-!.- J ,5 'J e t FOK IMK FAI1M AMI IIOMK. KMC-Deal royluu limn. Them is probably nut bin',' inorr- ;m imying anil more ditltciilt to r. crouue limn the habit a groat ninny ut-.: have of eating eggs. While iln i o is n way of t'ui'iug hens from catinrr. I'tiii--. to prevent them by incilninicul means is very easy. V nest vwth a double but ton), the upjier one inclined so a- to allow the eix to roll to the lower one. answers very well: lut the hi'it is one that is always ;n.'u;red. ami there fore a lasting one. liens learn it by being in the presence of hrohcii ejcs but thi-y rarely break eirs theui-.i'lv es until so taught. If the nests are so arranged as to keep the eggs out of their reach they will forget the habit, if fed liberally with meal fur a w hile, but the sale-it plan is to -1 1 1 of tin heads of such fowls before tho habit beeoniej gen r; 1 1 wilh the I'oek. Iriv lilro llsr-liirplna. A new i lea has I t-ti sM'ie l in bee keeping. It has i,e,g I u a jr.'io. ance among tanners that a i:'".'!ii '.r should keep a I.irje 1 1 :i :n ' : ,.i e without any pa-tin of h:s own an 1 gather In nev I; crops p; in' ! and sown by n!hei:i. It n ' bet':;! any loss nr d iai.ioe w m ::ii!r" '!. ...t it was a elear cas-- of r. awn.' w'.iere ene had not si a'ti're l. .ml tit -r. ,';- lia-1 a large eleun-iH !' in :ns:i. e n p o doubt the u.l'osnd-d .Surges against the !-e-. that they innsred 'he rop and the fruit. e-.p.--;.ii!y .;r.;.i were ni, , T'i.na'e 1. an I tii"-c ' ' in j.rejudn e than ,ny real !;:.:' A Mr. H.-the:-;ng'"H -' -eh. ha;' ' u. ty, N. V. is .."..' ... i!i.. ;n ,.i . v- :i- .. I re-keeper ia til wo '. 1, a " i ' is Said keeps J.Y!" s.'.a'l:'.-. .1 hi.'u-" llUiidier ef w h e!i I.:; ;'. I s -;' a.i; ;.' fame rs t whom tie pa. - a -u: ' ; the use o; the p i-' i; i : . I - r. buekwhe.it ty.-., ;f,.:i ir ii 'he t'.l rill. 4. This is ,t ,.-- tr ;;.' whieh w,U e .nun A I r-'f ' ta"'n. who do ll"t ket,i 1' a- ia .- .-.is '. whieh other he cp-r-. .. ;V 1 !' I V- V..-V . Mier-li' lion) lll.r-ll.r. Alllon 'lie hl'i-' IM1 s ... I!,.- way "i , b .r-e-h .. 'v.i- ,.:i tv --f.y e-.l';be HI th F "' ' i-f.'tt.. Th.s -h :- I.! . h- e hv "I sheep's horn, and i- -a; I r h. ar;e a 1 ii ly a lajite l to I: r-e- . m ; . ,. ( :n own, a'l I whi' h do ti t a -te.idy to it o!i the pa . in I'.i nil s .if the e'eei ;:i.e!.t - ;,a . j r e I I er) -S.l' 1 - r ly. a il s i ,:,..;;. i b IW' I II lir.'.el! ,! .1 I !p 1 p.l e ..-i lh- e ii II' W .t!.. i' p r.ir Tll-Se !'; .1 -1. .li e , : t : ' i I I'lhH e t.h.iti the i- .;, ,n e.ri;m ii use. I ut th- v are ,ri i,. .;. ; l and ll Aible. H e II W ali i i e' t.iiuiy be i in o. n itiir.il thin . -!- but .til Ivitt is of -!io s 1 1 i i -r r . h .1:- pen -e. wjl, M Ii, ;! .t , :, . - V rf - t hey are ;io n - d i I i, -e . u . .; ,,i- , on the I .i. .ii. and n li re i.ie ;, . not lilb'd m ;t; hi -;,aie.. .'.i r t need, and. in la ' . v ;i I w or better v itlenit -l,.i,-, c. ,.pi j erh ip- a b'tie Wilde ill '.Milter ii. i the L'-,i;H!, I- iro . ii; but s! i;i.' !: - I. as b (eiue si, Ii , e,.,. i t !,,, . , pTOlls ! Hunk ol d ' a:r t!e-i w , -e laiiMi'iiiu I'lailt l'ri'r. It is oiilv re- e ;i ;., i a i ., e i e.e nine of 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ie.1 he very . ip ti in e er t hin x nneete.i ur!i a lann -I hat. Ile a e e. -.id It iii ty be. i' Will be likely to !' lie -de. I. II -A ' fte.1 We have siljig -t d ti-.e n. ,! ;r n.r . f the fruit on hal'd-. , ,m t,,.t i ,,.-ui b.T. bat proe.tby I. i. , t a se,,rf . t noes .i!!ei;.-'' ;;l. the gle.lt I'Vperi' le e I- : ;..: I.i.-; r- .. the lilt le- i.f tie t inn r e .i,t ;i ,e . t. I ( lar.'ely ri-ul " i ii.i! gr.i.ind, , .ti-'ii.-r than pit' e t hoiijiit if-:i. .. it t hn - lie. i et-,. : an no. imagine, as t.o crop eti the i. inn wdi return a leiM profit Ir.iro the api'licit'ion i a I' ll h--! th i . tos. .l i lOp. b W!i;!eer li.llll l.n.iMH. an be mi c-.i oil ( ii!',.tel wnieiu' manure. When an ha'" I oiiiijr and thintfs are ra - ! h.-tweeti the lows of trees, the., .t.i. .tlie.tfv en inhed, and they. in tie's r. ; in . i portion of it. get a loii' very weii. bat w hen the trees lieiue ola-i as to prevent any other crop than gr.,ss to be grown among them, tlo-y lone Iin (lepelideriee; their (Tops i.i I in ipiantity anil tpi iiity, and tin- ondiard has reaehel that jio.nt when th v are supposed to have seen tlenr b. s' i;iys. the proprietors never for a moment ie incmbering that they eaniiot be well am', perforin their whole dutv wiihoiit eeding. 'I he Iruit tree is not partieni ir or Ran. y as to its diet. It does n , iis, lor the nehestati I most costly pr .ven der. I-', veil a dressing if earth or ot pure elay is very act eptable- Wiishnigs (nun the highways p.irticuhii l s . and wood ashes, of course. In fai t 'almost everything that is nevt r., val ueless for other purposes di es very well for the fruit tree. It is ti ne that richer and more expensive I r diers w oiild do a great deal better, bnt not to such a'l extent ns to pay for i h dii lerence in eont. Fiut what.M r the material may be. no farmer who .!. res his orchard tc return lion I h I nil measure of its prodm t ran all t neglect il in the manner itder,' d to. l.et him do his duty to his tn as. an 1 t .bu proclaim that fruit w ill n I ugei ( ii in tins section if there is anv short ! ening of their crops. Try an.l see. - J rni:iH'"irii Tflnjrnpli. l'ul ri ll;i tlou of ' Sail. Tiie following experiment made by the editor of the J. id Sto-k Jam mil shows the great importance of the thor mgh pulverization of the soil "We once experimented by hauling twt nty-four ia-go loads of the be.st manure up.m two acres ol clay-loam land, had it well cultivated into the soil, w hich had been worked in th.; ol d tiaiy way. but was somewhat lumpy. Tips and the adjoining two acres were to be sown to com for fodder. I'pon the other 'wo aen-s no ni.unr-e was put, 'nit it was plow ed a id cultiv ate 1 till the sub four inches deep, was as tin" as ;t garden bed. ( ne and a hall bu-hels of e.-rn were (h illed per a.-re upon e.i - p e. e- Irilis si.ii-ea inches apart. Wlien tins corn was in hlos-oui and n a ly to cut. th.? imin.niiie I two acre s,i. ctgliteen i n hi s higher than the manured pice . "n seh . '. mg two sample rods in difl"i'e:it phte.-s ::i II i'.i. !, pie-e. i it ' ill til-' gro -II e. rr, a. id i.nvfu!!y wegh;n i!. ' he manured piec- g.ne !' pontids per t.. 1, an I the tiifiiaciiiv I. but mi- !v p'.IA ' I zed. ga e d'.o . ui id- per i 1 t h" i;i.t:;;ir. d g. ing t wen' ' ' o to'is p-ra-re, and the o'h.r t'( ey-ei ;ht tons p-r acre. The ,ost of extra workmg w is h'1 per a. re. ( onll ! ;,e-e I, i!,y oeii!.- th l' 'h .' ex'ri ' i'.i ! w a- w , i! ) ;ti i t'ol '" M.tlf Tl'f !! f lf I II 111 A f. " w il l -, me I ti- . s ah-;ig the ( te r ''-. a.i 1 -.-n - '.I'l 'ir I It. ! -d t Ii -r a ! he op !! l'.-l i. a 'd . -a' ! i e ,.:, e r in ,i an i vi'ii" ! t I .; a'- i'-. siie ;. and otlvr i".ir:u .;.;: 1 1 ti- -ah :' g -at .v I r.-nt tic h ' sua . en . oniPie i HI a sh.i I le.s- p.isTn--' t.i i'.' '.i;m i. T!vy wu,l s ek !: s! ;; :';; n fro u t h- !r 'i.r. -uu ., e i,: ,;.- a"..rh r .-t.ind h. t-.g i te J: ir-, w it h th.-: r he ids -i, I I 1 I v e.e h o 'her. tfl a he-' ;. ,. a 'h: ii manii ' ' n. ,ial- thu-,-.. . e I .hi n c five ' he b -st re t-.rns to th.-.r ..w n r. a.; I f -r tli.s re a !'.. il no' lor c 'in;' .r''s s eo. th. i:on'.d b pr i i"d w;r!i ;. . -o;i.t lar e l's -le. t '. trei-s ;; th- ; .i.sture i e eise i..-,r . ,a . t" i ni'ia ar I k ..! t!,e livc-sto ',. !e d.n.' barai a'lizii t'.s ue ii ;i griz- ail th. ! and. w .th g i I p i t ii ag '. eati get .tii tji igr i !. y i e I ii eo,; p rt.o:i.- a the d i. b t we n wh. h ie v -h ' ii I ha; e r. tr, sh.ng -!i eb' ! r i h v.-.ii Mi end of ' " te;iii.-;:.t M-n a .- i,.. I 'i . ....'. . r. a' i.es that n.ay l- s:,t. -l-,,v. .o.-.S tl-,.1 ,-. . ; i.s.-d to I,. ,c : r - j icti'lv be. a., i h. .j ,; i i! ':.' . oi' iiniii. an I may i , . . ...v. . : i Mni-iVH nurs ng to br.ng '!.. . I. i, . good h. h frees ,1:1 a r.i ' i i;i t t he eiip i a' i on I a el. all I ' .:"' th" s ,. ..r : l a! . .A ,;,., Hi' 111. t" Iht I'M Oil Ol :r,t a ... ,!: r P'l -. and tlnT-'l i' ,- . , t ;.. j.: iv , - ..I the tr - ;.o;' Ii Ii. t' l..,i!ilarv I, - I ',., t .-e I ;.,b r.r is t h ink!' .. : a ten in nuf I -ha and rest. .o, d i. t'.t . s. , ;il do loop- w ork I .v ta '..ii au o. e.is..n il 'i r a'hing -p Ii" ,,i. i. r ,i 1 1 ee A I r .ti m.diiel I m i.v i a c1 i'.' tin1 "I' hi. kory, an I in. the ,.;, i ;'s lor the -p,e e it ,-, ;ip:e ;n nut-. .,s w.ll as reir.'shin shale I.i man;, t'.ells tt.er- ;s ;i l,,w phi w:'h a -pr:n or a s.,..iT i , i n n i : ir -to .en. and is well life I !'. a group ..! tr. es. In sh ,ri. .ttiv p irt of a n. Id i ..t suit.-d to i up iv.it. n cay t ; 1 1 . . I . ! ep w a tew trees, thus .1,1 .i.:,ri a re treat t' a' ihc live st. i ir ei, t,: mid day -ua and driving Menu-. If the p t-t ar has no sin ! tr if w ill pay to provide. I I- nip..r,t, v si, Iter. poll. r ng posts w .; h to; Us ut the t..p tn iv support t v. o poles a ross t!. s,. ,y - ii tiler p .les t,.r ratters. Th two tn, tv I eered wilh tr.l.v. sw.tle hay. r. il inoi ue ieiit, bru-h inav b- cut .1:1 I la, , upon 'be -.Mdetnn rool. , . .,; . I ,' ilti,,!t Siiiiio thuds Vn.uil ( aniiMis "I aniens an- cut in tics i-uin' rv , as well ,t. in I h, rope," -aid a I he-Inn' streit ;'.e!ei " The lino t loeiie.in ui.rf. wlii' li of Kiur-e js ii,,( liv any me.ris c U d to the b, ;t f .re gn work, i-dot.eiu Vew Vork. and a little ot a very little, by the way in Phila delphia. That our peoph: should turn nit work eipi.il to the best loreigu ai I ist s is scarcely to be expected, since c.iniPo cutting was almost unknown here thirty years ago, whereas in Fu rnpe some familes in rinrenee. Home, Paris or Naples have pursued it as a culling for half a dozen generations, i uncos are not as extensively worn as formerly these fashions cotne and go but a great many persons still wear tin in because they are heirlooms or relies of s line departed anc ator A i .nneoi-, w here the image on the stone is ra -,e, above the surface: where it is ' n the stone it is known as "intag The stones generally use I for this purpose are the onyx, sardonyx, bio i Istone and agate. Thu latter ii the hardest stone, to cut. The onyx consists of several layers and the cam to is obtained by tutting the figure i.ic of the upper layer, when il appears as a ra sed medallion upon the lower one. It is the easiest stone to work on- 'i..e art of ancient eaineo-cuttin m e.,t;rely lost during the Middle . and only reappeared during the i,e,, tis-ance. The Unmans, in my opin ion, excelled the dreeks in I his bran- h i art: but the moderns hav e n-v er r pmaehed the ancients in accuracy o:-! design or linis.li. hook at this head o' ( design Augustus f'tcsar, cut on a species agate harder than any we know any i thing about. That sort of work eouU not be done now. It was found it Nome duiing some excavations made i lew years ago near the Capitol, am though not much larger than a ijuart 'i of a dollar, is worth $". The Minker portions of the face, the whites of tin eyes, the hollows of tho cheeks, an polished. That could not be done bv any cam o-cuU'T alive to-day. It i; positive proof that the cauteo is an at) li pie. The iineft spt'ciuiens of cameo cutting in the world a e the !''"i ! lii'ires cut ou what is kncv.n asthf M.intuan va.-e in the Hr'iil.svviek Mil fcum. The bas i cut out of a single aga'e and is seven inches high by twr and a half in width." rii,ivl . ''... Cliihlreii as Siv aires. Al"tH tiie time when baby begins tc put avv.ty moirvey manners, and tc stall 1 oil two feet like a man. he be. gin to show, in a very marked degree, the c -arae'enstioN of savage tribes. i".,r two or tfire" years i f this part o his I.f;; the best b piy is a littl,- sivage. IP- i lea- of pr-!er'y are intensely sav ag . II, may b-' sad t I eal'.v ay? in tc or les, 'M'i the grab" i I iibjeet tu siiiu a niuc'a a ; any inau. bu' rea'ly tiiere is in otiiei wav ol de.s,-r.bing 1 1, ten 'e.ioies exhib.ted at this stage of b.tbv's career i. If h has sui.i'.l br th- . r.. s V'-IS i "ft. tin. he is always ni re or le.s at w n w.th the-e neigh i .r;;i sa.iue.s. It he is deprived ot j anv tiring he h i- route to regard as hi? ,u i; h mist tkeniy, ves in tiie anv go ids it ma', h inds ol or ehat- - ii i . r.n-i tel. w i, idi s.-eu) pleasing in his ey s. I... 'us hut one way o: cpre.s-ing his j w,..!ie ... ,'ie g t.-r the possession ol ! the liesir. -l oh e. :. using his hands for weapons if he lit- no ' -tliers ha a j I ut bringing down a s'i -k .t i r.:-!i or : l.'Ook i as th- ca e may l.e i n tie- hea i ; f it; ene.ny with all th" z-al ..I a . i iiau or an ' Ubbewuy on tin w.t i ath. ti.rl babies are iret'v neiriv ; bad as noy bab.es in these matters, o.'i- j Iv the girl .i 'li.'Ters frun the l,v I s.tva - mu- i, as.s.tv.ie wom an dubTs fr.tn savage man. of course there are many bahy i oys and baby girls w , .it 'e ten ten. t s.ftV.t JUs have been many u:;. uliur.-d j man who have b 'en g -iuIc i race- an 1 ii'.no -ent. Ii.it trie pin t bal... s ar. always vvea . and unhealthy In tin s'r i.'.'b' t.T eist nee th-y ;. i -euial bef-U. i.lSt , the;r more f r- u-.us br t tn rs. s the perish pi..-1 an I .gent..- before their t-Ull l'l t'a i,- their; di'.n. pea r-th r. w ing, i iui- w nud- o;t ilie Purler's Mcitnm. The i hioago . I rani Talk.-r" allege, to have lu-ard this on a I'ull -tictti s;,.(.pet "It's wonderful what pract:.-- will do I .- . i man. Vow. I hav. ohs. rw l a pec iiiar thing on sleeping ca.-s,whi' h g..es to sh e. ho v even a (Hill Ho '' I j mini may be trade I to perform ai- i ino.t in. redible bats "I memory au i , pre .-ion ( m this en- tiiere ar- a' ha-t twenty g.-ll'leineti While we are asleep the p.Tter W.ll gather Up ' ail mil' slines and ciuilip 'elll Oil a p ie ' in the gent.' washroom, when- he v;d j polish them when he gets time. 1 1,,-r. t w.ll be shoes that look jiist alike, and many of the -aiue si. e. but in the luoru ;hL'evi ,-v man will find his lm. . and ! ii id else's bete ath his ln-rlh. Now. we all coiisiderourseif-upenortotli.it , colored porter, but I venture to ..tv i i.- neot us ,-oui i .. a iningiiKetii.il It's ; wond.-rfiil example of wha' tra.uin will do for the memory " V.wt inorul:i. sure notigh, t very man's shoes vv.-re in their phice. and the irentleiii,,n u-jiin .ill attention to what he consi l.ee , icniarknhlc "Here. p'Tt'T," he c chtniteil. slipping th pT.nninu' Ian. tionary n dollar note to lnwn In t. nsuc "'ell us how yon do it 'Vc.-i. sah." s.iys the porter; "its n,s Us ,.;tsv when you get Vutstoined toll Tnhe- .1 ow'fiil sie;ht o" practice thoiion " "That's w hat I told you." re marked the neutlflnian to hit companion, t r 1 nmphly "Vei. siih, it takes a pow'ful sight o' practice It wall two hull weeks ufo' 1 could learn tochaik tho nuin balls ot' lb) berfs on (Ip soles of shoe. vvi'hout makin' mistakes. Thank yi b. ss.'' Smite rurticiilarx Ahimt 'rearhine. The tenth census shows, for instance, that there are in this country '..ii'.is.1)t in round numbers I'i5.m'i i clerirvmen suipposp.for the sake of illu-tration.that each one preaches but two sermons a week, which is, perhaps, rather above than below the average, ami we shall have in the course of a singlo year a total of 6,7(itO()0 sftrmons. Further, suppose each sermon of only thirty minutes' duration, also perhaps le s than the average length, an I al the rate of 10') words a minute each er inon will have about .'.Odd words, or twelve bonk pa'es utch nf 2oO words, and ;.ll the sermons preached even year will give a total of printed mat ter of sl.lJt',oa)0 hook paires. or Ii'iJ.JJO Volumes of M'd pages each, while if an average congregation of fifty listen to one sermon a total of 3,di0.((li) wor shipers is presented at a single service- .,',,. fli-m.rrn' (IH ASTI.V I )t" ICSSJON. ' j The Miscricordia " of Flor once, Italy. A CWt.ige of M.bkel M n w:o Bali! With Cholera. Tho3e who have beea in Florence have often seen, crossing the narrow streets at right, a ljng fuuoral proves- j sion in ning slowly toward tho Poiui Pint i; and no one can have seen it w ith .ait a feeling akin to awe. The dickering torches with taeir lurid light are borne bv imn shrouded in black from head to foot. Their fa-.es are concealo 1 un 1 r Ida. k masks, and they earry on their shoulder a coilm, covered with a bla 'k (tail. The idlers in the street make way respectfully and murmur: "It is the Miseiicordia." j That measured tre id. those ghastly masks, those shroud-like drcs-es. the! strange, uncertain light of the torches, the fantastic proce-sion-a'd powerful- j I ly impress th- mind of the paser-hy who sees that solemn show for the first j time, an 1 he involuntarily asks: , j -Wha' does ail t his mean". Why1 i are tu.'se men so do.se; v inasl.ed '! W'hv i . , . .'. the p'opb" in ih.' vv iv so re.-pe -Uul i ly -'- : ! mi.' nues ,.-e m,;, 's the sum jn i ' e-shui in the dayt.me. but now tiie ! citiii is r- 'ia el iy a litter, the black liiotho! v.hi. h is lifted up on one .-i p.. I Here agi.u H e b arer are the M:seri-! ! i' .i i; i. . ar.yi.i some invalid fiun his j ho, ue to th.- hospital. In .hep silence the men car y their j ui'ler;n burden w ith a pac so steady ,m I a hand -- inoi, tint -circe any morion !' th- litter is perc ptiMe, : F.ovg pi t", .s an 1 caret nl training have ma I-tieia ad 'trs in the art of: tiitrsin i; and ! ere are n-. i tter .r iu;zer- er eecutan!.s of ambiiiatice -,-t v ;ce than th-v. Alt -r h.iv in sue essiully strule '-rain-t tiie gi. ,!v - plague- t 'o .iv th tr-a' !es; .scourge of huuKin- Mis. rieordia und. r :it of that hew foe I itsclt in tiie nine- ! v.h.ch pres.". i ! tee;, tii c ui'iir' '.hat wa ainio t as i b adly-. In'., ra Wh n th.s ma a ly first appealed in n-r-'n e. ii bum i all the brothers at !""' P re.dy f.-r the fearful battle, uh.T tons ot Italy t rove to us that lut every one consiiiere i ii ins iimi m l-iy dow n h Ibit .such ar.' i life t0'' his neighbor, the force of habp und rudition tin. ie,tr at,. I vcr t th- M SC. i he w ay t race. 'V 1 ,i. other Clti-'J lost .ps-ra- t" I. the brother, r.i i a calmly went on in Ut for 1 belli I v tl use n' uries ot paMeiit and I I lu.g Mi. luring seh-ai ne; .'inn. ng, the ha -il l.e ! f .r a-seiiil lini IS I ases of sllddell :att .n. In tin b t.il signal-bell was ; the liieinbei's, but, b ath be. an-; daily nore tre.pi uit. an I as thi - lugubrnius oii:,d Colitl imtte I to ttl general I eel- , ,ng of uneasiness, it was decided toj put an end to it. I niiappily lack oi w ork was never fell ou,t times J -evellty-seven litters were III USe at iii 'l iii '. vv ithoiit spcnidiig of cases ,,f rdinai.v illness, which .n.rage.', scv t,ti . ii d ii.v. The I lotinus were al- iwavsliiund to be in su:!e i.-nt liiiiu- , is. t..ur to carry tin- i.tt.r. while loin ..tleU-s followed t :.:,.-.. th.-n, No'.v in I it'll palaces, bltt lieile oiteli 111 ii.iseia'ole hovels, the bi. tleus went i.p i ' ; bieeoi- four Tories of duty st.i.is. i t,t. red the infectious room of the dy- ! ing--dying, not on a bed or a in a - jno.s, hut on a foul heap of straw, 'with their tender and w.ll trim I ; hands, they lifted up the .-n k man. and i putt itig Iii in upon th.-ir should'Ts, in ; t'i his repulsive Id le iiisness. they went down those ot'en daitgeiieis i stairs, through dalk, tiarto p iss.i I and then gently depo-it.-d the.r c,.i ' oil the litter whii h await. I them i . i 1 1 w Ililti',. the inteti-e 'eat . wlnn 1 the iheruioiiietcr hiarl.i.l nunly d. r.-es in the sha le. an 1 ev.ry IL n n tine shellere I hints il behind the thu k walls nl Ins palace a.'. iiti-1 iii" ,,r.'li mg ra ut thu sun. tin' iiantai'le (.ro c ssion. 1 ro-sina; the decried -licet., tniol.t be -c.-n at he hoit. st hours .. the daw '' Miitlt""t. I.hiiiI, I. nh ir mill I up bil. The Arabs have a story ol a man who desired to test which of lus three nous loved him most. He sent thcin mittof.ee which of the three would hnnij him the most valuable present. The three sons in' ' in a distant it v, and r-oiupiired the u'ts thev had found. The first ha I a 1 arpet on which hi could transport himself and others whithersoever he w otild. The second had a 1 nt tl i une which would cure any disease. The third had a glass in which ho could see vhat was going on ', at hone; he-iw his father ill in bed. The first transported all three to their home on his carpet. The tiecotid a I- j ininistend the medicine and saved the j father's life. The perplexity of the 1 father, when he had to decide which son's gilt had been of the most vab . lo him, illustrates very fairly the diflieulty of saying whether land, labor or capi tal is most essential to production. No production is possi.de without the co operation if all three. 'rn. II'. (7. Si'iiiii' 1 . An ordiiig to Ir. I tin Lewis, old people should In given S dt foods. S IV ory a. id well ciiohed. Ihi give old, in uoave pe iple butcher's meat every day, i.r, says, is to load t heir systems with v. aste products with material that is virtually poisonous Smuiorlers' Trick. "... . . , I ue (imous links b which people re.nit who deal in contraband goods, . i.iii t .i ,. ,m, in,., nnitv imitiv nl :i In It, v eiis'e One .b aler "in cos'.l'v luce u-cd to run in it valuable lot through I In IMle- of Paris, under the vei v feet and eves nf the nliiciaK oil the back of a I'll I le ..u, v In had aunt her cent neatly tillnl ad over his luek, which lie wore with much grace i- his own 1 1 airy jacki t. l ne lace was Hound Miieothlv and tvinlv nlioiil lii h ..Iv und he could Ciiri v tlinu eids . f ',is' , ith in that w'iv and , , .., neiioiiv I t l.iew'.sei lie whs c .ll."! 1 in ! Ii'llmv, and w le ti bafllcd at one gate w..idd run oil ! another, lipping in ,.,), , il,, vi rv hoots ef lite horses 'n a ., ', , .... , ,. ' . ., cut:; tollid nl,u,g I he tu. . is at . . ... .,-! -.. i tut. and the wary "log. raHi. r ,,,:; -i.ib r hmiselr to lie ( in is.-, lit. tooK to cents. 'le "...t !. ,u:il was sliol. lie laid a costly uin.ih. - !,! .1 la. ; ab.ul him wh.-ll he TIip Sirrrt ufl.ire. . ,,, ,',. ,v ;,,l;i,d. ,i. h a I'.iithlul '.ohll's f-a 'sap'ir; ia. or !,,o.l ,t,i. l.ivor ,1 -e ,.;,. hi to ..,ve had ii lniti-nn.ist, t. ts.viup. Istliei-en dv f .r Hie cure of M-rofii-I le iv i-a urns, uin ef lhese coiiti-cal. -I :. rle mut .-.n. vvliji.. s.v. ,,,.-, .oi:. !. s ,,i p.iti-. which i- now ami lh.ii i-'"l. I--1 t ' ' np'i"ii In- ne!i ti.-. v isii, , In the rjiiositv hunti r. win re is lie v,n. e-tul.ty. tnaaii in. aid nl' ica-- a . il. a '.-..;,;.. with a' si.oo! ef sewing " J ' 'e-are coa lit ,..i .. li e tl.'-el in (lich chunk; b,,!s with lh-,,. I. .im""", ,vs lT '..-W. Vtl wiif. hi . hid in the heels: ii i ohn vvknli l.r. '.a t I i;i,i e tliio"),li ,m th-. 'i n I m is l'iii d w it !i i i-'.-u : a huge stuif.d b,,a i".in ''. ins ll.o ,! an I l.iver S rn . r, . .i.siii, ;,.t. a t.i.t in vie. siib - di.clos d 1 ' " "'.'"- 'eare eoi-.tan-lv i , ,, . r i ii i e i I oi r- tl ' e. c,' ellle. I i-oni I he hi f,. a prmou. assignment or v abiahle hie - . ,.. .,,,-.,... .,i, re, oiie,, n j. .,!,. - i.iig. A'.ia.iti hang. I.;, in i k in a b ,; i-.-ni-.lv lor ah .ve Uiseas,.. et e,:.,t;v t i-l,i.... bin a stroke of tin -- ----- - - , am '..... ',i ni i o be i nl v a sounding tin. Henri Pain.. it,. ,.,.; i., I'.... , il,, !,.tl,.,:,nl of a eg. . ;.s an alt. I; a an. I 't "' ut man;, t , mi t hi miuli ' In- gates ,. l',,;i i:. tun.-, in a j.an. e.len h d-, a. ol.lh .; .iiel swi ai ing and I ' 11 . i t n ilh i i ,r.-.. nt h ,n,i i' o. iv. i - and I"!'1 th- tn VIII, .h o . 'j'l.l'lilllit v troin t!:,s l,!ai . v, le had 1 " i. e, i..i,l-t li,. 1 1 1 i i i't I i.i,pitig lie u- 1 I I' i" -v .(( itig I;. i li I in- ie'U1 .1. t. in -tit j.i j.. d to In .a hini ;.: i a v. tv ne lain t.-.tlh- lb- v a- t ,le-u . ll ' he , -III , lion to. un. .el ! '-mil lo I., 'ilh d with . V.. lh I't bMlelv. "hi. b l'. s di i u o;T a' ie I' . v ...on saiuph .i ,... a'crnl ' .-I lie- ihiid. and 'ie p. : l.l i. i.'s .i.iv ,. .. rv i. i u i- ..V i r A ...in. .' 1 it -imi .at' gain. wa. pl.tvid I. I'ngiisl; i ';-: an h..-,.. . ili. a-, v. I,., it'-pei i' .1 a i l;f). tc i; Sw.ut hii h pr d t-. I" : in At; i. an la 1 li. In and v . ai l a!-' i -- til' "lie I .;. k c i ' '..III in- ." all ', . ,1. i.t i-f. - rv..ti.e. ' lh.;. I'- I.' e j i , ; ... ;. d . t'' lie bra in I V lb te !.. u p i. i.o.i la ad. 'I-d Loir -b ,. h t - lie In liltl ! tie -1, ,! j. .!. i, 1 .. i . i'. l l lt.pe-1. Wilt ( liihlreli Shnnlil lint limn v I'll, .1.. and at -I I. n- .1' th ei ,nd- l.'id:. I al. .i'ilte all .-.t'outal IL. Who - - v. l'i..-. nave and i-i-r,i Hi I, lie adult, tat' d a:. de .' and -vn:p IM hd I 11...1I1 tn tuuis I! t.n "i otiid u In ui. v ii:-ti ad I In -v vv oiild ,i v i lop .onl :i- up into healthy meii and wniui n. I iiilol. li Would I at In r eat I lead und i,. at. ; li: ,c, l.;e. nl and Lull, r ' ;n jio'iial . U !,..! . ' " ill i . ll a - I il a- f w o polllnl- , ! ,-. :,i,.i I. .-. b, -i.i- .. i,e ad at ' eo .a beiii. 1.1 Ii a. h, alt by and pie... II 1 ,-t. d. aid .-I V a - 1. !n III." e, j. w I,... I, ,1 1. i L. i . ti;. - : iv al a'i'i ofii ll ,.. .i . . t ui, ) ii, lh. .t.a . . h, . nr I . s . s..,iii ... v .ail,, ii, e and dial! ho-.i I .... le :.. v -!.. :. Id -ue ..;.. I !i,,. ,-. .1 in '. i.v I null I l-.i .i ' ali a up '. - i . ,,t I- I '.. i; ! in tn i ll to I., aii -i I la !.- ol I ota v' l -I. ..I .-I -..;. all... -! , , . r kiiel . ! Ivili'.' is .1- pli an! !,,, ti p li d t- it i- If dtll.v ha tie .1. n;a I- la pr. j ar.ng Ida. hn. try. ra-p I . -ila'.v hi I i l de Iti ;iIm il is inli hie i.v -'. 1 I ''I' ll i- a . ol if e li i vpres.hui mat honey i. ilblM.'V. haV.iio ll.it ilillu to ilo .lil till lit. iv in nriie I .li . I hi- i-nil el o -hoi,, v i. p .. ,n ..in i. it- nil-si i ..nccii- iati d l"i u. lh U' . it do. not if Id -I. in , i I: to i1, i:iov. th o inn-, let a does I., i i-t. ak. b'.l it d. . - impa. I olhi r plop el In - lo li-- i ii - al to health .'llld V iu . I..II- phv - a .,1 alal ii.l. lh i tied m li..i. ll e v , . u a I ill! 'I to 1 1.. s nni. ll 'Uses Hen on . i ie I o' at.ii o i ie. l to all tin v js-,; fma I a n- I '!: 1. I... n r il e.b, u i,: h t lie bu in. man hn nt ai . ,. i it - i ll'i i I - an ie -I !d,- mdinai v t ti,-,: .- I- -'a ll a- pill!-, i ti'.. bill pi" , ;., , , la allilV ai If. II. tin tislilt. ,,f nhhh .u. pha-iie mid pi I'luiiin nt a I di-p. -iii. ll alel b-;Ll,l iutelll-l I (.iiiirer .liirs. . ...1 :,, 1 1 . ; I ' ," , 1,0 ll. 1 he l'i" I a 'in tl el.il.isi All aiinisiiio ! 1 . lie In. 111 ( hill o.u.iiui: tin- laniihar blue and to,,, ja- is 1,, 1,. The ( 'him V 1 l ialaTe till .Mill' MlllIC Ci nii vaih-.l lilinn to make a aid Pa- the r.cipti.,11 ,,f L'lnecr. , ' . In 1,11,1 a 'hini i. -inulb-r wu-rciiui-.tcil. , , ,. , , 1 11 1 lei' I,, r. the -tuliborn 1-I1 stials rebelled. Tlell . nil -en lit iv e . liar -i ll T ri e:n,, i anv 111..1. innov ation- as su lilcuc. :,,i. .... ' -aid tin .11 jn-i int. ndetit. "vv e ( l.a.i t hav .- -in ill jar. iii.eb in the Kilo i.-h j .ot 1 , a ie. t 1 hold our ( hi ne-e irmoi i . tie " ilie'el i- e, ti i,i lie ( hiliese. but t hilar- an not No Pin sir, Mr. in Mine!" tend -t ry. nir.es loan a ,y' tmnrdin,; !..'! in '.l.-i's. v." 'I la-ill, 't vvah tncti'.ton. .IIS o, I . ,11 tipn'in.', mid the k'ftrned Prin-ipnl I I 1 lo illll.Mlltee some n.d stvle ilVHC in ie- nppli -Hit..', mid oait Hie liapiy iestiltji. fie l.njlil lal. the sni t; te-t in viin.il disrnv r d tile s.s: i t rtlllle III Id-. sii. e. anj ptlsllill; 1 a I: hi- plate, shoiiled totheisl ingue: ., 1 liv-ic. sir. 111 lull, M .la I tol l nie to ttw 1,11'h 11' lap In- l'.-i, ,-s 'l ie is.tnt l'!iri.'iitiv.. I ellets.' Hlld tl.e.V Hie .I..III4 their (IlltV ItkH a .IniriiiZ' IhiV Hie ant 1 lithinis, and f.urelv ecetnt.K The ill no en. any is a prudent ruivnr. '.!i.;es nf nil a,', , vvlio stiller from lo-s nt apfCtilc. f.niu imperfect digestion, low ...jrits nn.l in 1 voiw ,lelility. inav have lie;, lih lenevved mid life -f luh d hy the lt-e of Mrs l.vdni VI. I'liiklmm's rdncdies furiill coiii luinls - erudly iiicidclil to the female ci.ii.-titutii.n. We not mil) have 11 living lam, in Mrs. l'lnkhatn, but we me 11-siired thai her ii'iucibes are id mice most nura.'i hie mid etiieai'iiiiis. I',,.. essed ciil in iiniij.'iiiiitioti, h i'iiiih"! heemm f ir tlillli,'- "Hello!" we In --nrd tx" mnn say to another, I ie otiief liny "lilldll l klHivV you lit lirst. .llV. Voll litok tell Vf-ms JnllllgT tllHII.Vi.U il I ii. 11 I sitvv i u las.. ' I teel ten years . am-. a-.' was, the n plv "Ymi know I used I to l.e under the weather all the tune and gave , up evie-tiiirf to l- any heller. The Uoetnr .aid I I ad entisuinptioii. I was t-rrihly weuk, ; lind nijilit sweats, imii'ii 11.. apwtite, find lost ttli I saw It 1'ien e - a. .Lieu Modical 1'is-I c.v.-iv' ndvertlsfd. an I PavHlijIit it would (111 no liiirin il it did no t;...l. it has cured nie. . I inn a new uinn Us 10.se I urn a will one " I lie vvoil' (I11.111 owe mini erbbin. brniaii iiwas it ter lu-stj'f. j Tiie innlical iroeriies of petroleum have I ..n.r lf.sj-11 kii.iwn to the nUsridini. and since . I arU'line Im- U- imie so well known as a hair r. storer and tin s-nir. ( tmleiiin take fn.nt ; tank Hinoll,' the new ifiii -.b.s.. "Ilouau 011 lints. Clear-nut rat s, mice, roaches, tiie. . bedhn , oits.-kunks.chil iiuinks.k'npliers. I.V. h'li'sts "llueliu-rnlilii." Quick, complete cure, nil Kidney. I'.l n l.ler imi I nnnry I Whom, hralilirit.'. Iiitati. 11. Stnrie.(inivel.("HtBnh of l.lailder.!. I'ltijl . . .... . ,, . ,, . . . , Heiirit. k a rule, will couie to th nr fare. I It'noTet nostrum. Wc pik of Dr. ' l'i i-. e' Kxtiuet nf Knutr; Vrd, compoMMlof , ,,, Ki,mi.-Ii llnimlv, Knitu-t W td, Janiaica ton-i i- nn.l t'aniilmr titer. It etir w ehof ei a iiioviius, colic or civinnis m stoma 'li. m ir. ,,".,.",t ''" rvorl.Uj.y-rtiix,aii.i hivnks nj. nM, level mi 1 iiillaniiiiutoi v attackn Honest I. i ,s the be?t loin for n tui store. ICniijifti en Cornn." Ask for'e!U' Konifh mi (Mirm.'l V. ( on:- .. . . . ,;ete cute. 'Jiirj or son conn, warts, bunion. Hay-Feveb. One and n-half bottles of lily's 'i.hiii Balm entirely cured me of Hiiy- l ever of leu veitr.s' stiiiutm. Have Ii.iJ no tr.-iceof it for two yenr..-- Ai.l;HtT A. Pkkkv. i,niililioro, N. Y. J'rice fill rt-ut. H Fr.vn. 1 wis seveielv nfllieted will. Hay Fever for twi-nt;. -five yea is. I tried I'.iv V Creaiii Hultn ml tin ( lh ct was in u vef j, N rt ,.,,.. Wm. T. t'MiH. i,,. ,!,yU.rPi , a,toi. Fliabeth, N. J. I'm". i .ii nan. ii.iipi.s-fiii ie:.!i!;s.ii.v!in- Iniil.'i .-'lull, lie S'e." ,( . ,.j e.M ,e -IKV tiled ll. dill lit newer." . wan ol t lie inei ii lit stag. - ot I .iisi;n, tan. 'I ,-c.e 1 ' i,iir,. m tiua . if I.I DM P. I INKIMM'si nfnliln f'n nni m: nil UU1U UUUihUlU'il is i r:: ' tvvV. I'"r-iniilrl'iiiu.itli:in.!l Ji'Ajt-' "N eafciirsr so I'l.aiein'i f our Lr-lf. an., le ...iiim Inn. ;. .ill nr. r;,v ,. , r. , , . ,,,.. .- ' "'"V?1" '""'' - ' -,'; '' 1 11 I "' " ''"''I ' " '""'' ; e.V.V,'V ,: i " " " " : 1 "" I. ' ii. i l!a i 1.-, lt . kol . . i .- ..-.-ii . .v . y it n . fi,tty .1.. i.i 1 1.- uit. m ) ; 1 r. rtvrtt.tx- ; ( -. T :.. , air. . ...its-ill. ii. I l'i .. no.- ie. 1 ; ai i :; . r t'i. I r. r. . t . H I. int nil .tiu.a l t. .k-,f "T ffr-ICv Tl l-cf'n -t " iinii i .. .. STOMACH..., fip ;'V.',.','l-f th-.'.' Hay Fever 4- r-Y iFfJi ililiriillierMir.. iWCL'-rt'W 1 -ui-. .1 lie I ... -.a .' . laa.t.V,.,' 1-1 I . , . . ,. ,1,1.-. p... . .", . 1 1 hint' lift ii'iv ., lain .,( 11...... I1...1I.U- l IC- Cri .011 H.1I1H .-Oi.- n., 1.111B usutl. 7 I.HIKI.I-l r.MH.S,-ii 1 ay-fever 1 I -. T - 1 11 li- "'sV Ian-Ins. I.r..t.ti.i . s,...i,.l.n ls. . pBiW .sr- - '. ' , ; v ii 1. ,. 1 1. a 1. . 1 J- ' '.-I'lSI .AH'li).N V. K.-II-I I.e.l.T iMHk. " " ,.'... , , ,, ,....,,, ii , O A if I iili-imin llu.lne- I .!li e. V. y n 0 v. , ' . , ": V s i. 1" '..r .AAAlQ J..'.,:. "a.., . nren W.-.I. J It ty ,.,, i.ll 1 i I M V .till r i.l 1. ,...r. I. II al V - .1 n 1 mtivmc" I Tl,. I' s n. n. W...h nr' .ii. i Air,iii).i 1 ...,...k..i 1 t-.iMit un'.l ,. u ai.-il vv r.'.-1 r IN I MOll to III 1 . Al iiii Iiimm.v Aiir.-i 1 1- ..n I.-, r w ar.. I Aimv IMI li. .11.-'. I..M Pensions i.ts.i,,!. r. . II. -ir.. N.-n.l s, ,,,, ill. I, lll.Nl, llAM. All Waeintl le 1 A I.I T 'l I l 1 l. I.fl 111. 1 M-lfftt -fi ! tn,. I I 11 ..k-nii.t llil.lt-. l'i ..-. rf.,.f-nll l'i 1. I 11 , l'iii!-. I. '.li' . i.iuli k' v V. 1 .' iti-m-. .2.01 r lUieii 1 ' . 1,1.. , In... Alio.. l.lU. It. , x Mmm Brown's Iron Bitter min- I i ties Iron w ith pare vi zelaldo t"liics. It is rnliipoiuided en th(irnueily ci. (iitilio litnl in 1 ". iral priliell'les, and i-aiiiiiit iu()!vat'f All other pu'i'a.alionsef Iron cause liradadie, and piiMiuce (sini'.ijiation. Brown's Iron Bitters is the ONLY Iron nicdichio that Is not injurious - its use does not even blacken ihe teeth. Il not onlv cures the worst caa cf In . pepsin, lint insures a hearty ap-;vlil-i and gool digestion. nnrag .o.. ia . a 1 1 1 Mii,... n.-.-t ...s BrVJ'lT-ia n.U rnrr,.l".ni.luli- .1. i .i.f,e,.)i.ifii, i.,o.-. if.ll . l.-r.u,.ii..illj l",f1'lf;1 V;";1 T ... iirir 11 "1 .. t tt. 1-1 '. i.. 'ii la 'I -ui'ii 1- I I f "ii is.- moil -I 1 Jfc ....-K" ' ' J ' i'W rm,. ti I n.:i.- VV,a...rir,-,'il:slritl.l-orin f. O. Boa JW. . -'! si V.l ntj N Yoril. -r-jrs. t pi ui 1.1 oi s. i UK, rS I ii,eil.i.e th.iLf X ijuru'lsis ra-NI J I I lywlH ""I hl.iekeuoPURIT A.ciiiiiiiieiid It n sJ l 1 I I I r-'rh.iwr. i.i. teeth. yVVilie l..t Trylt. J II y A SURE 'APPETIZER. mK' BEST T-fc KNOWnMI iff Will cure quickly and completely Dyspepnia. Weaknesa, V lf MuUria, Impure Blood, ChdlB and t'over, w 111 few od Neuralgia. 4 A V INVALUABLE M Iff I I FOH LADIES AND FOB ALL Ifm I I VX PERSONS WHO LEAD A BEDENTABY LITE. 1 I I RELIEVES INDICESTIONC05X OURESJYSPEPSIA. A j N I ll Itlsasiir,ritii(l.v'V'rltatrenKtben9the l, L ft v tor ilisens.. off-, I lj niuscU-s, tones axuiS V ' -t tt' l iver andoVPUH,TV,1,vlBorute8,bt4C P t I V. Kidneys. y,iiylem. mm p0,ni,;, B1CK HIADiCHl. illou.oo... nod n MVa tod BOWEL CttnpltuaM. MALABI. hloou i'OIsjN. iul 8km Diau iONB pill A DOdKi. For f'tml C n.pu,uit th! Pill 1 hvr no f-M't-.l. " I nud ihf in valutlDif. efJinarno ' hi ii.v tev IK1, I 'i. no tnr.fr.-d. Lffiiinivoi,, 1U j ( m. ,-,r Z., , ttin.t. Vaiuoi iiormitaiua I Have Suffer, il !' With every disease imaginalil" fur !!i 1 time T.jti-s.' t'ur lll'ljeglst. T. .1. Atvl.-rs-iii. rees::- , ; ; Hup Hiltcis," to 111". I Usxd two bottles; Am entiiicv cured, ni t ' ; i s .-i. m nt Hop Bitter t fv.e , J. . Ii alter, Ducknei', Mo. i n mf i n ui h Token of tiie groat apr'ei'i 'i I ist -f vein' Hop , Bitters. I wa s 'h ' -1 1 With inllmtmintor.v thrim-a i a : ! Per ixwlv Seven van's, and no nieh ae e ic. ' io ia in- ni y ' (i.,ii::' Cut il 1 tried two foot:!" ef y:v : ? ters. an 1 to tnv sun.ri;e I a; i i - k : i. v . ever ! wa. 1 dm Yen luav liaveiibintiliitit "In tins 'i'.'at mid" hilu.'di!eim-ih-".ine Anyone' " v.ishins t" ku v. about 1 1 v cue' ( '.ill leal i" I v iid ln-s-iiv nie, 1". V. Williams, inn 1 i;li su-.s-i. 'We'...,. 1. I . 1 consider ymtf Hftnedv III- If st real-dv in rvi i . Fur Iiidi.4esiioii. kidney Co n; iiinl "And nervous dehilitv t have jut" Petuned J'roin the south m a fruii!p -"ir. h heitl'.b. and (hid thai your Hitler ai- h me more lv,. Thau ii'ivtlihi ; else; A month ii" I was eTlieitielv "Kiimeinti l And searei-iy able to walk. X.m I an l.aiiiiiu' f-t ii'iit it ar I "Kle-ll" And baldly it day (:.; - but wimf I imi - . 5 nmpliinclit.si en iitv u.ir..v. . hi(k a; tins, in. I it i all due to il. Mlt.-ls' .1. W f lili le ,l,ieks,,i. H'.eO,l;illl, P?l. j" None prnuiitp v ith-vit a I'ttn -h ot it-ii ib psoii the v.lule 'a - I Mlil-11 till ti;, vile. ,njs.,noiis stlltf wj.j, ' i l.-.p" or ' Hi.i.s"il I ll-'lf ll.'illte TUC p OF RrOPTS I IIIM 1E5 Tg fe'lLBfcLLIUaO ut allan i'Iiikton, '... e c.,. t I . s - ,rr: p,. . vTCt.tt 3 P XW' J ' &'.&i5l Agents Wanted for our hew uook, S n r '! it ,..i. l r ivrnt . Onlv ! ok ut itt kin i. li.i- ," r--V"Hi. in. r 'f- -.ir otr ! J in ili'tw i rr i i tv ot I'ls'KcnT'?' Scii - i i: f-t th a r -lur i t urmi'i. j.r i (ii'finiiii "t tiw miii- 'i i a y l r.ieinat L n i .n I'. nl.. i- cip iku ' iot ..ir I ' pi ML MiE(ip tii T t, i mpi.il. i.i t..i'. i h .j. htroic l.mv. to M ' r ri' ( ,n c .t mi l k-t-'.it-. il inthn itiiist rhiitliiiii nrltouk vwr (iiilMln'il. I n i'o "! l ii .i ;; ;. i I'tret . n I Au - n "i m n tit. A 111.-- . Lil. -ill ti.K.ic . - i'lrf- i . ii.iirali tii. I if M onlv 1 iMir 14 'i; t"'in I !n It . K' ti-. inT. r. Hi's, Mrm t. 'u luniri t n . frt.v. Wr w vr fn f?ii' iii t tr.ml Ar t y V--t nn.l In r.r. uui) in ti. I, s I r lull I irn" ;tt- su-i FayneV Automatic tnjinci and S""-MI! tCSJ sZ- in 11 1 i-irn. ..ff.ran ., I II H i n to. I Trunin with Mill. 1V11 0 .0 .I.-..1W, .'Kill I- taiw i-..nt ti.. .ki. ri .- mplxto (.1 ...i.r . ,,n i'T. t ' . I 11-'"' "" 'tilt-. (I'll .-.- ' Sal f.r .r.al" di) l. V. IMVN'k . r(N. Mili-'fuce r o "I i l.'!ol Aiil.ninillr htf .Iin ., (run. :M..a II P. i. H. i'.ir, ll.a,. D't Fm.IIiV. Iimi". N Y It' 1 llaO. K f5"r GOOD NEWS 12 LADIES? tirfttt iuducni itU r Ivi-ti Now funr 1 -m o rl up 1 r AoiTs vAXTrn ii.rth.uv c i di iiuc 0. iPieieiAun p. DLMIilC & VkbUkHnu W . LOGAN, HENDRICKS, in 1 v.. i,,- r. i.. i no ..i iy . . All,,n.,:, Aii. I ,,..,,, .1 (mil Mr. tht l-.r 1 ('. i.e. I in I Im ('ui-uii ! l4 Oim.llll . tlir HO- I. ICMIi tl.....r.,l in rh "J. " n.., II.J.O. Bllrarrrnl I. .V -.l... tiiilfl. AV. Vnitf ! As-nl. ,.,,1 II.M.. I.; ..I.r N... I. th lint, lo , link.' 111. .,-v I...: Rfi.4 l.-t .Ira In... ll oiir. .. HAM milt I VI lll.lIIIMi IP- IIb II' .' " 3 CUiCt WHtRI AU lltl Milt. ki lll( iluullH) nip. Tt(.siiu...1. 3 list- ill tune, ls.,1.1 by druKKisi. PATETSeiv 11 ti.rn.ir nj.. or 1. IIIV.HAM, Pl .. WndlillKleil, II'U. n't. .. Bsot frt. VIGOF Afiu. r. .. ruiiu., -i...nw Ti.. Brown's Iron Bitters Is the Best Liver Regulator re moves bile, clears tho skin, iliests llio food, C'Ui:S BeleMn, Ilenrtburn, Heat ia the Stomacli, ete. It is the bt-stdtnown remedy for female i.ii'u niilies. Tic nenuino has above trade-mark and 1 r .-sc l rs lints on wrapper. Take in. other. Made only by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. purgativej fc-'d ia v Pltl.-Ilr. T M Pulmor. Muolllo, PlA."

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