21 1)c l)ntl)nm Uctoro QLIjc l)atl)am Record-. II. A. I.OMJON, KDlToll AND IMIUl lilKTOK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, J.ATi;s One copy, unc rear One ropy,, six, months . One copy, t lino month r 2.0u 1.0'. lion (o Lire. Live for pood thdt " miv !, For the errni-s you may fii;ht; For the did that yon can Riv; For the neeil- yu'i i an relieve; Forth1 wrongs that you may right1 I lvo thus (i'-l will prosper you. I.ivr for brave and noble ..sds. With nn nim and purpos" high. With n faith mid oouiagp tni. With a future still in view, lie-tnii;. v. hen y-n come to die. On Co.r ). ... to heaven it h-ads. I.i' e. null tion to . ..iiwil", I tivini; stivintli nuto th nnk, liivnu h"f to dumb de-pair, lake mi answer . ft p.aver. He h In -I o th-.se that -.k. t "inloilcr to In art ami smil ' I.i'. to leu n, aivl to I. n im, x.nd to scatter whnt you know; .jv lo 'liH'll'll ml I'llll s I'll", And to lift th" fnlli-n up; live f.-i vi inert liw-.v. A f 1 to if. ii" tiuili from h's: I li e to say "Ihv w ill h" .I 'll:" liien though I' si-i'in tinnist To V"iir ilim. iiitrf'N-t i;lit. What Ho lo.'th mini I- iitfW. Keep a fii iii. iinwniei in;; trust. Poill'tlll,; lion., (i'l. I 1IC!"1IHC llol. I.i vp. that m"t mix all h" "" Tol-' fo!....i ,.f thn'l.iuht. l.iM' in fellow-hip of loir; Live ui tli.it, iih.-n ralli-il above, n-l oii I. i.i th" world liool nihf" tiol-Vil! wol i.-yoii: -W.-!l .1 '" .. (., ..,.,. :., .v.-ic. THE FOUNTAIN. Ht of tin shallow- oil' " ; ir lll-.'lili liaili that .!.. win.., I"'l li i ainc int- t i 'I ovi-r th. I'll!' -in. ill f"Uiit !'n. i lirir.l.'l l'ii-in a niol-lr If. t - i olit'tl'l '" llllptii'l lu r i v i Iii inuniii' i up. A- tin yirl . oknl ii-.ui into tlr wati i I' t tini;. r.- tntli'l with a lili. an.l w im n '-."I tin' "in .f tin I'ik. hill'im l'. k' It. Il i- -ll.l'IL'i li" Wr noti. r in Ii -in ill thin:;- wlniiwr air thinkiiio i f on at' r "in -. an. I r. iui iiiIh r tlu in, to . r.v. r aft. I' I.ina Mi- In I r. inniilirrril I' .-it I.i' 'ki ll lily hal. ami th lluttrrini: i.th'tioii in thr w.it'T. -Hi1! tlir -nut nf th- i'l-' -. an-l til fi w v. iii'l I'loivn ill-op-i'i it inii i a-' p "i h'-r I" i k from th" nip of tin II' I" at tin fount iin in that i I'l ii'h ii at Miitmli, on that -wirt !'!"l-timmrr tii-'l't. Th'' yoiino man -loo. ni v nrarlur. II. hail a sw. i t. :'i ivi f.n r. ami y f-that n-fir ns soft ami .I nk a' a gai Ill 's. Til' V ivrr not ualikr, thr-i two; Imth 'v. n -piritu Hi li'th win .lark. I'oth ".ir. rominlir. 'I'll' t'u- "f hi 1 wa. I. twin thitn, h i- th i iurr inii-in-. th-'iiji. as th- S -!' h f'.lk say. "far !A iv r"ti-iu-." ami l iriii'-' il'.lT' iinl I'.ii.i'-. Tiny hml I'l-.-n l'i"ii'.;lit up un ii i our roof, a'r I I.ina Mi' ln l'- jii"thrr !i i I hrrn all tin iii"thi r th. littlr orphan l!"iii Klrhi rkiu w. Win n. aftrr a littlr s ji ii' ". shr tiiiiii .l h' l'iyrs towaril him. -'i. ,.ok.il into hi- with'.ut n -f i vr, ,uM j a- a -i-ti r tnilit. Il is i rurl of o ami papa,'" shr saiil. It i- vi ry rriirl. Ilrnri. Th'1 I'l '" think only ol imuu y. Why i an tin y 'li I t 1'.- hair pr ill, llhrtl ll'l I "lll'l I'l' i ( -pp ? It i- sin h an ali-unl hlra. V.-i ion! I to many (aih oth' i : Wr itr I'Vr I, roth, r ati'l sist, r. N'otiiinr.' ran th iti.'i that.'' Hut wr an ii"t lu' tliT ami -istT." f inl h" ; "ami m !ii-i "iHin- iiian; . I ha'.. I" i li thinking that oil, ilon't. il ui't !" -!i- at'l - llrnii. f. r Mi avi n's f-akr, ilon'l I' ".in to hi- a - a I a- tin- rr-t. II" my o" i. luotln r -til:. It WOllM I" flilltilll f"l il- to many, li' -i'l"-, om--limil'l f ill ill l"vr tir-t -hoiil.l not on' .' Think how uh- iii'l t" marry witlnnil tli .t." Hut I hk. you -o mil. Ir" sai'l M"iui. Ilriir t'oii-in I. in, i, h t ii-talk al.iit il." I will not." -..ii' I sin-. - If you .lr-irr t i 'plan-' I, you i an talk a!'"iit -'!' h fool ish fam ii"t i l-. . t 'f i our-'', joiilik" tin ; nf i oiir-r, I likriou, ami tint is ju-l why it i a n't lir. tJianilp.ipa oii.'lit tnhr a-h aiil' il of him-i It." She pansnl a iiioinrnt. thru turiiid lirr lips towanl lu r rmi-in. 'Jive urn a kiml kis, hrothrr llruri," said shr, "ami nrvrr. m vi r, nrvrr sprak of this iihsiirility aain. As for inairy in, I -hall nrvrr many any mir. Why shoiilil I, when 1 ilrtrst the thoiiqht (" Ilrnri ravr a littlr siyh. "I shall nrvrr many cithrr, (Vuisin Una," t-a ill lir; ''hut you srr wo nrr not lirothf-r ami si-trr. Y"U rall't lliakr it so l.y sayino so." Thru hr kin-nl hrr aii'l tin y walkr.l ha. k into tlir hoiisr, whrrr (namlpapa Klehcr mid (rniitliiut le Michel had just settled the inatriinonal prospet ts of the-e two younjj cousins to their own satiNfac tion. The result of the youne; proplc's rebell ion wai a tpi irri'l. I.ina escaped very ca-ily. It wa, only proper for n jfirl t' he coy; hut thr yolinn, mail was so hesrt w ith reproaehes that he filially dcfiwl his relatives unit h as Ajax did the li'littiiii'r. In his case .the lightnini; hml the l"t of it, and the end of all this was that out tine morning Henri Klehcr fouml hiin-elf tinned out into the world to sn k his for tune; anil Ion;; civ hi- cousin's hint k eyes were. ojH'nctl upon the dawn, hml left Munich ami his furious relative behind him. From thnt day nothim; was heard nf him by his f iends in Munich for many a lung year, VOL. VIII. I ll' "hi people xie-c unfnrgivinr". Gramlfatlifi Mober died and h-ft all his nionr i to I. ma. who had already refti-ed two i m-i Unit ni.iti ho,. tirnnd uncle Mn In l dmd abo, ihhI 1,'iia became yi I riilur. At last her be hucd mother also left lu r. She long n maiiu il I.ina Michel, though lirr beauty and lur wraith hail brought many suitor to In r dour. Tin lovi that she had thought mr.'-saty (o marriage tin my-ti rimi -, w mid"! fid hi c hail m ill roiui tuber; ami n-'ii she liiliri.'l that it m vri would, foi sit" was i iuhl ami twriitv. 1'ut. "im liow, rvrr siini tin inoiiiiii-j wliiii -In- awokr ami l'oiiml that In r roii-in llriiri was oim, hit im iiioii. of liini 1 1 :( I grown nmi-o nn t ami t inli i with n iy yrar. Sin- travi Inl Iwo yars ami luanl noth itio "f ni Cousin lli-nri, ami at lii-t fouml lu r-i ll in r.ni-. at the hiirht of its pay sfiisiin. ami tin to r Mnl a il"Vr who hml not fouml In r olii c luam h. Th' p is m. plin o to ilrrain likn a pit t llri falliry; no plate like 'ari for pit t in J. ilia Mu lnl spnit many hour- with In r t yi - tixi il on p -liuti i fai r- that sht lit v i s;nv, for tin- liiino fan' that haunt til lu r: hut oni- ilav -ho awoko t" a wou ilr nis inti-n-t in a -mall pii-tun- whirh Inin;: in a -in ill ih ai' r' oalh ry in whirh -lir fouml hrr-i If. It wa- a implr -i ' in . A moonlit far li ii, th" 'li-l an"' 1 t rr into umh linnl -liaiiow-, a loinit iin "ml" whii h a llrhr i nipti. 'i In v up. ami ly tin- fountain' hlilll a lo'ltli il.'l a y.iilll'j "ill. Till' ino.aili.Jit l.i--"l In r f I' ' . Hi- was not s.-i n. II- l.' iit toM ii .l lu r. lovrrlikr. Mis Iiaml ..in h"! In r . ami hi 1- trstnl on our of tin littlr p-.-t - that In l'l all ( II i ii. lii'o i h iin ahoiit t!" fount iin. Tlu -r w. i. . noinr'l wiiii ili'-, an.l a- shr look' ill I '. -I" -aw that onr hula J l'i"k- n I. .f. j l " ii - th" o il''' I! of In r L'l.lll'lf'lthrr" ol'l I., ii-. at M'li'ii h. j llioir than . h im ' . W i thim' a- ina::i' . or hoi Ami this was there -inli a oli-t wat. h- j (.1 II nri an.l In r-' lf i"i th" ii".ht "lu'il s,r in nlr th it mi-a il.!" np-t ikr? I'..r j that wa- l. mi, an.l 'y th it llail'nl rill W I- I" i llolll, h- r f. I '!- thi- pi- fir ! a I thr ll'-llrl- i II' Il''l'u- '1 I"- -Iful'l. is. I.la.k-a-k.,1 "1 think l!r o'i-t i- lii ni." Tli i- i- tin la -t I'l. In" am he -url. on. ha- ...it. ,1 I., I 'l' .11.1 I." 1. fll-l - to -U It. j l'i rhap- a pi i. . iillh i. nt w ill t.-mpl him ; j hut if I '.'in hi- a'I'lir.. tin- l.nly will it -I nu'tiil.ri mi otiitii'--i"ii:" j Th-' ,,,li p,. mi-' -I faithlully to .o -o. j "It i i 1. 1. 1" .1 -to 1 1 hi i- rry ! pool , " - 11 1 th' 'i. ..It I', iiui ravr l r the I lllllll1" I' W I II I. I' I'll :' i il'l. "I'll" tilth ! tl ." In -ai'l with a -lull;, of hi- -holil'l- r I'-. l.ina Mirht I -'i p" ami -..ion. foil-. i. . I thr -t lir- of a tliiiL upon tin' iloor that I int-i In i' t ai l iaor In r in iiil, i liiiiln '1 tllVe!irf. Ilppnl tin w..r. I 'At'l- it r" upon it. In a mmm nl a man with a loner hrai'l. w ho hehl a pah tie ill hi- han.l. opene.l the iloor for In -r. ami t I rrerai'linu' the iipparit ion "f a t I"-. l vaile'l hnly al I. ml nl l' Inl inai'l. with -onu -iiipn-". "1 -pi ik t tin- ,:iiii. i of the pi. tun at I"'!-ii'tn --. " sai.l tin l-'iaulsin Mit la I. I'lii "ran I- n aii'l fountain. I ih -in to ! hi" it at any prii e." Ma. lam. -." n pin ! tin arti-t. "I re- ;it I l'i sai that pit till" i- not to l.r mM." Hut I nui-t havr it." -ai'l tin hnly. "1 am ii. h iii'tliiii''. any pi-it i." "I im ' - ml tlm arti-t hut it ; has m. pre . ." j "I.i t. n, ir," - ml thr hnly. ' It is more than a pi. turr that I want - it is a remiiii-t em c. It is like a upline that ! I know. I hen for it. I implore you (.. si II it In me." "M nlanie. ' -ai'l the artl-t, "I see Von I ' haven heart. I will sprak plainly. I.on no;.. -toiiil with th" only woman I rvcr loir.l. I.oshlr th-.t fountain -a fountain in an ohl ym-ilen in Muiiiih. I was a j yoiini; iihot. 1 tli'l in l run know my own heart; hut I kimw it now. I have I know n it for years. One day the memory of the spot ami of the hour returned to ' me as if In maoie. I painted the picture in a few hour-. Then auain she stood I ht fore me. 1 saw the ni"onli";ht nu her ! lat e. I saw her white hand lyiiif; in I mine. 1 -aw the whole picture. Never In fore could 1 put it upon canvas. 1 know I never can airaiu. And, Madame, while I live, I must look upon that pict ure. When I die, I inn-t cast my last ! u'laiu f' upon it. 1 shall never see lu r ! iliraiit. I.ohl; since she has In come the ! w jf,. ,,f v,,,n, one she loves well, no loiil.t; .the,-. hut I I shall never love any So I must keep her picture; 1 must. You Mr that, Madame.-' Ami ns lie spoke, I.ina Michel knew Henri Klrbrr knew him despite the. tlow in heard ami nil the t hanoes of t in Ivc loiir; years. And as he ceased, she threw bark her vail ami hehl both her hands toward liiin. 'Henri," she sighed, "Henri! Oh Ilrnri. do you not kimw nir?" And then hr had clasped her in hi arms, and she lay sobhini; mi his Immoih. Win n tin y stood beside the fountain in the old garden at Munich again, they wi re man mid wife. "Hope on, hope over," i the motto of the man who doci no advertising; the man who advertises has no time for cut h sentimentality ; he is kept busy pocket ing the receipts. ITITSP,oli A Talk nith a Titxllfi inis!. 'We will iimlntakr to r. -rnt am? i up any kin'l of a hjrtl "I animal, from a hiimtiiiiio.hii.l to an rli phaot." s.ii-1 a j tnviilrrnii-t to a irportir for th-" Viv ' i Y"rk .If.iV,,, ;.,;.. rn rntlv. " im). I mioht ju-t wi ll ail'l, from a ln to imtm j moth-." "Air there many in this city wlv pur- J sue y. 'lit' ai t r" I "A In nit twenty. Too many alt"":i tlu-i j f"i any of ii-to .o any .Irinit Ini-inr . It is not an ea-y tra'lr to learn. S-inr I timr- a man may an omplih it in n f.-w j months; soim tiuir- it will t iki' a mm h j I'llioer tiliie ; it ileprml- upon the natural oooil jl.li;lli'llt .'Hill ilevt, lit y i.f tin )HI j pil. A littlr t an h s-iirs- or want of -kiil will tiftrn spoil a joh. In thr pn para tioii of our siil.jnts wr ii-. a larr ami iint of .ii.. nil in a po'i... . form. Purine; thr inanipul itmn thi- poiv.h I il shaken into tin ah a'nl i- inhali 'l hy ilit oprrat'ii . A- ar e is an an umiilatii i poison il will ri iniin in tin i-lim until tin re is i noimli to i au-e si rioli- P -lilts. , Very oftm a man i- t oinpi lhil t" tpiit tin- hu-inr-k in null r to save hi- life. Lifr insurant r coinpanie- lu sitatr to take ri-ks on in. n i n;:i;nl in our lui-iiie-s. Arsrnit is u.e.l topn-erie the -kin, fui anil frathi r-ol hii'l- nml auiinal-. S v mil suli-titul. - for thi- p..i-.ii have htfi; trietl, hilt llollt of thrill have hi t n fouml to I r any ""noil." 'What il" you in.-t wik onf' "Wr ilrlvr a thriving lui-ini -- ill the ciliary I tin I line. I'. ..pie hrine; tlnir lit tie hinls hi re to hair them -tulh il. Tin im m rs are ini.-tly hull.-, ami ym cat itnaoiiK' what a toiufort it i-to have tlu ii little fi allien . I pels pn .ei ve.l in sui li ; manner that their l-muty ami form ol f'atlur tan he -em innl aHniireil l"ii'' after their sweet voices an hii ln.1. I.ovi liir'ls ate pri-'rvial in j;n at niiiiil" rs. ( ai'liiial- are -..im what rare. ami their phiniai;. is -,. .rilit i.ih.nc j ,ln,l heautifiil. that when tiny Hit tiny are se.i,,in thrown awav. There i- al ways a n aily luarki t fm them, nml w will pay o.Hi.l jiiiees lor them. I.ovt hinls are hroiilit to us in pair-. It h eu-toinaiy when one of (hi -e alT" tionati little thing's tlir tolu itiL; it-ih a'! hotly ami tin living mat' to i . We kill th' livt I. inl ami pre-mr the two t""rithir.' ('oiil.l tin skin of a man In stuffe.1?' "( t lt iiiilv in the same manner that a inoiikej's skin is. I wmihl iinilerlaki' the joh, hut it wouhl co-t a ureal thai ol money. They -ay thai the hiiinau -kin i- very tiiin h like the skin of a hn";. nml that il Mil.j.i t. il o a t iiniinj pr-.ie-- it woiil. I he very thiili ami -ti'Ui"; tin -.inn .a- the hoe; h atl'tr vihieh i- u-r'1 fm s nl'llt - ami trunk-." i A (licrk on Watchmen. I Tin re ha- hi i ii s iri-i'.'.t demand ol late yt -it- for a t I", k that would record 1 the roino ami toniiii'.' t.f ni';hl watchmen i in fat lories, hot. - ,iu. other laru'e huihl j int;-."' -aid a manul at tun r. "You may provide a l.iiililiie; liherally with lire ! c-eapc-, hut tiny nr.- of littlr u-r if (ht I watrhman, In inu asleep, in";lt i ls (o .;iv ; the alarm wln ti ilu ii" Im ak- out. Tlup the I" -t ol all pi. . aiiti"ii- i- th" 't let tt'it I watthman'- i In k ami p-ri-ttr." Wat' li ; ni' ii are in. I.etti r than other im'ttals j they will "i"iv wc.iiy and sht py, ami some of thi m would ratlu r 'loe all liiu'lit i in an arui-t hait in some -mi"; mrnir than man h th-ii appointcl toinid-. Hut the j t h t ti n i It n k and rcoi-li r i an invt ntioti that -t i vi -as tin- ni"-t pott nt -tiiuulip ; to the wat' hinan to make him "o his ! roiiiuls. i It is mi nrraioet as to si m fm- any tie ! sired iiuinher of stations, ami t ontiollin" j fit mi one to ten watchmen if nrci ary. At cat h station the wati hinan in-erts a key and yives one full turn. This make its iinf.i i I iiier rectiid nn a hlauk which i ot kctl inside the clock in tin oilier, and whit h is so plan d that no watchman, however inreiiius or My, t an tamper with it. Thr ret old wh n taken out in the niorniiif; shows exactly what station tin watchman visited in the night nml tin: time of his visits." .V. ir Yuri' Moil nml Ah jirrnn. Damp lleils. The London l.mi?ilt referring to the death of Mr. Mans, the wi ll know n tenor, c alls attention to the peril of sleeping in ii damp bed. As a matti r of fat t, thi peril is of the greatest, und it is almost ever present. The cprrieiiretl travelei rarely haards the risks of sleeping be tween .sheets, which are nearly sure to be damp, until they have been aired tin tier his personal supervision at a tire in his bed room. II thi-be impracticable, he wrap- his rug art. und him, or pulls out the sheets ami sleeps bet ween the blankets-n disagreeable but often pru dent expedient. Theilir. st mischief may result from the eontat t of an imperfectly heated hotly with sheets which retain moisture. The hotly hint is not sullirient to raise the temperature of the sheets to a safe point, and the result must he disas trous in the extreme if, as is sure to hap M'n. the skin he pooled by contact with a surface colder than itself and steadily nl ist rat ting heat all the night through. There is no ext use for the neglect of proMr precaution to insure dry beds. Servants are never to be trusted in this matter, nml the managers of hotels, even of the best description, are singularly careless in respect to it. Scientific ,mer if an. CHATHAM CO.. N. sai.mox r. niAsi;. notunntir- I m-irlnts in thP I. ire or the (.l-iitsf Justice. H p Slrupc'es in Early l ife nid Ire for a Beautiful Southt-tipr. Kuueiv I.. Pi. lirr, at one time private sfel'ilaiy to Chief .Ill-tin s.ilnu11 I', t ha-'. licit. - oi the New Ymk I.. iV l'i -,.s .. iiitere-tinp; in-t,iii.r- in the i ii' .. i- .. i tin- iiote.l m in. Mi, pi. lu r -ay-; "I Ici'l a h ii'l enoiioh -trii''e in my tally life," -ai.) Chief .In ine t ins.. o to me, one a f tern" "tl ; a- ' " w le w alk lm fi"in tin ( i.ito toL-'ili. r. Wh'-n I tii-t i aim- to Wa-iiitiu'ton t-' pu-h my l"itui", I a -l-i .1 an nin . h" w as n St n ilt"l-. la ol.t tin I.. I in. . i . lk-hip in "1" of tin- 'I. p .Ho" nt . II" tol'l im In woiil l i,tl."i ivr lit" a 'lolhi .i l.ir. a -pa'i. with whn h to " " k nil way in th Wollil. I th".";lil nr. mil h Was unkill'l. hut I half I'.iil -i'n- known In aer. wisely in m-t ortiin nn- an ollic , au l I attriliiit" all nn i; I loi'tunr i'l lif' to that it fical. up .1 a t Ink .hip at that time. I -ln.ul, ,o.:,l,lv have re in, lint i-l a t ei U all my life. ami. in-t' ! of now lieinu th" ( ttii f .lu-tiec of the I'llitt 'l States, In- the eliii f clerk "f a tie- parti'ient."' Salmon P. Cha-i' worthily won all tin high honor thai In o iinnl. F"t year niter removing- to Washington In- went through the daily di U'lgery of tt at lung a boys' school, studying law during hi .pan hours under William Wirt, the fatli n o one of hi-pupils Itwa-at.Mr. Wirt'-hoil-r that he in. t the beautiful Mi Cabell, ami thru Lignn tin only romance in hi- li i . II" was thrown into her sociit v t very day. ami each day ad'h d to hi. int' i' si pi tin I"it lv Soiitlu i n gii I. I.ovt inspired him to wiitc vcr-es w hn h. however, wire inltulrd to express the passionate sentiments ..f a lover. The proud Virginian beauty acccpietl Mr. Chase as an escort to part it -. receptions anil the theater, and she found him a very agreeable t "iiipaiiio'i i'i the parlor, for he u i- i I. v. r ami intelligent, but sin would not dunk "f marrying a poor young -. liool tea. In i iviih hi-own for tune to tu ike and api'irmtly w ith htll. pl"-plt t of 111.'. king it at that time. Mi-- Cnl.i II made liu -.nil" nil-tak. ill th a lining Mr. I lia-'s .u.i-"s a- the lady ditl w Im n fii-ed I" in ary I.oiii- Na poleon when br ita- living an ob-i lilt -exile in I'.nglaml alt. r hi-.-eapr from the prison of li nn, ami tin n by n fu-rd a i row ii." a- the future I'.mpi rot' said to lu r. Perhaps Mr. Cha-. '- unfortunate love affair wa- the eau-t of his h living Washington ami iciiu'viiig t.. ( in. -intuit i, whirh llu tlid soon aftrr pa ing tin bar. He got FO l.iavi Iv over hi- pas-ion, how ever, f"r Mi-s Cabell, thai he lived to marry and bury three n iv. .. before lie was forty. Tin-iii'oiua ol that, ally Ion still lingrr.'il many Mar- ; 1 1 1 i w anl. Once, when tin ( 'hit f Ju-t in was visit ing Hi' hou'iid uilli bis il.ui Jit' r. a niece ol his lir-t l"Vi iiiiollnr Mi-- Cabell, i. pi illy t eh 1. rated as a belli ami beauty t alh'l upon Mis-- ha-r In i tatln i n tall'd with ti n h r let ling tin t in um st am -is of his youthful low and tin n Sllll. Win n hi spokt of his (ir-t sue tin ait thin wa- a pathos in tin- coin nf tin calm ami dignified Chit f .hi he. whirh wa-a-tan a- it w as int' n -ling. Win n I bt i aim tin privatr ... n. i u i of ( hi. ! Jii-tii i' Chasi , lie was in In- sixty second yt ar, and I" nil npprai ain'r in tin- full vigor of hi- iniigiiiliri in ii i.i i il I he was six fret high ami weighed two him tired pounds and wa a- siiaight n- a Tust amra Indian. He had a m ry com mantling appcarame, and a-he walked along the marble corridor-nf the Capitol his presence was felt. Ht was naturally II very nilsti it- man and srhl-'in nub. titled, even nt home. He had little or no ap piceiation of humor, and rarely indulged in a joke. He was ju-t as al.-h-miou-. in his words as in all other things. He talked little, thank littlr, and licit r u-i d tobacco in any hape or form, ami did not like it to be u-cd in his presence. His life was regular and his pistes simple, rising at li in the summer and T in the w inter. In good weather he took a short walk before hreakla-t, returning in time to join his family at morning prayer. The brink fa-l lunu wa- N o'clock, alt. r which he joined his .. . n tary in tin libra ry, w here lie spent an hour read ing ov. v his letters, iliet iting iiiiswi i-to tlu in. or preparing his opinions. At I" he It'll his hoii-e to go to tin Capitol, always walking when thr in alh cr wa fair, ami riding in the tai- in bad weather. From 1 1 (o :t he pre-ided over the Supreme Coin t of the I nitnl States, after it adjournment walking back to his house. Arriving home, he took a liiiu h of crackers nml tea, and then went vig orously to work on hi- opinions, remain ing so engaged until tl inner, which was always served preti-. y at li o'clock. His table w as elegant, but not epicurean, ami cnnsi-tcd alway- nf three courses and a thssrit. The Chief Justice always dressed in black whin in Washington, ami 1 was very itiut h astonished to see him appear in light pantaloons, sack coat nml slouch hat on the morning that we started on the South, rn Circuit, in May. lKli'.l. Miss Cluise told me she was afraid le r farther would bcennn so attached to the bluuch hit! that liu would want to ( .. AI'IML s, xs;. wear it aftri hi-n tui n t" Wa-hingt n. whi. h shr s.emrd to think would b lowering the digniti "t the I hi' f .lu-lu'c tiol ham's Wealthy Homes. "pn .b.iblv in no tity in the wil'i." siid an e-oVirer ( tin Ann;, ami Nuy lilb a frw day, -inn, "d"i p'-'l' -t I nn ta.tch a gliinp-c of so many in.agliit'n n't ; intiii"s a- in New Ymk. Naval imn i"U know are grtat w alkt i - " In u liny i r. -i. Ii pint. It i- .in i x n i-r that is Im in lii i . I in a tlu'il aml ways, ami in tin- ' tour-' of my nip- al.. ui llu- world I Im" i I....IU" familiar with the nppt araii f j 1 1n- -Ireet ,, nil thr roast and in any nf , thr iiiinini- t"ini."f import nn r. It is- i i- if In I- pit iiliar tint tl hh i the. ity the ,.- ih,- -iirf.ii e di-pla -""I thi- lieu.': 1.' attiful tin i.ih'ii-li -t rn nid iel'ii'M-. ; '..i i.i-tiimr in II"itu llu hoii' .an t.m-t i lab."..!. K .1. ."I it- d half -in h ..in'" I ami iinttli-n w I.i. h 1 within i mix i Inior- Ih.t ih. y mi-.hl aini" t I" ' ilhd n .i Unit. In I hi. tgo on tin ..tin r hand j whin a im n haul prion- m a inillu'ti iin : pork pa. ktr build- a luai-r hi In- it m ar ; the .idewalk and w In u tic . i i- light' '1 i at night he is apt t . rai- tin -had' - ami ; pull Ih' curtain- bat k -,, h.,i pa... i- by may hi"k in and -. e in what a.o-tly manner he live-. N. w m k ha-not t hi- ' -lioddy idea, but win r' tin- In'ii-'s an close to the -idt walk and the I -' j maids nn cart less thm i- very ..ji.n a ! i haiiee to catch -ight ol iM. ii..'- that ! f"l'i ' a man of any -"it "I I'lliiialmu or j t'i-te to -top nml uluon I.a-I night I went to dinner in Fifty ' v. nth -tret t. in -l. and a- I had ph my of tinu I h ft j the nan yard about til I", k. . I'" id ! the bridge, walked up l'.i"i'l i.v and nu.vi d li" nn up M "li-.'i ai.nu. and j along Fifty -inni'i tn.t t" mi d.-timir tii.n. Fit rnilu n ah-ug tin i"it" abmf Madison -.iiiiii I i aught -ight "f in ugni th'cntly pain Hid wall-, plu-h ami laced curtain- that m-t fortuni -. w ai in bi"ii' -. richly franud pit lure- nml tin- like -it "11 by mini I colored light . ' ii all -id' - were l it lis of sumpl'mii-ly furnished ! aparlini uts Sometimes in tin basement and soim tinies mi tliesn oiul and third thiol's of the houses, but ii i it r ..-t nit a , tioiisly shown. I don't know win llu a p, ..pie im gi in rally avian "f il or ii"l. ' but there is n- to be -i . n in a str.. ' about .Ni w York "tint- than in a in other i it v in thr world. nd win n tin wind j nw- arr not !.. m-. nn Ii -en em . I living glim pi s o I mag n ili' i nt 1 1 ill i in he. I hoines may he had w I.i' h m'l-t plunge n beggar into the very dipih- .! th -pomh nt ." Soin( Historic lings. At a tiim whin dog-, i-ptiially mi tro- j polilan ih'g-. arc ..nnwlial under a , cloud. s;.y- ii wrilt i in .1''' ",. )' A',..,,., it may be w.ii to n.all -"tin of j tin- 1 1 ii i i u- of mil old friend t" n-pt-'t nml esteem. Fit ly "In I'l nieinbi p tlm dog of I'll -si s. who died in en cling hi- j inaster, ju-l n t urm d frmii hi-Imig w aiul fling-, and llu -Imy -how- the t "iisider j atioii in which tin- d"g was hi Id in the j heroic ages of (in ta r. Tilt old I't r-iali-. I tin., held the ling in high i -term. l"tln j M agiaiis hi wa - a s;,. nd animal, the n p 1 res, ni .tin ami fiiiml "1 iiinnd tin j Ih m tii i lit. and the gp it -atiap. in re I di-ttngiiphi d by tin il tiams ol hunting j tlogs, a-, wa- the King bini-i If. and N' I , Xr. Mt mil for tin I i.'.Ui -t oflirine -ilii'oumlid by a gnat bodyguard "I faithful ting-. Th" i must highly pnnl In tin I'i r-ian- e,,m. fr..m Indi i. ill rd plobably li"in tin li.u Irian n gimi-. j where tin d j Captain Wo ; I - -till In hi in high ri pulr. I- t, lb ,i- ,;, th, old I'.'.-h- imii'l I beg would think u li" in-ult to bi a-ktil to -I il his inf. . but would n -cut iin "ITrr for his dog :n in iinpaidou able affront, while among thi bonh r tribes nf Turkestan the tpilhrl nf tlm dog m Her is out of tin pi'ifi'iimlest ton tempt. Indeed, thi birthplat e of Ha tioiis is probably tin original honif ol tin ting, ami when mir Aiyan nnecturs In gan to migrate westward from their illicit ut si;is with their lin ks and herds Ihev brniight with tin til. no doubt, their t'uiif and faithful dogs, who have left i their descendants of t-eday, the F.ngli-h tnastilT, the Pyreneaii sheep ting, thr Al banian wolf-lioiinil. Ancient law-, too, lecon I the estimation in which the dog wa-held; "A In id dog that goes f..r the -hcep ill tin morning and follows them home ill night i- worth the hi -t ox." -ay the ant ii nt law - nl Wah Tin hist hi id ting-of the prt-int tiny, perhaps, lire the Hntoii sheep tlogs rough, shaggy, uncouth w ith an a-pn t as if they had a littl" of the hi I of hi uin in tln ir vi in, but highly vnlurd by till il' poss, .. s, who air not In be tempted into purling with thrill by any thing und'-l the pi ice "f the ltct ox ; and the Mreton d"g is one of the most sign t imis of his kind, watching and tending hi- tlm k w ith iin alinn.t inert dihlc ' al and devotion. tJettine Kid of Hill Collectors. Brown I've g"t an t xi eilent plan fur getting rid of bid mllci lap. (irern Ha! That "! H I have. Never f ills. t;. Will, old fellow, yon must h t me into the sn n t, tor I'm wound to diath by 'cm. II. Well, I've tried it st viral tilm- if late, iiml 1 Hml the man in vt i t onics bm k again. li. -Ay, ay, what do you do? 13. 1 pay him. f.o'm t'wirier. TAMALF.S. Hrxw Msyjrin;s Mnkn nn Ofl'l but Pdlritfllilt? Ertihl-?. A Feniltir Di-h that is Sold RoarWy in Towns of Texis. Among theiailui odd pecl.n li s that nevr fail tonttiatt the al lent ion of Ih'' new-comers i-a -ight that may benight'i IVItne-st.l on the streets of I oil U ol t II ami in all llu t itics and In -gt r town-"! Texas. A little b. fore sundown small; groups of Mexicans with huge b.l-kfts j swingiiig from their -.hoiihh i may hi ; seen t" lake npplues on ill' t orill I - o tin principal -tnil-. Ibn tiny plant themselves f"i the night to tarry mil trade, the littl. m -.-.'! whuh -n in- rub. nlous. if n, a .piitr i ..nn inptibh, m th" fits r.f .in nglo. Saxon. Tl""-' big ba-kll- i "lit III! t.lllialt- All arti. Ir i. food tint ilu um in 1 1 v.il Ir.-ui tin Tian-Mis-i--ippi t .11 11 1 1 v nnri ..ni- oiluardof. Mill lie clop-, p. r. bailee, to take a look ill th" swarthy vili -in i'i. thinking, li" doubt, ih .t tin so,i r.f Monti lima i- a in .thi looking .pet iim n . ( man, ami won di ring what -.-it of wan - In ha. for sal". Hi- tipio-ilv pnnnpt- him to a-k. and thr good mitund ' liomlii . ., " .r. ih.t hi. ipi.-tioiu r i- a -tr.uig' r in tin land, lake- out nut of th" -Inn k wiapp'd aili rl. s. ami. -niiling. hand- it owr. Tin stiangtr cauli"ii-li ii'iwr.ip- hi- pn-a in. tin- M'Xii.in tin while ' uring him in niangl' d F'igli h lli.it il i- v ry good, and. having tin. illy unfolded them: I wrapping, proeml- I.. nil.bli at the in Prior prttty mm Ii a-a -by pmh at th' anghi'- bait. Itt'i-P- pn ttv palatablt . limn vti. ami tin t ml t-f it I that in in n I a n ii k I "i a diun t" I hi gi at ! -bghl of th" huiubh l'i li.l'i. Iin' In--tops long t ii. ugh 'luring tin diioiuing pn.ir-s f Il k. h"W doinii niakt tin ' And Mcxy pi nis iiiid tries to i iplain the modus operandi, but somehow or othei his explanation fails to rh ar up tin -ub jta t to iini gnat t xl' lit. probably I'loni the ratlu r confusing niixtun of Knglih ml Spaiii-h iv, . ids. Hut he im ant to j tell it about tlm-: Tike si, me i ,n:i and soak in wal.-r all night. Thi ll t.iki out j and guild until ndmed in :i ihaigh lil-' s:it, ,ih, . xn an - g'iiid in wh it tin y tall a lll.il.it. I he n it I ouig l- p. pn pare the i hili. tin- . .1 "f u li'n h i- lak' n out ami b.'il.d for tw. nty liv inimil'-. then the -km i- l iken ,,) ,-nid il i : ground in with giii lie, black s.i'Ue M. xi. in . ! . s, han l, . -n,.l .., a- l,a- be, n .'.ui,', i,"plv id lip V l tire a". I il ol't-l it. i! i- tl"ll p. pp.,-. salt i III, llu at. Il-U Ith h lit I. d' i halgi'l.i th" 111 li. laid i. I. :u 1 1 - it ' -Inn k and d".g! f i shuck then I ii In r. Ih. Tiny III, w Int. -t "I' ll hit ll an -eli i li ddi .1 v in, h'l wat, r. Tin i on ll ' I ' i I ' I ,1 i. Hi- lllgl'l . I it 111 - l'i i lil i"l" 'I. i- til' II -pp id "II t! nl' I t "h P It' I i- I' ll"! Up. ll int.,,, p..t -I' l,.-t w.tt.r, am. d till d. in .eP.i . ii . (,. hi i, ry p '"h! ' itii u-. ! a . nl 'lining i w ill I ikl in it i i then t . ni.i 1. - j ll-IVI llli'll a iih 1 f a n id. k hi they . and HIV ai. n. i,b ,. m ai ly all I I if - with t h -"Id I,-, ., , vp t h ai pi.'t'.i vi h ,1 dill bi il nn t -iff ' I-iii ir F'.n .nl. th. v ; nt- i I",-, p. Tin M- xi I iil i th t talis ,-m i -(and " j hour- ! long a llio'h I- "f p itii ;.' .-. and w ill I i a .ir, . t ( .a in i to int.. ih, . .in f tin night, ni v. I going Iram a- 1 tin re i- tin -light' -t chain r "I i ; a i li-loim I . l'i . ii on i old iO"l night- tin y -lay on tin -In , I, I in d.-"!i. il-, till hntg pa-t mid si I 111 III st"i any t i ..in In night. San Antonio i. tin Paiadi.-t of tin in. in. lb ie In ha - a great pl.t.'a up P. hi- In in lit. In thi open I tanial givt n spa.t s.i",.,l s,, I after nightfall tin ! ed a- , imid- of - of III' 111 rem 1.. , ., U-ti'lilrr- llt. t and iiiiini it Ulll'h P tin il regular in,, tui u:il ha-!. Tin Inl. it o i.atiug llnni nine f. not d soon bt comes as coiiiirini'd a- any ha'tit (itr indulged in by man. What tin meerschaum is to tin- I'tunti, opium l the Celestial, macaroni t" ih" Italian, the tamalr i- to the Tt x.ni who has oun learned to In, it Without it life i-n barren waste, a howling wihhim-s. -F,-l W. rlh. i '', '....I, Hiring Cows. It is not often that i-i.xv- are lur this l nlilitry , though tin- pi . i tin i iii.in in -..me pail- of I'.iiiop., M" vt i v t lit iip tin n . and by pun basing row s and It tting tlu in nut tin inpitali-t i cnablcil to gi t hi Iter interest while -ti!l hohling good -i a urity . Tin great diiiw i Inn k to hii ine i ..ii . i- in the fa, t tint i the tnilki r who t an bt -t judge of tlu il value i- H"t authorized to Wfnl mil th"-e ! which pi"Vi unpinlit.tbh . In many plai t s here w in i c fauns are taken mi ' shares, the n w nlid tin n pi ml net go in with the land. Hangers of Cremation. Fond wife- Are my lui-baml's a-hes ready '. Pr. Fiike ihesilating I Wt 11, yt s nil - helll I believe so. Fond wile- i-urpri-ril - Why; pout you know ? Pr. Fake-Well, the fact i we'ie hatl sin h a rush of business lately that I gnl the ashes mixed. However, there ar several ill Its, so take Jour ,hoire. i ADVERTISING Onr Mpimt-, one im-ertion-H" upturn, two insertion (in- square, cni! month I. VI - -9: 50 For larger adveitis. ineiits bhirnl con tiai ts w ill be limde. J l.ove Son, I Y"'i wall ,.i" iii" tl." .1 iv I li" dying, i t ilr .,r in. III". i living. Inl-v-t linn a full li-ai't n-plviug. I I yji.. to lour giving ' h .1 it. i hail, nn lif.'tint" of I'liin?. I i i ..ii p.a il .all by me l..i. 1. ti'el.lr in v loi in; h, ih.. hour I .In" t .Tl'.l'ini. that ilnv. th ii w i Mi nnplonnsr, il I -avr The Hill that Wmiuiletl Hancock. I'l. la wis VV, Und. nf ,N"ii istmi n. thu- ri lap - tin- i in iiin-liinri - of tit m la! I lam ." k'- n a "i , i i Iroin hi- wound n - nil-ill at lb III -burg ' "I Was uudiial .III., tol of I'l" 1 ' till' I 1 1 a II iil I.e-'IVI-, and ju-l hi ion th, It ,.f Nni'iinbi r. si;.i. I . .nu Iioim on ; ,n ii!y fmir luinr ,. ,t, -I ub-, ii, . . I i alh d t" -n the l ;. in ml. w Im w.i- in In. I at hi- falhei' ii .i.i.m .. I f'-uml him my nnu ii dis In art. lied. look,, pa! lb hi.ii gn.w ii thin, and I . ll.il. lap d. He suid Im w.i- going to die, at, d that on, In d ami Inl Inn d t" -in ll I, !l a- if In i Ui Kll all . XI- lit th -l .1. it'll lio.ild be a n liel. I i ml. al i t" . In t i him up, and a- I w.i- about bidding him I'm will lie -aid ll I by, po. tol . liiiiiym.il you I b id my h in. I . e his . hand" i ' " u h l... p,i. -..by .1 .n't ball "Hi I l.v. h el in il mtii ,1 it . o lb. pi. n !,. al.' . u a . i ing III tl oiiu.ii 1 h ill I ;n I 'I lb, ,o,,.. I, ,. b. i, b. i'l .il rn-ht "I':'' 1 1,1 I I" I'-'l lie I an in. h .a I',. I ui .ni Ion kii"b of '.'' heir, I to grt this ii n .itiitl"u ' ' Inn "im "I with his wd. and ail w ith hp h .; bill he! hn ilny, w hili c- iiln.g i:: ill-t. mi. d. I Id!. ill hi- down to my ntl'ue in,. . ahd bl. nit . and "p. i und my -i If -in i. ing tin' limb and if tb in tin po-i bail -inick him. I i d i! dropped fully i haunt 1 and strut k Im pn . n h .ai my n i in n I ii I, ,1 in -ti ,i hn phi. iinr ii ii- m ;ti i tinn il w i- it In ii th in-i i ted I he pl ob. H i t ight im In - int" the i the ball, w hi. h w a--h:ii p b"iu w hii h y, lie, k-' time the I it cii;!i In -, iiml in two imbedded ill the sit upon. In a i -rd was nut nn ni- tin 'If- he at- tnid"! a Masonic gathering at Odd Fellow-' Hall. I I'ligi t the caliber nf the b iili I, bill it was a big Millie ball." ',..,'.,;.i T ,,.,. Hml Itecnnie Monotonous. A Ni w Y"i ki r lab ly nu t one of t "Aniciiean eolotii" in Canada, nml in ft uise , f cnvi I'sation :i.-ke,l him the t ails, ol hi- - . 1 u -i- ai. "W in , I w :i - a t "lint y t 't a-urer in II-lim.i-. .inl w.a- ifb! -hml in my m -counts." Was the frank n plx. "You didn't have to -kip f"i $1;', did "Yn. sir." 4 I shniild have thought you couhi rai-e that among your frit mU." Y'-syou may think -". but if you Innl -i t n 't in put up is', 71111 to save me on tlm other term you'd limb r-taml that the thing had become nil In r inonolo ions." VI Si,;.-' .Y,,-.i. Ciiiiso tinil I'fTiTt. llusbaml ii'ii-hii,-i hi ella-). - ' There's another 1 "hi wave coining in a ifi y It iv ininiili s." Wife. --"Why, Charles, hajv do you know?" Husband (it ith n thirrr). ---" '(.nu J forgot t. lining horn" that uexv VinQtt for you." - I'uck. i T.icn. Ml an;;i" '. a 1 imel I.- ill U t. -tin in "I Im ..!! w-n Lii-a p. ni. I t ha' i-.i-l .on I t Hr !" r. i,,... lli.' e ii. x . thai il .Uii'ken U '. lie I' l - t o ri . ol ":o n. Whv wail ml I" low- . '.. -i. k"'i Al ll I I : ) al h' l.,.l,rr,,l-,,t MlMOIitlS. i A , 1 1 . . i" n !' ' ate HiP in mr'. A p "l i if' I i. 1,11. g a p lll" I s p'i'i k- : it ' h. :,. i .in- .e.t ..if ty by j ti.g,.,,. ... t'.-p-,.k. . il,. I.- mi 'Pip i. e. . I., in" n n tri' I i ling dp .o ,1 ' v.a'ki'ig -oil ' j Th. -1 1 i- . . i i Int gi t; .-iiv-und j .pii. I,- -I i . tie rvltii'b i "f a punting 1 pi.--. S'tun voin. n . " , P . - i ll .11. ri at. habit : ."all.. i I. uf. .n wiili. nit any nln of tin ! tl ail. I. tl i.l in n .,ll..w. ! Tu, inl. ni .. .pi- in t - "i -nioking ai : 1 1 in t:'.,p d I", M' -ui .u . w hn h t "ii : -i mi f -nil. ; ! r -,,,.i I I - tin I i.i. t oiii- ut ; -aid a - nl'T to a getil't tu i-I, m .. - p . a lu.u-" w In n a III .1 I la ; had pi t t ll,. II place. ' :,i vi i In o ii.ithinj in "' "I the pl:"i"".;l.'iph. b ha p..baby g..nr 1 1 1 1 f. 1 a I .,,1.: i -h..p and I.--, il talk"! to 'b ath. I I ..in .n'lb .m - ",'.le- had b-.-n t"l'l : I . . tail in t i - i" ,i w k ph ughing i : "I wp ii I in n .1. i l t hat' w h it 1 wi-h !" . Iliimon ii- .; i i ' n 1 1 I ' i i I.air ", tint - i' -I lik' w ' V w Pit t" I" lyin' in yei graii. t'tk.in' it ra y ail thr n-t o' yn lib ." j I,", 'killg "Ut "f the w indow "lie ( Ve : iiing. a hull girl -aw t!n bright full j iiu'i.ii in th .a t in ky. and. apparently ollll :. Ii I ill' In l! III it. tin beautiful ' pi. ui. I .lupin i. -hilling a'nio-l a- brighlly . a - ih" 'i n il - ' . t i iav; int' lit ly "ii , th p. a un.i'i' ut. I.i i V l.iiun d. "' ' papa ' , main.' -.. ' Tl.- in.. on hi- laid an gg!"