATENTS,,iI Jl.. . V..r mrrtvl ..a. h. n I '.' .Isnips I. r 4 r- U,W. I.. niMill.t V. IVI' I I.S-r. II .,!... I.(. A t.FMTM W ANTFI f"' Ih..i an'l fMat aell- . ! .-i rial I..1.I.-.. I'm n-,l.i,'.a u lrrri.l. NarloMH. ft B. 1 .... flini.i-i.'.ia. ra. i;aMrniiu Mll-K ia On' In-sl l.uiiin.-iil. rn.-. i. ciiiu. CKOl'f. AMIIMA, tl0MUfs7pi nt?nrri(i, i( neiiiuittiNiti, ,fiUS?.u.Nh AMUi.Nk I.IMMKNT tfttr internal and hxtrmai t te will tn Ktaintiv relt 'vc lht .i trrnM tliscakri, aiul will imsiuvflv curt time tasi-s out uf ii-n. lni tliM will ve uuitv ., iu frt-o liv utati I km t 4 Uv a n.'iueni. Vrv- .r. 1.1 I .nfi. ' hhil-hm, ti iare I. 8. JiI.Vif A t , Kt.. I'jaH-uirrv, i r.iT mirnui. iiuiirv i ruiii-, una Vts mm. 8?T THEllEYIL'S niARY 1 1 a. . . 1. t! .'U- .' Illl.l !. .'.... ' V ft.: I I 1 .1 .- - a I : 1-v.lJ'i 1- 1-1 I V..-, Our..' mi l rV :n ,.. ..-.r l'A '," ' "' 4..II, q, '. I.ll. ".'I. '1;I ' I..1 1..U-U .I".! I.I J 11 J. " it IV I'.vm: a s -s Il .i !'n.v It W , 1'ilM! . .u,i .if . sTt .w JJLr-' il m Wtf. Ola. itas ; b IU I ..( I T mv failS

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