T1U USDAV, OCTOr.KK Hi. lssl B-STSi'i1 that your name is on tLe; resist ml ion book. MTA heavy fiost this morning, tlio liist of thi season. Jwtf As soon as you sell any eo'.ton pay up your subscription. t-:T You can now go limiting with out violating the game law. -( Iks. S "A 1 i- wiu. si i:k at 1 Yrrs mum' os S.vuuikav. O. roiiKi: lNm. Hilf" Mr. Joseph L. Pi idges is candidate for tovnshi (nsiivble in this (I'entre) township. tXiT" A cool wave struck us yester day and made tires and winter cloth ing feel very comfortable. Seif" The railroads have reduced the fare to the Imposition to only one cent a mile, i'.vervhody can now go. ""' . . , , Jfj?" Head the advertisement of lull- i.r'.'x elerall DlV (binds liierchant Mr. A. Cieech, and when you visit the Exposition bo sure to cail at his I'lujxiriutn. fry F.very voter, who has removed from the township where he voted at the last oieclion. must have his name erased from the regis.' rat ion book of that township and olilain a certificate from the registrar thereof, before he can register in the township where he now lives. It'VT.i the Ladies: Uytiniu Hiadcn have just received their stock of Ladies Dress (hinds for Fall and Winter very pretty. They a. so have a good general stock of Fail and Winter (ioods which they will snd at bottom prices for Cash. A quantity of Seed Oats on hand. fttTYnu now can get any quality or (plant. ty of Old Salem Jeans goods at London's: he has received another Mipp.y this week. Also, a splendid lot of Cassiuicres. Jeausaud Kerseys. London has a splendid stock of t'iouks. Jackets and .leiseys which will be mud very low. All kinds of Shawis. Itif- YYarren Prior A. Son. Favetti vide. Watches, Clocks. Jeweiix. Cm- . leiv and Siiv.rwaie. We cany I he : large.-t line of goods suitab.e for Ai'.iuvcisaiy. Hirihilay. Uridal and Wedding Presents of any house in , the Slate. And we cordial. y iuviie ail to make us a visit when in tin city. Any unlets sent us wni icci-i.. prompt attention. When Scales comes, which will be next Saturday, be sure t call at London's and see the splendid stock of gooiis he has. He call sell you gmds cheaper than you ever saw them. The cash will go a long way and wi.l buy i.iisnf g o, Is. H-nulou is ntl'eiiiig extra iudiicenieiits tn casii cnstoineis. London is the nniy mer- chant at Pittshoro' who lias lx North this Fall, t'oine and see i Utf Samjile S. Hi own. Wholesale and Reuii! luerchnnt. diet nsboro'. has returned from the Northern mar i.ets with tin uiiusuaiiy large and athaetivc stock of Dry ( Joods. Cloth ing. Hoots. Shoes. Hats. Carpets. Notions. iVc.. Ve. Chathalil people aie cordialiy invited to rail and com pare prices and goods with Hale.gh and FayettcviUe. Pim.u' Si rvKiMi. Hen. W. 11 Cox. Cajit. H. 11. Huiin. ami oilier speak ers will address the people of Chat limit at the following tnuesand p'aees: Johnson's Store, Wedm sday. Oct- 2' () iver Mc.Math's, Thin sday, " dll, Siler, Friday. " 111. All jiersons, regardless of party, are invited to attend. Heckctios to Hi-.m.- s The people will give (teiieral Sca'es. next Satur day, the most rousing rec. p-ion any niaa has ever received in this county. Fully five hundred horsemen are ex pected to meet him mar lu re and escort him into town. Hally up dem ocrat k and let us give our next Gov ernor a re -upturn worthy of him and worthv of our noble old county ! j Tin: Stu.i. Cask. Our reulers w ill renumber that several months ago an illicit still was capt ured by a reve nue officer and placed in our county jail foi safe keeping, and that at night it was secretly removed therefrom. Sometime after that the alleged ow n er of the still anil three or four co.. ored men were arrested therefor and bound over for tiia! at the federal court at Greensboro'. Last week ; they all went to tireeiisboro' to stand tlieir trial, hut in a day or two they : returned rejoicing greatly, the grand jury having ignored the bill. Tlmsi , eioses the celebrated "st ill ease". j ... . I Tin: Rrpt'in.icAN Camhhatks. On ' last Tuesday a secret caucus of about half ft dozen republicans was held at , this place, for the puiposeof com I pleting their county ticket. After j jBiiicli eaueusmg u was uec . e ,u nn Mr. A fred M. Se f ,.U ; ;, ht, or OO. and a few ,,e tiiS'W !- examination of the groes. who listened to the soeeches SlnmSiX lhilt W,':wi,h ,":l,k0,l "U'n" ' fff J ? Dr t for ro er. i .night give our readers some idea of , so..,.', hat d.sappointed at not. meei No munim iio Ire ,1,1 ' wind is there to be seen. As her- I ing with Messrs. Alston and London. No nominations ut ma . n i " o""" 4.,f .,.,e.l .., exhibit occui.ies a but. sir. we were more th u. both or sin vevoi . iiitiii-i'tii ni.,.... - .. . . . : ..li....,u..i'i.rv ivrimiiiieiit. Ilosltloll. Oi'lllLT Oil Tor Senator, Nathaniel Woody: niuLtheiejt as you enter the Kouthei for He, .1 e.-eutativch, Hugh W. Dixon door ot the iimiu huihling. I lie tin l.uu rieL-t.T I ll.M-'IIIl I.. IM 11 ill IJ.TI. i k! Alfred M. Self. Two years ago! therepublic.au caudidates were vio- I.iifc in their demiiiciatious of prohi - l.itionists.andcha.ified the democrats with l-iiii;,' the prohibition party. That will h.inl.y le done this year, as Messrs. Woi,dv. Dixon und'Self r Ji three etioi.fr p.oi.ibitioiiists.- in u,c an,. .r a s.a.s. ...... tut nibtl vo I Qui tt. it change, ia'utU't C. u'nty Canvas. The appoint- incnt-i of tin' county candidates arc us follows : Ai Muckhorue. Friday. October 17tli. Che: k s shop. .M m lav. " Uillh, Zctto.li'hiisou's. Tut'siliiy. " 'Jlst, 1 Siicr, Wednesday, 22ml. Hhi per' X I loads. Thursday. 2:id. Itichiiiond. Friday. October '2 Ith. Hii'korv lit.. Sat nrduv. " '2'nh. 'Iohli.oir.s8toie.'cdiiesday.2'.lth. Puce's .Mill, Thursday. 1 'earring-ton's. t'i iday. Pitt shorn". Saturday. iNl'l'si'looI's liivs. vear oid son of Mr. Tiie lit tie seven- J. J. Clark, of ii. ..i.. . ... ... ... i.:.. . .1. . l ). A. 1 illm.m, ot if Hear Creek town- d liti pounds in Dur ship, who picki !d iy and went "possum hunting that ingllt. And .ir. V . A. Avellt. (it Cape Fear lowu--hip, informs us Hint two hands on his farm, John H. Cot- ten and Uufus A. Ausley, pieked "T7 liouiiils in iiiio day, and also attended to Hie ferry, at Avei.t s terry, ana weighed for seven other hands Since willing the above a friend at ! Osgood writes us that a ten-year old j . , ,. i'0ll, , , . po. iinls. and his eleven-vear old mm tmn last picked out 1S pounds, on Wednesday. ; Tin-: Di: vciit. Such a hot and ' dry October has never before been i known in this section, at least thai is w hat all our old citizens say. The ; thermometer on several days h is been over ninety degre. s, a temper .attire scarce. v eiiuai.ed in July. All linesman streams nave iirie.t up. and I here is very liltle water in the largn a! reams. Many wells it: 1. 1 i springs have entirely failed, and ' dunking w ater is very diilieult to i get in many in ighb n -hoods. S .me ' fami.ics in this county have to haul 1 their wale;- a mil-' or m-ue. Od 'nil u say that they have never known Deep river lower at any season, and this liotw iths.aliding the t'l'eipielit l ains din iug til.- summer. No f-ir-iiier has been able to break up uny ground for sowing wheat and oats. ..nd coiisi iienily a very sm-ill grain croi will hi- raised next year, even if il lams short . y. A Yai.i-nm.i: Mti.i.. We w. re pleas I'd. a few weeks ago. !o publish ah .item about M,, .1. M. Meher's new uiiil at (in f. and now we have the pleasure of noticing the valuable uiiil of Mussrs. L. H. V C. W. Hvnutu. mi Haw river. This mill. like Mr. Me Iver's. is lit led up wil It ma-'hiuery to make Hour by the "New Process Sys t in". This work began last May. under the .-.Uperilile idei:c(. of those ii .i d inechaiiics. Messrs. Uoilinger and .Masseiiiore. and is just comple ted. Of course I lie cos! has been ,. aw. but the mil! wiii soon oav for itself. The flour is equal to the best No.'.li.'iu .'.our, and our larmers can now cat as white bread as our city folks do. We are g'ad that our eoun'y contains such entei pi iiiug citizens as Mi. Mclver and the Messrs. Hvnu:ii, and w i( call attention toiln-i are pleased mills as evi dences of our county's progress and growing prosperity. Tin: Cu'srv Cvsv.vss. Yv'e alt.-nd cd the opening of the county canvass at Gulf, on last Monday, and saw Hie candidates "start oil'." There were very few republicans present, and they were mostly colored men. The only republican candidate present was Mr. Woody, the nomine for the Semite. We predicted some, weeks ago that the republicans would not make a canvass of the county, and it now seems that we were eorrect. They hope to keep their voters away from the public speakings, and cany on a 'stili hunt", that is, work secret ly. We. therefore, warn our ileiuo-, cratic fticnds not to rely too much upon what they may now consider republican apathy and indifference, because they can rally their voters by runners sent around a night or two before the election. The first speaker was Sheriff Hi ew er, who brieily announced himself a candidate for re-election. Cnpt. Fx Hue then made quiie an eloquent little speech (although he has no opponent) in announcing himself lor eclion lo the ollice ot register m.. Alston fo lowed in a well coiisid- ,j i.(., ,. about ha f an hour long. and nude quite a favorable linpi i a sine. Mr. Woniack m xi spoke about an hour, J'uiiy sustaining his reputa lion as a capital canvasser. In re spouse to cniis from the crowd the editor of the Hitcoim "submitted a few broken remarks"; and, as he closed. Mr. Woody put in his appear- llU(V i,ri,.riv aniionmv.l his eun- ,jai.y. This t as his first appearance l.i,,i. )t CTiiithiint audience, and his ,(.al(.S ,u,, not apt to forget that jjpj,,..,,,,,,,.,.. We wi re struck with ,, f1)m ,,f a nunark made about him afterwards by an old citizen, wjl0 stli,i. -Well. I reckon Mr. Woody js u wjgjity good, clever sort of a UMH f ,t. amj ho had better stay there"! The democratic nominee for the Senate. Mr. Scott, is canvassing Alamance county this week, but wiii be with our county candidates in Chatham next week. wi.S!- ..t ! " J I 1 ' - i tiling "nu uimw-w uic en - vUuor is th very beautiful ai bor ; ""ime of "ir raiu i and -. asses 1 he , commus supi.orliutr it ar h.ioii nd covered with wlicat and oals the stia.v, white the lop is covered shin-led Willi the heads o giaiu lorned i in lor mid il IS 11 SJIOl Il'mjllt-Uivu I' ) wile. v.- jtn ii.M .iiiuiin.iiii imi usiiii, jiii-neu moil arc sccll nil,' specimens nl corn, Pl't pounds of cotton in one day. lust cotton, tobacco, wheat, oat, pump week, and rest, d an hour and a qu.ir- kins and numerous vui ietie of vege ter at noon. Another industrious tables. The chief exhibitors of these boy is the eleven year old son of Mr. Hro Messrs. Ivias Brvun. J. A. Par pieially young couples. Tlu whole exhibit is enclosed bv nil in iiaiiie.'iUl balustrade, made of :5 difl'ereul vu rieties of our unlive timbers, und is tht only one in tin) entire. Iniildin Two of our entrances are decorated with arches of grain, grasses, and cotton that aro quite t ci'iii. Ail Kbout. t he exhibit me Hti'Cutuei'H mid tlags with tln words 'C'lathuui" on them, that add gi cut ly to the atliact- (let. .id! h. lvcness i. t In scene. In on corner J uiu sure ho lias done the party a " ;ilst, is a rustic spring that looka quite derided fond, lie buried niougre! Nov. 1st. natural. Nearthf centre is u pyramid ism. never to be resurrected in this iiiinle ot corn, wheat, oats, cotton and grass. In the Hirriciiltural nart of the ex i -i .. . ham. H. .I. l'owci! and John Smith, In the housekeepers' deiiart ment is an attractive display of canned fmiis. and v'getal)ie:t, evapos at?d friul. pre- serves. jol!ies, ,Vc. Here also may be ieeu 1 kinds of wine made by Mrs. Mack Hryan. Thu exhibit .if limbers cm lain Hi varilies. chieily furni'-lieil liy Cnpt. .JoliuVi. Juyhir. in ores Hint muieials may tie seen granite, saud.sloiie. iron ore, oojiper, coal, soapstone, sl-ite. wlielslollAs. tVe. In lauev articles our fair cnuntv- women have done I heir county much honor. i he chief atnaetion of the out ii K.xpo.s.iiiu is Mis. Jackson's moss pie! lire ot I he ci Mill. Among other articles are a shuck hat made by Miss Ueiinana l'o.ei: touiy 12 years o'.di. a stra.v bat by .Master Holier! Hobersoii touiy In veal s oldi, a houie-uuide carpet by Mrs. Wiuis Wi.son, a beautiful handmade nig bv Mrs. Abbe Yates, a inranud of artiiieial ilower-i by Mis. Deiis in. a ci oss of the same by M.ss Hi I a Ibitch. a (pii.t by Miss i 'ora lioouuigel l;t years), home made b-aukel by Mrs. Nancy Hrown, homespiin cioth by Mrs. Alfred Self, wi.low baskets by Miss I'.mi.y H:dd.e. si.k ipiiit by Miss ( 'an te Patmi. sidv quilt and lace handkerchief by .Miss Lucy (i.irred. worstcil ip.iilt by Miss Minnie Alwntt-r (ageil Id ycai '-.). sixteen speeinu iis of lace by Misi Maiv I'.. Atwaiei laged H ea:si. piuu burr and shuck liaske.s by two illt.e daughters oi Mr. J. M. Distiiukes. kuii mats bv Mis. Kveiiiie .Vision laged 7s years), fancy kiiii -stockings by M-i S. ,i. iinld.vili. sidv einbr idered stoek:iigs and towel by M . Ii. U. Imie. haa I euibroid.'ie.l coverings for a tone, set bv .dis, S.ulie llattis, hand em , broidered lalile cove.' bv Miss Annie !. I'cauin oinauiciit I ion. embroidered char v Mi.s-i Fannie Iti a.i.'ii. infants handsome dresses by Mrs. I. N. Alwater and Mrs. J. '.' Tuylor, fancy hair v...rk bv Mis. il l', ibow. . child's knii sl.ins by Mrs. K. '. At water, knit iaco rolu bv Mj.s M. V. Alwater. knit caps by .Mrs. Laura I b; ne and M 1'. H. Womaclc. knit mats by M N.-tlie llii.lghtoii. pliie li.li r J cmhi olden Nannie Ii- we.rvbv M.s. M.S. ihvan. I pa': as. i i s!a:d by M.-s aen. aitiiiciii. ilowers bv Mrs. D, . ii.ldd. iiiso e.ll iaiil gi.e.vu. spun and l.iii- in v I cotton h i! ham. unman ii.ur ilowers hy .wis. i a. i'ys ir. pictille of pressed glasses by Miss Cai l ie Jackoii, sainp.es ,i si k raised, spun and woven by .Mrs. Ahoy Howciis "(ilyeais ago. a wreath of I dried wild ilowers by Mis-, .Mary .Taylor, cabinet of scroll work by Mi.ssS-i.Iy Hill, hand p.iiuicd iainlu e piin by .Mis. it. A. London, hand painted chair by Miss Dixie Leach, oil paintings by Miss Nome Alwaier. Miss Cai l ie liu ie. Mi s. W L. London. Mrs. 11. A. Loudon. Mis. Camilla Hid. and Miss Dii( L ach, erayon .hawings by Misses Dixie Leach. Mamie Mooie. L.ila FoiisliiH'. Jnua I'ynniu and Katie Denson, cotton liguicj ami a painting of Con federal e lings by Aii'-i. Jackson. :i picture frame ina-.le of leaiitel ilowers by Mrs. L. H Hyiilllil, pictures of tiie deuioi'l atic candidates in Ai t Composite frames by Mrs. Laura Home. A;c . Vc ;u lucre is a very interesting coitee- ti,ui of koiu( of old relics ami curiosities, I hem being Lit! years old. Tin- visitor must be sure to sen ih.iui. Also a collection (if over 100 kinds of birds' eggs by Master Le.' Deiisnn. The IL mint Manufacturing; Com pany has. i large and crc.it laii.e exhibit of sheei iugs and yarns. Mr. T. H. Wouiack's map of the county well repays a close inspection. lui we must desist from any further at tempt to eiiunicraic the unifies composing our county's wonderful exhibit, every body must see it for himself or h.T .se.f.' And for the benefit of our Chatham readers, who wiii visit the Hpo.siiiou, wo would s.ate I lint (he passenger train stops at tic (exposi tion grounds both in going to and coming from Ualcigh, so that you i need not iro into Haiciedi at ait if vo.t ; it,,l spending oni v one .lay. but we would advise all to remain two tlays at least. There is no troub e in obtaining good board in Ha'eigu at from ."51 to Sli a day. Thu main building is kept open until S o'clock i at night, and is brilliantly illuminated with electric lights. j Sjieaking at Os'iiiul. Osuoon. N. C, Oct. U.h, ISH4 Mil. Kiu roii: Our ('lub met at Osgood last Saturday to hear the gentlemen who were invited toad dress us on that occasion. Owing to the nearness of the candidates speak ',., th.-r.. u, t.n.v n snian iin.nb.u- ' lilenseil ami Hiteiesteu wmi me . . . l r . 1 . I . sieeches ol' M.-ssis. Wouiaek ainl Ualdwin. Mr. Wom.icU ie I oil in n. well-timed and suited speech, to which every one seemed to listen with hit ei est and sati.sf.ieiiou. He dis cussed the ditiereat jin.i'ieai iue.- tiolis ot' til-' .!:'' With e.ert -s. mi l no one could fail to see M;. Wo.na k has a icit uiaey suds! nUia liieinis ... . ::;:' ij. -..s. . . : win was mil o.luced to tlio croud by one of the ('ii'.b. We noticed tluo tls.' undiciico was pleased with the itinn. even beloi'c In; had said Wold. His speech was just the speech t ph ue. iti:. rue! and satisfy everyone. .Mr. Jialdwin, though a young liiaii. shows tlio politician cieallv. lie made fur iiiui.scii" inasiv ii iends w ho luav nevei have the poll unity to speak to hitn again, and i'owil !!' u:i. Although Mr. Jialdwiu is from another county (Ouiil'ol'dl he wmi'il do toe 1 eiiioeratie cause a decided benefit anywhere he goes in "iir county. Out t'luli keeps grow ing: men who never look any inter et in polities arc opcuiv dcciuiiug t Iieir intent inn lo vole I he 1 euiocra. ticket om and out. 'A v do iioUmeu j io be fi mud w ant inir wiu n t iic "i b u- tiai Hod is called'" Hoping the cause oi I )i iiiocracy. the ioo ol a wlnto man's country and harmony in th- party wid coin mue to grow, "and a -land ictor in No cuibe'i to ciown our ei'foi ti.. i am Vouis i .-peci fu.iv. Dkmoccm. A No! ed ( aj.i me. A despatch lioin Wal.rluuy. Con Hectical s,-rs: Tlie "nuked luaii," a famous mys terious individual of this vicinity, who has fright em..,l woiueli and eliii dlea by Ills oeca-l'Uial sudden ap piaanee to tiieia while I ravelling l:ie ioad a ong the Nauganick rive,, south oi I liis cdy. has iiein rapt lll'ed. m l thus wits ended tin. mystery of many years. All previous e!!...its to capture I he mail or to discover h:s identity had t.ui.-d, a.tiio.ign the cnmuitiiiity was ihoroiighiy aious.-t. He proved to lie Kdwai d I Hal li.ld, a wed known iiu'dwright. lie V. .i. never suspected, and his actions ale considered uuac coiiniab e. i iis w i.'e and family air highly respeete. ihs e.inlnrc doe, ii.va;. vv it n a ioi'g .standing nuisance ami lei I oi . The S.ei'h have nominal! their Slate tie!, iov. i nor ; one t "a rn nia I'. pub'iivins I lim-e negroes i.;i : o::e for l.ieiiien ini i 'i S.-Cl'i tal'V .i Sl.l.e and one for S -1 1 i In- I lis! i llcl ion. i n leudeiit of Pub When the s:u-. i o s of the Grm-lv : exp di iou catiu-lioiue it was found that the maps showing their explora tions bo. e. anion.;' the name, giv u to iiew.y dl-eoveled places, that oi Ifov.gale. Tile t bet is of this Wo: thy had not been disMveied when i hey set out for ia-ly FialikMti Hay. lto.vgiie's name has now been eruse l !': mi I I'.i n ips by order of ' tiie Chief Nigii.ti ('iHrer. Sine.' July !Mli drought has pre vailed in Ivist i eime.isee. North Georgia and North A.abauia. the regum ..f which Cii.it laiioogu is the ceittie. and a.i iarniitig ini et e..' s al e se imis.y impel il.e l. :t:td illl.e - i t iiel'e IS l.iill soon tiie res et wi.l b" dis astrous. Gi aing iands ai e burned up and creeks are dry. Tiie Te.: tie .see river at thi. point is within three inches, (f the lowest point ever know it. (-it last Friday morning there was a heavy frost in imitheui New Y.uk and ic formed lia fau inch ihick. G. W i'd. Ai ml'e.-iil. of Greens . I) .in', lias jllst ret limed from New: Y'ork vv idi a full and c unplete line of all Kiyles of Fall and Winter clo: h ing, hats, boots and rho. s. a i l the finest illie of Dry (roods and Notions ever olt'end in GleeHsb.uo'. The Jobbing I )epari ment i- also complete, and in chant s wi:l I'm 1 1: to tht'r iu.eresl to sc" this slock. Give him a call. W. Ii. Wakelield .X Co.. of ( ireem born", N. ( '.. de;i'C! s in I lai d ware and Machinery, invite the cilieus of Chat ham tn examine th. ir la'ge and complete stuck, which wi'd ho so.d , astonishingly low. Their Waket'u-.d Cook tst ove is t he nicest a. I.I quick est baker on t he :n :i le i Agcliis fur Wad-.worl!:. Mai il ie .V Lai gu 'uf Pare Prepared Paints, on; gallon guaranteed. The merchants of Chatham will do well to call and see or send their or del s lo Greensboro' to I he old reliable iious. of J. W SCul I' .V CO. ijr:i. N.hI.vs ..f .i-illis iiii't li-.'i'Tl.-t.'s ti,4..riu.l AVItM'. Nnr Mil. .... V VM'i A VIA I . S' o.'iil, it.'-i aiteti' .'. j ..I, . ii Hi.-1 HI: Ins!. .: ..f Mr. .in 1 Mis. til.. T 21 KAii-.iu'x. Iil'...-.r.l Inl I'lll' liltlMl.l. i.y W V A I'T .V T A Y LO It. II III II I. II- A I o'i'l ,s.it Kiell VMS N.i. 1-: .Selllil f i..- Mill! Il St., IS.vi.m N. C, .:. .t U ten. l Ol'lllS M.Vi.Kl.l: .1 Mi.Mlini!. l.rina. i ; I,,.m- Mi. Mini:, Win ll ! ,' ; ,.!.i.- 1 hV VAI:MtT. I li nns lllieil. F.-imiiI. Mol'iss I '. fl.-. C..IT.-I-. Il.u.l.m lll M.II Vl-I l ' Uit'l il.'. .Vi.-.-s A',- lei' I.C'tfO !..!. New Vilviitisi'iiiciits. A TIU'T OK I.IMI ' in" J luaii.' Iii I in "i J il 1.1II.-.-.S. I lls Is .-x -i-ii-V I I rt-;i-"iiuni-. ii.r'.isii i I' ('., "t mail J. ' rwi'lui. l.ili.: I-K .e-.-K. int.. n lill I hi. I -.vel ci. it.. !-. ti J. J 1 1.01 M.S. DRY COME AM) LOOK!! (baud Inhibition of STAPLE A.N1J FANCY. DRY OOODS. V'TiONS. .vC. Will open this HAY mid eoiitinue for a lll .NDiiKU DAYS AT A. CREECH' UALF.Kill. Honrs upeji Daily. Ad. nil lance Free. No 1-All a I 'halge foi Hesel t tl Scats. My campaign as the III.-! cnillllk lie. .1, .Old we ci l:tld"iit ' y ajipi ;! to tin- mi inlii i of every part on b --half of nut .l,-r,!i'-. as vi-ry pur baser of goods, is fully prot- ele.! : as nir .-.'.si. in j:ti iiantt i s to every buy; : the wolili nt tin 11' in.iiiev. trr COWF, AND IIXAMINi: MY STv)l."K am! you will llle! it LAIMH. WKLL ASS. )KTi:i) AND COMPL'.ri'K in every depart ment of almost ev er , thing ill tiie way of (i n.ds that ale HE? ADD D&iBAM Many lie-.v a, id beaut .!' ;! stvle.. of DRESS GOODS, from course to iinc rvi;i.ns: a-i wclHi SILKS, SA'I JNs AND vri.Yins Ail of which will ally lo.v pin es. A i these goods lull.--: ,i I ,. ,t iii.ii-i. doi.': i,:i t lira I W ili he sold TOO C1IMA!' Ml sl' (ii) A. Cb'FKCil. Hvt.i ! IN" C. A fevv ball le el.e.ili :.:. N C Ilvdiio .1 M Gi I. tSs. 4H!'-:irr sal:-: IT'"' let: i . I .in - : .,, -. s I.. l:flri is i..:.. !.. I'-. Ml. I li-'ll. m j.,..,ni,. r is, l-'i. C-. . i:. IIVNMV. s. e. ii VM C A. ti. -J, i!.i rtl:i h FAYIi ! I I'.YI 1 .1.1'.. N V:ti tic: I'.ari. A . ( 1 1 .'. l!-si. ly i. v. ntSi.i'Ai.i hirioMiJij MiUJitiiiiVJU il.m I . ii.n.v II. I- 3XP.(TT(M;'S NOflci'. i I i,U.iU-!.'-l..-. .'I'I- . I : . I. -I I" II Y : i. .u "I s, .. ai.: I '..'i ii now tv "'.T"i'OKS N'oTH'i'. - in.- iml:l!.l a- 'ti -v-' nT ' ' ' . . e. .. I ...-.: : " HA S A' 3 A ,,, l SAI.F, - ON Till iM vt. 1 vwti s I! e . ii Ii- . . i.fc",iir . -.1. - -.1 till m..iu v i tu ( VI. e.. I'M. II-. irirr u nownv. rriaiiiuiioii. .. I il evrt'l hi rvio in .l.-ii ii--..- i ii i N V. I -.1 l v l.e . I iss , II. I ! I ; si i , iioi.i.m:- - ii ! .1. I,' it. list, n ..I ... n,.- -ii.-. ii in I i I' l.:lll Ii- i.. 111.' S',l il.fl ,i- i i.v ..i im:' I;ii. nn v. hi- . l I ..pi i I . u-lil. ..lll- I III 'M Vs liv Hi.- ii. v... it. .r w. i . ni.ii i. 'ii it. v -Hi u Vi-.v.i iiiseriiiioN. Vuiill i- lil'.-. I'-'i" I'I"'- '- ' "I I. ti.-lirtO . hl. Ill '"I- . ' l-l '. ;l'- s-.iii.-vi in l-.-i'. mi i ncir I. it :. w i.'-.i in .ii. Ii. r.ei i l"r. ik.' l v i ' ui ! .s2tii III, w A i: n IV VIUM I'loN' I" rii....-fl..'sie... aim liii. .ll'l'i ' ,. '.!,. sii.-riir-l i Ii S .i i : ISM. I Mil'! - B ' H I . , I. I'i ol'I.IX Br. A. IIOLTflli'S 01S T U JXT ! roti t H. rlHtrifi n-int. v.- .e'nin.i I.I-IIS. I lllllll HI'S .'IPli.-s, l.'t'riC' -I I "' ''! ' .m.-l H" i'!s "'I' rim ts'iit. inii-r if- rankW.Tkorntonj j .. i and V .North Hay Struct. IN RSABSNE3S FOR FALL Tit.VDE. I havo just returned from the (.'( li tres of the Dry (h (..! t' lV.de mid have j used :i.i utmost j-rei-i.-.i-.n i.-id can fill ii.ss in iiiiil.ii. y inv i'iiil selections. and now elubil a large ii'.sort ment of new tabiies. styles and patterns, to which are added day by day new j i.ods as they entei the nwrkct. ' this si !i-,o.i. as in tin. past, can bet ciili.i-till, relied upon as Liang the lowe.si. mi. 1 ii visit to our establish . nn et invariably protitaL-ie. liH 11 LI.CK SATIN 1!H ADAMKS, il.vld. il-'jr., vl i'i jr :!. fof I;MI) sAI IN UIIADAM1S : In i.i '111' l.-tu-s, i.'i.:... it mi. n. '.'". I' l' fin''!. lil.Ai'K Li;()('M)K W')YK. SILK VT I. VI '.!;. ;: '... f j.rui, f'-."i. i i' r ynr.l r.i: )c !)i: whmk tsii.K vi.i. LIS tu :': ii.:- i.. j;i.i !; M-a ' '. i !' It K s TINS. 31 .", H r,:. -. c-t y ii 1 p.ru ' --IL!.' Si.TINS lii ii " 'I..- ' i'-'-'. -I.'i ' l '"i. M '.'. !.:.'' i ! .wi'-.l. . W' lONM !'.;( i.". I KSA TIVS. ill i.a .-It.- - - M...- .hue,. Ii'.v -f:ii i-r i.rj. .1:) I'lLi'KS (il.'iiS CI.'AIN coLoi: HiMLKS. Ii: nil : Ui'i : ' il !". ' .!" t"'i vur: i: I ii'.ci:-; i'i t !: oims oiiAl.. . S! .ICS. I.. '.::lil -Iir- ' rr '. ...tl-l -..I t.-l .-.-11- HYC'.M 'l.''l IJ. ail slut . s. in Hi l- 'vil N CLOTH. -ii-it.--. .v'l IN J-.i t Kl'.ON .i. :ll Ii . I I ; ; A I I A Li CLOT il. ri'.l'Ni'H AHMV CI.'HH. I'LANN I'f. s-lTTP-OS. ,.11 sM...-.. 't'iie-e : .1- i-'i'lese-t ev rvthilig m -a- in the v.av ci' N"Vei!ii -. in I 'res. i i." d... An .!ii-uri..is-i .1 colleeiioii of I'.I.I'.U "r CLOAKS. IM'sslAN i !::."( LMJs. NI'.'.V M .l Kill's. -Hn-.il nil. I ...mi--I-...I I.- . ..! -!.. ii ii. I ii.-n,-. .!!.- FRAN Is. W. THORNTON. 7 and '.I y-.rth tl-iv St . !' YKTTI'.VI Lid'.. N. C. ...-I. i. s-l. .11. t'OMKAMiSKKlVv BEiivhigjusI i-e &isnKk(! irmn the n S 4 55 BllVw SflikSfidhI HIOH i or raSIar.il Winter GOODS ANI H K i'i;.i:l':i are reeslel (o pttt.' n.in ctpTi T-t UUitii AliiJ iJi-iij Ui ISvesa If we a r urn sell vo?s we wiii XiM hi the low prieeis e are osseriiip; sroods as low as vim be Inmzhi any where lor he C A S S 1 . 'Itemeniher you vkn im aeiv tiling at LONDON'S j vois can eall for. T tll'.Si: (ionjis 1IAVK LKl'.N l'.(I'(iin L(W ANI WILL ; iu: soLn very low for THK Cash. N'. ) Tie 'i'.LK TO SHOW GOOfiS ; .' f L W.i" CAN SAV S Tf -CGMi: ;ANJ sfiB IIS" AN'I) WE W1L1. PI!VL V.'flAT wr SAY. LKMLMr.Kti Til:- PLACI' Is w r i ( v w r v , W . 1j. f,W'MiO. , PitLs'iiot o', ,s, f,r. Irt, i'LL 1884- W. L & R. S. TUCKER is CO., ramioh, w. c, ; Aid. Now OPEXIHd THEIR FALL & WINTER STOCK OF GOODS. im:ss oooDs. calicoes, SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, J'diO. AND ULKA. DOMESTICS, DHird.LNGS, TICKINGS, I 'LA IDS, N'.ltVALLS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, I'Kr.N KS, CAia'KTINGS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS. HATS, LOOTS AND SnOES. As!, for any in tide kept in a iirst-clast Dry (b.ods Store and you will be sutti to find it. Thanking the j.-ood people of Chat ham for their past patronage, wo licit a further continuance of tilt) ame W H. & U. S. TUCKER &. CO, si ;.t: .:,ir II. si. WM. WOOLLCDTT, I'i Last ILtrgettand 208 Wilmington Streets, LALLKUI, N. C. If i FOIt THE Fall and Winter IS COBIFISTISI! IT CONSISTS OF ill iOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, , C.)ATS' COTTON, DOMLSTICS. I'LAIDS, PANTS CLOTH, DIJLSS GOODS, a'nl all other "nnils fouud in a first cla.-s Whole-ale Dry Goods Houae, This stuck is the largest ever shown eie. an I pries an-. is low as the same roods can be biiuirht iii Northern .to lots VM W0OLLC0TT. s. .. :l.r II, s,. CTB 10 HI siloi 1.1) CALL ON S3orgo T. Stronach, WHOLKSALK GliOCER, N . ti Mu "in s:i-,.,i, lll'TML C.HOCr.ll. N 'i M ekci :m I Muiilu Siiis'Ih, I ' I H-:..n, t-.. mi ti li.i,U 1 lmv ..my o '''' ", ' s'-' ii:,-:c iny .I'I sl'.ri' hii.1 I will I ...i.li ili, !.i-kiiii' -,. uniKln : "ii i--ii.. is i .n.i in iIh-'.I'Ii-ii iimi-ii. wlitMi I -.!.!. I.:i l:. -iii I ..iir slmri ..1 111., fuu. " 'l'.- I.IIV -:"' l. "I ln-!lvyi;-.iiTi-i.H. 300 l.bls. Pno-iir. ISfl annlra Coffro.JTObbls. Mackerel, o.i Lois. Molasses, :. tic rcps of Lard. 200 bbls. Flour. :t(MM lbs. Hams, MEAT, MEAL, Etc , 75 te Te!-5a)O00Ciiars, i la a i r than the cheajiest, etc. t'bii'I'.S Ci nUKNT SKNT ON A P PLICATION. nr l!t.: oi. SioKr. under charge of WATS ALLCOTT, i- i i ; i u. ;it; I U" -in i-vt-ry itU", am omh- ! i ii.'l'' ! ) 'ilh C llit -L'i-4 ..( t holllt :'" - SM I- i;i .(!. (.KI. HAMS. It.'M'h, . ,tMVi l-iwin v.. iHH.U ami HIIAKK i ! 1 1 i i;i i r-. tii i ..iir i i.s, at.- iikfii "f ly mi -- ' . ' -'. iji fisi on the Kjih-iuii niurkfi, t l-dt'iv ;ti.- ir Mi-'M. ;i !- t.lii ctilliv si.it'kHll L i in-: 1 1 .utvi,?4-.'.i tu vt iirsr irtt, ism. ' I.-!, '(in. While in Kalcidi GO TO The Square Dealing Clotlini and Sloe Honse, I. M. lioseiibauin's old stand, N 1 iti.-i- l aii-ai vliii. mi'! ll.'irui'U mnoiii, Where you ill lind a large ami well assorted stock of CJ.OTIIIKG. HATS. ' . C'S Si.ML S2ZCB3, - , . . " , l ,ow,'i I,r"''H thm "7 ,her Ho 1 ,n tu Slttte j CALL AN'i) BE CONVINCED, 1 &..i.:.-iu.4r25, mm. am. Ti

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