(lI)C vCljatljam ttecorfc KATIES KIHTOK AND rnoi'RJKTOK. ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, i one qiiurc, inn' iiicrlioii jOnc square, two insertions -' inr square, inn' month - 1.50 - !i..V One " V, ""' year I hie copy. ix months One r-:ji , 1 1 1 rt ' months I. (Ml VOL. VII. I,ITTSB()H() CHATHAM CO., X. C., OCTOBER Hi, 1881. For linger idvcriiseineiits liberal con tracts w ill li' minle. NO. (I. "I Woke iiie Hay. 1 ilo inn1 lu lin I ili it Youth mii &i'h. Vitli liiiii-. wli.it:il,.s cool l,ii,-sMlnl ill, To join u vueaie ii ij'i'ii, tver j;roviii. HI ".liu-tn wliii r,i' i" .heiitiiluii't -till, TlltlsU V.'IUIII 111"? tHr ll:lVe I . Ill lUlM-Vlll(l tCllliitt-. ilil I'tit'tels unee .fii'i lo ilie-l tiion; Hutretiil 1 1 1 r i tlii-Ciiith, mi. I .nni 11-t under, No iltnilt; iiii'l do onin si, II n--.tut, I won Vr, 'I 'll- id id ol.l iIio I lie ju.ld thill' ".ollc? TlllM liikl .CVill lli-.lill-li!.l. ol'ili'ill ti-l-1, Ol l-llli! cils. nl lunk.'ll Vow-. l'i nt low. iim! nil 1 1 ii t iiii nion ili-i lo-cs lllc Illolllit ; :i ti l I ii!illi' enron-ei ilc fllow.. IK l Iclolijoltoll I'll 'I'l, We In -: tin- voice- i'ii ii '.my, I l levo lei-, c.li.i I. mr n- -I. II -..ill I r;i- -. "I (iii uli iiImm Iiiiiui oil lulling- ,.):..'. s. Win- i ii'lil v;i- ut-ii tut nc-l itl:i, iimitv ri-t ji -!fip It -ttt; i:ii!;uAi!i, My v ii U iifiMwpi. Iiy -t.ii- ni -r . Ni i'l In ;. i. ii ii- i:iv --iuKc-ii. "r Kii'iw i-t-t i'-w Ih l mijjlii Ii t ' ' ti. W lift) -low - Hlill "it'tilii.!' y Un;'"V, ItfMWI'i'M llli W-li'" II ( i , When Wiii l .niti l.iitil, it il' u'lin till -otV Mni'l- W't . ni li'tu 1' " V ill ti"tnl !;ii I'll i- V " ll-l i -III Ii' II 1 i - "I II JACK'S EXPEDI NT. "fiay, Ch.iilie, V' n'vc il'itii' foryotii Fi'lf liii.i time' said pic'.ly Doris Tlmniton In hiT adorer, c .mii" King wool nl' tin- Chalk-hire I ! giuieiit. a they vii' sitting together .ilii r tlliitii'i in tin' rniisi-r ;itoiy iittiii-hi'il in tin1 lp;mnl riMT-iil" i 1 1 : i ln-loii';i!i;; t.i lii-rLV father. Mr. Thmii.is Tlmi'iiton "I the StiirU lixrliaii.'!'. "Why hiivv, Puiisy" iis;('il tho vniiii;; man. "IU spiMkin as y ti I I .1' iliniH'i ilgililist sli'iiln laiimlii'-.. ;ui l s:iviio that tho 1 1 1 -1 1 wlin nwinvl 1 1 1 - 1 1 an! HHfil thciii wen' ials," tvj'lii'.l h.ii'i-. "I'aia's jis( 1 uli 1 mil', an I, nr' t" lishiti;r. has iiia h' i! hi- ur-al 1 1 rl . . " 'Iiy .l.nf! that's iin!n,!y." si.il 'i.rlii'. "Niiw, what's tn lm ilmio It's ni iim' my nin atnl ti-llin hiiii that I ;ij mily rhailinr. 'craii-.i' I sinkt' so M raiuhl." "I ilmi'i know, I'm mii'i', ' s iiil hull-.. seriously. "Vmi 11111I1I hai'lly Ii.im mail' a moii 1111 "iiuiiatc mia ili'. f f Jiajia rnn-iih'i's I In1 ival i-ai's to he tho i ullogrnWl lii'C.lllsf otlli'ls lik ' to hum fa-t without any trmihli1 ( iIumii HI'lVI'S." "tu a croitili'il rmr, v.nliiii' av .iy I anK.i ami kii'Mnt; up ii" 1 1 1 nl' iKr ii 111 1 noisi'." rout inui' 1 tin- vomit; nillrci "Wi'll, I'm awfully sorry. Dm is, for thi ol'l hoy's r.itluT ti'iii'liy, aihl it iiii''ht itiiliii'iici' his hli-a-i with i'i'if.ir.1 t 1 yon ami mi, v Y' hi'ii tin' y.iiiii!; 1 iMph' ha l ri iiirni .1 to tin' iliau iii''-ri mil i! was vi rv cvi- ih'iit th.it the "olil hoy" va- ili-.tni Im-iI In vain t'harlio s, his ln'st smijs: ii v.iin hi) tricil to i ti v t-i v?' tl"' aii;;ry oi l t'tit Icmaa hit plra-aut ronvi rsalion; in ain In- 'crtc.l I'Vrry i llort. to -.how hiiiisi-lf oil' toth-lii'st possihh' aih an- taop. I'hi' Mow li.i'l lii-cn ileal!, .fill it raakh.'il hniealh t ie oapaeioiis waisi i- iat of tin- Wealthy ohl stm-ii lirokei lin answi re.l lu.s o-iiesl in enrt mmio- r.yilalli-s; he m. iile iiiueli I'ii-IIiiil! wil 1 the newspaper, ami i oiil'Ih iI i 11 i 1 1 ii . t ly iluritiir the perlormaini' of Ch.ulie's unit's, ami lin. illy, when it was linn fm the yoimir man to r I u 1 1 . town- w anls, insteail ol oll.-rnur him one ol his famous Autoiiino Caiuiiehiw, shal ill"; his haiiil heartily, uiul enresini; a hupp to see hini a;aili soon, tlio ohl Ktiitlcniiin a.ssinniil a severe air 11ml saiil: Al e 11- yi: lilnijwiio.l. tf i-oiirai) aln'in a L'eiitl"ina!i of vour relincil tastn coulil never- - iheui- think 1 I iiiai iyino the ilaiio;hter of a eai tvle keeps 11 hti'iiiii-laiiurli! Aliein ooi ni(,''it. Blr." Charlie was stiiirjjerinl, anil loukeil ph'ailiiif,'ly at I nri who, however. mily hhuok her Ii a I slowly ami alj;iiill caully. Theru wiiro prol nhly lew niuru un happy ynuiiji nun that nlht within the inetropolitaii radius than Clurlio liiiiowi;oil its ho turned slowly home want ami pmuh.-rt-il that, lu the terse language nl' limis, he hail dono fur liimsell'. The next morning brought him, lu stead of hope, a letter from his cut In art, whiih imiiie him alisulutely miserable. It was as lollows: "Mv Ii:akii Citvmir 1 have vnau'heil a moment to write these few hues. I'apa was in an awful ra;e ta-t iiik'ht after you hail one; ealleil ymi 1111 insolent puppy uiul all sorts' ol things, whieh I .shoiilil not have iniml e.l had ho uot wuund ii by forbitldino; me to hiihl any further eoiiiiiiiiiiuiitieii with ymi. ami saying that a man who would he ashauii-il of his father-in-law h -a use he kept a steam-launch was n it a lit hii-luuul fur his Uaughtt-r. What are we to do? Ever your affectionate. Do it is Tho kn ton. "Aye!" muttered Charlie, when h h 1 1 leal the let tr over for the twin t ei!i tune. "What are we to do? It' . 1 no use arguing with this sort of old ! 1 low; once he gets a notion into his head, no power 011 eurth can drive it out. I wish to goodnesf. IM 10 ver said u wo'd al'oiit Hteain launches." In the evening he wuil to his eluU where he met. with atl old school-f"llow, .lack Haggles. Now, Jack Haggles although continually in ditlieiilty him self, was famous for his ingenuity in getting other men out of their troubles More than oneu Charlie had been obliged to have r nirsc. to him for ad vice, iind ho had never regretted it. This was a far more serious ease than any preceding one, but Charlie was simply d, speratc, ami would l.aveelung to tho maddest device suggested, tn a drowning man clutche to a s! raw So lit! got .lack Haggles into a 'pact corner, and there he laid tho facts of the ease before him. "Well," said .lack, when Charlie had concluded, "it certainly is an awkward case, and it would bo deuced hard lines lor you to have to chuck up all thoughts of marrying a ni e and pretty girl like Miss Thornton f;r such a trifle. Hut I've got fellows out of far worse holes before now, and 1 dare-ay I sh.in't fail this time." "Yoaaroa good fellow, la-k, upon my word you are." said t hai lie, ciith'i-.-i. 1 tically: "bit1, by .1 . if yoii get me out of thi-i you'll ' a genius." la k was -ib nt for a lew lot meiits and p.ille I :- n'oiid a' his cigar. At ii n-tli he said: "I f-av. Cluii'iie, 1-111 the "III m 111 a regular maniac lor li-IiingV" l.'atlier!" replied Charlie. "II" lakes a holiday about three times ,1 wee:; mi purpose t ' li-.li. Ib'starls oil alt . r breakfast w ith a big hamper an I sits in :, punt until evening. vill. now he's nut (his uietrhcd steam launch, I cvpe. l he'll oil with the old !o e .nil mi with the new. IS'it what h.t fishing In do with Ih" sublet ill hand V "- or ymi iiiin I j.i-t Mow ' a'l-'.vor i-I hi- Ineii l. "lull you Iind .ait Irmu Vi-s I iini iil.iii wlii ii her father nc' .1:111. 1 to 00 mi' lu Ii s punt. a::. I .. in I . ', like!;. I 1 be. and 'I:- 1 .end 100 a telegram to Clavcs street, ami I'll tell yon what to ,o." iiaihe had -in Ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 i it faith in .In!. Higgles' I II ..'II 1 1 v !:id he went Ion 1 le 1 hat e 1 : i i 1 1 -r in a ion; a rat i 1 !i ha;-py Irani'' "I 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 . lie wrote 1.. It .ii. the first thing the ilet oioi ning, ami in t lie evening got a rci l to the eil'cct that Mr. Thornton was already making prep sration 1 I'm' a long day's li-hing noon ih" .Vcdm's.lav folloA ing. lie telcMi aplied i mined lab ly to .lack Haggles, and rec-ived the i'iiIIow ing r : "Iv'ep close to him, but o-'.t ol' sight, al about ! o'clock in th 'eviiung." Charlie w oii'lered wl.a! mi iaitli his I'lielui's scliomo could be. bill resolved lo obey instructions. He knew very well that Mr. Thornton's happy hunt ing ground . as a secluded backwater, famous for teiu-'i ami perch, a couple of hundred yar.ls above t he law n of his In. use. Thither he repaired, Moathily, like a man b.-nt upi 11 an evil errand, at about .'1 o'clo k, and t ink up a po-iiimi upon a rough river-side path, hi li-nigh hidd -n frmn sight by bushes and foliage, whence he could observe the elithil- sia-ti'- old tliiicrinan without being cell him-eli'. The old gpnl lemail was sitting like a wax liguie in his punt, with a large cigar in his mouth and rod in hand, when Charlie arrive I. So completely absorbed was Mr. Thorn tun in his sport that a regiment might, have tiled behind him without attract ing his notice. Charlie watched hi:n until a distant church clock chimed the quarter to six. lie then saw the old gentleman take out his wat. h, look at it attentively, and after a few moments' hesitation, slowly and reluctantly begin 1 1 pack up bis rod and lino and put his paraphernalia togeiher. Charlie began to get anxious. What ever plan Jack Haggles concocted would have to he parried into execution quickly, or it would bu too late. At last Mr. Thornton had arranged his tackle and untied the punt poles, and was pushing otV into mid s:cam. Charlie's heart sank, but he crept, swiftly torward to a little promontory to watch the old gentleman faithfully. according to instructions, until six o'clock. Mr. Thornton, being old and obese. punted slowly and w ith diili. ulty, and as the clock struck nix he had not vet. got out of shallow w ater. So intent was Charlie, however, in looking at him, that he did not perceive the dark nt li 110 of a steam launch coming di rectly dow n upon the punt, and he was nly made aware of the fact by seeing the old gentleman wave one arm igm-- ously and by hearing him shout lustily at the same time that he cn lcavon d to get his unwieldly punt back out of the way. Hut it was to late, the bow of the launch went gently against the punt, though with autlicient force lo tilt it up, w ith which movement the poor old stockbroker was sent Hound 1- lng Into the water, yelling nihdly as h went. tjuick as thought Charlie dashed in. Tho w ate r was ('ultimately barely up to liia waist, so he seized Mr. Thornt mi under the arms and after much sphuh ing and shouting and diss, got him first into the punt and then onto thn steam-launch. Directly Mr. Thornton felt, him-elf mi his feet he burst into a violent passion, which was in no way appeased by the approach of .lack Hagghs whom In) did not know, with the most admirable epr-sioti of contrition in his la- e, and the words, I'm sure I'm aw I till v sorry, sir," on his lip-. sorry, sir!" roared the old gentle man, ".-in ymi might to be, sir! 1 coll- sider it positively ini'piit.'iK and a'loiu- tnable that a man can't go out for a day's fishing without being run into by a lot of cockneys who have no more idea nt' handling a steam launch than they have of handling a balloon! And 1 shall take the very earliest npportti- nity, sir, of laying the matter before ! the authorities, in ord -r that such nn I warrantaliltj interference with the j liberty of the subject may be imnie ; diately put a stop to. It is abominable. 1 sir, abominable!" j "Can I put ymi ashore any where y' j asked Jack, deferentially. ' general at Tehera?i. the capital of Per "Ves, hir, you can, as soon as possi- ' -ia. that ancient kinguom is putting i's , hi", and before I catch my death of wt stern neighbors to shame in the i cold," replit.'d tin- old gdit lemaii. : vv av ol relic making. It behoov es the ! "You sue those steps ahead, sir'.-'' . wealthv Ani'-rieaii who wishes to dee- "I do," replied Jack. oral.-his mo lei 11 hou with a bit of j "Well, then, if vou can see thosii choice am icnt armor to be careful l--t I steps, how the deuce was it that you he be baud ;'.v into buying s uue- couldn't see nicy'' said Mr. Thornton, j thing tli.it has be, n turned out by an "Itut as you can --ee them, steer In! Ispahan metal worker withi'i theyeir. them-that is, il ymi know lew t". hi the days w-'i-u -hah Abba- led do They belong to me. -ir, to Thoma- ; Persian hods, the soldier' arm .r oft u ; Thoriitoti, lisq." ' .lis; laved wakofextraorl'iiaiy beaut . As vet. the irritated stockbroker had cost liuess and skill. This armm' has giviii 110 thought to his re t-iier. but in , been bought 11;. almost ciitir.lv 1 n-liie ' they were lloating gently tl ivvn tho' great Ktiropca 1 museums, .onl only a ' s rcaiu toward the steps, he turned and littl- remains m tho parlors .il II I I said: : noble familic. 'Ihe imitations 1.1 ' "And to whom am I ilid. bted for my ' 1 h-m workmen arc no in -au ones. rescue from a watery grave?" Tio-y arc ini lid -oni. times with g -ld, ' Charbe slepi e l quietly forw ard and j silver, an I -oiii. t imes vv il Ii g ins, ami bowed. The old gellt leluall started; are sujerb si.e.'in.-ns of nie'al work j ha. k, ami cxclaiuit d : j but they are not vvmtii the fa'ail-uis tiood gracious! Mr. Hingwood!' .r ces asked I'm- theai. They are o , Nr. allow me to shake your hand most ! prejiared that they lo k almost cxa. ilv I heartily. You have performed an , like the getruue armor four or 1 1 - a tiou to-night vv hich shall not past hundred wars old, an 1 milv an cxi. ri 1 without recognition. You are a noble fellow, sir- a noble fellow. "I did nothing, Mr. Thornton, but I what, any other man would have d no i under similar circumstaii' r.-," sa:l Charlie, tci'ling himsfli to be a dread-1 nil hypocrite in assuming the deprcea. tory ii'r of a hero: "but now that we are heri! together I .should like ! ex-1 l j ies- mv e.Miciiic rt-eict uiai i .siiouni lave given you ollelice the other I. ig d iy expressing my opinion ah nit t launches a little more candidly than perhaps I should have done, but, be lieve me " Mr. Thornton interrupted him -"Hclieve me, sir, yml did not say enough. 1 am a ciiuplete convert t. the opinions you hold, steam laoiii-'n s are an abomination, sir. and mine is for sale from this very moment." I.HIfl'IH Tllllh. The Solace of Sitting in Hie "'irclighf, I think the time is coining," s ,id a builder, "when houses will be far nished with more grates mid op n lire places than tl.ey are to-day. Of Lite v cars everything has bten running C hot-air furnaces and steam-lie.it ing ap. paratiis, and the system of wai iniiif. Mats has been reduced to a science, lint only thoso who have I ecu brought up in the country can realize the charm of the big, wide fireplace with is crack'ing back logs it ml its bed of red hof embers that form theniselve into so many fanta-tic shape to fa-ciniitu the family gat hered around. Did ym ever notice how earned ly people gic.n into a good the? What do they see there, what thoughts tlofn the lire suggest, that all who gather around it sooner or later liml themselves staring vacantly nt it, oblivious to all surroundings? 'Whnt good cheer does it cast over tho house hold to see the unsteady dicker of tho llaiih'Uiid watch he dancing shadows on the floor! What is more consoling than to blow out the lamp, or to turn out the gas, and sit by the firelight . , . " 1 alone with ones heel perched upon , , , ., ,u i-.-. - . the fender? There s little of that In ...... . ' the cltv, but I believe there s going to I , .. . - v . : be more of itnot open flre-plaops.but i ' 1 I Brnl"'- ..... ' "Do vou kuow how we l uil 1 tires m ., , ... . 1 Vermont? No! Well, our hro-plaors 1 . 1 in the country smnrt lines take up tho whole side ot the house a cabin, I 1 liu'an. On each side is a door big di.'iigh to drive a wagon through, nn l when we want a lire we just open one door, drive in, unload the w agon In the flre-plae,' and drive out the other door. One load will last about a lny. That's what I call living." It is stated that noii-'eshl-nt' rj I't xt- own l.GW.fiOO head of cattle . 1l1.it snte from which tl-.pv derive aa anu.il revenue of $10.0'.1OP. I'l .lM.U. 1 t Wnrlis lin 1 Out. VV I II. I'll IS Ti 1 in A .. Rli-. Hi:ii -Mi'le ami I liii ta. Artistic S i.uns fniiii Persia. Th" American era lor bric-a-brac and curios had been a god-eml to the craftsmen all over the world. They make pretty good Japanese articles in New York, and ijiiecn Anne furniture, and decorative brasses, ".hieh former ly I el-uigo I to a n ible Kuglish family," an-tiiriicl out in greit quantities by the dealers of the me rooolis. IJogus artwork is cheap ia Paris. Home- ma le mummies to suit any taste or style are ainongthe industrial products of modern Kgypt. aad i..n the p-mr misguided India is of Central and South AiniTii a are making lir-t -class Atec and lnci reli. s. A ii -ston linn has a specially line line of old arm chairs which cam- over in the May flower, and am t!i r New Kiigland con cern has t urne l out enough of Miles Mandish's musk"ts tot-ipiipan I'.nglish expedition to 1 e-' ue limdon. A to the report ..f the Knghsh . 0 v.,,1 can delect the fraud. The faui us Kh'irossau swords, wh 'se wavy steel c.iualled in temiier th" sv.ieds of Da-1 ..... ..... 1 1. . .,. ,,w chemical-. They I 'k jil t as thev did nt thev are not a- tw j go nt ur;es ago, i nt thev art1 in quality. In Ham adaii t itorinous uiinihcr of "ancient" Persian coin are mad" ami sold to American an i i.cgusn ueaiers. nama iail is in' aiici' iit H balana and is richer in i-cin-s of in. lal than any city in the east, an I of late years it ha. In en well dug over in search ot ornaments and etiuis. i Coins of Alexander the Creat and! Missoni.i.e are m common currency there. (Ila.-.e.l eera'ui - ware i m i'lp at Ispahan, but it is me of go nl quali - ty. some tile recently found there are l. years uld. I lie way to test the ware is to cut it w ith a knife point. If it is hard it is old and genuine; if soft it is a sham. -I'iitsi.ur;! Ih'sjuit-!i. The Seasons in .Mexico. A correspondent of the St. Louis lo,',.-' 'irtrint thus discourses about the weather in Mexico: Mav June ate the hottest months in the city of Mexico. If one is too thickly clad at midday it is usually possible to take tin- sha ly side of the street, .-im- j nobody is ever in a hurry, il is, of conr-e.qilite unnecessary to walk in the j sun. And vv hen the m w Coiiu-r gct- i thoroughly Mexicani I In w ill stav i 3n dm is at urd lay. I'nihrcllas are Mine, times useful as walking sticks or j Iparasols; save in summer thev are I never wanted to shed rain. Just now the rainy season is on and we have j had some tremendous showers. o has the country down below. The rainy season, in fact, ought tohecallel the showery season instead. It i.ever i rains drizzle, drizzle, after the Kastern ! Btyle, but it pours, and yet there is no : continuous downfall. In June, July ! and August in Mexico, rain descends almost, every tlay in copious showers. l,..l Hi,. 110.00. .r soil sl.inej 11 ill, ,, . , ' , .. , . less regularity between times, and , . ' , . evcrv dav has a clearing oil. During .,' ' , , fll . , . eiuhi months out of the twelve it is as . . , , .. . ctrtam. day by day. that the morrow , , , ..... will be pleasant as that the low will come. Its m to be the A in.i-i- . .,, can omnion that Mexico will make a , , , , , . . good Whiter resort, but it is a count rv fi . . . 1 . . ' that it must lie vv ise to k.iep out el 1:1 . . ... Denver and Santa IV are summer ic-.ort-; the towns of the Mexican pla teau are no less lit to be. They ate southern, but they are elevated, and high clcva'ion c euiierv.ids law ,iti tude. In the summer, agiin. the lace 1 fn dure is beaut Ini. while 111 the dry -ei-on it becomes wi hered and iinin. Vi'.iug. Hut. of course, the 1 onir asi be ! 11 Norther'i American aad Mexi- all winters i greater than between A.NTinl 11 u: "u s iiinners of the t wo regions, ami" mi 1 lie whole .Moio i is a neue intry to tlee to to escape cold than, h.at. Traveling -mi's for men ot' women, ought to lt- dust proof. In th- cities the upper classes displ iy L'uropi-an labricsan I s 1 Women of leiineiu- nt leS exclusively. appear almost universally without heal This is the only notieeabb) covering. ' -part tiro Iran the habits ot their American cousins The feet s i . I be well sho I. S iai will n -ver be foimd a the hotels, and the better kiu-ls an expensive in! Mexico. As for th-cust uns olli -ials, cMirteous and jii-l treatment is the rule. A v isitor prop'-i:ig to make a stay of iim -li leiig'h lievoiil the l!io lirande. I should say. would do well to take from home vv'iatever clothing or other paraphernalia seems I. Kcly to In needed. 1'or a hri-f lour, light man h ; ing mder is. i f 1 111 . sensible. An Iiiipusiiig I'lijvvor. A correspondent says in a lcttm from I'alilornia: The Yiieea. or "-pati i-h liayoiiet, irmu which we named our camp, is one ..1 th most imposing 1! -w. rs in the world. Th" pla it itself ' lionet like leaves, still a:i'i snarp eiiotiga 11 innn ia ji.iiniu: w-'imd, ami twelve inches or eighteen inch-s in leug! h. grow ing clo-e to 1 In ground. 1 in 0! thi-cluster the sin gle ilower-st tik rises to a h-dght about lil'icen le t. The tlovv. is art cr-ain-w hite, abo it two and a hall laches in diamel'-r. pell I'll ms on d 1-i-at" steins in horioutal ra -. -; 1 1 ;. which spring froui th st.i'k in leig'hs s i r.-g'ilarly gra luated that Ihe ma if hi "ssonis pr.-.,- ,l tii appearance ol agigintic vvlii al, a.boui si fc.-l I 'iig ami t wo feet w i :e in th" middle, tapering gra -I'ul v .ili.ive aa I below. The s!,"ei,,,.;i erect e I in o-ir I 'la : wlu n we nam "I thee imp h.ilseventv ra -em 's, e.c h niai:.i:ig frmn ten t. thirty i! iw.t-. This ives a'.oiit lb" or l.Vi-i iies.o'n- f .i- e a h s! .ilk, an' they shed a heavy lily ii .e p.-rlu vv ho-- -I re.igi Ii i loiii'i, -iir.it . Willi their grand prop 'i'l ions. These state iv plait --ei in to b. , .miiiiig precipi tous in "!':!. ms. and -lau hug li'.e s.-n- tries on III" ere.t o! t 'le I I Ig". I alii j afr.rd it will h pro-in- ii 1 add that the Y.ne.i is go, 1 1 to ea'. Mr Albert I u.ei' brought in the top of a ' voiill.' "lie vv Ii ii had not, yet burst lo iked like a st ilk of into Mower. D ' asparagus, lour icei mug aim as iiuci. ' i,s a s "'l' ' '"' nder top cut l in pieces and slewed vv itii i ii saili-e ! made a pi. asant addition I ; .linm r It tasted something like sal-ily am sniielhing like articli-ike. and a gone ; wa- ' neiicvein I :l f'Voriie dish Willi Spanish ( : t""- It IS if.-r- An lii'ci nli ie C .plain, "i 'ur captain w -is a straight up an.l ,(o,en disciplinarian, and ! n,shiiig us into a light." j ., t j,i, ;lgo lu'.r-n, ( ..,. wau,. in ,.alll, vva- aivv.iv. g 'S-iper. West ',r I ginia. he ordered tin- couipanv I .rut-. i i in light lighting order, and r-iiiiiig out i of bis lent, placed himself at the head j and without explanation, we mai.hu I away at a siv ingiug quickstep. eai e iiy a word was spoken during tint j march of three or four luii. s up ;. i mountain road, but as the raptait: Ii- ; rected the march along th" bridle pa'h, I the boys nodded at e.l'll other as lu a Ii ; as to sav, 'This means trouble loi i -oui'-bodv.' We moved along this pa! V I , i I until we came to a ridge. We shiit.iij j along the lower edge of this nntiij I came the order to fr.-tit fa -e and .'e- i ploy. We wen! lip tilt' hill t nmbl-.tic j j over stones and briars, th captain ex -; i.i ir,.. 1 .1... i- i.i. .... ci ' III'' iiiinncii 10 no- 1 1, 11- into . luiiiui a kink or a curve. Suddenly he gave the order to halt and to M bavotu'ts. ; The I oy-i Itegati to think the old coded had lost his senses vv bea he thund.-r" out in measured tones; ! cail the .,! teiition of the men who have i.beycc my orders so iiuqiiestiotiingly that t here lies not moro than the j'aees 111 front of them the tluest patch m luscious blackberries I ever saw in mv life. I discovered them yesterday, and after tasting them I reso'.v 1 d to mak a secret raid. And here we are. tin men will stick their riiles, bavon.-t down in the ground, and proceed t. p . k and cat Ida kberric" I'liwi'i-f'iil Man. st anley. t he A 1 1 icau ex c.-ibe-a st roiig man who was ti "1 im In s hign and rather dispr tionately sleicler. lie ouil. I l..s ordinary man ten feet in the air ill ted per 1 .111 j and '. catch bun in his descent, lie w.'iii l lake one of the large vv lute Muscat donkeys by the cars, and with a sud den movement of his right foot lav the surprised ass on its back. He could carry a '1-year- dd builock half way round lu's master's plantation. Onec he actually bore twelve men on his 1 a- k, shoulders and chest of diNl feet. i distance j New l'ngland ha more seaside re--oris than any equ d extent of coast in the vi ol id. iXCI- i"i;ikkiks ,,M . . , v , Nn : m, ...ls r p; ,, ;,, .., piri'ig Tlicai fo; M.iisct. .A wri'er, ii---i-; 1 i ii g th" (g( lisle ri I ,l--.lll. the ci; '! 'I ol Nev. Piov id. ii 'c. one of the i'.a'ia'ii.i grai) of the West liidi.s says: There is m single indiis t v of so much tiuaneia' iuipoilaiice to Na an. 1 think, a- 'In sponge t'shcri'-s. "-ponging" i- a r g ular business in Nus-an, of 'ir ii iarg proportions that a -jioiige l.x'ii.ing' has been e-1ab!i-hed. govcrn-d bj rulesmi the )'l. in of tin M ock I'.xehange an I to do a spong" bu-iness -H i ess tully in Nas.-.iu a .inn lua-t be i"p:e seired in the lAchange. .-J.otlgei- al important thing in Na- au. It i plentv, i f course, and theap. Yoii s. i sponges lymg in the street-and kick ing about the wharv-s that in New Yml; we W' iild have to pay M edit ? oril for. Wherever sponge can bf used in p!.i. e ..f eottoii ..r woolen cloths it is u-ed. Kitchen maids u-r sponges for "di-hcloths." and Jr. jti- n -Iv the s, .i in a boat is nothing but an immense -iM.ige as big a- ha'f a barrel. Windows are invariably washed with thelll. glasses p .lis'u l with Midii. an 1 they are Uscl lor almost every conceiv abb' piup..s... Around the h"'. I in vv inter are al w a; - two or three "boys' with long strings of Hu-m. trying t sell them lo the Ann ri-Mus. Hardly any visit. -r leaves Nas-a i without lik ing a b a of I Ih-io along. I bought a str ngof aioiil lilte ti sp.cig"-. tl;a' stretched ..ut tar lugher than my head I'. r "one ahd-s: x," oi ihiity even and a half cents. They make v cry line presents to give to yoiir I'r.etld-. wlidi y. m get h"iiie. th. v are -o ehoao. an I a sponge is in. ire valuable VV hen v-.'l know il soin-liody fisheries, tin hotel has jii-l been brought by vou know from ! In spong' oine of I he -erv aa! - :i ' --nt iitidei'-ta-id t lie kna'-k ! prcsing sponges, and for a triMiug con sideration will take a bushel of -ii.'g.' ami pack it in a cigar b"x. The sponge ih-et s , "in;., s-d "f small s, hootiei's i.i-,giug ft'otii ten t" forty tens. I'.aeh se!,. inner . an . s Ir in four to six men, an I m ihcs p ri li.-.ii (rips out to the sponge beds mound Abaco, Andres Island and l."ina 'I'll.' men do ii. .1 dive fm' them, as sponge fishers in the Medilei raiienu do. but use loiig-haiida'd things likcoyster tongs to lish them mil "1 the water, lu this clear water they can -ee every inch of the bottom, make up their minds what sponges to take, and seize hold of mie carefully, detach it from the rock to which it clings, and lift it into the boat. They are not the nice, delicate, light-colored things vn see in shop wiii-io.v When taken ii r-t Iroui the water tln-y look and feel more like a pi of raw liver than anything il-e I can compare them with. I'liev are slippery, slimy, ugly am! smell bad. Their i olor is gen Tally a sort of brow:i very mu"h like the color of gulf wee I. only a little darker. Most people are taught, in their days of fn-sh ms, and iniioceiice.tha the sponge is an animal, and when they visit Nassau they ex pect perhaps t see sponges swimming about the liarli ir. if itid I they do not surprise some of the more athletic ones climbing trees or making htt.e 'xci.rsions ever the hdls. I Jul they are disappointed when they le.ini that the animal part d: ippears entirely long before the sponge r a -hes a mar ket: an l that the part we use for iu..p- . i. . 1... 1 :. 1.. i,, 1 1 1 " 1 ' ' nianv-rooi 1 n-.n.. n 01 " o. be sheltered hlltisell While ; the sponges reach the de Uti the id thev are cleaned and Iried and go I'hi'V I lu ll through a curing proce I'ecoiue the spoi.g s of coniiin re-', and Hie divided into eight arid 'e- m t he I'.ahanias. -oine. called ' lambswool" or "sheepsw ... 1." are a- ineand its silk and v.-rv strong. 1 ulier-, although large and perhaps tough, arec.-ar--and ciimp. rativeiy vv oi l hies. I liei e are. too. bouquet sponges, silk s.,.n.:, s. wire sponge-, and linger and gl. v sponges. The process for curing them I believe, is keep them .m de I. l-t two or three days, which "kills"!! I'hch Ihev ate put 111 a . rawl and ai. kept tm re Imui eight to ten ilavs. an I arc att.-rw aid cIcimcI and blcaeh.-d in the sun on the beach. W in 11 tin v reach Nassau the roots are cut .ci. and the sponge are trim. n il ana dn ssed for ex porta' ion. 1 The t meric an Mnli.bir Poor Jones, h iiv I p.ty him' lie , nlvvays has a haggird look on his face. , '.t he works at least twenty hoi,rs 1 a day. I And then this morning 1 saw him j "tigging six large baskets. He looked " if hardly could move along. Oh. that's all right. All right! I don't understand y.ui. Why. he's olT for a holiday. -' Alter a l ittle While I line I- I -II. .lie.". -I' eel ...!:.. ,11 till' lllllHll ! !.;, III.' .- .- -' : . bel e below VI . , n- .1 .!.,.: in:! l.i-l. ' - ..inneiii "loiirtlK I ..- ii. ii. Bf.ii ln in. i . ,11 or no, lie, i-t . i;lli ii n-lo vie; -mile. Vllel' il hit Ii- iliie. N . ii...: i ; i.. ini 'i.;. i.ia li.iili eeiiiiin eit'l; I .!, I .1 I, li e t,,e ... e;.n -..,"l - jil.H VV . - ' i ! - , , ! w l!...-:! :i i Ii ol l"l loell'l V i.,, tit . ii ! I. it tiw.e. . 'I ' .. , , , .,, ; il ; I ..,e nelliillli'.l sle. V'-.-: .i 1 Mi.il. . ; . , i deck I'"'' ,o. .. v., tli in Hi' fi'Ui i'ii'i 'J i a I , I :, . til.' I Ill- ,wi,... j,,-- i.. ii- with ii Kloiiv -litre, I .,.' , . a ,', :,l me i icii.' l 'il''. .., ' .... v I.... I :ii-l -- Vli ! !,' le w '' " c - it - ll- .'lllllige. ,.' 1 1 . i I :ile wtollgll'. . .. , o. ' i ll -.'III e-tl.lllU''. i '. ... I , el ex ,, I lllOilglll. We I ' ' " I-- "" ' lie. I'.-aile. III IIOIMUS. . o-f I- e... I : I II' a jar. an. i .'in can h I'laio- a1 vva v - is. 1 1 il milt.- , .1 . rse by sign- be . an .- .I' l.o is ; i'. loud, r than vv.-r I -. J.iv live -ee ati l Man I -. are vet., la-' but Dr. Tamo -r vva- a taster. I I. . st v erdant v 1'iiiig man of the P"l'; d was the ell" vv ho attempted to ut grass , ;t h a 1-1 cycle. " N.i'niog is ncre tender. Ilo'.hing more i : ii 'ban love." --ays the man vv h - lev er had a s,,-t , ,.rn. A 1 hieag i law ver has written a poem cut;-;- 1 " Mv ' i is. ietice." lie ma ! h.'.v a powerful imagination. i y.ci have got ' . , . i- to pin t t!:e .-.ib iagc ii'i'! 1 a'.ur will ci ab'tig alter a little while and put a h.-a I o It i. ll-t CO We i:c pens t. A !. I"- s:;: r.uiiv him Ir, ii r. -aid t'-a' a g d book is the hipau: '!! l.'.a-i -.ih have. 'I'hi-. ig.ne, i- e-pe.-ia Iv -". if it ha; i c a bank b. 'k. in ha- been a; T. st , d in l.i.lldi'11 ,'y laying 111 so.i,eih 11 g tor 1 I iy. In los r 'i "Ver inn" ,i 'lob'Teihl-'. Were d.sc i crcib , "An-'thcr c ..'I vv ave." as 1 he young ; man said when his two -isters and three cousins stan iing in front of an ice cream saloon beck lied him to come i river. Walchcs. ; rdward . apjears to have been ' tlic first lingli-hmar'. to wear a watch. an I t his cousis'.e i of "nunc l.iruiu gilt. , wi'h two I'lumme: of leal:" that is I to say, it was driven by weights. This , i supposed to hav e been rei eived by ! the king as a present from Xureiu b rg. and was p'ayfully called a Nu remberg an mated egg. The word j "watch" is derived fiom an Anglo ! .'-.ix.oi word meaning to wake. Tin lir-t poriaiii" time-piece of which we have any re.-m I was that of the 1 I'lniiese n ."ki t dial mounted upon tho liead ol a a:;e or carried by a chain , round h tie iv. (iiicen l-'JIalnth had ,1 w .11 !. s tape 1 like a duck, wit I jihascd le it hers, the lower part of wjiie'a . po:i"d. and th" face or dial of ' sheer, o: naaip itc 1 with a gill design Tac outer it-" vv a . of brass, and that in turn wa-cove;',' I .villi bla :. leather (urHiiie .t '! w t'i .-ilv-er studs. Mary (Ju 'eti cf -e -ts gave a carious token .of atfccivn t her faithful maid (if h-uior. Ma.-y -ea'on. in ihe shap of a vr.iteli in tin- form of a skull, th" dial peeu;iy'.n-j th" p! a ' ' of t'c palate and th" vv Tivs lha of th" biauis. The hours vv, re ma: ,vPd in Ibuiian letters A I ell in 'h" hollow- of the fkoll te eeived t!iP'vork-. nn I a hammer st ruck the hours. bdi Hie rtn-t oa. Dr. J. M. Ibid. Secretary of (lie Mi--h care society, tells a stmy rela tive t" him 'If. 1 'HP", vv Ic 11 ed tor. h" wns inv tpil to 1 rci'-ii in Chicago. Hp WHS taken to thp church by a good bi'otl.p-, who Ian Ip'I him there eallv, and, n oup being present but him-cll. he t-ioiv a s- at in the cliii'-ch alone to nn lita'o it'id i"-t fm the ( vrning ser mon. P w is j:si at ibi k, and ho heard p -"is engaged in a prayer ner-vi'-e ii. an aijoiii'ng r-mm. He lis tened. Presently n loud, yealons brut Ti er engage! ia prayer. l!"toil'-hp up on various matters, litvl invoked the Divine blessing upon them, including "the 'p-aki-r ol tho evening," Dr. Keid. Per him he prayed very much a follov?: "O, l-v.il. Me 1 him who is to ppeak to vn this evening; lie Is a poor, w- ak man, but make him a ptuv. rr. We know that lie is only nn edi tor, ond. Hid! he U rusty; but, 0, Lord, rub the niet oil'." Di. lb-id .mltl tlm' the man pr.iyed rnrn"stly. oblivious to the fact that "the editor" was listen ing: and. r.a an emphasis 1 1 his prayer, he (the Dwtor) Uttered u hearty "Amen."- .JeAivitV. iiris atintinliy ti noes nliout o'i. (MUHKMl polllfis of buitnr.

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