rOK 'I'll IS h.VK.n AMI IIUHL. 1'nnil for Horam. An Knglisli l'.irmcr, noti'.l fort ho pxcelli'iit condition of his livestock i:ts Ix'i-n in tim hahil "f iVeilinjr his 'Hirsts un the followiiur 'laity ration, Six jiomuls of, I pounds of orii, :l ioiiinls of hi'iius. Knjrlish icans arc worth t lirci times as much is oats and one and a half times as iiiieii as corn; I ! pounds of hay an 1 -! numds of oat straw pa! int.) el. all and 10 pounds of loutf hay: e.pial to "Js pounds of feed per day. This feed Kept the liors-i in adinirahlc condition w hde perforiniti. const. tut lanu wori, which in Kritrland is much more severe : 1 1 . 1 1 1 in Ami T'ci. Moreover, the llnjjlish farm h use will average one hali more weight llian our f irm !i n -es. rii.iiliin, th" hay and si raw an I crush hijj the Ljraiu pel haps lias some eli ci t iuiiiaUiii; tin's inoliia'e foedin: so economical in it s re-mli -. lal'll.. Illtf IlllillU s'rl. inioiis for seed can he -. out in t!ie hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 or in spring. I f proper pre aulii'iis are lal.eii, autuiuu is the l"t ler tim . The htm) uns' l e mo deial-iv liili, and ihoroiihly vvi'rked. Oie'ii roots nrt down deep in the I it is, ! here! li'e, esseii I i,! III It III.-sill. .oil -hotiU It. free from ista-iniii' water. I.ow, iiin.-l.y land that u ill piodu -e i'mul crops of unions will n ! always ii-,ni,-e on, oil - d. Hry u;ila:i i is I ii-t t and uior- i-i.imi, o ra'.h.-r it is less iirieertain, I'oral in-.' o ,io:i s,..., sjnuviif.: is ratiicr ;n u:e ert ii:i lut tiess. Vo l may ei i a I i p oi seed a. id a l;o . ,r, nil i he crop III IV Iii'iiik oi HI sii ..) il III IV a i '" We m.i'l, on- !!. r , i in, i and a half feet apiri. M i:v a I'urni i lir r four iii- iies i i j -i a' I le 0 i.oms in the row s s i thi- tint llo'V vi ill ah nod toieh e.e-!i ni h -r. .rid '' -r carefully and well Mm or iln- . in !) deep. I f heavy taii;-. vi .i-'i I !o . I .rv ay lY.nii t lie unions. ' ley m a -t he . iV'-red up .i.Miii h -lo.-e vv - i:. 1 f t liey i- riiio' li ' vv ;: ,-.i-, i w i h cartli, dra'i oiit s , i : t . ui ri ire r -tr.i'.v. aiid spre a 1 il t .v i of i hr- i.sch- ii . :. o. I'l' 111 I ' .l -, or ilii-' 1'ie VV il -Ml' 1. I til 1 i'l i. I'm r i il i d.l i of the . I '.: II,' 1 l If ! oy !'.'! 1 -' . pi-ovid-- I tii--v .ire . il . i I. 1' i' :i this pree a in io-i i ; , !.iK-:i, a i I vv hive li'' ! siiou I i:- ;i e . , ,'i, in.i'iy "! the onions v. ill 1 e k;l!- d. I in r. 1. 1,- it... i . in i'i ii r I'lie 111: 1 vv ui'e i a'.'-i -piilar vv i' Sil'-' 11 e.i . Ill e.l! I he b til, .in I a u "o-1, oilcit girdling p-1 a, r ;,.t i. lie. i' h '; h, i-:d i .'. u-.ii .r ii'm I "io out, are pe i -h I. ii'ei-s. A I"-i.o 1 1 u : leiie, W;tsidl,e III 'III lay. '.ll'bi-e i 1 . Ill ' 1 1 ' a I uly iiu I o .'o . I di". -oon'li, .i.i.l ',h' ii' I i ; 1 li v .. i."g.u a' once lo . cd ."I I in- i..i.-,', ind .;.. vv i i.l. It -li vv i it' i r .s,ni mi ' : v vv . i be if. .in a .purler to n 'I in. 'ei s f .in in h loa ;. N. thi le, I iiey will p'ljiii1 e in i he i- o 'v a .,i'.., and l le im t h c .ni" ,. - :n I .: . n 1 A U'.'n.b file -, try liig i'ii ..i th. moth' I oils !!." v ary ing -i" ol ill" i ai'-ipiil ir.. vh. h led I'r. llari .s to .nop. . ' U,.y wore t -.. yea's in ! v eiopin .'. '1 II" Sl. " W IV to .1 t r.o ! he. f , fill borel's IS lo ,lg the,,! , 1,1 ,., s, I ember and ij.iin in A; ' 1 ; iv. I 'j II c.oi-.e II le i thev v, ill .1 i loach llama ; . lei' s .Mll. ,,r.. ill this tune so .in ill t hi' t Lev vv di i scape n.'liee, ,oi, hen, ,. s.,.v I a lurlher .search m A.lie, il i n a rev . nt c.-o 1 iy ii,.-, f, . , b .lie act-! in I s .;i; nn i ure .v .hollhl be rubbed oil ,he b.. Tin. d ii,,. doilbt ture ' tl-i e. il IV e I lee in .In y. liiiii the k-r placed llil ler. would kill ' not trn-d r. trees be, .11-- ing out the vv dl heal In grilling w.i . e b;i .Old . 'M v thongh I vv ill :i. out: I - m, i I. I lit the My if i- i .' - " I. .. muds vv ilh . flit cold chiekeil and heat in draw n III! ill pie butter nil! il iiioi.t ; season w tl Ii pepper j Hid salt; when hot, take Ir mi the lire i md add two beaten eggs, l over the; bottom ..I' a dish with I n a I cr nnl s ' Hid pour in the ehicktli. I'oVii'the top with crumbs and sin ill pices of 1 butter. Hake, until brown. iif'it) I'lt'l'lin. -Coil four large pot at cm and pass t hem tin ough a sieve; stir into t lt i ii powdered hen sugar to tasle and the yolks of two or three eggs; add a few drops o essence ol Icllli-ll.tlieii the whiten! th" eggs whisk ed to a troth; nii .piicUiy and well; our into a plain moid 1. buttered and bread crumbed and twenty iiiinutes in a ipiii-k ov en. Mtvo with swee! sauce. I.t umn I'ie. Two lemons; grate oil the outer peel; chop the res! very line: put two tabie.spoonsl'iils of corn starch in one teacup of hot water, and boil; w hen cool, add two teacups of white fiig.t', the beaten yolks of four eggs, then add the chopped peel and juice ; utir w ell together; bake till the crust is done only one crust; beat the whites of the four egs to a stiff froth; add live tiiblespoonsfuls of sugar, stirring in well; pour over the pie w hile hot ; set in the oven to brown. UiiiU'i- Snuis. These ginger snaps are very crisp, and keep well, due eolTee-ciip of butter and lard mied ; ono coffee-cup brown sugar; one cup of molasses; h;tlf n cup of water; mie tublespoouful ginger; oue tablespoon - rul einnainon; one teaspoon till cloves; ouo teasjioonful oda dissolved in hot water; llour enough f"r pretty stilt dough. ipiiekly. ground. Hull out very thin and hnUo The Spll' s must nllv lo Tilt! Hiinliear I'idil. "Colli as a hughear causes people to overcrowd their beds with woollen stu!K blanket, and suehdike. The l,"- el .tiling even for old .o.le. , viiiiiM 'e li.iut iiioii ;n warm. i ihto is no: hinir better than eider-down, when yon can get it. Tho night dresses of old people should be com fortable, and especially should they be Wiiini between the shoulders; this is the place whnh cold likes, as a foe, to assail about tlir.e in the nioniiuu', when the morsel i f lire ha; got low or gone out. them beware of it. "i 'old as a bugbear plays much mis chief in the nui -cry. Thousands of children in this country are coddled to death, and many actually siiib-d in b d. They call il being overlaid; il is being smothered. That is the right name for il." "lint the children must he kept vv arm r" "Itless their itltl'iCeii'-e! ye". T,.. bed as soil a down, tic dothi iVVU. til" clotlie as Soft Soil can be, but smooth ', without any tendency to rumple up. .r cover moiitii or life. tins is warmth, this i., comfort. The room loo should ii- '( r ' hi warm: no in. !.-, I pnv von; and th" air ou'jhl to be are .ind sweet as the i roses. Is it s,i jn in. i-t nur r;es : ay, tor your In, ell steps in iti-1 -e;ds doors and vv in I ov . No wonder that ! s -i i baby vv.ik.-s up it is pcev i !i and I ret fu'. -Voiir blleliCII cold is 'he ,..,t ; l it ltd tin- ta:lor has. for i'V en young men weir .loiibb' 'he vv i rlit of clothes en a vvmttr's .lav than tlc-y oili'ht to. I'll v su e.t t hem -elv es in ell-., pii'liee, - i c 'I I I he lo step, ill an l ends many ;i lit'". '!' p . .. in my o; in'-m shoidd li v er '.' w . 'i ll i An pi w le n I.. I. iii; by r i I. or dr.vmj, vvln-n st.i-i iii.g ah ii' :n ;t draught; . ii'-u they c i.:in..t be to i Ibic'. ;fi 1 e...y. 1 1 vv 'i ll ii' ad v, hi'.' VV d'. Ill, they U ii .! b V .-rv ' 'il l. Vci v lie',' vv a' i vv a ! i rt'f" ml I worn vv le i; iv i r the arm "i 'p vv h" i w i r 1 1 1' r t hi i-ii Ibii th. so, - the !,. tt.-r. an 1 ll to I e iii . r ai. ;. strong miriv an ailment is . ,uii nig ab. i,l mi 1 nap e.i'.d -1, i . inn li m r th a-; cel.!, bo' , vi n this glit fo ail t:i it Irom sbnid :roiin 1. lo be dri aded hoii'd ii"l bi n a t.ii. d inn, lie- ' ; 1 vv . 1 1 . 1 rat lo-r 1"! lung than .i d.nui i I Chiilg. llld'-e I. "I ! -j-ir.'s li.ely mi, I ll ever, flee from v as ii '-.v Iv married, Ill W h i O'.V lis me li lildkcrciii, ; -, my i, iv inbl" ii ip kin. h.r. .Hot' ii Im- eo r , ev e: v easily d.iiu; s r. I Ole Who i . -ehl 'III. .hen I I" lil'i' u. t ' il T HIV Mpel-S. Iill. I kil 'VV . and y e ; in a d i tt' r now. i 1 ev TV I I..-. -it pre IV I t r 'III sle, .''i'.V 'A' Itv Ihei-ier llvv s luive Mllinpeil l ees 1 1", r,s ni it i e i abb age w id be re lle--,le-e,l 111 lrid lUil iinilill, for ill' I mi". 1. 1 ci iue for his I I'.v 1 I ill ,t b live, I'ii :'ei tu il clb a I to pro-, , t t!l i ii nvar I lei I fi'"!,i h" s f. ,i.',. b.r I ,. nigh I . Y.-ar ag , I u- b- .1 luiniv I'r. I I'-r. l I '.ke t ivvii - hi p. t h i e.einty, w.i., li!" l,''-pr"se:it ,o i v e 1'abbage. tin llll'-eleil' l.lg loo of t h ' I I' ll . h.-r - I 1 1 --t vv i' u statutory amend- Hu ll' . I I" I "!! h re I and. ;S he ,.;i h Ted. Ills l-lhi ke. ,lll"iidie I lllld III,' ovv Is increased. I i'l" d i; a happy t ho ight cam" . him. lie t,...k d ' V 'i hi. seythe, arid ail ii'-1'iig siiui iii r aliei iioon play. (1 ; l ei:; syiiiph"iiy up ,n i' with an ohl l.l'lii ll'd bl I'' vvlo'l -tone. W hi ll lie had in. idied. il ness. Placing i liickcii-lioiis", Irgh aloft, its I, most inv iting n igeiit had Is llf lil'ol-l'l ,. a ladder again.t the " n. tiled the scythe .'ii edge sky vv ill d a Mllgplil-e. Th" old ilciilated right Iv. and half a hat fill of ovv Is' toe: net iii"i !iing under the s. . vv ere found Vthe. ,is I continued lor several days, a fresh crop rewarding the early riser ein-h uhtii ii if. Alter aw Idle some ovv I, wiser t hail the rest, must have dis".,v eivd the practical joke. At any rate their visits censed, though to this day all the elderly Pike township owls are distin guished by their S uinp toes. -In 'inn :"' ,'. . Idled r Aleidi il I pon the Voice. j At a meeting held in tic rooms of the Medical society of London lei-ent-!y. Mr. Lennox P.ruvviie, in a paper mi i The Influence of Alcohol in 1,'el.ition io Voice I'se," presented an abstract of the testimony of :1m professional vocalists. if that number 1"1, or Jii.'.s per cent., claimed to be tota' absia.ners, including some of the emi nent singers in cathedrals and chap ls royal, i if the J7'.' mni-abstainers ti.V or l per cent, took stimulants at meals only, and the same number at the close of the day; 1, or 'X' per cent,, at supper only; 17, or lii.S pei cent, at meals and end of the day The remaining t'.tV, or per cent, acknowledged to taking stimulants at all tiiuos, according to pleasure- and opportunity. As regards taking an intoxicant either immediately before or during use of the voice as an aid lo, 7.'1 pt r cent, stated thai they never did so. and 'J' p -r cent, that t hey did so, more r I. ns, huh Iii ally. Mr. Mrowie's opinion was gen wally a"a nst the u-e u.' alcohol. THE FAMILY I'llYMllAM. I'nr War! a air I Tumor, A painless j anstie for tho removal of wai ls an I i aiinor.s may ho made as lollovvs; Ar iciiious acid, 1 part; sulphate of mor '.ildue, 1 part; calomel, S parts; povv ,'ereil gum arahie, IS parts. This 'o he prinMed over the cuticle daily, (lie Mirfaeo of which has I en previ ously denuded I'.v Uuifcor blister. Il'iiii'i in IV. i if Siit'ill I'": IVruvian physician ohserved a ease of 'inall po, which at the outset throat i'lied to he very severe, hut quickly 'ook a tin n for tho belter and proved i,, p,. ;, v,.ry v t 1 1 1 case. This he j mti jlmtcs to th.' free eating of honey by the patient, and as he has since 1 seen two other similar cases, he thinks j he has diseov ered something worthy ! el' lAtciidcd trial. j '., i v .',. It is well to know j thiit in ca cs of collapse and sinking, I'.njtctioii of thirty minims of ether into the skin after the conmi -n fash I ion of in ieeliug iiioriilHit. is a most v aluable and su ssful means of reslo- i .it ii.ii. The aei imi of i t her in such a c.i.e is . speedy and cite dial. Midi a hint isiisetul to iill who. aw;iv Irom ...... I i .... 1 .,,.1 I. r mmv cir i. s, ,,.... .., ,.,,1,.,. .. ... ,.r,-ise k iiiiM 'ede-e j (u, s.s j,, , ,,t ; '('.''. The precautions to b taken in the mai ngemont ni a vv-l mar!' ed case of diphtheria may b summed i;ii as folh.vvs. ace,,; ding to tlie .tuit.iry l-'.ngineer: Isul.i'e tlie pi t id! in an airv ro having th" 1,-ast p,,s-ib!e am unit i if furniture, espe. ci.i'ly th ii w hi.'h i. iii.h,,serc,, and hav in.; ii" c irpel i.r cuitiins. Iiisin I". ! all e, r.i ion . .ml si motions, and e-p. eialiy tlio.o from th" t!r'o it, iios and in. and all articles ..o.l"d I y !!i"iii. pr.'ii:p:ly, vvlule tlcy ar" yet in 'is', and I''iiglily. I'-' c. ai, s. f: rag. f u-rcceiv in r t he d.s di arg.'s from th" no." a id m m-i, :iu l b u n ih in a list ,i-i ...ih-l, If otli i an i.-Ie. :ir" s..ii,., us .so! nt ions id chh'l id" of .' II" of bie'iil "l id" of . f. i 1 1 : y-. under lit inst ru. t . 1 1 .- .e tin hy .ica.-i. I! e .pe -..tlly ear-'ful a leg. lids toys, p'lieiis, or o'her a licles vvhi. il In iy , ' ,. til" child I of its a i:;i..-ui."i, o the article, use I in g.v .ii j : !' 1 1 or dri:ii, an I "f the lemu uit.s of su 'h j "i I or drink. I'.v cryth.iig thai ha . ton -he the p.ttienfi-lip-, or th.H h.ts 1 n to", he I .y any thing thai t ns ton, hed the patient ". lip-. Is ll.lllgelollS. Hew Hauls Are (life. I in iiginia, V.rgima ham-, mil notably tie lii'n Id an 1 I'.a-! Y :: giu-a h ru.. an i ill'ed ill the oi..w ing way: I he leg, ar" l"ll .'., th" sea:!.,!. t, i h an ma! In- il ;s vv ! i out id t he ear eis. .m 1 it has h voino a liul.. s(n ll"il! eold, in order il III. IV .lit ni "ih. r ,i"d b.-'ter than it doe. when I. mp. Isiiiiily t he polk n not . nl II, " best in. riling niter it i. kil'i'd. but il the wen' h.-r .. very cold and it is :e.,;.. i hat it vvnil ftcee b. fore morn ing i! sill! and s.iiti d the saill" ipty. I "l l.'Ulg ' lit. th" in. at j ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ', 1 1 . at' ly sailed and packed down in bulk, l!e-l s;,le up, on the l!oof .,f ,t pl .tlorill m l ie for the purpose. ( in packing it d ivv n each pie, o i. so laid that ail ihi bl I thill ooes out of ;!;e lue.-it will ilo.v away fioiii it anl n rmiia n in eon'. i. t with the I'.esl, to t. int it. This is ,-ne of t iie niee poiii! s in ,.i,f , ict ho ol cm ing bacon, n undy, to have the .III licit b iced lively when l! is kil'ed, mid not allow the p. rk to stand Ion;, in the hlndy water that al way s comes away from poik for a short tune alter it is s!,m jditeivd. Ileli.e we never use the brine, but always salt the meat dry, and break bulk and r-.;tlt again in a short t no", i are is taken to to ih all th" joints ami bones with plenty of salt, and to sprinkle more salt on the thick pait of the pieces as Uiev are ie Kcii iiown. We Use from a bushel to a bushel and a half ol dry salt to a thousand I minds of pork, applying tin- most on meat nf large sie. omet imes, lo give a tine red color to the ih sh i f hams, a little saltpetre is rubbed on them, but very i, Men nothing Inn the dry salt is applied till the meat is ready to be smoked At the expiration of four to six w ci ks, depending on the sie and the weather, the hams are taken up, washed clean of the salt l but this is often on iited i, and molasses or moist brown sugar is smeared over the ihsit sides, and red or black pepper applied freely to give the meat a good flavor, and also to keep off the bacon bug, tin pat' nl of the "skipper." The red pep per should tie dried ill an nven, and then pounded line in a mortar. I'.oth sorts of pepper may betaken toirether. A gallon of molasses it ten pounds ol sugar and four pounds of black pc per or a peck of red in pod are enough j if these articles for a thousand weight j of hams. The pieces are then hung uj 1 and smoked in the usual way by kind lingasbght lire in the middle of tlii ; room and keeping it smothered with; chips from the wood pile. Hut lis j only green hickory or oak w ood, as it ' Imparts a brighter color to the meat. ; Country il' ii'li inn n. i A Tribute to Woman. j A woman may fret and chafe becaiis the pudding is overdone, or get hei nerves all into a snarl if her luisbam happens to bring home company t , dinner unexpectedly, Imt when it conn ' to w rapping up a sure linger she stand at the top of tho heap, with a miet ' free of vinegar and a touch lighto. than day. - Iiiruio LtJg'i; i toih or the nx. Three thousand visitors a year go hroiigh the Mainiiioth f avo in Ken -iieky, hut it is expected the nuni! er will be 1 irgely increased this year, ovv , n g to i iicrea sei 1 1 ra v el S u t h t o t h e X e vv hleans Imposition. Tin cave is on die line of the Louisville stud Nash ville railway, but ten miles from the stilt ion. The e st of stopping 1 ner, including a moderately extensive xploration of the cave, is about flu I '.n-li person. A f level. ind paper has bem inter I v iew ing the eh rgy of that city as to I !hc propriety ,. preaching short ser mons, tin,) o inem the li V. I.. I. Howling, thus expresses himself: '! think sermons ami prayers ought t be the shortest distance between two ;"ints. AVhen I si.iited out to preadi my father saidlo nie: 'tieorge it is a deal heller t leav e oil' just when every body wauls you to go on, than it is to keep on till eveiyb dy gets spiritual dyspepsia.' As the years have gone by (hey hav e only confirmed , my estimate of his good judgment, so hit I am fully per da lei that, save in v, ry oxeepi ionni instances, whatever 1-e a si i iuoii i s a'-oiit, il ought to be ihi.ii' half an hour. 1 know men alherwi.o eiited. who are failures in ho ministry, bei ause thev h.t th" nail el tie head the firs' lime and then j keep "ii haniiiiei ing tid they split the ho.,1.1." : A b iller in lil' ifer nnt'ehes dl season in this line of the business is between lieiember land M.irchd. 11 adds : ' The population of the l'n:l"d Nates is staled at about ii mi i i i .,. , op.,. ( if di,..,. only J'l. oii'i.oio Ul. i;, citie., leaving ''; ' ', tlii i in counti v places. I luring the .summer nm - (he men work in the li.di;., and vv In n they want to light their p.po- th.M ii -o a mat. h. In the winter tn ii ma'el.e. ai" Use ol. -ay t mint!,, r- : Will .ll 't! ' I match 1 i nlu are kepi up an 1 few needed. Now , the lloll- iiiat' lies a day for four i h.ips :! o ii'.o h uis s is" a dull time in the for it w ill amount, to o.' '' ' ' '.' ' 1 '. to say nothing about pot us,-! by the men. Put the eoiinliy people d not cause the only losses iii the tut le; for there are less used among city people in winter than summer." I he M omen., it appears, are pro sehting w ith sonic success in lieorgi.i, and have iiis'ituied a new colony in the Mate of .. ra, Hd Mexico, as tin result. l is Sill, I, "of the severe treat nt o Mormons in I'tah by t tt - I iiite l .'-t lies au'horitie-." This is, of e "i,r.-e, n to be taken as an indi cation of a pui pose to abai.doii I'tah, bit it may. perhaps, he (.MUsidered at evidencing a feeling on th" part of the Mot in. ins that they will be he oblige 1 to ob, y tin' law, an I the laws may be lllilde lunch more clfeetive. It d"CS ii"t, Ii ivvever, imply any relax itioi ol uiip ise in the way of obtaining con veils; nor docs it, pei haps, any dis position not to all to the Mormon ,. iilati"!! of I'tah Ml thai has beell :-a:d and doll'' in "ler. it" iuilueuc vv hat in '! and n I ''.!l"r" s h.H to de tim- show eh dl'liellil the task I s, far, has ii tin1 M ecu ol ni"li.s; V is tll b:' doll", i l". I'll" tailurcs illy enough how eradicate bv law the in .pst r.uis ev il of p ilyg.tuiy. It a p' ci.ti t alt with aiid w dl ev cut u.illy lo rding t i -n cial me. i .iiii Injurious lalkiiu'. A Frenchman .speaking of a person known to his comrades, said: "Hi, mouth costs him nothing, for he al ways opens it at the expense of others." There are multitudes of perilous to whom that remark will apply. Ilxag geraiion and defamation are two ter lile source, of social mischief. I'.ut perhaps the most injurious talk is thai which detracts fr.. in t he char a, tor of another -- that vv hieh openlv or in disguise strikes a' the reputation of a britliT pilgrim that which cuts men's throats w ith vv hispei ings" t hat vv Inch is adopted by who seeks to bud I "his iiamu on Ihe ruins of another's lame." A lady visited Philip Ni-ris on one oceaeion. accusing herself of being a slanderer. Im you frepiently fad into this fault '." he iii'pi n d. "Yes, very oiten," replied the peni tent. "My dear child," said Philip, "your fault is great, but the mercy of (bnl is gr. ater; 1 now bid thee do .is follows: (lo to the nearest market and purchase a chicken just killed and st ill covered with feathers; then walk to a certain distance, plucking the bird as you go. Your walk finish".!, return to me." The woman del as directed and re , timed, anxious to know tho meaning of so singular an injunction. "You have been very faithful to the first part of my orders," said Philip, "now do the second part and you will be cured: I let race your steps, pass through all the places you have trav ersed and gilt her up ono by one all tip! feathers you have scattered." "lhit,"' s dd the vvoinan, "I . scattered .he feathers tirelessly away, and the wind carried them in all directions.' Well, my chd I," replied Philip, "so ,t is with your words of slander; like the feathers which thu win I has scat -tered, tiny have lnvn wafted in many directions, fall theia back now if you can. lio and tin no mora." I Effective Irish Hit. A few wicks since, mi Irishman, direct from the ohl country, culled upon a well known U sliiiii,iii, "preseiiling letters of iiilioduclioii front mutual friends in laud. The liostuifuri received him very i or dially mid luoifer, , a gluss of brandy, w hich tlic h i-lmi.iii d auk with a relish. After Kouic furt her conversation, the foreigner said, "Well. Mi.iher X.. Oi'in verv much pleased vvnl iln- new eoiiiii hrv. Ir loine place. When I e-o back I'll ti II friends what a loine hind ii i; and what loine eini , tin n v i' have in it. I ll t. ll th'Til how fo'uu lv ye have t rnted nie; how you gave nie I w o glasses ..f foinc Id brandy " Toil." broke in the amused host, ' l h.iv, n't "ivi ii mi but one.'' ' I Mi, well, ye wouldn't make a liar of me lo mi- fiiends. Tlmi di know " A iioUiit i !:iss .-iis r. n tit. iniiiiy at mice. Tin' Wl'iitlirr. t.icut. Ch ii les W. Mclvim, Port land. Ivy., i:ite : 'I'or twenty years 1 sulTereil vviih rheumatism. Dining (he bad weath er 1 1 1 y siilfeiing was terrihle. I was about to give up. Some one siiggosled the ap plication of SI. Jacobs nil. i I its telicf was l ipid. In half nu hour I could siaml ii I no longer suffered w ilh I lie pain Our Oliliiralintis, We i in be thankful lo a friend for a few 1',-ri s. ni ii linle in, iiey. and yd for the lived, in imd command of Ihe whole earl h, a in I 'or I In- v,teal lieiielii- of nlu- being, our life. Ii.mPIi and na. , o.., u,.,ii ..m i !vi a. mid. i no i.hUna lions. ll A.liMi'sln ,1 Hie I'ulillr, i'.li nf of tlu re-ipiiiiioii of lr. Pier.'p ns n ' I'liiessumii to leviile liimsell' solely to his ' iI.iiis us n physi.-i'in. Ii in- K'.'ii is, ,i. en. iviisi.nit'iif,, w.i th si,-k mid tttt'i icl ..'l-vwil.'io. 'I'lir-V will tin. I llf. l l fee's ' le'l'ti'll Modi. Ill i'is -.,Vi" V ' ll b'lvtleeli! Il.e f liis sei'-ntilic ln..n ledge in tli-ir U'luilf I 'o.lllll'ti 111, I, fnl. llil Is, cnllll, I'l'.ll t li s "., fever Hint Illl", Intel nnlVl t lever, li 'i sy, iieiiniUia !( r.v m thn l; lie. K, and iii ili uses of He. b.'o id. a re cured by Uns v.orl l lenowin' l in. 'hi (lie lis pr .'efl ns are iiii lerlul, Us net i.iii niaii al. lly ilrujists. The most liiiiiiornns ineiubirof a do is In. lad. Any lady who d sires further information tl,:oi eioi Im' en,.,, j,, ih,. punted pul u spue "of ii. w - apir Columns e iiiulu ,in Mr.. I.vdl.i K. I'lllkh. nil's pitnphlet (i.l lie to Health" I'.v s tiduig a spinip lo ,j nu, Jln-s, in. in need no) n f imisicnl uliiiiiy to essiuil) lie possi inl.e a liar. "Say. why s i'vorvtliin Kit tier id sixes or ill seven.;" ProlfciUy. my df.'if nervous si-ter, tiivaii.e veil nie siiironii4 fnvii ''iie ( the .ll .. u s iilmr to ymi -m-v Vi.ii hi v.-ii 'ilfiikgin.;' I. .vvn' (input;, t'1'- la is - h '. von me de I'l iiiitisl. you !iue u ns nf vniioiis kinds 1'Hue I'r. ft. V. PWrivs 'Kuvoree l'r,-, i ii, iion'' ant tw eunvl. I'mo re. I need (,, en. 1 "liar. Uy .lnii;eisi. 1'p.l il h lor a liiih v. r he si. c; well." "Allei- life's tit titl The Wnrai I iritiml slrl. lnr. .".lily eiircsl bv eur in vv fiidn nl iue!l..l., riifuren.-.-s Hill leini. t... lep,., .iiiniis World's 1 spell, o v Me In ul A. viciiitioii, (.;i Mum ,ir, el. buiv.iio. n. y. Tin Ii'll.'h : '.i il iicn!i' i:p f .mull ' -Ivo ie i .1 oi .- f: Ask for Wei: I It le cu i u. .'Im ni ( ' in s 'I - . Coin r. n . vv.n : , I iiinoii'-. j I n vvc ma i '.i'V e: e - ail "i r l'iu . 'atari h for I lie p.i-t tiin-ea .v , di-i r. --m' i I. II over Ml C;. I'-. toil. Ill di Ihe dl-e'.-c I V ilk" I.l 'VU tll"'l III, I ' 1 1 1 T -. Ab l" a Veil I 'iiul a ball :i" I coiinc'i d n iu 11'- iMiMin II ilia. x : 1 1 1 m '-1 i'liiil'.-.n fi-aili-. I -nui mil to-. hi;, :.pp o i m! cued. --. ( '. . VI AHI.I V. liul!.. ed. V t. ! Mv lUcmii i i, mid m.v-df. ;-r .-it sufferers I from ('..till' li. have be, ll cured b l,l's Cream Ud-n. M -eli-e of smell ii-iou I 1 mid health yr.-ath impinv. d. . . C. M. Si n j i i v, Merc h tut, lilec' i, . Y. I a- to n-,. j Price ell Ci iiM. I llncliii-l'iililn." (Jiiiek. complete cip-e. ad Kidney. ItlaJdi r md I riimry I c-ea-e., Se ihliu Irilalioti. j .sioii.'.liravi'l.Ciiliiuhiif bladder.!. l'rti'ts. i Fourvsi ri-siA. iM'iurs-Tios .1. pr. sl,nnrjiir j itr-mi.t kuhthI .lehtlitv iii lie ir v.-..ri"ii. form., i hIsi. ns a pr. v, nl iv.- ','nui.l r.-v. I mid n-'iie bii I i i th. r int. iiintU'iit h vi is, the "l'. rro-l'h"sih"i , i.ii, I Klmr of t iihs.-ivii," iimde by Citsvv.'il. llu.Hr.i A Co.. New Yoiti. ami sol.l bv all !)rii- ' tlsl. In 1 l.i be-l toll!.- ; lllld f"f I'll Hill n ll'l'over illK llOlU llVlf IT l. llil 1 Hi-ill, M It linn IHI I' pul. II. ni l PiOni. Palpitation. I roi-ic 'I Swellun.". I 'i'mt--liidik'.'Stiuii. cured by W. ll-Tl. iillh lleiu-vvi i Tlic VIlHhl ol tlie I'm. Ol. tlie nratoi- s v ,.i. e is 11 nn ; lit v power, As it i'i Ii.h s h-uh lhefis ii. Hut the fearless n has inore ovnv o'er men 'In sound the p raises o I Cm ll:ii". "Moimli tn Ifuis." 'lenront rat-.iiiice.r.) lelies.tlies. Iicllni ;s. iit,s,sUi!iiks.diipniiitilis.)'..phers. Vtc l''tf'.st. Punier lire, ond hj. peine. ' are vvoi n fu 1 - by tl.o- liiilMH-iiin. . an.l .' .n:r.,l I i 11 iKieit r. ....... inl-.l , nl n v 'i mil', r. til M I i " I r.'..'.m i,in. I I.' r l.f.ii, nfsiit . i .'.il. d e li ". ' i"'.i II r ir.. s nn.i"l".ii.'.l ni ,r..n l L. 'l il'p C.'i; Ii.m l,.-ll..r I ,r I.. J it.-'i.y l Hi"! I m'- ,.l Oin ! n' ..lli.T liil .-Lit.. li'iUI m On i-'l" UritKHn M I I wW, M- I II VI I I VTICA, lun.hHco. Itif Lmhr, ll- .-.ln. b-. i, hi-, (ir Thru), spr.ln. Hrtit-r.. Hums. hrl-i, rrtwi Hllr. M.irl ulbrr l'ln nI rh. InilfMbilrlp. i,..(l.l.ii,lnf I' . tt, II Ilil'llM. TlIkiHtKI r-i . IIN I.LMI 1 1 l-'ti- . .ji. Catarrh prrakmvralm nvic. KjrVTDrjToTvt ( auses no Pain, (dies (teller nt Once. Not a Liq uid orSiuifT. Ap ply Intonestrils. Thortiiiifh Treat ment mill Cure. JIe It "ii Trial. 1J JkX" F WT J C Mrlil"l lrui,. rT ar tiVbrl n,ii-nt-i. u.ii -! tril fc.n l ("r .'ir. iilnr. smpl l mn 10 cU KI.V Bllorilhlis. lniil. M V. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. IWs-t Inth WorM. MftttcoTilrhrthr FrmuTLutirtfn .irCu.tChlcKt, N. . A M.Lutita. Soldeivryu hrrr. S50 IN COLD COIN lii.n ...r. Naw l.m.k. "Nov In b I ilrt-.f,il A"nt,"fl-.e frw. TH-you all aImhiI II lli.j ! w .al n,..i.-rT iS"d .'ir i i ki J. ii.i oun x i u., ntir nil. r,v, iiuiivii. . - A QUESTION ABOUT Browns Iron Bitters AXSWKRED. f tiint-H "Hmvrati HrxAiiV Ir nHitl. ru tur. iT.v. t f 1 1 h : " Weil, it iloi Hirt Hut it ti ( hcuifitnj ilii--tiH for w htiii a ri-cntiil.'.c lij hu tan wtmlil prt t-crtl't' llMiet l'li .I't-tim r.'.'viii7.o I mti uh tin lioft r?t-t..rntiu-Htf.Tit kii-'Mii I In- pnff-i.iin. and tiniint y if any I'-n Liitf t'tn inl.'.il ti nu u 01 R'.ltHi'iitli' the urt-ri li-'ii thai tli.Triiro nlnr, i.'I'U-Imih -r lh-n rh;iu "t iili fth.-r "iil'-tatii": ilw tl m iiH'tl.t iin'. 'I lii i-h- h r. m t Iiimvi ly that iron in tuKn 1Ui-l t t lit- iiu bt Imii orimii t:t-l-r in t utt i -M ill im .Ileal )riii-ti f 1 1 ih. h-ini'tfr ii r. luitrk.ilil. fm t Unit pt i t m tin lt-ov. . : IIKOWN'MICON IM'I Tl US m. . i fr. I l --tiiffa. I-'i v iron : hit I Im-i-ii toiitnl BROWN'S IRON BITTERS!lr..''..,.,V'.!."!!n: lii'j.'ii. li.', ,. i r.'ilu. e e.'ielii ni - nil itllti-r Iron lili'illi liii s.t,,. IIKIIVV N'.sl 1 1CON IIITTIilPS i uret liiiliHi'stion. Illlinii.iii'sx, V .'iikni'i.1., Ilvsii', lliiliiriii. I 111 1 1 mid 1'Hrrn, l ii . il l i i linu, .i-iii inl Di lillPI, t'lilii lu tin' iile, till.-k el l.iiiile., 1 1 .-ri .liielii' mill Neuriil liln t.'i-jll lli.e mlnn iils Ireii ih .r.i-i iIm-.I daily. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS.!irvJ:S: iii.iititf. 1 .iki nil othfr th- r. in.-li in iIu'IIhh, tt a-i ! ly. hr t:th' n I'V tun ttit- first fvntt)lii nf l.-n.tit i. ri-'t. rt' ! tnirifv. I In- uim Utlien Ik mint? llni.iT. tli- .l v. -ti.'ti iii!T'v. K.thr Ik.wi Uart m ti.'. I nw nit - it tlii .' t!. ri iniMiully in.. it rtti'i'lmnl inm Kctl. "I In i- Ihl' ill t itlh'L1 t iTlwlit. n . tllf f-klll rlfiit'H tic; li.':iltli i t' t'unifM t u- fh. i It, 'ii-tii iliMt i, f iilii'ttoiiMl ili nilik-fli.rhl-. in t'otut ri-wil-I ir. :iii.l it n tiiiiwtiiif ii" th.-r, uliiiii'li.tit Mt-tt na-ni' KU I'iN-l f-r tli" i-liiM. It nt.Tiil or llr. ttnV Iron Ultt.Ts ! t'l- IIM. llt'tl lllftliillf ('"III i-llftlll- llM'il.imli'p Iih- I'll Wfjll'l fl Vil !llM li the ni til ll.t. . j . ... r . ii , . ,.f 1 1,.. V Cl6HTlD '11 lee. 'inn. ' jiii. I .il Jsk)K Itj tilt- tin- .if II it I I 1 tl.'litll .T I . .li. HI. I.L III- .,. I. .nllllnr ,1. Ill , I, ,,y "inrs Htil.-iiiu.'... A .i "H i I. r-i -jASV, in r.'lr.-li.'.l n.ih , ffV li ii.'-l.-a slien " WjuO. rut-:. in it m- tyn nu I iu ill ' n illi i.i -miiivo ,r i..w.r nn I ii'n (- ir t ll ritmritH Aty n. IHmIhm k.juit- I vlnB Aeon- rnn'; 8K!.T,inittr itii tiutti ( ni ,!.i'i, ' t,.,lir r:4'VrtNo,v1l';"fJ,"","" $80.5 TON WAGON SCALES. H.nj 11 t I'l.n 1 1- a .... fr-IsM i'!,i. i-r.. r-i, i.i.i. i:, sr,..; jiir...::i!r: cr surjaAii;::?, UlNOllAMrOn.M. Y. R. U. AWARE THAT Lorlllard'd Cliiflas Plug l'(r.iiK a mt tin t-m ; Unit Iorlll:ir.l' IIOHf l.rnl'llut' rut . thnl Irfirlll.iM'- vav rllpiihiKN .ami that l.iri)1:r-t'-i initflti. an 1 " '--I Hil l Oll.'.ipi-t .tUHl'V' . o'l-'ih Tl'il f A VffTpri WANTCOfortho MISSOURI iVjiilJ.S STEAM WASHER! irt ' i'.llMl.i .in)' lit U 4ll Dl I'nll.iei f VX iV"?','lVl luvniiu'i" "ir I'D K.MH in "ru 'u.-oui.l rimiliiruii'l I.. .,( I 'JT eCEr-A.ri'ii.'ir for thin llinil.s Wn-hr 'e IV '-lA'wIiiili hy r.'ii.ounf lli.littr-.nslr ni.'rii - 2jWi, mwlititf -.iihhui'li ".oieirrful Mirp,..j J.W0HI11. CHIi;AU0.1LL.,ur Bi'. J..UUI1J, Mo I life.-n ..HilH..r.'ii..a) f -r e... t,.'ve.llpoH.;l.v it. li-ilii ii-mi ...,..,l ll.o r.-t.t 1.-..I di.ll.'tm r-'i '.Hi - I-.' .'li.UT'l. I'mI.-i,..., t ,,i I i '.".l.-.t. v.e. ,1 I 1 I I 1 Hi! i'.el i i , ;K K, I .-r"..r 11, VAi.i Alll li rllliVTIMi,.,. e .,,l,.,,0 lo..oeul' r. l.ii.i'.it ...1 1' II ... IHI I'. A M.ilil M, IM I'. . -I , N, w Vn'k. 7 'Iiiil-. Hiniil. Ail. li', ..-. N..-. S'ii,.l... H,.f.l..' I'"'.', mi I Mr oi .-ii"-. Ire... s. I. I"ll'i.lll li I V. ..'. Itriiik.-r'i. tt m.. .I.T-.) I'll, N.,l. 'I'm: vv mil. it's vv nviu iis Jl '.'V' lor innn. lll.l.irl.iil l'n,.l . -1 1 ... Hli. -I. . H"s I. VI io,, ,t S-i. I t t . .r. .1 .r li. t ..'.. l II . I FARN 1 1 1 !! . siniii i ii vmi .1,1,1 I EHnriiVi'i vviiiiii.ini.,. s.iMini.'ii-f,,r ! 11. -. .1. V -.I'...- V lie, I . .1:, '.ill.'. VV is. .It A 11. . VARICOCELE ! : 100,000 ROYAL mm 'PS' ANI1 A ijoiirr Xionu nt n. 1'HR ,lil,'r. ..f Hi.- l-Ulriu,. Pm nu.t 4 K 3.. Utlll'T'' i. II "fl .-oi'U i. e ill in-iil r J , h'.'h wtli ,'iiflili' i "ie I .iiti P i.... I li. .t, l! I ... li 'i.i.I tuuueul ll:t lu:ii.llii 1I..T. I,.'.. 1. 1 I ! OBinf-it-h rre.-.ita oi' Ki.iMiii .urhi in i-.m. imim'Iii. i iut np i.nriir.TH isni nr m vrv .ur ivi BIIIU .-n.'lll lull I'. H. 1, ...ih.rl... Allft... Mqni.rn I' I O. n.i.l I ..l.lnrl I M I.. ..II. .' J..I.I i.l. I.e.. ..n,rl.l IIIOMH n ll.iiillna-l iiw lin, V rarhi I IHI Ml. -Ill' W li.itlnf M.'k. l-I " VV nil lif.i rnrhi Ml l.a.ll. .' t lini-l,.lnt' VI. lira, lo r.arhl AO llnyaT Mlifr W . hr., l ratt-hl VIM. Will, i liurT ..i.ra. till (III riii'lii Ml l.u.llra' l.'.f.l Vn k h .In.. I . rnr Ii lilt i.-iil- (lolil ( hulna. aj ra.rii ICO l.null. a' I'.il.l llm.-. l' la, t l." ruehi ( O Mlivrr Illi'M''-' Ni'rikf., HIIMIrarlii l Hll.rr Ira K.-I-. ! tarhl IO so. 1' I li I n 1 1 lirr. I II" ru. I.; .;tlO Ho nil t,it Hlliff. :! vi.rt, ,"iOO Mrta H.,11.1 Nil t rr "I rit.iiion.. O Ii. .. arl I li It.. , . Ir.. IMH) ru. hi I naalrhr.1 pair I Xilllns llurara, VLIMKIi r,ol iiiilr. I.i.illra' llollai r.l.t(.t .llft i.itlra lloya' Hll..r nkMlrtt and liimilrrila ofollirr lia.'I'.ll ni..1 . ra mi., wkl"!! w. run mil rnitmrralr krrr. All Hit' nl'ivr li.f.rt.ia II I hr a a ur "!'-'l III ta'r ill. 'I !ne t. rrr.r. . 'n f." ,e ... .,(,. i-i." "i nu n 1 mi- '.-'I i .1' I I.' '! II,.' li, rri'H ..i a. (in Ih.' uf -. . Ir .1 11I..11 . hi. li I ; IT..I11I.H I.r t!..til.i-ll o." i.'iam.' mi I !" 'in ! ai"e ,ii;s'r al ....aa: K lirlil I' VH: '.'.' 11 ,e i- ---- r't-rs. .i.mii :.'l.! i- ii'l at.' IH.,:,.'. r: Ml" II"-. f ." pel I'i. 11. 2llaallra.fM.nll. t..tat. U'l'"1. I . M I S IXl I ,.r I'V I : . ... "r.'.i a k. .,11c l ..,i, s. I ..,.,1.1. r lit.,rlal w rk elll--.'. iri'iilr.. !, . I."...". l,.i.i..i I'rra i-.n. aai 111, 1.. 1 it'. v., .i 1. ,'-11 n,. i r, nt ef IIV-hi. Krtht "i..tni..u iir. fit r r n;r i.f K'UrrtlatiK .,'!, tin' ( hl. i.Ko I'.i.t an.l ..m l. i- 'ir.,.n,la nn lla '.i. -i .nn.' nl, r. r ,r n l.iTti.' ii. I", f r pa, , tu rr t-'i ti. I 1 . ii.iil.i'i n. Willi .,,t iiv.ila-li'tl Ilii' 'r,.ni wi.ul.l !.' I'll .1 -ni h f ' In' animir'. 'I ti.T.-f..r ,i" r: ,. t ni" . li-rr ua a fi..T l.. n ih- I in th. tr ti 111.. , -r .1,-alrr in r 1 urn fav..r f -r fnmr A MV ft I-..."!!'.-! 1... lie , I., ll. 11, !HM-.II at If.', ,,'lit . I,,' I'l l. .'I i I 1.' Hii.l If .l.'MrPH. a. . .nn a iiu- r r, ii, alii a f I'.t'- Til'vr, li",ii,l ru alalc la-u tic n-inls u. jti ii'iitr fer 11 1, ui..utlt trial CONDITIONS:!.:,.:' lll'rraf a. rrniira. ttnn it.'.lu.-i. .1 le .111 mti.. nut ma VUl'-d i'U Will 'Iil till.' ll.-'IM'.- .1 ,f to lnHri wo can rt-fer ti.-i n tu tin- a-tt mii' "f ri-irri y'H ftrr w.-rrh Nut h y.nir r. 1 rlmri -i r V.Krrs u'lrtt r.l" r icnil j-nifM r'.V errt t .(i w Itif ii-.-r ti-l 'l i-f-"'lll I-t tit Irli'ivliftii-I !: il-rft. Wli.'t. m Iimii I- M.i li'. Ihv R.IJ.-ln'lirr form if iti'ic '!! "'tit w.'U th-' m-.n.-v hi 1 lit- itui-i'-nt"-- M'iin-m l.riiik ur i-M-r. ...-li .. an l n i n .iiMH '-vI I'i' HKiifl i;lll thf hi- 'In' V I ;in I 1 1 1 it h.-'i I i'-r I1i'li.'$ nf H-M r.ll p-fi t !-.. Ti'l !lii;ii-' l !.'( 1ti.i';t III tC Uitt lc. If Uv iinliisirtil, ii'jiffvicuui'Uvi.'i I'i si-nu 800 GOLD WATCHES WHO IH HEM I IIE Ul II KMT f - U'l Vi i-ni'M Tui will m cut i r Mil to 1 If y-iurli-UiTls H'li.Tirf id"' (r-t r ft hVaUlMfljl ('M' 111 h. I t.'f f vr'M m-ml pt!'K-. l!-t i.f 1 Ml 11 r- if t R vni fur "! present, nml p. I . .11 ni alio f fiuldfil io 111 tl lrd lurLTiT !h:tn hf M."' ur". nf HftufK frci-. siifT all 'itr' a-, (hey itijtv iltrri t. r"rwi'ii .i i..n n ( Wrtf4'Fl Wlllll-! l Will I-t- pii ll-tml In our D-MUT. 4TM1 Viii di'ti-l ii U 1 lit p'nuiat inl'-i f'-r 6ui"ntli, tlierf fvrt yu iv n itJiirm f-.i iln i-ri-Bi'i.t hiil.Tii t at (Hnf. I"ti't alt i- wi'Ui m i .i.Mi.. TV m"n:ln.nii'l 3 titint' t-T-d rt, i-ll'tii i: .. '1 f T il prfi.ri.tB. If j.U - U'l UN 7'm tiH. hfii.lil at Hit i rr 1ll If ii.I'"I "J 1 jar and 3 rr CPlptu g'it.(1 f- r H ( r m ni. t.rl S f rlftnl-1 to Jo'n v.iu. anl id u 'A anvl we in f!.( lti paprr t iu-niha ami I mim-t.-rril rpffli t fr f of Vt-iir iif rH'-Ti ami 1 eitra for f.tur tr niir. riiitiply r furfir p-iitpnni'nii"tii. Hend i) ivibit-rtt-iT. with au1 wo 1'l ikmhI u li iilrrlp lion aft It r.v'C'.i'li. lliln t.fTrr U ar--nl)T until April ft.lHU.I. W-lmif i l.iin n i tiiiTtt'tTti.lri'ail,an. nijf rr j!.!ri.i. .' ti"" n i ru u"isiri'.i nnniir. i-t patr"tia;i 1 h-it-p-. r:'.'r. h..rn f nutnt'tT hy I 'iut Hit tiy llil rrin l OKLY SO CENTS Iv,; f'l-v lf, !i u;-l K to viiilK at t'tim HhJ luMp Ut r Hit iy llil r fin 'I aiil ifi-iirrt-u off it. M't urri curpapcrs) monini trial ami tn rtrrrlt-t ii-.-mI iri-i.inf. Aa lo our rrllMhllilv. e rrlrr BlJny nrtiifc or miTi'iiniiin lgfnrjr. i.ruirniMrr WM ihrp ari pri'irtit a to our ul"" ri!M-r. givt n to ihri:i a('o Hi ni .1 fri-- 'I hi I -. i rh !. i.f alllrMmr. thf tru f .- t&tff to y "r future fortune. Kvrry iuti?..'rlt..r Kr' priia. A fortune tniy t y urt tfy u vtil but irrth forth y -vr hand I" recent it. It r .mta only Mirrnia lo trjr titiinMthi vm, irilt0tttiat I'ltKLHuf aiaiiii rnkcn frum plarra wher a iVaial Sute rauiiotbe -itiiliir.l. Adilrraa Mrarn Pmit and t ourlor. Mnrrltoa Uld'ff, gl fORMAKiNcnpcT.n ftQQ PTRTII I7FKS (BY tUVH'OSTLNU) FOR TOBACCO, MASS. FRUITS. SH.QOIrilMl'lT u, know ar - a $12.00 XUft FORIWUU oib.- DF rOR Man and Beast. Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more anii more every jear. fa X wowv -A 3 2 SW-rT.-n,trnc-K! 10. Sir'-Plili'n'l V- LTPU E. riKIIlll'B TeptaMe Componnfl ISAFCSITITlCTSa - For Fenuile ( omplalDtaoad iVfiikn'Srsrr o fouinioil Iff our bent iViiiaU topalallon It will cun) entirely tho wntt form of Female Com l'lfilittii,ali OTai iaa troul'U-n, Inflajumntlon altd I'lrer tlon, Fitllfntr n-l Ilnl.-ircnnnt, urtil tho foiumitirhf ''innl Uialtni'Hx luul U irllrulaitr 4ii.teii to Vt9 Khhugeut l.ifp, .... It will ilffwiilvonn-t extvi tutrmm tmm th-Hiroi-unlil nil "ally M ..Lr-Mif i, l,,inu ;it. lli ton.l n T t. rpncCTOUl lnuuura thiToicli.'. krd wrytju-ctltly hjitsti. It r.-mrtTrt faintnr'si, (In nl m-v, d(trnre! nil rftlng r-r utiiiiulanin, ami n lU v w.-aknc.n ur tho ntninMli, It rurofl Hloaiiiifr. lli-tiilA-'tim. K. rvmia JT-'BlrMtoiL 'ifniTol IVInlilT, Hli'tji. nn. at, l0ii(-ii(n nil in(h. tii'il. Thnt f.K'luiiyrt.f ..arintr dnw ii.rrt.ii-.liijf ii.i'.ti, sn.l Im-'kiirhi-, tit nlwAvti jm nnrii. i:tly cun ii hy Urn um. It m .11 nt all tiim ai:il undt-r nil r.n'tiiTi-.'.tn rs n 't tn .jamii'iiy villi tlu-U-trattiul A.-rn ll.o Ft nwlo ayntrni For the onr- of Ki'tnr-T C iint-!ntn'i nf cither trt. tV l'MiiHjuiiliuiifeUrjM4Mird. l'rii'u$l.uo. M)rl.'ttlift-rf".C3t N. f-imlly Ij-iM Ik rlth -ut M7f". V.VA. t tVICK J7.f.v. Tlu-y tre.'cnHtli.otl.l..T1.iii"'(" :or;-l.:ir j- of the Iitt. 85 .M titi tt ux nt nil ,'. BROlViVS IRON BITTERS 117 I.L CURli iik.I).(iii: !NiICi:STI()N IUI..K.H.'SNi:hS DVsri'.isiA XKU VOL'S rUDSTUATION MAI ARIA chills and fi:vi:ks ii Ri;n fkki .im; i.KXIiRAL DI J'ILI I V I'AIX in i hi: HACK and SID1-.S IMI'CRI': 1U.( K)l) CONSTIPATION' l-HMALK 1NITRMHII-S Rill-.UMA TISM NIX'RAI.CiI A KIDNT-V AND LIVI'R TKOLMH.I'.S I 'OK S.I.K .')' A I I 'KlUuSTS Hi i -!,.i, l..I..VI.l. .,J c-J,.iJ KJ TAKK NO OTIIKH B.ARirES' Pillellt F....I I'eui r .VI . iiiiliils f..r iii'tiiul w.'-k -i Willi tli. vi lluilil' r-. t :' i.-p im Milk. T, Mi'llllii.ul VV ellil VV "T il els riilli'te u ilh cUmiii r. M.i him .(iiitrinl if ill - in .1. l'niiif ( viiin.', pi f,r.i ll, lull. Id'L-ll l I 3t-l'. 'L-li, . f,.-, H .'..V Joli.i tlllrii. -l ., III., .'lll-V M V. I.. 1M lil. . tt! SIlOlfKli i. i ..?! . n.. .. n.M .f iT'l-lii'l n I i.i. v . I .i.l I- f m .I -.e A.ii. : .nl.Tlli. l I i'l i a , ll tt ('..nie t.itt.l I. a f" I: gtl't .illMll''". I' if . r n . ill '. I i .! f. r ft. Milt br i n dt i" 1-1 M iie . e.l .1. I tfljlttiit"- iv. I.. l.inmlK", tit klOll. -l.,. II I ,11 ,, :l , la mill,' I. Xvk wax ricco noos; Auv.f (rthrnrvtkiuklllMtl V. HI lit li V I Alls- A.KIINU 7 E l.OOUt ... 1 lirn. .1 ..1. I li,. .i.r,l I.r 1V..1 ....-. -,., l.-ir.l ..l.itlil 1. 1, ...riTr..o. auU lluvnt:id. nt Ktnin tit ,. H.l"'l !-. - I V i.-.-l I I ',-,... ,e.. I I- nut I :.. ",.,. If ul.t I . ml ill r-. nni! .nl..ll iii lo "J.i !. irlti'iii,, I l: .v.' Au:ctp n.l Si-lvl JV- .e tti.kij It I- ,, - a- r-ir ....mlK, ' e.rnl s. I i'-u'.... r-i-lif-n I ' 'I- C 'rmt rdl.. HI A. n v mi i hi Mi i a to ., J.i.nn. THE OPIUM-HABIT l:-sii.-i i It I : ik. vnvit li I Ki.ii Dr. J. C. HOFFMAN. Jelforson. Wis. PRESEI Very Ijow Unto. f'nilrli - r .1' -lr. I.i wn: l I'.i.iki Ml - -IWr: .."n'J l. Imtm'.i! ri) .' id V"'i A iiuiiil'.T.-.l Ivrr'-'l't. 1'Ui.l.H. A.I Hum' ITL-RUH nllH'i'Kll.a lulllrwi' it,,.i. a.r.uift '.,'hi i.l 1 . h. lirrcnhncka, !., I.IHMI .u.l. I'r...'iil.n- 111 rui-bl 1 la.'Mna i len-ii .sinii a ... . ,',n.,,i,i. i..iv .. . . : . i . m ... r R i. -. i. .." r m ...i ; ' v- 'l ', el.l i v Tt I' ' 11 I .in I ! I- , I .it;f.v t a t on r 1'npi-r In a, fn.ll.'K 'il in hi .iy l-r ii 1. .!!. t lin.i.' ..'ii '" .! I.rli.t i.rrnitttr.l In r. nialii uiii'il.l a. I. i: ... II '' ! ov. r irnialiit lin'tinrtr rr flnn mi. r lrt vrnr - inirrrat m irrrr, ,,, . 1. V"Ur in, in Muni r. 'tr t. a.: n.,1 m- urlty a.'Kol. l'iu- i nrvi'itr Hlur il-.-. f--r Vnht.- r.- nri.l. I f - ...I iiViiI I lie Mini of (I i'l V Ilh .tit.Tt'Mi a' i 'it. tr uniitim ri-i iiaf'ini. It in iMMlfi-t"..l mi 1 atrrt i-iftt ("riil .if th.'!.-i.rti..r tnni-'t-' 1 ifi'. ..t ur Uvi.iitr. lMtftiMo (.t..', i nt mv i'.fll't , l'Hlt(irl 1 v 1 1 1 11 1 tl N .!vl U(BU .'.llK l tu thfli..f II .lllrvl ,.iir. r. FREE ! .it. tore r rprf ivt'il iitmrnu Hill bo A I Ii'l Tlii - . vur lucrrai - o cm fr In Kami thy Postal Vote, plain nvn1np- or riprew I (or. 4 lark and ( alh an riari-. Milr-ian.lll. I wmmsetXAyiamiM PREPARED Ill - all UkflWU I kill la.ia.i.i.y VEGETABLES, CRAIM, COTiuti, QUld Watrb ' betnl at uuea al ,1'rr llnrrrl.wlilrh marraa HnlfToa of I'omplrH' "'"''.te. -rSpclil Wlixturea Tor cn .Y,, V iii II .nil owVior !.r fuant. lliiuk. - a - nnnnc m i-.t n.. h,.s. u. pm.1,iw, I, U C 1 11 W r J -amr rroti - ' " , LV ' HI.lA Frrnarrd I'Hrl.HirAli, pr,ii-rlr cnmirir.l. ..!. 'J": POWELL S PREPARED CHEW, IAU rKKI'AIM ir I '" '"A l""' BALTIMORE, MO. HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and you can't te!l. :r-'

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