jtiho Qphaiham Record T.UTltxnW r'KHltPAltY 12, 1KH5. - ' Alamance court next week. Sr Coldest spell of the winter. ter After all tlu ie seems to be Bometruih in the gwuiid hog weather sign. tut" Very few civil cases were tried last week ut .Moore Court, ou account Of the absence of several lawyers. par Three huntsmen fi"in Massa chusetts have been here several days enjoying thvinsdves in Miooung pai i-, i lliles. tSrNcxt Saturday is St. Valen- ine's luv. and the vomit.' folks wili W Hendnig and receiving ioving little : missives. tOT livi.um k lleaden have just ' received Clover, Orchard (h ass. and ! 0iden Seed. A 11 Ce lot of Jllles 1 ladies' and childrens Shoes. tOT We Hie pleaded to hear that hi weekly mad route has ucen euu lished betwccii this place and Clnipel! Hill, and that hci vice will uo p.acen i theieon in a few weeks. W Country nMrchft!iti can ropleu-! Ull their stocks cheaper by buying I Ha.i.uoa.to 1 ittsiml.o . - 1 b lio-pes Koods at the store of the Bynn.ujof our .it.z.-n ( getting a rai l oa 1 M f g Co. 1.HU aliywiiero eise. iim L'oods there are beiiu; ,d iiki.ow ' " t'osr. T, i iv,ill4ililiw ll;u,mX unproved. ,l,e ,...t -".site a. waicii. Wa:reii 1'iior Son, raycttculie. ' leliintr A- ris for th- Aurora Watcli aad stockhoideis in the Aurora Watch Factory. ' tf-We a.e indebted to our yoni':: .... ... Mi i.',..w Woin-ii-L- u i. i ::: . " ' . ; mi ' iiii iiimninn.1"- ...o...... ' : :. . ;.....,. i .. o i . .,,1 i l.p "U nrfli-: I I r , ? ,MI:'7 .'M,"- ' , ? ' ingloii iiiiilidin i.xeit ist.s .n 1H l,pinjr jjrmled by coiiVK'ts from th i t-T:......;! i... I... .1 .,ii M.in.liiv ' . . . . i v iiieir,n , iw . v.x - . 1... j-t.-.i ,,, the .tld 111s.. oud the young fo.ks are enjoy .'xhiiirating ai.ra eincul. that IWNew Crop Cuba Molasses. Fine' SSyiups, and a full line of Oroeeriei. : received a: Loiidoii'n this week. Also, . u lar-'c iot of Garden seeds. Onion . .'. . in, i,,.n:,.ut nets, I. lover and Oi chard in ass seeds, , , .i.i L,, , i. Mied 0.i s on hand, r.xtia haiganiu iu heavy Dooti at Loiidon's. Now is ! thetiiuetobuy a pair. j Sample S. liiowu, Greensboro. lias o;ein d the Si-riii'' caiiiliaign with n lull at oca ol lieaiiy inau- t-iounng. Boots and Shoes, lress (.loods, ' l'lints Cmpets, Oenta' I'm liishing ! oods. ,Vc. iVc. And Jtrown aiway ! fjiicka to Ihe niotlo which Itan inad : Inm a siucessful iiific'Kaiit, to sell ; THL VEI.V HfT lioolis AT THE LOWEST l'ossiiiLt I'HicKs. tlive hiui a call. liT Iteineinher you can buy at London's for tin- cash all kinds of tvintcr goods .it veiy greatly reduced juices. li.iawis', Jiiankeis. Clonks, Overcoats, l'lannei Guilts. Cnrif ting til cost for the cash. London has a uplendid stock of Show:-. Hoes, Alattocks, l'lows. l'iow Caiitiiigs. l'.ow Steels, and all kind i farming implement. ty W are pleased to her the most favoiable lepolts of the Joina lioro' High Schooi. iiinier the man agement of its new principal, 1'mf. It. J. J)a is, who fiei ins to be "ihe light man in the right place." He is Assisted by an able corps of instruct or!!, lioaid and tuition are obtained on the must n - asiiable terms, and Jonc -boro' i-qniteaem.HMb.ftO those : ritudi him wl.o may come from a dis-! lance. Imii ktant Thi M . Ai the next term of 0111 Supeiii.r court, to be held on the third Monday in Maich. will be had thetiial of John T. Mmiiii for ,1,.,. ,.f il, :,, .I-u.,, I ,. ' ... . I I ,,,. ,,. I, ,,,. 1,1 WI H IIKW ....... 0 tO It was intensely cold yestcrdav . , ... ,', , lranei:s of inedicai senMiee as enu- Imshes, ciii.-ing the acci-U i.t. inorning. the thermonie.cr indicating ! ' Hi"' Veurli A (5 't or ' "",iUUM :U-4th "f,lhu ''V a temperat me of on.y eight de8i ee, ; " J; ' " 1 ' . -. , ' ,.' . Act : ai.ai,.,,,,', pliysioiogy. medicai death must have b. en insfai.tane nboveeio and today is no wanner. ! XtnieTK."1 SJZt : 1 M! XTZ Ot r: Mr. W. 1 IU M " 1 111 1 1 iii'itijii .i """"h , ir...,i- T . leiJi iim i. ' A iiviin. ..r 11 t. 111. IWk nu'ii This trial wiildoub lessattiuct iuehi' l'"' l"'i'"''y ''"'' W h.v not hav. a law passed that every .........i,, ,.A'S was bi-nglit to tt ntion ami osoilo Kreat interest, 1 '-'doi tumde creatine, unless practising lawyer ,n Nonh Caioiina Uie (.ity by a person from Lemley's being the most impo.taut criminal "lore room 1.1 provided for them 1 .tlthough he may una got hi, license , ,()Wllsli(, in n distant pint of the case tried in this county for many i therefore beg leave to suggest that herelotore. shou.d go to lialeigh and ,.,)Un, Vi f a mournful event in his Ttara Judireliuflin Hon John Mau-1 foul' ,aMV '0,ms bti imim diately bmit i be again examined on the elementary (,jK,i hood, one day last week, in oimr and 1 li Wo'mack ICmi , will !hu,Uh I)m"y of t lit ones ho ie-text books and pay 10 or a -w ' the di alii bv burning of Mrs Luilier MH'itr as counsel for the defence, fnired as may seem necessary lor the license or olueiwise be disbared 1 sh-nill. all estinmblo Med hi, bun.' nml Jutb'e Fowle JamesS Mannini? I "1,,:t' l'm,if" accommodation of . Surely it is important that we should ( i,l(p,. The affair simply r inted is and H. A. Loudon wiil ai.pear for the these i.ii.iaie.s. ' good preachers Ought there . hil Mrs. Sherrill. being" left ,t home tl()J1 i I" the annua! report of the Hoard; not, on this principle, to be law t ,,.,, wjth 1.-infant child, had the ' ... jof D.reclois and Superintendent oi ) that they should be examined by i misfortune to get Iter dreas if nitd in iMi-itoyisn Tit: Kiiuis. -A move lias the Noilh Caroiiua Insane Asylum it j some body or some authority every j H(miH ,.., ,v tiie tiro pi. ".c. and nt last been made which wehopewih is s.ated that iheie is iu that part of ; few years and again licensed or oth-' th.it after vaii.lv endeavoiing to ev losult in impii-ving Ihe public roads 'the State Horn which parents are erwise b uufi ocked 1 (loud fat ining fnguisli the tlinies, she had iiojipe 1 iu this vicinity. Ou last Monday the aunt to this institution ":! white hi-, .s ul iinpoitant to the weii-heiug oi ,.x,anMrd lo the Iloor, Hutting ilm to boaid of supci visors of pult.iciiads. of this township, together with a'couiuimlaiion in the asyium at nai luimbei of our largest Ux pavers, eigh is limited to which ieave; held a un etm ;t this place lor' the at home, in j u s ami poor-houses purpose of consisting at to me uesi way of liiiprovi.ig oar highways. At'i.i'i- so.i.e disciissioii it was unani mously ico.Ved to petition the Leg ialat 1110 foi an hoiity t levy an an nual tax in this township, not excei d iug ten cents ou the hundred do la s Valuation, lor the purpose of u-: t in" in th woiliing ot the ioiuIh tit the township. A committee was ap- pointed, consisting U JkUtaais. H. A. Loudon, J- A. Womack and 11. J. Powell, to ini'i'C a Miilabie bill and mbinil il to the Lcyisature. The money laisi.d b this siiecmi tax will be expended by the board of super - visors in Huch manner as they may tlotni best. The bill is intruded to aiply only to thisCveiilre) townshiis but if it wtuka well we doubt not that other townships will wish to pal iieiparo iu its benefits. It is not intended 'to leiease the road hands from their work, but ouby to supple- meiit theii work in such naniier as -uwy b thought best. oiiTiif Ciiii m;i n Joseph (of Ihec.litoisoftheAincii. Seeds koii Han in. one Airlculturist on. rs to Ki nd UliV has the responsibility of caring for them, to e.oins from far and near to singed off close, and from this citcuni ir fill under fifteen veins of nc, liv.j insane poisons and three idiols. Kaleiyh or Wilmington to be exam- sUnce it is believed that at the tnuo , can j boy or jiirl the Ih'hI of unnldi seeds free Vv mail r . . ' . at tweet v-hve luT cent. less until .1 Ml I . I.. ....4 .. l..i.,,l,i,v n-giwriaie. It is a genuine offer. rjellll lor 1I1M seed catalogue of 1HS. .. :m. -i: W II 11 llliri- tioiiH for eullivation. It is sent free to all applicants, and is well worth! reading. S.-nd nt ouce. Address. : Joseph Ilitnis, Mon ton Farm, Koch-. ester, N. Y. ; An Oi.p ('ask. On last Sutuid'iv r I motion was made before the Cieik of jour superior court, mid by him ro fused. f)i leave to ixsue eecutioii on I the indtrnient obtained here si years ugo by Hon. Josiali liirner ngamst . ,f.(i.tv H.i'.l.n '1 his iiiilirmeiit WMS ....... ... - j f( Ahooo in favor of the niainlin as, damie'es for his arrest ;'.nd imprisoii- ineiif in 1870 by Kirk's troops, acting under orders ot the dciemlatit. As 1 more than three years had elHpsed ihince the i.id''iiienl hud beeu reiidcr- ed. no execution could be issued wit h- !ive of the court No eounse! uppea.l be.me the .e. k for t he ' - I' resented by W. it. Henry, Kwi.. of ; lltMUiei son, WHO Sliowen hiuucinui I cause why execution sboitld mil I llssiiea. ami accordingly leave mi.-, not. prantca. J i.is iii pronaniy ine msr tuin win uem u m un ....I i a. I that, nome years inro, lUt raoted mucii ' attention. u mm i;iin' imio nuru onm uooo. ed to disappointment, tlmt we are i .i i i.. - il... a most afraid to mention that another .. . , . i i .. . i it l ; i r 1., l .l'"s'' "" ''xeciitoi- or iidmiiiistiatoriiH a man over Hi) years old who h.is or has paid the account of a ; bee:, married fifty odd yours, and has ,e Jeis ature a I ..II to a l...i e . i ,,ilin ,,4S N, ,lis license. : nKmv ..il'e,, and .nandchil. Ire,, wi.o roid Company to build r,)a,l () this iiIkiv. We b. aln-ii lersi&nd that this company will lay lii.' t rack aim eo hi theioal. if oili- fit .ens ' i win uraie i lie inmi iiwi. 1 1. is niw ,, n.,it.x(.A ,ilHi this can bo i ,i . i rme ,?,, hume . w 1 irom rrankiiulon to liounmii'; is . 1 i imniletniarv. aim r.avineiu is 10 ims, 1 1 ' j 1 .. , Mm . inad 111 bonds to lue an. oiiiit of !(). about ten uiilr.'. th same distance as from Monci.'e to this place, ami it in thought that i lie cost of i.,-i Hill i' wiii b. about the same. ; sccum psoiiab'e then, that we can have a ' . ' . '.' , . , . ' it the citizens ol tins township wi,. . vote for the issuing ol township - ' " t( "" "f 0(. J."V.01S,.. At the last iuee:ing of our county comiiiissioiieis. lr. .tlainiiug. as r.u- peniiuinieni oi ine cm.niy imam in iicaith, subiiiitt ed the foil owing in- teresting rep.ut as to the condition : of the poor house : '. p(( ;llE J,,Ali, ok C .miss;,.nki,s: , (i,.Mueiiieii: As supc. inti n lenl of the Boa; d of Health for Coa. Ikiiu ; i'nini;. 1 feel ii my duty to oiler fori your c n-iderat ion ;hi' following it- poi t in icleielice to the present cun- ; nitioii of our jioor lioiise. There are 1 now in t. is iin.li; uuoii thiitv-six in- mates, to.wit : eijnt wl.ite males. si teeli while feiii.i ,, six Co. Ol ed males, and three colored females. Five of these are insane and are euntiiie.l in the building set ajiari for the caio of lima ics. Of ibis iiii'iiIm'I- three at times are very vmieiit, and reipiire special alti iitiou. The pom -house contains iu all ten .yduns Six of these are IS bv id ieel large ; the remaining four being colisi.teraliv smal.ei : lo hy is teet. Two of the sinaiier cainiii are set i apart for the accommodation 01 t hci nine colored paupers, leaving eight; for th" white ones. In one room tl..rf ,.i-u lii-,. :,i Hii'illn.r fotii- A-i" , L ' j a!1, .t.tt.. j 1 to sav. are keiit iu its goo-1 sani- i tary condition as the circiiii.-tai.ces will admit. Now with tins- iae;s i:i view it is hard y nei essary for in? to say that iheie is giia. u-ed for addi lioiiui accijiiiiiHiiiation. For it is mi possio v 1111 un; suiii-i iiiiviiu.'iii. 01 . .. :i. . 1 1 ..1' sane persons. l!iu capacity for in- i not less than .M 1. unities. Wit,, these aipal.ing sta.istics, ami wilh Ihe ratio of insanity increasing', it seeniH to me that it behooves the commissi. mers to prepare for the belter . coni'iiodal ion of the insane , of our comity. Tor with the present ' cro tied condition of the asylum, and , the ever increasing duiuamls lietora , .his institution, ine tuny resmirce icft, is for i.ieh county lo prepare to take t are of its own insane. I beg to call special atlelilioii to the lieatiiigairangciiient in ihe lui,d mg set apart for i.iua ics. for it is not ; oniy very dei'octive but even danger - ous. Before rinsing this report I desire to wiy a wind iu praise of Mi . l'oe. the present siielintfii. lent, lie has done his full ,y lo the e.tent coiii metisuiate wilu his menus. Too much has been reijiiired of him and ccttaiiily more tliuit one man can do, and do it properly. lie not only is iv.juiie.1 U cultiv4t a eiop bul iu II'Mii m 1 mil i iu 1 'li tf a mini , ji m. " ' addition does iiciuly nil the luminal lubor the institution demand, lie who reuuiie not only ft kind heart, "in iiKrniM! un iiiiinruiw wnuuiu i 1:1 : ........ ..i r (ritftil lnili'llll'tlt. I think In; oti-'ht , J" -v: , . " , "... 111 III' llU UIiilll'U nMlljiruui, inuiuu ..II.. i,, I ...I .' .......... John M. M'NMn'o. M. D. Supt. Hoard of Health, V..U Hoard of Mi'tlinii Kxaminers. r,:.iToii okthi: Ukcihid: In the last number of your paper a wiiter signing hinncif Science" gives his views on the powers, rights, c, Ac, of the Sia.e .Medical Kxamming i.,....,! He quotes fi mil the Jaw . found in the II. Volume if ... . ;n 1 -J ! 1 Si,... uir inn-, paLIf Him :ii.m ':ii-:i :U ) and WYXi. On icler.-nce to the Ad I I'nel that "Science" h--right : tin-extracts from tiie law are concetiv maile. Now I suppose there me at" least l.Oilll phy- sieians in North (. uioliua, and iif thes.' I am entirely cei lain that '.toll c.ouid not col.ecl' a medical bill, for the reason that they have not. got licenses from the Stale Medical Hoard of,,... htaiiiliii.' an examination on the i,.n inscribed ineilical works. It mm tern not bow long and sueceHM- ; fu,,v A ,vsiciiin has been uraetisiiiL'. .,,,. wi.ta.,. i the outsst of his 1 career lie got n diploma Horn a med- ii college, he must attend the meet ing of the Hoard, in iiim.ii v cases hun- beds of miies awav, and submit to VXitmUwiX a,, .,.;v l0 for li(.,.I1He, u). iu )f ,.,.,,,.,.,.,,;,.,., t do this he is placed outside of the ., , i ; ,f .,. V,, ,,ntv w , - , .. .i,.,, : , tins ine case. hui. it i cleai that in . ii ui.'iiier.-, not now just and modcrat" nay he never kissed his wife in his life. Cook Stove is the nicest and tpiiek it may be, he would not be ullowed Another i;i a mini who has a family of est baker on tin- market. Agents for cie.ht for Mich voucher if the next of interesting children, both box-; and Wadsworth. Martinez A: Ingman's kin ieiu.sed to adini; it, and would Igiiln. who sav in- never kissid one of l'ure I'lepared i'ailits, every galh 11 l,..,.., i,. !.,., . ..; I.U ...in tmi.L ii l . : i .1 i.:.. i.f.. 'i'i ..i , .... i ( t,- , . l'V""'" uniieciisi'u puvsici iii caniioi cikicci, in accuut :.t .f a .m litor who lives : ninety if he dies it will extend the P"c,ion to his wife and chi.- , dren. : dren. v . t... i: 1 .1.- 1 ,"" ui ur iii-uiiicii me ivi'i'iiiiiin , . ,. .. , ... - , I.KI.-.1 IIU lAIIIIJlIK II Vll llil- HflHOOII ihe pt.ic ice ot uii'iliciiie. Ihe .Male .Medical Hoard aiv to exaniiiu' all aji plicauts on the above-named branch es, b'.il who pray will examine the Kxamiii. rs! ! i d.uih; much whether, ' iu case thov weie cn'iica.iy examiiicd on the above named works by a iioai d ot' I'hi.a.k'iphia J'lol'essors, they j could get license to : act ice their! piol'c.-siou. lie this us it uiay.it is perltvtiv certain that ouiy a few young gentle men ficsh from the ' hooks coii d get the license ri ip.iii cl , and neaiivali the n'ly.siciaiis in the! .Siao- would havj to roinv an t leave j 1 1 . bu.-i in ss a iiios t excl'.isi vi ' m the hands oi these r.x'i.i.oKl" :..aui.s. pu,i;,. ;it tentiou ha.-i not been iniieli culled lo this imnter hertilol'oi'e for ;lu reason that th " Statute Lnw iu Noilh t 'aroiiii.i w hich is most often lefe.ed lo is found in tlu I Volume of the Code and these provisions are loun l in the II. Volume. I think it probable that nine tenths of the i hvsicians in the State know noihiinr it such a law. and it is certain tlia tliev do not knov. that they aie ont- laweii 11. lieiiigdeiiicailieproieclioii and itidol the iaw liicoiicc.inga jast coinpeiisa' ion tor nie.licliies 1 in lushed an I for their medical service:!. A physician who has been weii ground ed ie the in incipies of the "llea.ing Art.' no matier w hether he has at- teiidcil one course of M -ilieal Lec- tures or two. uiid who has had long : exiiei n nce in lh" practice, m sureiy ;is eliicii-lit for good in a sick l oom as young geiitieinan wi. limit experience and whose sole lecommemlaliou is Ihut he has lieeu examined bv this Uoaid till the licensed. iJ'.it is ali i in ot Ian simiild be :'"i li'ipiiied tiooks and some one will say ".t 1 tioi1 our physicians 111 .1 men- that they shoiiid lie f-imiiiar with the books," c, Ac. Nun, 1 would ask. is it not iinpoitant also thai we shou.d have ; ica: m il lawyers and skilled tanners .. 1 . t. .. I 1 1 ,unt in cniiioe s ;ui i Biiun l"f'f a .-.lute: and yet, what would be,lg j,l.s upon which she lay. and - K in, t-si.ii.usiiiiiy un .yj;- lieu. Una: Commission and le.piiring ah our fanners to appear befoie il and be e .aiiiiiii.'d on Ihe agricultural b.iolis and thus get license to farm , or other. iise be deprived of the i ig.it ; to make coin Ali these siniposed ......... ..F .. ....... .1 .. 1 . ...1. .......... taws won. d be ou the same line as ihose above ipioted in reference to physicians. These latter, it. is clear, ' aie devised in tiie inteiem of the fe.v . against, the many, thn peop.e aie not loois. il a pnysiciaii or a lawyer or apn icher aie iiuskiiied, imtlicient ' or tiuwoi thy, they will soon lind it , out and they will gel litlie business ; and have few lieaiers. j This law nt leleience to physicians ; ought to he repealed. It ought never jtohtve been on tiie stauile book, ; I he status of physicians who were 1 such pi uir to the passage of the Act iiieorp .rating the Slate .Medical So- j ciety in 1S.")! iiught to be disiinctly 'denned in it was in the lStli'aeetioii of said Act. page ;t(il, and they should j be declined e.igih.e to meiiibeiship iu the State Medical Society. i Oiiti wind more. Mr. Editor. Would it he just to compel the Medical Fraternity, certainly over l.OitO of iued .' They are gum-rally poor men ...... .. t .......... .... - iw, 1..-.. 1,0 1 1,,,,.-m ,.oti... r i i-nst ot the trip couM not lie niucli umier ' , ,.,;., i v"" ""' "rV" urn eel linn. 11 me VOl.'C ol Hie lli onie of North Carolina could be respected ull such legislation would be blotted out fiom the Statute Uook. . . i A t'rn.KS. No man knows what a ministering angel his wife is until he comes home one day, siiU'ering w it h a dn adl'ul cold and she happens to have a bottle of Dr. Hull s Lough S i ll) m Iho house. State lifcws. News imd Observer: A report, r was yesterday toid that a d.v .e- thought lobe measles :iud jhh uiiiiinm. i killing Ihe people in the lit ilsvillc and WakelieM Beetions of this coui.t, over a .loeii having du d in a fort- night. The party who told the iicv. s "ays the people are terribly inarmed well nigh panic-stricken, in f.ict Soinesay the disease is smueihii g i,tiv uiikiiowh in inm neciiou, ami linn, t proves very fatal. I Newberne Jourrml : A correspond- ,., it from I'amlico county says: We l,ve some few eiictiinstuiices in our county that are luird to find every day. One is an old negro woiii'in that is over 110 years old. by the name of Kaer Wallace, who has just cut her third set of teeth, verifviiitr the old mhiM,. -once a man and twice a c,':il l." T -i i ... i..i.- .i : . , ,. " - syrup whs necessary or not. Another , . , . . , ..... i . " ",P 's iw nrsi to ni wile or t lie last a child T Air. 1 ma l-yof Oaslort. killed himself last week while out huiitiii''. He was found bv . wife ,Wd. with gun , , mid a Houirrel in the in one hand mid a Houirrel in the other. It i.; 1 1 ... . ... .n.:. .. :. Kill) nisei lie was viiliviii'r, gun iu , ' .., , , on, HUH Hit' llllllllllt'l fttllLll 111 11U He and mis. T lup, comes into print w ith a calf story that takes the prize. Mr. AleMimlei owned a eult of 'o i- stock, winch he pricd very highly and one day six weeks ago. the ca1'" ...candy dissuppear ed. If': searched the surroui'ding c iuntiy over and over, but could learn no tilings of his calf and at hngth lie coiii'liided fo give it up as lost. Yeslerdtiy Mr. Alexander was engag ed in throwing hay into his Kirn, which was already pretty well tilled, and while so engaged, he thong: t he discovered a movement or wound pro ceeding from ihe hay in the bare. Listening ii);aiu hi' became convinced that something was ut.der the hay and he' began to investigate, lie threw out the hay until abi.,it ha. the pile li.i 1 been removed and theie S'ood revealed to his eyes bis loie.; lost calf. The allium! had been b.iii'-d in th:- haV for six weeks, lull bailing considerable emaciation, il was o. a u'ood condition and v.ns able to wall;. I he cuif had gone int i I lie barn and ihe hay had fallen behind it from Ihe loft cutting off its it-treat. As the ,(.IV ,.,,. i,,,,,! t. f-,11. Ill calf was Si((ii ,.lll.,,,,,.iv i)lln,.,l. completely mined, i rom at: indications the cdf could probably have existed in its iuiprisoiiiiu lit for II couple of weeks longer. Some rascally parties made a desperate ef folt to Wl'"ck thctl'liili from Challotte to Stun sville on the A T. A O. rail .lst Piiny night, at Davidm n College depot, and ine attempt almost proved successfi:l .lust before the. arrival of tiie train at Davidson Col- lege, the depot agent had occasion to : go up the track a short distaff - and , before he hi;d left the depot out of sight be came across a bale of cotton ! Ivingon the tiaek. with one end brae- ' ed against a erossiie. so as to in'tl'- .: ani.i t formidable nhstriiclioii. Tl train was blowiui for the del ot at i ttlis ,,,,, Ulti x it liii. five miliutesaftei ,1.,, ..,..,. 1Uil lollt il tiie bale from . 's . the truck, tiie train came up. es- . . . " ... . . . . t'ltit lallviiig Her strengtti, sl. Han , crawlial fiom the house out into the Vard and there died, with all clothing lnic.l f.,,,,, .t.,-. ,in.i her body roast- r., f,-,,,,, 1.. foot There was in. ,,,. M,out Ihe prciihsi's. and while all '. ,iM was .mi,' o,i Mr. Shenill was Irisurelv reiuriiirig to his home from tl business liip to Charlotte, little ,h'camiiig of tiie ten ihlc scene that ! awnitcd his ai rival. The allair oee.ir- ,.,.,1 jjp j (he aiternoi uid t!. tirst one to arrive upon the scene was ' Mis. Shert ill's lit lie son. who arrived , at home from school shortly after the : nccuneiu e of the sad aiT.iii'.' lie found honse bin nin-; and full of smoke, , fuilinjy to ret five an ansv er from ,is mot tier to his calls, he tied to a .neighboring house ami gave the h'ium', mid within a few mintiten a s ii.t'.l par- (V (f nrihbors lind arrived at Mr. Sinn ill's house. They extinguished' the bin ning lloor. and after the smoke m,l eleared away, they found Mis. SherriUs little baby lying on the Hour under a tab'c, a few feet awav from i the tire. It was almost HiiffocateilJ but wj. fouud tu he uulnuuit d, ' though Hcoiche.l in se Tiie Iiuir on the buck of niched in several places. 1 its head whs Mrs . S heriill dies became iKiuti-l - - - --- m u ini.1 i Iih dniii in ner Hi'ius. mil wim woiiieny iiikuiici mm pimeu n , f r.,.l. ..f .1... rat the Uit' ; . " o " i vmiiihiik. unity ui iiw ijuwi , woman was found in the yard, aniioit distance from the house, where she iiad di a'''ed hel sell' in the last agoiiius i - .... , i ot dentil. Her body was badlv u:s- 'figured by the lire, and was almost unrecognizable. Mr. Sherrill arriv ed home soon after the neighbors had I extinguished the flames, and was al-, most crazed at the sight that greeted; him. The opportune uriival of the little son prevented the calamity from being gienter. for had the condition of tilings le'iiaiced undiscovered a few minutes longer, the house and its tiny occupant would both have been oi. aimed. Hundreds of letters from those using Ayei's Hail Vigor altest its value us a restorer of gray hair to its natural color. As a stimulant and toiiii', previ nling and often curing baldness, and clcaic-itig and soothing the scu'p. its ui-e caiiiiot be too stroi;e- ' oinineinled. i - Miu-k-t (iard ners und all who want the best seeds direct from the glower, should fcet.d for Harris' new seed catalogue for lhSo. It is sent free to all antilicaiits. and is well worth reading. Address, Josejih Harris, Moivlon Farm, Itochesttr, N. Y. W. II. Wakefield iV Co.. of Greens boro', N. C. dealers in Hardware and Machinery, invite the citizens of Chathaiu to examine th-ir huge and (,,,p!ete stock, which will be sold uMolii.hinv lor,. Their Wakefield KrimrtiMl for Tun IiH.'iiul) liy WYATT TA Y I, OR, IIIIOI KIOI CIIMMIS-UIN M IIIK.'II A.M'H. tin. 1 South si lo Martin St., r.u.i lou, N. C. li lu uary 10. 1. COl'IO.N M.UU.KT Ml.Mlllli!, Ml. 1. 1 lie;. Strict Low ML Mini;, Stllllnl. In 3-4 n :niieci:i!" : 7 I'lnn-. . In Vf-al, While, v. ai -c n-i.i.' fHiiviwa.M'Vini: .I. i.5 fi' 7n i llanm. .111. 1 - lli'sl riMllll'll, I'.'ilnll v , M Cillm, O h.., Syrn.H, lirllil. MiL'ar lirlalii Vi'llow, IMr.i e. lirnnulnii'il, Si'l, 5: , In I--1 I'l-niii'H, i'i I ! ! Ajifli's, ,1'iHi r. i. I , I". a i 'lin-lii'ln. ftrov l'..rk, tOVj il Tim 'li . went 10 V now llrr. u Tli'i, l $1 Ol. . Tln'Hi' irt.,h am for laro lotn. l'lf New Adurtisi'iiii'iits. SALE OF LAiiB! GCGO mi IIMBEBi! scrriuiAV. Tin: uni invni' M-Mii'll rn'i1, ' ' I will iinln i'i.--- t inil.ll.- sain at o.-,'.. I Dial '.'il r un - -nail- oi j. tines .f.i-'.l siail'-n.eiiailiUin Wiiiim -k, ii m at i i-oiui.y. i.i i. n i'i-"!!".:-. i 'I'. -1 1 . H Of Ht.ll -oin NIKVr TO MM I- FT . I oa-li. ni"t ri'iiialiol'-r ami Inioro.-' tri'in .laic li.ml ami j;.i-i li'i-uary I'i . nri'y ri; imri'il. J, A. HnM.li li, A.lin'r. IksS. PMINISIHATOHS NOTICE . 1 llavli's w winimn niaiim-'l i i.lnilntsira'i r of I.. ; tiv n ii' v all .ins.. lis ili-.-l-.l.'ll- lo ..llll.l Hi- .Vh -lay oi i. l' W. J. A. llll.l.K. l.-ivini; .-ialn.H aj llio -ann i" un. " l-'laii. 1-si-, ti-nriiHry it, 1st-! The Old Eeliable B00KST0R ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., Bsotefe aiij Stationers, KALXICif.'N. C. ', L.U "1KST S I'OCK IN T1IK STATE ; AND LOWKST I UiCKS. i I We can supply all xmir wants. ! Citai oiii r.s 1'ki k. j Ki.l'i iiary ISri. num. A I)MINISTHAT0U':!OTIClv j Uaillnt iiliilUI-"l aa II.- :..liiillilirl..r "f SwMliHlli lti K wi ll. I iisf.1, i li.'l.'l.i n lllj all inr-ions liavii'i; olalmM Hfalnsl ml't iloi'i'ili-n'. In ilillilt ilm Mini" lo in.', on or In-for." lli Winl 'lay of .laliinu y. S-K. U. W. HH SlllX. j January tl, lt j t DMINISTU VTOirs NOTICE liavii'i; .iiiallll.-'l a tin' a Imliilsiraior or II. J llicli. .I. - i-a-i-i. I lii'ifiiy ii'.'l'y II i-i-r-mis liavhii: .-minis nuMnrn sil.l il.'.-.'.l.'ni ikhxIiIMi Hi" satin- in i or lnforo Un- Jin. I Jaieiin v. 1 sso, .lan y U. Iss. W. II HATCH. An Old Soldier's EXPERIENCE. " Calvert, ToiM, May J, 1PS2. " I wlhh to fjprrw my aiprocuatuu of tits valu-llilo nualiuof of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Wlnlo with Churchill' army, Jmt bf for ibe battlo ot iclo.buig, I cuiitravti'il a w-r.- fold, wliicli toriniuated iu a tlangnrou cuiikIi. 1 touud no inli.-f till on our march in- caiiir lo a miliary pt-w, uliera, on atoli fur sunn' ri'int.ly, I .n uigml to try Avto tlii.uuv I'i . loll in. I ilnl m, ami . rapl.llv cnird. Strife then I hate kept llio Tiu inKALCiiutantly ly pie, for (an.lly uf, anil 1 have f, unl it to I an iiivaluiOac remedy tor throat anil lung diautMi. J- W. WiiiiLLV." Tlions.nnlli of tcptimonialii ' ..':' to Hie prompt cum of all lnoie'iia' inn' lung BfTiMtloii, ly th" uK- oi Ai- - 1 nrBRT l r. loK u- lkMns v. tv palau.b.c, o.. young est chil.lruii luko it readily. 1'iirrAnro bt Dr.J C.Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bclil by j'.I r'nm'ist. AVER'S Ague Onre ont -tin mi antidote for nil nmlarlil tllit-oi-.lrm tv.t.cli, far ii l,i:niiii, in uto n in mi oilier a-nn-'i;. It roi.in.im no '.linine. tor any miin-ral t..-r d.'-.i . .oils pnli-ti-ni-e vh I- Vvr, atil : ' ; pi o.te..', ! I ilrjlir.f.l:9 S!vt :li tint '"il!st;I III ion. I sit !;; l'..v ."U'lii as in'a:ili ui t li .' .r I'.e i h. we V7Aa?ai:T jivr.r.' to curt ,'Vt'rv r:i-.i','f i . 11 ii.iiw-nt or i'!i: 1 1 . jMl.nb .K'lt. I'.i.oiiH 1 "it i .'aillt i'all...-il ty lii:.': . nftt-r tint. lria ii--a; rn :ir''. rirrulsr il .ici Ju:y J.,1, 1- CUT C172 '. I: , i'i ri-i uiitl I lin liioliry. Dr.J.C.AyeriCo..Lov-cl!,r.:ass. SiU byiill l ruts.:.:s. A I'M! JV,!INIST15ATOIi'sN()TI( 'V..- a'll:ili:t'-'ral I .1 v ii. -It f.i, p.-.--. :.M...,i i-.i xinl.il tl:r lit K:. H-nV w. n. i nii.i.i:s. Jan. t dmi: .'I llnvliu DMINISTUATOU'S X OTK I). i; iuaiini' I a linliil-.:rH:'.r "f r. K. rillllCl'.li. .Ir. I h. M'.i ll"ll villi lifrs-'ll- liavini lalli" i.t'uli i l nl in fI.U Ii Un wifii" t". mi', i ii "i Irll- ary, lio-r.. .Ilillll.ll !, 1" a i::.i.imiTon. A1 DMINfSTHATKIX' NOTI- T. llnTinir .iiinUflM - Hi .lin!n1:r rli of C. T. Ilir, 1i-i-i'H-i"il, 1 lifri...- noiir sil ursonn lli-litllitf rlallnti iir:ilii"t fi-il-t ' 1i-iklilil l' li.ilill Un- haini to fnr, i-u or i.ei..ro lin- Ii ilnv or ,loie uarv. lmc. t.Sl UA K. sILEi;. January ISS5. 0 :s. H7XT'TTO!?S' XOTKT. -HA V " li. F iu.-ilin.l a :G?IG00I)S AT COST! Tarimro'.iBii, .If. s..n l,ii v . tic i-li un lillill Un- "iuiif lo ui, on or iierorr llio i'iii'l Ony Jiiin.i'.rr. ik'i,. i.kvm r.i. ri.i.is, January j, 1MA. o. K. HAHI.IS. 2 XKCUTOIIS' N( )TK lv- IT K V & iti 'i'"!it1f"l i x".j!t,r liHtili.l ImvihK tuirn- f.i;i-V" Pil'l )rnl l rkilt I UnHi to ttf. oi. tr i-t rt Utb ift'd -lav ..f ,U'i iitry, .1 1. ihi'KM.Y, Jan'y !i. i. l. ilv KM.V. Wheat WitiitiMl : 1 will i.ay Urn IiIr1:.'?i ra-li mI.h for wl:'ai, "r I will H'lvaiu'i' lii'.ny on Kl.vul, l,'llvori"l 111 m iiiiw n. 111. at Uiil:. N f. The null N li ' il !i xi'i-lli-nl nk. I will Kiinr.inn'1' nats.a' i. li lo nil uliu will tsivi- U a uiul. C ino am! M i'Tor your-i-.-Ivl".. J. M. Mi lVKlt. Ouir, N t'., Jan H, lsvi. l':..i.rli't T. ; ARMPTifi MWL .I:r.;.,,.'"!:...,.?i : s.nti- w i hi-i.iM...t h'-ni .ri! .'U.ii. iimi u nw-; j ...III, ,!ll.n, U II. M'J.'ll'i IHI'SII'I "' I.'" "I -llini-ily irom tl,i- "i ra'n l.i.'lery." f;..in wlirn.n I I'llinn '.ii- all lirT'.n- : -r.- an-i 111 .ow.-r, All ; .-itir for in- .f lr-;' inrm Ii-i- itr-.ii .lls..r. l.-rs hi-h falliiriH. l:vory .j-f. -n Ii snff.-i - fr- in ii'iv-n--: in known mis. mi l .li -ii iii"l. 'ine- i.l . ilila'i', j lm; in'vi r run'. 'I'ln-. iti..h-i'i.-,-i ar- i'riyi;.-'i", ami ilifTi-l' In in all .'l.ori. on llio inai k-l nn Ii ii''' t-lm-lrli-. la.i' i-ln I- ;i. le i.i' mini Yln-ir j 1'iira.lvcH nn.-il'ln-- .in !. :i . :nl In ail tn'rv..ini ' 'oii.)i!riii.is. 'I t 'i' ; I -ii i.-i ii ph.' si.-iaiif, .!a--;l ,1 ! lniti:ni'ili- tri-n lll'Mil I .ii' ki h ij: li. tn-i v.nif oi-, i-mi-. me on I n : .n-i' i:-"in e riin i'a;'r.-v " nr. Ilnl I His ioiii' sl.ls yioic. ill;-'Liiiy. Hi- inly i ur- i-ie i l"i- n-ri. n- i i iji.-Ii.-.-i. l-hi-iii.iail-m. Ni'tir.-ilplii, I.i v--r s.ii-l Kt lli'-y I'niiii.n.l.i's. l'arnly-i-ls, ii -ie . : .i .nl ui .ikti'i-. l:,-,i.- si i, i "li-- 1 1 14- ' Moil. " 10 I .m.i ami i- i, ici.l ie i. oil In i. ill y. lt.-l. il1 !!. i-iin-t n ii"! i-v.'i v 'I. iv. Tin' Mau'-n" l llrnsli III--, n eN n:t I tin . i -. I y ar.l lo ..i ilm kin 1 invi'ii.i'it i. Is n- i;i-o;i fs; .-uraiiio riiii'ii! ki -iiM an I ii i i In i '! r i-.li o-n" imp ins inm-. ri'iil n 1-1'"- iln- i1io.i;i aio i ,v. ni. un I .'r.-a'tn A.irin ii. In i-l.roiil.- . ii-.-s . in- .oi.'ii- i- i n, ..i. Il.-I -. an I 1 ail- Hl'-iiM lio iifi -l T l.ni-.li'- aro will i a-i'.oil i.i it. 'lo- .rk. or 'I i. ii". ro -,n li'.l. son.1 tor ' eii-'nlar an I to,.iin niil- n.- -riling a -i-'i. I i.iii..f iiori-iii-. tr-'iinv, w-. will it'v.i a-lvlo' an-l l.'i.s in. 11 1 i.i. MK I leu. -4 i...s :rn- Vf.'i.u . I Was.iini m, ii. c. a-k !!'. 5.1, 'v.i. i. .t. LVIANV THANKS To iVieiids, eu-totiicrs and t lit' public generally lor their liberal patronage during tie past ye::r. We will try to please all who w ill continue their patronage, and will m II them goods AS LOW ACAN I'.H nol'tiHT i:!,si:wnr.!ii:: To Cash Customers WE WOt'LI) SAY TH VT NO ONE WILL HE AIJi()V,'ED TO i I'NDI'.llsELL US! . SIM' I A L INDCt'EMTNTS WILL BE (ilVEN TO '.'EUSONS lil'YlNO I)d CASH! '. WE KIT.1 THE Yf'.UYUKsT i Sewing Machines i i i i i ; tnalt : both under and tipper feed ; ; jiind you would do well to give us a !call before oil buy elsewhere. We have A li.MKlE STOCK of PLOWS, PLOW CASTlXtS, SllOVF.IiS, rolMS, a x i ;s, IIAMKS, COLLAKS. TIJACLS, nnd anxthinir a fanner wi.slic. Wc keep the LA IK JEST STOCK of; Boots and Shoes; in the county. Have just received j a new Int. ' op n stock or DivT Goods I IS VP.UY LAIP'.K. AND ALL K1NI)S OP DPtY tiOODS ', ALP. i Hi'. A rr.lt TH.VX YOP KYP.U; i P.OPOIIT TIIP.M. ASK TO j SP.P. dl'U ill CEiil BLEACH SfflRTIHG.: j It is ti e last ynti ever saw for i ! the iminev. j We try to U p K V P.K YTII I N L ami tlo mil let mir Mm k run tlow n.i We lire i lliii j G.HOC-K1UKS i eliiiipcr thnn ever nml wily keep THL lii. ST! ' j 1 will .'cjniii tliiink ynu for ymir, kinilness in the p:iM. Pvj If 'On hiivc lint settleil yniir account h.'pe ton will L so at onie! If von vili lo luiv ;'no ' chenp .nil i,i W. L. LONDON'S. Jiinu-irv 8, 1SS1 j NOTICE! J All Km-Hit'itu Kii.l AilmliilKlmti.rK who h I rallcl in niitkn n-i urns, mnl nil OunMlmm wln have lulli'il i" riMH'W Un-lr liomls nml iiihKh their . rpmriK n-iuiii 'l ly la, at' liiTeby imilOt'd to iroiiit) rorwar.l aii.l Jn no nl oiii-c nml line euMi ! , v. nirsHKK, c. 8. c, Jll'l. 'illlll, ISKSi ! pittsborT' Scientific Academy, I'OK HOYS AND (URLS. Isi'KlNO SKSSION ol-FNS JA.Vt'AUV 12, 188.1, ' On Mmiiliiy. .Inimary liili, ihi-'ilal Ti'rm, undnf il l- . -.i ll' I'l'IIU lal, will i ciii. I HI" Wll' iri'iim-K I ii 1 1 v ir O'lli it l"r lliielm hh. Itnlm .iIT i.ih f !' nil lln.ll u.-tl ni III ill" Si n n.-i, wllh l.n.r.u .v. t'liiniii-ih, .Mi.i. ninl s- li-inldi! nail IiIh .n'.'.il lii uin .-, i h.ini exiru Imrij,'. Mum.-. I'liuiiliitf. ami liinwini; ly c..ni)lliihfid Ira 'In'i n. a', low ruii'. lor I f t inali' iKiriniMil. An Ailv.un rJ Couim- lor jnuutf lit'llw iiuallOeil t"t fxiralii'o Tr.lOM: ht Si s!...i of il wtl-k : TulUnn IB ri..'hh l.rjui. rl.'i: l.Iitlli. Oroi'k. l-rflivh i Co. ki i mi: fin Ii cxi rn: I rlluiiry Claw tl i..:.i It. m i I ill wll, lo is irrilH'lllll, nrnr in " " lllllc 1 1 1 1 - i l ' 1 In ailMniin', are nun nilMli' ol i ho htm. siu'Ii'Iiik are ritit iit; .r"tnti!.v. for arili'Uliiri. ami rvtt r inanv -ali. H'Mri'fM . . is. ii :;', li-iiii)itl 11, 'Jinn. . al !lr Mount Pinna! Academy, H. M. C-VTKS. A. 1'... l'itiscii'At.. Conwri: S 'liinil, Mintn-iiinilrnt nml Coi(rlMi, f'onr'ih trrm of in wi k n.i'in. JaM'AHV 3i W. I,..'nil"ii. i'J ii.liix Koiiilit-HM of ClmpH Mill) liaalihrnl ami . Inn-am, Imll llnn new uml aitrno llv, ft'Tlr.y Inir'.i-loliifO ami liiinlMili'lil. Tn I'i Hi' l"il. "Im-nti" I nml iraiiir.lal tli M1b liniu s -li. il, ami aKi a.liiHin.it Wako KoriwiOilkimi li.v-1? far ,'S'i in ni n In (rr nli'il nml i-lauli"! irai hln. N"in' Inn i'oii)inii'iii aM"l-ianlH will ! ci'iiiii-j. si'ii.l for ciM Uliiia in Wllllniun' Mlll( N. c. nw. WM OFFERED!! As Ceceiver of the Hyiium Matiu fact -..ring ('oiiipniiy, the undersigned offers for Mile fur cash AT 1MMMK COST THE STOCK OF (jJe.ieral 3Ierchaiidise ocntuji,,.,! iu the store of taid Coin paliy. eol.sisting of DltY GOODS, NOTION, HKXD MADK CLOTHING, liOOTS AND SHOES, UATtJ, CKOCIxKitY. iVC. AC. The,e good'- must be sold, mid now is your cheuce io make a little money go a long way. ," sri'.CIAL TEiniS olTcreil to MIC lit HANTS to replenish their stocks. H. A. LONDON, Receiver. il, T. CIIAPIN, SHUGGIST, I'lris'ioiio', x. c. Drugs. Meilieii.es, Toilet aiul Fancy Aitie'ies. l'russes. (cirileii Seed, Ci -'!'. I'aints. di!s. &c. I'rc.Tli'ili.r A,ir!l in. I vin'tullv i I. ly ninliKl day or nlgti. .1. T. Not. las, of V.r-i-, vvjait ff 'laii'-r. W. f. Mutllllt, Lniiini Nol i is, Maroom .t lirimii. j, jjom-s av ro, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND GOlrSSION MERCHANTS, No. It! Ex. hangf and No. 15 East Martin Streets, R&LEX&H, r-.T. C. WE CAHKY A LAKOE STOCK which we ofler to the trade at very low prices. V Wn i.'lv Sl'l-.c: 11, tTTKNTION in ilia nal ot Make siiI.'h hi litclii'si i" '.'saii'l r.'iiini nt nai. I'r- 'In In "ii .'"inn..nsioii at small I'l.at-ifm. l.lli.'1-a' inlvan- ar, iinolo oi lion storml Willi M. Ai.'oli.s lor raliiiM-o Onalio. Ak-. nl- fin- I' nniko sii.. r I'll. ilm to. .V nl l-'i' I t-iii iliiwi. o.iano, A i." 1 1 ' i i"r Hi" i .-i. iii-aii'. I siou'H'll Citing Pluw. Un- hit.i; "I ilm iv in ii ll.-l.l, Jalniary 1 .', I MM. J HfJ J J Bo Prudent and HSIBI 101 PROPERTY! IN THK N. C. HOME INSURANCE Ci. ! Tl.!' coinjiiitiy lias lieen in turrra jful npiTatinn fur sixteen ycirs. Itm SOLVENT and PROMPT in the payment of its losses. All kinds of I'liililiiiu iiMurctl at rensonnlile rates. Pe viirneil liy the, lossin of ytrur nei.hliors iiivl injure in time. XX. A. lOIMDOW, Agent. tic j.i. i, UM,