.Jhc 0naiham Record ! THURSDAY. OCTORKR !. lHSl -' ' - " tOJm J&JLM&QiU&&' sxurii- ttf ltnlly up. men of Clint hum! " WfjT Give one lay to vour country ! trce k Mil.li Cow wauled. Apply at Rkcoiii office. HaT Gi t allyour neighbors to com1 out aud vote next 'I'uesilay. Wir Remember there are spven tick tn for you to vote Tuesday. WWhcii you have read thiH pa- j lor, hand it to your neighbor. tr Which township in Chatham will inak the gi ca.cst guin J Let a;i tr'! ... .... WT If you w ir.li to hurrah after the flection, vole the straight democratic ticket. -I. vou wish for good govern - . Vi Y, ,;,i,? !..,. ..miic nent voic the .st.a.glu de.uot.at.t Ul'kL'1- ... j WrOnlv ii lew more davs.an.lt hen j 41 I..,...,..- ill think the bottom lias dropped out " Mr. J. C. Tvsor. Tysor's Mills, N. C, has a well trniiied dog for wile. Price ?ili. Seller W Do not be deceived ly any i false reports thai Hie reuib.i.ans ; may circuiau- between now and !' ; election. ! MT" (io to the polls early and work ' for the success of your party and the continuance of good govermiieii.. . Jeiv The attention of our magis trates is called to the notice of the Finance Committee, published in an other column. lr Let every democrat, who fails ; to vote or scraieiie his member that he thereby vote to the radicals. ticket. l'C- ives half u fflTAt every precinct several ve-1 liicies ought to b.' provided for con -; Teviii" to the polls ail voters w ho caiuiot get ther by tlicmselves. t& On last Saturday the dwelling of Mr. Muiph Ihyarl. of Harnett county, was destroyed by The: fauiiiy was iiltM-nl tit the' time, and : the origin of the lire is unknown. ... j fif Persons to whom tickets have j been sent slioili-l examine tnein care- : fully and if any are nursing, apply iiuiiiedinte.y to J A. Woniack. Chair-j ninn Democratic Kvecutive Commit-: tee. WMr. W. A. IMiiig.on. Grove P. O. I iii- couiny. ha Vil li dog. Inline. I "Spot '. white dog with a livei spol liii). A lib. : ai lesvanl wi.i of Elm . lost his It ,M a; on itsj be paid ! foi its ic'iuii. t: tor itifonuation a to its whereabouts. ("To the f-adies: Hvnuin V Hca.lell have ju-l leciived thcil Mock of Ladies Dress Goods for Fail nud Winter vi i.v pu tty. They nlfto hav a eood relieinl stock of , , ?i 'Centre, 211 which tlo'.vi ' Fall and Winter Goods will sell at bottom pi ices for Cash. A quantity of Seed Oats on hand. 9T" Farmers, you can tind at Lon don's 10110 bushels of good seed Oats; ill so. Navassa Ci.iano; a very large stock of Flows and Flow Casting. Call and see the Ciippi r p'ow if you wish somcthin;;-good. Have you seen the Monarch Drill at I. Ion's.' the best Drill made. It will pay you to put your wheat in with a Drill. frir Warren I'rior Son. Favette-' vote. 1 ho Rear I reek democrats, tille Watches. Clocks, .lewclrv", Cut-i assert that they will roll up for the; lerv and Silverware. We canv the eulire ticket ti majority of nearly '20i. largest line ..f goods suitable for In that township '27 men registeied Atiniveisarv. Uiilh.lay. liridai and in tine day, and all of them will vole AVcddiug lVesi nts of' any bouse in : the straight democratic ticket. ; the State. And we cordially invite! m ' T . il to make a visit when 'in the' , The Dkmociiatic hkkts ---In order I ci y Any orders s,'t us will receive; l't n.r readers ,,, , ha. urn may , . i know what constitutes the "M. night ! prompt attentio,.. , (l(,lill(.,.rttii. ,u.,.,.t Wl ll(,M.with -Tlie election comes off next i Hsh them all in full. Cut this out of ; week, but London Mill has the largest , your paper and curry it with you to , best and cheapest stock of goods vou the polls, and compare u wnh the can find in the count v. L' vou in- tickets that are handed you to voie. : tend to hnv a pair of heavv wintet There may be some bogus or fraudit Boots vou will lind London's is the lent tickets handed around, and it place to get the best for the least i would be prudent to caretu.ly read Received this wi-ek another every name. lot of those splendid (Jailers ma le! I by Chas. linger. lUrSaniple S. Riown. (Jrecnr boro', ! is selling Men's and Roys' Cloihing. : of all kinds ut remarkably low prices. ; lie bought an eiioiinous slock this; KCiiRtin and bought his goods very low, and has put prices down so low , that everybody can afford to dress well this year. Dry Goods. Roots, Shoe, II"1' tVc Vc.. iu grejit varie - v evei V1....1" at wholesale and retail and for bottom pi ices. j Cami'.wun Snw. uiur.us. The time; of all those who snbsciibed to the : Rkcoiui for the campaign wiil expire with this issue. If any desire to eon- j thine longer they wid please al. once j notify us, otherwise they will receive j no paper after this week. We hope that many of then will be so much , pleased with what they have been lending that they will renew their tiiib.n'iiplioti. And just here we; would re.piest all our subscribers, who owe anything. Io pay up as soon i as possible. We try to give our sub-1 bcnhcrs their money's worth, and after earning it the Kkcouii is entitled to leceive it. In the pre.-eiil cam- paigu, as in every campaign since it was established, the Ri cm. has done its best for the success of the demo- cratic party, believingthat in so doing we were promoting the prosperity of our people. Does mil I lie Rki oiui then deserve the patronage of every th inuil.il in the county .' Vote koii Scales. Antoni; the many tickets to l)f voted next Tiiostluy he sure to vote tho ticket for Governor Mini other Statu officers. Remember t lint the b-'sis of representation in , our party conventions, for tho next I four years, will be the vote given for i Scale's. If you wish your towuship to have its due weight in our county conventions, then roll up a Urge voto for Seaics. Ami if you wish our (county to have its due weight in the State "ami district convent ions, t lien lei our county njiiciui iici.n-n i Scales ! The Corsrv Canvass. We hoard the county candidates speak at Rich mond, on last Friday, and everything passed off pleasant ly und hurnioiiious lv. On that day Mr. Self put in his appearance and made Ins lu st speech, which was principally a dissertation on the taull, iieclaring liiuiseii in favor of a protective tariff. His dis cussion of this abstruse subject was such as might be expected from a I mail, who boasted that he did not take any political paper! Friend I Woody wastpiite brief in his remarks, not eniertainhii'Cl his hearers, as I' '''',,i" t '.e Jt.u.r bill. Fr end Dixon was cut short in is Bi(ll.t.h l(y 1(! aniv!t, of ,,, ,lln of cars, which the crowd rushed to see. : He has not yet decided whether he wiil vote for t:ine or Icvciau.i. or either of them. Probab.v St. John 'is his choice. Messrs. Scott, Alston and Womack ably and eloipu-ntly sustiiitied the democratic cause. I he , i crowd was lurgciv democratic, and! I in that section our uinioiitv will be ,ttrcr tliiin vi-r. On the next day , , ,.,ididates K.oke at Hickory; Mniiiituiii. u township in which there ' is a large negro vote, and there the- co'ored orator. Hill Hives, again I rushed to the rescue of his candidates 1 and made a rallying speech to his j race, cal.ing on them tostaud togeth- : er. Ought not the white people then i to stand togther 1 Yes.erday we iieard t he candidates at Johnson's. Mr. Self was the only : republican candidate present, and he j looked rather lonesome. In addition ul,r couiuy iiinimaio. wen. .a ; Und Capt. IJiinu also spoke, and cap- ; jital speeches did they make. We 1 heard of several converts thev made. , Our friends there are c.uilideiit of a : consideiub.c gain in the democratic vo'e. The county canvass wi.l close next Saturday at this p.ai'e. 'rr. in 1SSII. In order that our. reader may know upon what basis to make their calculations of Chat- ham's vote, on next Tuesday, we herewith pub.ish the official vo:e of thfd.ffoteut preciu.'tsgivcii for Jut vis . AU, Ituiton. in the last Governor's eieetiou: Precincts, A blight's, Matthews, Jar vis, 111 171 P.I7 70 i:h lr.t r(! n: lot liitxton. 121 71 j Dear Creek, SO' 47 lus 7(i 5'.t l.li) ' 107 201 2! I 1 ll! Ill) 1 lit l:o 115 I'll 1SSS . Mortitt's Shop, Gulf, Kgyp'. O-good, Loc kvilU, r.uckhorne, .Inline. n's S;ore, Moon's Shop. i i; in Fearrington's Mill, 170 Higgshec'rt Stole, llf l.t. dwin's, 111" Had ley. SS Hickory Mouutaiu, 1(17 Total UK) .larvis' majority "271. The voting place at Moflilt's Shop has been abo.ishc.l and Richmond : . substituted instead. ! It will be seen from the above that the largest democratic majority was ' : given by old Dear Creek township.1 Which will give tho largest this year? ' Let the democrats of every township 'strive to see which township will' j make the greatest gain on the Jarvis K"l EIcu.m-h : At Ijrgtf-W. II KU' lllli. J. S. Sih.!m. 1st lHi.lrl.-l--W. II. I.II.-4, ' ll l'' IhilllK'tl lilllllllll. IMKr.-.lili. ciiarl.'K W. M.H'ciininy. Ivu-lw. II. II l'..inn, Nah. II. II. Ol.-nii. stole A. II. l-'Wlan l. K..h.'.son. It. C. 1'iiryviir. Yn -lit III. II. M''llray.T, CIivi.kii.I. M. II. JiiitU.'.', Itiitl.vrturJ. M u. 'J 'Ml v, a K"rii..vt.rn..r: ai.fio.ii mikiio: scai.in. .f o.iiif'.r.t. 1 f.t i.iii.iimmii.i..v..ni..r: ciiahi.ks manly stkimn. ..f N.-w Uumivw. Pur ttwri'iHry S:ito: WILLIAM L. sM NriKUS, .if WmWi. K..r Aii'liinr: WILLIAM I'. liO'.lKUTS, .f Oatm. Kor Tr.niiirr : IKINM.K W. HAIN. it Wk. For A I'Tiioy ttei.t-riil : TBISitKOHK F. liAVll.SON, ..f ll.iini.mln. For Suicr!iii.ii.li.t l '.'..iilli' lii-iriii-il'Hi : S. M. FINOFll. '( I'uintrliit, For Awrlut' .l.lnll' At'OCSTIS H. n s.iiitviiio Cuirt : All.iailMOS. r Ittiriiiiiin:tvo In :.i li C..i.crm Ui IMBirl.'l: WILLIAM It. COX, "I Wako. Fur t'imi..r, a:t.. lamrl'-l : JOHN I.. MiVTT. Fur ll'iiriiiHUvH: THOMAS B. Wl)M( K. it SIIS A. ALSTON. r..r Sheriff: BTKI'HKN W. IIIIKW'KII. ' . . : ' ; i Fur llpgli-ter i.f Pl : LAUAN It. ICXLINE. Fur Survyir : lit rt S II. CLFaM. Kr Cui'i'iirr: Wll.LIAU M. IIC'.INS. F'.r T"wnlili l.i.nllil ; Exposition Items. Tho Stale Kx- ixwit inn will liiisitivclv close nevt Saturday night. The work of pack- iug up and removing the articles will not begin iiniil .Monday. A large crowd of visitors is in attendance i.: i, ti :......( vino ...... ii best county exhibit was awarded to Forsyth. Chatham's exhibit was con- hind, tl.impled on I lie body of the sidered next hot. A special premium boy in their mad hast'- before! Mr. of u gold medal was awuided to Mrs. j Hubert Gray could jerk the little fe.1 .1. J. Jackson. ; low from under their heels The boy - - - was taken into Dr. McAden's drug Ei.kction Ri-: miss. -The ItKcoim store und examination showed that will give its readers next week the he was bruised all over, his ankle was full official vote of every township in sprained und his nose broken. On the. county. In order to do this, wo arriving home, the litie fellow fell ask the registrar or some poll -hol.W uneoiiseious to the floor, indicating at every precinct to send us the full tlnt hisinjuiies were more serious vote for every candidal.1. Scud it so than at first supposed, mid repining as to reach here before Wednesday (he attention of physicians, night. The hoard of canvassers doer im J M not nice! until 12 o'clock Thursday j Kh.t.,io jJlw after the election, and the Recoiid is! published before that hour. We: For the information of nil whom it would suggest that a! every precinct ' thetickeist.il' Governor and otli-r j State ollicers hi! counted lirst, ho that j mat vole mav no iorwunieti iroiu many places without waiting for ail the other tickets to be counted. State jtfew. Ashevilletili.eu: A drove of sheep, nu,i sleeps or if he boards in one Itlilt iu number, were diivcii through precinct, and sleeps in another, where Main street ycstei.hiy evening to the he. sleeps. SwHimaiioii depot, from whicli place.; No isj,.,,,,,, is allowed on (he the will he shipped to Uallimoie. j f ,.,.(.ti1(n. UI11,.SH the voter be They were from Ivy, this county. j ,.;M .jualil'ied on that day. Any Tarboro Southeriiei': One day last i vter may challenge a person offering week a huge barn on the plantation . to vote. of the Into W. T. Cobb, containing The polls shall be opened at seven about eleven thousand pounds of seed and closed at sunset. Each voter liaii cotton was hiirned to the ground. A . hand in his ballot to the judges wiio car ago Mr. Cobb lost his gin house , shall careuilly deposit the ballots in by tire. The cotton belonged to u . t he boxes. colored man on the place. The tirej The following classes of peisons was evident l caused by an incendiary. H)m)l lot h( Ul.wi-.I to register or vote Goldsboro' Messenger: We have, in this Stale, to wit: First, persons heard that, some of the leading citizens , of the counties not reiue ented in the Exposition, tire talking about boxing' ! . . . . " : and slopping the COUIItV COIllllll-.- sioners and ma-'istrates. 'who voted against m iking appropriations us the ' curnniiies of said counties to the next Exposition, provided bond and se- cuiityis given that none of these shall , be allowed to gut away. i Fav,.teille Sun': Mr. Dnnk ! Va.igh.ui. w'h. ascen'iing Haymouut : ..r i .: i. . :. i i . Oil i Ucs.ltV tllgllt. op pnsltetol. Man' s i i" i i ; . t i f .it r,., reidciicc, lost Ins tooting ainl tell Ironi ., , .I.. .1 ,., .i.,..,,, the sidewalk to the roadway below. ,. i : i .. t.. i.v.,. i , breaking out ot his legs. Mi. tied , . t'.. i....u loiies. who was in town on We.lnes- dav last, was killed while returning to : his home in 11 ibesou county, by his horse riiniiing awav with liiui, throw ing him out of the buggy and breaking ",' his neck. Lexington Dispatch : Last Mou-1 day morning, between three and four: o'clock. Mr. A. M. ! Iritu.an's dwelling, wan found to be on the. The family was aroused and hurried into tho I street. A largo crowd soon asssembled and made eft", iris to save everything portable that could he reached : bill ; before i.ny coii"idcrah!e iiiantity of ! fun. it lire couhl be removed the entire ho.iM was in tl.uues. Tlie building burned rapidly and was entirely de- st loved in a short time. : F.iwlteviiio ()bs.'iver: About S o'clock Tuesday nigl.i the neighbors of Mr Mike Mhos, uercnlai nied bv terri hi..-screams issuiinr from his house and cams issuing Irom Ins house ami , ,'"lfi!"""u ...... .....j.,, , i'w moiiieiits a person erevt lop canvass the retui ns. make abstracts dames, rushed frantically out of' tho legal votes for each person for in a f ...1 in I1...M the house. Vpou help being given : the flames were i Nliiiguish.'d. but not til ilw. .... viei;.... who was found to be Mrs Minis, was so dreadfully burned that death, which ensued about three o'clock next morning, was u happy reh aso It seems t hat Mm. Minis was ,., the act of turning down a kerosene lanni iirenaratorv toretir-. . .. . ' 1 , ,',. . in if, when tie lump ex nloded. throwing ."i ii i .. the btiruinu' oil all over her night ill ess . u.i.ii. , ,". atnl ticrson, nud st tting tier on tire.' I . a , , . . . i , Her hus hainl, who endeavored to ' : . , ., ,.. . ,,.'.1,. etiii'iiish be tl.uues. was terribtv . . .iiT . .. .1. . . , burned on the hands so much so as. ... . to cause letrs as to his ever regaining the use of them. Frantic with pain. and fright, the poor woimin rushed into w air and was at once, wrapped iu flames. Raleigh News and Observer: Yes terday there was u lire at Littleton, which dest roved a cotton gin, twenty bales of cotton, a barn ami t-t tble. ail belonging to Mr Hen. Riow ning The loss is '2,5ilO. with no insurance. -there was .pii'e a destructive lire at Comnauv Simps Monday niht. It ilestiovetl Hie . . ' , . . 1 ... C d the ill ug store of Freonian .V .acliioy. the general stores of (.. i Rowliate and T. Al. Duck. (7. F. Neice s jewel tore. Pmloi s shoe shop, and n new tlilllie liuil.llllg owneii oy .a. u- ary V Cites. There was very lit tin insurance. Yesterday afternoon, as the titty convicts who work on the ( Jovernor's mansion were on their way to the l iiHiiliary. two of them made a break for liberty, when at the Hargett steet station. The iilaco swaruieil with people. The two fleeing men were not shot at but pursued by guards and police. One convict drew , a knife eight inches long, made a show ' of resistance, then continued his flight. He was chased tinder F.ilingl.'ll. . Royster& Co' shops and captured by ' Mr. .billies Rrown. Tlie other coii ; vict did not get so far away. He was j caught at Roles' shop by convict ' oveieer ltell and officer Willis, of the ' polii'e force. 1 he uflair created a lig Neintatioii. Charlotte Observer: A gin house .i . . .: .. m .. I l : .... i on me piiiniaiion oi t ten. i. iwi . o.ei. near Doidson College, wasdestroyed bv lire last Thursday, but to whom it Iielouged our iiifoniiiint could not toll, i Mr. -bin Williamson, a large farmer of providence township, last Thurs i ilav ni "lit lost his linti new gin bouse : liv the .lestroviliL! tlailies. neveil imies ' ... .. . , ' ot cotton were burned with the gin. i making the loss amount to !l..r!llt or ' iJJ.OHIt. upon which there was no in i Kuriuicc. The lire caught, so il is ! believed, from a match in tne cotton As tlieitlaim of lire was sounded i yesterday afternoon. Asa Parker, an S car old sou of Mr. W. A. l'tukcr. was staiulingon the paveint.'iit in front of 111-. .1. II. McAil.n's ilrmr Klore Seeing the people running, the lad ciideityuied to gel out of the way, but before he could do so. a eolorc.l man rushhii along ran square over tho i.ii.i .....l l I I.;,.. . I. ...... ti, ...... other colored men following close be- may concern we publish the following HVntiHiH f tl? t'ltu-lioii law : ' T(B ,, i(,,ltioll j,,,,, .,,. , ll0 revised and kept open for new names ; up to the day of eleetinii. Men mu:-t : legister and vole in tiie jireciuct where ; they live. The riiileiice of u married ' man is where his family lesides and that of a single man whi le he boards under twenty-one years ot ago; second. : idiots and lunatics: third, persons who. j upon conviction or confession in open . .1...1I i i i :i. .. eouiu nimu mm- oeeu a'lju.i-e.i kuiiij of felony or other crime infamous by the laws of this Mule, commute-! after , tne lsi oay oi .January, im i, unless. they shall have been legally restored ' to the rights of citi.enship. When tlie eleciioii shall be finished, tho r.gistra.s and judges of election.' 1,1 ";;" " ',' ", t,"s ; as may choose to attend, slia! or.en . . I ii, 1 i the boxes and count t he ballots, read- , , , hilt alouil the iianins ol the persons . . . i that shall aiiiiear on each ticket ; and . . , '. . there sha l tie two or more iicUets . '"". j-w ' .' ' conl urn the names ot more persons than such elector has a right to vote for, or shall have a device upon it, in : ..( f-,., ti, .!... le.ll ! : not be numbered in tikiicr tin' ballots, ! in,t hliall i.e void, and the said count- j jng of votes shall be continued with-' ut ,uJjo,u imieii t until compklcd and , the result thereof declared, The judges of election shall appoint ; ,. of their number t attend the meeting of the board if ecu lily can-j vassers (which is constituted of aj ,Ullju,it v ,,f members thus appointed)! ,U), Hhall deliver to him the original j iptuni or statement of the result of; election in the to'.vpship. ward or i precinct ; and the hoard of county! canvassers shall meet on the id: hiy after the election at 12 m.. at the. i'"' t house, st led a chairman and loter oemgswoiu iuocei.i iui'Ik-ii respective ottices. ami sign snei. abstracts. The register of deeds is the clerk of the board unless they 'hct another person in his plaeo (;..rv..,FHtE! FIRE!! )r, (ii issom's (Miiiiion of York h j luk iifW .. , . . , . , 1 . ceiving that all the niatei ml interests. . " . . , ... of the Mate, her hiumeial condition, , , ... lit'!' CIIAHlTAlit.U atl.l ttil-.ATIONAl. msti- ... . . , tutions. hr progress at home and . ' . , reputation in the eves of the count rv .' . . ,. . . . . . wi 11 be jeopodi.ed bv the election ot . a man of his aiitecL'.l. nt.s. " There was a heavy snowfall in the Mohavyk Valley and in Northern ow York and Canada last Saturday. The Tarboro fair opened bit Tues day at noon. The e.Miibiis are said to have been the lust they have ever had, and the cullies weie unusually large. Newton Euterpiise: The drouth still continues and o;.r wileat fanners lillTu uoalnhmed the liol'e of sowing mueb wheat. There will not beal.aU ,.,,, seeded. We would advise tin iu t 8ow lis much as possible as there doubtless will be a short crop la t yenr and prices will be good. Make the laud w hich you sow in a high state (, cultivation and try and make up jU(. ,,.ieit in acreage by an increased UI11 y,,u Will be beltei off in the .u, i: i :i. r N.iMivmir .1....U. i lre. Oliliuiui.is rlmr. Hti. m:.ri liici-- Iiimit'oJ 'il l.rVi'11 C'lK.- H III.''. HILL --Al llMlttax. S. i. ilio jr.:i in.: . I.l. IA f'.WXM, Will- ni I ll-li. '- V lll'.l. I ...II I Ml.fcUl.T .if tin- Im.' nr. Imi.II.' 11 .11. ak-.-l III'.. Ill It i-:tl-. T 21 ll A Si 2 1 ' s . Iii'.i.rU-I t..r Tin: Ut nili ! WYA I T I A V I.OR. tUl.ll I lis ,t e.Mf-IOV Ml l" ll VMS Sn. 1-.' s -iilli -Mi' M.eili. si., i:LU.. ii. N. C, o..i..l,.r .'s. 11. coTl'iiN JIA1IM.T (Ji)ll u.t.m,, Mhl'llin ( himuh.'" WHOLKSALKOKOI KIIV Ml;lil"r. M.vc -(' Kti!.'. 11 : I Kli '.r. X. I'., I'm Im.-ks, IH i 'i-iil. Hulk Hi"-. I" '"rn. Cul.Vll-.lM'tl llllt.ll., 1 . i I 1 'till ii - Jir.i . l-:,. V l.arp-1. IbKl M'lla.'.l. Famllv. M ilii-"'. - N.-W Cl'... I'llH.t. srii.i.. Suiri.r - H , ('. I'. -.s. 1 .-'' llll.-l Cvl Iips, :l" !r Ir ! 'l'l.'H, : i.'i'.'T j l'...n. r. v I irir-. U Vi-ll.iw, ir. , I'M.-l.. l.. I.ee.'n lliiiniilHliiil, iltl'.iik, HUH C.iffi'i', li'S ' ll i !'' !. uii-nii! l ui w Hrmii Tl.s. I1 11. 1'l.if.l Tlx l ;. lb. jo I'.Ktj Mv l" lai.i l.'lo. W. H. Wakefield .V Co., 1' Greens- linrnV V ( V. .leiilei s in I fnriKv.'ll e ulld Machinery, invite the citizens of' Chatham to examine their large and ; complete stock, which will bo sold, astoiiishiiiirlv low. Their Wakefield j ....!, :., n ;..... ...1 ,,i.;..l.-. est baker on the market. Agents for sudsworth. Martinet V JiUiigman s Pure rrepared Paints, every gallon j guaranteed. ' The merchanis of Chatham will do : ' well to call and see or send their or-! d is to Greensboro' to theol.l reliable house of J. W. SCOTT A: CO. 1 New Advertisements. : "HOLE LOST!" j Hlmyi'il rr..in I In- .ulin.'Hhi.r, iH-nr ('.iiiitmi, i M.i.iif foiuilv, :i Kii.hiy i.lKl.l, Jl'h IllM. . lili .I'll k Iimi-x.1 iiuilf. nl."ul la er 1:1 vMirsi.1'1. iin"liiiin iwi, lias Hiii... Miuill wliltt !.... k.H i.i. .it... ilil-h. h lure. wl.lii' K. il ..ii I u"k, i.i'ii.rt. I . In- tt'i'i.k In I'.lii!. wIimii i'iiiIk. Any ni'i;rni.'iM.' Unit will Iri.'l I" III" r.-ur.i.'.i nvi'i ) k ill b tliank. ull) 1 v.. I ui. I 111.01 itlly . lar.lf.l. II. .1. f...loNS. out. ;ni. Ihm. Ciiiiipi..ii. M.H.r .:.'., S. Bailee t MailstraiK. The lnai;iHirH'i.:, ,,f ih,. C.utt'y nr Iiiti-Iiv litill I1...I, ilue ih.. ritit.li '' i'miiih.i'.i.-" Will lllfi'l III IllH ei.ri ll-tiiH in I'i'iHif.r.., mm TiH's'luy ihn l'h Nov. iii.ki, itt whl. ii Him.' i.u I .i.-i itixy nr." r' iiiin"l im iiii.i-: i . in in I : i.e null iin-lr n.nk"m r-.f x.i'iiiii .ii-.... 'I'lii-tr Hii.s.a.'ii i- ,-.:t.Hi i. s... i'.. Hil l . ..f llir C.,J. I,. II. IllM'll lliHl . Il-.ar l x e nr. ix n tk i :. ti a v- A IIIL' ' I l .l I II'-' 1 H III" Xi'iMCrU "f 111' lltl will llll.l 4'sii.ii..'iI ..f A. Ii. l;.lwf.-..... .liH-fa-t'il. I l.tTfUy i.-.uiy nil i.t-r-.'.iu Iravin lulin .-.ainsi wil. I .1 Ific .i fMiit.ii ii:.. '.'iiii' t. ii.ii.i.ii i.r liiMi.r.' Mi" 3'. Ii iIhv : Ot-li.l. r. lh-'i. o.-l. M, lWt. lilK. M. II. UoiiMtsON. ra'CTics. I will foil at pultll'-titf'l-'K rr ji!h, ni my Rt MuriHT' l; !. lit t'fi.rliMin i:nty. n' ii.. ui Tii-!il;iy, Nov. IStl:, iv i-li..i-f ul:i ii.-, th ir iriy "i W. M, Itinu 11. in Htt:y th m linti l-i Ilt'ii Hlftl ! liic lr ri-uiiH (ti-nn. Attt'iiit W'.i hhuh llim- nii'i I'lii'"' I will .'H ui iililN aiii'Miii ..r ..it. li.tf?!.' witi'n whi-N, IIm' if"p,rl "l I'.. V Ki-l't, i' Mitlwiy tlm m'- , 'linn !"( In ii lllfl ty nit' fur r-;i:ilr.4 tlt minin. v. axel ..f i.:.i.-k-it..tl. a cur; im-l Hi 1'iiri'liig' ?TTr ' w. c. i;i:oWn. W. C. IiIioWN, FOR SALE. . ; ' ., A Ti:.'T or I.AXI iiiulnlim ss wrm, li t Inlni: ili' l iii'l- ': I Ii. Ii" ii a rr.'.ir.-l. II mi. I III. -IS. 'I III- IX I ..'i'l...l lllK'l Hill Will In' f'l'l roiu...n.ilil ..- i .il'. ..ln ns mi' ui lliunli'i. N. I'., "! niiply I" I. .1. 1'"..iiIim, t-.r riirili"!' Iiil'.i'iii.v " '" u i an.i.r ii. r.. i-.. lhKI. 4 x ISSPOSTAHT BALE! Ah ii.lmliilsrriii.ni.-f .1 WI'S I'M 'I.. ili'.--.i-'.l, wi Kill hi'U IC "ill..' ICI. . II...II Wl I.M.il.AV. 1 M-.-.-tit- 1.1-r IKlli. hi hi la", n ! I. II. I- it I I VAI.I'AI'.I.K I'IKsoNvl. ll;.i.l'TV, .'..li-l-'lli III J.rel i.l M.ili':., cmtli'. Wim' .iw. I- irmliii; l'i''ii.l. WlH-iil. i . ii... .'., .V.-. Til. HI li. I X.'K, on. in, ihm. j. .i i ;;. n i.r.s. SHERIFF'S SALE.- -RY VIRTFE ii'l'ii in Tn'r ff V Ii. t'liuplii uctilnst W. H. CiiiiniitcuiMi ifiittl lp-in lh M;t rvr 1't'nri -f Ht HHi. r: r.-uniy, 1 mil HI :it piiiilii' aih'ii.tii ir iislt. m up itri-h"tt-' !... in h,;- "li MoM. V. ll.f;lt.l tny -t S.iwiiiImt ti-xt . a trn'"t tr inn-l lit M.i II y i w ii-ttii (icainhu' ii'ioiit 2t a r'f. an 1 iitii iti f-si ov.t ih If tH sliviil III:.'!'! -;U. Cttllllttlk'u'illl Wlf'tli Ihhi'-w i-t'M-l' atil t-lj -iMtiip: i it- IuhiIm ut oiivi-i-Mi Mmli. t. U. Mi'tiit ti ah I ilir vici. in, tn, s. vv. ln:i;wKU. Sliorlft. a. j. wii:LiAr?i3, WI i ll RALFKSH. N C., HOC BR AND mm mm, DEALER IN Dry Gsois, Clothlna. Hats, Personal attention eiven to Ruying' and Selling Cotton. Rest facilities for Storing and Handling Cotton in: the Citv. Lib; r.il advances made. BE PRUDEHT AND IN THE I C. HOME INSURANCE. CO. Tlii. fill opi company I. as been in sticces ratiou r.ir.-ixteeii tars. It is saf; SOLVENT and PROMPT in the payment of its losses Eiicoaiic Kfl3u3 IiisiiiutiBiis All kinds of F.uildin insur. 1 at reasonable rates. P.e warned by the losses of yoi iieij.1. bors iiiidir.siire in time. I. A. 2.0H8OU, Agent. S. l.1. , ll-'l. M. T. NotUils. I.lll.'i.l .N'T" IS. Wyull k T l I- i. C N.'lilllt. .1 N.irrl. M.ur .V lflil!lll. M. T. .Noi ris & Urn. Tail, r al lliolr nW AND COraSSSON MERCHANTS, No. H Echange and No. 15 East j Martin Sheets, j RAXEXftZX, W. C. WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK which we offer t the trade at very low pi ices. Wrcivr sl'l t IM. A TiTNTIoS I., tlm miIk ot riVi- ...l. hi.t I.U-l't .rl--. i.li'l I' lilll.!! Ill "IH'. -...tt .1.1 ii.iliiH.-l"li ut st.iiill .'li:e i;5. I nllll .I.lMill.'.-- niii.l it "n si'ir.-a Willi im. i;i..ii. I'M' I lll..-i null... Ak!i ni- .r I iii"k' siiii.- I ,i..i.!uiui. A.'t.i i"r 1 wli le.wW ot. nn... Atfi iiin ..r Ui.' i-. h-i.rnu. I stuiicwtill l'"U"U 1'lt.w, m Kmc "l Hi" '"" " ll' l Jauuui; I. !.'' w. K.'Jii'urinsoN. TTTI nmcn Have t'iriiiMl n iniiiriiifrlili Mir Ui prwibn ' law hi Ui.' ."..my ""-I"'!".'.'. SPl.l I1T H.IHKI. ir. . r.. hanhis. X. CHASMS. A. II. NMHO'SIU. 1 1. FAYKTTKVILLF. X. C, Murkft S.imr, WHOLESALE GROCERS. April 1. Ihh. y DRY GOODS! COMK AND LOOK!! Grand Exhibition of STAPLE AND FANCY. PHY GOODS. NOTIONS. Will open this DVY and continue, for u HL'NDKKD DAYS AT A. CREECH'S, RALEIGH. X. C. Doors oj.en Daily. Admittai Free. o E.vtra Ciiartre for liesti v.-ii .sats. My campaign as the LEADER OF LOW PRICES has commenced, and we eonlidentlv 'appeal to the members of i very pal t v on liel.alt ol our claims, as every pur chaser of goods is fully protected i'UV SVstfUJ Uunilitci'S t UU tho vorth of thdr money, eV COME AND EXAMINE MY .STOCK and you will lind it j LARUE. WELL ASSORTED j AND COMPLETE ; iu every dep u tine;! of almost every-1 thing iu the way of Goods that are j : SEW AflD DESIRABLE, j I Many new and beautiful styles of i DRESS GOODS, ' i ' from coarse to line l Aiaacs: as well as SILKS. SATINS AND VELVETS. j All of w hich w ill be sold al unusu ally low prices. And don't forget that these goods must and will be sold 4&TTOO CHEAP M I'ST (JO. A. CREECH. Ku.i.i.ui. N. C. COMIUXOSEK! Having just re-, turned iron the Northern mar kets ve are now receiving a ; Splendid Stock OF Fall and Winter GOODS AND OUR FRIENDS are requested to Even if vc do not sell vou w e will post vou in the low prices. We are ollering goods as low as can be bought anv where for the CASH. Remember jou can find any thing at LONDON'S vou can call for. THESE GOODS HAVE F.EEN P.01illT LOW AND WILL RE SOLD VERY LOW FOR THE CASH. NO TROFP.LE TO SHOW GOODS. ALL WE CAN SAY IS TO "COME AND SEE I S" AND WE WILL PROVE WHAT WE SAY. REMEM1JER THE PLAt 'E IS W. L LONDON'S. 1 Fittst'oio', S. pt. ix, LSSL i"Ss"A.r. While in Ralekrh GO TO The Square Dealing ! CIotbinjE anl Shoe Bouse, I J. M. Hosenbauui'a old stand, 1 S- K. omit Fyai.'vUiii uuU HftrKlt ureei. Where you will find a large and well assorted stock of CLOTHING. HATS. ; SOOTS AIJD SHOES, nud at lower prices thuu any other ' House in the State. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. Hr.ti'inW FALL J884 w. l ft b. s. mm ft colv HALEIGIX, PJ. c , AUK SOW oi'I.MNO T1IKIK . FALL & WINTER STOCK OF GOODS. DRESS GOODS. CALICOES, SILKS, h AT INS, VELVETS, RRO. AND 1JLEA. DOMESTICS, DRILLlNtSS. TICKINGS, PLAIDS, PERCALES. SHAWLS. CLOAKS, TRUNKS. CARPETINGS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, HATS. ROOTS AND SHOES. Ask for any article kept in a tii'st-claei Dry Good Store and you will be sure to lind it. Thanking the good people of Chat ham for their past patronage, we solicit a fni t her continuance, of the j same. W. H. R. S. TUCKER & CO. S..U.lUT II, 1HK4. 1 East Hargett and 'JOS Wilmington Streets. RALEIGH. N". C. Mj Wil8lll51llli Stock FOR THE Fall and Winter ZS COMPLETE ! ! IT CONSISTS or ROOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, OATS' COTTON. DOMESTICS. PLAIDS, PANTS CLOTH, DRESS (iOODS. and all other goods found in a first class W holesale Dry Good House. This Stock is the largest ever shown lit l c. at.d prices are as low as the sainu goods can be bought in Northern maikets. WM. WOOLLCOTT. S'liti'inin r 11. l"si visitors fwmf SHOCLD CALL ON T. Stronach. WHOLESALE (SIJOCEIl, X... II Marllii Slii-i-l, RETAIL GROCER, N . Mm: ti t V M.inln Sir.m To my li I'uMi.tm-r an I :r!' nln 1 lmv iiljr Io jiy ('.line -in-l -ft- i. ii a' in. .'i.l st.n ami 1 will trt'U y-iti jit it-.ji il ii'tili hi' tdm Hinl wil ptMt(lft HP' H"t lian.1 1 ii 1 tlhl iii H.r..-n 1 1 m. wt.oa IihiI all thf I'MHitM HM in,-; tir shun f Uio tuu, 300 bbls. Sugar, 138 sacks Coffee, 100bbl3. Mackerel, 8't bbls. Molasses, :." tierces of'L.nrd, 5200 bbls Flour, :i0OO His. Hams, MEAT, MEAL, Etc , 75 tes Tobacco. 50,030 Cigars, cheap r than the cheapest, etc. PRICES CURRENT SENT ON AP PLICATION. Our Retail Srour, under charge of WAYUJC ALLCOTT, liui rvi-rvtbln, aii.l fi"in t'Vi-ry hMi, urn ono icnitulaii"! tti wfiii iiij tho Mtrvhr ir ih lioomii aii'l riiMi' ! a Jtiilp" of j.t.t,. iti iriH'rAl nl'N'k , ..r rNNi;! ihmh, :i!Kr. laki, ham, rUH K. HAKIN'i H W1KKn ! l huU HILVKft , 1'ltllN rl.l il, (iinl mil i LAS, kih HM.kfli "I hy iui usit.ii,.irH iu Hi" lii-nt nu ik- l.nlflli niArkM, l'MUillG ilir lrlht, III K Otll tfltll't1 Kt4H'k-Al 1 llHVlk Iwt'U Hin (HHtl hiiiuo Al 1 lm, ttWi. in T5T