" n -- THURSDAY, FKRIH'ARY' IS, l.ss!. - - LOCAL H2.i3Ciii5. Oil Inst Tuesday night 11 ewe bploii'Miiir to Mr. R 0. ti'is. near this ninee. cave till th to tliire lambs. t " Work Ins lu-jfim tu a c! at tViis plaro for a rolou'd i-ni!r tiou of tbo .Mi-thodist Kjii. Churi'b, South. 9tf Wo ai e plf used to ra'I a'ton Holl to the "ad." of our ivvcr ynuiif,' cojutyiuan, Mr. ). It- who has ai-Ctfpted mmsitioii with it. Uoyd & Co., of fiiff iisboro. WfOn the St Ii inst. an election was lieUl in Ci'lhaiju owiilii, Mome county, i so i -ibine Rtructii jioint . Tbo vole , l the (jtles .000 lo aid a laiiiuad .. It. .v A. d "Jti.) tor i' n of siib- II tin; coll ft oiii si Hue V I,. l oad. llllnClipUllll and '.)'.) against. t6tT If you intend making any com post, call on Loudon and . t soiuf' Kainit and Acid I'lionphati'. He has a large lot on hand ai Monciiie. lie also has a lot of (Snaiio and Sjh cia! Tobacco Manure. The besl is liie cheapest, and Loinhiii k 1 1 s the I.e.,;. A few of those cheap t)vei cuals iclt at London's. B-T Oil ll.'COUIll of the i'"- blockade in tbo (;iiosapeii!; l:iv. and ibc lie !! in uial ion of fieigbt caused 1 1 1 -1 1 I. v. the Khieiui's supply of p-jper ha run hhorl, iilthouh we oi.if.i l mii last lot to be M-iii by ra l if ii a-,: e tion was suspend '.I. N" one of our lend' Is will rer,let this iii.iie than we do, but we have done ad that could be done. MT licnie ii'b.: . you can tin: ai Loudon's Kuisl's fieth bu d- n S- i-ls. lluist's Cahiiagi' a.e ili.t ;.-u-- s' iind best. Also a lot of ( '.ever ed and Orchard (bass Plow-. iV,.-.v Cit ings, .Shovels, F-Ji'k. II."- an.! hit iii ing impienieiits geiii'i'iii.y at tin lowest cash ju ice: a! Lute.!. i. 's l-'.-tra inducements in winter j'".i.i- lor the i ;. si). A fi w li.oies' (' i l I.I. h i 1 be sold to! less ihaii tint t'ui Cufb. l'nl.lTievi. (Jossu-. --J t was ::eiier ally tllidei s' Olid inle ',! I v.. rl, liii! Fred. N. Smidwicl:. K--i , wa-. e'ee t'oi'.eei iig f"- the imiuma iuli of demociii ic cand dale for ( 'uiigi es . in this distric'. and iba! .'.fe-.-rs .! cob A. Long and Ii. J5 11 nine, bo h of Durban, we..- rt-i.;i:i.;- in In M . Strn. Iwick's s'icces-i.ir in Hi.1 ii.i.'i: or's ollic . From p es"iii in.hi-:! ion lieie will be sev. i:c ! I.ei c:ii. ! date: for bolb liouiinations. (JtnnTR.tl.Y ( '.is,-:;';knci:. Tin' ii s! quarterly .-mf'-i ence nf ibe !'i l-i-. i o' circuit for this year was lie'-d l.ei e o.i last Sal n. day. There w.is a 'ud u: tendaiiiv, every one t.f the ii!ii.' cliiirchis in the circuit bein ti'pi. Rented. The pas u's sa'iuy was con'iniied in the -'i'uc aiiio -i:i! iv nt year, that is S.i.M .ei im.iiii:ii. an i the saiue amoiiii'v assesM-d i n the lilTel ent . eli'ireltes s be ejuf.u-e '1 he irenidiug fid.;: li'-v. 1.-. ii a Ii. was ireki'lit nnd pieivin d v. o'i hi. ii'.U il nbiliiy. Mis viiin here aNvavs give luucli jileasure to his in tny lri ml :. (ill.'.M Jlliv's Vi'i i-.A -Ihe gr-tli-l jlliy at the H-Celit t I !.i in mil hilpe l ior eor.it did ii" -l bu. i ii in amy other giiunl jui in iiiinv y. .us. They did l.o. simp y wait f.-r c in.es nnd misdeuieai.nl s In be cil'ed ' their ntte'ntion. a is toil of'i 11 tin case with guiiid jiities, hit in Ihe language of li.tir t-aib. Iln-y "dili gently iinjuiiv d" a. In whai ot.'ences bad been commit e i ,-u.d J. !-.--;,..-. i them to the court. ll.eie.ult was. there were -about 1 w tot v l.i.-re eases (Ml tile Siate dnckel win : c-i.lil a i jonrned '.bat wi-n il lie.. lin-le vce sevelal p: e:-i .it lie i;.i er;aii..-t persons olVt inli: - ine pt.hhc m i. a s. which will crea'.e ipiiifas-'i, .-,'. inn in 0(1 lain lieighbel hoods Intoie ?i!ay court. Tiif. H day tie con vie ai-ipa the kilhiii -ni: ('im:. D:i !a-l F ..liciih; cii.-e where one . barged wiib killing itu ..cd and lb- d -.i n. L:it i. The evidence proved to have been ii-cl 'iit.-r. and the Solicitor, iifu-r liie wit ne:ie.-, bad been examined, sla.e.i lo tin court that be could no! ask for a verdict of guilty- It npp. are.l from tbe evidence that the deceased knock ed tlm defendant d". 11. and in la ung on him bis thigh fell a;;altis! ihe point of the knife whi Ii I lie ih i':i.t ant bad in his hand cit ing b.e.id. It was the speediest trial of a murder ca-e that wo have ever known in Chatham. The killing oc.-.nred on St1iid11ya11dtl1etri.il took place on Friday following, mid did not con aumc an hour. A Caiid or Than ks. --V l.eausii'.il cborautei istic of the Sot Iici ii people is their sympathy for a nick and suf fering stranger, and this has been pleasantly illnstiated in Ibis coni luuniiv recently. An invalid fioiu New York ariived here, a few weeks ago, and soon theie.- tier innl a licin on huge and was ijutte sick, and dur ing bia sickness was the itfipicnt of luucli attention mi l kindiiei's from ourcitizens. He is lunch hetiei now, and, in order to exj.iess puliiiny his nppieciaiioii of t he kiiuiut -s show n Liiii. be bus rei-ut-wted the publication of tbe following : CARD. As I am comparatively a stranger they morning hist, was absent i.ideor to the peopr of l'll slio.o' I take nm. were aroused al). nit 4 o'clock by this way ol thanking th em for their the uppi aniu-e nf the bi.iing shove kindness during my iuiios. Hoping the mantel. Helorc iissistunce coohl that HI V thanks anil hcsl wis'.ies will niliveibe hoil.-e v, as consumed, yo.i u; iu a measure belli ine lo exi.lain huvv Murdoi li Johnson in ti.e nieal.i itiie acceptable their kindness was to tuv friends and myseif. I am, very it'Hpoctfully, D. H. Portfk. ('in.. Sn;i:i,i.' V'i'-ir. linn. Walter L. Su-ele. of Hiehmoiid futility, visit ed tliis county ii few days ago to in- spec; t In-cniirif i ijmi' l i m ;i.s a ili'.'fO- im uf tin- s.a'o penitentiary, :ii..l, as a 1 1 i;il of tin- I'niveisil v, to t'XHtu- ine Ihe .Innes' On ove liianlation which had been iccent'y d.'visf.l to 1 hut in- Yarn, of Wake Fore tCi'lmge, isc-n-stiiution liy the lali- Miss Mary ; duel it g a 1"' timtid mi'ling t the Siiiiili. Wo am pleased t oleum that Raptist cbuu'li t lici hv ide. Jle i It was very lllllfll P. cased with tin V.i....:. ... l .. J (llllllrlK til tllf COIIVIflH, llllll SillU lit: nns it m II. -II I..'. I if in I . I in I uireli that they weie the host and most alw.-t.C". H" wiitcs wi ll, is an i x-;rega- comfortable of any that he had seen put sled with the shot goti or title, copal any w here in the State, atul eonipli- din! in a capital cruipnt playf r. united Mr. Hicks upon his good ; s,,1(.m r.(wi. ()1P ,;, ,i,i 11H i.i....... in. .... "',.- """" plca.-ed with the Joins (irovo p.au - tation. thinking it o!i:i of lh.- moat va!ual)!i' l;o hud fvci seen. We arc mi1(., .r,,,! jti,., , k,nv thafc ho was must t'avoi ably iiiipressod with our county, and thnuaht that the cou sl i tii'l ii hi of our l uiii oad woilid be of peat lienelit to all tins surroun.lintf euu ii i j ) . Whi'e hero lV)l. Stee'o whh the gue.si of H. James Po -.ell, Ksq., and we hope hi; may soon visit o;ir county again, for no mnii makes mm e friends wlii'H'Ver he gous thau Ihm genial L'entk'iiian. Si cKiii ift ConiT. Court adjourned last Saturday afternoon, after a:l th 1-nnes that were icadv for trial bad been ilis'.iosed of. Our oldo-t vers say that tbey never knew as null li business transacted at any term of our comt as was done last we. k by Judge Ctai k, and xci wlieiCtw.i and t'l.ur years, i the docket, was liuihcd Sat hi dar , death in tbo Imuse. lutei i.i'ou he beemed as fresh as ever ( llthough tin-: ; had been Uo lecess for dinuei ) and LAiuesse-l bis readi ness to t i v any mm e case- that miglit, on,l the cbildreii were alone Jake slanceB attending it wi re of the iiiot-t bu ie:.dv f"l- trial. If ever a Judge :" llaiuen uI Hinoke isw :ing from . Kim-king nature. I iie body whs dis e n ned iiis i-alarv for a week's work, ti"; bouse and ran to it. but le foia c-.n-red by a colored num. w il-sn al- Judge ( "ai k ct.-rtmuly is that Jui'.ge. ! And notwithstanding the unusual number of casea t ried by Uiiu, and i the mhiiv iniiica'e points of law d" ci h' 1 by him. then! was only "!., appen! to tile -.upieiii'' coiiit, and we h.iM no itoiibt his decision in that w ill be Nfiil :ne 1. I ii-.- following is a list of tbe civil i-a -cs liispokt.-ii of : J. J. Ciuiup Kgniiiut li. M. 'I'bomas; motion to mt ce. i.i i ii costs agntiisi I .ie d'. i'en.tiut : inot i.ni tlioa ed. 'I'll is i . ihe tins! dispose: of a ca'.e that has been on the docket nix years. W . C. Co.e aga.Ilst V. C. Calami and V. T. lKiilar ; lor the iccuvery if iand : j idguieiit I'm plaiutifl'. Thin was aijoilier oid case, having been on I tie docket live Vi a; s. Thomas Marks against A J. Iligga bee. adinilils.ia'.or nf Ziinii R'g,,s- 1 bee; lie ion for debt, iudjiiient for d.-feiulaiit .1 M' Im-.lm.r- ..i,mt. A V f:.l llll'. b.'l't : claim l.iisel. i.ld iivery ; coinpro A. J. Pleasants against the R. A. A L. K. i. Co Tins was the most i.npoi taut case tt it-d dining this (.". in. being an ac;ion brought by the p Hint iff h r me iccovery of Vo.i)'.)') in d.i.uag. s for iiijurie-. lecciveii by ki:n Wlil.e in the empioy ue-nl 01" the d'-felidau! as a section m.isiei'. Jil.'ig- ; uieiit iii tavor of defendant, and Bp- j j.va. I.i snp.eme court. i li iiMi.d Heii.ey against William Heu.ey : iippi-u: by plaintilt' f.oiu jus- lice's coin: : case di.ui.i-i.-ied. A. Miiid.-r A' waier agaiust Juli.i; Atwa .r lb. 11I1 coloredti action l.n ,t. . , t f .. .'. ' 1 ' a 1 ' : nu. ; il II. Dlii ns against I), il. Marsh : K-ilei'.h Vis:tor: W- had a i--ii appea: from justice's four:, being an j 'id- moreing fi'Uii Air i -.i'iu!;.s Sim ueinui under the .uudioid and tenant j divant. lather of .jei u li S. i.r.'iivi.iit. acl ; jtid.-'i'ieii! for dt lendalit. Iilm Imy pie-.i-tt r, of whom s.i much M :. Leach Co. iiu'ainst J. S. i ' a In e:i ne -ntlv reli.t- d .Mr S. II:-.-. vvi.h ; di hi ; jtld neut for p.aiu i lit. J. A. Parbam ugainat J. A. Gtintoi appeal fioui jiisiicu's court ; judg nu ol lor ii'imititl' J.'bii W Perry naiiist Josen'a ' Johnson : aooea from i:; ice's couri; ; jiidgn ent for defendant. L. J. J.ilinsou against A. S. Lsa- ,e. ; ap,'( ai from ju-tii-u's court ; at . t-ictiirit'iit liisiui.-sed ; iadgmoilt for itltl. J:.--i 1 1 ti.o.seu n;- 1:11st J. M. Stiu ii ri'id It. ii. Stiup hi ; uistion for iii : judgment l'..r p.aiit'llV. Ycs ' v iVtitlu'gidtt.. ,n.anibt Tboa. J. (iiiiiin : debt tiff. jiu illl lit f or p. am Newton Enterprise: A young iniii by tiiciiaiiic if M.iihg in, about 2(veiirs of age, was i:nen to ilea' b ill the V. esttin 1 art of this county during tl. recent cold weather. He was dining a t' am which stopped at a in. ose on the nm I. Tne young mull whs found lo be insmsiiilu from cold, an. I in ,te of 1 very clVoit to revive lilin, he oie.l. We n:e toid that hi fee and neck hui slcil an 1 Ilia fci t c-iiiie oli". Nets and OlKcrvcr: Mrs A J. I 'ni hes. of -Iiii visbuig. '.I'.iriil uck eoim ty, iceiiu-d a letter a few days since from her biother, Hm. T. J. -Tarvis. This stated Ib'lt. milliliter Jilt vis and his wife are both iu good iieulih. Tl. ey an- yet at a summer resort in the mountain of Rra.il. The day before ( bristuias tbov rodo out ami a.v ! he ci'ple "laying by" t:i"ir crops i corn. iV.'. lln1 il ivein were all in I. loom nnd summ. r was at its bei, lit, R.ckitiKham Rocket : Aiiulecluhl of Alice Lo e, col . nge ahout Unci years, caught on fire la-t Saturday wbiie hovernii' ne ii' the il.ime to i.ro tict Inmseit troiu the severe coM.ai il vim fiiiiilicallv out and some lis unee fio. u ihe house, burning hoillblv be I'oie aid moid be lemieied. Toe family of Mr. Duncan J. b:i-oii tviic, al I lit' time of Ihe accident on Sun- hi ii v fearl'ullv buiiii.il in Lis d't'oi t to save hoiiu tliiiiu from the ci iitiihlin iwuak. He is Kboitt 21, and it is fcur ed that be will die. (Ifciisboro' Pairit: F. isb i Hell, wli.) liven hejr .If Li'iiiifvilic, wli-Ie (lnmk, lay out i-u the night of ihe P.li m il whin found w is frozen so badly that he died in h abort, while. '!lii whiskey af sold (n him hv a church ui inhcr. rn. -It' It. T. remarkable man. Jtorn without I I . I... I ... I. . .1 ... i i.- I . .. I II...:. tllHt lie IlIlM IOl!..l tllllt tllCl O IS IHO( , ,.0lU. , r,Ht iii k.-. i.intr ti.)(l laving heiia than in keeping good mill; row. He fcavs it Wli) fust more to li''i'!i cow well fed fur ielve motitiis than to keep thiity oixl Uieis. lie sv.h that 175 p im ds of 1) iltel is n to Tiaiiv ield for an nidiuuir cow Xiiia at. '25 cri.ts a pound amount to .41 ". and couiitiu'; 'ho shiui miik ai tinned li nking of his dog I'p in ko 'ili 'Jii.il loots up ! Til. Tnirly extra ing lo the door ho saw only n strange litvem, be 'uvs. ooli! to iii-o..tce "i.ltl iloeii e.'gH, ami l.'ii-s-.' at l.t c lit f a doen would irnoillit lo JJ:7a. He , says it does not p y io ks. p heiH nfi.fi they i- time yi-ais old. Weldon News; A correspondent f the Hesdiigbt hays that John H. 1'viton. who was a iiinnioor of Prosi- dent .lacks. m's cabiiiei-, was a native ; ol Hii.'v tovn. lf,rm f M'"- -O.i S t urdry last, 1; . i 5 1 1 1 1 i.ear I!a'.ifa, two eidored cliii.ireu, aged re burned to Hi' ir fat in r. I Jake Allen, had I -I! the hoiiso and ; was some ilistanee nil' at wi-rk. The inoihei' l.a.l elso left oil Home M'l.-nul 'be childicii could be ifscunl the bouse a cabin w:is consumed mid "lt- bilili on wit h it. i Ashi ville ('ouiitry tloiiicR: Mr. M. i C. Jordan of Irciell countv laine i : lOdO Inisl.elg ol corn on jtl acrrs i .Ml er.r -an av.-i ! of 511 bushels to the acie. Wild cats mid engieB Iihtc i j , . , AII1VI1 n Lirril lliU-ll IMM-Cl. All ) I'll" 'l , . ,. P , .- ' ... ',r, iimi- rem pm-e. along u.e j.ue n:n duriiig ti.e pat wn ier. A iiumlar of tbe.M eneunaa to the la; i.ier 8 in t"i Ml h v been cuptiiiid. Uc learn Ihnt M.-j. .1. W. iVilsm and Col. S Mel) Tale of M il lion, have re iv:.t!y sold iheii- evtensiie mai ble ijii.trrieh in fiwfcin- coiii ly t" a North ern C 'lnp.uiv f.'i the handsome un: i:;3.iii) . 'l iie .It p.iHit of mii hlc at theae o.iairieH is uhi.inl:.! t. of T9rt iilt. ,,u.lily and is c iuveii:,-nt to the ,,J. t, , ... r , , Siatosvillo LandmniK : Siity years id by the mil hunt it's t.. , l'.e the 11111 11 01 ine of nu a.io'e in. I'lieieis a foiue . hat fuuious old app.e tree 1 ill the f.-iiiu otMr.a K il'V. W:.h iw .'f ihe hiu Ih-njauiiii Kilb. a! ivilby -;taj on the ro.-t I het v ecu ; 'tale-A liie au.i VtiikRsl:tl'i. it Yi. Lite y. I'sij . .-f ! n !i'i-.il!e, r,-eni!v beran. ii.t -r ewti'd in '.Ihm tiee, "i,il wrote to M;s Kilby fa a full i'i-.tuiy of it. fl e replied li.at il i (I.i y. o a nld. '. f"i t nigh and four !. ; 111 di.-oncl'T; tl ai . iitiitib'T 1 f y. us a-.i it 1 reduced, in one s-e.ip.oi:. S: bu -I cN -.f f. nil. an.i tout 'a-it yea, it ieid.-d b. i v. 0.M1 li'1 und DO h .hels. ' ."-o thill il lini tl.i bent w il, in thi..!'.:;, the yi ar that. .1 f ading to tbe :111th riii' . it myl-t ave tiieil, uii'l ii Ms -ilill. at last m - eoiiiits, alive and dom II. sa.s tln.t l.ii -.on. on i:.tli.-div nisi, de-lsicd that he hud e.in.'lier ihvine revelation, which wns in suh:t.o..e, tiis: lie would 00 slii- ken blind, deaf an.) dumb on 1 o'rrd'iy mninuig, u d liat at tlio same time his ie. t in in w. ndd he iniiali.ed. i 'his d:ii.' -litl.ci i.11 to. ik place as sl.ihd ii il- tue boy was nl i.reakf o.i Uslfidv. uiol liing. an.) ..- cintiiiiie.l .1 ;!:.:! condition Mli! ii o'clo, k !a.t i:iii' w hen he v. us r. i-t -1. d. h 10. 1 vnlit S'.atcS ll:,it theie were ioii per r. 111s pi. sent al t :e lini-" i f t;e r. s t null ai. lit Mays that hit soli a. t t'lniiiicl by i wo expert pby .-iciaii.--. tiling ills ultll tioti. who -lain that his chsi' wiib indii-d a wuini -,f.d one. I'a-.f :ti-vi!le News: Mr. Heiuy Lillv 's 1 i iite. aivordin to t 1 p n co. ds on ii.e. sin .xvs urinal coiie.-li ies to t !'( amount uf ! lliS.OlM. and tio-ie is .i.oi ti to co.oe vt t lliat is ('Hod. Ail till he glad to know ilet tin .lute of finch ii ii '!'le man is turning out s-i wed. - On Sat.irday ::-! near M in chi titer, Hetty Smith, all iliMUlv color ed woman Ml years of h-t. was dis envoi' d by lier daughter Vary to im 'our. i, i, g. iiinl iu attempting to uscm her inoiher, .Mary win al-o eji gulled Willi no one near, and no m. aus by which to save herself, siie jumped in to the bed and covered up. h''p:ii;. ( subdue tbo lliunes. v. ben the bo-1 d'.iiglit and set the but on f,re. He f ile the house fell ill the mother craw led dill ill-eli-lllle, ll'id remained so t i every tiling, till tieu morning when S!io died Aflf I ll-ivili'' ei'i I v thleal of clothing biiiiie.l oil' Mary walked to it iieigbbor'a housu alo'.il three hundred vanls, when she fell insen ; sible nnd died that li'ght. Aslieville Citizen : A mineral overv " f ureit iiiii.oi lance is rt ills t-d iu Yancey co intv. A practically inexhaustible, dep i-.it of iin- ni.it. rr 1 'ii.lil ho. in ihi ome p. -.Ilit is msde, lias been foil d. This i-s.;id to Of fur no wlicioelsc in the Cniied State-., "vc-pt ii. one locality nu lie Pa-ific slope, from "lii-'i i' is very i xpen. ivf to ship. Miuly Coidv. a '.i. peiite: i woil. ing 0:1 tbe btiil. hni.s at Whit .iirs, in Swain I'l ti'ity, laid a ;!:,. jnii'i by tbe name i f A.beit M'.rgu. winking for him. ( )n w s'ei d iv i.ua u ii.j; 1 e h .t Mor-an to c..l mi'ii'' lire wood. Moigiiu I eg in on a l i g .r.'i that had bee;: cut in li.i.e and i nl. -'i ! on another tree. Win!.-he was cut tin;; tut the tne il sli'.p'-d off li.; slump and tiiniuiLr fi ll li.irkw-ud , ( 'only beard the fulling of the Ire. 'but not the sound of the ao again went to nr; after tho cause and found Mor-aii huriwd under the lice whip ten ft t fnin thi stump with nothing visible Imt one liainl. Help was cull- fvl in rod the tree rut miay ni.il ho was taki n out completely leauj'ird. His 1. fail was crushed, m'fk hrokfii, both m in-, anil thighs also, and his liody m ni lv cut through. Ashiboio' Courier: Mr. Homy Fuller, nf Farmers, lost a f ".v days iiffo a mule H.'i years old It had In en it sling fii'in its labors for vims, con-1 Maiitiy leeeiiii' the kindest attention ft mi its inasier in return for past, ei vii't s. ami at last laid d i-vn in peiic I iifu r a liiu' and useful life. It was it i fumiiun mule i n . e!l as faiihful ('ol. 1 Tom Fnilor drove it to Missouri mid bark iii'.se tteui thirty years a;ro mid hire" Ih il time it lias been known all over t iif' eon lily. Inst Monthly mm n in;,' about two o'clock. Mr. W. it. Lewis, a merchant at Kill's Store, , this C'Uintv. was aroused hv the eon- ilog in Die Mini ,vl;i-'li lie Hcari-i! away by siiapj ioj; an old army pi:-tol. He letiled thin-ling l;otbinu inoie about it. JJut v. h'-n his son Monte went lo open th.' store h found four holes lio'ed thioogh the door an I an auger lying near hv. Tue would he thief I I lit. 1 well Ii) 11 ingb a.'couiinisne I Inn pur- ' ii , ,- i mi Imt fur tne ii.teriujitiuil of, pone ii the do n... ..i.i w,.,,., 1 1. ,.ir...i...i entiauce. Ciiailott' 2tiHSeilnrers Ooserver: , . .i .- r- i i w lio arrived on the An- Line, train last i:i.;i:t, leport that tlie body of a 14 iar old imv named Maul-.liu. wasi ', l ' i rr . loiii.d in i ne woods near fiic.-iw ata- t Kin. on Friday last, and the circiim- lintioii was iitriaclrd hv a bog run - ion:; through the wooiL with an odd looking obj.ct in iti mouth, lb- g.ve cliK.-e and was koriiilcil to t:ii 1 t :at the object was a boy's licel. On ' akin-' a s-arcli, ho fain. I t: head less body ill the wo. ids. Tne l.n-t wis linuiedialely reported, and ill ....... t i oi... i... i.-iit: I .1' in in. M I l-liti-.l. I II l"l. r. 1 1 I ill llilMV WHS lilCI'l.-'teil I was Incer.-'teil hv a if --ii snot, Hli.iwu.g (bat lie hud I) en ui !ld le-1. , A yOll:ig 11 IV ll'IIII.M I'liOmilll. :-l S.i- ji.'.-ted as (iu- inuulerer, on a'coui.t of the f-lct I hilt be was s: eu i pear iu the w .odi with a g.n ... I " T .lid III c rnpauy with young Maui !in. ia-' Yi d.icsd'iy f vpning. Jiiirni. Si. n -mi. iilile oipl.iu boy, .he 1 a Duwdsim ('"llee vt -i rila n:li :IM m f in.. lifts re iVi d l.y being roUen j : -der ti e wheels of a box fi r. h -fins th it while a party of depot i'li'ids wen- shitting a Imx cur on tin -i'lp tr.fk -I li.at place, young Slis-.-ii Vohilili'.i lly ll-suiiiid Ihe loll- of hr.ikeiuan. ii.e car was niovui .'it he:" i'a-ii iitid was about to pi-is lee fin: t at which it na.i disiieil '.at it li -in. I .'top, when youi g Siinsun .1 t in il e; i t:. lu.iiint the car l" :.a h tlie i'l .-'ki w heel on ttip of i', bet ill loiug so, i fo il slipi ed i'lni lie f. 1 oi tint tea '.i front of the tooling ir. Ti c it'-c... ' oi ibf box car pans el over hi i i;,. ; leg and cr... shed it Il l l ilil' . Tne 1. .it was cut ct.lii'cly 'II. act tlie tl.iuge t tue .neel sp a ; ii, boy s leg iijiii-i ai d el iis.i.-d iu I ii .i;i.s from auk 1 to ii.igli. Jin ' V- Uiig Mlll'ier W(i, cirii'-d li.' to n j a i . i'r i it ii i ii, i ,ng. r w a:, sti : : . in-'.i- ed to a! n i:.! I. nu i he due! 'I B.V.v j at uiee : hat run; - a I i ii of I i.e eit.ii I. g -. ou!' i he i.t c ary. ai-1 ( vci. : h.-u wa-. con -idei'i d a f niorn le p . T! h iy pi'ol, sled aj.'ainst I h" ::i;,p';!;ilim. ! ail : e hi put un.h r the .nil .enee of eb it if -'"ll.i ni:d ti.e limb wi.s inker j .Ti'. Wh-n he wal.id. 'ne found that j in. lee hud i'tcu cut flfai the Ihihj .'led repime hiiiliy renin k-d to Hie I'lio: : "Weil you've cut o)'' my leg. i'.iie you.'" "les." resounded liie ,1 i.-ior, lo which ihe boy lcpi'n-d:: I'ir-n i in ;'oin"' to tbe i-!ncc whore. tili'lV III.- t,o d.i.-lors." His dentil Ol- ' .-...red s.i.'i liy ulterwu.d--. Mr. , 1,.-.. oy Mui . is .ii, ii pi i-u; . .i n t young ; i .l i.icr ot I inn isl. ui -j, l iinart us ci.uii-1 ty, wa.. khc'd iii.-.iiti t y. hist '.ir.hty ! i ii f illni ;' tiee Mr .'.i.iiii.-i.i.i was I c ittiin.' down trees ou ,U n aulat mn. irte was falil:iii it crashed iiaiet :oi"t in r tree, CH.isiii a large nmo to liy i ..I. i uis in.:1, siri.ri, mv. M rii.i.ui sipiari iy iu th- forehead with s:i.-li force as to ciudi b:s siuiil mid d.i.-ii out his bruins. - lie and f.air children. Ht) ieu.es a I Stork S.-iM in ISuiicuiiilii'. Asiil;vil.l K. N. C, Feb l. --At a iiue in,; of U.e joint jj.iard of ( 'oenty C"Uiiivsiouei.i and magistrates hfht her" lo itty !o cons.. Ier tpiest ion of t-iiitury in tlie ci uuly tu go under the operation of the stock, iaw, there was a '. .rge itileii.Uu.'n an 1 u boister ous sessmn. Thiee town.. hips r-pcut'- ft (-xeirption lrom Ihe law. I he. IS llliel.s'- Uii I gl ilCllll fXCltt-IIH lit oii: t in; sulijei t and pnhtical thunderbolts, liie being filled Hitler del.Uliciil , I i-uis weie echanged ami lit ci al blows in the 1 on i w ci u ave. tt d only by the great' -l cnob.es-. oi' many of the stiec- I t itors, nine of wliom left I i.e build ! ii g lo avoid eiiher liie danger or dii a;iee:.hle!iess of witnessing what seemed imminent - "Fear l-ritigx disgrace, bra .cry lilies honor, cowaidicu e v,'s no man from his fate," says tl Caliph '"P "il cite. :g nnd. .e.'tiise i lice ( huiir ; but 1 t. null s (. oi: . ' ills saved imiuoiis lioin an -. ' Woineti are cvcrywhcie i:si. reeoiini. en-ding I'm kt-r s Tonli ': they have learned troui e : that it spt-edily overcomes d eticy. in l!;,eslio:i. pain or -in tiie b ie!,' or kidneys, i.ud I iin iili-s peculiar to the sex ! . Ill 'iilHJS oilier Haviui,' i ng ig-d i:.v serv ces to R. F. !inVH tV Co. Wllol.KSAI.l. :i d lir Till, d'-al is in it.n.Ts. S M s mid T-lt'SKS. (4 tee., bo,,.', N C.I tike ,ii- tiitM! s o. ililoi iuing in;, nc piain ill - s ami ft iCinls oi tne siii i'' iiiiil h'liieitim.' their patroliiige. nnd hopO : hev will cat! to m Yei v li-iiif. ' i i. i, JiMMi:. Ii- Livr..s. Elder Thomas Parker Dudley, of Lexington. Ky is said to In- the oldest Baptist minimi fr in America lie is !!4 years old, blind ainl veiy feeble. - ' The iir ri'ii.o.is of ( h 'Miam will phnsi- i iiik inii. r I hat .1. M.Nc.nrA IJ'i., ol (ii-n liircst and the oil v. 'I I hi ii)', N. C, is the ie-t v.holesr.le home in " oli!y liou-e that, sells dry goods and i i . i i m id wholesale, only. Tin ir grocery store is full of eoods in that line. They buy dried fruit, wool. ru;. Hour. ej'f.". ,Vc ; .! W Scott .V ( 'o. S -..i.. ..f iliM'lm nti-i rn.-in-lM.'... IiimtIcI frur. oi.l'.tiiirit-n --l.nip-.l mi-vi n r.-i:: n liji.-. 11M1I 71 -M WI.IN.- AI !lii-rrM..:.-i.i.r-lliftn-1p1 .-ii'ln. In T'.i i!i-v t.wi--.iit., I.j Ir.i I1iii:.ii, 1. I' .i n hi '.i'li li.'.. Villus h.ii.i.kt, ..r Iii.II.iiui, i l.l MtCM MAllV NkM I.lt. New ;1 1 eit tvi'i'ie.itH. 0!:T.V;F. SLK -15Y Yl't TIT.-' ii iii .r.'.if-.i.t.1 . ip.-iiii. I. V. 111 1 1 llllvwll l.y A. Ii. 11,11 ll-v. I will II d' .ll .!' Hii.-il. n '.iri'uvii in i! ii : .ii-,. ..,.,r. In Ill s- ' I.T" -.iiSlll'iii IV 'In' J" h ..if Hhi-i-I:, Iswl, ih.. uii'llv! ll hiU'i-rst .. - ii ! !"i'ii-v In n .tr:filM tTH'-l '.I lllll'l Sltll.tl !l. HMk!':ll'l I - W ll-lll . UN n.lj-IiiImi? ih.. Iiin.l-..f Win. l-.rlL-lr. I. Im ...i.nm.i im I .!h.-r.. . s Ill s-! i.i, i- Kfi.rii-ir.v IS, ihsh. a. P. liii.ia ur, Any '" hiiir-iv. u isui .Imt ..i Kur.-ii, iw-ll n: ,'iil'H'-ii. il"n. "ii Ui en-nilMi-K ' . ... . , . "It .lll r u" mi I i-'.iiIiiImiiu- aln.m I.Hi H.-r.-x. Aim fit H.-inii- tlini. .-iii-t plurx ill -..'I .hi.' miili., ..tin ''nl1' 'w'' imu-'ii-, -"ii n...wi.ii; nm -lili.... Mii.i ii"-i.-r iiii'i ii' r-" 1...W.T, "IIM wn-:i:-.jr in. I.. II' .-M nn.i n 1..1 ,.r r,..-.-n t'hu?;; "' E ' w. it nimniTnx. 1'cli. in, 1KH.1. i,..i.,.i..', N. e. - .1 LJ TAT r.P viihtii I'MMirrvA -llll-.KTV OF CIIM II lir. is i in: Hi i rmk I 'nl' nr. Ilinun llrilfiM .11 mul ..tht-rH, ; J'.iin..ii o. Mum nn.i ..n.-rs. Thin Ii n ..p'-rlnl itf-w Ilnif i..r Hi- irn-ll:l-n of Tr'Hlr. l..l ' -.III .. nf Ullt 'll ill" .:llli:IIT- Hll.1 'I ii'ii'liil.tK in-M lriiMii;p Iii ,-..iiim'. 11. hii-I li ip.i-urlni; i Uii' Miif.i.".i..n 1 1 Hi- .i.iiri I. v iilfl i ivii Hun Hi .l"'iml:inti Sinai iuii.'v, I. mm. 1 liui!-., '! C..11111, ili.uyo V en n nti l nn hiI h-r liiist.iiii.l 'WIi..m rekin In 11: kii'.wn' .-.r.. ri-.n rr..-l- ilni -r ii. Km' mi.i .-Kim .' nr .in-mitsi I f. ."'.ilt.rl lllilii HiU '!, Uioy nr htrpi n-'ll- zxzixzz, . 1 in- BWM'-t "I 1I1X i-l.l. ii .i.ni an.) .i,:-.-.-r -r .1"- : ih- .i.iiniir, J'i'lli- nioi.i iii i tnk-n r.-bruarj is, if j llll SHKK, s. c. 1 -3 OHT(tA(iK S. LH. P.Y VI It-! . Tl V. ..f 11 tn..r'i::'L'H,l. in. "I 1.1 in.- l.y r nr.. j- .-iih H. M. O i!n nn.i i:. ..11 II t-'-ml.rr, IK. ) wll -.-U .1: .n U -im u! ih. .'.uri l.'.ii-.i- 'I'-r 111 l l-'i "-r-. -11 surii- liT. llifinii 'lnv..i r.'l.ruiirv. I1-:-'--.. n .-riniln u-i-l -f l-ilt'l ill N-lv il.'i't 1. wn!.t.. I'li'i'li iMi liiiir, ii'lj"!nli k- II:- la:. -I. -.r I'li 'ini-. o.-irln-r, J..I111 I'hl-ll -:.'l ..IllPI-fi, iiii.l .''.It-'i'.ltlh.: 1:1 i.-i-r.-, Jan. an. im;. Mosi'.s t !.M;K. iTATFi OF NORTH CAROLINA j lNrSTT OF ' I'ol lll ! W. I,. Lolrioll, KS c!1aT!Im.- In t:u: Hci't:i:..i; Ifnlni-irni.r "I .Tin. .'.i.--iIii.i ). PiivIh. Wlilhun i;.u .m. ..:ln-i. Thll Is it hi- -i:il jii .-.'. -lltic llivi 11 :.-. tiv lli J'liilu IfT '"P :i llti.'il il'-.' "lln: .ni l : l-ni-n; m! Ii!h Ili'i-M'-.o ' -:.'i:-, .-ui'l il :tf ;.i-.t-jiii I- ll.-.-CI-.,';! l. mi -f Hi. nr: Unit Hi- .I"'-:. -em's Willi. mi li'ivis. ri-l-rl. Ks I'.iM-. M.irv I'. i.Mlln. l-lin O Miil.-i. rii'.miiH C. Mlli.-r. .1. h'l T. i'.ivip iilel IT-a-rl. k O. ItuM-in-' ii'Mi i'.-.-l'. ii; ..I ll.l-.sm-K Hint Hi- I .-.p-wiiiy iil'li.'s this l 'llln:. lli.-y ai" h-r-l.v n-illl- l li. u.i".'ir :il in- ..111--- "I l!i- .'l.-ik -l in- Kii.-:i"r - ..nr. "I pi. i-.nnly nt I'liH'hieti wl'liln 'in .1 1 Ti.fn 11." n.-rvl ..f tlil ii..-1 1 y ei i i i.-.'c i-u. 'ui'l n:. "w-1- -.t- 'l-'iiiur 1-.li- I'liuii'.lir'n :iiilali.l, -I' j'i l."':i-n: will li tiU-ii fr ii'.- W. F. li.l stlKK, c. S. 0. Jsniuiiy , ll'i.. rtia. A K-o l Sr.eu: li' and Owru ivii Hoi-sr. .u.e mile lrom Ki li.tiond put. Cha'imni e.Hi-ty. in Hint, orj iki.i. for one-i. ail oi torincr co:.. (iood time j.'iveli. A' i:'v A i; i;'ui-.-; HT. Feb. 11. lHSii. Ki.'.ivo.Nii. N C j AUCTION SALE! ON WEDNESDAY, FEBP.UaaV 24TH, 18S8, 6ji A a I A, ,1,.. ,lll,,V(( ,. n,H ,,1:1,.,. I will s,.n lkt ,)Ubi. :iu. tjn fur CASH the mir.. ' belon STOCK OF (iOODS illLT to the t state of the late A- ( It- li. rsoii, and consist iii and DRY GOODS. NOT IONS. CLOTHING, HARDWARE. (iiiocr.iUF.s. .ye., tvc Now is your chance for ihir'uns. a these go ..Is must atid will be -old Al same lime an 1 place 1 will ills.. teil a iot of HOI SKHOLD ANT) KITCHEN I'TdNllUiiil. Any of the all oe f in be bought privately at and below .' -r lit any tune beiore d ; of iiuct.o!., nnd th" a :c'ion wll! be coutintied until eve V thing is sold M H KOR'IRSON. Feb. 11. lss i. i:e. utrix. lssf. ISMi. Carefully fcteil. I Vi'ni Tiinlei! to (irr.w. Isr.s r (Kir.rir.s ami no. I it of .-iefps, at riiK LnwKsr i'lo. : -Dii;i:ct FK'iM Till-. I'v'ill. Ni:WCA! AI.OOl F, ion ls;ni 1RF.K JOSEPH HARRIS GE0 CO., Moreton 1'iiriii. Ri'Cin :ti n. N. Y. ATKXTS7 Caveat's. Trad" M;rks C-njiyvvrigbtii, Ol.lRl'f- -re O'TI our -f 'i'l ll 'hP l.-lti'i I'l in- C. S. Fn ! ':nl I t., f..r M "l mil f, . t' Hi.- I' T'aii-ti: rH nu t ' - -nn .ii'iain 1'h:-hi In i-.-t Um- ihn Hi . r. in. '.' ir-ti vv si.i .em s- n l V"i . I, -r PK.wet i We .-. Iii to e-ti-rntiii.iiiiv In -.. i hfire', an I ' m k Soe.t KU1-: . 1 VI.1.SN ft I ivn t! I'VTi AT. I M..n-v op.I.-r rtot-l 'ii, "'1 m I I ih- I . n ' I-:ii.-ir .-in . "nil'". . .-.in. wi rt.f-T-.i-t' ia a-ui-.l .'ll-i. . In r... - ..n Slrt-f ,.r n-iiniT. wrlif I" e. I ' L. i opinwno I'Mout i'Jl.,t .N.,v. pi, nl W.il.int "Ii, P c. 1878. 1886.; WFATT M TAYLOR, i uLi.,uv.ui.v& THE I l 1 t 1 i t T IM'.liUIIIJ. EsteiMd Eljht Years tit, 13 tiaw The Encouragement OF FY' Hit Y CITIZEN OF j CHATHAM C'-'FXTY. ! T NOT ONLY KKEI'S THE ' PEOPLE OF CHATHAM ( THOimufiHLi mmm i S TO ALL THEIR COUNTY AFFAIRS, 151 T ALSO I i (JIVES THE j j Latest and Fullest News 1 g t roni all narts of 1 m. . North Carolisaa ; AND THE I i I United States, j t TIIS ELECTION CAHPAIGB; ..... i i.M IiSiSiJ ILL HE FELL OF interest az.d exestej-iej-t, i nci Pe-IMI.U M t3US) THE ItECORI) WILL P.R IN TIIK FRONT RANKS I5ATTLI N(! FOR TIIF Dsmocratic Party. Evorv Democrat IN CHATHAM on;n r to rf.d TIIK HECOSiD! WK Ol'l'FR AS SPKCIAL INDl CriMI'.MTS The Weekly Gtar OR hi FOR OXK YF.AR TO ANY SC I SCRIRLU OP THF. RKCORD, ! WHO WILL MF.VD I S TLV: NAMF.S AND THF. MONEY j OF TWO NF.W sri!-' iURLIS ! FOR ONI. YKAR. , W F. WILL ALSO SF.ND TIIK WEEKLY STAR free for six months to any mibderi- bcr of Tub RwrniP, who will pay up ltis iirrenr-i and a year's inibscrip I ion in a.lvtiiiff. m m mi star AND THNWY0SKfl3U! are tlieleadin (Wmo-rotic paivrin Amcrna. ; THESE OFFERS j mv !" .aken advantage iKflire j the- 'i -M February, I. ! A. NT) CUMMBSIOi! MERCMTS, iCAItKY I.N S I'O; K A i I'LL LINK ; OF , Heavy Groceries. JJjiLin and Ties A Si'!'. '1AI.TY. C0NiawM:-:?iTs of CoUon and Prodnco SOLICITED. U V.V! I' .V TAYLOR, l-"i E. Maiitin and Ki F.x.'ii nok Pt.aot, i! m.hoii, X. (J. it. si, IfiM. Nearly n ipi.i. ter of a eeiitnry fto, oi I hit etl v. I 1 ng-i.e 1 in tho ll'i- (ii.o ls li.isin.:.. and litjtel llillled from the b'-).;iai,i:ig to strictly a lie 11 to mimI in 1 1 ad thu d"irm,id ai d 1 cijn icmo'iis.iii the fnile-t sens. . I! ..( the tirtdu IF ij ii.eloi -.ii. g. sie-l 't in-1 e'-rly He re.ise in 11 iv Males ,u:. i,:-.iie of business is a ciiivne ii i.' and Siill-f:ieti .-y pi oof Li. at tin OlYoMH lo maiiitaiu a TiioiMi oii; E',.1 iri'i:n. Fihst-Ci.imi l.'iiY (iiHH).S nT)UE in tl 1 i.f ty i a'.ebe. n apia ecitited. ne 'im most ei, rii! 1 sly nnd ei.r.ii iiiy a---i nude; taking, a id t'ni i pi 1 .tiou I trust ' will In ji ird"!ialih: piidi that I inoi'iS t-ir .1) . nihil t. l-l l'leil HM u 11 1 state Mv Pi.:.-.:-.st F.-i",::i.. ISiriKST IS TftP Tlrv-'vUnn-t U tlio (Jaaifc lii'u iluuu.ji.iejl iu tliu wmi, without, a tV. SCO! ,- in eh -niii'i'. beati- el "ii-.i.y. No ; .ei !ecl uess . mil -I spa- e. t in i'nia yt ni one and i ,,i!y. an iu t'liike a thor- this really wi-h vou all ftd( O'late i-' :i ni' 1 (Mil I l.ivi i. il, I :, s find, as was th- i greeting. I li n l ! all. eaeh a" 1 ii. lo i Ml li it tl, to i !i ':1 uigli insp. i-io.i i beailliflii stme. 1 A JJcfry r'iiist!iis and Hiij-j.y New Y iir. FRANK THORNTON. I-'.-,- vn:'.i.K. N. 0. TO ALL Oi R AID 'i'illijiLlli) We take th our I'm ii 'i-po! tun I the.r !' ('.miking i:,l j llt- roll ige and cont iuilaii W'e v.ill kei p i to ill n f I i.-' same. 1 : i v a' il ii.ii i; Hid Will I IV .Old sell IIS ill.' ! any a her ' til lie III u : speciii: iinliii lo v 'II : s i Iii ap -Hi be li-id ,'. .d .-III! coli--11 . .i.-l . oiiei ).u- slock will ,1. We ' i' i nu lit - always nil ( oidi'i.r.rK 1 and will pot be I in any allowed to r.lll d"p ti I nu nt. .Iowa 1 i i ti i 1 vJ 1' . li A i.i.O can always Iind PLOWS of all k;iidn and PLOW CVSi iNOS which will be sold nl very bo.tnui pti. ei. Alio a good sli ck of A X MS, SiloYl'.LS i'OUKS.' ! MATTOCKS, j TRACKS. 11 AM IX C.H.I ARS, I LINKS, i nnd farming iniph no nts generally. We hiive a lew i VVAG0N3 AM-j EUGQiES i which will lie sold low. i ! Ri'-iuei.,'-! t you can Iind anything vou wish. If vn;i tl.. n't see it ask for it- Wo sull haw a splendid slock of DRY O o)DS. FANCY OOODS, NOI L iN-, II UDU .', R'.',. I INWARK, Dltld-, FrRNiT'Ti''. ;i;oi,F.iiiF.n, CON'IT'.crioNllliii'.S, SllOF.x 15 ) H'-J. HATS. CUOCKKRY, nd tii b st ST. "AT NO MU'iUNF, ': rnadrt. I It w;:l ai'.viys iiit,' ve.i to fall and get p istp . if ii"- i.in- in .v.'. at Jan. I January 7. lssii. inAPI'YNKYt" YEAR P IHftit'IJi

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