&l)c l)atl)am ttccortt. ii. a. io; jo:n, EDITOR AM) I liorKlKIX'H. l)c tCljatljnm fleeced A axpim KATKS IlT CLP ADVERTISING line Mii,in', onr insr-rtion- 11.00 I liir Sipiarr, two insertions 1.50 hn- sipilirr, onr lliolitll - .fiP l"or laigrr iidvrrlisriiinits Itlnial ron M ii ts vv iil hr inndr. I In flrr Vra-s. Ill .lit, !' , '.. W I'.'ll I'll I Ill il - I'll! 'III. iu t,,.,iv tiralll noli i. U'lll, X tl-1 I. I,. II III.' -old rll.l.l. loll. 'I -kV, Tl. at -.-. in in- . roil'! k ing - emiopT, I - III,. tol'rl. t tlClrial I "lit . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One ropy, our year - $ ''.nil'. One ropy, six' ino'iths . - 5 I Oe copy, three month-: - - . .Ml VOL. VIII. I,ITTSIM)UO CHATHAM CO., N. C, FKBRUAKY II, 1880. NO. Life I.i'moii, ' Which is til 1 wav to Temple Finn" !" Ii(iiirpH nn :iir youth, 'Awl how to gain tti" lioni.rnl imm-. Ami where tin1 inine f trnlli f" Thrimgli life lie puslm! tin- rare l-egim, As only p-iihls rim. To kit full nl "" rcansl I.V I'lll' Wln lolled lr I. rend mid iiuiii - r. li, lll,i,,h i Ihr i urn nt. A Ihrco-Cornorod Combat, Von will see hy tin- 1 1 1 .- tli:it (In Sat limn Hivcr of liliilm lia- its risr in tin- Sal iiifui KiviT Mountains. Two small rink-, meeting at the mulli end of I In- imniii tains, fnrin tlir Salnnm, Iml it is imt much of ii stream iinlil it receives ii Cut. Hitter Swif t itnil other i in ks down toward tlir Hilt, r It.ii't Mountains. I had jiilllllt veil to tlir folks of tlir I'ppri S.iliiH'ii with a I i.i in I of hiiiiti'i's nnd trapper., iiml. while tin y had m nt fir wintir ill trapping for furs and lull-. I h id ! v.h.pc.l tl" f.n t tli.it oil. mil i. slatr, iiiarhlr, I'opprr, and other minimis were to lir had fm tin asking in tin mount. lint. 4 itijj to ili- ii . tli of .-in ov iiml si vi lily of tin- hi -nt In r. I had f I'm islml my wink of pm-pi i ling win n -j i inir i iinir, while tin trappers wirr ready t'i nhmiiloii tlir i xhau-i. d tirdl ami move 'ist into ill. f,.. liilv ,.f ihr Mitti-r "ot. On tin- th-l day i f May I w.is Ii It al I had a horse, two pai k mill's, a ritli . two revolvers, ami pli ply of f I anil ;iinnmuitioii. A- soon ,i- tin tin n I ft inr I pulled iii -t.iki - ami moved iiriiind to tlir ( ast siilr of tin mountain, white there was h " w iml iml limn- iin lnin . Hi twn ii tin foutlnll- ami tlir mountain w as a long, nainw. vv imling v illi v, van iiig in vv ith fmtn Imi In titty fn. Tin mow was just leaving this vilhy. ami tlir grass of last .rasi n hail hrm pn -i rvril in palatahlr s)iapi for tin hnr-is. Nothing' of spinal intorc-t .'iMiind until tlir Hd of .linn . flu lli.il morning, wliilr rooking hn ;ik fast, a innis!. I grizzly, tlir lirst onr .nn during iln win tel. suddenly llppllleil willlill '.nil frit of in v l amp liir, i oinin up tin winding viilli v from tlir south. I wis l.etvvnn l,iiu ami the hm -e -, hut tin lattt r win o n riitinl that Iiml tin y not 1 1 1 stout ly staked out tiny would have made 'In ir r.i apr. 'I hr In lir llllltr.l. a I s.ijil, and M- h" flisplayril m intention t r..in. m an i. I illil not wish to provi.kr him In am ,n t of hospitility. Ilr was in Iran i . million, with his shao;ov font in aiiMliin.: Iml pli sriitalilr shapr. -tai'n al tin' Willi i in ions i ves, sniff, i ihr air. u-n w uin .isv ,'iftrr ii frw mi i n i it s -mil tin. illy IiiiiiIh ml off ilow n tlir alii out ofsi.jlit. I was thoron'lily olinl to In rid of llniin, Iml I rfoiv I Iiml tinislii il my hn akla-t hr n tin mil ami Inoii'Jit two I'tlnr irriliis w ilh him. all full oiow n, ( Will mmr.l a- I is. I t. ilinl that I ! s.., no .how ii';.iin t tlir llin r. Tlir horsi wa- w ill w ill, I. nor. iml 1 1 inul, . wrp' so in mi' that tiny lay ilown with Wiaklll' s, ,i,, on tlir l.lllsli. ami ns Ihr lir.- hlasril ami naiklril tlir; hi iirs took alaiin ami o.ill""il "f, look mi; hiii k as if to s, i if tiny win pui mil. Tlir pn si m i i.fthrsf inoiistir innoviil ii'' in in than I ran rvpl ain I M- inorr u as than as if I Ii i.l li. ; i ml ilnii I'iian prow linn ll.l. nt . A r ih In n I-tin natural f.n of . vi I'Mliinu tli-'t hvr- . Ilr is without f. ir. Mis .-1 1 . 1 1 j 1 1 1 is soiuithiiiL' astouinliiii;. Ih will li-hl I 'i iity tin ii us soon lis .mi . I'ln all lln l ullits from Ihr haiiil'i I of a W in. In t'i into him ami not our may si ,. :, v it il spot. 'I hr si:.il ol ll ami smokr hail krpt tin in from atl nkiliL' inr. hut I was hy no in. alls i, , thai (In y woiihl aliamlon tlir tirlil. i Tin only plan to savr ihr Innx s ,i- to lniihl iiiiollu i Ii"1 nliovr tin in. In our i-pot tlir vail, y iiaii.iwr.l until it w:i not niorr than i ihl I. . t whir, ami lu ir I 1 uilt a solid lii i- ot hi .ivy 1 1 ittl - om- I nhiih would I i t for a wlmlr day. A j pi irtiT of a milr In low tlir i amp I louml anollnr rood sopt. and huilt iiliotlnl tilf. 1 inul thru fill i ouip.iraliu ly s.ifr. Thr only frai w as that I would krrp thr In ars I nni'v to luiiio in I iiins down upnii nn'. . Thr hriivy sinokr roiihl hr .nil for twi n- ty niilrs, and if srrn hy ml m. n thry , would rrrtainly iiivrsi i;;ai,.. j I flid not Iriivr i lii that .lay, hi in;; ! I'tisy with s. itm lis iml in making n j pairs to my ilothini:, and tin day mid nirht piissid without an alarm of any ort. This pot inr in rood spirits, and I prrmitti'd Ihr litis to dir down tn orrat hrils of roals, nhi. h wnuld l t.nll thi ll hfiit nil day, mid soon nfti r hnakfa-t should, rid my riflr ami slmtrd oT down thr viitlry tn prospn t and inwstioatr. Vmi V lirliivr that I krpt my i j- oprii for sight of grilii', hut thry sr. nn d to havr h ft thr nrighl'orhoi.il fr g'MI.I, Al thrrnd of nhoiit livr niilrs thr va! Iry Mlfhlrnly hroiifh lird or fh hoiirhr.J into anothiT. This hngrr vallry oprnrd in from thr hroad plains, mid was a milr long. I had no sooner roiiinlrd u mass of riK k and earth ami hrou"ht thr larifrr vallry into view than my rats w. rr gtrrt ril with h Irnihlc yrll. liight hi fotr mr, Hiifl not ovrr a ipuutrr of a milr away , wrrr ttrvrn or right Indians siirroumlin j a aiiihII ramp tirr, with thrir ponirs rra nig nrar hy. At sin h a time ns that men think and in I nuii kly. If J iod hark up tlir valley Hi h ni tion would iini inrr my i amp and I my animals. Tin rr wa ; im pirn r al h old to makr a sun rs fill di Irin r, with tl his si. mm h against mr. As thr Indians sprung to thrir fret I tut m d ihr right and dashrd into a ravine open ing into ihr iiioiintaiu itsrlf. Thi rr was a s rraiu iiitiiiiiig dow n il from thr melt ing snow. Iml presently found a fairly heat, u path rillinino ahnio U, the r.iv'uie and winding throiiL;h tin tin s and around loiks. Knowino that my life was at I il,. . I put forth iiiy i lloit to rrarli a .I. I. nsivr s,t. W in ii I had gone up tin- ravine :!' feet I found furl Ik r pio';i'ss inii ihlr. j 1 1 i 1 1 t hefoie mr was .in opening into the I i 1 1 if into whieli a in. u hoi-. I .oh i oiild I have enti re. n, while the width was all of twenty feel. I da-h' , into Iheplaee to tin. I myself in a large rhanih. r. Thr light w is Miy dim. hut I s.nv tw. ilnl'l- had I ing olf from this linllirr into thr iinnin i t tin. I w as attu a -i . nn hiding pl n r, I and d. idled into tin- right hand drill I wilhoitl a momrtii'. In -it ilioii. I'll' liiili.m mil iiil.ii' mi my In . I a. I riit. r.d thr d.uk drill tli.il the fmi nio-t one opimd tire with his nvolver. and the whole p n k yelh d like Ii, ml i The re nler ho Ii a- -.. en tin . titiam e to a i. ml mine, lulling into the d.nl.in -L 1 1 . 'in the sl ut, i aii foim an i.h a of the dull I had pluiig.d ml I'ln grade : wa-M iy -In p. and lln hottom i.mgh th it ! h it down ti in '.:"ing iwinty to hit. That w . i- I. ii a 1 w nt. Tin drill was no ,,m tin. , f. . t wide, and otdv our Indian "il. . ,,tm in at a lour. Tin y did not i a. tly uirh i l iml thr itu.ilii.ii. and wi n . agn l , om ih.ml mr. A 1 luinid at hay, th. fonniot Indian ' ..l Mil. ling tin- .Intl. W hil. In- was ; looking into tin daikm - - I .i looking 'toward lln hght. and th. hi I shot from mv i'i koIm r pi. m d In hrnii and k ill. d him a- .1. ad a a l-n. A . In h II I tiled again, and w.. undid tin walil"i I" hind him. I kin w thi- from the way Urn f. How y, Ih d o n. h wa- w.. m Infill h" 'i!i k Ih. ir ml ill -i.ism i oon down, l in y had lioh d inr up. hut nt I In- - aim Hun ilM outnlth.il I was r i t del. nr. I. --. Tin ir s-,, ty ohlig. d tlirm lo grt out "f langr, and in doing thi- ihry . .'ill. I not -hoot int., tin drill ami hit in with ai h oi. r hnlli t All lion I., i ,mn a ih ul a di al h. jam! not a nnvr v., in eh f. i n ipi.n , r "I an hour. h n! uiadr a t'tiipoiaiy i up. . hui l.y no mean- . ongr.it ulali d iny-ilt tliit liny would nL.unh.ii their '. i ll"is. . iw far h... k III. .ilitl rti lid id I had in. mi. in - o knowing, and in sr;., of seeking I" II' ' I t .till, I lt.pl o w it Ilitl I' n fi i t ot tin mouth. I had a i in In -I. i .on I t vm. rev ov i i nnd oil Id have kill. . I Iniliaits all d.iv long, had they sought to i nt. r the . 1 1 1 1 1 Hut one warning wa- i innigh. 'liny kin w of a -aler v ay I" g I at mr. P.y and hy I In ar.l tin n n kling of tl.iini - inul -nn lied -niol.e, and dir. . t ly all. I that a In .ip othutning hru -It wa- mi -It. d o t In . nt lain .- ot tin ill ill It II a long pole. Tiny win going lo -moke me mil ! I route - ! making up my mind that my lioiu - w. n- mimhrri .1, Iml I had given w o to ih pail ..o oon. The diaught ol tin dull a - ..ill w aid into the ih. imhi i. a- mi'.'hl have h. i u . pn n .1. and ma a w hill ol ,no!.i i .nil. I hi diiven in al nn . Tin g.mn w a ooii aliamh lu d loi an . lln t. A oi I. Lug. . in.ii.di lolui id liu.ntl.'i in I mil in w i io, , to tin mouth ol lln drill. ,u. a ml kin got Ih hm. I it ami Im . in tiling into iny i.o.r. 1 ri In at lie; a ,t. w I il and lying 11 al down I wa ah In. Ill hishlllli I . lie tin. I sixty tight tinn In Ion- hi h. nihil of. They I.ln'1 -ay that I h id In. n kill. d. and the proper way lo prove thai I hadn't hn nwa to -i ml a waiiiol iu with a lighted toieli to a-k me. lie Iiml si are. ly i ni. ri d the drift w In n I hanged into him. and dropped him. Ih- fell so m ar the nt. .ill Ii thai hi . i .aiip inioii sought to draw him out. and I wounded one of lln in IP tin arm. I had killnl two. iml wound.. I two. and kin w that iiolov.r four sound ones re maim d. I wa- wondering if it wouldn't he the hi -t plan lo .lu ll "'ll at thrill with my revolvers, wlnn a s, n, - ..f yells, shouts, srirains, and growl- lillrd thr rhainhrr hryond inr. Then followed live ot si shots. ni"ir grow Is and yrlls. and as I kepi my eye mi the opening i -aught a glimpse o a giily he n mnl a wanioi struggling. In live minutes from the litst siiuiul tin re w.i-i lln i tioi-i than that of low .'row ling nnd I In i In k of i laws on thr to. ky flour. What had happened.' I had run into the ih II of the hears sei n in (he morning, iUld the Imlians h id followi ,1. Tie h.ai had i Mlnr lioiin Ii on llu ir in nnl.i" walk, and the result mu-t h.iv. l.' .-n di-a I on to thr Indians. . 1 1 1 It i. ih.nr in fero, ions nature nf tin annual. 1 w.,.ii. as fearful o I him as I had In u ol ih. In diaiis. A full grow ii gril i "iild hud ly s.pieiYr his way down tin diilt. and I wa-- 1 1 itain tu kill him if he tried to. After a hit I rrrpl iin lnlly forward until I eould srr into thr i hanihir. ll whs a sight to makr our sirk. Two hrars lay dead on thr floor, and a third was hi king thr hlood which llowed from srv . i ll wounds. Hut others had suf, ird inore. I had two dead Indians in the drift and live others lay in Ihr i hiiniher hiltni. . lawed, and hull until thr spri ta rlr was a hidroll- one t" gar llKUI. Thrir w is hlood i very w heir ami upon rvrrv I'ollg, and pi. '"is of hloody th -ll 1. 1 initigliil ami mixed with patrlns o In d ian dr. - - and lin arni . While I s, looking al th. ho,,,,, . ' (he woiinileil hint ins' up with a In re. j growl and nttarknl the rorpsrs. Hi- ' hurts drovr him mini, nnd hr watilrd i rrv.'iigr on thr ilnid. 1 saw him put a paw on Ihr hrnist of all Indian, seize tin-throat in his ir. th, and at onr singlr w iriii h hr torr thr hrad from thr hody. Ilr srinl anolli. r hy llirl. g. lu-tahovi tin knrr. and I Inard thr hours i ru-h like glass i,. hi treth shut. He jerkul and twi-trd l,tn or thirr tinirs, and Ihr l.g wa- torn ..IT. It was the frniy of .halh. A- tin In ar hit and torr at i.tir .if (he . ot p-. s hr suddenly toll, red, hrm i d hi- legs, and lin n sank .lo( u mid lolled over, and soon lirrnthnl his last. 1 was so spell hound that it was two or three minutes hi fore I eoilld move. The -pe. tin e Wls i vi ii mote hotrihle whrn I sr pprd out and 1 1 urnl a -Iroiig. i light, aiid.liriitly my inn . s w . i r -o nn I rung al thr rn olli i llotiofwhil h .'I oiiiiuiiI that I rii-hed out of tile rave into thr opi II ail. A I g um. I tin .ml I'h il lnnk nn thai lln Indians h .1 douhil. -. , it one ol Iin ir 1 1 11 1 'll o I iW. lltll th"' lo-e-. - I Willi down lln t. nine I . n i miin d. if lln-w.i- thi iiie, In attai k him. with Ih. h"p. o wiping out lie whole paitv. hi n I en pi out of the rav ine amain v .oo.y s..-, (. , au.nl.d in. . Tin In dian .oiir . h id Iim n hohhlid to pn v. tn I In ill I rout w atnh ring ivviv. ami none of Ih' pnty h id hern h it in . It tig. . Th" lii lir had tome upon t'n hoi-t s In I. and i vt i". one of th. in wa- .L ad on tin gi.i--. and liorrihlv luiililali d. l in y hnlti.'l linn killed In satisfy Iniligi r. hut to graldy a f m. i.ni . whim. All' i a It v. hoin-. .lut ing vvlin It tune I n luini d I" m x im n . amp. to Iiml t ci i y thing -ah. I i. iiiti i.. lln eavi and - illl. d the lilt . Hill , of the th id I. ll-kill-. Tin -tiilT al then .amp lin i oii-i-t.. of hl.inki ' -. nil" . ; 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 i t ion, ami p.oir. hil. none of tin parly wt re in war paint. I here w;r- nothing to prove that they were nit on i limit. They had I haps di Ih t I . d 1 1 "lii si nni - man h to disi nt i w hat had i aiisrd the smoke. Foil i weeks later w hen a parly ol him .s llolll Hoise City. hill. led hy ('.I pi. Hall. -I iiml d. I iii on me. I turn, d ovt i t. thrill, lis Il lil - ol Ihr singular thin oil' ii. r. d light, the Ii real ins. how s and arrow , lln i laws o the griii s. i., lull suits ,,1 I'lnkkiit. three -.alps of while men. and t no ugh pipes, heads, kiiiu" , . Inn in-, and h alhels ),, -lull ,i mii-elim. These reli. - till xhil.ili.iii in the Sheriff's .lln. al oi-e. ami hi al witness thai I have given you a truthful narrative. -. r ) ,,,, . Tlir Value of Hip-rockets. The ; nrral pr.u lilioiur is freii.ntlv a k'd l.y anxious parent' : "What shall I do f..i my hov ; he is getting so awfully stoop -I I.h nil that I am aliaid In will gel eoli-uinpt ion ; will have In gel him a 1. 1. ice. What kind would you in ollllllelnl ;" ll r. .(iiii.s in. ext. ii'le'l argutui ill to piove ih. importance ol a well i vpaml' d iln -I. Apart lioiu the iuialculiihle Inn i lii - lo luallli. an en i I carriage and i ii . hil in. .vi nn nt .it 1 1 .it t the alt. nlio n "llin mot hiinihh. It . an-. - tin in to i. li.il a- tar a- they an .ihle, in thill i hildn ii any tend, m y to awkward, looping oi ungainly po-ilion-. Apart liom lln ioal ami im onvi nh in c of ex piu-ive in-lruini til . hut lew nn 1 1 tin n . 1 1 1 1 1 i it til-. In in, in . i-i - In Hit n nils may he ohinm d hy alliiiiling In a few -itnplr th iails. wiihin lliriiai h ol rv. iv onr. in thr ordinary i lolhing. The hoy'- poiket- are to him a via y iinpoitanl pari of his dies., and the natural l ii.lriu y is to keep his hands in thrill. Win II not in lively engaged, thrrr lin y arr u-iially foiiml, and if the porkrts an prnpiily plarr.l, they will iiiailvert i nt I i ail-e him to throw hat k the should ii and much m h-s expand the i lust. I ' i in 'ami. the jai ki I or ovi niial should have what isiallid hit as pot k I I , the opening should he high and as hit ha. k as pos-ilile, parallel with ami in the line of the hody. in-li ad of low down mnl tiansvei'-e as usually found in Ihr onlin.'iry jacket or ovi'troat. Thr pants should havr w hat arr i nihil "hip porkt fs." iiml no oilier. It w ill tin ll he apparent that, whilst the hand9 are in the pot ki ts a hetter. if not a per il it. position will hi a-iimiil ami the hoy spared Ihr main ailinonilioiis te "Kit p your hand . i tit i I yoitt p-n ki I ." and lln m i Hi. j i.i ing hn.x on Iiie eal. Tin- Tinir Ihr OUi row i:'rv( (ff. I I'' ' ' l.ii i' 1 and the ll nlii of lnlan Ihi- '.lying i-vi iv roiuinon in Ihr imuilli . ll: pa-miry, I'miigh all who us" it inay m l h i I all I il - oi n ifi. It iuu ,t i lit -I an old song : li .'t' wa, mi ol I man, an. I lie liad an old oW . v ii'i Ii-- Iia I nothing to ive her, '-.. i, lo ik out his li.l. lie mnl tie play. si her a i i i" I '..iisiil.r. g.i'.. ..iw. i"ii-ilrr; This is in. Inne ..I y. ai for Ihr iiiss In crini. t'ousiiler, n.rfi.1 row. r .usiilrr. Thr old row died of hunger, mid when any gri'tes.pielv iiiehiiu holy sung nr turn is utliTrd Ihr north country proplr say : "That is thr tune Ihr old cow died i f.' I,mihm .iririillnr.il li.Kflli. id ll oil lit - arr uln ay hrst. was nu alt ilinnight nt i leativ.il. "II.; f'lllMIKKN'S ('HMMI, VIk-ii I'm n Mini. An .a-."' x oil' Ii with lieaiuin .'ves I..W.I ',1 .Mil illt'l til" Wi.l'l.l. Ami eri.sl, "Mv ship's in nai'lmi' ,vt. My hai iiirrs still are fiirli .l. Hut 1 will lo thr tiling I can When I'm a inun ' "'riiere am such wrongs to Im r'dre.s.sol, Kuril rights Unit n.xs) it,.r...si.. I give my heart to nil Hint's good, My worn to all pretense; I'll work out iiiriiv h no)..' plan When I'm a man! "I have so llllleh to -is. iiii So n i thai ( 1 1 in v siiv. When clnli lln v id's happv .lav s liiivegonr, With Ir on-an. I will, plav. Then I shall try Ih" ht I rim To Im a men." - Ur. I linrr. r-it iiiMtk. If wt did ma know it to he so. it would he hard to h. lirve that any animal could 111 ikf it - home in lln mnl-t ot t'n altiio-t pi I p. Illil -lloiv and n e of tin fir lioith. And y.l iiiaiiy 1 1 i"i . animal- than an gnu lally -up I I" do so hvr in that tun ll -. i old. ami h iv e a. . ommod at. d tin nis. Ivi I., ih. n siirioiiiiiliii. r,r i xample. Ih. ill" iiiito ha- hi in l.'Hi.'l as far noiih a - man ha -ev ci gone. Tin nliilr him di -civcs alt. mum f.n tin iiriiinri niwhi.hii ha- nhipl.d it- II I" it- -n.mgi nio.l, o hi, . It I- ma . illi.l an amphihioiis animal, hut might pi. .hil.lv I.. ... , d. f...' it 1- I f . tly al h n tin v. at. r imh ed it ha-In i n I no'v n i.. oiii -ii. and i anluri . Ilillllih a Ii h a tin . ilni"ll. Tin n.i I,, n '. toot i- unii-nal'v long nnd hroad c i n h i .. n - .,, and tln- . itli.o ily aid in . n ihlmg il to -w tin so lapidly. Hm 'In gr. i loot is . I most III Ol I IO-. ing tin llpplUUe.il llli-lr.l snow. Th. nn. 1. 1 put of the foot i. loviied with long. ...l fin. w hi. h niiswiis (hi doiihli purp.i-i of k . ping the foot w ai in in pile of ron-taiil con lad w ilh lln col.l ii., .nid of prevrntuig the aw k w aid slipping w hich would o r taillly ocelli if tin -o)e of the .... were hard mnl smooth. As a rule, lln w Im.- In in avoids man mid ixeit- all il- -Iniigih mnl running in apllll illg its pn y . Ilplrlcl- -olne mem her nl the -eal lanilly. plohahh l.ei al-e t hr -ral-arr ii -ii. illy -o plump and . i:d. . Apparrnlly ah.ilo w ah u- i-a i h"U iii.'i -.1 for it. (.a it in m i iiegicl-mi oppoi luuily ol pouncing ..ii one. In llie waler. tin wiilru- wnuld he moil than a match .v.ii lor the polat hear, ii-hugi lu-ks and Inrihlr strength nuking it thr most loi mi.l.iMr of sr., Illallllll.il-; hut mi thr ii r, di'-pitc the lini e i oltrage with vvhiih hoth parrnts light I'm llu ir offspring, the hnttle is ton timipial. and lln- unlink, liit.e wnlnis. raitghl iiappiiig. u-ilnlh falls a v it t im to tin lug hear. Ami il In ipiiiitly happens thai one or hoth of tin patent walruses arc killed in the vain .ill. nipt lo n -cm tin ll hahv . Ni ill k. a- lln- w hiti hi in i - called hy tin '.-iiiim.uix. In.u. tilly display gli al running in i npluiing the waiv -eal. whhh, frariii'! il- uini.i. lake- it . nap on tin ice i lo-c In th, . d-.i . ri adv to roll into the wal. r al tin tu t alaim. The him -hp-.pli. tly into the n it. r a long di i nice ftoin ihr -h i ping -. al. ami then w im-nnd. i w ater, -topping ... . a-jonaHy I" pill nil hi- In ad an I hi. atlu . until In i - in m h a po-il ion th it lln -ral i an not "i I into thr wain il'i"iil I ailing int.. hi- i lull In s. .v. Thr Seal. We all know that tin -nil i- a main m il in -t a- nuii h as a h. ,o ot a w.,l. and that it Ineathcs tin air and i- waim lilooded. ll- skull i- lint of a 'mammal, not a li-h. and it- w In l. k. I. I.ui is, ftoin .inaliatoliiii.il poinl o view. !. I. nticil w ilh its cinisii.s nn (hi land lis flip pels and il-tail ate hut moililieil hands and le t, and in them all the hones of the .g and loot, a- w. ll a- lln arm and hand, ian h. plainly -. . u It is a step l.ctweeu the whah .md th. ..tier, and show- lis how -lino. Hiding . in aim tall. . s i an i haiigi the .vt. i til I -Inn tun. In deed, il is nne ul I hr i hirl an I important sli ps in i volulioii so i marked thai tin ie can he no doiiht of it. sjoiji, an, c. Ihiwrvrr import ant this may In lo man. it i- the mot 1 1 1 1 1 . -it it ii it . thing thai l ollld happen to t he seal. Tin Verv lad of it- In iiig vv inn hlonih il j- the i aii-e ol It - pi I eciilhiii Wrm nl thi -kin- and we in i d lln- tal that lite pool -ral- in ohliged to have to protect thrills. Iv, , from tin cold. It they wi r. mid hlood. d. like lishrs. lln trtup. raluir.il thrir hodr i ollld hr in uh In i haugc In suit -Mi loiinding i in urn t un e wnhoiii in, , m va nn in e to lln in i Iv . -. Hut thi- i- ma .o-.hlo lo v ni in hi led animals; they iiiilsl k. . p Ihi it hlood up to :l , , it,,in tempi ratur. . and I., do this in the i o, legions ,i the An lie lin y have to he i h 't hi 1 1 ill lay i I - I - I I ll r iim I fat. the two he-t possihle la it litainil's. Anothel thing lo thrir 'li-mh antagr l- that I In v hav . to conir In the suif.,, ,. to hrealhe. and hav e to In ing forth their v. mug on the ice or on land. Thus, while their high position in the animal s. ale serves as a plot. . lion agaiu-l lh. it lower cm mies, it hiings tin in within lin naih.,1 that ilir.nl for ol all annual-, man. who has in. i, I. sin h i Irs t riii t it r inn. ad- on .Hie i rcatUK'.. and now llnrah n- this most , m h r and haitiil.-s iiiiimal with lin -.mi,, i'.i ,-. .i- ) rl ,s.,i,. UMOI K lII(M'L CK A Sln'o ff F4 difminn l.tlo in the Mctn .(lulls,. Mirny Lrtiiicnages Spoken, and an Enor- motis Onion fur Djsirrt, ! Much a- has liecn vvrittni ahout tin i pine vvlnie New York, is i at, tin wnl . lis havi shown an alino l unilonu disp.. j sition logo to extreines. Kilhir a pal ' no "I 11 "dive" was Ihe selected sill,,. . The reader was expected to In . ilh. r t dazzled of disgust, .1. Hs far a- it was p.. sihle to alTeci him either wnv. The gen I i nil assumption 1ms heen that the mid ! wav cstalilishments are know and no hr food of nil men. mid lh.it tin v have imliiing in them wort he of n mark. Thai I- far fioln hi ing true. I have in inimi in-l now a. lining pl.ur that would he a ii 1 1 i i - a toiiishct to ninety -even p. i i nt of mv n aders al h a-t vet theti i j al.-oluielv nothing in it ..ith. r over vv helm or n v ,,i . t j.. -imply a In . "in of Hnli. tniaii 111. with l.iiiop. an gaini-h ing I had In aid of tin plan a a ie -oit nl arti-t- mainly, and with oiin ilitl'n ully lound it. It i- a ha inn nt in an old fashion, d hoit-c on I iiivtt-ity ITin. A small, weather I" nl a. dingy tin -Ign oiit-idi mav ai i idrnl illy . onv i v to tin pis.i t l.y a hint that .oimhoily wuh an H ih. in nam. h i d "ph .h.w n linn. Tin ml oiinlat ion is .o inu'li-'lv t i.'tivi y. d, how. v. r, that one t- apt lo i gattl tin fa. I in tin light ol a I" Ita v .1 -.tut W itt ti I wnit in I louml I, vt mv Ihi or thiitv nun -. itnl at .1 long tahh "Hp. Tin not ml th it I look mv suit soup xx .1 plat nl h. fori mr Thn or foin luo. l it' i oiin I h'lh'Wi d me, and hi tore i ai It a tit h of -i up appt an d with ahito-t inaivi Ihits nlniiy. Tinn wi- llo .iilislion a- t" win lint on. w.illliil soup, ll s. . nn d lo In v ii wt il in tin light nf II so, la I ihllv lint -hollld lake soup. Al the tight haml of t m I new coin, r a holth wa- plimip. d dow n. vv ith a napkin laiila-li.ally kiiottnl on it - link. Thi ie wen all ...it- ol holih- li.ng white one- holding Kliin, wine , -tout dark on. - containing i Ian I : fln-k tilled vv ith ( hi.inii : hulhoii - nt i ki d "" Ihal In hi alrinthi; .pi il om - In ai tug- litU"t hrainl-; -.iian om- that -pok" I" tin practised .v. of gin. Hut with. ill thi- allay of lioith- tin n wa I it 1 1. drink iug. except of light wine-. Mnlv vi iv small gliis-cs ol tin Inpu t- iv. n Ink. n. appetiels. Ahout Ihe laid, a llaht I of , ,n,v l- lioti was going on in I'n in h. ih rninn, Italian. Spanish, mnl Kngli-h all al once. Hvci'v liiiilv -, , nn ! t" h, a, oiiaiMl d with I Velyhiiilv rl-e filollp- of volu hie talker- were e-lahli-hf'l along and across thr lahlr. hut hi two, n ih, group, flashed ri ni-1 a n 1 1 sahilat ion, iin-li"ii. reply, i o nun. tit. n parte. . j, -t. .1, ni.,1. and allit mat ion. .pin L and -harp, with a polyglot int. a. hang, ahilm of loi.gin -thai might w t II i ..ii I ii -i a -tiat.gi i loth. si t ill . All' l liu soup- wr had -nu ll llli ll two kind- of tut at. -t Hi d ill lii i . loviriil with a mil t i x y . upon log. Iil.il 11 -. fi. in vvhi.li in iy oiu lulpid llllll-i If. a- tin V wiltl al"li tin I ll'h . to as nuii h as In w ml d Vol a linah to thr nn al an i m .i inoii Spani-h onion wa- put upon th. t halt at om i ml of tin tahh w ilh a di h "I alt In sidi il. Tin it. an -t i gta-pi d lln huge hull,. -In . d a lug pn t of it and pa -a d ll I" In I, II hand in i 1 1 1 .. -1 . ... a -pi till of tin alt .ii-l pi . .1 Hi it along aho. Nh.uly om mn I....I. a . hunk of tin onion mnl it, it Ul'. n one hig onion di -appi in d am .1 In r I ik it washiiiiightoli. Tow aid tin . ml "I th. dinner allw.rt -mokitig , ig n "i i m u i tli -, and all look i "Ih i . i:.n h man a In lini lied dining mult a iiavat ot In napkin on thr in . k " hi . I...11 1, . and null naval wa- tnad. ihtlinnilv Inan any f lln ..lliei's. Ih. knotting It.-mg the nvv 11. r's private 111. 11 k, whit h tin w.ntii wi rr -1 1 j 1 ...-. 1 to 1. tin inhi 1 N.iu. win siti art tin It. d. ..tin is w nh hoiv -. ..1 hood that rappril thr hollh - ami gave tin in a funny h iniiiine look. 01 vv ith 1 ml- that hung down like 1 It lit al hand-, 01 poiiit- that stnml up like T Ih s' necktie, mid so nn in surprising var'nty The convt i alinii iievrr rriisril, Iml . uh waned as theiiumhrrof lalktrs diminislud. until the la-l one wtiit out, talking l.a. k at ihe lain Hold as he went, f '.. I'lll His I mil in It. nicy wrrt looking out ,, tin window w.it. lung tl. i ll. .. v ll .kr a tluvl.il in II -t ill In i Ir - - -i u . w I I , v.ltil. nhlg the tool- and i un I i.l t'i' cli , iv.lil.i uiaitlli ol 1 1 nine, vv .n n Ir stul " Tl.ia is a liiiviitg. -now l"iin. ain't ll '" " I. ll :" -In l i th n-knl. "Why I llll'l we go ill iv in ... tin li " Ami he ft ll a- if he conhl almost hit l . ,, i i , , i ' Ills tnm ilr i.l a- hi "loonnlv look hl-w iv tothrlivrr.'s.ahl...- ;......', ,:..,.,. ' "W. am. nun., uy that, -an - hand; I II hx him .,, h w..n'l I, "ithle llllrllertilill Hair Hnssiig. . "ii any molt '' Miss Angelina ito Miss Helle. hn liv al. Ih kissed In I ami wt nl out, ami in tiv f just imvv surroiinileil hy a hew ol admit minul' s he n tin ncd els) ."Dli. deal, do t -II mi' hnw vmi do : "W .11," tpn ric.l his i,., "didyoiiliv your hair up sn rhariuingly ! W hat ih ! him " you do it up on ? ll looks intt Hi t ! i " i , I gave him sonn thing . . ;, " mil." i "W hy. yon shouldn't have , that. Miss Hellr I who wears her hail highi "' M he sine tocimit light liu k ami w..i .y "Well, I'll tell you. dear. I gem-rally nnnior, than iv.r." she s:,id. pi I ul ant ly . do it up over iiraitis.nu.l (syvei tly I I don't I -uh. no. he w nit'l I gave him a pocket think you ran hue tlnanat tin- hair j fill of t i..si l.i-cuit- you luade h-t hreak stiilrs." liiflon Jo'iuiiil. ! fas.'' ; ,Hi M,,,,v '-'- l I. I .1 4 II II MM III li I I s. ( '. 'II Illil pi l , p.l"' lit - .lo I I . ' I .' .1 pupil ,.t .i, lig in tin ,i,il,,l, I , ; . ... to tin i:i loom- v. In Ii ..in ,, .Iia. I.m- ol 'sulphur an- mr It. .1 on .a hot lo. . Tin' lir-I I. -11. lays I, iing. imi, .,.,, rough nnl irritation, lln n th' -. . . a-. . nnl tin pat" lit iuiptov. - rapidly . I', i -on- with i.itiii'h i'ln I in i al l;, -I igi of uiiipl -ipplv I" . n. r i ' I ir 1 1 1 i i a lot .. h l,"' I ii g. .iianl il i. - of -ulpluu an . v ipor it - i daily . and an . no .1 in , u . , I. l.y tin inhalation .. I In h i i an. I pid. inn di -i a-r - an- in v . r found in -m h t s 1 i i -. I'm- n i-i'iniis I imitli. I ii . P.n.w n Sroiiard om i g r. i I hi f.. !,,,.. ,i,, , r,,.it- to n t ... ailh, i.. i; h a iii i von coi i 1 1 I ' 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 -' , hi I topp.ill.v pn iii" , n th, u. i v . .liln lip . , , I,. ' ,,, , ghhod I ,, , , A ., , 'l. III. Ill' n Itia nr. Vint . . I unit il i- l i ; i 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . : m , o.g in,,, I. i ...o. ,1 p. ,1Mi (1. j. , in 1 hl-il I ..t .,. .- , .'" HI" I'" ie ' 1 ly i " 1 1 I ' 1 I "...I I"' Uioli'il 111 l l. . Ill " .', : I 1. I nd I in o ,', th. v. ,1 . p.'W, I. I..... I'I,. o v , . I o I, I,.-.. ...1 w 1 d to - . . I'i "i I.. . 1 I- 1 '! I i., W ill "I hi- ...'.ll.,! ' I In I" I I .1.. ill vv I ugh- ill h, .h .1 . d "I I I I'. ! iv." I' w.i- 1 v.....t,.. 1 0. Ih.il a pat 1. nt t oiigh th. n f ht'U iim. halo. a ;...... , '.ihi i. In. ..th e hil. H' , i I .. I ,,, il oiipl' I , . ai . it . ii.h.a I I nn Ir I.l II ,, I ", -1 "t . mm. i I, it ii ol lln inn i , ittl. tl". it n lax. m ie pn.tiioi di i", n nt.. th. Inn;, i I I Ion n t alt. ..I . I -, I'i"' n nnl tan al I' i . in ,- i., ! ii.:-, ,i it p i ", n a .i it likely t" hi", k up tin I I ' 111. I '.II 111", ll loll III, me "ton ign ho.lt. -' I loi. Ii a m t . pa- in.' out . I hap' I dv.h" in .1I..-V..I, ' - I 1 tlnniah, at tal.i. .n I !, .; w hat. v.l th. v w ant inn goal i , i. -nil", at nm hv hug, iiioiii htu!- I I " t an till par, ul w ho ha- n p. an -U "I, I x i.l a l.a'o ' 1 1 i.i u i n l "I , l aim it h full and "I gulping I I. n hit to hnn-ill. .hul, I tit it nil", .1 in ty Ih.nl.v h. . ui.,1 hm tin d mg. i I" ti" minimum, lini h.n. .loia-nal t I I hi 1" I . r. , ll nnl 111., I III. nil li i- i,ui. Mi.pl-.. ,t,. I',, in. .1 to l -h.-iild in 'I i n 1 1 a I tin I. .ding I., i. llin. hand- than In i. nnl, . i,...,,d. -In int. Iii " nt I" 1 ,',.... ..,. I Im Italian i. A pound of hall;. tin - . o, I. tills ui"l , Hi'innl "hall three pound- ..I m. al ..r 1.1 11 X pound- "I pot lint-. . hil it i- ill ev , iy -. I.-, ol Ih, v old l.,l -ii,,, rim lo thr I,. -I uh, at- 11 ho ad ,ll, -ugh it gi.o . p. mi 11 Iv lln. it;.-i 1 tin I topi. . vv 1 11tlvai.dll . . ' I i d igioii-. an .11 1 1 .-I I j -i 1 , i w ilh h man 1- will 1, 1 1,1 11. 1 1 . ad,.; lo llillill.ol.il , li t i 1 1 ,. i- I hil I v thn, r t'i ..I w In il , a 01 Imudn d 1. 1. ol p , I it ., . I In I, ' in 1 tin 11. 1- tin l.n , 0 1 million n I Id not iv , II - ill. -I I v i ' 1 1 . ,' I 1 1 I ,1 1,1 , ,1 ,1 I I h. pi III. ,. il I ..., ., I la I or- . I . vv I.l I. ,1 I. ri i . d II, III, I I III, I "I I uh 1. i,.i. ,! in I I,. 1,11.) t oil it I y Ik. 11 ; 11 pi ml I "."V on h .1.1 "I II . v pn Iv ,. t pi , I tin il -I iv. . I ,. iy d '. , n h ! ..id ,, in hi I t all ll 1 1 1 i . . I I ... i ll I.i. . I.. . , .. I I and I in. pi u.l mi I In l.n. . i u hoilM h. . ,11, I I ml ,"i I a 'ii,l' I it. ly tin r. ' w i n.. ,e I. " id , I i . 1 1 v id, d int. , . i ,1 . u i, 1 1. . o , whn h an u d I-i I I I h. , ,', , "..' i i -in ill, d, In .1. it, ul. In lilt, t l",g I 1 - J I I thin , i id, ton ling. i. ll i tin ni" I d, I i and pit, d "I all th. '. n n il, ,, I'i pi mt on n . . di. d i.v ., it,, i, i 11. Ill I. I- I oh. thi V III- I h lit ll" I I hail imv kind It i - id. do nh d int.. ddh i i ul v ai mi" s. tin piimipal "I whnh alt tin xi 1 1 , ix and pin p I. Ion mi- n. i la -ah in ..III In ilk. t . Iml tin lain i i- -.. little e-t.lllliil I.v "I tin liopi. - that it i. -, hh.in . it- n hv th. in .'' j,l.,i,. . .,-... ., - known .. ii- a i.i, I'1- "" I'1"""" - -il"li.."l ml V all. til w hiill 'lit k li"W n l,v I !n ;i and -ie. Tin km. I ll, .1 III mn ki I I- ah tl i, !u I . nt "M till I thlllll "! I I o It n ll . l U l tills th-Hgniw loan .r.hi .'i i lv,,un m,. "it In Tiny. in Hint mini it-. l"it Oi lltllM hollnlol l'"."l'.l "l ,n i pared a- pn . iv ..'. ,' ,. '. Hriiliiig w till a 1 1 ,'in i. "Who'- that at tin kit i lo"i." a-k nl Mr. .lollikm ..I I im- w ,:. I ,-t S lav . il t all- l hn ak I i I It's;, 1 1 amp. a in I I m I " t In ' d ( . . j. , 1 1 , w ilh th. III." ! n pin I 1 ii.l wh.-ii lilr'- sHrrt.-t . i. . arr 'tlt, A ii. I . .ii. I. v one our j. ..' airi'.-nt. I r- an u . and Ming , - . t . . -1 . :, 1 U ' -iu 111 alter ;. ,r. - I ahull 1 an I -ill 1 csmt.-nt Jl ,,n . ..,'. . " .loaui I- I"'.' II ...ll I I.e. .-'. IVlM e. I.l V , I' I ii.tv in in- la-n ". I I.' 'I l t 111. '. 11 ' W.-IV Ll' Hi 111 .-ill.,' V. '.,,' , ,, 11, It, I, l . s , I. ...1lf. III MtlKtll S. Il-I.i. Huh 'III. halo" . Tin "li. -t "I .t -toil' . Iling the " i- ' '"' ,i'll"l'"i , a. ij.l lo l ,li I ... , in .. 1 V. hat i.i. ., , hive, Mr Sin ii" al a d iv ami '.veil I I i. .11 ... 1 I'lll-, 1. .It, - hr. , lip, 1. man 1 w Ii, 11 In tii.h 1 i ,' p, .1 a h a, I p, In il. i . .1. pn t ing x 1 1 1 1 iii in i 'In n." M.nv' Intl. hmthei .1. ;.. i .l, t . K , I . M ny ' ln ,1. ' That h Mow ' a, i , u'd. Iiili'l Ie . .lap an. . gnl on, iw tin ii lip-, audit l a igni'n .ml f.n I thai tiny alw.iv.s rf 'i'iii' I'I'i.'iini'.: ,.i Monday I i ling. I."' I ni man t 1 1 1 -1 1 i 1 1 -; I X I V. .. I took I" .n i iii ai nt illy I v a a. . mated t"in t .'iH . '. "l I in "'. I'll t,. i 'i i m iy l V ' ". 1 1 a; . Ih g.i,-. d upon mv I'I I..' .ye- .,.,.1 H,.." Ll -vollld in !., in dn at. th it In wa m l a nn m I. I "I tin lir. ,, palllin nl. ll-w do y. n d". M ,l , : I've I,.. i ' iiig t . i h up will, ;. .mi l..r hall -in h. tii I km w v,.i in t a so. n n- sri i ;.. "ii that h "tin, t Ivc known it n hmg a- 1 i an n tin 1 1 1 1 i." t i irh n ,,iai k - a- t h i ihal till l.e (. mah hi art v. n h lul t i u. - A Chicago l,v ,.f r.iii,,., .,,.n- it- i ' 111!'. I III art IV to, I, I 1 1 'III to Income II 'I nil king. II" was lapiurt'd hy a p"ln . in in and r. Inland to hi- parents. I h tlidtt'l I" . "im tiial . in. I ..f a king. Inn all, a a In n I mMinn with hi- father In w a a. Inn.... lini Hail Mil Iti'hitc. -hoit linn .eg.. ,, gi i ham d ..hi man wa l f tin h".' ol Celt t'llin. Ml. "Inn a tiangil g.. oT a liiiu -.x lit. ) ha I in I airind I pa-seil t ; 1 1 '1 1- 1 1 ill, v ait lllg I Ill III eved the old 111.11, i I . . ly. alul "'., I the la. .' of the I. ill. i tin n .i.i-l . .I a I....!, of in .ignition. ' Paid. .11 I n ." -aid l!" Ilallgi I'. "Vollf ,. . hi a l.n.nhai look, ,v , I I cannot I', i l ap- I am lui-t.,k. ti." ..id tin . Id. rly g, 1,1 1. mat). i ,i' in t mi tiki ii. 1 know I !-i .,l I I., ' I id. ' 1. d !" ho. ltd Willi I .i ... -ii.!. ud tin tningcr. ll . and V . ni h t ! ',v It hoill pay ing I I. ltd I n 1 li 'I I" .' '.'. I lie illdlg , in ,: ., I ,11. 1 . II oi -a. . t . a In I ... a un nn .1 . ' in I , a I 1 1 , i. . I 1 1" ..hi m in. "V mi . li ni l" nigh, li, d in gl. i . .1 o t.ik. y ni I, I--'....'.. " I',- tin I lln 1 1 in", r w i tin iinis. II o i. I w it h .11;-. i I n l un ill , 1 1. ,i "i.l;. ih. i iv I I I In Im am iiiot aid hiiii 1 i hi i n .. nt tn at lliritt . Ml,, v. ai In I . I I." -aid Ihr .Id "i l. i. I'lg pi"' 'I- in ; I.v i oo. v, ,.ii dni ill t in i lion . .md I can .,,.V, 11 ' "s, , hi'. "Id lit ii. vi ie, tin di tn e an- y on. ami In l' an v on tloln ;" I. i. , i m I apt .l.nk n in r. ami nm a. 1,1.1 ii !' nn t t. i Murphy, and y. .11 , ..p. d h I.il.l v w Inn I v, a u nti l'. m i tn -t iln' in I tut i -1 1 i.i. 'l S" n ' ' v a 1 1" -t l ang. i ' . .ic III .tn -.. In v , ii iily , la p. d tin h md ol !h, old x I olilnh l ill ' l. y, a, ted. ..I. lln "Id tlni--.au r W . II. I .li.l '...aid .villi you a whih. and I gave mil tie hp. ! . .. " In laughingly tonlinued. 4 Mi nt' i ma I, r Murphy n hmgeil to a . v, yoik n glim nt. ami w as t apliired ami i nl t" l.ihhy It was the practice .1 tin I otifriii -rati - to allow pia-oiu is yyl.oh.nl I. nil l a. I H mill I- of meilirini' . . at n ml I In n k ,. t h, pi i oil ho pilal. liny KM. ' i V . U tin lln h nil of I III ,,, , oi,. I iii, nnl go at iv ill Mm d .v .ign.n . nliy would mil nl l"W lin i nn ii to pa -, win li he wa - I in 1 1 x r, priinamh d hv ( ail l.iltl.s, .a I w a l"ld that ih.. a men w Im wore i ,1.1 n I 'u lal.t I- ,. liu n i oat - 'liotild p. I. t.d Muiphv ..v. di. nd tin- nnl t ...k ad y ant .......III 1 1 h id .nne ml lining in I a v. i. md. I. nil,.; oil ,i -tnp. he pinii- , i ih ph v - u i m in ign ia ,m hi ' coat, and. w ;o I ni'. an opportunity, hr got p.. -1 tin i, ,i d and , t a p.. I i.v . i into th" I nii.il I'll' - c (,, ml, -ri.il. (,'.- Inipitssih'r in t'nuntri lell It. 'Speaking ol oh o mat gal inr," reinarkeil Ah Sw illig' n thi- inortiing. "il has nc i liiird ,. im- thnt thn, is one kind ol hiiltei vvlin li will always defy toiint.l- h-iliiig." "h' W hat kind of hulter is tlmt, , asked s;,(uildig. " I he goal." I'ill.J,;,; Ciruiiirlr.

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