4 (Chatham THURSDAY, FERKIARY 'is. is-1. H. A. LONDON. Editor. THK ST ATM KXt'OSl ! IO . The directiHH of the State E-.po-i-(ion held a meeting ut Raleigh, on last Monday, and appointed the t iim and place for holding the proposed eiDouitioii. The time denigimfed for the oueniiiir is the 1st dav of ()cto!i--r and for the cloning i the "istlt of the tame month, and th jilacc s'i i-ti il ia the fair gronndu of the Slate Ag ricultural Society. Octolx f ix .tM.aliy on of our Dlcaaantet motith i. when the heat of 8umtuer hiw aSat.-d a':d fhe cold of winter not yet Iicimi. l'y that time all the crops have mtumcd. the fruits have ripened, and all the products of the soil will be in their bent condition to exhibit. The day for closing m just one wcr-k b-fr.' the election, no that everybody, visit ers and exhibitors, ni.iy muni to their homes in time to voi. S.ttis factory arrang(.'iiient! were ma 1" with the executive committee of the Siutc JLgrieultural Society for 1 1 1- in.' of their fair grounds, in addition t the large building already ilete other und much Urger baiido!, will be erected. Some idea of the -ie of the propowed new building rimy bo formed when we Mtate that they will contain about sevciity-iive il,.ni -.im.I feet of floor npttco. All t ii" buiMinir-f Bow there do not contain more than half that (juantity. des the-e buildings to be erected by the sj o ition company it is pmbvli.e that eTeral counties will ( i.-,-i tliea- own buildings, in which to pia-'e tiicir es kibits. Uno objection to the fair grounds was the distance from lutl igh, but it is proposed to obviate that by having a line of horse car running there, by which vi.-itors can be conveyed comfortably :u.d cheap ly. Thi; will bo in a I htiou to tii -team cars which will run here'o lore at every fair. The subject of entertaining visitors im, bct-ii d i y Considered, and pioj'er :irr:ii'-!;:-ii: will bo made for the cheap aa 1 com fortable lodging of a i visitor-. that persons may go a;.d .-pend se fral days in attendance. The Yur borough Hou.se i.s to 1'" greatly en larged and its proprietor -av-, that he will be able to comfortably iod ,e i hundred persons. The smaller hotels and private boarding houses will accommodate Severn' h'lii.le.l more, and it i.s generally limb r.-tood that every householder in Halt ig'n will prepare to accommodate on.; or more visitors. The amount thus far subscribed t i tho capital stock of the Kipiwiio:; is nearly twenty thousand d iHnr. and this is being increased ( very wee!.. to that a suflicicnt amoii.a will m doubtedly be raised to havi- ( m iy thing in readiness for the n:i:r.' rous and varied exhibits thai wiil lie .-et.t from all portions of the -t i e. We may safely assert that the success of the exposition is assured, and ( i ry North CJiirolinian may with pa le ! o!-: forwartl to this grand exhibit i f the products and industries of iii c:.oi i ous old State. jjiail co.vnt.u is. The Post OJlhre ll. piti ti.ii m has warded the contracts for carrying the mails in this State for f mr year-, bogiuuing the first of lieu July, and the successful bnhh i.- have been no tified of the acceptance of their hi i-. and, a usual, nearly all of these mic easful bidders aie lioii-u-sid, iits of this State. Iu this county iln-re uv nearly a dozen mail roatcs. and not a ainglo citizen of the county h.. tooa awaide'd the cot.iracl f..r cany 'tag tho mail on any oic of them, although there were biddeis from the county for every oiie. Already the Huccessful bidd-. i s are writing here for the purpose of sub lctiii g their contracts, und thus poi lie! w Let -ever profits th"re may be and make thers do the work. We hope that no one of our citizens will accept one of these sub-contracts, but compel the contractors to do the work thou:- clves. No man can take a sub i . wl tract in this county at the prices u' fered by the non-resident contractor and supply the proper serv h e. 1 lit ! -er he or his horse will starve, cei lair. As an illustration we wid mention that the successful bidder on the . route irom nero to .vioucure i.as writ ten here offering to su'niet his con tract for $201) a year. Tim idea of the mail being carried sii times a week between two points, ten miles distant, for t?2tl0 a year! Fiery DUUl who takes one of these contracts deb' i- and hot omdit to be held to u strict uc tit- wounded. Ti ability and mad'j to comply with very requirement of the law, and, lust any of oiu citizens may be tempted to take ouo of those sub contracts, we warn them in advance that tho IIecumi will do iU utmost to compel them In . . . , lol'iu etluieiit b. it'i vieu and cairj the mails with "-uf'ctv, ocitiintv ;ui 1 coh-riiv." u-tin- I;iv ill: -rts. Wo .;.( l -1 : : ri i ; i . -,l to ilo our I'ni! duty in pr. u nt ino '.I'1 public from Icing i . 1 upon bv having n-nt i r -i i -i ud probability alto! this ye (VI ic U iuill'i-! : :t; ion v. h: to: , f c.r p..:.iu' IlilMlS. comp:aints of I in- po. .ji'c .i; liii-picnt t ' a : ; v.' b 1. oded. ( c iotie. i.'l'ili d to ;;iv V.V tir tiicr f.iT el t ar! u n t an ati.t'aa'i.e a the ! -ti ll, t lil-ht of tin U iU' f (.;ir la. l i--:i ivc Cych'll.' tiill'. Oil Hit!- in-:., swept th it I'i'oc.'i -d.-d f i . -m t i in -i Nofth-cat! i ::iv i n:r tililf of M XlCi i ect i-'ii '. i.!'oii -h ama. b-or-'iit. tlio St.tti Snitli Cuu of A . in-t ii'.d North Cvlm-i. this Si'iie that snf-.i.'-o!i. I niori. liich a:y. llarn-tl aud ,v Moill l i.-. t ! !!:.'!-t The counties in fclcd Ilio-l lire in. S ",t ; Not ;li much th. re in tiiN li'luii lit ii t!:i- S;:ite d..,:-. Alio i'o'v -evi'Miv v. liete JSute Killed ;.! r w..'i in led. ' ii.f.ri t:,-u a' -t loss rigliarri. in Mu:,t of poii.ient of ! he i: id an OTP of lift- Was lie.U' 1 1 1 ' -1 1 1 1 e : -I county, which is given I iy a l!i" State ! 'in .'l.kne ii. f ,,;;;-: m thai place i s f. o'ii hi re .'II 1 WUS ;i little ha'f v ill'. !:-d .-!!.d il.Laoii. :l ( oi,l ,,..,),:... T;,..c,v'. a! t 11 oVlncl;. and i: in: :i li.ll'li ti 1 ii' :'. 1 .K1-.I w.t . ii . I ii:. 1 t !. la jjc en ly ye-,i --day !:: iums.-s of i:c!'(. .'. .it tiic - e ! at' 1. A; o: . iittle c!. a dead; : 1 man wit ; almo-t f ll Ii.- ml, .itt.e v leu a ii l. ad i. 1" eai l. Wii- i i.Mtr. v .Ma I Kiel o 1 tlKe i-r t d Oil -ll.e-S 1 in ; 1- i,, f-iiite:-n;g I" t fottilii.ate victim i;.'lii b in k a:; I dr. I ar.d pi, while the W .'..II, attiiiiion ti.a1 co .!l I .'11., 1 l:el . , 1 inVli i. k ( e,-!' ! : dealai. labo .: ri, u as ;i :.ii. o-d ,.-.(!, LT i e 1 1 i.V iy ' ' Il I .1 o.'t. eh- i.l.K.ri lid b, ' !"". h i I b, II I V Woi .!-.' .b of .-:,:.!.-. I.ve. a"o Vet e e.lll: n; oi' ; to.'-'" i'lie V.'i.miiigt .ii S: the -ceiie ni .ar 1? i-;. i ,.f ti e bo.ll lri.d.''' r .'.lii.'i Y.lii . eniiiod :. ti.e w,i,. , ill', ill le.n Igii'l!!'. S rib I - I !". I..: . w.a-f Iv a i.i .!. ad. d- Vw 111 II a ;.' .1 "is t V J-' .ell t" ,, I I.; man -hi'.. Wlc oil; .d he,' -ile w ith cold an d lc - -d I.I 1 her arms. ov.-rcoar if oiiii, her ai, 1 to the ti'i, b,,t ,ic di" 1 i i'a: 1 I' ii hi ii; t 'I'm; bodies , f the dc I ai liiui-.-l act cut up. pro se- 'i..-bar I Jo wit he- , u ith ; ,, . a'liinr-s. '!'!: wind ill. we ar- inform d. that it m tw mib si.Ui-, a hilii !;e 1 f. et or I. ore. and drove an imvil il.'-Oii-h u ho-, t'liicli' ti - Hud birds w.-re found jacked el. an. (';';: the f-atnots ori tit. i r h-ad-- 1 1.: s , tic; almost in. ri . 1, : but wf- are a --U" d 1 'l!l! it is so. ' The effect - of th" -iol'ln in l'i,io county are thus describ-d by the Charlotte Ob-erv. r: "Tnion county sajVere,'. io- .ib!v i; s. v. -'elv as did 1 i ! 1 1 n , 1 ( .u'nlv. The storm di; id- I ii: .f b. foie 'ir rcach'd .M-'.n: and cut a wi, -. ,i, at 'i )' wreck i II eiihei' - ide ,,r the ,ir.n. i ua wind was b.ow ing S iiith wa st and just b f n its hi igi.t. there was a f,; from the it i i aehed rillc dow n jioiir of ruin and had. V i pai I i Td ni : ivi-d i;. ih- eit v f; e-ter.liiv. we '"ai n 1 !:a ihe j.eopie f that tiiwu are wild wlili eveilcmei.t over the report s wrought in the sid" of in ioo. of Ihe ,h -'irucJi. in c xintiy on either One c.iiiiitrymait ii.'o !i.,vii briiio; wild Vo l; (f tl,,. '?er anoj ''' ''' n S' 111 'i nr . f U'O pie!, toWi el. f.me's Ceik i.'h of Monroe, whs ti'. to swept ovi ship ! In' i done. Mi' hou.-o on I, She w.m ..... id it wa, in this tov.n--t of the .1. image was fan.'.-; l!ro u had every pl:;'!!;it'..i blown du-.i-ii. ' ly hurt by the living r daie hi el' ; ,a , morialiv v, ido.v I'liiloiiioi, on the adjoining fa n,, v. in the net suf ferer. Every sin.o house on her farm wti.i ieveled to the gnuttid. 51 r. Wi'iiam ilorton's residence was luriiod com.iietelv uroimd. the nonlh side being ( timed t. the north. On i Mr. Duck Ilorlou's farm, every build ; il"' U ll i .lellli l!ishe,l ion I I-,.-... .. r. -" .'-.j in. 1.1 - r of tiie faiiulv was moio or less injured. Mr. S. J. Ross' residence I'Mb, We! i own ,-,! d."?dr." und -rs. tVb; srt'l.l I i a.v:iv. i- ir. .r. i; on ., l' Mr. i "Its. -CI I loi n's cotton re d.-ti -.y.'.l. -h ti. Aicx. bumlm ; i -' -i.-t.-r wis : i'c cows. . !.; 'cd on '. ii'ln's hu-; : '.( debris t tk- injur .',J, lb s. v i- I. Is pr. ".lis. -i. M :,.,!;. i as blown down, and il g tii i'. the whole wa Mr. :i!'ti:t v. '-; itioifi! I n: iii''-! up. 'SoUudc I in t!:.' wr.'.li. .( ihii t've'is. col .ied. who lived oil (r . Ailet.'s phi'"', had everything mvept away il.nise.f and f:i':;ily 'vert blown to the woods ana titeii c.i'tn'ng was from their hack - . hi!. l:''-.v tin ii' un 1 fn-es w.ic lorn cud !i,nis.d. Mi. I-'. I Allell Jo-.! v.fy Ice, it!i on hi- ::::':": i : i : i and hmise'f and one ehi; ! v,,. re inline. 1. but i;t sen oi-!y. Mr. .1. V. l're-.ly's lion-o was blown awav: root' totn front Mr. II. M. Price's lion- 1 ,l;is. Fowler's dwi'. iiig wa-de-ti oyed .J. 'I. Cn'lei s -!n ike ii'tl-e v. as de.uol i -i.e t and (Very ho, i-c on the '.' '' of Mi-. NeWioti i'r--:oii wa nrtci'v l' ltlle ialld set!'.. ,ed before the gale. A ('..!e,i oreiM .e i by ii. ioe. ;k ar tii" H -i.b ',. ( of Mr.'s. 1'. I;,., ; was t n -lie-! ,e. i I by the wi'i 1. '! i.e iil e "!i the i.i:ir'!i c.iiiii.iiiiicaied to J lu ll 1 1 1 ! I--. all I 1 ile whole 1:, 1,1 . a- do- -in.vc 1. I'wo ln-gro cht ben ware l'i.riiea witu tne lioil-e. tb'.inots welt heard in M-'vroe yesterday that throe while ehillnn Were blown a.'.ay f.oi.i a h I'lo.i-hed h..ii-e and !:' ! '- ha.e -'nc- In n Io.;:,d "f .V (-', ! ()!.-ervei -tl -Ii of til. )o:!,.,,in , i'erhap t. v ha- in ot.-t -.-lit til- , as aiht .e- the fo.1 CVciol.e ill nig .ie-cnp-ll.i;u,:t and Mini ies : i-e-.er b;-fore in t! : e be. !, -. e a - : a . lha: now I ! . .niried a . conn- ;-tac'e ! ,li ;:.t I t.-lli ' We. l-.u :: . ,e ted ,. i !. ! ;i: - !i:e; to e.t. I'.i I Ile a'. I I.:. le-U.t : In. is w .i :. ii' b i. it o:i ii c '.g i'. i : I i 'ill it a: f ' . i ; , I ;; ; .ii. b-, 1 n on. - ai. i t e without h .- 1 1 I! fa mi a h. f.m. I IC.'ii A ,, be 1 vi f auv h. I,-".,-,.. I. ;, ; ": 1 o i, , ill the i ai.d .V 1 I i '.nil- w o." .-.' i; t w :i - hrne muni- tw j . t b, ell f wa- ah,, ..d !:,. -: Y;-::.i. v. il a ua v th. f oi'm. I In-, ia ly l-Vi i.e.- bnle. . i. d :i,i l i'-'d in terror. A ; b e WH- .1 ill.' 4 oil ' 1 i babv the I tie,, I; a Wi . y, nfie:- the v. is I mo.. I ipi; t iy ! Ir-. j, od '.'. Hei e it I,, 1 be. h .; !. "I.e of the l-d lai'lle .i.li!.y fund two j, a'-va. in rJe b: .-'.In h w ; i V. . i . .MuiSit'sp.i.iitu.ii II till' :i w I'.u i.e lions.- e-s i- mi ".v tYam dv i .. a-.ii.t- l- de.,:i.ei i. .'tl! ti.e il ni-e l'.ol-ll place. ''i : e 1 lila 1 living oil 1! pt. i- ua i-i i ou.,.y W oiu. te.i. Joiiu Adam-, an ( -, iiiiable age! cilieu of M-ulieit. mar tiie .J. tmt. a line, is datiget.cisly wo.uided. and his wife ba by biiu-ed. (I.i- Wotti t-s. (! or. ,. mm- with M. VI. mis. . ,a l:v v.o.ii.d- d. .'.ii-. A linn-, a:, ),i , v. i:'. ;:. buried u::,1.. r the ,ti b-i- ,f tl.. .: ho ,1-e ;.:! !., i t,, i,.. ,. ( ,v .he iiciiili.,! Abnat Ouiby. i.i", wiie an t i.v.i chl.dtell w.-.e killed, olie eui.d ! in,,' h it alone with ti.e Vl'.ld :!.i-h - . of il-hll;.n' to ..bow the ! :i S b ,.l,e; of its ;.,;,! ; a; .1 biotii.-r ai.d -i-ler. and lh- ',i,!.g ha',:.- to,,, s til ill." 1. 1; js bale he ; 1 in wi.dcning .l Thin : i.ai vpcrtetic-. -Us al.gill ;. Its In V. pell plctlll d-s. line It ici.c'i wa- ih iiii.-n .Ma; !...... y M.lltll -.,s had t., OI. i.i-nils leinin- hi.. Wife '. ' III hi., iet ll li, he w ill lind lio.i-e h ,s been -w. pt awav. land- ,"'.e d -o .-iied aad thai ij.anioii of hi- ur'e l.n, In i n e : I. " id h.lil.ig been ,,,,, :(. '-"Iv a: 1 n : v.; h.,.n - a -.(. t-.a.eil Ht ll. ill) tiiat hii t ' i i i un the CO!, kih. d. i l 1 ClI I I been found. Fright fui 1 Appa i The cltizelci of jhaieigh with 111- if chaiactelisiic Jibeiaiity iir.vo c !i,tr,l, uted i.caily a thousaii I dol.ai - for the rc.iel ei iin- eye. one suli'eici.-. e;v Orli u:i- hits ju,t had babv show, with iiim ty iiiiie i.ij'aujs on , inbitioii. The lir-l prue wn-i won by a : e.'en lnotiths old babv that weighed thirty one pounds li. v. T. (. Thuistou. alVe-h-terian nn.ii-.ler m il.clei! v.iil. his d in-liter at Ixi'oiu ford, un i last Sat ei day. Ti recovered. Wlls (hi.Wlie.j . I'iye.,.,,., 1. ' iwb.i river, bodies Wei,. it is n goo. rule to acc. pl, only sucli t.ticiaes as h.ivo, after loiiir veins of Hiah iuove.1 worlhv of cnii'ii.l. i bis i.s a case whore other people'.. expel i nee may bo ol gnal service, 1111,1 it llll i lie el, I 1,10, v , r.l -- ,-. ... - s - ..it. e.ii iiioiis- amis that Aver s t ht rrv feetotu! is tho bc.l cough medicine I ever u.icj. tH Our WasHii'.'toii LcJti'i 'Fr.'iii i.ur IViiui-ii-Cit! i'ii l.-'ii.! W-r.!N..T 1) (V. I'. ii. lvsf. Nothitl.r I;. y I I : f I 1 1 ' -i i red ill COl tKcti ai with the iiive-'hiation into the in. 1 hods of the I .j in t incut of his'ii -. but it, is -aid new evidence i- to be produced shov'lv which will show nil tlijs ,j, .t,:i. j..;etit in a still bvh tlcoi i: all !-:. Iv ; iv-'i. lt . ins odd io be Inn ii"g f 'i' erool- tug its tlno.t. and it is hoped and bc-c'ine.-s io ,! iott( ! ' in u depart- lieved that it will h ad on to fortune, merit en ah d t- f ''!:', 1c ! admire, The Northern peop! and press are i -t ration of law c.-id j. -tu-r-. but it is tl ich there. There ha- t; t beet! l.istorv of the ( ;.'V( riiiin l.t m much of newspaper cti;i -i-m. i.or so much al'- 'hire p il.lic hi! in relation to the methods, political and ot hei wise, of this pirliciilar I I'liimetit. a-tlierc h e b. en within the pa-t two years, It dial-oat ju'.tie with the strong I.Tid "I tiovernnc 'it at its back. t the poor d vil w!, chances to be ( an.;! t tilling a h lt'T in the post olli -e. and thf.w- i! 1 erotictiug teis leeini 1 the thieve- wi'o-'eal theti, iv- ( r:r'" "t's ntoijey bv the millions. It "!' its etnissi'i. - I ti remotest cotitiiic.s of the i t'lh t ' itlu r vi- dei--c to convi. t a . i 'oi.cieioiis tliief w ho a!- a do!! e - w,nl "f po-la .'e stamp-, while it c . on t o 'tui - s w ith tile 'ie-int i(- nublic t'h:n h rers and allows j:,., to e.i siait fn e with the spoils of the t i c.-rnim '.t in their iiick-ts It s! '!, Is a po ..f i.l:.nv to tbo peciteii- ttarv 1 -if c. it,:i!i to mileage in trav- e'lti.r 0:1 a talliecd p !--. w'ele its own i.:n. :al- ale c..l-I Hit !;. doll g that (l ! hi' i ail ! r.;'"!' .il at ilieolVelise bv inei'idiiig eoi bitaiit items f 'i' ho!. !-t ;i'e. h.i.'k i.ire and (.thef incident!'.;-, if there is anything that demand- a t!e'!ou,,h investigation arid a ther ''tirii showii;,.. up befote the pub!: . il i . the d taih ,! r.;-ea!iti( s. the lie rci ii iry i r-ecntioi.s. ulid the hi- criminal tied 1V, nmie.-.t that have re- li-na. t. 'i.-d tl.is mis -named eelil: i..:i ,.i -Iu- mi-... 'I' -nel ii.-O n ported as ad- ;iu g ti. ii tl " I'.iiiviile invi-tij,.! n does io ! in out as his ciiiiiiut I .id ( Ape. tt 1 and that tinis far there role CM leliCe tl.at till' a tie re was picuiedi- lit. lc i.iliv ! ; r. I.- I doe, show t ,n e let cred "it ihls 'I .!!' t' !. a to i .; i i. ii.-h, - n! '1' Sn t i.i, in so iiille! lieldv lej-ald for hlS al !.:.. ll.al hi I In -e I t.H. l s ili-l Knew it - olei i-t dil'oligh the eol-i-M-: al j-. ii nal- of nali 'I. a: i U ; u. -'.a ,' to I .; .-a ( il. i.i. ' ! 1 wo!i: iii, "Iiat i.. :: r :'. i: ' Si; , a , . in. In o.it at W In to oi !...' d ii.v. -ti-ii..:- haw ! i.'.i-e i re to eo :. liot in Ohio. belli IvIIOxil. all.t ig ticit. although dl 1 hot dilc tiy i i in.', !. die part',. U.i: I los, .1 a ' . .! in ir.y ti n,-- thai let CI r looO'e to tile ( lino svs i of i ;vi!ia:i.!i. What on eai lh tic rutted States Seliat" to do the ,! I, cts of I he ef, iii ilio-i i,; , .11, "I' t U.io .' ii ei ell,'!, Jo own bodv I- .-i.-pecj. d io be Ml,:, iy I'laud or f 'i.e. it i.i ty iriip.ii:. :ie facts. i j; " hntit, v, illi lid i- til , -I'll, 'tl wish- ei ly mii.-ii i tiier re..t 1 Jl.it the ill. le ii i: can do lioih , i. for the S -;,a;o. Sei.ii! a- .-hei ma:. ii, :: 1 Ii.:- ;:! t-e oommirt. . li t- goii. to ?. ; ( I. leans to ...it'' M's.;s-,.j. viviiiitioti." t ai'pe.ir io ti.- fi tting aloi. beJIi r. W hy d..;t l this rom--o on to ( ', ) :;:! e ui.iy .' i iiv New ( )l ii .- .' jt I.i only mi t that tiny inn -, t testimony tllVthiiig l Lose Willi Will " illlte, ti It. I : N.-.V Orleans to t.-uiy wtli be i.e oi; t,:e to,.!.-, of po.iiuiaus on t itlii-r .side, nu ll who La;,- iioihine iv to do. lllcl Will !: "lie! to lliak'. uttip b tlie t it V to the Witlll.-s fees. II; cry cue o! tiu ai will be coached by the p lUli-ians and will I'e.l oil' II plausible stoty. Now, if, the coiniuittoe were tailing tes; imon oil the pot. they coal i biieg b. foie ttictu the ipiiet. rvi r; -I ay cilien who weiil, I tell the Hutu. ). truth, i Without coaching. 1! i: i; is always t nay with lo p.ll iica'i eoiiimijtei s1 m 'hi . i urge C (i rl.am has finullv l e! 11 .1 t l oi,i poiit ie ( 'il-i i T his life a t. h a- I. iriiied certain ti i,-. and declares I, pohlie,. ai is said to ' 'if- so fai. He i-iiiess connec-; iuiiose to re tin ;.' ti." a-t. it l- evident that I h "l.t' t il.es his (h-:ippointme,ts too mu 'li to ii.-art. lie may wi 11 indulge I ti .-hi."- of remor.-eovcr some portions ' of hi- pi-t p liiical career, but reallv ; it i.- only his method. and lack .If I principle that have led to disaster und 1 fniile. (lot!, am ai,, I lloisev belotM'-: . d to the s i-,,.- sch-,.1 of politics. : .V ni.. r wcrog-iid. , by any con-idera- tioi.s of right, but both believed in i artaii.iiig an end by any mi ans within 1 i each - l.n!. i . f: md orariythitigt 1-e. ! lh" party u-d ih-m fur tools for a time and I hen . them over. After' all t'-e dirty w tk d-no by Oorhain I in Indiana end vow York- in l.SSil. ho i th, night he would surely be reward-' e 1 by eleci, ,;, f,. (he S.-cri .H VS.lli J . (.f ! th- I-i riate. ha' order ooiisi h-ratioes 'I' a't I him I is . veti hinted now that hi pi..:'.-.-, .. liu m,., it i--. ,v 11 blind to 1 ,..er work he is about un b 1 i 1 - ' i . Iv'. ,; Vol!; eilvii.tiioin. tel. -si . 1 .Mr. Arthur. Wo shall see. 1'UoV). Th" bodies I othe!' .fe.'lite '.( brought to New baii'd wilh in,, ninnies. f Do Long and the An ic oxi!orots wort Void; last week and o-.ing funtral cere- Work on M tuorial Hall has been ; . 1 . 1 ., ,-ii ,, , resumed .. .1 the building will be rniiili l.f.i.. i.i.vi J...... u cn - iit amount having been raised f(r ' its coinnh li,,i, j 'Ph.. Viiio, .1 I'.- .. -. -i ! Jll. .Villon,,) l.V ltive Commit- tee of the i!emo.-r!il l ,.n v In. 1.1 ,..,. , - , , " , . - mi t i tiif, ut atIimgloti, on last ri'l- "1'IV. and ilei i, I,., I i,, e .ll 41, . , ..'I...,..! ei ill volition to met I ut Chicago oil tho 1 Bill Of J'hv . . Norlh ( artdiiiii Rooming. I A cot respondent of the News and Observer from Washington City, in a recent htt r. says : ' North Carolina is booming. For the first time in her history, the peo- (!o of t he Nort Ii a' e t o day more famil- iar with the e'iurtf and resources of tho Old North State than of any other Southern State. It docs seem that tho t ide in her atl'airs is fast approiu li iipiniuiig in a typical way to spea f her as Tobaccoland." instead of the "State of turpentine stills." as lie "State of turr heretofore. The fish dealers in this und other markets farther north dis- piny the sign: "North Carolina' shall" They are the lb st in the; market find command big prices, j The recent discovery of t in lit King's Mountain has attracted universal at-; tetiM'oti and instigated investigations of the wonderful miiiciiil indications of her western soil. 1 Indeed the Noitliorn papers are full of items about the Old North State. All this is the result of nd- verti-ing. through the lioston exhibit niid thepress. V th the attention (if 1 1 1 whole country attracted to the State, the exposition to be held net October mi'dit t be an immense sue- j cess, and it doubt 'ess will lie. for the right men are at the helm. The fact that a State exposition is to be held j is airotulv iieciimiug known ttirougn out the North. I have had the pleas ure of mentioning the fact and e-; repute, sonic of whose readers may take enough interest in the matter to be in atteudeiice. What yon want is tin influx of outsiders to Raleigh next fall. Th 'V will be there, and the count v that fails to make an ediihit may thank itself if it fails to reap any of the benefits sureiv to be derived I,..,-, Tl,.. (,,!,., ,. virile is when the iron i.s hot. and it is expect- od that X.!h Carolinians will now set their faces s.iii.ai'elv toward the morningof a brighter faturearnl make too (lid North State worthy of the s i!. c'im.ate and g" 'd peoo'e with which she is so siue.i'.arl v i ndo'.vcd." Sw?pt lBlo tie Stream, C:ie Tliou-;r.nd Acres of Land :ul Smart o: B.'is..' on On- .1... k mi :i-.- i Ml I f 1,1- III III Hi-- i n ','.- li.-i-l .,....,i, I, 1,1 III IT, lii.l.'.-"t,i! IV ! - l I ! ' I- ;1 W IS j .1 -. i. --i-r Ir- ni :l,- N-r.l n .'II K I ip,. Ilr ii fn-,-r -.t- Mi it ,-u ;l...-it -I .. l,y ii-..v... i -an; . v. r. : ttli.-ii 1 ' "-.'ir "ii :i ' liii: "ii, ,,f wa-- i. .. , ii-ov .,'ii-'.il.. ;i : r, -i i h e , W .!!.----l! !l.'- W.il.M . r thi -i. ici, ' it, : 1' l- .1! 11.- I .ii. -1 iii n i ; v - r. llml i.amy ol il- I oi.. ', n in ,,ih . ..--..1 : i.,..iit.- i. i. I ..re .1 -" ' - ' ' ' ;- i i ; k . i. - r, llll '11, I u i-i'l ,ri, -ui-ii, ly f. i- .1 I. '!! - I l il'. ! I I I.. Sarsaparilla lit n highly fuiirentrutril rilract of fciirHibparlllift and other Moari-pitrffyiiiB rn.il", r.iti.lilniil with Iodide of l'ulus Kium ami Iron, m.J m tl..- cifiM, moi.t rcli Hl.l,', Hint in,, si tciiiuiuicitl Ii1uh1 t'Untli-r that cm tc leJ. It iuniiiatily nt ,.-! all bluod H,ii,,it from tltv Kvptcin, i-tirii-lic- ntul rno;vs tU j 1'UvJ, and rf tyrvi iu viutlititiK wT. ll i itiu I.,.-!.! knnwii r.-tm-ily f,r ht-rufitla and all Si-rofulo.m I oiiiilainU, lit ysl rlas, K.j.-i.in, liltniwnnii, lllot. lien, borrn, Itoili, Tiimurn, and Kiai.tloiin of tin Skin, an aitut fr all .tiMir.li-n. cuummI liy a Ibm and iiiiivcristi-.l, or c rru,lisl, couilitioiiof ;hi. M.khI, such ua Khciiiimtlitm, NrtimlRia, Kliruinutlc (lout, Civucral LK'kiUly, and Scrofuloua Catarrh, - Inflammatory Rtieaniatism Cured. "Avkr's SRs.rAim.LA hns ctirp.l me of th Inlliiniiiiiilory ItltcinitatUiti, uith V lieli 1 luM! Millfrol tor iii.iiiy v.iiis. W. 11. MitoUE." j Dutliain, la., March 2, 11'. i-nurAiiKn uv j Dr.J.C.AyeriCo., Lowell, Mass. ! iy.1,1 l y all liruUt i 1, nix t.uttl.-s f ,r i ; iii;Ai: it i. Mi.xi) That yiii e in buy Staple and ! limey (iroceiies as low as ! they can be bought in j the United States. ' ! of-- W. C. & A. B. ir Lil 11 M WIloI.KsU.i; AM, KKTAII. Grocers and Cois Roasters, KAIdlKill. X. C, 111' Mxl l;'li:iis JJ,.. ilK t'..u. i III.. s:r.-i (r i-h.-r ImlMlng, lillANt ll STOUKS I'll 1'n.ycttevui.. -...,-eet, 3 M.i iii Slrl tun! ,Miit'k,.t Siiiii(.. I'.KAK IT IN VIMi Th.-U w.- l.t.y (Mrea.-li .11.1 are U..i.-t...- iii.l,- ir r sl'i:cli. IM1I1 tMliNTs. I. IIAK IT IN MIMl Thill .-Hliy at llll IlilL's Hi.' l.AlllilsT STOCK AMI lil;i:Vll'.-T A1UKTV OF STAli.K AND I ANCV UIIOCI.IUKS AT lAtlVtsT l'KI. I.S. lt"-iir II In mtn.l fiat m luivo tln Lart-ivt, lli'st AitiiiwoI HII, I llit I.i).'liti House ami Keller rai'lll.l f"r hinfllliii; jj-nU Until any U.iumi Iu our Un.. Iu lli eiiy. II. '.ir 11 In 11. It.. I tli.it w,. alwiiys KuarauliH) ,ru-ti-tlt.ti (.o.iij. trail-. .11 ii-ii--, Aii. li.-iir ll In mlud Unit . ttav.. auv. liinumid envy-1 llilutf aUverti-..,! Ly Imiims, ,, ,ur hue and a ' u.i.m-, i-i i. I'm luilt I'urrels atiU kl' ll.io Mi.rrltiit- , , J . . .. . .. . cnrnder 1"" wl c.lfr.., 7.1 l,,irr,I- Sut-vr. m rnm hit i.n-.,- n,i (': Kir.'iv hii.I K..r..-.n.. oil-, lii lj.uu.u-y ..,.. I.h,.,m...c1,.-w1hi!ii I sm..k- lint Tlwr,., mil rm,i. tiiuii 'l Vtntcutl'lM and mii'. w'tiarrria M. rtiinwn aim syril-, an T'lrtn - lieiiK - st.. wi ij.im-li.lt ilip..ut.,:iiil.'rruli m.i lrili Vinegar, ;m aiw-ka sail. I." ' e"ii' - ' - 'r - 1 I."', Iim u..iiuJ Lir.-ltuiun, ,- J n i.ii:w. c , cbtw)-T, lt. Miscellaneous &ZJi?&? " IIAHDWAKE OF EVllliY DKSCIUPTION. arust Stock in Worth Carolina. JULIUS LKWLS & CO., Sion of the (Soi.i'irN lloi;st. Shoe, 224 Fiiyelteville St., ojiposite the Market. Jamiarv in, lSSt. RALKIGH, N. C. SAMPLE Mammoth GREENSBORO, f!. G. The continued mild weather having made .the Fall and Winter season of lssit in. usually short. I find I have too nianv goods on hand iu hiiiiio lines " " """'l roAWf siock nave ma.ie a SWEEPING " l"":',,s "f l'l.vmade Clothing. Overcoats, heavy Hoots and Shoes, LadiM 'l""';s. Dolmans. Jersey Jackets, Shawls, piece goods, Munkets, Quilt ali n s l iiilerwear. Ac, Ar., ,vc 1 now- otl'er Heavv Overcoats at !22 00. .r,0 and !?!I.fM) t (ioo 1 Overcoats at l.H't. S.llla:i l t?!i.til; Fill- Overcoats at '..0!. .ll.tH and ifli.tt.l; Ibaw Suits at t? 1 0! . I ..V.I and .HH: (lood i'.llsiuess Suits :it ;.llii. 7. (Ml and s.0i , i i-i..- i.,-s sui,- ut sn...... w. .,.! i i..,i. ''''tis is ., . humbug and no joke, but a genuine maiLdown in priee to tct'iee st x-i;. I. otl'er special bargains iu Hoots and II.it-. and l. i h' s' l leak- and Shawls. You !mv cordially invited to examine save ruoiii v bv doing so. Respect fully X.-v.-niN-r f.. 1-1. v. c SOI, l.i- ,1 S. I I I . M. .V lilllllll. M. T. Norris & 1'i'o, Wli., su -.-o,! S .-ri-, Hull in-l..r at lli.-lf "1,1 -..ml. WHOLESALE GB0CEB3 .-AMI Xo. Hi I'.-., hang" and No. l. 1'last .M Htm Slieeis, V.'ll f;i;Y A l.AKtiF, siti'.'M which we o'Ver to tiie trade at very low p: io- . I y-Wi-ulK-Sl l . IAI. A i ri'.N I'loN tiithf hat.. ' M ik. -iil.s iii litct,: i,il--,'f an I r..:tirn- ar ..ti,-... IT- .1 I T K-1,1 .11 .-..IIUl.l I-II lit -ll,4ll . lllll . -. I.IU'I.,1 ,1,1 ..111. 'I- !lii.-..l i-..t., s,,!h niili ii,. .Ic.-ins f-r I .in. -,.,. ictiio. Ait.-uts r.,r I' "vin.iivp su.i r l'li..? iuti.. . Ak'.-h-.h t -r 1-t-li I'.eik .Ciu. . Atl-'iOM l..r tin' .-. mi r.c.-.l si.. no wall C-tloii I'..w. tii t ni.- ii il.-l.l. Jaitiiiiry 17, l. m i m h jFAYETTEVILLE STREET j KALKKtll. X. C. B LEADFdlS IX HARDWARE of every description. SU1LDERS' SUPPLIES, I'AINTS, STOVES, ouxs. AM.MUNITIOX, and the largest stock of SFOifflKG GOODS ever in lhileigh,at bottom 'rices, jj Call and exaiiiine our utookjj and prices. Satisfiction Guaranteed. tet" Write for Descriptive Circulars. Don't forget tho place, 220 FA YETTEYI LLE ST. TO BUYERS OF DRY GOODS!! JOIIX W. SCOTT, Assignee of YEAKCSAN. PETTY & CO., Wt-lilnit to litrii "V.T lh.' I.H-.1.1C t.i It r. I'fTTV. will .. Hi" .'tiUr.. si.-k at ami lul .w cosr f..r " ,"'t ''"' '"r ! V. . . . I 5IKI lr lir'.nil- ni l- i vii'i'. ."" ''ur ii,,i;,iiih , .t vsei, .vi imlr lr.-(!au at w) cms, .'.ml i.Hir ' I.r..iw at l mi. iim iilr w.im.st'K .-1i.'m m w i-i n's, '.un iir wiiiiii'Ii'm bluH'S at i5c.etlU,iNijialt' w.iiiiiiii'ii sli'Hl hi I. ki. liMKi yar.W CVill.ii nt fi . (.iim, Alamanpo I'lal.ls at 'i .'ti'i'. I -I I'.!, a l.."l IKitil.-stli at j 7 ami to, ivitm. l'-l I'm I. acli. U IkiiinxUcftl 1 1 c..tt. . I jokiKurai, I W . l Hum at I'.wt. IjuILw vrt I (),.Ih at ('.. HalilwlB I.I-1..W Cml. Men's hii-I Ijullt' l'lulerwear at I'-ntl. Tlie lie-l la 1 will sill y.it any g.l yti wl-lt lower limn any ..Uier ... Ill the i-lty l, r CASH. Tlie u,n1 iplial , aiel ti., w I Hip time 1" avo in .ney. M.relcintii ! mi, ll .1,, &..1I in, i.lt Mini !um. the ir.-Nla. I ,.t Yk'iu.an, Wrn Ai C... I m rityuituvuiubi., u.i.uuu, . u. ' February t, IsM. ' Advertif crcr.ts. TEE ALL RIGHT Cookinjr Stovo. Tii,- iiii,l,.i.-lfii,il.s lc ..i'iin f,.r tlil polcbrld Ki, ... iiini. . mi. "i" Hi" 1'iil.li.- llml ivor T W 1 IN T Y-IIYK THOUftAN I it i lie-.- si,.v,.s iiftw Iki'ii ..lil, mill that la aH lii.-miH i' ihey lmv kIvi-ii Entire Satisfaction. PRICKS VKRY LOW. - Wrlii- f.r HfwiTtiiUvoeaislnguo ami U oC Km nUuii'. S. BROWN'S Double Store, REDUCTION Shoes of all kinds. Mous and Boys' these goods and prices and you ws EATiIPLE S. SHOWN. VHIE I FIRE!! Is iii ilanger of liein IUIllNT any dav or night. It costs but litilo to insure it -IN TUB KOiiTH CSFiOLIMA HOME INSMiiCE COMPANY. All classes of huildingn insured at reiisotiiible rates, and all lixsen pronijitly paid I'.e prudent and insure in time! Ile warned by the burnt buildings of your neighlMirs! II. A. LONDON, Agent, Pirrsisdito', N, C. Dcvmifr 'f lssii.-iim J. & P. COATS' SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. YOU CAN BUY IT OS: W. L. LONDON, riTTSUORO, If. o. IMW, "Will take iu exchange for SHEETINGS AND GOODS, at their Store, Flour, Oats, Corn, Wheat, Bacon and Lard, at market prices. The attention of Farmers and Mill ers is called, especially to their make of "B" SHEETING for flour sacks. A good line of DliY GOODS, NOTIONS, H ATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ti 1 JOCK IU ES, HARDWARE, MEDICINES, &C, &C, . IllwftVS Oil lir.lltl, Their motto: Fair prices and bones dealing. January 17. 18H4. 6nu. E. M. MARBLE, (IjHo CnilnlHBl. ner et Patpnt ) Ohtnlim iiAte.,1. f.ir l.iveiitliinii In tlil &n,l feMlM rnlict Siaiw. ('.tirta. onitt., Lo lp.l llulldluu. 3 IMTHlii Waslitinrtoii. I). C. Jiiutmry Jl, IBM. Sou mtrym