1 iia mam THUItSDAY. MAHCH 27, lKSl. IWItead the new advertisement of Messrs. At. water & Yv'yatt. 89Capl. W. L. London is now at, the NoitU buying hi.; Ki'iu stock of , goods. i VeiT The L ack of the Cape Fear and ; Yadkin Vai.ey railroad is laid to Uuffalo creek, only Greensboro'. I A: Oi.n Jt o. Mr. W. J. Vi!linii!- position s he is to nH by and through Chudboiirn Times: The house of Davidson Dispatch: There is a son, the popular miller at Uytuiiu's the advice, of this commit tun. (Mr. Henry Wychc in Iiogue towm-hip man living in our town who will be mill, 1ms a tiuee-gailon stone pig The committee of ladiea and the 1 was consumed by tire sdmc days ago. , seveiitydiveyear.soldoiihisiiext birlh thut was made iu England and was sub t owiihhipcoiuiuittces are earnest- j Tlio family was absent at the time in day. lie has been married four limes, owned by Ids great-gi andl.it li. r more ly reipiested to meet us here oil tho ultoud.iiice at church. Nothing whs j has never used tobacco in nny shape than 1 .") years aro, and has bcin in fit st Monday in April ut 11 o'clock i wived except a le v pieces of meat in ; or form, whs never intoxicated but New A'!tec I i-.'MMev.K. ri..-1-lvml tlx l.ui,.!r.l Ml-li-N "f Cr.-iS ' " .3 tt the family ever since. WiiipyiionwiUi's Sosi. It that (he Hist w I'ippoorwtir.s th:1 spring is a sigi th.it weal her has passed. Jf i'n's we may now expect p.eaint w is said SOU;; in wintry be tl lie Miller. became t he lirst whippoorwid in' I ids season was heard here on last Mon day night. a in. J ne on me ure ieucra lv iu-i an u.i oiiunr s'u, I O i . . lifd to come. . After discussing various mat tors pei taiiiiug to the Exposition tint commit lee adjourned to nicet first .Monday in April at 10 o'clock a. in. It. .). Puwiu., Ch'n. L. j. livsi'M, See. and Treas. iSSrl'ead tho address of Mr. It. Jan. Powell, ehairniiin of our couidy exposition committee, which is pub lished in another column. k. onlv '2 miles from ' I Ixi'hKAsn) ,ilu, Fveii.rnTis. j-,r ! the accommodation of our citiz ,-n .; in tho wii.-deiii part of this co-.r.ily wc have, prepared s petition, which is now being i xleii.sivo'y signed and 'will soon be forwarded to W;'.Mlillg- ... . ton, asking for sum" change in ci-r- kay Fifty-two pine buns on ouo tain maii routes by which i-ii-nily ui btuich is veiy niiiisiia'.. but .Mr. W. . creased maii facilil ies will be n'ibnb-. I T. Dovdy, of tin. f towuiship. inform:, al very little additional eosl. On us that ho has such a cuiioi.ity. change uvked for is to make Si. or - ' station the we.-t( lJj terminus of ter We would call the attention of plllllu, Xo. pii'liO msna-l of Sim, mm merchants and otli.rs to Hie udver- imv,, all, ,,, ,.,., !ll0 Wl-U f.-, ,.4l tisninent of Woith.V Wot I ii who offer j,,.,.,, ,ull 'iniid;)vs in for sale a luie lot of new eiuj of (,., .',iuvs ,lmv. li'v this Cuba UlOiUSSC.S. ; I'haUe tlu plMijile nioii this i'oute ., . I (from I'iusboro' to Si'er) will receivo VOTWe have se.dom known olMlr ,,,,,.,. (li,v of i.ul.d Ml i-m lias fililell in the lasl week. We fear Mxiiovition Com in it tee's Addre T i tim: 'stikss or Chatham County : Our ( luiumissiiinui s have ileti'i ni "Mi'd with erre.it eaniij.dr.'vis, t'nat. our ciiiiuly Mt sr bo. represented al the "North Carolina Slato Exposi tion." t,o be held ill Iblleih. bee-in-m: Mf on the tii sc day of nes't Ot-t-iber. Ti I'i i,iii of die Siaie Exposi tion have very e;eiK'ious!y ami cour-t'-uusly leiidere.l Chatham county a co;n.pieu oils place iu their buiMiiij,'.-.. to ili-.ii ay her exhibit, and we are cordially invited to occupy it. Il is ini 'tub-d that each county collect, arrange an I conduct its own exhiiii lion. There will be a pardonable pride displayed then, to show which an: the most favored counties ill the Stuti-; and it i' evident there will bi ke house. The neijh burs contributed hlietullv to his relief Asheville Chieii : by Air. .Marion West, of Haywood county, which has brought heven calves ut three births. About four ytiwsieii .-.lie brought t .viiis, iu March l.Stf! siie f.'.ive I'll Iij to three, and on the Hth inst. s!i.'a,ain brought t wins, m.il.ii:' t.iie ,eveu al tlitie birlhs. All me liviiijr. and are line .peemtciis. Mocksviile liiiiis: 'i he neoj-n mail earner who "totes " the mail from Winston le ie. is a muikI walker, mak ing his i 1 ; i t v -I iil'i e n.iies e el v d.-o. An i tr.t h rni ot l.'.-.vie comi to ti v civil cases, wiil In-imked f-jr. -.)...ii In eii,.ier, Ii -uliiio- e into a :.n i i . in j,-il. d a ,ce, hi:. I that was when lie was a bow and thought like many bovs think JllHl will ti I .iff- r i.ir ii, ill.AI. bimliul ui l.u.-kwllf Mill. JOHN DAIMNtiKIJ. Mnn ti ;, Inst. 4ih. cow is own. d "" v" ,,Mt Is "".'"'y 1(' ,1:i;ik K'1' 1 JOI'iTif CAKOJJS V. or, iiiii occasionally. Jte ooes mil eat , !'m lrown. a 1 ra.ni ii'oiii ti ili i,;!:, ; i Nlull' ei.lhl-. Ii. is nut kill" crop is 1 .p F.iyettevi tint one al Will KOilll In Hlruet u:e. end toivu Ii iili.l w: m 11 a .1 1 1 1 in .;, . -led. !e O'. e-i-t .,! bud W'e iearii IMifli' ) .1-: that farmers wi:i lie liackwaid 111 "pitching" their crops. lSyTltn iitteiitiou of farmers is called to tlioadvei tiseiuent of Messrs. Btiugh &. Suns, in another column. Tho reputation of .their l'iiosiihaie in world-wide. Send for circular. WOi) to Uynum f: It.a.b'iiV fori Long's Chemicals, (J.tano for cotton, corn and tobacco, Clover, Orchard Grass mid Garden seeds. Kose u:i I Peerless Irish VEKY FINE. j i Somf. Statistics. We have received ter We are requested to announce a (,OJ)V ,,f ,j. ,.; ,.,.,.( o!- ,,. that the funeral of the lale I) ii . , State' Auditor for la..t. ve.ir. and ii ue Ibuke will be preached by K. v. O. T- : -,t:--f.ii v complied thi relVou. -.omo Edwards at Jiear Creek church, on ; M, ;s, j,: . s'ho.v what j.o .iti ni Sunday the -ith day of May, at 11 U lllii,H, 1, ,,',1-. :. -non- the ninety ;i prices br'i'ijfui w one day hooiier tuan a' ite.--ent grvul compeltlion betwieli e.oiinlieii On I ue ,liy ; and wid also be in .liii-cl commuiit- for the masleiy iu material worth j war half w. cation with the railroad. uud iitlia-'Uveness. Already a laieiaml. ! s(iite the Tlie other change is t')h.'tve semi- immber of counties liave Kijnilied 1 --oou Smi 'i. d to weekly mail on mule No. bi.isj t h.-ir intention to make exhibitions ' town bond ha. I'Vom Iloliitan's Mil; to Ml. eiuoii of I in-ir resources : but Chatham nivd I debt of tie tow: Sprinosi instead of a we l-.ly out- as now. and to adcr tiie route sv :. to j,'o by Simiuou Grove and on to Siler station instead of Mt. Vernon Sp. iu's. iy tins-' eiian'es Siler wiil be iii -terminus of three mm! foul; s -1 he out from here, tho one fioni ilol m tn's .Will and ihe one from ('n:n:u , 1 1 IV l:l: t Wl-l k M'V eie :e ii, I al liUi'tii.h. d to hear that tin l " ijeit.' satisfnctoiA . he old S1111.lv li' ii.se y laid;;.', took lire ie'its of the clowd. lie- ground. --The e c.impl utilised ti.i- I lis present in fear no rivalry, if her sons and dau'Tii idibiedupss is still slol.lHMl. lers bestir titi'instdves w ith thai, en- Ash. b.r' I 0.1: -ir: l! wasa r ;;! er;;y and county pride which the oc ' lar itevemie : ,-;Mi;oi iu tins com.iy cjsi .ii demands at their hands. In j iasi week. Tit- Itevemieoilieeisina ie luaterjal worth she is eipialled by j a bij i.tid an I uncc'eded in caplui ine lew counties in the State uud excelled j a few illicit tubs. Mr. Campl 0.! by none, and if we collect and pl.u j who is now sui" : iiil.mdiii" the .bmes onions, iiinl never tasted 'possum M: Aler.aiider Ellis's wife died on the eihlli. Sh- was a member of ihe 1 ..u: it'.ls (di'irch. .Vboiit a mouth previous to her death she divamed llci! she 'vouid die in one month from tha! time. She was no plroiuly im prensed with the dream thai, she im iiie.li'itely bewail to make preparation for herbuiiai. She ordered a eollin to be made in her husband's hhop. She i.nde some tiltelfitioii in the dress in which sh " was mauled thirty live years tio-o and w.is buried in it. She al .o knit a pair stocking for her burial. So i cicii for dn uiiiH. G..1 Isb.ito' Mess. uo,.!-: There is : vciv i.i- iiiti'.o tedii-iry cmrie I on hi Ma':i ha. it. Duplin county. l!:at is the ie,! .il.e of ne kind in our know ! ( -'I'M-. W'e - j 1 -ah of the cultivation if t le ruse., fur the Northern markets It is called on by Mr. W. T. lbxcli balk, who has devoted his exclusive lii.'.e lo that piirt'eiilar oeetij'aliou for si -til Mai:. iln infoims us thai List year he planted between eiohtiii.d t ine acres in tube roses ami oathered 1. early Jio'l.tLId Imllis in the fall. Tin .-e ! ho -hips to llorists North, from which he realies a handsoinii iue ... We heir from reliable soin.e. ..f in formation that, with the exct -ptioti ot : one htile boy. theeutiie family of our fiood iii.-nd Air. John Murphrey. of' Siio.v ilill, tooether with tin- cook. I were j.f-is :ied liih unto deai h by eat-; in,' poi inn; I biscuit al ,su;.) a- last j A I s. SilTIl' C..1I y l).ivi mi 1 . iW eoC.N lV. nul i'-', I'M. LiLnirktU uih.iL Vim1. ItHT-. William Il.-ivl-. :ei,! nii.'l Tl'h I- n H.. . , , II ll:i i iln- l:...,l- h.'i. .1 N: v I u .' ln-ln.i,i-v Ijiwn 1,, i-, 1 s. I I. - !..-- . 11" ilt I II. ill : ' li ,11" 11 i armi-rs Hl.i-r :li. .-.el . iln- 1 ,l.-i:i .itiii: .V ill. ! w i.l I'. M-..'k, A,l.. II.-J:. ft;. o !:'!' -Ti mi.. I v. :.i rour money bvc.li: ? 7 0TTA"V: and buying yo:;r ikM iimUi He:;e;.s Lailiu.il ali'A hi and a-;y (hi"'- I,, l.a. LlLilJi;, 1 wtl! 01 ..1 .:i lh- II .v o.!r..l. T!i'. r.e. ii. t..iM ,, 1 1:1 . 1 ;.. :. e-i. Ib: iv-i.s ( r.!vi;i: mji! e;in,.r.K!" -li 'AUMKli'S 1 Hi; I TXVI.1 A EQYiB DEUGGTST TESTIFIES. l'il'Ul:iray at Immr ir n .i nl'ia, t"M ., 111. r;l, I. lit r ,...i.r ,ri.:i... tll.lt II. I l.lllIT ll.i-.ll V nn-li iiiiii. r.sal ai t,:.-; ., 1 ,:j ,., m.. llklu, illlli CJUI.ll, .4111.,!, 1,1, j.v 1 tt,.- twit . tin- l:,.a I ! II, , ,f i'WI. rilv. We b l'olatoes. ciitii' an 1 ; but l'actory. lav 111 illt. it seems llait tin- in. m on evliibition. the disply wil. tmiie is plea ;, v.iin the i.-o.spi,-! and poiMiu known as 'roiih on rats" bv t an asLoiii.shiiient even to our own 'intends t. put up anoUiec engine, some means, a.i yet unknown, jot iti peiijile. In area Chatham county is j utamp mill a., i c iploy ."O more hand ;. ' in the thmr and was cooked up with one of the largest in North Carolina,; Tuelloovi.i il.ileoi.luiineeotitiicie.s it. Timely medical aid when the t'n.st and wo have a variety of soil, anile. I , to improve. A few wi nks ago the svmloius of poisoning uppeared nave.l lo the piitect production of nouny, ' Courier uot-d 1 o tl. it was paMie,- all v ho had partaken of the food, and we me ojad to be able to aiinounce Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tim f,.l..wiiir 1-n.T fr.,m on. f o,,, ,,.., kii'..ui .11 i.-ii.!,n-.i. .;,i-.,m.:,,,Ula io,i iiiUTint lu in r .-i.ll. : : - RHEUHAliSH. .ro II. -it I c'.iii.l 11. t 1 lire..-. ir;h,.ut li.'lp. I 1 1 :.-, I lli.-N uitK.'iu l.nicii .f :111V r.-l: A I II S Mir., ! Mil I ,' ,. 1 1.. .ti I.-.- 1.1 1 1,,, Il:u,- f...l 1: m ".1 i .l! .... ,. IMiui i.a. :i:i l ;i i-.-i .,!. '.lll:l "it y. I '1 11. V II..1..1. o'clock 11. in. The Goidsboro' Messenger is a credit to Southern journalism, and wo do most heaiti'v congratulate Bro. lionitz upon his deserved suc cess that huidiV has a parallel iu tin' history of Southern papers. t& 1( yon are in lived of Shirts this spring, Loudon's is the place to get them ; he now has a large iot of the best Shirts lie has ever had. lu-t received a new supp.y of Shoes: handmade. Gaiters to a common Urogan ; all kind i of Ladies', Missc Hud Children's Shoes. 1 eounl ie-i ot N.u tit Car doubt Hot will be 1. and itiiere-ting to 0:1 all th eoiiuti-., Ihe. who-e valuation of v aiiia Chatham's, as follows: Wak lion. .!.-J dii.."i 1 1 : IMgec-mbe'v. SJ (iT'.i.O'.'S. Gui. lord s. sl.,s n. 1 ! J: Med leiilm: .'s. .?!. TYjs.I-o ; If t'li'.tx'.-. 1 Ti'S.ll 111; .lo!ii.-i-iu'.s. Sl.7 cna! liaui s. .)i;t.o ;n. lu.ae an ti v.; counties tiial have more lioie; than Chai ham. and liny ale Iicle'i O.'.f-lo. fiil'.'ford:!.:!1.?. !avi 1 on It.'JTo. Uandolph li.-'lil. liowat! U.iilV and Cha.ham '2. .ill'.!. O.i'v f..ur counties it not (,Mte. all the jirodiicts grown , 5?.ju. 1.00:1 day. 11 is iiowp -.yui" ubout in the State. It is especially desired I lil:i.;l'l an 1 is daily immouiig. the,,, that we have a large mid at-1 Dm-l,.,,,, ;. purler : Kugineer Cox, I nu -live display of ail our 11gi1VuU11.ul ho was kili-d on the Western load product"' including fruit, vegetables I ,., f.-.v davs m.'o. had the following mid the daby. Our forests abound, j di-'itui Tiiur.-. l-y iu;-'it l.-f ue he was iu great variety and ipiautity. iu the I killed S-ii ur. 1- : Thursdtv nilit mo.-!, valuaiile timbers known to ! Kugineer l 'o:. sleeping in a niom commerce. We have valuable miner- j at th,. h -t 1 H S.-iiisb.ny with .several a! deposits of gold, copper, iron and companions and .luringtl.o eight ihev c ial, the iiuaniity and value of which j were .vaked by hearing him sho.niiig: are iuca'cuiabie, as no intelligent de -I'or C, 's m! ... heio me:' Hiscom- 7o, and lelo'pmellt has etcr been made of ; paniolis juiii .. .1 Ulull.d asked him w h.ll tiiein. J.uiubng stones of granite, j w is tiie matter. -J dimmed." he re-.-.nud stone, soap stone and slate ; plied, "ili.t' my en-ine turned over n!o;iiid : also the linest iinality of I and cam.dit m' .ind -r it." Siilurdav til.. !.-.; .'11 im I' i,..i .,0 H,l.ti.-. lion-Si.., I'.i; .11, ii,.- :,-.l. r n.-M-i.il n 11.. I. nioii I 1 1' k il" UT ,. t, I l.-l..; .in,..!. 1 ,.ir s UNA n .n.i. Oul ! enii.s it I...S ,1111. winch we ii in.il ruci ii' leaders. I If are oii.y si v land exceeds 1! more inn. tin .p iiidstuimaiid whetrock grit. Sonn if the most valuable medicinal lierh inowii lo tin- uu-dica! profession ar dn as indigenous lo our soil, and many of j A'auiaiiK! I Holt i ol.l t.s -is ftiliiih-.J. : Mr. Tims. L Mr. Hugh H u t. of Gulf town shi). was arrested last week by dep uty m.'trhitl I v.-1 I'hilHos tiiiou the ehlirgo of iliirii retaiiing. and. after ; ,'"' entile and s! ft preliminary tiial by tinted States other county, having commissioned J. W. Cahler, was .'"!"l l'..St;;l .d,f., the l.iinn.l m-i i' for his iiDiieiuaiice at the COUIliie liein-J W ike foilm-iil court 1 cattle and li iii.Iolph with sheet). Lpi.u lite -.Viioie (. i::Uritn tilMtner i ililt he ate 11 Wiltermelol. (.!., M . ..'..,.t. ... . ( .ic 1 w.;.. 11 1 1 t .:... :. :. atsi nuuunx . t". n ins. . 1 11 sci iasi vt-ir . 1. . ... 11, ...iiv. uu-.ii ..iii. ii'tii" luiniiii'in 11 leus ill , i , r i -V.I tJ. Iredell Z. V. lg.,-...,,b 2. market, but we pass them bv. for wo j '.'' 1 vy''l!''1!"' ' gi'o.' er. H2.I and Ch.ilham M 1. (i..li,iam are i.0,0, .mi of th-ir uses or va!u -. i1'' ' ",,!'' l ' l'lU ! . ,1 'im , 1 , 1 . .. Illlell.ivor iiec.i i.ir lo 111:11 Illlli.. i-'P than -iiiy lhec give an insight.-then, to the I . . . , ., ,,. ,. ,.1-1. . . , , . t 1 ! sorrv to learn i 1:1 Mr. Vim. imrnes 1J.i4 s ca'lle most valuable ot our crtide resources , , , , , , . ,, , ; ua 1 1 wo eoo.i miiK .s iii ow ni-ii in iaeu j creek, near Mr. doe Bason's lu-a Sat iurdav. A colored Imv was hauling a next highest and they embrace the ruw materia: with ll.dio of neailvall tho manufactured pro- I'i.'iiT iluets known to commerce. The (il'll they ale now doing well. .' aitiMMi'i Legs and Locks. When 'Delilah clipped oil' SamsouV locks tha! mighty atl.lete at once be came as otiiei men." If it could b pioved ;iiat tlicpiissc.-sioii of luxitriuni hair would tmaiiio Jin u t.) tear open lions' jaws. Hiscox iV Co. ould be driven wdd in the e'l'ort to supply enough of Parker's Hair lialsnii (.. inert the demand. As it is the IJ:d s ua j.i. y. iits your hair from fahieg out. a. id in si. ires the ori-ii.al color il faded or gray. IK-iides it is a great .ni l;: 1, n: to the toilet table simply as 1. dl'i.isillg. iti've voii a cough .' Sleepless nights need no ouv y t1(,i bh' yoll The use of Ayer's i hilly Pectoral, before re tutng. wiil sootlie the cough to ipii.-t. allay tne inllamtiiiition and allow tin needed repose. It will, morcovi r. i.ee..iuy ileal tne puimonarv (agaiis. I 11, ki.:l..l, . . ' v ..li- r.-, : I.. I-'. IL i.-ie Mjiv l.i. I- t a ihu SUIT RHEUM. ei?S nr v- f..r i.v.M- im, t.t v , 1,. j,.,-,. li: 1 , ,.--.! If. I...u-. li ml Wem I .! 1:1. It. i 111. ll! tll;tll 1..-I.1 lh, lltlll-S. Il'- M.I.. t S i:k ir iiui.i.i. Ai:n:u.ac l.r ' III S Ol till. Mill ill iH 1:0 ' ..1 :o-t n.t I ;- 1 iv. r.'.l Mill, i.f .,.. I.,v 1. III-. ' .1 l.y .1 . Kit'n Sue .sTillk.tlc 111 Acer's and give you In alth. along our water courses 1 Matuis we:! up ;o ti ; pares tnos; i.ivm tsJf We mean what we say! i'.y uum St Headen arc now o.".'ering I'm cash at cost for the next .JO davs their entire stock of Ladies' l):ess: Goods, Caiieoc.-, Flannels, 1'iece ! Sri Kctof. C.t Goods, Keadyii.atlt' I'iothing, some the IP., .mi. la d splendid Overcoats and a good limof our S ipe.-i of Hoots, t'.til and get tiie bargains. : of by Sai ui d.i - j parted 011 t Ie- a t& Your laRt chance to lmy heavy , The folh; . in ;- a Winter (roods ai and below eo. ; tried bv a jury : Wo wil! pack up our Winter Goods Jam.'s ). Mo ue at Loudon's iu ten days. You can ; J.'.iirus was an untM ii iioiii ,i::d co lu ll v w it !i her sister j en el 1.' 11 in ...ii.... 1 "ie.. 1 m mt'ie 1,11:111 ,' iix 1 : t-? j d in extent anywhere iu -A taedicled bv eek. all tin' bliiiilCs o 11 1 was disposed nd ihe -j.v.e de i'i "!ooii of that day. the ca.-ie.i thai were jioilnf st in w, and while fording the ivlnc.i was rwoileii. one of the got coi tr'iiv and tin1 two next t.o the wago.i bnaiiie entangled ai d were dniiMied. 'ihe diiver had ihe presence of min 1 to nil fun two h-jul mules loose and they sc ijn d llll harmed. I:d"igh Visitor: Skidiuore Alston, colored, lives iu Wake forest town ship, lie is (!,"i veins and his wife is suve inonev bv biiving at o.nck. New Spring Goods mo coming in. All kinds of Fai miiig implemeiit.'s. Jer sey Jackets for 2.0i worth $'J.0il;! $1.75 worth "2..r)0, at London's. tint" and was an a.-l ion tor l. nis alleged lo be due by delen ! ant to pnuiiltll. Ail :io.i;'h the autouiil In ontrovcrsv was n it over St!, vet 'this ease atlra.-led much iitteiitiou ; mid was warmly contested bv live A RtiMAitK AiM.n Man. Mr. M. h. , hnvwrs. who e.va'niiiie.! .iboul thin,' Hackney, of W iloauis township, was : w;, ,u.HSl.s. The jIM V remleied a ver a witness in a case a! our court mil, ,.,., ; , d,.),.,, !,;. week, mid it was the hi.- t tune that W. ('. C.ee a. ' tinst Albert IMward-. lie had over been in a court -lions. -. .iu,i (t;l,, ,u1 ltl,..'olt; although he is one of oer most itite.-; f()lJ1 n l,,!l.ll(.', ,... ligent eouiitvmen and does a large ! ..!.. ieti.ni t'.n-1 u .i-ti..t f,,i- win er pow v is ji.it cy.iv! th- Soii-h. Haw river runs through Chat hum i ounly its fail is almost continuous, mil can be utilized on an aveiage for nearly every mile, with eaiiacitie from -".) to lililil horse-power. Finn j v,;t"rpowers are to bo found oul Deep river and Rocky river also. It i is :t, heaithv im llwi Imnlcs of llieso! the 1 years oni. i net imve i w. niy-i nren i living cli:l. Ireu l.ierleeii ol Wuoui are buys nu l nine are girl--, the young est child being ten vesirs old. Thcv s- butied four ci iidreti. N v-t avai'able water-power iu Chatham 1 " u ,nl'" "-w',s ' !": ! oui.iv exceeds the combined horse- i fX.-it-.-iii-nt among mir people power of botii water and steam that ' lVilt ''; ",nv- io h-u wn can d.iv. stiie imichinerv that gives life I !"iin'-. !,t !"'' !-' " Cioied clnuvnes and character to that great i.iaiiufae !!" U,,s ;'".v' -'J"'v:JJ f. ii!iers taring centre. Lowell, Mass., where ! '; i.ia.l-; proleserns ,.( :vhgi-n: At i-l7.oif).!)ilil i,f capital are invested iu i ''v'.' '"'.v''''1',:' : , ' i'l ''t'r ' maiiuKclortes: it eitv of 7H.IMJ v v-'h "M ';' ' lu: ii). M A K K ? S . l:.-i....-tn i r.ir Tuc ltne.mi l.y W VAT T ,v TAYLOil. lilloi Mli.- ,: e.iMMissioN Mi-.ie il x i s N". li S..11U1 fi.l.. t;uil:i si., KALKItiu, S. C., Mnr. li 25. kv. l in r ii:i . uy Dp. J.C.AyepiCo., Lowe!!, Mass. Sold by nil Iirui.-t.-; l,.i:x I...K!,. l.rj'J. DU2HIAM M.vl HL. A ' D - B20N STIfflS warn iN J1A dlUXT: VI )X,' N D." c; v , and wm,i;s i.Mi'i;oVK!.) itj h'.-l siiovi-ius AND 'ill- ntGiA STOCKS. Wo-iid call ynar esj.(1-ial atli uiloi C.e "l! 'v.VCOClv ' r-toek as b( ' ; Till. -if.ST rLO'.V.MADi:. 'Any kind of .lows, farming je.. 1 li.olits and plow ea -tings fiiruis.,. on .-liort liotice. 1 SHOVELS. FOiilCS, COL.'.iiJ;. ilAeii-IS. lWAC. AX! IS ('he best malo'i. i COi:. Sllili.id.";'. W1LS ki:i-i. ii vijiw.i:i-:. criL,:: j;,ii' goo I is. gi;oci.::;i:-' ; I'l ll.sii ! UK. i LONDON is MA:x!;;o ! Swtgps fir Uu- j in nil kiiuis of Vi'OOLi'.N' GOODS. KTlc miiOAlNS IN CI OA." J vCKCTS AND JKHSEYS Has a large dock of ULANK which ' ill be sold li il 1 TllMMllNDOC'S SACiiiir ! UKADVMADi: CL'TItiNti, . cheap indeed. Has a fid! stock of S!iOl. i.. ; 15(iO'l LONL- -I P. J 1 1 -it rece : KEKPS Ji":i' fc('o'4i.. I he CALL AND )':,::- lids w! ed. TilJ'. w. :. ill -.-rf' :" ' -' ': ,''v. V . ..' ''t. j. .. .. I.- Old Icfor e'M'IT'jtl AT ON -ii- li i... i-..-i frl.'ii ls." ML ST Li' SLT!" " 'lies ui .' m idu'. Y .. til! NO'i'iCK and if nr ci e.tit is l . fused it is jour own fault. V. L. Mtfliv,. o 11 i new e 1 COTTON M.' ..,,1.1: O I MI'Mlllii;, Mi I I. inc. S-n.'t I. Mi t.lliK, . Sl.-t.un, . 1 -J':-J - -II,' KK IN-- .laioinry :1, lsKI. Py if; map r; STUIKK YG A ' ' V At w i.l i iiiii.i as iu any county against II. L. l iiioii. and every advantage is oU'ored Horn a magis- tiiai. wouid induce iiiantil'act.urers to! in nig their mu"hitiorv to our county. ' ll. is not extravagant to sav that the; .' wiioi.ksm.e ui!. i..m;kv v vunr.T. M'- lt - I CliCi.. !.- li.:.i.eUHi,,w, i',"!'V,.- hi-:, . t.iiri-i-l. H-Ml Swcs:, .1. I I'm.-.. i inr.i sn nil li-rn. , -1-f.i .1 lllllllH.l.i i. ir, i ll. -I v. Iltii-.l, Knailly, e. Ill, I !--. t J-cri.-lir-r li I in i.- l Afi'l .-. lll.-'I'J x u.iitJlJ' J.t i'dlOWN STONM WINl.O 1.V . m ( 1 'I hat you eonl 1 possibly buy vf o VfliXilit ''' i"u!'.ei'..:ro. ei lesaseiieiiporel, ' ! l.m 1 l.iin aiivw liere else u ppose the next .1 or did not. CI till 1 iuUiL'ty, C.a rss' i "-j KOI; DOOII AND; V MLLS. j 1 111 'iiiriir V.-il.. i.'alioii with a property valuation 'if. .. i I '.!l(it1ili). These resources are I '., t.'uni or .iiiiltii..t, i lLiiii-r, 3: i, Fiw. i, :iil..:f."v l l'..rk, M.-i.S, n.'.'i, j eiiick. us. . (.rl -o. .ir" for liircc ..m. cniiUNG A'. !".vi:;;;:. Main Street, DUiiK AM, K. C. Ij.L'i j .1 .j. :! 1 1 .i 1 1. j. luercautiie business. APaini-im. Aivii.r.vi'. As Mr. W. G Hariis. an aged citizen of this county, was riding here horse-hack yesterday a hog suddenly i tarted by the road Mile about '.i miles from here, ami frightened his horse which jumped aside and threw hi in and then step ped with one foot on his leg. near the ankle, breaking no bone but, cui ting a KinaU artery. Mr. Harris was able to mount his horse and ride here, when Dr. Manning succeeded in stopping tho flow of blood and dress ed the wound. After resting a few hours he was taken home in a vehicle. A Moi'Ki, Maoistkatk. Solicitor Strudwiek informed us hist week that the papers and proceedings in a criminal case sent up to the late term of our Superior court by Mr. Carson Johnson, a justice of the peace in Oakland township, were better prepared than in any case that he had ever known. The pap rs were not only models of legible writing but presented tho points of tho case as well us it lawyer could have done, and Mr. Strudwiek said that he wished all other magistrates would follow Mr. Johnson's example and be more careful in preparing the records of their cases. piaiui ill'. ; Daniel Tiiiiuu:i against Joseph W. 'Kiddle was an acii-m of eject n. em brought i'or the recovery of a ir.-i.-t of land which plalntill' alleged In had bought from d'.-ieiii'iaiit. but which i,. tha! o.ir convcyai defendant, alleged was mai k tiie be. intended t" he a mortgage. Cp-witlm the progress , verdict ieiideiv.1 ludguiciit was I hat .Slat latent, and to keep abreast, with the Wanvntoii Gii.ett": The wet we.it h progrcs of the age, duly demands ! er has muen iclatded work on the at our hands that we lei no opportu-1 Virginia A. Cuoiui-i laiiroad. but the n'ty pass that gives its a chance to coi:lra -lota c. ui.Ueni ! expect Ilia! Ine utilize our advantages. j road will be lii.i.-.hi il fiom tiie lta!eir.d. It is intended, and I verily believe ! road to tin: iio.iii.ike uud tho cars Slate Exposition wiil; lining of a new era iu ami prosperity of our It w ill be t he at traction for II. May-DayChi.liiiiations. Wo regret to have noticed of late years, that the old custom of celebrating tl; ihe ilc.emt.iiil lepnv tne mo'iev p, linn bv I'aiiitiil' or the ian 1 to hi sold I hi i ci'or. A. M. Va. borough again!, J. It. Wutvm and J. L. (iodirev was au action lor the eouve; .-.ion of cerlaiii propeity which had b !! iiiorlgaged lo plnilitilt' and was seized by lh,. de fend. nils for a mo; tgage sub .e jiieiil iy made to them. Judgment for plainlilV. Osborne Hunter against C. J. Green was au action for ser ices iu building a inilJ. Verdict for plaintiff. Norman Alston against A. T. Dixon and W. 1. 1 In I ii -y was an action for damages for the alleged conversion of a lot of corn. Verdict i'or the de fendants. A. Ii. Hfight against G. T. MolVilt was au appeal fiom a magistrate's court. J iidgment in favor of defend ant. The last case tried was that of Allen Ellis against K. W. York for the recovery of iiioiiej', which the plaintiff ii'deged was due him. The jurors could not agiee, and, after being shut up all night and hah 1 capital ami skill seeking new lieid s I'or ' tue-.e are invest im iii ; and no when can such ; not more i advautagts and itiduceiiienls be of fered as will be shown al the North 'Icon lo the I si of June. I thii1 ; tee ;S.;r.e M.-.p. : it will le.,.-ii ear icool,. im , i iin I Stale pride, and iiiiiiiiii -One go, H ill w til .1 nlore -i ll i ii t ii a rc.it li ui U hj , in t went v odd vears ago, ourgeo: r.ipi.y ...Id iisuiial North Caro lina wiis noted lor ii tar, pitch and -,'ood than climate New Aihcrt isemenls. "W CROP MOLASSE.i We ure now' landing our second cargo t m m. 33i 135 BHs. IV hi f,m fah M..1j!f!? i !:.' t.fcW Wilr! HWA i')iUt)cm i Send in your orders. won i n a- woirni. Wll.MtXi.ToN. N. C. ll.ii-,-!i il, I i.l. . :.is:,s Mur.-li l.i, iva Yob SlIND TO V-r n o Tt c- rr'snv j h. U. a li. fj. DiiiuiL LiCwlilSil. i VHCLi:SALK ?ud IIV (' H st s, , T( -r - i i-'oi; ." .Mi ; j-'.s', viiiciis. NORTH :&KQLlh I vr DiKivr iii:m: : f.;n EAUGH'ii SriiCiAS, SSilTUluS rO$l PZVtiiVu'.-A UU.i?,'0. 1 .: l l-, t V! k l.H.-tr- M'TV i. NV' i!t lilt Inr. e ipu M iiMiiii. :n ioaii .-irtl. the I AKGI'-ST-'; buy iViiui tlrnt i.-ti til lis for tie r..-i I t : A ..i ll! fof fi lei and will ..;ii ; b. ! lu lu Oil i on ; mm MA IK II '2-', 1-.S1 ! ..it-oi.-i ." (".p.-,-ii;i I aroliiia Slate reposition next Ocio- . l.irpenluie. We.-an pnuiuce e her. A committee has been se'ecled. ! and a greater ari. i of pro duet .villi a'l the authority in detail, fori any flat., in the v mon, our coll- etiug the materiiil for our display ' '" d'hs us to tin so and out m the Kspositiou ; and have cut cied j will ju'ove ii. upon the discharge .if the ilulies of this patriotic work, w ith a detei ini tiation that, it must bo creditable. We cannot afford to be laggards iu this race. Thoj- urgently ask your co-operation. It. J.s. Powi I.I., Chairman Committee. 1'ittsboro, N. C, M'arcli 21, lMKl. Arrivals fir u Wsti ';1 ATWATBR ft WTATT State News. Ashcvillo Register: L. M. Davis, a I'luiut at Wuvnesville, died last Wilson A :v.i;,ce: Mr. Wm. Wood Hl'dJi-., of t.'d-county raised last J ear, ' over ihlve i.iiiiilred bushels of pi auuls oil bix acres lie Miys that lie;irl t-verbodv miiis section will plant OH tii.- t ar. Tile peanut is usurp- U i-.- of etittuii and will bo i King. Mr. May Cone, .-. Ytih eo.iiity, jumped i -.v.-eli au I tried to drown ... er he was ro-ciied and is si ill in iti land of the hung. Ib is a man of good property and no one Knows wo..' i e should have de ared to t.tUe liid'owu life. Ueliveeit four Dl'IUIAM. N. C. 1 A..-, n.iin- KAiiSipr-aiU'L'Tjl'!!! FOR $;, PFr. riieuii k .Jll-i..: P.-i.u S3J i-i " 0.1J ll. .. ii !;i.ii.ii, ,e. tt In til iti-r ili.il i.ll ii.-. j Ik ,tI,I,. l. u... Uti.i W i '"..hiiU -I- I' IA.IA.W. FG TOBACCO! peanuts i lag tlio p.. I ! soon tit-flu.'.-. ' ln-af h.aiil iin his Weill : 1 himself, il- T.I.LS. NKW Clioi- t TltA M 'i.As.SK.S. IJ15LS. HYKU1. Dl'.LS. rOUTOHICO MOLASSES, i 10 10 30 ,-)' SACKS RIO and SEED TICK; i') COFlTd-K j W. nn n w fcl!iiiH it !ii.vt Nni 'h ui -chmt .III i-crs i-i ftutl til'oi co.t'l h.tu i i:.li t tiu at i,i v. t j.tiyn tint Hitl't' n.t i i. t Kl i Itiis ( hn- 1ms f. n r..i.1 !'h-'ii .r:. . ' "i : t iM.Ti- I'i-i Mli ,t i ii'c i !!. iwvl I'lll'lilMlt'. A i-L-- ail ii'ii. r- a:.. ,'i " t BAIiOH t BOMB 103 SOUTH ST.BALTraE,KD 1,. l-'-irtm-r-. f-f .-.- I s I, ,i,r. WOO .Iin. .,:.h h- .... 1'tiii.irr i-t::l.t l-iili-M. f .11 tk-M-nii I'd .v : ill i'vvi i-i i. . li.i.E Sr., ...ill and Soinii Ma: Let and Mi'j S..e Is. W. C. , A L. .sTl.'ONAC' L'ti.i.i. - y. DHLS. SUOAHS, (all grades), i KALMIC.II. N. C, ineiemmi at wuvnesville, un-u ii ,iud the o viock i'hursdav evening of Saturday of pneumonia, and Ins broth- Wt.t.k .( Tiuuaau 1U1 0, Doe. Davis, who lived a short dis ! ...... Wl,,t ,;.,..,, eiii.Hi. of Wil.i.mcouii- taiico in the country, died the same ! , ...M11,IJltt i K,it.;,it! j,v k,,Hitiuo him- , day and of the same disease. They .i,,..,,. ,:- i.... ',..;... ,, :t(l P.m.s. SEED IHISH POTATOES "-i.l.... il ll....l... 1 .....I il, ! a,,.,, I...II. i,,i,.,l il. II... ....,.. I . . .. .. ..... .. . II 1 .... l.-TTTl f vr.i,. I.,. a i,,,ut c 1 1 1 i i! v I ' "" J WL1U - o, o...... ont, Wlls ., uouse al the lime tin- hhf uiii s. an grimes ruotii. been abaiidoned Formerly there I wlli 1,0 llit"1 ll'in ilt 1HXt U'rl" ; Moore Gazette: Mr. A. A. Mcl'hail ; shooting o. urivd, but, his son. who 400 1JCS1IKLS I'OItX. was no holiday of the ye,u-more en-1 Kx posUi(m CommUte 3Ieelh.gJ"f 'emml township has 1' ?TO D CHOPS "OT' " lT. l,rr.W.M,Mrh 2.,.1S84. : L, , iii lllZt e ll k ... r.-.'-'i e.l hi he never soi,e 300 lU'SHELS PRIME WHITE him and a large slock of "'I' .""":.l.:. ri.:V'l" , t. .,,s,,.nt. ..l.-ia, l,v. from ittwenty IK,. fm.t e!e. .Ul..m.,l.i:e was Hot iniltnilead. Ml. M LA L l'Vom Wiivall Mills. I SCOAU. COH'LH. MOLASSKS, happiness of ninny maidens. We ! j .urnment. Pre.ieSt, It. J. Powell of knots. Who can beat il ? - -Dr. : 1 nomas h , t shown svmp.oms of in- 5000 Ll S. IU LK MLAT--C. It. wish that this old custom could be I chairman. J. A. Alston, W. L. Lou- David Wemyssof Fayet I eville, former- samty of lal-vearsatid lhc. ,s hardly "' .V.VMTTUnTTlV TI IV evivedaudour young folks nowa- don and L. IV Hynum. ly of this place, who has just , elm ncd auv doubt. Im Ihat he k hot h.uiself 10 T Nsl ilMLTIMO Owin-r to the Ilea. tit oi .ir. A. it. irom a two years lour iiirougn tin- um eir. in,-, n--nn.i .m u.m. ... - .-- " ", , r Densi.n was western States and Territories has an hom-i.t. liar.l woi long farmer ami can ii.erei, leoiicrsi.ec.a. .-...,-.:..,-. been visiting friends mid relatives in had aceui.iu! at.-d coiisid.-iabh -proper- to the wholesale and retail trade. i :..Y: ....4 1 l :.... I? .1 P.,.-,,!! n. iiiirlou-ii Hi in vum n ii-1 1. iva t. .i v ' t V. I le : .is iil'iilll MM V Veal's oel Hint V oiue i o m-i- tin. vouni' reauei s io ii v ii ims vein , unii j im ihuiu.ii, n, -. ........ ...- . . , . mm f.nve Miiv-ibtv c.-lebiutioin itist to noiiited oeneral superintendent for at home as. North Carolina is as good leaves itwueand four children, all ASVATER CC W X ATT. bco how pleasant they are. ' the county iu tho uiatior oi' the Es-' as any other btate. ' grown. davs eniov this happy holiday as much as did their parents before itobersou Capt. C. 11. them. Wo would suggest to our j elected to till his place. (III. Jile.su, CO'l til & CO.'Si'tf ttlAM'.) j Invites his friends to call and see 1 him at the corner of Wilmiiigioii and 1 Martin Stv.-ts. wle-ii they will find COKX, MlvVL. 1JKVN. HAY, OATS, &C. AC, at wholesale or retail. Egerton simfl'iit factory prices. ft-.jT Special attention paid to eon sigtuiiiiits of cotton and country produce. 1 oil. 1 1, tsnl- 3in. or i Offer to the orr-Hi, ! I ironies i re d.iii- 1 ii jLUr. 6b- T, f P-IIV- i i. i.i;ro;r. x. i.'. - , pie of Chatl counties exti-no iirrivn-g: DP.ISS (iOOD.s from ! lie clieaoe.st to the hi-i. PIUN I'S. l'EPtCALIX Tj V ' ?.M'SLINS, CALiCOiLv ULEACIIKD AND CXiiLEA. DOMKST1CS, SHOLS for Men. lJoys, Ladies and Chi! WHITE GOODS, VIC LAWNS. SWISS MlTsTl LACKS. PAIIillOIDEUl MEN'S WKAIi, HATS. CASS1MEUES, JE LINEN DUILLS. COTTON TUl'NKS. CAHPEl'ES ... tVC, .ItC. We pro,oxe to sell these jro u ii-es to suit all. We appreciate the patronr end. .1 e.s by the good pe. 'hat ham. and trust to merit -i lance of the same. W. II. tV K. S. TUCKJir. Mllivil l.lll, llwt.

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