FOli THE FA KM AID IIOMfc. Thr Apple Orc-hartl, Josiali I loupes says io Ihe Now York Tribuiii1: Odd tuny apply to the soil mid yet neglect Ihe t i-iin miliar, washing llitf I'iiiii, :ml ik'.Htruetion of injurious inserts. 1 consider all of very nearly niul import iii'ict. A top dressing of liny gooil, rieh compost during autumn will pay the ow ner of an old orchard as surely as if applied to his wheat-Hold or put.ito-piUi-li. And yet the fanners allow the trues! to "run out," to use a eomiii:ni expres sion, from ignorance or piir.-iuiuiiy. As to breaking uj the toiih sod of an old orchard to infuse health in the trees, some difference in judgment ex ists, but I never could see the use of destroying tin roots, when cipiaMy good results may be gainel by simply neutering m.-.niire over the ur:'ao'-. Let farmers try the latter and mark the result: then follow up the jjoo I work nest spring by h -ading bteU the top3 if all old trees, an I apply a coat of alkali in weak solution t" the bark of the body and larger branches. I like whitewash for this purpose. l.rreil of (111V1. It is hanllv necessary to tel says tin! I.ii'i -siui It .I'i'iihuI, domestic cow is a &rcat fen that this is especially trueoi i are great uiilkeis. Tim ,ipp domestic animals are liir:; any one, that Mo er, and ows Sites i.f !y wtiat vears of feeding tor certain e;i s I, is made them. ,111 1 they may, tiior, Iro. be regarded u.i in a measure .it-io'i ma'. This is show ii i leai iy enouti ly the great milk and butter test-, wlu.-h have show n that cows can be system atically o ei led up to a p--iut v-, !,,., death ipuckly tel. ows. Tins bein t:.e case, it is tn ce-sary in ft tiling cw- ! be care! ul that tee. i uf a stinmla' no.', colo-cliti .i'ol charai ti r I r uiliiiiii,.-!. led regularly and jud.eiou.-ly. Tr : indulgence which a cow practi e at times, when allowid iniro-tri. io I access to r.iiii or apples, is i.-u il y due a, ,t miv to the greatly develi-pe.l appetite mdiiceil ly an abnormally active udder, but fai u;"r" to a wan' of regularity l!l feeding and lie IlPglect of the feed-r t" lie e: the dciuan is of such an appe tite as tiny develop. Wltii pr- pel feeding, e. iMs c. in le trained t. cure of themselves u i'h any kind . : food before tin in. l-.veu with apple-. . than which no kind of food is iimre thinner--us to cows when i.i l;i ged i'i to excess. thi- staleuiel.t fe-.'is g.i, d. and when properly tr.i;.".I, being I'd at lilst in. . iy and !l.e;:y gradually increased, they seem ! to measure die .jiiuii.'; s'oinaehs i an manage, a .d in safelv tru-ted m the orchard i mi.'v tae.r as itiv other animal. Iu the ea-i of imviiir.i the trouble ar..-es from the -.v.nx dintension of the rumen by h.ii..f u,i;.y overcrowding it with c. ,r, -e to,.,' m an edort tu s, it. sty tie' a; pc'ir-- in. duee.l by any great dra.t upon th" system. will h.-ld more of a c-m entrated f 1 than die animal can d g-st bel.T" te:-i!i".-if at i--n I lice, ue s act I v.- etiouga to i e in ;u It may bi -:ated here that. l-il iou-'y, apples are a to .il'til'ui. and an excellent milk pr dueiug ro us. sale, food. iirr i.f I i lim .. i A great lust.ik.' i- -.riii-t.iii-'s in. He I In ventilating cellars and in::', le -t-es. ', The object of v atilatioti is to keep the cellar-" cool and dry. but tin- ..ilin t oi- j ten fail;- of being a- e.imp'.ish. d by a j couiiiiori i: : -;.;;-:e, and ia-'ea-l, tin- -,! ; lar is ma b- both warm ami damp. A ; cool place should n-v.-r be ventilated, uniesj the air a liuitt'-l h cooler than ! the air within, or is at least a- .1 as i that, or a very little warae r The ; warmer the air. the morn in ii-ture it holds in suspension. Nooe.-sunly, the I cooler the air. the more this iiiei'upj is condensed and precipitated When I a cool cellar is aired on a warm day the entering .iir being ui motion ap, pears cool: but a- it fills the cellar, the cooler a:r with which it becomes mixed chills it, the moisture i- ennib-n-ed, and dew is deposited on the cold walls, ami may often be seen running down them in .streams. Then the cellar is damp, a"tul soon hi c 'ines mouldy. To avoid this, the windows should only he opened at night, and I.i' -the last thing before retiring. There is no need to fear that the night air is un health! ill it is us pure as the air of midday, and is really drier. Th" r, air enters the apartment during the night, and circulates through it. The windows should be closed before sun rise in the morning, and kept closed and shaded through the day. If the ir of a cellar is damp, it, may be thoroughly dried by placing in it a peck of fresh lime in an open box. A peck of lime will absorb about seven pounds, or more than three quarts of water, and in this way a cellar or a milk-room may soon be dried, even in the hottest weather. A bushel of lime ahsorbes twenty-seven pounds of water, and still appears as a dry pow der. In this condition it will be very useful to spread ovr the garden or lawn, or around fruit trees, or it may be used for whitewash. This precau tion is often neci ssary in the dairy, because of the prevalatiee. where air is damp, of mildew, and the various forms of mould. The orange and red kinds of mould especially, which some times form upon the cream, have a most in jurious effect upon the butter. .1 m- i i't iin Agi b'tiltin '"I. If shade is excessive about the house r Ii in out some trees. f-'ni-ni ouil I'oti a, Lu-k of comfort in atiinials hinders fattening. Many rimroses are killed everv year by o cr-watering .""hearing lambs iu luidsuiumer is claimel by Mngli.di fanners to greatly increase the grow th of the carca-s. To prevent drain pipes from slop ping up, pour a hot solution of pota.-h into the pipes every months or two. Many horses have n habit of sleep ing standing. It is not a gin -done, and horses rdiouM be broken of it if pos.-ibie. Trees on the outside of an orchard are usually more prolific. 'Iheie is more sunlight and air. and the roots have a freer range. Chinning sweet cream is not con sidered a good medio I by in my lead ing ant hunt i- s d he bet ter plan being 1 to allow tie1 ere. mi to ripen soiu.-wha'. lVtaioe.-. dug in clear weather and thoroughly dried in the sun will keep in niti 'li l etter condition in the b.n-i than tho-e that have not been sun dried. .""everal years since a garden-; d.--coveied that by planting hiss-pii-h seeds in earth that had a layer ot cot! allies above and below it the vine-, were not inoicstcd by cutworms. A i col, ib ep and rich sod is indi spensable to ii. cess iu ihe culture of herbaceous plants and bulh . I peeialiy is this tru" of lilies and other t bull's 'hat are iisiullv set out at t!u season of t he year. l ni't put rotten potatoes into the cellar, hunt put so much i oru into euel.inthat it can't dry t nor uighly I'oii'tput iiuciired ei rni.ibis rit.ithc barn ii!il..- you want a lire 1'on't try to feed a l-uil t ha' you d u': :u-e 1 .n uliei farmer says io- kilcl every potato leetle ill aiieel With I hem," by spr.tiiuing nice with .. : hum ure made in proportion of "i poiitels each of -lick 1 1 Inn -" and copperas, and I1' gallon- it -I'.e-ide, it bene, its the plant- " I'l titt .tin . dandelion ana other we"ds in a lawn may be destroyed by pi u ! a lit tie sulphuric acid with a stick in: ihe crown of im.-!i plant. The .nil should be . arried lu an open-mouthd hot tie with a long hand!", -o that i lingers and clothes are prote, ted ' lion If nutmegs IkiIiI Hint-. good. '.V lie! a pin Ill oat When spong" nic to cut in t ii olio- in ;t and to.i-'. i o reim milk and pread n the gra-s Ti.e warmdi of i', , r is gem r l.iyi ;' ot p-ip-r '.ii i -r ttic c irpe Milk. II pil' 111 all e o !,..., lar. even a tin can. "ill ke--;, -we.-! long time, if wi il u r a; i-d :n a cloth. XeV' r j ut salt into soup when e. ing till it has b,., a t rung skimmed, as -all prevent- tp,. fr in ris.iig. If sassafras bark is sprinkled am dried fruit and vegetables, it will k insects from getting in. and w.ll in Mire their iluvor urn H. l Ip, . .li;i" ( I, n Line a buttered ioilt tm with thin s'ics of home uia!" bread, -bp the edges of the bread in White if l gg all 1 till the sp.e e u tdl ,1 smooth apple -aiiee -ea-oiied witii lein .ii rmil and nutm-g. or Ciimaiie-M cover the ton with .-trip- oi bread, ; id a small '(iiaiitity of buttt r oil top an I bake one hour. ,';-,,;,, .s-ct" ,,'i;,'o..- li.nv and boiled polati "s are served iu this man ner . Cut th" raw p tat -es iu th.n slices, I. rush melted butter over theiii and al-o over tne w ire broiler to pre. vent their sticking to it : broil them a dark bri wi ; boded sweet ;.. tat -.i 11 ed to be but .-lightly bro'oed. :u-i enough to warm through and a' -ame time to show the mark- of broiler. Vne -,--.. - - Whisk the volks of the t!if h'. egg- thoroughly and add to th in four oiim es of tloiir. half a tea.-pi,,eit ul -a sa't and a tablespoenf ul of sugar: st r ; in half a pint of lukewarm nnik and the whites of t'ne eggs well beaten. a small pan -lightly ami fry the cakes very thin, shake ihe pan to pre vent burning, and when they are a i delicate brow n on the und'-r side turn j them as artistically as possible When j done put them on a hot plate with j sugar and a dash of cinnamon on each ami strew over the top i ne a quantity of line sugar. Hold over it a shovel j lid of live coals to melt the sugar. rwhlsh r,,,-..vTheshred ! tied codfish put up in tin cans is a j blessing to lho-fl who dislike th an- ' noyance of preparing the fish in the old-fashioned manner. Open a one oiindcan of the shredded tish and w ash it in two waters, then cover with ; a liberal quantity of warm water and let stand half an hour; squeeze out the . water, separate the particles of lish and add to il ha! f a pound of warm mn-li"d potatoes. Whip these together ' lightly, add a saltspoonful of white . pepper, two ounces of hutter and t"i ; yobs of t wo eggs well beaten; w. t ail together and with lloiired ha:a i i slmpe the mixture into dainty HTh1 ! cakes; drop them in smoking hot f .' anil fry to a golden color. Vp I',. i Huh. TOriCS OF THE DAY. Tho advantage of fresh a r from the (pen windows in a sleeping room has received strong proof from an in cident of the cholera in Spain. In tho house of a rich merchant the cholera attacked, first of all, the one person who slept in the only room of the dwelling which was without a win dow. I 'ike's I'eak Hailroad, when com pleted, as it is soon expected to be, will be the most notable track in the world. It will mount Ji'iUfcet higher than the Lima and Oroya 1! ad in Peru. The entire miles of its length will I'e a succession of compli cated curves and grades, with no piece of straight track longer than :!( 0 fret. The acreage devoted to the culdva tionoftobu i in the Tinted Males is said to have iucre ised from !:!', 11 acre, in loi to Tiioiiui acres at the I re.i nt time, w hile the product has iti.Tea-ril from ir.'.Mil.lHMJ pounds to in, ii i.i i 10 pounds. Pntil l"7'l Vir ion. i led as a tobacco-manufacturing -tat". Now K-titiii-ky is first. Tne late crop of thai state is said to be the largist ierrii-ed. with the exception ol that ot !v77, which amounted to 1-1,1- , oi in pound-. A i. cumin traveller, iHtctor tier hard l.'oh f-. eonteii Is that it i- un v, hoi,- ;ae t i wear woolens in a hot bm it.-. He bases his a-sumption on tli'tac! tnat sheep taken into hot ciiiii' :,,; (Ut'ir wnol in the oar-e o a year. The lion of North All c.i has a tin- k mane, but in t en tra! A ! i io i none. Th. re must, urges j lb-' liavi h r, be a rra-on for this lo-s , "I a W oo'el. i oat in the t Topics and ; thorn i ,e tin t a hssoii should be do 1 da ed by man w hu ll should be rigidly followc'l. ' j I h ia-! thing at w hich icneral M.i icioi'i woi :,rd on the day of his death wa- ail a coiint ot t'ae battle i f An'ii-t i:n. lb wa-preparing a s-rirs . 'f art ! - t r di. M'::i.iif and the r.r-' of tle-ni w as to lie one on n'i-t i n. It was not liiii-lo-d. I'roiu j beiv.eeii Hie le.nes of a book lying n (!; ia in ia!'- table when he died pr -t ru-b-d i : luei-oiis pages of nianu ' -enpt. bhe b 'o.i Has an authority, ' h.- gem ha I lien con-iilting and 1 he la in .p' wasiiir half written ,n eh- on ,:s ino-t famous battle. i A , one With a History" is the ti- d-- ot all r--,,y upon Icp "otidi, read the -cii iityin I. -ii a n A vei v iiitere-ling account t t;ia' in 1 1 v e aiaii-euo-iit is gi ell. but o - -.,1 i ly lair to dist iiiguish it as i !. i g ..:.) - w if hi.sti ricaliy want Ma ,y i i ia, r nit-door and in- ' - r !. ,'- have bi-' il !,andrd dowx i..:h ii ut urie- wi;!, lu,! Pttie a lit, :i, s. owiiigthe impros of timu le-- .hall language ltS".l, To invei-tl iMte llii-ir i ti.itigi. s it is nece-sary to -ti tie ii-v thohigv and customs as ill.- the evil ht-tory of ration, h. i l.r .!i.i-.-' el Hop "t,li consid - tii it ; sign. lii s the pa-sage of thv . io li- ii earl h to heaven. In li. Milan an-- tin' player hoppel through a :;.'. nt 1 1. iu' ai ter t he i nt rod notion of ,1 -'i.itnty the -hape beeame that of , e el. ui-cli i r r.-i.s.'ieon. The divi tis-.i:e made seven in nuiuher to ::.-o 'li'h the co'irts of heaven, para - o. it - 'l.e h ght. b ti- dans Itaill nr Hire. ":e'r i.i ii baiit of wue are the -iew. -t description, of or. In. nice for the lho.-!i naiioiia! service. A very loii-,i -te-'t wire is u-ed, bavini; a "i ' aki'i st length of one hunilred tons o hi- I'l.ire inrh. which is wound : rr a -'rei t ube as tape may be wound ui a i a ei, bein I ri-.j m-iit ly fasteni'd nff 0 -ooure its cohei-iion, and so neatly ut t ...' a-to look precisely liku ".I, I no iai. An experimetital howitzer ,a- brrn male upon this principle, in I pa-.sed a .-au-factory proof at the royal ar enal. Woolwich. It has a a' of ten inehe-, but weighs only li ra' 7," ' pounds In its tri il this how it or threw a shell if oi. ' pounds with it oharee of turn . y-ei.'ht pounds, art I attained a veloei 1 v of I.i '"i i feet per .-econd a result which may be compared with two cutis of a -similar weight which in- ;it present in the service, t ine of these is the cijfht-inrh how't 'i-r which lires t shell of just half the w ciojiit -niimel -, ln pounds with a velocity of '.'.'.it feet, and t he other is ;he liiii-poiiuder t;uu i f il.ii caliber, i which, with it liht rhot of one hun j lied pounds, manages to reach a vc- loci'y of l.dl'i i..,.t per sicond. Tht' 'rid weapon Minis in no way im paired bv l he strain o which it has j been subjected. Ci.-fr.'i .Iminial. I Wliv lliiiilers Mins Jame. A coneH.onibnt of the Ainniiou ', Fi 1,1 says thai "most of the Titles now I 'urned out ol the factories have a front si.jht upon which the brightest I point v. ill shift from side to side and) from ba-e to tip. In all ipiii k shuts I thisiiiu-t have some intluence, whether von are aware of it or not. Take a Title s i sighted out in thf sun and . with your 1 ye on the sights swing the Title all around tho horizon, watch the 1 hanoe nf light upon it, and see how you may be deceived when in a hurry. ' Then point it up hill and down hill, with the sun behind you and ahead of you. and see if you i an discover how yen ever misse I nny Rame." Sight Restored By Fright. A lady has for ycais b m u a grcnt suffer er from neuralgia, ami n. one time was attacked with congestion of the brain. I r un a gradual failing sight the lady three or four months iigo loot entirely the u-e of her eyes mid became, h's it whs thought, hopelessly blind. K.xpnt medical attendance failed to rfh-et any relief, and gave her little hope "f evtr regaining her sight Heceiitly the sudden and alarming ny of 'T'iie ' I lung from the lips of one of her diiugh j ter-. Henliing the imminent peril, it I seems that in the dr-naii with which a j drowning man grasp- ul :i -tran the Indi j made mi effort to i p a h"i eVi , Tin 1 , hug illiil-ed mivc', r. -p led to I i r w ill. I Tl.c ahiini proved Io be without found i i 1 lien, but the flight it iiiiised rrctored 1 i I -'ubt which physii ioi- had , hopele . I in int'iviiw wiih a ph-i- j clan ,-i i-i poiisr learned that it wa- more . j than proiuible tluit i ll ing the long lime - (he lady hid siilTele.i fiom iieiu i'ga the I epde nerve-hi'd Incoiin vi ea ki in 1 1 . and I a o-- of m rviiii- em n nt had (M-ued. 1 which w is pandlv i -to'iil b th,- -ad i ib a -,, rk which tie I'l.hl pro bii id. t The I;.!;, llov is r-i i iti" i oiiip;,,,l p. elv good -i-;h and ih, oapo ion privail i th it -ho Wi-I fubv ro, .oi r. , m On wit ml. A f nun i. who Wa- a- niggardly a man I a- , v , l i-li .Ohed. i oli'ri' . d . hi'- p:i--i iilo lit. liatul-toam.,-.. n.-it wealth lb n ;-. i or.-i i I. i toss, and -t ru i h d it n t 1 I hat Won W on d add a poin d to his loin I it" li'.d a i f t i t ; p,h N- i i a fr , - ll ! !' , . w lr hoi d to .-leal b. it, i ' than Io w ei i,. and tin faiim I said Io him j 'lii r. 'I h ai. I will oii you a hilling a hu-hc f. i aii lb.- potatoi-- oii w ill bril-'g I ine. and I i ion' I an- w In :i v oil g t t In i;i. ' i h in nii-.j- ! .-t th, eh-u' i c. but a-ki d I l.lm u I,. I. d i get tie in. "I doii'l i in 'la m I In ba- i I o l-e i II HI - liole i I mv bo - inn k anil l v , I ' lil W on', I ill V c with n load o! pi 'hi , , tint and un M i' h- ; -k he v loehl j to the I ta...,-. I Is ! ,'n,i i s , I--I ai rv ih, in li.l p. iv I r tin in I him In 1. up in other. i . u d th t hin:" -a h Ii 'd I- t " rcid'iil H , i, a, p,.-.,... V. V III til,. I to - lai no i ha -n't b to a! anvthin:; bis f,,-,, 1,1- bin k. lied with lb : but Idn, A i w Iile... At l i-t i to' 1- ! en dl-covcrc-l f. ii-ii.o . el p. ', i . i"p 1 me ,,,!. ti t.l"C. Tie lil t til ll" th- Jiiv oak lie ill. CO '! 0 tin v no loii:. i r ia I i" le to tin p ipi l . lid thr bc-t vv av i loilll tn-r-r tin iu in w atil (nr "llu linn-. i-u tie ll h.m tie in lradv fol the mo-aie work 'Ih. lio n- diverse th cnh iiii" llu- b. It. r. ai d in lie colli e limi hn u-e tin ri -lr il, I be blue. li d. ;;ITi 11 ill f.n t. i v i l i on i ti. . . . d' to ,11 .0: 1. I1I-. lOU'l.o where tie d - II be l'oi ii pro : : I, ui in irconn ti e .u p it lai 1 1 i i '..roiia I ' v ,;. in-. " p ma d- il. ! in hah . -. I .(. .1 to ihe di -ivrii- pub ' : U. for i vunpli -, i h b, i ,1 1 ii d oat w 'lb a -t.nnp I. a,-; Ih. i . i ,e iainp, hi 0 ; 1 1 y an- of unit") 111 -ie. I I to aim at i- to -eh i I a I.- k. i p it unit.. rni and to . : , vv i il. III ii !he-c 1 : d it i- i i v i a a inn i.tal :.. lie lop- i f table-, -mall -. Ir on. , b ia - , ,.i -. i Io. Th, v cat, b, li-hr.l fri ,. M l"oll- II, I , ill till I I lit r .ach h ill tho Ml" C O . i ll! t I Tie i Io. f p. - I !'"' b, V. I th" I h.ll . i" . 11 Ih ".!. ap,.!,.' t be -I... I i.'l V .. 5 1 . 1 - 111 d W it'l 0- io a I ' Ihe 1 lo-h lie Lost. , , it aie I- ai a-d i i-o;. . vv ho w a- im in. ii-i !v -',-'. t. hav it-..; tin d many nnti f..t , no do - to reilurc bi- vviejiit wilhrilt -in v it I-I a tory n -nit. finally i lit ! -or h t prill": . nfd mi.i h to in- j"'. n idi raldr iidlpo-. iis-nr. return . bono- in a nn-t h ipi.v frame of iniud. tliotiuiil mid 'ailod of liothiii"; rl-e x, , ,a hi- !. .,f !li -Ii. 11 io ui.'ilk' t one im ridii" in cut- : . 1 1, 1 - ad L, thr but! ( nt mi oil Iweiav flu p .pii -t wa- i a. i . in, f poik. U.d Hi. n-el ih, a w ilki d rd -h dl I -Hid I In- i 1 tin buti In r. I'i,. no ' wa- tl ,valit it. I havr 111 io ot to v.aii hoil-r." le l. ply : "I don't ;! :i "IT ju-t twenty w i nt 1 to -re how .o'liid-, and I iinlv inn. h it wa-."' Thru llu iHiiim. Win ii a man i- ban :lo n "o through hi- p Wlo a a man i - eon -tal I olo l hire. la f. v on want toi .Inch- nil. -Vo.'.o.'. :. rut him dow it. !-. ',,.".-,'. u ".ivr him licil A. ...... n.pu r pain, u-i X.irs. Tin p. i finni ry in,, nan i f dollar- and - m IV be tl 1IIK I IIi'Mir ii - ippo-ied to be put elv a nervous dip-1. and vet iutilii Ci nt phvsii'iiins odm t tint about half the fat d cas" of i cir! disease rmi t fr nil 'on;;. continued ah i-e of ihe stnin a, h and digestive or; ins, by U.pior and toha ro. which w-cak- ii and destroy tho tu avion svste.n an 1 pod ice over evrilo tneiit, ca i-itn; death. Vinfuaii Hiithis i- a sure coircctive of such disorders. A "old shovil In;, pnl with tiny diamond- 1- a f iiu v pin. A I n k 'Inn. "A hl'-kv man i- rarer il.a'i .s vvlute crew." no .Inn ul ,. Hunk le- knew. II.. iv-i-v.-r. ,ve h.n, le aid ,.f I I1..11-.O1 I- ..I tin kv "in-- ilt.d ue .i.. I.. ha llu ir s, , r,. ..lit. I'll,-! wi le M-npie l.:.,k- II ilow II in lii-nilli. -itl lil.u with hu t. I.i,-,.l iind skin dis,;,-, -. -, retnla. diot-v, and 1 .i,-ien,ti.,n. and nine Im m ennuijli I,, hem ,a o . ,.,. ennililll I., u-i llr I'u-r, es "I,,,!,),.,, i...,,al I li-. i.i 1 1 V . " I lie -m i-ieicn I.I.kiiI,!, iodic- and niteialive nf Oje ij;,.. .l eve Iliav 1" -IV -lish and In- nil eve -,,,, III,. -I, Ur ilae nl lnn. Mental nr ere, nt, nrnkne-s, nervniisdehiliiv 1 and kind red d.-la.Oe diseases, Ixiuevr 111-dtu-fil, hli .ir.,1 (termalienlli 1 nied r'm I.OX' illiislrioe.l lr...k ..I' .at-lii ulars eni-lnst. n cer.Us 01 stanifs and adiliis. Wnild s In-neii-di v -.l As-in-ialiiiii. tki.1 Mam Mi-eel, liaffiile. N. . The man w hn -aid he was nut on a lark was really nn 11 swallow. A llnimnzn Mlae ef hra.'h is to l,e l,.,in,l in llr. It. V. Pierre-. "K.IV ,1 He I 'rem r 'pi inn," tn tin- 1.. el Us nf wlni Ii as a remedy fin 1, m ,1.. weakness and kindred atfwiKint. thousan l- lestily. The let plielle is a btlsilll S I nudlli t, d nil mind prim iple-. The purest, sweetest and best r'nd l.iver Oil in the vviirld. in-ii-.iilaeluri-d frein fresli, healthy liv. rs. ll,!i the -e. -hme. It 1- ati-nltllelv illl"i HI', I sive-'.. I',-.ll,'ti!s whn have nliee liiken ll (irefrr it In all ether-. I'h v-ii'iaiis have de. riiled it .'iiperier in nnv nf tl titer nil in market. Made In I a-m-ll. Hazard A- Co., New Y"rk. t'liArerti iitvin. fare, pimples and reach skin enred tn- 11-1114 .Iiintper Tar Snap, made in Caswell, llaiar. 1 it Co.. Jiew York. I.I T I. vmi's I'iitent Heel Slilfeiiers applii d tn ths,. uni l.nni-iiuii thi-.vvviil never ovt-r. 3 nn nit Its' t rent uient tnr .si1. 1'ir.i'- Hemeily I. a t'a'arr'i. .-Id i,y druuui-ts. i li-sinall tin ii. trimim d with hirelirmt hast-iriK- I'otiil.' Toi Hiu-'i I-or I Inn, A lalyon Vifth Avenue, New York, quickly a d.) It; "Oh. il n-tor, my hmhnj ii nearly ilea 1. Fie atten le I a i-n-.u-us last ntjjtit. Ht mti le 'mir 9).-e.-hei an I proniwfKl to be with lu 'ellovv citiziMu iiniii to- lay. But oh, do-t-e-, io looks n -arly di'iid. '' "lias Uo Inwii in imlitim long?" "No, oii'y last year, lie worked hard for 'James MeL'aii'av's etoi tiou.'' llu will pet v,il. mfvlini! Ha h a itmmuli for any ilise.iso, if Ue worked for aim!'' Political lif, of short or long duration, ia rery exh-ttistin.;, ns is eviileiit from the great nioi-laiity which prevails a'non public nn-n. Ex. I'. S. Seit'it ir ft. K. ltiili-e, who has tven ten : til puolto lite, nays: I he other day, wh.'ii stepping Into a car t n ciossing. 1 fmin.l Pr. within, who fvi-,1 in up an I d.nvu ma snrpris-s way, em iriiiiiga " Wliv, S, later, how well you liv-h" "'tVeil. I fivl piettv Well,- I nil-WOIVil. Tin do -tor uttered an in -ro Inl m-reply, ivh 'ii the tsennlor Inink'y to il linn, in n i swer to an in pury, that it was Wuraer's s afe sure which neiv up i-lii'd tor lein wliat Ihe pi-.ifession lind imteil 1 1 do. Senator lira ays Ins Irien I- ni" verv inn 'h list, r-.i hp i ut tin - cm rl t i ri ,1, p over. i im d"o!ei. i Hi-rnliehiiai;')- P.feate.l. V. i k .- i liel.e.l lull ef mi ii ivlin are :i - a'l-l "Ut "I " k, I. HallO I'lIK! IrttX mi niA IV,, ,, I... ,.,,'. .!;;. 1lie I a -her a.'io I In; class to t"ll him tli l:n.- nt t'n pre i i- -'o i 's. Hn n -ton . ' in nv Trtl one lu i ;ht boy. -., tin- iv,i not one "f Hi" pre nnn -tunes the ; h r w.i- thinknii; of. th boy iva.i 8'iU to lie lad e.i I rf ttl.' eliis- " Voaatf man," sai l f tie p. bmnsiie. a 1-It-.'-si a h iih- f t i In - iii"t I i 1 in turn, "now j ,,, . ,, ,( i rmi Un nv t lie' ino-t pre . aii sl'tn - "linn,! .toii"."ie,'li I ih - boy. vvh 's fa'h-r s a vv.-ll known'ti aiii-i. 'I'll ' bovs ae 1. ut th t' ii h r in. . -s and h 1 k. d the JOiT iell.e.v over til" slioill lelS W'l it ve' Me 1 1 1 1 1 - Hunk "f the bnv wit'a he btim.t nit, he who tli'iu .-lit th snii lstotf neci" 1-vi-.s n 't f ir oat nl ttl- way It is lot ea'v lb ' I" of na aril le. but its rt-t i ll aort'i. f'at in 1 ..- it va!a ltd". i l I is p,;.'i! a I, . .ei- d " i the i-.l known if th" ii"i.i metis, ail let tli"l"" is rt dam I x 1.-. nl'-.i vv 11 '1 lor "eer. .-nil v.n v iii"i t-iii. j,-.i.-i ,s". 1? vastly m von prvei, ills ruin l;,i I It- inn aev vii'u i, uiiy a few 'enl 01 . mil, while that "1 1; dd is alio it si v ei.-i dollar- an iiuii '". I'll it p mil lookuifi ii 'tal is I ii .v. I'i. rv 11. 1 man ka o.vs that tti.-r.' is iron 11 the bl.i I. 1111 I that t in i-t b n ivrinin n.i; "i-loii ot Ih it p.e 1 .a 111 tal. or el I h 1 1 1 t- I am an I p 1 a-, .1,1 I I'.s own t l pit" un I weak 1111 I a uni 1 a , d suti.ieet to th" at- tt "f ev el V d,s M-e 1 a 111" Now. miv t.'-.-'l 11, tli.-r is I'i- ,pi"ti.ei. Hell, it a a-a, l-m vvime alt -r in.'dioil ien ,. b.e.n. i -l t' e exi.lea.-.' an I Ihe need nf ir in ,1 tti" L'.o. , 1. t oo . h nr a. s ion. e ioiia I out 1 ov I 1 in iko a pr p. o at en w i i 1 w oil. I ,-ari y t l it ' th e,roul it 10:1 in -n 'll a vvav a- to .1 ' go "I an I do n 1 mis lin f. Manv were th n'- e upts, an I nni'-h vvas th - iiit-.-hi"f that t"l owed At la-t i'rnii:. 'e -u . esi wa- nt "aui-t. and tin pre;, irat-on was pr-.-ln el u luoli is tlie basis nl th . i.e 11 s m p.i; nlar ,o:ii". Hrovvn .- Irnn In: e It is pleasant to f.d ovv iiji the w nU of sn. li 1 li'iielieent miiipoim I a. tliis Hrowa's Iron Hut. rs. an I tosee what it is d -1111(5 11 enrich 11; t'l bin 1 1 ot t ie piopie an 1 ilririu- out lisoase Wtli tin, intent, mi' of "ur corre 1 laoivl nits r vv-at .1:1 u tour ef inquiry j iin.'ii s ine of ,n:r l.j.t outens. lie vi-ite.l the sti.r,, ,,' M sr. lie'-ry. .la"k i V I',, mi Main sin".'. Memphis This linns' j sun-.of t he lares' in the v.'iiot' sal" i'l" I ii-ino-s Mr. W. II. Herry. the head nl th. i 1 n -e, th.i- renli" I to an in pury as tn a mat i ..-r of p as 1 ml Ii. a tir 'liolhmy wif . and i tin. -elf were Miibnii fnun delnlity. Wt ' v t run .! 'Wii I v tho..,r... t of the hot lies' her, ! vai -Ii in 'li s oinna-e 1-soinetinies verv pi- i i ,i-.i' n; W" '.. itt-l iii'H ni:ii!,,rt ninl reh.l ' a M 11- of Iir nva , Inai Hitter- Th.'ie I. j ."an'thin verv mvi ; Tat laj; in this prepura '.on of iron. It ennf . r, siie'i slreii"th as I i.iv" ni'ver 1 iv.. I train nn. other lien". 1 j -o.-aid tins I'. It 'I's ,-is a v rv Miperior tome, 1 I n i . e b I 11 v -ry hu'iily s si!i"ii "f am m n r p -'pi . an I l aniLTl.i l to kii'Wthit it i u a- treneial u-e t- :t is N 011 are at hiM-rti i ;. say lh-- I Ii 11 lev end it '' I I'r. mi Mr. tt 'ia v - oar e n-r sii m l.'iit went ! o tin sr,.r' in' .r.i.ii M Hill & Co., a , 1! an I sti d,.alers. '! M ini -ti- '!, Mem ..Ins. " Tvv 1 ens a;.i, ' -ail Me Hi. I. in j m-vvi'i- to an 1,1 ( i m".' . "I liad lvih'i.l i-i ! tnrrlial fever, a v.-rv s-v re a'ta k. it was oh ! -inaTe nn 1 I'l'ii'iao'e I. It 1-.-1 .1 I in 1.1 a ' it it" of uri'ii' iveik e an i aft t t h" d ii tor, I VVel-e il ia ' w it l tile. I f 'It tt If there w is II t ! inn h left nf inn I ii.-e :.. I a tonic, win h iu ! -irdinary proscription seme I nb e tn pve me. I And, a- you may suppm . I trie.1 ipiite a va i net v of ui.xtnies Ail -r "iui", lln-nuh th( ; list ' I t-ini" fi Ill-own s i ia liitters. whi I j sis-m.-d t . p..s..- a r ---torative power whirl j I had 11 t met with in any thine else. The j tir-t licit!" I'm In e I on ni" a 111 ok" 1 effect j liter whi -a I cati-iii" 1 n-in-; U. and took j several b .ttlei mole At tits' ci-.nliially, i then r.'ipidiv, mv strength rei'.ir.ied. and I am ' now p rie tlv vveil. thanks to this iu -t ex .client tmoe." There are in-tan -es am it; th" many, ol (ien;ile ri -,'nt h -re la nil;- mi I a, and villi ai' i km. wii to e v 'rv Ii 1 1 v Tne v have f"U'id tin vain,- of llrovvn's lion Hiit-es, und ter tin ! .i, nf tlieir i. lliivv lieinj-have nn I a itimi in si, tikiiu about it It is evi leut that ilmst w h 1 are atiin; '"l sultenm; from the vorioii' iilj.-nntl -s of I1.11I, le'rve nr dtKe-t'iiti, can nut do better than make trial of llrnivn's Iros liitteig. There at - taiMi-aii Is and thmi-anl .1! eases on r or I in wine!: it h is been nf m falotiiatile advanta 4 -, and not one iustanci ua ev-r been fnun I ia whi li Us trial re suite I in failure. E inch your bind ami inve out disease by the u-'of Hrnwn's Trot Hitters, win h voi can obtain of any dru ..." . .. ,vn ii,-,,. 11 asimiL'tmi. ir , ,';i 1 mire ,-m. Alexandria, Va . iv: I used Hrown's Iror Ibtt'-r- with verv re-ults. Mr. Itn liard H. M.-r.-diih. lint m. Md. j says I can lcartilv rueoiiiinend HroiV ! I rim Hitters fur hvvr trnulile and loss of B , petite. It really b-netiteJ me when variou ' it her reme lies fai.e I. ! An xelt.oie :ek-: "W hat is Im-tili. furni- ure.- ' I'nti't knew unli-.- it i- armed chair-. Villiing I.Ik' ll. No mrUI.-lne li..-, -. , n kn-wvn ... effectual la lie: i-ui.- of all Hi 1 1 u-i-. ari-in.- Ir.-ini an iiinniri' ,nlir r n ..f 01 I-I" "4 ,i- - ..a 1.'- s OlSA)ilKU.I.. ea Hl.'i'in asi, I oik -lino, i-t On- rare nf Serofula. VV hil,' .-Wi'lllll.'-. Ul!. 1 Il-Ml. I'lllll'I 'S, Ill.ltehes. 1, n't lein. v, 11. -1, -.11 ..r,., ,111 1 In-easei. C'en-auip .inn. or-iilre, li,,iis. ,. ,,n , r-. na.t all kin-lrel ilis .-a,.-- .N tK-lt-r in. .tn-ol -.-.-tiraii a liraulifnli-ein j. I. anen o.iti t.i ..1,1...... ,1 01 ei l.v nstliK SCO", 11. 1, 'S ill..' ii -,n i.iv cit Mill C. nhl.-h iliansi-s ine i.i-H.lin'l u' ei li.-ri'iti i.i 1 In -kin. 111,. ,li-- - uiif rotilalili- ,.,-i-. i-e iua 1 old icvtnna-iitm EDQ)TAR TRADE MARK. 0UG1K URE Trem from Opint, mr and Poison, SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. mm iiii.pi vw TJACO EnMANREMEDY n Cure! Rheumltiim. Hcurlgl, LAI Unin .,W, HS.-k.. TWIM.U. tub raitLis 4. iixiii ia o.,ALTiBORi,ai- noRPiiifJEo'iji"; KAHII.V ( l .:i:i. BOOK FKFB, or. J. c. Huffman, jfUron, wiicoiuin. oo.jr . iMiriMiion 25CJ- PSQH Vinegar BiTTERS l the grout Hlood Pui iller unit Llfp-jivlne I'nu. ii'l,- n lii'iaU' I'lirt'iiiive mi, I Tiiiiii'; pirio I Itriunitiiir anil luvitrnrnioi- nt tin- ftyntei-i. In im-iriir HMIitn ttiere' Ig vilnllty but no nli-eholieor niitieral pmson. Imm-um'H f (lie whnlevr nnme or nature, are llterftllv rtii nimnil earrliM out f ilifsyHtem inn sliint timeliy iheiisinf the lllilers. Vtileunr Klllemallinsfevenshni-ss. b i-e-tieveii, anil m lime cnri-N liheinnaiiKiii, Neiirn'm, (iont, anil siini'iir paitiful discuse. 'lnecnr Hllteia clues CiiuFtipnlinn and prevents Inin rli.en Ttvvvr beliiro lisa a tmilirlnn hceo rem pniitiilfd imwki umiii; the pmvi-r tit VlNKuAK PlT Tlais In heal Un- un k. Semi for either of our valuable reference Tmoks fur ladies, f, ,r fanners, fur inerohnnis, ma M.slienl Tri-atise on 1'iseases, ur ear i titeehisni nn Inteniperanee and Teliais-o. w Inch lai-l -tenitd he read hy everv elnld Hint intilti in the lionl. Any two of the above hunk mulled fne on rect-ipt ia lonr ei-nis tnr r- i;i.aratieii leea. H.H. MilXmold Drill! On.. Ma Wa!nn.-tiinSt.. N.Y. 'are f -r Caa-nini-tl-ai say,-1 mv hte.' L. !,. Willi i f. Or is,,it. Kin-a. r. iT r-ti ffiti-Tira itam-if j i4 CURES WHERE All list lulls. KI kd Best C',,iii:li isvr'iiv Tai l,-ir ...a. t'. El In tune, f-.-l. I l-i ilrni-cisl-. ', uiattierl' "lAh M"ll, ,n-in t,.l' i we can -r ure. - r. ll. lanivn 11. Ii'rti.rt 111. fe STOMACH & FI.OHII: I'l.OKIIIA! Piril,.s iiik nil, 1 iiiiI,.i-i ,-.m. prneiii Kiornls. ,-.n c,.i 11 ,,y s-iel ,eir 1 en . "n I . , I. I I II. n.l 'I'.on " rt r ',, s'.n I III ' l'l..nri lie," Hi,, III lis t.alflt, ..-lis. I ,, n I i n sil I,s.ti'.it. ll'-i.l - -.1 si a .. 1 '1- - Pi . 11 ,t" is i ii .mm i nri .. ,l..v..i. I I., 111 llit-r-.ts ..1 s .alii l-l-.n.ta III! rlCCCD T" nitmd.if" tft.m. w will Dlu urrttti 1. ti twtv 1. nil s-K. m& ncnj 1,. ir.ur 11.1111'-. I'. 11 , a i.i .Hi a cujvf. The NuiiouiiI l i..: liYM .. DHI Great Englijh Gout nl Dlair S I IIISi Rimumatic Bcniedr. U..I Hasj J.OOL roMMd,60 cla. TElSTOFSKTOOTHPOWaEH iicrplDS Tlb -Perfect Hil (iHM llr:Uhy. HHnrHBLWBIVTCMMB ftnre rrllrf nnu If innCD'O DMCTII I CO l'n.v,ci!, AM HIS. riL-ui.n o rrio 1 iLi.i.o.r, Z LVI.lfl. ll.p, ' prt BiMlll nn l,Mfl I ' IV -; h nil - btaiiu.ird bilvri it f, . Hob ton, Mass. am, Jhtteut L4yvr. VV AiiiUht i. i C Pen n C.MIaiH ft, U..IM flan WIVIIVI1 . I IM, AH-. Wuhmtiroii. D. O. T se n l CUfl!.i WHiS All CISt f-AllS. 'Tii ''i T'tM I'lir-llH' f 1 ' ' I" I " - VV M ! 1 It'M"'N. llr m I, in-. t, jt CUtlSWHEDC All tLSt F&Hs, PY li.i- Our,, o ...ii'iieie'i i- tl,.. i si n. p. m-i ; .it c,-.Tii'd " a. I.. It .-: 11 le 11 rsr linn j "risn'sriir.f..r I'on-nn;.ti ei ud.iin.-w .n ,-r i.-i I f kI I rne."-ll 11 1.. N-a.nV, M V ! K fn 1 CREAM BALmSHIJ mi-. J...I i..- S111 i l.i'jrin ea NM-ir. vj ' I I V I-lit I III si. Hi I .'. X. V. j .1 .1.1, ,1 .. s,l 1 r ,, . .Ml.-.'- I Mtii f$W rt'irt-:,!! r- iii u. tit. ( it n i t- 1 1 1 II .,..pu n il ' ' is4' ,.., I .r .-1,,. . ... mi l l.i.a .111.1 l..,i ,. ' y.f wyanwiiiiiiiiiiiw m iw 't OfTiEDot L J n". 11.-. JOHN P. LOVELL'S SONS, BOSTON, MASS. icnAMfioN vinn-yi Kvpm. .nMinir i.UUVU UUUIUI.6 l,.phna .-linn. I IM .1 irlr.ltrlM.u ii.lmt Ijn-k. I'nienl lureeml l n-leniin; Ker k.I nerkiiinii-hlp. renven Irnrcof manl,tiliOI,.n. hir-i an-1 el.H.r -h.Killni.-. Ity. ninl iH-atni ef flnlsh. tin- iiuii li.a- im an. ,-hiil leiwon Hie wnrl.l. Tli.,ii.u,t-.,r ir. mm- li.n.- i,,., n ...I t. ati.l Ihe it.-einn-l fer idem Is r..i a Hi liieri-.t-in.' W lentl lla (npiirrliav I" Sfv,. ij... ,,,;., ,,r i rr.i.e.1111111 r.,-., inn i. -ii, I un inri,,.. ,i -Inule l.r Ii l.,.lili llmrnii4li ewniiitiiiilleii I'll II etain ItHrrvl. 1.' Ire. sl,,t : t a l it Lovell Roller Skate. rn ii i:.i So 1 Rink. So. JKInk. - , S... il Half rlarnp. MekelM an.1 poll,he1, No 4 All l l.lini.. Nlrkel all, I I'..1M-I, Nn. S Ail ("In in i. Nl. krl. l-l l .irn I. .s, i , nni j.r,.ii., ,.n ,.. rij t nr yri.-r snip A.'Ksrs in u Till II..1 1,,s. tuv an-l Vt AKlia CITY K"l I Tl el.a.r,,!,., t,,n t,, ;,i., ii ier set. I..v iiuiil "lial, en rci-i-ii-t ef iriei. piiri-i It.inti.l lUrri-l- ai.' VI I Ih'tAi.n ilHrrel a-. .S am insr Htflf in thf Kpii hlf. ti- H 111 It i'.iii rrUni'li (I, of th- iv t twfi.r.- ihfv hit .ill vritu fr.Mii oil r.irt.irv in il.ii if. U ptvifirely tht trutft f;i t -hih . ; VICTOR AIR PISTOL. ll.tnl. ivhlrh whru allaehe.l i,ii,ri-ll mi.. roli nrtbrsr Alrl'litnls. I'rii-l-a I lllnek 3j ptlputa on rri'rij.1 11 prut. Mrriiinr .ir Him-. A -urieion i-I.M'K. er Snll .let H.' HIFI KX. Krmlnilan 1'n.llrrn, n-lil. h sh.- sillier H'l.l, MH-KFI. IM.tTr-n. prtee reilu .l fr-11 I I 1. , X I . jll raro, wiin n.-iris. tui. 1, -lu-. Sh.xit.i in m p irt lft-llm. l.v a IH ir.- atnnw inriit than lomr a il ul nhot. I r I". MMM T . T A M P f R-voh. rH, Hhiiihk TarliU', l'og JOHN P. LOVELL'S SONS, BOSTON, MASS. HnitiP Itct'is and Topics. --"All your own fault If you remain siek when you can Met hop hitler.- that never Fail The weaki'sl wrinaii, sun illest child, and sii krst invalid ean use li .p bitters with safely and great gniul. HM nirn tnttrring around from Rheuma tism, ki Iney tri'iihlnor any weakness will be tliade iilunjk new- by Usin Imji bitt-r.i. t-?tT"JIv wife ami daii.'liter were madi lienithy by tho use of Imp bitters and I ree ommeuil them In my people. - Mthndist Cleiijym'ui. Ask nnv Raul doctor if Imp Bitters are not the b"st family medicine C11 earth 'It fever, .V.-ue and H1li.n1.11 -si, wall leave eier.v in-i,;hb.'i Imo I as smni as Imp Litters nrr.viv. -"My mother drove the paralysis an I neuralgia all out nf her t-vi-I -m with h .p bit lei s." -.". i'.-nr;,-o .S'101. J Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bitters and you need lint fear siekue-s. The' nf youth for the age 1 and in til 111 ill hop bitters ! '. '. 1 "At IIib rliimtreof life 11 ii him; e pulis 1 Hep'.nPay nil lr -abl sun adT-nt . Thereto.' I "The lnvst iK'iiinhi-al f,n- ladies to take ninut lily, an I frmn whirh they will re rive the grriite.-t lavaelit is Imp bitters.'' Theii-an ls die annually from some form of kidney ilise-is that nn ;lit Ii-i-," been pre v. nt-.l by timely uv nl h p l iiters. Indi.'esti'C weak st una -h, irro-ntn-i ties ot the b.weli, eainiol evi-t when hap bit ten lire Used. A lim y us nf Imp fitters will ke'pn wh..!e lannlv In robust health a war at a little rn.f. To 1 r nl'1 -e real geiuiin sleep and rhi! 1 like repose nil lelit, Ink .' a litlie Imp bitters on t-tftirniK. None peiiuine w itlvnit a luiiiehnf green Ih p-1 tl the while lab 1 Mr.n ah I hi vile, p,,i- if lis stair with -'II-p" or "llnp," iii llanr name N ( II Prize Hour Scroll Saw All Irnu ninl wec-l, I'r , 3,HI. COCO FOR ii! rtcni JOllUiOl CCOD FOR HI Id COOO FOR ADULTS, COOD FOR YOUTH. 8HIPMAN TWM Krs. CO.. FcrtelfT, K. Y i.w , ma il i-:io 'fs-stvsi. f. i w.i,i, -rf 'Jo ,jjf ' i r v . J. ai. i-.fftw - a .t-i.- 1C': tl llic p-lhlM. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. rt In Ihe Wnrld. Jta leenli l.v the Krrrrl.,ibrl.-v rCu.ClCllluKi.'i, .V V. ill.U.uilL Koldtxtnvlurt. 1 ri rs. t -iia i'-r Ivenr, Uj I'riiil gL, New ot JllslnfVRrinfl 1v cwn Bone, svW?iS-3d Menl. liver Nhrll., fc--4-rtiN.ll! 1I -il l'.,iir iimll .n n I Uj V Tm J Ait IL.Ii it. nt'. UNI ore rrnl. ,- Mine in kcrnln r nnnl- A'e.i rOWKII Mil. I.N F.tHli Mll.l.. 1 -in ,::.ii. 1111.I li--iiiii.iiin.i-. sr t i l..all ,a. WI I.Nt. IlltUS., tualun, i'u. CONSUMPTION. I dpi -i-ilUtf r"tu- I I I.t lti. r5tllit'i"t;l'f ttt Dt n ..f 1 -i. 1 t . .tst k ..I r, ., ,.r f,-.rt -c .hh ti ' ti-i .1 !. . ..H!iiiiclnn f tt'h la . t t I v. ; i i 1 ; i r 11. 1 iir'B. It'lIrlhtT i"i h V 1 1.1' A !! t. I it I VT!.-Ken thu d:at)tU9 WUV i-jfT (... ! f '.i!r IH.. T A M,u. I'M, ; l iVartsi., hew York Skunk, Mink, Red Fox, Muskra III--A1 1'lf i.n.i .11 II ill I--I If. I ll ll lllMHesI III llM'H. U-I f l ,l;. HoiiKlilnii, II li.'ii.lM .S V.i'iii r r.i Mori-ltlne Clubll f'nrcd in 10 to-Jtirfm. Nu pr till carrri. Dm. J. HTitruiKit itbtion, Ohio. ,Jtf o It.! vi I.' I i .-iOriSi-- j BlirrmHn elliiii-iriireiie"r7;o...iriie '-B J Hal' ee,riI.-.-:ni'iireii,"-:t'aii:h. r-f nl. ' I ntM'C'U iVliirvIs-si I ' I i.-l :'l S.i-'ll' t' I-' 1(1 il . W ! foi .ii'i.i' l"i i.- Si'llll'l'vt V-..S- t- .a MaaiM 1W I'I-..'. li-meitv f..r fatarrh l th R ll II.Sl, I i.-l.-i le I'-". Hll I I'llKipisU M LIllJ. r,sVrr1l irtinn lirMnp 1 Xx&r Revolver PRICE $7.50 1 .'"oTi.k, hieri (nil I- I. , ,1 I, ,1. U I- III- 1,-sl ll A. I .. . i..r.ll,....k. i- la the ni.-iik-l 111 iih .Hie in w ant ..f a nr. I ela Uriel r i-l M . i-.i. i 'ti-- .-. nl l"i i,,,,i 1.-. a, a ftn, t. r, t l"l ..r.. ll Ai',tj... i, i it,,i. i. .n o sii r.-rs in l.e th lir.i la the MIMrkrl. Ve,-ll!lelli:.. the 11., l l ! . .1 e l.s tUaL if iii ill i ri riTkimm Coifs 15-Shot Repeating Rifle. ti. fti,- i iUlM i i-i-; .Hit 'f n fir- n nt ft i.v. U I th1 btjt Rivat fir Wit, .lif-.--r liflp fartrklp', Iltllv IhmiM f ill IO luvtirr Oll i( arc arrant, il in pvi ry rCHwt. Thia .III ll.W. IiHtlUK JUft l'('0 rf. tifc-; -" a1 nnl ivrrv I.i ami ilrl .hoiilil have one Mrkel Kllli.ll, 8 I. l.u mini - t ll. . 11 It tl I'ii.-h the Helien nrJ rill. Excelsior Air Rifle. ilarlri nn-l ttltiR. For tare! prftic tm i'i" fi.-vn-n-l r 11 n.i- it ' i iiti.n. 11 !. Im ii.niin v r i-.i.-i ,t - CI- nt.ti'. f---.ini gi r.M. nv' !: i i n itiiitK in the fpriiiii7 hue an,, ti-.fh . - n,- it t T -ii rnc w i; Cutnl,. -u ,.f ,'ni- Mirtf, ( ollars, I'ttlirc UKlt. iLoilt r SkrtttH mi.l isiM.riln

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