fjh$ (Ehatliam Record THURSDAY, APKIL 15, 1886. L A. LOtfDON. Editor. The Senats lias passed by a vote of 80 yeas to 13 nays ft bill to admit W.Aiia4n TWrirorv Mi a State of the federal Union. The bill author- . ..... . . ... T.-.-iW fees tbe inhabitants of the lemlory of Washington aua Uie aajaeenr, pai i of the Territory of Idaho to form a State governmeilt with the name of tt. it of Washington It pro- we owe oi fa 'T videa for a convention to formulate aid adopt a constitution which shall rJe republican in form and not re- uonant to the Constitution of the or to the principles of the Declaration of Independence The Dersons who shall be entitled to vote for the member 9 of the conven- make it a business to arrange these jH)8t.ii t,f by the Agricultural Depurt flon are1 ctesCribSd by the bill to be windows and do no1 hiug else. It is llieilt. The remaining third j,oes Z. rfi.l .wtm-a rsident with- UU1 the case one of the wiudows u, .u,rsoU!J iu various parts of the Hhe qualified electoi a reMdeutwitn , f &wt e8tftbiirthnients retains uuitry who et as a-euts of fie .le in said boundaries. the same arrangement longer than a purtuient but receive no eouipfiisa- The Convention is to meet at Walla f0l-tnight. Our nierchauts seem to : tion. Walla, at such time as the Governor have no conception of the value of I jie fl)1Cl. f the wed division is of tbe Territory bhall designate, aud ; tu character of advet .ung. Think : rct,ull.,Mi ,., m.eive. asa t. park, label Ottfte lemioij uiu u b ' 0aUrKerecssed plat- ;;'ass window HI1(,l ,,.,,. the imrka-. s for the mail nuon wF ' nllea Horn ooitoui to up wun uauu- fjompleted it shall be submitted to i tm-chiefs, of all sizes, colors and the- people for ratification. If rati-! forma and most artistically arranged fied it shall be so certified to the ! aud you might form some little idea President of the United States, who, i Jow uow.ou vcuue. Bo rresioeunu , ; side it is one with only ladies corsets. rf tne constitution coniorm u. requirements of this bill, shall oyiji, these aiticlee befoie. A most r,nl',liir.rnciauiation declare the State isti iking one is a window of dress i admitted to tho Union on au equal footing with the original States with out further action of Congress. The bill now goes to the House of Rep resentative for concurrence, but it trill hardly pass that body The corkiption and venality of the ooliticians in the great city of New Vnrlr-i not oilv disgraceful to Auier - km rfvilization, but is alajming to Holden about getting a pardon from , . . ., ... , P President Johnson for a disloyal every lover of civil liberty, bury-. reliiUve of uiue Xhe teihuul of the body remembers the I weed ring aud i way was fuutiy whiied away with tne astounding revelations iuadejSIK.u remarks as these, '"Now. Tom when its eorntption wap espified. ' mie. you mustn't stand on the de And AO comes the exposure and ! walk "and look in at t he store wm a.un , , r, , idows, for people will think vou are proof of another ring, and a dozen I iiuu .. hM yow men, who Lad receutly been alder-! Illniltj, wleU you see a man with men of America's metropolis, are ! store, clothes on." .Vc. Ac Xotwilh under indictment for bribery, and : ing these and similar injunctions. Other, are fugitives from jltsticey Panels would seek my pan.s pt. k "lu . . ., ets and inv mouth would Hv open These men were aldermen of the cuj . eyerv timei notiml U,s Excellency's in 1884 and were btibed by .Tacob i new8tore-niade slippers, and my ad Sharp to grant him the franchise of ' miration knew uo bounds when I first running a street railroad on iiroad- j saw a store with nothing in it but way. Some of them are ..publicans ; ndy. I .came to asl.ington wah way. oimi , ; bouie of these old idea.s t-till n me. and some are democrats, they being , but j nnJ Uere must lv i,)ts , f green bribed without regard to their poli-; f0lj. )ler6i for ju f,0t pf t, - m-ttv ! Noorlv evm-v one of theiTt bad 1 been a liquor dealer, for keeping a i early morning till midnight. Kvcry-, Of coui-e evny seed of t.a i.iiUK.-.h , . , thing is done to aiake these windows wlnrli eiirli Congressman is i ntitle.l imrroom is the usual starting I'JaceiuoTeIBI)l, attrat.,ire. Que restaurant ! to is not sepunnely tesled an.! w.urh Of a New ork city alderman. i has a kind of oil range in a front d for, but nauiples uie taken fioin f : . . . window, where all the time thev are ; everv lot ot seed nveived, a:id if thev Homi Kii.K for Irelaud at last cot)king tile ni08t delicious looking do not show a 'ood percentage, the aeema possible. On last Thursday, ; bieads aud cukes and oysters and j lot is rej. rtrd. the olhruBt., an extraordinary scene J other tempting things and every-! The defeat by the Senate of the occuried m tile British Iiwse of! thing is to neat anil clean it ia ! Logan scheme to iucrraso the Atniy. i . i i ... ,,.i,j all enough to give a dvspeptic au appe- aud the passage of hall a dozen bills Commons, and that day ma.ked an , hy- V i important epoch in British hisloiy.j Another novelty to me is what the ! I"'" the Mexican veterans, and On that day Mr. Gladstone, the j mercliant9 call their opening days. : mt her for the election of a Con English Premier, delivered a long They give notice that a certain day gresioniii library, mark the picseni 1 ...... fl n r.rnura, unfff 1 IllllUeV lil MUIU Hieif BUllULT blCCK. favor of the bill to establish a separ ate Parliament in Ireland for theauJ 8Vergreeiis and paintings and I ment sensation be ..mitted from the local goverument of that unhappy j little selling booths all about the ' week's record. A stain on the surface country. No speech delivered in ' store aud is in every way made un- j "f lue pure white uiaible was sup Emrlaud in many years has attracted j usually attractive and pre'tty. They j P"ed to be a crack iu tho masomy i . i . 1m make special runs of certain kinds of troiu lue settling ot the ground, and ao much attention, excited a. deep Jays . h ff.iim, fj 1InlK1M1- ,.,.,. an interest or received more c"H-; to say that the female clerks are con- g"'tr to topple over. People m Cism. It fully justifies the claims of j tiuually callingout -'Kursh." A poor different p.u is 01 the city wi-ic sd u Mr. Gladstone's admirera that he ! man had better keep his wife at home i tiuizing these supposed cracks wnh Is the greatest statesman England j on thosedaya. These stores all deliver their opera giassei I hey proved to r , . I the goods purchased to any part of , be only streaks of dust washed tio-vn ha produced in many years. tbw clty aud frequwtly gend them : from the jo,ut by recent rains. The ;T Ti.,i . C.O". D. Thov always get to the : joints aie somewhat open and dust The strike among the railroad em-1 houge jut 88 easil v (l,(.umulu.s U) , lt,lu ployees out Viest has resulted ( fiuishing their dinners. I never The bill for pensioning the soldier murder aud arson, aa will be seen ' knew it to fail. The results of these a,Hl sailors el 'tne Mexican war is rai.i from the accounts thereof published I opening days aud special days, for j to 1,e entirely sutisfaclory to the .-ui-in another column. Th of course jjwtance handkerchief days or glove j wors of that conil. t and tho ivy c .. , , , , , . ,. i . days, &c, have lolig since lost their!1""1 by the .Senate of his plea foi IB deeply deplored by all good citi- U0Telty to mfc I presume that with i ,IJt,re soldiers was a severe bl t. zewvand it is much to be regietted j other runovatious will come to j Senator Logan. Ii wa his pet me is that it was necessary to call upou j old Pittsboro' with the rahroad. 1,re" a'" ne tood op lor it so sggre ttooos to aid the civil authorities.! I went to Mt. Vernon Saturday, j "irely as to provoke uiipleasani per tr. .t i l. ! Tho home nd bu"1 Pl--e of George ; 9(""1 controversy. Every Democratic . J . UK ii v, A m broom sedge in an old field, but diffi-1 cult to control the fire when started, i And bo it is with these strikes. books. We bad i ; leasant little l onger took occasion the de- The Ex-CosrDKKTE soldiers now j select party. On Knuy we went ; '"te to make a violent aud malicious rfceidina at Raleigh have organized ' wouua ud tuuiuiwd oAA j j -cav of the bloody shirt Tins was ... l, i r i who said the next day would be a xpected, however, when the narrow- n aasoctation hat cannot fail of be- j 7 : from ing of a nioBt pleasant character, aud j aud ea,iy we were up wftifing fm. tLe j tained the floor. Ue indulges in ir we hope that similar associations may i time of departure to arrive. Had j relevant shirt talk whenever an oppo be formed in every county in the ! breakfast an hour earlier than usual j tunity offers, regardless of tiuio or State. All throughout the North , ni waited. Finally we took the j P'"- . , , , , . j ! street cars for the boat, which left " the -federal solders have organized , at tm there'anJ waited. Mur(IeP aIH, Arsollj Mannmtirma. and there ia no reason ' r- n. i .ul.j ' . . . ,,. the ex-Confederate soldier etiould not Je likewise bohibitiok has been adopted by j was the front end of the boat and e people of Rhode Island. Last!?1" equally interesting details. the peopl week1 ac election was held in that State, and by more than a three-tilths majority an amendment to the State constitution was adopted prohibiting the sale and manufactnre of spit it -uous lkiuors. The result of the elec- Uoowa.a surprise to the advocates as well m to the opponents of pro- hibition. Stbikes are besoming so common tat actually a lot of school boys at fliat actually a lot school boys at ..... Troy, N. Y., struck oa last Monday iot shorter hoursr and refused to eontinue their studies. Not only did j a few pebbles, &c., as mementoes, ' now." and taking Dai by locked' bitai ' they strike," but they also threat- j and laid th.m alongside of pieces of up in one of the rooms.' Just then Secretary Manning is slowly reeo ened violence to the othei scholars j Pf0! Zr??JL i 0"tlinC8 ,f UeVty or U,i' ,uen ' e,iD8 V- who bad not joined them I rX.f' 7 T B W " I '"''n 'Y'1 aw,,y' R,ld ! Bud il U viM irsmsnee- i, w lJiwioi, ordered tLeru out, saying resign, WasliiiiM Notes. Prom our Special Cirreapoailent. 1 Washington, April 12, 188(1. I BUivurme there ia uot another city in the world the si.e of Washington, that has so small a trade. 1 should imess that Haleitfh does very nearly i as niuh hoWle business. Die ! retail business here is unusually da-, d Le mP1.cbttut8 .urally get gooj jUices. Everybody lite ; directly or indirectly on tbe govern- menl and Cucie cam usmiuy pyi0f vegetable seed. Iie hundred ot liberally. Money that comes easy flowt r 8P(,,. ir,.e hundred of t.iban-o. ! generally takes its departure in a like lweiltv quarts of sorghum, twenty of ' im,uo ,.Li,,, ivp .... !... .;..i.i UiililUn. llionv mil. 8iujit.j the art of capturing the retail j trade unlii, to use a slang phrase, they have it down fine. I see many , iSj : . he ai.tiljtic gkin Splayed in the 8how wiudows. I am told that men ! uaj IJO conception of the colors used goods arranged to form a canopy , over a rattier uiuiaiure iiiiuue uu which stauds a magniticcutly attired golden haired doll about three aud a half fiet high. Few ladies can pass that, window and preserve intact the tenth commandment. I very well lemember the first trip I took awav from home. We hired neighbors big footed horse and put ! off to Raleigh to interview Governor windows is a crowd l.w:iul' from . When that day comes, the store is : I m.inniri.'(inllv du.-ix nf o.l i.ill. ! 'hiugton. I can't tell you any- tLiug about it, for as soon as I begin j i to think about it my mind follows ' ! the old beaten tra-k of the guide vvi iU,iiu,,, iiuwevvr, wuo uau i never been boat, except on i j Moore's mill-pond, spent the time ' piMjBiiiiv u yiuK io unu UUl Wllicn : .UDwu.0u uiw, me gong i bey were mel byaguard ofdeputiee raaded and dow the river we went who ordered them to disperse. I hc Ihe Potomac is a beautiful sheet of i m,lb refused nd made a rush for th, water but was muddy from the recent I yards, when the deputies leveled he, rains We got there amid the toiling! Winchesters aud tired, killing thiee of bells, tXc., and fouud Mt. Vernon to , of the etriker betheprettiest,quaiutestold-fashion- Little Rock. Amil 9 Heiw.. 1 1 hoS Win, aU) t tU ! house and garden and grounds aud : f t feeling we bad never spent two I boun more pleasantly in our lives, j VJn I whnrt a. nlitr for niRiiien. ha i f ?un? who couldu t talk love to ; bis Pirl t.hnrn itnunii t Anara Wei! r . i -- i eonderation. Our nurf v ininail th 1 nobis srmv of reliu hunters and stole Our Washlmilou Letter. from our lincular Correnintlul. Washington, April 9th, 18S. A smell hi in v iif men fttul b ullion are now it,;.i'fi.l in pwp'rin;r tlx' CotijjresMoiuil sei'd supply, iu tin' uunex of the Agiiciilt unil IVpntt- uieut. As tlific are four ritiinfrt il nmi . Senators mid Represent tiv0Mi w w-ed division of tnisiiiHti tmiml ia i,UhV ,,. , ,; s. . gon8 f the you-. Kuril legislator is to UHV0 Hjx thousand paper mrk.igi s hundred of porn. Iiltv ot Lrrass. nveniv-i mm ipiaits of Mitg'ir Iwet ainl thirty two quarts of cotton setd. If put up in one large order each member's allow ance t.ould till eight luge mail sacks. The seeds distributed through members of Congress oomprise about two-thirda of the whole amount tlis hacks, in wiorll iney are nuuio.i awiiy from the ilej ai tinriit. The little pa per bags or pockets air cut and miide in one end of the large room al.eie the see. Is are packed The printing upou them is vi- ut. d in the print ..rt!,.,, i tho .h imi t m. i.t. i h jK divided ami miMh ided. so SH to facilitate the o,k a- u: a j,,,;!,!,,. One ladv w ho has a . i wt.eds l lore her. and a tmv :iiru tills the bug o! p.vkct ; In r l.ei;;hl.i pastes down tin ll-.p on the !ia A; sn tl.ei table the depotiuMit fiai i, is put on. a ud so on until l'ie p.v ,-k ye is tiii-ill v placed in llii- ma I s i. k Ail of this work is raitir I en in a ii "t systeuuilii' m.iiiii) r, with little no. .' and no confuse .n. T:ie roiltiliv es perl " fl "ill lliejl's ent administration not pme dt ino. r :wy, but p"ie and good se .'. Ag. u di pHl til. n;t i-eed-. I. oe. in the last, bei i: a sort of by-wonl among joki is. The com. 'amis ; Ceiveil 11! !!:' ilepal I lii.'lil to .- .;no e em. jtistil'nd tliesc jouets I' . .le partmelit has nlwiss been a !a -epui-. has-r of MM-ds f. r -list i il m and it is believed, has .-oii.t Uiues had mi posed upon It. supplies wi ich the si'idinen would nil to a pmair CUStoimr. Af.el' the seeds lime been distributed by the .lepa! t rnei t. the seed null kn.iKS if the needs pine worthless it is ;.ot hl.eiy ever to be tracked back to his r.-l ii li.h.ic'nt. The si e l .hvisioii makes ii a rule to send out no seed that it cannot vo :ch for. When an American ciii.cii iv ceives seed li. reafr. r it wnl come to him g.iar inf.'e.l hv the adiniiiistmPtVi to germinate under proper roiiduioii-i l 1 ""r1"'' ils ullc meuj' industrious of me session. NOr should tile V, i i .'I nil ... ..!.... Senator opposed it. Senator Van ". k gave it a stub by charging Hint a" increased Army would be used by Capital against Labor, and Senator Kt j,. Aoril !. A ernwd atritrr. f .i ... .i... i. i . i . of East St. Louis ut 1.4f. o'clock tins J. Ifinnrt,, A ... I, .....l :., 1 1... i ' tiou of tho railroad vards to stoo :WOik by mwnicn employe.! tl'eie. wilT had ehartre of tbe force of d. nuH,.. puardinir the St. Louis & Iron I,,,,,.. tain round house and machine nhops i 4 . ., 1 r.i jxii-eiiia. (.iinosiie nils rv. wrm approairhed bv F. If. Darby, a leading r. i.j.i .j r i' , ..J. . . . b I.:. ?. ' -e ' . "uiaiiun ivHoor. and noiiiie.i to ruk. u-;ii:... 'JV Jt -,1.1 Pu that be was there to guard the pro petty and would do it if li fell ill bis tiarks. Momn one from the crowd 'replied: "Well then die" and an ir I regular shoot lietvteeii (lie deputieH and their assailants Iniin I'roha : bly an huudied sliotv wne tired and H iHiMiits wn daiiKerously w minded by u liullrt iu the rilit side and one two other lessei wounds in other pol l ions ot the body Tim mob soon after ..d. Sr Lous. April!. '.NO P.M. --Tho guilds r.uiioned at the Louisville V Nc.sIimIIc yards, near Uroadway, tited into a crowd of U(M stnLeis at about - "' ciock mis nticrno.ui. Six men -four of aid one woman were shot the nu n wi re killed and the woman is xitppo-.ed to be moi tally wounded. The crowd had made no atta k upon tiie yards, as tii f u ported, but 'veil- standing at tl.e Cahokia bridge, near the Louisville ft Nashville yards, jeering at the ginn K when Without the slightest appaient the deputies levulled their ritles and lired twovollevs. 'J he crowd iuiliie.bate ly sepai ated. ruimii.,.' in all directions, un (the deputies Mil over th' Cahokia bii.l.,e towards the Mississippi river bi.dge eit ill holding thwr riHes and tiiiii to cover their When it was by the strikers that the guaids bad lied, the former ri turned to recoil r their dea l. The ciowd. after ti c firing bi an, ran up Broadway, snouting "To arms! To aims!" "We will get guns and re turn that tire ' Woim-u and chil dren ran out of their houses and ti.oui iu lltf streets wciug and wi ll.iiillg their hands. After iiie erond ut'ivued to the scene the cm itemetit had abated, seveia' ' I 'h'' i- iding sti iki is drew their leviilvers a. . I that they would drivn all i'.ic deputies out of the city, even at t c !oss of their ow n lives. In I he stampede which follow ed the tiisl voll. v from the nibs of the .! ctn s. one man luatne uiikiiowni ioiccd from Cahokia Cn ck bii.lge and killed. His body has not yet b. i 11 recovered ! o 15 P. M. --The deputies who did the sh"Oliug eight in iiiimbi r--went t -tlie Tliiid histricl poii.e station in tins r;ty and stn tendered theinselves. ..nd ere taken to the Four I'ourl -, lihi id liny were taken into custody d were relieved of thpii arms. They say ttie crowd began tiring into tln ni I'ikI. and that they simply returned I he lire. Aiier tin' fust tiring was over and the stiikws had heroine belli on re inge. a number of them a: li'.ed tin nun Ivi svvnii li'VoKrls and n 1 ane e. I I'll the i Mint ,v Missis-ip pi Itailmad yaid.-., where they surprised the thp-iitie- on guard and lired into them, killing one. ihc ie:ilesl tcite.iic- t now prevails i Haul St. Louis, and the sit ikera nr-!a-t aruiiiig tlicnn-eives ami seemed itriej milled to avenge the dentil of those of tneir number so .vni.toiily slain, as they say. "i 3 p lii. (Jovell.or O-iesbv of lllinoiM Las ordered out eight com panies of mil.ti.i Some of Uie troops ai lived in l'ast St. Loui to-niht. Sr. Lor;s. April 1(1. Mhl A M. The city has I ecu in a siat of panic during the entire night, owing to numerous incendiary tifis. but Willi the presence ot the militaiv. wi. ii-li is g lai'lin- ad tbe main ii: es of track divt-rgo.g fi"iu I he Uelay ue- pot, aoinelnilig like older appeals o promise for the day. It is impo-mme at. tins hour to in.'.e I. .an up . i.u i!e tin damage oy 1 1 - - ni,;ht s In c 1 1.'. wcl e all ci 'li lined to i ant oa i pi "p I ly . and t In. olliecis -, nl with ihe li".''s H'poi t about wn! lothnly . n,,ii' -t i "Veil, h aded with incl. nun.l.s. m ,( coal. Tile 1 e i'c -,. , , in . i d lit the C.itio fMioi 1, ne y.lids. in." il .n- It i.iu in. i. lay h j.ol, v ie i e pi.iliaoly wile .h .:iom,. a. .. I the ii Hues foi .llinie Im.hl..,. . I ihe destt tiCtloli olnlli'l'l two hull dl'ed caisliitlii in. du. I e I lie y ai ds were iili rolected bv tile pri st nee of au a' lur deputy or ol tic. r nfaiiy kind '.n. Ill tympany I1, of 'liamjiaigli. ai i iv en a I t he r . n. o the liie, and it was penult led to b nil ilt its Mill. Two li.emb'ts of this' V'oinpaiiv weie loiind who.., mi in,., and run locoiii'.'.ivcs, and a s.vii.ii engine being placed nl their di.-po.-il' t'uey succeeded in ilrngiu away Horn i'i') burning caii fuiiy one'd b. )X and coai imi s. Tiii ee roiup.inii s ; of troops front (iieenvilio Pall.sii and' CLampaigu ait v slatioiied at the' Louisville a:.: lileaiidCuiio Snort Line yards. The m-uu body of troops, ' beyond a few sent lies stationod at the railroad switches, rouiaiu iu tl.o vicinity of the Uelay depot. No I serious opposit ion of any character j . has been made to the troops. East Jst. Locis. III., April 10, 1 20 P l A fimn I.MI.I...1 Vtt.ti'Av .l.ine a Knight ot Labor, was shot vester-! day ami is not expected to live through the night, fie v. ill make tbe eighth persou killed thut far. i I he city remains tpjiet. A walk i through the business and residence streets gives the impression that it is . deserted and dead except thot now! nnd then clusters of sullen men ure to be seen at street intersections. tchiuir at a .1-atancH thf movement of troops. Saloons arc closed, and; .nearly every store is closed, with wiudows and doors Iwtried. Ttoops . have been distributed in phitixins aud , companies at the principal yards and , .-bops. and iu the vicinity of the large levators on the levee along the .Mis-1 sissippi river. i East .St. Loris. Apiil P2 The presence of the military in this city eoniinues to have its desired cfTcd. and no disturbances nor unlawful acts , have been roporttnl since the inceu- , diary tiles of Fihlay night ; and it is ' now believed that no encounter be tween the military ami strikers will , occur. The same strict guard. Low ever, over the railroad property is ODMerveo enservea this morning, and tue ig- ilunce of the sentries has no way b. ou The liiNpimU?) Hoy Treaclier. frcro Hi l(itil(h Ni-wn n.l olrr. Yesteiday nieutioii Mas made of the fart t tint hereial ltalnh plnsi eiuus had gone to the house of Sir. (hn-ton Joiiiis, nine miles oullieat of this city, to make some tests upou young ilolni l. Sturdivalit, who it is alleged is inspired aud all that sort ,f tiling;. Three physicians of ao know !i dged ability went, but their it and as fiuitless. Several other Uiieiph people went to seo what would be developed. Tllell's was hkewie a wild goose chase. On ar rival at ihu house of Mr. Jones, late j t, ltfUrnooii, they found a greut iiimiv people assemb'ed. The house was full, the porch was full ami there was a pi inkling of people in the raid. In a room iu the house, in a largo rocking chair, sat the hero of the mystery, young Sturdivaut. He hailed back and pretended to he deaf, dumb and b.ind. The physi cians looked at him. He wou.d not speak at all. The means of couuuu iiicaling with him is by writing, let ter by letter, iu his hand. This his followers profess to think is uiiiacu lous One of the physicians read woids thus written about thrice hb ijuickly as Sturdivaut could. Any one can bhut tl.e eyes aud opening the hand distinguish eveiy letter wiilteu upon ils paiiu. So there is nothing miraculous about that. i'hts physicians wetc prepared to make tiie nerwssary tests of the real ity of the blindness, deafness and dumbness. They took him iuto a private loom, where to their surpiise lie absolutely refused to permit any tests whatever to be made. He would not aliovv any of tne tests thought necessary in be made to bo applied. The physicians had very biuip.e and harmless methods of dis cerning it his alleged di'inbuess was j feigned. He was obsiiuate in his lef.isal to aliovv them to make the! lea.-1 attempts iiitluii diiecuon. lie' refused to take oil' any ponton of his c.otlniig. 11c said he was, yeti refused ti) let the physicians usee;-- I tain, as they etniid quit and pain-; lessiy, if ins blindness were leai or a j sham. The young man's 1'aliicr was j not wiiiniy to ft nee his son to per-i mil tne tests to be made as to eilher b.iud:icss, tlmilness or dumbness. The physicians, under these circum stances, did not feel iu a position to make the tests when so refused. A physician from llnu se.ii..!iof the ei'Uiitiy was present, but he was not pel milted to make tests, though ho requesied t be a. lowed to tio no. 1 he mode of coiiiiiiiiuit atioii being by willing in Si.udivaiit' hand, the pitysicialis v o'.inl ill lie : "Volt must lie down ami take off your coul and e.-t." Young viunhvaiit would write oil a piece of paper: "1 will not lie down 1. 1 lake oli' my I'Oal or vest.'' All hia refusals were p.-siuve. Yet i.i.s followers iissetled th:U he was deal, dumb and b.iml. They bKic ved it. lie inn! no s' of paialyiis ibis tune, ai was i xpi e'e.l Perhaps a! some other tun,) I'lav iiid iee he Vouil the plivsicians man "to face the Hills'..1, I le ee, I .only i rf used to tl.i so cilin s.l iv ' he lMiicigh visitolsand roiiiity physiciane left i lie place al lei a vei , uiisul tlact..ry V .hll. l l.eniu it'.-'iii. ei vsipeias, .Neuralgia- I l.eniu it'.in. eiysipelits, 1 1 1 1 1 1 is, sv.t ii, ,i'ie llili.1t. tO"tl. a. I e and pain, and . i.e- at e piiniiptlv ell,. I by .ilvil(l"ll Oil. I'i ice Iwt nly live edilv .Solil every. vv m l e. Ili llei :'!. i'l 'iit eolith while you em ie and I'.e uollnrig will du it il I' w.'illi iieeiiiiio, that tailors I .' i-, l In. in si tiling known for cm,' to. Is, torpid liver, kidney 1 1 'uhlc. and wean lungs. You risk y...ii ti' m waning. lake it while i liere i.ut t Hue. W. T. I.I.'.. hiVM f., t. A W1I.I.V. lYral'Iflil. OvdhlW. THE Urn OF DURHAM, OrtVrn itrt nex vines io the public. I M'tnii nrriiuMiiit'ii'H mn-lo I'-r imu deixiAlts Miit V(r aiu iitt"ii til 'n in uneal acct'Uiun vt nirr l.nn.h, hi rift, anil ti tli its. Mar U b, IfM. -V ,tl'"- f li tn(ii4 1 " I i f r 1 Jl of i utic Admlnfftiatl.wj, Puhhsht.i In !hc O'.f of t'-.v Vnrl,. WI A 31 DOKH 1 1 K . 31 Elt, E:l!tor and Proprietor. Daily, Sunday, and Weekly Editions. THE WEEKLY STAR, A toen-paBol Newepapar. iasuod every Wodncsdny. A cl ii, pure, ltrt(ht ntui lotiroalliif FAMILY PAPER. lie.n'm:. ihu im. i uc, 0oo io tuc boiv of 'j!'!"'','" ' f Fds'hion, Household, Political, Financial an r.ofmnorcial. Poetical, Humorous and Editorial 1). l -nn.iil. !l li'i.lir I hi. ,:i,. .Inn i.f linlnrd luilllililUfa i f I .t l.'i;l...l nl.llllv, II. .lin-rn I ' n ii fun ..I t xtlh khI lhiii II : w.o.... 1. I..I ir ' . : ii jl .i,ih I.) ili.llliuill.hrd AnirtrD Wl f-.r.'.n wrii. r. nf r). ilt.ii. THE DAILY STAR, 'I iif lUtl T HTAH roitU n Mil fh fliHtf of fir ilif In Hn mifi rtivr f'.rm. ! c ml i frrva-iinitM- l.y '-''l" lioi'i l.'ii...n. I'urir M rllo. ivtiu ami I i in in n r iti-til"tilf f Mturi ft '! i."tti Ait'-i'iv, ii-l wilier raotm, tri tlff iitft ni mlly rciAMtrtl I'Jf the 1 nr. fr, .i. lurni-li (Li- lai t lit n ty IcIi-KfAph. ta irmv fmHiri" tiff iitititrimwd. 'I ir Kn.niu ml .'i.l Misk't H iri ar uiiURtuIly f.'ll nttJ C -tni-l. tr. Kr t;il li riiu nnd ritrftorrllnary lootfcO-r-itt u nk'iiIm Mtnl muvitaacri. hrtnl for tri'ulHrs. TKftrtS Or THI WCtKLV STAR To Srv i iiii.wi.!.. rana i.r fo.Tnaa In lh I'nit! Stale .ii.ii ni,..u, u.iuhlc 111 luuila of Mew York l ily : l-rr tl M , l it i.f T. a 10 I Ii.), t.f Fifl.-ii (and ow xtra to ornniir). . IS 00 TERMS OF THI DAIkT STA to SF cnini'i.4 : l:vpr dnv for mr mi (inrlndtajgnoty)....t7 0 Ila'ly f.'i;.i.itl pmulny. onajaar f 00 IWtty dan, iii mntitlia SM lully wiiboul BuuJty all svmltM M A.UM-, TIIlu 1ST A IT, a ao.l VS Worth WUUtat Sv t arltf 1880. TIIE RECORD, EsiaMisM Eintit Yean Ago, IS NOW AND DESERV-Ca The Encouragement OF EVERY CITIZEN OF CHATHAM COUNTY. IT NOT ONLY KEKPS THE: PEOPLE OF ( HATH AM THOROUGHLY INFORMED . n, .vu. T,,Ilt county AFFAII5S, lilTT ALSO (JIVES THE Latest and i Fullest News i from all parts of I -V-.Sl w. 1 : I 1 011 II C ai'OI UliX AND THE United States. THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN IN 188(1 WILL TK YVIA. OK interest and excitement, and as usual. THE RECORD WILL Hi: IX THK FRONT RANKS I5ATTLINO r'OK THE Democratic Party. Every Democrat INjL'HATHAM OITCIIT TO HEAD THE RECORD! J. B. MAKEPEACE & CO., HANFOItD, MOOUE CO., N. C, MiSCFAOTtiKEHS OF 8ah, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, MOUldillBS. WiudOW and " ' Door Frames, Hand-Rai lines, ' Balusters. Newel Posts. Porch Columns, Church Pews, and nil kinds of dressed lumber. In view of tbs fuel tbst we are ! situated in the midst of the vei'V ! best lumlwr regions of our Rtnte, and 1878. liavinp all necessary facilities for msmifucturiiig we feel confident that we can oiTer as ood work on as reasonublo terms as any other oaanu farturer iu the State. AU orders by mail receive prompt attention, l'ricn List sent 011 application. MayU, 1M6. ly. 1885. FALL. Mi NEW GOODS! R1T We take pleaxino in announcing to" our friend and customers, that our l'ALfi AND WINTElt GOODS will be offered at Priits in nyuipathy with the JiOW Pi ices of Faim Products. We have a inure complete line of DKV CCUDS. NOTIONS, CAKPETS. OIL CLOT FT BOOTH AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS Ql'KENSWAUE, OLASSWA11E. Oli'K K1HES, AC, than ever before offered. Ladies' Cloaks and Dry Good a Specialty. We solicit mi exambation of our Goods before buying. Thanks for past fa vols. aJThe Highest (!llHh Prices paid for Cotton and other Produce. Yours Iteepect fully, K. K. .Mr LEAN & CO. N. C . Nov. 5, IKS.! FIRE! FIRE! ! Bo Prudent and IN THE N- C. HOME fflSOBABCE CO ! This company Ims been in siiccea" fill ojHTiition i'or stventct-u veargj It ia " ' SAFE, SOLVENT and PROMPT in the jmynieiit of its Iossch. All kinds of Hiiildinjis insured at reasonable rates. I 11.1 I o I T, " ' ' WT 'trhbors and , ti,e. XX. A. X.0ND01Y, Agent. SJI. 10, C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY. Condensed Time Table No. 11 I T" . DAILY KXCH'T S' ' DAT. t aritiTi u..liirtN"rthi ; No. i. ; j MhiI Fiwupnenr.' 'f rnrii (i.'liif A..wU i o. r Mall k Iimmiw I lnrn, H.iort. m. B.-nnMtcvllle, Arrlrn, ;.ao p. m. I " 0 4'l H. Ill Hl'il- llt'i-l. Imt. 6 it j Arrlrr-, I j il m. I'ixyi.iilll, , 4 bo I 1 1 HI p. m. twnr.T.I, " 1 ii :i.w CrBlltll, " una, I " s : Sii. i-, 1 " 11.0 a. m, i LIImtit. j ii 04 ! " Oil (ii.H'iirhiro, ' ' 9,00 1 Trull Sonlh Umiul will mop tsnr.wd for Ua ui.r. Trulrri Snnll btlllrtil writ MM &t FaratUiTtlla kr dlnn.T. Frrlitlil nnd Piuuxnm'r Trulri mn BnuntU' Title Tiiisti.ivM. Thiima.tvi, and St.turdar al 1.3 i. m . airlTlnii at Sb-w Brl at 4 30 p. m. asd Faf riifvlllf nl h i .m. I i'kv.'h FH) i-i:vlltnnTtir(laTa,Triiirailaraaad I Sniiiiilityn ni un a m . Khm HhI al 10 a. m..anS ! nrrlvin hi lii tiii'ivin nt ; m. FrrlKlii an t I arnir Train North laavw Tr I nliflvllli, dMlty hi KB. m , i,iiiitH'llii(t al SKorr4 I with Kn-I!lii and Pamfnicer Tralnii lo RalMifc), . Iravm Sanr.,r.l at 11. M a. in., and arrlraa at Orwni'r at .i . in. Orcnnb..itallv at 5 a. m.. Imw nmms fonl nl : I 16 a, nl.. nnd arrlTas al FajeiMTllle 4 2 40 1. m. W. M. A. Ht'NK. 0a1 8apt. 4HO. M. IUME, (lfin'1 Pniu. Ageut. CONDENSED .SCHEDULE. TRAINS OOI NO SOUTIt. Nn. 1. daily I N. I, daily S'T'Ikt 19, 1SSS. HuodaT. Icxcepl Monday. Iar Itnlvlg h, 7 00 p m 1004m Oary, B 00 10 Ot Apfa, IU 1 St V'.n.urf, 1127 Ulipn RnnrorU, in IS 1 ill lrewoo, low sot Manly, USD 4 39 Knrr, I'i 15 am 1 IH ArrlTi, iinmln. I 5 I i . TRAINS OOINO NORTH. Nn. 1, dally 1 No. 4, dally, ISSt. ttxi-ept Monday rxcnpt Sunday. Lmva Haralxt, 146 am 9 00 a at Kyn-r. 6ft 7 OT Manly. 4 3 8 90 Oamrrno, 61 9 60 Sanlord. rn 11 It Moneura, 6 60 u M p a A!J, 7 61 a 05 Cary, "sor 1 44 Aniv BoMirh, no t JO Nft. 1 manrrta at Hum lot with Carolina Oantrai KallwHyfor wiinilnitiou. Chnrl.Ateand all potata anuth. No. 3 tYinnAWa at Snnrai.4 with tha CaM Feaj a?;J"1 ?ZHrZ?1 ,ef ""o"'"1 - N" n'nti-.ia ' ItaWKh lthRallh a 0MIMT Railnwd ltr n potnia north. r wmioui rhaniw od irin ho. t and Nn. 1 brtwann Ohar ttf and Kalslirh. i wn. smith. speni.iiiot. PATENTS, Caveats, Trade MsiksA Copy wrighta,- Ol.i..ln.l, ami all olhnr ha1nM In ih tl. a Fm nl omen aitrnumi to lor aniiEKATll UK. our offl.-o la "iKWlta tha 11. a. Pateai oflloa, wo ran olAaln l'ntouia In Iraa lime Uiao Uioaa rw mara In. in ahiNi.tiin. . Snd'KL ..r Oittwixa. Wo advlw aa to tl antaSiiey frfHir)imt,nd WfinaktSOUHAliaS t'NLKMN K OBTAIN PATENT. We rofor hrp to ihe P.nnaJitfr, tha Supt. af Money Or. tor linntt.n. aid loofflrlala ot lha II. eV llltW. For rlrrnlai', a.tTloa. terras aadl reloronrra 10 at-tual .'llmiia In your owa SiaM or enanly. wiiu. t. C. A. SNOW a o.. Oppoalte rataal Cfilee, Wasalaftoa. 9 .' . vt. a.