I)C l)ntl)am Record 11. A. LONDON, KMTUl. AM I'KuriilKruK. HATKS ADVERTISING f in scjU.in-. one insertion- - tin' Fniiarc two insertions - IM TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, On-.- copy, hip ypir - - - f i.fio One "1';', fix months . - $ I.f I One copy, thm month ... r0 1 On-FipiHrc, "iir month '950 PITTSP,OH) CHATHAM CO.. N. C, APRIL I. Js'. V"T larger ndvcrlisemcnts liberal eon trtirts will lie nwde. dl)c Cljntljam Hccorb, VOL. VIII. The lliffereiiee. Titensvtn brave Wbn the weild is on nn yide. AA h"n nothing I . to f. II , Fearl".. t" Im I". Ti- easy to h. When nil go.- well; When the !.liy i i p,lr. Klin- wrathf'1' t' foretell l(,t III lll.pf H l.- f V,j,.S.(,l- i. And l hrnie hen we me ..cared Tli.it .ninth a thing, inv d nr ' Ami will .Li I" t-ll - A'ttlmnii Mm mi.. i.i , (, ,....; AN EASTER GIFT, "N." -lid I III le Zebedee, "II"; WO f'1'1 "i ill jut ex. n Ily how Hilt) 1p. Tliy wouldn't l.rlirvi u. Now l l ' in t ike tlir i "n-r.pieni i ." "We warned 'rin brfon hand," -aid Aunt '. ruiah. "They imildii't xpnt in'tlnn' f.iinr t h;tn that." I'ncle cli and Aunt Kury wit liinkiiig at Mill other, "ii" on cither siif of the big "tone lircphu i , like tlii- o hi mini :iml woman wi -onn liiui .- - lit,.., tu in .i toy shop. Tin y wi iv am i. nt .ni'l wi,irn nil' I wrinkled- -'thin lint it would -. em a if mi fti lil i-t li"in Mi" bias. in.!, d bli.Hsmu-t hi 1 1 y blow them away, wlii!. Hnii .. iii. I. - -In. ii. like str.iy t ii . t mm ..mi.- null. ,n l ... . . . , --1 11 . 1 1. i , ii;.! tin vr in- I...... ..nt lik. whip, "id ! i .in tlnir . 1 1 i "M Ii m.l-. I in I. Z I- .1. i-i.n mill Aunt Hum. In- .i-, i, .i, ,,, , ,i, h, ..i in. I i.l.l m ini. Ml thru n - l,.ng tin y Ii id lrr nviii; ,ii"l i t ni pi n g t i i -i pirn lung, a,.- if ....n,ii.;. win- tin in nii-pi niir " lit" M I. VI t( in I'll' V II' V.I -HI ill.! npplr w illi ins i'...-. niton of it - n (istl, I Iv . tin v thought . I I' .n.lv .i. I., iin; worth -.. linn I. i I. mi I , tin- .. i -ilk.'l ..M.l t I. I . on v ..- -i in n Ii ' pi inn Indian in. .il . " til" pink-Ill. I w lilt' . lo. i . !, ...I- ii n. tiled oiilv pn-iut.i . iilil,1 llotllllll' ,n i lit r M I tin' -I n 1 1 .1 ii-i. - w l'l !ii"i. ili in ,. .kv . . tint on nil l ..il, . ,t. ' An. I wli n. i iht ii. ii - ;i.o. tlnir lmlt m-i. i N. Ily l. nl lui, -im . i. tu. illy inn ii i lioin l"'ir 'l"li ii - :i month an.! In I l.oill.l to lllllll v n l.l:i. k- r.l lilm In. I 'Ii.. I n. I.- '., I. :ui'l Aunt lim y Innl wn-h fl tin ir -kinny h ui'l- i.f In i iiitoui tln i . Ahi- ninl il i. k ,i-. i '. I,.v. .ii.v. . Inn i Ii, M. in .1 f.,i II il imi.I Nrlly Ai l.ii-h t Ic.in on. I II. y i 1 1 1 1 u .nilnf w.i-lo-t oil thr fil -t oa.Ji olll llfl.-l hi- 111 II ri iLi' . Mini Nrlly w:i- li ft I . -iiimrt hrr i til I c I i In -t -In lliiuli'. i w ii- mi inn v . n kit t Ir I.. t.in lifr'. troiil.lr.- mi. I tin ".,'i y..imur w nl'.w , ami whi n NVlly iliol, thr littlr L'irl w.i- -rut liomo to S.rioif' r.lili . with ;i pitiful hl ti i hf.in thr yoinm niotli.'i w ho-r -mi Innl -r t -.. i nilv. lint I'm lr -Ii mi I Aunt Uwy nli-o 111. h .Irrlillr l to r I ri Nrll. li. .lin t n. fliiii' t"ii-."" -.ii'l I in I. 7. '. 11 In i 'o t" I I.i I Arhiili'- i' Infion-'." 'ml uiit Kii. Kh'ln h nln'l imp ' irioti Wf M, I iin't to hi. iiiii for 'hut. ,H I kll' M of." Von woiililn't 1. 1 thi r h i hi pn on tin t'n, ' -ml Mi Ion. .. tin .ii'-- ;ii.'rnt, touho-i im .t. t II h.i.l hrni ion 'i(."l '1 if Am wi If ,i lirow n mj.i i p:n k "Vr-. I w oiil'l"- -ml I ni h Zrl.. Why n..t .' " - ml Aunt llur-y . I.hintl;.. So Nrll wa- t ikm. with In i litllr lnn- b full of il.iih. .. to tin town In Thr illation look.. I piili. -hr ha. I no i haifxr- o yoim n N'rll - I. ill Mir kl-Ml tin- hihl, aii'l nave hrr a pin r of L'inyrr hrra.l ami -oinr pitihno'k, ami tol.l hrr to In a - I uiih N'rll plar.) ahoiit until .-hr wa- tn. !. ami tin II I iinir to thr lintion withwi-t fill llptill'ilC'il Kiir. "When am I jiiiiutj honu :" i hr. "Tlii i- Imini'," ha il thr iniitroti. Ni ll's lip ipiivrinl; In r lilur r .Mini in tears. "I don't like it !" s ii.l -hr. "I ilon't want to hvr Inn ! M inim i aiil I wa-to r honu' nt Ka-ti y'," "What docs the rhild iiiran?' said thr In w ihh ird niatnin. "Don't you know ?" said Xcll. "Fir-t f oinrs C'ln istinas thru Ka-tri ? And iiiamiiia said I was to go home at Easier. " We don't have Eastern here except now mid niniii n few colored v en id the 00(1 matron. "This is home, my deal ; so put till of that nonsense out of your head." Cut Nell cried, and refused to be rmn-ioit-d. 'Xnn f go and play?" said she, after a little hi!e, with the tears yet on her l.ishrs. "Yes - in the back yard, a much as yiu please," said the kindly matron. "I don't like the hack yard," aaid fas tidious Nell. "It's nil full of b'irk-liHts and tomato-cans, and broken bottles that won't hold anything. I want to po in the woods." "Well, don't po far, then,'' said the matron, who was busy mixinp lime for the spring white-washing, and perhaps was a little relieved to be rid of Nell's jierelual cjiiestioniups. So away went little Nell, her white cambric aunbonnet fluttering in the early April wind, down into tho dells, where the fiM pallid violets were thrusting their purple heads up through layers of moist, dd leaves, and tender fringe ot ''re n fnllivw f df the roiirei of thr rivii 1. 1, thr happi' M Jlittle lass that the sin, t vi f shnnr on. f w ish I i ould).-tay -hf re always, and live in h cave, anO' eal lerries and sassa fr buds, an 'Irink water from the brook!" tlmuLditVl rl. "I don't want to o ba. k to the towan hoii-e, where I'm Ir Tim makes fares ,K mr, and old Mrs. If ill's hand shakvs that .-In -pill-In t t a all over thc4tabli ." Hut the nfternoont wore on Sitinday afternoon, alwaT thv Wm-i' st of thr week and Mrs. (Jatl. Ily i matron, began to In iinia-y about jhi .Toune-t inhnliitant of the town house. "She can't be di.wnyd, for.the brook in't deep enoiiphtsaiH -Mrs. ;IT. "Hut I I s' use a strmipe cjiild .. Ie o-t in ! them woods. Tin fr'nmst sorry now I li t I h r K". Kf.-he ain't I bark by Hark, I'M si ml Kooi-hi Frank wfter In r. I pues ' In "s pot srnseienoupb Vo bi inp ln r hoiin . if he rind- hrr" I 1 in U- Z.-b iuiiI Aunt , Kury Wall ison were sittiup at their supj" i n pot of ! wrak tea, sonir.bis aill ami butt, r, ami a 'dish of -trwul peai It s -whin thr door i opened si.ftiy.v'iiid inwaitn :i little pirl of live iar- old. with a sunbonnrl llum' ; bai k from In iinri.wn iinl-, and her apt on full of pair pink ailwitu-,, -leinb i--t mm (id wild flowers' iii.M.Iui ir.. t-. ! Aunt liuey -no ted' bai k. ! If.s Nilk"" ud .-In,, startlrd it th. w omb i fnl ii -i n I'l.iin eolo tin- fan f i, . tint wa-ii..A i.ithrjr.l and buried. ! l,o'.l - l r n-' ' U.l-. I III Ir b. who, like iiio-i illiitril- Ill' ii. wa- not without i -piir ol th. -iip.V-tjt.ii.il- in In j iialuie. Ilon't p.'ia nili In I . lillrv. , M ill"' -In am i -v "" ".-. I in . -Ily." stud tin ( hild. mp ; t v iiii; In I flown- ijit'Ulu old lady's lip. ' ' I'm l.ioii''ht you soiiw I'l-t.r owi-." .n. -In looknl soblnnly aroiml In r t the tin in lli.-.ib r p i Jiiiuni v plafe, tin -liinini; i ..pp. i ki til'-, the blo-f.oiniiio ro-. tier in tin- window, and tin.' od re tb i Ii.. ii-of -un-.t en the wall. "I. a" sake-! " -aiiH Aunt l!uev(. lookinir hrlple-ly lii-t at lln -ltoweis .ni'l thru at tli.iliil.l, "win ir did .ii i line Irian .'" From tin town Itoin-." said N'rll. "Hut lu i low i- l.a-ti i Hay. 1 munl- r. it up from tin- l ahlid ir that hanps uiid. r the i ..i k -In If in 'Mr-. Jail's room. , Mamma said 1 was t.. otue home on Ka-t.r." I III lr Z. b nut out hi-iroal-r, wrinkled hand ami toin lnd Nrll'. hair as -..ily a if -he Innl br' ii a pir. r nliDresdeit i liili.i. ' in danu" r of i i a. k im;. ( "ln '- a I'l'ttv little in tin. ain't -In r" -aid In . " 'oine Inn, hild. Will ou 'jivi im a ki !" " Vrs," an-w nrd Nrll, puttini; up her i oral lips to the old man's within 'I fair, and . linilun;' uin i reiiiniiioii-ly upon his' ; lap. "Now uivr in., some bread and milk." ' "Well, Iderlare. Zrl,"" , ,i. d his -i-trr. I.f you don't look ipni'i with ,, little i hild a -rttin' on yoin 'kmr'" i 1 "in Ii Zi b wi'iola It t m- I f thi way ! and that. "I dinino ' 1. t y how it A.., I.-," -aid hr, but I I' Ii j on it .., nnphtv sink. Ain't -In- pot our N.-llv - w - n:.ht ovi r a in ti.t In r -onn In. a, I and milk, Ilill' J. I! l-te ! I- It leally ll l-lrl to 'ni"' row? Holland im-, litn y, we ain't ; b, ( n t" i hiirrh in a mw r rful h.np tinir.. ; I.i f- t i.v how it si em- to nn.ir V( -'po-l HI i olll.l 111 ike III" little "il lip I.i d on the old trundle in the we-t loom: "You ain't yomy to keep her:" -ai Aunt Hum. w ilh i auei, pn -tionin:: u ! full of a i el t a in joy. I'lielr Z.b stn.kid the -oft, brown i ' I III Is. "Well, I dunlin," wild he. ' It seems , 'ui"-t a pity to se nd her bai k thin, doi -n't it ;' Aunt Huey reflected. "Kve 'ino.t a mind to try how I like hi r," i-aid she. "I alius was partial to eats, mid it does seem as if a well behav id i hild in edu'l be mui h nmre trouble about the lmu-c than a cat." And when she had broii-bt in a blue nlL'cd bowl full ol milk and a poodly -lice of bread, she actually pathercd up , the f ist-willinp flowers and put thrin in I a ( lacked pitcher on the mantle. "La!" aid she, as she turned around, i "if the poor child hasn't fell dead asleep, with her head npni your waistcoat, Zebe- dce." "I puess you'd better undress her and put her to bed," said Uncle Zeb, peiitly layinp down the liinp little figure, with its cheeks flushed with slumber. "We'll go ripht up and put the j'ints of the old tiundlu together, you and me." Aunt liuty was n little awkward with the buttons and strings. It was a long time tiucc hrr stiff, old hand a hud w rough! Mich work as Ibis; but Nell never woke up. "She does look dteidful p'etty there, fast asleep," said she. "I I guess we'll keep her, Zebedee." "I puess we will," said the old man. "Folks'll call us dreadful silly." "I.ct 'em." said I'ncle Zebedee. When Foolish Frank, from the lown hoiise, came to know "ef they hadn't nowhar seen a little pirl," I'ncle Zebedee informed him that they had decided to keep little Nell Arbiish. "Kli?"said Foolish Frank, "For good and alii" "Yea," said I'ncle Zebedee, "for jjood and all. iin and tell Mrs. Gaff so." Foolisb Frak wtn? back, morh woad-erii. Hut li'tlr N.ll wok' up. tbrnt nioriv inp, with plittrring i ye. and ro. ii. ip( apart, a- in ,i smile. "It's F.i-tn May"" -lid -he. "I dr. im ed in. mini. i rami- to nir and put h r hand on my shoulder, and -aid had hot! out home." I iu r Z' b and Aunt Ibiry looked at '.nil mini w ith t' iifnl i y s. And that d.n - tin t"u-t in half ,i-on of years -tiny wii.i loihiinli, thioioi tin bud dinp st M..I-. w ith Nell -kipping on I" fore. And when the miiiist. r -aw tlum mm. in. hr could not but think of tin bln-n Scriptural word-: "And n little hild -hall lead theni!" ,,,, Forrtnt. itrnri. Life in l.ll.erhi. A i orie.pond' iit at Hre.'i r- ilr. Lib. tin. writinp to tin .'.. '.. i o i '...v., 1 sajs; This plan i Hiewer-vill. i is tiftn i mill s frmii Moiiion i. It i- tilt.in xrao ' old. It i-tin-largi -t -i tth in. nt in Lib. ria oiit-i.le of Mon;o ia. All thr pn.pli win. liner riiiiratr.l out hire in tin .i-l I' ll oi tilt. en uai- ha- c -ettled in 1 1 pl i" . The people in the -i tth tin tit an poor, and on. i-n't able to In lp tin- ot In i in a l.ii-i.i, .. ,. n-, i.f view. Then an ho hoi-. -, no mule-, and no ow n in tin : wln li III. in. nt Tin y h ive to do al , tin I inn wo'k with tin liM , tin take .'lid tin . have belli "l! here "" I iv !n..iili-. 1'iople are in a -nil. line ' Ilin.n f..i -i.iiirthilip toi.it and .... ' . I'.lhi - ., we n Tliin i-nl any d-.i t"i in this s. tili in. nt , tin -. ttl ni. nt i- t". p.... t.. -upp'.rt on. . Th. inhabit inl 1 nninbi i .'i.',ii ( ' ili. ., i- a nt-pi i aid i A i "Minion laborer, whin In an pit. woik toil... rei.ivi- .'. i rut. pirday j I'nklid pork i- .'.'( cut- j-r pound, i -li..ii.,i nn at '.'.'Minis pi r pound. AI ; tin flour ami nn al u-id here i- iinport'.l lioin l-'npland ami America. ( urn nnal j i- pi cent- pi r piart. ( "iiiinon flour h j l" pel barrel. This j- the prrate-l ' i plan for son'- I cvi r saw . There i- In ri an in-cct ; it- name i jiger; it i- very ihii..i ou-. 1 have seen L'low II people, and hildn it. too, with their toes ram "IT. Shot - are more ni eiled here than i!, America. Il i- nn e--ary to wear -hoe-all the time -o a- to protect y.nn f. 1 1 'loin tlu -i insert.. The people are in; nbli to kf i p shoe- on their children all tin time, and a ltoikI many of the havi to wear -on- f -1 all thr year round. M boy's fret have b- i n -o -ore he cmld hardly walk. Tin- only way tin -nil. i- haw to make, any inoiu y line i- by iai-in- and -riling ("IT"-. It will t.ikr a in w roin. r like my -elf from live to -i year- to t aiolTn farm in trim for sellimr c..T, e. The pub. Ii. si ho. .Is an in a poor o nlitiou. Then i- a class of people hen- w ho do not w ant tin- true condition ..f things written back home. They -ay il tin people want to know bow limes an- "Vri In rr. I. ttln iu i ..me ind -i r for th. ni-i lvi -. Origin of Hie Sleel IVii. Tin- now in.i.icii-,ib. artn Ir v n low ly pi rli i I'd. ".im I liki ' mo-t invrn lion- tlni-pi rf. . . . it- nn iit. wi n not nt on" n kmw . dg. d. Win ii. in 1 -1 1 1. il tit -t made it-appi araiu e m Kn-laml it wa- a pirn of -hi el -t" I brut in a lubu l ir lorin, and nit or lil.il away to unit itr tin -hapi of aipnll pen, the jun tuui o tin two i dpi s forming the nib. whiih. ol Vlol - e Mtelnhd all in. the bai k of the pni. It w i-giw n away a- a p. v-i nt . and not for il-. . Il w a- highly p..i In ,. per hap- gilt oi -ilvi'inl, and -old f.. .i iiiuih a- i -hilling In l-.l Mi .lime- Firry, the foimdi i of a .- - ti in of .dination onn (anion- a. the T'lliyau" sy-telll. took lip the still pi n a-a ptai lical invention, and by in illimitable em rgy oven nine the ilillinil lies in il- i on-tiin lion and the ol.jei ti. iis to its use. e patented several varieties, and spared im expense to attain peife, tion. His brothel iiifornied Mr. Saniin I Timinins, of Hirmingham, Kiigland, that he paid 7 -hilling- per pound for iii stcel, and i shillings per pen to the first workmen he employed, and that foryear afterward the price given to his work men xvhs ;lli -hillings per gros-. - V..,..is ' ' L't'iiritr Jotinnit. A Japanese Advertisement. A bonkscller in Tokio, .lapan, desiring to sell his wares, thus advertised them in the newspapers: The advantages of out establishment -1, Prices cheap as a lot tery 2, Hooks elegant as a singing giil. il. Print clear as crystal. 4, Pa pi i lough lis elephant's hide. 5, Customers In ited as politely as by the rival steamship nn panics. C, Ai tides as plentiful as in a library. 7, Goods despatched as expedi tiously us a cannon hall. P, Parcels done up w ith i much care ua that 1.. . lowed on her liu-hand bv a loving wile. !i. All defects, sui h us dissipation and idleness, ! wii: o. nired in young people paying u- I freiUeiit visits, and they will becntni! j solid men. 10, The other advantages wo j offer are too many for language to ex press. "m I Conscientious. j "Kugena, didn't I tell you an hour ag.) to sf-nd that young man of yours honu .'" ' "Vis, papa, dear." ' ! "Hut he went out just imw-l heard him" "Ye, papa, dear; but he went the first time, and then he found he'd taken mill- limhr.lli, l,v i.o.lukr. u.wl ... I,. came to bring it back. Dear tieorge it to conscientious." VI. Till-: PLAXKTS. A Kcw Fnrt s of I n forp-,t A hoi't Hip Em id's Neig iihnr. Point About Velum. Mars, Mcrevtry, Jupi. tea', Saturn an'l th Rest Wiiii-. -,. w.ll known to n- all as the loci li. -t ol.ji , t in thr h. an n-, th' riea ing and tin morning ,i.n, n -i mbles closely our own earth. It-.-i i- almn-l the -ame, it- diameter In ing T.iliiO ; its Shj i- aim. -I the -am. . ngth, Ktni it- dnii;; i- ratlin 1 than live I'nic thiit of w ab r. It n v..hes round 'he sun at n di-lanre c.f II" .oiiii inni mie H th-.' -piirr ,.f l .av-. Like Mercury, howrvr. Venn- i- n,..oiile . Paing the earth in th. nn ,'iitim. . wi . .mi. to tin w.ll known plan, i M-ir-. Tin- plan ' i- puti. ul.oli int. I.. ting in many point- of vnw. N'mi to Men my it i thr -nialli -t f lln f.'in int. i ,.,n, t -. its fliaiii' trr bring only l.'joti mile, or littlr mui than half tint o th. K irthor Venn.. Its di-taiuc fi,,m the -un i I n.onii.iiiiiimik-, and it ...mph n- it-iir nit in ii? day-. "I I,. . ngth of it. day. doi- ii., differ manually from that of our oh ii. Mar-ha- t ho moon-, ami onr ol tin m pi. -nits a pn noiii. nun unhpn in tin -i-lnn No otlnr moon b-haiM lik' ll.i on. , fur it p.,-- nd Mil. about thin i in' - (i.iy.in. il.at i-to -ay, it go. . fa-1. i loiiml X! n than 1 ir- dor- on it- owiiaxi-. ni. gin. our moon li-mg and .. it ing tin, . tun. nny twinty four hoin-. A notln i mi. n -ling baton in Mai- i- tin-; w. I in .. tl.i.nigli ..in- t. . -..'p.- whit -i. in I-. l lln nintiguii I'on of it - . "lit mi ol I ... r ins and al o a. niiiul ition of -n. w .t it- p... -. H in t tin n oni alt' nil.. n to tin nth 'I gi.'iip of plaint- .lupitrr. Saturn, I i. inn- ami N. ptun Th. -. an di-tin gui-ln .1 by I In ir ii"i i.i"U- -ie, immen.e di-l un , Ir., ni th. -un, rapid revolution on tln ir own nxi-. and v-ry small density. Tin i hang. Iron. ,i- to .lupit. r i-in il" i d . in li kable. Tl latter planet, familiar I., every ..l..i n. r of th- heaven., i- imlii 'l a gi nit .inning giants. n ina-. it i- i -pi il I ' ill th'- .tin r plain t- put tog. III. r. it diaun I r I., ing no 1. -- than k'i.iiiiii nit Ir -. and it .li-iainr from tin -in lis.', i .onn nn, . h t.,kr. I. ;!.!. day- to louipl.l - it- i. my revolution. Altlioiigh . f -in h . inn nr ni- 1 i iiu n -i hi il turn- on it. own axi-in le.-. than ten hour-. I'ioiii the -mall di n ity i l.;)si of .lupin r. we -hoiild iiii.igim it to In . ..ni-p..-i il. in gn at part at . i t. ,, fluid ,,r g i.. ou. in. ot. a- in.l y. t t ool. .1 -uili.-ieiitlv to form -..lid laud. From . it iin phe nomena on it- -in I'ai e it i- ( v.li. nt that it i- almost completely elllelopi , in rlo nd-. ami it i- doubtful il wr hav. . n r actual ly su n the r.-a s,,id inu . - ..I t lii- plan- t. .lupit. r i- attend, , I I.i . in moon-, whiih n iohe loiiml him il varioii-di- I III' '-. The -tinly of thi. i li ie-i-l,f gn .it inn I. t ; In. ni watching lln ir lll" c mint-wi .oiili. lii-t hint .1 tin i . ..i it i "I li;:lii. Ni xt in old. i i ii oiitH-ml i m y i ..in. - S itiiin. at Iin .II I un e o "l.""o, ii. . t r 1 1 ii I tak ing m. .... th. ,n in. , Vi, ,v i,, inniplif. it-, im .lutio" 'ouinl lint luminary. Tin- pi hi t. though h t h hi .1 1 1 pit 1 1 . is -t ill of gig intn .bun n-ion-, it - diani. t. i bi ing ; I.I ih -. Saturn r th, light c-t of all th. planet.-, it-.l. n-ny In mp Only ii. r'i, ... that it pl i.nl in a huge on.an it would float with a foiiith of it. bulk i.boi. tin I'll I of th' lltei. 'Un ni" t nmaikabh thing, how. n i. about thi- plaint I- tin .-v-trm of iingsby whiih il i- -nrrounde.l. What tlu-e ling- an ha- long been a pu.'h to as troinuiii i but the nm-t pi m-il.r i pla nation sielll-t.il.etll.il they an eomposl.l if tn.iriail ho.. ..f -ni, ill im t. oi u bo.lii- in ul.it nig at .onn di.taiui numd the body of the planet. Saturn ha- no I. - t ban eight inoon- un. h r it-i . iiti'ol, and if it ha-any inhabitant- bk oiii-elves which is not liki ly, however tin- heav en, must In a strange sight to them, with I In -e i ight iiioiiii- ami mi tn. in .warms. --- Cnt II' t'iilKIi?. Fiidiii inp Keprnnf, Thr re is perhaps no better tr.t of a man's iharactit than the way in which he In ais hiin-oll limit i- pi.t reproof. Fiery man makes nii-lakc-; ( very man coniniits faults; but m.t every man ba the honesty and mn km -s tom know l edge hisriror-, and I" welcome the criti ci-nis whiih point tlum out to him. It is rarely dillicult for u- I" find an ev u-i we hit looking for. It i-, in fait, al way-ra-iri In spring to an :inpiy ihfi n-i of ourselves, than tomlinly aeknowlidgi the ju-liee of anothri ', righteous i oudem nation of some wrong a. lion of our-, but t rcfii-e to adopt thi- latter cour-c, when we know we are wrong is to ievi a to our better consciousness of others, an essential defect in our i harm ter. That man is strong who dares t. i on fe-s that he is weak; he is always totter ing to a fall who nods to hol-ier up the weakness of his personality by all -..its of transparent sham-, it i- tint in vain that Scripture says; "Keprovc one that has nailir-l. in. ling, n in I he will umb r-tand k How ledge ;" lo one of t lie Im st evidences of I lie po es-ion i.f that di-.-reel self riiVerninciH whieh s,,ml, at the basis of moral strength, and one of the be-t means of gaining it win n it is lacking, is jn-t this w i'llin.-m -s to net .'pi merited reproof, and to . io lit by it w hen accepted. Jl.ii A Mule- Fuller Fire, Thr follow ing incident is t ikm fioni thr lb . ..lln tnuis of npriv.it." in thr Hoston :.,,., l;il,t;. mu-t t,"t forget to cluolii' le a laughable im hi' nt that nrcurri.il on M"rri l-laml. s. I . It was in th" early dav-of thi -ig. s .ine ammunition w i- wannd in -1 I.Mtnri at the In. nt ami a mui. drivr v. hint, m d to d -liver it. Tin only road lav along the -andy beach for a di-l inn of a mil. and a half, most of tin tout. b. ing w ill in thr rang, of Fort- s..lm,t, -,inl W ag ner. Tin mule team -tart.il up th" In arli. sumpt' i b. gaii -lu lling furiou--ly. The driver laid on tin la-he-, tin mule, with ears laid link. pli. d his legs a hundred revolutions ,, t. iniiiui. . A -hell xx oul.l strike the In ai h ami ' xpl'-ii : then another w ..ill, I win bv tin t-atn; then that mule would -top and nil. .1 a moment m in tot.nn I..,, k. wl ..wn woiililioim tin whij.. , fri-h -tot lor a shoif ih-t inn and tin n a halt, a- au nt In r -lu ll xiilo.h d. Then tin .It iv.r ; iump. d from his si at, i aught the aninial by tin l..., and wml on a do, n n.d- furl In 1. ' agm r now op in I on him Hui -till j tin ti am gradually t.mvi.l on. n a. lung tin batti i v linally uiihurt. Thr aininuni I tn.ii was .piii klv di livi red and tint mule w i- In ad-d foi ( atop and -tirt.'l it U utni.-l -pel I limn th. -andy T"vl 11. w tin animal, tin- drivn tapidlv plying ' "In w hip. till at i-t tin y r. a. In d thr -In It- r of the - ,i,i l,-. .!,,.( th'-n i -lull from Sumpiir i aim -Inirking through lln an . striking thi I h at 'In rial ..I th. t.HUi. it bound. . I upwa.,1 .in.l iiplodcl ippanntlv right abo.r th. miih A loud of -niok, hi. tl,. n IMi (oi a nionn in. but wh.n it ilrnnd nuv tin re -tr,o, th. old mui' . w ith In id down an. I ai - b n k. ki. king nm-t i i imisly .it the cart, that had hi i u .in i-lu d and br.'k Ml up by a fragnn lit of the shell. The driver lay on thr sand, but jumped up. he limped toward- tin mule, nit him loose from tin cart, mounted, and gal loped away to the camps. Thousands of men. I iiion ami I "unfed crate, watched this pn formanee. llui I in -ti on shore and the sailors on the v, -.1 all joined iii hearty cheers and wiving ol nips. Tin rebel- joined in th. demon -nation (.. lh pluck of tin drivr ami the i niniral courage of hi- long-caivl i barge. American mui. Then are thin term- vi ry often .pi..'--l a- A mi Mean ' -l.llig" w hi. h po e eer tain peculiarities i.f I... ality. Tlu -e arc gui.'' "i ah iil.it " and "rnkoli." I nn- may Iran I through what are known a- the Southern Slate- for live year-and never once hear either of the ir-t two mud-, unless spoken by a northerner or a man from tin Wet. The Southern er "n i k"iis" i w ry thing, rxr. pt. perhaps, i ons. ipi. in i s. am) tin y an- left to lake i in o I th. in-. lvi .. "liuis." i- moil nt . uiiiw i-al in the -tale-, ami "inlm lit' i - i "in tin .ii only to tin N'oith.in'l Mtiiini Fa-I. Sti.ingi i" i-fri .pn nily i rro ni .ni-Iv used by Fnglish w nt. is mil -pi.ik.r a-an irilinary i ollo.piiali-ni of all Am. riian-. Il I-the property of the South and Sniilhwr-t onlv. ami Men thin i- rapidly b nng ob-..i . . Hut to thisr expi'-sioii- it i- hardly fair to append th. -tigmi ot ling.'' N'ow. tlirrr arr plrnty of -ling words ami phrase- in login in Ann rim which prod ably an meaningl' to Fngh-h mind-.. V I nly ha- pun ha-i d in aituh fori rm--ub rably iiion than it- lalue, -he lmira it to her husband, pnn burning its beauty and ihrapiif . He, seeing that'. -he had been overi barged, i luleavor- to er -uade lierthat sui h i- the i a-c. i ainly, for she i. ipiite sali-ti. .1 with lui bargiiin. "All right." says In, "it's not my fu neral." Thi- i- -lang. pure ami -imple, but it ha- a di rival ion. It i- an imin tcntional proto-t again-t tin (laboraleob siipiial rirenn.nies indulged in bv all cl.s-is in the I nitid Stat.-, and it i- a prim referem e t.. one of llio.e no) unlre .pient "shiniliis" thai take plan in wet cm bai -moms, from which the men who escape w ith t licit w boh skins have rea-on to thank theii -t n- that "it is not their filiuial."- ChiiHihrxt .-,. i,, Whnt nn Imllnn Can Knt. "An Indian can eat anything," said lJobcrt stru t commission nu n bant, a. two am ieiit children of the forest with well tilled bags our their backs mink lui I exit from the storeroom. "These -pi iwsiome here once or twice a week," In loiitinueil, "innl In l' f 'r the tainted meat and . brayed vrgrtabhs and fruit. Tin y w ill t ike everything we give them, innl w ill put the stuff int.. the bag and larryitolf. I have given them things thai no white being would think of eat ing, and they seem to think it is all right. I a-ked one of them how they could cat sin h strong smelling meat, w In n she in formed nir that in cooking it they de st roved tin- offensive odor. For all I know, these sipiaws keep Indian hoard-ing-h uses. V. I'.ml Punnti- Vri. When He (.eta Itnnnd. Wifi John, deai. I imtiie that ymi brother .lames never makes a fiiendly call upon lis unless hi' is intoxicated. Husband N", my dear, he doesn't. Janu s reminds me of i lie moon. Wife - Keuiiuds you of the moon? Hii-baud - Ye, ilei r ; he never gets .round till Ll's full. i'ottnu Cvirier. i)i;.i i.rrrKRS. The Offi: to Which They ara Isf-nt iii Wash i n g ton. rinding: All Sort;, of Articles n M'"ivea Tba Go Astray. Among tin many pla f inlnrsl to b. vi-ind in Washington. p lit ap- time i-no other that i- -. a1.-..) binglv intn- -t ing to the great ma--of visitor-as tin I lead l.'tni tilh.r and the inn-' iiiii i.ni- lUrtr.l with ii. 'lit' e - nothing to be sr. ii In n . I. ill i. tyoiir i- i apabh of un- Irr-ianding and .ippre.iali.'ig. Ju-t in- -id. the 1 ,g. h.,11 a sp.ee i- ,,ilnl off. w In n i i- itoi - in. iv -land and obsirir.it tin il I. i-iin tin w..ik tint is going on - I'll ily l-'i.i . tt. is ,i .lav ( l i x.imin. .1. ; i t. .1 and di-p .-. d .. ! What a I ilg p "f i I" ii,- s m. d.d f'.l Hi. w.-l'k. ,.', I,,." .,l. klv. skillfull. and in. . h mn iii it g... - on' In lb. lil-l oo Ill II" ! IP I- an "n'l"l .lll'l :i ...11. ,1. ,.,s. I lining In V ... ,i!l I. -of lain, going ,-m ,. a.,. I all th. oil. i r- going ai.olll. I. -inipl- ne'lion -111 op. n an . iiv. t .. w ith un. i ring pn ei-joii. Tin- . tt. i i w ithdi iw n. 1 1 f -I i d. n p ii ..I. Tin n, vi . it. i tin - on, II "w f i-t II" heip- "f tl nun. d I. " i- glow, but t'n wok doi - not .ml. foi tin -upply is ii''" i (ii,.ii-nil. iii on.t no Iv n ph iii-lt' d i - 'In I' tin-.-an p i--, din II' n . a- in in mi .alt. i d. p o i in. ut-. th' woik i- -M.ial d.i.n. oi w.a.. b.lit., ttl'ii. "i.l hi -h ,,p,.. t I II - i" II." I f d for lie . , w ' '1 k ' I -. TI.. op. nn I l.tm- . ..nt lining nn i I-. ii. - ot i aim ai. i. -i.,i. 1 1 t , i In -i ml. r v In n pia tn ..I.I-. olln iwi- th. van r. '.id.-. I and til. . I aw ay , and m iv be n - 1 1 inn d ai any liui. . miIim h tt. r-are not n . ..id. d Tin y ii. n turned t" th writn-. if po.-ible. and win n tin writn aniiot i an In found, t' h tt' i - an ih -tioyeil In the- ii ai I "'I. inon than I T.iioo ti tt. r- contain, d iimm y. amount ing t" marly :t.iiuii s.itn. ,'11.111111 . t. t r-1 oiitaiiicl drills, .hnk-. inoiiev order-, etc . to th. valu. of iii'ire than i.. .-,1(11. nun. !s,.!i,e idea .,) the growth ol tin po-tal -. ri ic in th. I nit, d state for a i-. ntuiy may I.. I . .rtii'il. wlnu we cii-ider in thi- 1 o'i:n .1 i"ii tin t it -lin nt. .i!.te.l from a po-tal report in K"o that ".lii'i vahiabh I-tt. 1- hit' :i- 1 lltlill;il 1 ' I in I In 1 Ii 11,1 1 tin. lit .ill. . K.7 I 1 ! Many thou. ami hint- an n . in -d a'i ! Iiu.ill.v containing plmlogi ipli-. po-tag-e stamps and imnhamli-.. Thousands of l.tt. r- an , p., -it..) y. -uly 111 tin l'..-t ; 1 Itl'n . b..iring 110 -iipci-.i iption what- I CHI. ami all -11. 1 1 .. 1 .,!.. ,11. o H a 1. 1 - 1 d to th. I ! ad I.. It. 1 Uli. ..i exainin a imn. r.i-nr .1 1 1 - . 1 1 1 111 i-t ma- . -ini -arr n n in d by tin gn.-.. Tin s, an dis. tribiiteil om ' a inoulli among tin ihild reii in hospit il-. All n. cling matter n. ii-iii.l. pap. 1- ami nng aines. an .Ii lilliiitcd -im.'iig a.b.ll - in ho-pilals Int.i.-tiiig -i - i . lb. 11 ..1 k ih it 1- In ing 1 ai it. d .... in th. 1 1, el latin i Uli i tin mu . urn of .01 . I. . ,,l, , t, il tie 11 1- inlinili h im a, , urn 1 11 il. lain tv ol int. ik 1 ing ..., i t-. I iutifil, lioinl.i attiu nn, .h gii-tuig, ..inn-nig, pith. in. i.lii.ilil. .nd woitlili... .11, ai 1 ang, , 01 tin gla.- . a -1 . S.nn. nn 1 i in III I display. .1. I. o-i, In .,,l,,t-. a w at, h .-.nil h nn, ih. I ,t, -1 1. j. 1 1 1 noi I., ing a lim gold In el. I . in. . bi , light 111 tin vi i v dai of 0111 1 ist Th, i in 1 nimili. 1 "f pn ii in. g.. . mln an, I I dainty 1 in 1. 1 ' ..w in.iin m unwrit ' I'll I'.nnn. . inn lln not havi npn j -mini' W.i, th. ..ti..ih,l nng-. long j look, d tol with 1 on ip. it 11. m and ! hope ih f. 11. .1 hi, I th. -. n-i, . . ,n ,. a t. spoin, 4 till il,, ,,,. -i ,t pi, , mpi. .1 thr gill gr. w . ,,. I in I. II . Mull 111. -iby I . -w 01 n t -ni. w h. j h ue p. 1 -in I tin nn .ig. - 1, , oinp.ini ing j thr gilt.-. - ;..... , ,..,, 1 j lln a .Mexican Mr-pel l'iirt Althoiiuh tin ti.pn il' "I 1 Mrxir in I -treitiai i- for and i-n-x. and mm -moki inside 01 on the platform, wonn n ! an invariably treated with lespei t. and half a doi n nu n m ill g't up t" give place I" any w 0111.111. young m old. ri' h or poor. Tin Mexican gi nllnnan ha- all I the courtesy for XI hli h the I ..it 111 nn is I an famous, and lib is smoothed "inl its angles rounded by the t otistant mint. -si I of this mo-t polite nation 1 1" not im aginc that bei au-i piople smoke in tin I -tin t nn- their interim's ir-nnMr the ! American railway -nmki r-all tilth umb r j foot, and tin ail bi fmih-d w ith rank ' i igar- and old pip. - Tin window- are 1 gem rally .-pen. and a loii-t.uit i 111 n ut of air drive- tin -nnkc out. ' ',. ....,. 1 Iniicniiiail.ui icninsl Snake Poison. The 1;. l ( h uh . Itixby. a natiie ol Surinam, -ay. that in llnt.-h Uni.-ina pn . vintive in.,. 11'al ioi; ol -nuke p,,i.,,n ) lias been ' . ,ie.l ,'. i 1, niuri. -. A snake i- i aii'.ht and t a.. d until it- pin son glands ,r, two!. en with hi 1 and actively -ecu ling. The reptile i- th, n killed, its glands up-extracted, ,riei and pulvciied. An ..bvasion .,( the -kin ol j the wril uisiially 1 i- made, and -onie of tliispnisi.il du-t nibbed int.. the wound ! Ii i-stated that th who have be.-. 1 tlni- I iin a 'il-vte.l m n I.- bitten w ith impunity, Tramps are overrunning Florid t filch an extent that the county commis sioners have decided to anchor great lighters in the St. John's river and cm ral tUu tramps there for ninety dais each. Sodom awl (iotnoirah. Tito nil.', th.'.- .t... ni th" nud-t of th plain. A 1.1I unlit KB- til' IT ;lo V and W.e wr.sthir leigii: 1 --1 t -111 wa- the path that th-ir t.c'ilo--i.fiv. Aii-I .low-11 on th-ir .. ad- f.'ll th-vng.-aii' ..f li..l. iMl. little th'-V Ih'.llgllt. as tli-i-towev. . ... then .n,... If III" w l.illi ami th" nun "l I" 11 il". Ali. Iittl- th. y dream. .1. a- tl"- i" I ui"i nina . 11-1 i. I,...mi- .'. r th"fr t-mpi. -. that 'Inv wa-. lln-ii- last I h" I,, a-en-w..." .laik.-'i.'l. "'"I f"Hh fi"'" tli'-ni onn,' A temp. -1 " .i nn ton", a .1 hii 1 1 m l of Until". Xn.l ih. t..w 1- ..f their nnght and th ball ot tin ir minli W.i. ntl."!y kw.'i'i l'""i Ii f tl." .-.ill. 'I I..- a in. " will. I 1- v, and th--I n " uli lis' 111-t, Ml all w ho .).- It "l tl.,l 1I.00 ii.a.'-l'."- o h-l fl r-l.l- : d led I, .Iiiii.I,"". i- I.I - I. t.. ... l ml. I .- I II, dieldfnl tl," d I the . ill. - of -I..' 'I I. .on -aw noli a.-- tli it tl" n- -pl. lldor li". lo'll' for nolle I n' th" g 1 ieill mil". II IliroVll'lh. 'I'll. HI' led -I'td H. . . Ill- d II of I -il li ' 1 1. ,.,,,,,, Il 01 .. I ... am' Ill MOHOI s. A d 1. 1 I il!'-. ' id ' ...pt up in In 1 If It' tin Im ! thing- that t il 1 s pert. il ly lie litih bn lln 1- and -i-t. 1-. Ii ,1 1- d. ..not I idoiv . 1 - p. . ially if il 1. a II nd boil- .1 I Woman i- m.t mu. h of plii!'.-"phf r. but In i- pioi- rhi dly i ' lollu -"I... ive. A in w link' of -too i- "'.ill. d "The Infant.'' It i not upposo.l t" b. a -elf-f. .In . "I will apptat in print to-inorr"-."' said tin young I nly a- -In put the la-t -tit. h in her ali. o fmek. "My tii. tio i-. I.iv. and 1. 1 Im ' " said tin soldier, a- In li.imd his back t the in till and (I'd lioin the battle tield. liiils .I. .iring P. have small mouths should i. ay fre.ientlv n peat rapidly, "I". inn I'iin h Iii"! tin- flounder ti-li f"t Fram i - I'ow er'- fatln r. " Voting wit'.- -John. Mother -ay- -he want-I bi in mal'i I. Young hu-band Tdl In r il' -In 'II g. t on In i things p I ik' In r d"W ii tlii morning. Tin nning mui who impi inte.l a r -pn i lui ki tin fail lot. h-ad of hn I" -t girl t"ld hi- Iii. ml m xt day that In had be. n having a o 'iigup t inn . Mi nil a'lt i -..ill what angrily to book knp. n I w .nt y . ni I" in im I loin oivti I i I-i in --. -ii. Now n ni. lulu l that. IV I. k k . p. i i jiii' t ly I w a - umb r the im pi . - ."mn 1 1 ri I y .ii p.. id nn to nnml y-nu -. I'lllK llillg ( lllb. lid; wl'" I'-i oig-.ni,'. d .-1111,111-. .. I I . I . of I i,...i Ii. . I l...y - n II ol th. o,.. ,i,i. iti. -ii ,, ,, iiigul.il i lub. Sin - ii I I., oil" nt' d b.i. of drink I in in t In i . in- of in in i ..I my -. Imlai ., ami th. v I..-".. .1 i eh nt -igu th it tin y w . i. pi- p ..', ill" lo el in tin loot -n ps ii I In ii p n - -it s v , , ,1 w i n driink n gnl ni. o,i p i ; ,1 ,. and .'In .i I. -i'b -, and w In li I . .on. b " I, I.i l."inl" ,i(n- in iiin.m t o'd i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il.-.!iii. and rr a . inbl.-d th. .la -. ti i. n. did boy i "I'lnl I llui il" v h el Imi pnltv in o I v ill t I.i w .a - f..i dunk it ( In 1-! in a -. T nut. i ii I Hi' - I. ml. n. v, I I olid i I . i n p. r i n. . - nn.-uid though tin v bl"k. th. it ph. I.;. "IK . e-pn laHv il In I. at I. . g iin- d gi ..nn I and done g I I il-o . I il.h In d .. -ai ing- bank, hoping Hi il ih" y would I. am to value th. P. Iin.: "I p.. . ing i f. w -hilling-, i-i-1. .i.l ot -.: .il.",,t,h p.nmh-.. Xnotli. i i ii -1 it ni i' .ii of a i. ill), i ' urioiis natnn w.i- ' I .ni foot by mui it'll agr. -un lit among lln ui-eli ' tu imit itn.n ,. on. that tloin i.lied in I'.iooiii-bury . It unit by tin u iiik ol th. Punching ('bib, and .inn. d .it i lici king I h" Inn I ible 1 m guig. whiih thry 1ld me ifor an hunt" n tim un lit pievcnteil . vi n Hie lowest and roughest from en a using a bad word in my pre-encc) had I in- a kind of sei - olid nature to tin in . . .u h iiu iuber under tool, that if In- swote. In- would patiently a ibmit to receive a 'pum h' ftoin each nn nib. r w In. might In ar him. I bclivo thi- pen am c had a mai vellout clTect "a the nn ibu'.aiy of the. street. By depieea it fell into abeyiinre, and amaiki'd nn mi a., of bad language wu there ill ; but .iiit. I. it. ly it has been re-cataMi -he 1' mm ly by the coys' own wUb, in a mod ifn il form, th "punch being an hanged fin a hail pi noy fine. Riryrling on n fro"'n I anal. I took a -pin up a en il i.i Peiuisvl v a 1 1 i i miii'.'' said a win "Inian. "The - III ... wis .mi'i.th. but bad been scon"' ii iittl. by -harp -kati s and the particle of i.e win blowing up and down the canal. I ran up in tin- I n f the wind, and got aioiig ainoi,-!y for half a mile. Then my wheel In gnu to -lip and I mad no headway. Noticing that the rubber lire ii a- cm ru-t'd with the line particles of ice, I -tailed to tuiu about and run down before the wind. The moment I swei'vd from n straight line the machine went frrnn under me and I rode down the tow path with a bruised thigh and a hioki'ti ii'iuk." .W.r 1'ork 2'nlune. l.i. .'.:'' If "W