Oft tfi ' wnt (Chatham Jlicroni i ' '" e. THURSDAY. NOYEMRER'-J, ji.l.- , tr. H. A. LuNDON, Editor. NKU YORK'S von:. At lust the official vote of lh Si ate of Nw York Iiim been duly declared by th Board of State Canvassers. The higlieHt dcmoeiane cue! or ie eeirftd 5tiiU54 votes, and the highest republican elector jeeeived 52.0lli, making a plurality of 1,11'.. Ihe highest Prohibition elector received a.l.OtM! f otes, iiml the highest Duller elector received 17.1)01. So that the total ote in New York for l'u sideii- tiftl mudidales vfas l.lhT.lli'.l. tOMill ESS. Congre-ei convenes net Monday. Then will begin the second session of the forty-eighth Congress and nut the new Congress to which members have recently been elected, as some persona erroneously think. 'Ihe term of the Congressmen-elect begins ueit Murcli, but their rirst session does not begin until the first Monday ill December, 1SS.". unless the Pi em dont calls an extra session. The com ing session will not be of much in terest, nor w it probable that tiny bill of sp.a-ial importance will be passed, unless perhaps the famous "Biuir Hill" becomes a law. INMU L0UAN. General Logan, the republican can didate for Vice-President, seems pe eulittrlv iini'ortnnuie. He is not omy disappointed in having U-cii dcteaied for the Yiee Presidency, but he wiu also lose his present po.Mlioii of Sen tor from Illinois. The newly elected Legislature of that State is demo Ciaiieaiid will elect a den.ociii! to Hucceed Senator Lynn whose term expires next March. He will no; only not preside over the Senate as Vice-President, but will aclii.o.y lose his seat as a meinbt r of that bmb. In luldition to tins he has al?o suf fert-d the disgrace of hail:g his sou dismissed from West l'oim Aea.le:n for bud coiidiict. TIIAMvS(;iVIMJ lY. In accordance with a time honoied custom mid by appointment f the civil authority today isa legal hoiiday. and wili be obsei veil throughout the United States 11s a special day for thanksgiving ami juais.- to Almighty God for all the blessings ,,f theytar. It is einiiieiilly tit and proj.-i-r that a Christian people shmil-l do this Todav the l-usv marts of trade an closed, and the chinches of tod imp 1 t..i ... . .. .1.. .1... ufut-ii. xii 01 nit u 1 si ,i-.i,u- llli cares of busint and enjoy sm-iai recreation. Today happy households hold their reunions, and together enjoy, the family feast. Today is one of those ncetisious that cheer us all in the journey of hfe. as the oasis does the traveller through some arid waste. More than anv other Thanks giving Day in many years past will today bu gratefully observed by our readers. Let us while professing to be thankful, express by our acts our gratitude for the blessings that have been ko bom, teonslv besiow...! noon ...... ..." . us. While we lift our voic in pr-iising (lod from whom ui! bless- iugs flow", let us remember the poor aud prove our appreciation of the good things that we enjoy by sharing them with others less fortunate than ourselves. VOTING FOR PKIISIDKNT. Many persons think that the next President and Vice President have been already elected, lint this is a mistake, for their election takes place ou next Wednesday. On that day the electors, who were chosen at the recent election, assemble at thecupi- tol of their respective Suites and formally Uillot for President, ui Vice-President, -one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves." The Constitution of the United States directs that the tlectois "shall inline in their Imllots the pel sou voted for as President, uud in distinct ballots the persons voted for as Yice-Piesi- dent, and thev shall make distinct lists ... . . . , , of all persons voted for as i resident, and all persons voted for as Vice- Prefideut, and of the number of otea for each, which lists thev shall sign and certify, and t.ansuut'sealed . . , . , to the seat of the goveiument oi the Vuited States, directed to the Presi- dent vt the Senate." Every elector ahoseu lit the laie election can vole , , ,i l ,i wi he pleases, that is, there is no 1 . , , . legal restraint upou hun. and he is not compelled by law to vote for any paiticular presidential candidate, but uf course he is expected to vole for . , , . the uiHUinee of hia parly, and no in- tauce has ever yet occurred where presidential elector betrayed his- trust: The temptation however is . e r i i i toa great for fnul huinaintv, and we , - would like to see the electoral col- lege-, abolished. i oimi t'.l MOLINA'S VOTE. Our Stale Hoard of Cnuvasseis met at Raleigh ln-t w. ' ii anil canvassed tlie vot-oi a . the com. lies forprcsi- ,l,.:titi! elee.ois. unit (lie result uis ofliciat'y declared as follows : Cleve land. 1L.!i": Dinine, Uo.UliN: and St. .John MS: making '. Ie. .-hind's majority over Ji.'aine IT.SItT. The vote for lioveriior and other S.'ate otliecis v. i I bo e mussed by (he Lcgisliittiie, when it i.nets ;ii .Jiu,,,.-. The Wi iiiingion Star pub jjHu.s w,.,j it ruihiM a- the cilici.i! Vr,te of every comity, and gives Scales iirt.:tlt lott-sand York I'il.'it"). muk- t. majority for Scale. to be !..()!.-,. 15.il the Ri'eiji News and oi.seier ao nubd-hes what is claimed 10 be I lie ollicial vote, ami givei Scales 1 Jli.lKtl and York V2& '.I'll, milking Scales' majority, 'JO.'.Kiti. i, a INK'S spee, i. One nigh! last week Ruiim- deliv ered it speech at Augusta. Maine, that should damn him forever umoiig a'.i true lovers of 1 heir count ry. L was a carefully prepared speech, ami not the rrtsli utterances of an impioiiiptu addiess It prou-d 1:1111 to be a ma:i who wo ild ruin it he cou'd not 1 11 It-, and that he wis 11 fonti-inp.' dle dem agogue. It w as aii ui I lii! ali i oil 11 niiigiy designed atteiuj'f to array the North in solid opposition to 1 1 Soiuh. and to aruust all the pr.-jii dices of the I'liioli soldi. !' ag linst ihe soldiers of the late Confederacy. We are pleased to know that this in cendiaiy ..pcech lias been so severely denounce. 1 by the Northern press un,l 1 oiei The Ne-.v York Herald tj,, Sj.,il,s of it "We believe that no patrioiic eiil zn. be he l, pub.ican. Democrat, Peoph ' Pal ty niHii 01 t'loiubitioiii -t. wll lea l llr' S.eecil of Air l!.:il!.e. made ai Aiiuusta. last ni-h:. wi, ho.il ll.a.dill'-- tie I m-'st fe.Vel.tlv ! -1 toe ,1.."., v, iuce of tl.e peop.e of tin- I u t. I S :tt.-s from the .lang.-i an i .lis i;raee of hat ing -ueh a ilciu.i.;ogile an I ilieeiidia! v for their I I i M ienl . 1: is h.e lirsi iiisi iuce 111 wiilcii a t-in. lid it-- for th.- I'l es.d.-r.cv. m id .tied iiy deteat. ii.c- I Me. I io nn.c.l cue his eo iimy -1! !i s -.-.i -i.al pas s.iM-. Hi M-veli'e for Us clc-iee oi all other ma-.i I ii.ess we Uii.l'-resiiieu-tie- pat ,--:ism of I in- peop.e. N.-ith and Si, ui!:. tle-yw-.ii gle . r v.i.i; such scie nl 'i; wilder i v ty w in I .-, t h it II will i'e I i.i" last ii:s: 1'ice. as well as t'.e ili-t t-l llllsC il,. I 1.0 fur ants wili her d: dal'e 'I H!.t fie W .ll i;l!l Kvt-I, 'he 1. a ling colored disgusted with niai-.i-'s Ism. The eo on- I i-T - :iat who is now IJ.'gisti-r of t u, ,s ,, .gi-.t,.- ,,i the I'. T;easiuv. has ihi. to say aboui it : ! iia. wi;i .liiiii -li of his at A:!g'lsa s he tl." cans.- ,.r great I II, ell! ai d' -I ! ess a.'.!!' Ui.: people of the o.,ih uin asiae th.- .'-: i-'ort-.uia e.y its effects can only be r li l"t lived. S'lcll llt;eillll-'s Wile deiiiagogica! iii the etlieme and whoiiy liiiw a: raut-'-l 1 :lunk 1 ought to IvU'iw something about " li" people in ih. South. Tin- gi.i,e-i ii '.lmonv eisi s bet vv e'-ti 'he vv h:?.- a i 1 ." oi f .1 laces. H.aiili s eha:ges of jittiml la tion and vio'.t n,-e at th. p solute and im.pi.i iti 1 fa ie ub ids. lodav the South is lova! and of ace- f,.l Ti .,...,!.. ,.l,,i., ,,.1 1, al0 ;.t,i(blllIltI, Mr j. ',,,', f..Mi;.Ilt" v, this new antagonism, m tin- right frame of mind to enter upon hat mo nious relations with the people of N",,n- Tlll'.V " U' especially desirous that the ii.t-a.-alit busine-s ..i.... i l i... i This is exact lywiiut Mr. H.aiticvnii.-i at. and his Augusta speech has iow- 1 1- .1 n ins siii u i nil i in- 1 II t CI I .1 pi r , 1. ''red him more m populai -estimation than iii iv act of his lib i Cause for Alarm. No sensible person thinks that any harm will happen to the colored peo ple from th election of Cleveland, and yet the ff.ais of the most credu lous of that race have been excited by foolish stories. A n poit.t.i-of the Associated Pi ess, a few days ago. mentioned this mutt- r to (i..v. Cleve land, and asked him if he was aware of ,-i delusion existing among the col- j oied people of the South that a change in tlie H'linilustraHoii wim;,l unfavorably affect their condition, to which he replied : "Yes. I have been astonished at the statement that there was an ap prehension exist iug among the color ed piople that in some miv their rights, now secured to them under fbt- laws and Coiisiiiution of the ft"1,7l S,!lt,'s: ," '" , uic eieeiion oi u I'emocrauc I lesl- i ,,,, i , , , i i ti . r it'-nl. l iim even to! I that some oT them are led to suppose that Ihe re- suit of the recent election me. ins that ,l'.v "m.v 1,e ade slaves. Ali ',f ,in: hiW UM;"-" u aosiiiil. and 1 have been so .sum that tht. s;iylijst iufrngent n-tleetioi. would dislodge such t'oo.i.sii f -ms. that I can hardly deem any notice of. 'L"," ,ir,,-s1 .v- tueie is ma the s'.igiitest objection to calling the nt- . ' .. ' . , . , tentiou oi ml who are m the least easy or uiicli lain up.-u this ub-; j ct to the fact that the tiiie of the coioied people to freedom and all: tlie rights ui citizenship cannot be disturbed except bv a change in tlie (-oll,Iltlltl((11) wl,ich'it vvou.d !.e abso- lutcly impossible to make. Uesides, the present con-!:-.- oi st!,ltus of these people h,, , .. fllilV' accepted bv theelnile .i. v r 1 , , , . . that no one shouhi nave ihe -..i , tu:U 1Uiy ai tempt w.ii ie m ute to t hange it. If there were any p-.--! sibility of accomplishing such 11 thing, so far as the new .dniiititifttion is related to this subject, the whole country can be sure that the lawful power "mi. I jui isdieiioii of the Execu tive wib be so xercised that lights of cili.e.i.-. white 01 bliu k. under the Coiisiiiution and the law wili lie pre served and protected, and ail the ad , vaalage to which theyuie entitled by reason of their citi.euship will be secured t" li;eui. Tiieie lieeil be no fear th it either the P. i.mc alic party m ils newly elected adii:;:u.-M i al ion propose Li oopicsi or enslave any pait of our population, or to destroy the Imsiue .111!, lo.M-. of the country. We hope, on the olh.u hand, to do s.uuet ling to beue'.ii the people. It .cms 10 me ih.it i.ir e:l'oi t s in that direction o. lid ! ai h i if i.iiscliiev ou-i ei o;iki:igs an.l .1.1. k iniaginiiig sho.i vl j;ive p. ace to an 1 a: i.est fii iicavor to iiispire eonlidenee and to make imi.fisai a clu'tifui iioiue tor itie future." (!ui- Vi'iisiiiiitt.ii Lelier. ,1'i-iim "Hi liMiilnr 1 oi'.-i 11.I1-111.' W"sillMiloN. JVC. Nov. -J-'. M. It i-. -e.ilei Iv to be suppose, I ;i!ler til. l ie 01 s.Veep I 11 it t.ie 1 ' 1; ! 11 s liaw made in tlie eleciio-i. it i' in, ;, slum: 1 i.-.i.e II. e vu .1.1 s! ,'i.'s al H'.isl.l.l ,o,i in on 1 1 no d to. Vi 1 u llii,lil IT ui il t i oiijJi lii lei the p.'Ol .It liou ih'A 11 easiiv t V lioltm;; oill i lie ' : oiiiise t iml 1 !t V lilaV ns.-lbi;. get in a : 1111 siiiin- i:me mi.ler Hie Coll eiVlce l'llle. Lie i ..I melit of wiilcii Hie lit-e- i',sid.'li sieiiis ;u lne -l special d -He. A I M l." of t lie eii rl.s l.o; w in' e i.- 1 11 on t . t . - li 11 1. men: ay lolls tor a ru.u bel ol M ais. hao ae.j Ui. d a'.d paM fur their homes, wlile ti.iie an other thousands who li.ni' pol.l:.i- d lii, in- s Willi, .ill p.-n u:g for lie in. ( -e. j-l 1:1 ' il i U llli tl.e-e 1 i-t !!.. lier .1 lioiil.eetl oiiio.hei.il :. .-:! I. li Will not in- niueii i f a hanisiiip, i'e . tMse tie 11' p i mi s ha, le III. -i e '.hoi eoveiiil lue .'iiii-Mil.i lie wooid ol io llli I'.Oe p.ii l ! I l lit. i ,;i: one lot li. I tlie p-'pnlatioti of islU'ielo,, 'S m eie Up "I liovel'l! Ill'-ilt eii ,' ' s a lni i .11 i o t-s i t ,ilioa- .ap.u-i'ii -. and t ' iii.iii.atio.i oi .11 1! .-. hoi.'..' I - 'i Ml ,'.' s.i,-, pre 1 s- ,,t :i:!iiii, 1 :. 11 Will .1 i;,. is! il, li si .1 e ..p. aiel Its liil-l:.. -s I II'- i'.-iltl '.I ml- h'M'ie l!l'l-l ' as It oc.glit t" he. set up a' once and kept '.'i - ;-'! at ton nu ill i lie cliaii; . i I :-il.i.i.is'.tati-t. shall be tin, io igl: a: .1 . .-mpiele. I - ippi.se ii. .1 ii"i- -dy iii otVi -.-:ei e Ki - -. s. alii If w cue. ah -ut v hat tne ' ll'li'V owe I befi.re I he - .,! i u e.ili ef !!:. r- b-l'l .!:. I'Ut St.. ''' a!e t A WW o! t..e oid ' e. ! I., I.! l ie t'.:.Us iff' w ho f r ali t ee hi; .j: veils suice l'.'Js.. w hen la- ; eii i. e.i.m i i . ! .;:. i Lav.- h -Id .-ii 1 t in .: I .-v r; tin lit sen: i'l: s il.f. .':gii evil mi:-1 tin" u-:i go 1 i it. lb :e th- t o r -I iv a u-ii!-.- .ri i waiiO i '.'it i ! lie i'l e:,s, y i ep il I Mil-Ill :!. I ! 'I'l e. oill T. that ii.- wis i! -:u a New I'l igl.ii d t w !i, i;:ai as the a Imims !. it. if of his fat l.er s e t lo iia-l UU e irtiie.l soiiie oi l li e. i Is which lie supposed -.V'-ie woime-s I pon plo ihl. !!': t ' o " i. la'is'v aiid v-ei.,v, e.i by age. li-was : -MM i that ll'-.-v W. I.- lu ,1 1 .-..in oi li id ih'Vt I. it !!'; hotels which c a , -d I b' ar l .1- : . : in s .,i I I.e. I l ice value vv. is :."). nilo a:i,i the i -. i 1 1 t a-n uu.tc.l io a hllle mole th t!i Sj'l.o.i-I. ;,! tu gel. tiemlll left ti e I lea UI V VM,h a i,..t:ic- ' f vi(i.l'l,;l. wl-ieli a few ilaVs bef.-ie ii" had .''!' i.d Is a io.-ii !ii .:". i'iiil I 1 l.i- atlleiic el l fel , ,w wl. i I. a ! . et taile I up- n t!.--li. iv ernnu-nt t" p.tv when ii was in ti'o.ii'le. is d'-sel V l!,g of lliole It, all M passing recogml ion. 1, -r i believe Ie Is I i it- only one who has ever trusted ids country so lopg A number of li.-p-.ihh. ,m lei-cln who have clung t" tin- 'in ssiiiy dm -Ingthepls! m-o: e "f v ear-, hive al n ady been - p 't'e.l for ill-' t- uiv at tel.tion of tin- j .-w ii'iminisliatioi;. iind among tin tu is the leg headed ami plu-ie aded l.ii .' 1 . I.e. . the Vu .t I'omptr -llei- oi I he i'l iis ii v -,v ho-e legal dl- is Oils I'poti Ili'lt'el'S ate-ct ing the lights of in 'vidmils having claims li. i n the ( i ,v ,1 l uieiit. Iniv-It-ireiv been ill 'li -bl or affirmed. An ! thele is tin- boiubastlc and ey-tis:!.-L -lii g, of the Agl iciihui d J --1 t-i tt -uietit. and after, ll;ill"ii. :i s. li s.iiU clei.i n -nh-of assistan: p'-sm a-tei g-liel :il III tlie Post !:i.-e i . pal I lie lit. who h iv e out I ii a ' ,1 li-idv in cupidity, and w H it a f ill mv eo-iti-trviua:i will ii-- there wli' ii t!i,- git at U -At l.ine iin shall di ta. ii h.u.self fi "in the Ani'-i ieaii iiruiv and it turn to ins say siei i;.g tit Ciiicng ! 1'lloS-i. Vlit' ui W ilson, A despatch to tin News and Ob server from Wilson, dated '21st. says: "This morning at '2 o'clock a lii--broke out in Coleman's rcst.-unaut and bar. on io!d-boro street, and spread rapidly, consuming within two hours fifteen building-., ii 11 . suppoM-d to have been t he w oi k oi an ineendiaty. At one lime the en lire business portion of the town vv;is in iiniiiineiit danger. The lo s wi;! Iml fall below si.i.llll l : ilisurauct .sii.HOll. Three livery .litb'es wen burned. The stock was all rescue, I The market inuise was burin-1. 1'iie Commercial hotel, recently leiitteii. Wits aiso bullied and there was no insurance on it. lis value was s" (MM. Tin-damage to goods is great. Kvcrv building was wooden except one. Ui iek stiiicturus will soon be erected on the slit- of the old ones." A despnich from Newiiau, (i,i, dated Nov. '21st. savstuat twenty one years ago. on the approach of the I'edenil foiees, (apt W. Ii. lierry secieted many thousands of dollars ill goal. When Oi del- was lestoied. he found all his tieasui e. vv Uli liie exception of one bag containing live tnllnhed gold dollars. He has since luipieiil.v stii. died for the money, but failed to Iind it. Today Mr. ("i. W. Smith found it. ami Air. iieriy divided it evenly with him. redei'iil (init ials. From tlio lUlf'Igh ClireiilcU. There are in round numbers 110. OJil persons in t he employ of I he gov ernment. There are aboui oO.uOi) posimasleis in the I'nitid Suites. Of these, the Pos;iini,U r General, acting with the iidvit-u of the Presi dent, nppoiuts about 'J.oili) of the higher class, with sala' ios ranging fiom !ttM)i;l to $I..V.l:. "All of the inferior po..tollices me tilled by the appoiul menls of the tii st as-.is(alit post ma -ter-general, who is thus the largest distributor of pa-ronage in tin- government. The civ i! ,-ierv ice iaw does not protect a siug.e post master in tlio L'ni.ed Stales, but fiii'.1'.' postn'i employt are secured in their piac.-s during good behavior. These employes !( ceive ii ONI SS III to l-si.is i ) iif r atm.iui. i'iio lie. t m-isi u.iei -.o.is braiidt of the pub ie s -r vice is tin' TiCif.liy I )epit! I me. :t em ployes. Of these J.oT'i are cus.oms employes, recuiving from '.ll)'.; io?fl. S .i;l per aim. i un, who are pio-co 1 by llu' civil-service law, which also p o.ccis ".li'i'J employes sc.ltteie.l 111 a.l the tl-.'par; men -. Thus tin-re an-about '.HI () 10 pe; .oils subject to removal in a change of a buiuis'.ia tioti. t,mo: .- I hil l I, a f of vvni- h ill e posimasiers.) vviiicli Ii 1 .-::.-1 a! s, if so liiiud -d iii.iy ills,-.. of. Theieuie izt. c.i..i-c;.: s of iiit r nai r vi-n :--. vvl, i, mi. c n-s ar e gi.id na'.e.i aiiiiiiiiiy m-'-oi l.ng :o I - amounl of i c. en:!-- c na e.'i I by each, l ue mavi-ii :m s.i io v i-. S l. -i'l. vv iii.-ii l iii 'i b . lecioi-s, of have a tl o fc-.-s. N -, sa.il: V of .s vev in of a.v. Ih'ie .tie " is'o'.i-,. some oi Wll' -I .- y mid ,-the. s I e V", 1. !. a 1 , the is-, ai ,-i ;, '1-1. i'hei e ai e sur ,s;, t'is at sala- i.-s i ang ing t'i-"u. o, in pat Ne.v York) d .wn lo ::tjil. i'lu ie are seven I'niled Stales naval -'lliceis, Ic-eiving S-i. 'M. il.,.1 liie Oil,- ai NeVT Vo.k SS.iMI I. Tie te ale t- 'l Hsis..-ml i ri astn ei s of : to- i .! St ill s. One leceives .yS.i il i. (:it New Y,-i!.) one i, 'a i i, ai SI. oil and on a' s.i.li.l I. i'iie e are two civ: lau ,,h,i iinsM, iii.-rs i !' 1 he lisi,ici .ifl'o'cm bi.i. So.o:)il ea h. The iuu-i-. s ..f t M,U1 il: e .hi cetor at S,.i ,', one ilt .V-'.O-t'l. tire, s'.lpe.li.tl ll,i--Uls ai. "'I..' KI. ol.e ai on." -l: . '..': t..:t" assay --. - .-.!. .i III. one at SJ. OO I. Hlld . lie il! ?T. ")''. The -a. .1 1 i of the il plolnat ic corps vai y ai ,, iisimg lo the appro-p- iulion . i;i by l'o!igies. i ii.-it-ll it v d'.pioiiixtic lepiesi ntatlTea abroit l. ol v. .".c I the h g! - s! p. till lcc'ivt- Si7..i:i-I a Ve.tr. and the low est from S-.'.." -HI to Si.S.I,). The Wiisi:iii:;liii: .omiim-iit. Tii" W.iil.i, .'ion Monument hits ri-iched a g.ci'e. height than thill of anv oii.' i st nclure in the world, be llig "- I'-- ! t- '' iucnes ab i'.e iin j ',.,.! of ti:e : : i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 Ihe In XI. highest ;,t r,c: ;.:- ii the spile of ihe l'.li;.'lii' e:.!!l. d'iti. wi.ifh tow I ! S "l I "l fee; .ii, lie U,c :!..,ir of ti e ii.l..ii..g !t h e- !" en ''!" :i '''I t hat ii wi.i ia';-' but l-.eiiiy iiv- w-nkiug d iv to complel'- Mih ni"li, I'm nl. so there in n.-i llu- iiiisi ih'-.ibi of it beiii-; I'm h. hed in thue f"r its i .hcailou oil the -Jud of liel i'ebi u.iiy. As the coltsl.u.-. i.e. of th-- I'-if pr.'gri ss es. t lie ij lest u-'l .v l.'e h i-.ctcs lie-in-,-.; cuiii.sity is 1' ! the capstone is o 1" ; laced in p '-ili 'U. t'eopu pa .sii.g along the str-et look lip and see tl.e l u iilitsi wlv.eh supports tin- b i nil for llfi'.l:.' s,oiie, j,.,j, cl ing 'Ve the I:, i lit t!1'.' High in. v-iy point vvi.i.-i. ,vi.i be occu J :. d !;" !!.' lup-l'-u- . ::: I Won. h i i, .iv tin- 'a'ter can b p. ace! in p i-l I- n when iheinii i- ta'vn down The following is lie- ni.iii ;.:-i m which the Wo) I; Wilt be doiie. lu ll only bine mole st.'iics an- wanted io ri n h llu- summit, a little p.:ilf,.: u vvi.i be but. I aiiniiid io..''. which v, iii be finished Up lo that point. Tins pi t'. form HI , b bt.ieke.ed lo hug.- timbers extending along tu, outside sin face of lie- ro..f and icsi ing upon tin- large iniitform wl.icii ciiu be si t n at tie- t"p oi tiif sh.i: poiper on the o'.ii :!,. i lie l. oil stones lid ded to co-n pi- I" the Wo k wri in- hoistcl by ii. big boom, which is not at w, n I. iind pitlced on the pl.il -.ol in. 1 lie lu.isi and boom ,.ud iioisiing appiu a, us vvi.i ilnuiie tai-..-u down and eutuei'. lemov.d. in u- plac-- wi.i b.- i t. -ted a pid in cd. tie- biist- i, i.ug upon the llii . p. at foi til 1 efel I e l io. At tin :.jv"f I Ills ipl.ld . . Ipe i. iviiiiil vvid be ihncl.y above llu- .ocauoii of tlie clpst-ine win In-a li.-ie.; and i.i. k.e b v. inch the lem. lining stones will be laiscd .Old put 111 p.ue.-. Ai'l.-r the sloi.es ill e ai! up. tin- oil hup-'d wi.i i-e le-iuivi il, .l.'-u ll.e li.ackeie l piiii foi m, aiid .a i iy t he In aw tim-I)-. is which uppfi t. d it. The men Wll. le.teii I.,- a:g' pliltl-'llil by nii-ans ol a ,:ii h"-. The v. oik vvi.i li.e'i be i :p l ied, with tin- excep tion of r. moving tin- large put. form, lis tiiiibei wi.i be taken in at the windows, the .ast Itliili on the Oili s.de t l.ii sll.g i lie ol the pel luiilii lit w Hid, "vs on t he i list side, and the iron beams wh.ch suppoind the p'.ilio, in .vi.l !,e d; a.vii in. and the lun. s 1. it 1 1 we. i- lett f-r llieiii to pss through vvid be rep.aced by uiarbie Inocus. and eveivlntiig wnl i)c tiillstieu. Hon J. II. Tucker, of Ya.. who was recently ree. ecied to Congn-s-i from the Tenth I'lstiu-t by the i)'-mociats. has been appointed guardian f-'i' the minor chiidieii of the late President i.ti lull I. His trust lm-iiiiles ail property owne I by (len. (iaitiehl in Virginia. Mrs. Cmi field, in making the n-ipiest for his appoili! uietit. ic ft-ired lo tin-kind, y lelation.s which had evisied between Mi. Tucker and her irte Ian-band. A shoeinaki r of I'tica. N. Y.. has coiuplelid a mechanical curiosity, consisting of two hou.scs each six feet i ,pi:ile. Inside of these hous es an- .iitV. i i-iil wood. -ii tig.u wo: k llig ill tiad- s. '1'liere are ni-iii iy lit U of thi-.su .ig-'i es. l ue lllol IVe power is a smaa three horse po-.ver engine. A Tragic Juke. I'lN'-n ilicimrl"iicolprvcr. In Slalesvilie night before hist, h joke that wttii at utiupte I lo be played upon a o, iceman, had a tragic, anil ; in all probalnliiy, a fatal ending, ihe1 jiarty who ittti-ni)led to play tl.o joke having b-n-ii insianily shot i do, vn. li appuvirs that during the; political uud torchlight excitement; m thai town the past few days, tho' authorities were upprclictisivn of j inee idiai y lire.-, and t o guard against ' these, a special :i-piad of pohceuicll j wus delnile I to pa lo: the streeis ut j night. Among ihe oiiiccrs thus de-t.ti.'-.l vva.1 a yiuin;; mail who was considered cowardly by Prank Jen kins, rt leavt. Jenkins, who was al poiti-i for Wallace I'.rothers. mel the oilic.-r iast Tuesday ami began taunt- ing him wiih cowa-diee, adding Ihal In ( Jeiikins) couid run the olt'icer j from Ins Ie -a:. N.iihiug more was: thought of the afl't.r. and on Wed- j nei.lny niglit Ihe po'ic.'m.ri wa-i im- I t;o ing th.- s leels as u i.th lie was i s i-.i'leuly hai.ed by two iii' n who rose ir i ii noi e him in th.- daikn.ss and, vi Im ciii.ed upon him in tliiealetiing tones to sui render. The po.ic. man could -ee I lit forms of the men but co id no! i ecog tiie their fcaluie. !:i I es, oiise to the!' i omiil.tnd for hun to s o render, hediew iits pistol and iii e,l t wo shot ; a III m in ipuck sue, e., .ion. ; tf.-i of ; lie me. I tied, but the oilier lV,i to th." giound wiih a dull tllll.l. IllVe- IglllOU It'Vllif I'd tha tact ti:ai it w is ,l. tikm i who had b-en shm down and Ie-.v.ts s:i!'f i iug from a buin ; v ."Mi I in h;s ief.brea-.t ji t ovii ihe iieiil. Jenkins had s.'cilied :i fri'Mid to go wiih him ihat night to meet ihe poiiceimin wlni'it ilu.y exp; i led to fiighien into a run. hut liie resiiii was ipiii ,i the con tiary. Jeiikin.f fi ii-nd escaped un hurt. The wound which Jenkins leeei'.ed i co'isidele I i.lol i n . one of the ei ..-iite-sl li,::., a s ilppl . in iob il lie llig lie ern.tl le-iiioi rh ige. It was a fo .,i.,h j i;e unwisely planned uud tragically elided. IM imiIicii lliisbiuids.iiid Oivon-cs Kr in il--- vv.-i i-li,:i ir Am, : l ,iu. ( UI .s . im il.dik iiiev e.-.ti l. fol lll I ' i :u- u lii.-y inaiiy siemld lead a I .' .-n d'-ci ui by tin- Supreme I oi'.ri of i-i,v:i. I: was a dilutee case b. , i ie-it by a wife b i i , iier iiu- b iud was a eouli. lued .it uniia d. Tins v.us not denied, but it was di' velojied iii eii I -uc.. tint the knew of his iii emp. r. lie habits whfli .she mai l u I him i. oping io reform him. The Judge of the court of final :ip . pea denied liel tin- divo.i-e in tlu'si' stern vvor U : Von volunltu iiy ciei .e.l di iiui.ai d foi a iotsoaud. and you should i. -.-iia g'e I ic- .hi ties of a diiinl.arl's wife. lie. fiuure to' keep :l p.. dge of 1 1 foi ma: ion made beo'ie uia; : i. '.;,' does noi jiisiify yo.i in de-eiiii.g h i. i. Hiving kuo-.vmg-i; uiatl -.i I :t ii;l; :, -l.;. ei n. i .l ii..-.Le v oiirs.-lf c -lit en! with lie- sacred re-: ::;:. u.-'iip." 11 I . I.llitl lli . i v. - iiii.I oiwrvi r. )- -j e ,r i.i..j. ii iiy is ( i.l, i'e Id h.id ,i ' ; 1 1 1 1 1 :.t 1 I.O.IO Tlie lie- Ki- -i.i ;i!lOU, . ' Ill l:c j..n V of i :o ; ..s ,. ,v n.-l i i!,i- Ni,.:!i u.i-1 t-,e i 'enc i i.i. i.ivei.i.'. I ohi . I lip lis ri'L'i- I'l-iie.i' :, -. ;:t ihe South us in 1 .. li iil'.'.i - m:.j 'n.y in ti:e N u ii.i-i 0 Si,.4;,.., u .s ." .,;';, lo ; liiiiiue'.s is :;out :."., i.i 1 Ml ll.e l is, in Ue 1.:1 i:. oi licij. ! i: i.-s ut li:-. -ottii is '.'. ! ' 1 i,i -e-1. At the s .uih Hin- c.el; ill'l- 111' - ic. 'j t i;,- vv :is oH:!.','')'! ; Cleve-i- :.i. ...I illil.li.l'l. :-ho,vil!g ll ii I'- .' 1.1 Ti e 1 S of the l-h.Tis :.t tl.e N.,lh lie fi!:i! to J'.Uty, Will1.- t!ie lullll'g off ill I i tiiocivtii,- iirijoi ities at the -.t tu South fii.-l ufv li-:l little. A mail on u tliiiti it! the I'etllisyl v :ili;:t I .-tiiro t 1 wits killed Tiles-lay. lie in- liililiug (till of il window UUvl his h. :i I st uck :i le idge jiost. 1 I L. iiittilii.rrv. aged -l'1. coi'iniit t -1 eui--i le l-'ridiiy nig'.it Iiy cutting ;!i- .-uieiii-s of his vvii.ts with im ink eriis -r. I T 'Viis ;t n. ll iv.- of Aiiiei icils. (hi Nn tv:i"iii foi the suicide was dis--oleic 1. A -;it . e-r.oii. receivi 1 ut tlie the M -;h -d -t i'" k l oiicein. Ciucitiiniti, ;li!li-.:i:ice. lie- deuth of Jti-ilioji S ; V. Wi.i.,. of th- II. iv I'huieb. ll' ' died i'l 1' " ( 'how. 1 ' i it i in. where he T;ts engit-c 1 It; chinch wolk. ' I, i l-'-ii et e. of Wisconsin, will lie the yiciligcsl ineiulici- of the -I'.ltll l iugl. ill ll.i lloii-e. He i.-i 'JS vents, oid Mr. Wnite of Connecti cut, who is will lu- the oldest .loi.n E. Keniiii. of West Virginia sti 1 h ni.i.ii.-i tlie youngest lieiiiitol' The V. -.i N it giliia I'-il'i i s v that ,i- SHU lieisotis hull- died from till ' 1 1 ei ,. iiiv.tLiuo i ue i:iou:ii ,i,ii oisiiici . li . . - of ihe wesieiii part ol West Virginia and siuit'i t a-.n i u l. lit --cuy. Ihe section :.l':!;e ;-d !: iifie' ti li i.es from l aiii o:ids, h.iii had ii" I riiu lor months, and is without lu-diea! faci ities. 1, g:ny per c ut. of tlie nick do not recover. I're 1. lioug'ass is iinitadng Mr. Iliaiiic's o: atoi n .il lu-iiev o.' iiec. The pi "sj eet i e , i i ;' ii.s i t'iice i.,:;,l;lelis the n.-l ii I i' i cr. He sli'iiild iuiit.'ite his eohu. d i. lend il.iiliey. of South l ie o tu. -.ii-. s:i;.s : "Were I in ii posit, -.ii Io sp-M!: t- the li.DiM.IN'O i, g,..,.. in the I'lit-d Sla'e.4 I vvoii. l r,.iy to them : "Possess your souls i'i peace. Your liixltios: lire not in ditugei .' It is a eo'uiuon remark iiitiong fur- lllc, .-. t iiiiu Ml'. S fol.oivl.ig .slllillllcrs V, hen sevci e ill O'lj'ht liUs heell ex- l e leiu- il an- g..-i uiiv yea s oi gieui a-'i icu.t u' a i'. '. it v oral least of iiirg.- ct'ijis. One leas. ui sei'.u.. lo In that its water i i-i ed--s into the null soil it is a.-.-. ;it. il and lilted for hus- laming p. ait growth ton greater del, 11. ill's ffi'.-.-t is ISO( -iiiiiy uotlci iili:.. lii t'.eidl s.dcd viilh c over. Tii- io g toot of thi phint strikes d--.vn iii"t. d-- p:y in hot. dry wettiiei. and thus bungs nearer tin- Mil lace Seppll.-s of feitlilty Hot before dliivvi, u.'O.i. TO FARMERS! WE HAYK IN ST.).,:C AND AUKIVINO DAILY A IT'LL m Crockery A N I) 1 X 'As V. V y -V J, tl. lUvliW'STEE & CO. .' s- yy , ... X'.- lr -'j. Vx 4'tRK X i!t:n i2sffer!l. V 1EE HFGFST STOCK X Gva m W.BGFST STOCK In the Odcll Mothic Cook Stove. CIIKAI'KST UKrAI'SK IT IS TUH HI-XI'!! & co. STATION, UI'Mi'.M nr.lt Ol'U (U'AuANil.i S i.teinher IS. lSHl. (f. X KW .F()IIK! XKW GOODS E. li. McLEAN & CO. SH.r.lI STATii N. C. F. Y. V. H. 11., Oii'. r lo llu- ),uhli.- oii" of Ihe I.est selected hto. U of (lENKllAL ilER- CvNPIs!'. iver liro-.ight to this stctiou, and lue now helling ut the Trj lowest j.rici Dt'Y (ioods, Cii'oeuricis, BOOTS AtlD SHOES, HJT,? AIID CAPS, NOTIONS. LOTfflNG IIAIIHWAKK. CliOCKKivY, TINWAIiK, DRl'liS, &C, : or i:vi:ky Di'Si i-irnoN. We h.-ive 1:0 old stock mi i.iii.d. h li over lioiu lust seiisoti ; everything U lit vv. We luivc eotcf to stuy. ;iu, int' lid to sell everythili, tt the lowt 1 1 V 1 1 1 la'es. All kinds of li.rti r i;i!,ci. We nri- .-ilso ueelils for tin- he: J il no Will. I"S4. If. I'i BKinVA.WKIt BilOTflERS. Till Leading Clothiers and Tailors, Take great pleasure in prod. liming to the public thut Ibeir 17. I.l AM) VWIYM STOCK OF Irlen's Youths', Boys' ; Children's CloluioL Goriis' Faroisiiis aai Hats IS COMPLETE AND tti'.ADY I'OK INSPECTION, mid we do not exaggerate in suvii eoiiiii'u Ie. the most fasl ioualih . il g - tiiinnied. the most ih sir.. hie for the '"' ,,f t'de. Our lornier lMtrons will come to . . : t . ... .. . i ... i r 1 1111(11' III 11 111111 lll.-n.- I.'llll.l ,'i, "... , ., whereof thev spenk when tln-v I ee. .muii ml their friends and stlilligore om- ing to eii r (iltANI) 1'V Pi Sl 1 ION Verv l!e.-pcctfu!lc. I.E.DINCi O -t. 11. 1SSI. Ji'B I'. WVVTT. Wvatt&TavIor.- RALEi'ill. N. C. , Wholesale Grocers AND mis. U1U Consignments of Cotton and Produce soii.i'ed. W- carry a li'-avy stock of MEAT. LAUD. SI (JARS, CO IT" EE UAC.OINO, TIES. TLOl'R, MEAL, CORN, JJRAN. AC. C. which we otVer to the trade at lowest ' iirics. 'll give consigiiiiienis of Cotton a1(i i',,Hi,. intv j,. iswiuil u.ieutioii mnJ iiuike sal. s iit Kigiii si piii-.-f. iind fl-W!ird returns at om e. WYATT ,V TAYLOR. ' Julys N... li Tji-i lnlii snr.s-i. LINK OF V A, .s 4, STOYiS. WI) Is.Ufcrial. rtate! .-.er.-g A TIUAIi WILL ULGItET TIIKSK CAN BS HERE OK M.LEAX SILER' N. C. .vVTISl ACTION OR NO SALE t 11 Giij.LL HAFjDWARE CO., (lllKKNSHoUo', N. C. in i-xchiinge for gooiU. ltiheii on i In- iiiurkot. f lint this season onr stock is tbe most ino - t du.i.i'le. the lu st made, the ncate! i::ouey to he found ulivvvher 111 ihui see u of course, and it is a irttr of i,..i .. 1. ;...... fn.iU.l.A i ' ' ivni iim-io. i.fi . Lie , My , , , . , , , to mu-Ii ii linn as ours. Cl.oiiliKltS AMD TAILORS. O; i-osite V. S. Puft Offlw. w. ii. iiroaKs raycttfji7ille Street, RALEIGH, N. C, i'F-VI.EK IM OKiNA, CHOSKERY, SLASSWARB, LA'ilPS, TABLE CUTLERY, .SILVER PLATED WARE. RETRKJERATORS, TEA TRAYJl, oil. STOVES, kC. R.-1-i. niU-r 11, lsHl. Hid. II. T. CHAPIN, DrtUGGIST, i Mr rs.I.'K , N. c. 1 f),-,,. Mi dieiuts. Toilet nnd Fancy Aitich-s, 'J'rusFeii. (inrden Seed, Cigars. Paints. Oils, SiC. l-r,-,.:i,,..,i,-.ar-.-,,lljt-,n.i.unwl , Aj.rii l. Iwi. ly

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