- -.hv,;-.,,,,, 1 il n y 'J .I h f' I ''4 o ," f tx ; ft C9T. IT. . , HJ;nc Uynalhnm 1 rcnrn t '- i THURSDAY , SJft'T. 11, is "H.aTLONDON, Editor. VOLl'MK VII. In'' l"rtioiM Ol M:"1' al' H'fClVTil fflt-h this iHe tl,e-R.-H-ouD begin,, ! Uieiuo-teiicounigiugrcpo. --;; volume VII, and enters upon the hcv- ; preparation and co 1 W. n ot . , . u enthyearof its existence. Six year- to be cNdu.nlcd a. ,1 . in thereof a nower is a long ! talking ab.mc- attending- ho W o -time, especially iu Noilh Carolina. ItCT ;,tt" WM" " 'Z Kotoue-U of the m,VHra,r tlrat'-e,y r,,pcf ban .1- ' ; ' ,i : m.y,-venn 'promoters mil imputi d at Us mcep- woio published in this State suveais . J , . i(ia. T n:;v ure mimai-oii-J-.-uuinis go (when tbo Bix-oui. was establish-1 .... , ? . .i ,. i , ,, i ... I.v exhibitors tor additional p.e . c. ed), are now m existence and under ; 1 1 ' the same management as then. This n,r Ih, mar now ,s. ... mil -State has been said to be a grave-, "ill no- U-a .. cmm-.i d .0. Ll for newspapers, and the saying . but that there wid md be snt nut Lmstobotrue. The Ukcokp there- room to display .ill the arl.cic, ,n fore feels that, it has mud. cause Tor , U'.idctt for .avuio.tum. thankfulness in having avoided thus " tbo 4lh th ; ; far the fate of so ,auy of its extern-j the Ivvo,,,. ;o . ho.d the 1 porarieH, and in having ut.uU.ed a mouthy nnv.ing pnor o lae I somewhat re.mul, in j JforthCruliMu jourmibsm. t Lh. m . A f (, prospered more and more eaeb sue- u l " -l v , Li r. . T4,.u -- ;.-;-:;:;. year after year, aud is now m a iu-.ro " i . ., . , , i-i- .i ..... l... emu oi( s. Lvervtiony t'ioiu prosperous eombtioii than ever Ie emo.. .i . r. L,thereeeiptsfor the pus, y.,r ,f?r.he l.n,eetMm ami e; mo t ., having been larger than daring any , v,s..to, s. 1 ue railroads w.ll . x previous year of its existence. Ibis f,r4ou t.ani, at great ,y reduced Umattiof oomcnupiiscaswell rates. A "bureau o. u Bs gratiticatioi. to us, because ,be ha. been est a by '-1' stringency in money matters and and CMufortalno board am. .od.-g other circumstances might be ,uV- l-Mdcd for all v,s,!;., s. And to have ope.ided unfavo.abiy. for the inlo: nut ,on o, v.Mtor, ue "U'e have also ea.e to be pumd ,f avouM l.e.v ,tae tba. uben a u.;. !.. nre.m-s success, because ,.f the urriv-s ,m any Irani i.e can nde .n a -jusuccesful attempts lo pnb.i.di other papers iu this county, a l of its predecessors having disastrously la:. cd after a very brief cxi-teiu'i. The Ib-ieoim was estabiis'md six years ago at Ihe urgent re,nd ot the lead.iig citizens of Chatham, in order to till a want long felt. It w as such ft hazardous umh linking that even its well-wishers predicted its failure, and they kindly pitied tin- rash individual who would vtntme w such an enterprise. Hut the in telligent citizens of Chatham at onct rallied to its support. They we'd knew that, a propel ly conducted news paper would be a great advantage to them ami their county, and in the most substantial manner have they expressed their appreciation of that faet, until now the llr.. o:.; is re-ai ded as an "institution' in the county. Ve are pleased to know that ii weekiy visits to huiidteds of happy homes are welcomed with plea.-iHe, find it columns t ageriy lead by the old and young alike. We have no new promises to mak, for the future. We proudly refer to our past, ami will say that v.e will continue to give the people of Chat ham county a paper, ot which they shall not be ashamed: and thai we will in the future. 11s in the do our utmost to proinoie in i-v-iy way the prosperity of our ci-intynien. to build up and stimulate their in bis trial enterprises, to aid thcfi in ihe development of our county's resour ces, and in every way to continue t deseivc their encouragement and patronage. liOSS KU.K. We showed last week how; the re publican party in this Stale i ruled , bv a few leaders. The iuuuiii.it ions are dictated by the "bosses." and t!.. voters of that partv are allowed no choice in the nomination of their can- , . , ,- didates. Auother instance of this , occurred last wek when the repub-' lican convention of this district met ktllalei"h for the p'.ui.osv of muni- . t. stead of the convention nominating ,r candidate, the whole matter was referred to the district executive committee, and that body will say who tho republicans of this distiic must rote bus And just hire we cannot refrain from eontra.-tiu- this republicau couventiou with the item i- l- ; .i ...... ,.f ;.. i!... UVlttllti lUKUllt It'll" nil"" i""i """" .e 1 ' -'-ii- I I ... . , . a.le:..hi.g st !i,.,;, was -..li.i.H natcd Geu. Cox. We happened to; VVht.M 1)f vil.K, .Mt. v.mU.M.,x be in Raleigh on the day (the Urd ( (). state the va n- ui' public .sclioei iust.) when the republican convention , pi oji. rty xvas reduced to nothing. In was held, and it was compoed of j iK-:-k the value of school houses put . , , , i i i ., ! ifo '.nidi r P. luo.'i at ic rtite b.r tiie a.' seventeen delegates, of bom e.eveu ; ' f ... , , , . , coaiiiio,a, urn ol the poor nuin s were negroes and six were wn;te : w;ls .-:;-...( ii i. .,,:). men, three of the latter being reve-; ii( ),.. York's pm ty xvas in poxx -liue officers. It was a-rrprcscn.utive s er notliliig xx.ts epemied lor sciiooi bodyof the republican partv ii:N.. nh i1' '"''' ,bre being no nte,l for .. i i " i i a n cases xxtii-n ihcie tx. re no scim,,;.-, Carolmm winch v composed eh.ehy ; . , nu st.h(H,u (r!1.s!, of negroesandievt'iiueofliceis. flu-ie, ,,. yik's ptiriiy in the l.e--si;.;;, re wore two delegates from this (C hat- useil ihe pooreltiidrei.'.-.-ehooli.ioiiey bum) county, and both were uegioes.i to p.-ty for board and iotlgtug. Iu What a difTerei.ee between this con-! l.TltT were u-ed ly U.e , , ,, J Vm.jt'iai it' administration lo bumi wntwu of negroes and revenue oth- j s(,, , llo(lsrs fo;. th(. .... 1;lall s cers, and that, couventiou of white , i.iUl,h" imd tiuring the seven years of men that nominated Cox for Con- ( Democratic rule ?s!'.lUoo.,"l have cress! The latter was the largest been used for that purpose. , . .iii- In the three years ot misrule, bv and most respectable dis net ;'HDl, Yulk-., tho tol;tl !llilnili;t rention ever held in llaleigh, and the; ai,0,.,( to lj;.v; '0(,(.n 0XI..i, , foi. delegates from Chatham wine not t-dueatiug "the poo; man's child " was two negioes, Wt forty-one of our $;Kl'Sl.tt. Pr. York's party colh ci- W. wl.Sk citieits. Ami vet these two conventions fitly represented the two ptu tics ! Tj it Ii'in,. flint Ihe fexv resnee- .ti - ...... - t - 1 . i , . ...I.,. 1....... !...,.. i table wniie men, uu uuic voting the republican ticket in North " . ,, , , i i?afli,ia. kIiouIJ abandon such a - party unl sueu as.sociatcs r ..nti Hurely no democrat can now be think ing of mixing in with such a set ! TIIK STATE KXI'OSITION. w0 nre pi.ed . tnow ut amid 11 . 1 ll I ,.f .. .. .,,.1 i M ..1, it-'l t illMPt'MlUWIIHM II'IIK ill' J "- I Campaign tliOI-fc Irt still UHtoU inter, a.i ; manifested ihrougluud. tiu State hi ; 'om approaching fclxposition. From liai'X " ine oiliev i I u:e ruin '. 11.- biireaii (who i Mr. A. M M i'he.' It .-., . and he v.ill hand you a end : stating 'a:h :v you can obtt.in bioM and a' what price, and tbe ti:fl:.i-t,; v.!l drive you there, and is a'!".v! o eii.t'i.e in!v -" efitts for Iu- i s.tne ' rid-. I;' our iea.l-i reim nsber tiiis u 'u, n 1 1 : i y a;tend iiie Iv:p' I il will wive 1 hem some troubh arid expense. It' any do not care to go into tile ei!y of Maie'U tbey can .l- i oiV !be -a:s at the ;.';-o.;ud.-. j,l-t as heleUifii.e al ll.eSl.iie i";,;r. Wilileutteudil - liiedi-e.-to: .:,(.: in-- !at v.i.k x veiled ti.- !'. .j- ; li.ni grounds am! w-.-re : much p'eas-1 a-s-.u p: t-ed to the . on dili.'U of all'airs t j:.-;e. T'i the area si,iTiii,;,di--i by the n'e i i a-k i-. a mo.h-1 fa: 111 : - or li ;i.-;v-. on ,hieli u.e plan!.-,! more tl an twenty ! . '!' r -ni ciops. iuc'u Ih';' e-t: n. cottoti. tobacco, lie-. pi't.O;i-s. 'liri'los. f. I 'oi, sidel ing wli.it a wry ban. 11 s.-il ii vsa- the-,' cro; s were rciitarkab'.e. rtml a!.! lul'od the N vi-i-r a I id. a of S-.tr he. 11 crop-,. 'I ue iiiNin buiidiiig va- . ntii - y iiiit-li,' i and ready for the ivrepti'f; of r lubils Ami il is an iuinii n -str.i' t lire. In eiilei ing it on.- ,.-.n liard'y rcaii.-" that he i- in North Carolina, il being on a -o much -. an h-r s--a-than any cv; r b. i'm-e '. 1 riclcd iu this St-.!.'. We i nl'ire '.in- ple.lic iiou that every Norlh ('aii'lim-ili. who visit ., it m si mouth, will i.-aw it with a prouder feeling of ids Stat than ever In foi e. The 1'iior .Man's ( hi;,!." Kr--ai in,' l:nii'ir'li Hi t-'i-a r. Opening the eamjiai-n al N'ev.fm. Ir. Vori; said it iiad been and i. llu lixed p" i of t'ue Jlentoi'iata' arty "Iu kerf llif foor man in i aiiame. b keep linn at the foot ..f ihe ladder, ''j"' l';"lii;h. uriMociiiey proposed t,. ducat e their of. u children, but tin v ,,n,,,(Wll t(( ...j,,,..,,,. ,llt. ,;,. U);l. S ,.iiid. No, the pi .or man must be kept at the foot of the ad h r. hewer of wood and drawer of water for the licit im ii of t h- i ount ! '. ." In every speech sine.- n; N, wloit sp-ei n. r. Vol 1 has n ji-ab dlbis siitu t;.eli-., oidy imil'e otVeltsiveiy. Vhat are the fuels .' Wh-ii the i loiiioeial ic party -'m e into power in North C.iro.tim in 1 s,'T th- r.unioef of chiidielt of school a .,. iv., ttlS.'iilli. and ihe li on. bet- eiii-i.' ed as Htieud-ng the public sen .-. that is ai lendi-g them now and then. xvas '.is.n.P In I:?, tue iiumoi r - 'd an nuiiiense amoiiut . ol laws and i lent matt v millions of doiiai s. but Sllt.Onil a year, three cents a t.. .:d was all that could be "pilled lo "ihe I'oor until s chltd. Ill l.S"S.. tlllti 1 - - - l ).,.,, .1..I-.1 li.. i-.iIa tilt llHIlll'V lull, I fill i . . ' j 'W- wua g '.J- i tm tmee ;yeai of l,sl, I1'--. l;"SI, the aino'iiit . . - , . ,., i -.. v us I, ! o.tieti. ,? ; uim in me sc,.-i. years of Democratic, admiuisualiun 8:2.8::.lli.2S have been collected. almost iiiui-'ethcr from Umucrals. , and expended for the idiuatiou of j the poor man's eld.d." The l'iib'ie school are pecu'i.ir'v , 1 . . . , ., ; the poof man - 'i t Itisvtiuiii- tcie i and the duiy of lie Soue to eslaiuisii tlui'i. and il . I-e poor, man's light to have tiieni. it is also . die Suite's duly and the poor man's ri"hl liiat tli- teacluis of these se!,.,,.;., shall be cmpetcni teacher., ttiielters ,is w.-i! ..ua'dtied as the .eaeh-' eis who woulil iu-.tuiei ih-rtelt man s child if there were no public sclmols ; l'.,i- ti... 11-I1 111. m e.iilld -i-t liloli!' 'et along wil'ioi'.t lite I'lil ic iiools. con o seinl lil-t cli!iwreil -iotoan 10 oe ena- ... I. ealed. or hive them ta.t-itl at l.onu-. Tito )t mix-ratie party iiiorongiily rc.'.gries ilii.-. light oi le.e potir man. mid as tboreiiiuy tuid.-t stands tlmt it is not only the poor man's light ami the Stale's duly, but a! to the Scale's interest and to iiie advantage of the eiti.en wlio o.vus the propciiy that is taxed to enable the Sm.e to tu.lultls.luly. lotnisem.inetvm ocral i- pal t v has esi.-to.isiie.l ten .vor- mat Schools, live for each raie.coii- Vi-ui-m'v located i'ol teach: r -iu t v. .y scciionof the Stale, at wii'.ell i.M-li er-t and tli.-se iiiiemluig to teach a.v titoiougii'y latt.:.t tiieir bu-lm.-.s. sJ-.'"'.! a' ea. issjnn; in teaci.t r- tiai.iitig. ami :!. t.aitiing is g.--..d. and lb- schoolsuii -lapid.y improx m- ill com-e.pn lie,-. Pi . :rk's parly de-litivid i.e.- schools when il ruled ttml 1 im.: 1 .'voriit t'a. ' in. 1 iu In:. IN'.'.I. l7(': and !'r. Voik sougi,! to kecp "ihe poor man'.- liiid ' fro. a bi tie' bill 'hi bv a f-lul' -bin t, aeu.-r ifiet' tin iiem.v.ats eame Into p... ' :' '-'-t-i'd she M-li, ...s ,h,- -! ;-v.. cot course :...ess ml t, aelu ' '. and l.-.i.-he,'s -i.l.'l oi'i . proMd.l Us N-inm-s. al w..c't. -acln 1- ate l.iu.M i:" I lr. Vo.k. t':om ties: t !,tl. .y, ..-. il.e N'-ro a.s. f.obab.y it- iei:- I" oiiVeiit liie rie-.ab : - : 1 1 i : of i he ,' n.a- - s.-:,....i-. which h i.ai iv had !i.t I. ila.., ; t I:!' d. lf. V :!, vw.l e.eci.ou ,lay 1-al m: ,i.i h;i-M.i:.i on :r.u" is Voik l, ti..- s,;.' -s l:.:n .. be. U. Ate :Ve I'oui-f 1 1 ai Ok- .. I IU' I I 0 f-er an t t: a North l ool:..!. mr p.vl'.y - r. ih !:,,'. h.f.t r. i - - -. l' alter p O ! -.:.' :!. Ir 11; oh. ... . I , la .-' I r- - ' !;:. .me iep::e f.ey ;..l . ,.' ;.o a.lV M.il- t .e- to j ; ;lu- y.-.tr 'i i; it;,:- - i'-:, l.e. n I e ', i.-fal l.r.e-. The -- 1 1 i .'' 11 ' "' I--. er y ear Ti - 1 .!,. n 'n 1 i - b - ind : fay u. ii , 1 1 .11 '.!) I. I ; I - I ol -,1 nl: nl- ll-'f. i- It p.. I I ' W h 1 p " e :...'.;.-. ' The l..i!,..'( .1,;,:, : e .-'t oe . :-. a p-ii I 1. 1 II - a i; !., . a I p-.i i t-f l is i a: i i,. i- pe..p;- ,.' .Soilh C.ii-...!.i: pay .i;l' :; i0.n-o.i:;hl ,,(' j 1 im I ! rile -- 'l-lli- i.-l i-ii , :: a':. Wi'tu-ili a. id eu-l-l i: i'.e t-ott-.i Sal.--. iiialt i ius ::.... f. a il'e. -t slsl.-l ;; I -i .'hi', lfel! W.l!id -ay STll I a.v to le. ie s am t! lie- 1..'. v.a.- t-ona'iy ,!; ! . i-.uie.i. ih.t wi- know tmit ntanv of tin- darkie.- J-:tv b'i" !;:!- .. I tills !::. collie bod.., l.e: heav ar , . l.i vv !..! .icm The t.l.e las ah-uil .-'...'-.oo.i- ...p- put "' t i:-.i ' I.'- i-, : i, ml ript.o-lil.iu. a. -vh !M,-aiy ti.ro m 'I- ('-.- 'I- !.V Thell.ine.ua: f . . ol . . - 1 . i ; -g 1 h ,s ..iv-.Sto!, : the !'. ;-, i. say : s-s 1 h i'" I: i 1 1 -I b' t:tft ! tetioti. Whie'i Is I he ft c nd of the j i ); '! .' In. in. r f-i-'-n wl.y our ;-.,::,. ar- ib.as j r !-- Ih I the t n.l! Msl-.a e..p.t -::-i,-s -a. I I'e t t. His ..y :u is ;.. p-i-h ..n iaa:,;::'i- Ini-i- at (he . spettse ,.f a..i.-.:';;,ii.. I Ue pti-i.-.-li I'actui el s." s ;c tsO r m.tf.u li-.'W I'C II', the farmers ,av two prices lor v. hat t hex buy. Now is thai In, rrU thai ju-t ' I- it h..i.e t .' I- u r,,od ...hex r It is ..,.-of ih.s-things. he ia.v does m .t m.-d. e any oue jar ixxo p.i.es f.,,- the pi-,.,! I.-uf ..- farnuri it ongiii not t" In th- tin- latna-is j. ,y i.i pra i s t .r :i-,t iia'v liaxe to t. iy. xviai; i,:i- o-.-ii -'"a;u .x-:i- c'l:'ife luugui-he--. I I..- lal iu. !'- al io pt hard at x.uii; I u; p-io'-i;. n r. luiritej; tin years of :s i..w t ,i t i '";' i'.'o.u l-.i'l t.. 1--I.U fi- value ol tl. - l. '.mis in all th" Stubs eominuaiix iMse-- vcar iii'ier x cur. lint -ii. IsTo th XM.i f the farm lai'l.rlX his ,1,- e.t a.-, d in ail th- old P Males Sol x il h-talidili-' i -r-at lli.-iea-. Hi i.i.inaf i t.iit-: i,..t xx tl hst.iii li..- the xa-' IM of M-h.-s H.al la. I .e-t, h. ape 1 ti.-m l!a--itl.-s ot li.e Ni'.l'i. tbe larni-. Ui Ih- out s, tile.l '-laics at tile .Nol'tll ll.li'e 'ie. :.'isl i III x,i..le. The i ppi. s-jv.i tarn':' fl ilue I il-a. . ; llu- inieies! ol a-ri. ultur, iais h, .:!, h a!na:l the it-suit. The I Vine, a al - a-. that th tarhi'shoitid be ci.ali-ed ; tiie lit i ubiicaus oj-poe any it form. r'iolii'jj art !ii,ts. Tho abihlv of n human b.-iu r to exi-t lor a Ion.; period without n.i! licit food ha-, 1. . li -i l ,'i : ti in iiioi,.-:ra . ted ill a lecejit iiL-iance, x.hich let bi en ilivc-l i-ited .villi much illle; est bv the Au-tii.-.n doctors. A neasant her way i:, a l!.,ii, mi,,t, tolest. and XXUs llllallh I'i leillilt t, hirholue. Miewm.d-letlm.iiiv nule. and al length sank down , xlia.isi, ;. ami xxas liiiCntiM-ioiis and unabie i.. ivspond when her neigh!-,,-, w.-nt through Mie for, -t looking atal euii in-for her. J'arlii s of villa-ers e.,n tu n, d to t. arcti lor Iter in xam. and a. the, ml of (i month all Imp- i:' (. Iimhiig t.-r ti.tve was idniiidoiieil. Mil l lie to. t V-siXtU .lav Ititer site Im, 1 1 ,. ., . l... .1.,.,., l t... accident. The inter wuitiim xx.ts stu! a-i.e. but was in a pii .able coml.i ii.n. l.e had subsisted entirely by su, . 111-' deXV ficm '. he It ,-n l s and lV eat- ing glass. When found, she was surr..i.iuied by a ii.imber , f ha.i- iiiiuu-.ien it.ie:.u exta -i.i.v uxvsuui'g Lcr ,eatu. Oi'.r V'ashi;iattni IvtifV. , , ,, ;vr..m -in' lii-truiurt-ri't'Ki'. n .li-n'.', , . , . , V. "'i'"X D. ('.. Sepi. (. ''. , rinding the t'.ipi! d very dull, il' ' the government ,i-.trilatled aruis ' aiuott;;Ht ihe various watering place. vour eoirtspoinj,.,t too': a (lying v t ' eaiiou la-! v.vk and s-i- more sight- H,,,., are to b;. w,. ie asbin-to.. jiit ,auv. l. ervliody has ne.tr.l. late yi-.tr. of W.-.tLisia tiieii. i'lil everybody !ia :iut V t S! ;u i . ! bolih n:-liiilu; , lias ;inl v i ti-.iiit ti-enuau, travel 111 turn H- j . ..iV; ....... 11 i- -u i.un si mi in 1 .a-, 1 in . 1 , 1 .body Hi iiavo seen il some of I bese ; j., ,1, .iu.i I hat lie does not regard days. Having had inv ii-tef-.-l ird or prineipie in the U-asi. 1ml .-onsed by the 1 11 1 J n is-i;..-: t ic accounts! Wmll support any leilow who di's-rls oi' ft ! n.'s v. ho h ue b. 11 ' here, i eon , . thiongh wliom a posib.e victory chi . ,1 J cm: 1 f !; j tst iime eitoi:-h j llVly b- sec-ind over the Democialtc to make asttp tu the ne.v wond. r. am. p.i,i. 1 lia nc -r taken a similar journey !. York was elected to t'oitgre.-s vhi.-b prov-d imuv otijoutble of M'Te iv Wo yt-av ago as a (lemocral. n-pl- tc wit b interest ing failures -Ml ! defeated the abl- and gallant ,v,-:i . v r....g ui i..M...ri.. - ;-ai.u i W-ilkim K d -a is one of ! be gi eatest ; j, vw-i-i a tegiim u! -if Vorks. naiura! v.,.,ui. s on ties eoni inent . - j i, ihis .y ma ! adrng as a 1 ,a e sookcli il a -in '. " iMiialer 1 ,.,,,. .,;,(. Uc !iad a wide aiipi-o.i- lue.t'isetls i'-u.ie 1,,,- but 1 c, u I,, go.t- j j,; his I h., riet. had son,, ;:a.:a ',.,!h, lull iii:-: al en v :-.e la Sli.Jse'i,,., p, ,J. I.i-gisi.oure. uud being a sl ie.ig of r-.ck.-; will: tis w.'-m. ,i( X l v.-iii.o;ii any po'iticui t-'1 e.n m imd . t :f.i! 1 1 .-.,...!. u.;s j,,-;.,,.,. ..,. as Ids ..nbs.-uiieut coiir..-.' pr:'.iabi li ' re wia l-. ' -nn. "'- .1,1,1 ..; eieari y i-slabli -In i. lie sopiai- eev, red 1 i.-.t '! her,' is II" i. lis:;; ( upll the igmirauco a.t.l p.cjud.ct a how m.i: ; e-,it !! i. o! 1 1 at the- -'- ,, ;l e-rtain e .a.-..- of i,i;t'i ihui :i. ..ivutsi.avc net u employed m wt-rkiiy, unfoiiunat-iy num-i-ou- iu iltat. on: she ; -m-i !-ie-:ati !t of wot. j,,!,. u- to b.-a! io- ab.- opp-.i- d-rs and ! - urn s v, hit !t m c In 1 e oi e- ,,,.,,! l;( tl-e p.uis. When Vol I. Iiad I. 'it., y e:M s ,e 1. mil, o. .11- .mi. .-mpi-ie t.:a..s e. New ori, .;..:, be .,i,. , ... ,. 1 1-tov - . I- :t!' m a- . a- . ,-.d '.' . ' , . -,- 1 i.e ' 'o.u- v e,i.u.-i u (. i...... a 1 il'- N-i t -ten; t 't lit ral Scfi- u,-.v l ii nne i;o.mi i.t heum. 1 i i - 1 aiv. ton-: ln t;e .owi, 1 1 1 '.-.11:,.. : ... a-t l-i-on . . . , 1 te.- the liiell in -n .0 uii:.;e ; ,i!i' 11. :;lai :i..v jial iual si .1.1.1 fs tin 't "on ; ;i. wet--. '.:. m ::-' m.i.i.-iy 01 -. 1. cut... - I d ..it Site vnvi s or naiUd i:,t,. ti..- -l-.;d..4., ..:' dr.-. oing lut-. lln.,1- untd lab 1.' th.- dark ret.. .-; ol m: I.I olfds. tmW.tic.l ;;e lV .. iii.U r. :oi' Im:,..;;-i .1 'ili oiny pc- v.hit- . M :y j-.l. 'in::-' pou.l. tth.-re he lllim! d'tr Mol. to il'- .,l- I - ed.e. i, now tiie .-.!.' ot a linn-: ' - or :iy v.itu ihe n .!.- an.! e.n.'ieis ot cam, if,; pir- !l. ili.-'.pae. ,,: ;:,i-: Mi..;- 1- U.siil ue,.-: i 10. A ,1 -tut': d de-. I'lpu-ai t,f i:,eil ' ol it, ..1 nnn.'hn;.-'. a-i! 1 eai. iit.'i'. '.-,- in t-i.iy a V-w g. ran i - .. 1 1 . an- n .. - it may 1 iv 1 ...o... 1- :: Sue j.t. -: r su-ii s a: ue y '. ' ; i. r.-d '-.- iii-iu. ! : i - a ei 1. ai i iii .1 -. in a na eiala-a oa bo: .'. 1 r.iii.- vai.'.m- :ii ; l.t ! r .1 . ! 1 ,0 - 1: f i 1 1 lei 1. lino : l.n-1. I- lie-: a ti- v. alt : -. h. ' -..'.. ii.;; i'-ei,- in I. 'amity ' ; -n-,-'?' ' " 1 '' ''"'" and it Myug ami 1 . i . i ' -ii e t -e e a a Hi !- mi.b. .;' ;: 10 o, ;. ; ;;;; l-.M i '. a 1 ' -I-! . I. i K1 ' ' I' u, m::!- In i-l. . ... i .! te a ;.,,;;., i,,.,-, I.:,!,.,,..; .net 1 liis.r p,.-,. h (V. -. a!- I . ihe iia.:. ,,.; ;, d int., ;..ii;;s. . .;. I: ,.; v. !.!.!. i givcll a '. ..tCite ll.l.!..- Ill .., , u w lb .-..me ot'c ei its Inai.y !, ,,;j:,ii ,,. f - a:.. I u . l.di I nil .,..,..,,, .... I, -n .,( tl,.- , i. ; e Is 11," 1 ( Ih e .'v . j : ..I. and ihe . ui -il tl.e iel -Mill-. ,ii'".U ,l.r, , .,.,-,,., (,', i, i .,,. Near i-,e l.ut, r ja.ii.i nie i i i- t;o-,.d ,,. ,i,,se, ,:,,.;:e;;, .-. f..ruirg jj .,,!,..;,'..'.,. , ,!',.., I., idle at a , ,(. 'r, 1 . !, ,:,; r. .-tie ! t:te i,..n.l -' mi. -I In Slate. A sia-n dl ..li.ee .:b.ne ,u!ra:.-e !.. li,. .1 4;pl..i. ai u 'a',..! , :il U jl.tl i, i t, i.aehei Oy a (,..u,...t.'; .vity I'leiei. by pl.,1 ju1,. i l. -!mx pi-ic--, i. it iu-i ';. ...lM. 'ot l-i.:e -j.-ro' s einslii, I'll':-; u ,.v., ,., . ;. ,, ,,j i:,a, hah.; I'ili-s !- oot...,!,ei ri. i.- ' 'i.e ol 1 ... ill I it- l i,' U ,l lile-l .,,;., r ujt. the roel.s a,-ni..e ,,lts ,-f Ihueiiul si. tpi s. ,'iup. '..!:.,. . ,1,.,,,.,,.;,'. ilUl ,.,. ,.. rpe. .in ;.,.'. tI1,.J .,, pmt. ih,. .:..., ,. i IU---, i . , p. .irnxv ei"- ti".,ilr -.:ia.u- j .M..ide i i-vi-rn. w..-.. ti- ,;-.',,- .,1'the j.-cks Ih-iIV bail u,l ,i-t" a e ivenaui- . --et o. i.-iv. . ! ihe least oi il'.. all. actions ef .- j'.ull lure, i- :he , le--.ill ttieu M.uai'.un if.ti . p:-: 'O -;';;. s-.tu .1 on th. .iii'I'.il I II I 'O U' d -nr v . , ... ; - llW, action h-d bv Ite.ei u li '! all 1 1 ill.-.. a.,,1 i -r," ',..1 ,.-.-i f.ciiln I..,- . ... an, ie- mi i.t. ii :v ll.i.il;! I ;. a; -!.- ;.a e i-i'-'I ..ti,,- .:,u.l tia- .i:-dv t;,h- j.,.,, .,. p.je;.. ,' js a ,.oax . Ul'-et ni to b. inel; d .1 in fur- io N , o u In- S: l.:-x r.-n. . . , j i , l n -I : . ;lv al; . : ::!;- t: a:.-,,;;:!;- lite S. ,, c. I do i- a i e f ii,,- t:.p ; Isil't !".tv mil'- be- l .,- ii I t-.a vi , i:ia r tva-, . I V.t.tr.ii -- ;;o!e- t is is- g-m ot ri. ii. I I it i s -ii..- i ola-i 'i 'in' com try and .h. -.- -u.-iy r...:.g li :. d ! t-iii- :ii;, chn's is im,-.. .m! d. ! he .. J.t'. S;.aio Nax :-;,; j. .n ('oa'paiiy (-. , i a il t 1 "i clc-ai ' sie.ti'.e.s. m.e.ie;.- sis inps ,la. y. 1 ! i' 0':ili!' ; rot!'.il lil'oul I ins eutii'e I e-i Ut !- s'l.'h as "lie U.'-Vil liaxel ilaXs lose,.. I h- leaulv ..fits sitil'!- n ..u o-uyn s.-t ... . xa, ,, an,. ..'...... .. -.' i i train -i n- .t.it-. all llt.,te U, , -.eke a.lm'.t.tt .on. 1 '"""- " " , A ,b.iuctiv- ine al ?-xx birne hi -t "UJ''- ''1' p.-p'ity to iii" amount of .;.i.;m.i. ii...,. chi.-h-s j r!g.,., the see,-- buy "I Ih- I i ca-lii V. died very Mttl d. mv a fexv days ago. Mr. Adam eltU,"'. t- VeiWlbl . -Mr. .I.t:ii ieat!;,"'. the veuejabi.. P! ' '!'' " " "i' the Smin Hotel, died i;i the f iih year of his ago Usltp (. V Piece, st uior bUhnp nfliteM I' ( On,-, It Sotilh. li,.,l i,t l,js hoi,,,. j ,HoiWia ia..t vreck. tl. ,1, a: 1. is a grt at ioss md oiey to his ,4v.n -leitoti.iualluli but IO L itl is:.ii- i doIU- Voik as a CiUKlblattt. "'" wll"" ! Ju a political observation offoitv- 1 , lour M-irs, we n.iie nev-r kik-au e:'iMdila- for Coventor to tr i- Vei-e tlie Mt.-ite whose record was so vuiin'ralde and ohjeette-nabTe as thai ; f the Kcj-.iluii :et eaudid.ite. Wi' !litvc read the va'ioits accounts of U. canvass, and we fail to liml anv- ,,i,.g in his claims to , omaie.td him i(, ,,,,v oidii. iriiv sensible negro in ;;i!e. much less to nny st;;!' res- i,...-: im- Willi t 111.111. Anv while man votes for him does t. in tlm fuee .. - 1 11. 11. ...1 I oi a-ni KiniMen-e. ami snov.s M,!,au. .u. n.H-aic, u re-t- u ot character, aoritv annex- ,. ,j ,,,1..,,,,. , s,. Ii..n.,o lie a-nio-.t .,, ,., slllrtl.t ,,. ,,.. ,-hu.a.-, -r. .hoppi-.l 1 1 :o ins si,.,:,,,, rs his ' vent mto .lie :, ,,; ,n hi o( e. Now in is a r.'o'l dedg.s! Scdictl. lb- la oul i.e., .,,., m 1,1. ,. 11, n., ,, ,, , . .,,,.1 i, A ., ,, .. iieiss,, I , . eiioi-t ihat h.-tvi'i a -ails tn- al lilir.lb t war lii-o -i la - -.'..i.Mui oj -ji,-'t.i-!.!. t.nd. lit::: v Iteji iie c a.- a .;1:t.(,' 1 1. i- i.nn-e.i 1.1 t.ii' war (. , ( ...... .-.innin- " -. . 1 1 1 1 ;1:S;.t,, .,--e hi pei i . .,.,,( . , .l-u.i: a: 1 ,,, I hi"- is te i.iai, 'a no I- 11, 'A l'.-t. ; , i- ;al- im-r.-, r : . ;.!:.., ,. ,, t .,- n; o wmeii he p,.-.,- -.i 10 y -'. ,, ,.. .. ,,,, ; ;,' j. ,. t ,, . ,,, , . , ... ; . , 1 ,. ,, e,- 1 ; ,,i:; -, . . i . 1 1 f.ui. ;;at ...j.age la..-t opj ,t a-n! the v, lil t -: t-.a . '-.-.! ..:i-.n, ,v . ,,' oul -tea.lti;:' tin- l.o 1 ;! . .'. :!-, le i . .: u tin ..ii t i.ei 11 uait,. .1 ;u i ; n.np img irtdi r :'. ot the l i-'i.-. :.iii n,. ei ileoi ' v :; 4 a i.t. oroiii'i 1 i.-ii oj ;,:t- Will. 1 - ol 1 ! s;,,,,.! h. ll.e , Ui oi ol, ',:. 1. i .. ii. -y ri il ti: it ! :. -d le : ol i.l'.v. i ,l. o. i.l-iioe. hi ia.-c c. o! i.. I , o! I of ive!'ei:-'li ( 'oui'.a - in a , a ! U.e oi I I . . ! n a... it e' ! i ; -a 1 1 y to stand ;ii i-.-- .,,. ;..; ; 1,.,:1'. ,..h.., ,;!. ,, al-i ii 1 a.-:-, j il :. si: .. : ..,. a. -a he is ,,,: ,,j ., , ; , ., .... j ., i uim I Ne; ,i. I . ,ro. in.. :.. Ihe .a-1. -:i I; e.u le - ei: i .. . .h!a- -ii,, u s t . 1 1 c in- :.-t-. a. id .-c - -,e.'t n, .... ; j,. .; I, ieii i" te-j.ei'l Uln: ai d l u-.i, ,, o him xx. ih , .c .-: ,e Pr. ,k is ic, n jJeu.ocra.. in tle -lali i t ...i! in- I- JU-l a- in' leu id.ni ..'.' i .'. nh li.e l.a I e.l! pari y as Pr. .'dot t or ii. 'it. mi-' I-., lie is i l.t -ir . .. mil t.o -' lie i.j'lis.ius a:i lln'.i i. bad '.i in- p u iy. il- has j-oi.' ire ', Ills .eco.a ;u : . u... t .eiy .-.a ;:i'.l.,:r---per .'.i-ia. ctuiuiy - i. . '..ii;. ,.i. pilil.ip.e-. ;ta.i .-.1. if i e xx. ie ;o iie i e . !. d ii '.' e ; 1 . i ! e s..u,ey aa tl 1 1 1 1 . i ". s - i .'oil .V- .-ii.;,e ,-a:.dpio-per nn.is.- -i.e.. a.: a i ..; i-i-i'.:i'i"U. ii:;r.hi M.i.:.l -o..'i.-, lit - v.liee:. oi iudli-l.; mm .1 is, ill :.. o;' .r and sio.xei ht can.-. ia,..vh xxii.i.d hi ie i; "Cil. iu' n ., ut lla.ei.o eol'ihl' no lula, li-Uteo! i in-Si a; e. and the n.i.dew of deu'h x.oiint S.-lth. .i.ilX.I Ul'.U: tht 'bi.'-,' i.'ilil". :Vi,l beiitxoanl I '.: 1 e. f.-l - of Nhuiu I'ar.ui.ta. Wt.h s oi h ami hi .- -it in pnvi i- it:cl X'. i:h a lay.,-. a' a-. t a; ! y o.:i ut - et it an -1 : t.ie.i., t.r: - ihe yea: - v. ..u-i i i':h; e! ea'.i:;ui:v :u. l -i.ri..w ami h-ttst. X i ii' ala: j., j ,. ,;;,,.,, ',, , ,..s:,..i-a.i . rl -d ji(. s,;..,,. j, "i ... 11 I tu.ij. i, i : c. jhts is' i'.,a;.,e'.- State it v. as t,.,u.;,i i,,e iej.,.'i...c..n liiaj-.iix .v.i.lhi l- ' .1" ) .a- -a 'i.lli. M.-.-. It.- va.V r.'.ekw..-.-J. lb-nolo- ... ,,. .. , . "'-""'".'" , I l! y . Ills ,, eil )e..,IU::!-. I . ! r. -1- fill, li! guts -i ti . t.lal Ita- ill .1 a .t ier am.i.iV ,;,"! : i !0- til. ii'i!.t:;a.i...'i. ;! !it;. i;.-.-t i hit .er . ii'e'hl ioiualo a j' '11. : eaiix :ts a II. lit,,.. A." a v i : .- i sll'.lil i many l . th. ir lia'.'t inc. i i l. i XX 1. !.a. ,' .r,.,,-s :.:ai"' o-.-.e. .-: e ,' "; ,' ; : ", M I;, . sn,. . i x, 1 oj , .l( a. -il : 1!-!.- llu oa '!. and I V I x V lech t iieh .'I i.n.i hd. eo.uphii: l - -ie . El'rlil Willi iiii iiljuU Lvj., )N ... ,. ,,, .....K i.,.; a Vv.v i: ri'" !.' I V ' ! i M-.-. tl-ovl, .-n '-"II. n ii:1 r- :i. tl-..- i.'.l'i M It ui.i. 'i t- I- i i T..-a ; , ...,. i.u .-.-.rlv iiitti l.-.l. K.M. :". I-l- t. i.-u-- -a, in. :.. wiivi- .. i.. ; - I.rV;. '",V VX T X V"-',o ,t !''1k!v'v !',lV.l--a.',T.,i.i...i'N"1,Vi''.s'.M :,,';,1.;-;"","-r ' .v ,..,..,,.,:.,. m, in-- Mr I. u. .., , ,illU.., i.. so-: -i i. o.-.:.it r -i X-XZZ i-ei- I r.'i.. r-u. a' I an I- ..- ;Ii--m.-. Vr'rZ- X'l'r'ir'ujlo 'i'lVi-an mi.:Kri:-s-r.'M' . - is - . - ..K..v.,. - '. t -. A- ....ll- e. ,.i,al..- I. ll..-. -'.! I. i;i I : 1,1 l: S l"Ni tt.-.. i ie- m'.i, 'i,.Vmv, '-e . .- a-1 i... I-. .-.ei...-: I--. S. in . !",..i.v I.e. . I t-l .llv ntsl "il-- ' Kii- tn.-if" Mi" i.i. -u i: s Vk.-ii-.wii.il I- i il .. a-'ii '-i Ui.- )i '-'i.V, Vs-iiiVt'ii'-'itn V i ,''.' ' V V, i'.' i',' ' - n : t. ,w.- i.-r r.ty i.e .. runt In-' . ! i7iV,T.r'';V,'. 'n.."Vs 'i'. ;;;;;; .;,"i,V1, .u'il'i'-'Cih i-je' i:.is u--1"" I i"-in.tiii'.i a.- m. eiv,k...,.ec . - im an..'- ml tiif . i-t-.. 1 1 . .-f -. .. -I" i."i - 'ai- lik.-r, k. Iu. ), ut.-l ; ' - iitn'. a e . a. i.xv.o.,iut till (U-.-.1-,, , ji Ui i i.'l s-1. 1 1 "!'". ut la-t.uitt. u iin. NJCW STURIi! NKW GOODS! I. K. 3IcLEAN & CO., Mrd:i; station', c. f. .v y. v. . it., ... , , , ),,,".TV !" """t !,f ''!', 'A '" ' ' l'r"xV'il U' ih" ,v,'U S 9 V 6 P OtMfS Gil l '7 J"il UHFQ IT "V UllLii:J Aii i.li -.11. ItIt.! Ill . - 1 ' A ti 1 V A 15 10, v Uv ' 'iv 1 11! , 1' I N W A t li, JHiLUf?, tvC, , ) KVIli.Y I KX b'i i'TfOM. v Jl:,vo no old slock on hand. i. ; over irom last season ; everything in new. We -,av( en J... :J;iv, atnl ini-nd ! sell ( ervlhiug at the lowest livi-i- riles. Mi kin. Is , i.'u ie: lal.,-!. in exchange for goods, ! V.'e are id a-ems lor llto best l 'erii!ieis on lite market. j.m,-h. iwi. it.' .. For red stiekv s.,!l ; irashv eovere.1 ami he:, w m-d land there IS nothing , Mil:.l to t n l,.',,.;, So-u !, lie. , South A tii'in'ral Willi t mnler v.nu ( iiii ii-u l.eh ami ecefc I'h.sv ; lii'ranli e-i to -j ve s n i duel ! U' tm sale. ',- 1 ,.: re a l.-o a h.r.esio.-l; 1 1 louhl-Slmvel and Planter's l'ride Plows. Wiil , T. .-Imv, I ,ml Hull T.mu.m l'!o,is. H 2 : V Y MltU' I.. 1.. : j.. ,., 1 Ill l i - . . 1,11!, 1 ll - i. 1 t!'. t.Vily liulsii-a fe; " ifev' l,y I ,l.e.i;,.Mio., 1 vJT ? M,!it.n-;, t ol!vri 'oul vritcjs. i.in ....ii tir.i.i.i.i.'.i, or :e I,..1 ta-iaa i.-eii-at. rf la.' l.tvei' nml l-';..'livo isyacill. S-.iiiVr, rs I'uil rli.-t ly llio tue oi to staaiil.f.,' t!i.' .-f 'inn,-.-T, : 1 1-. itt a r.-tii- !:r li-tiiy tmiv n; nl -i t'..- I.. Ii; t!.. 'r n.ti'-i. oil ti. vi- m-j.'.ii", VI It's I'll 1 s iliv.-rt la-. I-1- -a l-iMii i!i.' l:;ii i, it.i'l r. i i,u.l "ir. :ili I '. ti' ,'f i'.injv vl ivr :n I li rv.nn lii'ii.i.'.'iii., nniiian 11. .iila.-lii', :ti"t si,-k 1I : i;.,-','.-: .tii'l ! K- il:. i w. I.-tn h, at.-! ye: r it.s tl.,' t,-:n in a li-a'.tttlal c.-a-',.;-,. a, i.n-y ii'iiic la.au.i.i.y 1. jia nr.urj ttti.i.Us. try Ayetfs Pills, riii:i'AM !i i;v ,,uy,nn rri Q-JY V'i'j 'cyyVr ' iin--' i... .... . p..,,-,. y,p.,;., j,.,.,, , .; . ; f.s 'aia-v rliei' l l.l - s, ( 1 ,i, i, ed. V :,! . I'-HI -. ibl-. .ve. Ii - ' ., i a i '. I . t.-.l -1 1, .-r 'i.-l'.. a. .;. i. ,i ,. II nvin i :: h i.::, n. r.. V. a . s , , .: . , VJiC. i "rut , .;;;:: O A i-l (I !. I" t. I- a a '' ii a ,v a j li UjiU..:0 '..Ai .1 llu', ilLjf,-;aJl. ?, rt'i? Pt cr.t. l:";.r.,'aVI'A... fj.. rxiKPi-. inv.s. i !.; rs .-i:i ;s. tfil.i. (.;..-:. !;his;ii;. iVM ' i'. s and top -ir "',i;';' :i t.:'.s at i.iiw i ;.! i .i:. S ! t i-.?"-tt lion ;. ii o ai.u e i e any who I, inv tax ei' hint i- h .I- ii i i -. ' I a, 'in in d a I' i prices i , ' if...... . .,;y t.. .Iv, :., OwtlH !o, kii'.'iif :iVl . ,. v s . . v.. s..vV- PCMT M. N. ('.. .1- X. Tl-rs a- 'I-. s: .I.iit.:.c .1. l!-l. I'-. Jfu" -i-t. s S'.-TS.t.-DI ' ,7 ,j -Ti ,. -..-..;. K tArT MbiiiiiviAiii i.l.AlCill Ctf&UlM. SK-COSD SPOOL C0TT01T. "" - YOU CAN 3UY IT OF: .. v .. Ytf - 'i.i t Ji!. .kJV ..- V?A' ' A-!?TE, ' i - , a ;jv I'.-4. -U- -11 ; " ' ' 'i ', ' ".'I I.. ..,, n .- I X'...,iut'i, u, U 1. J. & P. COATS SSSf 1,1,1 WU',X - 'tu Hl"1 ,u'w ' sol' (IKXKKAL MEIt- now selling at tho very M l4)( 18 15 Hm JH I' HnrTllMV I l.llTH I Mli .1 UBI I. . I, U J 1U 11 U. U JJU A 11111 U a , - , , Ti ill I '!ws. Bend Chilled Plow! i iin.i-M'.tw.i-lioi.v'i.lnw.liotli lli'.lit ami It'fH, lion It, iim.itlii-vi!l!iiiilVht'i'lor.li.tiilr, -1 'Mul Sii.aid. Hie bvl l'low m Aiaeftcu. ,:..i ...:..,..;.. ... .i... wi...t i.. n 1.. .. -11 ;.i . 11 1 11,- ,i iio.t-.-.iit- 1 rune. Oli:iJ. liAKlnVAUK CO., C.r.i i:nsi:oi:o', N. C. V. i.Vo!:l !-. I W. f. MlKltlS. !. a. . : . - l. V;;iti I..1K. m N irn. llurcio l-.;l T. I le tirlilin. M. T. Morris & Bro. h. . .-.1 N..nis, WyHit .v Tijii.r at their old hi.'tll'l, WUOLESilE GROCERS AN'l OjSSiGN MERCHANTS, N'o. it', r. veliangc and No. 15 Hast Mar! in Streets, K&tXLzan, sr. o. Vtll l UlilY A LAK( ill STOCK viliieli we i-Ver lo tiie trade at very low pric-s. r.-w.-j.-u, si t:."l. aiti:tiun i. tin- snlo ! " r'i'tr, '.'it .iii. s.-e lii'w-t .r .'- Hit.l r.'turns i nui, I i io';. la : . .:n i.l. l..ii ic sii'.Hll I'limcwi. 1 i , '.-iv.ii- .- ia-i.:, ' n .'..it.iii ii.i',., wnii tia. 1 1 : t I a.,,-.. I'm.,. 1 ' I ' f. .' ..' Si...'- l'l..s.llll.l. , - r.- !- I'i a. u.iw n i ia in.-, .. '... . i ! -. i-i r.i-.c I sa.n,'ffiillc..lUiu Mow, ill' ha . .a. .a !l,.-.. I. a..!. us t., 1--I. ,Loi-g-:33 Goodwin, j su. ..! :, . XV. l'lirliim. ' ?1T 1'ixetb'xille S.., HALtmii, N. C. j MAPBLE AND GRANITE ' 3i().MjME.TS STCKE WORK r i: i.iiv i)i;s -kii'tion. PilsKiN.-i si-XT nil-IE UY HAIL. SA TISIMCTION' OIVKX. t il I-.', IV'l. It'll,. J-i i'. wwrr. 1'iui.ii' tayuk. & Taylor, b'AI.l'Kilf. X. C. Wholesale Grocers AND teHira Merchants. ('t-m-i-ntueiits of Cut ton and Produce solicited. We ca' l'v a heav stock of :.M'A '. .j. sl (iAliS. C01-TEK. ! u;r.iNii. Tii-.s. l'Loi'it, :..r. c.!;n. jiitAX. vc. &c, xxhich xve t iler io the trade at lowest !".'"' s- X'.i" -ii' eoi.s -nmeiils of C-ottou in .i 1 i .ah'.er' our personal iittentiou . hi d make sales ill highest prices and foi v. ai ti i 1 1 urns ut mice. WYATT & TAYLOR, i -: Nil lJ l.HHt Mnrllu Sireet, ? MM Time Tails Bo. 8. G. F. & Y. y. STY CO. ' To h,! eilVct Thursday, July 10, 1884. !TT SliMUV. Triilit tl.'ll'K Si'Ulh N" I. Mull. l-as-. 1'r'i. N". a. Mnll, litBH. It Fr"t. i in in ,-t. in I iiy.-itcvill.., .Xi iivi', ruilp. m. I i.i i. in. .1. -1 ,"s . I., inc. 4.0J p.m. -. i i -..ill' .'I. " i t 1-j on- mil, ; " i.w :. in S'ltl'-v, l-i.ifi ' ' la-.-1'iy, " 11 v. a. m. Arm,-. 7 : i.i ii...r,,, lo.oo ea i i" - TI.i.i .-.!ii nml SniiirilyK No, 1 .'!' ...;....-i .vIUi 'I liI'Mlilll l-tPIKllli.il H.li A. 11. : u-.l . I.- 1.:,., a-h. ! :t -. i - I- ii- i:l' I. li. .-"niliic tiiFa.v.'ttPVlllo, it a I".-,.' ,.i '.-Hi iw in , i.i. In Frttluht, In i-eli't- ... liiiiiv. ti'i.'.'i i-l. Hi Snitfi.r.l. .IAS. S. MOI.IU-ON, lli'll'l Supt. JNo. M. Host:, Ui'.i I I'aHH. Aispiti. Ealslgi & Aannsta A-L.E. I coiiiircTiT) tiim; table. N.i, 1 l.i in.' I Ni. 2 iMVf llanil"! I tu a m ii Tiiiuu a at am 3,.H, jSijS S: -a',-,", ',ks H . 'Si I MnVl? 4 .is !i':,1'1' I V. !l III j ZZZ T iSt iw v m I n ii: V.,n.-n - ma n m H m i m a m a m ni o-u-,,,,.1 6 3iim t i i..-r, ii 11 ii: . ip I M-iii. nrp : v-iiiiv II . . it, Mi'i-ry.nka 71 Via s l-.'S . n I New lltll 7 'J ll ii: e ip I M-iii. itrf (t.vtam nam Him I.' -.','. e in I .-X ,-x 7 Ml a m Ai-:-,..-I'ntiil. U 1 t:-t ni I Arrlv,. liniMKh. f ana m I 'I'll ma. I I-I i','lill'''l ic. Itiimli'l Willi I'.e. leeln.-.v f..i er nl.."'' mi-.I fill ..t,i h'.ittb. Train r-aiitiv 'i .-i fin- ii, iii Cnli-iali unit tin, IKlrl;b h ti.-i.t Umir. n.l a.f nil i..lii'i. north. Ii i. I...iil ri-.-l.'lit u-.-t ti, ti h imsornitpr rmwh ' ' li'"' Laifluli at S.jtt a. nt. anil rrlTt .H J.l.l i . 111. John c. xvixiiLU, Sui'iTiuteudeLk ui. win j 'jjj. j, gjti 'i.in)wiiijw

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