W--lA.l4,l'M'. l)c igfyatljam Hccoi'b. II. A. J ,OiM)(, FDH'ol. AND Pliol'lMl.ToK. hati;s ADVERTISING TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, hie j 1 1 : 1 1 .( Mir iii:ir Olle si.llnr i . fin- mi it ! in - I . I U II Ill-I ll inlls I'. I'lll IIH'lllll rl ok - '..Vi Our copy, in- year hie copy, six iimtiihs , n py, I lllee i in t lis ""i VOL. VII, .Ml, ITfTSItt)tt( C HATHAM CO., N. ('., -H'LY !, ISS5. NO. l-'i-r knurr .nlvi-ili-t i.n l- will In- made i nii'iil- lil" i ll '"' (3 0 G The ilnv with nil it --n il :.i d our i.ii'iT, Ami nilil. bwi'i I in;. lil. Imlh i ninr to u i-ti -o lium,-; 1 hi' ilny iBiiy m-b nil wmr nr.-s tunl Mnr, lllll, when till) win rl in-Ill t"-,rtlii-t dlniv, Ami nil tin-. I iiutli is i . 1 1 I in N;itiii"'s sllt'llll, - run rsrnpr llulil Til I'm titiliiiiiil.i'i'ril climd , I t, ill till1 i-l:l,'i nl sleep, II).- i-lllr i I ilny I 'lriji tin ii- s(nni); win-;- iiinNii ill l Ity n.vay. lillt till 11' III)' r-l-s wlllill lllilil;ll till' Iiuimi ol ni, hi 1 ! Ill llllll W"lk ill llll l.l ling : I 11 it , All I tlli-n- lllr lingrls uhii-li ti in I hltlr lest Till I'lii-i'i-il Ii H i l i.n tli.' Mlrnl l'irii-1 , Ami tin ii- mi' In nil- w IimIi IhmiI Willi : 1 1 mi--poke, I ill lll'lll lis 1H- till) till .1 MI'll ll llll llllll. I II. till III- III. III..- M'., III DllltllH llll-tt llcllllll lllllll, lli. ii nit ii -l Is In I iii i ii.IIi-s Niglit. Hit I.;". It. llulil l'i lite I'm i int. THE BUG MAN. nx I I. hi; i.. vv. r.i ii:i.ii. The proverbial si raw had lirokcn the iiictuphmir.il camel's back. Tin pati tif il' 'harl'itt'j llrautom-, usually e.pial In I In: exigencies ni thi' neeasiim, was exhausted. The twins, as a mat ter nf culirc, were III'' culprits. They, however, wild t In' complacency nutur al In I M iy .1 nf si ur thereabouts, with imliiirrent to the li"iinMt nl' despair which rag-d t r i i i r t their sister's iTi'iist. I hey lia I considerately n -t r.i 1 1 - -i fi'.im ailing deceit lit liicir Intuit, lull hit ciinlt'S'i'il, I'ully aii'l un reservedly, to rilling tin- canary's ne-t, .i tearing .( j h Im I. aii'l losing a lial ilnwu I In1 well, l'i i'aliiii llii' strawln'r i ii'-i i hat wcri-savi- l fur stipp'r, ati-t to -..! '-Iii'i- tlu'ir HM-t r.nlliliil lien willi a I -1 honk. Tin! I'lsli-hunk ri'p r-s-i it I--! Hi" straw : Oiarlntii' -. rani-i-l. !n luiil l liavi' li'ini" .mytliinn 1'i'itrr than ilnv. nriglil rm-liy ilrvi'lup fl :.i I'.irly ill HMD nf her own lil niil. S':i' ni", it was it iny. "An I ii hi. in was liui'.'," sai'l P-ipii-y. "A l'i-; in. in." uliiiit-'iTi'il Wnjisi'V, t!i" ntluT I win. "Ati'l h" a-Ui'il 11 s ,-ili.uil rviTU liin. iiu I W" sai'l inn iii'itlu r w.i.ii"t vi iy writ ami mil' -istiT was an M iii.mI m-'iuoI in.i'iiin," t'liai'li'tl" Mim-'l. W'hi'iii ha-l h" picKril up that I'vpri'ssinu f Anil h.nl it ciitiiitn i hat 'f "Yiiii urns! tint t ill; tn sti.in,'!' ini'ii ali nit uiuth'-r ur ni". W hat 'II I hi' w ant '!" "II" waul ril in so' ynii." "Mi'V" 'i-i"Ms nl I riiiiips, nf spy in I'Hi'u'lars, mi y thry ha I n 1 1 1 i 1 1 r In '1'iir.u'h'," as Pupiry ha. I siii'l uin ilay, rainr iut.i lu r uiiiiil, "ll'iw ilil Ik; I. ink?" "Il" was liriiiit 1 1 nl.' "lln was ilrral I'ul," siii'l tin- tu u in ilui't. l-'iirlhi-r iiii'sti'iiiiiiir rlii'tfil tln' farts: II" w as ymin In was nM; h" Was shml; lit il4 I. ill; hi' Wnl'i' spi'rt- aril's; h" w"i'i' ii iiniaarlii', a'i'l was a Ihil; inaa In tin- hist aii.l crnw uitii; fart th" l-iiys ;u,'ii'i'il. Prartii'i' hail iua!" Miss liiaiitniiii' ii t 'Ii-rai '! rlairviiyaiit. s.i far as ivailini? tluisf I ii small niiii'ls w in I'limaTiii'il. ho juiupi'il at Hi" ni irlusiiia tli.it smut' w.iiiii' i iiiu' naliiralist. rlia-aiii; an flil-iivr hilij lial rh ill' " I I hat wav, aii'l gave the subject no more altent ion. j The boys began a dumb show behind She had oilier things to think uf than : the stranger's back to indicate to their "bug men ' or any men, and Hie prnb- ' stster that they were peri -hi ng nf buu lein of how to pro id" anew hat for ger; so she let t be convi-rs.it ion lag in Wopsey and how to instil remorse into order to end the call, the hearts of her charges drove other "Come to morrow and see the papers thoughts away. if ymi bk", ' she said, 'dt will be Sat sitting down mi the low d steiinl' uidav.and I shall he at Innue loanswer i .. the house that had been Innue to her ( iples! ions. for six and twenty jears, she tried to j lie thanked her and withdrew, reason it out. The sun was yet high. ! jumping over the rail tenc which the day s were at their longest. Iii hind .' skirted t he field of rye, in order to get lu r llo'.vril the tireless river; in front nl her across the prairie, the hill.) were green. In the field of rye ever the way gleamed a white wooden cross. cr grandfather, ia whose veins llowed some of the blue blood of I' ranee, had bought a home in this western coun try when Hie remnant nl' an Indian tribe had st ill property to sell. The deed of .sale provide I for the preset va i; .n of their little tiurying-gronnd. t in1 grain grew thick around, but the tiny village of the dead was never dis turbed by spade or plough. Oi l Pierre, however, had never pros pored. Neither did Pierre the young er; and one night, when riding home, Ins horse shied in the moonlight and threw him with his head against a .stone; he lelt no legacy but the limue siead and a debt to his wife and chil dren. There was a gap of twenty years bet ween Charlotte and the twin I, abies, and she really ha I a third in fant on her hands, for her mother was nothing more useful than that after Imt husband's death. She was not treble minded exactly, but painfully gentle - strange and unaccountable. Charlotte shouldered her burdens with a brave heart. Her French ac cent for ! rand fa' her lirantome's blood had never filtered through Cana da brought her employment in u school town near by. The long walki ba k and forth kept the roses blooming ill her cheeks, the boys Were good -soiiietiiues and she, being busy, was happy. It rei'iiire leisure to be suc cessfully miserable. Tim luiryin-friMiiii tyjiiliril to hrr Hid "ilaily iiiartrrilom nf private life." And now, looking at it, her In-art ;rt'w lijrht. The iii'w hat wouM i'ist hut a Iritlc. Surely tliero weru limn straw- berries ripu in the 'inlen, the ranary wmihl lay morn ejrus, the jacket cmihl be iiienih'ii, an.l iihl Spi'rUlo hail prov- C'l i-iiperior to the fish hunk, I tut what could the boys be screaming about 'f "The bun man! the bun man!" ""'' were shouting, trntliinr toward her with all Iheir iinu'ht nil their san-lv little feet. It was certainly strange. Why shniild a si ranger (-ill iwire? That he should come unci! w as not sur prising but twice? "We showed him your photograph, " . cruel, said Popsey, "and he said ymi didn't "She runnel up the railroad track." look like an old maid a bit:" No more words were m-flnl. I!;n I- "And he said." went on the nthrr nf the ardeii was the branch railway terrible infant viihuiil a pause, "wasn't from I. a Pa. The evening I tain w n we proud to have such a sister, he nearly due. Leaving the twin to to I wished he had. and then he had such a die after as well as they co ild in their lot of huj.,s he puts lliein to sleep with exhausted stale, she ran. Pan? she medicini) and sticks pins through 'em, llmv. Tho bright invalid shawl was a ami he has a gold wal"h and be l t tl i wind il up, and we told hint I no" again sum" inure and ieT" h" is?" Charlotte was spcedi'is-;, but in some way she found herself rising to her Cod to greet a gentleman who was Irking off his hat to her and bowing with a grace which even )! ram I father lir.intoni" would have approved, "Miss llrautoine, I brlieve." he ar.uiesrcd in silence. "i am gathering material for an historical work, and was directed to you for iiifmiiia' imi concerning the autiipiitiei of (his region. And I might as well ..ay now that I have ref erences and all that soil nf thing." "Thciiyouaren.il " Mm-stupped; he .smiled. "No, I am not. exactly a bug man,, as the" little frllo ws have railed me, although I must plead guilty to a, slight leaning in tha1 ilim tiou. YeM just now I would jo fully part with,- the biggest bugs of my collection if ml exchange I inighl examine your grand-, father's papers." j lie was so gracrfully genialthiil mie could no mori) be absurlly dignilied f with him thiiu w :th the g .l.ieu robin , singing mi tne inuiau i ross. "Will von walk in?" ! instead if yoiii) 1 will sit ml he W ill p Tiuil lie- to do so." Si Popsey and Wopsey dragged a' chair and then stood motionless and WulldiT-cyeil listening to the talk nf discovery and adventure. They did imi understand it very wed until t !-.-cotivrrs.it ion turned to Indian lore. Indians and bears they r mid coinpie hriil. Then the mil her. attracted by a. strange voice drew near theibmr in her iii'daiirholy, wavering way. "The postinad it's w ife thought that l.a all" was an Indian chief," Char lotte was saying, "and she ha-l beard nf I'alher Mar pielte, but supposed i him the priest down at I. a Pa." "I in t a wmiiiia the ulher day who thought a herb iriuui was a bug," re marked Mr. I'ancaii. Tle-u llu-v I, High lint, everything cmni'S to eml. ! a nearer view nl tho cross, on which not one, but a doen, golden robins were holding a vesper conclave And the tea kettle was soon singing in the lirantonii! kitchen a sung as gav as that of the robins, and t harlot te was not h. r careful self as she pirkrd (he strawberries for tea. "Half nf 'em green," said the dis gusted Wopsey. "'Spec), she's think ing of the bug man," , It certainly was astonishing how much consultation the lirantome man- i uscripts neo.le I. And. too. Mr. Pun ! can required ho much assistance. It . was 'Miss liranlmue, will you kindly ' read this list while I copy it f" or, "Miss Charlotte, really I can't make j out whether this is an c or an i," all the while. (1 rand fat her lirantome would have begun to iippiire as to marriage sett lemi'tits and Scotch pedi grees had he been alive to see those chestnut locks, innocent of bangs, and i that dark mustache in such dangerous I proximity. It was the old story- two young heads bending over tlei same page. No word of love had passed. . All was on a strictly business basis tho history of the missions of tho : Northwest the objective aim. 5ut at last there was no excuse tor lingering any longer. I lie hills across the prairie were red and gold, the roli ins had lied, and the grain around the little burying ground bad been cut and stowed away. Charlolle was w alking iKui.ea.s usu- , at. Par away in Uin ru.i'l two nii)viiij ' j ilols appuartvl, which ilnvt'Inpo'l into : thu tw ins as thry rami' nrjircr. 'IVars wi-ro ruttiiij luiny furrows ilnwn tlu-ir , nut very clran ehei-Us. Hysli'iiral suhs ' aluiu.' eani" frmn tlu-ir mouths as they ! tricil to Hjieak, but dually tho sistrrly , intuition eliuiinateil llieso wm-ils from j . the chaos: I ".Mother has runneil away! She said J she wmild if we didn't stop p iau lin. i , and we didn't, and she has runneil'" I That poor mother! She had mado the same threat a liimilrnl times be tuii', but had been pacified. I 'Which wiy? Tell me ipiirl.ly," thinking of thu i i it, so lireluss ami st beacon. Mrs. p.iiiut tat. upon the' fur a l"ng time id lliK Park Comer. track, idly playing with some yellow London, llowrr.i. Charlotte I hrr patient . Jss thissl.tii" w a, taken down to be plartid elsrwltere. Th" head was "Mother." she said, "it is late and ' fust taken down, ami what do you the buys are calling, and you inn -t Iced 1 think they found inside the I Hike's the chickens." k,;d hat, and resting mi hislu-al? 'I'l ml her shook her head. Per Surrly, you would novrr guess ii wasa suasion was no persuader. Then Char- 1 starling's nest ! but il was ap.-ii.-cl lolte -col, led. Alike n-el, 'ss. Then, as Julio ne.st of twigs. Mother starling a last resort, she used a gentle force, j hu, emiif in ami out through an open A failure. Sit. there and pull those j ing under tho great imn plumes of i he ellow ilowers to pieces that th" poor hat. unbalanced one wuiiid do nothing The next thing to come dow n wa. ilse. In 1 1 raven's name what to (. y f i. ),u,, 'pin, w.-jt,.-1 be iloiie? Those who have had expert- : sjx tolls, and had been fast "tie. I to th" i nce know the strength nl the insane. ' jr,,ii ,,,rse with screws. In the big The train whistlnl for the rrus-ing a mile aw ay, ami jusi thru ( some gu.iid iau angel gui'l' d him ) .l.uu- s Imnciu jumped the feili ', il w et. handkerchief in his baud. lili'sdngs upon thu medicine whirh subdued the bugs! U subdued this ( r wuiiian in a moment, and he had lifted her mil nf danger before the t.,n r,s ,,:,si. Then he cvplaiit-l. He had b.-cn copying the iusenplion ,,u t he Indian's tmnlistone as th boys W(.t screaming by. lie gathered . Irmn their ineuheieni wor l-i wluil tin : matter was. The chloroform idea was simply an inspiration. I "How can I repay ymi?" asked wet- eyed Charlotte, as the parly. bns. mother and all, were walking back. "I'.y making over tome Pierre I'.r.iu toni"'s manuscripts - and his graii-l-i daughter. I can never write the bis tory without her." "Wi ll." softly, "in the cause of sci . i lice perhaps." And this is how it eaine to pass that the boys iiiiirche 1 up th-t church aisle before the robins cam-' again, witli ( harlott". and the bu.' man. A 4'i'cat Organ. The organ made by the lloosevells fortlieciillie lral buiithytho widow of A. T. Stewart at tiarden City, L. I., is the most, extensive inst niment of the j kind in the world. It has 1 l'i slops, and 7,L'o- pipes, ami cost jlun.iiiiii. Most nf it, i s set in an orlagniial chain- b.T made by t he angle, u here the t ran j sr t and chancel walls join, fifteen ! feet in diameter, and extending frmn i the basement llour upward to a (lis-1 tanee of forty feet. A remarkable i tribute the sou ml in four diliereiit II, I, 111 I IS IIS 1 IFI1SI I III llllll as. I 11 ins- j parts of the eat lied ral at once, all re j inaiuiug under control of the player at j the main organ. The lour divisions j are classified a follows; Chancel, fifty-four stops ; tower, thirty -eight j stops ; chapel, fifteen stops ; echo. siops. steam power is employed in inilal.j i"g he bellows. There aredmibhi en j g'tu'H of ten horse power beneath the ; '"'""'''l division to supply it with c pressed air. and the speed is governed as far as possible, by the rise and fall nl tho bellows. In the room beneath the vestibule, directly under the tower I division, is a single engine nf ten horse I power. Thu greatest novelty is the electric chime action, by which thir- teen bells in the organ tower are , played from the solo manual. The j hells are rung with the same force and precision a though struck in Usual , manner, and may be rung in counec- I tion with the music that is played mi ! the organ. The organ cases, made in ' l lulaili ipltiii, are magniiiceut spen nsof carving in decorated i-:iit;!isli i (inline, profusely enriched. - Ii-tvH ' Ti ll Mxrl ilt. A Timely Keply. "How are clocks today?" asked a lindens ho steppe l into a Superior street jewelry store and smiled on tin clerk. Tin; clerk almost fa'nted under tlu dude's sickening grin, but had tin p,rsenceof mind to say : "Oh! they're all on a strike" As would be said in st novel, llei bert il" ( uinsy (the dude niiitter. il il curse between his yine stuffed molar and disappeared athwart the glimmer inyloom. wUmluHil I'luiu Vtuhr. r c ii i i.iic i;r t'oi.m.N. ,i in vt imi. 'I -nv yi.n lli" k't liili A in) Mow iln- I'O-l- h' ii ii"- ; An-I nil tll'iilli'l I ln-.lt i "'i (' .i-, J.tkr la. In-" kiiu m i" 11." ui"-" 1 1 wili'l, i.." in; nil I n l"'i :, 0 vvi'i'l ''nil ili; i'i l"'i I tl i-iiii "I not I) il .I '.Vi li lil tliin ' 1- -I li t, liui nlii ivs ymi vi'tn -'1! "n li.-l. I Ml lll ..i-ll I Ili'lll. I V .1 nil, I isiiiM mil m i 3 "ii -I'll tit i .1 I wilil. n-lilmvjti;: :i!l i.i l"ii. 1 I will I, Hint -inM I-" i i n - "'l :! '1 (1 "ll tllllt tltll HO -t i :ill I I I. 1 1 1 'Inn re, mo Jim j.'iin ; i i.;. I ' Aii'miii ii I" i : nl Ii. I I -i I it"-, l'i ih II .sllnliiM ,-litl I III ,11 Hi'-' Il u oi I, iiM.iMi'i,' nil I .1 I'.n... J Hin t, llinl hiii i I'.ii I n - -i. :"' 'i ln- Intln- tl lllimlnii Mnfiir. Wellington wiiia f:i 1 1 1. hi s im.-iii, and there have been many port rails nf him painted and in any slat u I him in.nl.-. One statue of linn ni: hnrs.'ba -k stoo.l elbow of the h it inn wa bum I an other .starling's nest, with a I luuiy uf lull llrdgc.l bird, in it. T.iey ih-w away that very night. In tin-right arm was a sparrow's it - with mi" tiny bird ami several r j . y.. i -e these birds hill mint : ' uai-,e ii very good bird hoil sr oil, ill ih.t ir.n Duke. I Isk linn t ii ml y. It would serm ci v i t rang. and t perhaps not very pleasant, t i young readers to hear a t allow eoidl'-m- He j shin bone of a rein leer eiliel randy. And yet these things may really be j considered as INki randy, beeaiis' 1 they would delight the children of tlm cold in precisely the s ini" w,iy that a ; box of b ill lions Woul I i"li:,':il ymi. j There is a certain kind of water ! fowl in Arctic countries known as thu j il'ivrkie. It is about the si, nf a ; duck, is ipiite black, has a proiniii 'iit j white stripo mi its wings, and its w ebbed feet are of a brilliant red. i When sitting in rows on tim edge nl' I greenish rocks, these iiHle red fret hire very c mspicu "is. uur'. iui-'s, j when the men have killed a numb' r 1 of dovekies, the Ivskim i women cut. nil' the bright red feet, draw out the bones, and, blowing into the skins, I dislrnd tin-in as l h as possible so i as to form punches. When these ! pouches arc t 'loroiighlv dried th 'y arc tilled with reindeer tallou, and the : bright, red packages, which I assure i ou look much nicer than they tas'c , urn little I'mri'as's can ly. In very cold i weather the l-Skium children eat great ipiiiutities of fiit au-l blubber; and thin fatty fund, which seems lo us so I ""'"v'' helps t o keep them warm mid well. The nnlv other kind of candy that the pskimo children haw, is th" mar row from the long leg or shin bone nf the slaughtcrc I reindeer, of this, also, i hey are very fond. Whenever a reindeer is killed and the meat has been stripped from the botirs nf the legs, these bones are placed nr. the tlm a-of the ..in and cracked with a hatchet until the marrow is exposed. The hones arc then forced apart with the hau ls, and the marrow is dug out nf the ends with a lung, sharp, and narrow spoon mad" from a walrus's tusk. I have eaten this reindeer mar row froen and rooked; and alter mio becomes accustomed to eating froen meat raw, it is really an accept able t id-bit ; w bile iked and nicely served, it would be a delicacy anywhere. -Hut. .S.i '."(',. (, st. A'.r.o.v. Wiisliiiiglim's Argument. Speaking of two legislative beilie as against one, then' is no better illus- trillion thaii tlu stnr.v that is told by KriMl - 'ni'!l publicist. Laboulaye, nf Y ashingti'ii and .leltrrson. defter- son was taking tea with the father nf his country, and, having recently re turned from France, was talk ing nf the legislative chamber. Wash ington listened with interest to tha end, and then said: "You have just shown the superior advantage of thct wo-chainber system of legislat ion." "How is that ?' asked Jefferson. "Why, you have poured your tea (lit nf yonr cup into your saucer to cool." It is said that the argument was considered a powerful one with JefTer aou. tV' nluiul I'luiiaUalcr. m turn mi wniiMWffi r'UK I I M'S IN CiAUI'.AC.i;. M'.noy M.-el.- in Hnkiii'i ) vi-r n (iti'.ti (:itv' i l.'ci'ii". An Army nf f-caviigers Who Work at New York's Dniiiiiii;c (iroiiinls, Huge wire baskets with hoisting near ol iron chains have bn-n rigged it ail of the fourteen dumps nil Hie North and l ast 1,'ivcr.s, and Italians lna be sri it i-veiy day snaking rags in the bu ki ts. The idea ol th" imi-pie niiii hine w as borrow ed I'min thu il"L pound. The rig is lixnl llpnll the end it th" pier, Wh' ii the basket is full ;-i i . let down into the w at it, and the tide is left to do th" wa.liiu,'. Ilvry pound nf dirt waslie I out nf the r.i;: represents a loss nf a cent and a 'piar Ii r, the average pricnf rags at whole sale and many a dollar is hoprb-sly sunk in the river in that way. The Hoard uf Health and Major llnll.ird. chief of the sanitary p lice, who got Up the vmi .hillg business, arc held Ii' sponsible f..r this mil i age. 'i he ash barrel s nl the city, before their contents are Imally dumpe-l iato Hi" sen, are mad" to vidd .pule ?'" ' ' a yn,r to nearly m Italians who haii Ih'th" refuse at I he dumps. Ibis is "rlu-ive nf th" rag pirkimr in Hi" s' I'rets ,v hirh st ill g.i"S nil ill spile uf po ii o prohibit inn. Th" rity g'-ls its shun- nfthe pr ait. The work of trim ming the -ciius, ur, in nthrr Words, of pack in:: t he dirt e. i-nly brim e 1 hey are si-nt out to sea, is sold by the rity to one Tom 1,'ou.h fur ?lJo a week, poach hires the privilege uf sorting over 'he refuse as the cart s d limp t heir i loads and of picking nut vv hat is worth having, lie is, however, merely the mi . Unman, an I .lose i n anlli, an Italian, is the real cotit r.u-ior. lb p. ivs to 1,'o.ieh, ur his e.piivali-nl, a bo. niisuf jjia week fur his contract, and hires a sutlieiriit nuiuber of his coun trymen at from ?s'i to $7 a week to do the work. At present his s ail em braces ;i I iiu-n, whose duty it is tosoit over and trim daily a scow load of refuse al each dump, exclusiv e uf the waste paper gatherers, who form a sort uf skiniiislunr hue at the dumps, help ing a hi t .e, ami receiving a pit t am r of l nr sjl.'i'i a week from the sub coa l factor, and all the waste paper tlu-y can find. The aggregate amount "f money paid to this army of si-avengers in the course of the year by their boss is bet ween tfdn.iiii-i ami j lo.n.n. .-s,,iiie uf t lit-in live under the dumps, others ill cheap tenement , all in .squalor and misery. Hags and hones arc tii" piim-ipai sources nf revenue nf the ash heaps. , niiie rags are much inure valuable Hi. Ill ut hers, but, taken as a whole, ' they bring a cent and a .piulir a pnuiiil, Kniies, that stand next upon tic li-t and are scrupulously saved by the del vers, bring 'In cents a barrel as ma tei i.tl for bone black, knife handles and buttons. They are exported in ilo,(. wagons, principally to ('row lliil, acr.is.sthe river, where the rharm.il tact. . lit -i are. Whole bottles arc ipioti'd at 7'i rents ami broken clear glass at a ipiaricr a barrel. I 'niil ic ceiilly tin cans were an important source nf tevetnle. at the rate of sixm s.-v en dollars a lag load, the supply be ing unlimited. Hut now they are a drug in the market, an I are left to He stale beer Workers. Tiny have had tlu-ir day. The cast sider, a present, resident nl I'ii A av i uile vv ho i.f-i s.ivv vision, uf We ill h in the 1 1 a and snider nf empty prc-crve cans rcalicd his dreuii. Ib has retired with a - nug loinm". Th" VV a.stc paper. t"i, is ihspl.s" I by the trimmers, and is lull ! i the skirmish ers, who s,.l il lor what they can .jet At moving tune and when people prepare to go tn the cn-iuliy or are coining back, lots nl ihinis gointo the ash barrel that have no value to the owner, but help to make dale I n ,k for the boss i rimiiier. l 'I I I ! s, pass able hoop skuts, and a tl sand od Is and ends, all of use, turn up at the dumps then w ith heaps uf ras. Some times Inst valuables t urn up. ur silver spoons throw u into the ash barrel w it ti the kitchen refuse by rarrlr-s servants. Once a live baby was dumped , n a cart, the heartless mother having thrown it in a barrel and cuveicl il with refuse; but it found its breath' before the dump was reached and frightened the driver with Us uncx-; 1cti'il huwls. j ' How much Cieariila makes by his ! iirgain he does lint tell. When the iiiestinn is put he shrugs his shoulder aiu-l complains ni hard times, lie lives in much better stvle than the mass of a good class Cayai'd street ten nt. i Finle .l.iniesy" When his scows are trimmed othei ' Fncle Jaines Vi-s, I like it very gangs nf liaiians, whom he lures for , much." the city, go mil to sea m 1 lu lu ;i!id i F11 -st on girl ' l suppose it is nice -lump their content. Capitahsts have ' 'nmigli in the glad summer time, but tnaile irop"s:tio-i s now and then tn do ' to gn out in the cold and simvv to the city's street i-leuiin.', take the j. at Ii'i w inter apples and harvest vvin r. liise out :n the buy, lui l i an ist.,nd ' ter whea:. I imag.iie mioht b" any ol it, and store and utili,e il all there, ' .,ing but. ideasaul. A-.u.-"i'w- l ntit. mmwtmm,ijmnimmna inkmmvtmmttKimKMimK.m-'rpTl'!,fm ' !"" 'onditiull that .he city I shall g:e lln-m along inutrarl an I j ;ty li.imU-.inrly lor ha ing th" job j taken nil its hand i, as it dor.s in Hie iniill. r u reiimv iug "II. il and 1 . i I an ; imal.s from th" street. Th" pmpo -i tiolis hit e ii" i ill fmin. A " r been III t le in pr.l' ti- , r Y'-ll. S'(. 'ilii' Princes-, nf t'nhiiiiia. The :,t..ry of tin- life nf llva Pry.int. M.ickiiy, who in ceiilly bi-ciiui". by mar i iagc with a tit 1-1 Italian, the Prin ce .s 1. 1 i iilmitia, bring, tn light is.imi) M range things, sa;, s ,i pmilanl (Ore gon i letter to the New ' ik Sun. I have foil li I one uf t ho.sr i ii.ir.l'tel isl ie ' I'.'ers who, ui the ilav s nf Miss Mac, kay's poverty, mine I lit Merr.i rouiiiy, California, lb- is Tom .b.rdan, ni I the gold po Kit hunl'is vv Iiml Mark Twain so graphically describe. s.ai.l he in a recent int.-i -v evv . 1 "Mls.s lliiiiu'cib'i'l. M'-. Ma-kav's iiiother, wh'-n I lirstl.iiew Iut in I ""''. was a veiy pretty b'He L-iil of "lily 1 years, who l.vnl a' I hm ilyrar's Par with In r wid i'vi d lath. r. M a,"'- llun perlord. lie y, as a Louisiana riiol", and spoke French arid "-p.iin -li ibe nt ly, ;is did ill-, the child. Miss Hun gel-turd i.'revv pn-Hier as she became older, and ai length Inc. inn- the ac I- now ledged belle of the milling tow u. Oilers ot III III i li.".! 1 1 oltl weallhy lilill ( is, storekeeper1, I inyers and men of ntleT ru!llti!.'S wiT" I'd 'l-"d, until one day Iln-girl lu.-l I 'r. Cry-ant, a da -lung y.iuuc niaii of I ruin ihc neighbor ing i-.t 1 1 1 j of I ovvnie-.v ill". It was a i-ase uf mill iial .ie at iir t sight. In less than a year tlu-y wire married. A vear later th" I Met or died from P lis.iiiiug.contrai-t'-d while mak ing an aui"p-y in the ,im' uf a young Woman said to have been poisoned. "Meantime F.va Cry nil was b un Mr. Cryaut, who had lullovvi'i th" Western w ay of living, h it bis young w ile and child in very st i inuriit rir rinnstaures, and a purse i f .s7" was subsi-r.b.'d for them, and Mrs. Cryaut lookup her residiiice in iiijiiii.i i ity, tin n in tin- heyday nf its pto.pi-rily. There she met John W. Maekay, who became the wealthiest ,. all lie- bo- ii, iii. a kings. "It's ran '..-, isn't it, thai little Mi-s II iiiigei ford, w ho used to tr. I about barefooted among the rough miners of lioiiilyeai's Car, is imw the lead.ng and vvrallliie-t American lady in Paris.aii'l the fatherless and destitute baby, Kva, is the I'liii' i ss uf l ol'inn i - An I I, a i olili'inporary, who s;uv it all. and be held a thousand others go up on the wings of w ealt h, am a ou-vd miner, ekmgoiit my livelihood in the sage 1 rush di scris oi I utaiilla couniv." liit-'i len ami ( nil ti-s, It may iitteresl .-.mil t ikiecv what a few Tl' Il liu'll have d.eie ,e- Hi" cans' of elueitioii .lobiis Hopkins nave fo.l I'. n in to Hi" vi-isily which he found, I. His f u bi ne v i den t pitrpo n-s ai noun' el I" ssiii i, .ludge Packer gave ? !." "' to Lehigh iiinv i r-ily. i iniidiii- an deibill gave sl.it I",' i i i to Ihe a'l-ler ; bill university. I' pheu liir.tr I gave ,ss oi ii mi ii I to ( lii'ard i i!h"'e .1 , di 1 1 C. I i I'rru and his re-idlliry leg it -"s ;; I v e s :, ii, to Prineet"!i coiieg" I' r.i Cmti, 11 gave sl.n i '.no i io r.ii nell imi vi r-t : y . Isuie lli.-h b uciih"l tii" greater p iri of It's date, which was iipprais d it .sl.7"1. , t-i I'. ".'."I nniviisiiy. I in ac ii :il ol the eat lire and shrink '.:" iii v.ilii", all I "Ho I i 111 fort nil it- i ir. iinisi. litres. Ihc mil ver-ity will t.-tii l- than 5. ; i. t fro, 11 this m igai;i'-"iit b- a-'-' ui.isii Mi.tie giiV " .no i,o 1. 1 lo A'h 1 "'I ' i'"l lege by direct -.'Hi and by b - i",i W. W Cnr.-oran '.rave sle1. l.'i :'l'li.i biall university 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 -y an I land. Ceil lainin Hussy i,',t v e ic 1 1 ,i,t a' e worth i-,iM,'iiin 1,1 ILiivaf'l iinivi'i'-ity. M.nni'-I Willistnii. Win .1, W.ilk.-r. iin 1 s miin-l A. II :lcli- " gav .- b-- I wren oo. and .sj ' '.no 1 , i.-l, to Ainhci'st college hil'it -r P.." nix 1; av e the bulk of hi- pr.ip.Tt y. a or "Hit lli-r to ah ml is.'.l 1,110 1, I I ,i!ii:i;I i.l coil- ire .1. I,. Trevor g ive si ,.'." 1 1 10 In-' he-ti-r Theo,.gii ai seiuinaiy Mat thew as iir gave s-i i.n 1 1 to as.ar culleL'e liai-dii.-i- ! ..;.. y g.i v e I 7".-- " to Colby university, an I si. 1,0 11 to New I -n flu- ilogj.-1! s.-mni'v. I. C. Colga'e gav e sr !" ."" ' io Madis .n uui vrrsity. (.eoige I. "sen y g t v e ! , nun to WcIeVilll university. I'll" Cfiecr family gave -j '.' ' ' ' to Crozer Thi'ological si'ininary. P would be easy to add to this list. Then- are bun ilri'ds ol 1 1 -1 1 an 1 women whose splen did gills entitle them lo b- h.1.1 in j everlasting remembrance. I The I nert el I llllurc. 11 n girl (to Fuel," .lames, a far- 1 farm, liiie-t II mill. 'l i e i'i'"l !.- 'in I- 1 .1:1. ; lilll Ami ! lie :i: in "I 11." -'. '!:l- 't. IIIO llll lie- st;il, N ',.1 1 i,-i ,.. il," :. ii . .:' i l .-. n. II- a I . I I--. -In I m i I- I rl , ii -.. ,i ui llinl. -I' - o I hil I 1. 1" I- o. I vni" ie. ! lull. Ill il-'h :,'. I I I I'"' In-IM. I to :. I. C. I, ol liilllll.- I : ;.V Mi It. .. I .1., Ci- i i..l..nn!i In. I., ui :i Iii "I iilil-l", VV t.. ie !.. I . lie ,. iniill I'lll ' ,1 .1' . - llt .,'l.el I ' ... .1, I ..' I II. .-- nl -III I 'I :.. I., el ' ! , I I,', I.'L I le a 1. ..' Ile ., I, ..1, .-I I- In. . li lli MOliOl . k'-v - hey li'il-'. "! a ell' en Ni:' We nu "' t- part tin in te" siiid thu i.-lld headed inaa hish.ur bru-h. in. ml i s a y.iung lady w h ' angle au I vv h-i will be v,."i l! h" II. Il l I' s. I here is many a dy namiler v. ho i tl i.n I lo give his iii"tlii-r in law a io-, :" U'. "I low slci p I he br.iv i .'" llsk-s a p-ii t I'bi depend . I ngeiy upon the number it eat in the lii-ighborhoo I. oil,Cile his he'll lcci tiling on "I he t'.itiger uf Piiiiiig Can ly." Cut this ut and sh'"V it 1. 1 your . sweetheart. The uiratVe h.i m-vi r I ecu known o int. r a -iimd. 'I'h.s is what make, he gir life : . valuable. They ro:i;e ligh, but we must have them. Papri- plat" ,ii" i uiiin into fashion n Ihe Fa V. The only way the hired .'ill l'i 1 1 1 get e-,,U Is to bililll.e tile t ill- vare around and break st. .v r rov n . A tridiii.' ..ss : "Vi'-." he observed, I w;is in re than siir; ris I lost i.y hra-I." -Ah." she ret urned. with in a.'r.iv at inu' I '"!., "..ho tol I yoi;?" W hat brought ymi to prison, mv nl. i -l fri' ii I .-" s..id .1 pliil.iut hropie .i-;ior toa New Y-.ik pris..ii.-r. "1'wo oii-t lines, s.i'i." "'cs ; but I mean ui i in' einpi i am nnyt hing t - i do with t r" - r:, salt, iby w;is b..f ul 'nu Ii tink." Ill l.il-latll, vvhrre the nigh!- all lulu three to -i iiml, His long. Inaux ,:t"n kiss l!i. it- svvei tliearls "gi.o.l iliri.t" about six "c'ss b lore i!.. .r. a' .. Th. ir si.icl. i.i caramels, p- u mi and small talk bryonies rxh.u ii'i' v that lime. b'l'.llbll-: . IT) I Iii UK. 'lie has lead cvrrythilig." Is .1 I " nark irr iieiit!y ma '.e when .i sthnlni y man 1. un i,-r dis-ussmti. II, w 1: surd sin h n st at --ment 1-, w li appeal when th" : n t I-- tin iitio'ic Hi. n ... die I . ill u Ci s .ioli.,1 1 , 1 I ill v at v ;.'!i t here arc .-n 1 1 " ' v .-inn 1 It they w, ie place I side by side I rti-y would nil a shelf pity i.iiic l--ng It 1 man st.n ted t 1 rea l tin clb'. ten at the rate .. ..ne v olume aday. it v, uiihl lake him I,'.'' ' years to gel thmug),. And while the mall Would be at vv m k nil this v a 1 library 1 in- printers vvuM br t urn ing oat more than 1 ".. "i ' in-vv bo ks a year Fr.-in these f.iruie, it will be -cell that II l- idle to Hunk I leading every 1 h.ti-j, or even to read all the best I ks. Tie- grcate.t n-ad 1 is ani.'lig o ir . Ii tiiigui,!ir. meii hav i had their favorite books, w In- h !.e lead and ri-icad. 1 eii.nn books tn out language .11 1' r ilied classics. I hey an del-, .-I --ly b- and lull "I nh as at. a llbl .( I a' I 'll M-''i' i n w I II. Is .i 1. Ihesr old illllhol-s .41-1 gel illlnps ut sob 1 gold w hi. h they pto. tv t" beat out M'lythin. Why sltould we taki Ihe gold leaf ai t ale vv hen wi-c.iu ;o to the uiig'.lial mine- and net -olid lUlggets - I In old llov rls ill" the bi-s. I he o,d I ts have im! been epialli d. Too 1 nan x ol nor new bi.oks an- w 1 it ten ba .lily sell. I hey arc ol an n, lei lor .pial ty and cniiimt pi oit! us 111 aliv way. A 1u.n1. Ihrn-lurc, need tml be ashamed I" say that li- ha, imt rear the la.-i new book. When brt new books appear rvrry-iiav U is uupossibh to read thcin all. .I'un'" ('..,v'(''i . lnii u tant I n Srieiilisl-. ".Iii'-t I""1, at tins coin. It is nmif than a huiidred va .us old." retuai kn Mrs. N ergi-r to Kosciusko Murphy. " I'hat's iiothiig. I've g-'t one at home that's a grea' deal obu-r ttian that. It'- mure than two tlmusaie yen s old." "Look here When you lie, diTl't ymi lie So It will sound plobabl '. ' Don't ymi kimvv it is utterly impossi b'.e for a coin to be t wo thousane yeiii-s old '" iiliserved -Mrs. Vergtl, ! plea-iMttly. "V i.y is ll impossible?" Cccause this is only eigbteri; Int. !r- d and eiglity-liv e. In f.ftei n ia twenty years ironi imw ja 1 ay bavi a rui.i tvvi thousand years old. A ieuiil cuiiM rot have been made ln-fort J ihe beginning ol time." i'i.n-.v -S'.!- tij I