3 (Cnathant jiBeccrd Till HSDAY. Al'fTIL LOCAL iUiCOHOS. tlfcu.ttlieliewa.tvertisememoi 0f heoler and hi... imprisonment Messis. Wyatt & Taylor, two of Hal-, Uim., ami contained n solemn decln-i-igh's most eiilerpiisiug jnon-hauts. ,atioii i hi innoeeueo. 'Mm other ' ... . ., wrwn next nnu may wm e "if last ana closing out am-noii , ie xioo.m m inc wyouiu luani.iiiciuiiug Company. WNew Goods arriving every day " P1 p "'"'. ' ' at W. I, London's, which will be ' .U l"'tl. miioeen! or gi ,..ly, he Bold cheaper than ever before, lie!!''1" "y ''J'"1''.1' J has any and everything to please 18 hUlo winn er that his mind Call and' men, women and children Bee for yourself. WThc odorous fertilizer now filleth the air with its fragrant per- fume, and many a mortgage is being made to Ktcure its payno lit, which c hope will not lm regretted next fall by cither inoitgagor or 11101 1- gagee. of Bv,,. ,, t 11. a, kn has V' ." . ,v . . ... .. ied from New Voikand Haltimorc, filial will in a few days have a large mock oi spring nun summer goons, which will be sold at astonishingly low prices. -rat illl Cll'lll'i'in Hilil nun M,iiar ers of the Hyiuini Manufacturing Wt7" Tho credi'ors and storkl'.old ".,...,. .iii ,.....,i ,.ii. ii, factory, on next Thuisdav, for the 1",1,:1 l'A' mco. porat..rs. T lie purpose of consulting as to what had f,)1 'rtw,l? ls ,l 1,st " ,he, "''' '''' ' Lest be done, with the pioperty of the ainom.ts subscribed by them. BHid CO,,,lm!'y- j "II Jt. lhrie .l M, W. L. London B)Sr Wo are pleased to learn that ! STilH). ft. J. Ilaiighton S-oiH ), H. A. there is now a gooil j.rospect for au : Jiondon 5i,)ilt. Hyiium k Headen nbundant fruit crop, the leccni host , !?r!'". . S. I'oe S-iot). W. II Kdger not having done the damage that ', !'). J A. Alston S2(HI. (Jeorge was band hist week. l':eiitv ot' Thompson sl(H, V. F. Foush.e 1 1 .,...... ' .;w Mlllll P T.i.-iv Mini) .1 ( A '.'-'" '. bo a great blessing to this county. td""W. L. London has just ret in n 'd iroiii the Northern inaikels, w hi'ie lie bough! one of the largest and cheapest stocks of s)riug and sum mer goods ever brought to I his place, which he tunics his many friends nnd custoniet s to examine befoie b ay- ing elsewhere - Bk-sJr Nainp'.eS. JSrown. Urc-nsimrc. is ucknowiedged to hp Hca.l.piai ters' in this j-art of the State lor u'l grades of M.-u'i i:i.i;dien's ami iloys' : JJea.lyiiia.l.! tlo'iung. i ii.i i api.i in cease in business has made it ncces bury for us to have inoie room, and we now occupy bo h tlie first and second lloor of the i'.evill building. Ileiueiubel' you cull save money by looking at our prices on Cloihing. Hf.vexi'e ( )i Kii'Fiis. No deputy col lector fur this county has been ap pointed, it not being tine, as tumor ed last. week. that . Mr. Clegg had 1....... ..,;,, 1,., 1 'ri,.,... ,., .,.,-.,,.,! 1:,,, : ,1,: ..,,,,,.1,. f,. 1 1,.. 1 1. ace, among them, besides Mr. i ""'' -.'; ostimated, to has t.vo holes bo.v.l through l.,e hot Clegg. being Messrs. Spc.ee Tavlor, f "m'1 wlt1' """ 'n. of it, its use cannot la. conjec- Nat Alston, and LonnvlCnight. (loi. 1 i" J'ldcr to t.e able 10 make a sa'e.tu.ed Lmco!,, ,,,unty n.gro liovd has not vet utiiiliticd as Colli tor of the district, and wii! not before next we k After that he will b- gin to make his appointments. Sti:ona.'h's W.'.i;i:i!orsR. We take pleasuie in calling attention to the ndvei tisomeiit of the tobacco ware house of Mes.M's. W. C. Slioiim-li (V Co., of Raleigh, which was fortimllv oopiie.l last w'k. an account of yvineh wh copy in another column from the C'hroiiicle. V i 1 i . e in l!a oigh. 11 few days ago. we visiled this warehouse Hint found it very comino dioim. wed lighted, and titled up with every convenience. For th Accommodation of their eiistomeis Messru. S'roiinch have prciiari;.! on.' hundred stalls for their horses, and comfoi table rooms for the farmers. We hopo these enterprising gent.e nieli wid i.ieci wi ll tha success tiiat they no much deseive. Joci.N.u.tsTii'. We uie pleaf-ed to go 10 luiieigh if this road is built, noie tho prospoiity of our brethren and we are pleased to know that her of the Anheviiie Ciiien, as well as enterpi isiug uiercliautti apjuuciaic the growth of "the Queen city of this tact. Our citizens will guire the West," a is evidenced by tho tu!ly remember thene c iitlciiicii for publication of the Daily Citizen, for.lin-ir timely subscriptions. which we wish better success than -. ... lis usually befallen our Slate dai.Us. Medical Statistics. Wn giadiy wclcoiiie the icviral of the Anson Linos, after a brief sus- pension, and wish for it that degree 1 .-....- -, of Kiieccas which ho xcelleut a iniiier ; drserves. 11,. ... I. ....! f the Winston Sentinel has given an-1 other iimtauee of his euteiiuise by ' the pub:icut'..ui lust week ot a mam- Il, ;.;.l,..l. Ii.0,. .. I....I. ,., ly creditable 10 North Caro.ii.a iour- imliniu. ; ... ! TheFoI'stTiiaobiiy. We copy from tuo Asliel.oro Conner tue toliowing iiaiiicuiais 01 me awun 01 tur. 1 aur ''oust: "Last l'liduy the deceased was missing. Somwtimo during tho day lie bade his sinter uood-bve and to.d . . " her be would never see her usani. ; Saturday morning his father with two or I hi re others went to his house precincts, the number of deaths, and employment by the cessation of the s'ot gun lie hurried out to answer and finding the doors locked and ! such information relating to sanitary works. This action is to be reoetted ' ''"''r tal' Ashe entered his back seeing hist boots through ft w indow, improvement as they may think nee-1 i,t jf Was sinij.lv an unavoidable ! yard, he saw a clored individual imik they suspected he had locked himseif essary to promote the good health necessity owing to' the high pi ice of : i'g oil "with a bunch of chickens in 110 iuside. Effecting an entrance by ; of the citizens of the county. : . r,i ii, Tow ni ie of ii.imnf.if. 1 his hand. The thief hel l the chick- laising a window, they proceeded to ' mhicIi the house and liaving pi ized , open a door were horror struck to see i 1 1 1 i" mu unuuppj' man semen on a ictiiuer bed which he had removed from i lie bed steads, with a halter rein around ' bis neck and (haul. The rci, was glad to furnish blank "Certificates of tied to a beam about four feci above ; ileal h", and such reading matter us the bed, and it was svident that he the State Hoard has issued for dis w us choked to death as his neck could tribution. not have been broken in t hat posit ion. j At the Coroner's inquest held last Monday, iho Jury found that tho i deceased came to his death by hang-, ing at his owu hands. A few enter- j laiueu uouuis wueuier ne eouiu nave hung himself in the positiou iu which 4 -. -11..-I... l .l l ,., he was found. Hut the evideuco at , tk inquest wan conclusive. He left two messages belaud, Both seemed to be addressed to I ho pub'ie ami were wiitleii 011 tho Hy - leafs of an oll hook. Neither was da'ed but both were signed by the deceased and were evidently wrilt-n hy him. One spoke of his pei seen Hon and troubles, of his shameful trio! at Oreeiisboro for tin murder was n simple request I hat his wife ,,,,, , h(! informed of th 111:111 !.! f his .bath, and askit. ; ner of lus death, ami asking li , ,)im ,,.,.. It ,jmt tho lmml,,,. ! Wheeler led to t lie suicide of Fonst. he must and it i d L'ave ' Wll-V' If tf"i!l.v' ,ie llils '""y piale.l ! hisci iiiie : and if innocent, his lot has been a hard one. Iu either ease, 1 d''' has sealed his lips ami plaeed j lorn beyond the reach of human law." - Hui.noi Si iiscmr.Kns. Wo nr ; pleased to announce that nil the $;,()()() has been unbsci ibed, thai wan leouired bv its cluirler to lie ...l......:i... 1 :.. '...I,... 1 1 1... , nit if:m- if ill III liei n 1 Wl L'ltlll.li I ill I l'isbon,' Iai!,oad Company. The ! , ' , ()j jj ' . ai-n tin wiiiiuiiat. me nw .1.1, I formally oreani.e the :comiiaiiv. The charter reunites the 1 payment of live per cent, of every mans sulweiipl ion before the urguiii- zation, so we liooe that evei v subscii- ; ,,,'r w'" :"M f' l-'O' !'' amount to .'ii. a. .i. iiyiiuin, me iiT-asurer ao i f,. iteacu .ioo, ii ,. I'owell loo. j nos. , ' , . . ,n . . C.oss l(,. 1),-.;. A. Hanks siiioj " w'" was burned paoifully. but not hl.-i.hen Henlev SIM), J. It. DeOraf- ! M '"'"'"'.v. -Work was begun yes femcid XUHK Vva:t .V Taylor jsr,,,. ; ''-'"y "'' budding to be s-..l fii ach Hros. jS.Hl. W. C. St'ronach & I f? 1n,, . Krtii.-e oii.llM of the '. ..'-.o ii w !..!-.. l ir.o;.. ; ! itsaui dap. J lie trains meet at ten A Co. .")il. C. C. ihoioel .-. . H. Af . . .... i owan oo. a. .v. 1 lioiioisoii -:.o. T. Love Sl'l. Miiiius L.-wis ,V ;' It. K. I'd Iv irtt. ... . .: .... V . 11. I'.:IIS ".ll. Wii. lulu W'ooilcott Sr".tt, 1 t i A- Woniack tf'.tl. J. W. Hatch .yi, T. J. OiilVni V. H. O. Adney ".il, A. ,. Jones &V.), Dr. ,f. .M. Manning .".i. M iirtilg!,on f?.-.:). T. D. W'adddl M, 'f. It. Wouiack 8"itl. W.J. Lut- terloh S (). A. II. .dci'iitt S in, H. T. I tinctly smell rain in the air a dav or i road track. He struck on his head Cnapin tfl'S. 1a H hxhne S2.-.. A. I), j H l,Pfore its fall, and that one of his laud bis .-kull was mashed lo a jelly, lppitt if l.). r. AL. llardin SJo. W. 1 neighbors can taste snow iu the water j causing Until to ensue liistuntlv. N. rtlraiighaii fl.u J. M. (billiu 25, jtwo or three dues before it comes. U'icsenfehlt had be.in living in the U V. Hrown Hi.-.. A. J Pendeigriws W'hiln plowing! Tobias Hothrock of W'esti 1 11 part of this State for s. y. r JiJ.".. W m. li.aud S'5, L. F. Hitch S?2o. j Jiioadbay to v. nship F usyth coiintv. al ve.us. and only recently became rrom the above it will be seen that ) the total Amount thus far subscribed ! Is .r..V.I. ami it is thought that proh- : aiily another thousand will he sub ' sci ibed, which witii the SIII.IKM to ' he subscribed bv the town-hip will ' Annate of the cost of iriatliu ireiiiniiiaiy survey for the best route will he made within two or three weeks. As tin' opponents of the township subscription assert that the co of Lrradimr will far exceed the ane ni.t j ropoM'd to be raised, ' ihis sin vev. w hich will be made before the tow le. nip t ie. -1:011, 'n prove thi ll ill Ii or falsity of this assertion. As will be seen 111 the above list, 'l! mtnib. 1 of the leading busi men ol Uncivil have sul.sci il.e.l lo tin- stock of the proposed com pany, for they veiy piopcrly think ihal the cou.itriiction of a railroad from h.'ie to Moncure wiil add gieat ly to the business of their city. Wo do not doubt that the proposed road than would be the construction ".f will lie of greater l.eiient to Haleigh any o-her road of the same iciigth in the Slate. A huge (lade that now , goes from tins county to (treens , horo'. Favcttcviilcaud Dm ham would 1 11 rsmmo, 0., April Jlst, lHa. 1 Mu. Fa.m.K : As superintendent j of the Hoard of 1 (alt h tor v hat ham 1 county I beg lo insert in your paper; I I., nlli.u lli.r l-..,.n.Ul Section 5 of -An" Act Hclating to the Hoard of Health" reipiiies the superintendent of each county to iril'lli l- VI. ill slnlislies III,,. II a lllim designated by the State Hoard of : Health, and to report the same at the end of each mouth to the secre- Mary of the Stale Hoard. Now, it is impossible, tor 1110 lo comply satis-1 tactoiuy wit ti tins .leinaml, unless 1 ; can obtain the cooperation and as- sistance of the physiciana practising j in the county. I therefore reijnesl them to reoort to me at the end of 1 t each month the number of cases of disease occiiniiiif in their various 1 Any drinking water which may bo , considered of doubtful purity will bo analyzed by the chemist to the State ! I , 1 t ' t I I uoiiru nee 01 cnargo upon proper , notification. To any desiring Hivm shall be Vei y truly. Jso. H. SIanxino, M D Supt. Hoard of He.i.lh. . . A ii iiiiiikiilile wediliii" took lilsce . recently atSmideisville. tia.. in which J,lu (ireen Hiantlv took to wife JljSH Besai Kint$. The Judge was ' eijhl y on his last birthday and tbo bnde will be sixteen on her next. 1 Statu ttXews. j I ; Concord Register: At qiia'ter : past 4 yesterday evening, a thunder (shown- passed over Concord. Its ! obs.ujration was so dense that lumps had to In- Indited in this oHi.-e. 'J h chickens were deceived and went to roost,. 'j')ie rain was very heavy. News and Observer: Of the twelve judge who wore Hitting on the un to i erior eoui t bench in thi! ppiiug of I IS75 just ten years ago mix are of dead; W. A. Moore. S. W. W atts, .1 SI. Cloud. A. .Mitchell. J. Ij Henry and John Kerr. Only one of the twtlve Judge MeKnv is .still on ! Hie superior court hem h. Judge j'ldge. i imyuioiir is a I nili d Stat (Old the reniaiuing four Kmc, Hux ton. Schenck wnd Camion are not in public, life. Wadesboro IntelHgeiieer: Jake Oury ami his wiie, living hear Alhe marie, in Stanly county, have lositr led a soil of "eat and dog life." lighting vili. ui.vi.v it unit 1.1 1 Hi. ii- nliuLiiiv. , nvi.nim. (In 'I limv..l,.u .. .' , .. ' i mr l,,f I 1 i.i, I iiiiiillxn m.oMiin ai j wllil.h was ' f.it :il in its result, poor k; III II 1 ICI I lV UT Unite OI a IIUSIIIIIlil. f,,,,,, ilu, cif,,,.t f ..l.;..!, Koon itied w ii, i,.,,,,,.f , r i-,,..:llic (iovernor. will iHiijunein e from iil,H were found to be broke n, while her body was covered with bruises, !,i,ii.ir..uiit-ii.rti, ,.,! iili l,.w.l In.,.)' j . ........................ .w ! The jury of inquest returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts. Ashnville Citizen: A servant ac cidentally overtnrih-d a l imp at the rp-iideiipoof Mr. T. W. Neel last night, which came mar being soiious. The iil spread over the table and ignited. .....l ,.t ii,. ,,;i .... o. ...... ....... ... . ,,. dress of the servant, she was soon iu a hiaze. J ortunatejy .Mr. Neel an I (other gentleinen were at hand, who! succeeded ill putting the fire nut iu j I lie lionse. ninl mi tl,i in iri-.i. 'I'lii 'i '"" 3:i"7 feet above sea level, and i iilissin.r.,i'.4 ivill .lii 1. i,;i, m, ; .1., ji. - -r. .. . ' , " 1 h" "r ai, no oivjii;i oav a suminei suminei ' Intel will he limit near tlie same soot , , ...... ... ..' ami limn iirovea .'real aiuacnou iroin . ' , r ..- , ., its commnnuiiig posiiioii ami tin- delicious coolm-Ns and j urity of tho ' Lexington Dispatch: S niinel Sides, of FornVt ll count V. stiVs he can di - found a ciirio-.it v one .lav la-t week. ' It is a larg"dish weighing about foil v i jiotinils. and Irom all appearance is ot illicit nt d.iie. It whs several inches beneath the Mii-facc. It is no doubt some ki d of Indian pot crv ; but as it woman locked her two childn 11 iu her cabin and went to work About nine o elm k tne limine was iliscioer. i to 1 be 011 tire A man who win at work i near by broke into the house and found the youngest child lung on th. youngest child l ing on the floor 1 biirucd to a . l isp, and tlie bi d on tin 110 dragged the Imrmi'g oe.liiiiig into sie, but tor quantity. In Lauini- j agent on the Salem road, was con-, inighi.,- in the Sciiptun-s. It hon the yard and succeedi d in extiii'MPsh-: Imi'.r and vicinity they could have I victod last -ce- of steulintr monev i ti fullils the iiromi:,e of its full end tug the fire in the house. The oldest 1 child, fig. d four years was unhurt, but ! the y..u,:gest. which was only two j ye.rs old, was so terribly burm d that ,l Asheville Adwl-ico: A gentleman ' from Warm Springs brings tlie new s , ol auollier ilrowniiigat Warm Springs hist Thursday night. A colored man m,'lni"ml" the river iu a ,,,mt: U ""1I'''MC! Hin boat capsized throw ing the man into til water. His body wiil bo searched for to-day. Tw.i other pi-!sons, who were ilrowne I id the same place, heretofore, were found lodged on a certain r.ick in a d"cp place, a short distance below, and it is thought that the body of this last, untortuuntt' man will be found at the same place. Miss Noia. au unfortunate daughter of Joint M. and Caroline W illiams, seeii miles south of tho cii.v, Wed nesday evening last, caught lire, in tlie house while her moiher was iu .1... 1 1 1 , . 1 . .1. 1. r "'"; """ " "';'' , , ..... . ........ i.i. victim, a young lady about 'JI1 ears ,(ll lie,,. i,s llllll. l.u null linei SV. H1!'1, ll ''' S,,"W1"H. '"l with one of the.-e tils mid fell in tin tiro. When discovered by her mother. I she was Iving iu the r, 0:11. wdii her - hthiiiK iiciirlv hunicd oiT her Tho (lames wi re extinguished, but death ensued in a few moments. Wiliuiii"lon lb-view We rein t to learn that the Wilmington Cotton will shut down 1 1 night, accord- betore it, ami will not only .rove a j,,,, to a resolution of tin" Hood oLK1""' institution for Salisbury but DhWtors. The susieiision is for till ! be a blessing to the surrounding Jays, or less, if theie U anv improve- , country. Sunday night last, Mr. :.. .1... 1..,. ; ' ...... ..r i M (1. Oniim. who lives on north Col- 1111:111. 111 iiitT iiiisint'sn . .i-l'i 1 119 lit nil? 1.1, .. ,4 i.wtiiv ; 1 i-.-. ,,,1 1 1 it I,.,,,,!. ...in i,! n,,-.,. ,, nt 1 tul,.,i oods. For some months past ! ,.,H has been u steudv loss in i-mi nUir the null Mr Archi McCol- . ' ' . . luiu, a young man well-known here, I mid ii hfe loinr n.si.l -nt of W'ilii.in.T. I i..,, ponni.itled suiei.le liv l.ilin.t Inn. i d oiuiii l ist, night, from the eft'e.'ts of j which he died about 10 o'clock this 1 nioruimr. There is no motive known : . . .i i. .. . 1 lo niivoni- ior inn ihsii nei. ami n it is other than was conveyed by i note hft bv the deceased it must for evi-r remain a sealed mvsterv. This note was found on a table near the bedside, mid it. was written on ihn back of an envelope. It was not a 1 dressed to anyone m particular. In it he merely said that he was tired of life and that he was tioini to leave th world. ; Wilmington Star: The revival at j A KoMil M lomii y Clock. Fifth St n et Met iiOdint Church closed yri,m nie liming!', m I'.iniuw. on Ihiiisday night The results are Ul s,).1,, s,.()Ij Ktn.et t tj.e as follows: O.n versions :ju8, aces-: (.ni,.r , ,.(. list ltJ,.v S().lt;, ol sums li.,2. loial ae-e.ions win. 1 Mrfc,.t M, j,,t j,.,., f,.,,,', th., former J.inu.-.r.v 1st, 2K. Ihis .m doubt!csjs(l(.(.t , ,.-,., Mlt.t. lilftV h., Hr,,u u the gr.at.sl iwival that has ver ; (l.,ioll of hrivk iund'a!ioii alls oceuircil in North Oiroliu.i with atiyf ,t huil.ling whi-h has I n" since one church. All of lliecunvuts uv i,.i( )!(niw, the romnl. but whi.-h : ; w''''!. jj jiH time was of ht.-torie interest., Haleih Visitor: At the session of During the ivciuiinnary war nndl the M.itc. Hoard of Agriculture heid : while the lh it, sh troops under hoi-.ll 011 yesterday, eoiisiclci n'.ile business ;t '' invallis held poHM-s.-iou of AVilming ! of iuoioi tmice was tiaiisacted (.'oiii-'tou the house in ii'iestioti was used I niiMioiif i- M M.-( iehee. M:ili i.lu,ini.t. O. W. Dahnev, Hccietuiv i. M. Wii son and State Iniiuimiition Ag ut. J. 1 T. I'ati ick were re- e-eii-. icd. '1 he re - sigiiHtion of S. (i. Worth. Ksj.. I'ish ' Coiiiuiissi 'in-r. was ucc, .. ai.d the I duties will hereafti-r devolve iijion .Mr. AlcOehee. The s.i f Sl.oili) I was appropriated for pi eaiiuiiis at 111 xl State fai Coiis:ii ivh! otle i ! Imiliiess of a routine cluirnrlcr was : transacted. On Thursdav lait j while the family of Mr .1. II. Holiday, jof li.o ton's Creek township. Wake COIIIIty. Well' Ml-lllllg out 001SV : the clothes of the little live yealii'P sturs lo wreak their vengeaia !I.IE,.,.I tl II. . li, .... .... C -. "in '"""i .'I .!. tj.'ii,.,, ,'iw.iii "ii 1.1 i '-'"I Imrued the little fellow s., s " ! Court. Judges recently appointed by U-iim I'tlh. 1 A colored girl "bout U years of age the daughter : of .Monroe Jones, died neir Holly ( , pniijs. in Huckhom township, on i Saturday last, under rather susiiiciou circumstances. TS.e fi.ini'v say that ! she was sweeping the house and fell 'out the door and broke lier..kull. No one believes the unreasonable htorv. i niel it is general! v believed j,.r father ,'ave the girl a blow, from the eti'ect " . , tvi,,,.!, S. oieil. us tier tatner was ; , . vt,rv ,.,.U(. iu io ueatmeiit .11V.,,S i,i- , ' , 4 , , , iliai i.uie wuserver : .1 sua iri'm v ri oecill'ic'l vest oi day nil tlie U elel n Aorth ( aroIiMi Haihoad. in -nr (. alaw- , ,, ., , , ., . lia, resulting in the instant death of .'.; in an ui, loruiiutc (leiui.'iii named lleiirv .... .. ., .... ... . W lcseiilelitt. Jheviitim was an in - , . .. tilie 111. ill, It l ( Mll.-i I'.ini n1.111.11iL; ttii it ' . ' 0 . :l" "'.v o k 10 ins 010 i.oiue 111 Moiiaiiii Hit was uttpn.ieii dv ii trieint u t,,, ,,. ,,i,,. 1 1,,, t ii I, i.i... i 'nard. and while t he tram was ni.nii,..' I ,il,iv(l.. lw..M.i.in,r,ll,,,.l,,,l r v tlx. I i.rll .1,,... ,,f l.ij ,iM,lil,lllt .ll " nD l out to the platform of the j passenger car. liciore anyone could i lav hands en him he gave a wild h ap jfiom the platorm and landed 011 the i .o-ouiwl .mni.e ilistum e fiom the mil- iiisane. H. was possessed of 11 small fortuii" in cah. and it was decided by j h;s ti lends to send hnil back to his ' homo 111 I lie olil country. I lie jnur- j .. ,, I li.'V h.td jui-t hejoin, when tei uiiiinte.1 i The Spring elections at Album'. N. j 111 the ir idic iiiHioier staled. The j Y., refilled in a Dem icrnti,' victory I. storm 011 last I hnrsday, was purlieu-; hy nea'lv ii. 00(1 votes iu the county liny severe at li'iuiiiiinng where a j which !at year gave Cleveland a plu I good deal of damage was done. The : ralitv of 7"''. j evclone was preceded hy a terrific hail storm, thesiom s fallii.'g in slii.wcrs tor tlie ja riod ot ten i.iiiiutes. Halt mi hour after the storm ti e hail was heaped iu fence corners and about the houses to the depth of ten inches I'h. stones were not reiaarkablii for 1 l.eeii raked up by the barrels full i 1'he cyclone struck Laurinbiirg about ; two years iu the Albany iienitentiarv. 0 oVh.ck in the afternoon, wluh. the, (),; T1u.mUv .h, a Hy l hail was st, II rattling down up,.,, the ;.,., HW , .,; ,, ,,, Sil,ln -,(. houses, and it came ,i,,n ,,f ,,,1MJ,.V I1(,!lr Jla.ulet, that was '"U , f 'JTL i, osVclr'l.u n i ','Vni't,lU''1 h' Ul" ""!'" "velo, f 1 ' ' ' ' " " '" ". " ' year, but this ti.uo ..olives wv.e ... 11 ... 1 1 I rapidlygrew louder with the approach ! . .f n,. ......1. ..... .1, it , :inii bv the fulli.i.r hail. It took the (,V(.1(),; , ,,,. fhan two llliml,,.s l(l I pass throueh the town, thai is, it hist- : 'mg hmicu 1 ridav lst. Six hull ed about two minutes, and then 11 j dred families of a ton! po.ulatin of' sued a compaiat ive t aim. and the ; -ix 11 '".is m I liavi-ah. ieiy been 111 ide icople stepped out to see what d 1111- ' hnmel-ss, one hundred nnd lil'iv age had been done 'ilu, xtent of i houses having Icen d.sMoyid tlie damage in tlie town was: Mer- I It is oiidersiood lied tin' policy of chants It. tel mnoofed :!'. W. Suggs ,.,,, ,s ,...,, ,.,i' (ll store 111, l'oofed; Jaa.es ,' Mcliaes store lluioofe.l; itiacksiiiilh slioj. criuhed to fiagniehtsbN a f.il'nng tree. Nuiuerous outhouses w. ic blow n over and teiic. s were scattered in all diuv- E - J 111011411 tent or .lisl..m-st col lions Iu the country a.ljaeeii! to ; .......l ;,.,,. 1;,.-. ,.- ,.,,'nie.l l):..,io. liiurinburg; heavy destr.i.'i 1011 o: lim ber was wrought, 11 couple of l.-irns were blown away, and ncl. s ot to ' ing was scattered. Nobody w. il ed or injured in the cycl ne. he; a number of people weie fi igl.b'iied almost to death. S ihsbiii v s I'cw ; eiilci'tirisC. the woolen imlls. will si,.., He l...,rin (I... i.v n,ii.,,.,.i.i,,. ,,i- ' cassjiuers. jeans, satinets, linse.s, kerseys, blankets, yams', rolls. 1 Ic , as the work of cotnplctlli;; I Im luillft is progressing rapidly. This iieweutei- 'i ise has tho proiuisei t a tine succ. -V " ' lete street, beard his chickens e-ivin,' i a midnight alarm, and nicking; m his i '"" lW "W H'k. but when Mr. Oiiiun raised his gnu and fired, the stillnes of the night was broken for III I. I .1 ... . . . . I ' oiocks arouiio, in. - k -poii 01 1110 gun belli"' simultaneously met with a veil from tin thief and th Crtcklllie- of the chickens. .Mr. (Junoi is culioei.t that he hit the thief, in proof of which he not only tell about the man yell in.r l.,i. i.ne (In. . hi .l.i.ns ih ,. ll.o , thief was earn im Oil WHS Kill d by i the shi t, and as the man had the chi. ken in his hand, it is leasoiiable to suppose that if ho was not woun ded, he had a niighH close call. ('apt. K. J. I llltltl. Ill 1- :l Vtt tt IHA i hss been off -red the consulship to Manchester. Kuclaud. and will orob ably accept. I bv seve ral 1). ilish otiieers for oimrters. jftod w'nle it was thus occupied an! inciilent ocMirrcd which was to them I ! ot astart'in;f and fcicbodiiigchaiaefer. I Jt wan s follows: While seated at I 'I"' laUe ai d,iii: r one duv thev were ' surpi is-1 to 111 ar 11 clock in the second story of Ke buildi-iir Htrike, but in- it-tewl of nkii lueiye. as any we!! ' nu aiiing ,,11 I ord.a I v cha i. would have done, it .'iveoiit thirtei-u full mid distinct stiokes In a moment one; of tie- ollicns cried "Thiit-en times. ; for tlietiiirlecn Stiles'" Whereupon they all drew their sword:) and rushed ! noon ( h. ,ir..ii,lin.r ,. 'I', lition s u , that each of the oHlo-rs ihnii-t hi-, sword into the face of the lime pic with in my i:n imprecation upon the It-bel cloel;." as tiiey lenneil it. Of cour-ic it was ruii.ivl for !):- time. I but it was suh se.-piently rep n'red and ! is now in the po-session of (.'apt. A. 1 h Hi Hossi t of thi- e-,ty and ticks as -il'l' ,1 . e well as it dxl in the u.vs of C. i III., and lias never be- i known since the time mentioned ah. tostr.ke, the j hour of thirtpon. I " - - I Prompt and Honorable, : F'"""l",,1"-,"' r" w..rm... In tlie pioceeilu,;rs of the Ornn 1 1 i i.i i . . ,i , ,. -ii.y ieiy nei.i lecenuv in l no town j f Hetideivou. j.nrt of the report of i the Executive Committee on Kdu. 1 ! cation" relates to Mi .. I. l'orter Pais- i, ,,,, .. . i 1 ley. a voting! eeiitieiiiau whose name , i, ".i i . ,'. ... . s . ,. . . r,,. ,(,,,, , , ... .. tor tlie niiiiisti v. who. ii inn tin. hug ,.. i . , .' , ; tli.l' he was proliab v mi-i'iikeii ,n his i M . .iJ, : , ' , i 1 .1 'ai! to the 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 v , reiiinded the , . ,1 , entire 111110u.it oi money with niter- , , . . i . . est. that 1 1 iii I hee 1 tun.i-di ii luvniheil him as .aid iu obtainiii" hi- e hication. He had lec. iv d .'-l7.".tH). and the inter est was !?li'l fi:!, making a total of ?i;:!'.).(;:!. all of which is acknowledged by the treasurer. Air. Jesse H. Lind say, as paid over into his hands. This is highly creditable to Mr. Paisley. Divorci' Diiiiicrs. FrxiTi lli Ml.il.y Ar.fus. It is said that a wi-il-known socirty woman in New York gav." n hrr"din ii"r arty to celebrate lei living her dioiep pa pot's S ich i' excellent chaiirP f..r disjdav as a ice suit will 11robal.lv not v ir no. j n,,tj(., ,1. ,.. ... ,,lS mav 'soon rank in ncignilieence with wed dings, christenings and funerals. Attorney (irm-ral Oarland has de termined to recommend Col. H. C. Jones for Fnifed Stales di-triet attorney fit-the western district of North Carolina. Oeorgp Whei-le., formerlv ft ronto from a registered package. He go iosi. A di'siinlcli f.- 111 Vi. . hum. dule 1 the ;2lHt . s.ivs thai th- town of W'i.-vl n.t. iu 'Austrian Oa icia, has be, apjioinl in. tits to i'ac.-s in the South tin Slates now held by coi.cd He publicatiH wi.l be no: to substitute white men for color, d men. but to ia alii vviio me worthy and caput...!. 1 .lr. Hurchard. tin1 Director of He 1 Mint, in hi special annual le.iort on the production of gold and silver iu the I'nited States for the calendar year leN I, estimates the production of the c nilitrv to have bleu: (iold. S'ttl.SIMl.tlOII; silver (computed at the s Ivcr dollar c.'iuiie' rate) slS.StKt, tdlit: total. S7'..;na,(lili). Tiiis shows no increase over t1 e previous vein o' al oit 5Sil!,(M)o. g,-:d mid 10(1,0(10 silver. Paiivkhs I Von cull buy Horse Hakes for tlo. Chani'iion Hi'ma rs for To. No. i ( nok Moves for t? Id. mivvard. I 1 - .. i- i rt'l,, aiivtntng in 1 ne line oi Hardware or Machinery ! from W. II Wakkhh.i. iV Co, (in elisboro', N. C ii i :i. I ,; 'u.isV . '11!!;' X ;';ui yt-ur 01 iuii. TliiMt.'r'.isi'a bait lii-i'it lli.iri-ltiiu.li-ilij! Ht l-ri. lllll f.,r iiin.,11 11 v..iit. mi l vv.w mil. h fsi. fni". l. All wii,. kiifw iiliti. Ill"1 ,llnia.de wan i.tii-nn-niiltv. A DMlNISTUATOHSNOTICi:.-- i 1 llHVtlli; iIIHllll..l lis III.' H tllltlllHlr.-lliit' nf ... .1. Kuliliu. a .tsi.a. 1 lii.'.iy ti-.ilfy all H-rs-rn li .l.lu.i: i'I'iIiiik hkhiiisi mi 1 1 ili Ii.ni ii.fxlili.n Hint." I., mo, en '.' lM'.ui-e in.- '.-ii I .ii.v ..t At'rii, Ism. li. W. Hl Slll.li. .'.In. ,,-n o iH.i 1 AND S vLK HY VIHTTK OF J auili-.rl'T vi'HW-1 In in.' I.y a Jmlumi-nl i.f Hi. . SuptMi..!' etui ..I Itu.liMiii ii. iiiuy In h i-hum ' i in .i-nilliit! In i.i. a .'ii... II. Wi.ll.i n ii ,lln (IT mi, I I' II . ii I'll mi'l iiihi. nie il..r. ii'!.iiiii I i will si ll, hi ,. iii.Ii. Rii. .i..ii i. On' liinli.ni l.i.l li.r, ' ..i , sh, in in.. (,iiri ll,.iis.. i-.r In Urn .. n .. I'liisimr..', "ii M.ai.luy. May I. I Mi, Hi.. Ii., ini; I..I. I II,,- I.iwn .,1 II.lvw.1. N.t' kti, 1,11 III,. ! .TariX s "VtZ ! wom.vck. iiu.i,or.', N. c , Ai-rti? 1 """" l;i)ni'!i'i ti.r 'fur I'. K' 011 1 liy W V ATT .V T A y lit) H, OHOi KM -i A ' .MM IsslilN Kle'll XX IH. Nil. 12 S..IHI. rt'li- Mrtln St.. H.M.I I iII, X, O.. April Si. nw. OOTTOS M.MIKLT: (I t Ml.lilllh.,'. V l-ll; 1 irfl. S'rl-; i. .w .Mi IJlii).', SlHllln. wuoi.rsAi.n Mi-i: -' Kbi.Ii h. Hulk firii :-, li it.H i.nv VAllKK'r. ' I jour. N. i'., ft Mt .1, ttlille, Til. 1 :! en . Ti.i " l.:.a;i.i ! l: t :,, f Ij.ii-iPl, fj leu., ' 1 Mir,:i "' I IVIflli'H, M n Im-Im 1 A,.;,li.s, -i I:i!i'r, I J.ui l- Caiiviixi 'i lliiiiiii, '!,!i'","Ml' M; , I smui'.k, i.njri,-, ' Siitur- i! l'h' Vi i r.jLii.ic lil'I'.lltll.'t.' I ,.Tpi'. 'i -It ill TMll j 4.Tliit... , ,- f'.' lit I Jf ! II IT( !! ;( K S AVU.YSi'M OF iiii: HHI.V l!!i;i.l.. NHr.lMill.L I'AKKKI,'. J'rris.i ii ,', N, c. Head the loilowiiig testiuionials of this vaSitable book : I'ittscoim'. X. C, April H, 18S,". I have examined with care Dr. Hitchcock's Analysis of the lhlile, and fee! that it ti"s a long needed want. Its a'rnngf uieiii cannot he surjijissed, an I lio se-ker of hjhle truth should be wiihoill it. it is ol itself a compendium of bible knowi- i Pl-f'1''' l;i;v. .M. HA LOW IN'. ' After a Hitchcoci bii. f I'Xi'.miu.'dioii of Dr. ock's Analy-ir, of t i.e hit I am pre, are ! to indorse V leconiniend il. 'I'mie ssed i bible. 1 1 , heart i ind : w i!i he saved, and a Iter know h-.lgc of ibtaim d in sec.ir it. It is inval id A. WILLIS ; nie wont oi (toil j ing ami colciiltuii uabie. Hkv, : ',TT?u',:'''.y-;-. l,s's'- i lie jvuaiviis o uie ino.e. ovi'i ... . ; . i llltclicoci:. is an m a.u.iO.e in t to t li( meiuoiy, and is one of the iuot sue eessful elloi (s 1 have ever seen to present to ti e (-ye the division.", and re'ati uis of an ideal subject, ami is worthy the genius of tin-author, and ought to till its pa"c iu every church, and in cve; ii u!.-,,- i,i the land, to aid both o'.d and young in compre hending tie- fundamental law s ol the great (od thai ma le them. J. UITM'ON sHKHKILL. Giimiam. April Hi. iHSI. I have ( Xaii.iiicl Dr. Hitchcock 'h Analysis ..f the ihbie mid liml it more compreheusie than eillier Lock's. Wcj.i'h or Talbot s. 1 cou.sidi-l It a most valuable heip to tin- liibi. till, it'll!, and vi rv eh. el hilly lei oii, mend it to all Hi v. W. S. U)N(J. I consider !li',c'co;'s Analysis of the Hi'ole tin- best I . ok ever bmueht us by an agent. 1' is w it h real j.Iciik lire that 1 commend il 11s a blessing lo all win. love the wold of (iod. and d.-sire to become .icpiaiuti .1 with its truth. I.i:v. It I!. MAHSII. 1 have examined .villi a .rooildea) ol careful atie.ition, the work entitled j liilc.reock'sNe'.viindCoiiii.leteAiiuiv-l sis ot the Holy jiible. it surpasses i for variety and coinpri heiisivenessany any thing of the sort that 1 have ever I ' .!... 1 1,..!;. ..... 1 .... ..... .. 1 .-tun, i.i mm, oii 11 l.as.ill linn published. It is invaluable and al- 11. (.-.I indispensable to the ministi r. t It. - 0h.1t Ii sch ooi teaeher and to everv one who trim and desires tube elaborate till.- page. It of i-..-. If to aid il. Hihle ciicu nlioli and study will is a library study. It's be euiinent- ly 1 lonncive of sciiptural audi tiligioiis Knowledge, 1 iiuoni. iid t ,i.f. t heartily t . all who me utile to j puiihise it. I have sold two books; of the same sort out of my library to ; .uich.i e it l!i J. HI.NP.V SMITH. Ii. D, Pastor 1'resbyt'i 1 01 Chinch. ; t lieeiisb. iro. N. C. ; mm L. C. BAGWELL, A.O.XT, C. RALEIGH, N Walnut Cli.iiiiber Suits. Poplar Cham- i her Snit.s. Marble and Wood Top S-tits ef ten pieces, for Walnut St.-a.ls. Po lar Steads, W alnut ' Hiireaus. l'o, lar iure:ius. Marble ' Toj. 'fables, I )r. shi ng ( 'uses, 1 Wasltae.U. Wardrobes, Chaos. . Loungts. Mattresses, and aii thing, l.i pt in a : runrjiTunu stoiie. When not iu htoek. wiil older at ! Northern Prices, freight added Have illustrations of nil kinds of Fur-' nitiiii from ncai ly every fust-class inaniif utiiif r iu the Cnited Slates. Cheap Bedsteads a Specialty ; corrxrcs Ol AM, SIM KS AMI SIZ! S. ' Me'alli" Hurial Cases. Walnut Huria! Cases. Walnut Collins, ln.it at ion Hose-, wood CoiVms, Poplar ami Pine Collins. ' P.l'lilAL KOIU'.S of all sizes. Ci.lli: .li..n-ii..l riit.i: ..I . l.iup.' 111 liny h-mi j 111 Uii. Sinn.. j 1 ):-.. nils, that nil litisiiii-Ms pic rusii.il to my l.-tll sliiill Iiiivc I'lolhl I 'i:i,'ltl.-ll. j Oideis attend, d to Day or NipR I f-'-1- riM Viuui. su I, n.r.,ii. iI.n.i- iroin IVm-inl, i ers. L. C. H AO v MX, Agent. ( ..ll Tl lOrtl.ll.ll OffliT. I'.'l.riiury 'ii'., is,. 2n. GEORGE PACE & CO. iManuli rtarcm of Patent Porubla Cirr.ulir SAW MILLS, 3:'.'ui."y iaJ lo.uc.0 & N. SCftPEMJi ST., b.Ll illOKK, MO. OriH!....l K..ir'!, i,WI.T Wli.viw, VV'ot.1 Wnrkhjjt -t Mj.I iu. . v. i,l.MiV;Mli,C:r.. 'liar b Mill Bui'uUen.Uc. bi ud lar t tttuluKun. tirT.Diii I i -AT Y. L.LONDON'S. JIAS I ANY AND FA'KUYTINXG THAT YOl! (AX CALL FOU, AM) CIJKAl'KU THAN KVKli: i COMK AT OVCK TO LONDON'S IF Vol' WISH TO S1X.THE THi: JIAHOAIXS! FAKMKKS can find ut LONDON'S Cotton, ( 'oru and 'l'obacco (iuanos, the very hist. Abo a finiill lot ot Acid 1'liosphntcs left on hand. LONDON'S I IS T1IL FLACK TO HTJY YOUt OKOUMIA STOCKS, : A YLIiY ( lTl'Ll'i SMOVKLS, ! and all kinds of I FLOWS, FLOW CASTING, j FLOW STKF-L, j WLLTMNC HOLS, SHOVELS, !(r iinythintf cls(. needed about the ! FA KM OU IIO.ML. TiOTTDOrJ KKKFS TI1K F.KST Sewiiiu Machines Domestic", ''Davis" and "lleni . iiiton". Several second-hand 111a J chiiics for sale eheii.. 1 las also on hand it few I.uireips, 1 w 1 t.. .. 1 ....: o t;i 11 1.-1 1111.1 no.- 1 ii .i-iioisi; io ri.ii;v, which will he sold at a ivat sacrifice. He sure when von eome to town to call sit W. Jt. ItON DON'S, Ap 'il 2 , 1SS t. M. T. NOIllIIS, l.m i N.ni, wu W. C MIIIIIIH, L11lu.il N"iii-, MHrcua ,v Omni. Tuyl. M. T. Not'i is & I5ro. Win. hiii'.'. i'i Ni.ri W, W vim Tayli.r at Omlr Ud .111.J, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND - CQMfcliSSSON MERCHANTS, No. HI Kxchange and No. 15 East Martin Streets, WF. CAUliY A LAlUiF. STOCK which we oii'er to the trade ut very low juices. ft-Wl-KlVLSI'lTI M. YH I NTION IntUa Ml o (M'rt), ' MHko siil.w nt liU'l,....! j.ri.'i-s nn re: uriin ki onre. l'r...tl.-e s- I.! ..II .-.IMIHs.-lMli III Hlllltll rllMI li.'H. j l.ll.i'iiil h.Iv.ii nin l 11, ,u sii,(i with ua. I Airenis i,- l'ii.n.i.-. , .i.uin,. ; Aii- Ills t'. ,e..!ti--ke SH.. 1 I'liuhpliHU.. j A:, ills ,r I'ish lliiuk Oiiii,,. A, IliH II.h r. -If I Olii'.t si. .11. Willi CuiKin rii.w, lli- kill): ..I II,.- .'. II. .11 il.-la. J.'iimiuy 1", li-M. nut:! i iiti::! l.o IVthlcitt. and hsdbs m mmm IN TDK I C. HOME IHSDEANCE CO. This company has been in sucoos fnl o(M'i'ation for six teen years. It is SAFE, SOLVENT and PROMPT n t1(. puvnu nt of its losses. 1 ! 111 AH kinds of Huildines insured at rciisoiiuble rates. Ho warned bv the losses of vour I neighb(a-s and insure iu tieni. XI. A. LONDON, I Agent. Iwiet. 4, 18M, Re HI