THURSDAY, At'Rlfi 10, lHHt. VST Moon wiil be full to-night. HT Hefl Mr. 11. W. Mann's adver tisement of cow unci t-a'f for wile. WST Tho young ladies of thin place Vrill give a leap year ball next Mon- day night. . " XT tUT It in Haul that home Northern will hiiil.1 a cotton factory --i-- ------ ou Deep river, in this co.nily. uarThnirmiiiil has been Brtdrv fur thepast week or two that out fin iners lllll Ol impi have found it ainumt impossible to plough. " .' '' a, . . -' " f -: lie played here next haturilay between the Mineral Springs club and the Pittbboro' dub. ' i,'V , . f Messrs. Mclver, men hants a Sauford, have on hand I. fly thousand n i i 1 V I lflti DCU Llll-lljr ll l "nil. GT Yesterdav was a real wintry da heavv frost wnn exnected r1nv nnil n heavv frost Willi exitected thUnioniing, but fortunately it turn od warmer during the night. - .a menuiuu km k hlhmui. ..... teemed townsttian, Mr. lliiam T. Cliapin,Wh.HPa.lveitiSt,.,etappr,ara in another coluun, Mr A new post olHce has been es- tablished at the mill of Ifad.v A Dixon in Hickory Mouulain township to ue cuiteu "J'.vbii , wuu .ur. a. a. Dixon a postmaster. MT We take pleasure in calling attention to the advertisement of the Nowa and Observer, a paper that is an honor to jout nalis.n ami one that we wiah was read by every family in the State, tST Bishop Lyman will officiate at the Episcopal church here next Sun- liay. rie wii' iiui inn nun iu-m Monday, a heretofore announced, but will here; until next siiiiuiier. :T TT . -lueHuper.nieui.e , , niecoat ni.uiiig company at :(.alf, Mr. 11. v,uuani8,uasKo. e.o.iu .iu a.i....- ery. ne w i.u cu jncusei. win. ... examinations of the coal vein aud is , sanguine of great results. MT A will bo seen by an adver tisement in another column, the county cottiinissioiier will, ou the first Monday in May, let out tho con tract for the building of a bridge across Deep river at the old Wood ward ferry. Iir Ladies, before you buy your HnU aud Uonnets, you should call at London s iimi see his stock. He lias i with the inlviee of the respective , took place ou tliti preuiiscs ot .Mr I ol l.mto.. county. Our readers i ill the largest, finest a. ul cheapest ilssort-1 township committeemen appointed i Cicero (ireen tiie oilier tlay. Some I reinimltr tint eircumstaiice of tin lneitt ever Hceti in this count y, from ; the following ladies as the commit, j one stole the c:j from under a goose j drowning of Uev. T. (J Thurston ami 25 cents to $1' trimmed ami uu trimmed; tine Uihbous, Silks, Satins, Flowers, Feathers, Ac. gvOr Messrs. Warren Prior A Son. Fayetteville'n cut e. prising Jewellers, established fifty years, c.aiin to carry the largest stock of Clocks of any one concern in Nor! h Carolina. AH kinds of Jewelry ami Silver-w are for sale at the lowest prices. WYoti (lent Unit wish a nice suit of Clothes can find lliein a! London's, who is now receiving a very large stock of Men's, Youths mul Hoys Ciothing, from the cheap ent,' to the finest wedding units. These goods have been bought with great care ami are cheaper than ever befo.e offered. - Ci'TTiNo S;-iiAPt. A few day ago Williams' Mr. Kate Wilson, Miss Johu Jordan ami John Hopkins had Mary J. Council, Miss Mary Yates, a tight, when the latter was danger-; Miss A. T. l'e.i.soi., Miss Sally At ously cut iu the breast by the former, water. After a preliminary trial before Col. : r.,v Hon: Alts. (!. N. Uobinsou, Isaac T. Krooks, J. P., Jordan was ; M,s. s. M. Unit, Miss Kinma M lore, bound over for trial at the lit xt term , M,s Martha Johnson, Miss Moliie of our Inferior eouit, ami in default Thomas. of a bond was committed to jaB. j Oak.-vni' Mis. J. W. Mel'hcrson, m , .ii. . Mrs. A. 0. Koherson, Mrs. JonUul T.vx Asstss nis. At tin- last in et ... . , xl .' . ... ' . . . J vsor. Sr., .Mi s. Oeorge . Dun.,1 ing of the county commissioners too .. . 9 ' .i Miss C.aia la ton. i loiiowiitu oeisoiis tii'iu ut'i'i'iiitt'.f .t ; . " . 11 the tax assessors ui their respective i 1 T 1 IV. ..I .1. 1 I.' ivuum, ii. i ai not on" ii, i'. is Riven, J. A. Alston, M. tl. Mcllane, -I. A. Houston, S. M. Holt, Carsou John aou and P. M. l'earson. Eastkk. Next Sunday is Faster, ..... . t 1 4l. 11. If..iiiy..i,ii.,.i ul I Jesiuj Christ is commemorated by i h 1 .i 11 lhe couiiuittce for the ifina the tax assessors ui their respective,. ,. , . ... . I , ,v, i i t ii . townships of the county wul bti townships, vu: Ooetltah Miirshbui'.i, i ,. 1 . . , , ' , I . ' i i o i l; i . a i 1 after appointed and announced Robert W. Biand, Cah in Stler, A J. ;. , . ,. ,, , the great bulk of Christendom. 1 fiat I moiitli tor tlio purpose ol consultu ; tttiiin to each ami all of the others.- day, however, iu tikis section is not ( tiou. This dKs not present us miicd a celebrated as much as the next tlay, j --- kinship as a case in ('Imthaii., where called Easter Monday, which ia thu; Colli III isioiil'lV Mt'i'liiH. I two vidovrs manied euch other's great holiday of the yeai for picnics i t.oulltv ,.0Usioiiers held ' daughter, whereby each woman be- und fishiug paitieb. Ae hope the;,,. llu,.- mollfh.v MU.t.,,g ,,u c;i' h. step-niothei of the other. day will be pl,-asa.,l and all our . ,ast Mo,lli(tv HU(l TiW;ihiy ilw U. , Ki. lUcm,, young readera enjoy it to tho utmost ; ,OWJ Hct.t;utll, wwe ai(-,w,H, . Wllmll.,tOM stur. NVe learn that A Narhow Escape. On last Satur day Dr. L. A. Hanks and wife aud Mr. Ivey Hill, while in a boat fishing in Deep rivei at Oorgas, narrowiy eacaped a watery grave. Iu attempt ing to recover a lost lishiie.' rod tliev ventured too near the dam and only ! escaped being carried over it after 4,1 bacon, several uiiuutea of desperate effort ! J- l' Knight, for 51 J bushel to extricate the boat from its perilous wf corn, position. At one time the boat was 1 J- J- Kuight, for serving a iu five feet of the dam, over which j officer to grand jury and the water was pouring. summoning witnesses, James Clark, for 10 bushel Thk C. F. & Y. V. R. R. The mail i of corn, and passenger are now carried ' J. P. Boon, for work for poor through from Fayetteville to (Iroena I house, boro', the train running to Buffalo, T. J. Oriftiu, for lumber, creek about 2 mile from (ireens- (). S. Johnson, insolvent fees, boro' where hack await their arii- A. J. Uiggsbee, insolvent fees, val. A temporary new schedule has J. J. Kuight, insolvent fees, been adopted uutil the- traiua ruu R. M. Jones, for 3 bushel ii-to Greensboro', wheu the schedule potatoes, mentioned by uu last week will begin. Mrs. Mary R. Smith, balance By this temporary schedule the traiu , due ou county order, Wave Fayetteville every day except ' Dr. J. M. Manning, for exam Suudayh at H.30 a. m. aud arrives at iuing two lunatics, Buffalo creek about sundowu: aud Ed aids. Brought ou & Co., leaving Buffalo creek ut 11 a. to. ai- for stationery for cierk's riea at Fayetteville at b. 10 p. ui- office, ! Laiiok Tuffs. We are informed liy Col. J. It. Liinn that on the head waters of Little Hriish creek, in Mat- thews township, thuio in a poplar tree that iH 25 feet in circumference and about i0 feet to tlio lirst limb : and near it is u hickory tree about 10 feet in eircuiufiT'-iicH. .. Ai.AiiM ok l'litK. lesti'iuny morn iiitf our tow n was grcutiy exeiled Juii,, Lewiw !i( Co., for tiiiito ' over (hi- aim in of tire, winch however i ,",. ,., t -hotii- roof. hoou Kiilisided. A chiinnoy of the court house caught on lint and a. , Hpurk fell therefrom upon the roof of : the market house it. ai by, and net it! iM ,., . . , i : ,: : I . ' : , ". "to lit! eximguiMicii neioru n. coum mm ,,,,,,.1,. ,,.., will,i WIW blowing at tho time ami if il had been lioui (lie opposite ilirection I sparks trout the bui iiin,,' cliiinnoy .would probably Have uet on lite llio roof of some of the building west "I urn ciiiiri-iiuuse, aim euuseii a tt i destructive conilauration. (r.ion Ti;MPi.Aiis.Uev. H. II. AVhit- T. Kendall dehv- (.n)i, .,,llu.u i,.,.,urt,s ltll0 on ttbt UaUlUy j,,. lir(,(lIliw,i a i,,,), of good teiuplaiH consisting of thirty t wo uieitibers. I lie lollowing ollleet ' '"'li-r0 wcru elected, vu : Wor hy Chief Templar, Uev. Moses Uaid Miy I lllel lelili - win; Worthy Vice Templar, Mrs. A. I ll- Hciideiij Worthy Chaplain, Uev. 11. A. Willis i Worthy Secretary, 11. , i. napuii nimny .v-sisnini nec e uiry, mih. aiiiiih m. i. uipitt ; or ny ril;'l(1,ial Secretary, Mrs' J, K. U, ,,e; W()1tl.y Treasure, Mrs. A. L. Jiald j wiu s Wtl,y M.. l,T" 3' l'n,i ' BIW'"' ! V "l "'"" ' uai.i, ,i. i. .vr ici; nigtti .. Xt . r t Left Hand Sup porter, Mrs. M. M. ; Kvlino j Lodge Deputy, Uev. U. A. i Willis. Mxi okitioN Mkktiko. In pursiiauce 1,f t,,e ,M,j', hoivtofore pub!isl.,l meeting of the exposition commit tee men ot this county was held here on Just Monday, and we were pleased to ; see ho large an attendance, ten of our j twelve townships being represented, . jjy imiiuiiuiii mi. ll. j'j. i ries, : eci e- tary of thp Slate exposition, wits present and delivered a most inter- esting ami instructive address, malt- Iinr niost useful and ...actical Htl.' - , ,; fts t(l , ,, . ' l.0llIltVBXlilitN. Mr . , ,.,,.llsills , .j, , . , , , , . , - very level headed business i could clearly tell what he knows, and j was listened to with close attention. I We will hereafter advert to aniue of the vaiitab e suggestions mailt! by linn. A resolution was uiiaiiiiiiousl v adopted thanking him for his timely Hpeech. j The ladies of the central rommittco also attended the . it citing and by - i the-way it is the hrst ladies comuitt - j tee appointed in the State and they lees in their suverul townships : If in i rv's Mrs. Jesse S. Henley, Mrs. J. M Lii.dlev, Mrs. ,). K. iVr.y, j Mrs. Joshua Johnson, and Miss j.. , C. utchtiehl. i ' Ai.ii!iiuiu''i Mr. William Henley j Mrs. W. (I. Albright, Mrs. W. (i. ' Miirchisoii, Miss Flora Dixon, Miss Decie Alb-igl.t. CtMUL-.Mrs. W. H. Hatch, Mrs.' Win. Womb.c, .Mrs. W. N. Sli iiiighan, Mi h. Uobe. t M. Iim us, ,lrs. Carney Cotfeit. ! Ui.vk Cbi:kk Mis. J. H. Lano, Mrs. Martha Johnson. Mrs. I). T Kdwards, Mis. N. It. S.uideis, Miss Nannie J. . liurroiigiis. i IUi.i-w.n's Mrs. (1. W. Foushee, Mrs. W. F. Strowd, Mids Maine At-' water, Mis N'ouiu Attvatcr, Miss ! Sally Oat l is. r,. r .1 . . lhe committee for the rcinaiiuiiir ..... t tl , ,, ,,. . . ! ... i d. It ! : . 1 . : . . 1 1I...1 ..II .1... 1.1 1 "'"not '. ' ,u'..1''1 , - i i .1 . .1 iia.ned mil do their ntmosi iu their heir respective tovvuships in aiding the preparation of I hatha... s exhion. A motion was adopted reipiesting the conituitteoiueil of each totvuship . . ,il I . . lil liiiuil ul l.'ll' IKII'l Viltlll.r lnilii.1 lit i p. iu. ou Saturday, tuo HUli of Una lieu Williams, for burial ex i $ 5.t0 peiises of Molly Kin pauper, . C. Moore, for lumber for bi idge at Feairiugton's Mill, l'eoph'H Bros., for 602 pounds 2.75 y.lW l.tU) 133 Thomas Cross, for juil fees ami l'ei-di.itf jury, Hardin Jiiim. At Co., for 10- pairing poor house wm'oii, W. L. Loudon, for supplies for poor-house, Dr. II. C. Jackson, set vice ax 1 physician to poor-house, ' Y, 1'". EousllCC, insolvent fllCH, - , .. . ,,t- ,i order. Uynmii A Ilondcii fur sup- piies for r -limine, J)aj(. Aibriglil, for repairing biid"e across Hick v river. , , .? , y V 4H.4H 3H.O0 . il ''' "". "n"' 5 -10 1.80 ing voter in stock-iaw elec tion. J. & V. C Johnson, for lent h- lie, f,,,. p(M,r Iioiim', ; y. Jh ewer, sherill', for con veving liiualic to usylum, I w.iod for jail, Ac., !Hi.70 v Jimies Vi! i.-.ter. tor cairviinr Jake McKay to jail. '2.00 Onei'iii I). I hat the I'ohovviiig aiiiouuts 1 i , I .. e pain to coroners jury ot iinpiesi in the (.unler case, viz: ir. 1,. Hanks, coroner, 7.i : aud tlli.'.H) to each of the six juiors. l JU!i:K!i, llial tl. W . Jititnoiis nave s ' i- .,,,,..,.,,.,.. , :i ..,.;,.:,..... i; ,t - , i(.umolll - 1 . Stato Mows. jAltumlim HuIk-soiiwii : On last ,.,, ,, t. . ;i, ... i. i ti , 1 i J" 2 I e 1 L 1 ' J ' J , ' J I ease of the hem t. Mrhcwis .i M(il vigouiu up to the ttnio of his tenth. Mt. Airy NfeWH: Two fanners at tempting to cross n swollen stream tieiir Mt. Airv. recentlv. found it uecessat v to cut their 'horses loose a fr,,m ', wagon to have them. One - 1 ,,t' the party drew his pocket book nut ,y mistake for his knife, ami lost it I i, the M renin. It contained 70. 8.i0 j of the was recovered next dav, hntigitii' among the brush Home dis- lance ilowtl llltl Slreillu. T ,i . , ii ! V , n.i ii. .. ti i i '. . , ... , . . ,. .,, ' - I V""'"'! l' iu tlus St.tto. FrUnX.;,,l,15r wh' '"V1 ' l'H' J'ght two of tl,.. n. eloi.iicnt h"" .iv.Hatioi, Ibis ws about carp, whose umted we,,.h pulle.l the . r 1,1,,, lilty years ago. I rlus is a mistake I scules down at ij lis. i lie size of uself to be a ., ; .' , L . . . ( . .. . . . . . I Neil her tii'ccley nor lit wife was ever ' the is acre nnil the lir,h when ! ' I", iu I'ittsboro'. We haveheii.d that j put in there were only I1 inche.i long. : his wife once l:ui'rlit a at War- renton iu this Hintc- -Kn. Uki'oiiii J Washington (i.iette: Mr. Nitpu - Icon Saiterlhwaite has an educated ox. ! When he gets hungry he goes to the bit. it iinloi ks the door an. I helps hint self to the best he can liud --We 1 have known of stealing chickens, , ducks, eggs, Ac., Ac, but the most degrading stealing we ever knew of after ten days set tin;'. Stalesvilli. Lalnhii;ii'k : The unusual I. ing has come, to puss in t his ennui v , i. ... .. . i .. i ..... .. t ; ... TIp v are each worth SI per bt.sliel lime was when hei.l-l,. -....d" considered ilhlXll.v. Now the mill who can afford the auc- can nlt'ord ti t1 other. --A well litiii the snuiiiill of Me.-srs. W. (I. (liiitiier and C. F. , Lu.'kie. iu Cool Spring town-hip, was, being sunk deeper, u few day ago, j when the laborers eiieiMiitcred, eigh-, teen fee under ground, a log ami the. slump oi' a tree with roots running iu all tlirecl ion. The wood was pet fill ed. Slate Chronicle: The Chrotii 'le I Inn information that Mr. Kdwiud' Kasimch, of Half it'll, who. as everybody ! knows, is a practical siik-grower ami a gentleman whoso hubil i not ' to run wild about anything, is in cot res-! iwcntv acre in ipiesli.Mi holds the best poinience Willi prominent tcnllemeii ; ,,u,-t ,if t he tow u. A laro e uinnbi r of in France some of them high oliicial ; mi).some private residences, seveial in tho French Oovernmeiit looking ; s.,vs ,iU. ( w chinvlies. H.ijitist ami towards the establishment of an im- : C.,tholic, are built it. lueliSP I'l eln h coin. IV iu Vorth Cal'O- j m w ; linn. The iilai i is to purchase about j i4 . . ir,,()(M. acres, -f n.ullJ. y-growi.ig and ! I I OtltltiUlis. , vine-growing laud, audio si n 1 picked ! 1,1 "U'l'bel less bulbs oetnath the ami thriity woikmeti to make up thoiVV H s,'l'll ,',, 'ibsbiiice colon v. i .ntich gives the hair its texture, color " ... . ...... , I aiidgl.i.vs. AYlu't. this seeietion slots, Davidson Dispatch- Within the th U t iiH at m,. , i.,,,,,,. ,1', v . last three nionths, u certain man and ( SS. ljtt!,. . ,1 ,'r-iy. Is that , , . woman, her d .ugliter and cousin. A ,un,,s a, t is that liusl-a.ids aud wives HU had the same surname, so that ......e ; f tllt, women changed their miines by ,ull, i .n.'. Take the case, .'entle remi-! ins mu sous uiive mai l n il a ceriiun 1 1 ' . 1 . . . I 1 u.... .... ...1...1 ... 1.. 1 (ton each member of the family mis- the Hoard of Directors of the Oxford : Orphan Asylum, at their meeting April : 1, elected to the responsible iiositioii j of of that instituf ion ill. r O.xon, M IV, of Kin" s Monti fioo.uu lam, I;. W. iuot. comes recoiu iiieiided by Home of the highest 78.20 authority of the State as a person every way tpiulitieil fir the otlioo. We 51.50 learn that a young colored inau, whose ! our informant could not recall, : who was at work near Scott's Hill, in 81)0 Fender county, cut his foot a few ' days ago, and waa advised to put axle 10.00 grease upon the wound. He did so. ami the poison from the application entered his body, permeated his en- tire system, and tinally resulted iu his death. The schooner n. uiinuoud. i which was clearetl at this port vestei 3.0D day. for Axpinwall, by Messrs. Nor throp &;, carried out as 2.25 earyo '2.4(H) siwn ruilroatl cross ties and ,2'"t) piles, all ercosoted by a nevi 4.75 process, (if which Mr. J. lJ. Stanley, of this city, is the patentee. The 10.U0 shipment is for the Panama Canal : Ootnptnv, and m part of a lartje con ' tract Hceured by Messrs. Northrop V 3. 00 Cuiuiiiinjj. I Wilson Advance: There is no!, we $11. '25 think wo can safely nay, u county in iNoilh Carolina which coiitniii mi 1.00; many thrifty, well to do. educated, I cultured and intelligent fanners, us (j.'l.M lire to be found in (lieeue county. ( Nor an; t here more young men (ninny ().'25 ;f lliein grailillites of leailing colleges land all of them intelligent) beginning 10.50 life as fanners and beeimiug produ cers the backbone of the cutiiily. Jf 10.00 'we were askeil the true reason of (ireelie's prosperity we Wilild not ' ascribe it so much to the fertile Liml-. i mid systematic work as to the wt ulLii of the biiiiim cf the farmers. It is a relit I to go to a county wheie J the young lieu nif stieking to the fiinii and making iiiouey in preference I to rimliing into totMi ainl stud ing law or iiivliciiie or cleil.iiig often sure roiuis lo poverty. Kiiisloii 1'reo I't'eHs: Mr. Joe hell ers' litlie boy c.inin tieitr having I. in brains blowial out. ktst J'ritlay. lie went in Mr. Strickland's iimi Li l lnii:,e .1-" ainl ptckeii up nis gun, M'iMii'' ilotvti , Uiu lmll.(.i ,i Was 1(,.fi u((.,, u1(j put his ttxi ou the trigger, causing the ',,,, K,)o(f. Jli h,.,,.! was a Itill.i t.i onesnle l4! the tiu.eund the J. .a. I .vent i ti, ,i. ii,,, i,. ,,f i, i.,..,,,, n,. i.....l of entering his head, and del ag. --Master Tnuiinie llavti ! dentally shot Masli lli.-lia Daly I tbl hiiinlay. iney ucie tn l!u cttiu tery and t'lavliir was revolving lite nislnl i , ,. , . . I. When I.1S linger slipped Hint thu bill! eu.en.l Iho leg of Duly, tuuking wound. Jlii! Dr. has uoi been able to lin.l the bull yet. .nil II lJ nmiUIIIH W...... l . .1 I I not be allowed to hav instills lin.l . WO Hope some llllV lli.'ll It Will Oil II mi .,l.'iiii:.ii.,i f n't'., i,., I., ull i, I.,,.- a pistol. . Moore (iiiette: We are informed that in Curtiiiie townslilp ou the .Wilt ult. two boys weie hunting and one of the guns getting out of tix, the i boys trie. I to lit it. ami one named ! Ci alii ree in trying to in t.uige th lock, I accidentally iliscliargeil . he loa i enter ing his head, callhing iti.-.l.iut ileal It Mr. J. W. Adams having a fish pond ami desiring to make it M'.ilitnlile, sent , liner niiiio weniiHii earp, iiu.i piaceti . t 1.1 1 III the point the 1 plll, l.SS, j seven of them, mid as they well; almost ii i:i . I i . r I ., .. : ' ", n ... j in paid no attention to tl,i until ' (lw... Vi-, I (( I , vi.slei'diiv iil'ieiiiooii 1 hanged by a mob iu Uock Hill, for a! rape commit ted upon the tliii.'hter of a white citi.'.i n of Yolk co J and .light before last. Ki uin MeCul- lough, colored, was taken from the jail at Dallus, in ti.iston count v. am! : hanged to a limb, for the murder, two weeks ago, of a prominent young man tiu.ii.,iiit r .iice, ut iivioiii, initio Cat.iwba liver, ou the ll.'id ilay of klst , Keliruaiy. The body of Mr. ThurMon 1 l vt as iceoveie.ii t ii." tin low ii.ii, out j j'"' body of the young could not j .mi... mougu . ue river was can fully seiiiched lor many days. Ou last Tuesday a J.iM.v of lishermeii acciilclitly discovert I the body of Miss Alice floating ill ti.e water near the river I ii i. k. The body had In en iu i lie w.iler for im, re than a nioiiih ainl was in an advanced sl ieuf decomposition. It was buiicd at Hickory by the' of the drowned father. '--'.Mr. W. II. McLaaiiu, a citizen of Luiuiiibnig, one of lhe most llourisli'iig of all the towns on the Cuolina C"iilt,tl l!ail road. has si-i ved notice upon huge mm.ber of the cit' ns of that that lit' is to bcfiii a suit, for the re- 1 (.llVcry of twenty acres of hunt t tl in the centre of that town sitiia The liir I iii.iiiiiiMi in iu'.ii nan i j i i. 1 '- ' ,v pmkt.,.s 1I:liV ,;,,,, .,, 'lt j w ,vstljle Uu. ,,.!,..', gloss ,,.,d life : U .,. i . . ,,,.,1,.,, ,,. The .,,.llu js7,,.t an oil not a dve but ...'. . '. ..:i..l "i i .'..i..' ..' il .. . 1...:.. i it llll tl.LJ.l.ll lllltl HI lit. I, - ..i.11. .t'l'l K ' . . . ' ,C 1 f ill s Hair KcticMvr renews, oleum.-' es, brightens, and im igoinles tho hair to its voiithful color and lustre. People with gray Lair prefer to use the Kelient i, I ul lit I tintli pioclatlu lo the xioild, through tin ir bleached locl.K, tint they use becoming aged, IT ll p is ;iii; ou to ll. IV. MAt(Klia. a NutliiM lit ilMlllirt ami InarrWifAii lliM..rl.l tr. oii.iuriwf.iarmsi i-v.u.vnii.aiiini. V.VKTIS -Kr'TTV 111 IIi'V, Hi till. 3rd In!.. I'l l' K I 'llio. ii. J. i', Mr. W. Mll.VI. MkkllS l" Ml M. l'tl.ll.A li.liv THE mAXlIITS. ltoHirn. for Tat H&miii- l.y WYA1 T A T A Y LO It, OKOCKt: CitM'-liN M Kill II IMS. So. Ii Si u'li B.. Vnrtli St., llALKiuil. N. c. April , lw. I'O'l'l-O! MAKKl I ti.t vui ainn. sfni'i'i'ow Miidta", l simhh """""' 't-M umtoity. WIIOl.EHALCOKlH'KKY M MlKET. Ml- H'.ur. N. C, Itnla. C ltil ttw, (t , "i4t, " si I'li'i-, a , iVpi, t'Hiiivw.tst l.tiiua, liiS l'i-'H.'ii.-rt ft it.) l, ...ail t .1 r.-lliusl, r.'tlnlly. US In-:.. V tarrol. I'l, 1 "l.,,,.. l.rii-l 1V.VH'V. - I'r.'l. CulA. as in l.'.l 'loa, s.vr t.'M, J5-i.i.' , ticr, SitLir- i--. V"ll", , .. . ciit. a,iu, lli'llillln'i..!, Ii"", !.,,, C'.., U'l 1 .Uh.1, U,Thiiw i-ri - rt- t.-r lai! .la. New Advert isciitcii(s. Tin Hiifrrhlfu)'l lifiH ft.r anl fr ctihli, a vh.iih Me VIU.I1 COW urn. . nil, uf Imprint", at. k : al.iu & nun Imll-J'-rw') uull i-mf J itn.iiil.n u'il. llt:VI.I(I.V W. MANN, April I'l, IMhl, Vt. II) nulll'il, N . 0 AWsaErlteBailiers! HKAI.FI) I'HOI' ISM.S will I rwnvinl hi my iifll'ii mull U ' I It mi Mni..iiy Hi h i.,,,. ,.,..,, i,,.,.,, ,1Vir m mm ..i w iwur.t iiry. Ti,n i inim nml . ill' nuni of iim iu I irMt.-un Ik-mwiiiu my..n.i. 'liiu riflii 1m iit.,ti vt it rt-Jf'l rtjiy ahl Hit itl-ltt. lly ..r.l. r .f Hi,- ll.;ii.i, April In, Ism. tin. I.. II. 1 XI.INH, CliTk. i AND SALK.-fN OUKDIKNCK W J t.i m, ,, r.i.. r nf ivmri I III i'mK in pill llo ttfilt. m iliM t ' mri lI'iiiHi- in rii.'aiiiiri', nV lli'.'i ", III. "n il WAV ol II iV SH T, til., trie'l ul lillfl li.'tir llit'ilulii rirlnir v.'l:rfi.ii l,i U'H UIIIV I'm- lll'l llll-l u liiiiiiii K .lie a ..nil im.ti' ii... Mi i hi il tiifl . r.'-r-t, 'iiiiir.ii.iiiri til Ti'riiin. "in" iltlnl 1'ieli. r.'iimhi liir "U ti it Hi "f (.1 v UK ii I ', Willi llil.-rttttl ll'iln illilt. It"lnl HIiJ Ii . l Mi.'iiniy r- iiilii) I. J. A. WoMAf K, Ai'MI i'li, H.M. in. A'lniliilM rai'.r. iTATF. OK NOUTU (.'AKOL1NA " tolMV OK CHATHAM. is itii! Hi'i'Miinit rr.ritr. Hnimii'l i ir.tlir.'l'lir, trii'llnic tu)ilir Him lining and nMU ul S. liri.lilVl l'ir i.'.J . IlHlllxl W. ( ,r WiiKitl..-., i niipt'fira in lli, .nrl l.y i,mlnva. lutl iltn l li'l inl, W. II Ji'iikllia. Ik'.l m I IIM l.ll(ll IfT III lllll ,411111 I. ft.. II iHl.lll, 111 Ml 1 .lllll : au l n" n il'l 'iiltmi.t hint iiu iIIIIkkiu ii vhhi l j ul Inn lifti, i i -.ri y ttiprotn ; hni, h liermir,, u, pliilti'lIT hint nei'ik-t rr mi 1 iiiKHineil an nrilt-r uf : iiliill. HII'HI ul .11. tlllillll'iliM III lltir, Hi- inil Itlul A - n,n r ucu. limi-ni Hh-inKi n, pmpiiriy n( j ZZUi ...... .,.r, ., I mu i... i v u..' ei'i',,,i""n init nr :i.i' H Hflig fur nil Mlfi-.'MIVi. Wi'i k-t 111 THK I'll A 111 AM l.l.'1.HI.. ,,,, plll'tHhi ft 1 II In HI'I liill lid. .vi. ti'ii-iM...t nh'l ! l il.-' ti . nv.-i i .f il,.. .1. i on.. , i.j hiiniiii.iii nil wnirHhi ul Hiiai-ltr.inii! ' linn-in nr. -r h il l, pi;rl..rf..iiri, ai ii .'in ur .lii-lifit uf iIih mi IihI'I fi.r Mtl-1 ii'Uiiiy ' III I I'lhlMl'i i. .ill , tn I'lui'liieil, HI llii1 lli '.ul Motiil'.y nftiT ilm Wl M'.liilMfi'f Soi.leiu- . r, Ihi.4, niHtu m.. i h.'1-t. 'Iiiiilofii.t'in' Ifi l''ilill'. ; 'I i ai'iii' Hint Hii.tTi'i ii.' 'Ii'iniir "l iIh!ui. I.-h u.-'t Hurt nil In. Al'lll. I-M. w. r. lot uiii-.i:, o. h. c. Ajilll III, lM. A., 11. PI its i.n; i', s. c. Drugs, Metiieiiies, 'Inilet and Fancy Articles, Trusses, ti'irdcii Seed, 'i'.'iir. i'liinls. ( li's. Ac. 1 i( n., . iiii..'iilly Iii"lllnleil iliiynr lllilit. April hi, imhi. ly ' - . . . - et i n r i nur . fl . ZlliVi ft , 1 aj RALEIQIl, N. C. j .gpg gjjj f Jgjlgr j" " "!J , " v w mc , 1'OUKKiN AND l)OMlvlIC iipv eoniw 11,1 '""'" ll'I OI'HIVl! Id U I P A V I t IM.'s! ' ' ' ,ll',w J"" "- ' OlVe.N special buluiiins in Sprint' Goods, especially for cash, in Shoes . i ,.i .ii,;,,,, f,. m,,,, v"on(li Hoys ifitl Children. 1 iiulifiil lin.! DKi:.-sS (iOoDS, t'KUCALK.s, j LAWN'S, t'ALi'.;KS. AC., 1 ' Rt v,,,v reasoiml'.' j We solit it a co.itiiniiince ft the liberal P.iridNAOK OK CHATHAM and the Miiiuiiii.iii.g co miry. JOS. 1. (! L'l.LKY. April in. If hi. THK OLD UKL1AHLK. Wt S I A JSjlSIV S. A. A3 'IE, Kili tor. I.'ALKIiH!. N. C. Tho lnri!t--i Hil l I it! i-m-.-r tn ihr : S'.iii... irlv full r.'p r: i-f r.-llnl .it-, t..tii-.','l iiitl, : l'ii.-.iiii.t,s aii'l i li:i-iil uii'i. i-ii, nil tin. iiiihh, i. '.'ui-.Ci' m i' l.o' i-i'i' iri, si-ii.,1 Hi.iri.-tt, .Vi-. W'k , will Kivtwti, n i ,-iiiniiii a w . i i i :. itv i Ten i r in :inv riT- n -ii-ii lii: us :i .'luluif Ti Kliieiit ' HI I lip f'l '.!-.. I'M .- I" ill.- K.'.-Ki. . li.k.. v..',r Ii. ll ''t"'l' 'ft I i If'lt MlLrf'Tllio fr . Hi.- Wl tlil.V Nl t.s vi n,l,l.l; I ,;. 1 W.-i klj hiiii :ir ii i'l. I'm i J ) itl 'Hi.' onr : ml. Sfn I y,.iir it'iuiti fur ttsini-h. i'.'py. AYER'S Sarsaparilla I n hlRhly rouvcntrstftl trrt of Knupitrilla anil other liluutl-purirylu( ruulH, Clllll.lilltltl with luilltlu uf rlM iuui anil Iron, aud is ilu mfot, most roll able, auil most t'VoiK-uii.'ikl blutnt ('iirifl.-r that f.ui Ih. usvil. ll mv.Ariitbl)' cxirlt all Moud H.if .ii. Imiii tli ni, t'lirichm and ttinptrt tli Moo. I, and rt'Murra c.a vitalizing fewer, ll is llio Wit known rutins!..' (or Scroftila anil all SrrtifiilouM i'uuiilaluta, rali c-laa, Kt-seiua, Klnswiirui, lllutrht-a, 8i.rt-, Holla, Turn ra, ami Kru.tluua of the Skin, a alo tor all caused by a Hiiii and tuiK'foriabl, or i-nrrut'trd, condition of ttit'tiloiKt.itticliaa illieiiintttlaTu, NviirtilRla, Khruuiatlc Ooul. (ivuaral Vvbillty, aud S.-rofuloua Catarrh. Inflammatonr Rheumatism Cured. "Avrn'n KtKHAi'ARU.t.A haa riirt-d wa ol thn li.llaiitntalory Hheuuiallam, wlh 1 bavv euUcrvd tor many vxara. W. ll. Mooaa." I'lubwi, la., Marvh 2, lii. nttrAKci. iiy Dr. J.C.Aytr i Co., Lowell, Mas. bild by all l'r.uti. 1, aia bxtlltia for. AN IV KALI! PY VinTl K OF of I lie muc ' r ii'itri "t t'liailniin . :l"ii t..r rnvi hi Hi. ..'. !"ie -I." vti ii'i.'.".' ..' mmio'ii ivil'im ir.A I "f i;in I nulii;.. ill"! H't'i'linniS I. M. l 't'l'llll'lH 'til l IMI1ICV I Will well il' ''ll ll'' i'..'irl -Ii hi-" . !. in l l'i!i. il,V i.f M V. I KM. nil 'lie su-.ui ti.irn-r in .i- .i'T.-h ..I ut Ion 1,1'r.v. Im Nut. tl"-i' i' Hi- IhiI'I- ..I Ilm I II --I ..ih'-r-. nt a liii-li l1" ii'T- .m a.-ri- I iv nn ill.- nurrli Ml. l .1 l Itm a. rt- Ii.i.'i. an t ' .in't-. .11 im a. -I'l.' A. S. tlAHM.U, Ounr liau. A-iil 3. is4. LAND FOR SALE. l will si-ll uu lilwal irrtnn "fat H' rva.if liuul lying i.u IIih it. A V A I.. rallrnA't 1-.-hh.mi M.iitii' mi'l lixC-eil Tliialam. I w.'ll a.laiii-l ii.Uu-itrea'lt "f .llnli. li'l-ai-iM, aiit-41, i-.rn ainl n;l. ainl t.111 B... hi lia maiiti .ui'i-liaKrH. J. W. TWUUI, ; ltli. 7. IHS4. 3m. Li-i avlllo, S. C. PEAL FOH SALE. Jul lv--tv... six tiilll'li'-l tiiKli.-lt of COKN I, I 'll 1 . ITir I t tutl. Iu M l: U. ai w ivnia "T l.iih.'l ai Lvawlli- Mill. ,HHX lUltlNOElt. Mun till, ltl. l-.a. JOHN M. MOaiNGT Armit;v AT LAW, 1U UHAM. X. C , I H Vt'Tlsrs in li.'SiiH r..r in I In'i rl .r futirt" i i 1 t lia!tia.t. iiv I ill In.. ta au'l ilna! O'urw. Januar. 31, )l ly. FRANK W. THOEHTOH. It tillords ii if lunch pleasure to note and reuinrk upon the Kteuu.iy i in rt itsiii demand tor FINE DKKSS rAItlMCS, and in fact for everv eliiis of i5imh purchased by the indie. It is 11 source ol ureal nititniilioti to me to be compelled every .season to increase my order.- for KIM; I.Ml'OllTKI) GOODS, itiid to elevate the standard of ipiali ty in lids eity. This season 1 recog nized I he v ol'Iiuv ing a larL'ef line of FINK FADlUCSllian ever; In Tore, n in I in order to do my custom- ; ers as well us iiinscH' lull iuslice! rxpelltleil hcveral weeks in till the ! . . . . , ii.. prim ipai .Mirn.erii utiu ivimitii markets, .unking en refill and jtitli-l cious selections, nnil r-narinu no ex-' , '. . . i i pen.'f, ciire or ti'oiiiiie to place bi tori.'1 . ,v,..,.ei's the ino- itlrattive i . -i , .. 'it jstiickevereMnl.lli, 11, 1 ictteville M ' illorls to place betore the public I such an elegant assort inent of goods: I feel satisfied w ill be appreciated. I We show j Every Conceivable Novelty j KNOWN IN DKKSS (iOUDS. 1 AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT; ...,,t i SILKS -plain it. id in colois. , SA 1 1N.S i.Ltiii uikI in colois, i SL'UAIIS - plain mul brocaded ! all shades, ' VKLVKI'S. j Will l'K (JOOIS. every description. J LISKNS. ' iJLKAt.lllNCS. j TAKI.K DAMASKS, j DO VI. IKS. ! t'Alil'KTS, Oil. CLOTHS. j MATT1NOS. KFOS. j iiinl in fact everv tiling to louiplelr a i ,ir-(-elass aorn,,. I desire i" -'1r that tl." p i- ...mi. , !,. ,i . i 1 lie Will not forget It, t hat I am 1 : Solo AffiiH tor the Sale ( to' pub-; of ; KKil.KIFS FINK SHOES j in Fa cttevillc. and inn jiositively! the only (iMi'ty In-re w ho can obtain I them from lirnt luiinls, Tliesc tootls , nettl no word ot'eonimeiulatioii lVoin i me. Their reputation is established -beyond ipiesiion. Samples of Goods cheerfully : furnished on application. FUANK W. THORNTON. i .1. 7 it N'ottru Hav St, i' ' i : i "i'l : 1 1 -1 .1-:, x . . April :i, 1HK4. 1 TO TOSACCG GROWERS G? NORTH CAROLINA i mm SPECIAL SUBSTITUTE vor can s.avi: ioni:v v t.-iimj FOR PERUVIAN CUAMO. BAIIGH'SKcw Troces 1 0 prrct.CUANO A irrri.t'lnUilitult f"r I I: It ( IAN-l.itnr-utilrril locnn.ulii tO prr rrnl. .1 Atiiiiiuulit. Wv'fwi Piice S35 pfr 2.C0 lb'.. .1 BAliGH;SSPECIM.S't)8TIT'JTL F03 SIX FE.R CEfiT. PERUVIAN GUANO. Wfiolesnle Piitfl 135 fer ?,000 ib. in B timbre, fill arder lht ull u.a be u'il c i.t utn FOR TOBACCO! w now a.rllin it lirtMl t Knrnit-r -f Nti-ili t nt-oHnii ut :;t i. rt.ha,'-ti:. -u ! r li tlnUint r4 niMuittl tn.SKr tlvH1. it - 4 null wuli mUi r t.iu kim.; tl' Khi hkt fi lu I -tt a iitio iaii, htUant-.K' r l'io whnl ulr pritf '-t'!. t. It,-wfiT, nittit.t i Mi ii in rfittibi.ijt loitrllirr '"! l- i nk- at ritr-lo ul Uu. t , h. u:v owil ln lMl.tralt N HrSotnl f. r rnr i .i-bl.lot tnvuivf f 11 I'- riii I i .u ainl wlicleniili iMfffaj of tur Ptiin-lurJ tiri'.iiNol Ituiio lrlili.(rn an.t ntrti rd In: uuilua AUa ki all t'tW r ami ii n .it on t-i bauch a sors 103 SOOTH ST.BAlTKnOF.E.Mn i . "mikktz "son",: r.Yi:TTi:vii.i.K. x. c. . Fnrntnrie Sealeis and Usdsrtaers. : Keejt always on hum! nil Mesa:id sty li. i.f fortius tmd t'llhLels. We have the ii a n nsoM i s r I'm nil uie Stole that has ever heeii iu I'livettixitl... We have ou a i l are rei-ei in daily fioin the liortlierii: iniuktts the largest sttu'k with the oi'-iii-st variety that has ever been in t in- cit . ! f ome one, eome all. We will take orciit l-lcits ire it. showing you iirouml, ' whetiier you want t Imy or not. Old Furniture lepaired and made! ti hok as oood as now, at a very small : cost. lt.ft'.T 5S. 11W1. jeii r. wvir. tyi.vk. WYATT & TAYLOR, ; Grocers & Cammissisn Merchants. j N". 11 t vt Mariln SI , RALHIGIZ, W. 0. Wo hftT -m hm'l k full to'k "f COt" EKES. Sl'tiAliS, MOLASSKS. j SYUl'l'S. CHOI'S. 1U1AN. suiivsTrrr. coun meal. : Touvco. hq 1 In fuel vtTvttitnn' iwuntlv found lu m Arm i'ii-:i o v rs. , i Hii-.ti.'' wiiiif wiici.r o,ia M IMoliiM ;tii lie r oa a. ) imm Illinli.-.K MuiHt Oa'a ; vtlUi't '. iT'tnt-llv till.. I. Agt-ittn f..r ., "i t r.-lliTilt I I ii'lii'in- tlitan .. j Wiliki t .'"'I Hi I Ii .'h1l(S .V:.jiii I" .'i.t l'liwiti;tli. 1 an t K ilnll, . vhli'h w.-iT- r .r l-.w f-.r .'H-hU or uiii rtunn aMt- ts iim iu lime- t-ir ...iii.ii ..r uvnv. j W V AT T & TAILOR rlir,.arj It. 14. i ISA! 00 SPtthNG. 1884. OF li.W.r.KlH, N. C, ftl'er t.i the V of Chatham and siii . iiiii. line ii.,,.,; extraordinary Imi yiiiiis in the follox.iii eoodb, which are daily iinivii.; : iim:ss ooods from the chcit-cst to the highest. 1'ItlNTS. I'KKf AIJ'.S. IANS, MFSI.1NS. CALICOES, lLKAt 1 1 i : I AND I X15LEACHED DOMESTICS, KllOKS for Men. ISoys, liiidii-s and Children, WHITE (i(H)DS, VIC LAWNS. SWISS MUSLINS, LACLS. EMHHOIDEltlES, MEX'S WEAR, HATS. CASSIMF.KES, JEANS, LIN EX IMULLS. CO TTONADES, Tlil'NKS. CAKTETINQS, U. C. Ve jroose to sell iheso goods at il ices to suit all. We iijiprcciiite the patronage ex-teiiilt-d us ly the 'od people of f hat ham. and trust to merit a coutiu iliinee of t lie Slime, U . II. , ll. s. Tl'CKEH A CO. Vtatvli tt'.ti. lMti 3iai, J.S P. COATS' SIX-CORD SPOOL COTTON. YOU CAN BUY IT OT: W. L. LONDON, riTTSBono. if. o. E. M. MARBLE, I ait- t'"ininli.ii.r ol laUMlla.) otitaltiM -a-i.ii-a f.r tiivtiiinua In i.ila anl rafatga ii.-ttitrlw,. Will ain.. aitnit ii. iatniii caiM-i Iu & l stain Cutirta. Ofllcd, La Lr.ui UuKJatg Wahina-"u. U. c. Jauuaiy M, llw. tai.

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