.li',,--' - Jthe (Chatham liccon! THl'RSDAY, DECKMRKR 4. l-- Meriiv Ciihistmas ! W If j oil owe for your jki jut, pay before the i-v yew begins. MFThi pi-oujiseN to be the p!cas hntevt Christmas that we liuve hud iu many years. MT" Don't jirofmi" this joyous sea da by getting ill uuk and making beast of yourself. ar Mr. Thomas L. Lasaler 1ms Verti appoitited postmaster at Mi riy Oaks to fill thf vacancy occasioned ly the resignation uf Mi n. C. 1'. Gir--Ur. "For tin- past few iluys the Weather has been delightful, and. if H continues dining tlx- Christmas holidays, it will add greatly to I lu ll ajoymeut. MtToiiiomow liiing Christmas Day the post i Hire at this place will b cloned, rxeept for an hour after tht) uriival of the mail and an hour btfore its departure. BtT Mr. .1. J. Cook, of 1 ladiey town hip, rained this year on 1 f, neies 75 bushels of corn, on l-( of an acie ti'.f bushels sweet potatoes, and on iess than half an acre ;V gudntis of sor ghum. WBT-Tlie Hr.iMiin never deprives its readers of its weekly visit by taking A holiday, and will be issued next . week as usual. Many jiapei s suspend , lne week at Christum-., but the Riv d uerer does. 1 9UT On last Friday Messrs. Frank . ud Spi-nre Taylor w ent on a revenue raid, and caput led on ilie Jones' Grove plantation a lot of beer. 1ml the still had been removed iu tune to cape cajiluie. Mjr Miss Hortense llaughfoh 1ms obtained the highest km age of ail the young ladies at the Fittshoi o Academy. Her lcpnrt is one to be )roud of. Including eauiinu.ins the average is !I7$. MT Mr. Itiehald Cottcti, of Cane Fear township, every wintei kill.", tne largest hog iu the county, but las! Week his big hog for this Vent died with cholera, lis weight was csti Mitlsd at 80! I pounds. M7 Sample S. Rrowh thanks his many eiiKtomei s in Chat ham for their ilieious paliohagc, and while wish ing one and nil a Mn ry Christ mas ami a pi onpei on New Year assures them of his until ing effort to sei v. them evtu better m lHi limn in the ast. CTRev. Mr. Stephenson, I he new Methodist Ji. e.iciicr iu charge of this circuit, ai lived iieie mst Friday, and preached at Rrowu'ti chapel on Sun ' day. He wid pi each here m-xt Sun day. The ladies of Ins church line prepared a most peasant reception for hut family on then a.;iv:i.. "The YVihstt.n SeiiMiel iu its issue of last week reflected credit not ouiy on its enlei pi ising prop, ieloi but also on Nor li Caio.itia journal ism. It w as a ti iple sheet containing 9fi columns, jdofiiM'.v illtisiiii'e I. and filled with descriptions of Wi-iston's many industries and sketches of her go-ahead citizens. WT If you have not gotten your frieud.H a C!r istmas pieseiit you will find a few left at London'.-, and they "will lie sohl very cheap iiid"'d. Lnti don has a tine stock of goods uid will sell them as cheap as they can be had anywhere. He never a.ious liis stuck to run down. Come uud ce for yourselves. $6T The entertainment, to be given on New Vein's eve by the young ladies and gc::tleiue.i of this place, will be the picaantcu occasion of the .Christinas holidays, and oughl to be well attended. The proceed will be used iu icpitiiing the old academy, iu which this community: ought to be deeply interested. "We are requested by Mr. Ju Jiiua A. Alston to s:ate that he has tha seleelion of a "S)ecial Cadet" for tku Maryland Mnitaiy and Naval Academy. A special cadet has his : board fre'e, but is charged !'12 a' Kessioii for tuition, room rent, c Any boy iu Chatham desiring the fipj)oinluient must nj'jily at ttnee to; Mr. Alston. Mr For seveial days jmst the' offices of the register of deeds and j elerk of the sujieiior court have been i crowded with pel souk, who came to have their old deeds probated and registered There seems to exist; a very general idea that deeds are of no value unless registeied before the 1st of January, and people, arc tin necessarily alaiuied. " Subscribers to the Hkcoku can obtain the New York World one year, for ouly 70 cents. We will forward any subscription.! that, may be scut us. The Would is the most, enter-; prising and widely circulated news-1 paper published iu America, and is. well worth live times the siuuli sum for which it can be obtained. Sub acribe at, once, and begin the new jear with it. MT Hapjy and jrosjcrous New Year is what W. L. London wishes; his frieuds and custoiueis, and hopes : that they will continue to give In in their patronage. Loudon would also rewind you that you have not sett. c I your aeeouut or note ami that he needs his money. "Short setttiements luake long friends." Don't delay, for it is cxjieasive, interest juus ujf very ' fast. i Koi'KINO A TlIMN .- A-lhe isseli;,'el train was near Meuy daks, on in-,1 Ft iday night, a r ck was Ihiown at it. ami. clashing through a wiiidi-v of Maj Winder's piivale car. mad.' an indentation iu tlu wooiluml. on the opposite si li, a tnl nai i ow I y tm-s ed striking him ''he I ai'i urnl com jiauy has oft'eied a lewaid Sli' for the nirest of the elson who threw the ruck, and we hope he may jiay the jienally o! hi- ciime. I Sn. Kit's Wmii tioi-.r.- v are p'eas edtoleinn thai the tobticco wan house at Stlci Slalioii. in llii-- cniinty. is succeeding very well. Tuesilsxs and Flidays me the regular sale--days, and the tobacco sold their brings good pi ices. S. veiai prisons. W ho had I l ied ot her inai keis, brniihl their tobacco to Siler and leceived a higher ji ice than any w here else. W'e hear that a tobacco factory is in contemplation, and will robabiy be erected next year. Cut:, s'l M s Visitohs. We si r pleas ed to know that quite a nuinhei of visitors have arrived, or at e expect . . I. to spend tku ( In ist mas holidays in our old town. Also a number of our young ladies and gvn!ieui"U. ul.o have been off at school, have come home to spend Christinas. Among them are Miss Nettie Baldwin. Ma. tie lhrin, F.oia ISicwcr, Lilly Moo:e and Susie Foushee : and .Ve;n Edilie Merrill. S. S. Jackson. Wilde Headeii and -loiiu 11 loulon. Tiie visitors frotu o her places MieMi-s Rosa Wihiauison. of le i ls i.ie : Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Sauud ts, of I . m i :i ston county; Mr. Fianl; I!:il l.viu. of High 1'ollit : Mis. C. t'. iia ell. o Ueliliettsville : Rev. Medvihe Me Laug.iiili. of Ho lowell. Maine: Mr. Wii '.mi Midviiiuon. of Ihn kinviiaiii : iu!i Miss l'attie Kaue-y. of .Siiediy. S.nooi. SrATi-nns. Thiougli the courtesy of our scholarly coualy su pel intendent of public i;is i net ion, A. H. Mcrritl, F.sij., we are enabled to give our ;ead''i;- soee- slaltsties eoiiccrniug the piib.ic schools m 'Ins county, as coiitaitii I in his oIi'i.'mI lepoit for the year ending Nov. H:l, li. ISSo. The:e we:e 11:1 le-nhcis lo whom cerlitieales wete ;-.si:i'd. of which US were first gi ade. secoi.d grille, and 'J:l thi:d giade. 'iln .c we.e C schools for w : :. aiei ' ioi blacks, and 'i 13.") w hit e pupi!s a1 1 end ed them, of which number lil'Jl wen ma:es.iiid 1111 were fi males. Th- ie W( 1 ihii co.ored pupil. . of which hlf'.t were males and lai:i o uiaies. i'he average length of t he school term was 11 Weeks: tin' include .sllnl of white i cachets pci inoi.th was ltl. and fir coloied t.-a'-heis was "i"-.'! 7-'. 1 liere are M si hoo: dis :icts for w bites and -lo for colored. Tie-i e are 5M school houses for whiles va. ued at !r'").S'.t.'. and '22 for cn.oie.l valued at .fOK". Ont Rmi.iioaI". The gi ad ing of our p, opoi'd i aiiroad is pi ogt essiug very favoiabiy. About a mile is now graded, and ano her mile wt.l be gi aded in I wo w eeks. Kar.y iu Janu.'iry ipuuteis for eoliviets wi., be elected near Seymour'a and a gaug of tip in put to uoik at that lace, while the others are grading the space bet v. ecu thc.e a:nl .Moucilie. ilie lieaviest woik on Ilie lotite is to be done there. i rack laying wid I), gin tt c. k after lievt. Already rxcursious on our road au la ked about. We tvrii! in Ua.elgii on last Salinday. and Mr. Ivigene Hani 11, tiie eneigetic si, eriiitei;:l"iit of the Snii'lii'.-srhool of the First liap is! church, i:it.i' nn- I us that fie thought his .Sntid iy-scliooi tto lid hat e a picnic next May at tne (i.i.-u Spring church. l'ius is a very isir able jilnce for a Sunday-schon, pic nic, and wiii he convenient of access, as iherailioad Mil ass ii; a hundred yards of it. Fiom the top of tl.c hi;i in rear of the chinch a view can b, obtained tha' is m-.ii ee.y eijua.ed this side of the ui.iuinains. tatu ittws. Raleigh Visitor: The old hotel at Ktttiell Spiing.s was biin.ed Mond.iy molliiug about 11 o'clock ilie tne originated from sjmi ks from a chim ney. 1 he hotel was built some y in s before tin: war and was at one tune a favot ite rc sort The loss is j.crhajife jS'i'd.U;)!). No insurance. (Jreensl) no Woikmaii : Miss Jones, a young lady who lived about two and a half miiea from High i'oiui. wiiile on a visit to a n.-iglib a , Mi Meredith, accidentally stint and killed herself, while handling a pistol. The hall took efl'e.-t just lielotv lite left eve an I tleatii ensiled almost inline diatelv. Wilmington Review: Our i hois in Clinton are at last to railway connection with the outside win id. The gn ding of Ihe road be tween Clinton and Warsaw lias been In gun uud there tire now matly a hundred convicts al woik. witii thr pr iiinse ol moieveiv soon. 1 fieri is very little grading, in tact, to be . auc, ami it will not lie long lietore ihe, road will be ready for the iron. Rltidi n Rnlletiii: A girl uaiin d Hattie Robeson was burned to de.-tlh on Sunday at. Ahlmttshurg She was lying before the lire asle 'p an I win u she awoke she v. as all alnae. '1 he house was locked, but Hattie broke out ami ran at-i-oss the fields, her clothing bui'iiing nil the time, until she fell and expired in great n,'ouy All of her clot hes, except some little bits of her corset, were bin tied oil' She was about IS years of ii,e. Newton Futerprisr: Raike coun ty will vote on the second Tuesday in January on the ipiestion of subsci ib ing S.")il.llllt) to th C.irtiliii.i Central iii.hoi-l, to he- used in building a branch nviil from Shelby, i Mor gantoii, to Cranbury. Speeches but L lor and against (he propo'iiiic.n are now being made iu all part.-, of (he county. Ihe peojile ate soiuewbat i-M-itetl over thr matter, mid both jiuiUesum confident of a victory . lb I: I .it Mi. . 'I III o o. i In i 1 1 .1 . 1 It .1 1 1. 'It .t I I ,!:.. till ol .1. IU O till,; il I. II el; allel i pllM II. Hi I I lit. and I emple v k' i t eit lein e and l I I 'i b.'lin.' lep i t' .1 ai d .i made w il h a lr.-h lot I ,'e t I o el III. I Mid Hied the In e e . ,1 to .1. tllll I H lot I II" It I . I III. .1 t.I I I I I pi t II 11 e, ' sos he I. finest lo! seen sue David. i:ll. of b . the el t: K.ck.i Will' il I )i p ,'eh : I i MH"I. -i Villi: g ;ti I ;!'' le ill In II ua-lie l O.lt i.l-. le. g.V Wl lie ,1. s I . II eleei, o:i the wav io hi I i l si , i. I Si I ed,; v M. 'I u! : g" on S it m lax an I stay ii' til M.'iidav. Aii.ed St..iili I Mebsav Tow n -hip. had -, ,eial sheep filled one day lo 1 is in I miliil.g over llieni. 'i If 'miles wa Ii t ill lied out lot ike ei i .he..;i were f. ai'i I d ad. id thr ad ne ral !.l in 'fin i rd III V I 'i ' (Sic. .' om i i;n -.. !n v mo; urn;.-. M.- lvil.Mil,et and a ifgro weie enlti'.v; siw I"!'-' in the Woo l-i A tree in failing bloke liniii t in i tree a lniili w Inch fell on M . Miller's hea l, killing hun iu stunt I v. S:afemill.. rjaudmal'k : . A note IV i::i I'r of. W. K. lie! len informs un thai a lii".veait in tin solid lock iia-j'l f In en di I'ovelel in the chafl of lie Keerald and itnllelilte Mine, i'l A!' a'l ler count f It is !'-! feet iii lo.v tlie s.ni i, e ili.t :i;ni - feet lc I .',- ti e ion of th" in her I'oi-k. At present ill" cavity i- 11) t'e 'f hit',:; tl'id ti feel deep, wiii.'ll tlimei'sio is lire s ai l lo be w it !.. lit p ei'i d"li! ill tills region. I'lcingi-ov full of clear wa:er, its ertstd coiiii itls are as yet im- kli'.tv:'. In.t I. i ling' a!"! ti e I', ill leliglli of i ' 1 1 1 -' s .', the trails to mn. the crys. t,;K, :t is said j ig you at i very I urn. Soine remnrl. ilile gents are cont'tdefit Iv epeeti d from this truly wonderful ";.oe!;, t " A Ii ii C . 'il.. in v ( 'i;i"u : .' .d.i' i'd it !iv. he tl is. nl fi a nt-- a setis i Ch il 1 T-tnn. N. ' -inpe.it alii e of :et kiln. N. ( 1;IV. , ,v Iliji IV If ; Ti I.I- possr.- :h .-.',,'iiii'ol' A yr.ir !s. ,. Mi 0. 1.'l iiii ' a,'! of 1 . uo,v Swain co ion a ttth' a. -on count Ilill.M.I 1., fi ill I local-. ) in w in tl Hi v and s'i ua.ed ex ! wl.ore this tow n and the town of l!.y s ni no.v ;ii nl .Mr. I'.lias for : is , 'iii ut Mr. .Inlin Ingram, ol .Macon oinitv. pi o .ii e I t ie 1 ;.isi ia! iou of In- .h e I. and the inhabitants of our r ----- lit i i".f s e.ili-nlafi' i.nit -,.i liililiug o iiiucli of t In ii' pi i ipei I us can by th:' i.if. s oi' oi.r i-oiu fiy be In id by p.. -s, ioi.. i shall see what tiie end w iii be. l'.. Vt t !- t ilie ( fbserver : A new I'res lit term. i ( huich tva- organized at the t .ii mug t ow n of .bvee-iioi o. .Moot" . anility, mi Sat :ii lay . ! l.e .rn I; i'lst M il i is.; in ill.a-ns, a ei'lo'.cd man ivi :g ill the suburbs- of 1 'ay I t ! (Mile, killed a h-jg on Tuesday last. u. t piiie oi,e y if o! I, which netted -bill Minimis. - - i'h :,.'ii:n l'ne t'ugimi ar rived last M.'iid i i.f e: nooii. and was brniiglit o il mi the ;.i reels for odii bition i n t he fiiilotving day tl i' e;y h ii d-..me n n! t-.'iiiplei in its iip .iiitniei't-'. -L:r. S turdav nig b: a ib-lei uilned aiiil 'la-lai-dly ultemj't was hudr to b iru the Claf lnliin I !l i lge aeioHs tin- I'.spt- l 't a:' Id' t w i- not ihsi i,v, ltd lint ii ! he morning w' a n ti ici -. w ie f un i.u ge ipl in' il Ms .1 l.eiosi'r o:i t!.- si.h s alni thiol n.g. :n d wli.-re ti.e lire liad binn-'il a,:, I nut l It next id i-l Hired A-h:-.:!!'.- A hamv: Two sl.o. kiug l!a,edle.s oce.ll i id ill ;!ni-,.lv if Al:.is.,ii 1 t-t i i-l;. ti. o ie a lin-l.-ii..! ,1. C.ielualiy ki.'s Ins f lie iih I l'i 'In olli. r a so i kill- Ins h I. 111. on f itln i A iu, in n an, nl ( I -'i.i . ad at ot ni l lliaied Ib-lislev b.-catn,' t :ig.l,,ed in lig-.it in the yald. in !r. n! ol lie forint-r s hoiisr Ihepaltns ehiii ii e i. and ( iosiiii s pi ,',. ii i i nl IV in I If inelt e, siio.ifiiig Ml-.. Ct i-I'll in thi li It side and producing li. ntii (t w hit ttnincdi iti it (! tl. 'ind has n 't he- ,i ciiptnred a t ..c ot l.i-r ea-1 an old ina i tiatn, .1 .lniili s (itii.tc:. tt htl. :!f ilik. went to tin house ol his son. 'l'i ii . n (1 ml t", on g l.aU'-.'l. mi I end. iivoi rt to ; ain ad:n flai -e. wincli was ref d on t In- gro ni ls tha! ther ttas ill feeling exist fig I. el vet Ii Ihe iwo. I he oi l man llmu endeavored lo break open the door wi'h an n" tt'hich he h id with him. J lie son wa'lied him to devist. but. he refused tn do so Tlie sou tll ll look down his I ill ', and as tne father entitled the door shot him in the bowels, jirodue iiig" instant th ,.tli. Smithli I I luii-e . I 1 1 i i tnl Vnl.o... I ill.'i Hi I ;n S ill. i- ci miii! ii I. lis o I Ill I'M lie I.Vih e h News ami l)li;erver: It is said eji.'h- that the cheapest lin-nt sold in luai liiivc ki t is that ui tLe rabbit. A rulibil sellsat ten icitls. Theavei-ngi! weight is about I tvo jii'iiiids. -- lb n a i ville is growing faster limn iiny place in eas tern Carolina. 1 lie Southerner says that i;i tlie lis! i ear so ninny stores Hid dwell. ngs have gone up that the hunts of tiie tuwn were exlendi-d. .Next fall superior court ju.lges nt to be elected lor the third, fourth, sixth, i igh'h. ninth, tenth ad t weltth list I'll ts Solicitors are to he eh cl ed for nil the tweive tiisllicts, Theie will be no election forjinlgis from the tiri-t, second, lii'h, seventh and I eleventh districts. Ail th, just ices of the siipretue court will lie rlected nt tl csiihie timo. Meinbei s of l'i uglt ss and of I ho legislutine will be cho.sen at the same titiH'. Mr. W. C Slion ach I as rellirnctl fiom New Heine, where he utiemled flu- meeting of the directors of the Atlantic and North Carolina nniioad. He saysihe meet ing was v cry Inn monious. and that the road was never in s;icii an excel tint contlilion as at present, thanks in jiirsi ietit Bryan's careful manage ment., ile does not it-member ever having st eu such lapnl iinpltiveiiieiit us lias been i lb cleil. The du ct-in! s votnl to change the gauge at the tune w lien the general i Iningi- lak-s place. This wili be in tiie tally sjuing, it is said. 1 1 .! '..I Me..-, I,.-. I I I,, p, ), i I 1'itt ty i - I - I -,t I I in . i . v . on II. i pi. . ..ii,. in to ail. nl. -.1 i, i. in I.. i ii., pni 1 1 it In.,, a I; . I loid lloiil li-.i.l ho. I Ii Mil, W e I i-:m i If., h n ii I lit' 1 1,,- , , , I o.l. w a -. ,1. f. nil I lo o,i i ,'HU u.i, .'-si,. s l.iln I ' M ! - I d ' I i t ei l p li 1 1 . il-. AI im . oi. ,, i ' . I . . 1 1 . 1 gul. i it ti a.'i .. t In 1 1 a. I. s , III I i ei mm;'. III Ii 'hi o I lie a I . " o ,. -hoe; I i .1 in 1 1 I : n ti I .ill v i i tt a . i . .1 l.nli d. nu t ' l i ,i ..;; I . . y e , e I pi 1 1 U It hi nil si i. ms ilijio t . ,1,1 M ,.i i l.e t us si m l, le I he i 1 1 ; I . i an I I I,e,l Ii the Ii , She C.l'l I II 11,1, hi I 'lal- It tt a l,, , f. , . i i . t,. " win a , a'"it I st ap. lion, a most ho. I il Ii 'llll. A In 'I In I Win nlli;: I" tl .si ttle, ... I- !, elo.s (he I rack in f 1 1 Hit i I nppr i ,c .iii;- 1 1 urns. Iio!,ls' ,.o -gats: I; S ,. !' puly I-thi li'Vi f A . i n i v h-'.so':.!' Ill' a II ic i I n: III - chip ge I o j 1 1 i " I ei t lio in - II-i 'ripe, ttas i'l il. v lot ,1 Ii I he Wat in Sup-Hoi Coin-land Ib-cd .i.'illl nmi "I..!"' I lo be rru.i.Ve I fiom olli e W ale told ti.tt! on I ini-iv iii.o I on, stole al 'ti.' iirli,-',! 1 .IMio to. nt its 1 1 itdi' w it Ii I he 1 1-1 1 1. le , ii i en t In- S, no h. who leaiiied liele nn 1 1 e 1 1 itlli at 1 ! oe'loi k III it l.ighl. Its d. -Hi's V. . r not clo ii-d until d n hr. ak. end. in f.-i. t. not at all Arriunloii's bri.lge, w hu h llil-cost tlieeoi.nl i an iiiiiu' le.eiuil"ilit of money, w as broken in t .. i ind a! i. lo.-! entirely destioyed by a coUi-ion Willi a vail i t three i.uiiiiinl l--s th'it had broken loo.-e from Mr 11 I'arroll's saw miil, and gone dunn Nciikh rivi-r w-t'i the rap! lily of ;! i freshet wiiterthaf is now swelling t hat silt am. Monroe l-anptirer: We met on Monday a g"iit lemnn, with his v.i.e and four clnldr- i, who hud lift d rear Heiiliett-viile. S C, mid hud sold out a farm mi l farm nfeitsils and lion .e bold goods iu general, alal the w. ek before ',. Texas i.o Irv Ins :,-r tune ,-iniid the pmies of the L ie Star State. He had been intr.ieli -i to I ho gi eat le: an K.upin, by the gilded pu fines of its ai li'iefiM lies seen ill t! ft "papers He was ea I'o'.t iioine l.ow loifi'ie t i liear agnlii lie sighing of the piiaH, fo see li t- glare Kiid Ic i the w.liliilii of the pile- keo' and iptafflhe pine water of 111', l.a! 1 1 . In a: Ii Ti.ri.-e oat a in Ti x ' e. :. ". Iniad htm he had male a liii-tal.e ilf said no poor farmer could live ;n a land without wo.'d nu-l water. 't e asked him wl.it he In. a. it bv tl.c colds "tvithi ui wood and walir" I ie lepiie.i. p. o: :, i :: ( to liaul tl.c water tliey iii in", eight or ten ncl; All i when i! leaciieii i(. hoii-e ll!ler Its h'lig jonitny over the hin t it t. sleek like home made soft s up. mid i's eiTi ei i:,,on a Tai' Ib el !i.,e Ii.. sjiecitie ( lit .'i s oi i'lpsoc Salts. W'oo.i l.e said, tva ; so s.-iiree coal was l -ing- used vi rv g.'iierallv. Chariot lo 1 tbsfi ver: In tlieFcdeiai Court vest ei day morning .Jitipo Aliiiond. the nn uh tthoiobb d l.ie I'tiiltd Sla:es'l:i-,i In twee i S-h-b iv nlld All'i-tnai 1". w is an aigi.ed f.'i tl lal. His guilt tta- so I'ieiit-'v istirni-h d that conviction '.v.:- a .e;; ,e ; ... . elusion, and the nniv ip:i-l!oii w . t'i the term ol iiupli- ninelit wi.ic!: would be iuipo-i I up m him. J Ig. i ici; r I'.e him lii-ie w-n-, at h:.i.l labor in Ihe jjei itenti r a1 Ali.oi.. . V.. A-ino'idis mi!1. Is M..!s ol if ". - -Th.' n. any Ii a- I . i,i tin - ' it . oi' li .i. Ii Joiie.. ttiie vest nU' irisn d '.i I'-ui ii i!,.,t l,e -,t a i I io 1 1 n In il s: f. Us in- i.l. ah he Hu I I e I I,,' ll:i. I V Is roll- till-! ll tin I f 1 1 v. j' ! II-;- i,l t ti t:,.' bf.' 1 1 . ii .ii ii l ie ol I , , ai!'. cle I le, h a :l!,t I ; I: 'Il .nn. rl.lli I hel i' i el ; i .; ; i a a lo a I t ie exl-'lit :nia p, ople. sho ;l I be ;,!. ilaiost a tl.'ilt nei'U! d.ni IImi, lot-Ked , di Oil. a'.d fre... Ml . ' h "iu A Co in , i ma' M s,. ,,bi.s la-.. I i '.ti'lreii in tt I, i'r le ft nee t Hat cut' i h;:r: e 1 . I ' l-it.lse.s wil il .-.I .'.loekvil!-. Led his thr, a lit i iti' S'ii;ie. tt lli his il.K W h ell l.e 1 i I. ci. i I ill tied iiclti, I In 'ti ' o! : sic ! s -if n i his e tlil. nl In ll 1 1 A Rt'tiinrlt.ilde T tl. 1' -in Hit- I.'hIi lull Nt-WH .ii-l .H.-rrt.'i-, Tlie people of R ...life! e.nin'y ft- o much exel cised .na'l ilie long Ilia' for murder of It. C Windley an i t wo ni'-li ii'tmeil St-".v.ir! and New berry, as being accessories, 'i hev ate charg'-d with killing a poo. , th ' cejiii. old man naiiied a!n;s. on whose life Windley had t i!; - i on. insurance iiiiionnlitig to s'! Ml-in. Ihe trial began asl week and it is tioi yet over. Over one hu.idl.d witnesses well' summon -d. It is en timaied that the trial will co-t the county not le-s than four tlm isa.; I dollars. Windier is sod lo be the richest niali in the county. Speaking of t his rial l he Wa- inti;,' Ion (lazette says: Thr evid?" l.e the State was coiichid-d I;m! F id iy . About ttvi-nly witnesses were exntn inetl and the ics imony is ol a cir cunisliiiil ml ch.-c ai-t.i . How tin- so licilor and al t ot my s for the Sale will link llic-e liilieieut chains i e mains to be seen. The .h It n t now under fin I headway w il ii i; -. sid" IKm-Iois li.ouiu. Saitli.tili, S.,;,iii and Small inn. benn rxamii.ed as Uli'tbcil! expel Is. tfiuer ph su 1 lll wid lie ev-ll.illi.' I il a pp ill s ! hat I here w t I e It 1 1 ilia- woiiinls on tin- skull and I.i 1 tl." dead mail, Wal'ls. ami .lull tin- d -lelise claims that tin e wt it- It .-cue I by a f.t.i doit n a si an way, a .1. i ii.e of tell feet, and by sll 'cnig an lion bir. ( )ne ol t In j.i, oi s in ll. Ilia', Jesse Sjieais, tt.is a Jillor IU ill" lain 'lis tint ol' I iro-ge W . I'ii.nn an It. r the murder of l.issitei, u. Is.'rJ. -- I'hejiii v -ii le. , I a v erdict in' not guilty. - iv'. Ui., vi: it Maj. John W laiuri the niosl elotpp-nt, of souilierii icaloi... has been i iccled to the Fluted Stai 'S Senate iu place of Mulioue. Ainiii I lieM'IIIIC Olliier. Wn.iliii-s'' ii i '. An::'" ei h ' . 1 1. It le I, I in 1 ' . o! lln'el, II, a famous hoti i l.i'i p r iitnl in cut or of I he l..iy ah. .et II. i pM l y litl'e gill be In;' i at i n I utt ay bf I lie toy balloons, w i-., on Seiianif ll uisoin's leeoni tin ii to urn. appiii.ted an intetnai i t . "!ti i.i1. I le is a li iiipei alien Ina a I 1 1 In i i.i . i! I ne "hi V I eeenl iv. j' ;:;;l: I., ti;; t ie road, he espied the ton are the following lo cili.eiiH of . in .lo i I an v. icil slid. Advancing this Stale, viz : to . I VV. Kn imdic, of ton ii. I the ucairsiimer. wilii tile air Winston, iichuin: M M .L-K i mi it. of ( 'ii.:. let lielil. he -.11 I: "My friend, of Linn inliiii ha.ne fusleli't: ami I him- been a;oinld by I'l esident J- Osboi n, of R.ili -igh, I obaccn cm ing Cii i. lan ! I., look alter you fellows, house. and l.e a. ill, on d me to tell you to At '! o'c'ocl;. Salinday nioiiiitig. ; . i n t ins bac!t in Ilie woods and not . tlm jail at Rockingham w lis sin I munl I" '1 bng jun r sn near the high-,,.il by fifty masked in. n. who fotinl vt.'t . :e t .o. nshiner took the-.o, riilrance. and secured a while Hint, ; 111" i rei'.i! n I he. laiig.n ins i N'oini II. .I.i IV ni. i in Doe!, a- is leganled as ue an I praeiieiil civil service :ei-. Senal'ir Voorhees told luiv to ;in- lYcsid'-lit, who . at it u-iti- tin tt ars c.tme to u s. bi cau-e il was (he latest Cm o. ma version of his ja-t ( hanging i iic iiait-,1'. I'l-,, III ltl"' iHli'lllll Nl'WSMi.l Ot'M'IV.'l'. i iici e in e iii.inv iiitiiln ies as to th change ol gang' stall, laid gaagi f the larway s. I he is 4 feet ii inches. I In- I.aeigh (nistou, I.aieigli tV ; tret ting ai-.mn.l tlnit C Augusta. ( ,i:o!iiia Central, mid 'api:n-i.i,Ki: have coinne me Fear 1 1 1 .-ii ; Slaie, A Vu.il- a tiii.i'V roii. Is are of a ige. The other roads tn the save two or three niirrow- ga: go. like the Chi'st.-r and Lenoir, me ,") feel be;tve n hacks. It is said thai flu: change oi Ihe latter roads will be mud'-, lis hear as possible siiuuli itiu'ou ,!y. some i hue the coming spring, in time for the trucking sea soti. Ih" main lines will first be changed, of course, then the branch lines. Il will be iptickiv done but ', wid requite a 'urge ami skilled work- , ing for-e. ihe Noi th Cam ina rail-Isold umie than any other ho.ise in ri Mil w as up to abou; leu yens ago ; (b crnsbi.c o. of statniard giut.,'.'. but iii about forly-; . righi i,oi:i s a veiy k'nge force of In- J The liierehatiis of ( luilnim will boiers changed ii to n tet-t. Most of i p'rase reiiK ttlber that A S no .v. Ihe woik w-us done .-hiudny: so as tojCo. of (-eeiisb(.ro'. N ('.. is the ilileliupi travel as little as jiossibie. 'largest and ohie.t whole ale In in Uvd'iiiiinl!ia e;ies. Tin- st-ai-e aboil- iivdrophobia c.'tine aoiii't hi. p:i I he time ilia, .t I'a-ceut -ad ici- iu l'aris on iuoculat : as ll cm e Ioi . ,.-g li-ea -e. li i- .-! : a-.ing t lipid!;," in all p,ii I - ".'-c i-iv ibi'-il w,,::d. Il is ipit.e i.:i ja opei tiling lor -he ililthol i:ies of iiirgi- eitie. to begin a war of t-xicr-m inai ioii upon I he dog -i. I 'at ients ai e iloi i;ing to At. 1'asteur from an puds ol the woitd. 'Ilie newspapers are I' lii oi stories of the success of III icil ! i;ion and of io-iuti-t'iidiiig accounts I ,ln- sail. -, ing.'. of the viclmis of i,y d : opliolna. In Lor. i m tin- Far mil .caie sitdts into insignificance, co.nji ire I with I he piopular ami ris ing ,-eaieof hyilroplio'.,:,i. The police unit have ceased their hil'.tiiig fir ib. nauiilers ami ioiig iron rods wi'h sliji loops if .-.ii.il'i ii.j.e on the en, I catch the lllllllil.. I'll dogs. 1 racked by liiuodliniiiiils. .'N:n oit:,:V. A I A., ' ee. 17. Thf xt Alldietv . i horrib e liight, w; m. w ho pei pe-: 1 1. 'it F.i. r ii'.-i: Mink Ft nil ie lull tt) covet- yes cds at a point about :u the scene of the Ih" dogs got the .vt ,1 him day ami ;our In .ut s. t It: ough by ,:,,o,i ho cell liilii-.- I. i-d.-r. WIkii nl iliey .o.ii III I'm twc;:!v :c uli i.i I, . is j aih in druse wood-. h i waded decks for long li- aiic.-a to thtotv ,he dogs o'f" the! -.li!. hut tii'-y bay. .1 him and In to, iii a hi-.- viie, e h:- was captu od by li li't.-i-: s some iemi ., later. He a.-ivt d a,' l!i ci.'.iu v y.i-i here last nig.i! bi ll;." f it up atound the legs and .'are iloin his tvtld eiiase iu t he ii to I, iii. n .-.h. F is thought tha' an aluuipl wiii lie ma!.' fo lynch hilii- A Fa iii: In i lfoir. The A'lanii! ( 'oust it ui ion in an no- , (vim of the funeral of (J. n. Robot-! Tot". ihs. nt Washington, tin.. Thins 'la'.es the following, curious in. I. ut: "Mis. Tooiubs when liv in . had a p.-l siiepiu rd dog. li.iiued .' .hns. .) ,i;i"s vt cut "o alt the fiiucr ais urn! b "cam:' an expi !' ed :irtiei pint. Wll'li hi:, in:i.i'l tiled, the; dog linwlel pii ifill'V . uud fiom the; house to the eht ich kept making tie : iimiist ral ions ai outi.l t In-heai se. An eli'ut w.ismi.li-lo k'-e) I i iv out of Ihe churcli. Im dm ing t in- singing of the hymn h" --.ipp I in .tnl, walk ing d 'An lli- ot n t i aisle, stood a m,. mi n! in front of the eolli i un I laknig hi - . land at . le' hi ad ol the eoliin kept it until the sc. v ices weie over." Froliihil ton f oust ii nt ional. A : t tx i - . 1 1 1 . I l. e 17 This morn III" ill t lie I'll led States ( 'tllll t. .1 Ui Ige :.l d.-.-i h d th. con esleil rlec Hon c.is" !. noi. lli I! had j l:M old. i ot-. iro on! of ihe recent n e eel ton III this county I-, email granted a tempo- 1 est I rtlUI'l; l!n- oi.liuaty lesull of the lloiil dill. .Mil. CD e!ia'to'l wilicli I'll.' -Ill 1". I ell tin - Im pi ohiliil ion e I .-III -, I i coll. Illlle till: . .lending the case against i i,e ii iiii ev'-iy point. , h" li ll a h .po d H pi ov is i .".igia Willi-, may be sold, ie- lioni other Slates weir I. n it po, lion to' the bid t 'in ilecld d lo be uncoil 111,1111.11 . the 1 1 1 1 1 I h 1 e I , I' ll thill I e 1 1 a . tt I I'll' ll.il'. I .I I I ;.- M -tllll sold oii.ii an I thai no nines call be H I i a: . Ib own. w h i w e dnhitr for n e l'i I'sideut ( i ley I ,cket III 1 s7 J. din' Louis mi nisi S in.ia ., agro the can on I l.a in- Si. a -enrs Thr v oimgi st .l.idgr ' ia is Mr .l.i. i 11. II Ingi.i i- 'iitly e led by flic legislature ss .iu.lge ol flic coiporalion of Mancliesler citv. Re is only '2't yi'iiis of age. At a recent session of the circuit coui t nf Sin ry nciuty, Yn., Miss M.ivti.tnl. a young lady, obtained a verdict for' i.MHi against J. V. .Miincha. a citicn of t i are moid, for defaiuation of chai uolcr. Senator Hampto.i has in! ro b .1 ii bill n, ! I'.ui.o.. u lo i, ,,,1. il.it Coii II tllll into I oiigics lo l.li.lnlilt I Ciessinen I Ii Mil I cci in 1 1 nt u 1 1 1 ! I g ol ho ,' . . ... liciliiig appoinlmeii n lo nfiice. c should think ni'iv CniigiesNiniui ... . " ,. , tvoiliil lieurflly lavor Much a ICilef fi mii the )ei sec.tltions of iillicc sei k els. Among the pateufs recently grant ed bv the I'ati Ht Oilier at Washing- ; ,n..,. imi,i,.d .1,1, n Lee, who Once weeks ago nun. luted S ..lom-iii Welsh. They can tod Lie out of town and hung him to the limit , .f a tiei- Lee miirdeied Wcn-h lor motn N. A cold is unlike iuo-,1 tisilots; If you want to get lidol it. you iniist give it a wai in teeeptiou Willi I i . Rolls Cough Sviait., tin- 'tandtiii cough leiue.lv of out :i;'.. I ', '.",;;,' by all tlrnggists at twenty Ii a botiii'. News Ira vi lasi ,in t the wold is AI I'm.. n nil,'.' v.,. mim at UIIKVIIY Kll'tttl. pll-es, 'Mluio! cost' They al . hint o'fitn," good calicoes in -li,'. the lust at .'n-n.!-- pel yard. Dress (1 mi I, limn M to :lll i rots the very best ipiablv -no c, ttmi goo Is: a very choice stock of Ch ili ing. (tents 1' ut nis lung ( mod.,, togelli er with a line of 1 rv (ioo.i-. Caipet .. Hats. Sho.-s and Ro il- al "ii-itlv le tluc'il prtces. .vee tin-in when in m t il ;(if goods and von will Iro n ;j."i to nil per cent Cioti.s v no mi.stvkk : I hev niv sellm tne city. I he olny hous,-. Dial sells dry goods ami notions at wholesale only. Their gioeery sloit is luii i.f goods in that line 'I hey buy dried fruit, wi.'ol. ragw. flour, cgis. Ac. J W. Sc. ' r ,V C. New Advertisements. TOIL SA3. I i(T'r tvr Half in Diiif vnlimi'ltt tht rin in til HlMFt h'MIS HIM" I iH-l-'Ul'ltl tlH-HVl W'.l ItHlT'-Mt lit n l;...-iiv nvi i. ki.-.wii n ti lin 'itl'-ti-'l Willi Mlhl 11)111. F'r iiirUier Inf..! iniiH"ii ajtply U; liMMl T M- I.KK. -i, lKf.'i iih, niiL Hill. N. ('. TOW LOST! oti Sntiinlav niKli. 1-iili liet., nt Vr. Fnn-k I p- i-lnir-'li's , 1 It.'i-l i,i tt- l, sunt' l-'-.fn my i'iiMii. Iitis.-rl,ti..n : r. ..'tl'- ret. h-.i'ii- 'ttt'.-.l ..IT, l.la?..- Iii fn-i'. n-l ii.-i-..w ii,--. ,,ii.- I l, ku ki-,1 il ttu. I hi-lire k fwiiil it-',.o. in rltfhi I ttall iHt h lll.t-ral it-ttar.l r ttiiy Itif, 'fii i a" . ai ,-..n ,'t'iitni; lit-r. i..i 1 . nn .: le r si:. I.i: noiisKrr l,-. 1", IHh.i. iln. SIl.l It Si.MI'.S, . C. 'OK 1 JI CAROLINA. I CllVlli.VVI l -Ol XTV. st'l'Klll'.f. . I " It 1 . . Wniiiifk us iiiluiiiit-iir.il. .r oi Win. s. I.u r. 'II. .inmi'it m run-i ll i ..Una's. ts r sM..-iitl .r..'i'i' Utitf I" tniiki- fi'Hl ,s,iH:ti nssi'is itti't t.,r ii i.'i i l-itt-iit iiii. I il nit h.'tt ii k' iT'Imi-i-I .tint s t-v.'..'..t sinnii'.-i.s .-n .l-.lni V(. 1 ,ir ri'll. I"l, 11 N l arti-ll 'ir.. VVIIIIitni M. 'Ill-lt'll I"' tnit.lt' I, t . un It, -ail, ti In '.In' t'lollltl I, l: -"He, 11'. I.-.' I- Hi I'll-. "IV Blvt-11 1" : I-1 '."-li,llllll- I.' ui im iii,l ,-.nl, ni-stt'-T . r.lr i tint- will illi -.to -l.lt-i-i- il piricl .h : un--. l e ... jii.Ik- infill will be line n iiittii-.i Ui.' a i-r." .'.ilrss... W I . I ol SilliK. C S. I'. T. li. w.itm-h. vi:..tii. y. h...-. ;l, ih:.. tiis. ST.ITKM KM. orrici: 11.0111, et i-i.t -. i v i-. ttiNsi,.ri:s i .l ti t in til c f it. I'll Isll M..'-. X. C . r I-l. 1SRV ) III ii.'.-.,. Iiufi- tt lili s..,t..ii '. tn ..l t htt'li'i' I. ..r fii- c.,.t- I li.'ii'tv.ii MIM..H n stiiti.ii.'iii ,.r i.l I ili . .'..H...S ml IlliM llll.t lll'.mi-l l y 'In- l'."'U',l Ci,tnnil-.rti..ii'f :.. Ci- tn.-illl-'Ts 11,,'r,'". M't. taillt, liniiij; Un- iwai ti'iv i iiiiiiii: x,n. anti, iss.' . C. II SCOTT. l-.,r:iJ,lie i- J, - - S-.a.i'ii " 1.6 mllfs n.'tri.tf.. .... -j:l mi " i' .iiii.uuhk lavs t..- IhSI Hli.l IMCi. s,"'.:t" -174.S Vs". IW I . IU 1 Ml in nn i.. I . i;t sn it is a , :n .,il i WI 4 ll i... 'ii .1. A. I'l till. K'T ;n .iiiv ti. " ;.IS tilil -M tlrivllr.l. tin i.- 1'iaii "t a. -I'lai-s, .lull, 1.1, "IV, Sl f.'.'S, r it,.us.'. For I'timiiilhi; nix.'s i.. Im--'., vt. li. livrcu. r..r a ants r, hi, " ,-.r, iinir.s tr.iv!i.l. tin a.- ,n". ! C.l'l" li.-1-s. Vs I Iiitsmi; Vu'.' '.' "1 !' H-I- It"!. I,r i .,iii.iiilii: tit.M's l"i" ls-l.'., Tin' lW-al'tl w is In ' i l. m$ i it, M VXflVl'TCHlliS or DOORS. SASHES, ETO. Onlv Maiii.hiclureist.f t he eelebt tited 1IF 1'SON CFLllVATOU. thu l.e-t iu us." I"!' corn and cotton. DRKSSF.D LF.MRKR a sp. i iaity. All stvles of t'Ol'F.NS on hand. Si'.l. -JI, IHh.V. ailK. C. F. & Y. v7RA!LWAYr" Contad Time TaMe Ha. 13. To lake ert'ect Monday. Nov. 2d, 1H.' 1 . H .V rXCKI'T SCMIVY. .rlll.H.II.KV.rlil" Tistlll ..IUil s..utii Xtsil X I lj'..t.-. nai-r. ii. nt. uie- H JI p. in. in it til- sli . H-m-i. fi i:. Arrlva-, li Ol in. i ..i..'t lll.- - c. r. in saint, r-l, .. :t.i;i : - mil. ;l S' Sili-r. 4 .:; l.iiTty. I nt) I -IS li in in. IM It. ill II tit I, ml til' !!'. Ttiitni v.tiiti I1..1111I will st. 1. 111 Siinfi.r.l lor .tin "Tr.iiiiit N-Tlli .siiin.l will s'.'P at ra.ti.llfvill.. f,.r itiiiiti" . l-r. Il'IiI iin.l I'rts.'ll,'.'l Tt-Hlll Iflivm l'.i'l.li..tls. . 111,. 1 1, a.N. Tlllt.-S lilts lill I svuplay at 'i.nl ti 111 . n lit 11! HI Sli llis l al I I'l . .11. am' tai- .I : i-ft le Hi S ! n.. rf.-i.-t's lay.'!. vtlli'.'.i Tn.-s-tats, I Inirsilitys aii'l S.llllt.lHtS ai ii tot 111 . s Il.-.'liu I'Oi. 111., nmi Ki-ttvi's -it lU'llll. -I.-.VHI.' a, i ... Kf-lsllt ll-l i L-a-i,.-"l- Train ..1,1....,, M .11.I1.V.. W, !,.. s.l. H,. .., .10 ;y,;:;'jH.eir"a : l'.Ast,int',- Infills 1.1 Jliili'lirln. li'Jio-s s.tn ..in 111 11 lit. a ii. , ana a -.-e l'.itH- Onuusli"!' Isa: itr-i.ivt. hi ,' a. in ..rrlv.-s nt lat.-: ..n ,i..i 11. m. 1 11 Ttii-..t.is, 'ritiirs'la. s Hli.l , ii iiv.v, s-n-.-r-l it 11 !" a. 111. ii-t-iit.-111 in i tn. i W. M. S. 1I"NN, Ul'U'l SOlit. Jt"l). M. KOiU, latiu I I'tms. Aul. W If KlttFF'S SALE. RY VIRTFl'2 "r x.itt.,ii IhkiiiiI fr.wi U sii.i.rl.ir n.iiri..lCI,.iilim1v,ui.v in fitvr,.r A. I,. Newllu nibimsl 4. 1. Ik.rsi'U, 1 will n-H itl iiiidhi; iiui'ium I .i i iish. iti lino' ,i in-It. .11 ,,,i- In 1'liiHlii.i'..', in mkmuv iii.mli .ty m 4Ni.n, ikwv, fc.'.Miatii H' " r Ktml Hi il..- ..nli-i.-i eoii.er or 111. k..ry M.'iuilnln li.tvii-hli. ii.ll. .Inn. i; Hie limits i.t .I.J y.,k, .t.lmn sint.li itn.l miii'i-H, i".iiiliiliiK 31 ai'rt. iiikI kni.wii ns iln' ll'.in'i'i n .r.-iiii ,im'n: tli' l ..ii it- llii- i.riiMTiy : iM 4 Ii. Iii.ivioit I.i L I- V K l .1 . XiVUll"!!. S. W, Illtl'.WCII. t),..'. 1.1, lwt,. Slit'i'llT. mm am nmi GOCEES AND ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CARRY IN STOCK A FULL-LINK OF ' Heavy Groceries. Iliiiiuiii and Ties A SPECIALTY. CONSIGNMENTS dF Colton and Produce SOLICITED. ' WVAIT A- TAYLOR, l 'i F.. M.viiris and 1(! Faciianuk I'i.ace, R.vi.non, N. C C.-I'. VI. !-.... FIRE! FIRE!! Me Prudent and m mmv. in Tin: N. C. HOME IHSOBAHGE CO. This coinpiiliv lias been in slicros I'ul operation for seveiiui'iv ye;trs. It is SAFE, SOLVENT and PH0E1PT in tlie javiiM'iit ofilri hisses. All kinds of lliiildings insured ul reasonable rules. lie warueil by the losses of your neiglibors and insure in time. II. A. LONDON, Agent. Sit. III. 1HH.S, iSAaTA CUUS Head Quarters! Weextilld In lill the eoinpliineiils (if tile season and at the same time a conled i ti v it -it it in f o evt-rv boil v to pay us a ('In istnias call and take a look at our m:v mods. Ve have taken special pains to lay in one of thr INU'l-XT .-TOt'Ii!"i HOLIDAY (JOODS we have ever hud 1 Our stuck einbrai im FHOTOtiRAl'H vsi) AFTOORAl'U ALRFMK, WORK ROXLS, WRITINd DF.SlxS, DRKSSINO sR I'S, MANHT'RK SKI'S, DASKF.TS. LAD1KS' SA'l'FllKLS, AND i'tH'KKT ROOKS. l'KM'FRK ROOKS. FINK I'AFKRS, TOYS, of every desniptinu and juices. DOLLS. OA MRS, CHRISTMAS CARDS. PKRFUM FRY FANCY ARTICLKS, and evervthing nice for preseiils. Clil istmas Trees ami Sunday Schook furnished at greatly reduced prices. FOR OS m DOMKSTIC. FRFITS, s w 1: i: r o r . v n ( i 1: s. l k m ) n s. COCOANF1S. Al'I'LKS. kC. FiJKNCIl AND AMKRICAN CANDIKS of h11 kinds,. M'TS. RAISINS. FKiS. (TRUANTS, CITRON, 11ATKS, MI NCR MKAT, FLl'M FFl'DINOS, CANNKI) GOODS of all kinds, and every thing nice, to eat. We also have a YKRY I T'LL STOCK of all kinds of GOODS. If you will fj.il to see us you will receive kind and polite attention, and we w 11 endeavor to lill your wants at very low tigiiies. It will pay you to come and see us. Remember you an find anything frim a Sewing m ichim. to a one wmt Tov. No trouble to show goods at W. Ii. LONDOK'S, jiee. iu, iooo s . - -