$)t tfljatljnm tterorft. il)atl)(im Hceovii. II. vV. IXIY10 IN , EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. hati:s ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, .One rVqiiBrr, imc inertmii 'due qmire, txvo insertions -One Mii!irf, out' month I. Art - .M f no copy, one year One copy, six months , One copy, three month T - . r For larger advertisements 1 1 1 ! 1 eon- tnicts will lie made. PITTSBOHO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, OCTOBER i, 1881. 'g vol. vn. Il i nut wnillli th i tuin-i True :i'iitn'S4 to -my 111:111. Fur bull 1 tuny Hy iii it in iriit Or 1-il lint lorn little -1 00 Ah liiiimi Ims no piwit to ilnum. W hen 'Mriulli aii'l lilulicinto tvimr; 'Hit' unil'l' ni'IitiiM-i-nti tit'tri e.ihn "I'll ,,r;ii boini in !iein iil'p.iiu. lixpi'i li' I - fin li'o'ir c,i-.i-i. ti.l loijf :;ii.hs ilini ttilli il miM mil li'ini W llllf I"', flfil llsfs I'HIJ tori c-' T i-livil lot nf i'l lii ililrr j .': 1. Youth IlKr :l pi I I lit Mill h . itU :oiiy. 'l".f-lll 1 - liiliou in its tiiini. XVInle tifi-r tiint'c liv ni-hi or il iv, ( all v.f if I iff thrill I' irk iiynu WI II -irlll I Ir til it nolif . , 1 1 I. mill'. A ron-rirn. r Iroill otlel firf. CiuciiitisI hv nnin- mi I sin iiie! -h.iini Is oil tlllr Irliri'V X. llol.lr I'm I ,l,.o,.l ol i. Hi:ii lies to flrviilr umnkin.l. Ami s,.,.ks lor no n u-l 111 .. li. X. I'l-llfli ll't 'lllrs . iiitu till'l o itl I 'A-'ui-r l-l I ill. .11111 I-toil .c I Hli.itr i r i... I 0 lr".,"ll i il H.nit . .11 I .Im- i v ll I MMlli'l kill lite-- t;i 1 11:1 I ! In I l ili-fl- il ill nrlioii . 1 1 ill" u ,u l'"l.i:il,i' ;c'- imii's -ii I ...lov- less, .11- 1 out- lltllirlil I tin i 1. 1 1 - ...v. Nil I 1 THE LOST DRESS. A quiet, elderly lalv. m a stone- Colored tllt'l'illll dies. ili j 1 1 1 . t k lar rup. Ita I I i'o:i anxiously pe-ping ml of Hit' w iudow of a pretty bono in Milk town, at intervals throughout t ln I till, cold Winter afternoon ni' a ilay not Ion? gone by. When about 0 o'clo.-k, a young girl, showily chi'l in tena-cotta red. with an impossible bird, in a rap of inipns sililo fur, was sen making stably progress down llio long street, ti Ilin in her ann an iniiifii c aii'l pally brown-paper parcel. Occasionally this young p rson made au effort to look k'hinil hrr without turning her heail. ami whm at last slu arrive l al Iho door'rps of tin honso we hav inrntioiu'il, slit' t iii iit'l ri'Url t t-hiy to son who it was who ha l In rn walking I't'lun 1 hrr lor sunm ilist.tnrr. Seeing that il was only a hol'blnli -hoy ajipfi'titior trout the tinman's, with a length of tstovrpipo miilrr his irm. a Mark sinii'i h on Ins nose, an I no apprtviatiiin uf a tcrra-colta waist- . roat, twenty inches 111 cireilliitereni e in his counlcuance. she turned aw iv in disgiisl and rung the bell ioleiiily, leaning her back against the door, and rega:ding the apprentice with a scorn which amazed him, and which proceed ed from the fact that he was not the liiie-lnnkiiig young man, with mus tache, whom .-die had iuia 'iiicd to he following her. In an instant more she tumbled into the arms of the elderly la ly, w ho had opened the door with unexpecte promptitude, nmiu the tlerisie laugh ter of the youthful tinman. "Itless me! I hope you hacn't hurt yourself?" said the old lady. "And is this really Mr.--. Rullil's dress at last? We'd almost given it. up." "Madame says she couldn't help it," said the girl, rubbing her elbow, which had come into sharp coat act with the door. "It's .such a busy time;" and delivering the parcel to the old lady, she walke I aw ay, w ith dark views of life in her young bosom, and an up lifted nose that bespoke scorn of all apprentices. Meanwhile the old lady hurried in to the sitting room at tho back of the house, and placing the parcel upon a table cried, with a gasp of relief; "There it is, Rebecca; and you needn't have worried about it all dav, at all." At these words a lady, who was still only middle aged, ami who was sitting wrapped in a voluminous double gown in a great armchair near the little Franklin stove, started to her feet, gave a cry of delight, seized the par- cel. openetl it at one end, and emptied j from it a ruby colored silk dress, all I flounces, furbelows and cachemire ! beading, xvhich she instantly proceeded to try on The old lady superintended the per formance, pronounced the fit perfect, picked out a lingering basting thread and spread the' train abroaJ, while Mrs. Rullit, xx ho was fat and blonde, and very gushing, constantly repeated: "You knoxv it's the first time I've appeared in colors for years, and the ! Dumsdays are so stylish. You know j 1 would wish to appear particularly j well. And does it taper in nic dy at ' (he waist, Aunt Retsey? And does the train turn when I xvalk?" At last even this nervous lady was satisfied, and having looked at her back in two glasses, declared tha'. she must take a nap before she began to dress, and vanished for that purpose. And Aunt Uetsey, having poured a cup of tea from a little brown teapot that simmered constantly on the stove, dropped iutothe vacated chair with a sigh of relief. , for Rebecca, though a good-hearted woman, who had given her aunt an excellent home for years, became ' t times a trifle wearisome with her alTertations, her imtnenso anxiety none Tiling her iiiiihllt!-ageil charms, ami her lloritls of tears about nothing. Hail tlio tlress really not ronie home, ami hail Mrs. Kuilit really been obligeil to semi n regret to the Onins days that, evening. Aunt Betsy would have hail a weary time of it. Now she was free to rest, to read, or knit, or doe as slie li! 'd, and though she took up tin) needles, the, warmth of the lire, llio roinl'ort of the gn-at chair, and the calm that hal fallen after a .storm, all induced slumber. In fact. Aunt JJetsy had been f ist asleep for more than half an hour, when she started wide awake, to see a spectral form at the window, and to hear .spiritual rapping on the. panes In an instant nmro the ghost had re solved itself into a poor woman, whose pale faeu was made ghastlv by a black hood, and who, seeing the teapot and Aunt Ketsy's ainial le Cam in conjunc tion, had bethought her to ink for a cup of tea. Aunt Itfl-y was kindness itself. Hie opened the door to the woman and made her 'it near the stove and com forted 1 1 -r not only w ith tea and breal and butter, but wiih raspberry jam, and finally went to the door again to "spee I the parting guest" w ith amia ble words and a silver coin. "Ah, poor thing!" she said to heiflell as she went into the coy sitting room again, "Mow hard it is for her." Ila d for whom?" aked Mrs. 1?)f lit. who had returned to the sitting room well wrapped up in the big dressing gown, which somehow seemed more voluminous than ever. "Whai's liar I for whom. Aunt Ib'IsyV" oh. Ii'eli.'i-ea," s.iid the good old la dy, "a pi ron has lieeii here bogging a cup of tea. Her husband's dead, her so i Ti as, and she's walking twen ty mi es to try and lind a daughter who married a man named Smith, fif teen .par-, ago. Oh, yes." said Mrs. I.iillil, who was only -eiiliuieiit.iliy sympathetic with heiM'll. ! see the old s nrv! .vlld you g.ne her all the small change yoti had in ymir pocket, and site went away to spend it at the tiet gin-shop. You ittesilih'l soft. hearted goose, auntie. 1 (iniy hope s!i didn't slt iil anything flood gracious, 11ul R-tsy! where 1 111 v new dress -" You look it upstairs with ymi, I'.i cky," .said Aunt licisey. Mrs. K'liilit ran upstairs with more celerity than could have been expected of fair, f'at, and li e-and-forty, ,-tnd was heard to open sitndiy clostt doors, to rush about w.ldly, and to shriek. Then she reappeared in the sitting room. she shrieked, oh, Aunt Ret- "It's not 11 ther w ringing her hands. sy, tell mo you've put it somewhere! I fi 111" I say it's gone. I don't see how it can be gone." cried Aunt Retsy, Hying wildly up and down, shaking the curtains, looking lichiiid the sola: even opening the si , inch drawer of a little work-table. 1 "f li. liehecca. I'm sure you took it ! with you! I'll lind it. ldu't yon put il in the parlor?" Away the ladies Hew. wi'h queer lit- tie squeals and moans. I Kvery sp it in the house was ran sacked, even the coal cellar; but the ' dress was not found. At last Mrs. Rullit tell into the arm ehair, fortunately as strong as it. was rapacious, ami sobbed: " This is what has count ol your ab surd fojlishness for drunken beggars. Aunt Retsy. That woman has stolen my dress.'" "She couldn't- she hadn't a thing in her hand," said poor Auiit Retsy. Thru conscience told tier she had left, tho woman alone for live minutes whilo she took out the jam. It was all discussed over and over again, and the fact that in Miss Retsy's absence the woman had put tha new dress through the window anil picked it up when she went out, was fully es- tablished. The police were notified, adescriji- tien of the woman and dress nut into their hands, and a note of regret writ ten to the Dnmsdays. Mrs Rullit xvos persuaded to take some tea and toast, and sat bewailing her loss and rocking to ami fro. "A dress that cost me ninety dollars before it was made and twenty-live for he making," sighed Mrs. Rullit. "I can't afford another like it this wi li ter, and Colonel Coxves was to tie at the Oumsdays', ami he admires me very much. Aunt Retsy, and it's most annoying. I'd calculated on i. two weeks, and you must beg and pray a tipsy tramp to come and take tea with you on purpose to have my dress stol en." . "I didn't beg and pray her. she asked me for a little tea. and she xxasn't tipsy," sobbed Aunt Retsy. "Oh, Reliecca Rullit, bow cruel you are!' "I suppose you pxpect ine to dance for joy, ' said Mrs. Rullit. "1 must say that's too much toexpeet; but I might MONGOLIAN' I'll VSK'I.W. be not only robbed, but murdered, il , you could only give all the money you remnfitablt? MotliiN for Cur liked to drunken tramps. That's ymir 1 inn Discni-. monomania, Aunt IJetsy, and I must 1 say it if ymi kill me." ynoer Diagnoses of Sickliest mid Odd Then began a woful quarrel, in Wayil of Cl''".-; I- which all the reproaches that could lm : uttered on either side found vent. W..r.g r'li.w fan. a Chines.- doctor, The ladies wept and sighed and b- 1 Hrrivwl ro,,,,,,ty in 1 1 1 i I i 1 . 1 t . 1 1 i : with moaned themselves. j the intention ot making tliis city his TIipv spoke of parti.ig. Thev si k ' h,m,e- an'' minist or i alter his own their heads and rocked to and ir,.. and , !"-',,,,lil,r fhi"n 1,1 tllR ilil"'L'"t,J of hN the lire went, n.tl and the.iil burnt low ' (,,,,,ntr-110 bsappoinle,l to iirthf. In Tin. ,.l,.,.k slritek ten and still the ladies found new reerimina' tions to utter. At last 12 o'clock came. Tin: ear- , riages w hich bore the departing guests home from the Dnmsdays' great party were heard to roll past, 11ml Mrs. I!iif-'. lit burst into a fresh flood of tears. ! "1 feel so dreadfully sick, Aunt llet sy," she said; "so heavy in every limb; such a weight somehow. You know : excitement is bad for me. Dr. sweel- ' man says I'm predisposed to heart dis- j ease, and I know this is an attack of it. ' ; I ve all tho symptums. My arms aru ; j swollen look how tight the sleeves of ; j this dressing-gown art and my good- ' i ness. Aunt lietr.y! look at the licit! it j wont meet! Can't you set) how I'm j 1 pulling up all over? I'm going to die'" ' ' " h, my poor child." cried Aunt! ; ISetsy, "you really are! O'a, do let mn ! i take your things off, and pu' you to ' j b' d, and send for thu doctor. Comu j upstairs at once." i Mrs. Huilit assented. nnt lii.Uv ln.loi.il to. i- in.l:iii I opened the bed, laid 011! the white i night-gown, ami began to help her I neice oil with the double gown. .--Iih slipped the big loops of eon! from the big buttons, and began tugging at thu I sleeve. The llowered cashmere slowly reced ' etl from the left shoulder. Aunt, lietsy paused and gave a scream. liehecca li'tlllit!" she cried. "Oh. what is it. Aunt lietsy V" asknl Mrs. Huilit. "Am I turning Mack'.'" Look!" cried Aunt liets. -Why Rebecca Rullit, you've put your doiih b gow n on over vour new drr-s. n wonder you felt tpieer. 'Whv. how did I come to do such a thing?" gas;icd Mrs. Kuilit in amaze ment. "1 must ha e taken my nap Ml it. too!" She peeled off the double gown in double-quick tune. She had nothing to say, ( 11pt ; "No wonder I fell stiiny!" There was nobody to blame and nothing to do but to mae up with Aunt Retsy who accorded a gracious forgiveness and retired nier-kly: but up in her own room she indulge I hcrs, ;i in n little burst of triumph: "'Tisn't me that's made a fool of iny sell," she said, ungrammatically. a she tied her night-cap and blew nut the caudle; ' and that's some comfort, anyhow." Tattooed Sflinnaiis'. Thr natixes in the boats ehibite the general characteristics of the Polynesian-Malax s. Their laces xver clear of tattoo, but from the loins doxviixvard oxer the hips and thighs to the knees, they were very closiy tattooed. I'nliki- Maori tattoo, xxhtd, follows curved lines, the saiimaiis puncture the color into the skin in ; closely tiotted mass, xvith diagonal ! lines of bare skin embellishing the do sign, xvhirli at a distance looks almost pko a pair of dark pants. The instru ments used are usually the spines of the shaddock tre; or bone driven in u ith small mallets. The coloring mat ter is burned candle nut. The women do not tattoo. The lirocess is begun ! xx ith the men at ttcageof twentv. and issloxviind painful. As among their civilietl professional brethren ' there is a code of honor rccognied in i tho profession devoted to this art. and this code is chiefly applied so true is j human nature in all its aspects to the maintenance of an adequate scale of fees. A tat.oo xvill sometimes st op in the middle ot his job, leaving ' the subject half done, until his j pecuniary demands are satisfied, and I no professional brother can be tempt- I id to cut in and linish the business. I A Saiuoan is do more able to walk about for the rest of his life half tattooed than an Australasian masher w ith one whisker, and he is therefore obliged to pay up to the uttermost farthing Although not so invariably as in Fi ji, the Samoan men and women do dye their hair yelloxx v ith burned coral, and paint their faces red and black. They also shave the heads ol their children, using shark's teeth as razors. Rubbing or pressing noses, as with the Maoris, is the form of national salute. They never eat before ten or twelve oVim k in the morning, but afterwards have no regular meal time rating almost continuously through the day, -MtUiiinif (Austrultu) Js'tihr. small ' and its health so good ami went In j New York. Wong f 'Into Tan is rather a diniinu : five specimen of the Mongolian race, Icing bill live feet in hi;.:ht and rather delicately proportioned. The d-ictor, or "devil destroyer." as h" is kiioxvn in the Flowery Kingdom, speak-; very ex cellent F.nglish, an I consented, xx lu n questioned, to explain a fexv of Lis many mid ineiho.I, for conquering dis ease. "Kvery sickness." he said, "is caused by a mig T'sao--a disease devil' aud it is the work of the do tor to lind out where the devil is and drive him out. What you call fever hot skin, tlry lip.s, high pulse -is the xvork of a littio imp with eight mouths, each mouth having a hot, scinching breath. The imp gets iutothe patient's 'oitiaeli by Hying do.vn hi throat and is usually in the air on a damp day liketlii '. The little devil is as lar.'e h a grain of sand, but xvhen he gets into tin; human body he grows to be aiiotil as large us a bean. He blows i his hot breaths into evcrv vein of tho i x i-tim and causes him gr 'at distress and thirst by drinking all the water in his stomach. Tim way to i-ure the pa I tienl is to poison the imp with a poxv j der scraped from the insitlu of a tree j which groxvs in the Province ol I'm j Chow." J The doctor exhibited some o the j powder, which pinxv.l to be eilherqtii j nine or rinchonidia. "spasms or Mrs." continued the Mon- golian disciple of .Fsculapiiis. "come j from thr varlh devil," a neature that lives miller the ground and sends a I shock into the victim tbioimh h feet, j N 011 u ill lind thai nearly all persons I xvhen first taken xvilh tits fall while 1 I xvalking. but after awhile, xxlun the dexil gets the victim weakened, the shock can be communicated from Un earth, through the house and into the bed. It is very hard to cure them. I cured a man in Canton win. had been sul'iecl to lils for fifteen vc.trs bv rub- I bintr the soles of his leel xvith fat j slewed mil of a frog's heart. Opium is a very valuable help win n taken in ternally, because it makes the patient's feet itch and prevent the devils from gaining an entrance. A very small proportion ol Chinamen die of con sumption, because .'ino years ago it was discovered by T'sang 1 .00. a learned doctor, that, people became aillictctl with the disease by breathing through the mouth instead of the nose. There are millions and millions of imps Hy ing through the air all the time more in cold weather than in warm and to your eyes they appear like specks of dust. They cannot get through the nose because, the hairs catch them and ; 1 hey die, Imt they go into the mouth, xx here there are 110 hairs, and lind a resting place in the lungs. In a short time the lungsare dug out and coughed up. The only cure is to lay the patient on his back and beat him over I In chest xvith a switch until the imps are frightened and lly out into the air again. Then the patient is starved for thirty-six limns and has his mouth sealed up. Very often hedies.bnt that is because all the imps were not driven out." The Midget Sheep. The very smallest of all the kinds of sheep, says a contemporary, is the tiny Rreton sheep. It is too small to be very prolitable to raise, for of course it cannot have much wool, and, as for ; eating, why a hungry man could al j most eat a whole one .it a meal. It is ' so small, when full-grown that it can hide behind a good-sized bucket. It takes its name from the part of France where it is incst raised. Rut if not a prolitable .sheep, it is a dear little crea ture for a pet, for it is very loving, ami because it is so small, it is not such a nuisance about the house as was the celebrated lamb xvhich belonged to a ' little girl named Marx It would need to be a very large little girl a giant girl indeed- -who could take an ordi nary sheep in her lap and cuddle it there; but any little girl could lind room in her lap for a Rreton sheep quite as easily as fm on" of those very ugly little dogs called by the ugly nam" "f pug. I ine of these little crra- i ture's peculiarities is its extreme sym pathx with the feelings of its human 1 1 tends, xx ht n it lias been brought up as a 1 ft in the house and has leariud to ii:-tiugtiisli b. twi en happiness ai.d mi" t pii'e-,s Ifji'ix person v In in 1; dkes is ver much ptca,e, about ,ni- ' lin'1 11,0 'llint,s,, IH.pillllt i..n thing and shows it by laughing, the little sheep will fri.sk about xxitlt every sign ef joy; but if, on the contrary, the person shed tears, the sympathetic friend xvill evince its sorrow in an equally unmistakable xxav. A kind word and a loving caress xx ill also fill it xvith happiness, xvhilo a cross xvord or harsh gesture xvill cause it evident distress. Hnslnli Aill'i I .. A Hint's liitl!i!renri. A correspondent of London Sulun' writes; "The following instance of animal intelligeii e may interest st of your readers. While xvalking tiirotigh tho forest here the other day, I found a young jay on the ground scarcely able to tly. As I stooped down to examine it I was somewhat startled by a swoop made at my head 1 by tlie old birds, their xvings actually I touching my hat. Hetermined not to i be driven axvav, I remained by the 1 ' . t young lii 1 ti. w hereupon a .succession ot I like swoops were made at my head; - thesis I easily succeeded in parrying : with my stick, although the old birds ; frequently came in different direct ions. : After about a couple of minutes the old birds seemed to have 1 ie to the j concliisioa tha1 nothing c mid be j achieved in this fa hioii, and one of I thriii. Hying to sone' little distance, j kept calling to tho younger one, who half hopped, half llew after her. I. of 1 course, followed: ami now occurred '.x h il seemed to me a striking instance , of animal sagacity. Tho pines hen' are covered xvith lichen and a long, hairy kind of moss, xvhich easily crumbles into dust. The cock bird pt.'iched hiiu.elf on the lice mer my head, and began peeking with wonder ful rapidity at this lichen and moss so that, the moment I looked up a slmwi-r of line dust fell on my face. As I f il loxved the young bird, the o;d one fol lowed me, got on a branch as elo.e to my head as he could, and sent a -how r , ol dust upon me. 1 can scarcely doubt thai lb- dust, like the previous swoop-, was intended rather to Mind me than to distract my attention. llaxe in stances of like sagacity -' . the ap parent knowledge of the organ ot x is ion. and the lucaiis of injuring it been not iced in jays before?" 'I lie Peculiarities ef Itilwniul, California i. nature's great an I only Morehouse of that iisi fill and orna mental wood, which grows here in im mense quantities, roxcring the earth's surface so densely thai the sun's rays nex rr reai h I he ground, and furnish ing to the millmeii lmi.ttnii.111111 i,.,.t ,,f liimlirr to thr acre. The redxv I has been introduced both in the Kasiern states and in Knglaud. ami wherever it has been useii has found lavor in I he eyes of housebuilihrs, many of the almost regal reside! s of the l!ast having as an outside linidi the red wood in its rich, natural color. A' present the only redwood shipped Fast is that used for finishing purpose-, led it is only a matter of time when i!s many advantages xvill becom known and it xvill be in general demand. No wood has over been discovered that combines so many advantages for all purposes as this. It is easily worked: it may be used green just as it comes from the mill; it does not xvai ji in dry ing nor shrink or swell by exposure to the weather; it burns slmvlx au ! is easily extinguished, because Mm xvood contains no r n-in; it is brittle and breaks oil squarely, so that in case of lire the firemen have no diilieulty in rutting their way from house to house, and it does not rot at Mie ground hi. e most other woods, and fence posts which have stood for thirty years are as sound to-day as xvhen they worn planted. The redxvood grows only in 1 '..1 ; e . :.. .1... f.. ....... . California, the forests commencing a little south of this city and ending ab ruptly before reaching the Oregon line. Sau I'l 'lllri.si i Chrnuii h . A Novel .Marketing. A parly of Philadelpbians w ho re cently returned from a trip to Canada tell a quaint s, cry illustrating the ex treme thrift aud simple habits of the old French inhabitants of Canada. While they were in (.Quebec they rose at 4 in the morning to x isit the French market, one ot the sights iiuebec. Orixing ahead of their carriage they noticed an old French peasant on his iv.iv to market. He xvas in a little loxx cart, with a seat about eight-. n inches wide, drawn by a large shepherd dog. When they arrive 1 at the market one of the I'hiladelphians purchased the man s entire stock, an enormous live cent string of onions and a dozen bunches of radishes tor rive cents. I he day s marketing xvas over for the old Frenchman, and he whipped up Ins dog for the return t t ip. He had traxel cil eight miles from the v illage of Reau port, near fjuehee, and paid four 1 cuts Ic'l tosell fen cents worth of Vegetables. When Me- wear and tear of the dog and man was t dueled from six cen(.. the pr.e t imi-i have l eeri a small one in dud. - I'hih.MfhH. v.. A SIMt.n IN l.u)(i. ' Hoxv 1 ! I).iy r; 1 ..)) is Pus: 1 City. Its Ohsorvmiw Different From That of Any 0.he A irrespondenl of the Loiiisxilb. ('iir!-i--.hiiiniiil says that the observ ance of Mtnday in London differs Ir -m that ol any other city in Christendom To begin with, all the thc.tres and music halls are closed. The museums, libraries, and picture galleries are all shul up. though there is a strong ef fort being made to throw them open, xvhich xvill 110 doubt be done before long. The law regarding drinking places is very peculiar. Kverything of the kind is hermetically settled dur ing the first half of the day. From midnight mi Miturday to 1 o'clock on Sunday the drink trallie is entirely sus pended. This k cpsthe day tolerably quiet until mornin.' service is over. Then come two hours of dram-selling ami tippling. The man who was drunk the previous night can now "freshen up the old" to his heart's con tent, while the not overscrupulous church-goer uiav take his sly alas In tin- tin) xvav home to dinner. ' . . . . crowds wh:c!i throng the saloons our- ing these midday hours of license, l .jj the classes. I reiiret to sav, are rcpre- 8PntPli all t-o niiiiierously. ami. except- ing the quiet aspect it gix-es to Mm streets in the morning, it is ditllcult to see tha! an arrangement which closes these places a part of Sunday and leaves them wide open the other part has any virtue in it. Om-thing that adds greatly to the decorum of a London Sunday is ithe 'aft tnat the retail stores besides sus. ( ,..lh , young lady who,,, lov er xv as pending business, suspend also the ex- j .,.,, ,,, .,,,,. , avowal as 1 In hibition of their goods, hiding their j r,y,iU,j y ;, cniiieW. Thcveay xvindow displays behind almost impcil- 1 j,. ,..,rs" 1.. i.......... -ci., ..,,;,. .,, i rildoif Mlillli I -. ill." .HIM tradesman, whether intenti- italh or not, uses uuday for advertising pur pises. In New York the pr -mcnadi r of ih" prim ipal -l reels cm inspect goods and prices aim. as well on tie sabbath a-on week divs. The win low display, are :u ic:i m .re elaborate than with us. bnl the show closes on sundav Make the t id of alt the big places on Rcg.-nt ami Oxford streets, and you will lind, instead d gorgeous exhibitions of masculine an 1 feminine finery, nothing hut a beggar ly array of darkened front),. It is not true, as some one has face tiously observed, that the only j of amusement npn to Londoners .o Sunday are the churches. for recreation end entertainment of a certain kind can be had in the parks. In Hyde Park you xvill lind the most fashiona ble Sunday promenade, and as the sea son opens, you will see there, every Sunday afternoon, thousands of pay proinenaders. keeping time in their ; merry march to the music of a lirst- 1 class band. To get a view of the ar s- ; toi racy yon must go to : place on xveek-ilay alternoons. when ymi will find Rotten Row as thickly lined with ; elegant equipages, as, on Sunday, the foot walks skirting it are lin 'd xvith ' elegantly dressed people. This Sunday crowd is composed of merchants, pro- : fessional men, high class clerks, etc., with their w ives, sweethearts, cousin and aunts. Fnless. xvhen you join this throng, you have a stove-pipe am sport a walking-cane you will led liki a fish out of xvater. for among th. nial portion of it ymi will not lind oik in ."iitn lacking these luxuries, and tin few exceptions xvjil almost certainly !.i Americans. Uk hat- and Micks ar the distinctive badges of a Lorido' crowd on Suinlav. and. for thai ma! ter, on anx other .lav. The pr-mr i naders. though on pleasure bent. al. I walk briskly another peculiarity 01 the Fnjlish people. I'pon siuidai 1 circumstances an American crowd ! would saunter along at a little better i than a snail's gait. We are faster peo ple than the Fnglish on general prm ' ciples, yet. in either driving or xvalking. the average Fiig.ishman. in the ordi , nary pursuits of Imsim -s and pleasure . will "give us hisdiist" everx time. 1 l i the feminine portions of Ihese mih lay . pleasure-seekers, I xvill only sav thit the American visitor will tint them prettier and attired in better t.-isie than 1 be had been led to expect. Wished She Was. on g 1 so early?" said Mis Mum Fussnnfeather to xvho had called f. young Crimson beak, r a few minutes lh other evening. "Yes. 1 really must.'" explained Un voting gentleman, taking hat and cane. "Fm xery much pressed ju-t now.'' "Oh, I xvish I was." xvas the mai l en's shy remark, which canst d Crim son beak to close 1 he door on the inside and slax . stnt.smnii. , Onn hundred and fortv tun of chlor- ,,, , ,. , , , ' ' , ide ut lime is used tin Iv in London for the purposeof deodorizing the outlets ut tho betters, Charily. T In- 1 i. 1 1 iniiii -iii- liis ilole, not ill eimlrn' To liii'l his lieiirt still niove.l by limine! nee. 'Hie 1 mill- mull lo Ins neililml sinily lent Tim sriinty savings lie. cunhl wurri- forego. Tli in .issii on. mill nskf.l to know jjtj iiiiiii- ; Tin- otliri'- wile nil nijjlil. with .ity lirnvf, Tim nrinlilior's living ehilil wiis In inline o'er, Ainl never ilri-iiiiiiii it wns nitirh she avf 1 1 1. t.o l torsive 11- 1 Imt we ihire lo nk s,..,rr ,. eiiimtll-s ils mnl i nil less sighs' svoin on the sih Hint shun- iltn iimvoleoini? tllsk. I in- ilole Ihiil lucks the s, i.f .siirrilirr. No pMfil piilin tin- i rii-liiii wri-lil run lilt : No -oiilhiii;; si;.), tin. iiimlilfiiinu woe rim "i is ,ne ti.u! HI Moul.l 1I11- ,.i s iIm we iltn 10 every (.'ill : 101 111:111 l.-iii- ithoiil the poor. .-S,iilnt 11 . ir Honors. Wagi o iher's music--tiee! Whoa! Haw! fiei up there! The signal man on the railroad can never succeed well in his businss. His interest in it isalxvays Hagging. Callow youth 1 before looking-glass, stroking chin 1 sis. 1 think 1 must get me a razor. Sister - Ho, Rob; u beard raiser. It seems to me." moaned Algernon, i l'.v'n?? toward the front gate, xvith tho I ohl 11 islesii l.i.liinil bito "I hat. there ; ' ; ,0 e iiioitj 111,111 unci- 11-ri 111 ,1 ihmi. " es, she said, "I always obey my hush ind; but I reckon I have ui". thing 10 say about what his com mands hall be," There are manv and various xvavsof 1 bi coming a man of mark, but the j ea-icst and most effectual xxay is to j lean up against some new ly-paint eil i railings. ! -i ih. d.. n't propose to mt here : . , I iii'lei siainl voii'x c gone into farm ing," said the dentist to Ins xhtmi. Mow targe a lann haxeyou?" "Well. I've had four .1 lids for I he past, week," was Mie j ,iist .d response. A Milwaukee gi.'l H-mlbi'l 111 irry ,1 red-he ided man. In r i .1 : 1 i.-r objcctid to a dark-haired -nii-iii-i.M. and hi r mother disliked a blonde: so hr w i. obliged to compromise mi a bald ed man. The Fleet Wild Mustangs. While ih b-itl.tio have disai'iirai ed , at a rapid rat ', a correspondent say.. '- 1 th" same eamiot I. said of the xv ild s j hurt's, or mustangs, espe dally in '' ; Northwestern Trx.is. xvhere thev are found in bands numbering from thirty to thro- hundred. It is sHid th;r aniting these horses are to be found the ik-cli st in America, especially a Holed pacer, which would put Occi dent. .I.iv-F.ve-Sce and other noted stcup-rs to blush, a ii,.(.i to-.uid rapabb o racer has yet f turning him. Kxpi rim eid - at their capture clearly .lemons! rate that they not only posse-s the greatest sp I, but exl raordinary bottom of staying qualities, for upon many occasions parlies have stationed themselves at reasonable distances along the plains and given chase xvilh relax s. bax ing 'it view the 1 apt urr of some of the liiore tleet of those noble animal-: but such chase has generally terminated in fa. In re. The wild horses ol Northwestern Texas are of stork stolen many years since l.y Ih" Kiowa and Contain he Indians from, lim-se men in F.aslern Texas; heme their line ,i,i ami teat speed. John ltroxii ami the (ur-rn. .Mm Rrow n. Mm gillie w ho st I so high in the favor of ijuecii Victoria (and win v death was 11. small relief to manv -,,l the royal la Ix's friends ..... ,has ( ine I ram-is f his post, but is accorded 11. such roliliilcai es nor privileges nor requi sites Hi-ow n's ro .ius at W.ndsor are permanent iv shut up, ami a brass plate in one of t hfin recites his virtues and dignities. A lady of Mie court re mcinbi red weli hearing the hoimr-d dm. a few mouths before his death, and while driving with lis soxereign, b an over the rumble and coolly ask the f.tueeti to "lend him hei paiasol." tb sun 1 e;ng so hoi. His request was at. once complied xv ith: the tueen hand ing up the article as a matter ot course. I "' in' it. The I'alnilstrv Craze, The traditionsol theart fit pabnisti v are brought down to us from olo limner's time, and the French xvork s on theart am based upon these aneinit traditions. That the hand in each nationality has distinct characteristics of its own docs not seem to alter the application of the rules of the potency of the prophecy. The manicure's art has added so much to the beauty of a well-shaprd hand that there will be charm in the practice ot telling for tunes bv the palm aside from th- vahm .. 1 .- . e . 1 or the revelation ol one a fortune, and niiiv l""k ,l,r ts I'"!'"!"' "tx "' "bis country, st. l.inn ninl.i . mm rot j