(Latham JPteconl TillKSPAY, AUGUST , 15. tetf Court iu Htuuett and Ora-ngn counties next week. jjy- We arc requested to announce tliut the lyceuni will meet tonight at Mr. Stephen Henley's. ST Our young townsman, Master . . r . i iiost master at Lilhngton, m Harnett county. - fciT During last monlli seven mar- riage licenses were issued in this county, of which six wcic to whites and one to blacks. . , WTeal new pining nave m ,i erected aroun.l tb. Jfctptml church - yard at this p:aee, wuicu greatly un prove itg Hppearanoc. 6idf- A few days ago llie w ife of Mr. Fletcher Manu, of this count . gave birth in twin daughters. If tins mat of thing contiuues the "llatwoods" wiil noon bo too populous. 8r At the last meeting of the ""county coiuuii.isioners aptliiion .wis granted lor laying out a public road in New Hope township lioiu James A. Thomas' lo Uuve's at ore, piovi.l; d the petitioners pay the costs tiu ieot. S"We art indeblcd to our esteem ed friend. .Mi. John It. Milium, lor a lot ol beautiful honey, it is sur inisini' that our fai meis do not do- Vote more atteiiiion to bee cultuie, when such dciioious homy can he made here. WJf" Hecei kid this week a lot of Mason's improved Fruit Jars at Lon don's, as Mini as other goods. Lon don is otl'ciiug splendid ba.gains iu silniliiii' goods. Summer i..oiiiliig ui, New Vo. k cost lor cash. Ludviu lias a few liuggies and Wagons on hand ivhhh Will be soul veiy low. fcci Sample H. Brown, (i.een.-ooio, is chi'iy nig a very compute line oi Dry Goods, Shoes, iia;s. Notions, i toad;, made CioUung, A.c, .'vc. and Will lake all the Dried Fruit m.d Jii iries oil'eied for trade. .Mcicnaiiis and othera wid tiitd u to then .chan tage to look at hia goods aud prices. e-i-r" A few of those cheap I Lai and Bonnets ior L.idn,s can be touud at London . A v'iy mil slock oi rwuw just received at London's -can lu any olio, lias a U: ol those cheap Bedsteads siitl on iiand ; a.s. a ;l of Makepeace l.lnvir.', u yoo.i supp.y of Durea.isand oliier iuiuiiiire. L ,n- dui teeps tne Sowing Macuiius. WTr.u Fi."- . L'f Sri'tiM. The unusual occurrence of water (lowing up Ht renin recently took j'hice iu tin county. About a miie and a ha. I' below Feari iugt.ou's mill on Xev, llupu rive, Ibi-ili crc. k emplie. into that, stream, and the cteel; recetiiiy became so filii with it sudden itu.l heavy fill! of rain thai, the water back od up in Xcw lb.jie iu sticii vo.-une and with so iiiuc'i force as almost to wash the luiii-dam ii)' si I cum. PmcsiniN.i Ei.nt'.t: --The many fi iend ot llev. K A. Wiilis. the p.e.Mf oi tho Methodist church at l!.i- pine : will be pleased to ileal thai lie ice been appointed presiding e'.di ; oi the Stateviih- district, to tiil the va cancy occasioned by the resign. nioii of Rev. L. L. Ilelidl'cii. it win ho,. his lirst ipiitrteriy confei en-' ai ilock Sjuing church on next Saturday, it is not yet. known who wi:! bo his Miiccessor ut this jiiaeo. His family will remain lu re lor tin; jnc-eiit. A Si hanoi. Di atii. We are inform ed by Mr. J. V. Scott, of Williams, township, that as he was coming here. on last Monday, he saw on the road-, hide a snake crawling toward-i a t ground sapiirrel, and when the snake got within two or three feet of the tiijtitrrcl he throw il rock at the snake, kiiliug it .instantly, and iiiitiiedialeiy the squirrel also fell over and died, and there was no sign of any wound on it. Xow tho question is, what. killed it ? MAusT..VTr.sAp.,NrK..-Theim.g- utratoH for this eounty oieete.l l.y the lust lee-ishil lire having fat ed to .iiuilifv within the lime ineseribi-d by law, thereby uiakitig their clivlioii void, tli (iovertior has re appointed Ih'Un for ft term of six years from the first Thui sdiiy in August. lSS.l The following is ft list of their names, vi. : W. W. Vestal, J. 11. West, .1. F. (Sil liland. J. R. Di van, A. J. Dynuni, J. F. Auslev, Oliver Claik, . I. X. tlreen, O. A. llaiitier, NV". T. Edwards. Joseph ltKcoui) with a twin Bijuasii. i - ; ........ . ....,,, J ', ' ,. new developments that we can pub- Bynum ,V, Header., supplier Sag" The fruit fair at Greensboro' Hsli this week about iho Finch mur-, for poor bouse, liext week will probably b attended W. The e a-om r's jury will meet C U. Scott, for 10 days ser by 'many ciiizeiis of Chatham. hue tomorrow for the purpose of vices and mileage, ... hearing and considering a'l the cvi-, V. 11. Halch, for 12 days scr- Di James T. Rogers, formerly donee that has been gathered since' rices and mileage, ' of thin county, has been appointed their last meeting. It is hoped they J. A. i'tigh. for 111 days tser- Kosser and A. J. Higgsbee. The Monday and Tuesday, and ; I elk of our tsuperior eourt reipiests the following ai'counis: these niagisl rates to eomtt lorward J. IV llta.iiiigton, for eotlin and qualify without deiay, or uoiify , and burial of Mary Ausley, him of their declining the appoint-- ti eounty pauper, m ait. jT- A. Au-iley, foi' repairing .... I Ducklioi lie bridge. A Faithful Nkoko. An old negro, W. T. Edwards and Dr. fi. V. named Mustupha Jackson, died near ! Cules, for at re,t and exain here a Jew days ago, who deserves i iniug Tiiomas b'agl.iud. a luore than u passing notice on account ! lunatic, of his honesty, faithfulness nad good : J- F. IJoon. for mending shoes beliavior. At every election since the ; for poor-house paupers, jmgroes were allowed to vole ho has W. X. Straughan. clerk of in uniformlyvotedthedeinoeiatiiMieket, ; ferior eomt, insolvent feen, and took as intieh pride in doing so Ja- ('lark, for corn for poor as any whito man. Freedom made house, lio fx)l of hiiu, but as a freeduuin ho i tb X Covert, for labor at poor wa as polite and respectful to every- house, body, and an devoted to his old mas- A. C. Monro, balance on Fear ter'a family, as he wkh when a slave. i iugton's bridge, Io his humble sphere in lifo "I nele O. S. Johnson, deputy slieritV, Mustie" faithfully did his duty, and as ollicer to grand jury, this is all that any man cau do. May J- D. Womble, lor work and Iks lest in peace ! , 1 luiubui' lor poor -house, DiSTKit T Ci'SiE!.i:st. Tu.' Hiiimul conlerrnee of the Dtii'luim district. wliich win heal hist week at Lra's cliiijXiJ. in Caswell coini'y. adjoin in 1 on Kiin. lay ufu-r a most 'pieiu-ant and hni iiionious session. The next ses- .... . . . . i sum wiii lie held at JSiown s chapel, in this county, at a tiiuo to be desig nated hereafter by the presiding elder. Tin' .'.e.'oii.l session of tin) district Sund.iv school conference was uiso lielit ai Wens ciiai.ei. aim whs unite a success. Mr. V. J'., Strowd, of this county, was re-elect- od president. t Tuv liv.'ii Ali'i'iiiri I lieej, nvn no : mav be able to render a verdict short )y. Two negroes, named John i'at- : tishall and Jthodv Baker, have been ,,,.. u-,l on suspicion of having been co.,.,,.d in the Gunter murder. It is M-i"ieved by many persons that the Ounicr and Finch murders a; . in ! some wav connected vv ilh each other, (,mt th)i ,,,,,.,; of , ;. , . , ... - . , deiectiouof Ihuso engaged in the: otlnr. ! Tin: Ijv.stm F.("roiiy. On last Fii day thecrcdiioi stif the Hyni'in Manu iaciiiiing Company held a im-ciiiig and ilecnled to have the lacloiy sold on i l;e Urd of next Xivi-mb.'r. one thtnl of the pmciiaso money to be paid cash, onc thiid iu o:i! ea.- and one-third iu I wo years. This factory is a vin v valuable one, and at its sale itgieat bargain can be made, as may not briii'' uciie than one haif u s value on account of the depression in tin-pi ice of f-ietory good-.. Tut factory is situated on llu.v liwr. live miles liim I'itlsboto' and twelvo miics lio:n ( 'Ik. J'cl lliii, :u.d Iki-i an J1,11' ill e siiiiii.v ot wilier power. the machinery is a:l ot (he most im proved mak" and i: iu li:st class condition, and consists of about iitit);) sptndies and fa I looms. L:sr ui' Ji'aoas. At ' in.' !u -t m" t i'ig tf tin- county commissioners tin i'oiii.ving we.e ilrawi .:s jurois for t!h lii'-t w i i: of din next term of on; superior court : 1!. .). Vat- s. Ii a'M n: ton, Illbeit I iei udoii. Danii i Tiiiman. M. J. i'io i 1. .1. F. Wi!:.;i:,i ,. Job .M. !!;av, W. 11. White. W. S iMIv. W. il. i'ariish. S.eplicu D. White. X. O. ( un, I', Iv Johnson. V. A. Ciarida. I. II. Co. . .1. D. Va:es. (laver Limb. I). F. Andicws. Cnlvin Ve-tal, W. M. KHington. Joiiu 1?. Th'.nias. A. W. Jenkins. Joniah Glover. II. C. Fes- mii e, 'm. Ih-n'i y. W Tliomas liiili.-isoii. J. D. I'liiiii, S. Campbell, O (. I'ysor. Aivis iiiinis. J. E I'm kin. M.iiii.ias Si er. .Ir., 1. li. Duiiis. Chailes Williams. ,1. It. Marks. J. W. i aider. I'iie following v.ele drawn for the second week: (ri-ine Ehuoie. A J. c,u t,.,., ,j. jt. ,Il.!1!,ei., J. F. Sanders, i . (. .f,,lmson. Wnlniiu K.kim, T. , I;, (in eii. It. A. MurchUon. E. V. , Atwaie,. V. F. Uviin. ,J. Ai.-E.iing- ton, C. X. Just ice. .). li. t 'ob.e. S. C Forrester. ,J. p. ta.ok. It. C M. iiviiiim. C. A. Uoiui. Siier, T. Ti:i:Si'o. k Law. At the meeting oi the county coniniisM. tilers h.-. l last -Momlay jie'itious were preset, tvd for and against me i slal;,if'hiueui ol the .-ineii law iu a j,.nti.n of t ape Fear lown-iiij', iu ! hi ; eouuiv. '1'lieie wen' quite a i. umber of Mie cilieiis ol tli.lt : eei on iHf-el.t I quite an aiiimaletl di cu.,sioii took p. :i,:pe'ii,i' lothe ti -it i.--.i.-t i, ll -t' . I li. c ooimissi He is thai il majority ol tiie o!eis wiiliia the district had' signed the petition lor the stock hiiv, they decided togl,.nt tin- Jieiiiioil. The ilistticl or icriit'ity. w.ti.in v.'uieli the stock law is to he established, is thus d vi iiied : Commencing at the raiitoad on Haw river and itumiiig on llie soiuii side of said load until it strikes Ine New Ilojie and Ciijin Fear lowti.shiji ii'ie, tile. ice with said line to iho Wake county lino, thence with Wake line io the Chatham and Harnett county line, ; hence with said iiue to the Cupe Fear river, thence iiji said river and Haw river lo tho .-tailing point." This is the find imdancu of the enforce uic id of the act of the last. Legis'atiit-e, that was written by the editor of the H,-;. -..un and i.itroduf. .1 int. i the Legislature by Senator Scott, jiroviditig for llie es tubiisiimen! of ihe stock law ill liny uni t of Ciuilhaiu inioii tiie netition of h , a uiatoi it v ot the voters, instead of ; """".oig l ; eosls of holding an '.'":"t.1'";; ' "" "'" V'M inn in ine iiLi'uiii in uie nine oi us l,ils and is dotibiiess lauiiiiar to . . .... .... our li'iuii'.K. It is cliiipU'r lil-i ot tlio : : -Laws of lunr,." Welu ar thai the citizens of soin.' other portions e-i the eounty intend to get up petitions ; under the provisions of tins lnvv. CniiiinissioiH'iV .ieetlilg. The eounty eomiuissioiiei s held their regular monthly nu t iing on last ti.OO i.liU J- G. Ilcueher, insolvent fees in eime of J. 0. Hammock, V. II. Hatch, for eompuiiug taxes, IL A. London, for publishing notices. ir . t t i - . . 1 . i u. ... .aci;soii, as pnvsi- eiau (o poor- house, V. L. Loudon, for supplier for poor-house. !. J l'o.vell. as Justice of in ferior court, J. F. Uivcs. as Justice of in ferior court, Carson Johnson, as Justice of inferior court, T . ....... V....., t..il f....e - , vines and niileayc Oi.maiKi , That -Martha Hartsoc be allowed gl.oO per mouth for her support, ()hhk.:ki, That J. J. Jenkins be appointed county student at the Suite University , State ftfews. A travelling nc- Wilmington Star: (iuainiance of ours, who bus lately been throiiirh about twenty counties of the middle and western parts of the Stale. Mls such line crops of gi.-iiu m.d cotton have not Luen seen tor yeais. High Voiut Fiiterjiriso : Five gen erations met at the resilience of D M. l'ettv.iit lhish Hill, one dav last w i k. it His two grandfathers, two grand mothers, ami his great -grand mother were present, i lie eidest was hi . years old and the youngest 5 months. : A photograph of the group was taken. l'umlico enterprise: Si-lick Saw der, the little 10 year old son of Mrs Mary i$. Sawyer, and a little colored' b iy aboiit I he same a'e, the son of Win. S.nvxcr (colored) caught aiuL killed it line bin ka lew days ago. Tin. hurl; came in tin- tieid where the I AO Inns were ,it Work, when they knock ed l.iiu in tiie ditch with a club, ami the colored boy held him while young Scliek cut ins 'tlironl. Kitisl ai Five Cress: Mr. Joe Mllier. of ti.is place, l.-Jl-j Us that lie owned a iu n, ihi't to all appearatices h .d quit ho. ing and was becoming vi rv tat, and on vcsti-i J, ilC Wall.nt in mne oer lulled and served nil f.,r dinner. Accordingly the cook kiHi-d Ur. ami tuiu-d, njiou ojiening her, Cnatsm lii.iim-d ten well ilevelotied , sne.is tcui all. ami wnal set nieo t-.i be idi'iul ten more eS hroktll UJi 'also about tenor tit teen more, eggs j"..-t f Uidcigh Visdor: While feeding a wheat t!ie.-l:cri;.-!!',Joni'.shoi,i. Mm ie ci--.tn:y. one day last week, Mr. Jack I lioiiia-.' hand became entangled in the thre.-.hir and was so badly lacera ted that it was found necessary to amputate il. which was done by Dr. li. C Xewby, of Saliford. -Of the t.eiitv two juisoners in tan nine oti,, , i . p . , ,. i , ; , ' ,' ....' t In sleipi! oi a f.lioe. or I' ll i i'l U lull Is .ii.-iii a.,- twine. iiii.s t.s i ue l: i can si i.ui.iber ol v idle ji: isoiicrs that liae been i t'lii'iiiod in jail at out time hi lilt (-ell years. iubiicd I ice order: llev. (1 Dtir ham, in a ju ivate letter tf ,'Jlst int.. .hill', es io wldskey the following do ings for Durham county : "Five men have b. i ij killed in this month. Two shot, one killed with an iik and Iwo killed IheimoluM with whiskey. In- di ed whiskey has been at the bottom ofitidl." Hat her a bail lecord iu one month for our neighboring canty: but It need dot be a linli U 1' of sill Jirise when the i.tj lor-denioi. supplied the .lisjii, nfi'in to his victims. Franklin Times: The last spike w.:-s driven iu the last tic of tie- L- eh Inirg Hailfoad on yesletdav. ami the l'imi-.-tis happy to be ubie to t-iv toil , reader.!, that the grading, cross-ticing ni.d laviug of iron of tiie road is now liuished. aud the tiaitis -lie already l illitiiiig mi legular sclu-dule time. At ji.-esi ul, only passenger trains tit -- lieing inn, but in a vciy shoit tim the waiehoine will be creeled, an lin n tVei gh t, express. c, will be haul ed over the road. The I nuns have been running since Tuesday of last week, the. travel over the road paying expensed. Ml. Airy News: On Wednesday afti rnoi.ai la'-t, nbont '2 o'clock. Mr. Daltou J'oikner and his son Edward. , aged about siiiieli, weioslluek by iti.ing, -vir. i oiKiier ueiiig kiik u iusiaul ly. td. is binlly injured, but ; .. .s nope-t niMvt.i so,,,, recover ., ' o, knor Ined so.ue wo and a l.al lor n,.' i.,.,. .-. . , i,..-, ,.n. iorkner was some sixty years old ir . i i.i i' no ",is sunn., in me simiie oi :v very large tmk tr-o uor his resideiiei; at the. tun.i he was killed, mid of course fore his Aiuher. The force ol the shock si ruck Mr. FoikiuT on the head, buttling his hair and whiskers, and tearing his hat into pieces. Durham Plant: A fearful murder tudiii d vvas i .mmiil ti d in this county, near Mr. Josepii Woods', on the morning of the 2 nil ult. A liiau by tho inline of (bll iiad been drunk for several )? 5.00 days and nee 1,'cliug his work. Hewus still under the influence of whidicyj 9. Ill Monday morning hut went to work, j i Ho was fanning on shares with Wil j lis Walker, his fat her in-law, and : used the old man's horse. Tiie horse (1.10 was hoolied lo the plow eiirly in the : morning and (Jill plowed a few rows, 1.10 then left Iho horse standing in the lie!,! and went to his house near by. l'.l.'.ll lie stayed so long that Mr. Walker went to aseertain what was the iu.it fi.HO tor. lie told (iill if he did not intend to plow to t ike tlio hoise out of the -S.73 sun and put him in the stable This :.o enraged (dill that he walked iu the II SI house, took down his rill.' and t hot W.dker through the heart, killing him almost in-taut I v. (hit re-loaded his rifle, packed up his clothes aud left lor pails uukuowu. Washington Gazette: Over 12. ? 2.2) 40 I.OiliM'oet, of lumber is saw. d in this town nnniiii'iy Mcsrs Goo. W. 45.70 Kugler and V.. .Af. Siiort eitelt iiw 15.000 feci d'dlv. and W. N Arehbcll 4.00 12.000. --The son of Mr. W. F. Buck, iu l'itt county, recently while tilling a (5.25 lighted lump was severely injured It. is thought he will die of the iiij;irii s o21;J received. His face was terribly cut wi;h glass and his el. thing builied 12.J5 liearlv oil' before the flames could lie extinguished, as tiie wt H was some (!.25 distant t trom the hon.-e. ---One of ti e stiniigest thing- occurred on the ' 9 25 faun of Mr. Allen Ifoyt. near town.; 47.10 Tuesday evening. One of his hoises is -tabled next, to a titio ox with only y.Oi) a kind of lattice work b etween. While eating the ox w aided some of the 2G.iS0 hoi.-e's oats ntid i milling his tongue between the slats into the horse's bin 24. SO had it bitten oft' near the base. Tht ox had to be killed. i 24.10 1 , ..... niiouv wonci'vei : , ii 'iiini imng on the Troy road the miles fnnn Al bemarle, i m:, presented a problem cal culated to puzzle a mathemutii-iau, and it run-: thus:--'the landowner and tenant sowed a piece of land in , wheat, b- 'h fuinislii; the sanu-ipiau-; t it y of seed. The agreement between : the two was for the lando.vner to : furuish all the seed for the planting lili'l at luuvest he was to be paid back j one half of the seed out of the tenant's : pile after the division was made. ; Harvest came 1 he wlieid w as tiu't sh-, id. Now." says the tenant "let us! divide the crop. My mouth jusi waters for some bread cake, made from new wheat, for 1 never did like-j bread from old when at thi season of the year if gels mi. sty." 'the : division was made. mid. lo. th. y, lacked ju.it one iiajf bushel of wheat,: of having as much .-.eed as was plant-' cd on the laud so the tenant liked one peek of making any wheal at all. As a drowning man will catch at a straw, they caught up the straws and walked. Gleelisbotol'aliiot: The liaptists of this city will rebuild their ei.uich which was iniriied on .Sunday morn itiir. the 2l!tli ult. Dr. Lienbow has kiiidiy tendered iJev. Mr. (Lvnltney (Hid his in luo' l's the use of Di i.oo'v liaii for tiie present. Reports from all jiarts of loiiliord siiow thai tic growingefops art- more advanced utui i:i b-'tter condition thii'i fiiryeiirs past 1 iic r.-iins h.ive come rebuilt: ly on 1 1 1 mid tiie s;i i' I of no jia rl of the growing croo has b.'. ll el.i eked iiv urv v. enl iter, v -l it siimvs excellent . i. ii.,,. l,,. ., ,,,in.l i iei, I till, I Hie i... I,.,,.,.,,. f(,ilr times as' much acretujc as )..t v. lir. js ..lllWi,l, (i:i Iv. - Il is ; enlv a niiitler of a t-hat ttine until c 1 will lV.. i,.r. i,,s.Li,,.r :I ,.,fii ..r. . :itillu' eoiniiiinv iii (ii enshoro. Wlieii tne aiiioiint of ju-otit in an i.-e ma- hinc is once known to cupitalists our city and atoiiiid our raiiroad ecu- i tie. the eiiterjirii e will be established. 1 It can be miuie a vaiu ible enti I jn ise, oi.etha; wii; ,i ake cheat) ice and siip piy ali the neigliboring cities and towns with the siime. Chaiiotle Oliseivcr: Mr. J H. Taylor yc-'leiilay c mtl ib.ii an i:d- tiMo:i to 1 lie t iii.-- rvei s museum ,, ,' ... .... ... r. . .t-ii ,,i ii, e i-iinc. i .-.it wi-, i.. 'in uoiu the foot of 'lollil Cohson. colored, at Xewell'siast Monday by the thlh that broke tiihsoiiV ie,; and hilled his Hi year o!d daughter, i wo do;js and a chicken T'lCsiioe i:s:i heavy brogat!, and the way it was siiaitered by tiie li'.'hlniiig is a wonder. Of the ujij ei' ieulnr iii'thing I'pieaiiiS but n small st rip at tiie hack of I : lieel. t he hea y soles are ripped and split and ii.i heel is gone. None n :.e iia-uieiifs of I he s'nie coliid be found. i libst'li's foot was only sliehl biiined by the lightning iiiid the v . li ter is how the fluid lna'iitged to aunit'iiale the shot' without injuring hi-, fool - -At l'uw I'reek ehtirch yesterday at noon, just i.s service -i ci.iichi.ie.!. Mr. E.usley Hijij', a yo'irig mae "Jil ears of a;;e. was very seriiiusly imrt by his inane falling over en hin.. Mr. !IipJ hud' scarcely gained his sent in the saditle; when his home coii.'.n-iiced to pranc;' and rear, but Mi-. I iipji kej't to the; saddle until the lioise r.-ared sliaitrht ; up and fell over i. n i. .vnrd. crushing; j Mr. Hijij) to the ground bi tualh tiie' weigi.i or tne n;i:m ii i no youiiu' man was quickly r. le'is'id from iu.-, i jiosition iiii. I it was I hen found that j lie was tinabie to s'and. Iiivevtiga ti ui revealed the f.u t that his hip bone I was broken. He , ill probably be ai cripiile for life, in i as.; he survived' the ieitirv. Doriii.' the tluilnter storm Sunday n II v. m old e.'loiid' v)io wis fill. h'-ved us nurse in ,hc f;in,ilv of Mr. Ci.as. Dtsvis, at Liiiiiiidmre:. was struck and iiii.tanl- ly kiia'd by li.ehtnii.g. 'I ho girl was standiiig in the yard in front of Mr. Davis' house in that place, it was not raining at tic time, but the skits vvi'lii heavily ovt-i c ist, and the bolt de.-I'l'tnh'd up. .ii iho girl from a cloud tn.it was paving o.erhia.l. AlAUKIKIN W N'elli'ort ot fl.-allis nihl marrl'iix'- Ii.shi'Ii'.I ll'u Oi'llU.ll ll'.s , I, Ti;f,l M-VH11 ,'l'llls li IIIM". JOHNSON -lUVK.V.. :. I'. .I'.hlls.'li. ,1. I'.. Ml. M i:r..i' e m , kM ii, iinni!ii. on iiii- -.'n l liisi., Iiv i:. . NIIeK .li'llSses I.i Miss r,.f Mr. Manly Ilii -kiii'i-. TIIE IVI AXIKSTS . l!i'lTii'il for 'I'm: liteunn liy WYATT a 1 A Y L O H, UIIOCKils .V COMMISSION Vliaiell VXTS. Nn. U Heiuh sl.lo Muri In si.. I.ALl.lell. N. C AllKllsl 4. IMS5. COTi'OS MAKKLiT: I Mi.l'lliltc, M3-1 Mel nine. in I'.iri.'i Lew Mnlillai!, v Suiiiis, mi Will ll.K.SALK tilt, il I II V M A UK KT M"nt - e UsI'tiM.. Hull, sines. CanviB's.si Hams, L.n i - ll. sl irllni'.l, li.'iitly, M"I"S.K- 1'iii a, o -hI, Sl I'll l-F, Itl'ljlllt, Sil in - l-oiflll V. lli'W, l.ici-.ie. iirallillfi1t.il, ti n.t vv 7' Kr. e.'lai-Hti 1 iii-;., y iiiiiTft, i-i, Til 1 MmII ml .i.itl SV"i'v il S Ul l.',t l','.l, lt. B, Ol-lisl Aiin.s. lluiii.r, '. I'litls, lteknf. . t'erk, ins, ni a iits'i. a.-,- in j ,0'; uw H,r"" T , 1"3 . Those 'f kc i tut lai lots, New AdvcrtisiMiitMits. TO TIIE F AT r ' i; t ' i i mint i i1 til ii (4 ABE INVITED TO CALL At IBHBLATH Ciotlnoig Store, WHEUE THEY WILL FIXD THE CHcAPLGT AND BIEST Stock of Clothing, AND Bias mm w BE sntE TO IXtCIBE FOB v A GltKENSLOUO', X. C, Mesalc and Retail Cliiliiiiii, Under jL-Adoo House and iv 1 'oniiiiercial Bow. August 6, 1:.. it. DMINfsTtJ.V I'OH'S NO TICE All .TS"!IS ill-ii-l,ti"l I". I III- l's .il Am ,il V 1'i'V.r. . it 'll. ! In Mill.' ,,rw.c-. ami iii.ik,- eieii.-.i.-i',' .;t e.. a:, ana ;.li l-rl-.-.-iis liavin . .ii!ns n.tiii-.i i-.ti.l .-- all. ;- prr Will Ul.'lll Ii ir tjl'l'j.' i In- i'iil 'In' ... Inlv. l"li. .Ii is. A. llol sroX. July 'J l, Iss.i. Sis. e -vi.' iii.v n ii. -ri.- J -tM.-iliii.--l us Hi- . ..ii.rlX'.r. H. I'l-uii- u-p.l, 1 lieifi.y ii., lev ill i..ir.!s Ii...Iim; luiins iii.-uiii-' il,.- sal, i ,',. i..,in !.. I'Mill.n an-aim- in in.' "ii ur In-i,,i'i. Hi.- Ii'mIimI .Inlv. Iss.I. Jalv li,, iss-.i. tils. s .11AII A. el.Al.liil.l:. 5J X I ". ' V TO U S X OTK T.. If A V ti A IMS iua,Ui.l i n Ilia ,.i,',-u'..- ,.r l.-lwai'l l n..'li, li as.-l, 1 liiTHiiy ii" cv all jmi-.- i s li.-l l Ini; . litiins twain sum o-,-,-,i-ni. t. . .vliii.C Ui Mini" 1. in' "ti "I i,.'t"i',i tin- liVUi .lay .. -lal. . issr,. July li',, l;-s.i. tits. W. II. Will l li. j . FOUNDED IS,'2. I m mimm. A,iz,m, a. a. Klilld Aliliiml Xssuiii begins Sept. ild For Cilaloe;ue ajiply to JUv. E.'V .M'.n lioMiTti.M.Ktt. D- D., I llhv. .but.-; 11. Cl l.'A l.l.l . j l'lincijials. Juiy iJil. iHo. Its. DiliOU LITERAHY ACADEMY. . Tiie Fail Tel'lll liegtns Juiy ih). l.'SHo. ; N.'W llial"lis l.. Ulf A. ll.., !l!y. I',HIIS,' can- I il'. n-.'in ,nii',iiy i lil.sii l. .'i:t-s"n lie .liKiOv' ' ;..iri"t i"i- C"tl.'u. ileal .1. ni' i'.t.lliu wie-,lntai, '; HifliiH, ,v,'., t ,'t!"ittli. )a,-ilia.. als" La- rue , ll'llls I'l U-ll 'l li.-t,!s.'IV.i" in Hu ll- ,.H n .rl". ! Tciii".s ti--an 1" sii.im r 1,1. n-i, a,v,,r.ilii).' ! I m.u. Iiis'iuiii. ti ai Ma-i'' U.-ki iiniiiili, 1 f I i"i- . "ini'l"'.' prai'Ll'-, s. I l.wv. in. il 'l'ii,iiti,s.'iit llii'iuisiniil, wap,tu- I i--il, . al Hie I'lliCliain s.-a ! an.l a . -I !-tr- "I Mr. ! (.HUH, i.ll'l li.ls sil, t.,-o .i.ij .-.!,"-l'lllt,-l.l,'l a I't.'- ..-iiMt.iry s.li""l. Mi's, vv. i, 'i'liti-.-ii'a.i' I.- a '-.-li'liraic'l i;rl"rni"r 1 iiii'1 n-iit-tior uit is iitsnn .'ii't'-i-.i''l. I Id. HU'.M vi -. j ''I'-tri'ltts Wll-i I. Hit. 11,1, .,'8 ctiii-itti In Mtlslr, ''all 'I" li" l i'llfl-iliiia ,le tlieiii In tliat.' in '.lis. Tuiti ii'llie, s'ii" is .,ii,. ,,i Hi,. awl i'r- ! I.'fllii'i'a an I iii"sl ili",,ni!li u -i-li.-r in !li,- Siivi,.." ' .1 A. VV. I l,.vl.-,N, I Sill'' "i Oiil.-lin,. A, a,:, 'iiiy. "1 tali.' I't.'astire in n ii.-iimi'i: :iily in Ui.'kii.v.. lL'S'.ltll.,ll,il." ai.ix. Ml Ivi-.i,, i "i-iiii'i- stir' "i l .i.'ii : us i a.-ii-'ti ! llli t I'n.r. al I Hi v -l y N. .l ln.il s.-li,.,. . F-r lui ili.-r lair I.'iilais H-l l-.'s j s. li 1 1 i.l.l'.X I'lN'r. ; l.v.llll-ail.1.1., ( lia-lialli i '., N. C. July va. l-fi. i. ! TOiiACiJ. FLUES!; We it iv prepared to make Toivvcro in anv stvh KI.UI-S and of (he Best Quality Iron aud at the vi ry LOWEST MARKET PfiffiE. all our tines are mm m grooved AND Til EN H I VKT.HD! niakiiig tin in the best on the market ! Write or send for oti juige illus trated eat:i!o";iie on Tohin eo culture. J. C. BitfWSTSR & GO., KAI.F.Kill, N. C. duly 1HS5. -lis. OKTOH r.Y the sea siionn. : C .riit't' Mttt-.v l.ii.l hii.I A'laliit.' avt'iiiirs, Altanlt'' I'l'v, V I TI l Sp iT.'tl I ll-'li l l.s n v, mlj In r, I (Jin-si,, lei- i n-.'li. l int' - li-h t Ulf iii t Hii. ni.it v 'flli.nl l.ii, Lin,', I.ii.iii-. Il-lilia.-. liaifliiK caviiiieii tteai-hi". Kklsi v m l,Ki'l,r.K, j l'i-., . i. i.m s , M.-iitl.-u w l. iv y,. n sum lies ail-1 i kill) SI, If. j Br. A. E9LT0F3 "oiN'TMENTe ; Well known in this county for its wonderful healing p.i.pei ties for bone felons, boils, burns, diphtheria. Are I'lc-partHl l.y ,1. H. IIt)li'TN, W ii..ittxoro. X. C. , For sale by H T. CiiM ix, I'ittsboro', Jon li, i ix.it i:. I.ttelivilte, ami , llo'..i-i.r H mi.ins, Merry Oaks. ; ."Ayents winilnl -tfeH I'riee 25 cents a b x. j Kt-lrrn I" Pis ItaiiKs Hiii iis ftu-1 ninny otlien In ohaihum lia liave uil II. M'lU 30. JpW. MADE BY OI. F.. NlSKKS. w. Jl. Ms.-: , I b. J. MMiKN. J SE888S E. Blffl n ,iik wo inn ttii.l ii,.iU.- th., ik: Wiijiiw iii'i i, I ii nil ,,,jr ..wii rni:. .-in, u-.i, il',-1, s.i i,,r '., 1,1 w,,rk.- Hi I-. un.-'. iv.'iiii.-., ilio -,,i k",i'il havi, liul ir tl ti l!ie hcl, ran umki' rt IVatllltL'l - H: -,1'AHiU l(, ; i..t i iii i ..,,, ., . I W., hi.- inii:eie- nr. 1 .IT1K I. Wi-I.l.-I. hii.I ,-ni: j Wiiic i,.r jii-i.th. ;.! iii;iii'-r "Utv-iv i.'i n:- t.,l tl si THIM iiiiiIm- Un ii lii-ariui; ..ur Hlb'S'ilti 6c CO. April Mil. h.-) tlm. !', sale bv friendship mm. MALE AND FEMALE I 'rider W II ati.t.rciiH'itf . .lOIIN W. Wll.lions, A. 1 Mil.;. lt:ssi i. l.II.MI !i. IiiMriM't'ir l Sell. p us Monday. July ;7 Mi.' ..-:ai :i..iiin-iit ,-r u 1.-S5. -I e..,-a I II Kl Ui. ,-H1.,-I-. - .i.j-.ll- i . i- ai l Hi, iiii s,- I r...-. Oils rti-h-tl !--n.,.-i'.-l .f Oi-,'il,.'i:n, Unman-',. ,'..iiie . . ex- i'llfiii ii,. i-al ,-,i.,iiiii!i: v, in! lakf .-hi.- ..i ail i... u - v.-1: . ijll' Mil!'-- S ,i 1 f '. I'.-il l y ai, I ar.-l uihilni lii Ii. a. r n, -t ui- 1 ll-.-k. I'"S M . Ir.Mn .'a.ii'in .1 ,"S. Ii"i.. Siiii.I-ij- .!,,.. l-al.l"' v K.'lll la tli:.- - iiivi'ii i,, iiicir l,-l.aii..i-. oi V l. -.-l i inn i !i i.i.j'ie w I,' I . I-.' inn, .; i,.ii"i-''l.i;.--!.,-.- - -:e , iu,'i,' I,- : 'ill si1, ii '--air .'iiii-ln-ii ii ' "i. .,!i'- j.. r m.-iI ..!,!,. i-.ii will .;ill..i'! a'-..: ,'u .-ti.. i- .si.,,1 li. :1m ' ne ii- a In.. I una hi- ; iii rry t.n..t. .'iiii v.. Wii.i;i.... iila-ieiii. , ei Kils Jlu.i., Ainmu, -,. t N. e. nuy v, ism. a"i. W. IIISSilAI.I;. W. K. Ml If IIIS, i.N. MSDAI.S & MBCBOT Have I. ,i lil,. I a i'n in la iii II h.ii'v ", el Si'Jt'elill'er 11. I'M. r.-l.ii. ..r Hi.' iillalii. II. LAK3JV." i-n I'lnliy. Warrants, nn-l VlHilTloN VI. lloVll STltAH er"'l ll I- V Ti;s ami mi inn, i-i.i !.aMimIIc I p. ! 1 1 1 nii'l f I I. S,, ,.,.,.,.m , '.li-H', l.n,,.!, l'al.'lll III,, I I'tMl sl-'ii ,-ai- nu.'i .l.-l .,. i',,ri.'s"'ii.li- s..ii,'i!i-.. A. A. Tllioi ,s, Miei'iii'viti Law, U.Hiin.'.si i'l ,i., lltill'lnin. vtiisiuiiciou, I), i'. All ji-T-'h.- Id im them I iv ullihft.' lij J. W. CAIUU ait 'ti'Utin it T M. ALFAAXDEK -AT- MAPi'.b mi. i.. TI,." I linv in Hill, l.y skin rial, ai'.l u. I fMi 1i1.HltIi.lMl!'-t 111 ( ItJll'f) 1 kit,. iii nii-i tMit . ! ih Dt-.-i ihh'c HlU -!( Un'lll il- -u H UN IIh-V imii lie I'- null' rl. .'it-. Call i-atiy hi: 1 l.-avi- y a,r ,r i,-r-.. Uuil yur I'lii' s ni-iy I . n'.i ly r y .n v h. n in i ,,' l. ol I mi l ,i '.''-iivi. rin.s ri'i-mr,' I. All klll.ls "i Till t.l.'l Sl.'.'l li' II Weill ,1"1,'. .tun' -i't Iss.y ains. "IL C. IIOETON," ( I. A ll. Oi t HA ill V.M), tirauLiisrsiJOKo, sr. c, lu the ' -'.h-l H'.iililino. D. Curtis' old Siillld. Ili'lll" ! he detnit. Motions, Hosiery. BOOTS SHOES. CAPS ; 9 t : Piovirdiii .r TUUlij fUl I lOUUl.l,'. u. FINE HAND MADE SHOES A SPECIALTY. fc-.V' I wiii always be glad to serve ' mv oid co. ml ynii ii from Chatham, and they :! i'.ercby it.vitcii to eiai.e ' '.iv sioretheii !. a I .punters whenever , I hcv com... to ( b'ei lisboio'. 1 Imve n , lot and weil :.! the rear of my stoic. 1 .vhi.-h ale at the i-eiviie of my eas j toiiicrs who iitav oi'io with their ' y,a-.uis. II. (,'. iionroN. ! I May 11. lSS.V FIRE! FIRE!! I 1)0 Prudent mid ! m m mmv. IN THE N. C. HOME INSURANCE CO. i This company has been iu sucecs I'ul operation for sixteen yato. It is SAFE, l 0LVENT and PROMPT in the paytnent ot' its losses. illti in All lviutls ot'l.uildiiigi insured at reasonable rates. ,,.ll.,Hi llV be his,.,. s of vour . neighbors ami iusini' in tieiu. XI. A. LONDOI-I, Xkgeut. Hit. , ltlM, & CO., Salea, N. C. nr.': Wi, k. i . a liirif.. si ,.-!i ,f sraymiM liimtier, ,1,.-. I.,- ir. n ii. inHil'.'i-i-.-iHllyl.ir uy ei- i-.siH-ri. iMV, Hi. ii 11 lii'liiat 'If .'ipi'l' :ln i 1 s i . -. . . - i i:..-.iil!llv .,,l:,i'l., . iu,M!i ir-.ii, e'li.i mn.iMi, lu mily I')' lliu i:nr IJI.F. hKKIN limit.-. 1,,-ierf of li.-sl whiUKtlt MWl, - .mi? Inuk" .,ii in mil ku ii. in lh.it in wirlli liaulliitf. iiitini' in rntl.v warraiii.',!. Manufacturers. S.aLI'.M. s. c. l.VNU.M ,S: IIEDEN, I'rtToao'. N. C. ! J. B. MAKEPEACE 4 CO., SAXFOliD. rdooni; CO., X. c, MAsn-'At.-rrithhs or Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, Window and Door Frames, Hand-Railings, Balusters, Newel Posts, Porch CoiumtjS, Church Pews, and al! lands (if dossed lumber. Iii view of the bid that we are 'situated ill the ii:'d..-t of the very best iuiuhcr region-, of our Siate, nuil having all necessary, fi.iilities for manufacturing we I eel eonsident that wi eiu ol't'.-r us final work on as m.si.mil.le iei ins us an other inntui fie tun I m the Siate. Ail orders by li tit-S iee i.- jimmpt aitentiou. i'iiee I l i -.f-iit on !ij plication. y.n! II, l-s.,. ly. W. 1,. LONDON'S NEW WOODS HAVE ARRIVED! AND WHAT A Sjj,exjii Stock HE HAS!! More Goods! Prettier C-oois! And the CHEAPEST GOODS You ever saw! II AYE YOl' SEEN THOSE Pretty Dress Goods A;' L&NDOrrS? OH: THEY AiiE SO CHEAP! '; A'' 5 US I 'HETTY .i CENT CALlCt He asks only 7 cents for the very best I I-iug. ..lock of LAWNS. MUSLINS, MVi'If '.:s. OlAMniiEYs, L1NLN i.i W N S. I s' J 1 A N L1XEN, !'! l.l .N LAWNS, H't' !.;.! L U N S, us h ivy as S ets. !'i.'.;t':. a'id other WiiiTi; (i. HDS and TKIMMIXGS. HAS THE i.KmI' COiiSETS FOR THE MONEY YOV EYEUSAW! HIS STOCK OF FANCY GOODS AND Nn HONS is EXTKA LAliOE.ixi. I Nl rv CALL YCH LAI'! W. )M EN'S :-;T CK INGS from fi eta. pi r p ur up. GLO -, ol every ilescription. Yerv hu ge stiu k of Ladies' and Children's HViS ii'ul JJONNETS, triiiinied and uiitrimmed. FEA'IHEliS. FLOWEIJS, ami all kii.ils .lili.l.iNi'.oY (ioODS, 1IEADV.M.V1 E CLnliilNG to fit any and cvervbody. I AN 1'S ,Vi cents up. CO A IS for r() cents up. J'he best stock men's neck wear ovor sei-u iii lliis county, Mens and bov.s' DAIS, sriaw, fub and wool., al bottom juiet'h. Six Reasons Why You Should Buy Your Goods at LONDON'S I 1st. Ho will not bo undersold by any one. Jnd. Von have the largest, host assolted and cheapest stock in tho county io si .eel I'm-ni. :hd. His goods have been bought for fash ami he bus saved every discount, which isan item these tinion. 1th. He i always glad to hIiow his goods whether you buy or not. oth. He has polite and attentive elci ks. ith. But not the only ones. You can always liml what you imtid ami want. CASH Cl'STOMEK:i arc given extra inducements: V. i v lare slock of TUl'NKS and SATCHELS! 'aiiiioi mention half what lu has get. Ho cull iind Hee fur vourBelvnti Keineiubir the place. Y. L. LONDON'S, rittiiboro, May 7, 1803. iJlg Is Si (I I

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